RNA Mentoring ‘In Action’ - Warfare Specialist Class 12/11 visiting HQ during their ‘Heritage Day’. They all join Ships on Monday morning!!
Branch Circular No 625 January 2013
Dear Shipmates (Secretaries and our on-line readers) We are just at the point when you stop wishing everyone a Happy New Year, so instead I will wish you Kung Hei Fat Choy for 11 February, the Chinese New Year of the Snake (red envelopes for the Gen Sec to HQ please). Welcome to our January Circular packed full of great RNA info. The really important stuff first: • •
• • • • • • •
The Delegate and Observer nomination form for Conference is in this issue, please ensure that it gets back to us as soon as possible – I am sorry I have been a bit late with the form this year. The advert for the Young People’s sailing camp is in this time. We are looking for 6 young folk connected in some way with the RNA (son, daughter, grandchild etc) – only €50 for the camp with parents responsible for travel – a really terrific deal for a high quality sailing and adventure camp. Organised by the Germans, so bound to be good!!! We announce a Welfare seminar for April in HMS NELSON. Should be a great day with Captain John Lavery from the White Ensign Association giving up his Saturday and an interesting chap from BLESMA to tell us about how they are reacting to the Afghan injuries. Don’t forget the deadline for elections for NCM/DNCM and branch motions for Conference. Please put the Biennial Parade in your Branch diary and plans for the year. 8 September at the Cenotaph with a sea cadet band and the Second Sea Lord as Reviewing Officer. Please encourage other naval associations to come along. Branches with clubs please immediately check that they have sent the new signed rules to the FSA, in time for their Year End Audit. Failure to do so could be very expensive. Please get your bids in for Open Days soon, we have already filled two days completely!! Don’t forget the annual return – final copy of the form in this month’s circ. We have designed and now have RNA condolence cards, which are tasteful, they are 50p each or £5 for 10 (don’t ask!).
I am delighted to report that following an invitation to the whole RNA to nominate, the National Council has appointed Commander Bob Williams OBE RN as the new Chair of the Standing Orders Committee, he took up his duties from 1 January 13. As a mark of thanks to Shipmate Jeremy Owens the National Council unanimously voted him as a Life Member and a Life Vice President of the Association. I am also pleased to announce the appointment on a 1 year contract of Rachael Tate as the Shipmate Programme Administrator. Rachael retired from the RN in 2010 and is a database expert, more about her next month. We have said a sad farewell to Phil Shuttleworth at the end of his contract. Phil is a wonderful chap who is very popular with Shipmates and a genius with welfare. I hope to see him from time to time when we need a hand with an event. Visitors to the HQ will also notice that we have moved around to have Andy Nigel and Rachael in the same office and to give Michelle more space than a medium sized broom cupboard. This has also allowed us to put a desk next to Michelle for those who volunteer to help her out (always looking for new talent). You will be interested to hear that the Conference of Naval Associations has again met and put into place a number of ways that the naval membership associations can work more closely together. So far we have covered: a register for associations, legal fees, printing costs, legal fees, website costs, hotel booking, biennial parade etc. I am hoping to negotiate a really good deal for RNA and CONA with BUPA and should have details next month. The Second Sea Lord has invited the RNA to participate in the valedictory process for those retiring from the Navy after 12 years and more. His idea is to replace the awful cutting up of the ID card in the Unit Personnel Office with an exchange for an Association card. We are in the process of finalising the details, but an RNA registration for membership should be in the same file as the 2
valedictory certificate at end of Service – this is all part of Admiral Steel’s determination to rebuild pride in the Naval Service. A wonderful initiative from the Navy that fits in well with the Shipmates campaign – with now considerably over 1,000 under the scheme – and puts us in the right place at the right time. I would like to say a big thank you for those Shipmates who have submitted designs for the Charter Challenge 2014. Some really interesting ideas – although the Ganges mast idea has already been dismissed by the Arboretum!!! Not to mention the £1.5million cost. Finally, a reminder that the Circular can be viewed on the website. It is normally loaded within an hour or two of it going to the printers on the 23rd of the month – so no need to wait for hard copy. Sons and daughters can print off a copy – or even yourself!! You find it in the members section of the website and use the code shipmate to allow the download.
This month’s caption competition for a bottle of Pusser’s: What are the Mayor of Newcastle and the Gen Sec talking about?
Last month’s caption competition winner of a bottle of Pusser’s superb rum is Miss C Cheshire – Plymouth for “One hopes one has not had breast enhancements. One has already popped two this morning!!
Happy Year of the Snake Paul Quinn General Secretary
Chairman’s Chat – January 2012
Welcome to the New Year, Shipmates, but not a very warm welcome I’m afraid, as I look out from window upon a snow-covered scene in Tenbury Wells. I’m also recovering from a bout of the coughing virus that has been prevalent this winter, kindly passed on to me by Gail – a belated Christmas present she tells me! My thoughts are with all our elderly veterans and their partners during this very cold snap, and I trust all our branches across the Association will keep a wary eye on their vulnerable Shipmates at this difficult time. As we head into 2013 we leave behind a very successful 2012. Despite the very difficult economic times I can tell you that with careful control of expenditure by the GS and his excellent staff, and some generous legacies, we will see the 2012 accounts emerging with a small surplus to keep us in the black, despite continuing to run with a deficit on our operational budget. There has been serious consideration given to our current subscription level, which has remained at £10 for many years. However, I am pleased to say that while the National Council is mindful of the fact that had it kept pace with inflation it would now be nearer £14, it has agreed that our funds are currently robust enough to maintain the £10 rate for the time being. This will be welcome news to all our members who are all finding their finances being squeezed in all directions and for some no doubt just keeping warm at this time is a struggle with across the board increases in fuel and energy prices. It was with much joy that, at last, news of the award of an Arctic Convoy medal was announced by the Prime Minister in December. Veterans of this campaign have fought long and hard for many years to achieve special recognition of the extremely arduous tasks undertaken by those completing Churchill’s “worst journey in the world”. Finally those efforts have been rewarded, though very few of the veterans remain to collect their medal in person. Sadly this award has coincided with a refusal by the Government, under current Foreign and Commonwealth Office rules, to allow Arctic Convoy veterans to receive the Ushakov medal, which has caused considerable upset amongst our members. At its meeting in December the National Council agreed that we issue a press release urging the Government to show more flexibility over this matter. The National President will be writing to the Foreign Secretary to express RNA concern and to show more flexibility in the acceptance of the Ushakov medal. The decision now rests with the Government. A very good Arctic Convoy friend of mine, now crossed the bar; but who made two trips to Russia in recent years; worked hard to see that Arctic Convoy veterans received due recognition for the hardship they suffered. That particular recognition has come, albeit some 70 years late, and I hope we can all accept this as a fitting conclusion to this affair. My friend always said he did his duty when it was needed, and all he asked for in return was recognition for the commitment he, and many like him, made. Nothing the Government or the Russians pinned on him would have made him more respected than he was. I miss that Shipmate, and always will. Over the Christmas break I have been involved with many members of the National Council in trying to resolve some difficulties with an RNA Club, which has placed considerable stress upon a few of its vulnerable members. As we head into 2013 I would ask all our Club Management Committees to check through their paperwork and make sure that it is all in order, that they are complying with all the necessary RNA Club Rules, and with all appropriate Clubs legislation. In particular, Clubs should be registered as limited companies to protect its members should it get into financial difficulty. In these tough economic times none of us can be complacent.
Chris Dovey 4
Daily Orders 1. Conference - 2012 2. RNA Annual Conference – Liverpool 2013 3. HQ-Open Days 2013 4. Arctic Star Medal Update 5. Charter Challenge 2014 6. Welfare Seminar 13 April 2013 7. Lost at Sea – Maritime Memorial Trust 8. Renewal Stickers – 2013 9. RNBT Trustees 10. I M C Sailing Camp Germany 11. Mountbatten Festival of Music 12. Charter Challenge Donations 13. Armed Forces Discount Card 14. Victory Squadron Mentoring Prize 15. Finance Corner – Michelle 16. Guess Where? 17. Pusser’s Rum Picks Up Four Spirits Business Awards 18. Royal Naval Field Gun re-union (All Divisions) 19. HMS Relentless Association 20. Promotional Material/Gizzits 21. Association/Veteran Battlefield Visits 22. HMS Queen Elizabeth Update 23. HMS Ambush Launched 24. Memory Lane
“D’ye hear there” (Branch news) Shortcast Longcast
Ship’s Office 1. Area and Branch updates 2. Swinging the Lamp 3. Slops – Jack Dusties Corner 4. 2013 Diaries 5. Nominations Form – National Council 6. Delegate/Observers Conference Application 7. Proposed Amendments for Annual Conference 2013 8. Annual Conference – Guidelines – Areas & Branches 9. Branch Report - 2013 10. Notes for Guidance – End of Year - Balance Sheets 11. Balance Sheet as at 31 Dec 2012 12. Guidance Flow Chart
For the Branch Secretary and notice-board
Glossary of terms NCM NC AMC FAC NCh NVCh NP DNP GS AGS Asap Throughout
National Council Member National Council Association Management Committee Finance Administration Committee National Chairman National Vice Chairman National President Deputy National President General Secretary Assistant General Secretary As soon as possible indicates a new or substantially changed entry
Contacts: Financial Controller
023 9272 3823
023 9272 3371
Assistant General Secretary (Membership & Slops)
023 9272 3747
Assistant General Secretary (Shipmates Programme Manager Events & Marketing)
023 9272 0782
Shipmates Administrator
023 9272 0782
General Secretary
023 9272 2983
023 92 72 3747
RNA HQ Staff continue to attempt to build a library of e-mail addresses within the Association. It would be extremely helpful if those Branch Secretaries able to communicate by e-mail would forward a short e-message to HQ to nigel@royalnavalassoc.com
Daily Orders 1.
Conference 2012
All branches should have received their copies of the minutes of the 2012 conference with their November Circ, if any branch has not received them, or wants more copies, please contact the HQ. There has been some confusion about the motion to allow Associate members to act as delegates at the National and Area Conferences. The motion passed at Tyne was in principle only and did not propose the actual Rule changes required – there are 2 Rules, 1 Standing Order and 1 By Law that have to be changed. Only Conference can approve the wording change to Rules (confirmed by the Privy Council), so there will be motions in Liverpool to bring this about sponsored by the National Council. Many apologies if any branch thought that this would mean AM delegates at Conference 2013, but this was made clear at Conference 2012 and in the GS report in the June Circ. Any questions to the Standing Orders Committee please Delegate and Observer Forms are at the back of this circ – You will also find for the final time the forms for: Proposed Motions and Amendments, Nominations for election as NCM and DNCM for National Council for Areas 2,6,7,8,9,11 Scotland. Shipmates are reminded they must arrive at the HQ no later than 1600 on 22 February 2013.
The 2013 Annual Conference - 14 to 16 June 2013.
The Adelphi Hotel is now Full – No further bookings will be taken! We are delighted to report that over 500 Shipmates who have booked into the Adelphi for the special deal they offered and the hotel is now full. The Gala Dinner is now almost full also. Area 10 have located some alternative accommodation for the National Conference in Liverpool, they recommend the Lord Nelson hotel which is in Horton Street near Lime Station. They are offering another great deal and at present have 7 x Twin, 11 Doubles, 21 Single and 2 Triples and are offering them for £140 per single, and £215 for a Double/Twin for the weekend, including Breakfast. (Fri –Sat and Sunday) please say that you are with the RNA party when booking to obtain the special rate.. http://www.alpharooms.com/lord_nelson_in_liverpool_city.aspx Or call 0871 911 0030 Note; You will still be able to attend the various functions over the weekend at the Adelphi Hotel and can do so by booking with them at - Adelphi Hotel, Ranelagh Place, Liverpool L3 5UL,Tel: 0151 709 7200, please say that you are with the RNA Conference to obtain a reduction in price, Again due to demand there are limited places available for the Gala Dinner, due to its popularity! This includes the wristband that gets you cheap drinks!! If you have any further problems finding accommodation then please contact Dave Tollerton at; Stoker8@virginmedia.com tel; 0151-933 4992 for further details, we all look forward to seeing you all at Conference, it is going to be a big one and a great Weekend
HQ Open Days – 2013
The HQ will be holding 5 open days in 2013 on, 19 April, 10 May (SOLD OUT), 28 June (SOLD OUT), 20 Sept and the 11 Oct. Here is your chance to come along to Semaphore Tower and meet the GS and the HQ staff and have a day out all in one. Open days start promptly at 1100 at the HQ where we you will have a brief and a chance to buy Slops and meet the staff over coffee. There is then a sandwich lunch provided by HQ in the Semaphore Tower Mess, we have managed to book a MoD boat for a tour of the harbour and dockyard from 1230 to 1330 and maybe a tot or two of Pusser’s. (Don’t forget your Camera) with tea/coffee after the boat trip, to warm up if needed. We are limited to about 35 places for each visit, so please register your interest with Andy or Nigel. We will need to have your vehicle registration details and names of those wishing to come in advance to enable swift passage into the naval base. Please note; priority will be given to those who have not yet attended a HQ Open day!
Arctic Star Update
Since the Government has agreed to award a campaign star to Arctic Veterans RNA HQ has received enquiries when the medal will be available; members make the very reasonable point that Arctic veterans are now almost elderly and time is of the essence. To that end the GS contacted the RN medals office. They advise that there is a great deal to do in a taut timescale but the Government appreciate the urgency of the issue; an announcement is expected by the Spring.
Charter Challenge 2014
The deadline for design ideas is the 1 February, so final call (we will be flexible to the middle of the month). A big thank you to the many branches who have submitted ideas – all of them really interesting. The National Chairman has rubbished the HQ staff idea of a giant uckers board, since the RNA would never agree on general Service or Wafu rules on suck backs… a bit harsh. The National Council will then develop the best ideas to show at Conference,
Welfare Seminar – Saturday 13 April 2013
A Welfare Seminar is being held on Saturday April 13th 2013 in the WO & SR Mess in HMS Nelson. It is primarily aimed at Area/Branch Welfare Officers but Observers and Shipmates with an interest in the welfare aspects of a branch are encouraged to attend. The Seminar will commence at 1000 with refreshments available from 0915. Lunch will be available in the Mess at 1200 - 1230. At this stage we know we have speakers from BLESMA and the White Ensign Association – so should be a great update. They will be discussing various aspects of dealing with 8
welfare issues, financial assistance and the new benefits package, plus the usual opportunity to share experiences between delegates. It is envisaged the Seminar will complete by 1500. Accommodation is available in the Mess for those who need it however; there are a limited number of family rooms available. Accommodation is also available in Royal Maritime Club 023 9282 4231. Expenses will be paid up to £50 on production of receipts for the Branch Welfare Officer and/or Area Welfare Officer. However, Observers are more than welcome to come along but expenses are only paid for one per Branch and/or Area. Those wishing to attended please inform Nigel on nigel@royalnavalassoc.com - 0239272 3747 The details required to attend are full name/address/email/phone number and Branch & Area. If driving into the Naval Base then make of car/model/colour and registration will also be needed. Please ensure you are in possession of photo ID to gain access to the HM Naval Base. Finally, we are looking forward to seeing you all there Shipmates as we will all benefit from what we will learn from this seminar and help those who are less fortunate. Yours aye; Rita Lock MBE National Welfare Advisor 02392 642234
Lost at Sea - 20th Century conflicts - Maritime Memorial Trust
Ian Stockbridge is trying to develop a reference system for relatives of those lost at sea in WW1 and WWII. He has an enquiry system that currently provides information on over 80,000 Merchant, Royal Navy, Army Gunners and Civilians At the Going Down of the Sun who lost their lives at sea in the last war, and more names are being added as the research continues. With the Centenary of the start of World War 1 in two years time he is hoping to complete the same information for that period. He is setting up as an unregistered charity “Maritime Memorial Trust” to support this. They have a web site www.MaritimeMemorialTrust.com that people can use to search for those who lost their lives in the Second World War, all information is provided free of charge but donations for WWI work will be gratefully received. For more information please contact Ian Stockbridge at ian.stockbridge@gmail.com
2013 RNA Renewal Stickers
2013 Stickers will be sent to Branch members via their Branch sec, on payment of their subs (still only £10.) The GS has kept his promise and the stickers are MUCH bigger this time!! So the teeny weeny sticker hate the GS club can have its last meeting!!!
The Royal Naval Benevolent Trust (RNBT) was formed under Royal Charter in 1922 to provide for those who are serving or have served as Warrant Officers and below in the Royal Navy and Royal Marines, and their dependants, who find themselves in need or distress. The Trust’s beneficiaries are referred to as The RNBT Family. Every year, more than 4,000 applicants are assisted, for further details go online: www.rnbt.org.uk A founding principle of the Trust is that it is predominantly run by serving and retired Sailors and Royal Marines. Accordingly 11 of the 17 trustees (including the Trust’s Vice President) that form the RNBT’s governing body are drawn from serving and retired RN ratings and RM other ranks and are known as Ordinary Member Trustees. Vacancies will occur for 4 Ordinary Member Trustee positions with effect from 1 April 2013 as part of the RNBT’s routine governance ‘refreshment’ programme. The election of volunteers to fill these positions, including those who are standing down but may wish to stand for re-election, will happen in the first week of March Are you interested; can you contribute; do you want to find out more? If so contact the RNBT’s Portsmouth based Head Office on 02392 690112 or apply on-line for an Application Pack to: rnbt@rnbt.org.uk The closing date for applications is 28 February 2013.
IMC – Sailing Camp 2013
The annual IMC Sailing Camp will be held in Ploen (in Germany between Kiel and Lubeck), at the Marine NCO school between the 22 - 31 July 2013. We are looking for young persons who are 15-19 years old on 22 July 2013, who would like to attend this very enjoyable sailing camp. They could just be a Shipmate’s granddaughter or grandson but must have their own Passport and be able to swim 50 m in light clothing. They need not be a Sea Cadet. A programme for the sailing camp will be available shortly. The cost is €50, (cost before subsidies €250) with parents responsible for meeting the cost of travel to and from Ploen. Sterling cheque to RNA HQ with completed application forms which will be sent out by Nigel on receipt of proposed names. Please phone him on 023 9272 3747 before the end of February. This is a fantastic opportunity for adventure with an international dimension – if we send six young people means that we get back all out IMC subscription in subsidy – so get nominating!! 11.
Mountbatten Festival of Music, 11–13 April 2013
The Mountbatten Festival of Music features the Massed Bands of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines performing over three nights in the Royal Albert Hall, London. These concerts display the outstanding versatility of some of the world’s finest military musicians. The shows are given the “West End” treatment with spectacular lighting effects.
There really is something for everyone as the Royal Marines display their incredible musicianship and pageantry. A wide range of musical styles includes music from the big screen and superb solo items. The Festival would not be complete without the traditional marches and overtures that have proved such a hit with audiences over the years. Proceeds go to the Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund and CLIC Sergeant. Tickets for the Mountbatten Festival of Music 2013 will go on sale at 9.00 am on Monday 7th January 2013 from the Royal Albert Hall Box office 0845 401 5018 or www.royalalberthall.com For more information on RM Band events visit: http://www.royalmarinesevents.co.uk
Donations received for the Charter Challenge 2014
RNA – Newark RNA – Frome Mr G Owen Mr J Vickers
£40.00 £27.00 £1000.00 £100.00
Thank you very much
New Armed Forces Discount Card
A brand new discount card, exclusively for members and retired members of the armed forces, has been rolled out. Over 50 high street companies and businesses have pledged generous discounts to show their support for the Armed Forces community through the Defence Discount Service. The new Defence Privilege Card, will ensure our Armed Forces and veteran communities get exclusive discounts from participating stores across the country. This new card will provide money off items ranging from children’s toys, winter knitwear, mobile phones and even food shopping. Over 24,000 members of the Armed Forces community have joined the scheme to date. Examples of the discounts they will now be able to access include: • • • • • •
10 per cent off all groceries at Iceland; 20 per cent off phone contracts at Vodafone; 20 per cent off cinema tickets at Vue Cinemas; an introductory 20 per cent followed by 15 per cent off everything in store at Austin Reed; 10 per cent off everything at KFC; and 3 to 10 per cent off gift cards ordered from the Defence Discount Service website for most major supermarkets, Boots, Toys R Us, Topman, Currys, Debenhams, House of Fraser, B&Q, Homebase and H Samuel.
The new Defence Privilege Card is a key part of the new Defence Discount Service and is available to members for £4.99. It will ensure that those signed up to the Defence Discount Service can claim their discounts and privileges in participating stores across the country. To view the wide range of discounts and privileges and for more information on how to sign up visit www.defencediscountservice.co.uk It is dead easy the GS signed up in less than 5 minutes. You get a 10% Iceland discount card included which will pay for the discount card in one shop!!!
Victory Squadron Mentoring Prize
The first award of the RNA Victory Squadron Mentoring Prize took place in HMS Collingwood last term. A prize of £50 of vouchers is provided for best ‘Mess’ and best ‘Bed space’ at Victory Squadron Termly Senior Officers’ rounds. S/m Peter Reed NCM 3 Area presented the award to AB Buck Taylor. Shipmate Peter is a 2WW Veteran, joining HMS Collingwood for initial training in May 1944. SM Andy Christie (AGS) met Peter at the Main Gate where he agreed it was ‘slightly’ different from the last time he joined!!!! Peter saw service in the ‘Dance Class’ Armed Trawler HMS Cotillion during the war.
Finance Corner
HAPPY NEW YEAR, to you all. Hope you all had a good Christmas. I will be producing 4th Quarter Accounts at the end of January. Look forward to receiving your Year End Returns; on completion please send 1 Copy to HQ and 1 Copy to your Area Secretary – Thank you. Some facts & figures I came across the other day; This was the size of the Royal Navy in 1918, at the end of the First World War. RN strength: 37,636 officers and 400,975 men excluding RNAS transferred to form the RAF on 1 April 1918. Fleet Strength: 61 Battleships, 9 Battle-cruisers, 30 Cruisers, 90 Light Cruisers,23 Flotilla Leaders, 443 Destroyers, 147 Submarines War losses: 13 Battleships, 3 Battle-cruisers, 13 Cruisers, 12 Light Cruisers, 3Flotilla Leaders, 63 Destroyers, 54 Submarines, 3 Carriers, 18 Sloops, 17 Armed Merchant Cruisers, 5 Monitors and many other minor warships. I am sure you will all agree it is hard to imagine such numbers in an ever decreasing RN, where the size now, according to Wikipedia, in September 2012 is;
6 Destroyers, 13 Frigates, 10 Nuclear Submarines, 2 Helicopter Carriers, 2 LPDs, 15 MCMVs, 24 Patrol Vessels, 4 Survey Vessels and HMS BRISTOL Total 77! Best Wishes Michelle
16. Guess Where? An Establishment! Can you name the establishment and where it is? Please forward any other pictures to the HQ that you may have for ‘Guess Where’ so that we publish them in forthcoming Circulars. Answer again in next month’s edition. Last month’s answer! HMS Drake
Pusser’s Rum Picks Up Four Spirits Business Awards
London: 23 November 2012: Pusser’s Rum has received drinks industry recognition as an outstanding rum at this year’s Spirits Business Masters Awards 2012. In front of an audience of brand owners, ambassadors, brand managers, retailers and the media, Pusser’s brand manager, Peter Thornton, went on stage to collect the awards. In the Over Proof category Pusser’s Blue Label (54.5% ABV), the brand gained the Silver medal.For Dark Rums Over 12 years old Pusser’s 15 year old rum took the Silver medal. In the Design & Packaging section Pusser’s Blue Label rum took Gold and Pusser’s 15 year old took Silver. Not only does Pusser’s rum taste good it also looks good! “Up Spirits” as they say in naval circles! Medal Winners: Pusser’s Blue Label and 15 Year Old rums awarded Silver medals at The Spirits Business Masters Awards 2012 Pusser’s Blue Label Rum is the only rum to be blended to the specification of the Admiralty. It is the original rum as served on ships of the Royal Navy for over 300 years, and is the rum drunk as a toast on Trafalgar Day in memory of Lord Nelson and his great sea victory. No other rum has this unique heritage. It was never available for public consumption. Although the issue of the daily rum tot was discontinued by the Admiralty on 31 July 1970, known as Black Tot Day, Pusser’s Rum remains the Official Rum of the Royal Naval Association, and has been enjoyed worldwide by rum lovers since it was first marketed to consumers in 1980. Sales of Pusser’s Rum globally generate a substantial annual donation to the Tot Fund which was established by the Admiralty in place of the daily tot, to provide on-shore amenities for serving sailors. To date the Pusser’s donations have topped well over £1 million and the brand is the biggest financial contributor to the Fund outside of the interest earned each year on the capital originally donated by the Admiralty when the Fund was created. 13
Eugene Bacot 020 7731 4526 eugene@voice-pr.co.uk Colin Lewis 020 7731 4489 colin@voice-pr.co.uk Riverbank House, 1 Putney Bridge Approach, London SW6 3JD
Royal Naval Field Gun re-union (All Divisions) (Big Boys Field Gun!)
Royal Naval Field Gun Re-union, (All Divisions) to be held at the Parisienne Hotel Blackpool, on the 17th, 18th 19th May 2013. Cost ÂŁ99, this includes Bed, Breakfast and Evening meal. Entertainment every evening with Up-Spirits on Saturday Afternoon, when DVDs of Field Gun Runs will be shown. To book contact the Parisienne Hotel Direct on Phone Number 01253 752424, when booking mention Royal Naval Field Gun Weekend, or write direct to Parisienne Hotel, 240-244, North Promenade, Blackpool FY1 1RZ . ÂŁ30 deposit required when booking. For more information contact Jim Finch on 01772 434140, or email Finchjmid@aol.com All Ex- Field Gun or Supporters welcome.
Newly Formed - HMS Relentless Association
There was an inaugural meeting of like-minded ex-serving members of HMS Relentless on 27 Nov 2012 where it was agreed to form an HMS Relentless Association. The Association is open to anyone who served on HMS Relentless H85 or F185 in whatever capacity as a Member or to anyone who is a relative of anyone meeting that criteria as an Associate Member. The first official reunion of the Association will be held on 30th November 2013 in Chatham and we would like to contact as many ex-shipmates as possible. Our website can be found at www.hmsrelentless.co.uk Any enquiries should be sent to: secretary@hmsrelentlessassociation or padre@hmsrelentlessassociation
Promotional materials
Branches should be planning their PR events and promotions for this year. Please get your bids in for RNA hats and other promotional items (joining forms, bookmarks, car stickers etc) to HQ. Gizzits are available from Stephen.Caulfield@dhl.com and he has placemats, ice scrapers, pens etc.
Association/Veteran Battlefield Visits
WW2 Veterans & War Widows don't lose the opportunity! We are eager to assist WW2 and Veterans journey to destinations where they saw action. In many cases its free, and you deserve it! The Big Lottery Fund has funds to pay for you, a partner and a carer so to learn more about Heroes Return Grants call us on 01634 233 785 or contact us and we can help you arrange your tour, so talk to your friends and family and take advantage of these grants. If you have any questions about the scheme and whether you are eligible, ring the application helpline on 14
0845 0000121 or email us at general.enquiries@biglotteryfund.org.uk War Widows and Widowers who lost their partners prior to 1967 since when repatriations have take place, are entitled to receive a free visit to their spouse's grave of memorial. The Ministry of Defence has funds allocated for you and we believe that you should avail yourselves of this money. The War Widows Association is also here to help you. To learn more about the War Widows Grant-in-Aid Scheme click here. Just call us and we can take your details and start the process to obtain your travel grant. Nikki Archer-Waring Direct Tel: +44 (0) 1634 233 785 www.SpiritOfRemembrance.com Skype: spiritofremembrance Twitter: SoRemembrance You Tube: SpiritofRemembrance
HMS Queen Elizabeth Update (Especially for the WAFUs)
The RN are now back to building Short Take Off and Vertical Landing (STOVL) based carriers and that HMS Queen Elizabeth will be fully operational and a true first class vessel! It was a rollercoaster ride getting there but we were now able to press on and get these ships built. The forward section of the ship is rapidly taking shape as you can see and transportation of the largest single block (Lower Block 04) from Govan to Rosyth was a textbook operation starting the work on the stern half. LB04’s move took place early in November and even though the weather was against us, requiring the block to go ‘South about’ and travel over 1100 miles, the block made excellent time and was safely delivered. With the weather against us again and the tidal window running out, the block made it through into the relative shelter of the Non-tidal basin and into No.1 Dock in the same operation. The following day it was docked down to within a few millimetres of the required position and well within the tolerance required for the skidding aft of the ‘Ship’ back towards it at the end of the year. This means we now have well in excess of 30,000 tonnes in dock. It is now very difficult for a single picture to do the impact of standing next to it justice. There is absolutely no respite at the moment and as I write this the first two rings of Centre Block 04 that arrived from Liverpool 10 days ago are being loaded onto LB04. Almost all of the blocks that make up the first ship are built and are either in the dock at Rosyth or are awaiting assembly. Only the two remaining rings of Centre Block 04 (Liverpool), Upper Block 07 (Portsmouth) and Upper Block 14 (Clyde) are still in build. By the end of next year, the ship will be structurally complete. I expect the ‘launch event’ (more likely flood up and a naming ceremony) to be around Jun 2014.
In September, we were very lucky as the carriers received some royal attention with a visit from both the Princess Royal and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh:
Their visit to the assembly site at Rosyth included a brief from the Aircraft Carrier Alliance management team and a tour of HMS Queen Elizabeth. October was a busy month for HMS Queen Elizabeth as the crew started to join. Twelve crew members to have joined the ship under the Command of the Ship’s Senior Officer Captain Simon Petit. Also in October UK engineering skills were praised by the Prime Minister David Cameron as he visited Rosyth to see progress on HMS Queen Elizabeth. There he was briefed on carrier strike capability and the work of the vast range of people involved in one of the biggest engineering projects in the country. The Prime Minister made it clear how impressed he was with the carrier’s development commenting “This is four acres of UK sovereign territory that we can deploy anywhere in the World” he added “We want to make sure that ‘Made in the United Kingdom’ is a badge we can be really proud of. These aircraft carriers are making that plain and clear”.
Beyond Rosyth HMS Collingwood has opened the brand new ‘Lyster Building’ housing a £1 million large integration facility for the mission system to be fitted to the ships. The Mission System is the ‘brain’ of the ship that enables it to conduct air traffic control, navigation, tactical picture compilation, communications, mission planning for the embarked F-35 Lightning II aircraft and Merlin helicopters, and carry out engineering maintenance and logistics support. The facility, named after the Admiral Sir Lumley Lyster, will bring together the Combat Management, Communications and Visual Surveillance systems on the ship’s fibre-optic network and integrate these key capabilities on a scale never been seen before. Full scale testing was a lesson we have learned from Type 45 to give us confidence that we are exposing the unknowns of full scale integration before we get to the ship. It will also provide an opportunity for sailors and 16
engineers based at HMS Collingwood to see the new technology and get to grips with it before joining the ship at Rosyth. We recently unleashed around 50 junior rates on the QE Class telephone system, which thankfully survived this process and gives confidence that the other systems will be equally robust. The equipment used in the facility will eventually be installed on HMS Queen Elizabeth, so we are able to undertake some useful de-risking in parallel to system testing. It is working with over 700 issues identified to date with timely action now in hand. Work on the second carrier HMS Prince of Wales is now beginning to pick up pace. Work is now underway on Lower Blocks 01-04, the Bulbous Bow unit was delivered to Rosyth back in March, and in October the Diesel Generators were installed into Lower Block 02 at Portsmouth. Next year will see start of work on some of the Centre Blocks and Sponsons.
PS – In case you need a decode of where each block into the ‘jigsaw puzzle’ here is a block breakdown of the design:
SP11 CB05 SP09 CB06 SP12 CB04 SP10
UB14 UB07 SP03 SP01
SP07 SP05
CB02 SP02
HMS Ambush Launched (Especially for Submariners)
Launched on 14 Sep 2012 and costing £1 Billion HMS Ambush, the Royal Navy's newest nuclear attack submarine, is one of the most sophisticated and powerful vessels of her type ever built. The giant Astute-class submarine, which was launched recently, is so hi-tech she doesn't even need a periscope; instead she uses a digital camera system to spot skimmers when dived. Built by BAE Systems it is believed to be the 17
world's most powerful nuclear attack submarine. Her huge weapons payload includes superaccurate Tomahawk cruise missiles, which are capable of hitting land targets 1,200 miles away, sub Harpoon and Spearfish torpedoes for fighting other vessels With a Ships’ Company of just over 100, both male and female, she can steam 500 miles in one day allowing her to deploy anywhere in the world within two weeks! She has enough nuclear fuel to last 25 years non-stop!
Memory Lane
Oh to be young again (with a bit more pay!) There's mismusters, slop chits, tot time and pay There's rising and shining and hitting the hay There's thickers and strongers and neaters as well There's DQ's and chokey and the tiller flat cell There's aft and there's for'ard, abeam and abaft To civvies this cackle seems awfully daft But to us in the Andrew it doesn't seem strange Like the draft chits the Jossman can always arrange We're always being seen off and getting green rubs And chasing up rubbers and looking for subs And going ashore like a great herd of cattle And getting filled in and put in the rattle There's runs out to Honkers that to Jack are just fine There's times when we say "O roll on my nine" And when nine comes and we're out on the dole In old civvy street, where we don't know a soul We think of the good times and wish we were back In bells, silk and lanyard... A real tiddly Jack! ROMFT 18
“D’ye hear there” RNA Moraira & District Branch Thirty four Shipmates and their guests gathered at Restaurant Pepe in the Jalon Valley to celebrate Christmas in style with a traditional Christmas lunch with all the trimmings. Members were also treated to a free Christmas raffle, the star prize being an invitation to the branch Trafalgar Night dinner at the Oliver Nova Golf hotel in October 2013. The Branch is operated as a good Royal Navy Mess and meets once a month from September to June. All enquiries concerning membership are most encouraged and we would be delighted to welcome you at one of our meetings. Please contact the Secretary John Sanderson Tel number 96 647 4532 for further details.
RNA Woking Branch – 30th Anniversary Dinner RNA Woking will be holding their 30th Anniversary Dinner on Saturday 16th March at the Hoe Bridge Golf Club, Old Woking, cost £25-00 per person, starting at 1900, further details are available from S/m Ian Fraser, 01932-344501 or S/m Rod Fraser 01932-349928, rfraser610@btinternet.com ( we keep it in the family!!!!!) (Ed note; webbed feet and pointy hats are optional at Woking!) RNA Bourne 50th Anniversary and Area 9 Annual Lunch. On Sunday 7th April 2013 Bourne Branch will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary with a combined Area 9 Annual Lunch at the Masonic Hall, Bourne. All Area 9 Branch Secretaries should have received their invitations and booking forms by now - this will really be something to look forward to. Shipmates can be assured of a good welcome, a pay bar, hot lunch, free drink for the Loyal Toast, and the ever present raffle. Would all branch secretaries please chase up responses and get them back to Bourne Branch Secretary Brenda White ASAP (brenda.white@tesco.net) We are very much looking forward to a good turnout and meeting with as many Area 9 shipmates as possible on the day.
RNA Maidstone As you can see the ‘RNA Maidstone Promotion Team’ were photographed in action during their recent ‘promotion day’ in the Chequers Centre and very smart they are. Hon Sec John Cooper reported that it had been a good day resulting in lots of interest, with a possible three or four new members, two of whom attended the next branch meeting and decided to join on the night as they had had such an enjoyable evening. He also pointed out that the RNA Banners and Hats worked wonders the Shipmates had never seen so many kids walking round a shopping centre promoting the RNA and felt it was a job well done! The photo features Shipmates Laurie Debona PRO Malcolm Friend Treasurer Ray Diplock and his son Kevin along with our Area delegate John Sargent. Hon Secretary John Cooper was missing as he took the photo….
RNA Llanelli Branch You may not be aware but Llanelli Branch have a number of former Ghurkhas as members of the Branch. To recognise our Nepalese Shipmates childrens’ scholastic achievements in attaining good grades in their GCSE’s, the Branch presented them with certificates to recognition their success. S/m Dennis Morgan Llanelli Branch Chair said that the Branch was very proud of them and wishes them the best of luck for the future.
RNA Dursley Branch - Shipmate Ken Sheppard It is with great regret that I have to inform you that Shipmate Ken Sheppard has crossed the bar on 27 Nov 12 after a short illness following a fall at his home. Shipmate Ken was a greatly loved and respected member of the recently decommissioned Dursley and District branch and transferred to the HQ roll with the decommissioning of the branch. Shipmate Ken was a life member having served as both Chairman and Vice Chairman of the branch and was always willing to muck in and assist in any venture the branch was involved in. Ken served during WW2 aboard HMS Ruler in the Far East with his old friend and shipmate Ted Restall, with whom he frequently enjoyed a glass of Pussers in his home in Falfield. Glos. A mutual friend suggested that the pair of them will be together as of old, each with a good tot of Heavenly Pussers in their hand. Chas Strauss. Ex Secretary of the Dursley branch.
RNA Norwich Branch – Shipmate Gordon Charles Robert Dorrington It is with deep regret that I inform you that my husband Shipmate Gordon Charles Robert Dorrington, Norwich branch RNA crossed the bar on Tuesday 20th November aged 85. He was a Writer and joined the Navy in December 1945 at HMS Royal Arthur and went on to HMS Duke 20
from December 1945 to January 1946 and HMS Demetrius from January to April 1946. After a couple of months at HMS Pembroke he went to Malta in June 1946 where he worked at HMS Phoencia in the Base Supply Office from June 1946 to April 1947 and in the Captain's Office from April to July 1947 when he went to HMS St Angelo on the staff of C-in-C Med and returned to the UK in November 1947 to HMS Pembroke.In December 1947 he went to HMS Ausonia and back to HMS Pembroke on January 30th 1948 before being released on March 30th. S/M Pat Dorrington RNA Edgware and Mill Hill Branch - 75th Anniversary Edgware and Mill Hill Branch has great pride and pleasure in announcing that in January 2013 our Branch will be celebrating our 75th anniversary. We are not pushing the boat out too far (austerity and all that!) just a dinner and dancing at our local New Edgware Royal British Legion Club, where we will be inviting the local Sea Cadet Officers as our Guests of Honour and the Sea Cadets will be helping out. The date will be late January or early February, depending on the availability of the caterer, no Parades or anything, it's more a social occasion than ceremonial. Please contact Sheila McGrath, Hon.Sec Edgware and Mill Hill RNA for further details.
Basildon Branch - Shipmate Tom Weaver It is with deep regret that the Branch announce the sad lost of S/M Tom Weaver D/MX 107272, he served with the Royal Navy and the Fleet Air Arm. Tom joined on November 10th, 1942 on HMS Royal Arthur. He served on various ships such as HMS President V, HMS Condor, HMS Waxwing, HMS Wagtail. His medals and decorations were, 1939-45 Star, Burma Star with Pacific Star, Defence Medal, 1939-45 War Medal. On discharge on the 15th May 1946 he was an L.S.A. He will be sadly missed by all members. Sheila Reynold Basildon Branch Secretary.
Area 2 Delegates & Observers Next Area Delegates & Observer’s Meeting as below. ’Shipmates Weekend at the King Charles’ Hotel (aka NAAFI Club) 15 – 17 February 2013 during the course of which we will hold the AGM and a Chairman’s meeting with outings arranged for those that do not want to attend such gatherings i.e. Wives, Sweethearts, partners etc.. Letter and booking form upon request . Nominal list of committee members and when they took office is appended to the minutes of 17 November; if you come along you will be able to meet them in person and put your ideas over to them; remember the more you endeavour to put into something the more you are likely to get out and the RNA will surely benefit from your input. Many thanks S/m. Mick Cox Area 2 Secretary
Area 2 - Military Covenant signed at RAF Manston Area 2 NCM S/m Mick Cox signed the Military Covenant on behalf of the three Thanet RNA branches at RAF Manston.
The Armed Forces Community Covenant aims to encourage community support to the local military community and make it easier for Service personnel, families and veterans to access the help and support available from the MOD, and from charities and the voluntary sector.
The scheme is a two-way arrangement with members of the Armed Forces community working with and supporting their neighbours. Following the signing of the Community Covenant a Steering Group is set up to access government funding on projects to help the armed forces and local communities. See link below, detailing the recent military covenant signed by local dignitaries at RAF Manston. Mick Cox NCM 2 Area. http://www.raf.mod.uk/news/archive/defence-fire-fighters-sign-community-covenant-04122012
Shortcast 2013 HMS Fisgard Series 32 Reunion - 4/01/2013 A Reunion to celebrate the 55th Anniversary of Series 32 joining HMS Fisgard is planned for January 4 to 7, 2013, with a dinner on the Saturday evening. The chosen venue is the Queens Hotel in Southsea, which many will know is close to the war memorial on Southsea Common. In addition to those of us that joined as S32, we would like to extend a welcome to any other Fisgardians that may have spent a goodly part of their Part 1/Part 2 training with us, having been back-classed into our little fraternity (many long-standing friendships will have been forged during our 12-term sojourns in Fisgard, Collingwood, Caledonia and Condor). The Portsmouth area offers masses of attractions including the Spinnaker Tower/Gun wharf Quay and in the adjacent Dockyard area HMS Victory, HMS Warrior, the Mary Rose and the Maritime Museum. HMS Sultan is closed down until Jan 7th, but some may wish to extend their stay to the Monday when a visit may be arranged to the Fisgard Museum. Contact Mike Welfare at mike126@mwelfare.plus.com Russian Convoy Club (North Wales Branch) - 8/02/2013 Veterans from North Wales are having a re-union trip to Blackpool. Staying at the Edwardian hotel from February 8 to 11. Any shipmates wishing to join us please phone hotel on 01253 346 492 ASAP, and mention that you are joining North Wales Russian Convoy Club. 22
The Penelope Association: - 22/02/2013 Annual Reunion in Blackpool from February 22 to 24. For details of membership and the reunion, contact the Secretary, Mike Bee mike.bee@ntlworld.com or the website HMS Tigris –Memorial service - 24/2/2013 A memorial service will be held on Sunday 24th February 2013 at St Nicolas Church Newbury, Berks at 1130hrs to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the loss of the Submarine HMS/m Tigris. Tigris was adopted by Newbury Town Council during "Adopt a Warship Week" in 1942. She was built in Chatham Dockyard and launched in 1939. Sadly, Tigris was sunk on the 27th February 1943 off the west coast if Italy with the loss of all 63 "Hands". To commemorate this ,Tigris bars will be presented to all attending Standard Bearers. This is an open invitation to all Family, Friends, Serving RN past and present to attend. And after, refreshments after will be taken at the Newbury RBL in Pelican Lane. Please communicate your interest, or for more information to:- Doug Bell Secretary,Newbury & District RNA, 25 Sutherlands, Newbury, Berks RG14 7RL or E-mail dougbell25@yahoo.co.uk or phone 01635 32936. HMS Undine & Urchin Association - 15/03/2013 HMS Undine & Urchin Association: in company with Ursa, Ulster, Ulysses, Urania and Undaunted are holding their next reunion from 15 to 18 March 2013 at the Bosworth Hall Hotel & Spa, Market Bosworth, Warwickshire. CV13 0LP. Tel: 0871 474 2755 Website: It is a large good quality hotel. Details available from Secretary Chris Heslop chris@cheslop.plus.com Minewarfare Reunion - 16/03/2013 Minewarfare Reunion: This will be held at the Royal Maritime Club, Portsmouth on March 16. Serving and ex Minewarfare Branch members most welcome. Full details of the event are available at the website. Tickets are £35 for Minewarfare Association Members, £40 for nonmembers/guests. Contact Taff Reader or Dixie Dean at; fost-mpv-mwotc-man@nrta.mod.uk HMS Hermes Association reunion weekend 4-8 April 2013 Bosworth Hall Market Bosworth For further information please contact Jim Loveday 02086461441 or email jwloveday@hotmail.com Thanking you in anticipation The Double Seven Re-union – Mill Ryth- Hayling Island - 12-15 April 2013 Shipmates the next Double Seven re-union weekend will take place at MILL RYTHE Holiday Village Hayling Island and is booked for the weekend 12th -15th APRIL 2013.Total Price £96.00pp as before half board [Deposit £25.00 PP@ time of booking,] there is an option £4.00 insurance if you feel you need it] Bookings to - Katy Lansley 02392 460044 (Mill Rythe).Any Queries contact S.M. Mrs Ann Creswell by phone or Text 07743576861 - Home phone only after 1900hrs, 01962 880198 Email; don2pounds123@btinternet,com SM Mick Withington 91795875084 or mickRNA0603@aol.com HMS Newfoundland Veterans - 26/04/2013 HMS Newfoundland Veteran’s weekend will be held from April 26 to 29 at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea. Details available from Alan Waite alan04@live.co.uk 23
HMS Protector Association - 26/04/2013 14th Grand Annual Reunion and AGM is to be held at The Aztec Hotel, Bristol from April 26 to 29 2013. Early booking is highly recommended. Forms and further details available from Doug Harris dougatspindrift@aol.com or downloadable in due course from the website. HMS Phoebe Association - 3/05/2013 HMS Phoebe Association, Cruiser (C43) & frigate (F42): Have their annual (17th) reunion from May 3 to 6 at the Nelson Hotel, Great Yarmouth. All ex crew are welcome to join us. Please contact the secretary, Roy Pavely r.pavely@ntlworld.com HMS Fisgard Series 33 - 4/05/2013 55th Anniversary Reunion will be held at the Queens Hotel, Southsea on May 4, to celebrate the young lads who joined Fisgard on 5 May 1958, and those who dipped back into our class. There will be a pre-dinner gathering followed by the dinner. Contact Bill Rayner bilsyl@sky.com HMS Bulwark, Albion, Centaur Association - 11/05/2013 Did you serve on any of these light fleet carriers? Our association is open to anyone who served at any time on these ships. We send a magazine three times per year and run events including AGM/Social, sea trips with our current ships Albion & Bulwark and anniversary commemorations at home and abroad. Whilst our ‘Home Port’ is Pompey, this year’s AGM/Social was held at the Hilton Hotel, Blackpool. Next year we will be at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea on May 11. We also sponsor sea cadets from our affiliated SCCs on one sail and tow motor Training Ships. Membership is all of £8 per annum. Enquiries to Leigh Easton ngsfo@tiscali.co.uk or the website Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association - 17/05/2013 Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association. The next reunion will take place at the Sherborne Hotel, Sherborne Dorset from May 17 to 20. Special arrangements are also available for those who are joining the group on an Official Association Visit to HMS Collingwood on May 21 to witness the present day training facilities. Details of the very full reunion, the Official visit and of membership of this Association for anyone who served at HMS Collingwood at any time, in any capacity. Contact Mike Crowe mike.crowe1@btinternet.com or visit the website Festival of the Forties 26th -27th 28th July 2013, We have been lucky enough to get the former airfield site at North Luffenham for next year’s festival. Yes.... It was very sad that this year’s event could not go ahead. But, lessons were very quickly learned... Things were put into place and with a group of very loyal family and friends... Festival of the Forties has risen from the ashes very quickly indeed.!!! We want you ALL to come back and give us another chance.... We are going to hold the very best new, bright and innovative 1940s festival in the UK. in 2013. With a completely blank canvas.... Lots of Hard Standing... Free Parking and new, fresh ideas. There will be Public Camping. There will be fantastic displays. The Event will be Free to all Armed Forces and Veterans all Weekend ! There will be top entertainment for you to see and hear. Plus several Invited guest Displays and Groups. We have taken the "True British Bulldog Spirit" from this year’s national events "Going for Gold" will be our slogan for the 2013 festival and to be honest..... What better way to do it!!! 24
After last year’s very successful themed emailing campaign, we have decided to use the "Commando Comics" Front pages Theme this year and hopefully you will all enjoy them. If you require more information please contact; Matt Page, 2013 Festival of the Forties Organiser, 07771 668924 Type 42 Association Reunion – July 2013 There are plans hold the first Type 42 Association in Portsmouth – more information as it firms up. RNA Plymouth – Trafalgar Weekend -11-14 October 2013 The RNA Plymouth Biennial Trafalgar Weekend will be held at the Sefton Hotel, Babbacombe from Friday 11th October to Monday 14th October 2013. Gala Dinner. Formal Dress. 2 Nights £75.00 pp, Three Nights £110.00 pp. Anyone wishing to attend then please get the details from: Sue Gutteridge. (01752) 849176. email: suzannegutteridge@ymail.com
RNA Longcast 14 Feb 15-17 Feb 16 Feb 23 Feb 2 Mar 9 Mar 10 Mar 23 Mar 7 Apr 13 Apr 13 April 19 Apr 4 May 9 May 10 May 10-12 May 11 May 24-27 May 14-16 June 14 June 16 June 22 June 28 June 13 July 21 July 17 Aug 24 Aug 24 Aug 7 Sep 8 Sept 20 Sep 11 Oct 25
Audit Meeting at Semaphore Tower Area 2 Delegates & Observers Meeting – King Charles Hotel -Gillingham AMC Meeting FAC Meeting – Annual Report EOY Figures – Motions deadline SOC – Meeting – Semaphore Tower - Portsmouth NC – Trustee Report and Motions for Conference St Nazaire (Operation Chariot) Memorial Parade (RNA Falmouth) SOC - Consider Motions Bourne Branch 50th Celebration - NP Area 2 Committee Meeting - Minster Working Men’s Club – Isle of Sheppey Welfare seminar HMS Nelson S/R Mess HQ - Open Day 1 Area 2 Delegates & Observers Meeting – UJC - London IEST Meeting at Haig House -GS HQ - Open Day 2 (SOLD OUT) Belfast – Battle of the Atlantic Celebrations Area 2 - Biennial Standard Bearer’s Competition - Sheerness Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic – Liverpool - GS National Conference - Liverpool NC, AMC and FAC SOC - Conference Wash Up Cornwall Armed Forces day (Falmouth) HQ - Open Day 3 (SOLD OUT) Area 2 Committee Meeting - Minster Working Men’s Club – Isle of Sheppey Falmouth Sea Day AMC Meeting FAC Meeting Area 2 Delegates & Observers Meeting – UJC - London National Council RNA Biennial Parade - Whitehall HQ - Open Day 4 HQ - Open Day 5
12 Oct 12 – 14 Oct 18 Oct 19 Oct 21 Oct 12 Nov 16 Nov 23 Nov 23 Nov 7 Dec
Area 2 Committee Meeting - Minster Working Men’s Club – Isle of Sheppey RNA Plymouth Biennial Trafalgar Weekend 12-14 October 2013 RNA Falmouth Trafalgar Dinner Crosby Branch Trafalgar Dinner - GS Frome Branch Trafalgar Dinner - GS FAC Budget Meeting AMC Meeting Area 2 Delegates & Observers Meeting – UJC - London FAC Meeting Budget for FY 2014 NC – Budget for FY 2014
Ship’s Office Area and Branch Updates Area National
Branch National Welfare Advisor
Change Rita Lock MBE has changed her email address to ritalock@virginmedia.com Her telephone number is; 02392 642234 Meetings now at 1330 in the Railway club
Swinging the Lamp Jan 1
2 3
1798 Court martial in the frigate Circe (28) in the Medway sentenced Capt John Williamson to be placed at the bottom of the Post Captains List and ‘rendered incapable of ever serving on board any of his Majesty’s ships or vessels in the Royal Navy’ for his conduct when commanding Agincourt (64) at Camperdown. 1944 Helicopters first used in sea warfare Sikorsky R4 and MV Daghestan in convoy HX 274 1864 Haughty, wood screw gunboat, sank two pirate junks, one inside and one outside Pinghai Bay, China
1879 First casualty of Zulu War-a naval rating devoured by a Crocodile
5 6
7 8
1942 Submarine Upholder sank the Italian S/M Ammiraglio Saint Bon off the Lipari Islands 1915 The foundation stone of the RN Hospital, Mtarfa, Malta, laid by General Sir Leslie Rundle, Governor and C-in-C Malta. Originally known as the Royal Artillery and Naval Hospital, it was opened on 29 June 1920. Mtarfa took over all naval medical services. When RNH Bighi closed in 1970. Mtarfa closed in 1978 and the building now houses the Sir Temi Zammit Secondary School 1862 Landing party from Falcon destroyed Robene, Sierra Leone. 1940 First aircraft detonation of a magnetic mine
1862 General Sir Arthur Stransham appointed Second Inspector-General, RM, for five years.
1749 Captains of over and under three years seniority distinguished by different-coloured facings on coats. 1972 Formation of Commando Logistics Regiment RM
11 12
13 26
1857 Admiral of the Fleet Horatio, Viscount Hornblower, lately C-in-C The Nore, died aged 80 and was buried in Nettlestead churchyard. Minute guns fired at Chatham Dockyard. 1873 Review of Fleet at Portsmouth by Shah Nasr-ed-din of Persia in whose honour the
14 15 16
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armoured frigate Blonde, ready for launching at Portsmouth Dockyard, was renamed Shah. The new name, hastily painted on the ship’s stern, was rendered upside down. ‘Somebody would have been shortened by a head if the Dockyard officers had been subjects of the potentate concerned’ 1694 Conquest, a merchantman with eight guns, fought a French 26-gun ship for six hours off the mouth of the Tagus, and rammed her. The survivors escaped to Lisbon. 1815 Emma, Lady Hamilton died at Calais 1849 Admiralty Circular No. 46 promulgated award of GCBs for ratings after five, ten and fifteen years, with extra pay of 1d, 2d and 3d respectively. Pay but not badge forfeited on advancement to PO until 1857. 1968 Prime Minister Harold Wilson announced that British forces would be withdrawn from the Far East and Persian Gulf within three years although there would be frequent visits by the Royal Navy East of Suez thereafter. 1806 The Dutch Settlement at the Cape of Good Hope, with all its Dependencies, surrendered. 1960 Britain’s first converted commando carrier, Bulwark, Capt R.D. Franks RN, Commissioned at Portsmouth. After work-up she deployed to the Far East service with 42 Cdo and 848 NAS (Whirlwinds) embarked. 1925 Embarrassingly unsuccessful attack trials on battleship Marlborough by aircraft, cruisers and battleships. 1833 All line-of-battle ships to replace as many casks as possible with new 4 cubic ft modular tanks. Originally for water, later for biscuit and meat. 1945 Assault on Kangaw, Burma. Ships: Jumna and Narbada (RIN), MLs: 416, 843, 854, 885,892. 3rd Cdo Brigade: 42 and 44 RM Cdos, 1 and 5 Army Cdo’s. 1774 Lieutenants, having complained about the plainness of their uniforms were given white lapels and cuffs.
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1709 Admiral of the Fleet Sir George Rooke died. ‘I do not leave much but what I leave was honestly gotten: it never cost a sailor a tear or the nation a farthing.’ 1964 45 RM Cdo landed at Dar-es-Salaam to suppress mutiny in Tanganyika Rifles. Relieved by 41 Cdo. 1932 Submarine M 2 (ex-K 19) sank on exercises off Portland, with loss of all hands including two RAF aircrew for the Parnall Peto Seaplane. 1976 RN Regulating School opened in old Armourer’s School on Whale Island. 1796 Admiralty telegraph, based on Murray’s shutter system, began working to Portsmouth and to Chatham. Extended to Plymouth in 1806 and to Yarmouth in 1808. Popham’s Semaphore was introduced as a possible replacement on an experimental line to Chatham in 1816, to Portsmouth in 1822 and, though uncompleted, to Plymouth in 1829. 1856 VC instituted by Royal Warrant, to be worn on a blue ribbon by naval recipients 1855 Royal Marines designated a Light Corps and became Royal Marine Artillery (Blue Marines) and Royal Marines Light Infantry (Red Marines). 1824 Cameleon and Naiad captured the Algerine Tripoli in Algiers Bay.
Jack Dusty’s Corner New Slops Items As requested by many shipmates we now have available to order;
Blue jumper £25
Sleeveless jumper £23
These prices include postage and packing. Sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL These are encouraged for wear for branch meetings, outings etc, leaving the Blazer for more formal occasions. This Weatherproof jacket is now available from HQ. It can be embroidered with the name of your branch, which is included in the cost or whatever you want within reason, which may incur an extra charge. The jacket features a concealed hood in the collar, 2 side pockets, 1 chest pocket, inside zip and pocket and elasticated cuffs. It is available in various sizes starting at XS 34” chest up to 3XL 54” chest (for the fuller figure) A bargain at £38.00 (including VAT and postage) Give Nigel a ring at HQ and order one soonest
Polo Shirt £20
2013 Diaries To make the most of the new style of diary provided for shipmates and allow members to keep their covers and RNA insert / address book; the 2013 diary will be sold as the diary part only, price £5. If you need a complete new diary eg Cover, RNA insert and Diary, they can be ordered at a price of £8. Cost includes P&P within the UK. Orders should be sent to the address below and be accompanied either by a cheque for the total value or instructions to debit a Branch Account.
To: Royal Naval Association, Room 209 Semaphore Tower (PP70) HM Naval Base Portsmouth PO1 3LT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Order form
From: .................................................................Branch Please provide ……………… 2013 RNA insert Diaries @ £5 .00 each £ ...................... Please provide ……………… Complete 2013 Diaries @ £8 .00 each
£ ......................
TOTAL £............ Deliver the order to S/M………………………………………………………… Address ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………...... Post Code:…………………………… Find enclosed a cheque to the value of - £ ..................made out to The Royal Naval Association OR debit the ..........................................Branch for £.................. Or charge to my Credit Card/Debit Card; the details of which are: Credit Card/Debit Card Type ........... ...... Account No .................................. . Card in the name of :................................................................. Valid From: ................................ Expires ..................................................... . Three Digit Security Code (where applicable) ............................................... Card holder’s address of different from delivery address Address ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………...... Post Code:……………………………
NOMINATION FORM ELECTION OF MEMBERS AND DEPUTY MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL (June 2013 to June 2015)(Revised RNA Bye-Law 7) For the attention of All Branch Secretaries in Areas. 2,6,7,8,9,11 Scotland Each Branch may nominate one full or full life member from any Branch within its own Area, as a Candidate for election to the National Council, and one full or full life member for election as the Deputy National Council Member subject to the approval of the Branch to which both persons belong. (See Note Below) Name of Nominee NCM...............................................DNCM................................................. Proposed by Branch ....................................................................... Area .......................... Address of Nominee NCM……………………………………........................................................................................... DNCM........................................................................................................................................... Brief history of nominees in the Association. Continue on separate sheet if necessary NCM
Chairman ...................................................... (signed) ............................................(dated) Secretary ...................................................... (signed) ...........................................(dated) ___________________________________________________________________________ If the Candidate by the proposing Branch is not a member of that Branch, this section is to be completed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Candidate's own Branch. Candidate's Branch ......... ............................................................................ We certify the acceptance of the nomination by the Candidate’s Branch. Signature of Chairman (Candidate's Branch) ............................................................................. Signature of Secretary (Candidate's Branch) .............................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Candidate I accept the nomination and promise to attend as many National Council Meetings as is possible and to sit on any Committees to which I may be elected.
Signature of Candidate Dated ___________________________________________________________________________ Nomination Forms The envelope containing this completed form should be marked NOMINATIONS FOR NATIONAL COUNCIL and must reach RNA HQ no later than 1600 22nd February 2013. Only one nomination is needed for a candidate to be included in the ballot 30
Delegate/Observers for the Annual Conference 2013 Liverpool Branch
Name of Delegate Delegate’s Address
Telephone No
Post Code
e-mail Number of Observers Names of Observers
Name of Branch Hon Secretary Contact telephone No: (if not branch Hon Sec) Contact e-mail address Name and Address for correspondence (if not branch Hon Sec)
*Please continue on a separate sheet with all your branch observers. This will be the Branch secretary unless otherwise indicated. NB: A Delegate will not be confirmed as such unless or until the Branch Balance Sheet for 2012 and Annual Subscriptions for Branch Members for 2013 have been received in RNA Headquarters (Rule 12 C). Should either not have been received in HQ, the Delegate's Status will be deemed to be that of an Observer.
PROPOSED MOTIONS AND AMENDMENTS FOR ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2013 Proposals must reach The General Secretary by 1600 22nd February 2013 Name of Proposing Branch: ........................................................................................... Motion / amendment
Explanation of the Motion / Amendment (Notes for Conference)
I certify that this Motion / Amendment represents the views of the Members of this Branch, approved at a Branch meeting by at least two thirds of those members at the meeting. If accepted, the branch delegate will propose it to the Annual Conference. Signed: ...........................................Hon. Secretary: ...........................................Date In seconding this Motion / Amendment I certify that it represents the views of the Members of this Branch, approved at a Branch meeting by at least two thirds of those members at the meeting. If accepted, the branch delegate will second it at the Annual Conference. Seconded By: ..................................... Branch. Signed ...........................................Hon Secretary ...............................................Date Notes a. A separate form is required for each Motion or Amendment b. A manuscript copy is acceptable for additional Motions or Amendments if the printed form is not available. c. The Motion or Amendment should be as short and precise as possible avoiding ambiguity. A Motion should normally start with the word `THAT' d. The explanation is to assist the Standing Orders Committee in understanding the intention behind the Motion so that they may be able to consider acceptance and the wording under Rule 15. e. Motions may be submitted at any time but must reach the General Secretary by 22nd February 2013. f. Motions of Extreme Urgency should reach the General Secretary not less than 48 hours before Conference. (In accordance with Standing Orders S8(7) as amended at 1996 Conference.) g. Amendments to Motions should also normally reach the General Secretary not less than 7 days before Conference. However they can be submitted in writing direct to the Standing Orders Committee during Conference. h. Bye-Laws - Under Rule 19 only the National Council may make a Bye-Law. A Motion to Conference may propose that a Bye-Law be set aside or it may ask the Council to consider making or amending a Bye-Law. i. The Branch Proposing a Motion must have it Seconded by another Branch before forwarding it to the General Secretary (as carried at item 4 of 1995 Conference.) j. Branches and Areas bidding to host Conference should report against the Conference Guidelines.
Annual Conference - Guidelines for Bidding Areas and Branches 1 1.
Areas and Branches have a right to bid to host the Conference by motion.
2. Any Area or Branch wishing to host the Conference should, in its supporting comments to the Branch motion, explain how their bid aligns with the ‘Guidelines for Conferences’ so that Conference may make a determination about whether the bid is fit for purpose, or not. Guideline 1 – Location • •
All Branches and/or Areas should have the opportunity to host Conference but consideration should be given to ease of access. Those bidding are to comment on cost and ease of access. Location must have easy access by public transport, with affordable options.
GL2 - Preferred dates • Conference is to be held between 1st weekend after late May Bank Holiday and the 2nd Saturday in June in order to ensure that the annual audit is approved at the AGM of the RNA (Conference) and that the 16 week notice period for Conference motions allows for sufficient discussion by Branches and Areas. GL3 – Nature of Venue • The Conference and social events should, where possible, be held in a single venue offering affordable accommodation and good travel links for VIP, NP, NC, SOC, Delegates and Observers. Holiday camps are not to be considered. • Venue is to be easily accessible by public transport. • The venue should have conference facilities capable of seating up to 200 delegates and 100 observers. • The venue should be capable of holding a Reception, Dinner and/or Buffet-Dance of up to 450 people. • An IT Screen Projector to be available during Conference to display the motion and any amendment under discussion. • Sound systems must allow for easy hearing in all parts of the Conference venue, especially for those who are hard of hearing. GL4 – Weekend Programme • Friday (Day time) •
Friday (Evening)
Saturday (Day time)
Saturday (Evening)
Sunday (Morning)
NC, AMC, SOC and FAC meetings. Should be an informal reunion with arrangements for a small President’s party at a reserved table at the main event. Conference (finishing at approx 1630 or earlier). Buffet-Dance or Gala Dinner at branch discretion. No Conference related speeches at social events, but possible presentation of prizes. SOC and HQ Staff Wash up meetings; Church Service, March past and Wreath Laying.
GL5 – Reporting The local organising committee should provide a regular update to National Council through the General Secretary at 6 month intervals or better.
In the event that no Area or Branch bids to hold Conference the Association Management Committee assumes responsibility for staging Conference and will do so mindful of the Guidelines. The National Council may decide to establish a Conference organising working group under the auspices of the AMC in that eventuality.
.................................BRANCH REPORT 2013 (Note: This Report should be forwarded to H.Q. with a copy direct to the Area Secretary after the Branch AGM - Byelaw 11) and not later than 16th April 2013. It covers the reports to the National Council required by Bye-laws 17 & 18. One copy of the Annual Accounts & Report should also be sent to H.Q. Bye-law 31 c. CHAIRMAN Name: Address: Post Code.............................. Tel / Mobile: VICECHAIRMAN
Name: Address: Post Code.............................. Tel / Mobile:
Name: Address:
Post Code.............................. Tel / Mobile: HON. TREASURER
Name: Address:
Post Code.............................. Tel / Mobile: HON. WELFARE OFFICER
Name: Address:
Post Code.............................. Tel / Mobile: HON. PR OFFICER
Name: Address:
Post Code.............................. Tel / Mobile: STANDARD BEARER
Name: Address:
Post Code.............................. Tel / Mobile: Address of Meeting Place Frequency of Branch Meetings Name & Address of Branch Bank
Name: e-mail:
Tel / Mobile: PRESIDENT
Name: e-mail:
Name: e-mail:
Tel / Mobile: HON. CHAPLAIN
Name: e-mail:
Tel / Mobile: HON. MEMBERS
Name: e-mail:
Tel / Mobile: HON. MEMBERS
Name: e-mail:
Tel / Mobile:
Name: Address: Tel / Mobile:
Name: Address: Tel / Mobile:
Name: Address: Tel / Mobile:
Name: Address:
Tel / Mobile: Liaison with R.N. Ships, Establishments, R.N.R., S.C.C. etc.
Ships in which Branch takes a special interest (e.g. historical, reunions)
Other Association Branches or Organisations within Branch. (e.g. R.M. Association, F.A.A. Association, S.M. Old Comrades, Ship Associations)
Any other useful information about Branch:
Signature of Hon. Secretary
Notes for your guidance when completing your Annual Income and Expenditure Balance Sheets Over one hundred Year End Returns were incorrect in 2011. Many of these faults were simple counting errors. Another common fault is the ‘brought forward’ figure from the previous year not agreeing with your previous year’s ‘carried forward’ figure. They must always be the same. It will save the RNA staff a considerable amount of time and money if you would all use the standard forms that HQ provide. Obviously this does not include club accounts. Please double check: 1. Your ‘carried forward’ figure from the previous year agrees with your ‘brought forward’ figure for the current year. 2. The difference between your Total Income and your Total Expenditure is calculated correctly and transferred to Page 1 3. If your Income exceeds your Expenditure you ADD it to your ‘brought forward’ figure to give you your total balance. 4. If your Expenditure exceeds your Income you SUBTRACT it from your ‘brought forward’ figure to give you your total balance. 5. All Income and Expenditure must be calculated within this format. 6. When you have entered your bank figures and calculated your total figure, your total figure should agree with your Balance C/Fwd figure. 7. Your calculations are checked by a third party. 8. On completion of the form please ensure that all pages are signed. If you receive a letter from HQ highlighting a query regarding your return, can you please rectify the query (or if you are unsure or don’t understand please contact Michelle on 02392 723823) and return via post, or e-mail. Until HQ receives your reply, your Year End Returns cannot be processed.
RNA........................................... BRANCH - BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st DECEMBER 2012 BRANCH FUNDS Balance B/Fwd at 31st December 2011 Add: Excess of Income over Expenditure for Year
Deduct: Excess of Expenditure over Income for Year Balance C/Fwd forward at 31st December 2012
Current Assets
Investments (i.e. Shares, Bonds etc) Balance in Deposit Account (if you have one) Balance in Current Account Un-Presented Cheques (i.e. Cheques written not yet cleared on Bank Statement) Cash in Hand (Petty Cash)
Outstanding Loans (if any) Creditors / Bank Overdraft BALANCE
Print Name ...................................................
Secretary Treasurer
Sign............................................................... Sign...............................................................
Print Name ................................................... Print Name ...................................................
Independent Examiner Certificate I/We certify that: a. All annual subscriptions and entrance fees due from Members for the year have been collected and forwarded to Headquarters. b. All Branch accounts and supporting records have been examined and, as far as appears from my/our examination of these, proper books of account have been maintained by the Branch. c. The above Balance Sheet and attached Income & Expenditure Account have been prepared from the books and records of the Branch, and according to the information and explanations given to me/us by Branch Officers, and in my/our opinion, these are in accordance therewith. Signed ...................................................................... Date .....................................................................
Print Name ...................................................
RNA.................................BRANCH INCOME AND EXPENDITURE FOR YEAR ENDED 31st DEC 2012 INCOME: Life Members Full Members Associate Members Voluntary Subs to Branch Sale of RNA Goods Charitable Grants / Donations - Schedule A (see next page) Other Branch Income for the Year
TOTAL £ EXPENDITURE: Subscriptions to HQ - Life Members Subscriptions to HQ - Full Members Subscriptions to HQ - Associate Members Purchases of RNA Goods Charitable Grants / Donation – Schedule B (see next page) Other Branch expenditure for the Year
TOTAL £ Income over Expenditure for Year
INCOME – Schedule A (Grants or donations received)
Amount Received
TOTAL £ EXPENDITURE – Schedule B (Grants or donations made by the branch)
Amount Paid
Independent Examiners Report I / We certify that the above information is in accordance with the Branch books and records for the year, so far as appears from my / our examination of these. Signed .............................................................................
Dated ..............................................................
Print Name .................................................................................................................................................................