Branch Circular #626 (February 2013)

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Hot off the Press; The Admiralty has announced that in an effort to ease the burden on the Surface Fleet due to a severe shortage in available hulls HMS Bristol is to be re-commisioned on 01 Apr 13. This will be her first time at sea since 1993, she will be tasked to carry out a variety of routine duties in UK waters. The above photograph shows her being readied on Victory Jetty in Portsmouth Naval Base for the ceremony.

Branch Circular No 626 February 2013


Dear Shipmates (Secretaries and our on-line readers) This week we have had a Russian built, Indian-owned Kilo Class submarine berthed outside our window – returning to India after a $80 million refit in Russia. I remember chasing them in submarines and frigates!! Welcome to our February Circular packed full of great RNA info. The important stuff first: •

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Forms for conference Delegates and Observers are a bit slow coming in. We know that we are going to have over 700 shipmates in Liverpool (hotel bookings), but not so many delegate and observer nomination forms. Please can I ask you to make this a priority this month to get them in. Annual returns should now be in the last stages of preparation, so back to us by the end of March at the latest please. Thank you to the many branches who have already sent theirs in. The Welfare Seminar speakers have now been finalized and it is the best line-up ever. Please get your bid in, remember there is a subsidy for travel. Details in the Circ. The deadline for branch motions, NCM, DNCM has now passed. I have not received a nomination for DNCM for 6, 7 or Scotland. Please may I ask for nominations by 30 March 13 latest (to give me time to run an election before conference if necessary. Please also note that I shall be running an election for NCM 7 Area, I will write directly to Branch secretaries. Please put the Biennial Parade in your Branch diary and plans for the year. 8 September at the Cenotaph with a sea cadet band and the Second Sea Lord as Reviewing Officer. Please encourage other naval associations to come along. The club rules have had a minor snag with the FSA, easily resolved. Any club with an issue please contact the HQ. We have designed and now have RNA condolence cards, which are tasteful, they are 50p each or £5 for 10. Some shipmates have used the poems on the card in services.

Those who were sorry to hear that Phil Shuttleworth had left us will be please to know that he has found a part time job at the Royal Marines Association. Please look out next month for some exciting news about a major discount package that has been negotiated through the RNA and the Conference of Naval Associations from a medical insurance supplier.

I would like to say a big thank you for those Shipmates who have Condolence Card submitted designs for the Charter Challenge 2014. We have has a most encouraging response to the design competition and the fundraising. A big thank you from the HQ staff. Please please pass us your e-mail address so that we can stop sending this hard copy and save on printing and postage costs. Finally a reminder about the main Battle of the Atlantic events. Please check out the Londonderry events and the main BOA newsletter that we have reproduced in full at the back of the Circ, it has the details of how to participate.


The winner of this month’s bottle of Pussers Rum is: Gen Sec "What a disappointment pet, I was told that you Geordie girls were famous for wearing low tops and short skirts" Tom Mumford, St. Neots & District Branch


Paul Quinn General Secretary

This month’s caption competition for a bottle of Pusser’s: What has S/M Soapy Watson said to upset the Rock Ape?


Chairman’s Chat – February 2013 As I write this Chat it is a glorious, sunny day outside and I hope, as no doubt many of you do, that a glorious, sunny year is what we hope the RNA will be enjoying in 2013. There is much to look forward to with the Liverpool Conference and 70th Anniversary celebrations of the Battle of the Atlantic in St Paul’s Cathedral, Liverpool and Londonderry in particular, with no doubt many local celebrations elsewhere. The Liverpool Conference looks like being a real bonanza event and I am particularly looking forward to it. A comment was made at the AMC on Saturday that some branch delegates are considering not attending because they can’t get into the Adelphi Hotel. Area 10 have gone out of their way to arrange suitable overspill accommodation nearby, so anyone who wants to attend still can, albeit without being accommodated in the main venue hotel. The primary purpose of the weekend is the Conference, which is the National AGM of the RNA, so that should be the main focus and any branch delegate who wants to attend Conference should submit a booking. Booking forms have been available for nearly eight months, and it is only to be expected, for an event that was always likely to cause a high demand, that early bookings would be necessary to guarantee required hotel places. The same will apply next year when the Conference weekend will offer a similar deal to that in Liverpool, but with the Conference in the hotel too, and will incorporate the RNA Memorial Dedication at the National Memorial Arboretum (NMA). Details will be in delegate packs in Liverpool so that 2013 delegates will get an early booking option. Talking of the RNA Memorial I thank everyone, Branch or individual member, who has made a donation to our appeal. There have been some very generous donations so far and if this trend continues we will be able to commission a very substantial memorial. I also want to thank Stafford Branch, one of whose members has made a solid oak rum tub, with accompanying turned oak chalice, to be raffled off for the Memorial Fund. (Further details appear later in this Circular, with five books of raffle tickets being sent out with this Circular. There are also be a further six runners up prizes of a bottle of Pusser’s Rum to be drawn at the same time). As for the Memorial design competition I want to congratulate all those who have submitted their ideas and drawings. It is obvious a lot of thought has gone into them and I thank you all for the consideration and effort that you have put into this project. We have also had interest from some notable professional memorial design sculptors, including the designer of the National Memorial itself at the NMA. A couple of designs unfortunately contravene some of the NMA regulations and local authority planning restrictions to which we have to conform, but there is still plenty to get our heads around. It is going to be difficult getting down to a shortlist, let alone settling on a final design. We have some talented artists with visionary ideas in the RNA. The Shipmates Programme administration has received a real boost with Rachael Tate taking up a one-year contract in HQ. She has caught up on the backlog and we have now processed in excess of 1200 Service leavers. Some Branches have complained that they have not received any new members through this, or have discovered leavers in their area who were not notified to them. It is important to understand that while all new Service leavers since we started this process receive information about the RNA, and an invitation to a free one-year membership, many recent leavers may have had their resettlement interview before we started Shipmates, so will not even be in the scheme. Also, we cannot demand details to send on to branches. About 90% agree, but that leaves 10% who don’t. Nearly 150 branches have been notified of Service leavers, but even 4

more will not have been because either no one has moved into their area or the leaver details have been sent to a nearby branch. More than 700 members have joined through the website so the marketing strategy undertaken by the National Council is definitely bringing results. One very significant factor out of all of this is that 2012 saw an increase of nearly 200 paid-up Full Members, the first time for very many years that there has been an increase in this category of membership. A big drop in Associate Membership has meant we now have many more Full than Associate members once again. This gives us cause for believing that the tide of our core membership decline has at last been stemmed, and for the first time for many years we can look forward optimistically to a longer term future for the RNA. The Confederation of Naval Associations (CONA), the body that evolved from an initiative of the last Second Sea Lord, and taken on board enthusiastically by his successor, is also going from strength to strength. More Naval Associations have expressed a willingness to join and current members of CONA are joining us in Whitehall in September for our 2013 Biennial Parade. This will put new vigour into an event that is supported fully by the City of London and the Metropolitan Police. It had been in steady decline and could well have been at risk of losing the support from the authorities that was granted to us decades ago. With the Irish Naval Association intending to attend in numbers again we could well see one of our biggest Biennial parades for many years. The Second Sea Lord will be present to take the salute and present any medals, so make sure you put 8th September, Whitehall, in your diaries. Finally, the first Independent Examination of our RNA accounts took place last week and I am pleased to tell you that the draft figures not only show a reduction in our budgeted deficit for the year of some 33%, saving us about £42K, but our overall balance increased by 5.4%, a gain of nearly £86K in our assets. These figures, together with the positive points noted above, indicate that the RNA Ship is on a steady course, building up a small but effective head of steam, and looking forward to a much longer voyage than was perhaps expected just a few years ago. My thanks go once again to the National Council for their captaincy of the ship, and to the GS and his small team for their very efficient Executive Officer duties. As a former Schoolie with limited sea time, and who suffers very badly with sea-sickness, this is a voyage that I can relish embarking upon. I look forward to reading, in a Monthly Circular some years ahead, a Chairman’s Chat, written by a former Shipmates Programme member, telling his or her membership even better news than I have been able to give in my thirty-two months so far.

Yours Aye, Chris Dovey


Daily Orders

1. Conference - 2013 2. HQ Open Days 2013 Update 3. Arctic Star Medal Update 4. Charter Challenge Memorial Appeal – Stafford Branch 5. Welfare Seminar 13 April 2013 6. Lost at Sea – Maritime Memorial Trust 7. 70th Battle of Atlantic & Statue Unveiling – Londonderry 10/12 May 2013 8. I M C Sailing Camp Germany 9. Mountbatten Festival of Music 10. CCF Donations 11. Charter Challenge Donations 12. Armed Forces Discount Card 13. UK Armed Forces Embroidered Badges 14. Finance Corner – Michelle 15. Pension Tale 16. Guess Where? 17. Gulf War 1 Memorial 18. Guest Speakers from Apostleship of the Sea 19. Field Gun Re-union 20. HMS Relentless Association 21. Promotional Material/Gizzits 22. Bert Elliot’s War 23. Association/Veteran Battlefield Visits 24. Memory Lane 25. Armed Forces Research Proposal 26. Army / Navy Rugby Match RNRMC Volunteers required 27. A SATNAV poem in honour of the ‘long haired General’ 28. HMS Queen Elizabeth Bridge goes to Sea 29. Irish Naval Association Remembrance Service and ‘Hoe down’ 30. ‘Heads-Up’ RNA Whitehall Biennial Parade – Sunday 08 September 2013

“D’ye hear there” (Branch news) Shortcast Longcast

Ship’s Office 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Swinging the Lamp Slops – Jack Dusties Corner Delegate/Observers Conference Application Branch Report - 2013 Notes for Guidance – End of Year - Balance Sheets Balance Sheet as at 31 Dec 2012 Guidance Flow Chart

For the Branch Secretary and notice-board


Glossary of terms NCM NC AMC FAC NCh NVCh NP DNP GS AGS Asap Throughout

National Council Member National Council Association Management Committee Finance Administration Committee National Chairman National Vice Chairman National President Deputy National President General Secretary Assistant General Secretary As soon as possible indicates a new or substantially changed entry

Contacts: Financial Controller

023 9272 3823


023 9272 3371

Assistant General Secretary (Membership & Slops)

023 9272 3747

Assistant General Secretary (Shipmates Programme Manager Events & Marketing)

023 9272 0782

Shipmates Administrator

023 9272 0782

General Secretary

023 9272 2983


023 92 72 3747

RNA HQ Staff continue to attempt to build a library of e-mail addresses within the Association. It would be extremely helpful if those Branch Secretaries able to communicate by e-mail would forward a short e-message to HQ to Snail Trail Mail - Postal Address RNA HQ, Room 209, PP70, Semaphore Tower, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth Hants PO1 3LT


Daily Orders 1.

The 2013 Annual Conference - 14 to 16 June 2013

It is very important that Branches should now be completing the delegate and observer forms (at the back of the Circ) and submit them asap please. Those seeking accommodation for the Conference, now that the Adelphi is fully booked should try the Lord Nelson hotel which is in Horton Street near Lime Station. They are offering another great deal at£140 per single, and £215 for a Double/Twin for the weekend, including Breakfast. (Fri –Sat and Sunday) please say that you are with the RNA party when booking to obtain the special rate.. Or call 0871 911 0030 The Gala Dinner is now sold out, but you can ask for a reserve place with the Adelphi If you have any further problems finding accommodation then please contact Dave Tollerton at; tel; 0151-933 4992 for further details, we all look forward to seeing you all at Conference, it is going to be a big one and a great Weekend


HQ Open Days – 2013 Update ‘April Last Chance Saloon’

The HQ will be holding 5 open days in 2013 unfortunately due to very popular demand they are now SOLD OUT...... However the 19th April has 20 slots still available on a First Come First Served basis.... Please contact Andy / Nigel 3.

Arctic Star Update

Latest update from the Medals Office is that there ought to be a Parliamentary announcement towards the end of February with the details of the award and how it will work. We will pass to Area Sec and those Branch Sec who have given us their e-mail address when we know.

4. Charter Challenge Memorial Appeal – Stafford Branch A member of the Stafford Branch has made a solid oak rum tub. His Branch would like the Rum tub raffled off to raise funds for the 2014 Charter Challenge Memorial Appeal. Included with the tub is an oak goblet which will be finished off with the name of the winning member or Branch inscribed round the rim. Five Books of Tickets Has been included with this Circular. Tickets are priced at £2 each, and if just 10% of our members bought a ticket through their Branch we would raise over £5,000 towards the Memorial Appeal. Unsold Tickets should be returned to HQ. Ticket stubs and monies should also be returned to Nigel at HQ. Additional tickets or books of tickets can 8

be requested from HQ. We also have six bottles of Pusser’s Rum to give away to six lucky runners up. Good Luck to you all. All those members buying a ticket would feel they had contributed something to the Memorial. Please support this raffle.


Welfare Seminar – Saturday 13 April 2013

A Welfare Seminar is being held on Saturday April 13th 2013 in the WO & SR Mess in HMS Nelson. It is primarily aimed at Area/Branch Welfare Officers but Observers and Shipmates with an interest in the welfare aspects of a branch are encouraged to attend. The Seminar will commence at 1000 with refreshments available from 0915. Lunch will be available in the Mess at 1200 - 1230. The following speakers have now confirmed; Mrs Catherine Smith Manager Age UK Portsmouth speaking on Benefits available Mr Bob Williams (Barrister) on Power of Attorney and making a Will (RNA member, our legal advisor) Mr Brain Hall on bereavement and the immediate requirements (RNA member) Mr Bill Billett BLESMA how they assist injured service personnel and those veterans who lose a limb after service. Captain John Lavery OBE, The White Ensign Association on how they can assist Colonel Geoffrey Cordozo on Veterans Aid and the help they give They will be discussing various aspects of dealing with welfare issues, financial assistance and the new benefits package, plus the usual opportunity to share experiences between delegates. It is envisaged the Seminar will complete by 1500. Accommodation is available in the Mess for those who need it however; there are a limited number of family rooms available. Accommodation is also available in Royal Maritime Club 023 9282 4231. Expenses will be paid up to £50 on production of receipts for the Branch Welfare Officer and/or Area Welfare Officer. However, Observers are more than welcome to come along but expenses are only paid for one per Branch and/or Area. (Ed Note - You know it makes sense to share transport) Those wishing to attended please inform Nigel on - 0239272 3747 The details required to attend are full name/address/email/phone number and Branch & Area. If driving into the Naval Base then make of car/model/colour and registration will also be needed. Please ensure you are in possession of photo ID to gain access to the HM Naval Base. Finally, we are looking forward to seeing you there Shipmates as we will all benefit from what we will learn from this seminar and help those who are less fortunate. Rita Lock MBE National Welfare Advisor 02392 642234


6. Lost at Sea - 20th Century conflicts - Maritime Memorial Trust Ian Stockbridge is trying to develop a reference system for relatives of those lost at sea in WW1 and WWII. He has an enquiry system that currently provides information on over 80,000 Merchant, Royal Navy, Army Gunners At the Going Down of the Sun and Civilians who lost their lives at sea in the last war, and more names are being added as the research continues. With the Centenary of the start of World War 1 in two years time he is hoping to complete the same information for that period. He is setting up as an unregistered charity “Maritime Memorial Trust” to support this. They have a web site that people can use to search for those who lost their lives in the Second World War, all information is provided free of charge but donations for WWI work will be gratefully received. For more information please contact Ian Stockbridge at


70th Battle of the Atlantic & Sailor Statue Unveiling – Londonderry 10/12 May 2013

Shipmates, the Londonderry Branch have a packed program of events for the weekend; anyone wishing to join us for this historic commemoration can do so by contacting the Branch Secretary, Frank Brown 02871291795: Mob;07855812507:email; or to secure Tickets for the Commemoration Dinner and access the accommodation for the event. The 4star City Hotel Derry is the venue for most of the events and accommodation there can only be booked through the Londonderry branch. Londonderry is The UK City ok Culture for 2013 and as there are over 350 events happening over the year, accommodation is very limited. FIRST COME FIRST SERVED. Please see Program of events. LONDONDERRY BRANCH -70th ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLE OF THE ATLANTIC COMMEMORATION PROGRAMME Friday 10th MAY 1200 1300 -

HMS Laurentic (WW1) Commemorations, Fahan COI, Co. Donegal. HMS Laurentic (WW1) Commemorations, Cockhill Chapel, Co. Donegal.

1400 Initiative.)

Fort Dunree, Co. Donegal, Tour and Hospitality, (hosted by the Ulster Newfoundland

1800 1930 -

Visiting Ships, VIP and invited guests Receptions (To be agreed). City Hotel, Corinthian Ballroom, Informal meet and greet, socialising.

Saturday 11th MAY - International Sailor Statue Unveiling Ceremony. 1230 -

Ebrington Square, Unveiling and Dedication of Sailor Statue by VVIP.

1300 Ebrington Square, Band Display followed by light lunch for VIPs’ and invited Guests. 1800 Civic Building, DCC Reception. (To be agreed). 1900 for 1930 - City Hotel, Corinthian Ballroom, 70th Anniversary Gala Dinner. (PLEASE NOTE THAT THE DINNER IS BY TICKET ONLY.) 10

Those wishing to attend should inform Hon. Sec. at the address below together with cost of dinner at £35.00 per head. SUNDAY 12th MAY 1015 1100 1200 1300 1400


Parade and Service of Commemoration.

Services Club, Spencer Road, muster for Parade to All Saints Church. Annual Battle of the Atlantic Service of Commemoration. Muster for Parade and March Past. (Route to be confirmed). Light Lunch City Hotel Ballroom Vip’s and invited guests. Banks of the Foyle/Peace Bridge, Wreath casting on the Foyle.

16:30:- Screening of new BBC program. Dive WW2: Our Secret History. In City Hotel. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT SHOULD THE OCCASION ARISE, THE ABOVE PROGRAMME MAY BE CHANGED. Should any Shipmate wish to join us the Secretary can be contacted at:S/m. F. J. Brown, 4, Myrtlefield Road, Kilfennan, Londonderry, BT47 5PG. Email:- There is an accommodation package available for those attending the Dinner. 2 or 3 night stay B&B City Hotel (4 star) £95 double per night. £80 single per night. Simply request package when booking Dinner Tickets with Secretary. Limited availability. Those Shipmates who intend to join us for the weekend should book their accommodation as early as possible as room numbers will be limited due to Londonderry being designated as the UK City of Culture 2013 and there will be many other events happening at the same time.


IMC – Sailing Camp 2013

The annual IMC Sailing Camp will be held in Ploen (in Germany between Kiel and Lubeck), at the Marine NCO school 22 - 31 July 2013. We are looking for young persons who are 15-19 years old on 22 July 2013, who would like to attend this very enjoyable sailing camp. They could just be a Shipmate’s granddaughter or grandson but must have their own Passport and be able to swim 50 yards in light clothing. They need not be a Sea Cadet. A programme for the sailing camp will be available shortly. The cost is €50, (cost before subsidies €450) with parents responsible for meeting the cost of travel to and from Ploen. Sterling cheque to RNA HQ with completed application forms which will be sent out by Nigel on receipt of proposed names. Please phone him on 023 9272 3747 before the end of February. This is a fantastic opportunity for adventure with an international dimension – if we send six young people means that we get back all out IMC subscription in subsidy – so get nominating!! 9.

Mountbatten Festival of Music, 11–13 April 2013

The Mountbatten Festival of Music features the Massed Bands of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines performing over three nights in the Royal Albert Hall, London. These concerts display the outstanding versatility of some of the world’s finest military musicians. The shows are given the “West End” treatment with spectacular lighting effects. 11

There really is something for everyone as the Royal Marines display their incredible musicianship and pageantry. A wide range of musical styles includes music from the big screen and superb solo items. The Festival would not be complete without the traditional marches and overtures that have proved such a hit with audiences over the years. Proceeds go to the Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund and CLIC Sergeant. Tickets for the Mountbatten Festival of Music 2013 will go on sale at 9.00 am on Monday 7th January 2013 from the Royal Albert Hall Box office 0845 401 5018 or For more information on RM Band events visit:


Donations received for the Central Charities

RNA – Ketton



Donations received for the Charter Challenge 2014

RNA – Newark RNA – Frome Mr G Owen Mr J Vickers

£40.00 £27.00 £1000.00 £100.00

Thank you very much


Battle of the Atlantic 70th anniversary – events

There are lots going on for this important commemoration in Londonderry, Liverpool and London in May. The full details of all of the events and how to attend are in the BOA newsletter at the back of this Circ. The newsletter is also on the website on our BOA page at


UK Armed Forces Embroidered Badges

For those Shipmates interested in obtaining embroidered batches/arm patches for Naval Air Squadron’s etc. Should visit the following website



Finance Corner  S/M Jack Wright - I would like to open my little finance corner by sending my deepest sympathy to S/m Jack Wright’s family and RNA Hanworth Shipmates. Over two and half years Jack and I built up a friendship. Jack would ring me for a chit chat, have a laugh and joke, which I think he found comforting. Jack had a great personality and he will be sadly missed by everyone who knew him.  Thank you - I would like to say thank you to all the Treasurers / Secretaries for returning your 4th Quarter Payments to HQ. I have also noticed the Year End Branch Returns flying through Finance Department, which has brought a smile to Rita, who thoroughly enjoys abstracting your figures onto the schedules!  Cheque ‘Writer-outers..’ - A gentle plea to those Shipmates who physically write out cheques, I have noticed under the same RNA Branch they are writing out numerous cheques (1 – Subs, 1 – Goods, 1 – Account). There is no need to waste cheques, can you please write out one cheque and on the back of the cheque just itemize your request i.e. (subs £10.00, Goods £25.00, Account £18.30) Thank You.  Good News - After negotiations with the RNA Insurance Brokers, we are delighted to announce the Standard Insurance from 18 March 2013 – 17 March 2014 will remain at £8.00 for another year, What a bargin !

Finally, QUOTE OF THE MONTH “If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of car payments or RNA Membership!”


Pension Reminder Tale

Talking of finance...... Are you all sitting comfortably….A Shipmate recently visited Semaphore Tower and during a chat over a ‘cuppa and choccy’ Hob Nob was asked by HQ Staff how long he had served and if he was in receipt of a Naval pension. He had served 9 years as an adult and 3 as a boy (or was it the other way around) he stated he didn’t receive any pension as did think he was eligible. However after advise received from the HQ staff a phone call to SPVA Pensions resulted in a payment of £9000 last December and on the Shipmates 60th birthday, next year, a monthly payment of £200. He will be visiting HQ again very shortly to get the Wets in!!!

16.  Guess Where? An Establishment! Can you name the establishment and where it is? Please forward any other pictures to the HQ that you may have for ‘Guess Where’ so that we publish them in forthcoming Circulars. Answer again in next month’s edition. Last month’s answer! HMS Caledonia (MOD Caledonia) 13


Proposed National Gulf War Memorial

My name is Andy Coombes and I am contacting you as part of a group of Gulf War veterans aiming to have a Gulf War 1991 memorial built at the National Arboretum. We are aware that the 25th Anniversary of the conflict is approaching and as yet there has been no permanent memorial to the dead. We are seeking to raise funds for the construction of the memorial and its upkeep for the next 20 years. I am aware that no members of the Royal Navy were killed in action during this conflict, but the RN did play a very important role nonetheless. A total of 47 British servicemen died during the conflict and a substantial amount more have become seriously ill and died since as a result of service in the region. For information (Flt Lt) John Nichol has kindly agreed to be our patron and we are hoping this will be very useful for publicity and fundraising as he is arguably the most recognisable face from the conflict. That said, we need all the help we can get in raising the estimated £40,000 needed to build and maintain this memorial for twenty years. For further details Andy can be contacted at The group also have a Web Page and Facebook page Thank you


Guest Speakers - Apostle Ship of the Sea

The Apostleship of the Sea, sometimes known as ‘Stella Maris’ is a charity supporting seafarers worldwide, providing practical care through its network of port chaplains and volunteer ship visitors. In Great Britain it has 14 port chaplains who would be delighted to come and speak of their work to any RNA branch. For more information and to arrange a talk please contact John Green 07505653801 or


Royal Naval Field Gun re-union (All Divisions) (Big Boys Field Gun!)

Royal Naval Field Gun Re-union, (All Divisions) to be held at the Parisienne Hotel Blackpool, on the 17th, 18th 19th May 2013. Cost £99, this includes Bed, Breakfast and Evening meal. Entertainment every evening with Up-Spirits on Saturday Afternoon, when DVDs of Field Gun Runs will be shown. To book contact the Parisienne Hotel Direct on Phone Number 01253 752424, when booking mention Royal Naval Field Gun Weekend, or write direct to Parisienne Hotel, 240-244, North Promenade, Blackpool FY1 1RZ . £30 deposit required when booking. For more information contact Jim Finch on 01772 434140, or email All Ex- Field Gun or Supporters welcome.


Newly Formed - HMS Relentless Association

There was an inaugural meeting of like-minded ex-serving members of HMS Relentless on 27 Nov 2012 where it was agreed to form an HMS Relentless Association. The Association is open to anyone who served on HMS Relentless H85 or F185 in whatever capacity as a Member or to anyone who is a relative of anyone meeting that criteria as an Associate Member. The first official reunion of the Association will be held on 30th November 2013 in Chatham and we would like to contact as many ex-shipmates as possible. 14

Our website can be found at Any enquiries should be sent to: secretary@hmsrelentlessassociation or padre@hmsrelentlessassociation


Promotional materials

Branches should be planning their PR events and promotions for this year. Please get your bids in for RNA hats and other promotional items (joining forms, bookmarks, car stickers etc) to HQ. Gizzits are available from and he has placemats, ice scrapers, pens, gonks, key rings. Gizzits are going fast. As the National Events coordinator Steve is also in charge of gazebos.


Bert Elliot’s War

There is considerable mention in the press regarding HMS Caroline, my Father, H.E.C. Elliott joined the ship on 18 March 1921, having been promoted to telegraphist. He had signed on for 'twelve' and after spending most of his time on various ships in and around the Far East he was discharged in 1930 to be recalled as a reservist in 1939, in 1940 he was on a mine layer, HMS Express in the North sea when it was blown up after hitting a mine. He was on a raft with twenty two others but he was one of only five picked up by the Germans and made a POW until 1945. Some eighteen months were spent in Stalag Luft Three of 'The Great Escape' fame where he was billetted in hut 104 from where the escape took place. He spent time in various camps including Marlag Milag Nord which was a naval camp. Shipmates may be interested to know that I have published a book entitled 'Bert Elliott's War' which contains numerous photos of naval life as well as his experiences, which includes his time in HMS Caroline it also includes his diary from his years in captivity as a P.O.W. in Germany. The book is well presented in paperback and I have a number of copies priced at ÂŁ8.00 if anybody is interested you can contact me S/M John Elliott at the following e-mail address; Thank you.


Association/Veteran Battlefield Visits

WW2 Veterans & War Widows don't lose the opportunity! We are eager to assist WW2 and Veterans journey to destinations where they saw action. In many cases its free, and you deserve it! The Big Lottery Fund has funds to pay for you, a partner and a carer so to learn more about Heroes Return Grants call us on 01634 233 785 or contact us and we can help you arrange your tour, so talk to your friends and family and take advantage of these grants. If you have any questions about the scheme and whether you are eligible, ring the application helpline on 0845 0000121 or email us at War Widows and Widowers who lost their partners prior to 1967 since when repatriations have take place, are entitled to receive a free visit to their spouse's grave of memorial. The Ministry of Defence has funds allocated for you and we believe that you should avail yourselves of this 15

money. The War Widows Association is also here to help you. To learn more about the War Widows Grant-in-Aid Scheme click here. Just call us and we can take your details and start the process to obtain your travel grant. Nikki Archer-Waring Direct Tel: +44 (0) 1634 233 785 Skype: spiritofremembrance Twitter: SoRemembrance You Tube: SpiritofRemembrance

24. Memory Lane - Portsmouth Navy Days 1979 This month’s Memory Lane features Portsmouth Navy Days from 1979 held over three days August 25,26 and 27th (August Bank holiday). How times have changed in 34 years...... The programme was a staggering 40p and outrageous 5p for a Map!. The daily routine featured Helicopter flying displays, Unarmed Combat with the Booties (trained killers!) and concerts from the RM Band (trained thrillers!) The gates opened at 1030 and closed at 1800 with Sailors working all weekend, including Friday afternoon,(unheard of these days!) HMS Ships and Submarines open to the public; Carries - Bulwark Assault Ship – Intrepid Destroyers – DLG Kent, T42s Coventry and Newcastle Frigates – Scylla, Diomede, Lowestoft, RFA – Tidepool Submarine – Onyx Survey Ships – Beagle Bulldog. The Flag Officer Portsmouth was Rear Admiral P E Bass.



Armed Forces Research Proposal – Participants required

Ian Wagstaff is a level 2 occupational therapy student currently studying at Coventry University. He is currently generating a research proposal for an empirical ( Ed Note for those who do not know what this means, because I didn’t! It means - Relying on or derived from observation or experiment: empirical results that supported the hypothesis.) research study I will carry out in 2014. His research will focus on the experiences of ex-military personnel on the transition from armed forces to civilian life. He would greatly appreciate any support you would be able to offer in terms of recruiting participants for the study, the research will be concentrating on individuals who have left the armed forces within the past 10 years. He believes this research will help and support those in need, as well as raising awareness of organisations such as the Royal Naval Association, and the support they continue to offer. If you require any further information he can be contacted at:


Army/Navy Rugby Match 27 April 2013 – Volunteers required

The Royal Naval and Royal Marines Charity (RNRMC) are after volunteers 30 in number (one pace forward march!) to assist with a variety of tasks, see below, at the annual Army/Navy game on 27 April 2013 at Twickenham. Volunteers will be required to; • • • • •

Help man the RNRMC stand Collect money around the stadium Collect money at train stations x 3 nearby (Whitton (1.2 miles), St Margret’s (1.1 miles), Richmond (2.1 miles) Collect money at the veterans and ladies match at nearby Kneller Hall (this match takes place in the morning of 27 April) Gather in collection pots from Twickenham pubs while the match is on and before things get too rowdy!

In return, RNRMC will: Contribute £10 towards travel per person Provide a meal voucher to buy lunch Provide water and a snack (it will be a long day!) Provide an RNRMC T-shirt so that all volunteers are recognisable to security staff. Provide opportunity for volunteers to watch at least half of the game. (Unfortunately as ‘Volunteers’ will be representing the charity they are therefore unable to consume alcohol whilst ‘on duty’) If you could spare a few hours and help this very worthy cause and would like to assist please contact Sarah Clewes the Interim Community Fundraising Manager at RNRMC on Tel: 02392 54 8417 or e-mail:



SATNAV poem in honour of the ‘Long haired General’ I have a little Satnav It sits there in my car A Satnav is a driver's friend It tells you where you are I have a little Satnav I've had it all my life It's better than the normal ones My Satnav is my wife It gives me full instructions Especially how to drive "It's thirty miles per hour", it says "You're doing forty five" It tells me when to stop and start And when to use the brake And tells me that it's never ever Safe to overtake It tells me when a light is red And when it goes to green It seems to know instinctively Just when to intervene It lists the vehicles just in front And all those to the rear And taking this into account It specifies my gear. I'm sure no other driver Has so helpful a device For when we leave and lock the car It still gives its advice It fills me up with counselling Each journey's pretty fraught So why don't I exchange it And get a quieter sort? Ah well, you see, it cleans the house, Makes sure I'm properly fed, It washes all my shirts and things And - keeps me warm in bed!

Despite all these advantages And my tendency to scoff, I do wish that once in a while I could turn the damned thing off.



HMS Queen Elizabeth Bridge commences sea trails.

HMS Queen Elizabeth’s Bridge was spotted sailing past HQ last week on her way up to Rosyth so that she can be joined to the rest of her hull.

**Neville Saunders article &Photo


Irish Naval Association Remembrance Service –Waterford 23 November 2013

On Sunday 23rd November the INA celebrates a Mass in Waterford City for all their deceased members. Over 60 travel from our Branch in Dublin and usually 20 from the Limerick Branch to join with their Waterford Colleagues in this week end which has become a high point of the INA social Calendar. INA members stay for Saturday and Sunday in the popular Dooley’s Hotel and on Saturday night they have a black tie dinner and dance. On Sunday morning a coach is provided at the Hotel to transport everyone the Church for Mass. (Ed note; Non Catholics are most welcome at the Mass) On completion it’s off to the local GAA club for lunch with a musical celebration with Dick Quinn on keyboard and a sing song until 1600. Then it is back to the Hotel to rest until later in the evening where there is a private room and one of the INA members will have his Guitar and another sing along until early morning. The estimated cost per person sharing will be €110 for the 2 nights bed and full breakfast and the Black Tie dinner & Dance. The INA would cordially like to invite any members of the RNA who might like to come over for a visit to attend and enjoy a weekend in Waterford. Shipmates could stay Friday night in Dublin and join the INA by train to Waterford which is very convenient as the Hotel in Waterford is within 19

walking distance of the train. Trains to and from Waterford are every hour and the journey takes approx 2hrs.30 minutes. Contact Terry Cummins at


RNA Biennial Parade - Whitehall Sunday 08 September 2013 ‘Heads-Up’

The RNA Biennial Parade will take place at Whitehall on Sunday 08 September 2013 mustering from 0930 on. All Branches are cordially invited to parade along Whitehall and on completion attend that post march refreshments at the Civil Service Club. The reviewing Officer this year will be the Second Sea Lord, Vice Admiral David Steel CBE. An invitation has been extended via the Conference of Naval Associations for other Naval Service Associations to join us, both HMS Collingwood and HMS Sultan have agreed to provide marching platoons. The Irish Naval Association has already told us they are coming and will slaughter us at the singing again! It is vitally important that we have a large turn-out so that we don’t lose the unbelievable privilege and spine tingling experience of being at the Cenotaph in our own right - so please make a date in your dairies and encourage as many Shipmates as possible to attend this prestigious event and show what a super association the RNA is.

“D’ye hear there” News from around the Areas and Branches

RNA Lee on the Solent and Stubbington RNA Lee on the Solent and Stubbington held a ceremony to celebrate the election of S/M Neville Saunders as their first Honorary President. Guest of honour was local MP Caroline Dinenage who presented Shipmate Neville with a framed certificate. Neville joined the Royal Navy in 1955 and served in HM Ships; Russell, Orion, Albion and Ark Royal during a 27 year career. He joined the RNA in 1982 and was a member at Hemel Hempstead, where he was the Standard Bearer for 25 years and Chairman for 10 years of that Branch.


RNA Dublin Branch S/m Ger Mahony has been elected as the new Secretary of the Dublin Branch at its AGM. Please forward all correspondence to; 18 Cherrywood, Loughlinstown drive, Dun Laoghaire, County Dublin Tel 00353 1 2826429 e-mail

RNA Rochdale – Change of Meeting venue Shipmates should be aware that RNA Rochdale branch meetings will are now held in; Cask and Feather 1, Oldham Road Rochdale Greater Manchester Ol16 1UA

RNA Woking Branch – 30th Anniversary Dinner RNA Woking will be holding their 30th Anniversary Dinner on Saturday 16th March at the Hoe Bridge Golf Club, Old Woking, cost £25-00 per person, starting at 1900, further details are available from S/m Ian Fraser, 01932-344501 or S/m Rod Fraser 01932-349928, RNA Bourne 50th Anniversary and Area 9 Annual Lunch. On Sunday 7th April 2013 Bourne Branch will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary with a combined Area 9 Annual Lunch at the Masonic Hall, Bourne. All Area 9 Branch Secretaries should have received their invitations and booking forms by now - this will really be something to look forward to. Shipmates can be assured of a good welcome, a pay bar, hot lunch, free drink for the Loyal Toast, and the ever present raffle. Would all branch secretaries please chase up responses and get them back to Bourne Branch Secretary Brenda White ASAP ( We are very much looking forward to a good turnout and meeting with as many Area 9 shipmates as possible on the day.

RNA South Gloucestershire Branch - Change of Meeting Venue Shipmates are reminded that with effect from 11 Feb 13 the South Gloucestershire Branch will meeting on the 2nd Monday of every month at the following venue; Downend Cricket Club, Downend Road Downend South Gloucestershire BS16 5UE


RNA Bolton Branch – Change of Venue Very unfortunately Bolton Branch has had to change venue again. Unfortunately the Derby Ward Labour Club has had to close down due to financial isues. The Branch will now meet at; The Spinning Mule Unit 2 Nelson Square Bolton BL1 1JT

RNA Shrewsbury Branch At the AGM on Friday last, 25 January, two of our long standing committee members stood down. Shipmate Bill Edwards, who joined the RNA in 1977 and became a member of the Shrewsbury Branch in 1988 was awarded a certificate of Life Membership. He has been the Branch Treasurer for the last 10 years. Under Bill’s stewardship the Branch finances have managed to cover all its obligations to the Royal Naval Association nationally and also allowed the branch to enjoy a wide range of social activities whilst remaining healthily ‘in the black’. At the same meeting Shipmate Don Hulme, who joined the Shrewsbury branch as an associate member in 1999, having previously served in the Cheshire Regiment. He was awarded the RNA Certificate of Appreciation. The certificate, which is the highest award that can be given to an associate member, was awarded for his outstanding work for the Branch as its Social Secretary. During his 10 year term he has organised a multitude of activities which have included day trips and visits to other Branches, Dinners and entertaining visitors from other Branches to Shrewsbury. He will be a hard act to follow. The attached picture features S/M’s Bill and Don receiving their awards from the Branch Chairman S/M john Turner.

RNA Congleton (Informal) – S/M Ron Leather RNA Congleton are deeply sad to announce that S/M Ron Leather XTB on 06 February 2013. Ron was also a member of the HMS Ocean Association. He joined the service for National Service in June 1954 and after training in the engineering branch at HMS Raleigh at Tor Point he joined HMS Ocean at Portland in the Home Fleet Training Squadron as a ships company Stoker Mechanic. After some 18 months of sea service in the Med and Europe he was returned to Devonport barracks where he worked in the reserve fleet maintenance section until demob in June 1956.


RNA Newport Branch – S/M John Davies It is with deep regret that the Branch announce the sad loss of S/M John Davies LMA who XTB on 27 Jan 13. S/M John joined the RN in 1943 and served in HM Ships Kimberly and Romala he also served ashore in Bombay. He will be sadly missed by his family.

RNA Southend-On-Sea Branch - S/M Les Farmer It is with deep regret that the Southend-on-Sea Branch has to report the passing of our Club President S/M Les Farmer who crossed the Bar on the 28th January 2013 at 1000 hours after a short time in hospital. Les had held many positions within the club and branch and was always ready to help out. He will be sorely missed especially for his rational knowledge that he gave to everyone.

RNA Basildon Branch – 40th Anniversary Dance Friday 21 Jun 13 RNA Basildon will be holding their 40th Anniversary Dance on Friday, June 21st, at Bowers United Sports & Social Club starting at 19:30 hours, entertainment, buffet, £7:50p per person. For further information please contact Sheila Reynolds, Branch Secretary on 01268 474261 or 07505 952 605 email:

RNA Christchurch Branch – Battle of the Atlantic 70th Anniversary Service 26 May 2013 RNA Christchurch Branch will be holding a special service and buffet lunch on 26 May 13 to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the end of the 5 year Battle of The Atlantic. A special Service is being held in the Priory Church at 11.15 am followed by a Buffet lunch. The Secretary would be pleased to hear from anyone who served during that Battle so that they can be invited to this special event. Please contact Christine Payne 20 Moffat Rd Christchurch BH23 HQ (tel: 01202 474819) ( Finally a date for your diaries this year’s Christchurch Branch Trafalgar Dinner will be held on Saturday 19th October 2013. For further info please contact Christine (details above)

Area 2 – AGM Weekend Area 2 held their AGM on Saturday 16th February at the King Charles Hotel Gillingham, the former NAFFI club. The Shipmates were joined by 46 members from 10 area some attending the meeting and other visiting the dockyard and other local attractions. The weekend kicked off with a meet and greet and entertainment provided by S/M Dave Tollerton and his ‘Shipmate band’ which turned into an enjoyable sods opera. The AGM commenced with two resignations (Ed Note; and before you ask it wasn’t Dave Tollerton’s visiting Shipmates Band!) sadly both the Area Secretary Mick Withington , who wished 23

to spend more dedicated time with his own branch, Isle of Sheppey and the Area President S/M Chris Durban who is fast approaching 90; the Pope has really started something. This was the first time that 2 Area had arranged a social weekend and it was such a success that something similar will be organised next year. Furthermore it was also decided to move the area delegates meeting so that the May meeting will be at Gravesend RNA club followed by Ramsgate RNA club in August. The day was finished with a 5 course gala dinner which was preceded by “up spirits” and followed by hands to dance and skylark. On Sunday, a nice sunny morning, 2 Area paraded at the great lines Naval Memorial with the National, Area, Chatham and Ashford Standards present. Shipmate Chris Durban reviewed the parade and then doubled up as padre (see it was the Popes fault!) giving the blessing for an enjoyable weekend. 2 Area Shipmates who attend the weekend would like to thank Shipmate Treasurer Roger Ide for organising the event in the little time he had to do it and award him a well deserved, BZ.

Area 2 – New Area 2 Secretary S/M Christine Stout (Hon Sec Chatham Branch) has been elected as the new Area 2 Secretary she can be contacted at; 72 Watling Street, Strood Kent ME2 3 QJ Tel;01634 713523 E-mail ;

Area 2 - Biennial Standard Bearers Open Competition It is proposed to hold this Open Competition on Saturday MAY 18th 2013 at Sheerness East Working Men's Club, Queenborough Road, Isle of Sheppey Kent ME12 3BZ. Competitors are reminded that the Competition will start at 1300 promptly. On completion there will be a prize giving ceremony and refreshments probably Fish & Chips / Chicken & Chips / Sausage & Chips. There will be a Band Concert and parade of Standards, so as many Shipmates as possible are encouraged to attend and support this very important and worthwhile event. During the event the bar will be open and the statutory tot will of course be issued and Standard Bearer's bars will also be issued. For those newcomers and Standard Bearers who feel they are a bit rusty it is intended to hold practice runs starting in March, every Monday@1900 in our beloved Naval Barracks HMS Pembroke Chatham (Up and At’em Chatham..) Finally, Please come along and support your Branches and their Standards, Let's Show the Flag ,tell the world the Navy is here as we need it more than ever in today's world. Very many thanks S/m Mick Isle of Sheppey and Area 2 Secretary. Please send your details to Area 2 deputy parade & ceremonial office S/m. Harry Cowell, 8 Glenwood Drive, Minster, Isle of Sheppey, KENT (01795 873678)

Shortcast 2013 HMS Widemouth Bay Association – 10/05/2013 17th Annual Reunion and AGM is to be held at The Angel Hotel Regent Street Leamington Spa on May 10th/11th. All ex crew will be warmly welcomed. Details from Reg Moss 01256773674 or 24

HMS Jamaica Association – 13-16/09/13 HMS Jamaica Association will be holding its AGM and re-union 13-16th September 2013 in the Britannia Hotel Coventry. Further details are available from Mac Wilkinson (Hon Sec/Treas) on 01843 582283 or

HMS Undine & Urchin Association - 15/03/2013 HMS Undine & Urchin Association: in company with Ursa, Ulster, Ulysses, Urania and Undaunted are holding their next reunion from 15 to 18 March 2013 at the Bosworth Hall Hotel & Spa, Market Bosworth, Warwickshire. CV13 0LP. Tel: 0871 474 2755 Website: It is a large good quality hotel. Details available from Secretary Chris Heslop Minewarfare Reunion - 16/03/2013 Minewarfare Reunion: This will be held at the Royal Maritime Club, Portsmouth on March 16. Serving and ex Minewarfare Branch members most welcome. Full details of the event are available at the website. Tickets are £35 for Minewarfare Association Members, £40 for nonmembers/guests. Contact Taff Reader or Dixie Dean at; HMS Hermes Association reunion weekend 4-8 April 2013 Bosworth Hall Market Bosworth For further information please contact Jim Loveday 02086461441 or email Thanking you in anticipation The Double Seven Re-union – Mill Ryth- Hayling Island - 12-15 April 2013 Shipmates the next Double Seven re-union weekend will take place at MILL RYTHE Holiday Village Hayling Island and is booked for the weekend 12th -15th APRIL 2013.Total Price £96.00pp as before half board [Deposit £25.00 PP@ time of booking,] there is an option £4.00 insurance if you feel you need it] Bookings to - Katy Lansley 02392 460044 (Mill Rythe).Any Queries contact S.M. Mrs Ann Creswell by phone or Text 07743576861 - Home phone only after 1900hrs, 01962 880198 Email; don2pounds123@btinternet,com SM Mick Withington 91795875084 or HMS Newfoundland Veterans - 26/04/2013 HMS Newfoundland Veteran’s weekend will be held from April 26 to 29 at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea. Details available from Alan Waite HMS Protector Association - 26/04/2013 14th Grand Annual Reunion and AGM is to be held at The Aztec Hotel, Bristol from April 26 to 29 2013. Early booking is highly recommended. Forms and further details available from Doug Harris or downloadable in due course from the website.


HMS Phoebe Association - 3/05/2013 HMS Phoebe Association, Cruiser (C43) & frigate (F42): Have their annual (17th) reunion from May 3 to 6 at the Nelson Hotel, Great Yarmouth. All ex crew are welcome to join us. Please contact the secretary, Roy Pavely HMS Fisgard Series 33 - 4/05/2013 55th Anniversary Reunion will be held at the Queens Hotel, Southsea on May 4, to celebrate the young lads who joined Fisgard on 5 May 1958, and those who dipped back into our class. There will be a pre-dinner gathering followed by the dinner. Contact Bill Rayner HMS Bulwark, Albion, Centaur Association - 11/05/2013 Did you serve on any of these light fleet carriers? Our association is open to anyone who served at any time on these ships. We send a magazine three times per year and run events including AGM/Social, sea trips with our current ships Albion & Bulwark and anniversary commemorations at home and abroad. Whilst our ‘Home Port’ is Pompey, this year’s AGM/Social was held at the Hilton Hotel, Blackpool. Next year we will be at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea on May 11. We also sponsor sea cadets from our affiliated SCCs on one sail and tow motor Training Ships. Membership is all of £8 per annum. Enquiries to Leigh Easton or the website Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association - 17/05/2013 Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association. The next reunion will take place at the Sherborne Hotel, Sherborne Dorset from May 17 to 20. Special arrangements are also available for those who are joining the group on an Official Association Visit to HMS Collingwood on May 21 to witness the present day training facilities. Details of the very full reunion, the Official visit and of membership of this Association for anyone who served at HMS Collingwood at any time, in any capacity. Contact Mike Crowe or visit the website Festival of the Forties 26th -27th 28th July 2013, We have been lucky enough to get the former airfield site at North Luffenham for next year’s festival. Yes.... It was very sad that this year’s event could not go ahead. But, lessons were very quickly learned... Things were put into place and with a group of very loyal family and friends... Festival of the Forties has risen from the ashes very quickly indeed.!!! We want you ALL to come back and give us another chance.... We are going to hold the very best new, bright and innovative 1940s festival in the UK. in 2013. With a completely blank canvas.... Lots of Hard Standing... Free Parking and new, fresh ideas. There will be Public Camping. There will be fantastic displays. The Event will be Free to all Armed Forces and Veterans all Weekend ! There will be top entertainment for you to see and hear. Plus several Invited guest Displays and Groups. We have taken the "True British Bulldog Spirit" from this year’s national events "Going for Gold" will be our slogan for the 2013 festival and to be honest..... What better way to do it!!! After last year’s very successful themed emailing campaign, we have decided to use the "Commando Comics" Front pages Theme this year and hopefully you will all enjoy them. If you require more information please contact; Matt Page, 2013 Festival of the Forties Organiser, 07771 668924 26

Type 42 Association Reunion – July 2013 There are plans hold the first Type 42 Association in Portsmouth – more information as it firms up. RNA Plymouth – Trafalgar Weekend -11-14 October 2013 The RNA Plymouth Biennial Trafalgar Weekend will be held at the Sefton Hotel, Babbacombe from Friday 11th October to Monday 14th October 2013. Gala Dinner. Formal Dress. 2 Nights £75.00 pp, Three Nights £110.00 pp. Anyone wishing to attend then please get the details from: Sue Gutteridge. (01752) 849176. email:

RNA Longcast 2 Mar 9 Mar 10 Mar 2 Mar 29 Mar- 02 Apr 7 Apr 13 Apr 13 April 19 Apr 4 May 9 May 10 May 10-12 May 11 May 24-27 May 14-16 June 14 June 16 June 22 June 28 June 29 June 13 July 21 July 17 Aug 24 Aug 24 Aug 7 Sep 8 Sept 20 Sep 11 Oct 12 Oct 12 – 14 Oct 18 Oct 19 Oct 21 Oct 12 Nov 16 Nov 27

SOC – Meeting – Semaphore Tower - Portsmouth NC – Trustee Report and Motions for Conference St Nazaire (Operation Chariot) Memorial Parade (RNA Falmouth) SOC - Consider Motions Easter Bank Holiday Weekend – HQ Closed Bourne Branch 50th Celebration - NP Area 2 Committee Meeting - Minster Working Men’s Club – Isle of Sheppey Welfare Seminar HMS Nelson S/R Mess HQ - Open Day 1 Area 2 Delegates & Observers Meeting – UJC - London IEST Meeting at Haig House -GS HQ - Open Day 2 (SOLD OUT) Battle of the Atlantic Celebrations - Londonderry Area 2 - Biennial Standard Bearer’s Competition - Sheerness Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic – Liverpool - GS National Conference - Liverpool NC, AMC and FAC SOC - Conference Wash Up Cornwall Armed Forces Day (Falmouth) HQ - Open Day 3 (SOLD OUT) Armed Forces Day - Nottingham Area 2 Committee Meeting - Minster Working Men’s Club – Isle of Sheppey Falmouth Sea Day AMC Meeting FAC Meeting Area 2 Delegates & Observers Meeting – UJC - London National Council RNA Biennial Parade - Whitehall HQ - Open Day 4 HQ - Open Day 5 (SOLD OUT) Area 2 Committee Meeting - Minster Working Men’s Club – Isle of Sheppey RNA Plymouth Biennial Trafalgar Weekend 12-14 October 2013 RNA Falmouth Trafalgar Dinner Crosby Branch Trafalgar Dinner - GS Frome Branch Trafalgar Dinner - GS FAC Budget Meeting AMC Meeting

23 Nov 23 Nov 7 Dec

Area 2 Delegates & Observers Meeting – UJC - London FAC Meeting Budget for FY 2014 NC – Budget for FY 2014

Swinging the Lamp March 1 1907 Cap ribbons and bedding issued in lieu of a gratuity, and ready-made uniforms instead of material to be made up. Loan clothing introduced. 2 1911 First four officers, chosen from over 200 applicants, reported to the Royal Aero Club’s aerodrome at Eastchurch on the Isle of Sheppey for pilot training in private aircraft provided free of charge:Lt C.R. Samson, scout cruiser Foresight; Lt R.Gregory, armoured cruiser Antrim; Lt A.M.Longmore, HMTB 24 and Lt E.L. GerrardRMLI, cruiser Hermione. 3 1807 The squadron under Vice-Admiral Sir John Duckworth engaged the Dardanelles forts on the return passage from Constantinople. 4 1941 Transportation of Imperial troops from Egypt to Greece. Ended on 24 April, when the evacuation began. Operation Lustre. 5 1902 Queen Alexandra’s Royal Naval Nursing Service constituted by Order in Council, replacing the naval nursing sisters. 6 1993 Retirement of CPO W. Price, last of the promised men’who joined the RN in 1948 and in 1970 were guaranteed employment until age 65. He served for twenty-two years at the RN Detention Quarters, Portsmouth. 7 1814 Provisions of uni form regulat ions of 19 September 1810 extended to the Governors of the RN Hospital and Asylum, and the Lieutenant-Governors of Greenwich Hospital and of the RN College, Portsmouth. 8 1872 The wood screw frigate Ariadne, sailing to Gibraltar, hove to when a seaman fell overboard from the main topmast crosstrees 130 miles off the Portuguese coast (40.15N, 12.10W) In an unsuccessful rescue attempt both ship’s cutters were swamped and two officers, Sub-Lts Jukes and Talbot, and eight men were drowned. 9 1686 Pepys signed contract for purchase of rum in lieu of brandy for HM ships at Jamaica. 10 1956 World air speed record of 1,132 mph (1,823 kph) set by Lt-Cdr Peter Twiss, OBE, DSC and bar, RNVR, flying from Boscombe Down in a Fairey Delta 2 between Chichester and RNAS Ford, Sussex. The first person to fly at over 1,000 mph. 11 1708 The Cruisers and Convoys Acts allocated prize money to captors at the Crown’s expense; a great incentive to captains and crews. 12 2009 The f irst woman in RN to win the MC. Able Seaman Kate Louise Nesbitt (21), a medical assistant attached to 3 Cdo Brigade, for ‘exemplary gallantry’ during a Tal iban ambush in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. Kate, all 5ft tall, ran under enemy fire and saved the life of L/Cpl John List of 1 RIFLES who had been hit in the neck. Her MC was awarded by HRH Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace on 27 November 2009. Operation Herrick. Citation: ‘Nesbitt’s actions throughout a series of offensive operations were exemplary; under fire and under pressure her commitment and courage were inspirational and made the difference between life and death, “She performed in the highest traditions of her service.” 13 1823 Admiral of the Fleet the Earl of St Vincent died. ‘We expect too much of men; we do not make sufficient allowances, and perhaps we are too apt to over rate the services we render them’ 14 1757 Admiral Byng executed on board Monarchafter being court-martialled for dereliction of duty. ‘At 12 Mr Byng was shot dead by six marines and put into his coffin’ – Master’s Log, HMS Monarch. 28

15 1980 Fire in A1 boiler room in the commando carrier Bulwark during a visit to Philadelphia. Damage considered too costly to repair. 16 1858 Shannon’s Naval Brigade at the capture of Lucknow by the forces under General Sir Colin Campbell. Naval Brigade manned all the breaching artillery on one side of the Gumti River. Indian Mutiny Medal: clasp ‘Lucknow’Battle Honour: Lucknow 1857. 17 1912 Capt Lawrence Oates, 5th Inniskilling Dragoons, died in Antarctica by walking out into a blizzard in a vain attempt to improve the chances of survival for Capt Scott’s party: ‘I am just going outside and may be some time.’ It was his 32nd birthday. 18 2002 Fearless, last RN steam-powered surface warship,entered Portsmouth for the last time on return from the Indian Ocean. See 10 September 1971, 23 November 1979,September 2000, 2 August 2002. 19 1847 Admiralty order that Wednesday 24 March be observed as a Day of Public Fasting and Humiliation, Divine Service to be specially performed in recognition of Irish Famine. Reaction of ship’s companies and their pursers not recorded. 20 1832 Navigating, Medical and other non-executive officers adopted the uniform jacket of the Executive branch, distinguished by the pattern of their button. 21 2007 Explosion of a self-contained oxygen generator (SCOG) in submarine Tireless while submerged under the Arctic ice killed two crew members. 22 2003 Two Sea King Mk VII of 849 Sqn A Flight, flying from Ark Royal on vital ground surveillance missions to support Royal Marines ashore on the Al Faw peninsula, collided over the northern Arabian Gulf. Two pilots and five observers killed. Posthumous MiD to observer,Lt Tony King. Operation Telic. 23 1922 Submarine H42, Lt D.C. Sealy RN, sunk with all twenty-six hands in collision with the destroyer Versatile, Cdr V.L.A Campbell RN, during 3rd Submarine Flotilla tactical exercises with the Atlantic Fleet off Europa Point, Gibraltar. The submarine surfaced 40yds ahead of the destroyer which was steaming at 20 knots. 24 1960 Yarmouth, first of nine Rothesay-class antisubmarine frigates, commissioned at John Brown’s, Clydebank, by Capt H.R. Hewlett RN, shortly to be Captain (F) Sixth Frigate Squadron. The first ship to be equipped with the new Seacat missile. 25 1945 World’s first deck landing of a high-performance twin-engined aircraft; a de Havilland Mosquito Mk 6 from RAE Farnborough on Indefatigable off Ailsa Craig and Arran piloted by LtCdr Eric ‘Winkle’ Brown RNVR. 26 1912 Leonard James Callaghan, later Lt RNVR and Prime Minister, born at Portsmouth. 27 2006 The last Sea Harrier FA2 squadron, 801 NAS, paid off at RNAS Yeovilton, having completed operational flying on 9 March. 28 1996 RM School of Music, Deal, closed and band training moved to old RNDQs in Portsmouth Dockyard. RM at Deal since 1861. 28 1968 The beginning of the end of the fathom. The first of the new metric Admiralty charts, No. 3105 of Chiba Ko in Tokyo Bay, published, with depths and heights shown in metres and decimeters. This was followed on 5 April by Chart 2247 of ports in the Black Sea, and on 12 April by Chart 438 of Boulogne. 30 1912 Capt Robert Falcon Scott RN and the remainder of his party died in the Antarctic. ‘It seems a pity but I do not think I can write more.’ ‘For God’s sake, look after our people.’ 31 1956 HMS Siskin, RNAS Gosport, paid off and following day commissioned as HMS Sultan as a TE for ratings of the Mechanical Engineering Branch. The new establishment was named after the old ironclad Sultan which served until 1943 as the RN mechanical training ship in Portsmouth Harbour.


Jack Dusty’s Corner New Slops Items As requested by many shipmates we now have available to order;

Blue jumper £25

Sleeveless jumper £23

These prices include postage and packing. Sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL These are encouraged for wear for branch meetings, outings etc, leaving the Blazer for more formal occasions. This Weatherproof jacket is now available from HQ. It can be embroidered with the name of your branch, which is included in the cost or whatever you want within reason, which may incur an extra charge. The jacket features a concealed hood in the collar, 2 side pockets, 1 chest pocket, inside zip and pocket and elasticated cuffs. It is available in various sizes starting at XS 34” chest up to 3XL 54” chest (for the fuller figure) A bargain at £38.00 (including VAT and postage) Give Nigel a ring at HQ and order one soonest


Polo Shirt £20

Delegate/Observers for the Annual Conference 2013 Liverpool Branch


Name of Delegate Delegate’s Address

Telephone No

Post Code

e-mail Number of Observers Names of Observers


Name of Branch Hon Secretary Contact telephone No: (if not branch Hon Sec) Contact e-mail address Name and Address for correspondence (if not branch Hon Sec)

*Please continue on a separate sheet with all your branch observers. This will be the Branch secretary unless otherwise indicated. NB: A Delegate will not be confirmed as such unless or until the Branch Balance Sheet for 2012 and Annual Subscriptions for Branch Members for 2013 have been received in RNA Headquarters (Rule 12 C). Should either not have been received in HQ, the Delegate's Status will be deemed to be that of an Observer.


.................................BRANCH REPORT 2013 (Note: This Report should be forwarded to H.Q. with a copy direct to the Area Secretary after the Branch AGM - Byelaw 11) and not later than 16th April 2013. It covers the reports to the National Council required by Bye-laws 17 & 18. One copy of the Annual Accounts & Report should also be sent to H.Q. Bye-law 31 c. CHAIRMAN Name: Address: Post Code.............................. Tel / Mobile: VICECHAIRMAN


Name: Address: Post Code.............................. Tel / Mobile:



Name: Address:

Post Code.............................. Tel / Mobile: HON. TREASURER


Name: Address:

Post Code.............................. Tel / Mobile: HON. WELFARE OFFICER


Name: Address:

Post Code.............................. Tel / Mobile: HON. PR OFFICER


Name: Address:

Post Code.............................. Tel / Mobile: STANDARD BEARER


Name: Address:

Post Code.............................. Tel / Mobile: Address of Meeting Place Frequency of Branch Meetings Name & Address of Branch Bank




Name: e-mail:

Tel / Mobile: PRESIDENT

Name: e-mail:


Name: e-mail:

Tel / Mobile: HON. CHAPLAIN

Name: e-mail:

Tel / Mobile: HON. MEMBERS

Name: e-mail:

Tel / Mobile: HON. MEMBERS

Name: e-mail:

Tel / Mobile:


Name: Address: Tel / Mobile:



Name: Address: Tel / Mobile:



Name: Address: Tel / Mobile:



Name: Address:

Tel / Mobile: Liaison with R.N. Ships, Establishments, R.N.R., S.C.C. etc.


Ships in which Branch takes a special interest (e.g. historical, reunions)

Other Association Branches or Organisations within Branch. (e.g. R.M. Association, F.A.A. Association, S.M. Old Comrades, Ship Associations)

Any other useful information about Branch:

Signature of Hon. Secretary



Notes for your guidance when completing your Annual Income and Expenditure Balance Sheets Over one hundred Year End Returns were incorrect in 2011. Many of these faults were simple counting errors. Another common fault is the ‘brought forward’ figure from the previous year not agreeing with your previous year’s ‘carried forward’ figure. They must always be the same. It will save the RNA staff a considerable amount of time and money if you would all use the standard forms that HQ provide. Obviously this does not include club accounts. Please double check: 1. Your ‘carried forward’ figure from the previous year agrees with your ‘brought forward’ figure for the current year. 2. The difference between your Total Income and your Total Expenditure is calculated correctly and transferred to Page 1 3. If your Income exceeds your Expenditure you ADD it to your ‘brought forward’ figure to give you your total balance. 4. If your Expenditure exceeds your Income you SUBTRACT it from your ‘brought forward’ figure to give you your total balance. 5. All Income and Expenditure must be calculated within this format. 6. When you have entered your bank figures and calculated your total figure, your total figure should agree with your Balance C/Fwd figure. 7. Your calculations are checked by a third party. 8. On completion of the form please ensure that all pages are signed. If you receive a letter from HQ highlighting a query regarding your return, can you please rectify the query (or if you are unsure or don’t understand please contact Michelle on 02392 723823) and return via post, or e-mail. Until HQ receives your reply, your Year End Returns cannot be processed.


RNA........................................... BRANCH - BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st DECEMBER 2012 BRANCH FUNDS Balance B/Fwd at 31st December 2011 Add: Excess of Income over Expenditure for Year


Deduct: Excess of Expenditure over Income for Year Balance C/Fwd forward at 31st December 2012


Current Assets

Investments (i.e. Shares, Bonds etc) Balance in Deposit Account (if you have one) Balance in Current Account Un-Presented Cheques (i.e. Cheques written not yet cleared on Bank Statement) Cash in Hand (Petty Cash)


Outstanding Loans (if any) Creditors / Bank Overdraft BALANCE




Print Name ...................................................

Secretary Treasurer

Sign............................................................... Sign...............................................................

Print Name ................................................... Print Name ...................................................

Independent Examiner Certificate I/We certify that: a. All annual subscriptions and entrance fees due from Members for the year have been collected and forwarded to Headquarters. b. All Branch accounts and supporting records have been examined and, as far as appears from my/our examination of these, proper books of account have been maintained by the Branch. c. The above Balance Sheet and attached Income & Expenditure Account have been prepared from the books and records of the Branch, and according to the information and explanations given to me/us by Branch Officers, and in my/our opinion, these are in accordance therewith. Signed ...................................................................... Date .....................................................................


Print Name ...................................................

RNA.................................BRANCH INCOME AND EXPENDITURE FOR YEAR ENDED 31st DEC 2012 INCOME: Life Members Full Members Associate Members Voluntary Subs to Branch Sale of RNA Goods Charitable Grants / Donations - Schedule A (see next page) Other Branch Income for the Year

TOTAL £ EXPENDITURE: Subscriptions to HQ - Life Members Subscriptions to HQ - Full Members Subscriptions to HQ - Associate Members Purchases of RNA Goods Charitable Grants / Donation – Schedule B (see next page) Other Branch expenditure for the Year

TOTAL £ Income over Expenditure for Year




INCOME – Schedule A (Grants or donations received)

Amount Received

TOTAL £ EXPENDITURE – Schedule B (Grants or donations made by the branch)

Amount Paid


Independent Examiners Report I / We certify that the above information is in accordance with the Branch books and records for the year, so far as appears from my / our examination of these. Signed .............................................................................

Dated ..............................................................

Print Name .................................................................................................................................................................



Branch Annual Membership return and application form for;

Annual Renewal stickers 2013 BRANCH

New Member’s Membership Cards Area

Return cards to NAME & ADDRESS

Post Code

RENEWAL for Existing Members Surname Initials Member in 2012


Gift Aid




NEW Members requiring Memberhip cards ASSOC

Address given in 2012


Full Assoc

Address, Post Code, phone No, e mail Post code only - if Address given in 2012


Battle of Atlantic 70th Anniversary Newsletter

Issue 2- February 2013

Welcome to Issue 2 of the Battle of the Atlantic 70th Anniversary Newsletter. The purpose of this Newsletter is to provide information and an update on plans by the Royal Navy and Merchant Navy to mark this historic campaign, which culminates with a national commemoration in Liverpool on Sunday 26th May 2013. A Timeline of BoA70 Commemorative Events 2013 Date 16 Mar 8 May 9 May 11 May

12 May

Date 11 May 12 May

Date 25 May

26 May

27 May

London Events 3 RN warships visit London. • Bletchley Park – BoA and the role of intelligence. ● BoA70 themed Evensong at St Paul’s Cathedral. ● Fleet Air Arm Flypast. ● Ships are open to the public – Free Entry. ● Merchant Navy Memorial Service – Trinity Gardens. ● Ships are open to the public – Free Entry

How to attend Follow link Complete the attached proforma. Further information to follow. Further information to follow.

Further information to follow.

Derry/Londonderry Events

How to attend

● The Royal Naval Association dedication of a statue “The International Sailor”, Peace/Ebrington Square. ● Parade and wreath laying on the River Foyle.

Free Public Access.

Liverpool Events

How to attend

RN and International ships visit Liverpool. ● Charity Royal Marines Band Concert at the Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool. ● Ships are open to the public– Free Entry.

• Service of Commemoration at Liverpool Anglican Cathedral ● Parade and March Past ● Flypast. ● Ships are open to the public – Free Entry. ● BoA70 40’s themed party at St Georges Hall, Liverpool. ● Ships are open to the public – Free Entry.

Free Public Access.

To apply for tickets for the concert , follow link: To apply to attend the Service of Commemoration, contact the HQ Naval Regional Commander Northern England on: 0151 707 3402.

Battle of the Atlantic 70th Anniversary To mark the 70th anniversary of this historic event, the Royal Navy, supported closely by representatives from the Merchant Navy and other maritime organisations, is holding a series of events across the UK during May 2013. The main national focus will be in Liverpool although there will be a number of events elsewhere, including London and Londonderry. Fly Navy Heritage Trust Events One of the organisations involved with the BoA70 events is the Fly Navy Heritage Trust who support the Royal Navy’s aviation heritage and keep the Swordfish flying as an enduring tribute to the courage and bravery of all those who served in the North Atlantic . The Fly Navy Heritage Trust will be holding the following events. • Saturday 11 May 2013 - London - Charity Reception • Friday 24 May 2013 - Liverpool - Charity Reception Tickets cost £30 and all proceeds will go directly to support the Royal Navy's aviation heritage. To apply email or call 01935 849200. Links Newsletter Issue 1 - Liverpool City Council - Londonderry Council - Useful Information ● As further information about events becomes available, it will be posted on the BoA70 website at ● Please note that whilst the Royal Navy and Merchant Navy focuses on events in Liverpool, London and Londonderry, there are other BoA70 commemorative events nationwide for you to attend that may be more convenient for you. Contact Us

BOA70 Website

Your comments and any details of other interested parties and organisations can be sent to the BoA70 Programme Office at:

This site has been established to provide information on events. It also offers links to other useful websites regarding BoA70. It will also serve as a ‘living memorial’, using photographs, stories, video and film footage from the battle in order to provide a glimpse into the past. If you are able and willing to provide any material, please contact the BoA70 website team at: BoA70 Programme Office Naval Regional Commander Eastern England HMS PRESIDENT 72 St Katharine’s Way London E1W 1UQ All of those interested are welcome to be added to the newsletter distribution list. These newsletters will also be made available at: ent/home/news-and-events/specialevents/battle-of-the-atlantic

A nation still dependent on the sea…

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