Branch Circular #605 (January 2011)

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January 2011 Dear Shipmate Branch Secretary, I hope you enjoy this edition of the Circular and give it a wide circulation to branch members. You will see that this month we have tried to tidy the format of the Circular further and to put all the single sheets at the back unstapled to make them easier to pass around at branch meetings. You will also note that the Shortcast section has grown like Topsy, we have looked at various places and realised that there were many Association reunions that members may not know about, so we have put in a full year’s worth for 2011. I hope you find this helpful and that it leads to even more comradeship!! You will see that there are various reminders about the Conference regarding Branch motions, election of SoC members (under the new rules) and election of National Council members. The deadline is fast approaching. Don’t forget to get your Conference booking in and arrange your own accommodation in Plymouth. This month sees the first announcement regarding the Biennial Parade at the Cenotaph and IMC Sailing Camp, which may be food for thought at your next meeting. Booking for the welfare and club seminars are open and coming in thick and fast!! We also announce a new idea for HQ Open Days with 2 dates in 2011. The idea is to come and meet the HQ staff in our Pompey offices, we may be able to arrange a windscreen tour of the dockyard. Nigel still has a number of dairies and diary inserts, give him a ring. A sincere apology, the publisher of the Yearbooks has ceased operating, we will do an economy version shortly and get it to Branches with the next Circular. Just a reminder to get your e-mail address to us as soon as you can, so we can send you the Circular electronically (to Nigel please). As soon as it is ready it is published on the RNA website , so no need to wait for a hard copy. I have repeated the useful note about how to obtain a PJM medal for those still waiting or looking. I am delighted to say that some members have successfully made use of this volunteer service.

Best wishes from Semaphore Tower Paul Quinn General Secretary


Finance Just a gentle reminder that the Annual Branch Accounts Return must be made up to 31st December and posted to RNA HQ by the 31st March 2011. Anybody who hasn’t got a copy of the Balance Sheet, Income & Expenditure form please let Michelle know either by E-mail, post or by Telephone and a copy will be supplied on request. It has been noted that a few branches have sent their Annual Branch Accounts in late. Lateness of the accounts means the HQ cannot analyse the figures correctly resulting in late reporting. And a not so gentle reminder to those clubs who have still not returned their C3s. For shipmates who claim expenses through the RNA, can I please remind you that if you are booking hotel accommodation can you please make sure that the Invoice is in the name of The Royal Naval Association and your name. Thank you. And finally, the revised prices for RNA goods are reflected in the new order form in Jack Dusty’s Corner. Please destroy any old forms. Price increases have been kept to a minimum but will have to be reassessed in the light of the forthcoming postage rate rises.

Glossary of terms NCM NC AMC FAC NatCh NAtvCh NP DNP GS Asap

National Council Member National Council Association Management Committee Finance Administration Committee National Chairman National Vice Chairman National President Deputy National President General Secretary As soon as possible


indicates a new or substantially changed entry


Contents DAILY ORDERS 1. Club Seminar 2. Welfare Seminar 3. HQ Open Days 4. RNA image re-launch 5. Channel 4 D-Day Veterans 6. PJM Medal 7. Standing Order Committee 8. New By-Law 9. 2011 Conference Form 10. IMC Sailing Camp 11. Virtual Branch 12. Nominations for the National Council elections 2010/2012 13. Conference 2011 – Motions and Amendments 14. Donations 15. Biennial Parade 16. Yearbook 17. Equality for Veterans Association 18. Two Fat Submariners Golf Day 19. Shipmate Jack Skinner 20. Senior Naval Officer Northern Ireland 21. RM Band CD 22. SPVA Survey 23. Gancedo Exhibition 24. Book Review SHORTCAST LONGCAST SHIP’S OFFICE 1. Pusser’s Rum Competition 2. Veteran to Veteran 3. Area and Branch Updates SWINGING THE LAMP CONTACT DETAILS FOR THE NOTICEBOARD (included in loose-leaf): 1. Nominations for Standing Orders Committee 2. Nominations for National Council 3. Conference 2011 Motions and Amendments 4. Delegate/Observer Form Conference 2011 5. Conference Booking Form 6. Branch requests for 2011 renewal cards 7. Branch Report 2011 8. Latest Slops Price List and Order Form 9. 2011 Diary order form (now in) 10. Club C3 Application form 11. Application form for PJM medal 12. The Sinking of HMS Dasher 13. Cosmos Holiday Discount 14. Gift Aid


Daily Orders Club Seminar - 26 March at WO and SR Mess HMS Nelson Bookings are rolling in, please ring Nigel. Should start at 1030 and will provide an update on issues of interest to those branches with clubs. ___________________________________________________________________________

Welfare Seminar

- 16 April at WO and SR Mess HMS Nelson.

Please note that the date of the Welfare Seminar has changed to 16 April 11. This is proving popular. Seminar will start at 1000 with guest speakers until 1230 lunch and a forum discussion after lunch. We hope to have reps from the Virtual Branch organizers. The seminar should close at 1530. Please contact Nigel directly on or 02392723747 ___________________________________________________________________________

HQ Open Days

HQ is pleased to announce that we will be holding two open days in 2011 on Friday 20th May and Friday 16th September starting at 11am for about an hour and a half. Come along to Semaphore Tower for the chance to meet HQ staff. Places are limited and available on a first come first served basis. Please register your interest with Nigel (see contact details above). ____________________________________________________________________________

RNA image re-launch You will interested to learn that work has now started on the new website, with our wonderful webmaster S/M Chris Hore providing advice and guidance to the designers. ____________________________________________________________________________

Channel 4 – D-Day Veterans

Chanel 4 is making an ambitious follow-up to ‘Blitz Street’ which will re-tell the story of D-Day to Berlin using a combination of interviews, archive and re-created battlefield action sequences. They are looking to drive each programme and bring it to life by using firsthand testimony from the people that were there at the time. They would like to speak to any veterans who were involved in D-Day onwards that are willing to share their stories with them for this new series. . Please contact Henrietta Mitchell at Impossible Pictures with any information or queries regarding the series as soon as possible. T: 020 7408 2590 E: W: ____________________________________________________________________________________ PJM Medal Many RNA members are eligible for the Pingat Jasa Malaysia (PJM) medal, a commemorative medal which the Government of Malaysia would like to award to eligible British citizens. 4

Many RNA members did apply through the Association, but sadly those applications are lost. The good news is that those entitled can get a medal just for the cost of postage and packing from a volunteer who is trying to help those who have missed out. Please fill in an application form, reproduced with this Circular or from Mr John Simcock 19 Lowther Gardens Urmston Manchester M41 8RJ 0161 2152878 This will not involve a presentation from the Malay authorities, but does work. This will the last Circular with the form. ____________________________________________________________________________

Standing Orders Committee elections Please note the final date for submissions of elections forms is 11 Feb, which must be submitted with the branch support statement. ____________________________________________________________________________ New By-Law for inclusion with Branch and Area Rule Books “PROCEDURE FOR ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE STANDING ORDERS COMMITTEE In amplification of Rule 14(c), in the case of both self nominations by retiring members wishing to seek re-election and nominations of other candidates by Branches, each nomination shall include a statement of the candidate’s willingness to serve and details of the candidate’s service and experience in the Association. Furthermore, in the case of self nominations, a statement of support, or otherwise, by the Branch in which the candidate exercises his right to vote shall be obtained by the General Secretary; and other nominations shall only be submitted by Branches if they are accompanied by a statement of support by the Branch in which the candidate exercises his right to vote.” ____________________________________________________________________________ 2011 Conference Please make sure that you get your booking forms in as soon as you can, particularly branch delegate names. The booking and nomination forms are to be found in the Ships Office this month. ____________________________________________________________________________

IMC - Sailing Camp The RNA sponsors up to 5 young people a year to attend the IMC sailing camp, with financial support in the order of £150 as a contribution to the cost of the camp and travel. The IMC are in the final throes of deciding the final date (probably in August) and location of the camp, but the young people who attend find this a great adventure and a way of meeting similarly minded young people from the IMC member nations. The cost of the camp last year was 200Euro, but might be a lot more this year, with travel to the location as responsibility of the individual. Details will be passed as they become available. The age range is 17 to 19. Applications will be call for shortly, so perhaps you may have someone in mind or ask the Branch for a son or daughter or 5

grandchild that might benefit. In case of over-subscription preference will be given to those who have not attended before and thereafter names out of a hat. Contact Gen Sec for more info. ____________________________________________________________________________ Virtual Branch The Virtual Branch is now being set up and should be meeting soon. An update will be provided at the Welfare Seminar ____________________________________________________________________________ Nominations for the National Council Elections 2010/2012 in Areas 2,6,7,8,9,11 and Scotland. The deadline for nominations to be at the HQ is 1600 on 11 February. The Nomination Form can be found at the back of this Circular. _____________________________________________________________________________

Conference 2011 – Motions and Amendments Motions and Amendments for debate at the Annual Conference should reach the General Secretary by 11th February 2011, but can be submitted if necessary up to 19 Feb 2011 (16 weeks prior to Conference). The necessary form can be found at the back of this Circular. _____________________________________________________________________________

Donations received for the Charities Fund

A big thank you for those who have made donations over £200 this month: RNA – Wigston - £200.00 RNA – Llanelli - £500.00 RNA – Bridport - £250.00 ___________________________________________________________________________

Biennial Parade – 11 September 11

The Biennial Parade has been agreed with the Met Police and the Westminster Council as 11 September 2011. All branches and HQ roll members are invited to parade with standards. The First Sea Lord has agreed to be the reviewing officer. The parade route is about one and a quarter miles on flat ground. As in previous years there is an open invitation to other Associations related to the Naval Service to parade and a letter will appear in Navy News, and invitation letters sent out. Please put a note in the diary, details will follow when available. ________________________________________________________________________


The General Secretary regrets to report that the publishers of the yearbook have gone into liquidation and so the glossy hardcopy version will not be published this year. Fortunately the RNA has not lost money as a result. It is intended to produce a cut-down version with the main information regarding the Association and Branches and send to Areas and Branches as soon as possible. ___________________________________________________________________________

Equality for Veterans Association

1) Did you serve in HM Forces and leave before 1975? 6

2) Did you get a pension? If the answers are Yes and No in that order then you could consider joining the EfVA. They are fighting for justice for veterans who left the Forces before April 1975 without a military pension. Currently they have 4,000 members and a petition to No. 10 stands at just over 300,000. The website is at is well worth a visit. This is a private venture and is not formally supported by RNA. ___________________________________________________________________________

Two Fat Submariners Golf Day

Spring Classic Golf Tournament on May 26th at the Essex Golf and Country Club to raise money in aid of Help for Heroes, Make a Wish Foundation and NSPCC. The day costs £60 and includes: chipping and putting competitions, 18 Holes of Stableford for individual and team completion, bacon butties on arrival and a 3 course evening meal and prize giving. Accommodation is available and non-players are welcome to join the evening meal for £25. Visit the website for further details and sign up forms. ___________________________________________________________________________

Shipmate Jack Skinner

The death occurred on 16th January 2011 of Shipmate Jack Skinner, President of Maidstone branch, RNA. Jack volunteered and joined the Royal Navy in the early days of April, 1940. After initial training he joined HMS Dido, a brand new ack-ack cruiser and served abroad for almost three years. This period of time was spent in the Mediterranean theatre, supporting the 8th Army, Malta convoys, the Battle of Crete, and the Italian and African campaigns. His second draft was to the mine-laying destroyer HMS Orwell, laying mines in Russian waters and supporting Arctic convoys. He was demobilized in 1946. During his time in the Maidstone branch of the RNA, he served as Welfare Officer for a number of years, and latterly as a well- loved and respected President of the Mess. He was the author of “A Ship, A Crew of World War II, a book which recounted his experiences of his particular war at sea. ___________________________________________________________________________

Senior Naval Officer Northern Ireland – SNONI

For many years the Royal Naval in Northern Ireland was under the command of a Commander known as Senior Naval Officer Northern Ireland, a prestigious posting that generally for two years. A tradition developed in which the Officers of Number 12 Area Royal Naval Association “dined in the new and out the old SNONI”. This was a good arrangement where the old SNONI would be thanked for his relationship with the RNA and departed with a suitable memento of his time amongst us and of course the new SNONI would witness this and become aware of what was expected of him! This went on for many years until “peace broke out” when the post was downgraded to a representative role with a recently retired Lieutenant Commander who lived locally. The continuous nature of this post meant that the ritual of dining in and out ceased. As time went by it became apparent to those who decide these matters that the downgrading of the post was doing the Royal Navy a disservice and they opted to reverse the decision. This was welcomed by the RNA and the wider community and was celebrated by the reintroduction of part of our tradition “The dining in of the new SNONI”. Commander Don Crosbie RN graciously accepted the invitation and we all enjoyed a handsome meal in a local restaurant at which Commander Crosbie accepted the position of Vice President of No 12 Area Ireland. 7

The photograph shows (clockwise from left) S/m Harry Beattie Area Welfare Officer, S/m Ivan Hunter NCM/ Treasurer, S/m Michael Boyd Vice Chairman, S/m Frank Brown Area Secretary, S/m Commander Peter Campbell LVO,OBE DL RN Area President, S/m Commander Donald Crosbie RN SNONI and S/m Jim Lyons BA Area Vice President.

___________________________________________________________________________  RM Band ‘Wootten Bassett March’ CD This great new march “Wooton Bassett” by Capt Peter Curtis is now in stock and on release. If you would like to purchase the CD visit the website: It is quite superb and a snip. ___________________________________________________________________________

The Service Personnel and Veterans Agency (SPVA) Survey

The SPVA, part of the Ministry of Defence, provides vital support services for HM Armed Forces and the veterans’ community. It is launching a Veterans Customer Satisfaction Survey this month, looking for feedback from those who have had dealings with it during the past year on what services people were happy with and what should be improved in the future. The survey can be accessed by visiting and following the link to the ‘Veterans Customer Satisfaction Survey’ or call 02392 702382 for a printed copy. It is entirely anonymous and no-one will be contacted as a result of completing it. Replies are requested by 28th February 2011. ___________________________________________________________________________

Gancedo Exhibition

From 1st - 28th February, Spanish Maritime painter Agustin Gancedo will be exhibiting his maritime paintings at the Naval and Military Club, London. ___________________________________________________________________________

Seaforth World Naval Review

Branches might like to consider the recently published ‘World Naval Review 2011 by Seaforth Publishing. It is packed with photos and gives an update on warship developments world wide. Particularly eye-catching is the article on the USS Independence, the new USN littoral Combat Ship – a large trimaran of 127 metres length, very James Bond!! See .


Shortcast 

RN Shipmates Reunion: 4-7 February 2011

‘Swing the Lamp’ and have a Tot at the RN Shipmates Reunion to be held at the Shanklin Hotel on the Isle of Wight. Places booking up fast. Details from Mike Crow: or on the website:

HMS Penelope 25th Annual Reunion: 18 February 2011

Taking place in Blackpool, this reunion is open to all who served in the cruiser 1938-44 or frogate 1963-92, or are relatives of those who did so. For details contact the secretary, Mike Bee:

HMS Diana Association Reunion: 4-6 March 2011-01-12

Open to Shipmates off all HMS Diana commissions at the Park House Hotel in Blackpool. Ring the hotel on 01253 620081 to book a room. Further details from John Fisher:

HMS Sirius F40 Reunion: 5 March 2011

Calling all Dogstars. The next reunion will take place in HMS Nelson WOs’ & SRs’ Mess. Details at Any questions to Pam:

HMS Duchess Association Reunion: 11-13 March 2011

All commissions welcome at the Bay View Hotel, Bournemouth. For details contact Sharky Ward:

HMS Undine and Urchin Association Reunion: 11-14 March 2011

Reunion at Auckland Hotel, Morecambe in the company of Ursa, Ulster, Ulysses, Urania and Undaunted. Contact Secretary Chris Heslop: 1st National Congress of Italian Submariners (Monfalcone): 19 March 2011 The 1st National Congress of Italian Submariners will be held in Monfalcone (Go), on the Saturday of 19 March 2011. For any further information concerning the National Congress, please address your requests to the Italian focal point for foreign submariners as follows: Mr Cesare MANSTRETTA – Via Garigliano, 7 – 20159 Milano - MI (Italy) – tel: +392-608.0502; mob: +39-334-7927.771; e-mail:

HMS Antrim Association Reunion: 25-27 March 2011

To celebrate the 40th year of Antrim’s Commissioning Ceremony, an informal ‘swinging of the lamp’, suppin’ of bevvies and much singing will take place in Bournemouth. More information on the website:

HMS Resolution Association Reunion: 25-27 March 2011


A special reunion where the Association Standard will be unfurled for the first time and a bench dedicated at the National Arboretum. Will be attended by some former Captains. Contact Dave Goodman for info:

Federation of Naval Associations – Social and AGM: 25–28 Mar 11

To be held at the Warwick Hotel, Blackpool. Contact Robbie Robson, 12 Rainton St, Old Penshaw DH4 7HQ, Tel 0191 5847058, e-mail

848 NAS Malaya Association: 26 March 2011

Squadron members of the 1952-56 ‘Malayan Emergency’ formation meet in Bromsgrove.

Royal Naval Auxiliary Service (RNXS) East Anglia Reunion: 27 March 2011

17th Annual Reunion will take place at the Shipwreck, Shotley Marina (ex HMS Ganges, Enright Block) from 1200 to 1430. Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970: 30 Mar 11 To mark the implementation of this important legislation, there will be a Thanksgiving Service at Westminster Abbey at 1100am on Wednesday 30 March 2011. I have bid for 20 tickets, first come first served, bids to Nigel or Gen Sec please.

HMS Hermes Association Reunion: 7-11 April 2011

Annual Reunion to be held at the Bosworth Hall Hotel, Market Bosworth. All Ranks, ratings, all Commissions welcome. Contact Richard Tipping for more details:

V & W Association Reunion: 8-11 April 2011

The next reunion will take place at Weston-Super-Mare. Further details from the website: or Bill Forster:

The Fourth Destroyer Association Reunion: 8-11 April 2011

HMS Agincourt, Aisne, Alamein, Barrosa, Corunna, Jutland, Matapan and Dunkirk are holding their Annual Reunion from April 8 to 11 at the King Charles Hotel, Gillingham. All ex-ships companies welcome. Contact Terry Parker for more details: Royal Marines - Mountbatten Festival of Music: 14–16 April 2011 The Booking for the Festival of Music is now open: Phone bookings on 0845 401 5018 (can pay by cheque this way) On line at (£2 booking fee) Box office in person. 10% reduction for bookings for more than 15 Prices from £12 (behind a pillar) to £45/seat for a box (ear defenders required)

HMS Decoy Association Reunion: 14-17 April 2011 10

The 24th Annual Reunion takes place at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Southport. New members of all commissions welcome. Come and claim your 'tot'. For details contact Malcolm (Dobbo) Dobson:

HMS Cumberland Association: 15-17 April 2011

Annual Reunion at The Langham Hotel Eastbourne from April 15 to 17. For details contact Sam Watson, Chairman:

HMS Newfoundland Veterans Reunion 15-18 April 2011

There will be a reunion of former shipmates in Stafford. Details from Alan Waite:

HMS Duke of York Association Reunion: 15-18 April

A mini reunion will be held at the Stretton Hotel, Blackpool.

Loch Class Frigates Association Reunion: 15-18 April 2011

Takes place at The King Charles Hotel, Chatham, Kent. All Members of the Association welcome. Membership is open to all who served on any of the Loch Class ships or their variants (Bay Class, Admirals Yachts, survey ships and repair ships). Please contact Andrew Nunn Hon. Sec. LCFA:

HMS Dunkirk Association Reunion: 16 April 2011

Reunion at the Ramada Encore Hotel, Chatham. Contact Jackie Carroll:

HMS Peacock Association U/F96 and P239 Annual Reunion: 23 April 2011

To be held at the Royal Naval Association Club, Riverside, Adelaide Road, Royal Leamington Spa. AGM at 12 noon, Reunion Lunch at 14.00, evening entertainment from 19.00 with buffet provided. On Sunday 24th April at approx 10.00, there will be a HMS Peacock Memorial Service at the club. Fuller details and list of local accommodations can be obtained from S/m Dave Pearson: 01442 862274. HMS Protector Association Annual Reunion: 29 April – 2 May 2011 To be held at the Royal Court Hotel, Coventry, April 29th to May 2nd 2011. A memorial and Dedication service to be held at the National Arboretum on Saturday 30th April. Further details available from Doug Harris on 01495 718870 or or via the web site at to download booking forms.

HMS Tenby Association Reunion: 29 April-2 May 2011

18th Annual reunion at the Arlington Hotel, Bournemouth, all members are most welcome. For more information and a booking form contact Ken Jones:

HMS Newcastle Stokers Mess (M/L) 1988-1992: 30 April 2011

A mini reunion of old mess mates will be held at the Maritime Club, Portsmouth at 1500 on April 30. For further details contact Jonathan Legg: 11

HMS Dreadnought Association Reunion: 6 May 2011

All ex serving members of the boat including their families and friends are invited to attend at the Bosworth Hotel and spa near Coventry. Full details available online: HMS Glasgow (C21 and D88) – 6-9 May 11 The 31st reunion will be held at the Queens Hotel, Paignton 6-9 May 11. Details from S/M Gary Eaton 10, Elderwood Ave, Thornton, Cleverleys FY5 5EQ.

Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association: 6-9 May 2011

Will be holding a Mini Reunion at The Bancourt Hotel, Torquay. Great programme including a bit of time afloat. More info on website: Rosyth & West Fife Branch: 7-8 May 11 The Diamond Jubilee will be celebrated over the weekend 7-8 May 2011. Saturday 1900 Dinner Dance till 2359, in the Carnegie Conference Centre Dunfermline Fife. Rig Formal; anticipated cost, £25 including wine at the table. Sunday – Inverkeithing Fife, for a Church service at 1030; including the rededication of the Branch Standard. Followed by a march past lead by the National Standard and the Band of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines Scotland.

Bulwark, Albion & Centaur Association: 13 May

2011 AGM & Reunion Weekend at South Downs Holiday Village, Bracklesham Bay, Chichester, commencing May 13. Three night package including Gala Dinner & entertainment for just £119. Please contact the Secretary Denis Askham:

HMS Cambrian Association Reunion: 13-15 May 2011

Our next reunion for all who served on board the ship at any time will be at the King Charles Hotel, Gillingham.

HMS Phoebe Association - Cruiser (C43) and Frigate (F42): 13-16 May 2011

Have their annual (15th) reunion from May 13 to 16 at Hinton Firs Hotel in Bournemouth. All ex crew are welcome to join us. Please contact the secretary Roy Pavely:

Royal Naval Engineroom Association Reunion: 20-21 May 2011

19th Annual Reunion at the Nautical Club, Birmingham. Details from Bob Styants:

HMS Saintes Association Reunion: 20-23 May 2011

Reunion at the Tillington Hall Hotel, Stafford. All former shipmates and guests are welcome.

HMS Leeds Castle First Crew Reunion: 27-29 May 2011

Takes place at the Liner Hotel, Lord Nelson Street, Liverpool, L3 5QB. Guests/Partners are welcome. For more information contact Mark Winn: 12

HMS Cavalier Association: 27-30 May 2011

Annual reunion and AGM at the Britannia Hotel, Coventry from May 27 to 30. For full details contact Dave Shardlow: No 2 Area Standard Bearers Competition: 28 May 11 No 2 Areas biennial Standard Bearers competition will be held on Saturday 28 May at the Royal Engineer’s Gymnasium Brompton Kent. This will be hosted by the Chatham branch. The Gym will be open from 1000 completing about 1630 after the award of trophies. There will be an Open, Area and novices competition; standard bearers from outside the area may enter the Open competition. Applications to ; S/M Chris Durban, 48 Fox Hollow Lane, Bexleyheath, DA7 4UR. Closing date for applications - 12 March 2011

Exeter 82 Association: 28 May 2011

A reunion is planned at the W/O & Chiefs mess at HMS Excellent from 1930hrs. The invite is open to all ex Exeter crew members. For more information contact Reg Cornall:

Grenville 23 Mess, HMS Ganges, 14 Recruitment 1958 Reunion: 10 June 2011

A reunion for the boys who joined HMS Ganges on June 10, 1958 and lived in Grenville 23 Mess, will take place at Chatham on June 10. Anyone who lived in that mess at the time is very welcome to attend. Please contact Bill Rosewell:

HMS Liverpool Association Reunion: 11 June 2011

The 28th reunion takes place at the GIs Association, Whale Island, mustering at 1200. Our association is made up of those who served on the Cruiser and the Type 42 Destroyer and new members are always welcome. For more information and membership details contact John Parker:

HMS Hecla Gulf Deployment 1990 Reunion: 17-19 June 2011

A reunion is being planned for June 17 to 19. Please contact Colin Bodenham: so that an idea of numbers can be gained. Alternatively, you can search Facebook for HMS Hecla Reunion.

D-Boats Association Reunion: 2-3 July 2011

Annual reunion will take place in the WO, SR & SNCOs Mess, HMS Nelson. The salute will be taken by a CO from one of the new type 45s. After the march past, tot time and lunch in the mess with invited guests. Further details on the reunion or how to join the Association can be obtained from Mike Smith: or visit the website: HMS CERES Reunion: 12-14 August 2011 Reunion 12-14 August ’11 the The Crown Hotel Harrogate, contact - Richard Knight on 01937 581404 for more details.


S58 Class Reunion: 17 September 2011

Calling all members of S58 Class. To commemorate the 45th anniversary of our joining the Royal Navy in September 1966, a reunion is to be held on September 17 in Portsmouth. Those interested please contact Colin Stokes:

CT/Special Communications Unit Reunion: 22 September 2011

Reunion to be held in the WO & Sgt's Mess, Ayios Nikolaos, Cyprus on the evening of September 22. Final details and price to be agreed in the spring. The evening will include an informal buffet. Wives and partners will be welcome. Own accommodation to be arranged individually by attendees. Anyone desiring to attend please contact Eddie Clamp:

HMS Invincible Communications Association (Falklands) 82 Reunion: 23-25 September 2011 Annual Reunion to be held in Bournemouth. For details contact Tim Jenkins: or see the website:

847 NAS (1969-1971) Reunion: 23-25 September 2011

This will take place at the Bosworth Hall Hotel from September 23 to 25, 2011. For more details contact Cliff Jones:

HMS Churchill Reunion: 24 September 2011

7th Reunion Dinner Dance takes place on September 24 at the Queens Hotel, Chester. The fee is £40 per person and rooms can be booked direct. For more details contact Andrew Broadbelt: or visit the website:

HMS Alert 1961-63 Commission Reunion: 1 October 2011

The next reunion muster, which will be the 50th anniversary of the commission, will be held at 7.30pm on October 1 at The Angel Hotel, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. Enquiries to R Howard MBE:

HMS Ajax and River Plate Veterans Association Reunion: 5-6 October 2011

46th Annual reunion will be held at the King Charles Hotel, Gillingham, Kent. Open to all who served in the cruiser 1937- 48 or frigate 1963 - 84 or relatives of those who did so. For further details please contact Malcolm Collis:

HMS Tartar Association Reunion: 7-8 October 2011

8th Reunion and AGM at The Red Lea Hotel. All former members of HMS Tartar F133 and her WWII predecessor and their spouses are most welcome to join us for a great weekend. Numbers have increased at every reunion, so make the effort, you will be guaranteed a warm welcome. For further details please contact: Keith Helliwell:

HMS Morecambe Bay Association Reunion: 14-16 October

Reunion at the Inglewood Hotel, Torquay. All Bay Class frigate men are welcome. 14

FAA Safety Equipment & Survival Association Reunion: 14-16 October

Reunion to be held at Bosworth Hall Hotel, Market Bosworth,Leicestershire. Please contact Secretary Gordon ‘Pixie’ Parks: RNA Plymouth: 14-17 October 2011 9th Biennial Trafalgar Weekend will be held at the Sefton Hotel, Babbacombe 14-17th October 2011. 3 days £110, 2 days £75. Details from Sue Gutteridge, Plymouth Social Secretary (01752) 849176. Email

822 Royal Marine Recruit Squad Reunion: 21-13 October 2011

A 4th reunion for the Squad (formed January 1965) is planned at the Barcelo Imperial Hotel, Blackpool. At present there are 17 squad members "signed up" including 12 who are attending with their respective spouses. Are there any more "822ers" out there? If so contact Bill Wood:

Llanelli Branch: 23 October 2011

The Llanelli Branch are going to hold a memorial service on 23rd October by the town hall in Llanelli and unveil a stone dedicated to all shipmates that have “crossed the bar”. This will form part of the branch celebrations for 35 years in commission.

HMS Lowestoft Reunion: 28-29 October 2011

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the first commissioning a reunion has been arranged to take place at Chatham on 28/29 October. All who served in HMS Lowestoft during her 25 years in service (1961-1986) are welcome to attend. For further details please contact Ian Mckenzie: or visit the website:

HMS Cavalier 1970-72 Commission Reunion: 4-6 November 2011

Reunion at The King Charles Hotel. It would be nice if family members and friends can also join us on this occasion. A booking form is available from the hotel: 01634 830303. Please also let David Thompson know your interest so that he can gauge numbers:


Longcast 2011 15 Jan – 31 Mar 19 Jan – 18 Feb 14 February 17 February 19 February 19 February 26 February 4-6 March 12 March 26 March 30 March 31 March 8-11 April 9 April 16 April 15-18 April 29 April 7-8 May 20 May 21 May 21 May 30 May 10 June 10-12 June 25-26 June 17 July 12-14 August 13 August 13 August 20 August 29 August 10 September 11 September 16 September 14-17 October 21 October 23 October 5 November 5 November 26 November 3 December

DNP abroad (contactable) Nat Chair abroad (contactable) Brief of EWO course 3/10 Audit date AMC 2 Area meeting and AGM (UJC) FAC 4 Area Reunion 4 Area Standard bearers competition Lympstone National Council meeting (Portsmouth) Club Seminar – HMS Nelson Thanksgiving Service at Westminster Abbey, Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 CEO of RN Charities meeting GS 3 Area Reunion 4 Area meeting – Liskeard (Nat Chair and Nat Vice Chair) Welfare Seminar – HMS Nelson No.10 Area annual Reunion & Conference weekend at the Adelphi Hotel Liverpool RNA Netley Anniversary Dinner (GS) Rosyth Diamond Jubilee – National Standard paraded HQ Open Day AMC 2 Area meeting (UJC) Gravesend Branch Celebrations. FAC and National Council (Plymouth) RNA Conference – Plymouth Armed Forces Days Falmouth RNA Sea Sunday parade (GS) HMS CERES Reunion (The Crown Hotel Harrogate) AMC 2 Area meeting (UJC) FAC Gravesend 76th anniversary, National Standard paraded National Council (London) Provisional date for the Biennial March in Whitehall HQ Open Day RNA Plymouth 9th Biennial Trafalgar Weekend Driffield Trafalgar dinner GS Llanelli branch memorial unveiling and 35 year celebrations AMC 2 Area meeting (UJC) FAC National Council (Portsmouth)


Area Secretaries are invited to submit dates for Area meetings for inclusion.

Ship’s Office Pusser’s Rum Competition Outrageous dits concerning rum related fun may be entered for a prize of blue label Pussers Rum. Entries to: The General Secretary at Room 209, Semaphore Tower, PP70, HMNB, Portsmouth PO1 3LT

___________________________________________________________________________ Veteran to Veteran When a Veteran leaves the 'job' and "retires" to a better life, many are jealous, some are pleased, and others, who may have already "retired," wonder if he knows what he is leaving behind, because we already know. 1. We know, for example, that after a lifetime of camaraderie that few experience, there will remain a longing for those past times. 2. We know in the Military life there is a fellowship which lasts long after the uniforms are hung up in the back of the closet. 3. We know even if he throws them away, they will be on him with every step and breath that remains in his life. We also know how the very bearing of the man speaks of what he was and in his heart, still is. These are the burdens of the "job". You will still look at people suspiciously, still see what others do not see or choose to ignore, and always will look at the rest of the Military world with a respect for what they do; only grown in a lifetime of knowing. Never think for one moment you are escaping from that life. You are only escaping the 'job' and merely being allowed to leave 'active' duty. So what I wish for you is that whenever you ease into "retirement", in your heart you never forget for one moment that you are still a member of the greatest fraternity the world has ever known.

Civilian Friends vs. Veteran Friends Comparisons CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Get upset if you're too busy to talk to them for a week. VETERAN FRIENDS: Are glad to see you after years, and will happily carry on the same conversation you were having the last time you met. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Have never seen you cry. VETERAN FRIENDS: Have cried with you. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Keep your stuff so long they forget it's yours. VETERAN FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Know a few things about you. VETERAN FRIENDS: Could write a book with direct quotes from you.


CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is doing. VETERAN FRIENDS: Will kick the crowd's ass that left you behind. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Are for a while. VETERAN FRIENDS: Are for life. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Have shared a few experiences... VETERAN FRIENDS: Have shared a lifetime of experiences no citizen could ever dream of. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will take your drink away when they think you've had enough. VETERAN FRIENDS: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say, 'You better drink the rest of that before you spill it!' Then carry you home safely and put you to bed. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will talk crap to the person who talks crap about you. VETERAN FRIENDS: Will knock the hell out OF THEM for using your name in vain.

A Veteran Whether active duty, "retired," or reserve is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank cheque made payable to 'Their Government and Nation, for an amount of up to and including my life'


Area and Branch Updates Area 5

Branch Basildon





8 6

Newport Shropshire Newbury

5 8

Swaffham Derby



Change Hon Sec Bob is now contactable through Patricia Dunne, 5 Camelot Gardens, Rushley Park, Basildon, SS13 1AN Branch now meets on alternate Mondays from 2000 at Woodlands Social Club, Kingswood Road, Basildon, Essex, SS16 5UP New Hon Sec –Steve Southon, 22, Willow Brean, Horley, RH6 8EA 01293 773467 New Hon Sec – Richard Hotchkiss, 01952 814019 38, Broadway, Newport, TF10 7TP New Hon sec Douglas Bell 01635 32936 25, Sutherlands, Newbury RG14 7RL Branch now meets on the 4th Monday of each month. New Hon Sec – John McCann. 168 Carsington Crescent, Allestree, Derby, DE22 2QU, 01332 551123 This Branch has decided to close from 1 Feb 2011


Swinging the Lamp 1st Feb 1806

Naval Academy at Portsmouth renamed Royal Navy College at request of King George III.

2nd Feb 1943

Revival of ‘frigate’ to designate new class of twin-screw escort vessels.

3rd Feb 1931

Dunedin and Diomede, light cruisers, and sloops Laburnum and Veronica of the New Zealand Station, assisted in the aftermath of severe earthquake at Hawkes Bay, North Island. Veronica went briefly aground when the shock raised the level of the seabed at Napier (a unique defence had a court martial been convened).

4th Feb 1804

Four boats of Centaur carrying seventy-two men cut out the French Curieux in Fort royal harbour. Martinique after a 20-mile pull.

5th Feb 1722

Swallow captured the pirate Ranger (James Skyrm) 30 miles N. by W. Of Cape Lopez, French Equatorial Africa.

6th Feb 1947

Louisburg (RCN) sunk by German aircraft 60 miles N.E. of Oran. Convoy KMS 8. First Canadian warship to be sunk by aircraft or in the Mediterranean.

7th Feb 1941

Western Approaches command shifted from Plymouth to Liverpool.

8th Feb 1916

British Government requested naval assistance from Japan, leading to deployment in April of two Japanese destroyer flotillas in the Mediterranean.

9th Feb 1937

First flight of Blackburn Skua. FAA’s first monoplane, a cross between a fighter and a dive-bomber.

10th Feb 1586

Sir Francis Drake captured Cartangena.

11th Feb1916

Arethusa mined off the North Cutler buoy, Harwich. Broke her back on a shaoal and sank.

12th Feb 1928

John David Elliott Fieldhouse born; C-in-C Fleet during the Falklands War 1982.

13th Feb 1913

First cadet midshipmen entered RAN College, Osborne House, Geelong, later moving to the new RAN College at Jervis Bay.

14th Feb 1779

Capt James cook (Resolution) murdered by natives of Hawaii during his third voyage of exploration.

15th Feb 1809

Belle Poule captured the French Var from under the batteries at Valona, Albania.

16th Feb 1858

Boats of Bloodhound captured a 6-gun battery in the Benin River.

17th Feb 1886

Pearl’s Naval Brigade, with detachment of the 1st Bengal Military police Battalion and Gurkha allies, destroyed the fort at Chandipur, Gogra River. Indian Mutiny Medal. 19

18th Feb 1861

Landing parties from Arrogant and Torch, with detachments of the 1st and 2nd West India Regiments, burned two towns up the Gamba River.

19th Feb 1794

Occupation of San Fiorenzo (St Florent), Corsica and capture of French Minerve.

20th Feb 1953

St Edward’s Crown adopted for all epaulettes, badges and buttons.

21st Feb 1916

German Government informed US Government that defensively armed merchant ships would henceforth be regarded as cruisers.

22nd Feb 1806

Earl of St Vincent returned to sea, aged 71.

23rd Feb 1633

Samuel Pepys born.

24th Feb 1813

Peacock (18) taken by the American Hornet (20) off the mouth of the Demerara River. British Guiana, despite the weather gauge and her immaculate appearance which earned her the nickname ‘The yacht’.

25th Feb 1955

Ark Royal 9fourth of the name) commissioned. First RN carrier built with angled deck.

26th Feb 1813

Furieuse and Thames with the 2nd Bn. 10th regiment, captured Ponza Island, west coast of Italy.

27th Feb 1847

Senior Engineers became commissioned officers.

28th Feb 1990

Abolition of rum issue in RNZN.

29th Feb 1812

Semiramis captured the St Malo privateer Grand Jean Bart 80 miles S. by W. of the Scilly Isles.



023 9272 3823


023 9272 3371

Assistant General Secretary (Membership & Slops)

023 9272 3747

General Secretary

023 9272 2983

RNA HQ Staff continue to attempt to build a library of e-mail addresses within the Association. It would be extremely helpful if those Branch Secretaries able to communicate by e-mail would forward a short e-message to HQ to


Nominations for Standing Orders committee 2011 For the attention of All Branch Secretaries Two members of the standing Orders Committee need to be re elected as is the custom. This year it is the turn of S/M Alan Peatling and S/M Eric Baker to stand down. They are available to be nominated for re-election. Nomination Forms The envelope containing the completed form should be marked NOMINATIONS Standing orders Committee and must reach RNA HQ no later than 11th February 2011. Each Branch is allowed to nominate ONE NAME OF NOMINEE PROPOSED BY BRANCH ADDRESS OF NOMINEE

…………………………………………................................................................. …………………………………………................................................................. ………………………………………….......

Post code ...............................


If the Candidate put up by the proposing Branch is NOT a member of that Branch, this section must be completed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Candidate's own Branch, and their signature implies Branch acceptance of the Nomination. Candidate's Branch Signature of Chairman (Candidate's Branch) Signature of Secretary (Candidate's Branch)

I undertake to attend as many Standing Orders Committee Meetings as is possible. Signature of Candidate


This form must be returned even if no nomination is made. It must be, despatched to be received at HQ no later than 11th February 2011. Nominations received after this date cannot be included in the Ballot. Only one nomination is needed for a candidate to be included in the ballot.

Note: the General Secretary will seek a letter of support or otherwise from the branch if not included with the application, in accordance with the new NC By-Law.


Nominations for National Council 2011/2013 (RNA Bye-Law 7) For the attention of All Branch Secretaries in Areas. 2,6,7,8,9,11 and Scotland Nomination Forms The envelope containing the completed form should be marked NOMINATIONS FOR NATIONAL COUNCIL and must reach RNA HQ no later than 11th February 2011.

Each Branch is allowed to nominate ONE MEMBER from any Branch within its own Area, as a Candidate for election to the National Council, Subject to the approval of the Branch to which he belongs. (See Note Below) NAME OF NOMINEE PROPOSED BY BRANCH ADDRESS OF NOMINEE ………………………………………….. CHAIRMAN SECRETARY BRIEF HISTORY OF NOMINEE (in the Association)

If the Candidate put up by the proposing Branch is NOT a member of that Branch, this section must be completed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Candidate's own Branch, and their signature implies Branch acceptance of the Nomination. Candidate's Branch Signature of Chairman (Candidate's Branch) Signature of Secretary (Candidate's Branch) I undertake to attend as many National Council Meetings as is possible and to sit on any Committees to which I may be elected. Signature of Candidate ………………………………………….................................................................

This form must be returned even if no nomination is made. It must be, despatched to be received at HQ no later than 11th February 2011. Nominations received after this date cannot be included in the Ballot. NOTE: Only one nomination is needed for a candidate to be included in the ballot.


Conference 2011 - Motions and Amendments PROPOSED MOTIONS AND AMENDMENTS FOR ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2011 (Proposals must reach The General Secretary by 11th February 2011) Name of Proposing Branch: MOTION / AMENDMENT


This Motion / Amendment is put forward as representing the views of the Members of this Branch. If accepted it will be proposed to the Annual Conference. Date: Hon. Secretary: Seconded By:


Notes (a) A separate form is required for each Motion /Amendment (b) A manuscript copy is acceptable for additional Motions /Amendments if the printed form is not available. (c) The Motion /Amendment should be as short and precise as possible avoiding ambiguity. A Motion should normally start with the word `THAT' (d) The explanation is to assist the Standing Orders Committee in understanding the intention behind the Motion so that they may be able to consider acceptance and the wording under Rule 15. (e) Motions may be submitted at any time but must reach the General Secretary by 11th February 2011. (f) Motions of Extreme Urgency should reach the General Secretary not less than 48 hours before Conference. (In accordance with Standing Orders S8(7) as amended at 1996 Conference.) (g) Amendments to Motions should also normally reach the General Secretary not less than 7 days before Conference. However they can be submitted in writing direct to the Standing Orders Committee during Conference. (h) Bye-Laws - Under Rule 19 only the National Council may make a Bye-Law. A Motion to Conference may propose that a Bye-Law be set aside or it may ask the Council to consider making or amending a Bye-Law. (i). The Branch Proposing a Motion must have it Seconded by another Branch before forwarding it to the General Secretary (as carried at item 4 of 1995 Conference.)


Delegate/Observers for the Annual Conference 2011 Branch


Name of Delegate Delegate’s Address

telephone No

Post Code

Delegate’s Vehicle Reg No If appropriate

Number of Observers Names of Observers


Vehicle Registration Nos for observers If appropriate

Group Bus Registration Number Driver’s Name Name of Branch Hon Secretary Contact telephone No: (if not branch Hon Sec) Contact e-mail address Name and Address for correspondence (if not branch Hon Sec)

*Please continue on a separate sheet with all your branch observers and their vehicle details Travel details will be sent to a single point of contact for your branch Delegate and observers. This will be the Branch secretary unless otherwise indicated. NB: A Delegate will not be confirmed as such unless or until the Branch Balance Sheet for 2010 and Annual Subscriptions for Branch Members for 2011 have been received in RNA Headquarters (Rule 12©). Should either not have been received in HQ, the Delegate's Status will be deemed to be that of an Observer.


2011 Conference Information and Booking Form The 2011 Conference will be held in The Guildhall Royal Parade Plymouth. Delegates have expressed a preference to book their own accommodation. Anyone wishing assistance should consult the Plymouth Tourist office on 01752 306330 or their website. The welcome buffet and Conference dinner will be held in the senior rates Mess HMS DRAKE. Access to HMS DRAKE will be by the main gate on Keyham Road for those in cars and minibuses only. Acccess for coaches is by the Camels Head Gate. Access to HMS DRAKE can only be guaranteed for named persons and their vehicles. It is therefore vital to provide Vehicle Registration details and names with your booking details; or at least two weeks before conference, to HQ. Those travelling by coach must provide details of your coach and driver’s name. There will be a welcome Buffet and entertainment on the Friday night in the Senior Rates Mess HMS DRAKE. The Conference Dinner will be held at (1930) in the senior rates Mess HMS DRAKE. On Sunday 12 June the conference service will be held in the Church of St Andrew. This service will also see the rededication of a new National Standard. After the service there will be a march past and salute. Following this Delegates are invited to fall in on the Hoe at the National Naval War memorial for a short act of Remembrance and final march past on the Hoe. Following this there will be a bar and light buffet lunch in the Guildhall. Cost payable over the bar.

Booking form, for events only. Please complete the booking forms to facilitate planning for the appropriate numbers. Those events annotated ’pay on the day’ please indicate anticipated numbers of diners.

Friday 10 Welcome Buffet in HMS DRAKE

Anticipated Cost £5/head

Saturday 11 Conference lunch

Pay on the day

Saturday 11 Conference Dinner


Sunday 12 Post march past lunch

Pay on the day

No of members attending

Total cost



Please Note................

Approved on behalf of ........................ Branch ............................................. Name.......................... Please send completed booking form to HQ. 26

Branch applications 2011 Renewal Cards

New Members I D Card

BRANCH Return cards to NAME & ADDRESS

Post Code

NEW Membership Cards only




Gift Aid










* *

Please note Renewal cards will not be issued for life members. This is for recording purposes only


BRANCH REPORT 2011 BRANCH…………………………………………AREA…………………………. (Note: This Report should be forwarded to H.Q. with a copy direct to the Area Secretary after the Branch AGM Byelaw 11) and not later than 16th April 2011. It covers the reports to the National Council required by Bye-laws 17 & 18. Two copies of the Annual Accounts & Report should also be sent to H.Q. Bye-law 31 c. CHAIRMAN Name: Address for correspondence:



Name: Address for correspondence:



Name: Address for correspondence:



Name: Address for correspondence:



Name: Address for correspondence:

Telephone: HON. PR OFFICER


Name for correspondence: Address for correspondence:



Name: Address for correspondence:



Address of Meeting Place Frequency of Branch Meetings



Name: Telephone:



Name: Telephone:



Name: Telephone:



Name: Telephone:



Name: Telephone:



Name: Telephone:



Name: Address: Telephone:



Name: Address: Telephone:



Name: Address: Telephone:



Name: Address: Telephone:


Liaison with R.N. Ships, Establishments, R.N.R., S.C.C. etc.

Ships in which Branch takes a special interest (e.g. historical, reunions)

Other Association Branches or Organisations within Branch. (e.g. R.M. Association, F.A.A. Association, S.M. Old Comrades, Ship Associations)

Any other useful information about Branch:

Signature of Hon. Secretary



RNA........................................... BRANCH - BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st DECEMBER 2010 BRANCH FUNDS Accumulated Fund: Balance brought forward at 1st January Add: Excess of Income over Expenditure for Year Less: Excess of Expenditure over Income for Year £

Represented By: Fixed Assets

Cost or Valuation



Freehold Land and Buildings Leasehold Land and Buildings Furniture, Fixtures, Fittings and Equipment Other Deduct: Amounts Outstanding on Mortgage Current Assets


Investments at Cost (Market Value at Balance Sheet date: £ Amounts due to Branch and Prepaid Expenses


Balances with Bankers on: Deposit Account Current Account Cash in Hand


Less: Current Liabilities Unsecured Loans Sundry Creditors and Accrued Expenses Bank Overdraft BALANCE


Chairman Secretary Treasurer Independent Examiners Certificate I/We certify that: a. All annual subscriptions and entrance fees due from Members for the year have been collected and forwarded to Headquarters. b. All Branch accounts and supporting records have been examined and, as far as appears from my/our examination of these, proper books of account have been maintained by the Branch. c. The above Balance Sheet and attached Income & Expenditure Account have been prepared from the books and records of the Branch, and according to the information and explanations given to me/us by Branch Officers, and in my/our opinion, these are in accordance therewith. 1.




RNA.................................BRANCH INCOME AND EXPENDITURE FOR YEAR ENDED 31st DEC 2010 Income: Subscriptions due to Branch from Members for Year Life Members Full Members Associate Members Sale of RNA Goods Other Branch Income for the Year

£ Expenditure: Subscription due to HQ from the Branch for Year Full Members Associate Members Purchases of RNA Goods Charitable grants and donation – as per attached schedule Other Branch expenditure for the Year

£ Excess of Income over Expenditure / Expenditure over Income for Year



THE ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION.............................................................................................BRANCH ANALYSIS OF CHARITABLE GRANTS AND DONATIONS MADE DURING THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER 2010 AS PER BRANCH INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR National Charities Name of Charity / recipient

Amount Paid

Local Charities and Individuals

Total as per Income and Expenditure Account for the Year


Independent Examiners Report I/We certify that the above information is in accordance with the Branch books and records for the year, so far as appears from my/our examination of these.

................................................................... Chairman .......................................................... Hon Secretary .......................................................... Hon Treasurer



Jack Dusty’s Corner

Royal Naval Association Goods order form 2011 Send completed order form to; RNA HQ, Room 208, Semaphore Tower, Via PP 70 HM Naval Base, Portsmouth, PO1 3LT

Catalogue Number Description





2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 11 11 5 5 5 6 6 6 8 70 70 9 10 17 17 17 17 17 30 24 24a 69 69a 23 23 a 23 b 64 64 a 64 b 64 c

Tie Pin gilt finish L £1.50 ........ Tie Pin gilt finish F £1.50 ........ Tie Pin gilt finish A £1.50 ........ Lapel Badge L £2.00 ........ Lapel Badge F £2.00 ........ Lapel Badge A £2.00 ........ Lapel badge H £2.00 ........ Lapel badge COA £2.00 ........ Lapel Badge gilt finish L £2.00 ........ Lapel Badge gilt finish F £2.00 ........ Lapel Badge gilt finish A £2.00 ........ Miniature Lapel Badge F £1.50 ........ Miniature lapel Badge A £1.50 ........ Enamel Tie Pin L £1.50 ........ Enamel Tie Pin F £1.50 ........ Enamel Tie Pin A £1.50 ........ Enamel Lapel Badge Clutch back L £1.50 ........ Enamel Lapel Badge Clutch Back F £1.50 ........ Enamel Lapel Badge Clutch back A £1.50 ........ Standard bearer Ensign Badge £5.50 ........ Standard bearer Branch bar £2.50 ........ Standard bearer Area bar £2.50 ........ Blazer Button Large £1.10 ........ Blazer Button Small £1.10 ........ Blazer Badge L £12.00........ Blazer Badge F £12.00........ Blazer Badge A £12.00........ Blazer Badge H £12.00........ Blazer Badge COA £12.00........ Beret Badge £8.00 ........ RNA Tie £8.00 ........ RNA Tie clip on £8.00 ........ Alternative Tie £8.00 ........ Alternative Tie silk £16.50........ Pewter Pint tankard Traditional £22.50 Pewter Pint tankard Georgian £28.50 Pewter half Pt tankard Georgian £22.50 £22.50 Pewter 6 0z hip flask £22.50 Pewter 4 0z hip flask Pewter Quaich £22.50 Pewter round trinket box £16.50 All with engraved RNA crest.

................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ......

19 18 20 21 22 12

Marcasite Anchor brooch Marcasite Crown brooch Marcasite crown earrings Marcasite anchor earrings Cufflinks black enamel L/F/A Silver Anchor on chain

....... ....... ....... ....... ........ .......


£58.00 £58.00 £27.00 £27.00 £8.50 15.50

...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......

33 34 62 63 42 71 72 73 55

Place cards (10 pack) Card RNA crest Standard bearer Certificate Standard bearer retiring Cert Guide to ceremonial booklet Serviettes (100 pack) Shirt Badges Car tax disc holder Pencils inscribed with RNA

£1.10 £1.10 £1.10 £1.10 £2.10 £9.00 £0.75 £1.10 £0.25

....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .......

...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......

All prices in Sterling and includes P&P

See the website or Diary for pictures of all the goods. Copies of the Royal Charter and rule book are in the 2009/10 Yearbook, or available on line.

Cheque to the value £....................... enclosed For credit/debit card users Card Type ..................................................... Cardholder’s Name ..................................................... Address ..................................................... .................................................... ..................................................... .................................................... Post code .......................... Phone No ..................................................... Card Number ..................................................... Expiry date ........................... Security number ........................... Issue Number ........................ Amount to be deducted £.......................... Authority to deduct from Branch Account On behalf of................................ Branch, I authorise you to deduct £.............From our account. Signature............................................

Dated ...................................

Please send Goods to; Name .................................................... Address .................................................... .................................................... ................................................... .................................................... Post code ............................


FORM RNA C/3 APPLICATION FOR ANNUAL PERMIT FOR A REGISTERED ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION CLUB (To be submitted to RNA Headquarters by 27 November 2010) PART I 1. Name of Club in full ..............................................................................................................(a) 2. Registered Office Address ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ Tel.............................................Post Code...................................... 3. Premises owned by : Club/Branch/Other..................................................................................(c) 4. Membership as at 31 October 2010 : Life........................Full........................Assoc........................ (e-1) ANNUAL PERMIT 2011 5. The Club committee herebye applies for the renewal of the Annual permit and undertakes to comply with all the conditions therein. (e) Dated ....................................... Signed by Hon Secretary................................................................ Dated ....................................... Signed by Chairman....................................................................... PART II The Committee of the ......................................... Branch of the Royal Naval Association has examined the above application and supports it. (b) The present paid up membership of the branch is: Life......................Full...................Assoc...................... (a) (b) Signed by the Branch Hon Secretary................................................................. Dated............................ PART III Number.......... Area in which the ....................................Branch is situated recommends that National Council approves this application. (b) Signed by the Area Hon Secretary .......................................................................Dated............................. PART IV This application is approved by the National Council. Signed on their behalf...................................................................


FORM RNA C/3 Notes (a)

Under Association Rule 16 the National Council requires all Branches forming a club to register it and its name with the appropriate authority through RNA headquarters, and thereafter to apply for an Annual Permit


The application for the Annual Permit should be submitted by the Club through the Branch and Area for their endorsement and onward transmission to RNA Headquarters by the 27 November 2010. If either the Branch or the Area cannot support the application, it should endeavour to resolve the reasons with the Club, but failing this should report full details to the General secretary with a copy to the National Council member for the area.


RNA Headquarters will issue the permit dated 1 January of the following year as soon as practicable. The administrative charge is £3 which will be automatically debited to the Branch account for the quarter ending 31 December. If premises are not owned by the Branch it is a condition that adequate facilities be provided by the owner for the conduct of Branch business.


If the Hon Secretary’s address for correspondence is not the same as the Registered office for the club, this should be shown after their signature The conditions specified on the Permit as being accepted by the Club include the following:


1 All members of the Club shall be members of the Association with not less than 20 being Full and or Life members as defined by clause 9(a) of the Royal Charter. 2 The Club will, in general, do all possible to further the objects of the Association and will support and encourage the work of the Branch with which it is associated. 3 The Club will abide strictly by its registered rules which shall not be amended without the prior consent of the National Council. 4 Two copies of the audited accounts of the Club shall be forwarded to the General Secretary each year. 5 The National Council shall be entitled to appoint a representative to inspect all documents, accounts and books of the Club on giving seven days notice. 6 The national Council and the appropriate Area Committee may from time to time pay a visit of inspection to the Club. 7 The National Council can give seven days written notice of cancellation of the permit and the Club shall thereupon cease to use the words “Royal Naval Association” in the title of the Club.



Application for the Pingat Jasa Malaysia Medal Instructions for completion About the Pingat Jasa Malaysia The Pingat Jasa Malaysia (PJM) is a special medal of service to eligible United Kingdom Service personnel who served from Independence until the end of Confrontation in the security of Malaysia, during the period 31 August 1957 and 12 August 1966 inclusive. Categories of eligibility Category 1 (a) Those members of the United Kingdom Force who were on the posted strength of a unit or formation and served in the prescribed operational area of Malaysia and Singapore, in direct support of operations in Malaysia for 90 consecutive days or more, in the aggregate, as follows: (1) Malaysia during the period 31 August 1957 and 12 August 1966inclusive; or (2) Singapore during the period 31 August 1957 and 9 August 1965inclusive. Category 2Verification of service Although the PJM is a foreign award from the Government of Malaysia, all applications for the PJM will need to undergo a verification process by the Ministry of Defence. This process can be greatly assisted by applicants providing as much information about their service as possible, including service numbers, dates served in the prescribed area, etc. This will allow applications be finalised much faster. Instructions on how to complete this form • Please use BLOCK letters only. • Please complete the entire form and provide details of ALL service in the prescribed area, Malaysia / Singapore only. • Please provide proof of service. • This process can take up to 2 years to process due to the large volume of applicants. • If you require confirmation of this application form being received please include a stamped addressed envelope.

Send to Mr John Simcock, 19 Lowther Gardens; Urmston; Manchester M41 8RJ


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GIFT AID DECLARATION - ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION Title ..... Forename(s) ................................. Surname ................……………. Address ........................................................ (Area no; ---------) ........................................................ ........................................................ Post Code ............. I want the charity to treat all donations I have made from the date of this declaration until I notify you otherwise as Gift Aid Donations Signature:- .................................................. Date:- ................................................……… Notes 1. If your declaration covers donations you may make in the future: Please notify the charity if you change your name or address while the declaration is still in force. You can cancel the declaration at any time by notifying the charity - it will then not apply to donations you make on or after the date of cancellation or such later date as you specify. 2. You must pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax that the charity reclaims on your donations in the tax year (currently 25p for each £1 you give). 3. If in the future your circumstances change and you no longer pay tax on your income and capital gains equal to the tax that the charity reclaims, you can cancel your declaration (see note 1). 4. If you pay tax at the higher rate you can claim further tax relief in your Self Assessment tax return. 5. If you are unsure whether your donations qualify for Gift Aid tax relief, ask the charity. Or you can ask you local tax office for leaflet IR113 Gift Aid.


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