Branch Circular #617 (April 2012)

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Carol Marshal who organised the 70th Anniversary celebrations possible, with two of the HMS Hermes Association Veterans

Branch Circular No 617

April 2012


Dear Shipmate Branch Secretary, I hope you all survived your April fools and have not been washed away in the April Showers. At this time we are, of course, remembering our Shipmates who served and made the ultimate sacrifice during the Falklands Conflict. The Shortcast is full of commemorative events which I hope you will support. Perhaps at this month’s meeting your Branch Padre could say a prayer of remembrance for the British and Argentinean service personnel who died. Our busy season continues with a really first class Welfare Seminar at RNA Royal Leamington Spa, which was a great success. Sadly we had to cancel the Clubs Seminar since only 3 of our 32 clubs signed up; as a result the Clubs Rule Review will now be conducted by the Association Management Committee. The Standard Bearers Competition is on 12 May, not too late to submit an entry from Areas, being held in HMS Temeraire, in the presence of the HMS COLLINGWOOD Parade staff. It promises to be a great day and the competition will be keen – good luck to all the competitors in polishing the soles of their shoes!!! Unsurprisingly, we are still getting cries of angst about the tiny new membership stickers. One member complained that my grovelling apology last month wasn’t enough, I would be grateful for ideas for suitable punishment, beyond living in a caravan since 2 Jan 12 for our house refit!! We have been bombarded with requests over the last year for suitable gizzits for Armed Forces Day, Fairs and the many occasions RNA members proudly let the public know about our wonderful Association. A common theme has been the need for a gizzit that attracts kids to the stand, bringing Dad, Mum, Granddad or Granny to the stand to be charmed by Shipmates. It is easy to waste money on pens, gonks etc that do not support the recruiting message. The great news is that we have the best gizzit in the world ready for you, bound to bring a smile to the face and the kids flocking. We have taken the Member-get-Member campaign image of the sailor’s hat with RNA on the cap tally and turned into an actual hat!!!

Thank you to the Plymouth Branch for modelling them here. We have them ready in the HQ now, they come as a flat card, with RNA joining instructions on the side. We will bring them to Conference for issue or we are delighted to send them to you now, or for pick up at Sempahore Tower. We would appreciate a bit of help with postage but no charge for the gizzits themselves. Please reserve or bid for your gizzits now to Andy or Nigel. We are also in the process of obtaining a 3 metre by 3 metre robust gazebo, sponsored by Pussers Rum, again book through HQ staff. 2

A big Bravo Zulu to Dagenham Branch for their design of the RNA Diamond Jubilee pin. It is very smart and may be worn during Her Majesty’s Jubilee Year. It can be obtained directly from the Branch or through the HQ. Design here, next to a lapel pin to show size:

At this time of year we are all hard at work preparing for Conference. If you haven’t submitted your delegate application form please do so as soon as you can, it allows us to prepare the Delegate packs ahead of time. This month you should also have the Agenda and Report and Accounts with the Circular. Any questions please give me a ring. There is an important reminder in the Circ about consulting with the Branch on the motions before Conference and making sure your Delegate has the papers. Remember that Conference is the ultimate decision-making authority of the Association and if you are not there you have no cause for complaint if things are not the way you would like them to be! Raffle tickets are going well and the innovative idea of raffling a brand new hand-made oak rum-tub is taking off – get those tickets in. Those Areas and branches who won an award last year please them return to HQ as soon as possible, preferably shiny!! If you would like to have news or info on your own branch page on the main RNA website please let us know – we have updated the site so we can do that. Also we can provide you with a site template that has all the design elegance of the main site, but easy to operate as you wish, give us a call if you would like more info. Finally you will be delighted to hear that we are now getting loads of RN trainees in uniform through the RNA HQ most weeks. We are the first stopping off point on their heritage day in the Dockyard and we let them know about the RNA. This is a very welcome off-shoot of the new mentoring programme running at COLLINGWOOD.

Kindest Regards Paul Quinn General Secretary 3

Contents Daily Orders 1. Conference 2012 – Update - Agenda 2. Remember the Falklands 3. Dorchester RNA – Armed Forces Day 4. British Forces News 5. National Standard Bearers Competition 6. RNA Stafford Branch 7. HMS Hermes Association- Reunion 8. Rum Tub 9. RNA Dagenham – Diamond Jubilee Lapel Pins 10. Armed forces day - Plymouth 11. Donations Received 12. Welfare Seminar Report 13. Engine Room to Propellers 14. Spare 15. Irish Naval Association 16. Finance corner from Michelle 17. IMC-Sailing Camp - Update 18. RNA Maidstone 19. Poppy travel to Far East 20. Guess Where? 21. Admiralty War Diaries 22. Message in a Bottle 23. Online Donations 24. RNRMC – Charity Stand-easy 25. RNA Wansbeck – Trafalgar Dinner 26. Diamond Jubilee Rosette 27. Free for Veterans Day - Peterborough 28. Holiday Caravans for Hire in Polzeath, Cornwall 29. Union Jack Club 30. WD 40 – Its Rocket Science 31. The sinking of the “General Belgrano” 32. RM Massed Band Events 33. HMS Hood Commemoration Service 34. RNA Sutherland Branch – Dedication of Standard 35. RNA Standard Bearers Invite to Annual BOB Memorial Ceremony

Shortcast Longcast Ship’s Office 1. Branch membership renewal forms 2. Area and Branch updates Swinging the Lamp For the Branch Secretary and notice-board (included loose-leaf): 1. 2. 3. 4.

Bankers Order for Clubs Seminar application form Delegates/Observers Returns Conference Information and Booking Forms


Glossary of terms NCM NC AMC FAC NCh NVCh NP DNP GS AGS Asap

National Council Member National Council Association Management Committee Finance Administration Committee National Chairman National Vice Chairman National President Deputy National President General Secretary Assistant General Secretary As soon as possible

Throughout ď ? indicates a new or substantially changed entry Contacts:

Financial Controller

023 9272 3823


023 9272 3371

Assistant General Secretary (Membership & Slops)

023 9272 3747

AGS (Events/Marketing/Shipmates)

023 9272 0782

General Secretary

023 9272 2983


023 92 72 3747

RNA HQ Staff continue to attempt to build a library of e-mail addresses within the Association. It would be extremely helpful if those Branch Secretaries able to communicate by e-mail would forward a short e-message to HQ to


Daily Orders 1. Conference 2012 – Update The Agenda for Conference is enclosed with this Circular, as is the Annual Report and Accounts for 2011. You now have the chance at your April and May meetings to discuss the motions before Conference and the reports and to give your instructions or questions to your Delegate. You have already been sent the National Council’s recommended guidelines for Branches and Areas bidding for Conference and the Conference Study Group Report; it is important that your delegate has seen this, and has a copy for Newcastle. I hope to have the new MoU/Partnering Agreement with the Royal Navy with next month’s Circular – just awaiting final RN approval. The number of delegates is slowing increasing please can you come to Newcastle if at all possible, the venue is great, the social events top-line and the Sunday service in a Cathedral with a march through the centre of the City. The booking form was in previous Circulars and is printed for the last time this month. If you have any questions for the local branch please contact Shipmate Ian McQueen, his email is Hotel Indigo reservations are requesting that all shipmates who have booked with the hotel and have not received a phone call confirming their booking by April 6th are requested to ring the hotel to re confirm their booking 2.  Portsmouth Historic Dockyard - Remember the Falklands Saturday 5 & Sunday 6 May 2012 Portsmouth Historic Dockyard and the Royal Navy, with the support of BAE Systems, will be hosting a weekend of free events to commemorate the Naval and local contribution to the Falkland Island conflict 30 years ago, with displays and the opportunity to visit HMS Dragon the newly commissioned Type 45 destroyer and HMS York a Type 42 destroyer that was launched in 1982 and spent time in the Falklands in 1985. Living history static displays and timed talks with guest speakers will provide visitors with a balanced view of events 30 years ago and enable them to experience first-hand accounts of Portsmouth’s contribution to the conflict. There will also be the Band of HM Royal Marines, HMS Collingwood performing in Victory Arena. On Saturday 5th May at 10.55am there will be a civic event in Victory Arena to mark the signing of the Community Covenant. Portsmouth City Council, in partnership with the Royal Navy, will formally present and officially launch the covenant, attended by the Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire, the Lord Mayor of Portsmouth, the Leader of Portsmouth City Council, Portsmouth’s Naval Base Commander, servicemen and women and their families as well as veterans. For further visiting information please visit or call 023 9283 9766 The new RNA gazebo will be on Sheer Jetty, by HMS YORK gangway with the new gizzits, call in!! 6

3 Dorchester Royal Naval Association - Armed Forces Day Dorchester Royal Naval Association and Dorchester Town Council are organising an Armed Forces Day on Saturday 7 July 2012 The outline programme for the day is: 1200 - 1300 1315 1320 1400 1430 1445 - 1630

Lunch in the Corn Exchange Parade marches off from North Square Mayor will take the salute outside Barclays Bank in South St. Armed Forces Day Civic Service in the Borough Gardens. Presentation of Veterans Badges Music in the Borough Gardens.

Lunch will be provided free of charge but there will be a bucket for donations to defray expenses. There will be a Veterans Badge presentation by the Mayor after the Civic Service. Any Veterans attending who wish to apply for a badge can obtain an application from S/M Roy Dean or from the Veterans Agency direct. Any veteran who has a Veterans Badge but has not had it formally presented to them may attend the Veterans Badge Presentation. Veterans wishing to take part should contact S/M Roy Dean, 01305 853442; Mob 07788 892908; email 4 British Forces News – BFBS BFBS’s flagship TV news programme - British Forces News - is now available to watch in the UK. British Forces News is currently transmitted in 17 countries every weeknight at 18:30 CET on BFBS1 and to Royal Navy ships through Navy TV. Now, it’s also being broadcast every weeknight at 18.30 UK time on Information TV, via Sky Channel 231 and Freesat Channel 402.

News presenter - Kate Gerbeau

British Forces News brings the latest stories that matter to British troops all around the Forces world, as well as to their families and friends and to Forces veterans. Watch British Forces News, weeknights at 18.30 (CET) on BFBS1 around the Forces world, online at, and in the UK at 18.30 (UK time) on Information TV, via Sky Channel 231 and Freesat Channel 402. We also broadcast news updates around the clock on BFBS Radio - tune in on DAB Digital Radio in the UK, on FM across the Forces world, on Sky Guide 0211, Freesat Channel 786, and via the BFBS smartphone app. If you've got a story for the British Forces News team, you can email -, follow them on Twitter @ForcesNews and Facebook at If you have family, friends or loved ones currently based overseas with the Forces, then remember you can send a message of support online at


5 National Standard Bearers Competition - 12 May 2012 The National Standard Bearers Competition will take place at HMS TEMERAIRE, Portsmouth on 12 May 2012. Areas are invited to submit the names of qualified standard bearers for this event. The event is open to; 1. Area Standard Bearers 2. Deputy Area Standard Bearers 3 The serving National Standard Bearer and Deputy National Standard Bearer 4. Where an Area has not held an Area competition a nominated standard bearer is permitted to enter. Deputy Standard Bearers are to be equipped with their branch standard and all associated equipment. (Sling, gloves and drapes). All standard bearers holding trophies are to return them on the day of the competition (cleaned and polished please). Competitors are to make their own arrangements for accommodation. Please note that the Maritime Club is host to a major reunion that weekend and all SR mess double rooms are booked out. You may have to look elsewhere in Portsmouth and Southsea for a bed, there are plenty. If you require a list of small hotels and B+Bs then please ask Mick Keiran. Names of competitors are to be forwarded to Mick Kieran (NCA) at or at: 38 Rookery Lane, Keresley,Coventry, West Midlands CV6 4HE. 6 RNA Stafford Branch Three of our lads did the 42 mile Snowdon Cycle Marathon on 3 March 2012 to raise funds for Stafford Branch RNA. Their names are, left to right: Alex Stockton, Barry Roberts, Russell Jones. They did the 42 miles in a time of 3 hours 20 minutes and finished wet, bedraggled, tired but happy. They raised £200 for the Branch, which is a considerable effort, BZ. Shipmate Norman Clutton has now retired as Branch Secretary and Shipmate Iain Napier has retired as Branch Chairman of Stafford Branch, we would like to take this opportunity to thank them both on behalf of the Branch for their sterling work over the past 5 years that they both carried out on behalf of the Branch and we hope they enjoy their time on the 'back benches' and can take things easy in the Branch meetings now. It really was an honour to have them on our Committee and will be a hard act to follow. The new Branch Secretary is Gwyn Roberts and the new Chairman is Stuart Turner. 7 HMS Hermes Association – Reunion It is with great thanks that the HMS Hermes Association write, following a donation from the CCF helped to finance comfortable travel and to provide a commemorative gift to the veterans 8

of HMS Hermes 9 who were attending a reunion in Portsmouth marking the 70th anniversary of the sinking of HMS Hermes in Ceylon 1942. Despite the forecast Portsmouth gave us lovely weather and they were very proud to be alongside such brave men not only the veterans from 1942 but also the shipmates from Hermes 10 who laid a wreath in memory of those lost from Hermes during the Falkland conflict marking the 30th anniversary. Portsmouth the home port of both HMS Hermes and was a wonderful place to hold this special anniversary reunion and the Royal Maritime Club looked after us well we attended a lovely church service at St Ann’s in the dockyard prior to the very moving wreath laying service. With each reunion we get a glimpse of precious history as a new story is told or a memory brought to light by those around us. Special thanks to Rita Lock the National Welfare Advisor and Philip Shuttleworth RNA HQ who helped to make all this possible. 8 Rum Tub Great news!!! 11 Area have arranged for the production of a hand made solid oak rum tub for raffle at the Conference. For any branch that would like a rum tub this is a great chance to get one for the price of a couple of pints. They are normally over £500 on e-bay. Raffle tickets were enclosed with the last Circular and extra tickets can be purchased from the HQ. This raffle will be RNA only, so you have a great chance!! Well done to the member who thought this was a normal raffle out of a rum tub – this is a one-off chance for the tub itself!! 9.  RNA Dagenham - Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Lapel Pin As the decision was made by Government that nobody outside of serving personnel would receive the Diamond Jubilee Medal, RNA-Dagenham thought it would be a nice keepsake for their members to commission a commemorative lapel pin. This was welcomed by HQ who ensured that the commission met with the “Brand Guidelines” and asked if the branch would be prepared to extend the offer to other branches. This they have done and it has been taken up by Chesham and Amersham, Spennymoor and Ferryhill and Orkney so far with five other branches showing an interest. If you would like further details or to order, please contact Mark Smith on either 07866 523975 or The pins are priced at £2.00 to branches or £2.50 to individuals plus P&P. Note from Gen Sec: We will also have the pins available at HQ and Conference


10.  Armed Forces Day – Plymouth - 30 June 2012- RNA Standards We have received a request from the organisers of Armed Forces Day on 30th June 2012 that they like as many RNA Standards as possible to be paraded at this event. Branches who would like to Parade their Standard are to contact Arthur Gutteridge (Plymouth Branch Secretary) by Email or telephone 01752 849176

11. P Donations received for the Central Charities Fund RNA – York RNA – Hereford

£250.00 £265.00

In memory of S/m Ron Tremlett - £1000.00 In memory of S/m John Edward Harry Kettle - £550.00 In memory of S/m William (Bill) Norris - £270.00 Thank you for the donations received this month to the Central Charities Fund. 12. RNA Welfare Seminar Report - RNA Leamington Spa The Royal Naval Association held the Welfare Seminar in the RNA Club Leamington Spa on Saturday the 31 March 2012. There were 46 attendees and 5 speakers, the seminar started at 1000 and finished at 1500, and we were warmly hosted by all at RNA Royal Leamington Spa. Debbie O’Hanlon from the Service Personal and Veterans Agency was the first speaker and ably took us on a power-point visual guided tour of SPVA and what it has to offer and how the organisation could help. Many questions were asked especially on pensions, debt, social housing, mental health, money matters, benefits and many other related subjects all ably delt with by Debbie and a great deal of interest was shown by all shipmates. The main message from Debbie being please contact the agency if you have any queries. The Service Personal and Veterans Agency can be contacted on 0800 169 2277 or email they will then try to answer all of your questions and send the relevant information leaflets. The Directgov website also has a user friendly “Benefits Checker” system for the general public if they want to know what benefits they might be entitled to; just follow the on-screen instructions to see if you are eligible for any of the 27 benefits listed. Joly Babu’s presentation on the Big White Wall which was particularly interesting as this is an online early intervention service for people in psychological distress. It is provided in partnership with the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. Big White Wall combines social networking principles with a choice of clinically informed interventions to improve mental wellbeing. It can be accessed 24/7 and has staff (Wall Guides) who ensure the full engagement, safety and anonymity of all members. Big White Wall is a community of people who are experiencing common mental health problems who are supported to self-manage their own mental health. According to members, one of the most important elements of the service is the ability to talk freely, whilst remaining completely anonymous. Big White Wall offers a range of therapeutic interventions including highly creative self-expression. For example, members use powerful images, drawings and words to make vibrant and expressive ‘bricks’ that are posted to The Wall where they can choose to share and discuss the underlying ‘story’ of their pictures and words. Big White Wall 10

Major Cameron March RM MBE introduced the shipmates to Trauma Risk Management (TRiM) which it is hoped will be rolled out to RNA Area Welfare Officers. TRiM deals with post traumatic stress symptoms which can occur after “Exposure to traumatic events can lead to the development of psychological distress, lowered morale and organisational difficulty. Assuming that the Armed Forces continue their primary function of war fighting, then personnel will be exposed to trauma and stress. Some of those exposed will develop psychological distress as a result. Even if this can be reduced by training and so on, no one can argue that it could ever be eliminated. On the other hand we also know that whilst this cannot be prevented, it can be better managed”. TRiM is a proactive, peer group delivered, human resource management initiative for supporting individuals following exposure to traumatic events supporting individuals following exposure to traumatic events.

Jim Keating VAPC Veterans Advisory & Pensions Committee (VAPC) Jim helped all understand the ins and outs of the Veterans Advisory & Pensions Committees (VA&PCs) formerly known as War Pensions Committees who have existed since the 1920s, supporting war pensioners and war widow(ers). The committee hear complaints on war pension issues and make recommendations to the government and its agencies. They were established in the wake of the First World War, to assist the Ministry of Pensions. Members undertook the adjudication and administration of grants to disabled ex-Servicemen, the organisation of care for widows and neglected children. Along with the monitoring of the Ministry of Pensions administration of the War Disablement Pension Scheme. There are now 13 VA&PCs throughout the United Kingdom, with separate committees in the Isle of Man and the Republic of Ireland. Members of the VA&PCs are appointed by the Secretary of State and form a statutory body independent of the Service Personnel and Veterans Agency (SPVA) and the MOD. Many of our members are ex-Servicemen and women. In the Republic of Ireland, the Secretary of State appoints six members and the remainder are from within the ex-Service charity organisations, many having served in the Armed Forces. To finish the seminar Philip Shuttleworth (RNA HQ) in tandem with Rita Lock (RNA National Welfare Advisor) went through the Form A the established and correct method of applying to charities for help and gave a informative presentation of how the form should be filled in with the relevant information and how it was interpreted by the team who almonise the cases. The message being that all can help, be they SSAFA, RBL trained or branch welfare officers, in order to ascertain the relevant information needed is included to ensure the clients Form A is best prepared for almonisation by the charities. 13  Engine Room to Propellers! Question: that was sent in by S/M Ken Napier from France? Which two ships had their BOILER ROOMS between the Engine Rooms and the Propellers? (Usually it's Boiler Room - Engine Room - Prop shafts). Answer: the Battleships NELSON and RODNEY. With their unusual layout of main armament - all three triple 16" gun turrets forward - they then had the bridge structure; with the main Director on top, and then the single funnel. The constructors were concerned that the fumes and smoke from the funnel would affect the Director, if the funnel was too close to the bridge structure, so the funnel was moved further aft - aft of the Engine Rooms. Then the propellers under the stern: from forward to aft, Engine Rooms, Boiler Rooms, propellers, a most unusual arrangement. 11

If you have any Maritime Observations (Dits) (as above) that will enhance our Shipmates knowledge then send them to HQ and we may include them in the next circular. 14. Spare

15.Irish Naval Association – Unveiling of Memorial – 26 & 27 May 2012 The last weekend in May the President of the Irish Naval Association will unveil a memorial to one of our Irish colleagues, Leading Seaman Michael Quinn DSM who died during a crew rescue attempt off a Stricken Spanish Trawler on rocks off Co Cork. The ceremony and the unveiling of the memorial will take place in Drogheda at 1300 on Sunday 27th May. Alongside the memorial ceremony there will be black-tie dinner on the Saturday the D Hotel. Shipmates are cordially invited to attend both the unveiling and dinner as part of the ceremonial weekend many will stay in the D Hotel on Sat 26th and Sun 27th May for a combined cost of €99 per person sharing which includes the which will be a fairly big affair and also very enjoyable. See this Hotel is opposite the area where the memorial will be placed and opposite to where one of our Naval Ship will come alongside and be present for the ceremony. Please remember the price above is Euro so when converted to sterling might seem very cheap and some might think the price is wrong but be assured it is correct as the Hotel and the local community are very excited at this event and proud that one of their sons is been honoured for his brave deed which cost him his young life. Please also note if we have some RNA members coming over I will arrange transport for them from their arrival in Dublin on Saturday to Drogheda and back on Monday in time to travel back to the UK. If you require any more information then please ring Terry Cummins: 00-353-879873884 or visit the website.

16. Finance Corner – From Michelle Due to an extremely busy work schedule the 1st Quarter Accounts will be produced in May. Shipmates that haven’t paid for your Conference Welcome Reception / Buffet Dance, can you please pay before the 17 May 2012. Any cancellations after the 18 May 2012 will NOT be refundable. Please note – if a branch member is paying by Direct Debit, they need to pay their subscriptions to their relevant Branch Bank Account and NOT HQ Bank Account unless you are a HQ member. Please note I am taking Annual Leave as from 25 April 2012 – 8 May 2012 17 IMC – Sailing Camp - Update The annual IMC Sailing Camp will be held in Bruges, in the Naval Base of Saint-Kruis between the 9 - 19 July 2012. We are looking for young person’s 14-19 who might be 12

interested in an international sailing camp. This need not be a Sea Cadet, could just be a Shipmate’s granddaughter or grandson. The cost is 140 Euros, (cost before subsidies 390Euro) with parents meeting cost of travel. A programme for the sailing camp will be available shortly. Please contact Paul or Andy if you would like to know more, or have a name in mind. This is the last chance to bid, we have a number of names on the list. 18 RNA Maidstone - Annual Sea Service -22 July The above service will take place at Aylesford on Sunday 22nd July 2012 mustering from 1400hrs for a 1445 start at Aylesford Community Centre Forstal Road or ME20 7AU. Standards will be paraded through Aylesford to the Church for the rededication service and return March Past our principle guest Vice Admiral John McAnally CB LVO will take the salute also in attendance will be the Mayor and Mayoress of Tunbridge and Malling and the Mayor and Mayoress of Maidstone, on return to the Community Centre where there will be a Buffet followed by a display by the Sea Cadet Band after which Sunset ceremony will be performed, remainder of the evening spent with entertainment and a bit of lamp swinging and raffle until 2045hrs. The cost will be £5.00 per ticket children under 12yrs £2.50 for buffet and entertainment Standard Bearers will be free, if branches would confirm numbers wishing to attend and ticket requirements, tickets will be sent on receipt of payment or can be booked and paid for on the day. Regulars please take note of time changes for this year and we are back with our original caterers so come along and enjoy yourselves. All applications for tickets should be sent to the Secretary:-S/M John Cooper 10 Froyle Close Maidstone Kent ME16 0RQ. 01622 675895 email, 19 Poppy Travel to Singapore and Thailand Poppy Travel, the travel arm of The Royal British Legion, are now advertising their new tours to Singapore and Thailand, over the dates 6-19 November and Malaysia, 11-24 September 2012. If you would like to receive further details of our tours to war graves around the world, please contact the address below. Tracey Oram - - - Tel; 0203 207 2321 20 Guess Where? Somewhere in an Establishment! Can you name the establishment and where it is? Please forward any other pictures to the HQ that you may have for ‘Guess Where’ so that we publish them in forthcoming Circulars. Answer again in next month edition. Last Month’s answer! Portsmouth Dockyard – The Old Fire Station in just up from The Parade. 13

21 Admiralty War Diaries and Action Reports has researched and published original data for 14 years. In the case of World War 2, this includes Admiralty War Diaries and Action Reports. The War Diaries from August 1939 to March 1942 are combined with other primary sources into a day-by-day account. The period April 1942 into 1946 is covered by a growing number of War Diaries ranging from the Home and Mediterranean Fleets to the British Pacific Fleet. The Diaries make fascinating reading in their own right. They also provide detailed movements of hundreds of ships and the men who sailed in them. All can be found at To research ships and men, you can also use the search box in the top left-hand side of If you have any further questions then please contact; Gordon Smith MBA CEng Naval-History.Net 17 Norris Close, Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan CF64 2QW, UK Tel: 029-20636953 or 07590070038 22 Message in a Bottle What is Message in a Bottle? The Lions Message in a Bottle is a simple idea that encourages people to keep their basic personal and medical details in a common place where they can easily be found in an emergency. How does it work? The information is kept in a bottle. The bottle is kept in the fridge, where the emergency services will expect to find it in the event of being called to your home. They will know you have a bottle by two labels one is fixed on the inside of the front door or the main entrance to your home and the other to the door of your fridge. What is the cost? It’s FREE! All costs are paid for by local Lions who have received generous donations from the public and businesses. Where can I get a bottle? Health Centres, Doctor’s Surgeries, Chemists, who should have supplies. If you have difficulty please contact your local Lions Club, or telephone 08458339502 for details of your local or nearest club, or to order a Message in a Bottle please email: Medic Alert/SOS Talisman If you wear any of these alert products you should continue to do so. The Message in a Bottle is not intended to replace these items. The details required are: Your full name and brief physical description. Your Doctor’s name, surgery address and telephone number. 14

A brief description of any medical conditions you are suffering from. Allergies and allergic reaction to medication. Location of your medication in your home. The names, addresses, and phone numbers of two people who may be contacted in any emergency. Details of any pets that may be on the premises. It is also advisable to keep your repeat prescription list with your medication. This is of great help to paramedics. You should complete the form found in the message bottle, showing all these details and replace form in the bottle and place in your fridge, then stick a sticker (stickers are also found in the bottle) on the fridge door, and also on the inside of your front door. Please help the emergency services help you. A few minutes delay in finding your home in an emergency could make the difference between life and death. Give the emergency services a fighting chance. Make sure they can find you !! 23 On-line donations You can now make an on-line donation to the RNA at

24 RNRMC - Charity Stand-Easy - 1 June 2012 StandEASY - Half an Hour to make a World of Difference The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity need you to “Get Involved”. Our StandEASY campaign will take place between 10.00 and 10.30 on Friday 1st June 2012. We are hoping that every ship, unit and establishment will spend just half an hour doing something to raise funds for the RNRMC. This could be anything; perhaps a sponsored physical challenge, a raffle, cake sale, or how about asking asking your CO if they are happy to have wet sponges thrown at them in return for a donation?! Whatever you decide to do, simply visit to register your details. Once signed up, you will be able to download more information and will be sent a fundraising pack containing sponsor forms, posters, stickers and fundraising ideas, plus details of how to set up a special StandEASY virginmoneygiving page. We have picked the date of Friday 1st June to coincide with kicking off the Diamond Jubilee celebrations but fully understand that this date and time might not be practical for everyone. It’s not set in stone so you could do something around this date instead. We’d love to hear fundraising stories and see pictures from around the world so please send them in! The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity exists to provide a better way of life for serving, injured and former naval service personnel and their families. The more we raise, the more we can give, so please do get involved in supporting your charity. If you would like any more information on the StandEASY campaign please do not hesitate to contact me on Thank you. Have fun fundraising! For more details please contact: Hilary Jukes Fundraising Co-Ordinator The Royal Navy & Royal Marines Charity Building 29, HMS EXCELLENT, Whale Island, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO2 8ER 15

Email: Tel: 023 9254 8155 Mil: 93832 8155

25 RNA - Wansbeck & District branch 30 Anniversary & Trafalgar Dinner & Dance Sat 20 October 2012 Music for dancing by Richard & a light entertainment spot 6.30pm For 7.00pm TILL 11.00pm Blazers; Lounge Suit; Dinner Suit; Uniform - All with Tie or Bow Tie TICKETS £18 From GEORGE KIRSOPP 01670 816562 or KEN WALTON 01670 522526 e-mail Venue; Stakeford & Bomarsund Sports & Social Welfare Centre Stakeford, Chopington, NE63 5UB 26 One Million Veterans to salute the Queen Veterans Diamond Jubilee Rosette; This is a once only appeal run by veterans to honour the queen and fund veterans’ charities, buy and wear it for the diamond jubilee year £5.00 rosette, full details and an order form; Please phone or text 07725 206 178 or go to the website; This is a once only appeal run by veterans to honour the queen and fund veterans’ charities. Buy the rosette and wear it for the Diamond Jubilee. 27 Free for Veterans Day – Sunday 15 July 2012 Entry FREE FOR VETERANS DAY at Thorpe Hall Peterborough, Cambs, PE3 6LW and the festival will close with a battle re-enactment.( Not to be Missed) a Flypasts on Saturday we have a Dakota! And on Sunday there will be 2 Spitfires ! All veterans need to do is contact us on this email address. We will send them a form to register and a wristband will be issued. or call 01733 204353 Thank you for your support.


28. Holiday Caravans for Hire in Polzeath - Cornwall The Royal Marines Corps trustees, with the assistance of the Sailors and Fleet Amenities Fund, have purchased over the years four fully equipped 6-berth caravans and sited them on the Polzeath Beach Holiday Park, North Cornwall. The caravans are available for hire to the following personnel: 1: All RN/RM personnel 2: Ex-Serving RN/RM personnel 3: MOD civilians from RM bases Prices vary according to the time of year, ranging between low and peak season. Weekend packages are available out of peak season for only £65. If you require further information or wish to make a booking please contact: Tel: 01392 414456 Mil: 93785 4456 Office Opening Hours 09:30 - 13:30 Monday - Friday

Donna Peters Amenities Booking Office Commando Training Centre Royal Marines Lympstone DEVON EX8 5AR 29 Union Jack Club – London

SPECIAL OFFERS Prices for members start as low as £245 for a 2 night stay in a double ensuite room. This includes 2 nights stay, breakfast, and dinner on one evening and tickets for listed attractions. We have teamed up with Historic Royal Palaces (HRP) to produce a great May Bank Holiday offer for you. Dinner, bed and breakfast prices start at £70 for a single room and £150 for a double and included a Royal Pass to four palaces. This is a fantastic opportunity to visit attractions such as the Tower of London or Hampton Court Palace. The offer with HRP runs throughout the year and if you are interested please contact us as soon as possible as places are going fast. Theatre offers such as Lion King, Mama Mia & We will Rock You are extremely popular and with prices starting at £230 for a couple they are a great deal. Call us on 020 7902 6000 or visit the website <> to see all the special offers available. 30 WD-40 - It is Rocket Science! In 1953, a fledgling company called Rocket Chemical Company and its staff of three set out to create a line of rust-prevention solvents and degreasers for use in the aerospace industry, in a small lab in San Diego, California. It took them 40 attempts to get the water displacing formula worked out. But they must have been really good, because the original secret formula for WD-40 which stands for Water Displacement perfected on the 40th try is still in use today. 17

Convair, an aerospace contractor, first used WD-40 to protect the outer skin of the Atlas Missile from rust and corrosion. The product actually worked so well that several employees sneaked some WD-40 cans out of the plant to use at home. A few years following WD-40's first industrial use, Rocket Chemical Company founder Norm Larsen experimented with putting WD-40 into aerosol cans, reasoning that consumers might find a use for the product at home as some of the employees had. The product made its first appearance on store shelves in San Diego in 1958. Today the WD 40 brand is recognised the world over. WD-40 …………….. 1) Protects silver from tarnishing. 2) Removes road tar and grime from cars. 3) Cleans and lubricates guitar strings. 4) Gives a floor that ‘just-waxed’ sheen without making it slippery. 5) Keeps flies off cows. 6) Restores and cleans chalkboards. 7) Removes lipstick stains. 8) Loosens stubborn zippers. 9) Untangles jewellery chains. 10) Removes stains from stainless steel sinks. 11) Removes dirt and grime from the barbecue grill. 12) Keeps ceramic/terracotta garden pots from oxidizing. 13) Removes tomato stains from clothing. 14) Keeps glass shower doors free of water spots. 15) Camouflages scratches in ceramic and marble floors. 16) Will keep scissors cutting smoothly. 17) Lubricates noisy door hinges on vehicles and doors in the home. 18) It removes black scuff marks from the kitchen floor! 19) Bug guts will eat away the finish on your car if not removed quickly! Use WD-40! 20) Gives a slide a shine for super fast sliding. 21) Lubricates gear shift and mower deck lever for ease of handling on riding mowers. 22) Rids kids rocking chairs and swings of squeaky noises. 23) Lubricates tracks in sticking home windows and makes them easier to open. 24) Spraying an umbrella stem makes it easier to open and close. 25) Restores and cleans padded leather dashboards in vehicles, as well as vinyl bumpers. 26) Restores and cleans roof racks on vehicles. 27) Lubricates and stops squeaks in electric fans. 28) Lubricates wheel sprockets on tricycles, wagons, and bicycles for easy handling. 29) Lubricates fan belts on washers and dryers and keeps them running smoothly. 30) Keeps rust from forming on saws and saw blades, and other tools. 31) Removes splattered grease on stove. 32) Keeps bathroom mirror from fogging. 33) Lubricates prosthetic limbs. 34) Keeps pigeons off the balcony (they hate the smell). 35) Removes all traces of duct tape. 36) Cleans piston valves on horns and tubas. 37) Folks even spray it on their arms, hands, and knees to relieve arthritis pain. 38) The favourite use in the state of New York; WD-40 protects the Statue of Liberty from the elements. 39) Use it for fire ant bites. It takes the sting away immediately and stops the itch. 40) Removes the glue under labels and jars. Check the WD-40 website for many more suggestions.


31 The sinking of the General Belgrano 2 May 1982 With the approaching 30th anniversary of The Falklands War, many events will be highlighted as defining moments in the conflict. One of the most important, and at the time controversial actions was the Churchill class nuclear submarine; HMS Conqueror attacking the light cruiser ARA General Belgrano; sinking it with the loss of over 300 lives……… The ARA General Belgrano was an Argentine Navy light cruiser in service from 1951 until 1982. Prior to being sold to Argentina it was formerly the USS Phoenix; launched in 1938 and a survivor of Pearl Harbour in 1941, the ship was decommissioned by the USN in 1946. At over 12,000 tons with 15 six inch guns (range of over 14 miles) 8 five inch anti-aircraft guns and 2 Sea Cat missile systems she posed a significant threat to the Falklands task force and its embarked aircraft support.

Chart showing the 200 mile exclusion zone, Argentine aircraft operational fuel ranges and the position where the Belgrano was sunk by HMS Conqueror.

The Belgrano and its two Destroyer escort comprising; ARA Piedra Buena D-29 and ARA Hipolito Bouchard D-26 had left Ushuaia in Tierra del Fuego on 26 April 1982 (Task group 79.3) and by the 29th had begun patrolling the Burdwood Bank area to the South of the Falklands. The following day the Task Group was detected by HMS Conqueror; a nuclearpowered hunter-killer submarine. Permission was sought from the British Government to attack the Belgrano. The Prime Minister; Margaret Thatcher; after consultation with her Cabinet ministers, gave the go-ahead for Conqueror’s skipper; Cdr Chris Wreford-Brown to engage the enemy. On May 2nd at 15:57 Conqueror fired 3 Mk 8 Torpedoes at the Belgrano; two of the torpedoes hit their target; one striking the ship 40ft aft of her bow, miraculously no crew members were injured in the explosion; and the fwd internal bulkheads were not breached. However, the second torpedo struck the ship in the area of the aft machinery room with devastating effect. The explosion tore upward through two messes and ripped a 70ft long hole in the main deck, killing 275 of the crew. The electrical distribution system was also severely damaged that caused the ship to fill with black smoke, rendered the pumps required to stem the flow of inrushing seawater inoperable, and prevented transmission of radio distress calls. Twenty 19

minutes after being hit, and with the remains of her bow going under, Captain Bonzohad gave the order to abandon ship. ď ?

The crew of The General Belgrano abandon ship, minutes before she goes under. The two escorts were unaware of the fate of the Belgrano having failed to spot the distress flares and lamp signals in the gloom, and only realised that there was a problem several hours later, by which time darkness had fallen and the weather had further deteriorated. Argentine and Chilean ships rescued 770 men between the 3rd and 5th of May. In total 323 crew members were killed in the attack. The sinking of The General Belgrano was a major morale boost to the British servicemen of the Task Force, and probably of greater importance; resulted in the Argentine Aircraft Carrier; ARA Veinticinco de Mayo and the remainder of the Argentine fleet being recalled to port, thus negating its Naval threat. The General Belgrano was sunk outside of the Falklands 200 mile total exclusion zone. This action provoked a lot of controversy at the time regarding the justification of attacking a ship that was outside of the aforementioned zone. We were at war with Argentina, and one can’t recall many conflicts where; given the opportunity of taking out a heavily armed foe capable of sending six inch high explosive shells over a distance of 14 miles, and possessing air defence capabilities and formidable armour, that the target would not be assessed as a legitimate one, in or outside of an exclusion zone. Information made public after 30 years backs the Governments claim at the time that the General Belgrano was due to alter its course and form a pincer movement with the Veinticinco de Mayo carrier group against the British fleet. There has been a lot of sabre-rattling by Argentina these past few months, with their leaders once again claiming sovereignty over the islands, and their intention to take them back. They should be aware that the only way of getting significant numbers of troops onto the Falklands is by sea. They should also be aware of what still lies in wait for them in the depths should they attempt to do so.


32  RM Massed Bands - Events There are quite a few events that the Royal Marines Bands are performing, including the Mountbatten Festival of Music and Beating Retreat, please follow the link for more information on Beating Retreat 6/7 June 2012. If you require more detailed information then please contact, RM Corps Secrétariat T: 023 9254 7206 or 023-9254-7214

33 HMS Hood Commemoration Service – 20 May I am pleased to send you a reminder of the HMS HOOD Commemoration Service to be held at the church of St John the Baptist, Boldre at 11:00 on Sunday 20 May 2011. This may be of interest to your members. Our guest preacher this year will be Reverend Scott Brown, Chaplain of the Fleet. The Royal Navy will be represented by Commodore Mike Mansergh CBE Commanding Officer of HMS COLLINGWOOD and the Maritime Warfare School. The HMS Hood Association will be led by Rear Admiral Philip Wilcocks CB DSC and Commander Keith Evans RN. Decorations. Many members of the congregation proudly wear their decorations at the service and I would encourage those that wish to join them, to do so. As before, we will not be allocating specific seating except for those directly involved in the service. However if your members are likely to need special assistance in the church please let us know in advance or make themselves known to one of the sidesmen. We extend a warm invitation to your members to join us for the service and to stay on afterwards when coffee, tea and biscuits will be served and there will be an opportunity for a chat. We very much look forward to seeing them. For more details contact; Nigel Henley at; 34 RNA Sutherland Branch – Dedication of Standard Sutherland Branch will be Dedicating their Standard in Golspie Sutherland on Sunday 16th September in Fountain Road Hall at 1400hrs. Muster in Fountain Road Bus Park at 1330 ready to move off at 1345. Following the service the parade will march to the memorial gardens where a wreath will be laid. Then on to the rear of the Lodge of St Andrews where the parade will disperses. On Saturday 15th September the branch will host a Buffet Dance at the Stags Head Hotel Golspie .It would be appreciated if Branches to could advise us numbers attending the Buffet Dance ASAP to arrange for catering. Accommodation in the Golspie Area is available on the Golspie Web Site. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me at the following e-mail address or call 01408 633 532 Carl Lemkes (Hon Sec), Sutherland RNA 21

35 Battle of Britain 72nd Anniversary - Capel le Ferne - 2012 To commemorate the 72nd Anniversary of the Battle of Britain, a Service and Parade will be held at the National Battle of Britain Memorial, Capel-le-Ferne, Folkestone, Kent, on Sunday 15 July 2012, at 13.30. Standard Bearers of the Royal Naval Association are invited to attend and take part. A rehearsal for all those taking part will be held at 10.30, with the March-on at 13.15. The parade will be followed by a “Sunset Ceremony”. Light refreshments will be provided for Standard Bearers and their Guest after the rehearsal in a designated marquee. If you are able to attend, it would be appreciated if you could contact me on the following telephone number 01622 681665 by 1 June 2012, in order that arrangements may be made. Looking forward to seeing you there. Robin Green, Chairman Maidstone RAF Association.


Shortcast HMS Sheffield 30th Falklands Reunion 2012 - 4/05/2012 Calling all HMS Sheffields D80,1982. HMS Sheffield 30th Reunion May 4 - 6 2012 at the Royal Maritime Club, Queen Street, Portsmouth. Any interest in this event, please contact Guy ‘Tug’ Wilson at Royal Naval Hospital Haslar - 4/05/2012 The 2nd RNH Haslar Reunion for all RN Medics and Naval Nurses who trained or served there between 1955 and 1985 will be held in Gosport over from May 4 to 7, 2012. A Minimum of three separate events over the weekend, including a Sunday DTS with Shep Woolley. Tickets £25 per head for the weekend, with all Profits to The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. Contact David Rawson via Haslar Reunion Group or by email to Scottish Branch Submariners Association - 5/05/2012 On 5th & 6th May 2012, Services for the loss of the Vandal at Loch Ranza and Untamed at Dunoon cemetery. In 1992 the Branch discovered that two submarines, 'VANDAL' and 'UNTAMED' had been lost in the Clyde with all hands some fifty years before in 1943 within a couple of months of each other. For further information please visit Scottish Branch Submariners Association or visit Submariners Association Website If you have any questions related to the above, please contact: Jim Rea Esq, Hon Secretary, Scottish Branch, Submariners Association HMS Alacrity 30th Falklands Reunion - 5/05/2012 Reunion takes place in Devonport from May 5 to 6 for all those that served on HMS Alacrity during the 1982 Falklands War. For details contact Steve Parker at North Russia Club - 5/05/2012 Reunion will take place at the West Hill Hotel, St Helier, Jersey JE2 3HB from 5 to 12 May. Book direct or contact Austin Byrn, HMS Fisgard - 7/05/2012 Calling all S45 Artificer Apprentices. Would you like a 50th Reunion around 7 May 2012? If so, please initially contact Mark Churchill at giving home town/city/country location (plus any other contact info you are comfortable to disclose) to enable the degree of interest to be established. HMS Ganges Association - 11/05/2012 The H.M.S Ganges Association will be celebrating its 30th Reunion at The Adelphi Hotel Liverpool from. Friday 11th May to 14th May 2012. All ex Ganges personnel and guests are invited. Full disability facilities and car parking available. For more information please contact Frank Parker on 01744 886366 or John Kennedy by email at


HMS Cleopatra Old Shipmates Association - 11/05/2012 Seeking new members to join us from both the cruiser and frigate. Wives/partners are also very welcome. We have 230 members and the subscriptions are only £6 per year. Our 27th AGM and Reunion is being held at Babbacombe, Torquay from May 11 to 14, 2012. If you are interested in joining the Association then contact the Secretary, Warwick Franklin at Bulwark, Albion & Centaur Association - 11/05/2012 The 2012 AGM & Reunion Weekend is confirmed for the Hilton Hotel, North Promenade, Blackpool commencing May 11. Three night package including Private Dinner & entertainment for just £130. Pool/Sauna available and on site parking. Please contact the Secretary, Denis Askham - BRNC May 1972 Entry - 11/05/2012 40th anniversary reunion. Were you one us? Are you interested? e-mail your details without attachments to BRNCMAY72ENTRY@AOL.COM for further details. HMS Phoebe Association - 11/05/2012 Have their annual (16th) reunion from May 11 to 13 at Hinton Firs Hotel in Bournemouth. All ex crew are welcome to join us. Please contact the secretary, Roy Pavely.

HMS Broadsword Association - 12/05/2012 HMS Broadsword Association: Bi-Annual Reunion and AGM will take place on May 12 in the WO & Senior rates mess HMS Drake Plymouth. Our president Captain Canning (rtd) will be standing down at this reunion, we will also be marking the 30th anniversary of the Falkland’s conflict. The reunion is open to anyone who served on broadsword. For more information go to or contact Steve Bullock at HMS Minerva Reunion - 18/05/2012 This will take place on May 18 at the Commissioner’s House in the Historic Dockyard, Chatham, where there will be an afternoon reception followed by an opportunity for a less formal get-together in a local hostelry. For more information contact Barry Miller at HMS Cavalier Association - 18/05/2012 Reunion will take place from May 18 to 21 at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea. Further information can be obtained from David Shardlow at HMS Danae First Commission - 18/05/2012 Reunion from May 18 to 19 at the Chesterfield Hotel, Chesterfield. Details on the website Further information from Dave Shoemaker HMS Solebay Association - 18/05/2012 Will be holding it’s 15th annual reunion from May 18 to 21, at the De Vere Barony Castle Hotel, near Edinburgh EH45 8QW. A full weekend of activities is planned to commemorate the 50th 24

anniversary of the ship paying off for the last time. All ex-Solebay’s and their guests are welcome. For further details contact Malcolm Clarke 0117 9622500-or email at; Old Caledonian Artificer Apprentices Association - 18/05/2012 The OCAAA reunion will be at the Bristol Hilton from May 18 to 19. Full details and reservations can be made by contacting James Polson at the hotel on 01454 893438. For further information contact Don Smith. Royal Naval Engineroom Association - 19/05/2012 20th Annual Reunion at the Nautical Club, Birmingham B15 1ET on 19 May. Details from Bob Styants at HMS Dainty - 25/05/2012 HMS Dainty, AGM and Reunion will be held at the Holiday Inn Harrogate w/e commencing May 25, 2012. Please contact David Erwin or HMS Dainty website for further details. HMS Antelope 30th Reunion -26/05/ 2012 The 30th anniversary of HMS Antelope will take place on SS Great Britain on the 26 May 2012, anyone interested please contact Dorothy Benn, Hon Sec, Stroud Branch ; 01453-757 984 Northern Ireland Branch, Submariners Association - 26/05/2012 West Belfast-born Magennis won the Victoria Cross - British highest military decoration-for an incredible act of bravery during a mini-sub attack on the Japanese warship Takao in Singapore harbour in 1945. The Magennis Dinner will be held on Saturday the 26th May 2012. For more information regarding Magennis VC please go to: Northern Ireland Branch Submariners Association or visit Submariners Association Website If you have any questions related to the above, please contact: Davy George Esq, Hon Secretary, Northern Ireland Branch, Submariners Association Omani Reunion - 26/05/2012 The 27th reunion of military and civilian personnel who served in or with the Sultanate of Oman, is taking place in Hull, East Yorkshire in late May. For more details contact Jim Dyson 801 NAS Falklands Reunion - 26/05/2012 A reunion for those who served on 801 NAS Sea Harriers during the Falklands will be held at RNAS Yeovilton on May 26. For further information contact John Keenan at HMS Hood Association - 26/05/2012 HMS Hood Association. May 20 at 11.00. Service of Commemoration at St John the Baptist Church, Boldre near Lymington. May 26. AGM at 1600 and 37th Anniversary Reunion dinner 1830 at the Royal Maritime Club, Portsmouth. May 27. Memorial Service at St George’s Church, Portsea at 1200. For further details of all these events contact vice chairman Keith Evans on 01428 642122. 25

HMS Berwick Reunion - 1/06/2012 Seeking Any personnel who served in HMS Berwick during the years 1974/75 whilst Commander P Hames RN was the Commanding Officer and who would be interested in a Ship's Company reunion should initially contact Tony Izzard. HMS Blackcap - RNAS Stretton - 3/06/2012 Any shipmates or civilian staff who were at Blackcap between 1942-1958 are invited to the 24th annual service of commemoration at St Cross Church, Appleton Thorn on June 3 at 1200. Standards are very welcome. For more information contact Bernie Cohen at HMS Glamorgan Falklands Association - 9/06/2012 Hold their 30th anniversary reunion at Royal Maritime Club, Queens Street, Portsmouth on June 9 2012. Further details and booking forms are available from ; Alan Bradley or visit the website. Glorious, Ardent & Acasta Association (Glarac) - 10/06/2012 To commemorate the 72nd anniversary of the sinking of these ships and the loss of 1531 men, a Memorial Service is to be held at St Nicholas Church, HMS Drake, Devonport, Plymouth on June 10. For more details contact Vince Marcroft HMS Hermione Association - 14/06/2012 HMS Hermione Association will hold it's annual reunion over the weekend 14th-17th June to coincide with the 70th commemoration of the loss of the wartime Hermione. It will be held at the Colwyn Hotel, South promenade, Blackpool. Any one wishing to join us will be made most welcome that also includes families of those lost onboard. For more details contact the secretary Brotherton.

Gib '78 - Reunion 16/06/2012 Gib '78 reunion will take place on Saturday 16th June 2012 at the Ambassador Hotel Llandudno. A reunion for all branch's RN/Wrens who were based in Gibraltar between the dates Jan 1977-Dec 1979. Details from Jeff(Taff)Thomas 07837 386244 or download a booking form for accommodation etc Dorset Branch Submariners Association - 17/06/2012 HMS/M Sidon Memorial Service at 1100 on the 17th June 2012 at Portland Naval Cemetery, on the cliffs overlooking the harbour. If you have any questions related to the above, please contact: George Nowack Esq, Hon Secretary, Dorset Branch, Submariners Association HMS Kemerton - 22/06/2012 The 50th Anniversary Celebrations of the 1962/63 commission will be held at Kemerton Village, Gloucestershire from June 22 to 24. Contact Colin Brett at Dorchester Royal Naval Association - Armed Forces Day - 7/7/2012 26

Dorchester Royal Naval Association and Dorchester Town Council are organising an Armed Forces Day on Saturday 7 July 2012. Veterans wishing to take part should contact S/M Roy Dean, 01305 853442; Mob 07788 892908; email Maidstone R.N.A Annual Sea Service The above service will take place at Aylesford on Sunday 22nd July 2012 mustering from 1400hrs for a 1445 start at Aylesford Community Centre Forstal Road or ME20 7AU. Standards will be paraded through Aylesford to the Church for the rededication service and return March Past. All applications for tickets should be sent to the Secretary:-S/M John Cooper 10 Froyle Close Maidstone Kent ME16 0RQ. 01622 675895 email, HMS Invincible Communications Association (Falklands) 82 - 21/09/2012 It being the 30th Anniversary of the Falklands the Communications Association which meets every year would like to invite any crew members or air crew who served on board HMS Invincible during the Falklands to a reunion. Annual Reunion to be held in Barrow-in-Furness from September 21 to 23. For details contact Tim Jenkins or see the website HMS Ganges - 28/09/2012 HMS Ganges, 38 Recruitment, 1972. Frobisher 17 Mess, Boy-entry Junior Seamen 2nd Class, later Comms ratings. Instructor was CY Geoff Hone. A 40-years reunion is planned for the September 28 to 30, 2012, at the Union Jack Club, Waterloo. Please contact Jenks at for further details and registration HMS Brazen Association – 28/09/2012 The 2nd Annual Reunion will take place at The Britannia Hotel, Coventry, CV1 5RP from 28 30 September 2012. For details of membership and the reunion, please contact the Secretary - Gus Honeywood ( or visit A Night at “A Night at The SODS Opera” 2012 Coming to the Kings Theatre Southsea Sunday 29th July 2012. “A Naval Review” Last Year It Was “A Right Rum Do” This time it will be “A Night At The SODS Opera” Wanted from the local area, acts and volunteer crew to assist. HMS Arethusa Association - 5/10/2012 The 24th annual reunion from October 5 to 8 at the Three Queens Hotel, Burton upon Trent. All welcome. Contact Tom Sawyer, Honorary Secretary Bay Class Frigates Association - 12/10/2012 Reunion at the Esplanade Hotel, Scarborough from October 12 to 14, 2012. All ex-Bay Class welcome. Contact Doug Turk for details. Communications Technician/Radio operator (Special)) Reunion - 17/11/2012


Eddie Clamp’s final, final Communications Technician/Radio operator (Special)) reunion in Selsey takes place at the Selsey Golf Club on 17th November 2012, commencing at 1830 hrs. All those interested in attending please contact Eddie Clamp on 01243 605832 or email Partners and wives welcome. Rig – smart, relaxed. More details at either: or!/groups/142012109170944/ HMS Llandaff (F61) 12Th Reunion - 12/10/12 HMS Llandaff (F61) 12Th Reunion is to be held at the Afton Hotel Eastbourne 12th Oct - 15Th Oct 2012 a Full entertainment Programme has been planned which includes a Shep Woolley night on the 12th , Gala Dinner with a live band on the 13th and a visit to the home of RNA Eastbourne on the 14th the (RNOCC) for a dinner time session . All ex Plumduffs are welcome . for booking form or more information please contact Slinger Wood 07961124459 or by e mail HMS Lowestoft Association - 26/10/2012 Reunion will take place at the King Charles Hotel, Gilingham, Kent from October 26 to 28. All who served in HMS Lowestoft during her 25 years in service (1961-1986) are welcome to attend. For further details please contact Richie Farman or the website

2013 128 Mechanics Qualifying Course - HMS Sultan- Jan 1972 to Dec 1973. A reunion of this course is held biennially at a venue yet be decided. Any members of the above course who have not yet attended this event are most welcome; it would be good to see a few new faces from the past. If you are interested then please contact; Peter Shosmith, Tel; 01305 826747 or email; or Dave Batchelor on 02392 716472 email;


RNA Longcast 1 May 3 May 9 May 10 May 11 May 12 May 22 May 23 May 25 May 26 May 30 May 2-5 June 8 June 8 June 8-10 June 2012 10 June 13 June 25 – 30 June 30 June 1 July 2 July 6 July 9-27 July 9 – 19 July 19 July 2 Aug 3 Aug 6-19 Aug 18 Aug 25 Aug 29 Aug 7 – 8 Sept 19 Sept 5 Oct 20 Oct 30 Oct 8 Nov 11 Nov 13 Nov 17 Nov 24 Nov 24 Nov 8 Dec 21 Dec – 2 Jan 2013 24-27 May

TRBL Stakeholder meeting - GS IEST - GS Warfare Class 11/17 visit HQ Lee on the Solent branch commissions 8 Area visit to HQ National Standard Bearers Competition – HMS TEMERAIRE Associations meeting HMS EXCELLENT Warfare Class 11/18 & 11/20 visit HQ HQ closed - Staff Team Building Day National Standard parades in Dublin Class ET 11/09 visits HQ Diamond Jubilee - Weekend AMC and FAC - 0900 - 1200 National Council - 1300-1630 National Conference - Newcastle on Tyne SOC Conference - Wash Up Mine Warfare Class 11/02 visits HQ Seafarers Awareness Week Armed Forces Day - Plymouth Pershore 10th anniversary celebrations Mid Year budget review HQ Open Day – Fully Booked Nigel on leave IMF Sailing Camp –Bruges - Naval Base - Kruis RNRMC AGM (GS) Mid year budget review AMC Meeting (TBC) GS leave Falklands Air Day Southsea FAC Meeting Diver class 11/03 visits HQ National Council (Includes one day on Rule Review) IMC Executive council HQ Open Day - Fully Booked Dorchester Branch Trafalgar Dinner (GS) RN CEO meeting GS Field of Remembrance Remembrance Sunday NCh and GS at Cenotaph Budget Meeting GS, Hon Tres, Accountant AMC meeting FAC Meeting Dagenham Branch annual Dinner GS National Council HQ closed Visiting Ships - Civic Dinner – VVIP Reception - Liverpool GS


Ship’s Office

New Slops Items As requested by many shipmates we now have available to order;

Blue jumper for


Sleeveless jumper


Polo Shirt


These prices include postage and packing. Sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL These are encouraged for wear for branch meetings, outings etc, leaving the Blazer for more formal occasions.

Area and Branch Updates Area 8

Branch Stafford








Spennymoor Ferryhill

Change The new secretary is;Gwyn Roberts, 01785 606867 339 B, Stone Road, Stafford ST16 1LB E-mail - New secretary - Eric Stewart on 01754 767545 – The Cottage, Old Church Lane, Great Steeping, PE23 5PR Now meet in the Man and Scythe Inn on Church gate, Bolton first Saturday at 1200 Ian Strachan, secretary Wigan Branch has a New address, 247 Upholland Road, Billinge, Wigan, WN5 7bd. And a new telephone number 01942 202622. & RNA Branch Secretary is:Barbara Murphy. 29, Durham Road, Spennymoor, Co. Durham. DL16 6JN. Tel. No. 01388 814003 E-mail. Correspondence should be sent to:S/M Christopher Lewarne 30

113, Front Street, Tudhoe Colliery, Spennymoor, Co. Durham. DL16 6TJ. Tel. No. 01388 810197 E-mail:


Swinging the Lamp – May 1. 2. 3.

4. 5.



8. 9.



12. 13. 14. 15.


1797 First Spithead Mutiny ended with issue of Admiralty orders against abuses. 1945 First wave of amphibious assault by 26th Indian Division on Rangoon. Operation Dracula. LSH: Largs (Rear-Admiral B.C.S.Martin – Force W), Nith, Waveney. LSI: 1813 Boats of squadron, under the personal command of Rear-Admiral George Cockburn, destroyed American shipping, military storehouses and a cannon foundry in the Susquehanna River and at Havre de Grace, Virginia. Ships: Dolphin, Dragon, Fantome, Highflyer, Maidstone, Marlborough, Mohawk, Racer, Statira. 1810 Capt John Conn, who had commanded the Dreadnought (98) at Trafalgar, was drowned when he fell overboard from Swiftsure (74) off Bermuda. 2011 Chief Petty Officer Claude Stanley ‘Charlie' Choules ex-RN and ex-RAN, died in Perth, Western Australia, aged 110; the last surviving combat veteran of the First World War. 1673 St Helena recaptured from the Dutch, together with three Dutch East Indiamen. Ships and vessels: Assistance, Castle, Mary & Martha, William & Thomas, convoying an East India Company fleet. 1965 Portsmouth Command of the Royal Navy received the Freedom of the City of Portsmouth and thereby the right, privilege, honour and distinction of marching through the City to the beat of drums, with bayonets fixed and colours flying’. The honour was conferred on 10 November 1964. 1861 Board of Admiralty approved Controller’s submission that all ships building or to be built should be armoured: end of ‘wooden walls’. 1958 RN Engineer Officers annual dinner, presided over by the Engineer-in-Chief, ViceAdmiral N.E. Dalton, marked the closure of the RN Engineering College, Keyham, the oldest naval mess, and move to Manadon. 1954 The first volume of The War at Sea, the official history of maritime operations in the Second World War, by Capt S.W. Roskill RN, published. The first two years were ones of endurance for the RN. The greatest naval achievements were the saving of the British armies from Norway,France, Greece and Crete, and the defeats inflicted on the German and Italian surface fleets. It ends with the entry of Japan into the war and the loss of the Prince of Wales and Repulse. 1860 Garibaldi and his Thousand landed at Marsala, Sicily, in a campaign which led to the unification of Italy. The presence at Marsala of the wood screw gun vessel HMS Intrepid and the wood paddle sloop HMS Argus deterred the Bourbon Neapolitan defenders from effectively intervening and the Royal Navy thus played a role in the birth of Italy. 1694 Capt Warren in Monck (60) captured Duguay- Trouin in Diligente (36) and took him to Plymouth whence he escaped. 1859 Senior chaplain of Greenwich Hospital recognised as ‘Head of the Naval Chaplains’ and ‘Chaplain to the Fleet’. 2004 The 137th and last PWO course passed out at Dryad (already paid off). PWO training continued at Collingwood. 1957 Britain’s first hydrogen bomb successfully detonated over the coral island of Malden, 400 miles S. of Christmas Island. HM Ships: carrier Warrior, broad pennant of Cdre R.B.N. Hicks RN, was Operational Control Ship; frigate Alert, surveying ship Cook, tank landing ships Messina and Narvik, ocean salvage vessel Salvictor, frigates HMNZS Pukaki and Rotoiti, RFA Fort Beauharnois, Fort Rosalie, Gold Ranger, Wave Prince, Wave Ruler and Wave Victor. Further tests on 15, 31 May and 19 June. Warrior aircraft employed on collecting air samples, SAR, weather reporting and radar tracking. On conclusion three Grumman Avengers catapulted of f the flight deck and deliberately ditched between Pitcairn and Callao on 31 July. Operation Grapple. 1863 Mates RN, a rank introduced by Earl St Vincent in 1802, became sub-lieutenants RN; their distinction lace of one .-in ring caused lieutenants, commanders and captains, until 32

then distinguished by one, two and three rings respectively, to each ship one extra ring. Mates reappeared from 1912 to 1931. 17. 1805 Surgeons and Physicians given dress and undress uniforms of their own instead of that worn by warrant officers. 18. 1972 Anti-terrorist quartet including two Royal Marines parachuted into Atlantic alongside RMS Queen Elizabeth 2 to search for a reported bomb. 19. 1724 Augustus John Hervey, the Royal Navy’s ‘Cassanova’ and future vice-admiral of the blue, born into the ‘wild and wicked’ family headed by the Earl of Bristol. 20. 1794 ‘I always was of opinion, have ever acted up to it, and never have had any reason to repent it, that one Englishman was equal to three Frenchmen’ – Nelson to his wife from Corsica. 21. 1798 Rear-Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson, detached by Admiral Earl St Vincent with a small force to ‘proceed in quest of the Armament preparing by the enemy at Toulon and Genoa On falling in with the same Armament . to use your utmost endeavours to take, sink, burn or destroy them’. Nelson failed to intercept Napoleon’s great expedition to Egypt by a few hours after his flagship, Vanguard, was dismasted in a gale. 22. 1981 Training of naval nuclear propulsion plant operators, based since 1965 at HMS Vulcan, Dounreay, transferred to HMS Sultan in December 1980. Vulcan paid off. DCI(RN) 303/81. 23. 1794 Occupation of Bastia. Calvi besieged by General Stuart with squadron under Capt Nelson. Taken 10 August. 24. 1941 Hood sunk and Prince of Wales damaged by the German battleship Bismarck in Denmark Strait. Swordf ish aircraft (Victorious) torpedoed Bismarck 25. 1943 Lt A.H. Massey of HM Submarine Umbra invested with DSC by King George VI at Buckingham Palace. He later became the first South African to command one of HM submarines. 26. 1940 Evacuation of the BEF from Dunkirk. Operation Dynamo – lasted until 4 June. Battle Honour: Dunkirk 1940. 27. 1993 Royal Fleet Review in a Force 9 gale off Moelfre, Anglesey to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic. HM King Harald of Norway and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh embarked in HMY Britannia. THV Mermaid followed rather than preceded the royal yacht. Cornwall, flag of Rear-Admiral Michael Boyce, FOSF. 28. 1891 Hearty sailed from Kinsale for her first fishery protection patrol. First RN ship edicated to fishery protection work. Her blue and yellow pennant had been authorised for signatories to the 1883 North Europe Maritime Powers Sea Fisheries convention. 29. 1873 Starshell for rifled guns introduced. 30. 1900 Royal Marines moved in to defend the Legations at Peking. 31. 1966 Fiftieth anniversary of the Battle of Jutland commemorated in a service at St Martininthe-Fields attended by 500 veterans. Wreaths laid in Trafalgar Square at the busts of Admirals Jellicoe and Beatty by the Second Sea Lord, the West German Naval Attache and by a representative of Admiral of the Fleet Lord Chatfield, the senior surviving officer. The destroyers Defender and Dainty rendezvoused with the Federal German Navy ships Karlsruhe and Braunschweig off Jutland where wreaths were put onto the waters.



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Delegate/Observers for the Annual Conference 2012 Tyne Branch


Name of Delegate Delegate’s Address

Telephone No

Post Code

e-mail Number of Observers Names of Observers


Name of Branch Hon Secretary Contact telephone No: (if not branch Hon Sec) Contact e-mail address Name and Address for correspondence (if not branch Hon Sec)

*Please continue on a separate sheet with all your branch observers. This will be the Branch secretary unless otherwise indicated. NB: A Delegate will not be confirmed as such unless or until the Branch Balance Sheet for 2011 and Annual Subscriptions for Branch Members for 2012 have been received in RNA Headquarters (Rule 12Š). Should either not have been received in HQ, the Delegate's Status will be deemed to be that of an Observer.


2012 Conference Information and Booking Form The 2012 Conference will be held in The Assembly Rooms Newcastle upon Tyne. NE1 5DF Delegates have expressed a preference to book their own accommodation. Anyone wishing assistance should consult the Newcastle Tourist office on And see the RNA conference web page at What’s On - LongcastNational Conference Weekend. The Welcome Buffet and Conference Gala Buffet Dance will be held in The Assembly Rooms Newcastle.

There will be a Welcome Buffet with entertainment on Friday night from 1900 – 2300. Tickets will be sent out on receipt of payment Annual Conference day; Complimentary Tea and Coffee will be available from 0845 in the Assembly Rooms, prior to the Conference, when the venue opens for Delegates and Observers. The conference venue is accessible by wheelchair or smaller mobility scooters The Conference Gala Buffet Dance will be held on Saturday night from 1900 – 2300. (7pm -11pm) On Sunday 10 June the Conference service will be held in St Nicholas Cathedral at 1145. After the service there will be a March Past and Review accompanied by a Sea Cadets Band, with a wreath laying at the memorial in Eldon Square, followed by a short act of Remembrance. Disabled Parking is very limited, only 3 places outside the Assembly Rooms, but there is ample in surrounding car parks. Early bids to HQ for a parking permit. Booking form, for events only. Please complete the booking forms to book your place. Please Note: You must be in possession of a ticket to gain entrance to the Welcome Buffet and Gala Buffet Dance; it will not be possible to pay at the door. Cost Event Friday 8 Welcome Buffet Reception Saturday 9 - Conference Gala Buffet Dance

No of members attending

Total cost

£13.00 (per head) £16.00 (per head)

Please Note (allergies etc)................ Names of all attendees

Please include a cheque for the full amount with your completed application form. Approved on behalf of ........................ Branch ............................................. Name..........................

Please send completed booking form to HQ.

Cancellation: There will be no refunds for cancellations made after 18 May 2012. * The bar in the venue will be open from 1300 – 1350, there are numerous local Sandwich bars and cafe’s for lunch, not available in the Assembly Rooms.



Join us for a weekend of FREE special events commemorating the conflict, and the people who were there. See both sides of the events of 30 years ago – and get a real insight into the life, work and hardware of today’s Royal Navy.

FREE special events: Royal Navy warship visits Living History Displays Royal Marines Band Service Entry via Victory Gate, Portsmouth Historic Dockyard

Portsmouth City Council and St Thomas’s Anglican Cathedral will be holding a memorial service, wreath laying ceremony and march past as part of ‘Remember the Falklands’ on Sunday 6th May. Please visit for more information Don’t forget tickets are also available to purchase for the historic ships and dockyard attractions, so why not spend the whole day with us.

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