Semaphore Circular #630 (June 2013)

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The Semaphore Circular No 630

June 2013

Find Semaphore Circular On-line ; or... RNA Website – Members Area – Downloads – Circulars – Code (Shipmate) 1

Dear Shipmates (Secretaries and our on-line readers) Welcome to the June Semaphore Circular, how did we get to June without getting into Summer clothes? Well we have just come back from a terrific Conference with 10 Area, led by Crosby and Trafford branches putting on a fantastic show and most enjoyable weekend. Details in my major report, important points first • Well done to many shipmates and branches for a great showing during the Battle of the Atlantic commemorations. • Good luck for Armed Forces Days all over the country. If you need any support for this or any other event over the summer please contact the National Events coordinator • Please let us know if you would like the Second Sea Lord to present an Arctic star at our biennial parade on 8 September 13. •

Please Please do not contact the Coventry Conference hotel until we advertise in the Circular.

Remember that claim forms for conference expenses need to be in sharpish – no payment after the deadline.

Memorial I am delighted to report that the National Council has chosen the design for the Charter Challenge memorial. It is by Graeme Mitcheson and we will cover this is a major article next month, and in Navy News in September. This is a pencil sketch of the idea. This is a very interesting and exciting design which went down very well with Conference delegates – who left some nice comments. It is on the theme of ‘At the going down of the sun’

Following a decision by the National Council to appoint a Shipmates Programme administrator, Chrissie Hughes has joined the HQ Staff as a full member. She joined as a Wren in 1986 and transfer to the Reg branch. She spent 6 years in the RNSIB, ending as a Master at Arms. She left the Navy in 2011 after 25 years service. Welcome Chrissie!!

As ever, Paul General Secretary


Daily Orders

1. Conference 2013 – General Secretary’s Report 2. Ushakov Medal – Update 3. Chairman Standing Order Committee 4. 2014 RNA Diary 5. Shipmates Programme – New recruit! 6. Australian Veterans visit to HQ 7. Biennial Parade 8. IOW RNA Chapter Run- a- Shore 9. Birthday Day Gift Idea 10. Navy Records Society 11. BZ - BoA Londonderry 12. CCF Donations 13. Charter Challenge Donations 14. Finance Corner – Michelle 15. Guess Where? 16. Senior Shipmates & IT 17. RN/RM Isle of Wight Book 18. Double Seven Reunion 19. The lost sailors of HMS Illustrious 20. Cenotaph Ceremony 10 Nov 13 21. Field of Remberance 7 Nov 13 22. Yeovil Air Day 23. Downton Joke 24. Clarification of Statement from Welfare Seminar 25. Veteran Mentoring – HMS Raleigh 26. Liability Insurance 27. MQC Jan 1972- Dec 1973 28. S/M Fredrick Read – HMS Unrivalled D20 29. New Ladies RNA Clothing Range 30. BUPA Health Insurance Deal

“D’ye hear there” (Branch news) Shortcast Longcast Ship’s Office 1. Swinging the Lamp

For the Branch Secretary and notice-board Glossary of terms 3


National Council Member National Council Association Management Committee Finance Administration Committee National Chairman National Vice Chairman National President Deputy National President General Secretary Assistant General Secretary As soon as possible indicates a new or substantially changed entry

Contacts: Financial Controller

023 9272 3823


023 9272 3371

Assistant General Secretary (Membership & Slops)

023 9272 3747

Assistant General Secretary (Shipmates Programme Manager Circular, Events & Marketing)

023 9272 0782

Shipmates Administrator

023 9272 0782

General Secretary

023 9272 2983


023 92 72 3747

RNA HQ Staff continue to attempt to build a library of e-mail addresses within the Association. It would be extremely helpful if those Branch Secretaries able to communicate by e-mail would forward a short e-message to HQ to Snail Trail Mail - Postal Address RNA HQ, Room 209, PP70, Semaphore Tower, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth Hants PO1 3LT


Daily Orders 1.

Conference 2013 – General Secretary’s Report

Over 750 Shipmates gathered in Liverpool last weekend for the biggest and best Conference held for many years. Most people (570) were accommodated in the Adelphi Hotel in the heart of the City with other in nearby hotels. It was obvious that the great value-for-money package negotiated by 10 Area was a great attraction. The first event was a reception for the National Council on Thursday evening at Bootle Town Hall as the guest of the Mayor of Sephton. The Town Hall has much memorabilia from the Battle of the Atlantic, which Shipmate NCMs found very interesting. Most Conference weekend attendees arrived on the Friday afternoon as the National Council was meeting and prepared for the first of a series of liver-challenging events, an evening reception. 10 Area put on a great show with entertainment and Up Spirits (very popular). Sadly later during the evening Shipmate Julie Rochford (Pendleton) suffered a major cardiac crisis and was taken to hospital where she was pronounced dead. A number of Shipmates did exceptionally well in providing early CPR and other vital assistance. The evening was brought to an early close as a mark of respect. Conference Day dawned early for the HQ staff and 12 BRILLIANT volunteers from 10 Area with a 0600 breakfast and set-up of the Conference Hall in St George’s Hall, just a few minutes’ walk away. Thanks to the cheerful hard work of the volunteer stewards all was ready for the 0845 arrival of delegates. Conference started on time at 1000 with the Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Councillor Gary Millar, welcoming the Association to Liverpool and reflecting on the recent Battle of the Atlantic celebrations. The key note speaker and VIP was Rear Admiral Duncan Potts, Assistant Chief of Staff (Capability) who took the delegates and observers through the present deployment of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines. He then took us through the upcoming very exciting equipment programme and said that the mood in the Navy has definitely shifted to ‘Glass half full’ with the 2carrier programme intact, Astute submarines, the replacement of all naval aircraft in the next 10 years, the Type 26 Global combat ship, Unmanned naval air vehicles, new RFAs and interesting developments in the field of mine warfare. Our two main guests left at that point with the traditional Pusser’s Rum decanters as our gift. The National President then took us through his address, which noted the resignation of S/M Adrian Nance as Deputy National President and that S/M Paddy McClurg was local acting Chair of the Standing Orders Committee for this Conference only. He announced the winning design of the Charter Challenge 14 memorial design and explained its thinking, inviting shipmates to meet the artist over break (many did with very positive feedback). He reflected on the wonderful Battle of the Atlantic celebrations and noted the good financial performance last year and increase in the 5

number of full members. He finished by thanking the National Council for their hard work as Trustees and in particular the tireless efforts of Shipmate Chris Dovey as National Chair. Shipmate Adrian Nance then accepted the NP’s invitation to address the Conference. He thanked the many branches for their warm welcome over the years and reflected that the RNA was in a very strong position at the moment. As Life Vice President he was available to provide advice and guidance as needed in the future. The recruiting awards, under the new rules, were announced as follows Sword of Honour No 3 Area (increase in members) Tasker Bowl No 3 Area (Gift Aid) Briggs Dirk Cleethorpes Branch (over 30 members biggest % increase) Briggs Rose Bowl Sterling Branch (small branches % increase) Overseas over 30 Riyadh branch Overseas under 30 Jersey branch The Standing Orders committee announced the results of the various elections National Council Area NCM DNCM 2 Sattin Cox 6 Ridley Parry 7 Williams Clark 8 Dovey McWinny 9 Crawford McWilliams 11 McQueen Rooney Scotland Hesketh McKenzie Standing Orders Committee S/Ms Peatling and Avery stood down, leaving 3 places available. Elected were S/Ms Lyons, Downing, Howard; leaving S/M Victor Allen re-elected as the continuity member. The usual reports were made to Conference by the Hon Treasurer and National Chair; no significant questions – other than one shipmate who wanted to know how we got 25% return on our investments and sat down when the Hon Tres pointed out he had the decimal point in the wrong place! The morning session concluded with a really informative presentation by Mr Robert Robson, the CEO of the Royal Naval and Royal Marines Charity, who explained the central role it now plays in all naval charity, payroll giving from the serving Navy, and the many many beneficiaries they help, over 85% of whom have retired. Shipmates reported that they were surprised at how much the landscape of charity has changed from the days when RNBT was the main charity. During lunch our wonderful sound engineer Lyndon Ford (now an old friend of the RNA) played on the St Georges Hall organ, which is the second biggest in the UK. Lyndon is proud to boast that he played with his 64 foot organ and people clapped!! The session after lunch dealt with a motion of urgency to hold Conference 2015 in Folkestone, with a good report against the Conference Guidelines approved last year. 6

The 3 main notions were all approved almost unanimously (1 vote on one motion – rewarded later with a broken wrist) which give effect to the decision to allow Associate Members to act as delegates at Area and National Conferences – just the Privy Council to go. The last motion was a technical one to tidy up the submission dates to conference by the National Council. The Conference finished with the raffle results are: First prize Ticket 14153 Second prize ticket 18971 Third prize ticket 08820 Forth prize ticket 04743

Don Cox Old Meldrum Aberdeenshire W Nangle, Balham London Bridlington RNA D Newman Saltash

The Conference finished at 1440, leaving plenty of time to de-rig and for NCM1 to get to the bar. The Gala Dinner on Satuday night was a real highlight with the ballroom rigged for 570 to sit down, in the theme of red, white and blue. After a good meal the Shipmates were royally entertained by the Sephton sea cadet glee club who sang songs from the shows. They received a rapturous standing ovation and £800 in bucket collection, rounded up to £2,000 by the Mayor of Sephton. The evening finished with a live band and dancing. Sunday saw a bit of a lie-in and the move down to St Nicholas Church on the side of the Mersey. 40 Standard paraded including the National of the RNA and the Irish Naval Association. The Chaplain of the Fleet presided at the Church Service with Lyndon thumping the piano after the organ gave up the ghost (must have heard of what he had done to that 64 foot monster). Shipmates made their way to the Pier Head for the march. The Lord Mayor of Liverpool wanted to walk down with the standards so they acted like a Praetorian Guard for Caesar so marched down with the Police halting the traffic – a great sight. The Parade went very well with a combined sea cadet band leading. A wreath was laid at the Captain Walker memorial – which was very moving. The customary address by the National Pres was added to by the Mayor and then all back to the Adelphi for a very well attended Sods Opera. Sadly Salome was not delayed in Customs and did appear. A final hooley in the evening finished a liver-crunching weekend. During the Gala Dinner the National President congratulated 10 Area, Crosby and Trafford branches for a wonderful Conference, excellent venue and planning and for setting the bar so high for future events. Congratulations too from the HQ staff to 10 Area, Crosby and Trafford for their efforts – it has been a real pleasure working with you


The rum tub raffle was taken at the end of the Sods Opera, results: 1st 00499 The Rum Tub Neil Houghton - LIVERPOOL 2nd 08980 - Atherton Branch RNA 3rd 07665 - Gayle Dovey 4th 03042 - Llandudno Branch RNA


Ushakov Medal – Written ministerial Statement

Shipmates may wish to read the following Ministerial Statement by The Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Mr William Hague): I am pleased to announce that formal approval has been given to a recommendation for an exception to the rules on the acceptance of foreign awards to allow eligible British nationals to accept and wear the Russian Ushakov Medal In May 2012 the Russian Government requested permission to award the Ushakov Medal to British veterans of the Arctic Convoys. Under the current rules on the acceptance of foreign awards, permission could not be given for the medal to be accepted as more than five years had passed since the events in question and there had already been British medallic recognition for this service. Although under these rules permission could not be given for the Ushakov Medal to be accepted, Her Majesty’s Government have always been appreciative of the Russian Government’s wish to honour these brave men. In light of that appreciation of this service, a recommendation was therefore made to exceptionally allow the Ushakov Medal to be accepted and worn. President Putin presented the first medals during his visit to London on 16 June 2013. Applications and eligibility for the Ushakov Medal will be a matter for the Russian authorities. It is very pleasing to inform you that lobbying by the RNA was influential in Mr Hague’s decision, please see below the original letter from the National President




Chairman Standing Orders Committee

The National Council would like to hear from anyone who would like to consider taking on the appointment of Chair of the Standing Orders Committee. It involves the supervision of motions for Conference and providing advice to the National President during the running of Conference. In the short term it will also involve providing oversight of the Rule Review. It may involve service as a Vice President of the Association for the right candidate. Anyone who would like to learn more please contact the General Secretary directly, who can explain the duties and commitment. Application is to be by simple letter, describing your experience in this area, professional and academic qualifications or other relevant information. Deadline for applications is 27 August 13.


RNA Diary 2014

It‘s that time of year again......... The 2014 RNA Diary is now available. This year you can buy a new cover with your diary if needed or just the Diary insert alone. We also have complete diaries too. Despite the rise in postage we have chosen to keep the prices the same as last year. Please use the order form at the back of this Circular. As in previous years the diary can be used from the 1 October this year.


Shipmates Programme – New recruit!

Shipmate Sarah Broadbent, took voluntary redundancy last year and has joined Street Branch via the Shipmates programme. She also took advantage of the General Secretary’s confidence building and 1on1 ‘Rottweiler’ CV sessions (and look she is still smiling!). They were chatting over some of the help available to service leavers in setting up their own businesses. Sarah was thrilled to join the RNA although she did find the initial attendance at the Branch a little scary since most of the branch were almost 5 years older than her! She went on to say that the welcome was incredibly friendly and she is convinced that the Shipmates Programme is exactly what the Service leaver requires.



Aussie Veterans Visit

HQ hosted a group of 8 Australian Veterans who were visiting the UK as part of the Battle of the Atlantic commemorations. The programme featured a remembrance Service at St Anne’s Church in the Dockyard. The service was conducted by Reverend Jon Backhouse RN who earlier in his Naval career had commanded HMAS Gawler so was ‘Aussie fluent! The service was attended by 4 RNA Standards and the GANGES also paraded (Thanks Shep). This was followed by a visit to HMS VICTORY, where the Officer of the Day was Chief Petty Officer Ricky NELSON, for a ‘Tot’ and photo opportunity. Lunch was hosted in the Semaphore Arms by the RNA and featured a visit from Rear Admiral Jonathon Woodcock the Naval Secretary and Captain Aiden Talbot, the Captain of the Base and the National Chairman, Chris Dovey. Finally the Veterans, support party and RNA Shipmates sailed in SD Nutborne to lay a wreath on the Spitbank Shoal in the Solent and a water tour of the harbour, reserve ships and the Dockyard. It Rained constantly all day; one veteran was quoted “ It was raining when I left in 1944 so there is no change in the Pommie weather.....” The HQ staff can’t wait to send sledging e-mails to our new friends down under when the Aussies crumble during the Ashes!!!


RNA Biennial Parade - Whitehall Sunday 08 September 2013 ‘Heads-Up’

The RNA Biennial Parade will take place at Whitehall on Sunday 08 September 2013 at 1100. All Branches are cordially invited to parade along Whitehall and on completion attend that post march refreshments at the Civil Service Club. The reviewing Officer this year will be the Second Sea Lord, Vice Admiral David Steel CBE. An invitation has been extended via the Conference of Naval Associations for other Naval Service Associations to join us; both HMS Collingwood and HMS Sultan have agreed to provide marching platoons. It is vitally important that we produce a large


turn-out so that we don’t lose this unbelievable privilege so please make a date in your dairies and encourage as many Shipmates as possible to attend this prestigious event and show what a super association the RNA really is. Programme / Parking etc 0930 – Parking for Coaches (Whitehall Place / Embankment) 1025 – Parade musters in Whitehall Place 1040 – Parade Steps off 1100 – Service at Cenotaph 1125 – Parade Steps off for Review by 2SL 1142 – Civil Service Club open for refreshments ( Ed Note - Full specific details will be in next months edition) IMPORTANT NOTE: 2SL has agreed to present Arctic Stars at the Parade – if you know anyone who would like this let the HQ know.


IOW RNA Branch meeting

Isle of Wight Branch were recently spotted in Ryde at their monthly meeting where they were issued with parking tickets. S/M Mike North commented that they are still appealing against the parking tickets issued. However the IOW Council is standing firm saying that they should use their free OAP Bus passes to travel to meetings!


Birthday Gift Idea..

I’m sure you will all agree... Here is a smashing idea for as a Birthday Gift.What better that a bottle of what made Great Britain great, the rum of Nelson’s day Pusser’s Blue Label, original navy strength 54.5% ABV Pusser’s is produced in exact accordance with the Admiralty’s historical specifications for a blend of Caribbean rums and is 100% natural in that it contains no flavouring agents. It is the only brand of rum conforming strictly to the original Royal Navy rum because it is the original Royal Navy rum. No other rum has such history and authenticity.For stockists contact the UK distributor Cellar Trends at <


10. Navy Records Society Shipmates may be interested to know that the Navy Records Society have been publishing rare and original naval documents since 1893 and have recently launched a new website The site publishes all sorts of exciting documents that have not traditionally been able to publish - particularly images such as sketchbooks or battle plans or photograph albums. They have already published a number of extraordinary items found in private collections. Further information is available at the link above or alternatively you can contact Dr Sam Willis or on Mobile 07941 619095


BoA Londonderry - Additional BZ

Good Morning Paul Having gone through the May circular and reading on the BOA Londonderry, may l point out that there was no mention of HMS Hibernia, who ran the serial and Ships Company who were in attendance ( also behind the scenes ). There was no mention of other RNA Branches who also attended the event. Hopefully this can be rectified in the forthcoming circular. A great day was had by all, even with the restrictions that were put in place. BZ Londonderry Branch. Yours aye Geoff McConnell CPO WARSEA HMS Hibernia East Antrim Branch Sec


Donations received for the Central Charities Fund RNA – York In memory of S/m Mills In memory of S/m Beasley In memory of S/m Elson

£250.00 £ 64.00 £285.39 £110.24

Thank you very much


Donations received for the Charter Challenge 2014 RNA – Cromer £200.00 RNA – Sunderland £100.00 RNA – Chester £100.00 RNA – Newport Sth Wales £100.00

Thank you very much



Finance Corner

It was lovely to be able to meet and chat to so many of you at the Conference. Please could I remind Delegates who attended Conference, to ensure you complete your expense claim form and return to HQ by 31 July 2013, in order for me to calculate Pooled Fares. Best wishes Michelle PS - Ladies make sure you look at the new RNA Ladies Clothing Range in Paragraph 29.

15. Guess Where? An Establishment! Can you name the establishment and where it is? Please forward any other pictures to the HQ that you may have for ‘Guess Where’ so that we publish them in forthcoming Circulars. Answer again in next month’s edition. Last month’s answer! HMS Lochinvar – Port Edgar (Under the Forth Road Bridge, where picture was taken from)


Senior Shipmates and IT......

You can see in the photo opposite Nigel having trouble convincing a Shipmate that IT using a computer is the definitely the way ahead. If you would like any advice at all please contact the HQ or they ‘may call on a man that can’ and we will do our very best to talk you through whatever it is you trying to achieve. Remember you can get instant access to so so much information on the RNA Website including this edition of the Semaphore Circular So......... if in doubt give us a shout!!



Royal Navy and Royal Marines on the Isle of Wight – S/M Mike North

S/M Mike has written a very informative and comprehensive book concerning the history of the the exploits of Senior Service life and times on the Isle of Wight, which the HQ strongly recommends reading.(S/M Mike paid me to say that!!) It is only £10 a copy £1 of which goes into the RNA Central Charity Fund. Anyone who is interested in obtaining a copy can contact Mike on Tel No 01983 812184 or e-mail


Double Seven Reunion

The Double Seven Reunion has just had a very successful weekend at Mill Rythe Hayling Island over the Weekend 12th to 15th April, which was attended by 176 people. The entertainment was excellent and the Sunday Church Service was attended by seven Standards which paraded under the direction of S/M Harry Cowell. The reunion continued in Hudson's Bar for the usual Sod's Opera, which was very entertaining. A super time was had by all! NOW WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT AGAIN :-'cause without it we can't do it ,can we’ There are two more weekends coming up Friday 4th October to Monday 7th £96.00 pp Plus £4.00 pp insurance and we also have the weekend 24th April to 28th April 2014 at the same price . Please book soonest to avoid disappointment, as you will not regret it and thoroughly enjoy your weekend Please book direct with Katey Lansley (bookings and enquiries) 02392 460044.


The Lost Sailors of HMS ILLUSTRIOUS

The HMS ILLUSTRIOUS Association wrote to the Semaphore Circular to remind us of a little known disaster. During the late evening of Sunday 17 October 1948 the Liberty boat left Weymouth Pier heading for HMS ILLUSTRIOUS, It was a 36ft Pinnace with 5 crew and 45 men onboard. The weather conditions were atrocious with gale force winds and rain squalls and as it passed through the northern entrance of the breakwater the weather state became worse resulting in the liberty boat shipping vast amounts of water and floundering some 50mts astern of the Carrier. Rescue boats were immediately launched including the Weymouth Lifeboat and incredibly brave ships company who dived off the ship to rescue their shipmates. Despite all their efforts tragically 29 sailors lost their lives. On the 17 October 2010, 62 years later, the previous 1ST Sea Lord Admiral Sir Mark Stanhope GCB OBE ADC unveiled a beautiful Memorial stone, opposite. The


current HMS ILLUSTRIOUS provide 29 Sailors to represent those that had perished on that tragic night . A Small memorial service will be held on 12th October 2013 , led by Portland Sea cadets who will lay a wreath at 15.00. Anyone who would like to attend would be very much welcomed. For further information please contact : Miss Diane Coleman (National Secretary) 01424 720745 Miss Ann Lefley (Hon Treasurer) 01903 771934 Mr Mike Brockwell (Vice Chairman) 01293 520352.


Remembrance Sunday – Cenotaph - 10 November 2013

The Royal British Legion will once again be co-ordinating the Ex-Service Contingents attending the Cenotaph Ceremony & March Past on Sunday 10 November 2013. All those who have served in Her Majesty’s Armed Forces under British Command as well as War Widows / Widowers are eligible to take part. If any Shipmate would like tickets for this year’s Ceremony (limited number available) please let RNA HQ know (by letter or email) by 31 August at the latest, please include your name, address and telephone number and a list of those attending. If any of your members require a carer for the day (one carer per participant) they must also be in possession of a ticket. Please note that those parading are likely to be standing in Whitehall for at least 1½ hours prior to the March Past then marching for a distance of over 1 mile, and quite possibly in inclement weather. Further parade instructions will be sent with your tickets which will be despatched towards the end of September. If you have any queries regarding the Cenotaph Ceremony then please contact Nigel, Andy or Philip at RNA HQ. Also note; RNA tickets will only be available for members (so join them up!) and it is expected that those with RNA tickets will march with the RNA squad


Field of Remembrance – Thursday 7 November 2013

If branches wish to place a cross in the RNA Garden of Remembrance please place your orders with Nigel at HQ. Again those who want to attend then please forward your details to Andy or Nigel as entry is by ticket only, which you can obtain from HQ. On the day you will also be required to bring a form of ID with you, and you will need to be through the garden gate by 1015 and muster 16

at the RNA plot, where there will be followed by a short service. The National President and General Secretary will be in attendance and the GS can be contacted on his mobile – 07850 646755 (if required)


Yeovilton International Air Day – Saturday 13 July 2013

Few events can rival the intensity, drama and spectacle on offer at the International Air Day at Royal Naval Air Station Yeovilton in Somerset on Saturday 13 July. The award winning show is one of the Southwest’s largest one day events, attracting over 30,000 visitors, and will return this summer with an action-packed day out for all the family. Alongside the thrilling flying display there’s plenty to see and do on the ground – so whether you’re a wide-eyed first timer or a seasoned air show veteran, the experience will be amazing. RNAS Yeovilton will take TEAMWORK as its theme for this year’s International Air Day and visitors will see Teamwork at first hand both in the air and on the ground. The breathtaking flying display will feature military and civilian display teams from the UK and abroad, as well as the resident squadrons performing spectacular role demonstrations such as the famous Commando Assault Finale. The ground displays will showcase modern Royal Navy assets and equipment with interactive displays showing the qualities, skills and professionalism of Royal Navy personnel working as a team to provide Front Line support to Protect our Nation’s Interests. Confirmed participants include world class military aerobatic teams such as the RAF Red Arrows and the Royal Jordanian Falcons. Undoubtedly, the stars of the show for many will be roaring displays by a Swiss Air Force F/A18 Hornet and a Czech Air Force Gripen making their only UK appearances this year. The noise will continue thanks to the return of the Belgian Air Force F16 and RAF Typhoon to Air Day representing the cutting edge of modern global fighter technology. Amongst the helicopter displays will be the Royal Navy and Army’s latest aircraft - the Wildcat, and the return of a real crowd pleaser, the RAF Chinook. On the historic front, the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight’s Lancaster, Spitfire and Hurricane will be present along with the Royal Navy Historic Flight’s rare collection of naval warbirds. Their Swordfish (LS326) is a veteran of the Battle of the Atlantic, which this year marks the 70th anniversary, and will take part in the flying display in tribute to the courage and bravery of all those who served in the North Atlantic. In what could potentially be her very last display season the iconic Vulcan bomber XH558 will also be firing up her four mighty engines for another majestic performance over the Somerset skies. There will be plenty more aircraft on display in the air and at close quarters on the ground. Throughout the day there will be plenty of family attractions including performances from the Royal Marines Band and the Military Wives Choir Yeovilton, a fairground, vehicle exhibition, service demonstrations, field gun competition, picnic areas, helicopter pleasure flights, simulator rides, trade stands and much, much more. The discounted advance ticket booking form can be found at the rear of the Semaphore Circular but are also are available from or by calling the Ticketline on 08445 781 781.



Downton Joke!

His Lordship was in the study at Downton Abbey when Carson the butler approached and coughed discreetly. "May I ask you a question, my Lord?" "Go ahead, Carson" said his Lordship. "I am doing the crossword in The Times and I have found a word I am not too clear on." "What word is that?" said his Lordship. “Aplomb" my Lord. "Now that's a difficult one to explain. I would say it is self-assurance or complete composure." "Thank you my Lord, but I'm still a little confused." "Well, let me give you an example to make it clearer. Do you remember a few months ago the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge arrived to spend a weekend with us?" "I remember the occasion very well, my Lord. It gave the staff and myself much pleasure to look after them." "Also", continued the Earl of Grantham, "do you remember Will plucked a rose for Kate in the rose garden?" "I was present on that occasion, my Lord, ministering to their needs." "While plucking the rose a thorn embedded itself in his thumb very deeply." Carson replied, "I witnessed the incident my Lord and saw the Duchess herself remove the thorn and bandage his thumb with her own dainty handkerchief." "That evening the prick on his thumb was so sore, Kate had to cut up his venison from our own estate, even though it was extremely tender." "Yes, my Lord, I did see everything that transpired that evening." "The next morning while you were pouring coffee for Her Ladyship, Kate enquired of Will with a loud voice, ‘Darling, does your prick still throb?' And you, Carson, did not spill one drop of coffee! Now that, Carson, is aplomb!"


Clarification of Statement concerning ‘Wills’.

At the recent Welfare Seminar Captain John Lavery (White Ensign Association) stated that when a serviceman/woman left the service and had made a service will, using a MOD Form 106, that it ceased to be valid upon discharge from the RN. He has since received clarification from the MOD that the above statement is incorrect. He wishes to advise Shipmates of the corrected statement ; “Any service will or MOD form 106 made while serving will remain extant until such time that it is superseded by a private will or that the Serviceman becomes eighteen or is married or something similar”.



Veteran Mentoring – HMS Raleigh

HQ has supplied Veteran Mentor Jackets to RNA members who mentor the Recruits at HMS Raleigh Attending Divisions recently S/M's Tony Moy, Arthur Gutteridge and Eric Rattle, all of Plymouth branch commented "It was overcast bloody freezing and blowing a hooley, but our new coats from HQ made all the difference to the Mentors of Cunningham Division"


Liability Insurance

Branches are reminded that to ensure they are fully covered for Liability Insurance at Branch events they must ensure that the event is placed in the ‘RNA Diary / Longcast’ with the GS approval. Please contact Andy for further details.


Calling all ‘Mechs’ - MQC Jan 1972 –Dec 1973 Course 128a

S/M Shiner Wright is trying to locate fellow class members of the above Mechs qualifying course. He has so far located 26 ex-class mates and they have held 5 bi-annual reunions. The next one is in Exeter in November. If you where a 128 member and are interested in joining the rest of us, please send your phone number/address/email address to: Shiner Wright c/o Gosport RNA 66 Fareham Road Gosport You may also contact our Branch Secretary, Jack Wyld email ' who will pass on you details to Shiner."


S/M Fredrick Read (Merthyr Tydfil Branch Secretary) - HMS Unrivalled D20

S/M Fredrick Read (Merthyr Tydfil Branch Secretary) would like to advise Shipmates who may ey may be interested in his latest book. The HMS Unrivalled D20 is a yarn about the mutinous crew of a British Warship whose punishment was either death by hanging or death in battle! Price £9.00 only Please telephone 07813 287053 or email



New Ladies RNA Clothing Range

The new range of stylish Ladies clothing includes a White Shirt, Polo Shirt, Cardigans, V-neck, Jumpers and Gilet (Body Warmer) carefully selected by the House of Michelle. The range will be displayed on the Website very shortly.



Short sleeve blouse with collar styling Fabric 45% Polyster & 55% Cotton Sizes XS – 3XL Colour White

POLO SHIRTS with RNA logo £18.00 Short sleeve polo with collar styling Fabric 65% Polyster & 35% Cotton Sizes XS – 3XL Colours Navy, Light Blue & White

CARDIGAN - Navy Blue button with RNA logo £20.00 Long sleeve V neck cardigan with a 7 button fastening, made with a soft and comfortable fine gauge knitted cotton rich yarn. Fabric 55% Cotton & 45% Acrylic Sizes 8 – 24 Colour Navy

V -NECK JUMPER - Navy Blue with RNA logo £20.00 V-neck long sleeve jumper, made with a soft and comfortable fine gauge knitted cotton rich yarn. Fabric 55% Cotton & 45% Acrylic Sizes 8 – 24 Colour Navy 20

GILET (Body Warmer) – with RNA logo £30.00 Softshell garment, highly breathable, Lightweight – easy to wear or carry, Water repellent & Wind repellant. Outer Fabric 96% Polyester & 4% Elastane Sizes 8 – 24 Colour Navy Please order directly through Michelle or 02392 73823


BUPA Health Insurance Deal

As promised please find below details of the exciting new deal that is being offered to RNA members from BUPA Health Insurance. They are offering an extension of the market-leading Armed Forces scheme to RNA veterans who have served; and their spouse and dependants. The offer to the RNA is first move into the veteran community. A Flyer at the back of the Circular provides more detail. PROTECTING WHAT MATTERS MOST As a member of the RNA you can benefit from a discount on Bupa health insurance of between 53% and 78% – even if you change occupation or retire. Plus, your spouse/partner or dependent children can also join and take advantage of discounted rates, irrespective of whether you choose to join, or not. An additional Discount is available to new customers joining Bupa before 1 December 2013. Proof of HM Forces employment will be required. This offer may not be combined with any other discounts for which you may be eligible. BUPA reserves the right to alter or withdraw the discount without notice at any time on or after your first renewal date. Reassurance for you and your family The HM Forces BupaCare Group Scheme is designed by Bupa to accommodate the unique healthcare requirements of MOD personnel and their families. With 15 years’ experience of looking after members of HM Forces and over 6,000 military personnel already under our care, you can rest assured that Bupa will be there to help protect your health – wherever your career takes you. Why Bupa health insurance? Whether you already have health insurance, or are considering taking out cover for the first time, it’s worth bearing in mind that almost three million people already trust Bupa with their health. Unlike many other insurance providers, healthcare is, and will remain our only focus. With no shareholders, we invest our profits back into the services we offer so that we can continue to improve your health and care. In fact, we recently won Health Insurance Provider of the Year at the 2013 Consumer Moneyfacts Awards. Who is eligible to join? • Serving Armed Forces 21

• MOD civil servants • Reserve Forces • Veterans • Partners/spouses of MOD personnel (even if the serving member decides not to join) • Child dependants of MOD personnel (under 21 years old, under 24 if in full time education) To find out more call free on 0808 256 4624* quoting reference F202 or visit *Calls may be recorded and may be monitored. Lines are open 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 1pm on Saturday. Bupa health insurance is provided by Bupa Insurance Limited. Registered in England and Wales No 3956433†. Bupa Insurance Services Limited. Registered in England and Wales No 3829851†. †Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Registered office: Bupa House, 15-19 Bloomsbury Way, London WC1A 2BA.


D’ye hear there’.....

News from around the Areas and Branches RNA Burgess Hill Sadly I regret to inform Shipmates that S/M Fred Reynolds who was featured on the cover of last month’s Semaphore Circular crossed the bar on Friday 31st May. Thankfully the Branch managed to arrange the presentation of his Medal in hospital, knowing he only had a short time left. It was a great day for him as he had campaigned for so long and was at long last able to hold the Arctic Star medal in his hand.

RNA Wansbeck and District RNA Wansbeck & District will be holding their Trafalgar Dinner and Dance at the Stakeford & Bomarsund Sports and Social Welfare Centre on Saturday 19 October 1913. The cost will be £20 per head including dinner, with wine a la table and Tot for the toasts and entertainment from ‘Music for Dancing by Richard’ commencing 1830 for 1900. Dress of the Day will be Blazers, Lounge Suit, Dinner Suit, Uniform (all with tie or bow tie) For tickets and further information contact George Kirsopp (01670 816562) or Ken Walton (01670 522526) (e-mail

RNA West Lothian Branch During the recent last visit to the Capital City of Edinburgh by HMS Edinburgh a reception was given to members of the Warrant Officers & Senior Rates Mess by West Lothian & Edinburgh Branches. A wonderful night followed and attached you will find a photograph showing both Branches onboard. Branch representatives were presented with a framed limited print of HMS Edinburgh painted by CPO Edwards and listed all the Ship's Company prior to decommissioning. On the Sunday following both Branches were received on board by the mess and we were overwhelmed by the hospitality we received. A sad but proud weekend, and a few hangovers continued into the beginning of the next week I am sure !


RNA Falmouth Branch - Advance Notice Falmouth Sea Sunday 21st July 2013 Falmouth Branch of the Royal Naval Association will again be coordinating the annual Sea Sunday Parade and Church Service on Sunday 21st July 2013 . Further information will be circulated in due course, meanwhile please note that the Parade will form up on The Moor at 1020 for the march to King Charles the Martyr Church for the Service at 1100. Parade will then re-form for the march past, and disperse in Events square, followed by a reception in the Maritime Museum.Royal Naval Association FALMOUTH BRANCH e-mail: Secretary: Ron Burdekin Tel: 01326 221851 (H) 07810 404418 (M) 23, Glebe Close Mawgan HELSTON Cornwall TR12 6AA

RNA Woking Branch For information please see below the programme of events for Woking Branch. If you require any further information please contact Shipmate Rod Fraser (01932 349928) or e-mail ( Date 20 Jul 13 16 Aug 13 07 Sep 13 22 Sep 13 18 Oct 13 10 Nov 13 11 Nov 13 13 Dec 13 2014

Event Branch Flag Day in & around Woking Borough Charity Lunch (Raising funds for Combat Stress) Quiz/Bingo (Tombola surely) Evening (Raising Funds for the branch) Parade at Richmond, Surrey, in conjunction with the R. B. L. Trafalgar Day Lunch (Raising Funds for the Poppy Appeal) Armistice Sunday, run by Woking Borough Council (with Branch input) Remembrance Parade in Town Square (Followed by Buffet Lunch) Christmas Party Buffet Start all over again!

RNA Worthing Branch On Saturday 1st June Worthing Branch held their annual collection. During the collection S/M Eric White was approached by a gentle man of some nervous disposition who politely asked if he could lean on the collection table to write something. The writing was is a bit ‘spidery’ but it showed what the public think of Veterans, Servicemen and Women, like Drummer Lee Rigby who made the Ultimate Sacrifice. The Branch thought Shipmates would enjoy what he had written….. FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS. your gallant souls that serve us well, When pushing on through dirt and hell, The comrade that you carry would carry you. With thoughts of your home and loved ones to see you through, Let your sentiments be blessed in heaven and us the Blessed rest, God Bless you. Unfortunately the signature was undecipherable and he remains anonymous.


RNA South Harrow Branch South Harrow Branch, as of previous years, will be holding their biannual social event on Sunday Sept 8th after the parade at the Royal British Legion Club Northolt Road South Harrow and extend a warm welcome to any branch and shipmates who would like to join us for the afternoon. There will be food and music and a tot for any standard bearers. For catering purposes, please contact the Secretary Gerry Nash on 020 8424 0211 or the Soc/Sec, Marion Edwards on 020 8248 4835 or e-mail of numbers attending.

RNA Bridport – 75th Anniversary Bridport Branch has great pride and pleasure in announcing that on 1st September 2013 they will be celebrating their 75th anniversary. To commemorate this auspicious occasion the Branch is combining the annual Trafalgar Day Dinner and Dance with teh Trafalgar Day Service. The Dinner /Dance will be held at Highlands End, Eype, near Bridport on Saturday 19th October and the Trafalgar Day Service on Sunday 20th October 2013 at St. Johns Church, West Bay, Bridport. Cdre Adrian Nance OBE RN has kindly agreed to be our principal guest and invitations have been extended to local dignitaries, Sea Cadet officers as well as branches within No.4 Area. Shipmates are advised that there will be no parade because it’s just a good social occasion with the opportunity to “swing the lamp”. Please contact Alan Kidson (01308 420135) or email for further details.

RNA Maidstone Branch - 25th Annual Sea Service The above service will take place at Aylesford on Sunday 21st July 2012 mustering from 1400hrs for a 1430 start at Aylesford Community Centre Forstal Road or ME20 7AU for ‘sat nav’ers’. Standards will be paraded through Aylesford to the Church for the rededication service. The National President, Vice Admiral John McAnally CB LVO, is the principle guest and will take the salute, the Mayor and Mayoress of Tunbridge and Malling and the Mayor and Mayoress of Maidstone will also be in attendance. On completion of the march past and return to the Community Centre there will be a Buffet and Bar which will be followed by a display by the Sea Cadet Band including the Sunset ceremony with the remainder of the evening spent with entertainment and a bit of lamp swinging and raffle until 2045hrs. The cost will be £5.50 per ticket children under 12yrs £2.50 for buffet and entertainment Standard Bearers will be free so come along and give the National Standard your support. There will be a commemorative bar for the standard bearers. If Branches would confirm numbers wishing to attend and ticket requirements, tickets will be sent on receipt of payment or can be booked and paid for on the day so come along and enjoy yourselves All applications for tickets should be sent to the Secretary:S/M John Cooper 10 Froyle Close Maidstone Kent ME16 0RQ 01622 675895


RNA Bourne Branch For information Shipmates should note that, as a temporary measure, the Bourne Branch meetings held on the second Wednesday of every month, will be held in The Butterfield Centre, Harrington Street Bourne, starting at 14.15hrs. Unfortunately the change of venue is due to the fact that the Red Cross Hall, (adjacent to new venue) has been sold and is about to be demolished. For further details please contact S/M Brenda White (Hon Sec) (01780 753787)

10 Area During the Battle of the Atlantic weekend in Liverpool 10 Area hosted the Canadian Ship HMCN Iroquois in the Adelphi Hotel. Gifts were exchanged and Veterans were presented with a specially commissioned badge by 10 Area President S/M Harry Harley.

RNA Chard Branch

The photo opposite was taken during the Branch’s recent visit to the Chard museum during one of their many social evenings!. Group photo:- Front left Mr David Ricketts chairman of Chard Museum, front centre Chard RNA chairman SM Paula Moon surrounded by the Chard RNA members. The photo was taken by SM Dick Moon


RNA Plymouth Branch Shipmate Arthur Gutteridge (Hon Secretary) was enjoying Conference in Liverpool until he went on Parade (It is spurious to suggest he hasn’t seen a Parade Ground since 1953!) However he was involved in a serious incident involving a Branch standard and an attempted pole vault over the St Nicholas Church gate in the vein hope of arriving at the Pier Head rather more quicker than all the other Standard Bearers as the pictures below prove.....

Seriously, we wish Arthur a very speedy recovery. (Gas and air courtesy of One Born every minute).

RNA Folkestone Branch (Home of the 2015 Conference) Folkestone Branch will be attending, en masse, at the ‘War & Peace‘ show which is due to take place at ‘Folkestone Race Course’ between the 17th and 21st of July and at the ‘Boot Fair’ in Hythe Recreation Ground behind the Red Lion Pub on Sunday 4th August. On both occasions they will be manning a Gazebo/Stall and would be delighted to welcome and say hallo to any Shipmates who may be attending these events.

RNA Stirling Branch For information Stirling Branch will now be meeting in the RBLS Grangemouth Club. Meetings will remain on the 2nd Thursday of the month, except June (Conference) and December (Christmas party). For further details please contact Mike Hesketh

RNA Bloxwich Branch RNA Bloxwich will be celebrating their Diamond Jubilee on 30 November 2013. A Church service will be held at 18:00 followed by a Dinner/Dance at Walsall Football Club. Shipmates and Standard Bearers are very welcome to attend. Further details can be obtained from the Secretary, Christine Hinder, on 01922 473613. 27

RNA Kirkby Branch Shipmate Jim Roberts who was the Secretary of Kirkby Branch would like to advise Shipmates that unfortunately Kirkby Branch had to de-commissioned in March this year. However the five remaining Shipmates have all joined the HQ Roll.

RNA Dereham Branch Shipmates should note that Dereham Branch has moved their meetings to a new venue Dereham Conservative Club, 7 Quebec Street, Dereham Norfolk NR19 2DJ Tel 01362 693198. Meetings will still be held on the 1st Tuesday of the month.

RNA Dorchester Dorchester RN A and Dorchester Town Council are organising an Armed Forces Day on Saturday 6 July 2013. The programme for the day will be: 1200 Veterans Lunch in the Corn Exchange 1325 – 1345 Parade of service personnel and veterans from North Square to the Borough Gardens. Mayor takes the salute outside of Barclays Bank. 1400 – 1430 Civic Service led by a former naval chaplain, Revd Geoffrey Walsh. 1430 – 1445 Presentation of Veterans’ lapel badges by the Mayor 1445 – 1520 Music by the Wessex Military Band 1520 – 1545 Display by the Nothe Fort Artillery 1545 – 1630 Music by the Dorchester Big Band Lunch will be provided free of charge but a small donation will be requested to help defray expenses. Further, the numbers for lunch will have to be limited on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Any Veterans attending who wish to apply for a Veterans’ lapel badge can obtain an application form from S/m Roy Dean or from the Veterans Agency direct. Any veteran who has a Veterans badge but has not had it formally presented to them may attend the Veterans badge presentation. Veterans wishing to take part should contact S/m Roy Dean, 01305 853442; Mob 07788 892908; email

RNA Huntingdon & District Branch It is with great sadness that Huntington & District Branch for me to announce that our shipmate, Richard 'Dick' Knowles, 'Crossed the Bar' on Tuesday 11th June 2013. Dick completed his National Service as a Sick Berth Attendant in the early 1950s; he was the sole representative of the Medical Branch in HMS Bramble, an Algerine Class Fleet Minesweeper of 1,100 tons, it had a Ships Company of 120 and boasted a small sickbay over which Dick had sole control. 28

The President of Huntingdon & District Branch, Shipmate Graham Holt, spoke of Dick’s time in the Royal Navy, he said that: As a member of Huntingdon & District Branch, Dick has been the mainstay keeping us on the straight and narrow; he was our Treasurer for over 13 years (only leaving the post this year due to his deteriorating health), he organised our annual dinners and was a proud attendee of official events such as the annual Remembrance and Sea Sunday parades in Huntingdon. Dick was a true ambassador for the RNA; he fully displayed all of the core values of the association, unity, loyalty, patriotism, and most of all, comradeship. Dick provided many a laugh with his quick wit and sense of humour; despite his condition, and from suffering of a number of ailments, he was always smiling (we often wondered what at!), providing fatherly advice, and keeping the 'youngsters in check'. Dick was an active supporter of the church and with local and national charities such as the Whitechapel Mission (helping the homeless and rootless of London) and of course, numerous naval charities. Our thoughts are with Dick's wife, Barbara and his family at this sad time. Barbara has requested donations may be made to the Macmillan Nurses (Registered Charity No: 261017), or the Royal Naval Association, Huntingdon & District Branch (Registered Charity No: 1069417). Shipmate ‘Dick’ Knowles, you will be sorely missed.

RNA Brentwood Branch It is with deep regret that we announce that Shipmate Terry Blackwell crossed the bar at the end of May. He joined the Branch in October 1993and served on the Committee being elected Chairman in 2006 following the sudden death of his predecessor. S/M Terry served until 2010 when he stood down due to ill health. He was honoured by the Branch with the award of life membership of the RNA as a mark of gratitude for his contribution to the Branch over the previous seventeen years. Terry was born in 1928 and joined the Royal Navy in May 1946 and served until December 1954. He was a "Pompey" rating and trained as a steward. He also served ashore in Germany and was the Admiral's chauffeur. He will be sadly missed by his shipmates in the Branch.

RNA Millom & District Millom & District are holding a BBQ on Saturday 6th July 2013 at the Millom Cricket Club to raise awareness of the branch, recruitment and fund raising for service charities. All are welcome. For further details please contact S/M Mark James (Hon Sec) 01229 773606

RNA Costa Blanca North Due to an impending change of Branch Secretary Shipmates are advised that no correspondence relating to the Branch should be forwarded to the previous Secretary John Sanderson until a


replacement has been nominated, details to follow. For further info please contact NCM Scotland & Overseas Branches Mike Hesketh

RNA Plymouth Branch – Trafalgar Weekend -11-14 October 2013 The RNA Plymouth Biennial Trafalgar Weekend will be held at the Sefton Hotel, Babbacombe from Friday 11th October to Monday 14th October 2013. Gala Dinner. Formal Dress. 2 Nights £75.00 pp, Three Nights £110.00 pp. Anyone wishing to attend then please get the details from: Sue Gutteridge. (01752) 849176. email:

Shortcast 2013 Type 42 Association – 13 July 2013 A reunion takes place on July 13, from 1400 to 2000, gates open 1330, at the Sports Field, HMS Excellent, Whale Island, Portsmouth. AGM will take place between 1200 and 1300. Contact the secretary at Festival of the Forties 26th -27th 28th July 2013, We have been lucky enough to get the former airfield site at North Luffenham for next year’s festival. Yes.... It was very sad that this year’s event could not go ahead. But, lessons were very quickly learned... Things were put into place and with a group of very loyal family and friends... Festival of the Forties has risen from the ashes very quickly indeed.!!! We want you ALL to come back and give us another chance.... We are going to hold the very best new, bright and innovative 1940s festival in the UK. in 2013. With a completely blank canvas.... Lots of Hard Standing... Free Parking and new, fresh ideas. There will be Public Camping. There will be fantastic displays. The Event will be Free to all Armed Forces and Veterans all Weekend ! There will be top entertainment for you to see and hear. Plus several Invited guest Displays and Groups. We have taken the "True British Bulldog Spirit" from this year’s national events "Going for Gold" will be our slogan for the 2013 festival and to be honest..... What better way to do it!!! After last year’s very successful themed emailing campaign, we have decided to use the "Commando Comics" Front pages Theme this year and hopefully you will all enjoy them. If you require more information please contact; Matt Page, 2013 Festival of the Forties Organiser, 07771 668924 Type 42 Association Reunion – July 2013 There are plans hold the first Type 42 Association in Portsmouth – more information as it firms up.


HMS Orion Association – 07 September 2013 The annual reunion is to take place at the Holiday Inn Plymouth from September 7 to 8. For further information contact Kay West at

Goldfish Club Reunion - 13-15 September 2013 This year’s annual reunion weekends main event is a dinner dance at The Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth on Saturday 14 September. We have a number of RN members who are graduates of the college including the present Commander of the college. Holding the event there is especially appropriate in this the 60th anniversary of the RN SAR service. For further information please visit the website or contact Stuart Clay on 01772 338137. Algerine Association Reunion – 16 September 2013 Algerine Association Reunion: WRNS, RNA Groups NVA Assn. The Autumn Break will take place from September 16 to 23 at the Mill Rythe Holiday Village, Hayling Island. En-suite accommodation and facilities for the disabled are available. The cost is £224 per person, half board with entertainment each evening. All welcome, bring family and friends. HMS Berryhead Association - 15 September 2013 The first Berryhead renunion will take place on Saturday September 15, meeting place the Ibis Hotel, Bristol Centre, Explore Lane, Bristol BS1 5LL.. We have a Facebook page entitled "HMS Berryhead", it has a closed membership. I can be contacted. John Scott 02380 261563 or HMS Jamaica Association – 13-16 September 2013 HMS Jamaica Association will be holding its AGM and re-union 13-16th September 2013 in the Britannia Hotel Coventry. Further details are available from Mac Wilkinson (Hon Sec/Treas) on 01843 582283 or HMS Eagle 1952-72 Commissions – 27/29 September 2013 Friends of HMS Eagle are holding a 41st anniversary ‘Nautical Experience’ weekend reunion at the Northern Hotel, Aberdeen on 27-29 September 2013.On the Friday evening there will be a meet and greet in the McKenzie Room and on Saturday a very nautical gala dinner dance with entertainment in the Ballroom Suite. For4 further details please contact Bill Melvin 07741 300760 HMS Invincible (Falklands 82) Reunion – 27 September 2013 Annual Reunion to be held at the Savoy Hotel, Skegness from September 27 to 29. For details contact Tim Jenkins at or see the website at HMS Ocean Association – 27 September 2013 26th Annual Reunion and AGM takes place at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea from September 27 to 30. A very warm welcome is extended to all ex-Oceans (R68 or L12), their families and


friends, whether Association members or not, to join us on this happy occasion. For full details contact the Secretary, Jim Hogan JP at HMS Ajax and River Plate Veterans Association – 02 October 2013 Open to all who served in the Cruiser 1935/48 or Frigate 1963/84 or are relatives of those who did so, or indeed of those who served on any of the previous Ajax. The 48th annual reunion takes place at the King Charles Hotel, Gillingham from October 2 to 3. A reunion dinner will be held on the Wednesday evening and a memorial service, followed by the AGM, on the Thursday morning. The Association is always looking to increase its membership, particularly Frigate crew. For details of the reunion and membership, please contact the Membership Secretary, Judi Collis at Full details of the reunion, membership and much more can be found on the Association’s new website at HMS Tartar Association – 04 October 2013 HMS Tartar Reunion will take place at the Three Queens Hotel, Stafford, on 4th October 2013. Further details from Ron & Brenda Brain, 01326 317814, e-mail: Hong Kong Flotilla (Tamar) Association – 04 - 07 October 2013 Annual Reunion and AGM takes place from October 4 to 7 at the Grand Atlantic Hotel, Beach Road, Weston Super Mare, BS23 1BA. Total cost of weekend £125.10pp, (Single room extra £15pp). £25pp Deposit secures your place. All are welcome. Did you serve in Hong Kong (Tamar) or supporting departments ? Then come to the Annual Reunion in October 2013. This vibrant association is for those who served in Hong Kong (& Tamar) The Hong Kong Flotilla association with HMS Tamar, Hong Kong, is one of the few associations actually growing as the years go on, more enjoy the comfort and familiarity amongst Royal Navy Veterans than ever. Hong Kong Flotilla have so much support from Full and associate members and their families, they now hold two Reunions per Year! The Hong Kong Flotilla Flotilla (Tamar) was commissioned in 1949. It first comprised of IMS, MMS, Flame throwing LCA’s and ten Motor Launch patrol craft. Only the Ml’s were eventually retained to patrol throughout the fifties. The tragic Hong Kong Pearl River Incident when HMML 1323 was shelled by a Chinese Gunboat, when seven crew were killed, is commemorated at every Reunion. The Hong Kong duties were deemed to be on active service. Ten Motor Launches were equipped with a 6 pounder anti-tank (& enemy junks) gun, forward, and 20mm Oerlikon aft. The ML’s were replaced by Minesweepers in the late fifties and other category of patrol vessels were employed until our British departure from Hong Kong, in 1997. Hurry and book as we generally fill the hotels. To book contact Peter Yeates at Type 21 Association – 10 October 2013 The third annual reunion will take place October 10/11. A finger buffet at St Leven’s Inn on 10th, with the AGM (lunchtime) and main reunion event on 11th at The Royal British Legion, Crownhill, Devonport. If you served on any of these fine ships join up on line, tell all your oppos and indicate your intention to attend this year. Photos from previous reunions are posted on the website.


Contact David Woollard at or see the website at HMS Eskimo F119 Association – 11 October 2013 The 13th Annual Reunion, will be held at The Tillington Hall Hotel, Staffordshire from 11-14 October. This year includes a visit to the National Memorial Arboretum on the Saturday. Sunday, we have been invited by the Officers and Cadets, to a parade at TS Eskimo's Sea Cadet Unit, Widnes, followed by a buffet, laid on by the Cadets. We are a great bunch and have a great time and still have lots of stories to catch up with. Bring along your wife, partner, girlfriend or your friends, all are very welcome. The ladies are delightful and will not bite. Looking forward to seeing you all there. Looking forward to seeing you there. Contact Allan (Taff) Martin at HMS St Vincent AGM - 12 October 2013 The HMS St Vincent Association AGM will be held at St Vincent College, Gosport and the Reunion Dinner at Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea on 12 October. For further details please contact or 01329 310078 and and bookings to IOW Tours on 01983 405116. HMS Illustrious Association – 18-21 October The Annual Reunion will be held at the Tillington Hall Hotel, Stafford from October 18 to 21. We will be celebrating the 30th anniversary of the formation of the Association. Further details from the Secretary, Diane Coleman at

HMS Mohawk Reunion – 25 October 2013 To be held at The Duke of Edinburgh Hotel, Barrow in Furness. On the weekend, Friday 25th October to Monday 28th October 2013. This reunion will celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Mohawk's launch in 1963. Details from the HMS Mohawk website : HMS Relentless – 30 November 2013 The first official reunion of the Association will be held on 30th November 2013 in Chatham and we would like to contact as many ex-shipmates as possible. Our website can be found at Any enquiries should be sent to: secretary@hmsrelentlessassociation or padre@hmsrelentlessassociation

HMS Ariadne Reunion – 7 March 2014 3rd Annual reunion is at Richmore Hotel (Tel: 01303 773435), 146 The Esplanade, Weymouth DT4 7NP from March 7 to 10 2014. Former members of any of the commissions are most welcome to attend all or part of the weekend. Please contact Dave Sprinks on 01761 239221 for more details.


RNA Longcast 6 Jul 6 Jul 13 Jul 13 Jul 17-21 Jul 21 Jul 21 Jul 26-28 Jul 27 Jul 04 Aug 17 Aug 24 Aug 24 Aug 7 Sep 7 Sep 8 Sep 20 Sep 11 Oct 12 Oct 12 – 14 Oct 18 Oct 18 Oct 19 Oct 19/20 Oct 21 Oct 12 Nov 16 Nov 23 Nov 23 Nov 30 Nov 7 Dec 14 Dec 2014 01 Mar 17 May


Armed Forces Day – Dorchester RNA BBQ – RNA Millom & District Area 2 Committee Meeting - Minster Working Men’s Club – Isle of Sheppey Area 6 Meeting – Eternit Sports and Social Club Meldreth (Royston Branch) Folkestone RNA -War and Peace Revival - Folkestone Racecourse Falmouth Sea Day RNA Maidstone Branch – 25th Sea Service Aylesford Village Hall RNA Stall Bristol Harbour Festival – S/Gloucester, Bristol and S/Bristol No.10 Area Summer Conference at Skipton (N York's) commencing - 1200 Folkestone RNA – Boot Fair – Hythe Green AMC Meeting FAC Meeting Area 2 Delegates & Observers Meeting – Ramsgate RNA National Council meeting UJC Area 11 Meeting - Redcar Citizens Priory Club ( Host Redcar Branch) RNA Biennial Parade - Whitehall HQ - Open Day 4 HQ - Open Day 5 (SOLD OUT) Area 2 Committee Meeting - Minster Working Men’s Club – Isle of Sheppey RNA Plymouth Biennial Trafalgar Weekend 12-14 October 2013 RNA Dublin Trafalgar Dinner RNA Falmouth Trafalgar Dinner Crosby Branch Trafalgar Dinner - GS RNA Bridport – 75th Anniversary and Trafalgar Night Frome Branch Trafalgar Dinner - GS FAC Budget Meeting AMC Meeting Area 2 Delegates & Observers Meeting – Gravesend RNA Club FAC Meeting Budget for FY 2014 RNA Bloxwich Diamond Jubilee Dinner /Dance NC – Budget for FY 2014 Area 11 Meeting Newton Aycliffe Navy Club (Hosts Newton Aycliffe Branch) Area 11 AGM & Area Meeting – The Clarence Working Men’s Club (Hosts York Branch ) National Standard Bearer Competition – HMS Collingwood

Swinging the Lamp – July 2013

Date 1st

Year 1914

















10th 11th

1996 1941


Entry RNAS formed from RFC Naval Wing, an eagle replacing an anchor on badges and buttons, epaulettes and sword belts, and pilots’ wings being moved from chest to cuff. The start of United Nations operations in Korea. The light cruiser Jamaica, Capt J.S.C. Salter RN, in company with US cruiser Juneau (flag) and sloop Black Swan, destroyed five enemy MTBs off Imwonjin, E. coast of Korea in the first naval action of the campaign. Battle Honour: Korea 1950–3. Bombardment of Cadiz. Rear-Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson’s boat action with Spanish gunboats at Cadiz. Bombs: Stromboli, Terror, Thunder. Covered by: Emerald, Terpsichore, Theseus. Troops: Royal Artillery. The re-opening of the new Semaphore Tower spanning the road to South Railway Jetty in Portsmouth Dockyard. The former tower, built in 1778, had been destroyed by fire at Christmas 1913. The formal ceremony was performed by Vice-Admiral L.A.B. Donaldson, Admiral Superintendent of the Dockyard and Admiral Sir Percy Grant, Admiral Superintendent 1922–5. Admiral Grant turned the key to the tower door and Admiral of the Fleet Sir Roger Keyes, C-in-C Portsmouth, was first up the stairs. The mast on top of the new tower had been taken from the former German light cruiser Nürnberg interned on 21 November 1918 and scuttled at Scapa Flow in 1919. Nine Swordfish aircraft of 813 Sqn (Eagle) sank the Italian destroyer Zeffiro and the liner Liguria at Tobruk. Fastest Ship in the Fleet race between Type 15 frigate Rapid and destroyer Cavalier off the Firth of Forth. The two-hour race favoured Rapid, the seagoing training ship for Caledonia, the Apprentices’ Training Establishment at Rosyth, whose machinery was therefore in first-class working order. Rapid led most of the way but a boiler valve lifted and the loss of boiler pressure allowed Cavalier to win by a head after a run of 64 miles at an average speed of 31.8 knots. HMS Nottingham, Type 42 destroyer, grounded and severely damaged on Wolfe Rock, Lord Howe Island, off east coast of Australia. She destored in Australia and transported back to Britain on board the heavylift ship Swan. Repaired in Portsmouth Dockyard and undocked one year to the day later, 7 July 2003. Sunderland H/10 (RAAF) sank U-243 in Bay of Biscay (47.06N, 06.40W). Submarine A 1 launched – first British boat of thirteen A-class, begun before the original Hollands were completed. HMS Rooke, RN base at Gibraltar, paid off. Destroyer Defender, returning to Alexandria after running supplies into Tobruk, damaged by a heavy bomb in bright moonlight which exploded under her engine room and broke her back in Gulf of Sollum 7 miles N. of Sidi Barrani. Defender taken in tow by destroyer HMAS Vendetta but had to be torpedoed by Vendetta (31.45N, 35.31E). No casualties. (Editors Note – The Type 45 Destroyer has just sailed past the HQ for






























Families Day!) Capt James Cook sailed from Plymouth in Resolution on his third and last voyage of exploration to the Pacific. Discovery sailed on 1 August. Pte John Dalliger, RMLI, hanged at the yardarm of wood screw gunboat Leven in Talienwan Bay, China for attempted murder of his captain. Last hanging at the yardarm. The Criminal Damage Act 1971 repealed the Dockyards etc. Protection Act 1772 (12 Geo III c.24) which had created the capital offence commonly known as ‘Arson in Royal Dockyards’ – ‘Persons who shall wilfully set fire, burn or destroy ships of war, or aid or assist in so doing, in any of His Majesty’s Dockyards, arsenals, magazines etc., or shall set fire to any buildings, timber or material there placed, or any military, naval or victualling stores etc. shall suffer death as a felon without benefit of clergy.’ Dockyard arson remained a capital offence even after the passing of the Murder (Abolition of the Death Penalty) Act of 8 November 1965 which effectively ended capital punishment for murder. Supply and Secretariat School moved from Highgate School (President V) to Wetherby (Demetrius). Shutter Telegraphs started to carry signals from Admiralty to Chatham in fifteen minutes, given clear weather. First combined attack on the Japanese mainland (Hitachi area of Honshu) by the British Pacific Fleet and US battleships. Task Force 37. Ships: King George V, Formidable, Black Prince and Newfoundland with five destroyers. Destroyer Southampton, West Indies Guardship, and frigate Westminster to relief of Montserrat after volcanic eruption. (Editors Note - I was there!) Seven Sopwith Camels (from Furious) destroyed the Zeppelins L-54 and L-60 in their shed at Tondern, Schleswig, Germany. First Division of 1st BS with 1st and 7th LCS and destroyers, in support. ‘The most outstandingly successful carrier operation of the war.’ Frigate Exmouth became the first major warship of the Royal Navy powered entirely by gas turbines when Chatham Dockyard completed the installation of one Olympus and two Proteus gas turbines in the Type 14 frigate, which took them to sea as a testbed. The first engagement with the Spanish Armada off the Eddystone. The enemy ‘was constrained to give way and to bear up to the Eastward. His Lordship appointed Sir Francis Drake to set the watch that night.’ Battle Honour: Armada 1588. 10th S/M flotilla returned to Malta from ten week exile up the Mediterranean, to find its piggery in maximum production and to prepare for Operation Pedestal. Destroyer Fearless damaged by Italian torpedo aircraft off Galita Island (37.40N, 08.20E).Sunk by sister ship Forester. Operation Substance. The first success by a RN surface Q-ship deployed in anti-submarine operations. The 400-ton auxiliary fleet collier Prince Charles (Lt W.P. Mark-Wardlaw, seconded from the staff of Admiral Hon. Sir Stanley Colville, Flag Officer Orkneys and Shetlands, and whose merchant service crew had volunteered to a man), armed with concealed two 6pdrs and two 3-pdrs, sank U-36 (Kapitanleutnant Ernst Graeff) off North Rona Island, 100 miles W. of Scapa (59.07N, 05.30W). GC (ex-EGM): Frederick Christie Anderson, Chief ERA, for gallantry in support of the Excise Service in Shanghai.














Aircraft maintenance carrier Unicorn liberated SS Inchkilda, which had been taken by three Chinese pirate gunboats and which she surprised off Ockseu Roads. Pickle, which had taken home Collingwood’s dispatches after Trafalgar, wrecked off Cadiz. First successful aerial torpedo drop. Sqn Cdr A.M. Longmore (later ACM Sir Arthur Longmore) in a Short Folder seaplane flying from Calshot near Southampton. Destroyer Delight damaged by German aircraft off Portland having been detected by new Freya RDF at 60 miles’ range. Sank next day in Portland harbour. RMS Queen Mary, in her wartime troopship role, arrived on the Clyde from New York with 16,683 souls on board, the greatest number of people ever embarked in one vessel. Had departed New York 25 July; 3,353 miles covered in 4 days 20 hours 42 minutes at average speed of 28.173 knots. Last Tot issue. A daily ration of rum became clearly inappropriate in the highly technical Navy. The ration was finally stopped by the Admiralty Board. The First Sea Lord, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Michael Le Fanu, who was shortly to retire owing to a terminal illness, made a valedictory signal to the Fleet: Personal from First Sea Lord: Most farewell messages try To jerk a tear from the eye But I say to you lot Very sad about tot But thank you, good luck and goodbye. Inevitably he was known as Dry Ginger, having hair of that colour. The sailors’ Fund established with an initial £2,700,000. DCI

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