Support for RMT bus members when assaulted at work
Thursday, April 20, 2023
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Total Responses
Date Created: Wednesday, April 05, 2023
Complete Responses: 697
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Q1: Who is your employer?
Answered: 691 Skipped: 6
Arriva Bus Yorkshire
Brylaine Travel Edwards Coaches
First South West (Kernow Cornwall) [320]
Go Ahead Go North East
Go South Coast (Damory Coaches)
Go South Coast (Southern Vectis)
Go South More Bus (Wilts & Dorset Bus Company)
Nottingham City Transport
Stagecoach Hampshire Bus
Stagecoach North West
Stagecoach Yorkshire
Trent Barton Buses
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Q1: Who is your employer?
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Answered: 691 Skipped: 6 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Arriva Bus Yorkshire 1.45% 10 Bournemouth-Swanage Motor Road & Ferry Company 0.14% 1 Brylaine Travel 0.14% 1 CT4N (NCT) 1.59% 11 Edwards Coaches 0.43% 3 First Hampshire & Dorset Ltd 0.14% 1 First South West (Kernow Cornwall) [320] 8.39% 58 First South West (Somerset) 3.47% 24 Go Ahead 6.95% 48
Q2: What is your gender?
Answered: 688 Skipped: 9
Prefer not to say
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0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Female Male Other
Q2: What is your gender?
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Answered: 688 Skipped: 9
Female 12.65% 87 Male 84.88% 584 Other 0.44% 3 Prefer not to say 2.03% 14 TOTAL 688
Q3: Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
Answered: 689 Skipped: 8
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Yes No
Prefer not to say
Q3: Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
Answered: 689 Skipped: 8 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes 8.27% 57 No 87.37% 602 Prefer not to say 4.35% 30 TOTAL 689
Q4: What is your ethnicity?
Answered: 686 Skipped: 11
White - English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British
White - Irish
White - Gypsy or Irish Traveller
Any other White background
Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups - White and Black Caribbean
Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups - White and Black African
Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups - White and Asian
Any other Mixed / Multiple ethnic background
Asian / Asian British - Indian
Asian / Asian British - Pakistani
Asian / Asian British - Bangladeshi
Asian / Asian British - Chinese
Any other Asian background
Black / African / Caribbean / Black British - African
Black / African / Caribbean / Black British - Caribbean
Any other Black / African / Caribbean background
Any other ethnic group
Prefer not to say
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Q4: What is your ethnicity?
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Answered: 686 Skipped: 11
White - English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British 84.26% 578 White - Irish 1.60% 11 White - Gypsy or Irish Traveller 0.15% 1 Any other White background 5.39% 37 Mixed / Multiple ethnic groupsWhite and Black Caribbean 0% 0 Mixed / Multiple ethnic groupsWhite and Black African 0.44% 3 Mixed / Multiple ethnic groupsWhite and Asian 0.44% 3 Any other Mixed / Multiple ethnic background 0.15% 1
Q5: What is your employment status?
Answered: 696 Skipped: 1
Permanently employed
Fixed term contract
Zero hours contract
Employed via an agency
Other (please specify)
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Q5: What is your employment status?
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Answered: 696 Skipped: 1 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Permanently employed 96.12% 669 Fixed term contract 1.15% 8 Zero hours contract 0.72% 5 Employed via an agency 0.14% 1 Other (please specify) 1.87% 13 TOTAL 696
being spat at / targeted with other bodily fluids. Based on this description, have you experienced workplace
work from passengers in the last two years?
Answered: 687 Skipped: 10
violence at
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0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Yes No
being spat at / targeted with other bodily fluids. Based on this description, have you experienced workplace violence at work from passengers in the last two years?
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Answered: 687 Skipped: 10 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes 47.89% 329 No 52.11% 358 TOTAL 687
Q7: What form did your worst experience of violence take? Please tick all that apply.
Answered: 329 Skipped: 368
Physical assault - major (requiring medical treatment)
Was a weapon involved?
Physical assault - minor (requiring first aid or no further treatment)
Threat of violence or assault
Verbal abuse
Racial harassment
Sexual assault/harassment
Spat at / targeted with other bodily fluids
Other (please specify) and how many times did the incidents as above and that you may have explained in this comment…
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Q7: What form did your worst experience of violence take? Please tick all that apply.
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Answered: 329 Skipped: 368 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Physical assault - major (requiring medical treatment) 3.04% 10 Was a weapon involved? 2.43% 8 Physical assault - minor (requiring first aid or no further treatment) 10.94% 36 Threat of violence or assault 58.36% 192 Verbal abuse 89.97% 296 Racial harassment 10.94% 36 Sexual assault/harassment 3.65% 12 Spat at / targeted with other bodily fluids 21.88% 72 Other (please specify) and how 11.55% 38
Q8: Did you take time off work following this incident?
Answered: 326 Skipped: 371
Yes - one day
Yes - 2 - 5 days
Yes - more than 5 days
No - I did not take time off work
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Q8: Did you take time off work following this incident?
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Answered: 326 Skipped: 371 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes - one day 4.60% 15 Yes - 2 - 5 days 1.84% 6 Yes - more than 5 days 3.68% 12 No - I did not take time off work 89.88% 293 TOTAL 326
Q9: Did you receive occupational sick pay?
Answered: 320 Skipped: 377
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0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Yes No
Q9: Did you receive occupational sick pay?
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Answered: 320 Skipped: 377 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes 5.62% 18 No 94.38% 302 TOTAL 320
Q10: If you were off for an extended period, did HR support your line manager in ensuring that any additional support, such as Occupational Health Assessments or phased returns to work, were considered if appropriate?
Answered: 265 Skipped: 432
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0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Yes No Comments
Q10: If you were off for an extended period, did HR support your line manager in ensuring that any additional support, such as Occupational Health Assessments or phased returns to work, were considered if appropriate?
Answered: 265 Skipped: 432 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes 2.64% 7 No 84.15% 223 Comments 13.21% 35 TOTAL 265
Q11: Did you report the incident to any of the following? Please tick all that apply.
Answered: 317 Skipped: 380
I did not report the incident
Other (please specify)
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
RMT H&S rep
My employer / manager
British Transport Police Police force Union official
Q11: Did you report the incident to any of the following? Please tick all that apply.
Answered: 317 Skipped: 380 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES I did not report the incident 44.16% 140 My employer / manager 51.10% 162 RMT H&S rep 4.73% 15 British Transport Police 0% 0 Police force 18.93% 60 Union official 12.93% 41 Other (please specify) 7.89% 25 TOTAL 443
Q12: If you did not report the incident, why was that? Please tick all that apply.
Answered: 207 Skipped: 490
I did not think my complaint would be taken seriously
I did not know how to make a report
I thought the incident was too trivial to report
Such incidents are just part of the job
I had reported an incident before and no action was taken
Other (please specify)
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Q12: If you did not report the incident, why was that? Please tick all that apply.
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Answered: 207 Skipped: 490
I did not think my complaint would be taken seriously 42.03% 87 I did not know how to make a report 6.76% 14 I thought the incident was too trivial to report 26.57% 55 Such incidents are just part of the job 48.79% 101 I had reported an incident before and no action was taken 22.71% 47 Other (please specify) 8.21% 17 TOTAL 321
Q14: Following the incident, did your employer offer you any further support, such as counselling or adjustments to working arrangements?
Answered: 256 Skipped: 441
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0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Yes No
Q14: Following the incident, did your employer offer you any further support, such as counselling or adjustments to working arrangements?
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Answered: 256 Skipped: 441 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes 3.02% 8 No 93.58% 248 TOTAL 256
Q15: Overall, were you satisfied with your employers response to the incident?
Answered: 225 Skipped: 472
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0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Yes No
Q15: Overall, were you satisfied with your employers response to the incident?
Answered: 225 Skipped: 472 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes 14.17% 35 No 76.92% 190 TOTAL 225
Q16: Did the Police attend the incident?
Answered: 277 Skipped: 420
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0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Yes No
Q16: Did the Police attend the incident?
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Answered: 277 Skipped: 420 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes 13.78% 39 No 84.10% 238 TOTAL 277
Q17: Was the incident fully investigated?
Answered: 230 Skipped: 467
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0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Yes No
Q17: Was the incident fully investigated?
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Answered: 230 Skipped: 467 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes 16.15% 42 No 72.31% 188 TOTAL 230
Q18: Has your employer shared with you their workplace violence risk assessment?
Answered: 642 Skipped: 55
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Yes No Not
Q18: Has your employer shared with you their workplace violence risk assessment?
Answered: 642 Skipped: 55 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes 14.33% 92 No 47.66% 306 Not sure 38.01% 244 TOTAL 642
Q19: Has your employer's workplace violence reporting procedure been explained to you?
Answered: 613 Skipped: 84
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Yes No
Has your employer's
workplace violence reporting procedure been explained to you?
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Answered: 613 Skipped: 84 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes 29.05% 181 No 69.34% 432 TOTAL 613
Q20: Does your manager encourage you to report all incidents of workplace violence?
Answered: 627 Skipped: 70
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0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Yes No Not
Q20: Does your manager encourage you to report all incidents of workplace violence?
Answered: 627 Skipped: 70 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes 40.60% 257 No 24.80% 157 Not sure 33.65% 213 TOTAL 627
Q21: Has your employer provided you with training on dealing with conflict at work?
Answered: 609 Skipped: 88
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0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Yes No
Q21: Has your employer provided you with training on dealing with conflict at work?
Answered: 609 Skipped: 88 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes 36.45% 226 No 61.77% 383 TOTAL 609
Q23: Are violence at work incidents regularly reviewed with the support of trade unions via the established Health & Safety mechanisms within the company?
Answered: 593 Skipped: 104
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Yes No Not sure
Q23: Are violence at work incidents regularly reviewed with the support of trade unions via the established Health & Safety mechanisms within the company?
Answered: 593 Skipped: 104 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes 7.76% 46 No 23.78% 141 Not sure 70.15% 416 TOTAL 603
employer offer face-to-face mentoring to support them through this experience?
Are they given full release from duty for any days where court attendance is necessary?
Answered: 585 Skipped: 112
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0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Yes No Not
Answered: 355
Skipped: 342
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issues at your workplace?