Branch Circular #627 (March 2013)

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The French Assault Ship Tonnerre makes her entrance to Portsmouth Harbour.

Branch Circular No 627 March 2013 1

Dear Shipmates (Secretaries and our on-line readers) Welcome to our March Circular packed full of great RNA info. This is an important mailing this month with the Trustee’s Annual Report, Annual Accounts and the Conference Agenda accompanying the Circular. It is very important that: •

• •

You and the branch read the Trustee’s report carefully, it has the report of 2012 activity and an analysis of financial and membership issues. You will have the chance at Conference to ask the National Chairman about anything in the report. If you are not sure about something, want further information or clarification; please contact the General Secretary who would be delighted to provide whatever info you need. Please do the same for the annual accounts. You will have the chance to ask questions of the Hon Treasurer at Conference, again GS is delighted to provide further info as needed; better than springing a question on the day. The conference Agenda is attached. You will see that we did not receive any branch motions by the deadline and that there are 3 National Council motions, 2 of which are enacting last year’s Conference decision about Associate Members as delegates.

A few reminders please: • • • • •

Forms for conference Delegates and Observers are still a bit slow coming in and NCM are chasing branch secretaries for names. Please can I ask you to make this a priority this month to get them in? Annual returns should now be with us, so final check that it has gone please, along with membership fees for this year. I am delighted to report that the NC agreed to increase the subsidy for seminars and to include the April Welfare seminar for the new rates. Details in the Circ. We have renewed our Public Liability Insurance – this only covers events approved by the GS and in the overall RNA plan, please don’t assume cover for your local event unless you have chatted to the GS. You ought to be booking your travel for the Biennial Parade on 8 September.

I would be most grateful if you would let me know of any recent Service Leavers who have joined your branch. I am very pleased to report that we have successfully negotiated the extension of the BUPA Armed Forces Scheme to retired naval personnel, their spouses and dependants (up to the age of 25). Those who have served will know that this is by far the best BUPA deal, with extremely good discounts. Details in next month’s Circ. I am sorry to report that after only a short time with us, Mrs Rachael Tate has left the RNA, for personal reasons. We have an RN killick with us for a few months and she will cover the Shipmates Programme for the time being. The good news is that applications for the Arctic Star can now be made. We have had many enquiries from shipmates or Next of Kin. Details of how to apply and eligibility are at:


Finally a reminder about the main Battle of the Atlantic events. Please check out the Londonderry events in the Circular and the main BOA newsletter on the website.

Thanks and have a great Easter Paul General Secretary


What is being said in this mentoring session in the HQ

Winner Gordon Williams Newport Ape: How could you Soapy , 45 years and not a word; no letter; no email; and now not even a banana!


Daily Orders

1. Application for position of Clubs (CORCA) Representative 2. Promotional Marketing Materials / Gazebo’s / Gizzets 3. ‘Heads-Up’ RNA Whitehall Biennial Parade – Sunday 08 September 2013 4. Charter Challenge Memorial Appeal – Stafford Branch 5. Update for Welfare Seminar – Saturday 13 April 2013 6. Brand New Spell Chequer 7. 70th Battle of Atlantic & Statue Unveiling – Londonderry 10/12 May 2013 8. Seafarer’s Link - Seafarers UK 9. CCF Donations 10. Charter Challenge Donations 11. Battle of the Atlantic 70th anniversary – events 12. UK Armed Forces Embroidered Badges 13. Finance Corner – Michelle 14. Veterans Transition Website 15. Guess Where? 16. Gulf War 1 Memorial 17. Guest Speakers from Apostleship of the Sea 18. Spring ‘Golf’ Chuckle 19. HMS Relentless Association 20. Charity Bike Ride – S/M Ian Fear 21. Memory Lane 22. Army / Navy Rugby Match RNRMC Volunteers required 23. Sippers Shippers – The Last Ever Rum Issue really (unless you know different!!) 24. Assistance Required Please Shipmates- S/M Gwyn Roberts 25. Irish Naval Association Remembrance Service and ‘Hoe down’ 26. MoneyForce Website launched 27. RNA Artifacts loaned to Naval Museum “D’ye hear there” (Branch news) Shortcast Longcast

Ship’s Office 1. Swinging the Lamp 2. Slops – Jack Dusties Corner 3. Delegate/Observers Conference Application

For the Branch Secretary and notice-board


Glossary of terms NCM NC AMC FAC NCh NVCh NP DNP GS AGS Asap Throughout

National Council Member National Council Association Management Committee Finance Administration Committee National Chairman National Vice Chairman National President Deputy National President General Secretary Assistant General Secretary As soon as possible indicates a new or substantially changed entry

Contacts: Financial Controller

023 9272 3823


023 9272 3371

Assistant General Secretary (Membership & Slops)

023 9272 3747

Assistant General Secretary (Shipmates Programme Manager Circular, Events & Marketing)

023 9272 0782

General Secretary

023 9272 2983


023 92 72 3747

RNA HQ Staff continue to attempt to build a library of e-mail addresses within the Association. It would be extremely helpful if those Branch Secretaries able to communicate by e-mail would forward a short e-message to HQ to Snail Trail Mail - Postal Address RNA HQ, Room 209, PP70, Semaphore Tower, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth Hants PO1 3LT


Daily Orders 1.

Application for position of Clubs (CORCA) Representative

In accordance with the National Council undertaking to 2011 Conference regarding the invitation to apply for Advisor and other roles, the NC has pleasure in inviting expressions of interest for the position of CORCA representative and advisor to the NC on Club matters The commitment to the post is: • • • • • • •

Attendance at the Association Management Committee (AMC), which meet four times a year, normally at the HQ in Portsmouth and once at the Conference venue. Advice by e-mail to clubs. Attendance at Conference. Sponsor and run an annual clubs seminar. Staying up to date on Clubs issues and providing advice and guidance to the National Council. Providing advice to clubs on all matters that might affect them. Attending CORCA meetings in London.

Applications should be sent to The deadline is 1200 on 15 May 13. Any questions about the job may be addressed to the General Secretary or to Shipmate Paul Harries, NCM7.


Promotional Marketing Materials / Gazebo’s / Gizzets

The season for Armed Forces Days, fetes and loads of other opportunities to spread the RNA message is now upon us. Our range of gizzits and MGM materials is better than ever. So what do we have? The main gazebo (hopefully 4 nationally by the time the season starts

Pull up banners (see inside the Gazebo). Steve Caulfield the National Events Advisor has a range of gizzits; the picture shows some (mat, scraper, gonk, key ring and pen (not shown). Please contact him at HQ staff has the RNA hats, bookmarks, joining forms, car stickers and some MGM pull up banners. Contact Nigel or Andy if you would like some. The hats are particularly popular.



RNA Biennial Parade - Whitehall Sunday 08 September 2013 ‘Heads-Up’

The RNA Biennial Parade will take place at Whitehall on Sunday 08 September 2013 at 1100. All Branches are cordially invited to parade along Whitehall and on completion attend that post march refreshments at the Civil Service Club. The reviewing Officer this year will be the Second Sea Lord, Vice Admiral David Steel CBE. An invitation has been extended via the Conference of Naval Associations for other Naval Service Associations to join us; both HMS Collingwood and HMS Sultan have agreed to provide marching platoons. It is vitally important that we produce a large turn-out so that we don’t lose this unbelievable privilege so please make a date in your dairies and encourage as many Shipmates as possible to attend this prestigious event and show what a super association the RNA really is.


Charter Challenge Memorial Appeal – Stafford Branch

A member of the Stafford Branch has made a solid oak rum tub. His Branch would like the Rum tub raffled off to raise funds for the 2014 Charter Challenge Memorial Appeal. Included with the tub is an oak goblet which will be finished off with the name of the winning member or Branch inscribed round the rim. Five Books of Tickets Has were included in the last Circular. Tickets are priced at £2 each, and if just 10% of our members bought a ticket through their Branch we would raise over £5,000 towards the Memorial Appeal. Unsold Tickets should be returned to HQ. Ticket stubs and monies should also be returned to Nigel at HQ. Additional tickets or books of tickets can be requested from HQ. We also have six bottles of Pusser’s Rum to give away to six lucky runners up. Good Luck to you all. All those members buying a ticket would feel they had contributed something to the Memorial. Please support this raffle.


Update for Welfare Seminar – Saturday 13 April 2013

The programme for the Welfare Seminar being held in HMS Nelson on Saturday April 13th is: 0915 1000 1030 1115 1200 1245 1330 1415

Tea and coffee available Mrs Catherine Smith - Information & Advice Manager Age UK Portsmouth (Benefits) Cdr Bob Williams Barrister -Power of Attorney/Making a Will Ms Heather Nicholson - Director of Membership BLESMA Lunch Colonel G Cordozo MBE - Veterans Aid Capt John Lavery Chief Executive White Ensign Association S/M Brain Hall – Funeral Director

Shipmates should note that it had originally been the intention to offer accommodation for all of those attending this event and requiring overnight accommodation, in the Senior Rates Mess 7

HMS Nelson. Unfortunately the Mess can only offer ten single rooms for the night of the Friday 12 April only. Those in ‘Family Rooms’ have been contacted by Nigel to confirm their bookings. I am sorry to have to disappoint those of you who have not been allocated accommodation in the S/R mess. Nigel will be sending an e-mail / letter to everyone confirming allocation details. Unfortunately those who did not get accommodated in the S/R Mess will have to make their own overnight arrangements. However you could try The Maritime Club on 023 9282 4231 or other hotel /B&B locally. Expenses will be paid at the newly approved Rate on production of receipts for the Branch Welfare Officer and/or a Welfare Officer. Up to 120 Miles £50, 120 to 250 Miles £100 and over 250 miles £150. These distance from the venue, in this case HMS NELSON. It is essential that you are in possession of photo ID (so please ensure you have it with you) to enable you to gain access to the HM Naval Base. For any further queries please contact Nigel on - 0239272 3747 Looking forward to seeing you there. Kind regards Rita Lock MBE National Welfare Advisor 02392 642234


Brand New Spell Chequer

Eye have a spelling chequer It came with my pea see It plainly marques four my revue Miss steaks eye kin knot sea. Eye strike a quay and right a word And weight fore it two say weather eye am wrong oar write It shows me strait a weigh. As soon as a mist ache is maid It nose bee fore two long And eye can put the error rite Its rare lea ever wrong. Eye have run this poem threw it I am shore your pleased too no Its letter perfect all the weigh My chequer tolled me sew.


70th Battle of the Atlantic & Sailor Statue Unveiling – Londonderry 10/12 May 2013

Shipmates, the Londonderry Branch have a packed program of events for the weekend; anyone wishing to join us for this historic commemoration can do so by contacting the Branch Secretary, Frank Brown 02871291795: Mob;07855812507:email; or to secure Tickets for the Commemoration Dinner and access the accommodation for the event. The 4star City Hotel Derry is the venue for most of the events and 8

accommodation there can only be booked through the Londonderry branch. Londonderry is The UK City ok Culture for 2013 and as there are over 350 events happening over the year, accommodation is very limited. FIRST COME FIRST SERVED. Please see Program of events. LONDONDERRY BRANCH -70th ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLE OF THE ATLANTIC COMMEMORATION PROGRAMME Friday 10th MAY 1200 1300 -

HMS Laurentic (WW1) Commemorations, Fahan COI, Co. Donegal. HMS Laurentic (WW1) Commemorations, Cockhill Chapel, Co. Donegal.

1400 Initiative.)

Fort Dunree, Co. Donegal, Tour and Hospitality, (hosted by the Ulster Newfoundland

1800 1930 -

Visiting Ships, VIP and invited guests Receptions (To be agreed). City Hotel, Corinthian Ballroom, Informal meet and greet, socialising.

Saturday 11th MAY - International Sailor Statue Unveiling Ceremony. 1230 -

Ebrington Square, Unveiling and Dedication of Sailor Statue by VVIP.

1300 Ebrington Square, Band Display followed by light lunch for VIPs’ and invited Guests. 1800 Civic Building, DCC Reception. (To be agreed). 1900 for 1930 - City Hotel, Corinthian Ballroom, 70th Anniversary Gala Dinner. (PLEASE NOTE THAT THE DINNER IS BY TICKET ONLY.) Those wishing to attend should inform Hon. Sec. at the address below together with cost of dinner at £35.00 per head. SUNDAY 12th MAY 1015 1100 1200 1300 1400


Parade and Service of Commemoration.

Services Club, Spencer Road, muster for Parade to All Saints Church. Annual Battle of the Atlantic Service of Commemoration. Muster for Parade and March Past. (Route to be confirmed). Light Lunch City Hotel Ballroom Vip’s and invited guests. Banks of the Foyle/Peace Bridge, Wreath casting on the Foyle.

16:30:- Screening of new BBC program. Dive WW2: Our Secret History. In City Hotel. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT SHOULD THE OCCASION ARISE, THE ABOVE PROGRAMME MAY BE CHANGED. Should any Shipmate wish to join us the Secretary can be contacted at:S/m. F. J. Brown, 4, Myrtlefield Road, Kilfennan, Londonderry, BT47 5PG. Email:- There is an accommodation package available for those attending the Dinner. 2 or 3 night stay B&B City Hotel (4 star) £95 double per night. £80 single per night. Simply request package when booking Dinner Tickets with Secretary. Limited availability. Those Shipmates who intend to join us for the weekend should book their accommodation as early as possible as room numbers will be limited due to Londonderry being designated as the UK City of Culture 2013 and there will be many other events happening at the same time. 9


Seafarer’s Link - Seafarers UK

Life and work at sea is largely unreported, apart from Maritime disasters, and not understood by the majority of the population. Demanding and dangerous as this occupation can be, it also involves repeated periods away from home and loved ones. For many seafarers and ex WREN’s, career changes or retirement deprives them of the onboard companionship that has sustained them throughout their service life. Ageing, changes in domestic circumstances and financial problems often lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. The Maritime Charities Funding Group’s research identified this serious problem amongst the growing numbers of retired seafarers. Former seafarers say it’s the close onboard friendships that they miss most of all when their seafaring days are over. But the major on-going difficulty has been in locating these seafarers and establishing that first point of contact. At the last MCFG Conference there was much discussion about these retired seafarers, acknowledging that isolation and loneliness is a huge issue that they face on a daily basis so with this in mind we continue to look for more seafarers to benefit from Seafarers Link. The news that Seafarers UK has given Community Network a grant to ensure that we can continue to support these seafarers for the next 2 years has been very welcome. On hearing the news that his phone calls can continue 89 year old former radio officer Frank Kelly, who has been involved in these phone calls for the past two years said “once anyone has spent time at sea one becomes quite unfit for any other kind of company except seamen. Seafarers Link provides the unique opportunity to chat and swing the lamp with people who talk the same language” Community Network is the UK’s only charity using teleconferencing technology to deliver social care and support to residents across the country. Having worked with the local seafaring charities, Community Network set up Seafarers Link to establish befriending groups across the UK to alleviate this isolation. This link also enables these seafarers to chat about and share stories from their seafaring experiences. The first group was launched in Hull in June 2009, and today the project remains active with eight participating groups linking seafarers from the Shetland Islands down to Cornwall. Within these groups there are two Virtual Branches in the Royal Navy Association whose main purpose is to keep members who are unable to attend Branch meetings to stay in touch with other shipmates. All of the group link-ups have given retired seafarers the opportunity to exchange stories and experiences, to develop new friendships and occasionally to provide simple solutions to shared problems. Community Network has produced a CD of some of the wonderful stories that have come to light during the phone links and this has ensured that at least some of those old tales from during and since World War II will remain for future generations Group facilitators are recruited and trained by Community Network to conduct and manage the phone calls. Their voluntary involvement with the project is invaluable and their confidence and skills contribute to the success of these informal discussions. Many of these facilitators are former seafarers or sea-wives but a marine background is not important and we are always seeking more volunteers to run new groups. Age, location, disability or perhaps the loss of a partner are all contributing factors towards the feeling of social isolation. Whatever the circumstances, the fortnightly group conversations and exchanges help people to build and maintain friendships and also have a certain camaraderie 10

within their group. This provides a sense of social connection and well-being for those possibly suffering from a feeling of isolation and depression. Following on from the success of Seafarers Link with the two RNA Virtual Branches, Chris is looking for Wrens who may like to be involved in their own telephone group. Do we have any RNA Wrens who would like to form their own group? Yes? Then please contact Rita Lock in the first instance. There is already one ex WREN in a Virtual Branch, she might want a draft chit to your group, so girls get together and run your own WREN’s RNA Virtual Branch. It is one hour a fortnight free of charge! We are still looking for more of the RNA men to add further interest to our existing groups. For RNA members Rita’s details are 02392 642234 The benefits of the services that Community Network give have been hi ghlighted in a r ecent Department of Health funded study made by the Institute for Volunteering Research. “Volunteering and Health: good practice case studies”. Paul Burstow the Minister for Care Services launched the Department for Health’s revised vision for volunteering. T he vision presented a number of examples of “good volunteering” practice, demonstrating the benefits to the health and wellbeing of both volunteers and service users. Seafarer’s Link was cited as an example of good practice. Seafarers Link is unique in its concept and is one o f the most successful projects run by Community Network and was awarded “The Most Innovative Use of Technology in Delivering a Helpline Service” by The Helpline Association’s (THA) February 2010. For more information about Seafarers Link or how telephone befriending groups can offer help and friendship, please call Chris Rankin MBE, Project Manager 01752 812674 Community Network on 0845 619 9992


Donations received for the Central Charities RNA – Greenford In memory of S/m Gordon Riley BMyCharity


£100.00 £134.63 £ 48.00

Donations received for the Charter Challenge 2014 RNA – Worthing RNA – Tyne RNA – Spalding S/m G Laverick

£100.00 £150.00 £ 51.00 £ 50.00

Thank you very much


Battle of the Atlantic 70th anniversary – events

There are lots going on for this important commemoration in Londonderry, Liverpool and London in May. The full details of all of the events and how to attend are in the BOA newsletter at the 11

back of this Circ. The newsletter is also on the website on our BOA page at


UK Armed Forces Embroidered Badges

For those Shipmates interested in obtaining embroidered batches/arm patches for Naval Air Squadron’s etc. Should visit the following website


Finance Corner

I would like to give a very big thank you to all those Branches who have returned their Year End Returns. Unfortunately there are a small number of Branches who have completed them incorrectly, I will be contacting them shortly so that any issues can be resolved.  Standard Insurance – I will be producing invoices at the end of March.  Branch Credit Cards - Branch Officials that hold a Credit Card, please ensure that all Purchases showing on your Statement are authorised and signed on the Statement by the Branch Chairman. ‘Confessions’ of a Financial Controller or ‘Fifty Shades of Chocolate’ My Secret Desire is Chocolate and I love it because it helps me keep my youthful looks. You may like to know that; Chocolate causes certain endocrine glands to secrete hormones, which affect your feelings and behaviour by making you happy. Therefore, it counteracts depression, in turn reducing the stress of depression, in turn leading to a stress-free life which helps me maintain my youthful disposition, both physically and mentally. So....... I eat lots of chocolate and so should you !!!!! (Editor’s Note; Treasurers you may like to know Michelle’s particularly favourite is a Curly Wurly (Ooooooooh Matron!!) ) Wishing you all a very Happy Easter


Veterans Transition Website

Former Service personnel and their families are being asked how the transition to civilian life could be improved for Armed Forces leavers. Lord Ashcroft, the Prime Minister's Special Representative for Veterans' Transition, is launching a website through which veterans, families and others with an interest in the 12

area can report their experiences, including problems they have encountered, and make suggestions as to how the process could be improved. Contributions will be considered as part of Lord Ashcroft's official review of transition, which will report at the end of 2013. Contributions can be made on the 'Have Your Say' page of the Veterans' Transition website ( ) The review will consider all aspects of transition including employment, health, housing and education. As well as listening to the experiences of individuals, Lord Ashcroft's team will consult industry, local authorities and government departments, as well as other bodies including Service charities and the Armed Forces themselves. Where necessary, Lord Ashcroft will recommend to the government specific changes of policy or practice. The work aims to build on the Armed Forces Covenant, which commits the government to ensuring that veterans receive fair and equal treatment and are not disadvantaged as a result of their service to the nation. Lord Ashcroft said: "It is very important to me to get a feel for what those going through the process of leaving the Services actually experience. I want to know whether there are gaps between the government's good intentions and what happens to individuals on the ground. "We will consult widely, but I also want to hear directly from those who have a view and want to be heard. The experiences of individuals and families who have made the transition from military to civilian life will play an important part in the review, and ultimately, I hope, in ensuring those who have served the country get the support they deserve." Minister of State for Defence Personnel, Welfare and Veterans Mark Francois added: "This government is committed to looking after all those who have given so much to protect and serve our country. We want to make sure that Service personnel get all the support and help they need when they make the transition to civilian life. "The Prime Minister appointed Lord Ashcroft as his special representative for Veterans' Transition and I look forward to supporting his work. As part of that I want to encourage as many people as possible to get involved and contribute to his consultation."

15. Guess Where? An Establishment! Can you name the establishment and where it is? Please forward any other pictures to the HQ that you may have for ‘Guess Where’ so that we publish them in forthcoming Circulars. Answer again in next month’s edition. Last month’s answer! HMS Forest Moor Nr Harrogate



Proposed National Gulf War Memorial

My name is Andy Coombes and I am contacting you as part of a group of Gulf War veterans aiming to have a Gulf War 1991 memorial built at the National Arboretum. We are aware that the 25th Anniversary of the conflict is approaching and as yet there has been no permanent memorial to the dead. We are seeking to raise funds for the construction of the memorial and its upkeep for the next 20 years. I am aware that no members of the Royal Navy were killed in action during this conflict, but the RN did play a very important role nonetheless. A total of 47 British servicemen died during the conflict and a substantial amount more have become seriously ill and died since as a result of service in the region. For information (Flt Lt) John Nichol has kindly agreed to be our patron and we are hoping this will be very useful for publicity and fundraising as he is arguably the most recognisable face from the conflict. That said, we need all the help we can get in raising the estimated £40,000 needed to build and maintain this memorial for twenty years. For further details Andy can be contacted at The group also have a Web Page and Facebook page Thank you


Guest Speakers - Apostle Ship of the Sea

The Apostleship of the Sea, sometimes known as ‘Stella Maris’ is a charity supporting seafarers worldwide, providing practical care through its network of port chaplains and volunteer ship visitors. In Great Britain it has 14 port chaplains who would be delighted to come and speak of their work to any RNA branch. For more information and to arrange a talk please contact John Green 07505653801 or


Spring ‘Golf’ Chuckle

Eileen and her husband John went for counselling after 25 years of marriage. When asked what the problem was, Eileen went into a passionate, painful triad listing every problem they had ever had in the 25 years they had been married. She went on and on and on: neglect, lack of intimacy, emptiness, loneliness, feeling unloved and unlovable, an entire laundry list of unmet needs she had endured over the course of their marriage. Finally, after allowing this to go on for a sufficient length of time, the therapist got up, walked around the desk and after asking Eileen to stand, embraced her, unbuttoned her blouse and bra, put his hands on her breasts and massaged them thoroughly, while kissing her passionately as her husband John watched with a raised eyebrow! 14

Eileen shut up, buttoned up her blouse, and quietly sat down while basking in the glow of being highly aroused. The therapist turned to John and said, 'This is what your wife needs at least three times a week.. Can you do this?' John thought for a moment and replied, 'Well, I can drop her off here on Mondays and Wednesdays, but on Fridays, I play golf.


Newly Formed - HMS Relentless Association

There was an inaugural meeting of like-minded ex-serving members of HMS Relentless on 27 Nov 2012 where it was agreed to form an HMS Relentless Association. The Association is open to anyone who served on HMS Relentless H85 or F185 in whatever capacity as a Member or to anyone who is a relative of anyone meeting that criteria as an Associate Member. The first official reunion of the Association will be held on 30th November 2013 in Chatham and we would like to contact as many ex-shipmates as possible. Our website can be found at Any enquiries should be sent to: secretary@hmsrelentlessassociation or padre@hmsrelentlessassociation


Charity Bike Ride – S/M Ian Fear

There are 9 of us cycling from Bradford to Berlin in 11th/20th June this year to raise money for SSAFA. There are a number of us who are ex forces and serving police officers who enjoy riding our bikes with a bit of cash being raised for charity along the way. I have been a member of the RNA for 15-16 years and I know a lot of your members are also linked to SSAFA. I had help from them when I left the mob in 96 as they sat me down took time as I was struggling to settle into ‘civvie street’. They helped me find my first proper job and generally helped me out of a hole. I am appealing to all RNA Members to assist by loaning me a 9-seater Mini-bus with roof rack for the trip and to donate financially to assist us raise funds for this very worthy organisation. For information all travelling, bikes and accommodation expenses have been paid for by the riders themselves so all monies collected will go directly to SSAFA. If you would like to donate you can donate at or you can contact Shipmate Ian directly by e-mail at Thank you very much for your time.



Memory Lane – Headlines Pompey Evening News February 1958 -

Please see below the headlines from the Pompey Evening News in February 1958... Hope you enjoy them. (OMG! Six eggs for 1sh and 71/2d (cheap as chips!!)) Funny how 53 years ago Cyprus and Pay are the top of the agenda......


Army/Navy Rugby Match 27 April 2013 – Volunteers required

The Royal Naval and Royal Marines Charity (RNRMC) are seeking volunteers 30 in number (one pace forward march!) to assist with a variety of tasks, see below, at the annual Army/Navy game on 27 April 2013 at Twickenham. Volunteers will be required to; • Help man the RNRMC stand • Collect money around the stadium • Collect money at train stations x 3 nearby (Whitton (1.2 miles), St Margret’s (1.1 miles), Richmond (2.1 miles) • Collect money at the veterans and ladies match at nearby Kneller Hall (this match takes place in the morning of 27 April) 16

Gather in collection pots from Twickenham pubs while the match is on and before things get too rowdy!

In return, RNRMC will: Contribute £10 towards travel per person Provide a meal voucher to buy lunch Provide water and a snack (it will be a long day!) Provide an RNRMC T-shirt so that all volunteers are recognisable to security staff. Provide opportunity for volunteers to watch at least half of the game. (Unfortunately as ‘Volunteers’ will be representing the charity they are therefore unable to consume alcohol whilst ‘on duty’) If you could spare a few hours and help this very worthy cause and would like to assist please contact Sarah Clewes the Interim Community Fundraising Manager at RNRMC on Tel: 02392 54 8417 or e-mail:


‘Sippers Shippers’ – The Last Ever Rum Issue really (unless you know different!!) THE ROYAL NAVY “TOT” Royal Navy Rum 1st Unofficial Issue 1655 RN Rum 1st Official Issue 1731 Last Day of Issue 31st July 1970 Last person and ship in the World to receive the ‘Tot’ was HMS FIFE (unless you can prove otherwise!?) Please read on…………………….

A standard naval tot of rum consisted of an eighth of a pint of rum (which was over 50% ABV, and was traditionally named "overproof"). Generally spirits are about 40% in comparison. Labeling spirits today as overproof or underproof is derived from the early method of treating Jamaica rum in the naval victualling yards before it was issued to the warships. The rum used to arrive in England at 140 degrees overproof after which it was reduced to 95.5 degrees underproof by having water added to it. A small amount of the mixture was poured over some grains of gunpowder and then a magnifying glass was used to ignite it. If the burning alcohol managed to stay alight then it was said to be "proof". And if it didn't light then it was underproof. If it exploded then it was overproof. Proof spirit today is legally defined as that which has a specific gravity of 12/13 (92.3 percent) at 51ºF, and of course they don't do the gunpowder/magnifying glass test any more. Once a rating reached the age of twenty he was entitled to draw his tot. Senior Rates were entitled to drink this neat, however Junior Rates had "2 in 1" which meant that it was mixed with two parts water to one part rum. The reason for this was so that the rum could not be stored and saved for 17

another day. The rum was a blend from different countries in the Caribbean, most notably British Guyana, British Virgin Islands and Trinidad. So now to tell you a ‘tot dit’ about what ship and where the last tot was officially issued and drank in Her Majesty’s Royal Navy …. HMS FIFE was in Pearl Harbour on the 1st August 1970. As you know this was the day after the end of the tot because HMS FIFE had left Kobe, Japan and had sent the Leading Regulator ashore at Midway for the mail. This was classed as giving leave so that the ship could therefore claim the US rate of Local Oversees Allowance (the helicopter taking him ashore and the ship then caught up). The Commander (Supply & Secretariat) obtained permission from the Captain to have ‘Up Spirits’ early which was about 09:00 having got alongside and being greeted by Hawaiian dancing girls in grass skirts on the jetty. The ship had crossed through the International Date Line during the evening so whilst in harbour the date and clock was then put back again from the 1st August 1970 to 31st July and approximately two hours later the last and final official tot in the Royal Navy was issued. The Senior Rates from 3 Mess had the honour of being pall bearers at the burial at sea ceremony to be held on the deck of the demise of the navy’s rum ration. A Junior Rate had his birthday on the 31st July 1970 so he was given the privilege of being the first and very last person in the RN to receive the tot. The pall bearers marched to the fo’castle on the starboard side, facing the harbour to the stern with rifles reversed and the pipe-band playing dirges and at a slow march and greeted by ‘off caps’. The pall bearers included, Chief Petty Officer Writer Roland ‘Nick’ Carter, CPO Cook and CPO Elee. Draped over the rum barrel was the Union Flag. Ropes were attached to the barrel as though it was ‘going over the side’ but there were strict rules governing all rum measures and whilst it was ceasing the Cdr.(S) had still to account for the barrel. Half-way through the proceedings an Admiral’s barge from Pearl Harbour HQ passed by with a Japanese Admiral onboard flying the Japanese flag. On seeing the ‘burial at sea party’ they stopped and saluted as they thought with all what was going on it was for real but imagine their embarrassment when they saw a rum barrel going over the side and ‘Jack’ started performing their dancing in the hula hula skirts that the remaining ship’s company had dressed up in. The Hawaiians completed a TV programme about the event and ex-Commander Banfield had taken several colour slides which unfortunately he no longer holds. This above article was very kindly provided by The Royal Naval Writers’ Association (RNWA) (The World’s Oldest Military Association – Est. 1887). If you would like any further information please contact the Membership & Secretary LES HEYHOE, 112 St Vincent Road, Gosport, Hants PO12 4RF. Tel. 023 9235 7181 (Home) – 023 9254 3149 (Work) – Mob: 07950 934888 or e-mail


Assistance Required Please Shipmates- S/M Gwyn Roberts

Are there any RNA members or family of Shipmates who have served on the second HMS Wessex and HMS Trondra in World War Two that would be willing to forward copies of any photographs to S/M Gwyn Roberts from Stafford Branch RNA. He would like to present them to his Father who served on both the above ships, who due to a small accident, has lost all of his photographs from his time onboard. Any assistance that could be offered would be very gratefully appreciated. S/M Roberts contact details are; 18

339b Stone Road, Stafford, ST16 1LB; 01785 606857


Irish Naval Association Remembrance Service –Waterford 23 November 2013

On Sunday 23rd November the INA celebrates a Mass in Waterford City for all their deceased members. Over 60 travel from our Branch in Dublin and usually 20 from the Limerick Branch to join with their Waterford Colleagues in this week end which has become a high point of the INA social Calendar. INA members stay for Saturday and Sunday in the popular Dooley’s Hotel and on Saturday night they have a black tie dinner and dance. On Sunday morning a coach is provided at the Hotel to transport everyone the Church for Mass. (Ed note; Non Catholics are most welcome at the Mass) On completion it’s off to the local GAA club for lunch with a musical celebration with Dick Quinn on keyboard and a sing song until 1600. Then it is back to the Hotel to rest until later in the evening where there is a private room and one of the INA members will have his Guitar and another sing along until early morning. The estimated cost per person sharing will be €110 for the 2 nights bed and full breakfast and the Black Tie dinner & Dance. The INA would cordially like to invite any members of the RNA who might like to come over for a visit to attend and enjoy a weekend in Waterford. Shipmates could stay Friday night in Dublin and join the INA by train to Waterford which is very convenient as the Hotel in Waterford is within walking distance of the train. Trains to and from Waterford are every hour and the journey takes approx 2hrs.30 minutes. Contact Terry Cummins at


MoneyForce Website launched

Shipmates should be aware of the official launch of MoneyForce which is a new programme designed to improve the financial capabilities of members of the Armed Forces and veterans. The MoneyForce website provides easy to digest Armed Forces specific information to help personnel and their families plan their finances. The site is a terrific read and comes highly recommended by the General Secretary to RNA members as it is not just aimed at serving personnel The site is easy to understand, free to use and completely impartial (there are no adverts or links to financial providers). It highlights the sorts of financial considerations that personnel should be making at different stages of their life. It contains the following: • Managing money – useful information on borrowing, saving, budgeting and spending, as well as planning for the future. • Your career – information about different stages of your military career – including pay and career structures, allowances, managing finance as you deploy, assignment in the UK or abroad and making plans for when you leave the Service. • Life and family – information on managing life’s challenges – setting up home, marriage, divorce, children, holidays, booking the RNA Conference. • Managing crises – useful information and guidance to help people through tough times • Tools – A Budget Calculator, a Car Cost calculator and a Credit Card calculator to help you make informed decisions and plan for the future. • Advice on debt and how to go about managing it.



RNA Artefacts donated to Naval Museum

A number of Artefacts recently given to the RNA for safe keeping have been donated to the Royal Naval Museum to display. They include Second World War HMS Ajax original name-board, a ships model of a Second World War Destroyer HMS CEASAR and a Model of a Ton Class Sweeper HMS Appleton, amazingly there are no Ton class models on display in the Museum. Also photo albums and a Picture Post with the photos and details of the Battle of the River Plate. A whole script from a SODs opera from the 1930s was particularly well received – since the museum has surprisingly little about shipboard life. If you have items you are not sure whether the Museum would be interested, or not, contact the GS who can advise – we are always happy to give a good home to artefacts and pass the best on to the Museum.

“D’ye hear there” News from around the Areas and Branches

RNA Lee on the Solent and Stubbington S/M Neville Saunders It is with deep sadness that Lee on the Solent and Stubbington Branch announce that S/M Neville Saunders their Honorary President has ‘Crossed the Bar’. Neville was a stalwart member of the Royal Naval Association leaving the RN in 1978 and then joining Hemel Hempstead where he served as the Standard Bearer for ten years, Chairman for the next ten and awarded Life Membership at Hemel. He moved to Gosport and was an original member when Lee/Stubb commissioned last June. His guidance and generosity to the Branch was deeply appreciated by all members. He will be very much missed by all at Lee/Stubb especially his wife S/M Tina Saunders and his Family.

RNA Bromley Branch S/M Frances Halifax has forwarded the photo opposite to highlight the fact that RNA Bromley may be small in comparison to other branches but remains very active enjoying monthly meetings and raffles. Oh.... and of course Ceremonial Divisions! What else would you expect from the National Standard Bearers Branch!


RNA Hanworth Branch Shipmates are informed that commencing in March the Hanworth branch will meet on the last Wednesday of the month at 13.00 at the RNA Club, Park Road, Hanworth. Middlesex TW13 6PP. For further details please contact Shipmate Fred Wadley (Hon Sec).

RNA City of Inverness Branch Please be aware that with immediate effect The City of Inverness Branch will be meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at the following venue: "The Club" No. 5 Gordon Terrace, Inverness, Scotland, IV2 3HD.

RNA St Neots Branch A worthy cause - St Neots Royal Naval Association has come together to raise money for yet another great cause. The association presented a cheque for £500 at a meeting for Speakability - a local self-help social group for those suffering from lack of speech after stroke or head injury. The cheque was presented to Speakability secretary Anna Bratby by Ernie Page, a member of the Association who is also a member of Speakability with his wife Margaret. Last year the Naval Association raised money for several local causes collecting £2,100 for the Poppy appeal, £500 for CAMAID and a further £500 towards the Woodlands Cancer treatment future extension at Hitchinbrooke Hospital. This latest donation to Speakability takes the Associations total fundraising for 1012 to £3,600. A spokesman for the St Neots RNA said “The organisation came to our attention as it giving excellent support to one of our members following a stroke. The RNA wishes to thank members of teh public for their continued support over the past forty years”

RNA Bloxwich Branch RNA Bloxwich will be celebrating their Diamond Jubilee on 30 November 2013. A Church service will be held at 18:00 followed by a Dinner/Dance at Walsall Football Club. Shipmates and Standard Bearers are very welcome to attend. Further details can be obtained from the Secretary, Christine Hinder, on 01922 473613.

RNA Derby Branch 21

Please find attached Photo of 4 Shipmates from Derby RNA who attended the Commissioning Ceremony of HMS Ambush on the 1st March 2013 at HM Naval Base Faslane. (Left to Right Shipmates John Grisman, Arthur Norman (Vice Chairman), David Clarke (Ambush Liaison), Tom Smith BEM (Chairman))

RNA Aquitaine and RNA Perth Western Australia Branches During a recent visit to Perth Western Australia, Ken Napier, the Chairman of Aquitaine Branch met up with Geoff Paice, Secretary of Perth Branch RNA. Geoff presented Ken with the Branch's last crest - and a splendid bottle of 20 year old vintage Branch West Australia port - which was duly drunk at Aquitaine's next lunch. Geoff is a spritely 87 year old ex Bunting Tosser, who served in HMS NELSON and HMS RAMILLIES in World War II and later HMS MAIDSTONE. Ken - an ex TO2 RNR - and Geoff duly swung the Bunting Tosser's lamp vigorously. Geoff passed on the best wishes of Perth Branch to Aquitaine who reciprocated with a "Bonne Continuation" to Geoff and his Branch. Anyone visiting Perth can be sure of a warm RNA welcome! And any RAN Shipmates who make it to France, can expect a good welcome here too." Sadly the Perth Branch has diminished from 160 Shipmates, to just over 40, as Shipmates cross the Bar. The Port was very tasty and there was enough for all 45 of us who wanted a taste, to have one.

RNA Wythenshawe Branch Wythenshaw Branch regret to inform the RNA that S/M Vernon Morris, the Hon Secretary, sadly crossed the bar last month. It is requested that all correspondence for the branch be addressed to: S/M Arthur Ney 4 Rathen Road Withington MANCHESTER M20 4GH Tel: 0161 445 9303.

RNA Nottingham Branch Shipmates should be aware that the Nottingham Branch will hold their meetings at a new temporary venue; "The Anns Inn", Shelton St, Nottingham, NG3 1DY on the 3rd Friday of every month. For further details please contact the Branch Secretary S/M Tom Rotherham (07986 485393)

RNA Limavady Branch


Shipmate Frank Brown, Londonderry Branch, receiving a cheque for ÂŁ500 towards the International Sailor Statue fund from Shipmate Ray Cook Chairman & Shipmate John Pudney Treasurer, Limavady Branch , at their annual Table Quiz held in Limavady U.S.C. and just in case you have forgotten what the Statue looks like....

RNA Spalding Branch S/M Roy Orange Spalding Branch with deep regret announce that Shipmate Roy Orange (Serving Branch President) crossed the bar on 12th March 2013 he will be sadly missed.

RNA Harrogate Branch Harrogate Branch would like to inform all Shipmates that the Branch will be supporting Armed Forces Day on Saturday 29 June 2013 Please contact Dougie Pointon or tel No 01943 874471 for further details of their activities.

RNA Rochdale – Change of Meeting venue Shipmates should be aware that RNA Rochdale branch meetings will are now held in; Cask and Feather 1, Oldham Road Rochdale Greater Manchester Ol16 1UA


RNA Norwich Branch – S/M Vera Read - Very Many Congratulations from the RNA

Norwich shipmates gathered at Edmund Bacon Court to celebrate shipmate Vera Reads 100th birthday. Vera’s husband served in the Royal Navy and was a member until he crossed the bar in 1983 and Vera has remained a member ever since. The celebration was attended by the Lord and Lady Mayoress of Norwich, Vera’s family and 20 Norwich Shipmates. Presentations of several floral bouquets were made and Vera showed off her card from HM The Queen. Vera regaled the guests with tales of her grandfather’s part in the rescue of survivors from the German liner Elbe off Lowestoft on 30th January 1895 when in freezing fog and heavy seas she was in collision with the SS Crathie . The Lowestoft fishing smack Wildflower of which he was a member picked up 20 remaining survivors. Vera is rightly proud of this and has a superb painting of the event.

RNA Bourne 50th Anniversary and Area 9 Annual Lunch. On Sunday 7th April 2013 Bourne Branch will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary with a combined Area 9 Annual Lunch at the Masonic Hall, Bourne. All Area 9 Branch Secretaries should have received their invitations and booking forms by now - this will really be something to look forward to. Shipmates can be assured of a good welcome, a pay bar, hot lunch, free drink for the Loyal Toast, and the ever present raffle. Would all branch secretaries please chase up responses and get them back to Bourne Branch Secretary Brenda White ASAP ( We are very much looking forward to a good turnout and meeting with as many Area 9 shipmates as possible on the day. RNA Brentwood – S/M Ronald Charles Mead - Crossed the Bar On Thursday 14th March the funeral service of Shipmate Ronald Charles Mead ( Ron) was held at the Royal Anglian Regiment chapel, Brentwood followed by interment at Woodman Road cemetery. Ron had been a member of Brentwood branch RNA for over twenty years. He served during the Second World War first in the Home Guard and then on reaching eighteen in the Royal Navy. He was a crewmember on a landing craft on D Day and was torpedoed some weeks later whilst running in supplies. After recovery he went on to serve in the Pacific until Japan surrendered.


The funeral was attended by a large number of family and friends and by a large Guard of Honour drawn from Brentwood branches of the RNA & RBL. The hearse was preceded to the chapel by those organisations' two black draped standards which then preceded the coffin through the guard of honour to the chapel. Afterwards the two standards preceded the coffin to the grave. Ron's family kindly invited everybody to refreshments after the ceremonies. Ron was a cheery, gentle man and will be sadly missed by us all.

RNA Bolton Branch – Change of Venue Very unfortunately Bolton Branch has had to change venue again. Unfortunately the Derby Ward Labour Club has had to close down due to financial isues. The Branch will now meet at; The Spinning Mule Unit 2 Nelson Square Bolton BL1 1JT RNA Basildon Branch – 40th Anniversary Dance Friday 21 Jun 13 RNA Basildon will be holding their 40th Anniversary Dance on Friday, June 21st, at Bowers United Sports & Social Club starting at 19:30 hours, entertainment, buffet, £7:50p per person. For further information please contact Sheila Reynolds, Branch Secretary on 01268 474261 or 07505 952 605 email:

RNA Christchurch Branch – Battle of the Atlantic 70th Anniversary Service 26 May 2013 RNA Christchurch Branch will be holding a special service and buffet lunch on 26 May 13 to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the end of the 5 year Battle of The Atlantic. A special Service is being held in the Priory Church at 11.15 am followed by a Buffet lunch. The Secretary would be pleased to hear from anyone who served during that Battle so that they can be invited to this special event. Please contact Christine Payne 20 Moffat Rd Christchurch BH23 HQ (tel: 01202 474819) ( Finally a date for your diaries this year’s Christchurch Branch Trafalgar Dinner will be held on Saturday 19th October 2013. For further info please contact Christine (details above)

Area 2 - Biennial Standard Bearers Open Competition It is proposed to hold this Open Competition on Saturday 18th May 2013 at Sheerness East Working Men's Club, Queenborough Road, Isle of Sheppey Kent ME12 3BZ. Competitors are reminded that the Competition will start at 1300 promptly. On completion there will be a prize giving ceremony and refreshments probably Fish & Chips / Chicken & Chips / Sausage & Chips. There will be a Band Concert and parade of Standards, so as many Shipmates as possible are encouraged to attend and support this very important and worthwhile event. During the event the bar will be open and the statutory tot will of course be issued and Standard Bearer's bars will also be issued. For those newcomers and Standard Bearers who feel they are a bit rusty 25

it is intended to hold practice runs starting in March, every Monday@1900 in our beloved Naval Barracks HMS Pembroke Chatham (Up and At’em Chatham…. ed) Finally, Please come along and support your Branches and their Standards, Let's Show the Flag , tell the world the Navy is here as we need it more than ever in today's world. Very many thanks S/m Mick Isle of Sheppey and Area 2 Secretary. Please send your details to Area 2 deputy parade & ceremonial office S/m. Harry Cowell, 8 Glenwood Drive, Minster, Isle of Sheppey, KENT (01795 873678)

Shortcast 2013 HMS Widemouth Bay Association – 10/05/2013 17th Annual Reunion and AGM is to be held at The Angel Hotel Regent Street Leamington Spa on May 10th/11th. All ex crew will be warmly welcomed. Details from Reg Moss 01256773674 or

HMS Jamaica Association – 13-16/09/13 HMS Jamaica Association will be holding its AGM and re-union 13-16th September 2013 in the Britannia Hotel Coventry. Further details are available from Mac Wilkinson (Hon Sec/Treas) on 01843 582283 or HMS Hermes Association reunion weekend 4-8 April 2013 Bosworth Hall Market Bosworth For further information please contact Jim Loveday 02086461441 or email Thanking you in anticipation The Double Seven Re-union – Mill Ryth- Hayling Island - 12-15 April 2013 Shipmates the next Double Seven re-union weekend will take place at MILL RYTHE Holiday Village Hayling Island and is booked for the weekend 12th -15th APRIL 2013.Total Price £96.00pp as before half board [Deposit £25.00 PP@ time of booking,] there is an option £4.00 insurance if you feel you need it] Bookings to - Katy Lansley 02392 460044 (Mill Rythe).Any Queries contact S.M. Mrs Ann Creswell by phone or Text 07743576861 - Home phone only after 1900hrs, 01962 880198 Email; don2pounds123@btinternet,com SM Mick Withington 91795875084 or HMS Newfoundland Veterans - 26/04/2013 HMS Newfoundland Veteran’s weekend will be held from April 26 to 29 at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea. Details available from Alan Waite


HMS Protector Association - 26/04/2013 14th Grand Annual Reunion and AGM is to be held at The Aztec Hotel, Bristol from April 26 to 29 2013. Early booking is highly recommended. Forms and further details available from Doug Harris or downloadable in due course from the website. HMS Phoebe Association - 3/05/2013 HMS Phoebe Association, Cruiser (C43) & frigate (F42): Have their annual (17th) reunion from May 3 to 6 at the Nelson Hotel, Great Yarmouth. All ex crew are welcome to join us. Please contact the secretary, Roy Pavely HMS Fisgard Series 33 - 4/05/2013 55th Anniversary Reunion will be held at the Queens Hotel, Southsea on May 4, to celebrate the young lads who joined Fisgard on 5 May 1958, and those who dipped back into our class. There will be a pre-dinner gathering followed by the dinner. Contact Bill Rayner HMS Bulwark, Albion, Centaur Association - 11/05/2013 Did you serve on any of these light fleet carriers? Our association is open to anyone who served at any time on these ships. We send a magazine three times per year and run events including AGM/Social, sea trips with our current ships Albion & Bulwark and anniversary commemorations at home and abroad. Whilst our ‘Home Port’ is Pompey, this year’s AGM/Social was held at the Hilton Hotel, Blackpool. Next year we will be at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea on May 11. We also sponsor sea cadets from our affiliated SCCs on one sail and tow motor Training Ships. Membership is all of £8 per annum. Enquiries to Leigh Easton or the website Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association - 17/05/2013 Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association. The next reunion will take place at the Sherborne Hotel, Sherborne Dorset from May 17 to 20. Special arrangements are also available for those who are joining the group on an Official Association Visit to HMS Collingwood on May 21 to witness the present day training facilities. Details of the very full reunion, the Official visit and of membership of this Association for anyone who served at HMS Collingwood at any time, in any capacity. Contact Mike Crowe or visit the website Festival of the Forties 26th -27th 28th July 2013, We have been lucky enough to get the former airfield site at North Luffenham for next year’s festival. Yes.... It was very sad that this year’s event could not go ahead. But, lessons were very quickly learned... Things were put into place and with a group of very loyal family and friends... Festival of the Forties has risen from the ashes very quickly indeed.!!! We want you ALL to come back and give us another chance.... We are going to hold the very best new, bright and innovative 1940s festival in the UK. in 2013. With a completely blank canvas.... Lots of Hard Standing... Free Parking and new, fresh ideas. There will be Public Camping. There will be fantastic displays. The Event will be Free to all Armed Forces and Veterans all Weekend ! There will be top entertainment for you to see and hear. Plus several Invited guest Displays and Groups. We have taken the "True British Bulldog Spirit" from this year’s national events "Going for Gold" will be our slogan for the 2013 festival and to be honest..... What better way to do it!!! 27

After last year’s very successful themed emailing campaign, we have decided to use the "Commando Comics" Front pages Theme this year and hopefully you will all enjoy them. If you require more information please contact; Matt Page, 2013 Festival of the Forties Organiser, 07771 668924 Type 42 Association Reunion – July 2013 There are plans hold the first Type 42 Association in Portsmouth – more information as it firms up. RNA Plymouth – Trafalgar Weekend -11-14 October 2013 The RNA Plymouth Biennial Trafalgar Weekend will be held at the Sefton Hotel, Babbacombe from Friday 11th October to Monday 14th October 2013. Gala Dinner. Formal Dress. 2 Nights £75.00 pp, Three Nights £110.00 pp. Anyone wishing to attend then please get the details from: Sue Gutteridge. (01752) 849176. email: HMS St Vincent AGM - 12 October 2013 The HMS St Vincent Association AGM will be held at St Vincent College, Gosport and the Reunion Dinner at Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea on 12 October. For further details please contact or 01329 310078 and and bookings to IOW Tours on 01983 405116. HMS Relentless – 30 November 2013 The first official reunion of the Association will be held on 30th November 2013 in Chatham and we would like to contact as many ex-shipmates as possible. Our website can be found at Any enquiries should be sent to: secretary@hmsrelentlessassociation or padre@hmsrelentlessassociation

RNA Longcast 2 Mar 9 Mar 10 Mar 2 Mar 29 Mar- 02 Apr 7 Apr 13 Apr 13 April 19 Apr 4 May 9 May 10 May 10-12 May 18 May 26 May 24-27 May 14-16 June 28

SOC – Meeting – Semaphore Tower - Portsmouth NC – Trustee Report and Motions for Conference St Nazaire (Operation Chariot) Memorial Parade (RNA Falmouth) SOC - Consider Motions Easter Bank Holiday Weekend – HQ Closed Bourne Branch 50th Celebration - NP Area 2 Committee Meeting - Minster Working Men’s Club – Isle of Sheppey Welfare Seminar HMS Nelson S/R Mess HQ - Open Day 1 Area 2 Delegates & Observers Meeting – UJC - London IEST Meeting at Haig House -GS HQ - Open Day 2 (SOLD OUT) Battle of the Atlantic Celebrations - Londonderry Area 2 - Biennial Standard Bearer’s Competition - Sheerness RNA Christchurch 70th Anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic Service Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic – Liverpool - GS National Conference - Liverpool

14 June 16 June 21 June 22 June 28 June 29 June 13 July 21 July 17 Aug 24 Aug 24 Aug 7 Sep 8 Sept 20 Sep 11 Oct 12 Oct 12 – 14 Oct 18 Oct 19 Oct 21 Oct 12 Nov 16 Nov 23 Nov 23 Nov 30 Nov 7 Dec

NC, AMC and FAC SOC - Conference Wash Up RNA Basildon - 40th Anniversary Dance Cornwall Armed Forces Day (Falmouth) HQ - Open Day 3 (SOLD OUT) Armed Forces Day - Nottingham Area 2 Committee Meeting - Minster Working Men’s Club – Isle of Sheppey Falmouth Sea Day RNA Maidstone Branch – 25th Sea Service Aylesford Village Hall AMC Meeting FAC Meeting Area 2 Delegates & Observers Meeting – UJC - London National Council RNA Biennial Parade - Whitehall HQ - Open Day 4 HQ - Open Day 5 (SOLD OUT) Area 2 Committee Meeting - Minster Working Men’s Club – Isle of Sheppey RNA Plymouth Biennial Trafalgar Weekend 12-14 October 2013 RNA Falmouth Trafalgar Dinner Crosby Branch Trafalgar Dinner - GS Frome Branch Trafalgar Dinner - GS FAC Budget Meeting AMC Meeting Area 2 Delegates & Observers Meeting – UJC - London FAC Meeting Budget for FY 2014 RNA Bloxwich Diamond Jubilee Dinner /Dance NC – Budget for FY 2014

Swinging the Lamp – April 2013

Date 1st

Year 1853







5th 6th

1957 1776


Entry First provision for lower-deck pensions, after twenty-two years’ service. VC: Cpl Thomas Peck Hunter, 43 Cdo, RM. Battle of Comacchio, Italy. 43 Cdo was advancing northwards up the coast road north of Ravenna between Lake Comacchio and the sea, heading towards Porto Garibaldi. Hunter, in charge of a bren-gun section, charged across open ground, firing a bren from the hip, and cleared a German position, allowing his troop to advance. He was killed soon afterwards. His award was gazetted 12 June 1945 and his VC presented to his parents at Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh, 26 September 1945. The only RM VC of the Second World War. Rear-Admiral J.F. Woodward sailed from Gibraltar, flag in Glamorgan, with Antrim, Arrow, Brilliant, Coventry, Glasgow, Plymouth and Sheffield with Appleleaf and Tidespring. Francis Drake knighted by Queen Elizabeth I on board Golden Hind at Deptford. Centurion commissioned at Haslemere as Central Drafting authority. Glasgow (20) fought off five American ships under Cdre Esek Hopkins (Alfred)





9th 10th

1777 1918















18th 19th

1905 1956












24 miles S.E. of Block Island. 3 Cdo Bde deployed to Afghanistan on Operation Herrick 14. Brig E.G.M. Davis took over command of Task Force Helmand from Brig James Chiswell, Commander 16 Air Assault Bde at Lashkar Gah on 9 April. VC: Lt-Cdr Gerard Broadmead, Roope, (Glowworm). Posthumous. Glowworm sank after ramming the German cruiser Admiral Hipper off the coast of Norway. First naval VC won in Second World War but not first gazetted.Battle Honour: Norway 1940. Horatio Nelson passed his examination for Lieutenant. Light cruiser Dauntless launched at Palmers Yard on the Tyne. Served in the Baltic in 1919, in the Particular Service Squadron on the Empire cruise in 1923–4, in the Mediterranean and on the America and West Indies Station; wartime service on the China and East Indies Stations. Sold 1946. Battle Honour: Atlantic 1939. White Ensign hauled down at Tamar, Stonecutters’ Island, 100 years to the day after the troopship Tamar arrived in Hong Kong waters as Receiving Ship. Tamar was Britain’s last naval base east of Suez. Lt-Cdr Robert Hichens, DSO and bar, DSC and two bars, RNVR, peacetime Cornish solicitor, killed in action in MGB 112 off the Dutch coast; the most highly decorated RNVR officer of the Second World War Task Force 57 including Indefatigable attacked the airfields at Matsuyama and Shinchiku, Formosa. Operation Iceberg Oolong. FAA Sqns: Avenger: 820; Seafire: 887; Firefly: 1770. RN Supply School, which had moved from Ceres at Wetherby, opened at Pembroke, RN Barracks, Chatham. Mutiny began at Spithead in Bridport’s flagship, Queen Charlotte. Ended 17 May. Turbulent returned to Devonport after ten months and having steamed 50,000 miles. Longest-ever deployment of a RN nuclear Submarine. Fired Tomahawk missiles against targets in Iraq. Operation Telic. Portsmouth Dockyard bombed. ‘We had a real blitz . . . a very big fellow . . . knocked poor old Admiralty House to pieces’ recorded the C-in-C Portsmouth, Admiral Sir William James, who moved his office into Hardy’s cabin in HMS Victory. Tactical School in the Old Naval Academy damaged. Launch of A 13, first RN submarine with diesel engine. Cdr (Special Branch) Lionel Kenneth Philip ‘Buster’ Crabb, OBE, GM, RNVR, clearance diver, disappeared at Portsmouth during the visit of Soviet leaders Kruschev and Bulganin in the Sverdlov-class cruiser Ordzhonikidze. Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden told the House of Commons that it would ‘not be in the public interest’ to disclose the circumstances of Cdr Crabb’s death. Amethyst, frigate, fired on by Communist PLA batteries in Yangtze River east of Nanking. Opening of the Yangtze Incident German air raid seriously damaged Devonport Naval Base, including St Nicholas’ Church Wessex helicopter from destroyer Antrim retrieved SAS and FAA personnel from Fortuna Glacier, South Georgia in unusually bad weather. Operation Corporate. Queen Victoria reviewed Fleet at Spithead; 240 ships, many having just returned from Baltic and Black Sea. Submarine E 22 conducted ‘float-off ’ trials of two Sopwith Schneider



26th 27th

2011 1937



29th 30th

1867 1943

seaplanes (Nos 3730, 3743). The purpose of this first submarine/aircraft trial was to achieve an up-threat interdiction of Zeppelins over the North Sea. The extension of the Portsmouth naval war memorial commemorating officers and men from Portsmouth-manned ships and ratings of the Portsmouth port division lost in the Second World War unveiled by HM Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother. Admiral of the Fleet Sir Henry Leach, First Sea Lord 1979–1982, died. The National Maritime Museum at Greenwich was opened by HM King George VI. His Majesty, with HM The Queen and HRH Princess Elizabeth, and the First Lord of the Admiralty, embarked at Westminster Pier in the launch of the C-in-C The Nore and, escorted by the destroyer Wishart and MTBs 3, 4, 5 and 6, went downriver and disembarked at the RN College, Greenwich. At the Museum ‘the male staffs were all in morning dress, the hire of which they paid for themselves, the warders in their recently provided uniforms’. The Museum opened to the public on 29 April. Patrol vessels Wasperton, Wolverton and Monkton arrived at HMS Tamar to join the Sixth Patrol Craft Squadron in Hong Kong after a 16,461-mile voyage, having sailed from Britain on 12 January. They joined Yarnton and Beachampton which had arrived the previous September from service with the Ninth MCM Squadron in Bahrain. Canned meat added to ships’ victualling stores. The Man Who Never Was. Operation Mincemeat. A corpse given identity of Captain, Acting Major, William Martin, RM, put into the sea from the submarine Seraph off Huelva, Spain. He carried secret papers intended to deceive the enemy, through German agents in Spain, that Allies intended to invade Sardinia and not Sicily. The story was told by the intelligence officer who planned the operation, Lt-Cdr Ewen Montagu, RNVR, in his book The Man Who Never Was, and by former First Lord, Duff Cooper, in his novel Operation Heartbreak.

Jack Dusty’s Corner New Slops Items As requested by many shipmates we now have available to order;

Blue jumper £25


Sleeveless jumper £23

Polo Shirt £20

These prices include postage and packing. Sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL These are encouraged for wear for branch meetings, outings etc, leaving the Blazer for more formal occasions. This Weatherproof jacket is now available from HQ. It can be embroidered with the name of your branch, which is included in the cost or whatever you want within reason, which may incur an extra charge. The jacket features a concealed hood in the collar, 2 side pockets, 1 chest pocket, inside zip and pocket and elasticated cuffs. It is available in various sizes starting at XS 34” chest up to 3XL 54” chest (for the fuller figure) A bargain at £38.00 (including VAT and postage) Give Nigel a ring at HQ and order one soonest


Delegate/Observers for the Annual Conference 2013 Liverpool Branch


Name of Delegate Delegate’s Address

Telephone No

Post Code

e-mail Number of Observers Names of Observers


Name of Branch Hon Secretary Contact telephone No: (if not branch Hon Sec) Contact e-mail address

Name and Address for correspondence (if not branch Hon Sec)

*Please continue on a separate sheet with all your branch observers. This will be the Branch secretary unless otherwise indicated. NB: A Delegate will not be confirmed as such unless or until the Branch Balance Sheet for 2012 and Annual Subscriptions for Branch Members for 2013 have been received in RNA Headquarters (Rule 12 C). Should either not have been received in HQ, the Delegate's Status will be deemed to be that of an Observer.


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An evening to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the


on Friday 19th April 2013 at 7.00 pm at St Peter’s Church, School Hill, Soberton, Hampshire, SO32 3PF

Hosted by the Friends of St Peter’s, with refreshments , an illustrated talk by Cdr Rob Scott RN and an act of remembrance. Proceeds to be shared equally between Friends of St Peter’s and The Royal British Legion (Droxford Branch). Tickets £7.50 per adult/£3 per schoolchild/free to veterans holding the Atlantic Star . Obtainable from Droxford Post Office or by application to the Chairman FOSP, Downlands, Station Road, Soberton, Hampshire, SO32 3QU (01489 877237). Cheques payable to ‘Friends of St Peter’s Soberton’ enclosing stamped addressed envelope for their return. Tickets may also be purchased at the door subject to space being available.

Book early to avoid disappointment!

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