Branch Circular #616 (February 2012)

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Selsey Branch at the HQ Open Day in Feb, before the Pussers went round

Branch ranch Circular No 616

February 2012


Dear Shipmate Branch Secretary Hallo and many warm greetings from Semaphore Tower. As I mentioned last month, the RNA is very busy with lots of initiatives, which, if you don’t already know, you will get a sense of how many this month from this breathless note. You are an essential part in our communications strategy of getting the message out and I really do appreciate your efforts in getting that information to Shipmates in your Branches. There are a number of RNA events occurring over the next 4 months, which need action this month. The Conference is just over the horizon and is looming ever nearer it is evolving to be an affordable and super weekend in a smashing location. We need details of your delegates and observers and you need to book accommodation. There will be two Seminars held over this period. The Welfare Seminar in RNA Leamington Spa on 31st March and a Clubs’ Seminar at RNA Uxbridge on Saturday 21st April 2012. We have great speakers for the welfare seminar. The clubs seminar is the National Council consultation on the new Club Rules, so if you want a say in the Rules before they go to the FSA, turn up!! The National Standard Bearers Competition will be held in HMS TEMERAIRE on Saturday 12th May 1000-1400. Please ensure that your car registration details are forwarded to HQ to ensure access to HMS TEMERAIRE. The prize giving ceremony will be held in the Royal Maritime Club at 1930. We are currently involved in a number of initiatives that are all progressing well which I thought you might like an update: * The Shipmates Campaign continues at a hectic pace we have now enrolled over 300 Service Leavers as members, from all over the country (Andy has become somewhat of an expert at the exact location of our Branches!). Andy spends a great deal of time processing the Service Leavers (SL) details annotating them on to a spreadsheet, writing or e-mailing them and then writing or emailing the Branch Secretary of the SL’s nearest Branch we have named this part of the process as Operation Press Gang, very subtle!. To that end, he really would appreciate you advising him as to whether or not you have made contact and managed to assist the Service Leaver. We also require this information to enable us to understand the results of the Shipmates Campaign and apply for more money!! There is a £5 grant for every one you welcome!! * Mentoring in HMS COLLINGWOOD Victory Squadron has proved to be very successful for both trainee and Shipmate Mentor. The Buzz has got round the NAAFI queue and after a meeting in HMS SULTAN between myself and Commodore Mark Slawson (CO HMS SULTAN) we are going to widen this role for both Officer and Rating Trainees of the Marine, Submarine Clankies and Air Engineers branches. I would welcome names of any willing Volunteers to take part in this initiative. In particular officer volunteers for the MEs, General Service and Submarine. Please contact Andy or me for further specific details.

* As required by Memorandum of Understanding between the RNA and RN, we have been conducting a somewhat overdue review. We have been able to include the new activities that have been conducted between us over the last 18 months. I am pleased to say that it seems entirely likely that we will be able to put the new MOU-RN before Conference in June. In any event all details will be passed to Branches. There are still spaces available on 27th Apr and 5th Oct for the highly successful HQ Open days but unfortunately the July one is now completely filled. Just ask any Shipmate member from Selsey branch how much they enjoyed their visit to HQ two weeks ago, complete with arctic dufflecoats, woolly scarfs, gloves, wellingtons, gallons of Kye, and a tot or two to keep the cold out..... Remember it is ‘first come first served’. Don’t forget to nominate a deserving young person to take part in the IMC Sailing camp which will be held in Bruges, Belgium between the 9th and 19th July 2012, full details are contained in this Circular. If you are affiliated to a Sea Cadet Unit, please be in contact to find a suitable candidate. We have placed all documents that Branch Secretaries normally require in Word format on the Website. This is so you can complete and submit forms electronically, please do! Finally I would be most grateful if you would enquire with your shipmates if there is anyone out there who has a copy of the brochure of the1952 RNA Reunion in the Albert Hall. If you do there is a reward of a bottle of Pusser’s Rum!!! I know this is a busy time of the year with annual returns and all the events to remind your members about. If you need any help from the HQ please give us a shout, or contact you National Council Member who will be delighted to help. Yours in Comradeship and Unity, Paul Quinn General Secretary

Yours in Comradeship and Unity,

Paul Quinn General Secretary

Chairman’s Chat – February 2012 Shipmates, as I write this I am suffering from the worst chest infection I have had for many years. I’ve been trying to think what could have caused it and the only thing I have done differently over the past few weeks is have a pint of Guinness for the first time in nearly 30 years! In fact I had six because I enjoyed it so much. All those years ago I had my first taste, persuaded by one of my younger brothers who has always been a devotee of the black stuff. At that time I didn’t enjoy it at all so have stayed away from it ever since. On Friday the 10th February I flew into Belfast to attend a 12 Area Delegates Meeting on the Saturday with Keith Crawford, our 12th such meeting since we took over the reins of our respective posts some 18 months ago. S/M Ivan Hunter, the Area 12 NCM, very kindly picked me up at the airport at 2000 and we had already agreed that we would drop in to the Belfast RNA Club to attend their AGM – just for an hour!! – before going on to my hotel. I reached my hotel at 2330, 3 pints of Guinness later, and locked out! It was my first visit to the Belfast Club and what a great place it is. I cannot thank the Belfast Branch enough for their tremendous hospitality, and Alex McKee in particular for insisting I had to have a glass of Irish Guinness, and he wouldn’t take no for an answer despite my protestations. I was so surprised at how smoothly it went down I have even had more since I returned home, but it is not quite the same. The visit to Belfast Branch was a great evening and the weekend continued in the same vein. 12 Area made us extremely welcome at their meeting; East Antrim Branch were excellent hosts at the Whiteabbey RBL Club; and it was a great pleasure for me to present an award from 12 Area to S/M John Bain in recognition of his 14 years as Area Standard Bearer. Well done, John. Finally, on a personal note I can’t thank enough Ivan Hunter, and his lovely wife Sandra, for the way he and she looked after me over the weekend. I had a great time. Thank you. In March Keith and I will be going to Crieff in Scotland for a Scottish Area Meeting and that will then complete the Grand Slam of Area visits for us. We have had great fun meeting the members across the Association and hope we can continue to enjoy more visits in the future. We have several invitations to return already, so thank you all for your friendship and hospitality and I hope we have been able to address your concerns in return for it. On Thursday 16th February I accepted an invitation to attend the formal decommissioning of Congleton RNA Branch. However it was also a celebration evening in that Congleton became our first RNA Informal Group. The members will be transferred onto the HQ Roll but, with one member designated as a point of contact, will continue to receive the monthly circular, will still meet informally each month and so will still enjoy the fun and comradeship that the RNA is all about without the formalities of running a Branch when it is difficult to get branch officers and form a committee. They will not be able to parade a standard nor have a voting delegate at Area Meetings or Conference, but in most other respects can still enjoy being part of the RNA family. In the past such branches have folded and though a few of the members may have transferred to the HQ Roll the majority were lost. This way we keep them and always have the hope that they can continue to recruit. If things improve there is the chance to formally recommission as a Branch. I had a great evening with the Congleton members and would like to thank Norman Wood for all his efforts and the ladies of the Branch for some delicious food – the apple pie and custard was delicious! The GS has referred earlier to many of our activities and initiatives now coming into full flow and I would like to say that my 18 months to date as National Chairman have been extremely busy but very exciting, very fulfilling and very enjoyable. The National Council has overseen some significant changes during this period and I thank all its members for their support and input. I hope we can continue to deliver an RNA that you will all want to remain members of and that others will want to come and join. It is a significant fact that our members very rarely leave the RNA voluntarily – that says a lot about us and is a key message we need to get across to potential new members. Good luck to you all.

Chris Dovey


Stop Press..... Chairman leads by example in 12 Area !

10 February 2012 - Belfast RNA – Time: 1 Guiness Past Noon

I x pint of Irish Guinness and he does a Zulu Warrior?*!?*!


Contents Daily Orders 1. Conference 2012 2. Welfare Seminar – Leamington Spa 3. Clubs Seminar 4. HQ Open Days 5. National Standard Bearers Competition 6. Submission of Branch Forms 7. Lord Kitchener National Memorial Fund - Scholarships 8. "Shoulder 2 Shoulder - Delivering the Offer" 9. WWII Genealogy Television Series – Royal Navy Veterans 10. Virtual Branch 11. Donations Received 12. Pembroke House - RNBT 13. Falmouth Branch – Falklands Anniversary Lunch 14. Bill Murray - Obituary 15. No 10 Area – Farewell Bill 16. Finance corner from Michelle 17. IMC-Sailing Camp 18. Book reviews 19. World War II Veterans - Heroes Return II 20. Guess Where? 21. TS Vanguard – Sea Cadets Spring Dance 22. Online Donations 23. Tot Issue, 1905 24. Guide to making a donation to Charitable Funds 25. BBC Inside Out Programme 05 Mar 12 – Craig Jones Falklands Memorial 26. Culdrose Based Squadrons – 30th Anniversary of the Falklands 27. SAMA (82) Sponsored Concessionary Flight Scheme 28. In Their Father’s and Brother’s Footsteps 29. SAMA 82 – Events and Sponsorship 30. Fathers and Sons – “Falklands to Helmand” 31. Store all your personal information on your PC 32. Irish Naval Association – Unveiling of Memorial 33. This is what you call – Dedication! 34. Premier Care in Bathing 35. RNA Belfast 36. Yeovilton - International Air Day 37. Mountbatten Festival of Music- Volunteers Wanted 38. Church Choir Concert – Purbrook 39. Londonderry Branch – Battle of the Atlantic 2012 Programme 40. Golden Jubilee Medals

Shortcast Longcast Ship’s Office 1. Branch membership renewal forms 2. Area and Branch updates 3. Club C3 application forms (loose leaf)


Swinging the Lamp For the Branch Secretary and notice-board (included loose-leaf): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Bankers Order for 2012 Diaries Welfare Seminar application form Clubs Seminar application form Delegates/Observers Returns Conference Information and Booking Forms

Glossary of terms NCM NC AMC FAC NCh NVCh NP DNP GS AGS Asap

National Council Member National Council Association Management Committee Finance Administration Committee National Chairman National Vice Chairman National President Deputy National President General Secretary Assistant General Secretary As soon as possible

Throughout ď ? indicates a new or substantially changed entry Contacts:

Financial Controller

023 9272 3823


023 9272 3371

Assistant General Secretary (Membership & Slops)

023 9272 3747

AGS (Events/Marketing/Shipmates)

023 9272 0782

General Secretary

023 9272 2983


023 92 72 3747

RNA HQ Staff continue to attempt to build a library of e-mail addresses within the Association. It would be extremely helpful if those Branch Secretaries able to communicate by e-mail would forward a short e-message to HQ to


Daily Orders 1  Conference 2012 - Update THE CONFERENCE BOOKING FORM IS INCLUDED WITH THIS CIRCULAR, BOOKINGS SHOULD NOW BE MADE AND DELEGATE/OBSERVER FORMS RETURNED. The local branch contact is Shipmate Ian McQueen, his e-mail is If you have not booked yet Hotel Indigo is opening April 2012 - it is situated next to the ‘Old Assembly Rooms’ in Fenkle Street. There are150 rooms of which 20 are twin bedrooms. The rate for the conference is £95.00 per room to include breakfast or £89.00 room only. (Sharing a twin room would only cost £47.50 each). It is essential to book early if you want to stay in the newest hotel in town and also take advantage of the special conference rates. The Hotel contact is Laura Farrell on 0191 300 9222 or email and ensure they are aware it is for the RNA Important notice. The Hotel Indigo reservations are requesting that all shipmates who have booked with the hotel and have not received a phone call confirming their booking by April 6th are requested to ring the hotel to re confirm their booking 2.  Welfare Seminar - Royal Leamington Spa - 31 March 2012 - Update The RNA Welfare Seminar will take place in the RNA Leamington Branch Club on Saturday the 31 March 2012 1000 – 1530. Buffet lunch provided tea and coffee will be available from 0915. The speakers for the Seminar have been confirmed as:     

Debbie O’Hanlon – Welfare Officer SPVA Jim Keating – Veteran Pensions Advisory Committee Sharon Makin – Big White Wall Major Cameron March RM – Trauma Risk Management Phil Shuttleworth as Vice Chair RNBT

All Area, Branch Welfare Officers, nominated attendees and observers who wish to attend are to complete the attached form (at rear of circular) and return to HQ by 16 March. Should your branch not have an official welfare officer then please try and send a designated shipmate or an observer to represent the branch. The National Council have approved travelling expenses of up to £50.00 to be paid to one person per Branch and one person per Area. Any other Branch members (Observers) are more than welcome to join us, just complete the enclosed form and return it to HQ

3  Clubs Seminar The RNA Clubs Seminar will take place in the RNA Uxbridge Branch Club on Saturday the 21 April 2012, and there will be a full programme.


It is vital that all clubs are represented because the RNA’s National Clubs Advisor is presenting the proposed new club rules. So if you want a say in the Rules come – but if you don’t please don’t complain if things have changed that you don’t like. Please fill in the attendance form at the rear of the circular and ensure that you include your full name/address, phone and mobile numbers, also an email address if possible, and return the enclosed form to Nigel at HQ. Accommodation details were in Circ 615 Please would attendees kindly advise S/M Kevin (Slinger) Wood, Chairman RNA Uxbridge, (Tel 01895 230071)(07961124459) of their attendance as he plans to lay on some live entertainment on the Saturday evening if there are enough Shipmates interested. Pusser’s Rum will be sending their new Branding Manager Peter Watson. 4  HQ Open Days – 2012 The HQ will be holding 3 open days this year , 27 April, 6 July and 5 Oct. Note. The July Open day is now fully booked up. There is a reserve list operating. Please book early for this popular and fun day out. 5  National Standard Bearers Competition - 12 May 2012 The National Standard Bearers Competition will take place at HMS TEMARAIRE, Portsmouth on the 12 May 2012. Areas are invited to submit the names of qualified standard bearers for this event. The event is open to; 1. Area Standard Bearers 2. Deputy Area Standard Bearers 3 The serving National Standard Bearer and Deputy National Standard Bearer 4. Where an area has not held an area competition a nominated standard bearer is permitted to enter. Deputy Standard Bearers are to be equipped with their branch standard and all associated equipment. (Sling, gloves and drapes). All standard bearers holding trophies are to return them on the day of the competition (Cleaned and polished Please). Competitors are to make their own arrangements for accommodation. Please note that the Maritime Club is host to a major reunion that weekend and all SR mess double rooms are booked out. You may have to look elsewhere in Portsmouth and Southsea for a bed, there are plenty. If you require a list of small hotels and B+Bs then please ask Mick Keiran. Names of competitors are to be forwarded to Mick Kieran (NCA) at or Mick Kieran 38 Rookery Lane, Keresley,Coventry, West Midlands CV6 4HE. Please send details soon but no later than 15 April 12


6  Submission of Branch Forms Following a very sensible suggestion from one or two branches, we have added all the forms that the Branch Secretary needs in WORD or Excel format on the website. This should avoid you having to fill in by hand or worse typing on a computer form!! (sorry!). The Forms are all in the Members section of the website in Downloads. When you are asked for a code, type ‘shipmate’. Hope this reduces the burden on busy Secretaries. 7  Lord Kitchener National Memorial Fund - Scholarships For the Sons and Daughters of Service Families going to University, the Council of the Lord Kitchener National Memorial Fund offers for competition up to a maximum of 25 scholarships tenable from October 2012. The value of each scholarship will be £750 and will be paid to scholars at the beginning of their course. Full details of eligibility and how to apply are available on the website

If more information is required please contact: the Secretary of the Lord Kitchener National Memorial Fund (LKNMF). Lieutenant Colonel David N Hamilton MBE Secretary Lord Kitchener National Memorial Fund 01256465884 07931378876 8.  "Shoulder 2 Shoulder - Delivering the Offer" a multimedia exhibition for 2012. 3 Commando Brigade and the Services Sound and Vision Corporation (SSVC) are proud to launch "Shoulder 2 Shoulder - Delivering the Offer" a multimedia exhibition for 2012. The exhibition will showcase the work of the men and the women from 3 Commando Brigade and their Afghan colleagues who served on Operation HERRICK 14 during the summer of 2011. On display will be more than one hundred images captured by frontline service photographers, embedded journalists and the renowned war artist Andrew Miller. This will be the first time that many of the photographs and artwork has been exhibited to the public. Original artwork, limited edition signed prints and an Operation HERRICK 14 photographic book will be sold at each exhibition and online to raise money for The Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund and the Not Forgotten Association, two charitable organisations which support those injured or bereaved in service for their country.    

SSVC location (Venue and dates coming soon) Royal Marine Reserves London (Venue and dates coming soon) RMB Stonehouse, Op HERRICK 14 Honours & Awards Families Day 30 Mar 12 Royal Marines Museum, Portsmouth 02-20 Apr 12 (open to the public)

More information on the exhibition, its sponsors, supporters and contributors can be found at: 10

9.  WWII Genealogy Television Series – Royal Navy Veterans 360 Production is looking for Royal Navy veterans who served during WWII onboard the vessels listed below who would be happy to talk about their experiences with a view to possibly taking part in a television series featuring twelve well-known people that are on a personal journey to trace their family’s involvement in the Second World War. HMS Cambridge (Gunnery School), HMS Swift, HMS Cumberland, HMS Orwell HMS Albury and HMS Bedouin. 360 Productions would also be interested in speaking to anyone who knew or served with the following people during WWII, Lt. Commander Ernest James Luscombe, Captain John D. Gower and William Tee (Stoker). If you can help then please contact; Henrietta Mitchell, Assistant Producer, 360 Production, 58 Davies Street, London, W1K 5JF T: +44 (0) 207 408 2559 _________________________________________________________________________ 10.  The Virtual Branch The Virtual Branch is funded through Community Link with charity monies. When it commenced with the RNA the main criteria was that those partaking would be paid up members of our Association with a land line and also we would eventually have at least 32 members partaking. We, the RNA did not stipulate "they" did. We have now been running since June 2011 but unfortunately now have only 14 shipmates taking part. The project manager has been in touch and warned that unless we can increase our membership taking part then it is highly likely that funding will discontinue at the end of our first year. In a nutshell it is a case of "Use it or Lose it". Those who are taking part continue to do so and say they enjoy these chat sessions so it will be a shame if we lose this free facility. There must be more shipmates out there who would like to join in, if you can get the message across. They do not have to be housebound, disabled or anything other than paid up members with a land line who are interested in chatting to like minded folk all over the British Isles. The Editor of the Navy news has joined one session and will be in the paper. We are going to put further articles in the circular and HQ Roll newsletter but we urgently need more recruits. Preaching to the converted I may be, but please get out there and see if your Secretaries can get more members. If you need any more help or information please contact; Rita Lock National Welfare Adviser 02392 642 234


11.  Donations received for the Central Charities Fund RNA – Greenford RNA – Lincoln The King’s Chapel, Gibraltar Mrs A Kent In memory of James Bichard Miss C Johnstone In Memory of Daniel Haste

£100.00 £ 50.00 £143.00 £ 40.00 £ 60.00 £ 25.00 £285.00

Thank you for the donations received this month to the Central Charities Fund. 12.  Pembroke House –The Royal Naval Benevolent Trust’s Care and Nursing Home. Pembroke House is the Royal Naval Benevolent Trust’s care and nursing home in Gillingham, Kent, catering specifically for those who have served as ratings in the Royal Navy or as other ranks in the Royal Marines and their spouses. In addition to full time residency, the Home also provides high quality respite breaks of varying duration. The Home has consistently achieved the Care Quality Commission’s top award for setting and maintaining the highest care standards. Recently extended and improved, the Home now offers up to 56 beds with approximately half allocated for nursing care. The Home is situated in fine landscaped grounds with panoramic views of the River Medway and beyond and is tastefully decorated on a nautical theme; all rooms have en-suite facilities. Supported by a vibrant volunteer body (the Friends of Pembroke House) the Home has an excellent relationship with the local community and enjoys regular access to the local attractions including Chatham Historic Dockyard. There are strong ties with the Royal Naval and Royal Marine Associations, several branches of which regularly visit the Home and in turn invite the residents to their meetings and social events. Weekly fees for FY ‘11/’12 range from £466.00 to £518.00 for residential care and £709.00 to £770.00 for nursing, care packages are tailored to each individual and are subject to regular review as needs change. Pembroke House is not a ‘one size fits all’ care and nursing home! Fees are revised annually and will be increasing by (a below inflation) 3.5% with effect from 1 Apr ’12. Local Authority funded residents are accommodated provided the fees are topped up where there is a shortfall in Local Authority funding. The Trust’s policy is not to assist with funding shortfalls on the basis that its charitable funds are utilised to provide the highest standards of care and facility within the Home for all residents to enjoy at rates that are below the market average. The Trust only employs staff with the right combination of skills and personality to work in the Home that is equipped to the highest standards; our aim is to provide assisted living at the right level that allows residents to enjoy a full and as far as possible independent and active life in warm, friendly and comfortable surroundings. For more details contact the Home Manager on 01634 852431 or e-mail to ; further details may also be found on the RNBT’s web site


13.  Falmouth Branch - Falklands Anniversary Lunch To mark the 30th Anniversary of the Falklands Campaign, Falmouth Branch of the Royal Naval Association will be hosting a lunch, to be held at the Falmouth Beach Hotel, Cliff Road, Falmouth TR11 4NA, on Saturday, 14 April 2012 at 12.30 pm for 1.00 pm. Our Guest Speaker will be Admiral Sir Michael Layard KCB CBE. During the conflict, Sir Michael was Senior Naval Officer of Atlantic Conveyor. In 1982 he took command of RNAS Culdrose and later became Second Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Personnel. Rig of the day: Mess Undress/No.1’s, Lounge suit or Association Blazer. Medals/Badges of Office may be worn. Tickets for the lunch are priced at £15.00 per head. (Admission by ticket only) Cheques should be made payable to Falmouth RNA, Social Account. It would be appreciated if you would indicate your requirements, by e-mail text or phone, together with names of attendees. e-mail: Tel: 01326 221851 (H) 07810 404418 (M) 14.  Bill Murray - Obituary Bill was born in Birkenhead in 1936, joined the Royal Navy in 1953 and served 25 years in the Supply and Secretariat branch, leaving as a Warrant Officer in 1978. After a couple of years ashore, Bill missed the Naval life so he joined the Sultan of Oman's Navy where he served as an officer for a further 8 years. Settling back in England with his wife Sheila, Bill worked for 3 years in NHS Administration before taking early retirement at 55. Retirement to Bill did not mean sitting back and taking things easy. He and Sheila had purchased a house in Walderslade, on the outskirts of Chatham, which had a steep sloping garden. This, Bill set about terracing and after 3 years of hard physical effort he produced a peaceful haven with views over the valley. At the same time, he threw himself into community work, becoming among other things a school Governor and then Chairman of Governors. Then in 1996 Bill joined the Chatham Branch of the Royal Naval Association. Not one to sit idle, within a year he had joined the committee and a year later was voted Vice-Chairman, a position he held for 3 years. In 2001 he became Branch Secretary where his enthusiasm and administrative skills launched the Branch into some ambitious projects. In 2003 he brought the National Conference to Chatham and in 2005 persuaded the University of Greenwich to convert the old wardroom in HMS Pembroke from a lecture theatre back to its original use for an unforgettable Trafalgar 200 dinner. Also in 2005 he became a National Councilor representing Area 2 and from 2009 he also represented the Overseas Branches of the RNA. A tenacious fighter for what he believed was right, Bill was a man of firm convictions and principles. His meticulous attention to detail reflected the effort he put into everything he did, he always had a project on the go. On the night of 3rd of September 1917, the Germans dropped a bomb on the drill shed in HMS Pembroke, which at the time was being used as overflow accommodation space, killing 135 sleeping ratings. After the Navy left Chatham in 1984 the memorial to those lost disappeared. Bill ensured that not only was it replaced by a copy inside the building but a more obvious 13

memorial was erected at the main entrance to the drill shed which today is the library for the Universities of Greenwich, Kent and Christ Church Canterbury in Medway. Now, on the 3rd of September every year , the RNA hold a short service at this memorial on the old naval barracks parade ground. Such events will ensure that the name of Bill Murray will be remembered for a long time. He was a big man in many ways. Bill died at home, suddenly, on 21st December of a heart attack. The esteem in which he was held was evident at his funeral on 5th January which was attended by 17 RNA Standards and the chapel crammed to well over capacity. Bill is survived by Sheila, who he met early in his career at HMS Harrier where she was serving as a Wren, and daughters Lorraine and Alison.

15. No 10 Area – “Farewell Bill” – A personal tribute from a Shipmate Dear Bill, It was with such sadness I learned you had crossed the bar and, with even more regret, I found myself unable to be there to say ‘bon voyage’. Through the years I had come to know you as a big man, in stature, in capability, in generosity and, in voice, on behalf of your area and fellow shipmates. Your long naval service and experiences home and abroad, gave you a unique foresight of events and how to deal with them. Working with you on the conference study group committee was a pleasure. I am delighted that at Liverpool in 2013 we may be able to show our association shipmates, that your vision, and leadership, has brought to fruition a conference that will set the standard for all future conferences. When a good shipmate, messmate, oppo, goes on draft, it leaves an empty space in one’s heart, but, it also leaves hope, hope that drafty will work the oracle and one day we will meet up again on another ship. Bill I have no doubt that there will be many old shipmates and, messmates, waiting to welcome you on board. Undoubtedly, you will soon be swinging the lamp. You will know Bill, that as mere mortals; we have many aspirations most of which we fail to achieve. You were an exception, you achieved much and you will be fondly remembered for it. I understand that for Sheila it is a time of great sorrow, but be assured, Chatham branch will give her all the support they can. I am minded of the poem by Walt Whitman. ‘The Untold Want’ I offer you the quote by way of farewell, for goodbye is too final a word. ‘The untold want by life and land, is ne’re granted ’Now voyager, sail thou forth to seek and find’. Now land and life, finale, and farewell Now voyager depart! (much, much more for thee is yet in store;) Often enough hast thou ventured over the seas, Carefully cruising, studying the charts, Duly again returning to port where to hawsers tie But now obey thy cherished secret wish, Embrace thy friends, leave all in order Depart upon thy endless cruise old sailor! Farewell Bill, I hope we are shipmates on my next ship. S/m Dave Tollerton, Branch Sec Crosby, Chairman 10 Area. 14

16.  Finance Corner – From Michelle Regarding Branch Year End Returns for 2011, there is no need to send HQ 2 copies, (lets save ink & trees !) 1 copy is quite sufficient. Thank you  You can also submit electronically with a photocopy of the signature page sent on. If any of you have a MBNA Credit Card, the RNA continue to receive royalties from every card transaction. You can now start melting the plastic ! (joking) The Standard Insurance (17 March 2012 – 16 March 2013) will remain at £8.00 Answer to January’s Mensa Test – Diamond, Emerald & Ruby This month’s test your knowledge 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

Common, Water and Pygmy are types of which British Mammal ? Which British poet wrote “The Change of the Light Brigade”? 0131 is the dialing code for which British city ? Who was British Prime Minister from 1951-1955 ? Which ocean goes to the deepest depths ? What year was the great Fire of London ? Which French Port was the evacuation from on June 4th 1940 ?

Answer in next month’s Circular

17  IMC – Sailing Camp - Update The annual IMC Sailing Camp will be held in Bruges, in the Naval Base of Saint-Kruis between the 9 - 19 July 2012. We are looking for young persons 14-18 who might be interested in an international sailing camp. This need not be a Sea Cadet, could just be a Shipmate’s granddaughter or grandson. The cost is 140 Euro, (cost before subsidies 390Euro) with parents meeting cost of travel. A programme for the sailing camp will be available shortly. Please contact Paul or Andy if you would like to know more, or have a name in mind.

18  Book Reviews Pirate Killers, by Graham A Thomas - ISBN: 9781848842403 Costs around £20.00 from most good bookshops or online stores. One hundred and fifty years ago the Royal Navy fought a daring campaign against ruthless pirates and won. Piracy was a way of life, and the great sea-powers of the day couldn’t stop them. Then, in one of the most remarkable – and neglected – anti-piracy operations in maritime history, the Royal Navy confronted them, defeated them and made the seas safe for trade. A compelling new study of one of the most pernicious episodes in the history of African piracy. This book gives a fascinating inside view into the way in which the Royal Navy responded to the menace of piracy in the nineteenth century. Different to today’s views on piracy! 15

Warspite, by Iain Ballantyne - ISBN-13: 978-1848843509 Costs around £15.00 from most good bookshops or online stores. The name HMS Warspite has long been a part of British naval tradition. The first ship to bear this name sailed under command of Sir Walter Raleigh in 1596. The eighth and last Warspite was the nuclear submarine, which started her career stalking Soviet Navy vessels during the Cold War and later patrolled the waters around the Falkland Islands and the Argentinian coast following the war in 1982. The text is enhanced by a fine selection of photographs, many previously unpublished, and specially commissioned artwork. The voices of the men who fought aboard Warspite bring to life this stirring tale that will appeal to everyone with an interest in naval history and the ships that symbolised the great seafaring nation.’

19  World War II Veterans - Heroes Return II Veterans across the country who have not yet been able to travel on a Heroes Return 2 grant are today being urged to apply for funding as the Big Lottery Fund extends its landmark programme for a further 12 months. Announced in December, the Fund’s extension sees a commitment of over £1 million in extra good cause funding for WWII veterans to make their personal battlefront commemorative journeys to the places they saw action. To date, the Big Lottery Fund’s Heroes Return 2 programme has awarded over £7.8 million to 11,581 Second World War veterans, widows, spouses and carers across the UK. The Big Lottery Fund’s Chief Executive, Peter Wanless said, “Following the overwhelming popularity of our Heroes Return 2 funding programme, I am absolutely delighted that the scheme has been extended for a further year to encourage those veterans who have so far felt unable to make their personal journeys to apply now for a commemorative trip in 2011 to revisit the places they served.” “A huge debt of gratitude and recognition is owed by today’s society to that special generation of men and women who fought across the world during the Second World War. They built the peace and protected the freedoms we enjoy today.” Veterans, male or female, widows, and widowers of veterans, can all apply. The offer also extends to- Merchant Seamen, as well as WAAF's and ATS who worked closely with active personnel. It appears that the number of veterans claiming these grants was far less than anticipated resulting in these grants being extended to December 31st 2012. It would be extremely helpful if you can find space to make these details known so that veterans, who will now be aged 80 and over, may still take advantage of these grants and plan a visit. The grants range from £150 to cover travel and accommodation for veteran, spouse and carer, within the UK, £1,300 to Northern Europe and £5.500 to the Far East. For more information please contact. Ted Cachart, 4 Cottage Close, Heage, Belper,Derbyshire.DE 56 2BS. Tel: 01773 853 181 e mail: Chairman of the 49 Squadron Association


20  Guess Where? A RN Establishment ? Can you name the establishment and where it is? Please forward any other pictures to the HQ that you may have for ‘Guess Where’ so that we publish them in forthcoming Circulars. Answer again in next month edition.

Last Month’s answer! HMS Excellent – Gate just down from the Quarterdeck.

21  TS vanguard – Sea Cadets Spring Dance TS Vanguard are holding their Spring Dance on Sunday 24 March at the Broadwater Working Men’s Club BN14 9AW from 1900 – 2300. There is fantastic live entertainment supplied by the superb Blue’s Band Zero5, who will entertain and keep you dancing all night, tthere is also a very tasty buffet laid on to ensure that you don’t go hungry. Shipmates who would like to attend will be made very welcome. Cost of the evening is £8.00 per person, to book please contact Worthing SCC on, 01903 236357 or email them at 22  On-line donations You can now make an on-line line donation to the RNA at This may be passed to family, friends or when a memorial donation is a good idea. 23  Tot Issue 1905 – HMS Endymion ndymion Please read on……………………. rum (which was over 50% ABV, and was traditionally named "overproof"). Generally spirits are about 40% in comparison. Labeling spirits today as overproof or underproof is derived from the early method of treating Jamaica rum in the naval victualling ictualling yards before it was issued to the warships. The rum used to arrive in England at 140 degrees overproof after which it was reduced to 95.5 degrees underproof by having water added to it. A small amount of the mixture was poured over some grains off gunpowder and then a magnifying glass was used to ignite it. If the burning alcohol managed to stay alight then it was said to be "proof". And if it didn't light then it was underproof. If it exploded then it was overproof. Proof spirit today is legally defined as that which has a specific gravity of 12/13 (92.3 percent) at 51ºF, and of course they don't do the gunpowder/magnifying glass test any more. 17

Once a rating reached the age of twenty he was entitled to draw his tot. Senior Rates were entitled to drink this neat, however Junior Rates had "2 in 1" which meant that it was mixed with two parts water THE ROYAL NAVY “TOT” to one part rum. The reason for this was so that the rum Royal Navy Rum 1st Unofficial could not be stored and saved for another day. The rum Issue 1655 was a blend from different countries in the Caribbean, RN Rum 1st Official Issue 1731 most notably British Guyana, British Virgin Islands and Last Day of Issue 31st July 1970 Trinidad. So now to tell you a ‘tot dit’ about what ship and where the last tot was officially issued and drank in Her Majesty’s Royal Navy …. HMS FIFE was in Pearl Harbour on the 1st August 1970.

Last person and ship in the World to receive the ‘Tot’ was HMS FIFE (unless you can prove otherwise!?)

As you know this was the day after the end of the tot because HMS FIFE had left Kobe, Japan and had sent the Leading Regulator ashore at Midway for the mail. This was classed as giving leave so that the ship could therefore claim the US rate of Local Oversees Allowance (the helicopter taking him ashore and the ship then caught up). The Commander (Supply & Secretariat) obtained permission from the Captain to have ‘Up Spirits’ early which was about 09:00 having got alongside and being greeted by Hawaiian dancing girls in grass skirts on the jetty. The ship had crossed through the International Date Line during the evening so whilst in harbour the date and clock was then put back again from the 1st August 1970 to 31st July and approximately two hours later the last and final official tot in the Royal Navy was issued. The Senior Rates from 3 Mess had the honour of being pall bearers at the burial at sea ceremony to be held on the deck of the demise of the navy’s rum ration. A Junior Rate had his birthday on the 31st July 1970 so he was given the privilege of being the first and very last person in the RN to receive the tot. The pall bearers marched to the fo’castle on the starboard side, facing the harbour to the stern with rifles reversed and the pipe-band playing dirges and at a slow march and greeted by ‘off caps’. The pall bearers included, Chief Petty Officer Writer Roland ‘Nick’ Carter, CPO Cook and CPO Elee. Draped over the rum barrel was the Union Flag. Ropes were attached to the barrel as though it was ‘going over the side’ but there were strict rules governing all rum measures and whilst it was ceasing the Cdr.(S) had still to account for the barrel. Half-way through the proceedings an Admiral’s barge from Pearl Harbour HQ passed by with a Japanese Admiral onboard flying the Japanese flag (how ironic considering where they were and what happened there a few decades earlier; they say time is a great healer but try telling that to some WW2 veterans who served in the RN Pacific Fleet, but that’s another story). On seeing the ‘burial at sea party’ they stopped and saluted as they thought with all what was going on it was for real but imagine their embarrassment when they saw a rum barrel going over the side and ‘Jack’ started performing their dancing in the hula hula skirts that the remaining ship’s company had dressed up in. The Hawaiians completed a TV programme about the event and ex-Commander Banfield had taken several colour slides which unfortunately he no longer holds.


24  Guide to making a donation to Charitable Funds A reminder from the RNA’s Honorary Treasurer (Shipmate Ray Barraclough) Reference:- Supplemental Charter Para 4 sub-para (5) & (6) “(5)


make donations to any charity having among its objects the succour in sickness of members or former members of Our Naval Forces, Our Army, and Our Royal Air Force or their relief from conditions of need, hardship or distress. to assist any charity when its support is to the benefit of the reputation and best interests of the Service or the Association.”

Use of Income for the benefit of other local Charities 

If a branch wishes to help any other non-naval organisation then they are quite at liberty to do so by setting up a specific appeal for that purpose.

Any branch can properly apply its funds for the benefit of another charity which itself furthers all or any of the objects of the Association.

Potential problems will only arise where the funds of a branch itself are used to support another non-naval charity.

Branch funds should not be applied for the benefit of a charity which has absolutely no connection with the RN/RNA (e.g. animal welfare or a charity for the protection of the environment).

Donations may be given to a non-naval organisation where members of the RNA or their dependants will receive some help, or where help and support has been previously received (e.g. a local branch of Help the Aged, or a local Hospice which is caring or has cared for one of the membership).

25  BBC Inside Out Programme 05 Mar 12 – Craig Jones Falklands Memorial Richard and Pamela Jones, both Associate Members of the Tenbury Wells Branch, lost their Son, Craig, on the last night of the Falklands conflict. He was serving with 2 Para and was killed by an Argentinian shell after the ceasefire had been announced but before it became effective. On 5 March the BBC 1 Midlands Inside Out programme at 1930 is dedicated to following Richard, his remaining son Gareth, and his Grandson Alexander, on a pilgrimage to the Falklands to lay a plaque on a small island which Richard and Pam have bought and named Craig Island. The programme also talks to Pam at her home and shows scenes around Tenbury Wells.

26  Culdrose based Squadrons - 30th Anniversary of the Falklands Lt Mark Sharples RN an Observer with 824 Squadron is co-ordinating the 30th Anniversary of the Falklands Campaign commemoration at RNAS Culdrose, Helston, Cornwall during the week of 10 – 15 Jun 2012. He is particularly keen to contact any members of Culdrose based Squadrons who participated in the conflict. His contact details are below; Lt Mark Sharples 19

Mil: 93781 2938 Civ: 01326 552938 27  SAMA (82) Sponsored Concessionary Flight Scheme Under the current Indulgence scheme, holders of the South Atlantic Medal (SAM) are eligible to apply for an indulgence seat on the MOD air bridge. There is no guarantee of a seat and confirmation of a seat is only given 48hrs before the departure date. Following discussions with the MOD, a new scheme is to be introduced which will allow those eligible to purchase a ticket for the air bridge which will guarantee a seat. It should be noted however that the emergency movement of military personnel will continue to have priority over fare paying passengers. The new scheme has been extended to allow family members to visit the Falkland Islands. Eligibility is as follows:Holders of the SAM Holders of the SAM + 2 immediate family members; for example wife plus son or daughter. NOK of holders of the SAM + 1 immediate family member, for example widow plus son or daughter. Cost. The cost of a return ticket will be £275, to be paid at RAF Brize Norton, most major credit or debit cards will be accepted. (This fare is due to increase on 1st April 2012). Two months notice is required for application for a flight and confirmation of the seat will be given two weeks before the flight date. Documentation. Passengers must be in possession of a current passport plus comprehensive travel insurance which specifically includes medical repatriation from the Falkland Islands. Full information and application forms can be found on the “Falklands Concessionary Flights” page in the Drop Down menu of the “News & Events” tab. Click here: /Default.aspx 28.  “In Their Father’s and Brother’s Footsteps.” Fundraisers: David MacPherson, Simon Spencer, Gareth Spencer, Mike Cole, Trevor Law. Event dates: Visit Falkland Islands 9-23 May, Yomp 13-18 May. On the night of 11/12 June 1982 two Royal Marines, Corporal Frank Spencer and Marine Gordon MacPherson of Zulu Company, 45 Commando Group, were killed during the night attack on Two Sisters in the Falkland Islands. In May 2012 Simon and Gareth Spencer, the sons of Corporal Spencer, David MacPherson, the brother of Marine MacPherson, Mike Cole, Zulu Company Commander in 1982, and Colour Sergeant Trevor Law, a Royal Marine Mountain Leader serving in the Falkland Islands, will yomp the original 45 Commando route across East Falkland from Port San Carlos to Stanley, paying their respects at Two Sisters. The distance from Port San Carlos to Stanley is 120 kilometres. We will be marching during the Falkland Islands winter, which is a challenge in itself, and sleeping either in tents or sheep 20

sheds. The terrain is difficult – tussock grass, rock runs, boggy, mountainous and very exposed. We will need to carry kit and food sufficient for 6/7 days. The idea for the yomp came originally from Simon Spencer. He, Gareth Gareth and David see this as an opportunity to honour the memory of their father and brother, and to better understand what they went through in 1982 by walking in their footsteps. It will be especially important for them to complete the last leg from Two Sisters Sist to Stanley. They will be collecting primarily for the Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund, whose purpose is to support serving and retired Royal Marines and their dependants who are in need. The fund concentrates particularly on supporting suppor Royal Marines with service-limiting limiting injuries who have to start a new life outside the Corps. For more information please visit They will also be making a contribution to the South Atlantic Medal Association (Fa (Falkland Islands). All funds raised will go to the RMCTF and SAMA (Falkland Islands). They will be grateful for any donation, however small. Please make your donation at the webpage above.

29  SAMA 82 We would like to draw attention to the SAMA82 website where you will find details of events taking place this year to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the Falkland Campaign. Log on and go to news and events. SAMA 82 relies exclusively on donations and volunteers and you can support them in several ways, log on and see what’s on offer, and also check the news and events. If you have an additional question tion or request then contact the SAMA Secretary; Phone: 01495 741592 Email:

30  Fathers and Sons – “Falklands Falklands to Helmand” Helmand I am making a documentary for BBC Radio Four to mark the anniversary of the Falklands War. ar. I'll be looking at recent conflicts through generations of the same families. I would like to contact men who served in the South Atlantic in '82 and have had sons who who have since served in any service in other theatres of war. If you are interested, please email me at at, or call me on 07712 137298 31  Store all your personal information on your PC “Honey, where did you put my Passport...?” Sound familiar? In today’s world of passwords, pins and account numbers it’s very easy to let a tidal wave of information knock us to the deck. ArrangeMyWorld may just be the perfect solution for you! Store all your personal and family information safely on your own PC for quick 24 hour access at your fingertips. Take the fuss out of organisation with ArrangeMyWorld for less than £40! 21

“ it is dear – thanks to ArrangeMyWorld!” Use the discount code ‘RNA’ at

32  Irish Naval Association – Unveiling of Memorial – 26 & 27 May 2012 The last weekend in May the President of the Irish Naval Association will unveil a memorial to one of our Irish colleagues, Leading Seaman Michael Quinn DSM who died during a crew rescue attempt off a Stricken Spanish Trawler on rocks off Co Cork. The ceremony and the unveiling of the memorial will take place in Drogheda at 1300 on Sunday 27th May. Alongside the memorial ceremony there will be black-tie dinner on the Saturday the D Hotel. Shipmates are cordially invited to attend both the unveiling and dinner as part of the ceremonial weekend many will stay in the D Hotel on Sat 26th and Sun 27th May for a combined cost of €99 per person sharing which includes the which will be a fairly big affair and also very enjoyable. See this Hotel is opposite the area where the memorial will be placed and opposite to where one of our Naval Ship will come alongside and be present for the ceremony. Please remember the price above is Euro so when converted to sterling might seem very cheap and some might think the price is wrong but be assured it is correct as the Hotel and the local community are very excited at this event and proud that one of their sons is been honoured for his brave deed which cost him his young life. Please also note if we have some RNA members coming over I will arrange transport for them from their arrival in Dublin on Saturday to Drogheda and back on Monday in time to travel back to the UK. If you require any more information then please ring Terry Cummins: 00-353-879873884 33  This is what you call – Dedication ! For more than 60 years master modeler Philip Warren has been painstakingly creating an armada of every Royal Navy warship afloat, in service or setting sail since the Second World War ... out of matchsticks and wooden matchboxes. And without even knowing it he was building a unique history of ships - a modern day tribute to the vessels that have been serving his country since 1945. His collection of 432 naval vessels - which also includes 60 American ships - has been drawing huge and admiring crowds at exhibitions across the country since 1953. And museum directors are agreed that there is no other collection like it in the world. Now 79 years of age, he began creating his first boat in 1948 when he was 17. He uses a razor blade, tweezers, sandpaper and glue. He has used more than 650,000 matchsticks to create this amazing collection of 1:300 scale models. For more information please use the link.

Readmore: 22

34  Premier Care in bathing helps Stevenage man to stay in home for longer The subject of old age whilst not one that many relish to talk about, is certainly a worry lurking in the back of many people’s minds. Now with the added concerns of the availability of appropriate housing or the standards of care and the costs associated, it’s even more of a daunting prospect. About a third of all people aged over 65 fall every year with 60 per cent of these happening in the home. Around 25 per cent of such incidents are as a result of hazards most related to everyday activities such as climbing the stairs or bathing. And, with the number of households aged over 65 set to rise to 3.5 million by 2033*, people are looking at ways to not only maintain their independence but also adapt their homes as a real alternative. James Clarke, European Marketing Manager for Premier Care in Bathing, explains: “With frightening reports in the press about the standards of care in residential care homes and hospitals as well as the rising costs, it’s no wonder why people are looking at alternative ways to make life easier at home. “It is not just an issue felt by the elderly themselves; the pressure on family members is immense as they see their loved-ones struggling to cope with everyday simple tasks. However, moving into a residential care home may not be the solution at first and by making changes such as installing a Walk-in bath or Easy-Access shower for example, life can be made easier enabling people to stay in their own home for longer.” This is exactly what Gordon (80), known as Gus, from Stevenage realised. Gus, a retired electrical engineer who served with the Royal Navy as part of National Service, felt that the time had come to replace his bathroom and, instead of fitting a standard suite, made the 23

decision to make sure that he had the necessary hand rails and shower features that will ensure he’ll be able to bathe safely for many years to come.


Gus comments: “I’ve been very active all my life from serving as an electrical rating in the Royal Navy to running my own electrical business until I retired in 2003. I sadly lost my wife before I retired so carried on working until I thought it was time to hang up my boots, as it were, and have a rest. I’m active and have lived in my home since 1960. The bathroom desperately needed updating as it was last revamped 27 years ago. “To be honest my old bathroom was a disgrace and when I saw details about Premier’s solutions in the Royal Naval Association’s magazine, I thought it was time, time to throw out the old and put in the new. What’s good about my new bathroom is that it has all the safety features that can help me bathe safely plus I can always add more as and when my mobility becomes limited. “It’s important to think ahead as old age creeps up on you. Whilst I’m fine at the moment, as I do age, I will need to make sure I have the right equipment in my home so I can stay here. What’s more, it’s peace of mind for my family knowing that I can bathe safely as so many accidents happen in the bathroom. I am delighted with my new bathroom and it looks so good.” Gus has had a complete bathroom make-over with hand rail and safety features fitted for the bath and shower. He has a son, daughter and three grandchildren who all live locally and are equally delighted with the new bathroom. James Clarke concludes: “Before making any decisions, we urge people to look at the alternative of a bathroom adaptation, alongside other home modifications, as a means of maintaining independence not to mention, sparing those involved of the emotional effects of making a move as Gus did.” For further information about Premier Care in Bathing’s Walk-in baths and Easy-Access showers, please call 0800 018 0606 or alternatively log on to and request a free brochure. 35  RNA Belfast "The National Chairman was invited to 12 Area, by the Area President of behalf of 12 Area and during his to visit to Belfast he took the opportunity to present a ships decanter to the RNA Belfast Branch Chairman S/M John Bain. John received this beautifully inscribed decanter for his 14 steadfast years of service as Area 12 standard bearer. It was an especially timely moment as John celebrated his 80 birthday in the same week." Congratulations John. 24

36  Royal Naval Air Station Yeovilton - International Air Day on Saturday 23 June Royal Naval Air Station Yeovilton will be commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Falklands Campaign at this year’s International Air Day on Saturday 23 June. When Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands on the 2 April 1982 all the Yeovilton Squadrons were brought to immediate readiness and four resident Squadrons, 800 NAS and 801 NAS (Sea Harrier) and 845 NAS and 846 NAS (Wessex/Sea King) were joined by the newly created 809 NAS (Sea Harrier) and 847 NAS and 848 NAS (Wessex). Lynx helicopters from 815 NAS were already embarked in many of the surface ships dispatched almost at once to the South Atlantic. By the end of May 1982, 126 aircraft and over 1400 men from RNAS Yeovilton were deployed in ships in the South Atlantic. The Falkland Islands could not have been retaken without air power. The Sea Harrier defeated the Argentinian Air Force in scoring over twenty air combat victories; the Commando Squadrons provided support to ground forces with troop insertion and resupply; Lynx helicopters provided antiship capability and were used successfully in that role in coastal waters. Over the whole operation 90% availability of all aircraft embarked was achieved demonstrating the quality and reliability of the equipment and the skill and dedication of the Fleet Air Arm support crews. An extensive flying and static display will take place to mark this significant anniversary with historic naval aircraft such as the Swordfish, Seafire, Sea Fury and Sea Vixen coming together with their modern counterparts to highlight the role that RNAS Yeovilton Squadrons have played, and continue to play, in operations throughout the decades to the present day. Air Day will also feature world class military aerobatic teams such as the RAF Red Arrows and the Royal Jordanian Falcons. Undoubtedly, the stars of last year’s show for many were the exceptionally rare display by a Polish Air Force MiG-29 and the UK debut of the French Navy Role Demo comprising of Super Etendards and Rafales representing the cutting edge of modern global fighter technology. Invitations have been sent out to many foreign nations and we hope to have significant support from our allied partners once again. The home team consisting of the Royal Navy Black Cats, Royal Navy Historic Flight and the awesome Commando Assault Finale will showcase the Fleet Air Arm’s assets past and present. It is hoped, subject to its own successful fund-raising campaign, that Vulcan XH558 will grace the skies once again at Air Day. There will be plenty of light-hearted fun packed displays as well to entertain all the family. The Fleet Air Arm Museum will also be open on Air Day with a 25% discount to Air Day ticketholders. It houses the largest collection of Naval aircraft in Europe and it includes 14 aircraft which cannot be seen anywhere else in the World, as well as the Fly Navy 100 exhibition. Visitors can go on-board Concorde or be transported by a simulated helicopter flight to the replica flightdeck of the aircraft carrier HMS ARK ROYAL. Throughout the day there will be plenty of entertainment on the ground for all the family including side shows, funfair, vintage, classic and military vehicles, service demonstrations, picnic areas, helicopter pleasure flights, simulator rides, trade stands and much more. TICKETS Adult Senior Citizens UK Armed Forces (Serving & Veterans)*

ADVANCE £18 £16 £16 25

ON THE DAY £23 £23 £23

(if booked by 14th April the booking fee of £2.00 will also be waived) Children (3-15 yrs inclusive) £5


Tickets are available from March 2012 from our website or our Ticket Line 08445 781 781. Discounted group and coach rates available on request by calling 08445 780 780. Please download UK Armed Forces Booking Form from

37  Mountbatten Festival of Music Royal Albert Hall – Thursday 12th & Friday 14th Apr 2012 – Volunteers Required Royal Marines Associations (Operations Manager) Richie Puttock is seeking 12 volunteers for the Thursday and Friday night of the Mountbatten Festival of Music to act as ‘bucket collectors’ at the end of the concert. He will provide you with a ticket ‘in the gods’ and will require you to assist manning a door with a member of the RM who will be in uniform. You will be required to have your beret, blazer and medals with you if you have them. The collection will take a maximum of 15 minutes and you will then be free to boogie the night away at your favourite nightspot!! Ritchie can be contacted on the following telephone number 02392 651519 for more specific details. 38  Church Choir Concert - Purbrook Ray Hunt has managed to twist the arms of his choir to put on a concert on Saturday 5th May 2012. It will be at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Crookhorn Lane, Purbrook, Hampshire. The concert starts at 1930 and doors are open at 1900. If you are in the area and interested then please come along and support, for more information please contact. Ray on 02392 262427

39  Londonderry Branch – Battle of the Atlantic 2012 Programme – Saturday 5th May and Sunday 6th May 2012 The Londonderry Branch will be holding a Battle of the Atlantic commemoration event which will consist of a Dinner on the Saturday evening at the City Hotel commencing at 2000. Any Shipmate wishing to attend the dinner should inform S/M F.J. Brown (Hon Sec) 4, Myrtlefield Road, Kilfennan, Londonderry, BT47 5PG. ( For information, the cost will be £30 and is payable to the Hon Sec. The following morning there will be a church service and parade review. The programme of events is as follows: 1015 1030 1040 1100 1215 1315.

Muster at The Services Club, Spencer Road. (Approx.) March off to All Saints’, Clooney. Arrive All Saints’( All to be seated by 1045) Service Commences. March Off to Services Club, Salute will be taken en-route. Light Refreshments served. (approx.)


40 ď ? Diamond Jubilee Medals The Government have announced that the Diamond Jubilee Medal will not be issued to Veterans, it will only go to Serving and Reserve personnel (plus of course the emergency services etc). There are companies that are selling commemorative medals that you cannot wear on your medal bar with operational medals, honours, LS&GC etc. Some are targeted at Veterans and adverts advise that they can be worn. They are not approved for wearing by Her Majesty and should not be worn on parade. They are intended as nice souvenirs and have no standing.


Welfare Report – Ten Top Tips – Part 1 Many Shipmates’ wallets could be feeling a little light these days but have you thought of making your home or goods work hard for you and make some money? (just remember you will have to declare any extra income to the tax man). 1. Storage solutions: If you have a house with a little extra space then why not rent out the space for storage to people who are moving or have too much stuff who will be on the lookout for economical (= cheaper) solutions to their storage needs. Advertise locally cheaply or use someone like Storemates ( who aim to match up people with extra space with people who need it. Registration is free with payment of a one-off arrangement fee equivalent to the first two weeks of rent once the cash starts rolling in. The site suggests a maximum of 40%-60% of the amount charged by commercial storage companies. Their website site provides a list of items that storers are not allowed to keep at your home, a downloadable contract to use and advice on insurance implications. 2. Unused treasures - We all have items we rarely use, from clothes and electrical appliances to games and garden kit. These are the kinds of things other people may only want to use occasionally. Advertise locally cheaply or use sites like RentMyItems ( who facilitate local "borrowing" by putting the people who need the stuff in touch with the people who have it. Registration is free, and listing fees start at £1 for one item for one month, up to £110 depending on the number of items and the length of listing. You choose how much to charge and the website provides a form to verify the rental. However the website does not take responsibility for the rentals but you can charge a deposit to start with. Do check the insurance implications of what you hire out. 3. Sell your produce – Are you green fingered producing fruit and vegetables quicker than you can use it, or are good at making preserves but have no one to consume them? Why not sell your homemade, cheap and organic food locally as attractive alternatives to the usual supermarket fare? Selling food though is subject to regulation such as kitchen inspections, health and safety procedures, and licensing and food safety training. Free registration with environmental health and your local authority is mandatory. The FSA website ( has a checklist to make sure you've fulfilled all the necessary requirements before you start. 4. Lodgers - If you have a spare room you want to make use of, then renting to a lodger is a good way to make a reliable income from it. The government's Rent a Room Scheme at can provide you with £4,250 a year tax-free income. You do not have to be a homeowner to do it, and the scheme also applies to people who already run a bed and breakfast or guesthouse. 5. Parking spaces - Parking is an unavoidable and costly necessity for many motorists, but parking in a private driveway or garage can be a much cheaper alternative for motorists needing a reliable parking space. Renting out is easy to do via sites like YourParkingSpace (, ParkatmyHouse ( are both free to register and advertise whilst ParkingSpaceRentals ( charges for registration and advertising. However they all offer drivers and homeowners a straightforward way to get in touch. Renting your space could earn you hundreds or even thousands of pounds over a period of time. YourParkingSpace has a useful 'Rental Income Calculator'. Geoff Apperley, Royston RNA and Area 6 Welfare officer By General Secretary, You may want to consider the security and personal risk elements of some of these ideas, if in doubt contact the HQ or the National Welfare Advisor, S/M Rita Lock at


Shortcast HMS Ariadne F72 Reunion - 02/03/2012 The former crew of HMS Ariadne F72 are planning a reunion in Plymouth over the weekend of 2nd-3rd-4th March 2012. This coincides with the 39th Anniversary of HMS Ariadne's First Commission into the Royal Navy on 2nd March 1973. The reunion will be held in the Invicta Hotel, Plymouth. please book early by contacting Roy at the hotel or S/M Francis Brown on 01236 603663, City of Glasgow Branch R.N.A. All Branches and All Commissions Welcome. HMS Undine & Urchin Association - 9/03/2012 HMS Undine & Urchin Association in company with Ursa, Ulster, Ulysses, Urania and Undaunted are holding their next AGM and Reunion at the Inglewood Hotel, Torquay from March 9 to 12. Contact Secretary, Chris Heslop. HMS Duchess Association - 9/03/2012 Hold their next reunion from March 9 to 11 at the Tillington Hall Hotel, Stafford. All commissions are welcome. For full details contact Sharky Ward - HMS Brilliant 30th Anniversary Reunion - 23/03/2012 The reunion takes place from March 23 to 25 at Livermead House Hotel, Torquay. Further details at HMS Indefatigable Association - 23/03/2012 Celebrates its 25th anniversary at its 2012 annual reunion, from March 23 to 25, at the Royal Maritime Club, Portsmouth. The special silver anniversary dinner will be on March 24, and members of the association will be attending morning service at Portsmouth Cathedral the following day. All are welcome at part or all of the reunion weekend. Those wishing to attend are asked to book in advance through Reunion Secretary Mrs Anne Richards. To book accommodation at the RMC, please phone them direct on 023 9283 7681, mentioning the Association reunion when you do so. HMS Hermes Reunion and 30th Falklands Anniversary - 5/04/2012 The reunion and anniversary will take place between the 5-8 April at the Royal Maritime Club Portsmouth. T0 join the association and more information please contact the Secretary on ; 01752 787997 or email; Captain Class Frigate Association - 12/04/2012 Reunion at the Warwick Hilton, Stratford Road, Warwick. Book direct on 01926 499555. The reunion runs from 12 - 15 April. HMS Loch Fada Association - 13/04/2012


Reunion and AGM at Dauncheys Hotel, Weston Super Mare from April 13 to 16. All ex-F390s welcome & any who can’t make the ‘Lockie’ 2012 reunion. Details and booking forms from Frenchy at frenchy.delah HMS Aisne, last commission 1965-68. HMS Newfoundland Veterans - 13/04/2012 The weekend will be held from April 13 to 16 at the Bancourt Hotel, Torquay. Details available from Alan Waite - HMS Aisne, last commission 1965-68 - 13/04/2012 The 3rd reunion will take place at the Maritime Club, Portsmouth from April 13 to 14. All ranks, rates and partners welcome. For full details contact Nigel Jest - HMS Protector Association - 20/04/2012 2012 Grand Annual Reunion and AGM is to be held at The Suncliff Hotel, Bournemouth on the weekend of April 20 to 23. Early booking is highly recommended. Forms and further details available from Doug Harris at or downloadable from the website at Espana Levant Branch Submariners Association - 20/04/2012 2012 AGM in Benidorm, Spain. Weekend of 20-22 April 2012. For further information please visit Espana Branch Submariners Association or visit Submariners Association Website If you have any questions related to the above, please contact: Bob Head Esq, Hon Secretary, Espana Levante Branch, Submariners Association. HMS Glasgow (C21/D88) - 20/04/2012 32nd reunion will take place at the Haddon Hotel, Eastbourne from April 20 to 23. All ex-crew are welcome. Timings- 1400hrs, Location- BN21 4AJ - Tel +44 (0)1323 640953 HMS Hermes, Chefs 1968/70 - 21/04/2012 This years get together was a great success. The guest of honour was our Cookery Officer, Fred Motley who will be there again next year. The reunion will take place at the Royal Maritime Club on April 21. For more details contact Scouse ‘Ruby’ Enright. Loch Class Frigates Association - 27/04/2012 Annual Reunion takes place at The Ramada Bristol City Hotel, Bristol from April 27 to 30. All Members of the Association welcome. For details please contact Andrew Nunn Hon. Sec. LCFA at or see the website . Membership is open to all who served on any of the Loch Class ships or their variants (Bay Class, Admirals Yachts, survey ships and repair ships). Some of these types of ships have their own ‘Associations’ but you can always join both. HMS Fisgard Series S41/44 - 27/04/2012 A 50th Anniversary Reunion for those who trained in HMS Fisgard in 1961/62 will take place at the McDonald Burlington Hotel in Birmingham B2 4JQ from April 27 to 28, 1930 for 2000. 30

Please register your interest and for further information contact Dave Uden HMS Fisgard Series 41 - 45 Artificers A Reunion is planned for the weekend 27th-28th April 2012 in Birmingham. For more details please contact; Bob Mason HMS Sheffield 30th Falklands Reunion 2012 - 4/05/2012 Calling all HMS Sheffields D80,1982. HMS Sheffield 30th Reunion May 4 - 6 2012 at the Royal Maritime Club, Queen Street, Portsmouth. Any interest in this event, please contact Guy ‘Tug’ Wilson at Royal Naval Hospital Haslar - 4/05/2012 The 2nd RNH Haslar Reunion for all RN Medics and Naval Nurses who trained or served there between 1955 and 1985 will be held in Gosport over from May 4 to 7, 2012. A Minimum of three separate events over the weekend, including a Sunday DTS with Shep Woolley. Tickets £25 per head for the weekend, with all Profits to The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. Contact David Rawson via Haslar Reunion Group or by email to HMS Ganges Association - 11/05/2012 The H.M.S Ganges Association will be celebrating its 30th Reunion at The Adelphi Hotel Liverpool from. Friday 11th May to 14th May 2012. All ex Ganges personnel and guests are invited. Full disability facilities and car parking available. For more information please contact Frank Parker on 01744 886366 or John Kennedy by email at HMS Cleopatra Old Shipmates Association - 11/05/2012 Seeking new members to join us from both the cruiser and frigate. Wives/partners are also very welcome. We have 230 members and the subscriptions are only £6 per year. Our 27th AGM and Reunion is being held at Babbacombe, Torquay from May 11 to 14, 2012. If you are interested in joining the Association then contact the Secretary, Warwick Franklin at Bulwark, Albion & Centaur Association - 11/05/2012 The 2012 AGM & Reunion Weekend is confirmed for the Hilton Hotel, North Promenade, Blackpool commencing May 11. Three night package including Private Dinner & entertainment for just £130. Pool/Sauna available and on site parking. Please contact the Secretary, Denis Askham - HMS Minerva Reunion - 18/05/2012 This will take place on May 18 at the Commissioner’s House in the Historic Dockyard, Chatham, where there will be an afternoon reception followed by an opportunity for a less formal get-together in a local hostelry. For more information contact Barry Miller at


HMS Cavalier Association - 18/05/2012 Reunion will take place from May 18 to 21 at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea. Further information can be obtained from David Shardlow at HMS Danae First Commission - 18/05/2012 Reunion from May 18 to 19 at the Chesterfield Hotel, Chesterfield. Details on the website Further information from Dave Shoemaker HMS Solebay Association - 18/05/2012 Will be holding it’s 15th annual reunion from May 18 to 21, at the De Vere Barony Castle Hotel, near Edinburgh EH45 8QW. A full weekend of activities is planned to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the ship paying off for the last time. All ex-Solebay’s and their guests are welcome. For further details contact Malcolm Clarke 0117 9622500-or email at; HMS Dainty - 25/05/2012 HMS Dainty, AGM and Reunion will be held at the Holiday Inn Harrogate w/e commencing May 25, 2012. Please contact David Erwin or HMS Dainty website for further details. HMS Antelope 30th Reunion -26/05/ 2012 The 30th anniversary of HMS Antelope will take place on SS Great Britain on the 26 May 2012, anyone interested please contact Dorothy Benn, Hon Sec, Stroud Branch ; 01453-757 984 Glorious, Ardent & Acasta Association (Glarac) - 10/06/2012 To commemorate the 72nd anniversary of the sinking of these ships and the loss of 1531 men, a Memorial Service is to be held at St Nicholas Church, HMS Drake, Devonport, Plymouth on June 10. For more details contact Vince Marcroft Gib '78 - Reunion 16/06/2012 Gib '78 reunion will take place on Saturday 16th June 2012 at the Ambassador Hotel Llandudno. A reunion for all branch's RN/Wrens who were based in Gibraltar between the dates Jan 1977-Dec 1979. Details from Jeff(Taff)Thomas 07837 386244 or download a booking form for accommodation etc A Night at “The SODS Opera” 2012 Coming to the Kings Theatre Southsea Sunday 29th July 2012. “A Naval Review” Last Year It Was “A Right Rum Do” This time it will be “A Night At The SODS Opera” Wanted from the local area, acts and volunteer crew to assist. HMS Invincible Communications Association (Falklands) 82 - 21/09/2012 It being the 30th Anniversary of the Falklands the Communications Association which meets every year would like to invite any crew members or air crew who served on board HMS Invincible during the Falklands to a reunion. Annual Reunion to be held in Barrow-in-Furness from September 21 to 23. For details contact Tim Jenkins or see the website 32

HMS Ganges - 28/09/2012 HMS Ganges, 38 Recruitment, 1972. Frobisher 17 Mess, Boy-entry Junior Seamen 2nd Class, later Comms ratings. Instructor was CY Geoff Hone. A 40-years reunion is planned for the September 28 to 30, 2012, at the Union Jack Club, Waterloo. Please contact Jenks at for further details and registration HMS Brazen Association – 28/09/2012 The 2nd Annual Reunion will take place at The Britannia Hotel, Coventry, CV1 5RP from 28 - 30 September 2012. For details of membership and the reunion, please contact the Secretary - Gus Honeywood ( or visit HMS Arethusa Association - 5/10/2012 The 24th annual reunion from October 5 to 8 at the Three Queens Hotel, Burton upon Trent. All welcome. Contact Tom Sawyer, Honorary Secretary Bay Class Frigates Association - 12/10/2012 Reunion at the Esplanade Hotel, Scarborough from October 12 to 14, 2012. All ex-Bay Class welcome. Contact Doug Turk for details. HMS Lowestoft Association - 26/10/2012 Reunion will take place at the King Charles Hotel, Gilingham, Kent from October 26 to 28. All who served in HMS Lowestoft during her 25 years in service (1961-1986) are welcome to attend. For further details please contact Richie Farman or the website 2013 128 Mechanics Qualifying Course - HMS Sultan- Jan 1972 to Dec 1973. A reunion of this course is held biennially at a venue yet be decided. Any members of the above course who have not yet attended this event are most welcome; it would be good to see a few new faces from the past. If you are interested then please contact; Peter Shosmith, Tel; 01305 826747 or email; or Dave Batchelor on 02392 716472 email;


RNA Longcast 10 Mar 15 Mar 16 Mar- 2Apr 31 March 12-14 Apr 21 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 28/29 Apr 2-5 June 8 June 0900 - 1200 8 June 1300-1630 8-10 June 2012 10 June 25 – 30 June 30 June 2 July 6 July 9 – 19 July 4 Aug 25 Aug 7 – 8 Sept 5 Oct 20 Oct 8 Nov 11 Nov 13 Nov 17 Nov 24 Nov 8 Dec

National Council Naval CEO meeting (ST) Andy on Leave Welfare Seminar 40th Anniversary of the Mountbatten Festival of Music-London Clubs Seminar - Uxbridge HQ Open Day - 1 Portland Branch Annual Dinner (GS) 10 Area meeting and reunion weekend Diamond Jubilee - Weekend AMC and FAC National Council National Conference - Newcastle on Tyne SOC Conference - Wash Up Seafarers Awareness Week Armed Forces Day Mid Year budget review HQ Open Day – 2 Note - Fully Booked IMF Sailing Camp –Bruges - Naval Base - Kruis AMC Meeting (TBC) FAC Meeting National Council (Includes one day on Rule Review) HQ Open Day - 3 Dorchester Branch Trafalgar Dinner (GS) Field of Remembrance Remembrance Day Budget Meeting GS, Hon Tres, Accountant AMC meeting FAC Meeting National Council


Ship’s Office 2012 Branch membership renewal forms. The branch membership renewal form is included with the Circular this month. Branch Secretaries should note that this year we are asking for name, address, telephone and e-mail details for each member. It is absolutely essential that this information is provided, it is hoped that this will make renewal in future years much easier. Secretaries should note that to conform with the new membership cards the annual renewal card has changed to a small self adhesive holographic sticker with 2012 on it. There is a small box on the new membership card designed for the sticker, or stick it on the old membership card where it says ‘return to Chelsea Manor Street’. Beware they are easy to lose! Area and Branch Updates Area 4



Branch Torbay

Change The new secretary of RNA Torbay is; S/M Carl Goodwin 14 Derwent Road Torquay Devon TQ1 3QL Tel; 01803 310665 South Gloucestershire South Gloucestershire branch are now holding their meetings at the: Page Community Centre, Page Hall, Page Road, Staple Hill, Bristol. BS16 4NE Please note telephone code for Margaret Singleton is 01454 Officers remain in place and the meetings are being held on the 4th Wednesday of the month. Uttoxeter

Meetings venue change, The branch meetings will now take place at, The Bank House Hotel Church Street Uttoxeter The timings/days have not changed, meetings are still held on the second Wednesday of the month at 1900hrs. All new members and visitors welcome.



Liverpool branch is once more without a branch Secretary. The present incumbent, S/m J Ince has resigned the position with immediate effect and indeed the RNA. Until their AGM in March 2012, I would be grateful if correspondence with this branch could be sent to their Treasurer; 35

S/M John Anderson 10a Rudyard Close LIVERPOOL L14 5PP Tele: 0151 475 0999



Harrogate & District Change of Venue; Branch As of March 7th 2012 our venue for twice monthly meetings will be on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month starting at 2000 at, The Catholic Club Robert Street Harrogate HG1 1HP Selby Selby RNA change of Meeting day; As of and including the 30 March 2012 meetings will be on the last Friday of the month.


Swinging the Lamp – March March 1 1907 Cap ribbons and bedding issued in lieu of a gratuity, and ready-made uniforms instead of material to be made up. Loan clothing introduced. 2 1911 First four officers, chosen from over 200 applicants, reported to the Royal Aero Club’s aerodrome at Eastchurch on the Isle of Sheppey for pilot training in private aircraft provided free of charge:Lt C.R. Samson, scout cruiser Foresight; Lt R.Gregory, armoured cruiser Antrim; Lt A.M.Longmore, HMTB 24 and Lt E.L. GerrardRMLI, cruiser Hermione. 3 1807 The squadron under Vice-Admiral Sir John Duckworth engaged the Dardanelles forts on the return passage from Constantinople. 4 1941 Transportation of Imperial troops from Egypt to Greece. Ended on 24 April, when the evacuation began. Operation Lustre. 5 1902 Queen Alexandra’s Royal Naval Nursing Service constituted by Order in Council, replacing the naval nursing sisters. 6 1993 Retirement of CPO W. Price, last of the promised men’who joined the RN in 1948 and in 1970 were guaranteed employment until age 65. He served for twenty-two years at the RN Detention Quarters, Portsmouth. 7 1814 Provisions of uni form regulat ions of 19 September 1810 extended to the Governors of the RN Hospital and Asylum, and the Lieutenant-Governors of Greenwich Hospital and of the RN College, Portsmouth. 8 1872 The wood screw frigate Ariadne, sailing to Gibraltar, hove to when a seaman fell overboard from the main topmast crosstrees 130 miles off the Portuguese coast (40.15N, 12.10W) In an unsuccessful rescue attempt both ship’s cutters were swamped and two officers, Sub-Lts Jukes and Talbot, and eight men were drowned. 9 1686 Pepys signed contract for purchase of rum in lieu of brandy for HM ships at Jamaica. 10 1956 World air speed record of 1,132 mph (1,823 kph) set by Lt-Cdr Peter Twiss, OBE, DSC and bar, RNVR, flying from Boscombe Down in a Fairey Delta 2 between Chichester and RNAS Ford, Sussex. The first person to fly at over 1,000 mph. 11 1708 The Cruisers and Convoys Acts allocated prize money to captors at the Crown’s expense; a great incentive to captains and crews. 12 2009 The first woman in the RN to win the MC. Able Seaman Kate Louise Nesbitt (21), a medical assistant attached to 3 Cdo Brigade, for ‘exemplary gallantry’ during a Tal iban ambush in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. Kate, all 5ft tall, ran under enemy fire and saved the life of L/Cpl John List of 1 RIFLES who had been hit in the neck. Her MC was awarded by HRH Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace on 27 November 2009. Operation Herrick. Citation: ‘Nesbitt’s actions throughout a series of offensive operations were exemplary; under fire and under pressure her commitment and courage were inspirational and made the difference between life and death, “She performed in the highest traditions of her service.” 13 1823 Admiral of the Fleet the Earl of St Vincent died. ‘We expect too much of men; we do not make sufficient allowances, and perhaps we are too apt to over rate the services we render them’ 37

14 1757 Admiral Byng executed on board Monarch after being court-martialled for dereliction of duty. ‘At 12 Mr Byng was shot dead by six marines and put into his coffin’ – Master’s Log, HMS Monarch. 15 1980 Fire in A1 boiler room in the commando carrier Bulwark during a visit to Philadelphia. Damage considered too costly to repair. 16 1858 Shannon’s Naval Brigade at the capture of Lucknow by the forces under General Sir Colin Campbell. Naval Brigade manned all the breaching artillery on one side of the Gumti River. Indian Mutiny Medal: clasp ‘Lucknow’Battle Honour: Lucknow 1857. 17 1912 Capt Lawrence Oates, 5th Inniskilling Dragoons, died in Antarctica by walking out into a blizzard in a vain attempt to improve the chances of survival for Capt Scott’s party: ‘I am just going outside and may be some time.’ It was his 32nd birthday. 18 2002 Fearless, last RN steam-powered surface warship,entered Portsmouth for the last time on return from the Indian Ocean. See 10 September 1971, 23 November 1979,September 2000, 2 August 2002. 19 1847 Admiralty order that Wednesday 24 March be observed as a Day of Public Fasting and Humiliation, Divine Service to be specially performed in recognition of Irish Famine. Reaction of ship’s companies and their pursers not recorded.


1832 Navigating, Medical and other non-executive officers adopted the uniform jacket of the Executive branch, distinguished by the pattern of their button. 21 2007 Explosion of a self-contained oxygen generator (SCOG) in submarine Tireless while submerged under the Arctic ice killed two crew members.

22 2003 Two Sea King Mk VII of 849 Sqn A Flight, flying from Ark Royal on vital ground surveillance missions to support Royal Marines ashore on the Al Faw peninsula, collided over the northern Arabian Gulf. Two pilots and five observers killed. Posthumous MiD to observer, Lt Tony King. Operation Telic. 23 1922 Submarine H42, Lt D.C. Sealy RN, sunk with all twenty-six hands in collision with the destroyer Versatile, Cdr V.L.A Campbell RN, during 3rd Submarine Flotilla tactical exercises with the Atlantic Fleet off Europa Point, Gibraltar. The submarine surfaced 40yds ahead of the destroyer which was steaming at 20 knots. 24 1960 Yarmouth, first of nine Rothesay-class antisubmarine frigates, commissioned at John Brown’s, Clydebank, by Capt H.R. Hewlett RN, shortly to be Captain (F) Sixth Frigate Squadron. The first ship to be equipped with the new Seacat missile. 25 1945 World’s first deck landing of a high-performance twin-engined aircraft; a de Havilland Mosquito Mk 6 from RAE Farnborough on Indefatigable off Ailsa Craig and Arran piloted by Lt-Cdr Eric ‘Winkle’ Brown RNVR. 26 1912 Leonard James Callaghan, later Lt RNVR and Prime Minister, born at Portsmouth.

27 2006 The last Sea Harrier FA2 squadron, 801 NAS, paid off at RNAS Yeovilton, having completed operational flying on 9 March. 28 1996 RM School of Music, Deal, closed and band training moved to old RNDQs in Portsmouth Dockyard. RM at Deal since 1861.

29 1968 The beginning of the end of the fathom. The first of the new metric Admiralty charts, No. 3105 of Chiba Ko in Tokyo Bay, published, with depths and heights shown in metres 38

and decimeters. This was followed on 5 April by Chart 2247 of ports in the Black Sea, and on 12 April by Chart 438 of Boulogne. 30 1912 Capt Robert Falcon Scott RN and the remainder of his party died in the Antarctic. ‘It seems a pity but I do not think I can write more.’ ‘For God’s sake, look after our people.’ 31 1956 HMS Siskin, RNAS Gosport, paid off and following day commissioned as HMS Sultan as a TE for ratings of the Mechanical Engineering Branch. The new establishment was named after the old ironclad Sultan which served until 1943 as the RN mechanical training ship in Portsmouth Harbour.




Subscription to : The Royal Naval Association................................................... BRANCH To: The Manager..................................Bank FULL ADDRESS ............................................ ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... Post Code


Please pay NOW the sum of £10 Ten Pounds and then £10 Ten Pounds annually on the first day of January until further notice starting 20....... the sum of


To the credit of The Royal Naval Association ............................................ Branch Bank .......................................................... Sort Code ....................................... Account Number ......................................... Address........................................ ...................................... Quoting my name and initials: ............................... ................. (Block capitals) And charge my Account; Bank ................................................... Sort code ................................................... Account No .................................................. Signature ............................................................ Date ............................................................ Address ............................................................

Post Code Telephone

........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... No ...........................................................


2012 Diaries There are still a few Shipmates who have not yet bought their 2012 Diary. I still have some in stock just for you!

Diary insert only £4.00 or if you need a complete new diary eg Cover, RNA insert and Diary, they can be ordered at a price of £8. Cost includes P&P within the UK. Orders should be sent to the address below and be accompanied either by a cheque for the total value or instructions to debit a Branch Account.

To: Royal Naval Association, Room 209 Semaphore Tower (PP70) HM Naval Base Portsmouth PO1 3LT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Order form

From: .................................................................Branch Please provide ……………… 2012 RNA insert Diaries @£4.00each £ ...................... Please provide ……………… Complete 2012 Diaries @£8.00each

£ ...................... TOTAL £............

Deliver the order to S/M………………………………………………………… Address ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………...... Post Code:…………………………… Find enclosed a cheque to the value of - £ ..................made out to The Royal Naval Association OR debit the ..........................................Branch for £.................. Or charge to my Credit Card/Debit Card; the details of which are: Credit Card/Debit Card Type ........... ......Card No ........................................................................ Card in the name of:................................................................. Valid From: ................................ Expires ..................................................... . Three Digit Security Code (where applicable) ............................................... Card holder’s address of different from delivery address Address ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………...... Post Code:……………………………


Sent out.................................................


Welfare Seminar- Sat 31 March 2012 Leamington Spa - Application form Branch


Name Address

Post Code Telephone & Mobile No’s Email-address Vehicle Registration No If appropriate Welfare trained RBL-SSAFA Other associated Qualifications



Position- (ie – Wel Off/ Obs/Nominated

Clubs Seminar- Sat 21 April 2012 RNA Uxbridge - Application form Branch


Name Address

Post Code Telephone & Mobile No’s Email-address Vehicle Registration No If appropriate




Delegate/Observers for the Annual Conference 2012 Tyne Branch


Name of Delegate Delegate’s Address

Telephone No

Post Code

e-mail Number of Observers Names of Observers


Name of Branch Hon Secretary Contact telephone No: (if not branch Hon Sec) Contact e-mail address Name and Address for correspondence (if not branch Hon Sec)

*Please continue on a separate sheet with all your branch observers. This will be the Branch secretary unless otherwise indicated. NB: A Delegate will not be confirmed as such unless or until the Branch Balance Sheet for 2011 and Annual Subscriptions for Branch Members for 2012 have been received in RNA Headquarters (Rule 12Š). Should either not have been received in HQ, the Delegate's Status will be deemed to be that of an Observer.


2012 Conference Information and Booking Form The 2012 Conference will be held in The Assembly Rooms Newcastle upon Tyne. NE1 5DF Delegates have expressed a preference to book their own accommodation. Anyone wishing assistance should consult the Newcastle Tourist office on And see the RNA conference web page at What’s On - LongcastNational Conference Weekend. The Welcome Buffet and Conference Gala Buffet Dance will be held in The Assembly Rooms Newcastle.

There will be a Welcome Buffet with entertainment on Friday night from 1900 – 2300. Tickets will be sent out on receipt of payment Annual Conference day; Complimentary Tea and Coffee will be available from 0845 in the Assembly Rooms, prior to the Conference, when the venue opens for Delegates and Observers. The conference venue is accessible by wheelchair or smaller mobility scooters The Conference Gala Buffet Dance will be held on Saturday night from 1900 – 2300. (7pm -11pm) On Sunday 10 June the Conference service will be held in St Nicholas Cathedral at 1145. After the service there will be a March Past and Review accompanied by a Sea Cadets Band, with a wreath laying at the memorial in Eldon Square, followed by a short act of Remembrance. Disabled Parking is very limited, only 3 places outside the Assembly Rooms, but there is ample in surrounding car parks. Early bids to HQ for a parking permit. Booking form, for events only. Please complete the booking forms to book your place. Please Note: You must be in possession of a ticket to gain entrance to the Welcome Buffet and Gala Buffet Dance; it will not be possible to pay at the door. Cost Event Friday 8 Welcome Buffet Reception Saturday 9 - Conference Gala Buffet Dance

No of members attending

Total cost

£13.00 (per head) £16.00 (per head)

Please Note (allergies etc)................

Please include a cheque for the full amount with your completed application form. Approved on behalf of ........................ Branch ............................................. Name..........................

Please send completed booking form to HQ.

Cancellation: There will be no refunds for cancellations made after 18 May 2012. * The bar in the venue will be open from 1300 – 1350, there are numerous local Sandwich bars and cafe’s for lunch, not available in the Assembly Rooms.


Premier Care partners the RNA. Premier Care in Bathing and Stairlifts is a partner in your membership benefits programme. Premier Care, a market leading company, offers a wide range of Walk-in baths, low level access showers and stairlift solutions to provide dignity, safety, comfort and independence in your own home. 20% discount offer As Royal Naval Assosiation members you, your friends and family too, can benefit from a full 20% discount on the cost of your fully fitted stairlift. In addition you will also be supporting the the RNA as we will receive a donation for every purchase and installation. Premier Care supply and install a range of stairlifts designed to help people with mobility challenges to have more independence. Premier specialise in curved stairlifts that can be installed in narrow and tight stairways where other manufacturers cannot fit. The first step for any member interested is to call for a free survey on 0800 018 0353 and quote the RNA unique code PA009F. The important thing to remember is that you or someone you know can benefit from the offer and support the RNA at the same time. Please visit for more information on the range of bathing solutions and for stairlifts. Terms and conditions: • 20% off valid until 31st December 2012 • This discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers • To qualify fully the Discount code: PA009F must be quoted from first contact (it cannot be applied later or “backdated”)

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