Branch Circular No 619
June 2012 1
Dear Shipmate Branch Secretary, Welcome to the June circular, I hope that those Conference hangovers have gone and that after all the rain the garden is looking good!! I would like to say a big thank you to all those who came up to say hallo during the Conference. It is a very busy time for the HQ staff (we took over £1,200 in slops alone) but we thought there was a great atmosphere and the dancing on Saturday night was good!! Delegates please get your claims in asap, I will finalise the list within 8 weeks, so don’t miss out – remember that accommodation and meals are a Branch responsibility. . This is an important circular for a number of reasons: the Conference Report is made with the result of the motions and raffle; there is a detailed Chairman’s Chat reporting some of the important issues; we announce the Branch and Club Support Fund in the Ships Office section; and some details of event support of the summer are in this intro. Also a reminder about booking places at the Cenotaph Parade. First of all I would like to congratulate Shipmate Rita Lock on the award of an MBE for Services to the RNA and her election as a Vice President of the National Council; also Shipmate Arthur Gutteridge for the award of the BEM for Service to the RNA. Both richly deserved – as General Secretary I see a lot of their work behind the scenes that goes unreported and am delighted at these high national honours. It was also pleasing to see Charlie Hobson of the RMA getting the OBE. The National Council has amended the new Partnering Arrangement with the Royal Navy (I sent you a copy in May) to clarify that serving personnel do not have to pay an RNA joining fee if they join a branch – but of course any Branch fees would remain payable. They should be reported as serving personnel on your annual return so that the subs balance will work. The Branch and Club Support fund replaces the Alex Madden Fund, which has not been much used over recent years due to its restrictive covenant. The National Council have developed a much wider fund to support branches and clubs. Please talk to your NCM about anything you have in mind or give me a ring. The National President announced at Conference that we have found an unrecorded poem by John Masefield who was the Poet Laureate when Her Majesty acceded to the throne. It was written for the RNA 1952 Reunion. It is a marvellous evocation of the challenges facing the young Queen and the way her sailors will stand by Her. It is very moving, bearing in mind the way that she has faced and overcome those challenges. The National Council have decided to produce a memorial certificate for the RNA, certifying membership during the Diamond Jubilee Year and with a copy of the poem; and signed by the National President. Her Majesty has agreed to accept the original poem as a Diamond Jubilee gift and we are fixing the presentation to a member of Her Household as the Circ goes to print. The good news is that she has agreed that we can retain the poem in the HQ on loan. I hope to send some certificates with the next circular and for Branches to ask for the number they want. We would appreciate either a contribution to postage or a combined pick up at HQ, but otherwise will be provided as a Jubilee memorial without further charge.
Following the recent National Council meeting please note the following changes to By Law 5, By Law 5a, after ‘service’ add ‘and of good character and integrity’ Amend 5f to read ‘membership shall be withdrawn’ We will update the Master rules list on the website. We have been very aware that many shipmates come into the Branch Secretary job without really knowing what to do, or how to find out things. We have developed a Branch Secretary Handbook. It takes the advice that is in many places, including GSMs and puts it into one place. It will be uploaded to the website very shortly. It is not intended to produce hard copy but for the web version to be the Master and so it can be updated as needed. If anyone needs a hard copy it is best printed locally, but it is a large document. We will see what you think about it and whether we need to have a Branch Secretary/Treasurer seminar programme. Please let me know what you want. The RNA hats have been going like hot cakes and I will have to re-order, get your bids into Nigel please. The new robust branded RNA gazebo is now available for events, again ring Nigel to book it. It is quite heavy and needs to be picked up by car. It has RNRMC and RNA logo as well as the folk who paid for it (Pussers).
Finally, the National President, National Chairman and General Secretary were presented with knitted sailor dolls by Tyne Branch, great photo. A £10 M&S voucher for the best caption received by 20 July. The dolls are available for sale from Jimi Tubman at Tyne Branch. Have a great start to Summer and the Armed Forces Day parades, local events and celebrations; for the teenie tiny membership sticker punishment brigade you will be disappointed to hear that I have now moved out of the caravan, but I have half of the garden to dig over and put to grass before my daughter’s wedding in 7 weeks!
Kindest Regards Paul Quinn General Secretary
Chairman’s Chat It is some time since I last did a Chairman’s Chat so I apologise for being so remiss. I’ll blame it on the GS for not reminding me of the deadline dates! In fact now is a good time to talk to you all as it is just after Conference, which took some significant steps forward for the Association, so I’ll deal with that first. The first thing I want to say is that the removal of the FAC and AMC reports from the morning session reduced the formal presentations to Conference and allowed time for an operational presentation in addition to the VIP speech. It also allowed some motions to be fully debated before lunch. This was well-received by delegates and will be taken forward. I think this may also have contributed to what I felt was a very positive and professional approach by delegates, which led to a very good conference atmosphere altogether. The Trustees Report for 2011 highlighted that it was the first year when our Associate Members outnumbered our ordinary Full Members, so it was appropriate that Conference took two major decisions affecting our AMs. Firstly, we have now given them an additional Branch post that they can hold, that of Branch Delegate to Area Meetings and Conference. In my own Area we get many AMs who attend Area Meetings as observers and take an active and interested part in discussions. In some cases these observers are the only presence their Branch has since they have no FMs willing to be delegates. Some AMs report back to their Branches but have no right to vote or propose or second motions on behalf of their Branches. Now, subject to the formality of Privy Council approval, they can be full delegates. With the right AM selected, and a careful brief from the Branch, these members can provide a good service for Branches where no FMs are able to attend Area Meetings or Conference. I believe this can provide new life into Area meetings and Conference. There are obviously concerns about a possible AM takeover, but we must all remember that it is the Branch Committee who approves AMs joining their Branch, so if there is a question over their loyalty to the RNA and their support for the ethos and traditions of the RN, then don’t approve them joining. And one final thought, if it weren’t for our many loyal and supportive AMs we would have lost many more Branches, and the RNA in its present form would just not be viable. On the IMC issue delayed from Plymouth, Conference, like National Council, was unable to achieve a 2/3 majority in favour of either withdrawing completely or delaying the decision until 2013 to assess the progress of recent developments. We therefore continue our membership for the time being, and wish our five attendees a good 10 days sailing at the IMC Sailing Camp in Ostend under the guidance of Belgian Navy instructors, and a nice time staying in the historic city of Bruges. All attendees are relatives of RNA members. It is now up to the NP and myself to convince our IMC colleagues that we need to see much greater progress to ensure the continued membership of the RNA, which is what they want, with the RNA being the representatives of the major Naval power in Europe and the one with the greatest history and tradition behind it. Conference approved the National Council Guidelines for Branches and Areas wishing to hold a Conference in the future, by a clear 2/3 majority. The Guidelines were precisely that, just guidelines, not directives set in stone. These were widely distributed with the full CSG Report and only 4 responses were received in comment from the 340+ Branches and 13 Areas. Council therefore took the view that the vast majority found the guidelines acceptable. The only major recommendations in the CSG that NC disagreed with were the setting up of a Conference Organising Committee (COC) and the Funding of Conferences. Organisation of Conferences has run perfectly well throughout the existence of the RNA and NC saw no reason to set up a body to fix something that wasn’t broken. Attendance at Conference has been declining, but with a big jump in Plymouth. However, the attendance of delegates at Conference has kept pace with the overall RNA Membership, and in fact has shown a slight proportionate increase over the last 10 years or so. Successive conferences being held in Perth, Londonderry, Torquay and Ouistreham were a result of Conference decisions and not any indication of bad planning. If no offer to host Conference comes forward then NC will consider setting up a COC, but it saw no point in doing so 4
until needed. As for the suggested funding of Conferences the CSG report contained no real business case to back up the recommendation, and as RNA Trustees the NC could not accept that recommendation without it. I was sorry the proposals in the amendments suggested by Sherborne were not fully debated, which I told the Sherborne delegate personally that we were happy to allow. Conference did discuss issues these proposals contained but without the delegate present there was no-one to put the full case for the proposals. I told Conference that NC was happy to receive proposals put to it by tabling them as agenda items for NC discussion through the Area NCMs. But to have Conference amend documents written by the National Trustees is a dangerous precedent to set and would lead to the RNA Trustees being emasculated and unable to do their job. As I said earlier, the NC proposal was just “Guidelines”, not a definitive list of ”must do’s”. Keith Crawford, the Chairman of the AMC, gave a very good explanation to Conference of why the NC made the decisions it did in relation to the CSG report, and I am sure this is why the motion reached a more than 2/3 majority in favour. The second decision Conference took in further recognising our Associate Members was to have the annual awards for recruiting based on the increase of both Full and Associate members, and that the increase be measured on a percentage rather than an absolute increase. This will give all Branches an opportunity to have their efforts at recruiting rewarded, including those for whom it is extremely difficult to find, let alone recruit, Full Members. If we are to take this great association forward we need to be fair to all our members. We have to be careful to maintain our dark blue core, and it is hoped the very encouraging support we have had from within the Navy for our innovative Shipmates campaign will bring us a welcome influx of younger FMs. In addition, the very successful trainee mentoring that goes on at RALEIGH, which has been extended at the Navy’s request to COLLINGWOOD and SULTAN, the latter including young Officers too, will mean that no-one in the Navy of the future will not have heard of the RNA or had contact with it. Our mentors are doing a great job for us, as well as for the trainees. Talking of mentoring gives me the opportunity to offer hearty congratulations to Arthur Gutteridge of Plymouth Branch on being awarded the BEM in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List. Arthur and his lovely wife Sue have done a tremendous job for the Plymouth Branch over the years and Arthur has led a team of great mentors at RALEIGH. This early initiative has led to so much more and all the RALEIGH mentors deserve our fulsome thanks and applause. As well as Arthur’s Honour we also congratulate Rita Lock of Gosport on her award of the MBE in the same List. Rita has been a stalwart of the RNA for 50 years, and has served as on officer at Branch, Club, Area and National level. What she doesn’t know about Welfare isn’t worth knowing and the National Council recognised this by making her a National Vice President at the Council meeting in Newcastle so that she can report directly to NC on the new Welfare Strategy. Very well done Arthur and Rita on your richly deserved awards and a big thank you from us all for all you do for the RNA. While on thank you’s I want to thank No 11 Area, and Tyne Branch in particular, for a very good weekend in Newcastle. The venues were very good, within close proximity to each other, and the Service and Parade on the Sunday were both very good events. The parade route was excellent and the Sea Cadet Band did us proud. In fact, at the Conference wash-up on the Sunday afternoon, we decided the NC Guidelines should contain a suggestion that a SCC Band be used whenever possible. We would much prefer to put valuable money into their coffers than into the RM Band Service which, though unrivalled in its musical ability, is not short of money or of making money. I also want to make a special mention in relation to 11 Area of S/M Terry Halder. Terry stood down as Area 11 NCM on health grounds just prior to Conference and Terry did attend the morning session but in a wheelchair. He was a driving force in bringing Conference to the North East on more than one occasion, and he has been a great servant to the RNA at all levels, serving as National Vice Chairman for a while to David White. The NC made Terry a Life Vice President of the RNA and presented the certificate to him at Conference. As I write this Chat Terry is back in hospital and the diagnosis is not at all good. We all wish him well, and I thank him personally for 5
the great support and friendship he extended to me during my time on NC. He has been a very dedicated Shipmate and his presence among us will be greatly missed. Just prior to Conference the National President, at the request of the Second Sea Lord, chaired a meeting at Whale Island between the major ex-Navy associations. All arms of the Service were represented and the aim was to establish a forum through which a consensus view of Naval veterans issues could be presented to the Navy Board. This was a very successful event and 2SL has asked the RNA to lead this group, which agreed it should be known as the Conference of Naval Associations. This is another exciting initiative that we hope will lead eventually to a forceful lobbying body to the MOD and Government on issues which are important to Naval Veterans, and no doubt to all ex-Service veterans in some cases. I want to express on your behalf a big thank you to our HQ Staff. Along with the excellent Tyne Branch stewards, they performed magnificently in Newcastle, working 16-18 hour days to ensure the Conference weekend went well. The accounts presented to Conference showed a slight increase in value over 2011 and much credit must go to the GS and Michelle for keeping a firm control of our costs. And I want to express a special thank you to Kevin Cornelius of BPS Ltd, our auditors. Kevin is in his thirtieth year of dealing with our accounts and he and Ray Barraclough, our long-serving Treasurer of 24 years, have served us extremely well. Ray’s silver hair shows his years of experience but both of them show a very youthful vigour in overseeing our accounts. As I told Conference, Kevin must have had a dummy on the end of his pencil when he first started auditing our accounts! We now move into our post-Conference, Armed Forces Day, Trafalgar Day and remembrance periods, and I look forward to meeting up with many of you at one or more events associated with those occasions. I wish you all well in your recruiting, in your organised events, in your parades, but most of all in the enjoyment, camaraderie and sheer fun that being a member of the RNA is all about.
Chris Dovey
Contents Daily Orders 1. Conference 2012 – 2. Lee on Solent & Stubbington Branch – Commissioning Ceremony 3. Cenotaph Ceremony 2012 4. Swindon Branch – Help for Heroes Rally 5. Pershore RNA - Jubilee Festivities 6. Virtual Branch – Thank you 7. Standard bearer- Wanted - South Gloucestershire 8. Lourdes Respite Pilgrimage for ex-service 9. RNA Dagenham – Diamond Jubilee Lapel Pins 10. Naval Nurse – Requires Sponsoring 11. Donations Received 12. Ex- Military programme - involvement 13. Reward for Forces 14. ID cards for Veterans 15. Finance Corner - Michelle 16. Wrong e-mail address 17. Area 10 – Spring Conference 18. Guess Where ? 19. Netley & District branch - memorial 20. RNA Hats – Rock Festival - Story 21. HMS Lowestoft Reunion 22. Wansbeck & District – Trafalgar Dinner and Dance 23. RM - Massed Bands Events 24. Falmouth – 30 Anniversary 25. Presentations on Cruise Ships 26. Battle of the Atlantic 27. No1 Area – Trafalgar Day Service 28. RNA Sutherland Branch – Dedication of Standard 29. Fort St Angelo – Restoration Project 30. RNRMC – Devils Run 23 September 2012 31. First Sea Lords Lectures Shortcast Longcast Ship’s Office 1. Branch and Club Support Fund 2. Area and Branch updates 3. Branch membership renewal forms Swinging the Lamp For the Branch Secretary and notice-board (included loose-leaf): 1. Bankers Order for Glossary of terms NCM NC AMC FAC
National Council Member National Council Association Management Committee Finance Administration Committee
National Chairman National Vice Chairman National President Deputy National President General Secretary Assistant General Secretary As soon as possible
Throughout ď ? indicates a new or substantially changed entry Contacts:
Financial Controller
023 9272 3823
023 9272 3371
Assistant General Secretary (Membership & Slops)
023 9272 3747
AGS (Events/Marketing/Shipmates)
023 9272 0782
General Secretary
023 9272 2983
023 92 72 3747
RNA HQ Staff continue to attempt to build a library of e-mail addresses within the Association. It would be extremely helpful if those Branch Secretaries able to communicate by e-mail would forward a short e-message to HQ to
Daily Orders 1. Conference 2012 - report As The National Chairman has said in his Chat, we had a great conference in Newcastle on 8-10 June, where Shipmate Rita Lock was appointed as a Vice President. Many thanks to the 12 stewards from Tyne who helped HQ staff unload a van-ful of sound equipment, trophies, slops, banners etc. In brief; the National Council met on the Friday which generated an industrial thirst for the reception buffet in the evening at the Assembly Rooms. A really good floor singer graced us for most of the evening in the impressive chandelier suite. Many shipmates enjoyed the nearby nightlife afterwards. The Assembly Rooms did very well to get the suite into good order for 0720 the following morning when HQ and Tyne volunteers got the suite ready for Conference Day. The chair has covered the excellent speeches by Admiral Hockley and Captain Dainton CBE – but it was wonderful to hear how the young sailors of HMS CUMBERLAND had risen to the twin challenges of operating in a hostile, unknown and dangerous environment, whilst having compassion to undertake an important humanitarian mission. The minutes of Conference 2011 were approved without amendment and the Annual Report to Conference was similarly accepted after some really good and probing questions on some of the financial details. If anyone has any questions or those asking the questions would like a fuller response – please give Paul a ring on 02392 722983 – they are your accounts and I am delighted to take you through any details. Shipmate Terry Halder was appointed a Life Vice President of the Association. Conference motions outcome as follows (see the Agenda passed to Branches in March): National Council motion 1a, 1b. Amended to ensure that branches have the audit, independent examination, or simple check as allowed by Charity Law. (thanks to March Branch for pointing out the pooh trap!) 1a. For 75 Against 2 Abstain 1 Carried. 1b. For 77 Against 0 Abstain 1 Carried (Note that application will now be made to the Privvy council to amend the Rules in the Royal Charter) National Council Motion 2a (Leave the IMC) 33 votes Not Carried National Council Motion 2b (Delay 1 year and report) 47 votes Not Carried Neither motion with 2/3rd majority – delegates voting for one or the other National Council Motion 3 (Conference Guidelines)
For 49 Against 18 Carried
Branch Motion 1.(AM to act as delegate at Area and Conference). For 63 Against 16 Carried Branch Motion 2 (Edinburgh tattoo) Carried by acclamation (2 against) Branch Motion 3 (Prizes to include AM) Amended by NC to make percentage increase the deciding factor. Amendment passed by acclamation. Carried by acclamation ( 2 against). 9
Standing Orders were suspended by the will of Conference to allow a motion from 8 Area to hold the 2014 Conference once they had sufficient information to report against the Conference guidelines. Carried by acclamation (none against). Shipmate David Tollerton welcomed the RNA to the Liverpool Conference season. In answer to a question about whether wheels would still be on cars after a weekend parking he said that since being the European City of Culture that cars were now left on encyclopaedias rather than bricks. Conference Raffle – Prizewinners 1st prize £500 - A. C Hawker, Twesbury 2nd prize £300 – J McDonald – Tyne 3rd prize £200 – RNA Wrexham 4th prize £100 – Brenda Snell – Taunton Cheques sent out 22 June 2012. We are still doing the adding up, but hope that nearly £4,000 will go the Central Charities Fund. After a really top notch buffet dance on Saturday evening, the RNA paraded at the Cathedral for a service taken by the Chaplain of the Fleet. The Lord Lieutenant and the Lord Mayor graced us with their presence. The Parade marched through the centre of the city with a review at the Grey Monument and a wreath laying at Eldon Square. The National President did his usual walkaround harangue of the troops after a supportive and polite address by both main guests. Shipmates dismissed to the nearby hostelries and the world class shopping. 2. Lee on Solent & Stubbbington - Branch Commissioning Ceremony
RNA Lee on the Solent and Stubbington Branch Commissioned at the Court Bran Conservative Club Lee on the Solent on Thursday 14 June 2012. The Guests of Honour were the Commissioning Officer S/M Peter Reed (NCM 3 Area) and Caroline Dinenage MP for Gosport and the Blessing was conducted by the Reverend Janice Honey Royal Navy. Also in attendance were Chairman 3 Area S/M Bob Scott, S/M Rita Lock NWA and S/Ms Nobby Clark (Hon Chairman) and Jack Wyld (Hon Secretary) from our ‘Noisy Neighbours’ at Gosport RNA, The Royal Marines were represented by S/M Phil Shuttleworth MBE from Portsmouth RMA.
The Branch will meet on the second Thursday of each month at 2000 in the Court Barn Conservative Club, Broom Way, Lee on the Solent, Hants PO13 9NZ. For more information on the branch please contact Andy at RNA HQ on 02392 720782 or
S/M Andy Christie (the Chairman) with Caroline dressed in fine RNA tradition
S/M Peter Reid and Caroline Dinenage cut the Commissioning Cake
3. Cenotaph Ceremony – Sunday 11 November 2012 The Royal British Legion will once again be co-ordinating the Ex-Service Contingents attending the Cenotaph Ceremony & March Past on Sunday 11 November 2012. All those who have served in Her Majesty’s Armed Forces under British Command as well as War Widows / Widowers are eligible to take part. If any Shipmate would like tickets for this year’s Ceremony (limited number available) please let RNA HQ know (by letter or email) by the 31 August at the latest, please include your name, address and telephone number and a list of those attending. If any of your members require a carer for the day (one carer per participant) they must also be in possession of a ticket which must come out of your total allocation. Note; Please ensure that your members are aware that they are likely to be standing in Whitehall for at least 1½ hours prior to the March Past then marching for a distance of over 1 mile, and possibly in inclement weather. Further parade instructions will be sent with your tickets which will be despatched towards the end of September. If you have any queries regarding the Cenotaph Ceremony then please contact Nigel, Andy or Philip at RNA HQ. Also note that RNA tickets will only be available for members (so join them up!) and it is expected that those with RNA tickets will march with the RNA squad 4. Swindon Branch - Help For Heroes - Rally
Myself and my co-driver S/M Chris Hedges, who is also a member of Swindon Branch have formed Team Blues Brothers to take part in the rally, the vehicle that we are taking is my 1994 Range Rover Classic 3.9 V8 with LPG. Members & yourselves will be able to track our progress through the rally website, facebook,twitter & also by live GPS vehicle tracking via a tracker fitted to the car all the vehicles on the rally have these trackers, which have been provided by Skytag. If anybody wishes to support us by way of a donation they can online at our bmycharity account which is .At this moment in time the 2012 Rally has raised just under £130,000 and the grand total for the 2010,2011 & this year's rally is over £400,000 raised & that will go up as we still have things going on. Please find attached the details enabling you to access the rally website & on the home page you find all the relevant links for the itenery and the gallery etc. If you require further information then please give me a ring on 07712 529 488. Yours Aye, S/M Warrick Green.
5 Pershore RNA - Jubilee Festivities A report from Pershore!! Here are some photographs to you both to show us taking part in the Pershore Jubilee Carnival 2012 procession. It was modelled on HMS Scimitar of course, being the warship our town officially adopted after raising £200,000 in 1941 Warship Week. TS Scimitar cadets joined us and it was a marvellous day. Other RNA members walked in the crowds and we gave away all 500 promotional hats. I won't say to the children because lots of elderly people were wearing them with pride and saluting back to me as they cheered and clapped us. I thought you might like to see "Captain Burge" but I'm sorry to say that my husband needs to build a larger play pen for my allegedly drunken sailors, as they were all sozzled before we set off!!
With very best wishes, Trudy Burge
6 Virtual Branch – A Big Thank You
Dear Rita, Just to say a BIG thank you to all concerned in arranging and manning the chat line. Ray is almost house bound now (just given his beloved car to Grandson) but never complains. I drive him to the Supermarkets and he walks around with a trolley, this way he can at least see what is going on in the world. I wish you could have seen him when I came home this morning after chatting away, exhilarated is the word and so very grateful. Sincerely, Stella Scutt Note for all; There must be more shipmates out there, who would like to join in, and they do not have to be housebound, disabled or anything other than paid up members with a land line who are interested in chatting to like minded folk all over the British Isles. If you need any more help or information or help then please contact; Rita Lock MBE Vice President & National Welfare Adviser 02392 642 234
7 Still Wanted – A Standard Bearer for South Gloucestershire Branch Due to ill health our shipmate has had to relinquish his duties as our Standard Bearer and we do not have a member who is able to carry on. We are therefore looking for a shipmate who would be interested in carrying our Standard at various functions throughout the year. If you think you can help us please ring our Chairman, Bob Walker on 0117 956 7617. We are desperate!! Thank you and we look forward to hearing from one of you! Margaret Singleton, Honorary Secretary, South Gloucestershire branch of RNA
8 Lourdes Respite Break and Pilgrimage for ex-service I have just arrived home from taking the group of 50 for the 2012 respite break. (Some Break) Out on Wednesday the 9 June staying at Stansted Hotel, where we all enjoyed a lovely Chinese meal in the evening. Fly out Thursday morning and join up with the military contingent on Friday. Saturday and Sunday, evenings we enjoyed a BBQ for 80 military from the British contingent now serving. Monday included a visit to the Hyper-market and walk to the local village of Bartrés which was quite entertaining. Tuesday we all attended the laying of a wreath at local war memorial which was quite poignant. Wednesday we took everyone up to Gavarnie, high in the Pyrenees near the Spanish border, and Wednesday evening we enjoyed our “Queen Elizabeth” Diamond Jubilee Dinner. Thursday saw us again on an exciting mystery tour with live evening entertainment. Friday was our return to Plymouth where we eventually arrived at 0230 Saturday morning.- All Worn Out ! We included four VIP’s in the party of 20 VIPs who were unable to look after themselves or move without at least two assistants, so we were very pleased to have the help of three volunteer servicemen and one woman Naval Chief Petty officer to lift and shift. One of our more seriously handicapped 13
guests was Patricia Hambling who was the Matron at RNH Haslar. Patricia has suffered a number of strokes, loosing use of her speech as well as her mobility. Is there anyone out there who would like to volunteer as helper next year ? – May 24th 2013 Joseph N. Guy, JSHHG Secretary.
9. RNA Dagenham - Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Lapel Pin As the decision was made by Government that nobody outside of serving personnel would receive the Diamond Jubilee Medal, RNA-Dagenham thought it would be a nice keepsake for their members to commission a commemorative lapel pin. This was welcomed by HQ who ensured that the commission met with the “Brand Guidelines” and asked if the branch would be prepared to extend the offer to other branches. This they have done and it has been taken up by Chesham and Amersham, Spennymoor and Ferryhill and Orkney so far with five other branches showing an interest. 1. The minimum order, it is one pin. 2. This is officially sanctioned by the NC and HQ, and is the official Diamond Jubilee pin of the RNA. 3. This may be worn during the Diamond Jubilee year. There is no restriction on its wear by any member of the RNA, Life, Full or Associate. It may be given and worn by friends, neighbours and family. 4. Please help sell the pins, all profit to charity and Dagenham will give enough discount to benefit your own branch funds. If you would like further details or to order, please contact Mark Smith on either 07866 523975 or The pins are priced at £2.00 to branches or £2.50 to individuals plus P&P. Pins are also available from Nigel at the HQ. They are very popular so some delay may occur.
10. Petty Officer Navy Nurse – Looking for Sponsors I am a Petty Officer Navy Nurse working in the Department of Critical Care at QA Hospital, Portsmouth. I am climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in September 2012 in aid of the Intensive Care Foundation, a charity dedicated to research and advances in critical care. I am required to raise over £3,500 in sponsorship and was wondering if the Shipmates of the RNA can help? I realise this is not a military charity but as we are required to work alongside NHS colleagues in Critical Care and the advances made in the NHS and military fields tend to cross over into each other, I feel it is a worthwhile cause to support. If you are able to help me in any way to raise sponsorship for this trek, I would be most grateful. My contact details are: Su Jeffreys 16 Whiston House 97 Heritage Way Gosport, Hants PO12 4WE TEL: 02392 523217 Mob: 07747 867052 Email: 14
11. Donations received for the Central Charities Fund RNA – Harlow RNA – Isle of Man Ramsey RNA – Portland
£25.00 £50.00 £150.00
In memory of John Fryer
Thank you for the donations received this month to the Central Charities Fund.
12. North One TV - Ex-military TV programme We are currently in pre-production for a new television programme which will involve a team of ex servicemen and women, each week, designing and building community-based projects which the local communities themselves are struggling to get off the ground. We are looking for a team of ex-military veterans capable of taking on tough, varied, time-intensive construction challenges. Everything from renovating or building a new community centre, to rejuvenating a children’s hospice. Constructing a new boathouse and slipway for a coastal community, to developing a new animal park for disabled children. The essential thing is that the team’s work each week benefits the local community and leaves a lasting legacy for those they help. As well as showing all the blood, sweat and tears involved in the actual building of the projects, we are hoping to showcase the impressive skills/trades that military veterans leave the services with and explore the difficulties some have in finding employment when reentering ‘Civvy Street’. With this in mind I was hoping you might be able to put me in touch with some Royal Navy veterans, who have left the service within the last five years that might be skilled in any of the following trades: heating/plumbing, electrics, bricklaying/concrete, carpentry/joinery, structural finishing etc. We’re basically looking for anyone with skills that would be useful on a construction site. We are also looking for people who have truly inspiring stories to tell. Whether it be someone who’s been injured in the line of duty, been awarded for their gallantry or fell on hard times when struggling to integrate on Civvy Street. For more information please contact; James Hodges, Assistant Producer, North One Television 46-52 Pentonville Road London, N1 9HF T. 020 7502 5763 F. 020 7502 5600 13 Rewards for Forces Save up to 52% off entry to the UK's top attractions like, Thorpe Park, Legoland and Chessington World of Adventure it 15
is free to join & optional Veterans get an ID Card for the high street and theme park/attraction and offers. For more information visit the website. is free to join + optional Veterans ID Card for the high street an theme park/attraction offers.
14. ID cards for Veterans There has been some discussion on various websites lately about ID cards for Veterans. Finally an e-petition has been started. The link is Please pass this to all veterans you know and everybody else you know who would support it, even those serving, as one day they too will be vets and may want any discounts or privileges that an ID card may afford them. Please get it pushed along as it closes on the 31/8 and has massed over 3,000 signatures already.
15. Finance Corner – From Michelle I would like to add my sincerest CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs M Lock MBE & Mr A Gutteridge BEM on their much deserved awards announced in the recent Queen’s Birthday Honours List. Due to work pressures it was agreed by the National Chairman that the remaining of the 1st Quarter accounts could be produced at the end of July, combining 1st & 2nd Quarters. Gentle Reminder Delegates that attended Conference please ensure you complete your Expense Claim form and return to HQ by 31 July 2012 in order for me to calculate Pooled Fares. THANK YOU
16 Wrong e-mail address This one is priceless....... A lesson to be learned from typing the wrong email address!!!! A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during a particularly icy winter. They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years earlier. Because of hectic schedules, it was difficult to coordinate their travel schedules. So, the husband left Minnesota and flew to Florida on Thursday, with his wife flying down the following day. The husband checked into the hotel. There was a computer in his room, so he decided to send an email to his wife. However, he accidentally left out one letter in her email address, and without realizing his error, sent the email. Meanwhile, somewhere in Houston, a widow had just returned home from her husband's funeral. He was a minister who was called home to glory following a heart attack. The widow decided to check her email expecting messages from relatives and friends. After reading the first message, she screamed and fainted. The widow's son rushed into the room, found his mother on the floor, and saw the computer screen which read: To: My Loving Wife Subject: I've Arrived Date: October 16, 2009 16
I know you're surprised to hear from me. They have computers here now and you are allowed to send emails to your loved ones. I've just arrived and have been checked in. I've seen that everything has been prepared for your arrival tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing you then!!!! Hope your journey is as uneventful as mine was! P. S. Sure is freaking hot down here!!!! 17 Area 10 Spring Conference and Reunion – welcome the Irish Naval Association At the Area 10 Spring Conference and Reunion, which took place recently at the Country House Hotel Didsbury, Manchester, Area 10 shipmates were joined by 29 shipmates from the Irish Naval Association. They flew into Manchester airport on Friday and enjoyed a weekend of 'Northern Hospitality'. Several joined us for our conference and the President Shipmate Gerald Kennedy presented S/M Dave Tollerton (Area 10 chairman) with a beautifully embroidered shield depicting their insignia. He also had another pleasant duty to perform when he presented S/m Liam Lyons and his wife Brenda with a Waterford Crystal Vase, this was from Liam's shipmates in the INA, and marked the 50th anniversary of their marriage. President Gerald Kennedy We met the presenting S/M Dave with shipmates from the embroidered shield Irish Naval Association at the last Bi-annual Parade in London, and invited them to join us at our reunion this year; they enjoyed themselves so much that 46 are travelling to Liverpool to join us at the National Conference in Liverpool in 2013. On behalf of Charles (Area Secretary Area 10)
S/M Liam and Brenda and The President of the Irish Naval Association.
18 Guess Where? Somewhere in an Establishment! Can you name the establishment and where it is? Please forward any other pictures to the HQ that you may have for ‘Guess Where’ so that we publish them in forthcoming Circulars. Answer again in next month edition.
Last Month’s answer! Kings Stairs Jetty, Portsmouth
19 Netley & District branch visit to Orkney for laying of wreaths I thought the RNA may like to see photos of our recent visit by two members on Netley & district branch RNA to Orkney. Shipmates Brian Sandom and ship mate Colin Sandom laid two wreaths. HMS Hampshire memorial in Naval Cemetery Lyness was our first port of call where we laid a wreath in memory of our uncle Gilbert Charles Sandom who went down on HMS Hampshire on 5th June 1916. Another wreath was laid on the memorial of HMS Royal Oak and a cross was laid on the Memorial to Artic Convoys at Lyness. Two more crosses were laid at the Kitchener memorial on Marwick Head. The standard bearer for the occasion was ship mate David Hughes of Orkney branch RNA
20 Rock Ness Music Festival Hats - Story I thought you might be interested in this photo. It was taken at the RockNess music festival last week-end. They wore them all week-end after finding some cellotape to keep them together. Allegedly two of the hats were swapped for kisses, and passed on, and one was pinched, so keep them safe! If you require any hats for your various events then please contact Nigel at HQ!
21 HMS Lowestoft Reunion The Lowestoft reunion will take place at the King Charles Hotel, Gilingham, Kent from October 26 to 28. All who served in HMS Lowestoft during her 25 years in service (1961-1986) are welcome to attend as well as guests. Full details are on the HMS Lowestoft Association website; For further details please contact Richie Farman or phone 07775 793778
22 RNA - Wansbeck & District Branch 30 Anniversary & Trafalgar Dinner & Dance Sat 20 October 2012 Music for dancing by Richard & a light entertainment spot 6.30pm For 7.00pm Till 11.00pm Blazers; Lounge Suit; Dinner Suit; Uniform - All with Tie or Bow Tie For all those interested, Tickets are £18 From George Kirsopp, Tel; 01670 816562 or Ken Walton - 01670 522526 e-mail The Venue is; Stakeford & Bomarsund Sports & Social Welfare Centre Stakeford, Chopington, NE63 5UB 18
23 RM Massed Bands For more RM Band events around the Country please follow the link below. If you require more detailed information then please contact, RM Corps Secrétariat T: 023 9254 7206 or 023-9254-7214
24 Falmouth - 30 Anniversary – 23 September 2012 The Branch will celebrate the 30th anniversary of its re-commissioning on Sunday, 23rd September 2012. It had been hoped to mark the occasion with a lunch. Our 'preferred venue' would have been the Falmouth Beach Hotel, however we shall now have to have a re-think, and select an alternative venue. For more information please contact; Hon. Secretary: Ron Burdekin 23, Glebe Close, Mawgan, HELSTON, Cornwall, TR12 6AA e-mail: Tel: 01326 221851(H) 07810 404418 (M)
25. Presentations on British and American Cruise Ships – by Shipmates Our association is seeking former members of the Royal Navy to present 4 or 5, forty five minute power point presentations on topics relating to the sea and other subjects whilst cruising on the worlds cruise ships The founder of the association, Gordon B. Parr former Regular Army, Police business and resident of Southport for over 40 years, has since retiring ten years ago cruised worldwide lecturing with the leading British and American cruise companies. On a full or part time basis. Our present associates lecture on a wide range of topics from Astrology to Royalty and have a full season ahead. There is an associate’s three year fee of £125. Should a cruise not be offered within 12 months a full refund will be given. There is a daily charge of £15 per person for the duration of the cruise. The Lecturer may be accompanied by a guest and both will enjoy full passenger status, the best available accommodation and dependent on the Cruise Line, on board and excursion discounts. Prospective lecturers may have already lectured at sea and are most welcome. However, for those new to cruise ship lecturing, guidance, support and advice will be given freely at all times so meetings are being arranged in Southport, Birmingham, London and Southampton
Log onto You Tube and enter Cruise Lecturers Association and view four associates’ presentations. A Sky Interview may be viewed by logging on to You Tube and entering Gordon B. Parr KLJ. For more information please contact Gordon Southport 01704 560 600 (Web site under construction) 26 Calling all Veterans of the Battle of the Atlantic The Film Company 360 Productions is in the process of making a programme about The Battle of The Atlantic and the part that Londondery/Derry played during the length of the longest campaign of the Second World War. They would like to talk to as many Veterans as possible about their experiences during their time in the port of Londonderry, at sea on escort duty, life on board or any other aspect of their time in Londonderry. Photographs (or copies of) would be most appreciated. The researcher, Ms Deidre Donnelly can be contacted by Email at:- or by Mobile:-077161118956.
27 No. 1 Area Annual Trafalgar Day Service – Sunday - October 21, 2012 A warm welcome is extended to all Shipmates and Standard Bearers to attend this annual service, held in Wren's St. Brides Church, Fleet Street, London, EC4. Providing an excellent service at 1100, with the opportunity to renew old and new acquaintances combined with the customary Pusser’s Tot, light refreshments and a visit to a local hostelry afterwards if required. For further details please contact Maurice Foley (Area Secretary) on 0208 8422 5544.
28 RNA Sutherland Branch – Dedication of Standard – 16 Sep 2012 Sutherland Branch will be Dedicating their Standard in Golspie Sutherland on Sunday 16th September in Fountain Road Hall at 1400hrs. Muster in Fountain Road Bus Park at 1330 ready to move off at 1345. Following the service the parade will march to the memorial gardens where a wreath will be laid. Then on to the rear of the Lodge of St Andrews where the parade will disperses. On Saturday 15th September the branch will host a Buffet Dance at the Stags Head Hotel Golspie .It would be appreciated if Branches to could advise us numbers attending the Buffet Dance ASAP to arrange for catering. Accommodation in the Golspie Area is available on the Golspie Web Site. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me at the following e-mail address or call 01408 633 532 Carl Lemkes (Hon Sec), Sutherland RNA
29 Fort St Angelo restoration project - Malta Fort St. Angelo is the heart and pivot of Grand Harbour, a spectacular architectural monument, historically the key to Malta, the flagship of Maltese fortifications, symbol of Malta's resistance in times of war, and an irreplaceable icon in Malta's identity. In its commitment to valorise and make of Fort St Angelo a unique heritage experience, through an extensive restoration project, Heritage Malta is currently gathering data through a research program which extends beyond the extraction 20
of facts from archives. The Fort is a national treasure and a centuries-old living sentinel with much to say. It is in this light that Heritage Malta is kindling a greater sense of ownership by engaging the general public, especially ex-servicemen who served at the Fort, to share personal experiences, anecdotes, photos and any other memorabilia related to Fort St Angelo and its history, especially from the time when it served as the Headquarters of the Royal Navy in the Mediterranean, then better known as ‘HMS St Angelo’. This will definitely help to expand the present knowledge on Fort St Angelo towards an increasingly enriching visitor’s experience. Public opinion is highly valued and this outreach initiative is helping Heritage Malta project is vision and ongoing commitment towards the preservation and conservation of this national treasure. Heritage Malta is looking forward to receive your comments. Historic data and comments are to be addressed to site curator Matthew Balzan on +35621663731 or on email Feedback can also be posted on or Fort St Angelo’s official page on Facebook: 30 RNRMC – Devils Run 23 September 2012 Three Counties10k Ltd are setting up a 10k and 15k cross country run on the 23 September to raise money for the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity based at HMS Excellent Portsmouth. For further information please contact Clive Southard on 07891 955 281. If no reply please leave message I will return your call.
31 First Sea Lord’s Lecture in Naval History, Strategy and Recruiting Please find attached at the rear of the Circular the research programme for Oct 2012- Sept 2013. We have slightly lengthened the seminar series by a month in order to reflect the number of high quality paper proposals we received. As a result the seminar series will start on 10 October and run through until 12 June inclusive. All seminars are free and do not require booking; tea, coffee and wine will be available before 21
and after the seminars! The 2013 First Sea Lord’s Lecture in Naval history and Strategy will take place on 10 July and will be given by Professor Nicholas Rodger on ‘Law and War for the Defence of Trade’; attendance at this event is by ticket only – details for how to obtain tickets are in the attached research programme. Finally, we will be running two academic conferences, one in partnership with the University of Portsmouth on the relationship between the Navy and the towns around the base ports, the second on recruiting the Royal Navy. Again, full details are in the programme. I hope to see you at some, or indeed all, of our research events. All seminars will take place in the Princess Royal Gallery, NMRN Portsmouth and are free of charge, Attendance at this event is by ticket only. To request tickets please contact: or write to: Emma Nash The National Museum of the Royal Navy HMNB (PP66) Portsmouth Po1 3NH Note; Researchers wishing to contribute papers on any aspect of naval history to the 2013-14 seminar series should email a title and a 300 word abstract of their proposed paper, plus a one page CV to Dr Duncan Redford at
Shortcast Dorchester Royal Naval Association - Armed Forces Day - 7/7/2012 Dorchester Royal Naval Association and Dorchester Town Council are organising an Armed Forces Day on Saturday 7 July 2012. Veterans wishing to take part should contact S/M Roy Dean, 01305 853442; Mob 07788 892908; email Royal Marines Signals and Telecommunications Bi-annual Reunion 2012 - 14/07/2012 Royal Marines Signals and Telecommunications Bi-annual Reunion 2012: The Sigs and Tels specialisations will be holding its reunion at the SNCO’s Mess, CTCRM on July 14. This is open to ALL Ranks of both specialisations. If you were/are a serving member and would like to attend or would like further information, please contact CIS Trg Coy Clerk (Miss Sheila Wells) or Signals Specialisation Advisor (WO1 Lee Carr RM) Falmouth Sea Service – 15/07/2012 Falmouth RNA will again be coordinating the Sea Sunday Parade and Church Service, on behalf of Falmouth Town Council and the Church of King Charles the Martyr. The Parade will form up on the Moor at 3.20 pm (note the change of time this year) and will march to the Church for the Service at 4.00 pm. Further details will be circulated shortly, meanwhile enquiries may be directed to me at the address below. 22
Hon. Secretary: Ron Burdekin 23, Glebe Close, Mawgan, HELSTON, Cornwall, TR12 6AA e-mail: Tel: 01326 221851(H) 07810 404418 (M) Littlehampton Sea Sunday 22nd July Littlrhampton Sea Sunday is on the 22nd July, muster on the Prom by Banjo Rd, there will be a short March to Pier Head for a short Service and a casting of wreaths into the river. After the ceremony there will be refreshments at the Maltravers Social Club. All Standard Bearers are welcome and will be rewarded with Golden Nectar. Numbers please to Hon Sec Harry Fox address in Year Book or email Tel; 01903-739 361 HMS Unicorn Association - 27/08/2012 Our 26th Reunion and AGM is in Lichfield from August 27 to 31. Further details from Patricia Brenchley - HMS Fisgard, 823 Entry - 1/09/2012 30th Anniversary Reunion. Former apprentices of HMS Fisgard’s 823 entry will be holding a reunion in Plymouth on Saturday 1st September 2012. All members of 821, 822, 823 and 831 entries, and former staff from 1982/83 are invited to apply for tickets. Price £20. For further details visit the website or email Grant Nicholson The Goldfish Club - 7/09/2012 The Goldfish Club 70th Anniversary reunion: The Goldfish Club was formed in 1942 for Aviators rescued from the sea. We presently have around 400 members including many Royal Navy aviators. The only qualification is to have been a crew member in Any military or civilian aircraft, helicopter, balloon or any type of flying machine that crashed into the sea and you were subsequently rescued from the sea. This year’s reunion will be held at Scalford Hall hotel, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire from September 7 to 9. All existing members plus any new recruits to our shoal are welcome to attend. Full details of how to join our club and the event can be found on our website HMS Indomitable Association - 7/09/2012 HMS Indomitable Association: Reunion and AGM will be held at the Stretton Hotel, Blackpool from September 7 to 10. See website for details. HMS Diana Association - 8/09/2012 We are returning to the Midlands area for the second reunion of 2012. The reunion/AGM will be held from September 8 to 9 at The Coventry Hill Hotel, Rye Hill, Allesley, Coventry CV5 9PH. The reunion also includes a coach trip to The Leicester Senior Service Club on the Saturday afternoon. Anyone who has not got a hotel booking form please contact the Secretary. Please don’t leave it to late and be disappointed. HMS Orion Association - 8/09/2012 Annual reunion is to take place at the Astor Hotel. Plymouth from September 8 to 9. For further information contact Kay West 23
HMS Tamar - 8/09/2012 Wrens of 72/73 - First reunion will be held on September 8 at the Old Customs House, Gunwharf Quays, Portsmouth. Meet up and chat followed by dinner. We hope to see the fellas there too. For further details contact Kati Page (nee Warren) or Babs Blacklock (nee Harrison HMS Comus Association - 14/09/2012 Reunion from September 14 to 16, at the Maritime Club on Friday, Saturday at HMS Nelson, Victory Club from 1900 to 2330 and on Sunday after breakfast, Church Service and fond farewells for another year. Contact Bryan Cox HMS Eagle, Last Commission 1969-72 - 14/09/2012 ‘Friends of HMS Eagle’, are holding a 40th Anniversary ‘Nautical Experience’ Week-end Reunion at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea, with views overlooking the Solent, from September 14 to 16. After the very successful last 5 Reunions around the country – All ‘Eaglets’ plus wives/partners & guests are very welcome to celebrate 40 years since ‘Eagle’ decommissioned in Portsmouth in 1972. There will be a ‘Meet & Greet’ on the Friday evening in the ‘Intrepid Suite’. On Saturday there are various Tours from the Hotel, including visits to the HMS Victory, HMS Warrior’ Action Stations’ etc, followed in the evening by a very Nautical Dinner, Dance and entertainment in the ‘Ark Royal Suite’, with local Sea-Cadet Unit involvement including, ‘Colours’, ‘Ceremonial’ Sunset’ & ‘Up Spirits’. (All commissions 1952-72 very welcome). Hotel Accommodation at Very Good Rates. For details contact main organisers Danny du Feu (Ex-L/Sea(Boats) or Events Sec Bill Melvin (Ex-LPTI) email. RNA Sutherland Branch – Dedication of Standard – 16 Sep 2012 Sutherland Branch will be Dedicating their Standard in Golspie Sutherland on Sunday 16th September in Fountain Road Hall at 1400hrs. Muster in Fountain Road Bus Park at 1330 ready to move off at 1345. Following the service the parade will march to the memorial gardens where a wreath will be laid. Then on to the rear of the Lodge of St Andrews where the parade will disperses. On Saturday 15th September the branch will host a Buffet Dance at the Stags Head Hotel Golspie .It would be appreciated if Branches to could advise us numbers attending the Buffet Dance ASAP to arrange for catering. Accommodation in the Golspie Area is available on the Golspie Web Site. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me at the following e-mail address or call 01408 633 532 Carl Lemkes (Hon Sec), Sutherland RNA Algerine Association - 17/09/2012 The reunion will take place from September 17 to 24 at the Mill Rythe Holiday Village, Hayling Island. En-suite accommodation and facilities for the disabled. The cost is £216 per person, half board with entertainment each evening, please see website for details. Castle Class Corvette/Frigate Association - 21/09/2012 The Annual Reunion will take place between September 21 to 24 at Tillington Hall, Stafford. On the Saturday we will be dedicating, at the National Memoria Arboretum, our new memorial to all the Castle Class Corvettes/Frigates of the Royal Navy, Royal Canadian Navy, Royal Norwegian Navy 1943-1961 and to those ships converted to Rescue & Ocean Weather Ships. To join the Association and/or obtain further details please contact the Secretary; Mike Biffen. 24
Royal Navy Boom Defence Ratings - 21/09/2012 The next 'Boomers Convention' will be held in Scarborough from September 21 to 23. For details contact Alfie Mumberson or Lance Hollingsworth HMS Invincible – Communications Association (Falklands 82) 21/09/2012 It being the 30th Anniversary of the Falklands the Communications Association which meets every year would like to invite any crew members or air crew who served on board HMS Invincible during the Falklands to a reunion. Annual Reunion is to be held in Barrow-in-Furness from September 21 to 23. For details contact Tim Jenkins or see the website HMS Protector Association - 21/09/2012 Are holding by special request from members, a Social Reunion at the Afton Hotel, Eastbourne from September 21 to 24. Further details and booking forms and further details available from Doug Harris or downloadable in due course from the website Fleet Air Arm Ex Field Gunners Association - 21/09/2012 Annual Reunion at the Royal Court Hotel, Coventry, from September 21 to 23. New members welcome. Further details from Association Secretary, Jimmy Andrews. 14th Carrier Air Group Reunion Association - 22/09/2012 The 18th reunion for anyone who served with 804 and 812 NAS, 1946-52, HM Ships Ocean, Glory and Theseus, or at any other time, will be held on September 22 at the RNA Club, Royal Leamington Spa. Wives, partners and family members welcome. Further details from Ken Lambert Falmouth - 30 Anniversary – 23 September 2012 The Branch will celebrate the 30th anniversary of its re-commissioning on Sunday, 23rd September 2012. It had been hoped to mark the occasion with a lunch. Our 'preferred venue' would have been the Falmouth Beach Hotel, however we shall now have to have a re-think, and select an alternative venue. For more information please contact; Hon. Secretary: Ron Burdekin 23, Glebe Close, Mawgan, HELSTON, Cornwall, TR12 6AA e-mail: Tel: 01326 221851(H) 07810 404418 (M) Lascaris (Malta) Association - 24/09/2012 Reunion at the George Hotel, Norwich, Norfolk from September 24 to 28. Contact Jim Goode for more details. HMS Ganges - 28/09/2012 HMS Ganges, 38 Recruitment, 1972. Frobisher 17 Mess, Boy-entry Junior Seamen 2nd Class, later Comms ratings. Instructor was CY Geoff Hone. A 40-years reunion is planned for the September 28 to 30, 2012, at the Union Jack Club, Waterloo. Please contact Jenks at for further details and registration 25
HMS Brazen Association – 28/09/2012 The 2nd Annual Reunion will take place at The Britannia Hotel, Coventry, CV1 5RP from 28 - 30 September 2012. For details of membership and the reunion, please contact the Secretary - Gus Honeywood ( or visit HMS/m Repulse Reunion Association - 28/09/2012 HMS/m Repulse Reunion Association: Are holding their next reunion from September 28 to 30 at The Apollo Hotel, Birmingham. For more information contact Frank Scutt frank. or see the website HMS Ocean Association - 28/09/2012 25th Annual Reunion and AGM takes place at the Bedford Hotel, Blackpool from September 28 to October 1. A very warm welcome is extended to all ex-Oceans (R68 or L12), their families and friends, whether Association members or not, to join us on this happy occasion. For full details contact the Secretary, Jim Hogan JP Royal Naval Photographer’s Association (RNPA) - 28/09/2012 The AGM and Reunion takes place in Portsmouth from September 28 to 30 and based at the Holiday Inn, Pembroke Road. A booking form is available from the RNPA website at and also by clicking here. Please send your post dated cheque, made out to the RNPA, asap to: Ray Whitehouse, RNPA Social Secretary. A Night at “A Night at the SODS Opera” 29/09/2012 Coming, to the Kings Theatre Southsea on Sunday 29th July 2012. “A Naval Review” Last Year It Was “A Right Rum Do” This time it will be “A Night At The SODS Opera” Wanted from the local area, acts and volunteer crew to assist. HMS Ajax and River Plate Veterans Association - 3/10/2012 Open to all who served in the Cruiser 1935/48 or Frigate 1963/84 or are relatives of those who did so, or indeed of those who served on any of the previous Ajax. The 47th annual reunion takes place at the King Charles Hotel, Gillingham from October 3 to 4. A reunion dinner will be held on the Wednesday evening and a memorial service, followed by the AGM, on the Thursday morning. The Association is always looking to increase its membership, particularly Frigate crew. For details of the reunion and membership, please contact the Membership Secretary, Judi Collis. Full details of the reunion, membership and much more can be found on the Association’s new website. HMS Tartar Association - 5/10/2012 Annual Reunion at, The Copthorne Hotel, Plymouth from October 5 to 6. For further details please contact Linda. HMS St Vincent Association – 5/10/2012 Annual Reunion will be held at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea from October 5 to 8. Gala Dinner on 6th. Please contact IoW Tours on 01983 405116 by 31 August for booking form and details or visit; Enquiries to, Phil Allen MBE, Public Relations Officer, HMS St Vincent Association, 23 Cambridge Road, Lee-on-the-Solent, PO13 9DH 26
02392 556810 or email; HMS Eskimo, 1966/68 Commission: - 5/10/2012 The 12th Annual Reunion will be held at The Shanklin Hotel, Isle of Wight from October 5 to 8. It's great to meet up again with the Ships Company and their wives/partners and guests, who attend each year. To date, we have contact details of 126 Ships Company. There are many more out there that are not on our database and would like to meet again. Many have crossed over the Bar these past few years, and our numbers sadly are going down. If you are one of our Ships Company who have never been to our reunions, or maybe been once or twice, please come along, it will be great to see you again. We are a great bunch and have a wonderful time, plenty of old sea stories to chew over along with a few tots of Pussers. The ladies are delightful and great fun. Look forward to seeing you there. Contact Allan (Taff) Martin HMS Victorious Association - 5/10/2012 Reunion will be held at the Britannia Hotel, Coventry from October 5 to 8. For more information contact Stan Mclellan Type 21 Association - 5/10/2012 The next reunion will take place in The Royal British Legion, Crownhill, Devonport from October 5 to 7. The weekend is open to anyone who served on a 21 at anytime in their illustrious careers. Contact Steve Parker or see the website. HMS Arethusa Association - 5/10/2012 The 24th annual reunion from October 5 to 8 at the Three Queens Hotel, Burton upon Trent. All welcome. Contact Tom Sawyer, Honorary Secretary Bay Class Frigates Association - 12/10/2012 Reunion at the Esplanade Hotel, Scarborough from October 12 to 14, 2012. All ex-Bay Class welcome. Contact Doug Turk for details. No. 1 Area Annual Trafalgar Day Service – Sunday - October 21, 2012 A warm welcome is extended to all Shipmates and Standard Bearers to attend this annual service, held in Wren's St. Brides Church, Fleet Street, London, EC4. Providing an excellent service (1100hrs), with the opportunity to renew old and new acquaintances combined with the customary Pusser’s Tot, light refreshments and a visit to a local hostelry afterwards if required. For further details please contact Maurice Foley (Area Secretary) on 0208 8422 5544. HMS Llandaff (F61) 12th Reunion - 12/10/12 HMS Llandaff (F61) 12Th Reunion is to be held at the Afton Hotel Eastbourne 12th Oct - 15Th Oct 2012 a Full entertainment Programme has been planned which includes a Shep Woolley night on the 12th , Gala Dinner with a live band on the 13th and a visit to the home of RNA Eastbourne on the 14th the (RNOCC) for a dinner time session . All ex Plumduffs are welcome . For booking form or more information please contact Slinger Wood 07961124459 or by e mail
HMS Lowestoft Association - 26/10/2012 Reunion will take place at the King Charles Hotel, Gilingham, Kent from October 26 to 28. All who served in HMS Lowestoft during her 25 years in service (1961-1986) are welcome to attend. For further details please contact Richie Farman or the website HMS Albion - 196264 Commission - 3/11/2012 The next reunion takes place on November 3 at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea, Portsmouth. It will be 50 years to the day that Albion sailed for the Far East. Seeking shipmates from that commission, Ken Richardson, David Burton and Tony Hingston. Communications Technician/Radio operator (Special)) Reunion - 17/11/2012 Eddie Clamp’s final, final Communications Technician/Radio operator (Special)) reunion in Selsey takes place at the Selsey Golf Club on 17th November 2012, commencing at 1830 hrs. All those interested in attending please contact Eddie Clamp on 01243 605832 or email Partners and wives welcome. Rig – smart, relaxed. More details at either: or!/groups/142012109170944/
2013 128 Mechanics Qualifying Course - HMS Sultan- Jan 1972 to Dec 1973. A reunion of this course is held biennially at a venue yet be decided. Any members of the above course who have not yet attended this event are most welcome; it would be good to see a few new faces from the past. If you are interested then please contact; Peter Shoesmith, Tel; 01305 826747 or email; or Dave Batchelor on 02392 716472 email;
RNA Longcast 1 July 2 July 2 - 6 July 6 July 9 - 27 July 9 – 19 July 15 July 16 – 22 July 19 July 22 July 2 Aug 2 Aug 3 Aug 6 -13 Aug 6-19 Aug 18 Aug 25 Aug 29 Aug 7 – 8 Sept 7 – 24 Sep
Pershore 10th Anniversary celebrations Mid Year budget review Michelle on Leave HQ Open Day – Fully Booked Nigel on leave IMF Sailing Camp –Bruges - Naval Base - Kruis Falmouth Sea Service GS on Leave RNRMC AGM (GS) RNA Maidstone Annual Sea Service Mid Year budget review Rules Review Meeting (HQ) AMC Meeting (HQ) Nigel on Leave GS leave Falklands Air Day - Southsea FAC Meeting Diver class 11/03 visits HQ National Council (Includes one day on Rule Review) Andy on Leave 28
17 - 28 19 Sept 23 Sept 29 Sep – 5 Oct 5 Oct 10 Oct 20 Oct 26 Oct 30 Oct 8 Nov 11 Nov 13 Nov 17 Nov 24 Nov 24 Nov 8 Dec 21 Dec – 2 Jan
Nigel on Leave IMC Executive council Falmouth Branch – 30 Anniversary GS on Leave HQ Open Day - Fully Booked St Pauls Seafarers Service (GS) National Standard Dorchester Branch Trafalgar Dinner (GS) Possible visit of Southend RNA to HQ RN CEO meeting GS Field of Remembrance - London Remembrance Sunday NCh and GS at Cenotaph Budget Meeting GS, Hon Tres, Accountant AMC meeting FAC Meeting Dagenham Branch annual Dinner GS National Council Meeting HQ closed
24-27 May
2013 Visiting Ships - Civic Dinner – VVIP Reception - Liverpool GS
Ship’s Office Branch and Club Support Fund (Formerly the Alec Madden Fund) The National Council is pleased to report that it has received permission to de-restrict the Alex Madden fund due to lack of applications and establish a Support fund for Branches and Clubs. The Terms of Reference are below. In the first instance those interested should approach their NCM who can provide advice. Of course the HQ staffs are always available to support and advise as necessary.
Terms of Reference Purpose • • • • •
To provide support by way of grants and loans to Branches and Clubs to; Improve facilities and/or accessibility for meetings. Allow and encourage better participation in Area and National events. Other purposes which support Branches in recruiting etc. Loans for the purchase of Standards Support their Club.
Funding Initial funding will be by transfer from the Alec Madden Fund, and from the Branch suspense account, from closed Branches after ten years have elapsed, annually. The NC to allocate other funds as it sees fit. Interest on loans made. Grants and loans • Grants and loans made on a matched funding basis, except for exceptional cases. (For example very small branches seeking assistance.) • Application should be made in writing to the FAC through their Area Secretary who should provide details of Area support or not, including any Area Assistance provided. 29
Repayment Repayment to be made over a maximum of five years charged at a nominal 5% interest over the whole term of the loan. Application The Application should be in the form of a letter outlining: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
What the grant or loan is for. What Branch or other funds are being contributed. A copy of current Branch Accounts. The expected outcome of the grant. Comment of support by Area NCM.
Committee • The FAC shall review and approve grants. • The FAC is authorised to approve grants up to £500, loans up to £1,000. • Requests for larger sums, supported by the Committee, are to be taken to NC by Chair FAC.
The terms and condition of Loans are: a. The Branch must generally contribute to the project at least as much as the total loan sought. b. Details and estimates for the work to be undertaken should be included with the application for the loan. c. It must be repaid at 5% interest spread over sixty equal monthly payments by Bankers Standing Order starting one year after the date of the loan. A loan is available for the purchase of branch standards for £500 to any Branch which wishes to acquire or replace a Standard. The repayment of the loan is over a period of 2.5 years at 3%, paid quarterly.
New Slops Items As requested by many shipmates we now have available to order;
Blue jumper £25
Sleeveless jumper £23
These prices include postage and packing. Sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL 30
Polo Shirt £20
These are encouraged for wear for branch meetings, outings etc, leaving the Blazer for more formal occasions. This Weatherproof jacket is now available from HQ. It can be embroidered with the name of your branch, which is included in the cost or whatever you want within reason, which may incur an extra charge. The jacket features a concealed hood in the collar, 2 side pockets, 1 chest pocket, inside zip and pocket and elasticated cuffs. It is available in various sizes starting at XS 34” chest up to 3XL 54” chest (for the fuller figure) A bargain at £38.00 (including VAT and postage) Give Nigel a ring at HQ and order one soonest!
Area and Branch Updates Area 4
Branch Dartmouth Branch
Change Until a new secretary is appointed, please relay all information to; S/M Paul Fitzgerald 19 Seymour Drive Dartmouth Devon TQ6 9GB Email;
Spalding Branch
In last month’s Circular there was an error in the telephone number for the Branch Secretary and it should read as below; S/M Terry Day Spalding RNA Branch Secretary Abbey Weald Priory Road SPALDING Lincs PE11 2XA E-Mail Tel 01775 723165 Mobile 07729 707129
Worthing Branch
West Lothian
The Branch Secretary now is; S/M Eric White 2 Meyers Wood Partridge Green West Sussex RH13 8JN Tel; 01403 711014 Email; The branch secretaries details are as follows; S/M David Liddell Tel; 01506 205111 Email; The branch secretary now is; S/M Daphne Wyatt 31
Flat 16 38 Granville Road Southcote Berks RG30 3QA Tel; 0118 9575 725 Please note; meeting are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. 7
Newport (S-Wales)
The branch now meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at; Wetherspoons The Queens Hotel Bridge Street Newport NP20 4AN The Secretary is; S/M Doug Piddington 101 Duckpool Road Newport South wales NP19 7EP Tel; 01633 673880
Until further notice meetings will take place on the 1st Wednesday of the month at; Alma Road Social Club Alma road Windsor SL4 3HD The Secretary is; J Prescott 30 Dedworth Road Windsor Berkshire SL4 5AY Tel; 01753 867942
The branch secretary now is; S/M Mrs Sheila Reynolds 5 Marney Drive Basildon Essex SS14 1TQ Tel; 01268 474261 Mob; 07505 952605 e-mail: We also have a change of venue for meetings, it is now, Every other Wednesday, at the Bowers United Sports & Social Club, Crown Avenue Pitsea, Basildon, Essex. SS13 2BE
Swinging the Lamp July 1. 1831 2. 1867 3. 1797
4. 1930
5. 1940 6. 1998
7. 1967 8. 1870 9. 1902 10. 1961 11. 1939
12. 1776 13. 1980 14. 1749
15. 1855
16. 1795 17. 1959
‘Weeovil Yard’ renamed Royal Clarence Victualling Yard, Portsmouth. Navigation Branch gave up blue cloth between their stripes and rearranged their buttons to denote their branch. Bombardment of Cadiz. Rear-Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson’s boat action with Spanish gunboats at Cadiz. Bombs: Stromboli, Terror,Thunder. Covered by: Emerald, Terpsichore,Theseus. Troops: Royal Artillery. The re-opening of the new Semaphore Tower spanning the road to South Railway Jetty in Portsmouth Dockyard. The former tower, built in 1778, had been destroyed by fire at Christmas 1913. The formal ceremony was performed by Vice-Admiral L.A.B. Donaldson, Admiral Superintendent of the Dockyard and Admiral Sir Percy Grant, Admiral Superintendent 1922–5. Admiral Grant turned the key to the tower door and Admiral of the Fleet Sir Roger Keyes, C-in-C Portsmouth, was first up the stairs. The mast on top of the new tower had been taken from the former German light cruiser Nürnberg interned on 21 November 1918 and scuttled at Scapa Flow in 1919. Nine Swordfish aircraft of 813 Sqn (Eagle) sank the Italian destroyer Zeffiro and the liner Liguria at Tobruk. RN College Greenwich passed out of naval control on being handed over to the Greenwich Foundation for the Royal Naval College on 150-year lease. College now the campus of the University of Greenwich. Sir Francis Chichester arrived at Greenwich in Gypsy Moth IV after his circumnavigation and was knighted by HM Queen Elizabeth II. James Reed, Chief Constructor, resigned over the issue of fitting full sailing rig in turret-ships. Submarine A 1 launched – first British boat of thirteen A-class, begun before the original Hollands were completed. The Royal Australian Navy spliced the mainbrace on the fiftieth anniversary of its formation in 1911. Dinner hosted by the Board of Admiralty in the Painted Hall at Greenwich, in presence of King George VI, to inaugurate its use as the Wardroom Mess of the RN College. Capt James Cook sailed from Plymouth in Resolution on his third and last voyage of exploration to the Pacific. Discovery sailed on 1 August. Francis Pym, Secretary of State for Defence, announced decision to replace Polaris force with four Trident-armed submarines. Execution by ‘a file of musketeers’ of Lt Samuel Couchman and Lieutenant of Marines John Morgan on board Chesterfield (40) in Portsmouth Harbour for having led a mutiny in that ship off Cape Coast Castle, West Africa, the year before. The ship’s former carpenter and three men were hanged. VC: Boatswain John Sheppard (St Jean d’Acre),a most ingenious man, for his two attempts to blow up an enemy battleship in Sevastopol using a punt full of explosives. Shutter Telegraphs started to carry signals from Admiralty to Chatham in fifteen minutes, given clear weather. Their Lordships have decided that the Royal Naval Reserve, which was established by the Royal Naval Reserve Volunteer Act 1859, should celebrate its centenary during the Autumn of 1959’– AFO 1721/59. RNR Dinner in the Painted Hall, RN College, Greenwich with HRH The Duke of Edinburgh as principal guest. Service of Thanksgiving at St Paul’s Cathedral 4 November with HM The Queen and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh present. 33
18. 2009 Henry Allingham, the world’s oldest man and the last known survivor of the RNAS to have served in the First World War, died at St Dunstan’s, Ovingdean, Brighton aged 113. He was serving in the naval trawler Kingfisher in the North Sea at the time of Jutland. 19. 1916 Royal Naval Division taken into numbered sequence of Army Order of Battle as 63rd (RN) Division. Originally of eight battalions but Benbow and Collingwood disbanded. 20. 1588 The Spanish Armada off Plymouth. Howard wrote that ‘about three o’clock in the afternoon, we descried the Spanish fleet and did what we could to work for the wind’. Battle Honour: Armada 1588. 21. 1588 The first engagement with the Spanish Armada off the Eddystone. The enemy was constrained to give way and to bear up to the Eastward. His Lordship appointed Sir Francis Drake to set the watch that night.’ 22. 1910 In continuance of the permission granted by His late Majesty King Edward VII, the sanction of the King has been given to His Majesty’s health being drunk in any non-alcoholic beverage. 23. 1759 Victory laid down in the old single dock (now the Victory Dock) at Chatham. Present was William Pitt the Elder whose government had announced a major building programme of first rates the year before. 24. 1956 The RN’s first guided weapons trials ship, HMS Girdle Ness, commissioned at Devonport by Capt M.G. Greig RN. The Canadian-built former landing craft maintenance ship had been converted at Devonport into a test platform for the Sea Slug surface-to-air missile. 25. 1801 The moment the enemy touch our coast, be it where they may, they are to be attacked by every man ashore and afloat: this must be perfectly understood. Never fear the event’ –Nelson, on defence of the Thames. 26. 1913 HM King George V presented Albert Medals to Chief Stoker W. Lashley and PO T. Crean, in addition to the Polar Medal, for their service in Capt Robert Falcon Scott’s Antarctic expedition. 27. 1661 Act passed for establishing articles and orders for the regulation and better government of His Majesty’s Navy’s ships of war and forces at sea. 28. 1914 First successful aerial torpedo drop. Sqn Cdr A.M. Longmore (later ACM Sir Arthur Longmore) in a Short Folder seaplane flying from Calshot near Southampton. 29. 1954 A RN Sea Hawk FB3 aircraft, piloted by Lt J.R.F.Overbury from Boscombe Down, flying from London to Amsterdam, established a new air speed record for the 223.98 miles of 23 minutes,39.7 seconds at an average speed of 568 mph. 30. 1963 Minister of Defence, Peter Thornycroft announced in the House of Commons that Britain was to build a 50,000 ton aircraft carrier and that ‘agreement had been finally reached between the Royal Navy and the RAF on the question of a common aircraft’. She was to be named HMS Queen Elizabeth. 31. 1970 Last Tot issue. A daily ration of rum became clearly inappropriate in the highly technical Navy. The ration was finally stopped by the Admiralty Board. The First Sea Lord, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Michael Le Fanu, who was shortly to retire owing to a terminal illness, made a valedictory signal to the Fleet:
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The Dieppe Raid Memorial and 2 October Glory Maple trees will commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the audacious raid on Dieppe Harbour on the 18/19th August 1942. The raid was a complete failure, resulting in heavy loses to the majority of Canadian soldiers who took part. British Commandos and American Rangers also bore the brunt of fighting on land. Operation Jubilee was supported by a Combined Operations Command who co-ordinated the Air and Naval forces who also suffered heavy loses. Vital lessons were learnt from this raid, which were put to good use when the Allied Armies invaded France on D-Day the 6th June 1944. The commemoration is an open event, with everyone welcome and takes place in the Allied Special Forces Grove, National Memorial Arboretum. Alrewas, Staffordshire. DE13 7AR Published by the Allied Special Forces Association, P.O. Box 32, Hereford HR1 9DF ~ ~ 07929-118598 National Memorial Arboretum ~ ~ 01283-792333