Branch Circular #607 (April 2011)

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Royal Naval Association

Branch Circular No 607

April 2011 1

Dear Shipmate Branch Secretary, Easter and Spring greetings from the HQ staff at Semaphore Tower. This month’s Circular is just a little earlier than usual since some of the staff are on leave. I hope you enjoy the new booklet form and the picture of two Type 45s on the jetty just down from the HQ, taken yesterday on my phone. Enclosed with this Circular are two very important documents, the conference Agenda and the Report to Conference. The Conference Agenda has the various motions that are going to be discussed at Plymouth and you will want to be sure that your Delegate knows your views. The Report to Conference has the audited accounts for the RNA and the main report of the National Council to the Association, this report has to follow strict guidelines from the Charity Commission and has an analysis of the accounts and the activities of the RNA over the past year. You may also want to take a view on the election to the Standing Orders Committee, we are fortunate that we have 4 candidates for 2 posts, and again your delegate will need your Branch’s guidance. Please keep up with the sales of the Conference Raffle tickets with the bigger prize pool this year; proceeds of the raffle go to the Central Charities Fund. If you are an 11 Hon Sec there is an important notice for you too. We are looking forward to welcoming Shipmates to the HQ Open day, which will now include a harbour boat tour, courtesy of our friends in Semaphore Tower, please bid to Nigel if you want to come, we still have places available. I would particularly bring to the notice of ships, establishments and reserve units the fact that the First Sea Lord has kindly agreed to present operation medals at our Biennial Parade for those who have not had a formal presentation. Just a note to me at HQ is enough to get on the list. The marketing campaign is now in full preparation for the launch at Conference, with the main printing going ahead, website in full development and a bid in for funding for our innovative Shipmates campaign idea for the RNA to help those having to leave the Naval Service early. The National chair covers some of these points in his Easter update. Those who require materials for events over the Summer should contact Nigel or Phil, we will have some new and exciting stuff branded for our Member-get-Member campaign, in our new logo and fonts. Hope to see many of you over the Summer

Best wishes from Semaphore Tower Paul Quinn General Secretary 2

Chairman’s Chat – April 2011 Shipmates, Keith Crawford and I have now been welcomed at eight area delegates meetings, with five of them in the last eight weeks. We have been very impressed by the warmth of the hospitality we have received and the support we have had for taking this initiative. We have two more programmed, and two other areas have expressed a wish to welcome us but we have yet to agree a date. A very sincere thank-you to all those areas who have responded so positively to our offer to come and meet with your delegates and officials. Good comradeship is alive and flourishing within our great Association. As we now move towards our National Conference the RNA looks forward to a very good weekend being organised by the Plymouth Branch. We already have about 90 delegates notified and are expecting around 400 attendees in all, so a good gathering in a Naval home port can be expected by everyone. The facilities being laid on by Plymouth - Branch, Base and City - are first class, and I am confident we will have great time. There are some interesting motions for debate and I am sure our guest of honour, the Naval Secretary, Rear Admiral David Steel CBE, will be impressed by the interest shown by, and the turnout of, our enthusiastic membership. Admiral Steel, along with the First and Second Sea Lords, and just recently the Chief of the Defence Staff through contact with our National President, is very supportive of our Shipmates Campaign to provide a helping hand to Royal Navy redundees over the next three to four years. He will launch this campaign at Conference and, although it is an opportunity for us in our year of recruiting that we would have preferred not to have seen, it is one we must engage with fully and wholeheartedly to provide a welcome to our serving shipmates who are having to make the transition to civilian life earlier than expected. Many may not want it, and we could suffer a backlash of resentment against the Navy and all associated with it, but we must all strive to provide a welcome to and an empathy with these unfortunate shipmates. No matter how badly done-by they may feel on discharge, a few years down the line most of them will, like all of us, look back on our Service time with fondness and affection, so it is important we do our best to lessen their disappointment with a hearty welcome at the earliest opportunity. I am sure you will do so. Finally, we will also launch at Conference our Member Get Member (MGM) Campaign. The National Council has already given the go-ahead for packs of material to go to each Branch to support MGM, all of which can be used for Armed Forces Day events in June. These packs will be available for Branch Delegates to take away with them from Conference and branches not attending will have the packs sent to them. There will be presentations and displays at Conference on both Campaigns and I would encourage any Branch who is still undecided on whether to send a delegate to choose to do so as it will be a great opportunity to garner as much information as possible on the plans we hope will rejuvenate and invigorate the RNA for the next 50 years in our year of recruiting. I look forward to seeing many of you in Plymouth and hope you will take the opportunity to seek out Keith and myself, other NCMs and National Officers, and get as many answers to your questions as you can. We set sail from Plymouth on a new and exciting RNA voyage. Yours Chris Dovey 3

Contents Daily Orders 1. Conference issues 2. Gala Dinner at Conference 3. Conference-Election to Standing Orders Committee 4. Dorchester Armed Forces Day 5. HQ Open Days 6. HMS Prince of Wales& HMS Repulse survivors association 7. IMC-Sailing Camp 8. National Council Elections-Area 11 9. Donations received for the Charities Fund 10. Biennial Parade 11. I never knew this-keeping safe 12. A big Bravo Zulu 13. Armed Forces Day-Greenwich 14. HMS Antelope 30th Reunion 15. Default retirement at age 65 to end 16. Concessionary Bus travel in Scotland 17. Book Review- Cast Off 18. Book Review-British Cruisers 19. Royal Naval Benevolent Trust-Almshouse 20. The Secretary’s Lament 21. WRNSBT-70th Anniversary Book 22. Londonderry Branch-Battle of the Atlantic programme 23. RNA Conference Programme Shortcast Longcast Ship’s Office 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Pusser’s Rum Competition Winner A rum cocktail for a Royal Salute to Will and Kate Area and Branch updates Conference Programme The Australian Way

Swinging the Lamp For the noticeboard (included loose-leaf): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Election to Standing Orders Committee-Voting Form Conference Booking Form Branch requests for 2011 renewal cards Latest Slops Price List and Order Form RNA Gift Aid Declaration Form


Glossary of terms NCM NC AMC FAC NatCh NatVCh NP DNP GS Asap

National Council Member National Council Association Management Committee Finance Administration Committee National Chairman National Vice Chairman National President Deputy National President General Secretary As soon as possible

Throughout ď ? indicates a new or substantially changed entry Contacts:


023 9272 3823


023 9272 3371

Assistant General Secretary (Membership & Slops)

023 9272 3747


023 9272 3823

General Secretary

023 9272 2983

RNA HQ Staff continue to attempt to build a library of e-mail addresses within the Association. It would be extremely helpful if those Branch Secretaries able to communicate by e-mail would forward a short e-message to HQ to


Daily Orders 1.

 Conference issues

As Conference approaches remember that to gain access to HMS DRAKE we will need your details and payment for the Reception and or Gala Dinner. The agenda is included with this Circular. There is one Council motion and 7 Branch motions. Please put before your Branch members so that your delegate knows the points that he or she is to make and your preferred voting intentions. The report to conference has is enclosed with this circular. It is printed on A4 for ease of reading. This contains the RNA’s accounts for the year as well as the report of the National Council as Trustees, again please show to your branch delegate if you are attending Conference. If not show them anyway!!!! Raffle Tickets for the Central Charities Fund If anyone requires any more Raffle tickets then please inform Nigel/Philip at RNA HQ, and they will dispatch them. Get those tickets in!!!! _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Gala Dinner at Conference Still not too late to sign up for the Conference, the Reception and the Gala Dinner. The Pusser’s rum for the tot has been delivered!!! Please remember if you haven’t filled in an event form you will not be able to gain access to HMS DRAKE on the night! Please note – Conference Buffet/Dinner there will be no refunds for cancellations after two weeks before the events. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3.  Conference - Election to Standing Orders Committee

Two members of the SOC complete their two year tour of service at conference 2011. There are four candidates for the two positions; S/M Baker, S/M Lyons, S/M Peatling and S/M Simmons. All four candidates have received branch support in accordance with the bye-law as revised by Conference 2010. Voting is limited to Conference Delegates only and completed Voting forms will be issued and collected during the course of Conference proceedings on 11 June 2011. I enclose a copy of the voting form so that you, as a branch, can review and give voting directions to your delegate, should you wish. The actual voting form will be issued with the delegate pack on the day. ______________________________________________________________________ 4. Dorchester Armed Forces Day 2011 – Saturday 2 July 2011 The routine for Dorchester Armed Forces Day will be: 6

1200 1325 1330 1400 1430 to 1630

Lunch in the Corn Exchange Parade marches off from North Square Mayor will take the salute outside Barclays Bank in South St. Armed Forces Day Civic Service in the Borough Gardens. Music in the Borough gardens. The Mayor will also present Veterans Lapel badges during the afternoon.

As well as veterans, there will be a platoon from the Armour Centre and Cadet units marching on the day. Veterans wishing to take part should contact S/M Roy Dean, 01305 853442; Mob 07788 892908; ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. HQ Open Days The HQ will be holding two open days in 2011 on Friday 20th May and Friday 16th September starting at 11am. Come along to Semaphore Tower for the chance to meet HQ staff. Please register your interest with Nigel. We have managed to book a MoD boat for a tour of the harbour and dockyard from 1230 to 1330 and the GS cold dead fingers might be prised away from a tot or two of Pusser’s. ____________________________________________________________________________ 6.  HMS Prince of Wales & HMS Repulse survivors association 10 Dec 2011 The 10th December 2011 marks the 70th anniversary of the sinking of HMS Prince of Wales & HMS Repulse in the Far East. The association is hoping to raise £12,000 to place a memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire on the 70th anniversary and is seeking donations. The memorial will be dedicated to all those were served on the ships and will be unveiled after the annual memorial service which this year will be held in the chapel For further information please contact the association secretary, Hannah Rickard, 19 Crossways, South Croydon, Surrey, CR2 8JP or telephone 0208 657 3915. Contact can also be made vie the website ____________________________________________________________________________ 7.

 IMC - Sailing Camp

Thank you to those who applied, successful candidates have been notified by the GS. You will be pleased to hear that we have a full contingent of 6 young people. ____________________________________________________________________________ 8.

 National Council Elections 2011/2013 – 11 Area

There is an election for the National Council member for 11 Area. Voting forms have been passed to branch Secretaries in 11 Area. Remember that all branches must return the form even if no votes are recorded by 27 May at the latest. Nil Returns are required by Headquarters ____________________________________________________________________________ 9.

 Donations received for the Charities Fund

Thank you for the donations received this month to the Central charities fund. RNA – Dereham -

£100.00 7

________________________________________________________________________ 10.  Biennial Parade – 11 September 11 I am delighted to report that the First Sea Lord has kindly agreed to present operational medals at the parade for those who have not had a formal presentation. This applies particularly to serving and reserve personnel. Applications to the General secretary. _____________________________________________________________________________ 11.

 I never knew this – keeping safe

What is the difference between http and https ? Don't know how many of you are aware of this difference, but it is worth sending to any that don’t .... **The main difference between http:/// and https:// is It's all About keeping you secure** HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol The S (big surprise) stands for "Secure".. If you visit a Website or web page, and look at the address in the web browser, it Will likely begin with the following: http://. This means that the website is talking to your browser using The regular 'unsecured language. In other words, it is possible for Someone to "eavesdrop" on your computer's conversation with the Website. If you fill out a form on the website, someone might see The information you send to that site. This is why you never ever enter your credit card number in an Http website! But if the web address begins with https://, that Basically means your computer is talking to the website in a Secure code that no one can eavesdrop on. You understand why this is so important, right? If a website ever asks you to enter your credit card Information, you should automatically look to see if the web Address begins with https:// If it doesn't, You should NEVER enter sensitive Information....such as a credit card number.

PASS IT ON (You may save someone a lot of grief). __________________________________________________________________________ 12.  A big Bravo Zulu! To those who attended and arranged a superb Club seminar (20 attendees) and the Welfare seminar (52 attendees). A great success, learning points will be published on the website. ___________________________________________________________________________ 13.  ARMED FORCES DAY 2011- Greenwich Borough- Sat 25 Jun 11 Greenwich Borough Council has teamed up for a second year with the military to hold a combined Great Get Together (community event) and the Armed Forces Day. This event will take place on the Royal Artillery Barracks sports fields, Repository Road, Woolwich, SE18 4BB on Sat 25 Jun 11. Last year’s inaugural event attracted over 15000 people. I have plenty of Army participation but with the strong RN tradition in the borough I am trying to get the message out to a wider 8

audience. One of the events on the day is a ‘parade of veterans’. I am organising the event and want to get as much participation from all 3 services. For more information please contact, Maj GW Porter | 2IC | CVHQ RA & HQ Woolwich Stn | RA Bks, Woolwich SE18 4BB | __________________________________________________________________________ 14.  HMS ANTELOPE 30th Reunion -26 May 2012 On Saturday 26 May 2012 HMS ANTELOPE will be having its 30th reunion since the Falklands. It will be held on SS Great Britain in Bristol and members of both commissions are invited to attend, along with any family and friends who may like to join us, but names and numbers are needed asap. Anyone interested can contact me and I will give them the information they will need. Obviously the ship needs to be booked well in advance which is why the early notice. Dorothy Benn-Hon Sec-Stroud Branch 01453-757 984 _________________________________________________________________________ 15.  Default retirement at age 65 to end The age at which you can be forced to retire from work is to be phased out between April and October this year. At the moment, employers have the right to make you stop work at age 65. This is called the Default Retirement Age (DRA). When the changes come into force, in most jobs you'll be able to choose when you want to leave work. How the changes affect you will depend on when you're due to retire: • if you're due to retire before 1 October 20ll, your employer can still force you to stop work at age 65 if they give you notice before 5 April • from 6 April 2011, If your employer hasn't already told you that you have to retire at age 65, they can no longer force you to stop work because of your age, even if you're going to be 65 before 1 October • after 1 October, employers will not be able to force you to stop work at age 65. They may be able to dismiss for other reasons, but they will have to justify what they are • these changes will apply to most workers. However, there may be a few jobs where your

employer can make you retire at age 65 for a specific reason. This could be, for example, where your age could affect your physical or mental ability to do your job. The new rules also mean that an employer cannot refuse to employ you on the grounds of your age if you apply for a job after you've reached 65. If you do decide to stay on at work after age 65, this may affect your entitlement to certain work benefits, such as life insurance, permanent health insurance and health insurance. An employer may still refuse to cover you. However, your rights to take part in company pension schemes or share schemes shouldn't be affected. You also won't have to pay any National Insurance contributions on the money you earn so your take home pay would increase. You can get more information about what you need to think about if you want to work over the age of 65 at If you want to know more about what your employer must 9

tell you, go to the ACAS website at If you're worried about how the changes will affect you, or think that your employer may be discriminating against you because of your age, you can get advice on what to do from your nearest Citizens Advice Bureau. ___________________________________________________________________________ 16.  Concessionary Bus Travel in Scotland The Scottish Government recently announced concessionary bus travel for Veterans who are in receipt of an award from the AFCS. Details can be found at the links below. ___________________________________________________________________________ 17.  “Cast Off” by R. Fosyth and Antony G Spencer This is a story about a boy who grew up knowing that he was unwanted by his mother who herself had been unwanted by his father. He was only six years of age in that summer of 1940 when London was about to be battered by the German bombers night and day. An aunt came to the rescue by taking him and his elder brother on a big adventure across the Atlantic to a safe haven, Canada. He was brought back very much against his will before the end of the war only to find continuing hostilities in his home life culminating in him being placed in a strict repressive Orphanage for boys at the age of ten. Tony survived the hardships of an institutional life and made his way in the wider world as a signalman in the Royal Navy. There was much rough weather ahead for this raw recruit, but he came through it all and was to fulfil his greatest ambition to become a supportive caring father for his children that he had never known. This is the true life story of this “unwanted” little red haired boy who has successfully weathered many terrible storms in his life and with God’s help has come through all of them with flying colours. To order this book please visit; or available from your local booksellers or preferred on- line retailers. _____________________________________________________________________ 18.  Book Review British Cruisers -Two World Wars and After

by Prof Norman Friedman 2010

Reviewed by Tim Stopford March 2011 Prof. Fieldmans researches are rarely surpassed either in depth or breadth. This comprehensive book covers the RN cruisers of the “radio age” (early 1900’s to date) plus cruiser minelayers- all in sufficient detail for a doctorate ! Many of us recall TIGER and Blake being converted to helicopter-cruisers. This moved forward the original concept of an independent trade route protector of the early 20th centaury to a command cruiser whose long-range weapon was the helicopter (helo). Four in a deck hanger aft, but still a six inch 10

cruiser forward. When the post- WW2 aircraft carrier (CVA-01) was cancelled, this escort cruiser was redundant. The redesign of a command cruiser foresaw a 9-12 helo ship with hanger and workshops, operations and briefing rooms on one deck with a flying-off point (or flight deck) above. This ensured weather protection for the helo flight below decks. Hence the “through- deck cruiser” with an endurance of 5000nm and powered by economical gas turbines. All is detailed in this book. Chapters include Trade Protection, Treaty Cruisers, Wartime and the missile age. Full and clear appendices of data and ship lists plus a general index in clear typeface complete the book, which also lies flat when opened. Highly commended for research in depth complemented by excellent monochrome photographs-some extending over both pages. ___________________________________________________________________________ 19.  Royal Naval Benevolent Trusts - Almshouse You may or may not be aware that the RNBT runs a 6-unit almshouse located in Hornchurch, Essex. They took over as the sole trustee a couple of years ago - the remaining trustees (all 2 of them) were both getting on and were unable to find replacements so asked RNBT to take it on. Although all 6 properties are currently occupied a vacancy may come about in the next 12 months or so. We do not have anyone on the waiting list at present. If you want to put your name down (a very good idea) contact: Chief Executive Royal Naval Benevolent Trust Castaway House, 311 Twyford Avenue, PORTSMOUTH PO2 8RN 02392 690112 07958 182152 Web-site: __________________________________________________________________________ 20.

 The Secretary’s Lament

If the secretary writes a letter, it’s too long If he sends a postcard, it’s too short If he speaks at a meeting he’s interrupting If he doesn’t he is shirking the responsibility If he offers a suggestion he’s a know it all If he says nothing he’s useless If the attendance is poor, he should have telephoned If he telephones he’s a nuisance If he reminds a member to pay his subs, he’s insulting If he doesn’t he’s lazy If the meeting is a success, the committee are praised If it’s a failure, the secretary is blamed If he seeks advice, he’s incompetent If he doesn’t he’s a big head Ashes to ashes, dust to dust If others won’t do it the Secretary must __________________________________________________________________________ 11

21.  WRNSBT 70th Anniversary Commemorative Book The WRNSBT are producing a 70th anniversary commemorative book. They ask that all Wrens look through their albums and to send photos and contributions for the book, due for publication early next year. Contact is: Sarah Ayton Women’s Royal Naval Service Benevolent Trust Tel 02392 655301


 Londonderry Branch - Battle of the Atlantic programme

Sat 7th May 2011 1930 for 2000 Dinner at the City Hotel. Those wishing to attend should inform Hon. Sec. at the address below together with cost of dinner at £25.00 per head asap. Sunday 8th MAY. 1015. 1030. 1040. 1100. 1215. 1315.

Muster at The Services Club, Spencer Road. March off to All Saints’, Clooney. Arrive All Saints’ Service Commences. March Off to Services Club, Review to be taken enroute. Light Refreshments served.

S/M. F. J. Brown, 4, Myrtlefield Road, Kilfennan, Londonderry, BT47 5PG. Email - frankj-brown


 RNA Conference Programme

The Programme for the Conference is reproduced in the Ships Office this month for info


Welfare Update #7 Welfare Update The Navy is and always has been a “family”. This month we look at what help the family offers to serving and former shipmates. Access is direct or via your local Welfare Officer, SSAFA, RBL or SVPA to obtain grants or care on an individual basis but the key question is who provides what? The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity (RNRMC) provides a focus and support to the entire naval family to help and support serving, former shipmates and dependants in need. This is achieved through supported or affiliate Charities. See the web at or call 023 9254 8093 for details. The Naval Service Dependants' Fund run by RNRMC pays out £12,000 on death in service of serving personnel within 48 hours of receiving the news. There are no restrictions, no contribution is payable to the Fund to qualify and the amount is not means tested in any way. The Naval Benevolent Trust (RNBT) provides S/Ms and their dependants with support at times of need. See the web at :// or call 02392 690112. The Naval Service Benevolence Fund (NSBF) provides relief to beneficiaries and their dependants in need through grants, and loans or via grants to other naval charities. Contact via 023 9254 8093. The Women’s Royal Naval Service Benevolent Trust (WRNSBT) supports ex WRENS, provide help to members and their dependants in distress and can make grants for the education of members. See the web at or call 023 9265 5301 or email to The Royal Marines Association. For assistance contact their HQ on 023 9265 1519 or via local branches listed on the website at The Fleet Air Arm Benevolent Trust (FAABT) provides financial support to those serving members of the Naval Service killed or injured in an aircraft accident or who have need of assistance on an ongoing basis or their dependants. Contact 023 9254 8093. The Royal Navy & Royal Marines Children’s Fund (RNRMCF) supports children whose parents work, or have worked, for the Naval Service. Contact via the website at or 02392 639534 or email The Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service Trust Fund (QARNNS) relieves hardship of all serving and former QARNNS personnel through financial grants. Applications will normally be made via SSAFA, British Red Cross or the RNRMC. The Plymouth Royal Naval Aid Fund (PRNAF) supports those serving in the Plymouth Naval Command, the western family services area or in ships that have Plymouth as their base port. Contact Owen Shread on 01752 555277. The China Fleet Trust can provide of leisure and holidays for ratings and non-commissioned officers. Contact via 01752 854630. The ‘Not Forgotten’ Association supports provision of leisure and activities for service and ex-service personnel with disabilities or who are wounded but not for their spouses or other family members except where they act as carers to eligible S/Ms with disabilities. Contact is through 020 7730 2400/020 7730 3660 or email to

Geoff Apperley, Royston RNA Branch and Area 6 Welfare Officer


Shortcast HMS Dreadnought Association Reunion: 6 May 2011 All ex serving members of the boat including their families and friends are invited to attend at the Bosworth Hotel and spa near Coventry. Full details available online: HMS Glasgow (C21 and D88) – 6-9 May 11 The 31st reunion will be held at the Queens Hotel, Paignton 6-9 May 11. Details from S/M Gary Eaton 10, Elderwood Ave, Thornton, Cleverleys FY5 5EQ. Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association: 6-9 May 2011 Will be holding a Mini Reunion at The Bancourt Hotel, Torquay. Great programme including a bit of time afloat. More info on website: LONDONDERRY BRANCH-Battle of the Atlantic Programme Saturday 7th May. 1930hrs at CITY HOTEL for Dinner at 2000 hrs. Those S/M’s wishing to attend should inform Hon. Sec. at the address below together with cost of dinner at £25.00 per head. Please note :- The cut-off date for this dinner is 30th April 2010. S/M FJ Brown,4 Myrtlefield Road, Kilfennan, Londenderry, BT47 2HQ Rosyth & West Fife Branch: 7-8 May 11 The Diamond Jubilee will be celebrated over the weekend 7-8 May 2011. Saturday 1900 Dinner Dance till 2359, in the Carnegie Conference Centre Dunfermline Fife. Rig Formal; anticipated cost, £25 including wine at the table. Sunday – Inverkeithing Fife, for a Church service at 1030; including the rededication of the Branch Standard. Followed by a march past led by the National Standard and the Royal Burgh of Inverkeithing Pipe Band. North Russia Club Reunion: 7-14 May 11 The reunion will be held in Jersey from 7-14th May at the Westpark Hotel, St Hillier, JE2 3HB. For more info contact S/M Harry Allen 01843 832943 or S/M Austin Byrne 01274 881821 Bulwark, Albion & Centaur Association: 13 May 2011 AGM & Reunion Weekend at South Downs Holiday Village, Bracklesham Bay, Chichester, commencing May 13. Three night package including Gala Dinner & entertainment for just £119. Please contact the Secretary Denis Askham: HMS Cambrian Association Reunion: 13-15 May 2011 Our next reunion for all who served on board the ship at any time will be at the King Charles Hotel, Gillingham. HMS Phoebe Association - Cruiser (C43) and Frigate (F42): 13-16 May 2011 Have their annual (15th) reunion from May 13 to 16 at Hinton Firs Hotel in Bournemouth. All ex crew are welcome to join us. Please contact the secretary Roy Pavely: 14

Royal Naval Engineroom Association Reunion: 20-21 May 2011 19th Annual Reunion at the Nautical Club, Birmingham. Details from Bob Styants: HMS Saintes Association Reunion: 20-23 May 2011 Reunion at the Tillington Hall Hotel, Stafford. All former shipmates and guests are welcome. HMS Leeds Castle First Crew Reunion: 27-29 May 2011 Takes place at the Liner Hotel, Lord Nelson Street, Liverpool, L3 5QB. Guests/Partners are welcome. For more information contact Mark Winn: HMS Cavalier Association: 27-30 May 2011 Annual reunion and AGM at the Britannia Hotel, Coventry from May 27 to 30. For full details contact Dave Shardlow: No 2 Area Standard Bearers Competition: 28 May 11 No 2 Areas biennial Standard Bearers competition will be held on Saturday 28 May at the Royal Engineer’s Gymnasium Brompton Kent. This will be hosted by the Chatham branch. The Gym will be open from 1000 completing about 1630 after the award of trophies. There will be an Open, Area and novices competition; standard bearers from outside the area may enter the Open competition. Applications to ; S/M Chris Durban, 48 Fox Hollow Lane, Bexleyheath, DA7 4UR. Closing date for applications - 12 March 2011 Exeter 82 Association: 28 May 2011 A reunion is planned at the W/O & Chiefs mess at HMS Excellent from 1930hrs. The invite is open to all ex Exeter crew members. For more information contact Reg Cornall:

RNA Gravesend Open Day: 30 May 2011

The Gravesend Branch is celebrating two anniversaries this year: the Branch is 75 years old and the Club is 30 years old. The event starts at 1300 hrs. HMS Euryalus Association: 4 June 2011 AGM and Reunion Dinner to be held at the Rutland Square Hotel, Nottingham. Ring the hotel on 0115 941 1114 quoting 64968 or contact Barbara Cotton: 01386 438434. Federation of Old Comrades Annual Parade: 5 June 2011 The 151st Annual Parade is being held on Sunday 5th June. There will be a wreath laying ceremony at 1030 hrs followed by a march from the Royal Exchange, London to the Hon. Artillery Barracks, Moorgate. This is followed by a service and then a luncheon (with wine) for £16.50. Eating is not mandatory. The inspecting officer is a Vice Admiral so it would be nice to have some RNA Standards on parade. If interested and wishing to dine please contact Alan Peatling: 01376 514761 or Alternatively, for the parade and service only, just turn up on the day. 15

Grenville 23 Mess, HMS Ganges, 14 Recruitment 1958 Reunion: 10 June 2011 A reunion for the boys who joined HMS Ganges on June 10, 1958 and lived in Grenville 23 Mess, will take place at Chatham on June 10. Anyone who lived in that mess at the time is very welcome to attend. Please contact Bill Rosewell: HMS Liverpool Association Reunion: 11 June 2011 The 28th reunion takes place at the GIs Association, Whale Island, mustering at 1200. Our association is made up of those who served on the Cruiser and the Type 42 Destroyer and new members are always welcome. For more information and membership details contact John Parker: HMS Hecla Gulf Deployment 1990 Reunion: 17-19 June 2011 A reunion is being planned for June 17 to 19. Please contact Colin Bodenham: so that an idea of numbers can be gained. Alternatively, you can search Facebook for HMS Hecla Reunion. HMS Belfast Reunion: 18-19 June 2011 A 50th Anniversary reunion of the 1961-1962 commission is being held aboard HMS Belfast 1819 June. Contact Tom Liddiard, Mansfield Branch. Armed Forces Day at Staple Hill: 25 June 2011 There will be an Armed Forces Day parade and events at Staple Hill. These are being jointly organised by the South Gloucestershire Council, The Royal British Legion Staple Hill and District Branch and Kingswood and Hanham Branch.

Greenwich Borough Council

Sat 25 June as teamed up for a second year with the military to hold a combined Great Get Together (community event) and the Armed Forces Day. This event will take place on the Royal Artillery Barracks sports fields, Repository Road, Woolwich, SE18 4BB. For more information please contact, Maj GW Porter | 2IC | CVHQ RA & HQ Woolwich Stn | RA Bks, Woolwich SE18 4BB |

Armed Forces Day at Bognor Regis: 26 June 2011

To be held at the Waterloo Square, the Pier area and beach of Bognor Regis from 10am on the 26th June. The theme of the event is honouring Britain’s Armed Forces Past, Present and Future.

Dorchester Armed Forces Day 2011 – Saturday 2 July 2011 D-Boats Association Reunion: 2-3 July 2011 Annual reunion will take place in the WO, SR & SNCOs Mess, HMS Nelson. The salute will be taken by a CO from one of the new type 45s. After the march past, tot time and lunch in the mess with invited guests. Further details on the reunion or how to join the Association can be obtained from Mike Smith: or visit the website: Littlehampton Sea Sunday: 17 July 2011 16

Meeting at 1300 in Norfolk Road carpark. March to River Arun and cast wreaths followed by a club buffet. HMS CERES Reunion: 12-14 August 2011 Reunion 12-14 August ’11 the The Crown Hotel Harrogate, contact - Richard Knight on 01937 581404 for more details. S58 Class Reunion: 17 September 2011 Calling all members of S58 Class. To commemorate the 45th anniversary of our joining the Royal Navy in September 1966, a reunion is to be held on September 17 in Portsmouth. Those interested please contact Colin Stokes: CT/Special Communications Unit Reunion: 22 September 2011 Reunion to be held in the WO & Sgt's Mess, Ayios Nikolaos, Cyprus on the evening of September 22. Final details and price to be agreed in the spring. The evening will include an informal buffet. Wives and partners will be welcome. Own accommodation to be arranged individually by attendees. Anyone desiring to attend please contact Eddie Clamp: HMS Invincible Communications Association (Falklands) 82 Reunion: 23-25 September 2011 Annual Reunion to be held in Bournemouth. For details contact Tim Jenkins: or see the website: 847 NAS (1969-1971) Reunion: 23-25 September 2011 This will take place at the Bosworth Hall Hotel from September 23 to 25, 2011. For more details contact Cliff Jones: HMS Churchill Reunion: 24 September 2011 7th Reunion Dinner Dance takes place on September 24 at the Queens Hotel, Chester. The fee is £40 per person and rooms can be booked direct. For more details contact Andrew Broadbelt: or visit the website: HMS Alert 1961-63 Commission Reunion: 1 October 2011 The next reunion muster, which will be the 50th anniversary of the commission, will be held at 7.30pm on October 1 at The Angel Hotel, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. Enquiries to R Howard MBE: HMS Ajax and River Plate Veterans Association Reunion: 5-6 October 2011 46th Annual reunion will be held at the King Charles Hotel, Gillingham, Kent. Open to all who served in the cruiser 1937- 48 or frigate 1963 - 84 or relatives of those who did so. For further details please contact Malcolm Collis: HMS Tartar Association Reunion: 7-8 October 2011 8th Reunion and AGM at The Red Lea Hotel. All former members of HMS Tartar F133 and her WWII predecessor and their spouses are most welcome to join us for a great weekend. 17

Numbers have increased at every reunion, so make the effort, you will be guaranteed a warm welcome. For further details please contact: Keith Helliwell: HMS Morecambe Bay Association Reunion: 14-16 October Reunion at the Inglewood Hotel, Torquay. All Bay Class frigate men are welcome. FAA Safety Equipment & Survival Association Reunion: 14-16 October Reunion to be held at Bosworth Hall Hotel, Market Bosworth,Leicestershire. Please contact Secretary Gordon ‘Pixie’ Parks: RNA Plymouth: 14-17 October 2011 9th Biennial Trafalgar Weekend will be held at the Sefton Hotel, Babbacombe 14-17th October 2011. 3 days £110, 2 days £75. Details from Sue Gutteridge, Plymouth Social Secretary (01752) 849176. Email HMS Naiad Reunion: 21 October 2011 Reunion being held on 21st Oct 2011 in Chatham. Please see website for details or call 07833948080. 822 Royal Marine Recruit Squad Reunion: 21-13 October 2011 A 4th reunion for the Squad (formed January 1965) is planned at the Barcelo Imperial Hotel, Blackpool. At present there are 17 squad members "signed up" including 12 who are attending with their respective spouses. Are there any more "822ers" out there? If so contact Bill Wood: Llanelli Branch: 23 October 2011 The Llanelli Branch are going to hold a memorial service on 23rd October by the town hall in Llanelli and unveil a stone dedicated to all shipmates that have “crossed the bar”. This will form part of the branch celebrations for 35 years in commission. HMS Lowestoft Reunion: 28-29 October 2011 To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the first commissioning a reunion has been arranged to take place at Chatham on 28/29 October. All who served in HMS Lowestoft during her 25 years in service (1961-1986) are welcome to attend. For further details please contact Ian Mckenzie: or visit the website: HMS Llandaff Annual Reunion: 28-31 October 2011 All ex Llandaff crew members, family and friends are welcome to attend a reunion at the Britannia Airport Hotel, Ponteland, Newcastle Upon Tyne. For more information contact Ken Rutherford: HMS Cavalier 1970-72 Commission Reunion: 4-6 November 2011 Reunion at The King Charles Hotel. It would be nice if family members and friends can also join us on this occasion. A booking form is available from the hotel: 01634 830303. Please also let David Thompson know your interest so that he can gauge numbers: 18

HMS Prince of Wales & HMS Repulse survivors association 10 Dec 2011 For further information please contact the association secretary, Hannah Rickard, 19 Crossways, South Croydon, Surrey, CR2 8JP or telephone 0208 657 3915. Contact can also be made vie the website


 HMS ANTELOPE 30th Reunion -26 May 2012 Anyone interested please contact Dorothy Benn-Hon Sec-Stroud Branch 01453-757 984

RNA Longcast 2011 22 April – 2 May 7 May 7 May 7-8 May 18 May to 4 June 20 May 21 May 21 May 24 May to 1 June 27 May 30 May 3 June 4 June 7 June 10 June 10-12 June 16 June 18 June 22 June 25-26 June 11-29 July 17 July 17 July 27 July – 15 Aug 29 July 30 July 1 Aug 12-14 August 13 August 20 August 5 -18 Sept

Gen Sec and Michelle on leave 5 Area meeting – Beccles - Nat Ch and NVCh 3 Area meeting – Horsham (11am) Rosyth Diamond Jubilee – National Standard paraded (NP, GS) Philip on leave HQ Open Day 2 Area meeting (UJC) Bletchly - RNA on 21st May and not Welwyn Garden City Michelle on leave NCM 11 Area election forms due at HQ Gravesend Branch Celebrations. Pusser’s Rum presentation HMS VICTORY (GS) HMS COLLINGWOOD Open Day IEST meeting (GS) AMC/FAC and National Council (Plymouth) RNA Conference – Plymouth RNA presentation to CO Desig course Stirling RNA Parade (National Standard) RNA Hull Dinner (DNP) Armed Forces Days Nigel on leave Falmouth RNA Sea Sunday parade (GS) Littlehampton Sea Sunday march GS on leave AMC AMC Rule Review RNA presentation to EWO course (Nigel) HMS CERES Reunion (The Crown Hotel Harrogate) 2 Area meeting (UJC) FAC Michelle on leave 19

10 September 11 September 11 September 16 September 13 Oct 7-10 Oct 14-17 October 15 Oct 18-19 Oct 21 October 27 October 29 Oct 5 November 5 November 5 November 10 November 13 November 15 November 26 November 25-27 November 3 December 23- 3 Jan 12

National Council (UJC - London) Biennial Parade in Whitehall Bridgewater RNA dedicating new Standard at St Mary’s Church HQ Open Day RN CEO meeting (GS) Frigate Association-Re-union, Reel Lea Hotel- Scarborough RNA Plymouth 9th Biennial Trafalgar Weekend Ferndown Trafalgar Dinner (GS) MCFG Conference (GS) Driffield Trafalgar dinner (GS) COBSEO AGM (GS) Wigston Branch Traf dinner (GS) AMC Selsey Trafalgar Dinner (GS) 2 Area meeting (UJC) Field of Remembrance Westminster Abbey (NP, NCh, GS) Cenotaph Parade – RNA squad RNA Budget and audit planning meeting FAC Portsmouth Dockyard’s Victorian festival of Christmas National Council (Portsmouth) HQ closed for Christmas and New Year

Area Secretaries are invited to submit dates for Area meetings for inclusion.

Ship’s Office Pusser’s Rum Competition Outrageous dits concerning rum related fun may be entered for a prize of blue label Pussers Rum. Entries to: The General Secretary at Room 209, Semaphore Tower, PP70, HMNB, Portsmouth PO1 3LT.

Congratulations ! The winner of the Pusser’s Rum competition is S/M J R L Twigg from the Rugby branch of the RMA who will receive a bottle of Pussers Rum for his endeavours !! His Poem will be published in the next circular.


A rum cocktail for a Royal Salute to Will and Kate In honour of the Royal Wedding Pusser’s Rum have created the Royal Salute, a great cocktail with which the nation can fill their glasses and enjoy a rum based cocktail with real history. For centuries Pusser’s Rum was the traditional naval drink. Although it is no longer served in the Royal Navy today, Pusser’s Rum is still produced to the original Admiralty specification, as drunk on board Nelson’s ships. This is a cocktail with history: Pusser’s Rum was issued in the form of the daily tot. Even since before the time of Lord Nelson many a varied toast has been given in rum, ranging from “To wives and sweethearts – may they never meet” to the ever popular “Up Spirits”.

The Royal Salute – cocktail for the generation Take 50 mls Pusser’s Blue Label (original naval specification rum at 54.5%ABV) Pour over ice in a tall glass Add 25 mls Ginger wine Add 2 or 3 lime wedges Stir well! Top up with Bitter lemon to taste and stir again. Raise your glass, toast the happy couple, and enjoy!

Pusser’s Rum was the only rum ever served on board ships of the Royal Navy. It was never available for public consumption and might well have disappeared for ever following Black Tot Day (31 July 1970), had it not been for Charles Tobias. A seagoing entrepreneur, Charles enjoyed a tot of Pusser’s one day as a guest on board one of HM ships. He was sufficiently taken with this unique rum he obtained the Admiralty specification, the name (a corruption of ‘purser’ who issued the daily rum ration) and their approval to produce Pusser’s Rum on a commercial basis. The brand was introduced in 1979 and is now a favourite with seagoers and landlubbers alike around the world. Ben Pick, UK Brand Manager for Pusser’s Rum said: “This is a memorable day for the happy couple and for the watching nation. We hope the Royal Salute will help everyone to celebrate an unforgettable event”. For stockists contact the UK distributor Cellar Trends on 01283 217703 or check the website


Area and Branch Updates Area 10

Branch Runcorn




Area 5

Change Please Note that the Runcorn Branch now meet in the Halton Royal British Legion Club, 1 Main Street Halton on the 2nd Friday of each month. John Pickerings Phone no is 01928 772360 Please note Hon Sec Jane Webster’s address is 35, Sedlescombe Park, Rugby, CV22 6HL e-mail address is now: Paulette E. Rose Area 5 Secretary. New e-mail address is:



The Secretary is now S/M Brian Carr, 54 Anchor Court, 4 Saxon Road, Birkdale, Southport PR8 2TP. Vice Chairman S/M Keith Harker Treasurer S/M Noel Wilson, 383 Guildford Road, Birkdale, Southport, PR8 3CB





Branch Secretary is: Christine Payne, 20 Moffat Road, Christchurch BH23 1HQ Tel: 01202 474819 not as in Yearbook Hon Sec is now: Margaret Forshaw Express Mail Room Box 8 Local 5 C/Perseo Torrevieja 03183 Alicante Spain. Meeting at Los Arcos Restaurant Avenida Baleares Torrevieja 1st Wednesday@ 1730


Letchworth and Hitchin Branch

Change of Venue- Our new meeting place is now at, The Four Emblems Social Club 2 station road Letchworth Hertfordshire SG6 3AZ



RNA HQ Staff arrive at Plymouth- Holiday Inn National Council & Guests Arrive RNA HQ + Plymouth RNA meeting- Final Briefing in the Holiday Inn Foyer

Friday 10th June 2011 0730 0900-1200 0900-1200 1200-1300 1300-1700 1300 -1730 1930 -2359

1930-2230 O/C

HQ Daily Briefing- Hotel Foyer-allocate daily tasks FAC Meeting- Holiday Inn AMC Meeting Holiday Inn Lunch NC Meeting-Holiday Inn Set up Guildhall-SOC- HQ Staff &Plymouth RNA stewards Welcome buffet and entertainment in the Senior Rates Mess HMS Drake Cost £5; 00 per head; (Co-ordinated Rum issue about 2130 with Presidents dinner party, TBC) Presidents Dinner HMS Drake (Lounge Suits) (Co-ordinated Rum issue about 2130, TBC) Presidents Dinner Party to join up with the Welcome Buffett

Saturday 11th June 2011 0730 0800 0810 0930 0935 0945 0950 0955 1000 1010

HQ Daily Briefing- Hotel Foyer- allocate daily tasks Guildhall opens. SOC +HQ Party+ Plymouth RNA Stewards to the Guildhall, Admiral David Steel CBE and the Lord Mayor of Plymouth arrive at the Guildhall and are met by the National President Lord Mayor and Principal Guest introduced to RNA National Council, Chairman of Plymouth branch and the General Secretary in the Upper bar. Delegates and Observers to be seated in the Guild Hall. National Council move to Guildhall VIP’s and National President move to main hall. Bugler, Sound the Alert, March on RNA Standard (RNA National Standard Bearer) (Heart of Oak) Prayers by The Reverend Scott J Brown QHC (Chaplain of the Fleet and Hon Chaplain to the RNA) Silent tribute in memory of Shipmates who have Crossed the Bar. Last Post and Reveille (Bugler) O/C, The National President publicly welcomes the Mayor and NavSec and the Mayor opens the Conference.

O/C O/C 1045

NavSec addresses Conference and the General Secretary reads the Loyal message from Her Majesty The Queen and other Associations. Presentations of gifts to the Principal Guest and Mayor of Plymouth by the National President Mayor of Plymouth and NavSec departs. Presidents Award of Trophies and awards by the National President O/C Conference proceeds in accordance with the Agenda. 23



Conference breaks for lunch –National Council to Lunch, Food facility- ( pay on the day) Resume Conference –Draw Raffle Conference ends. March off the National Standard - National Standard Bearer, (National Anthem, Under the White Ensign). SOC, Plymouth Branch stewards and HQ staff clean tidy Guildhall.


All must be clear of Guildhall.


Conference Gala Dinner in Senior Rates Mess HMS Drake Lounge Suit, RNA Rig, Ticketed event in advance cost £17;00 Coaches to take members from Camels Head to the WO’s Senior Rates Mess From 1900hrs, and return after event.

1400 1630

SUNDAY 12th June 2011 0800 0900 1015 1115

HQ Daily Briefing- Hotel Foyer- allocate daily tasks SOC- Post conference wash-up meeting-Hotel Foyer Standard Bearers muster at the Church for a Rehearsal. Church Service, at St Andrews Church including the Laying up of the Old National Standard, and the dedication of the New Standard.


RNA Muster outside of St Andrews In Whimple Street – (Uniform and/or RNA Rig ) Corps of Drums, RNA Standards – March along Royal Parade and conduct an “Eyes Left” at the Dias (National President and Chaplain) then continue the march to the Law Courts, halt and Left turn. (About 500 m)


Address by the National President of the RNA from the law Court steps. (Loud hailer) Move to “The Hoe” form up –and continue with the Act of Remembrance and the Blessing by the Chaplin of the Fleet. Vice Admiral J H S McAnally CB LVO will lay a wreath at the War memorial on behalf of the Royal Naval Association.



Post March, Farewell Buffet Lunch, Sandwiches will be available in the Guild Hall. (Pay on the Day)


AUSTRALIAN WAY No matter what side of the political fence you're on, THIS is FUNNY and VERY telling! It just all depends on how you look at the same things. Judy Rudd an amateur genealogy researcher in south east Queensland , was doing some personal work on her own family tree. She discovered that ex-Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s great-great uncle, Remus Rudd, was hanged for horse stealing and train robbery in Melbourne in 1889. Both Judy and Kevin Rudd share this common ancestor. The only known photograph of Remus shows him standing on the gallows at the Melbourne Gaol. On the back of the picture Judy obtained during her research is this inscription: 'Remus Rudd horse thief, sent to Melbourne Gaol 1885, escaped 1887, robbed the Melbourne-Geelong train six times. Caught by Victoria Police Force, convicted and hanged in 1889.' So Judy recently e-mailed ex-Prime Minister Rudd for information about their great-great uncle, Remus Rudd. Believe it or not, Kevin Rudd's staff sent back the following biographical sketch for her genealogy research: "Remus Rudd was famous in Victoria during the mid to late 1800s. His business empire grew to include acquisition of valuable equestrian assets and intimate dealings with the Melbourne-Geelong Railroad. Beginning in 1883, he devoted several years of his life to government service, finally taking leave to resume his dealings with the railroad. In 1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the Victoria Police Force. In 1889, Remus passed away during an important civic function held in his honour when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed."

NOW That’s how it's done


Swinging the Lamp 1 May 1814

First quarterly Navy List published. The first few editions had been monthly, and their predecessors were private ventures.

2 May 1912

First launch of an aircraft from a RN ship underway – a short S.38 piloted by Lt C.R. Samson from Hibernia off Weymouth.

3 May 1813

Boats of Undaunted captures a French ship from under the batteries at Marseilles.

4 May 1910

Foundation of the Canadian Naval Service, precursor of the Royal Canadian Navy.

5 May 1962

Submarine Ocelot launched, the last RN warship built at Chatham. Now preserved in Chatham Historic Dockyard.

6 May 1770 7 May 1945

Cook discovered Port Jackson (Sydney). Last British merchantman and last U-boat to be sunk in Second World War: Avondale Park, torpedoed by U-2336, 7 miles S.E. of May Island, and U-320 by Catalina X/210 off Shetland.

8 May 1797

Sailors’ Bill passed to improve Service conditions.

9 May 1941

Boarding party from destroyer Bulldog captured secret Enigma signalcyphering equipment from U-110 in N. Atlantic, the greatest intelligence coup in British, or any other country’s, naval history.

10 May 1968

HM Queen Elizabeth and the Queen Mother opened the Clyde Submarine Base.

11 May 1853

Rattler captured six pirate junks and a lorcha in Nam Kwan harbour, near Foochow.

12 May 1846

Fantome and her boats repulsed Moorish pirates while salving the remains of the wreck of the British Ruth 6 miles W. Of Cape Tres Forcas, Morocco.

13 May 1787

First convict convoy eventually sailed from Spithead for Botany Bay, arriving 19 January 1788. Sirius, six transport and three store ships.

14 May 1917

U-59 sunk by British mine off Heligoland.

15 May 1829

Experimental manually propelled paddle steamer launched at Portsmouth. One hundred and ninety men produced 3 knots.

16 May 1966

Devonport Dockyard base passenger train service ceased.

17 May 1993

White Ensign hauled down at Tamar, Hong Kong Central and moved to Stonecutter’s Island.

18 May 1972

Anti-terrorist quartet including two Royal Marines parachuted into Atlantic alongside RMS Queen Elizabeth 2 to search for a reported bomb.


19 May 1652

First battle of the Dutch Wars started when Blake demanded that Tromp salute the British flag.

20 May 1903

Formation of RN Band Service.

21 May 1941

‘Rarely can the flexibility of maritime power have been more convincingly demonstrated than by Ark Royal’s accomplishment in flying Hurricanes to Malta from a position well inside the Mediterranean on 21 May and crippling the Bismarck with her torpedo bombers 500 miles to the west of Brest six days later’ –Roskill.

22 May 2003

WO2 Dave Pearce RM, a member of a joint RN/RM expedition became the first member of the naval service to climb Mount Everest.

23 May 1918

Submarine H 4 sank the German UB-52 in Adriatic.

24 May 1967

Leander-class frigate Andromeda launched, last ship built in Portsmouth Dockyard.

25 May 1940

Illustrious (fourth of the name) commissioned. First heavily armoured aircraft carrier.

26 May 1993

Royal Fleet Review in Force 9 gale off Moelfre, Anglesey, by HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, accompanied by His Majesty The King of Norway embarked in HMY Britannia, to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the battle of the Atlantic.

27 May 1857

Boats of Fury, Inflexible, Raleigh, Sybille and Tribune destroyed thirteen war junks at Tungkun, Canton River.

28 May 1941

Landing party from submarine Upright blew up the railway south-west of Punto Stilo light, Southern Italy.

29 May 1917

First air/sea rescue (by flying boat).

30 May 1841

Boats of Dolphin captured the Brazilian slaver Firme a few miles off Whydah, Dahomey.

31 May 1520

Henry VIII embarked in Henry Grace à Dieu en route for the Field of the Cloth of Gold.



DELEGATE’S NAME.................................RNA BRANCH...............................DELEGATE’S No............

1 S/M ERIC BAKER by F Wadley

Proposed by

T Lowden


Supporting branch statement provided by Hanworth Branch committee; Branch activities; Standing Orders Committee (23 years); Chairman local Submariners Committee (12 years).

1. S/M JAMES LYONS Robinson

Proposed by

R Loughram

Seconded by N

Supporting branch statement provided by East Antrim S/M Lyons was Branch Secretary, Area Secretary and Area Auditor for 14 years (1995-2010). He is currently Area Vice President and has been a Deputy National Council Member for 6 years.


Proposed by

V Everest

Seconded by M

Supporting branch statement provided by Loughton/Cheshunt S/M Peatling joined the RNA in 1982 and was made a life member in 2001. Founder member Fleet Street Branch (No 1 Area) 1982 Vice-Chairman 1982-1996; Delegate 1982-1993 Chairman 1997-2000; 2003-2005. Positions held during that period: Secretary, Treasurer, Minute Secretary, Treasurer, Minute Secretary, Scribe, PRO and Standard Bearer. Interviewed and appointed Assistant to SOC 1993. Elected to SOC 1994 to present. Organiser Standards and Readers for Area 1’s annual St Brides Trafalgar Service; RNA Standards for St Paul’s Cathedral: Lord Nelson’s annual wreath laying service.

3. S/M STIRLING SIMMONS by D Tollerton

Proposed by

W Roberts


Supporting branch statement provided by Crosby S/M Simmons has been an enthusiastic and active member of the Crosby Branch since 1997. He has served on the Branch committee and has been Branch Treasurer since 2006. He has also been the National Council Member for 10 Area and is currently the Deputy National Council Member for 10 Area.


Delegate/Observers for the Annual Conference 2011 Branch


Name of Delegate Delegate’s Address

telephone No

Post Code

Delegate’s Vehicle Reg No If appropriate

Number of Observers Names of Observers


Vehicle Registration Nos for observers If appropriate

Group Bus Registration Number Driver’s Name Name of Branch Hon Secretary Contact telephone No: (if not branch Hon Sec) Contact e-mail address Name and Address for correspondence (if not branch Hon Sec)

*Please continue on a separate sheet with all your branch observers and their vehicle details Travel details will be sent to a single point of contact for your branch Delegate and observers. This will be the Branch secretary unless otherwise indicated. NB: A Delegate will not be confirmed as such unless or until the Branch Balance Sheet for 2010 and Annual Subscriptions for Branch Members for 2011 have been received in RNA Headquarters (Rule 12©). Should either not have been received in HQ, the Delegate's Status will be deemed to be that of an Observer.

2011 Conference Information and Booking Form 29

The 2011 Conference will be held in The Guildhall Royal Parade Plymouth. Delegates have expressed a preference to book their own accommodation. Anyone wishing assistance should consult the Plymouth Tourist office on 01752 306330 or their website. The welcome buffet and Conference dinner will be held in the Senior Rates Mess HMS DRAKE. Access to HMS DRAKE for everyone attending the evening events is by the Camels Head Gate only. Access to HMS DRAKE can only be guaranteed for named persons and their vehicles. It is therefore vital to provide Vehicle Registration details and names with your booking details; or at least two weeks before conference, to HQ. Those travelling by coach must provide details of your coach and driver’s name. There will be a welcome Buffet and entertainment on the Friday night in the Senior Rates Mess HMS DRAKE. The Conference Dinner will be held at (1930) in the Senior Rates Mess HMS DRAKE. On Sunday 12 June the conference service will be held in the Church of St Andrew. This service will also see the rededication of a new National Standard. After the service there will be a march past and salute. Following this Delegates are invited to fall in on the Hoe at the National Naval War memorial for a short act of Remembrance on the Hoe. Following this there will be a bar and light buffet lunch in the Guildhall. Cost payable over the bar.

Booking form, for events only. Please complete the booking forms to facilitate planning for the appropriate numbers. Those events annotated ’pay on the day’ please indicate anticipated numbers of diners.

Friday 10 Welcome Buffet in HMS DRAKE

Anticipated Cost £5/head

Saturday 11 Conference lunch

Pay on the day

Saturday 11 Conference Dinner


Sunday 12 Post march past lunch

No of members attending

Total cost

Pay on the day



Please Note...... Conference Buffet/Dinner, there will be no refunds for cancelations later than two weeks before the events......

Approved on behalf of ........................ Branch ............................................. Name.......................... Please send completed booking form to HQ.


Jack Dusty’s Corner

Royal Naval Association Goods order form 2011 Send completed order form to; RNA HQ, Room 208, Semaphore Tower, Via PP 70 HM Naval Base, Portsmouth, PO1 3LT

Catalogue Number Description





2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 11 11 5 5 5 6 6 8 70 70 9 10 17 17 17 17 17 30 24 24a 69 69a 23 23 a 23 b 64 64 a 64 b 64 c

Tie Pin gilt finish L £1.50 ........ Tie Pin gilt finish F £1.50 ........ Tie Pin gilt finish A £1.50 ........ Lapel Badge L £2.00 ........ Lapel Badge F £2.00 ........ Lapel Badge A £2.00 ........ Lapel badge H £2.00 ........ Lapel badge COA £2.00 ........ Lapel Badge gilt finish L £2.00 ........ Lapel Badge gilt finish F £2.00 ........ Lapel Badge gilt finish A £2.00 ........ Miniature Lapel Badge F £1.50 ........ Miniature lapel Badge A £1.50 ........ Enamel Tie Pin L £1.50 ........ Enamel Tie Pin F £1.50 ........ Enamel Tie Pin A £1.50 ........ Enamel Lapel Badge Clutch back L £1.50 ........ Enamel Lapel Badge Clutch back A £1.50 ........ Standard bearer Ensign Badge £5.50 ........ Standard bearer Branch bar £2.50 ........ Standard bearer Area bar £2.50 ........ Blazer Button Large £1.10 ........ Blazer Button Small £1.10 ........ Blazer Badge L £12.00........ Blazer Badge F £12.00........ Blazer Badge A £12.00........ Blazer Badge H £12.00........ Blazer Badge COA £12.00........ Beret Badge £8.00 ........ RNA Tie £8.00 ........ RNA Tie clip on £8.00 ........ Alternative Tie £8.00 ........ Alternative Tie silk £16.50........ Pewter Pint tankard Traditional £22.50 Pewter Pint tankard Georgian £28.50 Pewter half Pt tankard Georgian £22.50 £22.50 Pewter 6 0z hip flask £22.50 Pewter 4 0z hip flask Pewter Quaich £22.50 Pewter round trinket box £16.50 All with engraved RNA crest.

................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ......

19 18 20 21 22 12 33

Marcasite Anchor brooch Marcasite Crown brooch Marcasite crown earrings Marcasite anchor earrings Cufflinks black enamel L/F/A Silver Anchor on chain Place cards (10 pack)

....... ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... .......


£58.00 £58.00 £27.00 £27.00 £8.50 15.50 £1.10

...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......

34 62 63 42 71 72 73 55

Card RNA crest Standard bearer Certificate Standard bearer retiring Cert Guide to ceremonial booklet Serviettes (100 pack) Shirt Badges Car tax disc holder Pencils inscribed with RNA Ladies Headscarf Bowties Metal Car badge

£1.10 £1.10 £1.10 £2.10 £9.00 £0.75 £1.10 £0.25 £14 £8 £12

....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .......

...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......

All prices in Sterling and includes P&P

See the website or Diary for pictures of all the goods. Copies of the Royal Charter and rule book are in the 2009/10 Yearbook, or available on line.

Cheque to the value £....................... enclosed For credit/debit card users Card Type ..................................................... Cardholder’s Name ..................................................... Address ..................................................... .................................................... ..................................................... .................................................... Post code .......................... Phone No ..................................................... Card Number ..................................................... Expiry date ........................... Security number ........................... Issue Number ........................ Amount to be deducted £.......................... Authority to deduct from Branch Account On behalf of................................ Branch, I authorise you to deduct £.............From our account. Signature............................................

Dated ...................................

Please send Goods to; Name .................................................... Address .................................................... .................................................... ................................................... .................................................... All existing members who have completed a Gift aid form in the past are respectfully requested to complete a new Gift Aid for to cover this tax year.


GIFT AID DECLARATION - ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION Title ..... Forename(s) ................................. Surname ................……………. Address ........................................................ (Branch...........................Area no; ---------) ........................................................ ........................................................ Post Code ............. I want the charity to treat my annual subscription and all donations I have made from the date of this declaration until I notify you otherwise as Gift Aid Donations. Signature:- .................................................. Date:- ................................................……… Notes 1. If your declaration covers donations you may make in the future: Please notify the charity if you change your name or address while the declaration is still in force. You can cancel the declaration at any time by notifying the charity - it will then not apply to donations you make on or after the date of cancellation or such later date as you specify. 2. You must pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax that the charity reclaims on your donations in the tax year (currently 25p for each £1 you give). 3. If in the future your circumstances change and you no longer pay tax on your income and capital gains equal to the tax that the charity reclaims, you can cancel your declaration (see note 1). 4. If you pay tax at the higher rate you can claim further tax relief in your Self Assessment tax return. 5. If you are unsure whether your donations qualify for Gift Aid tax relief, ask the charity. Or you can ask you local tax office for leaflet IR113 Gift Aid.


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