The Norwegian Sail Training schooner Christian Radich. Leaving Portsmouth after a visit by Norwegian officers under training.
Branch Circular No 616
MARCH 2012
Dear Shipmate Branch Secretary, Welcome to the March Circular. I hope that you are enjoying the warmer weather – I certainly am since I am currently living in a caravan in our front garden as our house is renovated!! Please ensure that you get your bids in for the Club Seminar, the Welfare seminar and most particularly the Conference. Notifications of delegates have been a little slow, so please get your booking forms in, as soon as you can. Newcastle promises to be a great conference, with good and affordable events – and great shopping for the ladies. The 11 Area team has commissioned an oak rum tub to be raffled, details in the Shortcast – a really great idea, tickets with this Circular, please support. We stand into danger of losing our wonderful Virtual Branch due to lack of take-up, I am convinced that this is not lack of need, but a simple lack of letting us know of those who would benefit, please give this your urgent attention. You don’t have to be house-bound to benefit – just as good for carers. Please note that in the Ships Office section that there is an addition to By Law 5, please insert to your Rules. The most up to date set of Rules can be found on the website at members/downloads; remember the code is ‘shipmate’ to retrieve. I am required by a revised By Law 7 to inform you of the nominations for NCM and DNCM for those National Council members due for election this year. They are as follows: Area 1 3 4 5 10 12
NCM nomination(s) Shipmates Foley Reed Knight Ascott Hutton Hunter
DNCM nomination(s) Shipmates Lowden Peckett Dent Gamblin Simmons Stephenson
No further Branch elections required. I have at this point to make a sincere and abject apology. We have had a significant number of complaints about the size of the 2012 membership sticker, and that older eyes and fingers have difficulty managing them. Well those who complained are absolutely right!!! Sorry. The idea was that the sticker went onto the new membership card, doing away with the need for the plastic envelope and annual card, meaning that the RNA membership card would be easier to carry in the pocket and ensuring that the annual sticker/card was attached to photo ID, ensuring that voting and membership was correctly recorded. We are delighted to replace old photo ID cards with new ones free of charge, as part of the rebranding campaign. The offer has been made in the past but uptake has been slow. Contact Nigel if you want the new card. The correct position of the sticker is as shown in this picture. Next year we will have something closer to the size of a postage stamp, which should do the trick. Again, I am sorry. We have also commissioned a high quality, branded gazebo with Pussers Rum for use at major events, such as Armed Forces Day. If you would like to book the gazebo, please let Steve Caulfield (the National Events Co-ordinator) or Nigel know. You will need to make arrangements to pick up or have delivered since this is a substantial bit of kit. We also have pull up banners We have had a number of enquiries about gizzits for events where the RNA attends. As well as our popular bookmarks, car stickers and other items (still available); an important theme has been bringing children and younger people to the RNA stand. We have developed a fun hat that tunes in with our
Member-get-Member campaign to bring people to your stand; anyone who sees it raises a smile. It is intended to supply these to those Areas/Branches requiring them, free of charge but with a donation for postage and packing. It shows the MGM cap as well as details of our website for those who wish to join. If you charge for them we would be grateful for a donation back to cover costs. Here is a picture of Phil wearing our mock up version (only 4 out of 10 on the smiling front). We hope to have them at HQ by the time that this Circ gets to you. Please contact Nigel or Andy should you want some.
Finally we hope to have a very interesting RNA item to commemorate the Queens Diamond Jubilee; we are working on copyright and design issues at the moment, and should have something for you in the next Circular. I hope you have a great Easter and have plenty of fun with your Shipmates and Easter eggs for All!!
Paul Quinn General Secretary
Cover picture: The Christian Radich is a 241 foot, 676 ton, full-rigged ship built in 1937 in Sandefjord, Norway. In design she has the moderate sail plan of the modern training ship, with a total area of about 11,700 sq. ft., while her hull profile follows that of the traditional sailing ship, although on much finer lines since she carries no cargo other than her own stores and equipment. Her normal complement consists of a captain, three mates, six schoolmasters or instructors, a doctor, engineer, steward, cook and 100 cadets. In 1938 she sailed to New York for the World Fair. The Christian Radich sailed back to Norway late in 1939 and was placed under the control of the Norwegian Navy. She was seized by the Germans at Horten, near Oslo, and was used by them as a submarine depot ship. She was taken to Germany in 1943, and in 1945 she was found by the Allies at Flensburg in a capsized condition and without her masts or equipment. She was towed back to Norway and was rebuilt in the same yard where she was built in 1937.
Contents Daily Orders 1. Conference 2012 - Update 2. Pembroke House 3. Clubs Seminar 4. HQ Open Days 5. National Standard Bearers Competition 6. Uttoxeter Branch 7. Huntingdon and District Branch 8. Rum Tub 9. Scam Alert 10. Virtual Branch 11. Donations Received 12. Forces Pension Society newsletter article 13. Falmouth Branch – Falklands Anniversary Lunch 14. Forces Discounts 15. HMS Illustrious Association 16. Finance corner from Michelle 17. IMC-Sailing Camp - Update 18. Anniversary invitation to all Veterans 19. New Breathalyser Law in France 20. Guess Where? 21. Admiralty War Diaries 22. Online Donations 23. Falklands Plus 30 24. Guide to making a donation to Charitable Funds 25. Diamond Jubilee Medals 26. The Skylark IX – Operation Dynamo 27. SAMA (82) Sponsored Concessionary Flight Scheme 28. RNA Car stickers – On Display 29. Adams Hoofing Hut 30. Store all your personal information on your PC 31. WW II Genealogy Television Series 32. The Royal British Legion 70TH Anniversary trip to Dieppe 33. Holiday Caravans for Hire in Polzeath, Cornwall 34. Operation Reservist 35. RM Massed Bands - Events 36. Wheelchair Wanted 37. HMS Hood Commemoration service 38. The Nautical Club - Birmingham Shortcast Longcast Ship’s Office 1. Branch membership renewal forms 2. Area and Branch updates 3. Club C3 application forms (loose leaf)
Swinging the Lamp For the Branch Secretary and notice-board (included loose-leaf): 1. 2. 3. 4.
Bankers Order for Clubs Seminar application form Delegates/Observers Returns Conference Information and Booking Forms
National Council Member National Council Association Management Committee Finance Administration Committee National Chairman National Vice Chairman National President Deputy National President General Secretary Assistant General Secretary As soon as possible Buy the General Secretary a drink
Throughout ď ? indicates a new or substantially changed entry Contacts:
Financial Controller
023 9272 3823
023 9272 3371
Assistant General Secretary (Membership & Slops)
023 9272 3747
AGS (Events/Marketing/Shipmates)
023 9272 0782
General Secretary
023 9272 2983
023 92 72 3747
RNA HQ Staff continue to attempt to build a library of e-mail addresses within the Association. It would be extremely helpful if those Branch Secretaries able to communicate by e-mail would forward a short e-message to HQ to
Daily Orders 1 Conference 2012 - Update THE CONFERENCE BOOKING FORM IS INCLUDED WITH THIS CIRCULAR, BOOKINGS SHOULD NOW BE MADE AND DELEGATE/OBSERVER FORMS RETURNED. The local branch contact is Shipmate Ian McQueen, his e-mail is If you have not booked yet Hotel Indigo is opening April 2012 - it is situated next to the ‘Old Assembly Rooms’ in Fenkle Street. There are150 rooms of which 20 are twin bedrooms. The rate for the conference is £95.00 per room to include breakfast or £89.00 room only. (Sharing a twin room would only cost £47.50 each). It is essential to book early if you want to stay in the newest hotel in town and also take advantage of the special conference rates. The Hotel contact is Laura Farrell on 0191 300 9222 or email and ensure they are aware it is for the RNA Important notice. The Hotel Indigo reservations are requesting that all shipmates who have booked with the hotel and have not received a phone call confirming their booking by April 6th are requested to ring the hotel to re confirm their booking 2. PEMBROKE HOUSE - CARE & NURSING HOME Pembroke House is the Royal Naval Benevolent Trust’s care and nursing home in Gillingham, Kent. While the Home caters specifically for those who have served as ratings in the Royal Navy or as other ranks in the Royal Marines and their spouses, applicants from the Women’s Royal Naval Service, RN and RM Officers and other Services will also be considered if space allows. In addition to full time residency, the Home also provides high quality respite breaks of varying duration. The Home has consistently achieved the Care Quality Commission’s top award for setting and maintaining the highest care standards. Recently extended and improved, the Home now offers up to 56 en-suite rooms with approximately half allocated for nursing care. The Home is situated in fine landscaped grounds with panoramic views of the River Medway and beyond and is tastefully decorated on a nautical theme. Supported by a vibrant volunteer body (the Friends of Pembroke House), the Home has an excellent relationship with the local community and enjoys regular access to the local attractions including Chatham Historic Dockyard. There are strong ties with the Royal Naval and Royal Marine Associations several branches of which regularly visit the Home and in turn invite the residents to their meetings and social events. Pembroke House operates on a ‘not for profit’ basis so fees are very competitive and below the market average for a Home of its quality. Care packages are tailored to each individual and are subject to regular review as needs change; Pembroke House is not a ‘one size fits all’ care and nursing home. Local Authority funded residents are most welcome providing the fees are topped up where there is a shortfall in Local Authority funding. The Trust’s policy is not to 6
assist with funding shortfalls on the basis that its charitable funds are utilised to provide the highest standards of care and facility within the Home for all residents to enjoy at reasonable rates. The Trust only employ staff with the right combination of skills and personality to work in the Home that is equipped to the highest standards; our aim is to provide assisted living at the right level that allows residents to enjoy a full and as far as possible independent and active life in warm, friendly and comfortable surroundings. For more details contact the Home Manager on 01634 852431 or e-mail ; further details may also be found on the RNBT’s web site
3 Clubs Seminar The RNA Clubs Seminar will take place in the RNA Uxbridge Branch Club on Saturday the 21 April 2012, and there will be a full programme. It is vital that all clubs are represented because the RNA’s National Clubs Advisor is presenting the proposed new club rules. So if you want a say in the Rules come – but if you don’t please don’t complain if things have changed that you don’t like. Please fill in the attendance form at the rear of the circular and ensure that you include your full name/address, phone and mobile numbers, also an email address if possible, and return the enclosed form to Nigel at HQ. Accommodation details were in Circ 615 Please would attendees kindly advise S/M Kevin (Slinger) Wood, Chairman RNA Uxbridge, (Tel 01895 230071)(07961124459) of their attendance as he plans to lay on some live entertainment on the Saturday evening if there are enough Shipmates interested. Pusser’s Rum will be sending their new Branding Manager Peter Watson. 4 HQ Open Days – 2012 Sorry, due to very popular demand, all the HQ Open Days are now fully booked up for this year. 5 National Standard Bearers Competition - 12 May 2012 The National Standard Bearers Competition will take place at HMS TEMARAIRE, Portsmouth on 12 May 2012. Areas are invited to submit the names of qualified standard bearers for this event. The event is open to; 1. Area Standard Bearers 2. Deputy Area Standard Bearers 3 The serving National Standard Bearer and Deputy National Standard Bearer 4. Where an area has not held an area competition a nominated standard bearer is permitted to enter. 7
Deputy Standard Bearers are to be equipped with their branch standard and all associated equipment. (Sling, gloves and drapes). All standard bearers holding trophies are to return them on the day of the competition (cleaned and polished please). Competitors are to make their own arrangements for accommodation. Please note that the Maritime Club is host to a major reunion that weekend and all SR mess double rooms are booked out. You may have to look elsewhere in Portsmouth and Southsea for a bed, there are plenty. If you require a list of small hotels and B+Bs then please ask Mick Keiran. Names of competitors are to be forwarded to Mick Kieran (NCA) at or at: 38 Rookery Lane, Keresley,Coventry, West Midlands CV6 4HE. Please send details soon and no later than 15 April 12 6 Uttoxeter & District Branch – David Emery MBE Shipmate David Emery travelled the world whilst in the Navy but made a special journey to Buckingham Palace to receive his MBE. Great Grandfather David picked up his love for the violin and cornet while studying at the Naval School of Music in 1953 and was awarded the MBE for his charitable work along with many other interests. All in the branch and the RNA wish him heartiest congratulations, he has helped and cared for a lot of people over the years, and his award of the MBE is very well deserved. BZ. 7 Huntingdon and District Branch It is with great sadness that the Huntingdon and District branch of the RNA announce that Shipmate AJ (Chris) Thomas ‘Crossed the bar’ on 6th March 2012. Chris was our President and had been a long standing, and very supportive member, of the Branch for many years. Aged 80, he never lost his happy memories of his time as a National Serviceman in the Royal Navy. As a Lieutenant, he was the Navigating Officer of HMS Magpie where he was fortunate enough to be on a ‘flag showing’ Commission throughout the world. An all-round sportsman, Chris played Rugby for the Royal Navy and the Barbarians, he was a member of the MCC, and was also an avid yachtsman. Shipmate Chris Thomas is pictured at the annual 'branch BBQ' in September 2011. Although in poor health, Chris was determined to entertain our branch members. Not only did Chris and his wife, Elspeth, host the afternoon's entertainment (which included the 'spinning of many dits'), but he also supplied the Pusser's Rum - such was the generosity of our President. Sadly, this was to be the last branch event Chris was well enough to attend. Quote by Shipmate Chris Thomas, “A truly worthwhile Shipmate who will be sorely missed”
8. Rum Tub Great news!!! 11 Area have arranged for the production of a hand made solid oak rum tub for raffle at the Conference. For any branch that would like a rum tub this is a great chance to get one for the price of a couple of pints. They are normally over £500 on e-bay. Raffle tickets are enclosed with this Circular and extra tickets can be purchased from the HQ. This raffle will be RNA only, so you have a great chance!!
9. Scam Alert We have received Police notification of a current Scam that should be passed onto members: This one is pretty slick since they provide YOU with all the information, except the one piece they want. Note, the callers do not ask for your card number; they already have it. This information is worth reading. By understanding how the VISA & MasterCard Telephone Credit Card Scam works, you'll be better prepared to protect yourself. The scam works like this: Person calling says, "This is (name), and I'm calling from the Security and Fraud Department at VISA/Matercard etc. My badge number is 12460. Your card has been flagged for an unusual purchase pattern, and I'm calling to verify. This would be on your VISA card which was issued by (name of bank) did you purchase an Anti-Telemarketing Device for £497.99 from a Marketing company based in London ? “When you say "No", the caller continues with, "Then we will be issuing a credit to your account. This is a company we have been watching and the charges range from £297 to £497, just under the £500 purchase pattern that flags most cards. Before your next statement, the credit will be sent to (gives you your address), is that correct?" You say "yes". The caller continues - "I will be starting a fraud investigation. If you have any questions, you should call the 0800 number listed on the back of your card (0800-VISA) and ask for Security. You will need to refer to this Control Number. The caller then gives you a 6 digit number. "Do you need me to read it again?" Here's the IMPORTANT part on how the scam works, the caller then says, "I need to verify you are in possession of your card." He'll ask you to "turn your card over and look for some numbers." There are 7 numbers; the first 4 are part of your card number, the next 3 are the security numbers that verify you are the possessor of the card. These are the numbers you sometimes use to make Internet purchases to prove you have the card. The caller will ask you to read the 3 numbers to him.
After you tell the caller the 3 numbers, he'll say, "That is correct, I just needed to verify that the card has not been lost or stolen, and that you still have your card. Do you have any other questions?" After you say, "No," the caller then thanks you and states, "Don't hesitate to call back if you do", and hangs up You actually say very little, and they never ask for or tell you the Card number. But after we were called on Wednesday, we called back within 20 minutes to ask a question. Are we glad we did! The REAL VISA Security Department told us it was a scam and in the last 9
15 minutes a new purchase of £497.99 was charged to our card. Long story - short - we made a real fraud report and closed the VISA account. VISA is reissuing us a new number. What the scammers want is the 3-digit PIN number on the back of the card!! Don't give it to them. Instead, tell them you'll call VISA or MasterCard directly for verification of their conversation. The real VISA told us that they will never ask for anything on the card as they already know the information since they issued the card! If you give the scammers your 3 Digit PIN Number, you think you're receiving a credit. However, by the time you get your statement you'll see charges for purchases you didn't make, and by then it's almost too late and/or more difficult to actually file a fraud report. Please pass this on to all your family and friends.. By informing each other, we protect each other.
10. The Virtual Branch The Virtual Branch is funded through Community Link with charity monies. When it commenced with the RNA the main criteria was that those partaking would be paid up members of our Association with a land line and also we would eventually have at least 32 members partaking. We, the RNA did not stipulate "they" did. We have now been running since June 2011 but unfortunately now have only 14 shipmates taking part. The project manager has been in touch and warned that unless we can increase our membership taking part then it is highly likely that funding will discontinue at the end of our first year. In a nutshell it is a case of “Use it or Lose it". Those who are taking part continue to do so and say they enjoy these chat sessions so it will be a shame if we lose this free facility. There must be more shipmates out there who would like to join in, if you can get the message across. They do not have to be housebound, disabled or anything other than paid up members with a land line who are interested in chatting to like minded folk all over the British Isles. The Editor of the Navy news has joined one session and will be in the paper. We are going to put further articles in the circular and HQ Roll newsletter but we urgently need more recruits. Preaching to the converted I may be, but please get out there and see if your Secretaries can get more members. If you need any more help or information please contact; Rita Lock National Welfare Adviser 02392 642 234
11. P Donations received for the Central Charities Fund In memory of Norman Thompson In memory of Isabella McGuire Nightingale In memory of Iris Adams In memory of Edward ‘Ted’ Darke RNA – Bristol (In memory of Ron Tremlett)
£300.00 £80.00 £45.00 £105.00 £50.00 10
RNA – Carshalton (in memory of Eric Collins) RNA – Cromer RNA – Sherborne RNA – Orkney RNA – Driffield
£225.00 £200.00 £50.00 £50.00 £100.00
A special thank you to Toby Hammond who asked his guests to donate (wedding present gifts) to the RNA Central Charities fund of £450.00, in memory of his father, Lt CDR Antony Hammond, who was a enthusiastic member of the RNA. Thank you for the donations received this month to the Central Charities Fund. 12. Forces Pension Society Newsletter article Cautionary Tale - Driving A member who trains minibus drivers tells us that, in addition to a £1000 fine for driving with an expired photocard, another £1000 fine can be levied if the old photocard is not returned when replaced. Many drivers renewing a licence at 70 (and every 3 years thereafter) are not aware that DVLA issues the new licence with just a B annotation, which limits you to vehicles of 3500kg Maximum Authorised Mass and a towing limit of 750kg. If you wish to drive a Minibus or a large van, or tow a caravan or horsebox you must apply to retain the D1 or C1 annotations. Many drivers are unaware they are liable for yet another £1000 and up to 6 points for splashing a pedestrian (classed as careless driving) and another £1000 if the address on the licence is not your main address. Finally you can be done for using a hand held phone when stopped in a car park if the engine is running. The vehicle must be properly parked with engine off when using a mobile. The general (and healthy) rule is to use your bicycle! But please don’t try to phone whilst riding!!
13. Falmouth Branch - Falklands Anniversary Lunch - 14 April To mark the 30th Anniversary of the Falklands Campaign, Falmouth Branch of the Royal Naval Association will be hosting a lunch, to be held at the Falmouth Beach Hotel, Cliff Road, Falmouth TR11 4NA, on Saturday, 14 April 2012 at 12.30 pm for 1.00 pm. Our Guest Speaker will be Admiral Sir Michael Layard KCB CBE. During the conflict, Sir Michael was Senior Naval Officer of Atlantic Conveyor. In 1982 he took command of RNAS Culdrose and later became Second Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Personnel. Rig of the day: Mess Undress/No.1’s, Lounge suit or Association Blazer. Medals/Badges of Office may be worn. Tickets for the lunch are priced at £15.00 per head. (Admission by ticket only) Cheques should be made payable to Falmouth RNA, Social Account. It would be appreciated if you would indicate your requirements, by e-mail text or phone, together with names of attendees. E-mail: Tel: 01326 221851 (H) 07810 404418 (M) 11
14. Forces Discounts For all those who enjoy getting a discount on things like travel, car insurance, electrical items and almost anything else then please use the attached link, you may be surprised at what you can find cheaper by shopping around! You are entitled as a Service Veteran.
15.HMS Illustrious Association HMS Illustrious Association are looking for people who have served on the Fourth (1939-1957) or (1982-present day) HMS ILLUSTRIOUS, or family members of those who did. For further information please contact by phoneNational Secretary Miss Diane Coleman Hon Treasurer Mrs Ann Lefley Vice Chairman Mr Mike Brockwell
01424 720745 01903 771934 01293 520352
Email Leaving your name, address, phone number and email address of dates you served on HMS Illustrious and your connection with the ship. A full information sheet and application form will be forward to you. 16. Finance Corner – From Michelle Continuation from last month’s statement on Branch Year End Returns for the future, it was decided that 1 copy to be sent to HQ and 1 copy to be dispatched to your Area Secretary. Thank you. You can also submit electronically with a photocopy of the signature page sent on. All forms are available on the website in WORD form in the members/downloads pages. If any of you have a MBNA Credit Card, the RNA continues to receive royalties from every card transaction. RNA Members can contact MBNA directly on 0800 028 2440 to apply for a card over the phone, please mention the Royal Naval Association. . 1st Quarter Accounts will be produced in April. Please note – if a branch member is paying by Direct Debit, they need to pay their subscriptions to their relevant Branch Bank Account and NOT HQ Bank Account unless you are a HQ member. Answer to February’s test your knowledge – 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Common, Water and Pygmy are types of which British Mammal ? Which British poet wrote “The Change of the Light Brigade”? 0131 is the dialing code for which British city ? Who was British Prime Minister from 1951-1955 ? Which ocean goes to the deepest depths ? What year was the great Fire of London ? Which French Port was the evacuation from on June 4th 1940 ?
Please note I will be on Annual Leave as from 25th April – 8th May Wishing you all a very happy Easter.
Shrew Tennyson Edinburgh Churchill Pacific Ocean 1666 Dunkirk
17 IMC – Sailing Camp - Update The annual IMC Sailing Camp will be held in Bruges, in the Naval Base of Saint-Kruis between the 9 - 19 July 2012. We are looking for young person’s 14-19 who might be interested in an international sailing camp. This need not be a Sea Cadet, could just be a Shipmate’s granddaughter or grandson. The cost is 140 Euros, (cost before subsidies 390Euro) with parents meeting cost of travel. A programme for the sailing camp will be available shortly. Please contact Paul or Andy if you would like to know more, or have a name in mind. 18 Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Falklands, Open Invitation to Veterans This is an invitation to all World War II and Falklands War veterans who served both overseas and in the UK, and to those who served in support organisations such as the Red Cross, the Land Army and the WRVS. Organisers of the War and Peace Show would be honoured to welcome you as our guests at this year’s event. You will have an opportunity to: • Meet up with old comrades, enjoy a drink and exchange reminiscences • See a huge variety of weaponry and vehicles from tanks to artillery • Watch battle re-enactments and see displays by living history groups • Enjoy entertainments similar to those of the Second World War days. A special Veterans’ Marquee will be set up close to the heart of the Show, where you are certain to bump into old soldiers and comrades both from the Second World War and the Falklands campaign. Your presence will help us commemorate significant anniversaries – not least our own. The War and Peace Show was first held, albeit under a different name, 30 years ago. It is, of course, the 30th anniversary year of the Falklands War and renowned veteran Simon Weston will be one of our guests at the Show. We shall also be commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Channel Dash, when 18 heroes from the Fleet Air Arm took off in six outdated Swordfish bi-planes to combat the pride of the German navy and the Luftwaffe. Few survived this hopeless enterprise, likened to the Charge of the Light Brigade. All men and women who served in either World War II or The Falklands campaign will be admitted FREE to the War and Peace Show at The Hop Farm, Paddock Wood, Kent TN12 6PY. The Show takes place from 18th to 22nd July 2012. Special rates will apply for carers and families. Hire of mobility scooters can be arranged in advance from Safe Hands Mobility on 01303 274574, email If you would like to attend, please complete the form overleaf and send it to: Alison Hatfield, The War and Peace Office, The Old Rectory, 45 Sandwich Road, Ash, Kent CT3 2AF, by 9th July 2012 at the latest.
19 New Breathalyser Law in France I read the following article in the Motoring Section of the Times on the Weekend and thought it worthy of circulation, perhaps for onward publication to the membership in general? “Drivers planning on heading to France this summer are being reminded that they will be required by law to carry a breathalyser in their car. 13
The new measure comes into effect from 1 July 2012 and applies to anybody travelling through France. It means that at a minimum, they will have to carry a single-use breathalyser with them. From November, those failing to do so will be fined €11 (£9.30). The idea is that drivers can test themselves to check whether they are over the limit before setting off, although they should note that the legal limit in France is lower than in the UK – 50mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood compared with 80mg. The Institute of Advanced Motorists is advising drivers to take at least two breathalysers so that if one needs to be used there is still a spare in the car if you are stopped.”
20 Guess Where? Somewhere in an Establishment! Can you name the establishment and where it is? Please forward any other pictures to the HQ that you may have for ‘Guess Where’ so that we publish them in forthcoming Circulars. Answer again in next month edition.
Last Month’s answer! Portsmouth Dockyard – The row of dockyard officer residencies, opposite Victory Building, called The Parade. 21 Admiralty War Diaries and Action Reports has researched and published original data for 14 years. In the case of World War 2, this includes Admiralty War Diaries and Action Reports. The War Diaries from August 1939 to March 1942 are combined with other primary sources into a day-by-day account. The period April 1942 into 1946 is covered by a growing number of War Diaries ranging from the Home and Mediterranean Fleets to the British Pacific Fleet. The Diaries make fascinating reading in their own right. They also provide detailed movements of hundreds of ships and the men who sailed in them. All can be found at To research ships and men, you can also use the search box in the top left-hand side of If you have any further questions then please contact; Gordon Smith MBA CEng Naval-History.Net 17 Norris Close, Penarth, 14
Vale of Glamorgan CF64 2QW, UK Tel: 029-20636953 or 07590070038 22 On-line donations You can now make an on-line donation to the RNA at This may be passed to family, friends or when a memorial donation is a good idea. 23 Falklands - Plus 30 On Saturday 28th April in Gloucester a show is being held that will not only commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Falklands War but also the Queens Diamond Jubilee and raise a few pounds for the H4H charity. Part 1 is a professionally written and choreographed play entitled "Edith's Wartime Scrapbook." This is about a lady moving from the home she has lived in all her life and through WW2 and whilst doing so finds the scrapbook she compiled and scenes from it are acted out (mostly by young people) from Chamberlains Speech to VE Day and including a "Dad's Army" sketch. Part 2 will be in the form of an Act of Remembrance with the Band of the Gloucestershire Constabulary, the Pipes and Drums of St.Andrews, the Susan Toimlins Schools of Dance and others. Starts at 1915 should last just over 2 hours. Dignitaries have been invited. tickets can be obtained from Stephen Smith on 01452 725343 or e-mail at Standards are also invited and please let Bulldog know if you want to attend, no ticket for Standard Bearer’s needed. 24 Guide to making a donation to Charities from Branch or Area Funds A reminder from the RNA’s Honorary Treasurer (Shipmate Ray Barraclough) Reference:- Supplemental Charter Para 4 sub-para (5) & (6) “(5)
make donations to any charity having among its objects the succour in sickness of members or former members of Our Naval Forces, Our Army, and Our Royal Air Force or their relief from conditions of need, hardship or distress. to assist any charity when its support is to the benefit of the reputation and best interests of the Service or the Association.”
Use of Income for the benefit of other local Charities •
If a branch wishes to help any other non-naval organisation then they are quite at liberty to do so by setting up a specific appeal for that purpose.
Any branch can properly apply its funds for the benefit of another charity which itself furthers all or any of the objects of the Association. 15
Potential problems will only arise where the funds of a branch itself are used to support another non-naval charity.
Branch funds should not be applied for the benefit of a charity which has absolutely no connection with the RN/RNA (e.g. animal welfare or a charity for the protection of the environment).
Donations may be given to a non-naval organisation where members of the RNA or their dependants will receive some help, or where help and support has been previously received (e.g. a local branch of Help the Aged, or a local Hospice which is caring or has cared for one of the membership).
25 Diamond Jubilee Medals The Government have announced that the Diamond Jubilee Medal will not be issued to Veterans, it will only go to Serving and Reserve personnel (plus of course the emergency services etc). There are companies that are selling commemorative medals that you cannot wear on your medal bar with operational medals, honours, LS&GC etc. Some are targeted at Veterans and adverts advise that they can be worn. They are not approved for wearing by Her Majesty and should not be worn on parade. They are intended as nice souvenirs and have no standing in the official ‘order of war’. The General Secretary has raised this point with the Head of SPVA Veteran Affairs. 26 ‘The Skylark IX’ - ‘Operation Dynamo’ The Leven Cruising Club are trying to save a historic ship called ‘The Skylark IX’ which played a vital role during the war. During ‘Operation Dynamo’ it came to the rescue of more than 600 soldiers. At Poole, Skylark IX served as a shallow water minesweeper and was engaged in placing anti-invasion obstacles around the harbour. At one time she erected decoys on Brownsea Island, consisting of wooden sheds filled with coal and sprayed with oil. They were set alight when German bombers flew over, looking for the Admiralty Armaments depot at Holton Heath. It was then used as a passenger ship on Loch Lomond for 30+ years before being sold to a private owner. Sadly it sunk only days after the annual Dunkirk Veterans Parade and Service of Remembrance. It now sits derelict in the River Leven with only the cabin above the waterline. It has been inspected by divers, but the owner does not have the money to pay for the boats raising and would pass on ownership if anyone could rescue it. 1555.l2649#ht_2130wt_1270
27 SAMA (82) Sponsored Concessionary Flight Scheme Under the current Indulgence scheme, holders of the South Atlantic Medal (SAM) are eligible to apply for an indulgence seat on the MOD air bridge. There is no guarantee of a seat and confirmation of a seat is only given 48hrs before the departure date. Following discussions with the MOD, a new scheme is to be introduced which will allow those eligible to purchase a ticket for the air bridge which will guarantee a seat. It should be noted however that the 16
emergency movement of military personnel will continue to have priority over fare paying passengers. The new scheme has been extended to allow family members to visit the Falkland Islands. Eligibility is as follows:Holders of the SAM Holders of the SAM + 2 immediate family members; for example wife plus son or daughter. NOK of holders of the SAM + 1 immediate family member, for example widow plus son or daughter. Cost. The cost of a return ticket will be £275, to be paid at RAF Brize Norton, most major credit or debit cards will be accepted. (This fare is due to increase on 1st April 2012). Two months notice is required for application for a flight and confirmation of the seat will be given two weeks before the flight date. Documentation. Passengers must be in possession of a current passport plus comprehensive travel insurance which specifically includes medical repatriation from the Falkland Islands. Full information and application forms can be found on the “Falklands Concessionary Flights” page in the Drop Down menu of the “News & Events” tab. Click here: /Default.aspx 28. RNA car stickers - On Display! Whilst at the Area 4 Reunion at Bideford last weekend, I took a stroll around the car park. There were between 80 to 100 cars parked at the time. (The RNA had exclusive use of the hotel for the weekend.) I was surprised and disappointed at the lack of RNA car stickers on display (at a rough guess, only about 10%). When the recruiting campaign was launched. branches were issued with a supply, with the intention of every member displaying one. Here at Falmouth we have an "unwritten rule" that anyone caught without a sticker displayed forfeits his/her right to a 'tot' on the next occasion when rum is issued! So far I have not had to enforce it. (One member is displaying two, front and rear. He asked if that entitled him to double rations - he got a very short answer!) Also, yesterday our Branch Chairman was at an under 11's rugby tournament in which his son was taking part. He got into conversation with 3 or 4 fathers, all of whom were ex-RN, and all under 50. They all told him they were "too young" to join the RNA, and would not change their attitude despite his efforts. It seems the perception that we are 'a collection of old blokes in blazers who gather to drink and swing the lamp' still prevails, in spite of our efforts to change this attitude. Heads and brick walls spring to mind! Another anecdote - our Membership Secretary (no less) was on a jolly with another group to which he belongs, when one of them suffered a rather severe heart attack. He took charge of the situation, made the patient comfortable, and called an ambulance. The paramedic noted the RNA logo on his sweater, and 'confessed' he was an ex-submariner. He decided that the situation demanded an air ambulance, so our MS, assisted by another, who also turned out to be ex-RN, set out and organised a landing place in a nearby field. After 'landing on' the helicopter, the pilot said to him "you must be an ex-wafu. I thought so, from your signalling. “I was a Bootneck". 17
The result of all this?
Conversations 3, Results 0.
The moral? ALWAYS carry recruitment materials with you, no matter who you are, and where you may be. Our Membership Secretary has been suitably spoken to! Royal Naval Association FALMOUTH BRANCH Hon. Secretary: Ron Burdekin 23, Glebe Close, Mawgan, HELSTON, Cornwall, TR12 6AA e-mail: Tel: 01326 221851(H) 07810 404418 (M) 29 “Adam’s hoofing hut” Royal Marine Commando Adam Robert Brown was born in Yateley, Hampshire, on 25th February 1985. On the 1st August 2010 he was tragically killed in action whilst serving in Afghanistan. Adam was just 25 years old. Adam dreamed of owning a beach hut on Mudeford Beach in Christchurch where many of his childhood holidays were spent. Alongside the Royal Marine Association we are aiming to purchase a Beach Hut where injured Marines can go to enjoy the peace and tranquillity that Adam found there. The hut will also be for the widows and children and Adam’s Royal Marine colleagues who also made the ultimate sacrifice. Over the past year we have raised £61,000 but still have a long way to go. Adam’s Uncle, Mike Crankshaw (retired Royal Navy) and Steve Howard have now signed up to take part in the Devizes to Westminster Canoe Marathon over the Easter Weekend 2012. They will be racing the 125 miles in a Canadian Canoe, and hope to complete this gruelling race in less than 36 hours of non-stop paddling and portage. Please sponsor Mike and Steve, by visiting: For more information, updates and events please go to: Adam’s Hoofing Hut will be an extraordinary memorial to an extraordinary young man. Thank you for your help to make one young man’s dream become a reality. 30 Store all your personal information on your PC “Honey, where did you put my Passport...?” Sound familiar? In today’s world of passwords, pins and account numbers it’s very easy to let a tidal wave of information knock us to the deck. ArrangeMyWorld may just be the perfect solution for you! Store all your personal and family information safely on your own PC for quick 24 hour access at your fingertips. Take the fuss out of organisation with ArrangeMyWorld for less than £40! “ it is dear – thanks to ArrangeMyWorld!” Use the discount code ‘RNA’ at 18
31 WWII Genealogy Television Series – Royal Navy & Royal Marine Veterans I’m directing a story for a current prime-time factual series, which features twelve well-known people who are on a personal journey to trace their family’s involvement in WWII. Our highprofile descendents will uncover some of the remarkable stories from this period through the acts of heroism and individual self-sacrifice of their own ancestors. As the war begins to recede from living memory, the programme provides a great opportunity to gain a very personal insight into the dramatic, epic story of the Second World War. WWII Genealogy Television Series – ROYAL NAVY/ROYAL MARINE VETERANS 360 Production is looking for Royal Navy and Royal Marine veterans who served during WWII on board the vessels listed below who would be happy to talk about their experiences, with a view to potentially taking part in a television series featuring twelve well-known people undertaking personal journeys to trace their family’s involvement in the Second World War. The vessels we are currently interested in: HMS Rodney HMS Newfoundland We would also be interested in speaking to anyone who knew or served with Marine John Rippon during WWII. Should you be able to help or would like more information about the series please contact Justin Rickett on 020 7408 2550 or at 360 Production, Impossible Group, 58 Davies Street, London, W1K 5JF Rebecca Templar | Producer/Director | 360 Production 58 Davies Street 1st Floor London W1K 5JF Main: +44 (0)20 7408 2550 | Mobile +44 (0)7960 646 423 uk 32 The Royal British Legion 70TH Anniversary trip to Dieppe The Dieppe Raid on the coast of France 70 years ago is worthy of Remembrance. The RMA have arranged a special tour over the anniversary. It will go ahead with a full support team of an expert ex Royal Marine guide, ex military doctor, standard bearer and Trustee from the Royal British Legion. Visits to the cemeteries as requested and the service of remembrance form a major part of this tour. Dieppe was a tri service raid and the largest operation of its kind up to that point in the war. Churchill approved the Dieppe Raid which would: ' be a reconnaissance in force' 'test enemy defences on a strongly held sector of French coast' 'discover what resistance would have to be met seize a port' Dieppe was one of the most important allied raids on the coast of the war and one of the saddest and part of the tour is devoted to remembering those who fell and who are buried in the nearby cemeteries. Although costly in human lives especially for the Canadians, many useful lessons were learnt and the tour over the 70th anniversary looks at the successes and 19
the set-backs. Dieppe led to the creation of Hobart's Funnies; a variety of attachments to tanks that would contribute to the Normandy invasion. The Royal British Legion tour in conjunction with Leger Holidays, travelling in a deluxe silver service coach will take you to the beaches and viewpoints where the conduct of the battle will be explained. There was enormous heroism: 'war brings out the best and the worst in men; in respect of Dieppe it brought tout the best' One of the visits includes Hess Battery where Captain Pat Porteous won his Victoria Cross . The base for the 3 night tour is the comfortable Ibis Hotel with en suite rooms. There are three dinners and three breakfasts included. The tour also allows you to visit the cemetery of your choice and please indicate on the booking form, a copy of which is enclosed along with other essential information. Dieppe is often remembered for its failings; it should also be remembered for the gallantry and for its contribution to the outcome of the war. The men who fell did not die in vain. The Royal Navy lost 550 men, 4,384 soldiers and Commandos were killed, wounded, missing or taken POW; the RAF lost 106 planes. We hope that you will find these details of interest and that we will have the pleasure of your company on this special anniversary occasion. If you have any queries or would like to request a brochure, please call0203 207 2321 or e-mail Tracey on You can book direct on our website- We also offer bursaries to those in financial need, please contact us for further details
33 ď ?Holiday Caravans for Hire in Polzeath - Cornwall The Royal Marines Corps trustees, with the assistance of the Sailors and Fleet Amenities Fund, have purchased over the years four fully equipped 6-berth caravans and sited them on the Polzeath Beach Holiday Park, North Cornwall. The caravans are available for hire to the following personnel: 1: All RN/RM personnel 2: Ex-Serving RN/RM personnel 3: MOD civilians from RM bases Prices vary according to the time of year, ranging between low and peak season. Weekend packages are available out of peak season for only ÂŁ65. If you require further information or wish to make a booking please contact: Donna Peters Amenities Booking Office Commando Training Centre Royal Marines Lympstone DEVON EX8 5AR Tel: 01392 414456 Mil: 93785 4456 email: Office Opening Hours 09:30 - 13:30 Monday - Friday 20
34 Operation Reservist Captain Fredrick Thornton Peters VC, DSO, DSC & Bar (USA) DSC Royal Navy Plymouth Hoe Memorial Project I am developing a project to erect a memorial to a “forgotten” recipient of a Royal Navy VC of WW2 on Plymouth Hoe and I am seeking support from a cross section of the armed forces and ex-service associations. I have made contact with DML regarding their apprentices using this idea of a memorial as one of their projects, however in the first instance I would ask RNA members who may have knowledge of Peters and Operation Reservist to contact me in order that I can move this along. Full details of Capt Peters are on the news section of the website. Please do not hesitate to contact Nick at the following email: Royal Naval Association Newton Abbot (Teignbridge Area) Branch Secretary Nick Maylam e-mail: or Mobile 07928816904 35 RM Massed Bands - Events There are quite a few events that the Royal Marines Bands are performing, including the Mountbatten Festival of Music and Beating Retreat, please follow the link for more information on MFM 12-14 Apr 12 and Beating Retreat 6/7 Jun 12: If you require more detailed information then please contact, RM Corps Secretariat T: 023 9254 7206 or 023-9254-7214 36 Wanted – Old fashioned Wheelchair We have had a request for an old fashioned wheelchair, the fold-up type we used to put in the back of the car when taking Granny on days out. If you know of one, or can supply one, then it could have a new and very useful home in France. Please contact Philip at HQ (02392 720782 or email) who will pass on the details.
37 HMS Hood Commemoration Service – 20 May I am pleased to send you a reminder of the HMS HOOD Commemoration Service to be held at the church of St John the Baptist, Boldre at 11:00 on Sunday 20 May 2011. This may be of interest to your members. Our guest preacher this year will be Reverend Scott Brown, Chaplain of the Fleet. The Royal Navy will be represented by Commodore Mike Mansergh CBE Commanding Officer of HMS COLLINGWOOD and the Maritime Warfare School. The HMS Hood Association will be led by Rear Admiral Philip Wilcocks CB DSC and Commander Keith Evans.
Decorations. Many members of the congregation proudly wear their decorations at the service and I would encourage those that wish to join them, to do so. As before, we will not be allocating specific seating except for those directly involved in the service. However if your members are likely to need special assistance in the church please let us know in advance or make themselves known to one of the sidesmen. We extend a warm invitation to your members to join us for the service and to stay on afterwards when coffee, tea and biscuits will be served and there will be an opportunity for a chat. We very much look forward to seeing them. For more details contact; Nigel Henley at; 38 The Nautical Club in Birmingham - ‘Open for Business’ After 43 years the nautical club in Birmingham is still going strong, and contrary to some rumours it is not closed. The club is open every day except Mondays and Thursdays; it is home to two RNA Branches, in addition to more than 15 other Naval Associations; including FAA, RMs, Engineroom, Wrens, Submariners, etc. There is a Bar lounge; concert room and 'galley' available for functions. If you require any more information then contact; Bob Styants.]
Welfare Report – Benefits and Employment Rights Part 1 This month see the first of a three part quick guide to benefits and employment rights for younger Shipmates with children or about to have children. Please remember that what your rights actually are can be complicated, so do get more advice. The website has much more information and tools to help you work out what is best for your family. So what benefits are available to you? Sure Start Maternity Grant -This is a one-off payment of £500 to help you with the costs of a new child. You can usually only get this if you do not have other children under 16 and you can only get it if you are getting a “qualifying benefit”. These are Income Support, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Child Tax Credit of more than the family element – (£10.50 per week or more than £21 a week if you have a baby under one), Working Tax Credit with a disability or severe disability element (see for a list of tax credit elements) and Pension Credit. However if you have a multiple birth, you can claim for all your babies as long as you do not have other children under 16. You must also make the claim within the time limits of 11 weeks before the week the baby is due (if you are getting a qualifying benefit), and must claim before the baby is three months old. If you are not sure whether you are getting or will get a qualifying benefit, claim anyway to make sure you are within the time limit! Claim the Sure Start Maternity Grant from Jobcentre Plus. Healthy Start vouchers - Some people on low incomes can get Healthy Start vouchers whilst they are pregnant or they have a child under 4. The vouchers can be used towards the cost of milk, vegetables and fruit (or infant formula after you have had your baby). The vouchers are worth £3.10 a week. You get one voucher whilst you are pregnant, two vouchers whilst your baby is under one and one voucher whilst your child is between 1 and 4. Pregnant under 18s do not need to be on any benefits to qualify for Healthy Start vouchers. Otherwise, the mother (or someone who claims for her) must be on Income Support, Incomebased Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Child Tax Credit based on an income of less than £16,190 and you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit. You can get a form to claim Healthy Start vouchers from doctors’ surgeries and maternity clinics or by ringing 0845 607 6823. You will need to get the form signed by a health professional like the midwife or health visitor. Child Benefit - Most families with children can claim Child Benefit. It does not matter how much money you have, and you do not need to be working or have paid national insurance contributions. If you have the baby in a hospital, you will get the Child Benefit claim form in your Bounty Pack. Otherwise, print the claim form off from and send it to the Child Benefit Office. Or you can ring the Child Benefit helpline, 0845 3021 444. Claim Child Benefit within three months of your baby’s birth to make sure you get all the money you are entitled to. Geoff Apperley, Royston RNA and Area 6 Welfare officer
Shortcast HMS Hermes Reunion and 30th Falklands Anniversary - 5/04/2012 The reunion and anniversary will take place between the 5-8 April at the Royal Maritime Club Portsmouth. T0 join the association and more information please contact the Secretary on ; 01752 787997 or email; Captain Class Frigate Association - 12/04/2012 Reunion at the Warwick Hilton, Stratford Road, Warwick. Book direct on 01926 499555. The reunion runs from 12 - 15 April. HMS Hermes Reunion and 30th Falklands Anniversary - 5/04/2012 HMS Hermes Reunion/30th Falklands Anniversary: Will take place from April 5 to 8 at the Royal Maritime Club, Portsmouth. To join the association and more information contact the Secretary HMS Loch Fada Association - 13/04/2012 Reunion and AGM at Dauncheys Hotel, Weston Super Mare from April 13 to 16. All ex-F390s welcome & any who can’t make the ‘Lockie’ 2012 reunion. Details and booking forms from Frenchy at frenchy.delah HMS Aisne, last commission 1965-68. HMS Newfoundland Veterans - 13/04/2012 The weekend will be held from April 13 to 16 at the Bancourt Hotel, Torquay. Details available from Alan Waite - HMS Aisne, Last Commission 1965-68 - 13/04/2012 The 3rd reunion will take place at the Maritime Club, Portsmouth from April 13 to 14. All ranks, rates and partners welcome. For full details contact Nigel Jest - Falmouth RNA Falklands Conflict Lunch- 14/04/2012 Falmouth RNA: Will host a lunch to mark the 30th anniversary of the Falklands Conflict. The lunch will be at the Falmouth Beach Hotel on April 14, 12.30 pm for 1.00 pm. It would be appreciated if those wishing to attend would let the Branch Secretary know in advance. Contact Ron Burdekin, RNA Falmouth Branch Secretary. HMS Protector Association - 20/04/2012 2012 Grand Annual Reunion and AGM is to be held at The Suncliff Hotel, Bournemouth on the weekend of April 20 to 23. Early booking is highly recommended. Forms and further details available from Doug Harris at or downloadable from the website at Espana Levant Branch Submariners Association - 20/04/2012 2012 AGM in Benidorm, Spain. Weekend of 20-22 April 2012. For further information please visit Espana Branch Submariners Association or visit Submariners Association Website 24
If you have any questions related to the above, please contact: Bob Head Esq, Hon Secretary, Espana Levante Branch, Submariners Association. HMS Glasgow (C21/D88) - 20/04/2012 32nd reunion will take place at the Haddon Hotel, Eastbourne from April 20 to 23. All ex-crew are welcome. Timings- 1400hrs, Location- BN21 4AJ - Tel +44 (0)1323 640953 Submariners Association - Derbyshire - 20/04/2012 Derbyshire Submariners: As part of a weekend celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Freedom of the City of Derby to HM Submarine Service, the Derbyshire Submariners will be hosting ten visiting submariners from Deby’s Affiliated Submarine, HMS Ambush, and it is also hoped sailors from Vanguard, Faslane, Plymouth and a senior Submariner Officer will be able to join us. The weekend programme is to be confirmed but will include an informal Coffe Morning on April 20 at the Jubilee Club, Chaddesden. The event is open to all. Further details from Terry Hall HMS Hermes, Chefs 1968/70 - 21/04/2012 This years get together was a great success. The guest of honour was our Cookery Officer, Fred Motley who will be there again next year. The reunion will take place at the Royal Maritime Club on April 21. For more details contact Scouse ‘Ruby’ Enright. HMS Dunkirk Association - 21/04/2012 Annual reunion from April 21 to 22 at the Royal Hotel, Whitby. For more information contact Jackie Carroll at Loch Class Frigates Association - 27/04/2012 Annual Reunion takes place at The Ramada Bristol City Hotel, Bristol from April 27 to 30. All Members of the Association welcome. For details please contact Andrew Nunn Hon. Sec. LCFA at or see the website . Membership is open to all who served on any of the Loch Class ships or their variants (Bay Class, Admirals Yachts, survey ships and repair ships). Some of these types of ships have their own ‘Associations’ but you can always join both. HMS Fisgard Series S41/44 - 27/04/2012 A 50th Anniversary Reunion for those who trained in HMS Fisgard in 1961/62 will take place at the McDonald Burlington Hotel in Birmingham B2 4JQ from April 27 to 28, 1930 for 2000. Please register your interest and for further information contact Dave Uden HMS Fisgard Series 41 - 45 Artificers 27/04/12 A Reunion is planned for the weekend 27th-28th April 2012 in Birmingham. For more details please contact; Bob Mason Royal Navy Display Team 1985 - 29/04/2012 Former members of the 1985 Royal Navy Display Team, Gary Morley and Gary Burton, are organising a reunion of the 1985 Royal Navy Display Team on April 29, in the rural village of Lochailort in the Scottish, West Highlands. If you were a member of the 1985 Royal Navy Display Team or know of anyone who was you may be interested to in joining us. You can 25
register your interest either by contacting Gary Morley at or register your interest on the facebook site 'Royal Navy Display Team 1985: HMS Sheffield 30th Falklands Reunion 2012 - 4/05/2012 Calling all HMS Sheffields D80,1982. HMS Sheffield 30th Reunion May 4 - 6 2012 at the Royal Maritime Club, Queen Street, Portsmouth. Any interest in this event, please contact Guy ‘Tug’ Wilson at Royal Naval Hospital Haslar - 4/05/2012 The 2nd RNH Haslar Reunion for all RN Medics and Naval Nurses who trained or served there between 1955 and 1985 will be held in Gosport over from May 4 to 7, 2012. A Minimum of three separate events over the weekend, including a Sunday DTS with Shep Woolley. Tickets £25 per head for the weekend, with all Profits to The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. Contact David Rawson via Haslar Reunion Group or by email to Scottish Branch Submariners Association - 5/05/2012 On 5th & 6th May 2012, Services for the loss of the Vandal at Loch Ranza and Untamed at Dunoon cemetery. In 1992 the Branch discovered that two submarines, 'VANDAL' and 'UNTAMED' had been lost in the Clyde with all hands some fifty years before in 1943 within a couple of months of each other. VANDAL was lost in February 1943 and UNTAMED at the end of May of the same year. Both were newly built boats undergoing their initial sea trials and both lost as a result of accidents rather than enemy action. The crew of UNTAMED is buried in Dunoon cemetery with the exception of the Chief Engine Room Artificer who is buried in Campbeltown. UNTAMED was subsequently recovered, refitted, renamed VITALITY and was used as a training boat for the remainder of the war. VANDAL was never recovered, and in fact it was the Scottish Branch that initiated its eventual true location: For further information please visit Scottish Branch Submariners Association or visit Submariners Association Website If you have any questions related to the above, please contact: Jim Rea Esq, Hon Secretary, Scottish Branch, Submariners Association HMS Alacrity 30th Falklands Reunion - 5/05/2012 Reunion takes place in Devonport from May 5 to 6 for all those that served on HMS Alacrity during the 1982 Falklands War. For details contact Steve Parker at North Russia Club - 5/05/2012 Reunion will take place at the West Hill Hotel, St Helier, Jersey JE2 3HB from 5 to 12 May. Book direct or contact Austin Byrn, HMS Fisgard - 7/05/2012 Calling all S45 Artificer Apprentices. Would you like a 50th Reunion around 7 May 2012? If so, please initially contact Mark Churchill at giving home 26
town/city/country location (plus any other contact info you are comfortable to disclose) to enable the degree of interest to be established. HMS Ganges Association - 11/05/2012 The H.M.S Ganges Association will be celebrating its 30th Reunion at The Adelphi Hotel Liverpool from. Friday 11th May to 14th May 2012. All ex Ganges personnel and guests are invited. Full disability facilities and car parking available. For more information please contact Frank Parker on 01744 886366 or John Kennedy by email at HMS Cleopatra Old Shipmates Association - 11/05/2012 Seeking new members to join us from both the cruiser and frigate. Wives/partners are also very welcome. We have 230 members and the subscriptions are only £6 per year. Our 27th AGM and Reunion is being held at Babbacombe, Torquay from May 11 to 14, 2012. If you are interested in joining the Association then contact the Secretary, Warwick Franklin at Bulwark, Albion & Centaur Association - 11/05/2012 The 2012 AGM & Reunion Weekend is confirmed for the Hilton Hotel, North Promenade, Blackpool commencing May 11. Three night package including Private Dinner & entertainment for just £130. Pool/Sauna available and on site parking. Please contact the Secretary, Denis Askham - BRNC May 1972 Entry - 11/05/2012 40th anniversary reunion. Were you one us? Are you interested? e-mail your details without attachments to BRNCMAY72ENTRY@AOL.COM for further details. HMS Phoebe Association - 11/05/2012 Have their annual (16th) reunion from May 11 to 13 at Hinton Firs Hotel in Bournemouth. All ex crew are welcome to join us. Please contact the secretary, Roy Pavely.
HMS Broadsword Association - 12/05/2012 HMS Broadsword Association: Bi-Annual Reunion and AGM will take place on May 12 in the WO & Senior rates mess HMS Drake Plymouth. Our president Captain Canning (rtd) will be standing down at this reunion, we will also be marking the 30th anniversary of the Falkland’s conflict. The reunion is open to anyone who served on broadsword. For more information go to or contact Steve Bullock at HMS Minerva Reunion - 18/05/2012 This will take place on May 18 at the Commissioner’s House in the Historic Dockyard, Chatham, where there will be an afternoon reception followed by an opportunity for a less formal get-together in a local hostelry. For more information contact Barry Miller at
HMS Cavalier Association - 18/05/2012 Reunion will take place from May 18 to 21 at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea. Further information can be obtained from David Shardlow at HMS Danae First Commission - 18/05/2012 Reunion from May 18 to 19 at the Chesterfield Hotel, Chesterfield. Details on the website Further information from Dave Shoemaker HMS Solebay Association - 18/05/2012 Will be holding it’s 15th annual reunion from May 18 to 21, at the De Vere Barony Castle Hotel, near Edinburgh EH45 8QW. A full weekend of activities is planned to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the ship paying off for the last time. All ex-Solebay’s and their guests are welcome. For further details contact Malcolm Clarke 0117 9622500-or email at; Old Caledonian Artificer Apprentices Association - 18/05/2012 The OCAAA reunion will be at the Bristol Hilton from May 18 to 19. Full details and reservations can be made by contacting James Polson at the hotel on 01454 893438. For further information contact Don Smith. Royal Naval Engineroom Association - 19/05/2012 20th Annual Reunion at the Nautical Club, Birmingham B15 1ET on 19 May. Details from Bob Styants at HMS Dainty - 25/05/2012 HMS Dainty, AGM and Reunion will be held at the Holiday Inn Harrogate w/e commencing May 25, 2012. Please contact David Erwin or HMS Dainty website for further details. HMS Antelope 30th Reunion -26/05/ 2012 The 30th anniversary of HMS Antelope will take place on SS Great Britain on the 26 May 2012, anyone interested please contact Dorothy Benn, Hon Sec, Stroud Branch ; 01453-757 984 Northern Ireland Branch, Submariners Association - 26/05/2012 West Belfast-born Magennis won the Victoria Cross - British highest military decoration-for an incredible act of bravery during a mini-sub attack on the Japanese warship Takao in Singapore harbour in 1945. Magennis and three colleagues evaded enemy defences to steer their midget sub under the 10,000-ton vessel and attach mines to it. Magennis made a second dangerous dive in the freezing waters to free the snagged containers holding the limpet mines. The Magennis Dinner will be held on Saturday the 26th May 2012. For more information regarding Magennis VC please go to: Northern Ireland Branch Submariners Association or visit Submariners Association Website If you have any questions related to the above, please contact: Davy George Esq, Hon Secretary, Northern Ireland Branch, Submariners Association 28
Omani Reunion - 26/05/2012 The 27th reunion of military and civilian personnel who served in or with the Sultanate of Oman, is taking place in Hull, East Yorkshire in late May. For more details contact Jim Dyson 801 NAS Falklands Reunion - 26/05/2012 A reunion for those who served on 801 NAS Sea Harriers during the Falklands will be held at RNAS Yeovilton on May 26. For further information contact John Keenan at HMS Hood Association - 26/05/2012 HMS Hood Association. May 20 at 11.00. Service of Commemoration at St John the Baptist Church, Boldre near Lymington. May 26. AGM at 1600 and 37th Anniversary Reunion dinner 1830 at the Royal Maritime Club, Portsmouth. May 27. Memorial Service at St George’s Church, Portsea at 1200. For further details of all these events contact vice chairman Keith Evans on 01428 642122. HMS Berwick Reunion - 1/06/2012 Seeking Any personnel who served in HMS Berwick during the years 1974/75 whilst Commander P Hames RN was the Commanding Officer and who would be interested in a Ship's Company reunion should initially contact Tony Izzard. HMS Blackcap - RNAS Stretton - 3/06/2012 Any shipmates or civilian staff who were at Blackcap between 1942-1958 are invited to the 24th annual service of commemoration at St Cross Church, Appleton Thorn on June 3 at 1200. Standards are very welcome. For more information contact Bernie Cohen at HMS Glamorgan Falklands Association - 9/06/2012 Hold their 30th anniversary reunion at Royal Maritime Club, Queens Street, Portsmouth on June 9 2012. Further details and booking forms are available from ; Alan Bradley or visit the website. Glorious, Ardent & Acasta Association (Glarac) - 10/06/2012 To commemorate the 72nd anniversary of the sinking of these ships and the loss of 1531 men, a Memorial Service is to be held at St Nicholas Church, HMS Drake, Devonport, Plymouth on June 10. For more details contact Vince Marcroft HMS Hermione Association - 14/06/2012 HMS Hermione Association will hold it's annual reunion over the weekend 14th-17th June to coincide with the 70th commemoration of the loss of the wartime Hermione. It will be held at the Colwyn Hotel, South promenade, Blackpool. Any one wishing to join us will be made most welcome that also includes families of those lost onboard. For more details contact the secretary Brotherton. Gib '78 - Reunion 16/06/2012 29
Gib '78 reunion will take place on Saturday 16th June 2012 at the Ambassador Hotel Llandudno. A reunion for all branch's RN/Wrens who were based in Gibraltar between the dates Jan 1977-Dec 1979. Details from Jeff(Taff)Thomas 07837 386244 or download a booking form for accommodation etc Dorset Branch Submariners Association - 17/06/2012 HMS/M Sidon Memorial Service at 1100 on the 17th June 2012 at Portland Naval Cemetery, on the cliffs overlooking the harbour. On the morning of Thursday, 16th June 1955, HMS Sidon, carrying a crew of 56, was preparing to sail from alongside the depot ship, HMS Maidstone, moored in Portland harbour. Earlier that morning she had embarked two experimental practice torpedoes, fuelled by High Test Peroxide, which were to be fired on the torpedo range that day. At 0825, as the crew was closing up at Harbour Stations, the highly volatile fuel in one of the torpedoes exploded. The blast wrecked the torpedo tube, damaged two watertight bulkheads, devastated the forward compartments and jammed debris against the forward control room bulkhead. Twelve men in the forward compartments died in the explosion and elsewhere in the boat, seven were injured, others suffered from concussion and all were affected by smoke, gasses and shock. To read more of this story please go to: Dorset Branch Submariners Association Website or visit Submariners Association Website If you have any questions related to the above, please contact: George Nowack Esq, Hon Secretary, Dorset Branch, Submariners Association HMS Kemerton - 22/06/2012 The 50th Anniversary Celebrations of the 1962/63 commission will be held at Kemerton Village, Gloucestershire from June 22 to 24. Contact Colin Brett at HMS Invincible Communications Association (Falklands) 82 - 21/09/2012 It being the 30th Anniversary of the Falklands the Communications Association which meets every year would like to invite any crew members or air crew who served on board HMS Invincible during the Falklands to a reunion. Annual Reunion to be held in Barrow-in-Furness from September 21 to 23. For details contact Tim Jenkins or see the website HMS Ganges - 28/09/2012 HMS Ganges, 38 Recruitment, 1972. Frobisher 17 Mess, Boy-entry Junior Seamen 2nd Class, later Comms ratings. Instructor was CY Geoff Hone. A 40-years reunion is planned for the September 28 to 30, 2012, at the Union Jack Club, Waterloo. Please contact Jenks at for further details and registration HMS Brazen Association – 28/09/2012 The 2nd Annual Reunion will take place at The Britannia Hotel, Coventry, CV1 5RP from 28 30 September 2012. For details of membership and the reunion, please contact the Secretary - Gus Honeywood ( or visit A Night at “A Night at The SODS Opera” 2012 30
Coming to the Kings Theatre Southsea Sunday 29th July 2012. “A Naval Review” Last Year It Was “A Right Rum Do” This time it will be “A Night At The SODS Opera” Wanted from the local area, acts and volunteer crew to assist. HMS Arethusa Association - 5/10/2012 The 24th annual reunion from October 5 to 8 at the Three Queens Hotel, Burton upon Trent. All welcome. Contact Tom Sawyer, Honorary Secretary Bay Class Frigates Association - 12/10/2012 Reunion at the Esplanade Hotel, Scarborough from October 12 to 14, 2012. All ex-Bay Class welcome. Contact Doug Turk for details. Communications Technician/Radio operator (Special)) Reunion - 17/11/2012 Eddie Clamp’s final, final Communications Technician/Radio operator (Special)) reunion in Selsey takes place at the Selsey Golf Club on 17th November 2012, commencing at 1830 hrs. All those interested in attending please contact Eddie Clamp on 01243 605832 or email Partners and wives welcome. Rig – smart, relaxed. More details at either: or!/groups/142012109170944/ HMS Llandaff (F61) 12Th Reunion - 12/10/12 HMS Llandaff (F61) 12Th Reunion is to be held at the Afton Hotel Eastbourne 12th Oct - 15Th Oct 2012 a Full entertainment Programme has been planned which includes a Shep Woolley night on the 12th , Gala Dinner with a live band on the 13th and a visit to the home of RNA Eastbourne on the 14th the (RNOCC) for a dinner time session . All ex Plumduffs are welcome . for booking form or more information please contact Slinger Wood 07961124459 or by e mail HMS Lowestoft Association - 26/10/2012 Reunion will take place at the King Charles Hotel, Gilingham, Kent from October 26 to 28. All who served in HMS Lowestoft during her 25 years in service (1961-1986) are welcome to attend. For further details please contact Richie Farman or the website
2013 128 Mechanics Qualifying Course - HMS Sultan- Jan 1972 to Dec 1973. A reunion of this course is held biennially at a venue yet be decided. Any members of the above course who have not yet attended this event are most welcome; it would be good to see a few new faces from the past. If you are interested then please contact; Peter Shosmith, Tel; 01305 826747 or email; or Dave Batchelor on 02392 716472 email;
RNA Longcast 1-13 Apr 12-14 Apr 17 Apr 18 Apr 21 Apr 23 Apr 25 Apr – 08 May 27 Apr 28 Apr 28/29 Apr 1 May 3 May 9 May 10 May 11 May 12 May 22 May 23 May 25 May 26 May 30 May 2-5 June 8 June 8 June 8-10 June 2012 10 June 13 June 25 – 30 June 30 June 1 July 2 July 6 July 9-27 July 9 – 19 July 19 July 2 Aug 3 Aug 6-19 Aug 18 Aug 25 Aug 29 Aug 7 – 8 Sept 19 Sept 5 Oct 20 Oct 30 Oct 8 Nov 11 Nov
GS on leave 40th Anniversary of the Mountbatten Festival of Music-London GS and Andy brief Ships and Establishments on Shipmates Tech course 11/06 from COLLINGWOOD visits HQ Clubs Seminar - Uxbridge Post audit visit to HQ Michelle on leave HQ Open Day - Fully Booked Portland Branch Annual Dinner (GS) 10 Area meeting and reunion weekend TRBL Stakeholder meeting - GS IEST - GS Warfare Class 11/17 visit HQ Lee on the Solent branch commissions 8 Area visit to HQ National Standard Bearers Competition – HMS TEMERAIRE Associations meeting HMS EXCELLENT Warfare Class 11/18 & 11/20 visit HQ HQ closed - Staff Team Building Day National Standard parades in Dublin Class ET 11/09 visits HQ Diamond Jubilee - Weekend AMC and FAC - 0900 - 1200 National Council - 1300-1630 National Conference - Newcastle on Tyne SOC Conference - Wash Up Mine Warfare Class 11/02 visits HQ Seafarers Awareness Week Armed Forces Day - Plymouth Pershore 10th anniversary celebrations Mid Year budget review HQ Open Day – Fully Booked Nigel on leave IMF Sailing Camp –Bruges - Naval Base - Kruis RNRMC AGM (GS) Mid year budget review AMC Meeting (TBC) GS leave Falklands Air Day Southsea FAC Meeting Diver class 11/03 visits HQ National Council (Includes one day on Rule Review) IMC Executive council HQ Open Day - Fully Booked Dorchester Branch Trafalgar Dinner (GS) RN CEO meeting GS Field of Remembrance Remembrance Sunday NCh and GS at Cenotaph 32
13 Nov 17 Nov 24 Nov 24 Nov 8 Dec 21 Dec – 2 Jan 2013 24-27 May
Budget Meeting GS, Hon Tres, Accountant AMC meeting FAC Meeting Dagenham Branch annual Dinner GS National Council HQ closed Visiting Ships - Civic Dinner – VVIP Reception - Liverpool GS
Ship’s Office Amendment to By-Law 5 The National Council has approved the following addition to By Law 5 'f. Full Life Membership may be withdrawn by the National Council from a Full Life Member who is expelled from the Association. g. Full Life Membership may be withdrawn by the National Council in the following circumstances: (1) if a Full Life Member, in the opinion of the National Council, can no longer be regarded as being a person of good character and integrity or (2) if a Full Life Member's service to the Association, taken overall and in the opinion of the National Council, can no longer be regarded as honourable and to have significantly enhanced the best interests or reputation of the Association.'
2012 Branch membership renewal forms. The branch membership renewal form is included with the Circular this month. Branch Secretaries should note that this year we are asking for name, address, telephone and e-mail details for each member. It is absolutely essential that this information is provided, it is hoped that this will make renewal in future years much easier. Secretaries should note that to conform with the new membership cards the annual renewal card has changed to a small self adhesive holographic sticker with 2012 on it. There is a small box on the new membership card designed for the sticker, or stick it on the old membership card where it says ‘return to Chelsea Manor Street’. Beware they are easy to lose! Area and Branch Updates Area 4
Branch Torbay
Change The new secretary of RNA Torbay is; S/M Carl Goodwin 14 Derwent Road Torquay Devon TQ1 3QL Tel; 01803 310665 33
Liverpool branch is once more without a branch Secretary. The present incumbent, S/m J Ince has resigned the position with immediate effect and indeed the RNA. Until their AGM in March 2012, I would be grateful if correspondence with this branch could be sent to their Treasurer; S/M John Anderson 10a Rudyard Close LIVERPOOL L14 5PP Tele: 0151 475 0999
Birmingham – Shard End
The new branch secretary is; Helen Cheshire 305 Gressel Lane Tile Cross Birmingham West midlands B33 9UU Tel; 0121 779 6451 The new branch secretary is; David Wild 52 Yewtree Drive Sumershall Chesterfield S40 3NB Tel; 01246 569351 The new branch secretary is; Joanne Self The Farmhouse Oldfield Lane Leverton Outgate Boston Lincs PE22 0AE 01205 871725
Swinging the Lamp – April 1. 1918 Transfer of 2,500 aircraft and 55,000 personnel from RN Air Service on its amalgamation with the Royal Flying Corps to form the Royal Air Force. The RAF controlled naval aviation for the next twenty-one years. 2. 1801 First Battle of Copenhagen. Vice-Admiral Lord Nelson’s attack on the Danish hulks 2nd batteries. Battle Honour: Copenhagen 1801. 3. 1919 Admiral Sir John Jellicoe and Admiral Sir David Beatty, consecutively C-in-C Grand Fleet in the First World War, both promoted admiral of the fleet. 4. 1905 Admiralty sold twenty-nine redundant warships by auction at Chatham. 5. 1755 Fifty independent companies of Marines raised, and divided into three Grand Divisions at Chatham, Portsmouth and Plymouth. 6. 1919 Armoured cruiser Kent landed guns’ crew at Vladivostok to support White Russians 4,500 miles W. on the Kama River in South Urals. 7. 1967 The last naval air squadron to be based in Malta, 728 NAS, Lt-Cdr P.J. Wreford RN, joined by Buccaneer, Sea Vixen and Gannet aircraft from the carrier Hermes, Capt T.T. Lewin RN, made a farewell flight around the island from RAF Hal Far. 8. 1930 Explosion of a depth charge gun cotton primer in the destroyer Sepoy, Lt-Cdr H.E. Reid RCN, during exercises off Hong Kong with the Eighth Destroyer Flotilla, caused minor damage to the ship but killed six men. The King sent word of his distress and ‘heartfelt sympathy’ to the First Lord of the Admiralty. 9. 1847 Hon. John Rodney, eldest son of Admiral Lord Rodney, died aged 82 at Boulogne, Having held the rank of Captain RN for sixty-six years. 10. 1938 Carrier Courageous launched successful exercise strike against battle cruiser Hood despite the latter’s fighter screen. 11. 1939 Mrs (later Dame) Vera Laughton Mathews appointed Director WRNS, which was reconstituted next day. Daughter of naval historian Professor Sir John Knox Laughton. 12. 1779 Court martial at his own request of Admiral Sir Hugh Palliser on his conduct at Ushant in 1778.Verdict was that he was not ‘chargeable with misconduct or misbehaviour’. 13. 1885 John Henry Dacres Cunningham born at Demerara, British Guyana; entered the Royal Navy in 1900, served in both world wars and succeeded his namesake as First Sea Lord in 1946. 14. 1293 Sir Robert Tiptoft defeated Charles, Count of Valois, in mid-Channel, at a battle caused by a watering quarrel as a result of which the French hanged some English seamen with some dogs. 15. 1965 Prime Minister Harold Wilson presented the ship’s bell of HMS Resolute to President Lyndon Johnson in Washington. 16. 1942 Royal Marines from the 11th Battalion landed by Kelvin and Kipling on Kuphonisi, Crete, to destroy the W/T station. Operation Lighter. 17. 1780 Admi ral Sir George Br idges Rodney (Sandwich) fought Vice-Admiral Comte de Guichen (Couronne), with twenty-three ships of the line, 30 miles W.S.W. of the north end of Martinique. A disappointing engagement. 18. 1667 Princess, on her way from Berwick-upon-Tweed to Gothenburg, fell in with some two dozen of the Dutch Rotterdam Fleet and fought her way through them from dawn to dusk, defeating three attempts to board her. 19. 2004 Nuclear submarines Tireless, Trafalgar-class,and USS Hampton, Los Angeles-class, surfaced together at the North Pole following combined operational exercises beneath the polar ice cap. 20. 1906 ‘The Navy is a very conservative service,tenacious of tradition, deeply and rightly imbued with the sentiment of its glorious past, and very suspicious of any innovations which seem to ignore that tradition’ – The Times. 21. 2006 The frigate Kent, at anchor in the Hamoaze, fired a 21-gun salute to mark the 80th birthday of HM The Queen. The ship’s company of the carrier Illustrious, on passage south through the Red Sea, fell in on the flight deck to spell out ‘Happy 80th’. 22. 1847 Detachment of North American and West Indies squadron – Alarm, Daring, Hermes, 35
Vesuvius and Persian – protected British interests in Gulf of Mexico during American– Mexico War. 23. 1786 A Flag Captain ‘is never his own master’ – Capt Nelson, HMS Boreas, Carlisle Bay, Barbados, to his future wife, Frances Nisbet, at Nevis. 24. 1626 Seamen to be paid 14s per month, less 2d for the barber (i.e. surgeon), 4d for preacher and 6d to the Chatham Chest. 25. 1513 Sir Edward Howard, the Lord High Admiral, killed in action with Chevalier Pregent de Bidoux off Brest: ‘When he saw that he could not be saved he threw his silver whistle of office into the sea, that a British admiral’s insignia should not fall into enemy hands, and so was drowned.’ 26. 1810 The body of Vice-Admiral Lord Collingwood lay in state at Greenwich until his funeral in St Paul’s Cathedral on 11 May 1810. 27. 1858 Capt Sir William Peel, VC, commanding the Naval Brigade from Shannon, died of smallpox at Cawnpore. Memorial raised in Eden Gardens, Calcutta. 28. 1814 Napoleon surrendered to Capt Thomas Ussher, Undaunted, at Frejus and sailed for exile in Elba, landing at Porto Ferrajo on 4 May. 29. 1903 Cadmus, sloop, the last warship launched at Sheerness Dockyard and the last British warship to have been built with a figurehead. The figurehead was mounted in Hong Kong Dockyard after the ship was sold there on 1 September 1921. 30. 1903 New RN Barracks at Chatham commissioned as Pembroke. Occupied by 5,000 officers and men who had marched from the hulks in No. 2 Basin led by the Depot Band.
Note. All Swinging the Lamp entries are taken from the Royal Navy’s Day by day Book.
Correction, to the 2 February Swinging the Lamp entry in the February Circular, By Surg Lt Briggs family. 2 Feb 1911 First five officers, chosen from over 200 applicants, reported to the Royal Aero Club’s aerodrome at Eastchurch on the Isle of Sheppey for pilot training in private aircraft provided free of charge:Lt C.R. Samson, scout cruiser Foresight; Lt R.Gregory, armoured cruiser Antrim; Lt A.M.Longmore, HMTB 24 and Lt E.L. Gerrard RMLI, cruiser Hermione, and Surg Lt Briggs DSO*.
BANKERS ORDER (Branch users)
Subscription to : The Royal Naval Association................................................... BRANCH To: The Manager..................................Bank FULL ADDRESS ............................................ ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... Post Code
Please pay NOW the sum of £10 Ten Pounds and then £10 Ten Pounds annually on the first day of January until further notice starting 20....... the sum of
To the credit of The Royal Naval Association ............................................ Branch Bank .......................................................... Sort Code ....................................... Account Number ......................................... Address........................................ ...................................... Quoting my name and initials: ............................... ................. (Block capitals) And charge my Account; Bank ................................................... Sort code ................................................... Account No .................................................. Signature ............................................................ Date ............................................................ Address ............................................................
Post Code Telephone
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Clubs Seminar- Sat 21 April 2012 RNA Uxbridge - Application form Branch
Name Address
Post Code Telephone & Mobile No’s Email-address Vehicle Registration No If appropriate
Delegate/Observers for the Annual Conference 2012 Tyne Branch
Name of Delegate Delegate’s Address
Telephone No
Post Code
e-mail Number of Observers Names of Observers
Name of Branch Hon Secretary Contact telephone No: (if not branch Hon Sec) Contact e-mail address Name and Address for correspondence (if not branch Hon Sec)
*Please continue on a separate sheet with all your branch observers. This will be the Branch secretary unless otherwise indicated. NB: A Delegate will not be confirmed as such unless or until the Branch Balance Sheet for 2011 and Annual Subscriptions for Branch Members for 2012 have been received in RNA Headquarters (Rule 12Š). Should either not have been received in HQ, the Delegate's Status will be deemed to be that of an Observer.
2012 Conference Information and Booking Form The 2012 Conference will be held in The Assembly Rooms Newcastle upon Tyne. NE1 5DF Delegates have expressed a preference to book their own accommodation. Anyone wishing assistance should consult the Newcastle Tourist office on And see the RNA conference web page at What’s On - LongcastNational Conference Weekend. The Welcome Buffet and Conference Gala Buffet Dance will be held in The Assembly Rooms Newcastle.
There will be a Welcome Buffet with entertainment on Friday night from 1900 – 2300. Tickets will be sent out on receipt of payment Annual Conference day; Complimentary Tea and Coffee will be available from 0845 in the Assembly Rooms, prior to the Conference, when the venue opens for Delegates and Observers. The conference venue is accessible by wheelchair or smaller mobility scooters The Conference Gala Buffet Dance will be held on Saturday night from 1900 – 2300. (7pm -11pm) On Sunday 10 June the Conference service will be held in St Nicholas Cathedral at 1145. After the service there will be a March Past and Review accompanied by a Sea Cadets Band, with a wreath laying at the memorial in Eldon Square, followed by a short act of Remembrance. Disabled Parking is very limited, only 3 places outside the Assembly Rooms, but there is ample in surrounding car parks. Early bids to HQ for a parking permit. Booking form, for events only. Please complete the booking forms to book your place. Please Note: You must be in possession of a ticket to gain entrance to the Welcome Buffet and Gala Buffet Dance; it will not be possible to pay at the door. Cost Event Friday 8 Welcome Buffet Reception Saturday 9 - Conference Gala Buffet Dance
No of members attending
Total cost
£13.00 (per head) £16.00 (per head)
Please Note (allergies etc)................ Names of all attendees
Please include a cheque for the full amount with your completed application form. Approved on behalf of ........................ Branch ............................................. Name..........................
Please send completed booking form to HQ.
Cancellation: There will be no refunds for cancellations made after 18 May 2012. * The bar in the venue will be open from 1300 – 1350, there are numerous local Sandwich bars and cafe’s for lunch, not available in the Assembly Rooms.
Premier Care partners the RNA. Premier Care in Bathing and Stairlifts is a partner in your membership benefits programme. Premier Care, a market leading company, offers a wide range of Walk-in baths, low level access showers and stairlift solutions to provide dignity, safety, comfort and independence in your own home. 20% discount offer As Royal Naval Assosiation members you, your friends and family too, can benefit from a full 20% discount on the cost of your fully fitted stairlift. In addition you will also be supporting the the RNA as we will receive a donation for every purchase and installation. Premier Care supply and install a range of stairlifts designed to help people with mobility challenges to have more independence. Premier specialise in curved stairlifts that can be installed in narrow and tight stairways where other manufacturers cannot fit. The first step for any member interested is to call for a free survey on 0800 018 0353 and quote the RNA unique code PA009F. The important thing to remember is that you or someone you know can benefit from the offer and support the RNA at the same time. Please visit for more information on the range of bathing solutions and for stairlifts. Terms and conditions: • 20% off valid until 31st December 2012 • This discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers • To qualify fully the Discount code: PA009F must be quoted from first contact (it cannot be applied later or “backdated”)
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