Branch Circular #606 (February 2011)

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February 2011 Dear Shipmate Branch Secretary, I hope you enjoy this edition of the Circular and give it a wide circulation to branch members. Following a severe finger-poking by the Secretary of Littlehampton branch I have numbered the Ship’s Office section for easy reference at Branch meetings. This edition has updates about the Club and Welfare seminars, please contact Nigel for booking, but note time is running out. Thank you for those who have starting booking for the Conference in June there is important info on pre-payment for the events in this Circular. The events at the Senior Rates Mess in HMS Drake should be great fun and marvellous value for money, remember that late bookings cannot be made for security reasons, so get booked up now. The details of the Biennial Parade at the Cenotaph are published, a shorter route than last time and a tot and buffet at the end – got to be a great day out in London –worth getting the transport, grippos, and mobile bars sorted soon. I would like to draw your attention to the IMC Sailing Camp for young people. All the details have just been decided, the camp will be in Austria for 10 days (9 nights) in July, it has a cracking programme which is in this edition. This is for any young person connected in any way with an RNA member. Application forms from the General Secretary. It has a tight deadline so that the organisers can plan; even if you are not 100% sure give me a ring. Thank you to all those branches who put forward motions for the Conference, they will be considered by the Standing Orders Committee very shortly. You may wish to note that Warrant Officer Phil Shuttleworth is helping us on a temporary contract at present. Phil is the Vice President of the RNBT and worked in the Corps Secretariat for many years. Please also note our first ‘Chairman’s Chat’ from Chris Dovey.

Best wishes from Semaphore Tower Paul Quinn General Secretary


Glossary of terms NCM NC AMC FAC NatCh NatVCh NP DNP GS Asap

National Council Member National Council Association Management Committee Finance Administration Committee National Chairman National Vice Chairman National President Deputy National President General Secretary As soon as possible

Throughout ď ? indicates a new or substantially changed entry Contacts:


023 9272 3823


023 9272 3371

Assistant General Secretary (Membership & Slops)

023 9272 3747

SLJO (Temporary)

02392 723823

General Secretary

023 9272 2983

RNA HQ Staff continue to attempt to build a library of e-mail addresses within the Association. It would be extremely helpful if those Branch Secretaries able to communicate by e-mail would forward a short e-message to HQ to


Chairman's Chat Shipmates, You may be aware that myself and Keith Crawford, the National Vice Chairman, have offered to visit an Area delegates meeting in all the UK Areas of the RNA during our current year in office. These visits are at no cost to the Areas and are intended to provide an opportunity for the wider membership to meet their two most senior elected officials. We have already visited four Areas, have another five booked over the next two months and are awaiting confirmation of dates from two further Areas. Our visits to date have been well received and we look forward to meeting more of you over the coming months. In my time on National Council I have detected, and have even been accused of encouraging, a "them" and "us" attitude between the NC/Senior Officials of the RNA and the wider membership. My message to everyone is that we are all "shipmates" together and while I hold any position of influence in the RNA there will certainly be no "them" and "us". I am a strong advocate of the control of the RNA being in the hands of the elected members of the NC, as per our Rules, and the FAC and AMC committees were set up with this policy firmly at the heart of the structure. The elected members make up some two-thirds of the NC so it is important they know your feelings, are aware of your concerns, and are open to your ideas. As Trustees of the RNA they have a duty to and responsibility for the Association as a whole, but they are also your Area link onto the NC, so please keep them informed of any matters you would like raised. Keith and I, as your National Chairman and Vice Chairman, are also always open to receiving your comments, suggestions, and even your gripes, but any contact you have with us I would appreciate you also keeping your own NCM informed of. We are all of the same faith trying to do our best for our members, their dependants, and for the support of our Royal Navy. That has always been my aim in all I have done for the RNA and I will continue to enjoy doing so as long as I am able, in whatever capacity I can, and I am sure I speak for Keith also in that regard. We have some exciting projects lined up for this year so I will provide you with more details on those as they evolve. I look forward to meeting some of you with Keith in the near future, and at Conference in June, and I will include more of these informal Chats in future circulars. Thank you for your time, and good luck in taking your Branches forward at a time when we are likely to see a large number of redundees leaving the Navy prematurely. We are looking for your support in welcoming them out of their mess decks and uniforms into ours. Best Wishes, Chris Dovey


Contents DAILY ORDERS 1. Conference Heads up 2. No 1 Area 3. Club Seminar 4. Welfare Seminar 5. HQ Open Days 6. RNA image re-launch 7. 2011 Conference 8. IMC Sailing Camp 9. Virtual Branch 10. National Council elections 11. Donations 12. Biennial Parade 13. Finance issues 14. Club Returns 15. Equality for Veterans Association 16. Two Fat Submariners Golf Day 17. SPVA Survey 18. Operation Cut off 19. RNA Walking group 20. Submariners Association 21. Book offer 22. Unsolicited gifts and packages to operational theatres 23. Suez 1956 – Op Musketeer 24. RNA Double 7 25. Ferries offer 26. Legasee veterans 27. Book Review Times article SHORTCAST LONGCAST SHIP’S OFFICE 1. 2. 3. 4.

Pusser’s Rum Competition Dits Area and Branch Updates IMC Sailing Camp programme

SWINGING THE LAMP FOR THE NOTICEBOARD (included loose-leaf): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Delegate/Observer Form Conference 2011 Conference Booking Form Branch requests for 2011 renewal cards Latest Slops Price List and Order Form Welfare Seminar booking Vacancy Membership offers


Daily Orders 1. Conference ‘heads up’ All those branches and area winners from 2010 need to ensure their awards are polished and ready to be returned to headquarters before next conference. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. No 1 Area S/M M Foley may be standing down as No. 1 Area Secretary. Any full blue in the area interested please contact S/M Alan Robinson, Chairman. 161 West End Lane, Harlington, Middlesex. UB3 5LY. Tel: 07913910479. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Club Seminar - 26 March at WO and SR Mess HMS Nelson The Club seminar is going ahead as planned Start at 1030 at the SR Mess HMS Nelson. It is planned that Philip Smith will give a talk, the author of ‘Club Law and Management’ recently sent to each club by the Association Management Committee. Please contact Nigel with car details and requests for accommodation. ___________________________________________________________________________ 4.

Welfare Seminar - 16 April at WO and SR Mess HMS Nelson.

This will take place in the Senior Rates Mess HMS Nelson Conference room on Saturday 16th April 2011, hosted by Rita Lock the RNA National Welfare Representative. Timings 0930-1000- Coffee/tea--Bar Area 1000- 1100 SPVA 1100-1200 RNBT-Corinne Day – Philip Shuttleworth 1200-1230 Buffet-Lunch- Bar Area 1230-1330 Social Services - Carol Hourden 1330-1430 Pat Fitzsimons Chief Executive Community Network 1430-1500 Wash-up All those Regional or Branch welfare representatives who wish to attend please complete and return the form (in Ships Office section) by the 16th March. Please ensure that you include your car registration, telephone number, email address and accommodation requirements. The National Council has allocated a budget of up to £50 for one delegate from each Branch or Area, on production of receipts. Accommodation for those that require it will be booked in the Senior Rates Mess HMS Nelson. For any queries please contact Philip on or 02392 723823 ___________________________________________________________________________

5. HQ Open Days The HQ will be holding two open days in 2011 on Friday 20th May and Friday 16th September starting at 11am for about an hour and a half. Come along to Semaphore Tower for the chance to meet HQ staff. Places are limited and available on a first come first served basis. Please register your interest with Nigel. ____________________________________________________________________________ 5

6. RNA image re-launch Work is proceeding well on the RNA image re-launch. Mindworks have produced the first draft of letter headings, compliments chits, business cards and Powerpoint templates which will be considered by the National Council in March. The re-design of the website has started with our webmaster, Shipmate Chris Hore (Delabole) providing 5 hours of his wisdom to the team! The AMC have seen the structure which looks good and the National Council may approve in March. The National President and General Secretary have been in close discussion with the Second Sea Lord and the Naval Secretary about an innovate idea about how the RNA can help out those leaving the Service as part of this programme. Mindworks is now hard at work designing a ‘Member Get Member’ campaign for Areas and Branches to use locally to recruit new members. Details will follow shortly when the design of posters, flyers etc as been finalised – all to tie in with the new image. Again all to be approved by the National Council in March. A full brief will be given in good time, but any questions in the meantime contact the GS. ____________________________________________________________________________ 7.

2011 Conference

Please make sure that you get your booking forms in as soon as you can, particularly branch delegate names. The booking and nomination forms are to be found in the Ships Office this month. Please note that because of the need to submit complete lists of those attending the evening dinners and welcome activities you need to return the event booking page as well as the delegate/observer page. Last minute bookings won’t be accepted due to the security requirements of the Naval Base. To make accounting more straightforward it has been decided that payment for events should be made when returning the form. Those who have already sent in their form should ensure they annotate who the cheque is from and who is being paid for when they send it in. Costs are confirmed as £5 for the welcome evening and £15 for the Gala Dinner. These costs do not include wine or your drinks (which can be purchased at reasonable cost at the bar). Cheques should be with HQ by the end of May. ____________________________________________________________________________ 8.

IMC - Sailing Camp

We are pleased to announce that the IMC has decided to hold the Sailing Camp in Traunsee, Austria from 13 to 22 July 2011. The programme is below in the Ships Office section, it is a really exciting mixture of activities with sailing trips and excursions and wonderful young people international interaction. The Camp is heavily subsidised by the IMC to the tune of 4,000 Euro and the RNA will also provide a subsidy of about £150 per young person. This ought to bring the cost of the camp to about 170 Euro or £150 or so, depending on the exchange rate of the Euro at the time. Cost of travel to and from Austria and insurance is not included and would need to be met by the young person’s family. It is appreciated that the camp is during the term time for some schools, but should be a brilliant activity for those who have completed GCSE, AS Levels or A2 Levels. The camp is for 15 to 19 year olds and Branches/Areas should nominate the young person to the General Secretary as soon as possible with a closing date of 29 March 11. If the camp is 6

oversubscribed priority will be given to those who have not attended a camp before, otherwise it will be names out of a hat. Contact GS for more info. ____________________________________________________________________________ 9.

Virtual Branch

The facilitators have been trained, or are about to. An update will be provided at the Welfare Seminar. If you have a shipmate who could benefit from a one hour free telephone call each week with like minded shipmates please contact Shipmate Rita Lock at or on 02392642234 ____________________________________________________________________________ 10. National Council Elections 2011/2013 There is to be an election for the National Council member for 11 Area. Voting papers will be sent to Branch Secretaries shortly for voting at a Branch meeting and return for counting at conference. _____________________________________________________________________________ 11.

Donations received for the Charities Fund

A big thank you for those who have made donations this month: Mid Antrim RNA (£100) A legacy of £5,000 was also received from the son of the late S/M Hammond in memory of his father. A very proud son informed us that S/M Hammond joined the RN in 1942 as an Ordinary seaman and retired in 1960 as a Lt Cdr RNR having served in N Atlantic Convoys and the Korean War. ___________________________________________________________________________ 12. Biennial Parade – 11 September 11 The Biennial Parade will be on Sunday 11 September 11. All Branches and Areas are invited to parade a contingent and their standard and are welcome to lay a wreath at the Cenotaph. There is a warm welcome to Naval and other Associations in sympathy with the objectives of the RNA. The format of the day will be: 0930 0930 1000 1015 1035 1100 1102 1115 1125 1140 1141 1142 1200

Parking for coaches and minibuses in Whitehall Place (Car pass required) Civil Service Club opens for coffee and toilets (80 metres from parking) Vehicles to be parked, Whitehall Place closes. Parade musters Parade steps off Service starts, 2 minute silence Service at Cenotaph led by the Chaplain of the Fleet Wreaths laid Parade steps off, review by First Sea Lord Parade dismissed in Whitehall Place Scrum for standard bearers tots Bar opens in Civil Service Club, all ranks finger buffet. 1SL meets Shipmates Loyal toast, tot provided by Pussers Rum.

Details will follow but parking will be restricted in Whitehall Place and we will need drivers name and registration. So worth starting to plan transport arrangements now. Expressions of interest to Nigel please. ________________________________________________________________________ 7

13. Finance issues Michelle has asked that for Branch Quarter Accounts, in order to help keep the costs down, she would appreciate e-mail address for treasurers. Due to leave, the finance Department will be closed as from 22/4/11 to 3/05/11. Just a gentle reminder that the Annual Branch Accounts Return must be made up to 31st December and received in the HQ by the 31st March 2011. As have annual Subs! Anybody who hasn’t got a copy of the Balance Sheet, Income & Expenditure form please let Michelle know either by E-mail, post or by Telephone and she will supply a copy. For shipmates who claim expenses through the RNA, can I please remind you that if you are booking hotel accommodation can you please make sure that the Invoice is in the name of The Royal Naval Association and your name. Thank you, this allows us to reclaim VAT. And finally, the revised prices for RNA goods are reflected in the new order form in Jack Dusty’s Corner. Please destroy any old forms. Price increases have been kept to a minimum but will have to be reassessed in the light of the forthcoming postage rate rises and VAT passed on by suppliers. ________________________________________________________________________ 14. Club Returns Some clubs have not returned their C3s, and will now be in breach of their Licence with the local authority. ________________________________________________________________________ 15. Equality for Veterans Association 1) Did you serve in HM Forces and leave before 1975? 2) Did you get a pension? If the answers are Yes and No in that order then you could consider joining the EfVA. They are fighting for justice for veterans who left the Forces before April 1975 without a military pension. Currently they have 4,000 members and a petition to No. 10 stands at just over 300,000. The website is at is worth a visit. This is a private venture and is not formally supported by RNA. ___________________________________________________________________________ 16 Two Fat Submariners Golf Day Spring Classic Golf Tournament on May 26th at the Essex Golf and Country Club to raise money in aid of Help for Heroes, Make a Wish Foundation and NSPCC. The day costs £60 and includes: chipping and putting competitions, 18 Holes of Stableford for individual and team completion, bacon butties on arrival and a 3 course evening meal and prize giving. Accommodation is available and non-players are welcome to join the evening meal for £25. Visit the website for further details and sign up forms. _____________________________________________________________________


17 The Service Personnel and Veterans Agency (SPVA) Survey The SPVA, part of the Ministry of Defence, provides vital support services for HM Armed Forces and the veterans’ community. It is launching a Veterans Customer Satisfaction Survey this month, looking for feedback from those who have had dealings with it during the past year on what services people were happy with and what should be improved in the future. The survey can be accessed by visiting and following the link to the ‘Veterans Customer Satisfaction Survey’ or call 02392 702382 for a printed copy. It is entirely anonymous and no-one will be contacted as a result of completing it. ___________________________________________________________________________ 18.

Operation Off Cut

Did you serve on HMS Achilles, Glamorgan, Brazen, Andromeda or Fearless during Operation Cut Off in Beirut, Lebanon, November 1983 – March 1984? If so please contact Irene Clipsom, Hon. Secretary of the Andover and District RNA, who is assisting an individual researching the story behind some items from this time. ___________________________________________________________________________ 19.

RNA Walking Group

If you are interested in some industrial walking, feel free to join Maurice Weight on the Waendel Walk in Wellingborough from 13-15th May 2011. He is walking to raise money for Millie who is suffering from Metachromatic Leukodystrophy. More information can be found online at or (about Millie’s condition). If you are interested please contact Maurice Weight: 07889 789761 or email: ___________________________________________________________________________ 20.

Submariners Association

If you served (or serve) in the Submarine Service and are interested in finding out more about the Submariners Association contact John Wood: 13 Westbrook Avenue, Westbrook, Margate, Kent, CT9 5HA or ________________________________________________________________________ 21.

 Book Offer

Copies of Cold War crime drama That’s Life in a Blue Suit are now available from the author for the bargain price of £4.00 including P&P (UK only). Set in the Royal Navy in the 1950s, this story features HM Ships Agincourt, Barrosa, Corunna, Alamein and Vanguard. Cheques made payable to ‘William Thomas’ should be sent to No4 Bryn Teg, Arddleen, Llanymynech, Powys SY22 6PZ. ___________________________________________________________________________ 22.

Unsolicited Gifts and packages

While the MOD recognises the desire of the general public to support personnel on operations, it is urging people not to send unsolicited gifts and packages as it increases pressure on the in-theatre postal system and can delay mail from family and friends. There are many other ways to show your support - see the MOD website for ideas. ___________________________________________________________________________ 9

23. Suez 1956 - Operation Musketeer Eric Pegg is preparing a book of photographs relating to the Suez Crisis of November 1956. He is trying to ensure that as many photos taken by the participants themselves are saved for posterity. He has had quite a good response from the Army in a recent newspaper appeal but hardly anything from those among the naval forces involved. Can you help with photos relating in any way? Eric will I scan copies, or accept as an attachment. His address is 8 Kinross Crescent, Marton, Blackpool, FY4 4PE, email, telephone 01253 764 937. ___________________________________________________________________________ 24 RNA Double 7 A small group of RNA members would like to arrange a Reunion of ex-RNA Double Seven possibly at Mill Rythe, Hayling Island. If anyone is interested please reply to ___________________________________________________________________________ 25 Brittany Ferries Salutes The Dedication Ceremony Of The Op Frankton “Cockleshell Heroes” Memorial 31 March 2011 To recognise and to mark this historical Ceremony, and to help all who wish to attend it, Brittany Ferries have generously allowed a 75% discount to all who wish to travel to and from the Memorial site using Brittany Ferries, from Portsmouth, Poole or Plymouth. Poole re-starts a passenger ferry with effect from 25th March 2011. There is a single reservation line for this offer, via Sarah Hall, on 0871 244 0411, quoting ‘Frankton Memorial Dedication Discount’. This special offer is open for travel dates between and including Tues 22nd March and Sunday 10th April, to allow families and groups to plan for a few days in Aquitaine and the fine city of Bordeaux. ___________________________________________________________________________ 26 Legasee Veterans We're pleased to inform you that the Legasee War Veterans Online Archive is now available to view. You'll be able to enjoy viewing the first batch of interviews by simply going to the web site – . ________________________________________________________________________ 27 Book Review Members may be interested in a marvellous book on British Cruisers by Norman Friedman. This is a definitive and detailed taking the story of cruisers from the First World War to the missile age. The book is stuffed full of data, deck plans and photographs. ISBN is 978 1 84832 078 9 and is published by Seaforth Publishing ( ) 10

Members may be interested in this article published in the Times on 16 February by Paul Gibson Despite the fanfare, the morale-boosting capture of a Somali pirate "mother ship" by HMS Cornwall is regrettably just a drop in the ocean. The harsh reality is that the 17 pirates the Royal Navy picked up have all been released in Somalia and will soon be back at sea, preying on international shipping. Pirates are acting with increasing impunity, emboldened by frequent release after capture. They are capable of operating more than 1,000 miles from Somalia's coast, daily picking off vessels at will. Last year 1,181 hostages were taken and a string of increasing ransoms have been paid. Thirty-three ships, many with multimillion-pound cargos, and 712 hostages are currently being held. Had 712 Westerners been held hostage in Afghanistan there would have been an international outcry. But these luckless seamen, many of them Thai and Filipino, are condemned to months of captivity. But piracy does pose a direct threat to British interests. Our essential energy supplies are at risk and the increasing cost of shipping through the Gulf of Aden — a maritime M1 of ships carrying commodities to and from the UK — is passed directly on to the consumer. Yet in the Gulf of Aden and the vast expanses of the Indian Ocean there are on average only about 20 frigates and destroyers from a variety of nations to interdict pirates. Three times that number are needed. Governmental inertia must end. We cannot treat each case of piracy as an isolated incident. Pirate gangs have links to terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda, and our inaction against piracy has an impact on our ability to tackle international terrorism. The region cannot be permitted to become a no-go area, with the deadly, destabilising combination of al-Qaeda operating in both Yemen and Somalia and pirates operating at liberty offshore. Our strategy towards terrorism must be consistent. Denying the terrorist ungoverned space in Afghanistan has been the linchpin of the West's strategy there. Similarly in the Horn of Africa we must not permit lawlessness to spread ever farther from the shores of Somalia. Lawlessness begets lawlessness. Britain should tackle this head on. In 2007, I was surprised when Cabinet Office officials appeared suspicious of motives to promote the Royal Navy as the natural lead against piracy. They cited legal and operational complexities as reasons not to become embroiled in another distant mission. Apathy was the name of the game. Some in the Navy believe that too great an involvement in piracy would undermine their high-tech warfighting capability. They are wrong. The Army conducted a counter-insurgency operation in Northern Ireland while maintaining its high-end capability, demonstrated incontrovertibly by the 1991 Gulf War. It is time for the MoD to allow the Navy to surge. The two Royal Navy frigates currently engaged in counter-piracy are not enough. If the Government is serious about piracy it must release resources from lower-priority tasks and give the Navy the tools to do the task. For example, the warship currently in the Gulf could be reassigned, with the Americans taking up the slack. Britain to date has not provided a maritime patrol aircraft, which can cover an area ten times that of a frigate. We could do more to use Britain's excellent relationship with Oman to bring huge benefit to the counter-piracy effort; three aircraft based at Thumrayt could provide 24-hour surveillance for the thousands of miles of ocean. These could be leased and paid for by the shipping industry. With the Royal Marines committed in Afghanistan, an infantry battalion could provide additional dedicated army boarding teams, with bespoke training. The MoD should not be constrained by piracy being criminal: to defeat it will require all the defence expertise, high-tech capability and guile that Britain's Armed Forces can muster. If piracy is to be defeated, commercial interests need to speak with one voice. Those in the £25 billion shipping industry have a big stake and must fully play their part. It is their ships, their cargo and their people that are being targeted by the pirates and, as defence cuts bite, they will need to contribute to the cost of a coherent and effective Horn of Africa naval task force. Without their resources, the pirates will have shipping on the run. Prevention will prove far cheaper than exorbitant ransoms and delays to shipping. The skull and crossbones has no place in the 21st century. Britain can take the lead in stamping out this scourge. Brigadier Paul Gibson, a former Director of Counter Terrorism and UK operations, commanded the 4th Armoured Brigade (the Black Rats) in Iraq OpEd Live, from 1pm Watch Paul Gibson argue why the Navy must be deployed to tackle piracy onshore and pirates offshore make a deadly combination.


Shortcast HMS Diana Association Reunion: 4-6 March 2011 Open to Shipmates off all HMS Diana commissions at the Park House Hotel in Blackpool. Ring the hotel on 01253 620081 to book a room. Further details from John Fisher: HMS Sirius F40 Reunion: 5 March 2011 Calling all Dogstars. The next reunion will take place in HMS Nelson WOs’ & SRs’ Mess. Details at Any questions to Pam: HMS Duchess Association Reunion: 11-13 March 2011 All commissions welcome at the Bay View Hotel, Bournemouth. For details contact Sharky Ward: HMS Undine and Urchin Association Reunion: 11-14 March 2011 Reunion at Auckland Hotel, Morecambe in the company of Ursa, Ulster, Ulysses, Urania and Undaunted. Contact Secretary Chris Heslop: 1st National Congress of Italian Submariners (Monfalcone): 19 March 2011 The 1st National Congress of Italian Submariners will be held in Monfalcone (Go), on the Saturday of 19 March 2011. For any further information concerning the National Congress, please address your requests to the Italian focal point for foreign submariners as follows: Mr Cesare MANSTRETTA – Via Garigliano, 7 – 20159 Milano - MI (Italy) – tel: +392-608.0502; mob: +39-334-7927.771; e-mail:

HMS Antrim Association Reunion: 25-27 March 2011 To celebrate the 40th year of Antrim’s Commissioning Ceremony, an informal ‘swinging of the lamp’, suppin’ of bevvies and much singing will take place in Bournemouth. More information on the website: HMS Resolution Association Reunion: 25-27 March 2011 A special reunion where the Association Standard will be unfurled for the first time and a bench dedicated at the National Arboretum. Will be attended by some former Captains. Contact Dave Goodman for info: Federation of Naval Associations – Social and AGM: 25–28 Mar 11 To be held at the Warwick Hotel, Blackpool. Contact Robbie Robson, 12 Rainton St, Old Penshaw DH4 7HQ, Tel 0191 5847058, e-mail 848 NAS Malaya Association: 26 March 2011 Squadron members of the 1952-56 ‘Malayan Emergency’ formation meet in Bromsgrove. Royal Naval Auxiliary Service (RNXS) East Anglia Reunion: 27 March 2011


17th Annual Reunion will take place at the Shipwreck, Shotley Marina (ex HMS Ganges, Enright Block) from 1200 to 1430. Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970: 30 Mar 11 To mark the implementation of this important legislation, there will be a Thanksgiving Service at Westminster Abbey at 1100am on Wednesday 30 March 2011. I have bid for 20 tickets, first come first served, bids to Nigel or Gen Sec please. HMS Hermes Association Reunion: 7-11 April 2011 Annual Reunion to be held at the Bosworth Hall Hotel, Market Bosworth. All Ranks, ratings, all Commissions welcome. Contact Richard Tipping for more details: V & W Association Reunion: 8-11 April 2011 The next reunion will take place at Weston-Super-Mare. Further details from the website: or Bill Forster: The Fourth Destroyer Association Reunion: 8-11 April 2011 HMS Agincourt, Aisne, Alamein, Barrosa, Corunna, Jutland, Matapan and Dunkirk are holding their Annual Reunion from April 8 to 11 at the King Charles Hotel, Gillingham. All ex-ships companies welcome. Contact Terry Parker for more details:

HMS Cossack Association Reunion: 8-11 April 2011

This will take place at the Royal Beach Hotel Southsea. Any ex Cossacks or their families wishing to attend please contact secretary Peter Harrison on or 01252 613052. A Church service commencing at 10am followed by a parade led by TS Cossacks band (weather permitting) will take place at St Ann’s Church, HM Naval Base Portsmouth. Standards welcome. Those wishing to attend the service should contact Chairman Ken Satterthwaite for a security pass: or 01923 269714. Royal Marines - Mountbatten Festival of Music: 14–16 April 2011 The Booking for the Festival of Music is now open: Phone bookings on 0845 401 5018 (can pay by cheque this way) On line at (£2 booking fee) Box office in person. 10% reduction for bookings for more than 15 Prices from £12 (behind a pillar) to £45/seat for a box (ear defenders required) HMS Decoy Association Reunion: 14-17 April 2011 The 24th Annual Reunion takes place at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Southport. New members of all commissions welcome. Come and claim your 'tot'. For details contact Malcolm (Dobbo) Dobson: HMS Cumberland Association: 15-17 April 2011


Annual Reunion at The Langham Hotel Eastbourne from April 15 to 17. For details contact Sam Watson, Chairman: HMS Newfoundland Veterans Reunion 15-18 April 2011 There will be a reunion of former shipmates in Stafford. Details from Alan Waite: HMS Duke of York Association Reunion: 15-18 April A mini reunion will be held at the Stretton Hotel, Blackpool. Loch Class Frigates Association Reunion: 15-18 April 2011 Takes place at The King Charles Hotel, Chatham, Kent. All Members of the Association welcome. Membership is open to all who served on any of the Loch Class ships or their variants (Bay Class, Admirals Yachts, survey ships and repair ships). Please contact Andrew Nunn Hon. Sec. LCFA: HMS Dunkirk Association Reunion: 16 April 2011 Reunion at the Ramada Encore Hotel, Chatham. Contact Jackie Carroll: HMS Peacock Association U/F96 and P239 Annual Reunion: 23 April 2011 To be held at the Royal Naval Association Club, Riverside, Adelaide Road, Royal Leamington Spa. AGM at 12 noon, Reunion Lunch at 14.00, evening entertainment from 19.00 with buffet provided. On Sunday 24th April at approx 10.00, there will be a HMS Peacock Memorial Service at the club. Fuller details and list of local accommodations can be obtained from S/m Dave Pearson: 01442 862274. HMS Protector Association Annual Reunion: 29 April – 2 May 2011 To be held at the Royal Court Hotel, Coventry, April 29th to May 2nd 2011. A memorial and Dedication service to be held at the National Arboretum on Saturday 30th April. Further details available from Doug Harris on 01495 718870 or or via the web site at to download booking forms.

HMS Tenby Association Reunion: 29 April-2 May 2011

18th Annual reunion at the Arlington Hotel, Bournemouth, all members are most welcome. For more information and a booking form contact Ken Jones: HMS Newcastle Stokers Mess (M/L) 1988-1992: 30 April 2011 A mini reunion of old mess mates will be held at the Maritime Club, Portsmouth at 1500 on April 30. For further details contact Jonathan Legg: HMS Dreadnought Association Reunion: 6 May 2011 All ex serving members of the boat including their families and friends are invited to attend at the Bosworth Hotel and spa near Coventry. Full details available online: HMS Glasgow (C21 and D88) – 6-9 May 11 14

The 31st reunion will be held at the Queens Hotel, Paignton 6-9 May 11. Details from S/M Gary Eaton 10, Elderwood Ave, Thornton, Cleverleys FY5 5EQ. Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association: 6-9 May 2011 Will be holding a Mini Reunion at The Bancourt Hotel, Torquay. Great programme including a bit of time afloat. More info on website: Rosyth & West Fife Branch: 7-8 May 11 The Diamond Jubilee will be celebrated over the weekend 7-8 May 2011. Saturday 1900 Dinner Dance till 2359, in the Carnegie Conference Centre Dunfermline Fife. Rig Formal; anticipated cost, £25 including wine at the table. Sunday – Inverkeithing Fife, for a Church service at 1030; including the rededication of the Branch Standard. Followed by a march past led by the National Standard and the Royal Burgh of Inverkeithing Pipe Band.

North Russia Club Reunion: 7-14 May 11

The reunion will be held in Jersey from 7-14th May at the Westpark Hotel, St Hillier, JE2 3HB. For more info contact S/M Harry Allen 01843 832943 or S/M Austin Byrne 01274 881821 Bulwark, Albion & Centaur Association: 13 May 2011 AGM & Reunion Weekend at South Downs Holiday Village, Bracklesham Bay, Chichester, commencing May 13. Three night package including Gala Dinner & entertainment for just £119. Please contact the Secretary Denis Askham: HMS Cambrian Association Reunion: 13-15 May 2011 Our next reunion for all who served on board the ship at any time will be at the King Charles Hotel, Gillingham. HMS Phoebe Association - Cruiser (C43) and Frigate (F42): 13-16 May 2011 Have their annual (15th) reunion from May 13 to 16 at Hinton Firs Hotel in Bournemouth. All ex crew are welcome to join us. Please contact the secretary Roy Pavely: Royal Naval Engineroom Association Reunion: 20-21 May 2011 19th Annual Reunion at the Nautical Club, Birmingham. Details from Bob Styants: HMS Saintes Association Reunion: 20-23 May 2011 Reunion at the Tillington Hall Hotel, Stafford. All former shipmates and guests are welcome. HMS Leeds Castle First Crew Reunion: 27-29 May 2011 Takes place at the Liner Hotel, Lord Nelson Street, Liverpool, L3 5QB. Guests/Partners are welcome. For more information contact Mark Winn: HMS Cavalier Association: 27-30 May 2011 Annual reunion and AGM at the Britannia Hotel, Coventry from May 27 to 30. For full details contact Dave Shardlow: 15

No 2 Area Standard Bearers Competition: 28 May 11 No 2 Areas biennial Standard Bearers competition will be held on Saturday 28 May at the Royal Engineer’s Gymnasium Brompton Kent. This will be hosted by the Chatham branch. The Gym will be open from 1000 completing about 1630 after the award of trophies. There will be an Open, Area and novices competition; standard bearers from outside the area may enter the Open competition. Applications to ; S/M Chris Durban, 48 Fox Hollow Lane, Bexleyheath, DA7 4UR. Closing date for applications - 12 March 2011 Exeter 82 Association: 28 May 2011 A reunion is planned at the W/O & Chiefs mess at HMS Excellent from 1930hrs. The invite is open to all ex Exeter crew members. For more information contact Reg Cornall: Grenville 23 Mess, HMS Ganges, 14 Recruitment 1958 Reunion: 10 June 2011 A reunion for the boys who joined HMS Ganges on June 10, 1958 and lived in Grenville 23 Mess, will take place at Chatham on June 10. Anyone who lived in that mess at the time is very welcome to attend. Please contact Bill Rosewell: HMS Liverpool Association Reunion: 11 June 2011 The 28th reunion takes place at the GIs Association, Whale Island, mustering at 1200. Our association is made up of those who served on the Cruiser and the Type 42 Destroyer and new members are always welcome. For more information and membership details contact John Parker: HMS Hecla Gulf Deployment 1990 Reunion: 17-19 June 2011 A reunion is being planned for June 17 to 19. Please contact Colin Bodenham: so that an idea of numbers can be gained. Alternatively, you can search Facebook for HMS Hecla Reunion.

HMS Belfast Reunion: 18-19 June 2011

A 50th Anniversary reunion of the 1961-1962 commission is being held aboard HMS Belfast 1819 June. Contact Tom Liddiard, Mansfield Branch. D-Boats Association Reunion: 2-3 July 2011 Annual reunion will take place in the WO, SR & SNCOs Mess, HMS Nelson. The salute will be taken by a CO from one of the new type 45s. After the march past, tot time and lunch in the mess with invited guests. Further details on the reunion or how to join the Association can be obtained from Mike Smith: or visit the website: HMS CERES Reunion: 12-14 August 2011 Reunion 12-14 August ’11 the The Crown Hotel Harrogate, contact - Richard Knight on 01937 581404 for more details. S58 Class Reunion: 17 September 2011


Calling all members of S58 Class. To commemorate the 45th anniversary of our joining the Royal Navy in September 1966, a reunion is to be held on September 17 in Portsmouth. Those interested please contact Colin Stokes: CT/Special Communications Unit Reunion: 22 September 2011 Reunion to be held in the WO & Sgt's Mess, Ayios Nikolaos, Cyprus on the evening of September 22. Final details and price to be agreed in the spring. The evening will include an informal buffet. Wives and partners will be welcome. Own accommodation to be arranged individually by attendees. Anyone desiring to attend please contact Eddie Clamp: HMS Invincible Communications Association (Falklands) 82 Reunion: 23-25 September 2011 Annual Reunion to be held in Bournemouth. For details contact Tim Jenkins: or see the website: 847 NAS (1969-1971) Reunion: 23-25 September 2011 This will take place at the Bosworth Hall Hotel from September 23 to 25, 2011. For more details contact Cliff Jones: HMS Churchill Reunion: 24 September 2011 7th Reunion Dinner Dance takes place on September 24 at the Queens Hotel, Chester. The fee is £40 per person and rooms can be booked direct. For more details contact Andrew Broadbelt: or visit the website: HMS Alert 1961-63 Commission Reunion: 1 October 2011 The next reunion muster, which will be the 50th anniversary of the commission, will be held at 7.30pm on October 1 at The Angel Hotel, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. Enquiries to R Howard MBE: HMS Ajax and River Plate Veterans Association Reunion: 5-6 October 2011 46th Annual reunion will be held at the King Charles Hotel, Gillingham, Kent. Open to all who served in the cruiser 1937- 48 or frigate 1963 - 84 or relatives of those who did so. For further details please contact Malcolm Collis: HMS Tartar Association Reunion: 7-8 October 2011 8th Reunion and AGM at The Red Lea Hotel. All former members of HMS Tartar F133 and her WWII predecessor and their spouses are most welcome to join us for a great weekend. Numbers have increased at every reunion, so make the effort, you will be guaranteed a warm welcome. For further details please contact: Keith Helliwell: HMS Morecambe Bay Association Reunion: 14-16 October Reunion at the Inglewood Hotel, Torquay. All Bay Class frigate men are welcome. FAA Safety Equipment & Survival Association Reunion: 14-16 October Reunion to be held at Bosworth Hall Hotel, Market Bosworth,Leicestershire. Please contact Secretary Gordon ‘Pixie’ Parks: 17

RNA Plymouth: 14-17 October 2011 9th Biennial Trafalgar Weekend will be held at the Sefton Hotel, Babbacombe 14-17th October 2011. 3 days £110, 2 days £75. Details from Sue Gutteridge, Plymouth Social Secretary (01752) 849176. Email 822 Royal Marine Recruit Squad Reunion: 21-13 October 2011 A 4th reunion for the Squad (formed January 1965) is planned at the Barcelo Imperial Hotel, Blackpool. At present there are 17 squad members "signed up" including 12 who are attending with their respective spouses. Are there any more "822ers" out there? If so contact Bill Wood: Llanelli Branch: 23 October 2011 The Llanelli Branch are going to hold a memorial service on 23rd October by the town hall in Llanelli and unveil a stone dedicated to all shipmates that have “crossed the bar”. This will form part of the branch celebrations for 35 years in commission. HMS Lowestoft Reunion: 28-29 October 2011 To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the first commissioning a reunion has been arranged to take place at Chatham on 28/29 October. All who served in HMS Lowestoft during her 25 years in service (1961-1986) are welcome to attend. For further details please contact Ian Mckenzie: or visit the website:

HMS Llandaff Annual Reunion: 28-31 October 2011

All ex Llandaff crew members, family and friends are welcome to attend a reunion at the Britannia Airport Hotel, Ponteland, Newcastle Upon Tyne. For more information contact Ken Rutherford: HMS Cavalier 1970-72 Commission Reunion: 4-6 November 2011 Reunion at The King Charles Hotel. It would be nice if family members and friends can also join us on this occasion. A booking form is available from the hotel: 01634 830303. Please also let David Thompson know your interest so that he can gauge numbers:


Longcast 2011 15 Jan – 31 Mar 5 March 4-6 March 12 March 26 March 30 March 31 March 2 April 8-11 April 9 April 16 April 15-18 April 22 April – 2 May 29 April 7 May 7-8 May 20 May 21 May 21 May 30 May 10 June 10-12 June 25-26 June 17 July 12-14 August 13 August 13 August 20 August 29 August 10 September 11 September 16 September 14-17 October 21 October 5 November 5 November 26 November 3 December

DNP abroad (contactable) 11 Area AGM York – Nat Ch and NAtVCh 4 Area Reunion 4 Area Standard bearers competition Lympstone National Council meeting (Portsmouth) Club Seminar – HMS Nelson Thanksgiving Service at Westminster Abbey, Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 CEO of RN Charities meeting GS 9 Area AGM – Lincoln and meeting Nat Ch and NVCh 3 Area Reunion 4 Area meeting – Liskeard (Nat Chair and Nat Vice Chair) Welfare Seminar – HMS Nelson No.10 Area annual Reunion & Conference weekend at the Adelphi Hotel Liverpool Gen Sec and Michelle on leave RNA Netley Anniversary Dinner (GS) 5 Area meeting – Beccles - Nat Ch and NVCh Rosyth Diamond Jubilee – National Standard paraded HQ Open Day AMC 2 Area meeting (UJC) Gravesend Branch Celebrations. FAC and National Council (Plymouth) RNA Conference – Plymouth Armed Forces Days Falmouth RNA Sea Sunday parade (GS) HMS CERES Reunion (The Crown Hotel Harrogate) AMC 2 Area meeting (UJC) FAC Gravesend 76th anniversary, National Standard paraded National Council (UJC - London) Biennial Parade in Whitehall HQ Open Day RNA Plymouth 9th Biennial Trafalgar Weekend Driffield Trafalgar dinner GS AMC 2 Area meeting (UJC) FAC National Council (Portsmouth)

Area Secretaries are invited to submit dates for Area meetings for inclusion.


Ship’s Office Pusser’s Rum Competition Outrageous dits concerning rum related fun may be entered for a prize of blue label Pussers Rum. Entries to: The General Secretary at Room 209, Semaphore Tower, PP70, HMNB, Portsmouth PO1 3LT

___________________________________________________________________________ Love Story I will seek and find you. I shall take you to bed and have my way with you. I will make you ache, shake & sweat until you moan & groan. I will make you beg for mercy, beg for me to stop. I will exhaust you to the point that you will be relieved when I'm finished with you. And, when I am finished, you will be weak for days. All my love, The Flu Now get your mind out of the gutter and go and get your flu vaccination! ___________________________________________________________________________ Radio Conversation This is the transcript of an ACTUAL radio conversation of a US naval ship with Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October, 1995. Americans: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the North to avoid a collision. Canadians: Recommend you divert YOUR course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision. Americans: This is the Captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course. Canadians: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course. Americans: THIS IS THE AIRCRAFT CARRIER USS LINCOLN, THE SECOND LARGEST SHIP IN THE UNITED STATES' ATLANTIC FLEET. WE ARE ACCOMPANIED BY THREE DESTROYERS, THREE CRUISERS AND NUMEROUS SUPPORT VESSELS. I DEMAND THAT YOU CHANGE YOUR COURSE 15 DEGREES NORTH, THAT'S ONE FIVE DEGREES NORTH, OR COUNTER-MEASURES WILL BE UNDERTAKEN TO ENSURE THE SAFETY OF THIS SHIP. Canadians: We are a lighthouse. Your call.


Area and Branch Updates Area Scotland

Branch Lossimouth



Change The Branch and Social Club Entertainment Programme for 2011 can now be viewed through the following link: Shipmates in the area holidaying or visiting friends are most welcome to join in. Ticket availability updated to home page or contact Secretary Tony Stowe: 01343 543088. New email address for Welfare Officer Harry Beattie:


New Meeting Venue; Blenheim House, Eagle Way, Warley, Brentwood, CM13 3BN. 1900 to 2100


International IMC-Youth Sailing Camp Austria 2011 International youth sailing camp of the maritime confederation from Austria, Belgian, Croatia France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, and the Netherlands operated by ÖMV with FERIENREGION TRAUNSEE on behalf of IMC ÖMV-Supervision: Col.Karl SkrivanekPresident ÖMV, Hans Müller( MkPrinz Eugen,Ried) Sen. Wolfgang Steinhardt,Obmann Mk Ehzg Ferdinand Max , Christoph Ptak Mk Ehzg Ferdinand Max-Vienna). Program for 40 young people (aged 15 to 19) 13-22 July 2011 Accommodation in double or three bedded rooms (split according to age and gender) including full board and soft drinks with the meals (on full day excursions a lunch bag will be provided). Also including a sailing course, excursion program and leisure program as follows: 13th to 22nd July 2011 Day 1 13th July 2011 Individual arrival Day 2 14th July 2011 Sailing course in the morning Visit of the paddle Steamer Gisela and a boat trip on Lake Traunsee afternoon Day 3 15th July 2011 Sailing course in the morning Trail lessons in water skiing and surfing Day 4 16th July 2011 Sailing course in the morning Guided tour of the medieval town of Gmunden, visit a ceramics workshop and the town museum Day 5 17th July 2011 Sailing course in the morning Trail lessons in water skiing and surfing Day 6 18th July 2011 Sailing course in the morning Visit the bicycle and transport museum in the afternoon Day 7 19th July 2011 All day excursion Salzkammergut with a visit of the Emperors palace in Bad Ischl and of the World Heritage Village of Hallstatt Optional: visit of the ice caves and mammoth caves incl. cable car ride up to the mountain. € 29,00 per person. For further information visit: :// Day 8 20th July 2011 Hike up the Grünberg Mountain Day 9 21st July 2011 Admiral’s day with Brass Band and visit of Dignitaries from Upper Austria ( Mayor and Representatives of the Upper Austrian Government, Honorary Member ÖMV-Mag.Markus S. Habsburg-Lothringen, Bad Ischl) Regatta sailing competition with the participating youths Laying of a wreath in memory of the Austrian- Hungarian Imperial Navy Participation of visitors from ÖMV-regional Associations and Delegates from Austrian Armed Forces . 22

Day 10 22nd July 2011 Departure -------------------------------------The Hotel will be Hotel Pension Bruderhofer, Altmünster (4 Km from Gmunden) For details please visit The following will also be provided for: · Transfers from and to the hotel to the sailing course and to all official excursions · Transfers from the local railway stations on arrival to the hotels. For airport transfers there would be an additional charge depending on arrival time and numbers of persons to be transported. · Non alcoholic beverages during meals · English speaking camp supervisors, sailing course tutors and guides during excursions · Excellent medical facilities are available in Gmunden and will be provided if needed. However each participant must have medical insurance and will need to provide proof of this on arrival. · A swimming test will be held on the first day after arrival · The sailing boats to be used will be 10 brand new Laser SB3, see picture below and the course will be carried out by the Celox Sailing School Ferienregion Traunsee:Andreas Murray, Managing Director

– Salzkammergut regional tourist board Internet Homepage:



Swinging the Lamp 1 Mar 2002

Fearless, last RN steam-powered surface warship, entered Portsmouth for the last time on return from the Indian Ocean.

2 Mar 1808

Capture of Marie Galante Island, West Indies, by Cerberus, Circe and Camilla.

3 Mar 1971

Britain’s first nuclear submarine, Dreadnaught, reached North Pole.

4 Mar 1915

Ghurka and Maori, destroyers, destroyed U-8 near the Varbe lightvessel by modified sweep. First success with indicator nets.

5 Mar 1946

The start of the Cold War. Winston Churchill, speaking at Fulton, Missouri, said: ‘From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent’.

6 Mar 1890

First promotion to new warrant rank of Signal Bosun: M.H.W. Evans, the top of the list, also became the first Chief Signal Bosun and, in 1903, the first Signal Warrant Officer.

7 Mar 1665

London blown up by accident at The Nore.

8 Mar 1855

Viper destroyed a Russian Martello tower at Djimiteia near Anapa, Black Sea.

9 Mar 1686

Pepys signed contract for purchase of rum in lieu of brandy of HM ships at Jamaica.

10 Mar 1944

Destroyers Blankney, Blencathra, Brecon and Exmoor sank U-450 off Anzio. Operation Shingle.

11 Mar 1787

Capt Horatio Nelson and Mrs Frances Nisbet married at Montpelier House, Nevis. Prince William, future King William IV, was best man.

12 Mar 1943

Destroyer Lightening sunk by German E-Boat S-55 off Bizerta. Legion rescued 170 men.

13 Mar 1762

RNH Stonehouse, Plymouth, opened.

14 Mar 1997

Destroyer Birmingham (later relieved by destroyer Exeter) stood by off Durres, Albania, to evacuate British nationals during internal unrest. Operation Helvin (ended 8 April).

15 Mar 1915

Blonde attacked by German aircraft. First merchant ship to be so attacked.

16 Mar 2002

Deployment of 42 Cdo RM to Northern Ireland. Fortieth deployment to Northern Ireland since 1969.

17 Mar 1858

Boats of Calcutta and Sterling captured or destroyed five pirate junks in Deep Bay, and recaptured Heather Bell yacht.


18 Mar 1915

Allied attack on the Narrows in the Dardanelles. Battleships Ocean and Irresistible mined and sunk. First instance in British naval history of two battleships, of wood or steel, being lost in action on the same day.

19 Mar 1998

First female commanding officers of HM ships appointed. Lt Melanie Robinson, Express (Cardiff), and Lt Suzanne Moore, Dasher (Bristol URNU).

20 Mar 1953

First naval helicopter lift of troops into combat (RN Sikorskys in Malaya).

21 Mar 1862

The Royal Marines divided into two separate corps, Royal Marine Artillery (RMA) and Royal Marine Light Infantry (RMLI), until 1923: the Blue and the Red Marines.

22 Mar 1899

Miniatures replaced medals for officers in ball dress.

23 Mar 1791

Pandora arrived at Tahiti in search of Bounty mutineers.

24 Mar 1387

The tenth Earl of Arundel captured nearly the whole of a FrancoBurgundian merchant fleet.

25 Mar 1675

Mary first Royal yacht, wrecked off Skerries.

26 Mar 1941

Heavy cruiser York hit by Italian MTM explosive motor boats in Suda Bay, Crete. Beached by destroyer Hasty and then bombed by German aircraft.

27 Mar 1865

Edgar (91), screw second rate, last line-of-battle ship to sail – literally – from Portsmouth harbour.

28 Mar 1903

Battleship Zealandia, first ship to pass through the Lock and to dry dock at Rosyth.

29 Mar 1920

Hood commissioned. Until then the heaviest ship in the RN, still the longest RN warship to date and its sixteenth and last battlecruiser.

30 Mar 1959

HM Dockyard Malta passed into civilian hands.

31 Mar 1992

Kit Upkeep Allowance (KUA) abolished, after seventy-five years.


Delegate/Observers for the Annual Conference 2011 Branch


Name of Delegate Delegate’s Address

telephone No

Post Code

Delegate’s Vehicle Reg No If appropriate

Number of Observers Names of Observers


Vehicle Registration Nos for observers If appropriate

Group Bus Registration Number Driver’s Name Name of Branch Hon Secretary Contact telephone No: (if not branch Hon Sec) Contact e-mail address Name and Address for correspondence (if not branch Hon Sec)

*Please continue on a separate sheet with all your branch observers and their vehicle details Travel details will be sent to a single point of contact for your branch Delegate and observers. This will be the Branch secretary unless otherwise indicated. NB: A Delegate will not be confirmed as such unless or until the Branch Balance Sheet for 2010 and Annual Subscriptions for Branch Members for 2011 have been received in RNA Headquarters (Rule 12©). Should either not have been received in HQ, the Delegate's Status will be deemed to be that of an Observer.


2011 Conference Information and Booking Form The 2011 Conference will be held in The Guildhall Royal Parade Plymouth. Delegates have expressed a preference to book their own accommodation. Anyone wishing assistance should consult the Plymouth Tourist office on 01752 306330 or their website. The welcome buffet and Conference dinner will be held in the senior rates Mess HMS DRAKE. Access to HMS DRAKE will be by the main gate on Keyham Road for those in cars and minibuses only. Acccess for coaches is by the Camels Head Gate. Access to HMS DRAKE can only be guaranteed for named persons and their vehicles. It is therefore vital to provide Vehicle Registration details and names with your booking details; or at least two weeks before conference, to HQ. Those travelling by coach must provide details of your coach and driver’s name. There will be a welcome Buffet and entertainment on the Friday night in the Senior Rates Mess HMS DRAKE. The Conference Dinner will be held at (1930) in the senior rates Mess HMS DRAKE. On Sunday 12 June the conference service will be held in the Church of St Andrew. This service will also see the rededication of a new National Standard. After the service there will be a march past and salute. Following this Delegates are invited to fall in on the Hoe at the National Naval War memorial for a short act of Remembrance and final march past on the Hoe. Following this there will be a bar and light buffet lunch in the Guildhall. Cost payable over the bar.

Booking form, for events only. Please complete the booking forms to facilitate planning for the appropriate numbers. Those events annotated ’pay on the day’ please indicate anticipated numbers of diners.

Friday 10 Welcome Buffet in HMS DRAKE

Anticipated Cost £5/head

Saturday 11 Conference lunch

Pay on the day

Saturday 11 Conference Dinner


Sunday 12 Post march past lunch

Pay on the day

No of members attending

Total cost



Please Note................

Approved on behalf of ........................ Branch ............................................. Name.......................... Please send completed booking form to HQ. 27

Jack Dusty’s Corner

Royal Naval Association Goods order form 2011 Send completed order form to; RNA HQ, Room 208, Semaphore Tower, Via PP 70 HM Naval Base, Portsmouth, PO1 3LT Catalogue Number Description





2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 11 11 5 5 5 6 6 8 70 70 9 10 17 17 17 17 17 30 24 24a 69 69a 23 23 a 23 b 64 64 a 64 b 64 c

Tie Pin gilt finish L £1.50 ........ Tie Pin gilt finish F £1.50 ........ Tie Pin gilt finish A £1.50 ........ Lapel Badge L £2.00 ........ Lapel Badge F £2.00 ........ Lapel Badge A £2.00 ........ Lapel badge H £2.00 ........ Lapel badge COA £2.00 ........ Lapel Badge gilt finish L £2.00 ........ Lapel Badge gilt finish F £2.00 ........ Lapel Badge gilt finish A £2.00 ........ Miniature Lapel Badge F £1.50 ........ Miniature lapel Badge A £1.50 ........ Enamel Tie Pin L £1.50 ........ Enamel Tie Pin F £1.50 ........ Enamel Tie Pin A £1.50 ........ Enamel Lapel Badge Clutch back L £1.50 ........ Enamel Lapel Badge Clutch back A £1.50 ........ Standard bearer Ensign Badge £5.50 ........ Standard bearer Branch bar £2.50 ........ Standard bearer Area bar £2.50 ........ Blazer Button Large £1.10 ........ Blazer Button Small £1.10 ........ Blazer Badge L £12.00........ Blazer Badge F £12.00........ Blazer Badge A £12.00........ Blazer Badge H £12.00........ Blazer Badge COA £12.00........ Beret Badge £8.00 ........ RNA Tie £8.00 ........ RNA Tie clip on £8.00 ........ Alternative Tie £8.00 ........ Alternative Tie silk £16.50........ Pewter Pint tankard Traditional £22.50 Pewter Pint tankard Georgian £28.50 Pewter half Pt tankard Georgian £22.50 £22.50 Pewter 6 0z hip flask £22.50 Pewter 4 0z hip flask Pewter Quaich £22.50 Pewter round trinket box £16.50 All with engraved RNA crest.

................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ......

19 18 20 21 22

Marcasite Anchor brooch Marcasite Crown brooch Marcasite crown earrings Marcasite anchor earrings Cufflinks black enamel L/F/A

....... ....... ....... ....... ........


£58.00 £58.00 £27.00 £27.00 £8.50

...... ...... ...... ...... ......

12 33 34 62 63 42 71 72 73 55

Silver Anchor on chain Place cards (10 pack) Card RNA crest Standard bearer Certificate Standard bearer retiring Cert Guide to ceremonial booklet Serviettes (100 pack) Shirt Badges Car tax disc holder Pencils inscribed with RNA Ladies Headscarf Bowties Metal Car badge

15.50 £1.10 £1.10 £1.10 £1.10 £2.10 £9.00 £0.75 £1.10 £0.25 £14 £8 £12

....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .......

...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......

All prices in Sterling and includes P&P

See the website or Diary for pictures of all the goods. Copies of the Royal Charter and rule book are in the 2009/10 Yearbook, or available on line.

Cheque to the value £....................... enclosed For credit/debit card users Card Type ..................................................... Cardholder’s Name ..................................................... Address ..................................................... .................................................... ..................................................... .................................................... Post code .......................... Phone No ..................................................... Card Number ..................................................... Expiry date ........................... Security number ........................... Issue Number ........................ Amount to be deducted £.......................... Authority to deduct from Branch Account On behalf of................................ Branch, I authorise you to deduct £.............From our account. Signature............................................

Dated ...................................

Please send Goods to; Name .................................................... Address .................................................... .................................................... ................................................... .................................................... Post code ............................


Welfare Seminar- Sat April 16th 2011 Branch


Name Address

Post Code Telephone No Email-address Accommodation if Required- number of nights Friday-15th Saturday-16th

Vehicle Registration No If appropriate




UNIVERSITY ROYAL NAVAL UNIT TRAINING OFFICER VACANCY A vacancy exists at Cambridge University Royal Naval Unit (CURNU) for a Training Officer. If you are ex-RN, RNR, Merchant Navy, or have skills, experience and qualifications that would allow you to teach navigation, seamanship and leadership in a Naval/Maritime context, you will enjoy this challenging and fun part-time training post. Former URNU members are also welcome to apply. Based in Cambridge, we train up to 51 undergraduate students in the need for and role of the Royal Navy. We train on Thursday evenings in Cambridge and at weekends with our dedicated training ship HMS TRUMPETER, based in Ipswich. Successful application would require you to join the Royal Naval Reserves List 7 (NO call up eligibility for current operations). You would be expected to undertake a 2-week training package at Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, and participate in at least 16 training evenings, 3 weekends and one two-week period over either the Easter or Summer holidays in each academic year. The post attracts pay at a rate of ÂŁ72.92 per day when on duty, a bonus if the above commitment is met, and travel expenses allowance. Uniform is provided, initially at the rank of Sub-Lieutenant RNR. Opportunities exist to gain RYA qualifications up to and including Yachtmaster (Power & Sail) depending on experience/ability. Opportunities also exist to conduct Adventurous Training, and you would have access to all Tri-Service Adventurous Training courses, expeditions and facilities. Interested applicants should expect to be able to commit to the Unit for at least 2 years. Contact the Commanding Officer, Cambridge URNU, at 2 Chaucer Road, Cambridge, CB2 7EB or email You should forward a CV detailing your experience and qualifications. Qualified individuals will then be called forward for interview. Applications should be submitted by the 04th Mar 11. For more information on Cambridge URNU Visit: 31

Please help us tell your story...

Please contact us via the web site below or ring Mr David Brown on 077455 14939 and we will take your details and send you a questionnaire. 32 The first and still No1 Special Discounts for Special People February Half-Term Ideas Welcome to the February Half-term Ideas newsletter where we include ideas and discounts for the February Half-term that includes suggestions for Days Out or a longer break. We also have Towergate Wilsons February Deal on Kit Insurance. This newsletter is sponsored by HotelstayUK with savings guaranteed from 10% up to 60%* off Hotels and Short Breaks in the UK, Europe & Worldwide!

HotelStayUK up to 60%* off Hotels &Short Breaks in the UK, Europe & Worldwide! >>>> Attractiontix - The world of theme parks and attractions Alton Towers February Half Term Offer >>>> SSAFA will receive £1 for every completed booking THE DEEP - THE WORLD'S ONLY SUBMARIUM One free child when accompanied with two full paying adults >>>>

LIGHTWATER VALLEY THEME PARK Special Forces Discount – Save Up To £51.00! Plan your visit, check out the rides and attractions >>>>

Blue Reef Aquarium Portsmouth Forces Discounts on Entrance, Membership, Food and Gifts for serving Armed Forces personnel and their immediate families (partners & children) on production of valid ID. >>>> This half-term get the family involved in Growing your own. The kids will love it! There's no excuse not to grow your own. You don't need a large garden or an allotment, just a few pots or containers - the patio will suffice if space is limited. During summer you'll have tasty crops in just a few weeks with minimal effort! Thompson & Morgan The UK's leading mail order suppliers of quality gardening products. Exclusive 10% Discount and no minimum order value >>>> Garden Bargains 50%-OFF membership plus FREE SEEDS WORTH £20.00 Membership Benefits: Enjoy 10% off All Your Purchases,


Specialist Tips & Advice from the Experts >>>> Check out the February Hot Deals from HotelstayUK, Haven, Thomas Cook, Cosmos Holidays, Thompson & Morgan, Activity Super Store and Patrol Store >>>>

Towergate Wilsons - February's Exclusive Deal 15% Off Kit Insurance >>>>

Classy Glass & Awards - Your One-Stop Engraving Shop! Special Armed Forces Discount >>>>

34 The first and still No 1

Victory Services Club - Newsletter


For more than 100 years we have supported the Armed Forces and their families with affordable accommodation and welfare breaks. We are the Victory Services Club; the all-ranks, tri-service, family-friendly London-based club. We are a charity that offers membership to the military community for the rest of their lives. Our Veteran Membership is priced at £20 a year and if you are the child of an ex-service personnel then you can take advantage of our family membership at £25 a year. Reunite Competition We want veterans to reunite at the VSC and we are offering veterans joining the VSC between 1st February & 31st July 2011 the chance to win a reunion party at the club for 20 of their closest military mates. The prize will include party room hire, drinks & food, a photographer and a dedicated VSC event manager to help you plan your reunion and to ensure it is an event no one will forget. Please call our membership team on 0207 616 8333 or email: and make the Victory Services Club Your Club for Life. Army v Navy Rugby Match Competition – Saturday 7th May 2011 Would you like to win two free tickets for the Army v Navy Rugby match at Twickenham and overnight accommodation at the Victory Services Club? All SAF Members & Spouse SAF Members who join between 1st February and 31st March 2011 will be entered into a draw to win prize. Contact Membership office on 0207 616 8355 or email: FAMILY FUN AT THE VSC 30th MAY – 5th JUNE 2011 support of National Family Week (30th May – 5th June 2011) we are offering Family Rooms from £124.80* per night.(*Memorial Wing based on 2 adults 2 children sharing inclusive of breakfast). On Saturday 4th June we will be holding a free Family Fun Day from 1pm to 4pm for all our members which include: Bouncy Castle, Face Painting, Dance Star Party, Disney DVD Corner, Magician, Balloon Modelling and Kid’s Lucky Bag for all junior members attending. Please call 0207 616 8357 to take up this wonderful family offer at the VSC. Or Visit:


In and will

GIFT AID DECLARATION - ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION Title ..... Forename(s) ................................. Surname ................……………. Address ........................................................ (Area no; ---------) ........................................................ ........................................................ Post Code ............. I want the charity to treat all donations I have made from the date of this declaration until I notify you otherwise as Gift Aid Donations Signature:- .................................................. Date:- ................................................……… Notes 1. If your declaration covers donations you may make in the future: Please notify the charity if you change your name or address while the declaration is still in force. You can cancel the declaration at any time by notifying the charity - it will then not apply to donations you make on or after the date of cancellation or such later date as you specify. 2. You must pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax that the charity reclaims on your donations in the tax year (currently 25p for each £1 you give). 3. If in the future your circumstances change and you no longer pay tax on your income and capital gains equal to the tax that the charity reclaims, you can cancel your declaration (see note 1). 4. If you pay tax at the higher rate you can claim further tax relief in your Self Assessment tax return. 5. If you are unsure whether your donations qualify for Gift Aid tax relief, ask the charity. Or you can ask you local tax office for leaflet IR113 Gift Aid.


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