Branch Circular #624 (November 2012)

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Branch Circular No 624 November 2012


Dear Shipmate Branch Secretary Welcome to the November edition of the circular. This will be the last one of 2012, since few branches meet immediately in the New Year, so next one goes to the printers (and onto the website) late January 2013. Firstly I would like to say a big thanks and Bravo Zulu for the excellent turn out for the Field of Remembrance, Cenotaph parade and Shipmate Terry Halder’s very moving funeral (see 2 tributes in the Circ). The RNA squad were the first group to lead off and got great coverage on the TV. The post march celebrations in the Civil Service Club were well up to standard. Our new section “D y’here there” (for branch news) has got some really great stories from branch events over the Remembrance weekend – keep them coming. A reminder on important business: •

Branch motion forms are at the back of the Circ, with the Conference guidelines for any Branch or Area bidding for Conference 2015. Remember the deadline of 22 Feb 13.

Please also get the nominations in for NCM and DNCM by that date.

Over 70% of RNA clubs have not submitted their C3 form. If not sorted out now they will be trading illegally in 2013.

The new membership stickers for 2013 are now ready and will be sent out when Nigel receives your return and annual fee. They are much bigger than last year!!!!

I have provided a clear record of the approved motions from Conference. A key point is that Associate Members will only be able to be Area and National Conference delegates when the Rule is changed, which will not be until after Conference 2013 and only then if the wording the revised Rules etc are agreed. A second point is that branches no longer need a full audit and can have accounts verified in accordance with Charity Commission rules.

The Year End membership return is enclosed this time, hopefully much less hassle for those who gave us membership details last year.

The annual financial return is also attached. We have made every effort to reduce the info we ask for and to make the filling in of the form as easy as we can – Michelle’s easy-peasy flowchart should help avoid errors that can prevent us putting accounts to bed.

Thank you to the eagle-eyed member who pointed out that the dates on the NCM election form were incorrect, sorted out this time.

I am pleased to announce that Shipmate Cooper (Maidstone) has been elected as DNCM for 2 Area, however both NCM and DNCM for that area are up for election again in June 13. I am also very pleased to say that the Liverpool Conference package at the Adelphi has proved so popular that we have booked out the whole hotel for the Conference weekend. I know some will be disappointed, but 10 Area have another close by hotel for you. The package isn’t quite as good, but very competitive nonetheless.


A reminder that branches are strongly encouraged to relax rig from a blazer and tie for regular or routine meetings. RNA rig is appropriate for ceremonial and formal occasions, but a more informal

rig is more welcoming for younger potential members. This is not a lowering of standards but recognition that different occasions require a different approach. We have a great selection of polo shirts and jumpers that have the RNA crest (and can have your branch details too). Here are some pictures of RNA Lee-on-the –Solent to show how to have fun in informal but smart rig!!! Works in well with our Shipmates campaign that is approaching its 1,000th sign up!! I am delighted to announce that Vice Admiral David Steel (a great friend of the RNA) has agreed to be the reviewing officer for the Biennial Parade at the Cenotaph on 8 September 2013. Please put the date in your diary and spread the invite to other naval associations, who are most welcome. A reminder that Christmas cards and diaries are selling well and please to get your order in soon, remember that even Nigel needs his Christmas leave. Our very popular HQ Open Days have been a great success with 6 run in 2012, we have now agreed the dates for 2013 and have managed to get an MoD boat for a harbour tour for each date. See Circ for details and get signed up!!

Last month’s caption competition prize of a bottle of Pusser’s blue label rum goes to the Isle of Wight branch for ‘Phil and Andy gets it wrong when the President suggests Port after lunch !! Finally, Season’s greetings to all Shipmates from us all in HQ and remember to call round or ring up someone who might be feeling a little blue on the big day!

Happy Christmas from us all, Paul Quinn General Secretary 3

This month’s caption competition for a bottle of Pusser’s superb rum is Vice President Shipmate Rita Lock receiving her MBE from Her Majesty – what are they saying?

Chairman’s Chat – November 2012 Another year almost over and I believe another good one for the RNA. I think there is much that has happened this year that gives us hope for, and promise of, continued good fortune for our Association. The Shipmates Campaign has stepped into full swing during the year and many branches have notified us of Service leavers who have joined, or intend to join, those branches. The new 2SL, Vice Admiral David Steele, our VIP guest at the Plymouth Conference and a great supporter of the RNA, meets with our NP and GS at the end of this month and he is very keen to explore ways in which Shipmates can be further developed. Soon we welcome Rachael Tate, an ex-RN rating, on a one-year contract in HQ as the Shipmates Programme Administrator to deal with the high levels of data management involved in this programme now that, at the RN’s request, it has been extended to all RN leavers. The GS has acquired funding for this and we are in the throes of trying to obtain more. I believe this is an important campaign for the future of the RNA. In the past we may have allowed our relationship with the RN to drift apart, but with Shipmates, the Part 1 & 2 Mentoring of Trainees programmes, and the new Partnering Agreement with the RN; those bonds are tighter than they have ever been. All the more chance for RN personnel to see the RNA as relevant, attractive and worth joining. I have had a small number of reports where serving personnel on a Shipmates visit have not been warmly welcomed at branch meetings, one branch even complaining that a retiring sailor was not in a tie and blazer, with his wife leaving in tears! To say that this is not in accordance with our values of comradeship hardly describes my disappointment that our huge efforts to secure the future of the RNA is spoilt by such a selfish attitude. I am delighted to say that the vast majority of sailors have a great experience and join the branch immediately and thanks to those branches who have done a great job for our Service Leavers. As we come towards the end of our accounting year minds will turn to preparing annual returns. Michelle and her team of volunteers have done a sterling job in checking over accounts and helping with advice and guidance where needed or requested. Included in this circular is a flowchart, which should help branch treasurers to prepare those accounts accurately and so avoid some of the minor arithmetic errors that are found. The checking that is carried out in HQ is done with a view to being a benefit to branches, to keep them on the right track. It is not in any way big brother looking for faults. And it is most certainly not HQ looking to grab branch funds. Branches within the RNA are autonomous entities and their funds are their own property, and always will be. Only when a branch closes down do any residual funds in the branch accounts go to HQ (after the GS advises to have a good party!!). Even then, it remains in a suspense account for 10 years in case the branch should re-form, when those funds would be returned to it. After 10 years, it is assumed the branch will not reform and those funds then get subsumed into HQ funds. So be assured that your monies are in your control. While on the topic of annual returns I would like to raise the issue of personal data. HQ is trying to build up a database of all our members, and in particular email addresses. There seems to be some concern amongst some members that this is infringing on personal liberty and might lead to data being released to all and sundry. Again, this is a misconception. Such data will only be used within the RNA, to improve our service to members. Email addresses in particular allow us to send out useful information directly to all members registered on our database, including monthly circulars. Not only is this a saving on ever-increasing postage charges it means more members get relevant facts directly, rather than having to wait for branch meetings. Short messages can also be sent out by text message if we have appropriate mobile phone numbers. We want to


provide a better service to our members and I can assure you all that we would do nothing to jeopardise the trust we hope those members have in us. At the end of the year branches will often begin to consider any charitable donations they would like to make out of their fundraising activities. I would like to ask you all to think of the new RNA Memorial when making those considerations at the end of 2012 and 2013. We have not yet received any suggested ideas from members or branches but there is still time. We want to make this a memorial that will resonate with all ranks, all trades and all arms, serving and ex-serving. We have made outline budget plans for allocation of the ÂŁ50,000 of RNA funds, but any additional funds we can raise will give us the added opportunity for creating a striking and impressive feature at the National Memorial Arboretum. One branch has already told me they are planning a special raffle to raise funds for the memorial so I hope many more of you will consider an RNA National Memorial in 2014 is worthy of your thoughts. I want now to congratulate those of you who joined the NP in the parade at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Day. It was a splendid day and a good turnout, whether you used your ticket to join the RNA contingent or some other RN association. It is a great National occasion and anything we can do to support it is very well worth the effort. If you have a few spare pennies in your pocket maybe you could send them to HQ for our National President. Sadly he has a hole in his bowler hat and I think it would be nice if we found him a new one! Mine was in use again this year and I am enormously humbled at the privilege the RNA has, and the wreath layer in particular, to be one of just seven organisations allowed to lay a wreath at the Cenotaph after the Royal Family, the Government, representatives of the Commonwealth Countries and other senior dignitaries. As a young lad who grew up in a poor working family in rural Worcestershire I am immensely grateful for the opportunity the RNA has given me to be at the forefront of this occasion. As I stood with only Her Majesty in a direct line between me and the Cenotaph my many thoughts included those of Terry Halder and Bill Murray who had given great service to the RNA at all levels and who crossed the bar in the preceding year. Finally, as this will be the last HQ Circular of 2012 I want to express my sincere gratitude to the members of the National Council, the Area, Branch and Club Officers throughout the British Isles and overseas, our Staff in HQ, and the many thousands of members for the tremendous efforts you all contribute to keeping our Association alive and flourishing. I and Keith Crawford have had great support from you all, and we wish every one of you our very best wishes for a happy and enjoyable Christmas and may 2013 bring you all much fun, comradeship and success. I look forward to the opportunity of enjoying some of it with many of you.

Chris Dovey


Daily Orders 1. Conference - 2012 2. RNA Annual Conference – Liverpool 2013 3. HQ-Open Days 2013 4. Charter Challenge 2014 5. Lost at Sea – Maritime Memorial Trust 6. Renewal Stickers - 2013 7. Wellington Foundation - Scholarships 8. Royal Marines Museum – Important Message 9. Donations Received 10. Ships Plaques – For Sale 11. Become a Trustee – Naval Sports Charity 12. Finance Corner – Michelle 13. Guess Where? 14. 70th Anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic -2013 15. MoD - Forces Discount Centre 16. Rewards for Forces 17. Association/Veteran Battlefield Tours 18. Diamond Jubilee Pins

“D’ye hear there” (Branch news)



Ship’s Office 1. Area and Branch updates 2. Swinging the Lamp 3. Slops – Jack Dusties Corner 4. 2013 Diaries 5. 2012 Christmas Cards 6. Nominations Form – National Council 7. Nominations for Standing Orders Committee 8. Proposed Amendments for Annual Conference 2013 9. Annual Conference – Guidelines – Areas & Branches 10. Branch Report - 2013 11. Notes for Guidance – End of Year - Balance Sheets 12. Balance Sheet as at 31 Dec 2012 13. Guidance Flow Chart

For the Branch Secretary and notice-board


Glossary of terms NCM NC AMC FAC NCh NVCh NP DNP GS AGS Asap

National Council Member National Council Association Management Committee Finance Administration Committee National Chairman National Vice Chairman National President Deputy National President General Secretary Assistant General Secretary As soon as possible

Throughout ď ? indicates a new or substantially changed entry Contacts: Financial Controller

023 9272 3823


023 9272 3371

Assistant General Secretary (Membership & Slops)

023 9272 3747

AGS (Events/Marketing/Shipmates)

023 9272 0782

General Secretary

023 9272 2983


023 92 72 3747

RNA HQ Staff continue to attempt to build a library of e-mail addresses within the Association. It would be extremely helpful if those Branch Secretaries able to communicate by e-mail would forward a short e-message to HQ to


Daily Orders 1.  Conference 2012 The Conference minutes have now gone off to the printers and for Branch records the exact wording of the motions carried are as follows: National Council Motion 1 The Association Rules 9(f) and 11(b) be amended as follows ‘9(f) Each Area and Branch shall prepare Annual Accounts of all its funds, assets, liabilities, income and expenditure in such form as shall be prescribed by the Council. Annually, as at 31st December, the accounts shall be audited or independently examined in the required manner, where this is a statutory requirement. Otherwise the accounts need only be subject to internal scrutiny. The appropriate persons to audit, independently examine or scrutinise the accounts are to be appointed by the Area or Branch at an Annual General Meeting.” And that this amendment shall be subject to such change as may be required by the Privy Council and is agreed by the President of the Royal Naval Association. '11(b) The General Secretary shall keep such proper accounts as may be necessary to give a true and fair view of the financial affairs of the Association. Annually, as at 31st December, the accounts shall be audited by a properly qualified auditor or, if the Association qualifies for audit exemption, may be independently examined by a properly qualified examiner. The auditor or examiner shall be appointed by the Council. And that these amendments shall be subject to such change as the Privy Council may require and agreed by the President of the Royal Naval Association.’ Please note that the Privy council have now approved these changes and are part of the Rules. The Master copy of the Rules on the website has been updated This means that Year End accounts for 2012 can be independently examined or overseen in accordance with Charity Commission guidelines (at If income is below £25,000 then no external scrutiny is required, but please check the Charity Commission website for the checks that you do need to do. Remembe4r income over £10,000 you will need to submit an annual report, please see: ex.aspx National Council Motion 3 That the National Council Proposed Guidelines for Bidding Areas and Branches for Annual Conference be adopted.” Please note that the guidelines are now included at the back of the circular with the Branch motions form. Branch Motion 1 8

That Associate members be eligible to act as Delegate for their Branch at Area meetings and Conferences, provided that they have completed three years continuous membership of the Association immediately prior to election as Delegate. Please note that to enact this motion Conference 2013 has to approve the working changes to several Rules, Standing Orders etc. Therefore Associate Members will not be able to be delegates until the Conference has approved the Rules change wording and the Privy Council approved the Rule changes. Branch Motion 2 That the Association approach the organising committee of the Edinburgh Military Tattoo with a view to including a parade of Royal Naval Association Standards on the closing evening of the Tattoo. NCM Scotland is taking this on. Branch Motion 3 (Amended) That winning Branches of the President’s Awards for recruiting be decided on the basis of the percentage increase in the total number of Members, including Associate Members in the Branches concerned. HQ staff will get on with this for next years Conference. Emergency Motion. No. 8 Area be given permission to host Conference in 2014. No 8 Area is organising and will report to conference 2013 against the Conference Guidelines 2.  The 2013 Annual Conference - 14 to 16 June 2013.

The Adelphi Hotel is now Full – No further bookings will be taken! We are delighted to report that over 500 Shipmates who have booked into the Adelphi for the special deal they offered and the hotel is now full. The Gala Dinner is now almost full also. Area 10 have located some alternative accommodation for the National Conference in Liverpool, they recommend the Lord Nelson hotel which is in Horton Street near Lime Station. They are offering another great deal and at present have 7 x Twin, 11 Doubles, 21 Single and 2 Triples and are offering them for £140 per single, and £215 for a Double/Twin for the weekend, including Breakfast. (Fri –Sat and Sunday) please say that you are with the RNA party when booking to obtain the special rate.. Or call 0871 911 0030 Note; You will still be able to attend the various functions over the weekend at the Adelphi Hotel and can do so by booking with them at - Adelphi Hotel, Ranelagh Place, Liverpool L3 5UL,Tel: 0151 709 7200, please say that you are with the RNA Conference to obtain a reduction in price, 9

Again due to demand there are limited places available for the Gala Dinner, due to its popularity! This includes the wristband that gets you cheap drinks!! If you have any further problems finding accommodation then please contact Dave Tollerton at; tel; 0151-933 4992 for further details, we all look forward to seeing you all at Conference, it is going to be a big one and a great Weekend 3.  HQ Open Days – 2013 The HQ will be holding 5 open days in 2013 on, 19 April,10 May, 28 June, 20 Sept and the 11 Oct. Here is your chance to come along to Semaphore Tower and meet the GS and the HQ staff and have a day out all in one. Open days start promptly at 1100 at the HQ where we you will have a brief and a chance to buy Slops and meet the staff. There is then a sandwich lunch provided by HQ in the Semaphore Tower Mess, we have managed to book a MoD boat for a tour of the harbour and dockyard from 1230 to 1330 and maybe a tot or two of Pusser’s .(Don’t forget your Camera) with tea/coffee after the boat trip, to warm up if needed. We are limited to about 35 places for each visit, so please register your interest with Andy or Nigel. We will need to have your vehicle registration details and names of those wishing to come in advance to enable swift passage into the naval base. Please note; priority will be given to those who have not yet attended a HQ Open day!


Charter Challenge 2014

Introduction 1. The year 2014 is the Diamond Jubilee anniversary of the RNA being awarded its first Royal Charter. As one celebration of this milestone year the National Council (NC) have approved the installation and dedication of an RNA Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum (NMA) at Alrewas in Staffordshire during 2014. At their recent September meeting the NC also confirmed acceptance of the provisional bid made at Conference 2012 by No 8 Area to host the 2014 National Conference, which will be at the Royal Court Hotel in Coventry, a single venue for all Conference events. This will be a Friday to Monday event similar to that in Liverpool next year, with similar inclusive facilities and costs. The NMA is just 25 miles from the Royal Court and Area 8 have also proposed that a parade and memorial dedication be held there on the Conference Sunday, rather than in Coventry itself. Coach transport will be provided from the hotel, and there will be time for many members and guests who have not visited the NMA before to enjoy a walk around the site to explore this excellent memorial venue, which is continually expanding. 10

Memorial Design Competition 2. The NC is keen to ensure that all members and branches of the RNA have the opportunity to contribute ideas, suggestions, comments and even possible designs for an RNA Memorial, rather than have its own ideas imposed upon the membership. It has therefore been decided that a competition will be held, open to the whole Association, to submit possible designs, or ideas for designs, to HQ. The NC will set up an assessment panel to review the entries and extract what they feel are the best to present to the full NC to consider. The NC will then recommend a final shortlist to present to Conference 2013 in Liverpool for the delegates to vote upon their preferred choice. This will leave a year in which to get the memorial created and installed ready for Conference 2014, a timescale which memorial masons that have been contacted assure us will be ample time. The National Chairman and General Secretary are visiting the NMA on 8 October to discuss the project with the CEO. 3.

Design considerations should include: a. b. c.


Size, shape and material (granite, Portland stone etc) Type of Data and images to appear on the memorial Specifics regarding close areas around the memorial (pathways etc)

The proposed timetable is as follows, all dates in 2013 unless otherwise stated:

a. 1 Feb Final date for submission of design ideas. b. Mid Feb NC Memorial Assessment Panel meets c. March NC selects final designs shortlist d. End March Final designs sent out to branches e. June Conference selects preferred design f. July Memorial commissioned g June 2014 Memorial unveiled and dedicated 5. A prize of ÂŁ250 and two bottles of Pussers Blue Label Rum will be awarded to the member/branch submitting the winning design and that member, or member of that branch, will be invited to share in the unveiling of the memorial. Fundraising 6. The NC has already allocated a budget of ÂŁ50,000 towards this RNA Memorial project. This will be a memorial not only to all former RNA shipmates but to all former Naval personnel, irrespective of arm, branch or rank. All RNA members and branches, friends of the RNA, ex-Naval personnel and any interested naval organisations are invited to share in this memorial by sending donations to RNA HQ. The more donations we receive the more impressive a memorial we can create. New techniques are now available which can provide special carved codes on memorials to make them interactive. It is hoped to include at least one such code to enable visitors to the memorial to see a list of all those donors who have contributed to its creation. Charter Challenge 2014 Launch 7. This note forms the formal launch of Charter Challenge 2014 and all those interested in being part of this project, as designers or donors, are now invited to make their contributions to HQ. If you are submitting a donation to HQ please be sure to mark your donation as being to Charter Challenge 2014.


8. The National Memorial Arboretum is now a major visitor centre in the UK for service and exservice personnel, with some 300,000 visitors a year currently, and increasing annually. For those who have not been there, or know little about it, the link entered into the address line of your internet browser will take you to the NMA website. 9. It is hoped that an RNA memorial will provide yet another opportunity to put the RNA in high profile with those members of the public with a strong interest in the ex-Service community, amongst whom will be many who could swell our membership ranks. Please support this project as positively as you can, and encourage any others you think might be interested to give their support too.

5. 

Lost at Sea - 20th Century conflicts - Maritime Memorial Trust

Ian Stockbridge informs us that the year 2014 will be the 100th anniversary of the start of WWI. For many years I have felt the need for a reference system for relatives of those lost at sea in this war and also WWII. If have an enquiry system that currently provides At the Going Down of the Sun information on over 80,000 Merchant, Royal Navy, Army Gunners and Civilians who lost their lives at sea in the last war, and more names are being added as the research continues. With the Centenary of the start of World War 1 in two years time I am hoping to complete the same information for that period. I am setting up as an unregistered charity “Maritime Memorial Trust” to support this. Ian had a meeting with the Assistant Curator of the National Memorial Arboretum, Mr J Shallcroft, where I demonstrated my enquiry system that supports the book “Merchant Navy Memorial” which the Arboretum guides use regularly. This system provides their visitors with the facility to make enquiries regarding their relatives who were lost at sea during the last two World Wars. Both he and the Curator, Mr P Kennedy would like have this system in their proposed Education Centre. We have a web site www.MaritimeMemorialTrust.Com that people can use to search for those who lost their lives in the Second World War, all information is provided free of charge but donations for WWI work will be gratefully received. To date all work has been carried out at my own cost but in view of our new objectives I will need to raise money to cover the costs, including attending BofA70 in Liverpool next year. Captain Parsons of the MNWB fully supports this system and I would be grateful for your support in publicising the system and ways of raising funds. For more information please contact Ian Stockbridge at

6.  2013 RNA Renewal Stickers 2013 Stickers will be sent to Branch members via their Branch sec, on payment of their subs (still only £10. ) The GS has kept his promise and the stickers are MUCH bigger this time!!


7.  Wellington College Foundationer - Scholarships We have been made aware of scholarships which are available for the children of service personnel. There appears to be a lack of knowledge which is a contributory factor as to why they are currently vacancies. Please pass onto serving or ex-serving parents. The original definition of a Wellington 'Foundationer' has evolved over the years. Originally, the school supported children of deceased officers who had held commissions in the Army and in the Army of the East India Company. In 1952 a Supplementary Royal Charter extended the privilege of eligibility to the orphan children of deceased officers of the Royal Navy, Royal Marines and Royal Air Force. A recent change early in 2006 extended the privilege to the orphan children of deceased servicemen or servicewomen of Her Majesty's Armed Forces irrespective of rank, and to the orphan children of persons who, in the sole opinion of Governors, died in acts of selfless bravery. In sum, the scholarships are for the children of deceased or seriously injured public service employees who completed 15 years regular service. The level of financial support is dependent on the circumstances of each applicant but all costs are negotiable. What is obviously not negotiable is the academic ability of the applicant and they would be required to pass an entrance test. Applications or questions should be addressed to, The Bursar, Wellington College, Crowthorne, Berkshire RG45 7PU. Tel; 01344 444002 Email;

8. Important Message - From the Director of the Royal Marines Museum The Trustees of the Royal Marines Museum (RMM), under the Chairmanship of General David Pennefather and supported by the Trustees of the National Museum of the Royal Navy (NMRN) of which RMM is a part, have agreed that there is a strong and compelling case for moving the Museum from the present site of the old Officers’ Mess at Eastney to the ‘Action Stations’ building at Portsmouth Historic Dockyard (PHD). There would be clear benefits: we would significantly increase visitor numbers and revenue, and the extensive Royal Marines Museum collections could be displayed to better advantage, including the use of the latest technology to enhance presentation. Such a move would also enable the story of the Royal Marines, past and present, to be put in the same context and location as the core of Naval heritage and the present day Royal Navy operational fleet at the Dockyard. However, before a final decision is made, there is a need to complete further work around funding, property and technical aspects to ensure that any move can be completed satisfactorily and with the minimum of risk. This work is likely to take several months before a final decision can be made.


The Trustees are deeply conscious of the historic significance of the Eastney site and building both to the Corps of Royal Marines and to Portsmouth as a whole and they will only make a final decision to move to the Historic Dockyard if they are certain this will lead to a better and more accessible Museum for the public. We want to inform all members of some important developments regarding the future location of the Royal Marines Museum (RMM) and those wishing to comment or give feedback are invited to do so, preferably by email to or in writing to The Director, Major Bob Bruce

9. Donations received for the Central Charities Fund HMS Anson Association (on its Closure) WRR Pugh & Son Donation Mr D Gough Donation Mr DRB Monk Donation Mrs C Dalton in memory of Terence Patrick Halder FA Holland & Son in memory of Ronald Bouldon Mrs J Forster in memory of Mr WM Hynds

£190.35 £143.08 £85.00 £35.00 £177.25 £30.00 £35.00

Thank you for the donations received this month to the Central Charities Fund.

10. Ships Plaques for Sale - Royal British Legion (Aston & Weston) – Derbyshire I am the secretary of a village branch of the Royal British Legion (Aston & Weston 0007 in Derbyshire). We meet in an upstairs room of the local pub where we used to have paintings and plaques donated by a local artist by the name of John Dominy (He has paintings in the Portsmouth Docks Royal Navy Museum). We have been asked by the landlord to remove the plaques etc. as he was turning the room into a restaurant. We now have eighty four plaques which we wish to sell off to raise funds and I wondered if any of your Branches or Shipmates would be interested in purchasing some. Details of the plaques available can be obtained from; or write to: 16 Ash Close, Aston on Trent, Derbyshire. DE72. 2BY. Tel: 01332 792745. Kind Regards, Jim Ballington 11.  Become a Trustee of the Naval Service Sports Charity The Naval Service Sports Charity is the limited company which supports the sporting activities of Royal Navy and Royal Marine personnel. It is a subsidiary charity of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity. The Charity’s funds, which come from personal contributions through payroll giving, investments and other charitable donations, provide the running costs of Naval Service Sports Associations, Command sports funds, coaching fees and support to elite athletes. The Charity owns the Naval Service Sports Accommodation and employs an increasing number of staff at HMS Temeraire in Portsmouth. 14

The Charity is run by a Board of 9 Trustees drawn primarily from serving or ex-serving personnel. Over the next year, the Board intends to broaden its expertise to cover its expanding remit by recruiting 5 new Trustees, who are not MoD employees and who have collective experience of HR, Employment Law and Charity Administration, Finance and Law. Ideally one of these new Trustees will have senior management experience and will consent to be the Chairman in due course. A keen interest in sport and good team-working skills are essential; an ex-service background is desirable. As a Trustee, the individual will help to ensure that the Charity is run efficiently and that the support given to Sport is fairly distributed across the Naval Service. The majority of the involvement will centre on the Board Meetings which are generally 3 times a year and held in Portsmouth. Trustees are unpaid, but expenses can be reimbursed. More information and application forms can be obtained from Norman Jackson, the Company Secretary, ideally by email to or on 07512 857 806. The closing date is 04 January 2013.

12.  Finance Corner - Pooled Fares Pooled Fares are covered by Bye Law 3a and 3b; they have to be divided among all the branches and paid by all the branches even if a branch does not send a delegate. Breakdown on Newcastle 2012 Conference: 87 Delegates of 339 branches attended 2012 Conference. The total claims amount to approx £6,000 Divide £6,000 by 339 = £17.70 which is the average cost for a medium branch Large branches pay an extra 1/3 Small branches pay 1/3 less The reason why the figures are lower this year is due to fewer delegates than last (Plymouth was 119) Year End Returns – I have enclosed the following copies a) 2012 Year End Returns form b) Notes for your guidance when completing your Annual form c) Flow chart map on how to complete your form I have created B & C in order to try and help the Treasurers / Secretaries in completing their forms without too much stress and a headache ! Due to this being the last Circular for this year, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year; I look forward to working with you all next year. Take care Best Wishes Michelle 13.  Guess Where? An Establishment! Can you name the establishment and where it is? Please forward any other pictures to the HQ that you may have for ‘Guess Where’ so that we publish them in forthcoming Circulars. 15

Answer again in next month’s edition. Last month’s answer! The Wardroom - HMS Sultan

14. 70th Anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic - Commemoration Service - May 26 - 2013 I am co-ordinating within No10 Area the numbers of shipmates who have expressed a wish to attend the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Atlantic commemoration service at the Liverpool Anglican Cathedral on May 26th 2013. As you are no doubt aware because of the high profile nature of this event, admission to the cathedral service will be by ticket only. Might I suggest those shipmates outside No.10 Area who wish to attend (with or without Standards) and take part in the subsequent parade should contact the Naval Regional Commander (Northern England) Brunswick Dock Liverpool, L3 4DZ email quoting their branch name and Area, numbers wishing to take part in the Cathedral service, and the numbers who would also wish to take part in the parade following the service. I can if you so wish generate a form covering these points for inclusion in a forthcoming Circular Letter to Branches if this would help. As the occasion will cover most of the Bank holiday weekend I have made enquiries at the Adelphi Hotel about a special hotel rate for the period in question. They have agreed the following: 3 nights 3 nights

(Friday24th May to Monday 27th May 2013 (Friday 24th May to Monday 28th May 2013

Dinner Bed & Breakfast £159.00 pp Bed & Breakfast only £129.00 pp

2 nights 2 nights

Friday 24th May to Sunday 26th May 2013 Friday 24th May to Sunday 26th May 2013

Dinner Bed & Breakfast Bed & Breakfast only

£106.00 pp £ 86.00 pp

When Booking please quote - BAAD 2405 (most important) The address of the Adelphi hotel is: (Reservations Dep't) Britannia Adelphi Hotel Ranelagh Place Liverpool L3 5UL Tele: 0151 709 7200 Charles Hutton NCM 10

15. MOD Launches a new Defence Discount Service The Defence Discount Service is open to members of the Armed Forces community including: Serving and Reserve personnel, Armed Forces veterans, spouses/partners of Service personnel and bereaved spouses/partners. It is also open to MOD civil servants, members of the cadet forces and NATO personnel serving in UK-based posts. Many high profile companies are engaged with the Defence Discount Service such as; Vodafone, KFC, Vue Cinemas and a number of major supermarkets, clothing stores and technology companies. They are offering discounts on cars, lap-tops, supermarket shops, holidays and mobile phones. The list is growing and we anticipate many more companies will now come forward to add their support to those already committed to helping make life 16

a little easier for our Armed Forces community and our MOD civilians too. A wide range of discounts and privileges can be accessed online immediately at on the DDS Facebook Page and via the DDS Twitter feed . For further information about the Defence Discounts available please visit the following website; 16.  Rewards for Forces Save up to 52% off entry to the UK's top attractions like, Thorpe Park, Legoland and Chessington World of Adventure it is free to join & optional Veterans get an ID Card for the high street and theme park/attraction and offers. For more information visit the website. is free to join + optional Veterans ID Card for the high street an theme park/attraction offers. 17.  Association/Veteran Battlefield Visits WW2 Veterans & War Widows don't lose the opportunity! We are eager to assist WW2 and Veterans journey to destinations where they saw action. In many cases its free, and you deserve it! The Big Lottery Fund has funds to pay for you, a partner and a carer so to learn more about Heroes Return Grants call us on 01634 233 785 or contact us and we can help you arrange your tour, so talk to your friends and family and take advantage of these grants. If you have any questions about the scheme and whether you are eligible, ring the application helpline on 0845 0000121 or email us at War Widows and Widowers who lost their partners prior to 1967 since when repatriations have take place, are entitled to receive a free visit to their spouse's grave of memorial. The Ministry of Defence has funds allocated for you and we believe that you should avail yourselves of this money. The War Widows Association is also here to help you. To learn more about the War Widows Grant-in-Aid Scheme click here. Just call us and we can take your details and start the process to obtain your travel grant. Nikki Archer-Waring Direct Tel: +44 (0) 1634 233 785 Skype: spiritofremembrance Twitter: SoRemembrance You Tube: SpiritofRemembrance 18.  Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Lapel Pin Due to popular demand we have again ordered a limited number of these pins. The pins are priced at £2.00 to branches or £2.50 to individuals plus P&P. 17

Pins are available from Nigel at the HQ. They are very popular so please order early, this is your very last chance to own one of these Pin badges !

“D’ye hear there”

RNA City of Glasgow Standard Dedication The Dedication of the City of Glasgow Branch Standard on Sunday 21st October 2012. Besides being Trafalgar Day and everyone was in good form it was also Seafarers Sunday at Glasgow Cathedral with associated numbers in the congregation and the branch had a very good turnout also. The Volunteer Band of HMS Neptune played in the Church and subsequently marched and they did a splendid job and were well appreciated by all. The Church service went well and all were in fine voice and the dedication service was well received by all. S/M Mike Hesketh (NCM Scotland)

RNA Brentwood - Remembers On the 29 September members of the Brentwood Branch RNA and our standard attended a commemoration service for the crews of two damaged United States bombers returning from a raid which collided and crashed in our borough during World War ll. From the twenty crewmembers of the two planes, Dorsal Queen and Raunchy Wolf, there was only one survivor who has since died in the 1970s. The service was held at All Saints church, East Horndon, Brentwood which is now disused for regular services. The guests of honour were a group of United States airmen from Mildenhall led by Captain John Williams (pictured). Captain Williams addressed the congregation and laid a wreath on the alter. The local people were represented by: - The Lord Lieutenant of Essex, the local MP (who spoke of the changing relationship between our two peoples over the years)the Mayor of Brentwood and detachments from:- Royal British Legion ( Brentwood branch) Royal Naval Association (Brentwood branch) Sea Cadet Corps TS St Vincent and Air Training Corps 1483, 2476 and 2393 flights. The service was led by The Reverend Paul Hamilton whose parish covers East Horndon. Last post was played by a bugler from the British Legion youth band from Brentwood. S/M G Goult 18

RNA Londonderry Branch – Battle of the Atlantic Commemorations 10-12 May 2013 Shipmates, 2013 will be an extremely important year for the Londonderry Branch. We will be unveiling a Statue of a Sailor in the old HMS Ferret/Sea Eagle site in memory of all those who gave their lives during the Battle of The Atlantic 1939-1945. The eight foot high Statue will be made of bronze and will be mounted on a granite plinth. We are very grateful to all those branches of the Royal Naval Association who have sent donations towards this very worthwhile project. We would like to have as many of you as possible join us for what will be a great weekend of Commemoration and Comradeship. If you are interested, please contact the Londonderry Branch Secretary as soon as possible but no later than 31st January. Due to limited numbers Tickets for the Gala Dinner on Saturday 11th May will be issued on a first come, first served basis (Tickets are £35.00 per person payable when booking). If you do wish to join us, you will need to book your accommodation early as room numbers will be very limited due to Londonderry being the UK City of Culture in 2013. Frank Brown, Hon Secretary,Londonderry RNA, 4, Myrtlefield Road, Kilfennan, Londonderry, BT47 5PG. Email: -

RNA Bristol Branch – Invite you to “Carols by Candle Light” – 14 Dec 2012 Bristol Branch invites you to join them in the Lord Mayor's Chapel, College Green, Bristol, to help celebrate their 20th Annual Carol's by Candle Light, along with the Keynsham Brass Band. The date, 14th December 2012, the time, 1900 start. The Carol Service is not long and we aim to finish around 2000, which is followed by a Christmas Band Concert with the Keynsham Brass band. We also welcome Branch Standard Bearers. If Branches and or Standard Bearers want to join us, then please contact Soapy. We look forward to seeing you there! Tel; 01329 310078 (M) 07786565485 - email;

Terry Welsh – Tribute to Terry Halder Some Twenty years ago I was working at the Yorkshire Evening Press when, I was approached by a, pretty, shy, retiring, young girl called Wendy Haigh. She asked me if I would take some publicity pictures for The Tadcaster Amateur Operatic Society. I agreed and that is when I first met Terry. Since then we became firm friends.


We had so much in common. He was good looking, I was good looking, He could Act, I could act, He could sing, I could sing, He was tall and slim, I could sing. Our service backgrounds formed a common bond. He was Royal Marines (I called him Admiral Boot neck). I was Army and RAF (He called me Wing Commander Fender belly. Can’t think why!) Together we became known as The Two Terry’s. We sang together, acted together and we even danced together (won’t go into that one). In one show we played Stadtler and Waldorf. The two grumpy old men from Terry and I playing “Stadtler and the Muppet show (Can’t think why). We became Waldorf” (Grumpy old men from the famous backstage for toasting the success of each Muppets) taken during rehearsals for show with Pusser’s Rum. In fact we toasted the the show in 2005. success of each show, act, scene, number, entrance, exit and so on. We ensured the best traditions of the Forces continued wherever we were. And now, to use a phrase some of you would recognise, he has crossed the bar. A peculiar term if you have not heard it before. It comes from a poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson. Who, while making a crossing to The Isle Of Wight one night during a storm the ship had to wait until the tide was high enough to allow them to cross a sand bar into the calm and safety of the harbour. Tennyson wrote a poem about the experience called ‘Crossing The Bar’. I won’t include the whole poem but, the last verse goes: For though from out our Bourne of Time and Place The flood may bear me far, I hope to see my Pilot face to face When I have crossed the bar. Terry has crossed the Bar and met his Pilot face to face. And, I am sure they are ‘Splicing the Main brace’ at every opportunity. Terry, you are missed. Fair winds and following seas Old Friend!

RNA Lee on the Solent & Stubbington Branch Lee on the Solent & Stubbington RNA held their first Trafalgar Night dinner Saturday 13 Oct 12, on this occasion, jointly with their landlords, in the Court Barn Conservative Club. A convivial evening was had by all despite the Vice Chairman Soapy Watson’s insistence on playing a recording of HMS VICTORY firing a Broadside of which he is so very proud, it was after all his first ship where he served very loyally as Cabin Boy!! Just ask Captain John Lavery........ Other than that it was a super evening with headaches all-round the following morning. Many Thanks – Andy Christie (Chairman)


RNA Mansfield – Celebrates Recruitment Award Brian Dykes Chairman of Mansfield RNA, displays the Recruitment Salver awarded for the second time in five years to the Mansfield Branch for achieving the highest recruitment figures in Number 9 Area. Mansfield Branch which meets monthly on the second Sunday from 11-12 noon at the Gas Board Social Club (Lime Tree Place) welcomes new members who can ring Glyn on 01159 281878 or just turn up ! The picture and text were in the Local Community News on Wed 31st October 2012.

Royal Naval Association - Visit to Cork City Hall On Friday 27th July 2012 the Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. John Buttimer welcomed shipmates of the Cork and County Branch, Area 12 RNA. They were accompanied by Area 12 Chairman Robert Buchanan and his wife Lesley. This was the first time the RNA has had a civic reception in Cork and the Lord Mayor personally gave the group a tour of the Council chambers and gave a very interesting talk on some of the City’s maritime history. Copious amounts of wine were supplied and the group thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Cork City Hall. This set the scene for the following day as once again the shipmates gathered, this time at the home of Cork and County Chairman John West and his wife Lottie. The agenda was, a brief branch meeting and then on to the serious business of enjoying their annual barbeque. It was a memorable day with much feasting, drinking and even a song or two. Yours Aye – Robert Buchannan

RNA Plymouth Bi-ennial Trafalgar Weekend 12-14 October 2013 The RNA Plymouth Bi-ennial Trafalgar Weekend will be held at the Sefton Hotel, Babbacombe from Friday 11th October to Monday 14th October 2013. The RNA Plymouth have managed to broker a deal with the above hotel, to ensure you all have a great weekend. Gala Dinner - Formal Dress- 2 Nights £75.00 pp, Three Nights £110.00 pp. For further details please contact: Sue Gutteridge. (01752) 849176. email: Book early to avoid disappointment!


Part of the Plymouth Crew !

New Book Shop in Pompey – Now open. Maritime Books of Liskeard Wrens ) have just refurbished the former Tourist Information Office at the Victory Gate at Portsmouth Naval Base into a specialist Naval Bookshop and Maritime Art Gallery. If you are in the area pop in for a browse of the huge range of books on offer - with many heavily discounted prices. Open daily till 1800, but closed on Sunday's. Mike Critchley expects to attend every Thursday - Saturday in the run up to Christmas. Monday - Wednesday, Julia Pankhurst will be offering her fine Naval Artwork.

RNA Bourne Branch – Trafalgar Night Bourne Branch entertained 105 members and guests at their annual Trafalgar Night Dinner on Saturday 20th October at the Masonic Hall Bourne. Guest speaker was Surgeon Commander Callum Gardner, currently based at Peterborough City Hospital who spoke of his active service and the work currently undertaken in the U.K. S/M Keith Crawford updated members and guests with current and forthcoming RNA news and the evening was rounded off with traditional singing of sea shanties.

Bourne Branch enjoying their Evening

RNA Stroud Branch – A bit of Fun! Here is the RNA Stroud Branch Ships Cat trying to get a lever into a Bottle of Pussers, so that Shipmates can have a Tot !!!!!!! This photo was sent in by shipmate Dorothy, who was trying to wrap up a bottle of Pussers and Glasses for Trafalgar Night raffle, whilst her cat was intent on getting a Tot first and “Queens” for afters !. Can anyone “Black Cat” this one?

Mill Rythe Holiday Village – Chichester - 2013 Mill Rythe Holiday Village is situated on the Western side of Chichester Harbour on Hayling Island. They have very generously discounted some of their dates for both serving military and veterans. The two dates I have been given so far are as follows: We’ll meet again – Adult Showbreak Fri 18th January for 3 nights Golden Days – Adult Showbreak Fri 1st February for 3 nights. 22

Other dates may be available for discounts. Please call the guest services team on 02392 460044 or visit for more details

RNA Aquitaine Branch - Affiliations Five years ago we decided to seek affiliation with a naval ship. We thought an RN ship would be unsafe, with so many being disposed of, and I had a friend in Command of the RFA's new double hulled tanker, RFA Wave Ruler. Cdre Walworth RFA was all for the idea, and we've been affiliated to her ever since. Wave Ruler has had a very busy front line time, RFA Wave Ruler including Falklands tanker, Indian Ocean work, Atlantic Patrol North - drug patrols in the Caribbean - at first with a destroyer, then on her own with a Lynx and some Royals embarked. She also did some hurricane relief work. She is now back off Somalia (don't believe Navy News - she IS there) and is likely to be there at sea for Christmas. We also have lesser links with RFA Gold Rover, currently the Falklands tanker - again! Our French affiliation goes naturally to Aquitaine, the first of eleven new FREMM frigates - very similar indeed to Darings, including much of the same - French - equipment. She will be fitted with the French Navy's new Cruise missiles, next year - they are doing well on trials. We've been affiliated to Aquitaine now for three years, she should be accepted formally into the French Navy informally known as La Royale - next year. We are also on very friendly terms with nine AMMACs - the French equivalent of RNA Branches, enjoying their lunches as they do our monthly lunches, we hope. They always join us for our Nelson Lunch. Our Standard is regularly paraded at Liberation Days, November ceremonies and Cockleshell Heroes annual events, where we are made very welcome indeed: our standard bearer, John Mills-Baker, is on especially good terms with many of the regular elderly French standard bearers. We have serving affiliations. First is Marine Jack Lithgow, who is just finishing his third Afghanistan tour. His Dad is one of our Shipmates, and Jack has spoken to us about how he gets on, several times. We are also affiliated to Cdr Darren Houston, an old friend of the Chairman's, who after a series of interesting appointments including NO of Illustrious, has just been relieved as Commanding Officer of HMS Dragon. He too spoke to us about his experiences, notably as First Lieutenant of a frigate on anti piracy patrols, he was a Lt-Cdr when he spoke to us, was selected for promotion to Cdr the next week, did his pre command courses - and joined the very new All this keeps us in touch with changes to Naval customs, as well as current events, and we strongly recommend affiliation if you can manage it! E-mails make everything relatively easy. I failed to mention that affiliated friend Alex Meyer, whose Dad is a Shipmate here, is to be XO of HMS Diamond next year!

Terry Halder – My Dad Terry was born on Born on the 4 March 1934 in York and was the Middle of 3 children (2 sisters). He worked at Rowntrees before joining the Royal Marines. Whist serving he married my mum Sylvia on the 9 Jan 1954 aged 19. They had 3 children, Janet, Paul and Carole and lived in Gravesend, Kent from 1954 to 1963.


Dad left the service because my sister and brother were both born disabled and needed to be at home. He was therefore discharged on compassionate grounds and moved back to York in 1963 where Dad delivered Carole at home. An early interesting story was that one day while cycling home from work (Redfearn National Glass where dad was a quality and quantity engineer) he witnessed a man collapse in the street. Turns out this chap had a heart attack and dad being first aid/St Johns trained jumped off his bike and gave CPR, saved the man’s life and ambulance staff all agreed if dad hadn’t have been there the guy would have died. Dad loved singing and was in the Tadcaster armature operatic and sang in the Royal Albert Hall on several occasions, again he loved amateur dramatics and was heavily involved in that too. He Carol also belonged to and was parish councillor for Copmanthorpe and Osbaldwick and Pivotal in getting the war memorial at Osbalwdwick and Murton. Dad also helped form and joined the York Royal Naval Association Branch in 1980 and served for 32 years. He also became involved with the Doncaster Naval Association Became York branch secretary for a number of years. He was an associate of the British Legion and in 2002 represented the National Council of the Royal Naval Association. We went to Buckingham Palace for tea, twice and he took me on the second occasion. Naturally I wanted to go in via the front gates (you could go in the side entrance). However I refused to queue as it was past the gates, along the railings, round the corner, over the road and down the street a bit further on. So I told dad to keep strolling at a modest pace, get his ID and invitation ready and stay close behind the man in the blue uniform who clearly wasn’t going to queue either. We walked past the whole queue and strolled in as cool as the cucumber sandwiches. It was ace! Dad was as proud as punch when we came to the Conference in Newcastle and was over the moon and humbled by his Life Vice Presidency. He was absolutely exhausted when we got home and spent most of the next day in bed. The Royal Marines and RNA was in his blood. He lived and breathed his involvement. I would really like you to thank everyone who got involved with dad’s funeral and thank those who came to pay their respects. We raised £350 ish for the RNA and the RMA, I’ve not picked it up yet but will let you know exactly how much, once I do. “I’ve learnt more about Dad since he died than I ever knew about him whilst he was alive, but one thing’s for sure, I know that I miss him!” Carol Dalton

Area 11 RNA Wansbeck And District 30th Anniversary The inauguration of the Wansbeck and District RNA on 5 July 1982 was held in the Hirst Industrial Club, Ashington Northumberland.


Sea cadets from T.S. Tenacity were in attendance to sound the Still for a minutes silence and the Carry on. 15 local and 43 visiting members met to hear National Council Member S/M Ray Berry outline the objects of the Royal Naval Association. A Motion was proposed, seconded and carried, that the Royal Charter Rules and Bye-Laws of the Royal Naval Association be accepted. Elected Branch Officials were: Chairman; John A. Blackburn, Treasurer; Derek Chesney, Secretary; William E Stephenson The following positions were accepted: President; S/M Dave Scott DSM, and Vice-President; S/M Donald Redpath. There are currently 33 Mess members, 5 of which joined in the past year. It is pleasing to note that 3 are somewhat younger than the rest of the members. On the evening of 20th October 2012, 70 members, families and guests met in the Stakeford and Bomarsund Memorial Hall to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Branch at their annual Trafalgar Dinner Dance. President Commander C.D. Craddock. RN and his wife Patricia honoured us with their presence. As did Ann Lawson, wife of our late Chairman S/M Brian Lawson MBE who unexpectedly Crossed the Bar on the 24th July this year. Brian had been very involved with the organisation of the evening and was looking forward to hosting our celebrations. Vice Chairman S/M Len Dyer as acting Chairman welcomed everyone and wished them all a pleasant evening. After the meal and toasts, Cmdr. Craddock gave a short, interesting and witty address. He then presented engraved brandy glasses to the only two remaining founder members, S/Ms James Johnstone and Joan Venables. Entertainment was provided by S/M Nick Munro of Tyne Branch who, dressed as a High Priest, gave a humorous monologue. The 2 raffles which raised £294 were quickly drawn to allow the dancing to start. The floor was soon occupied by old and young alike, and we all enjoyed the rest of the evening.

HMS Ajax Cruiser – 47th Annual Reunion on 3 October 2012 Roy Turner – recently made a Freeman of the town of Rhyl. Roy served in Ajax 1946-47 as a Q Met.. “ I was very privileged to have been drafted to HMS Ajax; the one thing that concerns me about this evening was not seeing the best Killick of the mess I have ever met. He was L/Sea Reg Dolby – I miss him very much. It was such a happy ship and this was a credit to Reg and I feel very proud to have known him. He is one of the people I remember most from my time in the Service. I would not have missed my time [ in Ajax for anything in the world – the experience contributed so much which stayed with me for the rest of my life. Kenneth Byram - served in Ajax from 1942 – 45. Joined as an Ord Sea and left as a L/Sea (QM). One of the happiest ships I have served in – had a wonderful time. By Peter Danks:- additional comment – Reg Dolby could not make the reunion due to illness. (He has had one leg amputated and is having problems with the other – this need not be published) 25

John Hitchen – served 1942-43 - my feeling on seeing the name plate was that it was too heavy for me to lift. However, joining a ship with such a famous name was a great thrill. My mess and muster point were both amidships so as far as I can remember I never had any reason to go anywhere near the holy quarter deck, except for church parade when we were in Scapa Flow. At the time there were several battleships and cruisers at anchor there and all with their marine bands playing the hymns and especially ‘for those in peril on the sea’. To me that was the most moving part of the church service. Other memories, not enough hooks for everyone to sling hammocks so you had to learn how to sleep at odd angles. At sea we were not allowed to sling our hammocks and I spent my first night on the steel deck with a sack of potatoes as a pillow. It was a great experience to be fit and 18 years of age. By Peter Danks

RNA Congleton – Laying up of their Standard The Congleton RNA Standard was Laid up according to ancient custom during the remembrance service at Christchurch, Eaton, Congleton on Sunday 11th November. The standard was paraded in by our bearer Lt.Cdr (E) Andy Timmins RFA alongside the Burma Star Association standard. The service was conducted by Revd. Ian Arch and Both RNA and Burma Star participated in the service. The standard was laid up at the end of the service on the back wall of the church. The mounting and deployment of the standard will be readjusted so that it is fully displayed when the church's current re painting is completed. RNA members and supporters were well represented and were photographed with the standard; S/M Dave Parker represented Buxton and High Peak RNA. Following the service refreshments were served in the church hall where Congleton RNA (Informal) presented a cheque for £100.00 to the PCC Treasurer. Norman Wood, Chairma/Secretary, Congleton RNA

RNA South Gloucestershire We have just had the sad news that our Standard Bearer shipmate Brian Lewis passed away in hospital on Thursday 15th November. Brian was a long standing member and, and he played an active role and was fully supportive to all in the branch. A great supporter of the Scouts, where he was heavily involved over many years, as well as being involved in the musical world. He will be sadly missed by all. Margaret Singleton – Hon Sec

RNA Hinkley Hinkley Branch are sad to record the passing of S/M Ray Taylor. Fondly remembered and greatly missed stalwart of his Branch and the village of Burbage where he carried the British Legion standard for 30 years. A steadfast supporter of Ex service groups. 26

RNA Wolverhampton Wolverhampton RNA held their annual Trafalgar Dinner on October 20 at The Lindens. It was attended by 41 Shipmates and Guests including members of the Royal Marines and Royal Engineers Associations. After the Loyal Toast the President Reg Keane presented the Hon Sec Charlie Chadwick with a suprise of Life Membership of the RNA a well deserved honour. We also had a model on show of HMS Victory, once again another great evening was had by all.

Chairman Geoff

Up Spirits At ten to twelve each forenoon Since the Navy first began Jack drank the health of Nelson From Jutland to Japan He’s always done his duty To country and the throne And all he asks in fairness Is leave his tot alone You soothed my nerves And warmed my limbs And cheered my dismal heart Procured my wants, obliged my whims But now it’s time to part And so the time has come, old friend To take the final sup Our tears are shed, this is the end Goodbye and Bottoms Up !

Book Review’s Seaforth - World Naval Review ISBN-10: 1848321562 - Price is around £30.00 from any good bookshop or online. This book combines the standing features of regional surveys with one-off major articles on noteworthy new ships and other important developments. Besides the latest warship projects, it also looks at wider issues of importance to navies, such as aviation and electronics, and calls on expertise from around the globe to give a balanced picture of what is going on and to interpret its significance. Planned special features for this year include in-depth studies of the navies of Italy and Ireland, plus 27

Hon Sec Charlie

President Reg

analyses of significant new warship classes: the French Aquitaine class frigates, Indian Shivalik class Project 17 frigates, and US Bertholf class national security cutters. Intended to make interesting reading as well as providing authoritative reference, there is a strong visual emphasis, including specially commissioned drawings and the most recently released photographs and artists' impressions. For anyone with an interest in contemporary naval affairs, whether an enthusiast or a defence professional, this annual has become required reading to keep abreast of modern navies.

Hitler’s Ghost Ships ISBN 978-1-84102-307-6 - Price is around £30.00 from any good bookshop or online. Disguised Auxiliary cruisers could sidle up to merchant vessels undetected as they were flying a neutral flag, similar to 17th century pirate ships. Completion of the disguised ships was difficult and took its toll on the German dockyard workers and crews, sailing in waters dominated by the Royal Navy. This volume is one of the first in a new series of books on Royal Navy engagements with the Axis Powers during World War II. Battle Summaries from the archives Britannia Royal Naval College’s Library have never been published in a monographic format. These are documents once stamped “Secret,” previously restricted, classified reports and plans drawn up by serving Royal Navy officers during and immediately after the war. The books in the series also contain Germany’s recorded view of Kriegsmarine actions against the British, with Hitler’s comments (Der Fuehrer Conferences) as they were typed and filed at the time. Hitler’s Ghost Ships demonstrate how the Royal Navy dealt with the threat of German raiders more than 70 years ago. A must read with lots of detail !

Shortcast 2013 HMS Fisgard Series 32 Reunion - 4/01/2013 A Reunion to celebrate the 55th Anniversary of Series 32 joining HMS Fisgard is planned for January 4 to 7, 2013, with a dinner on the Saturday evening. The chosen venue is the Queens Hotel in Southsea, which many will know is close to the war memorial on Southsea Common. In addition to those of us that joined as S32, we would like to extend a welcome to any other Fisgardians that may have spent a goodly part of their Part 1/Part 2 training with us, having been back-classed into our little fraternity (many long-standing friendships will have been forged during our 12-term sojourns in Fisgard, Collingwood, Caledonia and Condor). The Portsmouth area offers masses of attractions including the Spinnaker Tower/Gun wharf Quay and in the adjacent Dockyard area HMS Victory, HMS Warrior, the Mary Rose and the Maritime Museum.


HMS Sultan is closed down until Jan 7th, but some may wish to extend their stay to the Monday when a visit may be arranged to the Fisgard Museum. Contact Mike Welfare at Russian Convoy Club (North Wales Branch) - 8/02/2013 Veterans from North Wales are having a re-union trip to Blackpool. Staying at the Edwardian hotel from February 8 to 11. Any shipmates wishing to join us please phone hotel on 01253 346 492 ASAP, and mention that you are joining North Wales Russian Convoy Club. The Penelope Association: - 22/02/2013 Annual Reunion in Blackpool from February 22 to 24. For details of membership and the reunion, contact the Secretary, Mike Bee or the website HMS Undine & Urchin Association - 15/03/2013 HMS Undine & Urchin Association: in company with Ursa, Ulster, Ulysses, Urania and Undaunted are holding their next reunion from 15 to 18 March 2013 at the Bosworth Hall Hotel & Spa, Market Bosworth, Warwickshire. CV13 0LP. Tel: 0871 474 2755 Website: It is a large good quality hotel. Details available from Secretary Chris Heslop Minewarfare Reunion - 16/03/2013 Minewarfare Reunion: This will be held at the Royal Maritime Club, Portsmouth on March 16. Serving and ex Minewarfare Branch members most welcome. Full details of the event are available at the website. Tickets are £35 for Minewarfare Association Members, £40 for nonmembers/guests. Contact Taff Reader or Dixie Dean at; HMS Hermes Association reunion weekend 4-8 April 2013 Bosworth Hall Market Bosworth For further information please contact Jim Loveday 02086461441 or email Thanking you in anticipation The Double Seven Re-union – Mill Ryth- Hayling Island - 12-15 April 2013 Shipmates the next Double Seven re-union weekend will take place at MILL RYTHE Holiday Village Hayling Island and is booked for the weekend 12th -15th APRIL 2013.Total Price £96.00pp as before half board [Deposit £25.00 PP@ time of booking,] there is an option £4.00 insurance if you feel you need it] Bookings to - Katy Lansley 02392 460044 (Mill Rythe).Any Queries contact S.M. Mrs Ann Creswell by phone or Text 07743576861 - Home phone only after 1900hrs, 01962 880198 Email; don2pounds123@btinternet,com S.M. Mick Withington 91795875084 or HMS Newfoundland Veterans - 26/04/2013 HMS Newfoundland Veteran’s weekend will be held from April 26 to 29 at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea. Details available from Alan Waite


HMS Protector Association - 26/04/2013 14th Grand Annual Reunion and AGM is to be held at The Aztec Hotel, Bristol from April 26 to 29 2013. Early booking is highly recommended. Forms and further details available from Doug Harris or downloadable in due course from the website HMS Phoebe Association - 3/05/2013 HMS Phoebe Association, Cruiser (C43) & frigate (F42): Have their annual (17th) reunion from May 3 to 6 at the Nelson Hotel, Great Yarmouth. All ex crew are welcome to join us. Please contact the secretary, Roy Pavely HMS Fisgard Series 33 - 4/05/2013 55th Anniversary Reunion will be held at the Queens Hotel, Southsea on May 4, to celebrate the young lads who joined Fisgard on 5 May 1958, and those who dipped back into our class. There will be a pre-dinner gathering followed by the dinner. Contact Bill Rayner HMS Bulwark, Albion, Centaur Association - 11/05/2013 Did you serve on any of these light fleet carriers? Our association is open to anyone who served at any time on these ships. We send a magazine three times per year and run events including AGM/Social, sea trips with our current ships Albion & Bulwark and anniversary commemorations at home and abroad. Whilst our ‘Home Port’ is Pompey, this year’s AGM/Social was held at the Hilton Hotel, Blackpool. Next year we will be at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea on May 11. We also sponsor sea cadets from our affiliated SCCs on one sail and tow motor Training Ships. Membership is all of £8 per annum. Enquiries to Leigh Easton or the website Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association - 17/05/2013 Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association. The next reunion will take place at the Sherborne Hotel, Sherborne Dorset from May 17 to 20. Special arrangements are also available for those who are joining the group on an Official Association Visit to HMS Collingwood on May 21 to witness the present day training facilities. Details of the very full reunion, the Official visit and of membership of this Association for anyone who served at HMS Collingwood at any time, in any capacity such as Cooks, Stewards, Wrens, Stokers, Seamen etc. Contact Mike Crowe or visit the website Festival of the Forties 26th -27th 28th July 2013, We have been lucky enough to get the former airfield site at North Luffenham for next year’s festival. Yes.... It was very sad that this year’s event could not go ahead. But, lessons were very quickly learned... Things were put into place and with a group of very loyal family and friends... Festival of the Forties has risen from the ashes very quickly indeed.!!! We want you ALL to come back and give us another chance.... We are going to hold the very best new, bright and innovative 1940s festival in the UK. in 2013. With a completely blank canvas.... Lots of Hard Standing... Free Parking and new, fresh ideas. There will be Public Camping. There will be fantastic displays. The Event will be Free to all Armed Forces and Veterans all Weekend ! There will be top entertainment for you to see and hear. Plus several Invited guest Displays and Groups. We have taken the "True British Bulldog Spirit" from this year’s national events "Going for Gold" will be our slogan for the 2013 festival and to be honest..... What better way to do it!!! 30

After last year’s very successful themed emailing campaign, we have decided to use the "Commando Comics" Front pages Theme this year and hopefully you will all enjoy them. If you require more information please contact; Matt Page, 2013 Festival of the Forties Organiser, 07771 668924 Type 42 Association Reunion – July 2013 There are plans hold the first Type 42 Association in Portsmouth – more information as it firms up. RNA Plymouth – Trafalgar Weekend -11-14 October 2013 The RNA Plymouth Bi-ennial Trafalgar Weekend will be held at the Sefton Hotel, Babbacombe from Friday 11th October to Monday 14th October 2013. Gala Dinner. Formal Dress. 2 Nights £75.00 pp, Three Nights £110.00 pp. Anyone wishing to attend then please get the details from: Sue Gutteridge. (01752) 849176. email:

RNA Longcast 8 Dec 21 Dec – 2 Jan

National Council Meeting HQ - Closed for Xmas (Back to work on 2 Jan 2013)



12 Jan

Area 2 Committee Meeting – Minster Working Men’s Club – Isle of Sheppey Audit Meeting at Semaphore Tower Area 2 Delegates & Observers Meeting – King Charles Hotel -Gillingham AMC Meeting FAC Meeting – Annual Report EOY Figures – Motions deadline SOC – Meeting – Semaphore Tower - Portsmouth NC – Trustee Report and Motions for Conference SOC - Consider Motions Bourne Branch 50th Celebration - NP Area 2 Committee Meeting - Minster Working Men’s Club – Isle of Sheppey HQ - Open Day 1 Area 2 Delegates & Observers Meeting – UJC - London IEST Meeting at Haig House -GS HQ - Open Day 2 Belfast – Battle of the Atlantic Celebrations Area 2 - Biennial Standard Bearer’s Competition - Sheerness Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic – Liverpool - GS National Conference - Liverpool NC, AMC and FAC SOC - Conference Wash Up HQ - Open Day 3 Area 2 Committee Meeting - Minster Working Men’s Club – Isle of Sheppey AMC Meeting FAC Meeting Area 2 Delegates & Observers Meeting – UJC _ London

14 Feb 15-17 Feb 16 Feb 23 Feb 2 Mar 9 Mar 24 Mar 7 Apr 13 Apr 19 Apr 4 May 9 May 10 May 10-12 May 11 May 24-27 May 14-16 June 14 June 16 June 28 June 13 July 17 Aug 24 Aug 24 Aug 31

7 Sep 8 Sept 20 Sep 11 Oct 12 Oct 12 – 14 Oct 19 Oct 21 Oct 12 Nov 16 Nov 23 Nov 23 Nov 7 Dec

National Council Biennial Parade (TBC) HQ - Open Day 4 HQ - Open Day 5 Area 2 Committee Meeting - Minster Working Men’s Club – Isle of Sheppey RNA Plymouth Bi-ennial Trafalgar Weekend 12-14 October 2013 Crosby Branch Trafalgar Dinner - GS Frome Branch Trafalgar Dinner - GS FAC Budget Meeting AMC Meeting Area 2 Delegates & Observers Meeting – UJC - London FAC Meeting Budget for FY 2014 NC – Budget for FY 2014

Ship’s Office Area and Branch Updates Area National

Branch National Welfare Advisor

Change Rita Lock MBE has changed her email address to Her telephone number is; 02392 642234



Ron Pearson regrets to inform you that after 17 years as the branch secretary have had to stand down due to rather protracted health problem. Would you therefore please direct all Mail either to S/M Alan Robinson (Secretary & President)at or to S/M Maurice Foley (Chairman) at from now on.



RNA Dartmouth now meet at; The Anzac Club, Collaford Lane, Dartmouth TQ6 9DJ e-mail. phone. 01803 414840 Many thanks Paul Fitzgerald



Helston Branch’s new meeting place is at The May Tree, Premier Inn, Clodey Lane in Helston and on the third Tuesday of the month at 1930. Yours Aye, Joe Locke Falklands ‘82 Secretary Helston branch



The Hon Sec’s S/M Joan Ladell and her telephone number is: 01842 753278


(please note; the number is incorrect in the Year Book) 6

Bletchley & District





The new Hon Secretary is S/M Eric Knightley 15 Emett Close Emerson Valley Milton Keynes MK4 2DY Tel; 01908 504070 email; Wrexham Branch; (from Jan 2013) will now meet only once per month on the second Tuesday. Aberdeen RNA now meets in the Royal Marines Reserve building at Bridge of Don Barracks as the AURNU has now shut down and moved to Edinburgh Ray Clarke is still the secretary and Eddie Day is still our Chairman So we are still at the same site but in a different building We still meet at 1930, on every Tuesday.

Swinging the Lamp Dec 1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11


1588 Chatham Chest founded for the relief of distressed seamen 2009 Destroyer Dauntless arrived at Portsmouth and was accepted next day. 1945 The first carrier-deck landing and take-off by a jet aircraft; Lt-Cdr Eric Winkle ’Brown RNVR (later Captain, CBE, DSC, AFC, RN) flying a Sea Vampire from RNAS Ford, Sussex, on the new light fleet carrier Ocean, Capt Caspar John RN, off the Isle of Wight. The aircraft, LZ551/G, is preserved at the FAA Museum, Yeovilton. 1859 John Rushworth Jellicoe born at Southampton. C-in-C Grand Fleet 1914–16 and First Sea Lord 1916–17. 1940 Clarence Yard, Gosport, and HMS Vernon badly damaged in German air raid. 1954 The former royal yacht Victoria and Albert arrived at Faslane for breaking up. Following custom, coins of the realm had been placed beneath her three masts during construction at Pembroke Dockyard. These were recovered; all are dated 1899, the year of her launch. 1941 Japanese naval air attack on US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii and British base at Hong Kong 1778 Horatio Nelson promoted master and commander 1935 King’s Colour presented at Bombay to the new Royal Indian Navy by Lord Brabourne, Governor of Bombay. 2010 Sceptre, Cdr Steven Waller RN, the last of the Swiftsure-class SSNs, paid-off at Devonport after thirty-two years’ service. 1953 WRNS new-entry training establishment at Burghfield near Reading since July 1945, commissioned as Dauntless. Paid off 14 August 1981 and training transferred to Raleigh.


1804 Spain declared war on Britain.


1980 Cdr Harry Pursey RN died aged 89; the first naval officer promoted from the lower deck to become a MP (Kingston-upon-Hull 1945–70). 1940 Eight swordfish aircraft of 830sqn (Malta) bombed Tripoli

14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21

22 23

24 25

26 27 28




1913 Tiger, Battlecruiser, launched at John Brown’s. The Royal Navy’s last coal-burning capital ship to remain in the operational fleet, paying off in 1931 1921 Victory, first rate, moved into No. 1 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard; the first move Towards her restoration and preservation. 1860 Metropolitan Police of the 5th Division took over security duties at Pembroke Dockyard. Establishment: 1 superintendent, 2 inspectors, 5 sergeants and 26 PCs. 1677 Qualifying examination introduced for lieutenants, RN 2002 First RFA Officers’ Course passed out of Britannia RN College, Dartmouth. 1808 The Royal Navy’s second Dauntless, an 18-gun ship sloop, launched at Deptford Dockyard. 1747 Capt Thomas Fox of the Kent (74) dismissed his ship by a court martial on board Duke (90) in Portsmouth Harbour for ‘misconduct and misbehaviour’ during Hawke’s battle with L’Etanduere, ‘The Second Battle of Finisterre’ on 14 October 1747. 1914 Battleship Queen Elizabeth, Beatty’s flagship in the Grand Fleet from 1917 to the end of the First World War, commissioned at Portsmouth. 1805 The body of Vice-Admiral Viscount Nelson transferred from Victory at The Nore into Commissioner Grey’s yacht Chatham, which had come from Sheerness, and carried up the Thames to Greenwich. 1777 Captain Cook discovered Christmas Island 1962 ‘A messing supplement of 75 per cent of the basic daily rate of mess allowance may be for all officers and ratings actually fed in Mess on Christmas Day in HM Ships and Fleet Establishments at home and abroad from Christmas 1962.’ – 1842 Second and Third Class Engineers given similar uniform to First but with subtly different buttons at the collar. 1805 The body of Lord Nelson laid in Painted Hall of Greenwich Hospital 1975 Third Cod War. The first collision of the ‘War between Icelandic Gunboat Thor and frigate Andromeda; fifty-six collisions were to follow, many severe enough to force the frigates to return to the UK. 1857 British and French forces occupied Canton. Ships: Actaeon, Coromandel, Sans Pareil. French: Capricieuse, Némésis. Death of Capt W.T. Bate RN. 1778 Capture of St Lucia by Admiral Hon. Samuel Barrington and General Grant. Ships: Boyne, Nonsuch, Preston, Prince of Wales, Centurion, Isis, St Albans. Frigates: Ariadne, Aurora, Carcass, Pearl, Venus. War of American Independence. 1950 Admiral Ronald Hopwood, author, poet and gunnery officer, died. Flag Captain to Vice- Admiral Jellicoe in the Prince of Wales and Hercules 1910–12 but remembered for his naval poems steeped in the traditions of the Service, especially The Laws of the Navy published about 1895 when a lieutenant: Now these are the laws of the Navy, Unwritten and varied they be; And he that is wise will observe them, Going down in his ship to the sea; As naught may outrun the destroyer, Even so with the law and its grip, For the strength of the ship is the Service, And the strength of the Service the ship.


Jack Dusty’s Corner New Slops Items As requested by many shipmates we now have available to order;

Blue jumper £25

Sleeveless jumper £23

These prices include postage and packing. Sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL These are encouraged for wear for branch meetings, outings etc, leaving the Blazer for more formal occasions. This Weatherproof jacket is now available from HQ. It can be embroidered with the name of your branch, which is included in the cost or whatever you want within reason, which may incur an extra charge. The jacket features a concealed hood in the collar, 2 side pockets, 1 chest pocket, inside zip and pocket and elasticated cuffs. It is available in various sizes starting at XS 34” chest up to 3XL 54” chest (for the fuller figure) A bargain at £38.00 (including VAT and postage) Give Nigel a ring at HQ and order one soonest


Polo Shirt £20

2013 Diaries To make the most of the new style of diary provided for shipmates and allow members to keep their covers and RNA insert / address book; the 2013 diary will be sold as the diary part only, price £5. If you need a complete new diary eg Cover, RNA insert and Diary, they can be ordered at a price of £8. Cost includes P&P within the UK. Orders should be sent to the address below and be accompanied either by a cheque for the total value or instructions to debit a Branch Account.

To: Royal Naval Association, Room 209 Semaphore Tower (PP70) HM Naval Base Portsmouth PO1 3LT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Order form

From: .................................................................Branch Please provide ……………… 2013 RNA insert Diaries @ £5 .00 each £ ...................... Please provide ……………… Complete 2013 Diaries @ £8 .00 each

£ ......................

TOTAL £............ Deliver the order to S/M………………………………………………………… Address ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………...... Post Code:…………………………… Find enclosed a cheque to the value of - £ ..................made out to The Royal Naval Association OR debit the ..........................................Branch for £.................. Or charge to my Credit Card/Debit Card; the details of which are: Credit Card/Debit Card Type ........... ...... Account No .................................. . Card in the name of :................................................................. Valid From: ................................ Expires ..................................................... . Three Digit Security Code (where applicable) ............................................... Card holder’s address of different from delivery address Address ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………...... Post Code:…………………………… --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Received.................................................... Sent out.................................................


2012 Christmas Cards

Orders should be sent to HQ Semaphore Tower and be accompanied a cheque for the total value.

From: .................................................................Branch/Member Please provide.......................... Cards @ £5 per pack of 10 ..........................

TOTAL £............

Deliver the order to S/M………………………………………………………… Address ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………...... Post Code:…………………… Find enclosed a cheque to the value of - £ ..................made out to The Royal Naval Association OR debit the ..........................................Branch for £.................. Or charge to my Credit Card/Debit Card; the details of which are: Credit Card/Debit Card Type ........... ...... Card No ................................................................... Card in the name of :................................................................. Valid From: ......................... Expires .............. Three Digit Security Code (where applicable) ............................................... Card holder’s address of different from delivery address Address ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………...... Post Code:……………………………



NOMINATION FORM ELECTION OF MEMBERS AND DEPUTY MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL (June 2013 to June 2015)(Revised RNA Bye-Law 7) For the attention of All Branch Secretaries in Areas. 2,6,7,8,9,11 Scotland

Each Branch may nominate one full or full life member from any Branch within its own Area, as a Candidate for election to the National Council, and one full or full life member for election as the Deputy National Council Member subject to the approval of the Branch to which both persons belong. (See Note Below) Name of Nominee NCM...............................................DNCM................................................. Proposed by Branch ....................................................................... Area .......................... Address of Nominee NCM……………………………………........................................................................................... DNCM........................................................................................................................................... Brief history of nominees in the Association. Continue on separate sheet if necessary NCM


Chairman ...................................................... (signed) ............................................(dated) Secretary ...................................................... (signed) ...........................................(dated) ___________________________________________________________________________ If the Candidate by the proposing Branch is not a member of that Branch, this section is to be completed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Candidate's own Branch. Candidate's Branch ......... ............................................................................ We certify the acceptance of the nomination by the Candidate’s Branch. Signature of Chairman (Candidate's Branch) ............................................................................. Signature of Secretary (Candidate's Branch) .............................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Candidate I accept the nomination and promise to attend as many National Council Meetings as is possible and to sit on any Committees to which I may be elected.

Signature of Candidate Dated ___________________________________________________________________________ Nomination Forms The envelope containing this completed form should be marked NOMINATIONS FOR NATIONAL COUNCIL and must reach RNA HQ no later than 1600 22nd February 2013. Only one nomination is needed for a candidate to be included in the ballot 38

Nominations for Standing Orders Committee 2013 For the attention of All Branch Secretaries To reach the General Secretary no later than 1600 22nd February 2013 Two members of the Standing Orders Committee are to be elected at Conference 2013, those standing down are eligible to be re-elected. (S/M Peatling and S/M Lyons). Each Branch may nominate one full or full life member as a Candidate for election to the Standing Orders Committee, subject to the approval of the Branch to which the candidate belongs. A nil return is not required. Name of Nominee ................................................................................................ Proposed by Branch ....................................................................... Area .......................... Address of Nominee …………………………………….......................................................................................................... ..................................e-mail ....................................................


Brief history of nominee in the Association. Continue on separate sheet if necessary

Branch Chairman ...................................................... (signed) ......................................(dated) Branch Secretary ...................................................... (signed) ......................................(dated) ___________________________________________________________________________ If the Candidate by the proposing Branch is not a member of that Branch, this section is to be completed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Candidate's own Branch. Candidate's Branch ......... ............................................................................ We certify the acceptance of the nomination by the Candidate’s Branch. Signature of Chairman (Candidate's Branch) ............................................................................. Signature of Secretary (Candidate's Branch) .............................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Candidate I accept the nomination and promise to attend as many Standing Orders Committee Meetings as is possible.

Signature of Candidate Dated ___________________________________________________________________________ Nomination Forms The envelope containing this completed form should be marked NOMINATIONS FOR STANDING ORDERS COMMITTEE and must reach RNA HQ no later than 1600 22nd February 2013. Only one nomination is needed for a candidate to be included in the ballot. Nominations received after the deadline will not be included in the Ballot.


PROPOSED MOTIONS AND AMENDMENTS FOR ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2013 Proposals must reach The General Secretary by 1600 22nd February 2013 Name of Proposing Branch: ........................................................................................... Motion / amendment

Explanation of the Motion / Amendment (Notes for Conference)

I certify that this Motion / Amendment represents the views of the Members of this Branch, approved at a Branch meeting by at least two thirds of those members at the meeting. If accepted, the branch delegate will propose it to the Annual Conference. Signed: ...........................................Hon. Secretary: ...........................................Date In seconding this Motion / Amendment I certify that it represents the views of the Members of this Branch, approved at a Branch meeting by at least two thirds of those members at the meeting. If accepted, the branch delegate will second it at the Annual Conference. Seconded By: ..................................... Branch. Signed ...........................................Hon Secretary ...............................................Date Notes a. A separate form is required for each Motion or Amendment b. A manuscript copy is acceptable for additional Motions or Amendments if the printed form is not available. c. The Motion or Amendment should be as short and precise as possible avoiding ambiguity. A Motion should normally start with the word `THAT' d. The explanation is to assist the Standing Orders Committee in understanding the intention behind the Motion so that they may be able to consider acceptance and the wording under Rule 15. e. Motions may be submitted at any time but must reach the General Secretary by 22nd February 2013. f. Motions of Extreme Urgency should reach the General Secretary not less than 48 hours before Conference. (In accordance with Standing Orders S8(7) as amended at 1996 Conference.) g. Amendments to Motions should also normally reach the General Secretary not less than 7 days before Conference. However they can be submitted in writing direct to the Standing Orders Committee during Conference. h. Bye-Laws - Under Rule 19 only the National Council may make a Bye-Law. A Motion to Conference may propose that a Bye-Law be set aside or it may ask the Council to consider making or amending a Bye-Law. i. The Branch Proposing a Motion must have it Seconded by another Branch before forwarding it to the General Secretary (as carried at item 4 of 1995 Conference.) j. Branches and Areas bidding to host Conference should report against the Conference Guidelines.


Annual Conference - Guidelines for Bidding Areas and Branches 1 1.

Areas and Branches have a right to bid to host the Conference by motion.

2. Any Area or Branch wishing to host the Conference should, in its supporting comments to the Branch motion, explain how their bid aligns with the ‘Guidelines for Conferences’ so that Conference may make a determination about whether the bid is fit for purpose, or not. Guideline 1 – Location • •

All Branches and/or Areas should have the opportunity to host Conference but consideration should be given to ease of access. Those bidding are to comment on cost and ease of access. Location must have easy access by public transport, with affordable options.

GL2 - Preferred dates • Conference is to be held between 1st weekend after late May Bank Holiday and the 2nd Saturday in June in order to ensure that the annual audit is approved at the AGM of the RNA (Conference) and that the 16 week notice period for Conference motions allows for sufficient discussion by Branches and Areas. GL3 – Nature of Venue • The Conference and social events should, where possible, be held in a single venue offering affordable accommodation and good travel links for VIP, NP, NC, SOC, Delegates and Observers. Holiday camps are not to be considered. • Venue is to be easily accessible by public transport. • The venue should have conference facilities capable of seating up to 200 delegates and 100 observers. • The venue should be capable of holding a Reception, Dinner and/or Buffet-Dance of up to 450 people. • An IT Screen Projector to be available during Conference to display the motion and any amendment under discussion. • Sound systems must allow for easy hearing in all parts of the Conference venue, especially for those who are hard of hearing. GL4 – Weekend Programme • Friday (Day time) •

Friday (Evening)

Saturday (Day time)

Saturday (Evening)

Sunday (Morning)

NC, AMC, SOC and FAC meetings. Should be an informal reunion with arrangements for a small President’s party at a reserved table at the main event. Conference (finishing at approx 1630 or earlier). Buffet-Dance or Gala Dinner at branch discretion. No Conference related speeches at social events, but possible presentation of prizes. SOC and HQ Staff Wash up meetings; Church Service, March past and Wreath Laying.

GL5 – Reporting The local organising committee should provide a regular update to National Council through the General Secretary at 6 month intervals or better.


In the event that no Area or Branch bids to hold Conference the Association Management Committee assumes responsibility for staging Conference and will do so mindful of the Guidelines. The National Council may decide to establish a Conference organising working group under the auspices of the AMC in that eventuality.


.................................BRANCH REPORT 2013 (Note: This Report should be forwarded to H.Q. with a copy direct to the Area Secretary after the Branch AGM - Byelaw 11) and not later than 16th April 2013. It covers the reports to the National Council required by Bye-laws 17 & 18. One copy of the Annual Accounts & Report should also be sent to H.Q. Bye-law 31 c. CHAIRMAN Name: Address: Post Code.............................. Tel / Mobile: VICECHAIRMAN


Name: Address: Post Code.............................. Tel / Mobile:



Name: Address:

Post Code.............................. Tel / Mobile: HON. TREASURER


Name: Address:

Post Code.............................. Tel / Mobile: HON. WELFARE OFFICER


Name: Address:

Post Code.............................. Tel / Mobile: HON. PR OFFICER


Name: Address:

Post Code.............................. Tel / Mobile: STANDARD BEARER


Name: Address:

Post Code.............................. Tel / Mobile: Address of Meeting Place Frequency of Branch Meetings Name & Address of Branch Bank




Name: e-mail:

Tel / Mobile: PRESIDENT

Name: e-mail:


Name: e-mail:

Tel / Mobile: HON. CHAPLAIN

Name: e-mail:

Tel / Mobile: HON. MEMBERS

Name: e-mail:

Tel / Mobile: HON. MEMBERS

Name: e-mail:

Tel / Mobile:


Name: Address: Tel / Mobile:



Name: Address: Tel / Mobile:



Name: Address: Tel / Mobile:



Name: Address:

Tel / Mobile: Liaison with R.N. Ships, Establishments, R.N.R., S.C.C. etc.


Ships in which Branch takes a special interest (e.g. historical, reunions)

Other Association Branches or Organisations within Branch. (e.g. R.M. Association, F.A.A. Association, S.M. Old Comrades, Ship Associations)

Any other useful information about Branch:

Signature of Hon. Secretary



Notes for your guidance when completing your Annual Income and Expenditure Balance Sheets Over one hundred Year End Returns were incorrect in 2011. Many of these faults were simple counting errors. Another common fault is the ‘brought forward’ figure from the previous year not agreeing with your previous year’s ‘carried forward’ figure. They must always be the same. It will save the RNA staff a considerable amount of time and money if you would all use the standard forms that HQ provide. Obviously this does not include club accounts. Please double check: 1. Your ‘carried forward’ figure from the previous year agrees with your ‘brought forward’ figure for the current year. 2. The difference between your Total Income and your Total Expenditure is calculated correctly and transferred to Page 1 3. If your Income exceeds your Expenditure you ADD it to your ‘brought forward’ figure to give you your total balance. 4. If your Expenditure exceeds your Income you SUBTRACT it from your ‘brought forward’ figure to give you your total balance. 5. All Income and Expenditure must be calculated within this format. 6. When you have entered your bank figures and calculated your total figure, your total figure should agree with your Balance C/Fwd figure. 7. Your calculations are checked by a third party. 8. On completion of the form please ensure that all pages are signed. If you receive a letter from HQ highlighting a query regarding your return, can you please rectify the query (or if you are unsure or don’t understand please contact Michelle on 02392 723823) and return via post, or e-mail. Until HQ receives your reply, your Year End Returns cannot be processed.


RNA........................................... BRANCH - BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st DECEMBER 2012 BRANCH FUNDS Balance B/Fwd at 31st December 2011 Add: Excess of Income over Expenditure for Year


Deduct: Excess of Expenditure over Income for Year Balance C/Fwd forward at 31st December 2012


Current Assets

Investments (i.e. Shares, Bonds etc) Balance in Deposit Account (if you have one) Balance in Current Account Un-Presented Cheques (i.e. Cheques written not yet cleared on Bank Statement) Cash in Hand (Petty Cash)


Outstanding Loans (if any) Creditors / Bank Overdraft BALANCE




Print Name ...................................................

Secretary Treasurer

Sign............................................................... Sign...............................................................

Print Name ................................................... Print Name ...................................................

Independent Examiner Certificate I/We certify that: a. All annual subscriptions and entrance fees due from Members for the year have been collected and forwarded to Headquarters. b. All Branch accounts and supporting records have been examined and, as far as appears from my/our examination of these, proper books of account have been maintained by the Branch. c. The above Balance Sheet and attached Income & Expenditure Account have been prepared from the books and records of the Branch, and according to the information and explanations given to me/us by Branch Officers, and in my/our opinion, these are in accordance therewith. Signed ...................................................................... Date .....................................................................


Print Name ...................................................

RNA.................................BRANCH INCOME AND EXPENDITURE FOR YEAR ENDED 31st DEC 2012 INCOME: Life Members Full Members Associate Members Voluntary Subs to Branch Sale of RNA Goods Charitable Grants / Donations - Schedule A (see next page) Other Branch Income for the Year

TOTAL £ EXPENDITURE: Subscriptions to HQ - Life Members Subscriptions to HQ - Full Members Subscriptions to HQ - Associate Members Purchases of RNA Goods Charitable Grants / Donation – Schedule B (see next page) Other Branch expenditure for the Year

TOTAL £ Income over Expenditure for Year




INCOME – Schedule A (Grants or donations received)

Amount Received

TOTAL £ EXPENDITURE – Schedule B (Grants or donations made by the branch)

Amount Paid


Independent Examiners Report I / We certify that the above information is in accordance with the Branch books and records for the year, so far as appears from my / our examination of these. Signed .............................................................................

Dated ..............................................................

Print Name .................................................................................................................................................................



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