Semaphore Circular #631 (July 2013)

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The Semaphore Circular No 631

July 2013

Find Semaphore Circular On-line ; or... RNA Website – Members Area – Downloads – Circulars – Code (Shipmate) 1

Dear Shipmates (Secretaries and our on-line readers) Welcome to the July Semaphore Circular, I hope you are enjoying this lovely warm weather. It has been great for the very many events that the RNA has been at over the last month. 67 Branches have taken thousands of pounds worth of gizzits for Armed Forces days and many other events and our 3 new gazebos and dressing kit have been hard at work. A huge thanks to the many members who have been keeping the RNA at the front of people’s minds – we hope you like cover picture of our top give-away – the RNA hat - on a recent RNA supporter!! This will be the last Circular before the Biennial Parade on 8 September, I hope to see many of you there – we have 3 overseas Naval Associations coming as well as other UK Naval Associations. Several Arctic Stars will be presented by the Second Sea Lord – so come and give your support. Smart RNA rig please is best or suit with RNA tie for those without a blazer and badge. As promised I have included an article about the design of the Charter Challenge 14 design, now approved by the First Sea Lord to be ‘The Naval Service Memorial’ – I hope you are as excited and fired-up as me with such a marvellous design. Graeme Mitcheson is presently finalising the colours and has made a 1/3 model to test the ‘Shadow Ship’ as well as visiting the University of Nottingham to get the angles and sun right. I would ask you to consider making a donation for the memorial now that you have seen it. I enclose a card with the memorial design for you to show at your meetings. I also include the booking form for next year’s Conference, please book directly with the hotel – if we go over capacity we have an agreement for the same package with a nearby Britannia Hotel and they will manage it. This is also the time of the year when you need to plan your autumn programme – we have calling notes for • St Paul’s Service on 16 October • Field of Remembrance on 7 November • Cenotaph Parade on 10 November Please get your bids into Nigel as soon as you can. I am sad to say that Shipmate Paul Harries has now stood down from his role as the National Clubs Advisor and Shipmate John Rooney (11 Area) has taken over, John will join the AMC to provide advice on clubs issues. We are now heavily into the leave season for HQ staff – we have to take leave now to stay clear of Conference, Parades and NC meetings. I am on leave from now until 12 August as is Andy; with Michelle away 19 to 30 August and Nigel 9 to 20 September. Please bear with us, the HQ will be open with normally 2 of the 4 staff here except for the week of 5-9 August when Bob and Sharon Jones (volunteers) will be helping with telephones and mail. Please be patient with us (as you always are – I have to say) Finally, we are looking for a Chair of the Standing Orders committee – please will you think carefully about who might do this important role and contact GS with your ideas.

As ever, Paul General Secretary 2

Chairman’s Chat – July 2013 What a great Conference weekend in Liverpool, Shipmates. The immense amount of effort put into it by Dave Tollerton, Charles Hutton and their 10 Area team was apparent throughout and I think almost everyone who attended had a very enjoyable time. The splendour of the Adelphi Hotel provided an excellent backdrop to the event, even though the lifts found it difficult to cope with the huge demand placed upon them. But no matter how well an event is planned the unexpected will always be there to try us, and the unexpected in Liverpool was totally out of the hands of Dave and his merry crew. I can’t praise them enough for hosting one of our best Conference weekends for many a year. The Battle of the Atlantic Commemoration given by Area President, Cdr Harry Harley, during the Sunday Service was a very appropriate and moving address to those who served in, and gave up their lives to, the longest continuous campaign of WW2. Well done again Area 10. My Area will have a very difficult task in 2014 to follow the success of Liverpool 2013. My biggest disappointment of the Liverpool Conference was that despite having 700+ attending the weekend we had less than 100 delegates at the conference itself, not many more observers for the morning session and considerably less for the afternoon. This may well be because there was little on the agenda, particularly regarding motions for debate, that branches may have felt there was little point in sending their delegate. The Conference is the AGM of the RNA, and maybe we need to think about whether we should have a reunion weekend and an AGM day at separate times. Food for thought, Shipmates. I was delighted with the response of the National Council and that of many shipmates in general, in Liverpool to the design chosen for our Naval Service Memorial to be unveiled at the National Memorial Arboretum on the Conference Sunday 2014. There is a short article on it, with a sketch picture by the sculptor, in the July edition of the Navy News with a more detailed follow-up in August. We had 22 designs submitted and the National Council shortlisted 6 of these to be placed before a Committee of Taste to select two designs and/or artists to progress further. Two eminent sculptors were commissioned to progress our preferred ideas and the National Council in Liverpool were unanimous in their choice, their decision being fully supported by the many favourable comments made to the winning sculptor, Graeme Mitcheson, an artist who is wellrespected at the Arboretum and elsewhere, and who produced the recently renewed Bevin Boys Memorial at the NMA. The design, in the words of our National President, “takes a bit of getting your head around”, but there is no question that in the surroundings of the Arboretum it will be a unique and stunning addition to the many brick, bronze and stone memorials already there. It is made up of several coloured glass panels in various shades of blue representing the oceans of the world; a lone generic sailor statue, stood at ease with head bowed, facing West into the sunset, with a bright yellow glass panel to the eastern end representing the rising sun and a goldenreddish panel at the other end representing the setting sun. There is a white Aragon stone base to the whole memorial which will not only portray the colours of the glass in the sunlight but the outline of the top of the panels will cast a shadow showing an outline of ship upon it. As the sun moves round so the ship will also move and change shape. No-one will be able to go to the Arboretum and not be intrigued to find out what the memorial ids about. This was our hope – a memorial that would be stunning, eye-catching and encourage visitors just because it is different. We have work to do to finalise it but I think Graeme’s concept has already caught the imagination 3

of many and I am sure it will be photographed regularly in years to come. I would be surprised if it isn’t an award-winning design at some point. I now want to express in this chat my thanks to some departing members of the National Council. Adrian Nance, our departing Deputy National President, has been a great support to our President, a tremendously wise counsel and friend to members of the National Council, a very welcome guest at many Branch and Area functions, and a fellow RNA Trustee for whom I have held the highest respect. We wish him well in his new endeavours, and Barbara too, and I know I speak for you all when I say he will be welcome to join us at any Branch, Area or National function in the future. Once RNA always RNA. Paul Harries stands down now as NCM 7 Area after 12 years – joining National Council the same day as Admiral McAnally. He has been a prominent member of the Council during that time and has served on nearly all of its Committees at some time or other. He has been our CORCA (Committee of Registered Clubs Association) representative in recent years and his expertise in Clubs matters has been invaluable. I am delighted that Shipmate John Rooney has taken on the role of National Clubs Advisor.

Yours Aye, Chris Dovey

Important Notice At the back of the Semaphore Circular you will find 3 important forms 1. 2.

Christmas Card order form 2014 Dairy Order form

3. And the new C3 form for Club registration. For branches with a club this MUST be with us by the due date in December or you may not trade as an RNA club since your licence to use the name will have lapsed. Also this covers the statutory requirement for accounts submission with the FSA, so look at it carefully


Daily Orders

1. Charter Challenge 2014 – The Big Decision 2. Biennial Parade 3. Ushakov Medal – Update 4. Chairman Standing Order Committee 5. 2014 RNA Diary 6. Lift Gate 2 – The Elevator Eleven 7. Biennial Parade RNA Uxbridge Alternative ‘Watering Hole’ invitation. 8. Birthday Day Gift Idea 9. Gizzets and Gazeboes 10. Just like that jokes a la Tommy Cooper ... 11. CCF Donations 12. Charter Challenge Donations 13. Finance Corner – Michelle 14. Guess Where? 15. The Annual National Service for Seafarers 2013 16. RN/RM Isle of Wight Book 17. Captain Don Beadle CBE 18. The lost sailors of HMS Illustrious 19. Field of Remberance 7 Nov 13 20. Poem 21. Cenotaph Ceremony 10 Nov 13 22. Crosby Branch Liverpudlian Youngsters 23. National Council Elections 24. Robin Cody 25. New Ladies RNA Clothing Range 26. Branches Change of Area 27. Falklands Campaign – Media Research Project 28. Hospital and Medical Care Association (HMCA) Deal

“D’ye hear there” (Branch news) Shortcast Longcast Ship’s Office 1. Swinging the Lamp


For the Branch Secretary and notice-board Glossary of terms NCM NC AMC FAC NCh NVCh NP DNP GS AGS Asap Throughout

National Council Member National Council Association Management Committee Finance Administration Committee National Chairman National Vice Chairman National President Deputy National President General Secretary Assistant General Secretary As soon as possible indicates a new or substantially changed entry

Contacts: Financial Controller

023 9272 3823


023 9272 3371

Assistant General Secretary (Membership & Slops)

023 9272 3747

Assistant General Secretary (Shipmates Programme Manager Circular, Events & Marketing)

023 9272 0782

Shipmates Administrator

023 9272 0782

General Secretary

023 9272 2983


023 92 72 3747

RNA HQ Staff continue to attempt to build a library of e-mail addresses within the Association. It would be extremely helpful if those Branch Secretaries able to communicate by e-mail would forward a short e-message to HQ to Snail Trail Mail - Postal Address RNA HQ, Room 209, PP70, Semaphore Tower, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth Hants PO1 3LT


Daily Orders 1.

Charter Challenge 2014 – The Big Decision

As you know we have been running a project to mark the 60th anniversary of our Royal Charter in 2014. We sought designs for a memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum (NMA) that would be an all inclusive place for all members and families of the Royal Navy, Royal Marines, their Reserves, RFA, QARNNS, WRNS and RNXS to quietly remember their comrades and loved ones. We received 22 designs from RNA individuals and Branches as well as some professional design artists. A committee of taste appointed by the National Council whittled the designs down to two: • •

An idea based on ‘At the going down of the sun we will remember them’ – with elements of 3 designs submitted. To be developed by Graeme Mitcheson. A submission by Ian Rank-Broadley who designed the two wonderful sculptures on the Armed Forces Memorial at the NMA.

The two designs were presented to the National Council in Liverpool for a decision. It had been hoped to take Conference Delegate views first, but the submission timetable for the NMA meant that the decision could not wait until the September National Council meeting. Ian Rank-Broadley designed a bronze wall with a theme of the size and dangers of the sea with 4 men on a raft, survivors of their sinking ship. Graeme Mitcheson produced a highly innovative design using glass panels. The National Council unanimously chose Graeme’s design.

The idea is this: ‘At the going down of the Sun we will remember them’. Memorial shows a figure facing to the setting sun, head bowed in respect to Shipmates. The figure suggests this could be a sailor from the bell bottoms and round cap held in the ‘at ease’ position, but is deliberately ambiguous. Coloured glass panels diffuse light onto a white limestone pavement. The colours are those of the 5 oceans – Steel grey for the Atlantic; turquoise for the Indian; Ultramarine blue for the Pacific; and with white inserts for the Arctic and Southern Ocean. Yellow for the rising sun - Red is there for 7

the setting sun and for the blood spilled at sea in the defence of our nation. Suggestions of green for the Royal Marines and dark colours for dived submarines. The glass panels suggest waves and motion – from the side masts in harbour. The panels vary in size to suggest the tide coming in and out The glass panels cast a shadow suggesting the shape of a warship which is in the direct gaze of the figure. The shape of the shadow ship changes as the sun moves. From right angles the glass panels suggest medal ribbons, the colours of the Atlantic and Arctic Stars are present. The figure is made from battleship grey limestone, which turns black when wet, drying in patches showing the way water is integral to the figure. There will be an information board that tells the story and highlights the role of the RNA in its funding and design.

The National Council are delighted that the First Sea Lord has approved that the memorial can be called ‘The Naval Service Memorial’, reflecting the broad base of membership of the RNA and not excluding those who have not been members, but who deserve to be remembered. The memorial will be dedicated at the Arboretium as part of Conference 2014 on Sunday 15 June 2014. 8 Area are arranging coaches to take us from the hotel to the NMA. We hope to have a VVIP, the First Sea Lord and other senior Naval figures in attendance, the Chaplain of the Fleet will take the Service. Areas and Branches will be encouraged to parade their standards. Any comments, questions please contact the General Secretary. Finally, although the National Council have allocated funds, they are not likely to be enough, so if you are inspired by this wonderful design; Branches, Areas and individuals are encouraged to send donations for the Naval Service Memorial – cheques made payable to the RNA as usual but noted for the memorial.

Paul Quinn OBE General Secretary



RNA Biennial Parade - Whitehall Sunday 08 September 2013 ‘Heads-Up’

The RNA Biennial Parade will take place at Whitehall on Sunday 08 September 2013 at 1100. All Branches are encouraged to parade along Whitehall and on completion attend that post march refreshments at the Civil Service Club. The reviewing Officer this year will be the Second Sea Lord, Vice Admiral David Steel CBE who will be accompanied by the Right Hon Mark Francois MP Minister for Defence Personnel, Welfare and Veterans will be there too (He is a member of Rayleigh Branch). We are delighted to report that there will be representation from the Irish Naval Association and from the Naval Associations of Belgium and the Netherlands (through the IMC). An invitation has been extended through the Conference of Naval Associations for other Naval Service Associations to join us; both HMS Collingwood and HMS Sultan have agreed to provide marching platoons of Phase 2 trainees. It is important that we produce a great turnout so that we don’t lose this unbelievable privilege so please make a date in your dairies and encourage as many Shipmates as possible to attend this prestigious event and show what a super association the RNA really is. Programme for the Day 0900 HQ staff on site, meet with Met Police Senior Officer 0915 –Civil Service Club opens for coffee and toilets (80 metres from Coach parking) 0930- Parking for coaches and minibuses in Whitehall Place All coaches + Cars to be clear of Whitehall Place by 1200hrs- Alternative parking is on the Embankment behind MOD Main Building. 0945 - All Vehicles to be parked 0945- Whitehall Place and South Whitehall closes. 1025- Parade musters and is briefed by Parade Commander. 1040 –Parade steps off, from Whitehall Place 1055- 2nd Sea Lord + Min (PWV), NP VIPs GS join the parade 1100 -Service starts, 2 minute silence 1102 –Service at Cenotaph led by the Chaplain of the Fleet 1123 – Award of Arctic Stars 1127 –Parade steps off, review by Second Sea Lord and Minister 1140 - Parade addressed by NP/Minister 1145 –Parade dismissed in Whitehall Place 1146 –Issue of Standard Bearers ‘Tots’ outside Civil Service Club 1147 –Bar opens in Civil Service Club - 2SL and Minister meets Shipmates Parking - VIP Parking for official cars will be in Kings Charles Street for the duration of the event. (this facility is very limited and the number of spaces will therefore be strictly controlled by HQ staff) Parking for coaches and minibuses will be in Whitehall Place. (Parking passes will be supplied by HQ on request) All Coaches and Cars are to be clear of Whitehall Place by 1200hrs, when London parking restrictions come back into force. Alternative parking can be found on the Embankment behind MOD building on the westbound carriageway, next to the river, only 300 metres away – there are no restrictions or charges on Sunday for coaches/minibuses.


Rig - Rig for those participating will be Uniform 1B for those serving and RNA rig with Medals, Lounge Suits with RNA tie or equivalent Civil Service Club - The Civil Service Club (Great Scotland Yard) will be open for coffee and toilets from 0900 onwards ( Shipmates please note; there are no toilet facilities at the Cenotaph). On completion of the parade the Civil Service Club will be open for refreshments. Standard Bearers may leave their kit at the Club for safe keeping until after the parade. Standard Bearers are invited to receive their traditional ‘Tot’ of Pussers for their efforts and endeavours in the smoking area just in front of the Club.


Ushakov Medal – Update

The Medal of Ushakov was a Soviet military award created on March 3, 1944 and named in honour of Russian Admiral Fyodor Ushakov (1745-1817) who never lost a battle and was proclaimed patron saint of the Russian Navy. It is awarded to those who show bravery in the naval arena. In 2012 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree awarding the medal to foreign veterans for outstanding contributions to the Allied War effort. Until this year the war heroes were unable to receive the medal due to a stipulation that requires rewards from foreign governments to reflect relevant actions within the previous five years only. They also needed special permission from the Foreign Office to accept medals from foreign countries. Whilst officials in USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand permitted their brave veterans to receive the medal, the UK Government had previously refused to waive the rule to allow British Servicemen to enjoy the same honour. How to Apply All British Veterans that played a role in the World War Two Arctic Convoys are eligible to receive the Ushakov Medal. For those who have sadly passed away, the Medals will be made available to widows or their next of kin, although there may be a delay in this, given that priority is given to existing Veterans. Please note that the medal is only available to those that took part in missions to the Soviet Union – those whose missions went to other destinations such as Iceland are unfortunately not eligible. We are still awaiting confirmation of the exact process by which applications can be made and will update this page when we have these details. The decision to award the Ushakov Medal rests with the Russian Authorities, not the British Government. When writing to the regarding eligibility it is vital to provide information such as the dates of service and names of ships to make assessment easier.



Chairman Standing Orders Committee

The National Council would like to hear from anyone who would like to consider taking on the appointment of Chair of the Standing Orders Committee. It involves the supervision of motions for Conference and providing advice to the National President during the running of Conference. In the short term it will also involve providing oversight of the Rule Review. It may involve service as a Vice President of the Association for the right candidate. Anyone who would like to learn more please contact the General Secretary directly, who can explain the duties and commitment. Application is to be by simple letter, describing your experience in this area, professional and academic qualifications or other relevant information. Deadline for applications is 27 August 13.


RNA Diary 2014

It‘s that time of year again......... The 2014 RNA Diary is now available. This year you can buy a new cover with your diary if needed or just the Diary insert alone. We also have complete diaries too. Despite the rise in postage we have chosen to keep the prices the same as last year. Please use the order form at the back of this Circular. As in previous years the diary can be used from the 1 October this year.


LIFTGATE 2 – The Elevator Eleven

Following on from the recent ‘LiftGate 1’ at Conference ‘LiftGate 2’ occurred during the recent HQ Open Day in Semaphore Tower. I am sure Shipmates remember the ‘how many people you can get in a Mini’ world record attempt on BBC Nationwide TV programme well Bognor Branch thought they could go one better!! They achieved a Semaphore Tower record with an amazing eleven shipmates in an eight person lift. Unfortunately, just as Norris McWhirter and co arrived from the Guinness Book of Records the lift got stuck between floors 1 and 2!!


Recovered after the miracle of a TOT!!!

The Dockyard emergency services went to red alert and two Fire Engines and an Emergency response team went into action to rescue our stranded and very hot Shipmates...... During their ordeal the General Secretary enquired as to how everyone was coping the response was that morale was very low.... However once S/M Paul informed our trapped Shipmates that a tot was waiting for them on their release moral increased significantly particularly with the ladies who requested that their rescuers took their tops off!!!.


After a short period the Elevator Eleven were freed and no worse for their ordeal. The moral of this story is...don’t get into any lift with anyone from Bognor Regis RNA! The lift is still broken –so Bognor branch broke Semaphore Tower (thank goodness we are not on Floor 4!!!)


Biennial Parade RNA Uxbridge Alternative ‘Watering Hole’ invitation.

R.N.A. Uxbridge Branch would like to invite any shipmates attending the Biennial Parade on the 8th September to pop into a proper Royal Naval club on your way out of London , don’t forget the Civil Service club cannot cater for you all !!!! We will provide you with free big eats and of course a Tot or two , Our bar Prices are the cheapest around so forget about being ripped off in London for £5 a pint when ours on average is only £2.50 a pint , Free Coffee and Tea for those who have more sense !!!!. We are easy to find , come out of London west bound on the A40 and when you spot RAF Northolt on your right come off at the next exit and we are at the bottom of the slip road on the left ( see ) We have room for mini buses and coaches to park free of charge . All we ask is let us know if you are coming so that we can cater for you , might even try and get Geordie (ex pox doctors clerk) to come and entertain you all with a mini sods opera. Please contact us or on 01895 230071


Birthday Gift Idea..

I’m sure you will all agree... Here is a smashing idea for as a Birthday Gift.What better that a bottle of what made Great Britain great, the rum of Nelson’s day Pusser’s Blue Label, original navy strength 54.5% ABV Pusser’s is produced in exact accordance with the Admiralty’s historical specifications for a blend of Caribbean rums and is 100% natural in that it contains no flavouring agents. It is the only brand of rum conforming strictly to the original Royal Navy rum because it is the original Royal Navy rum. No other rum has such history and authenticity.For stockists contact the UK distributor Cellar Trends at <


Gizzets and Gazeboes

Shipmate Steve Caulfield, the National Events Advisor reports that it has been a busy three months since we purchased the Gizzets and Gazeboes. They have been distributed to 67 Areas and Branches and used at various events including BOA Londonderry, Llandudno & Liverpool, Open Days at HMS Collingwood and Sultan, Armed Forces days in Nottingham , Preston , 12

Falmouth & Belfast and local events at Atherton and Dorchester. Unfortunately stocks are now almost exhausted and therefore unless they are required for a special occasion no more will be issued this year. It would be very much appreciated that Branches provide feedback, both positive and negative on how successful or otherwise your event went. The feedback is will be very welcome so that this initiative can be developed. Please e-mail S/M Steve at with your comments. Finally, If you have any Gizzets left unused please would you kindly pass them to your NCM so they can be used for any more events that come up this year. The money for this year’s Gizzet budget has been expended and stocks are exhausted so donations from any Branch who has received Gizzets would be most gratefully received.


Just like that jokes a la Tommy Cooper ...

It was hard getting over my addiction to the Hokey Cokey. But I’ve turned myself around and that’s what it’s all about. Did you hear about the fat, alcoholic transvestite - All he wanted to do was eat, drink and be Mary. My mate just hired an Eastern European cleaner, took her 15 hours to hoover the house. Turns out she was a Slovak. I've been charged with murder for killing a man with sandpaper. To be honest I only intended to rough him up a bit. Two women called at my door and asked what bread I ate, when I said white they gave me a lecture on the benefits of brown bread for 30 minutes... I think they were those Hovis Witnesses.


Donations received for the Central Charities Fund RNA – Warwick RNA – Spennymoor RNA – Ashford RNA – Riyadh In memory of S/m Hitchcock In memory of S/m Kershaw In memory of S/m Steventon In memory of S/m Davenport In memory of S/m Slater In memory of S/m Hooper

Thank you very much


£25.00 £40.00 £50.00 £6,000.00 £127.98 £48.50 £260.00 £255.00 £173.00 £87.87


Donations received for the Charter Challenge 2014 – Naval Service Memorial

No donations to report this month. Please keep them coming in. Thank you very much


Finance Corner – House of Bainbridge

Welcome to Finance Corner where this month I would like to chat about in no particular order; Cheques, Volunteers, Royal Baby, 2nd Quarter Accounts, House of Parliament, Armed Forces Day and finally the new Ladies clothing range. What an exciting range of subjects even for us geeky accounts people... •

Cheques - Could I ask that all cheques are made payable to ‘The Royal Naval Association’ and I can’t stress enough, for branches that are paying more than one item, you only need to write out one cheque and itemise on the back of the cheque.

Volunteers - Could I please ask, If you know anybody with a few hours spare, with some accounts/admin experience and a sense of humour, and they fancy working within the RNA HQ, please contact Michelle on 02392 723823. Training and expenses will be given.

2nd Quarter Accounts - For information I will be producing the 2nd Quarter of Branch Accounts at the end of this month.

Ladies Clothing Range - don’t forget all you lovely ladies, the RNA HQ now have the new Ladies clothing line ‘House of Bainbridge’. Please see on Page 19 & 20

Right that leaves; Royal Baby, House of Parliament and Armed Forces Day......... Being a Royalist, I was overjoyed to hear the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge’s delightful news on their birth of their little boy. Your Financial Controller’s best bet is that the little chap will be named James and let’s hope we at least get a Bank Holiday out of it! I must also thank Lee on the Solent and Stubbington RNA as they had organised a visit to House of Parliament and very kindly invited me and my mum. We had a wonderful and very interesting day and thoroughly recommend a visit. Finally, I attended, with my husband the gorgeous ‘Bobby’ (ed not so sure myself!!) the AFD at Netley RNA. Bob was asked to carry out the duties of Parade Marshall, which was right up his street after leaving the Navy after 34 years service. He completed his service in the rank of Warrant Officer 1 (Gunnery Instructor) and also served as the State Ceremonial Officer. The parade was excellent but of course it would be!! The whole event was very well organised and a thoroughly enjoyable day. See I managed to get talk about all of those subjects with ease........ Take Care Michelle


14. Guess Where? An Establishment! Can you name the establishment being refurbished in 1966 and where it is? Please forward any other pictures to the HQ that you may have for ‘Guess Where’ so that we publish them in forthcoming Circulars. Answer again in next month’s edition. Last month’s answer! HMS Rooke - Gibraltar


The Annual National Service for Seafarers 2013

Shipmates are invited to attend the Annual National Service for Seafarers 2013 on Wednesday 16 October at 1700 at St Paul’s Cathedral London. Any Shipmate who would like to attend this special service is requested to contact Nigel at HQ on 02392 723747 or who will co-ordinate ticket allocation. This information is required by 06 September 2013. All attendees will be required to bring some form of photographic ID as well as their ticket.


Royal Navy and Royal Marines on the Isle of Wight – S/M Mike North

S/M Mike has written a very informative and comprehensive book concerning the history of the the exploits of Senior Service life and times on the Isle of Wight, which the HQ strongly recommends reading.(S/M Mike paid me to say that!!) It is only £10 a copy £1 of which goes into the RNA Central Charity Fund. Anyone who is interested in obtaining a copy can contact Mike on Tel No 01983 812184 or e-mail


Captain Don Beadle CBE

Shipmates will be very sad to hear that S/M Don Beadle a former General Secretary Crossed the Bar he was 88 years old and lived in Scotland. His funeral will be held on 27 July at Kyles Parish Church, Kames, Argyll. There will also be a Memorial service at St Marys Church in Alverstoke Gosport on 30th September at 1400. He was much loved by his family and will be deeply missed.



The Lost Sailors of HMS ILLUSTRIOUS – A reminder...

A Small memorial service will be held on 12th October 2013 , led by Portland Sea cadets who will lay a wreath at 15.00. Anyone who would like to attend would be very much welcomed. For further information please contact : Miss Diane Coleman (National Secretary) 01424 720745, Miss Ann Lefley (Hon Treasurer) 01903 771934 or Mr Mike Brockwell (Vice Chairman) 01293 520352. Please see last month’s article describing the tragedy below; The HMS ILLUSTRIOUS Association wrote to the Semaphore Circular to remind us of a little known disaster. During the late evening of Sunday 17 October 1948 the Liberty boat left Weymouth Pier heading for HMS ILLUSTRIOUS, It was a 36ft Pinnace with 5 crew and 45 men onboard. The weather conditions were atrocious with gale force winds and rain squalls and as it passed through the northern entrance of the breakwater the weather state became worse resulting in the liberty boat shipping vast amounts of water and floundering some 50mts astern of the Carrier. Rescue boats were immediately launched including the Weymouth Lifeboat and incredibly brave ships company who dived off the ship to rescue their shipmates. Despite all their efforts tragically 29 sailors lost their lives. On the 17 October 2010, 62 years later, the previous 1ST Sea Lord Admiral Sir Mark Stanhope GCB OBE ADC unveiled a beautiful Memorial stone, opposite. The current HMS ILLUSTRIOUS provide 29 Sailors to represent those that had perished on that tragic night .


Field of Remembrance – Thursday 7 November 2013

If branches wish to place a cross in the RNA Garden of Remembrance please place your orders with Nigel at HQ. Again those who want to attend then please forward your details to Andy or Nigel as entry is by ticket only, which you can obtain from HQ. On the day you will also be required to bring a form of ID with you, and you will need to be through the garden gate by 1015 and muster at the RNA plot, where there will be followed by a short service. The National President and General Secretary will be in attendance and the GS can be contacted on his mobile – 07850 646755 (if required)



Poem – A Sailor died today 1



He was getting old and paunchy and his hair was falling fast, And he sat around the RNA, telling stories of the past Of wars that he had fought in and the deeds that he had done, In his exploits with his buddies; they were heroes, every one.

A politician's stipend and the style in which he lives Are sometimes disproportionate to the service that he gives. While the ordinary sailor who offered up his all, Is paid off with a medal and perhaps, a pension small.

And though sometimes, to his neighbours, his tales became a joke, All his naval buddies listened, for they knew whereof he spoke. But we'll hear his tales no longer for old Jack has passed away, And the world's a little poorer, for a sailor died today.

It's so easy to forget them for it was so long ago, That the old Jacks of our Country went to battle, but we know It was not the politicians, with their compromise and ploys, Who won for us the freedom that our Country now enjoys.

He will not be mourned by many, just his children and his wife, For he lived a very ordinary and quite uneventful life. Held a job and raised a family, quietly going his own way, And the world won't note his passing, though a sailor died today.

Should you find yourself in danger, with your enemies at hand, Would you want a politician with his evershifting stand? Or would you prefer a sailor, who has sworn to defend His home, his kin and Country and would fight until the end?

When politicians leave this earth, their bodies lie in state, While thousands note their passing and proclaim that they were great. Papers tell their whole life stories, from the time that they were young, But the passing of a sailor goes unnoticed and unsung.

He was just a common sailor and his ranks are growing thin, But his presence should remind us we may need his like again. For when countries are in conflict, then we find the sailors part Is to clean up all the troubles that the politicians start.

Is the greatest contribution to the welfare of our land A guy who breaks his promises and cons his fellow man? Or the ordinary fellow who, in times of war and strife, Goes off to serve his Country and offers up his life?

If we cannot do him honour while he's here to hear the praise, Then at least let's give him homage at the ending of his days. Perhaps just a simple headline in a paper that would say, Our Country is in mourning, for a sailor died today.


Remembrance Sunday – Cenotaph - 10 November 2013

The Royal British Legion will once again be co-ordinating the Ex-Service Contingents attending the Cenotaph Ceremony & March Past on Sunday 10 November 2013. All those who have served in Her Majesty’s Armed Forces under British Command as well as War Widows / Widowers are eligible to take part. If any Shipmate would like tickets for this year’s Ceremony (limited number available) please let RNA HQ know (by letter or email) by 31 August at the latest, please include your name, address and telephone number and a list of those attending. If any of your members require a carer for the day (one carer per participant) they must also be in possession of a ticket. Please note that those parading are likely to be standing in Whitehall for at least 1½ hours prior to the March Past then marching for a distance of over 1 mile, and quite possibly in inclement weather. Further parade instructions will be sent with your tickets which will be despatched towards the end of September. If you have any queries regarding the Cenotaph Ceremony then please contact Nigel, Andy or Philip at RNA HQ. Also note; RNA tickets will only be available for members (so join them up!) and it is expected that those with RNA tickets will march with the RNA squad


Crosby Branch Liverpudlian Youngsters

After HQ were awarded their ‘I didn’t get mugged’ in Liverpool Certificate by Crosby Chairman Dave ‘Ferry across de Mersey’ Tollerton the AGS couldn’t help but notice this initiative to assist the youngsters of Liverpool by no other than the car manufacturers Ferrari. This announcement followed Ferrari's decision to take advantage of the British government's 'Work for your Dole' scheme and employ some Liverpudlian youngsters. The decision to hire them was brought about by a recent documentary on how unemployed youths from Crosby were able to remove a set of wheels in less than 6 seconds without proper equipment, whereas Ferrari's existing crew could only do it in 8 seconds with millions of pounds worth of high tech equipment. It was thought to be an excellent, bold move by the Ferrari management team as most races are won and lost in the pits, giving Ferrari an advantage over every other team. However, Ferrari got more than they bargained for! At the crew's first practice session, not only was the ‘scouse’ pit crew able to change all four wheels in under 6 seconds but, within 12 seconds, they had re-sprayed, re-badged and sold the car to the Mclaren team for 8 cases of Stella, a bag of weed and some photos of Lewis Hamilton's bird in the shower.



National Council Elections

Area 7 - S/M Gordon Williams has been elected as Area 7 NCM. He would like to thank those members of Area 7 who voted for him. He can be contacted at Area 2 – The new NCM is S/M Anthony Sattin and he can be contacted at


S/M Robin Cody

Mr Neill Watson sadly informed the RNA that Robin Cody had Crossed the Bar on Saturday 29th June 2013. He was originally from Cardiff and served in the Royal Navy from 1967 to 1973 in HM Ships Ark Royal and Nubian and ashore in HMS Raleigh as a Stoker and Diver. After leaving the Navy Robin served in the Darlington and Co Durham Fire and Rescue Service. Any Shipmate that who knew or served with him and would like to make contact with his family should call his daughter Megan on 07951 101145.


House of Bainbridge -

New Ladies RNA Clothing Range

The new range of stylish Ladies clothing includes a White Shirt, Polo Shirt, Cardigans, V-neck, Jumpers and Gilet (Body Warmer) carefully selected by the House of Michelle. The range will be displayed on the Website very shortly.



Short sleeve blouse with collar styling Fabric 45% Polyster & 55% Cotton Sizes XS – 3XL Colour White

POLO SHIRTS with RNA logo £18.00 Short sleeve polo with collar styling Fabric 65% Polyster & 35% Cotton Sizes XS – 3XL Colours Navy, Light Blue & White


CARDIGAN - Navy Blue button with RNA logo £20.00 Long sleeve V neck cardigan with a 7 button fastening, made with a soft and comfortable fine gauge knitted cotton rich yarn. Fabric 55% Cotton & 45% Acrylic Sizes 8 – 24 Colour Navy V -NECK JUMPER - Navy Blue with RNA logo £20.00 V-neck long sleeve jumper, made with a soft and comfortable fine gauge knitted cotton rich yarn. Fabric 55% Cotton & 45% Acrylic Sizes 8 – 24 Colour Navy GILET (Body Warmer) – with RNA logo £30.00 Softshell garment, highly breathable, Lightweight – easy to wear or carry, Water repellent & Wind repellant. Outer Fabric 96% Polyester & 4% Elastane Sizes 8 – 24 Colour Navy Please order directly through Michelle or 02392 73823


Branches Change of Area

The National Council have authorised the change of Area for Hereford, Tewksbury and Stroud form Area 7 to Area 8. Please see below the confirmation notification by the General Secretary. The Area Chair: 7 Area (attn of Area Secretary) The Area Chair: 8 Area Chair: Hereford Branch Chair: Tewksbury Branch Chair: Stroud Branch

25 June 2013

Branch changes of Area At its meeting on 14 June 2013 at Liverpool the National Council approved the transfer from Area 7 to Area 8 of the following branches with effect from 14 June 13: 20

• • •

Hereford Tewksbury Stroud

I am directed by the National Council to point out that their approval of these changes is exceptional and they wish to discourage Area transfer by branches, save in the most exceptional of circumstances and the exhaustion of all other options. I would be grateful if the necessary documentation could be changed. The HQ will amend the Yearbook and the website. Yours sincerely P Quinn OBE General Secretary Copy to: Area Secretary 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10,11,12, Scotland NCh NVCh


Falklands Campaign- Media Research Project

Please read below a letter from Joanna Thornton who is requesting assistance concerning research she is undertaking as part of her PhD. I am writing to you for assistance with a research project I am currently undertaking. My name is Joanna Thornton and I am a final year PhD student of History at the University of Kent. I am writing on the role of the media in the Falklands war. I have managed to complete a lengthy analysis of how the media reported on the armed forces thanks to the help of the British Library and the National Archives. I have also had the good fortune of speaking with members of the press who accompanied the Royal Navy to the Falklands. To conclude my work I would very much like to conduct some interviews with veterans of the conflict who travelled with, or came into contact with, members of the media who made the voyage to the South Atlantic alongside the troops. I wonder if you might be able to help in my quest to find suitable interviewees? I would be happy to travel to those who might want to take part in the research. The information provided to me would be used and credited in the publication of my work, at academic conferences and in the course of the University of Kent’s module on the Falklands War. If you can assist or would like further information please contact Joanna on 07809 229884 or e-mail PS the researcher has promised Andy a pint for every person that assists her – so go on try and get and him pi**ed (that is pie-eyed!)



Hospital and Medical Care Association (HMCA) Deal

Hospital & Medical Care Association ( HMCA) have provided high quality cost effective medical plans to members of associations for over 35 years and currently deal with some 700 professional and trades associations nationally. HMCA frequently get enquiries from a wide range of members and the following are a selection of frequently asked questions that will answer the most obvious questions regarding private medical insurance and highlight some of the benefits of the HMCA Medical Care Plan. SPECIAL GUARANTEED TRANSFER FACILITY – NO MORITORIUM OR WAITING PERIOD Can cover be transferred from an existing Plan? Will acute conditions be honoured for future? Claims once transfer to HMCA Medical Extra Care Plan? Cover can be transferred from an existing plan and future claims made for acute conditions originating at the time you were participating in a previous plan will be honoured. HOSPITAL CHOICE S FOR MEMBERS Can members choose a hospital in their area and close to home? Is there a wide coverage of hospitals nationally? Are there any additional charges for some London Hospitals? Members can choose a hospital in their area and close to home as HMCA have full national coverage of UK hospitals. There are no additional or extra costs for any London Hospitals. OVERSEAS COVER Are members automatically covered for overseas travel at no extra cost? Do spouses receive benefits when hospitalised abroad? How long do the benefits last? Members are automatically covered for overseas travel and at no extra cost as this is included in your plan. Spouses receive double benefits when hospitalised abroad and for up to 6 months. SPORTING ACTIVITIES What sports and sporting activities are covered? Are there any restrictions on some sports? All sporting activities are covered for members and there are no exclusions on any sports whatsoever. NHS HOSPITAL CASH BENEFIT What happens if a member is wholly treated in an NHS Hospital? What is the benefit and how long is it for? If a member receives treatment in an NHS Hospital then HMCA will pay a Tax Free Cash Benefit of £200 per night and for up to 30 nights. NO EXCESS PAYMENTS OR DEDUCTIBLES Are there any excesses or deductibles to take into consideration with this plan? There are no excess or deductibles under any of our plans. COMPARATIVE COSTS AGAINST OTHER PLANS Are subscriptions competitive with other plans? HMCA plans can be 50% cheaper than comparative plans as these plans are not offered to the General Public and only to members of Professional and Membership Associations.

CLAIMS HANDLING – NO WAITING PERIOD Is there any waiting period before any eligible claims are payable? There is a first class claims handling service to support the quality of the plans for members. HMCA realise the importance of resolving and settling eligible claims as quickly 22

and efficiently as possible to add peace of mind when members are faced with stressful circumstances during their illness. There is no waiting period before eligible claims are payable. FREE MEDICAL INFORMATION HELPLINE Is this service free of charge? What services are included? When is this service available? Can it only be used when making a claim? Can members speak on confidential matters and is there a counselling service available? This service is provided free of charge to all HMCA medical Extra Care Plan members. It is operated by fully qualified medical staff and offers a wealth of information regardless of whether making a claim. Information can be given on medical conditions, changing your doctor, social services, self-help groups and much more. This also includes a counselling service which is available 24 hours a day 365 days a year allowing members to discuss their problems in confidence and with a qualified counsellor at a time convenient to them. ADDITIONAL BENEFITS FOR MEMBERS Are there any further benefits available to members who subscribe to the plans? All members who subscribe to any of the HMCA Plans automatically qualify for an additional range of benefits which include £50 worth of Marks & Spencer’s vouchers after their first complete year of annual subscription, Hotel and Travel discounts and savings on a range of popular Publications and Health products. For more information or no-obligation discussion please contact our team on 01423 866985 or you can visit our website at for further details on the range of plans.


‘D’ye hear there’..... News from around the Areas and Branches RNA Newport Branch Newport Branch Area 7 are sad to announce that S/M Stanley Gunter, ex RM and aged 96 years old, Crossed the Bar on the 2nd June 2013. His funeral took place on Friday 14th June 2013 at St Gabriels Church Old Cwmbran. Stanleys’ family would like to thank the RMA who provided a bugler to attend the funeral, who incidentally travelled up from CTC Lymstone Camp. They would also like thank TS Kittiwake, whose RM cadets formed a Guard of Honour and to the 7 Standard Bearers who attended the service paraded. One of the Standards paraded was the Cwmbran RNA branch which was closed 10 years ago, however S/M Stanley had arranged with the Vicar of St Gabriels that the branch standard should be passed into the custody of the church and not ‘laid up’, so that it could be used for funerals or, if a new branch was formed.

RNA Aquitaine Branch Aquitaine Branch is affiliated to the new French frigate (6,000 tons) AQUITAINE, the first of her class of nine. We were invited to tour her on her first visit to Aquitaine, and made very welcome indeed. Her bridge is Star Trek, and her Ops room, Star Wars! 200 km range Exocets, massive bow sonar, astern a Variable Depth Sonar and a Towed Array, and her Caiman helicopter has a dipping sonar. 45 knot light weight anti submarine torpedoes, and the same French Aster missiles as the DARING class. She has two 12 man RIBs, and can carry 30 marines. Only her gun, an Oto Melara, is not French - the Italians are building 12 of the class. Her speed is 27 knots, range at 16 knots 6,000 miles and her mixed crew including the flight is 115. (A sea going French female officer has just been promoted to Rear Admiral).She will receive her French Cruise missiles shortly. All officers have single cabins with showers, senior rates have two berth cabins and the biggest junior rates cabin has four berths. The allowance for food is 5 euros per day - everyone eats the same food, but in different messes. The next day, our standard was paraded at the new memorial to HM S/M TUNA, at Montalivet on the west coast of the Medoc, The Cockleshell Heroes attack was launched from the submarine. Our Senior Shipmate, John Hudson, was taught how to use a Kitchin Rudder by Lt Raikes, the CO of TUN A, when both were Cadets in 1938.(We gave the ship an RNA quaich, suitably engraved - and a bottle of Pusser's Rum). (Editors Note - They haven’t gone totally native...yet ... They continue to be affiliated to RFA WAVE RULER back in the UK!)


RNA Plymouth Branch RNA Plymouth attended Armed Forces Day ‘en masse’ (photo to right) and managed to ‘Press Gang’ Rear Admiral Ben Key and his Flag Lt into dropping in for a tot!! (Below)

RNA Morecambe & Heysham Branch On the Monday 1st July 2013 the extension to the Stone Jetty on Morecambe promenade was renamed TRAFALGAR POINT in honour of the long association between HMS Trafalgar, The City of Lancaster and its people, The town of Morecambe and its people, the Morecambe & Heysham Branch of The Royal Naval Association and the Morecambe Bay Branch of The Submariners Association. The date was chosen as it was the 32nd anniversary of its launch. The Ceremony was performed by the Mayor of Lancaster Councillor June Ashworth and one of HMS Trafalgar’s former Commanding Officers Commander Peter Green. The ceremony was witnessed by past crew members of HMS Trafalgar and members of The Royal Naval Association and The Submariners Association as well as the general public. All were entertained later in The Royal Naval Association Commodore Club in Morecambe. Lancaster City Council kindly decided to erect this memorial plaque at the end of the Stone Jetty in Morecambe after the submarine was decommissioned from service in the Royal Navy.


RNA Frome Branch Shipmate David Lowder very kindly forwarded an article in which he reflects on forty years AWOL from Pompey Dockyard after a recent visit to HQ. There comes a time in life when returning to the places of our youth, can sometimes shatter the illusions built up over the years. The many myths built around the truth, from all those long lost summers. So with a little trepidation I joined my shipmates from the Royal Naval Association Frome Branch, on a day trip to Portsmouth and its famous historical, and yet still working naval dockyard. This lively group of shipmates whose years go back to the Second World War and right up to the Falklands campaign, some like myself using walking sticks now, but certainly not having lost our sense of humour, we boarded a coach and set off to see our past. I won’t bore you with the trip, other than it took the same amount of time, thanks to the many roundabouts, and road-works as it did forty years ago. So on entering a disjointed planning blighted Portsmouth. The first surprise for me was the entrance into Naval Dockyard. No longer were the huge gates closed as they were the last time I walked through them 39 years ago, where a big burly Ministry of Defence Policeman demanded your identity card. Today they were wide open, as we followed slowly in the wake of a long crocodile of excited school children. History and tradition have over recent times, been constantly disparaged in the media by the politically correct. So it was a pleasure to see the old and the new together, and with young people being able to see the traditions that still makes us one of the finest seafaring nations in the world today. This trip had been planned for us to see our charities’ Headquarters inside the prominent Semaphore Tower, where we were made very welcome by the staff, and given far too many biscuits, sandwiches, and cakes. Later we were shown the amazing winning design by the artist Graeme Mitcheson (Of Bevin Boys fame) of the Naval Memorial, which will commemorate the men and women of all ranks who have served, are still serving and will serve in the future. This extraordinary series of coloured glass panels will reflect onto a white limestone terrace. With the colours deriving from the 5 oceans, forming a shimmering pool of light, and also creating the outline of a warship projected by the edge of the glass. Standing at one end of the work, facing towards the setting sun will be a single bowed headed figure, carved in Kilkenny limestone. While the words of Alfred Lord Tennyson’s poem “Crossing the Bar” are carved into the limestone terrace. This amazing sculpture is due to be unveiled on Sunday 15th June 2014 at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire, as part of the Royal Naval Association’s National Conference. However the next presentation was for the living, and two men who served through “the worse journey in the world.” (Winston Churchill’s words.) The indescribable Arctic Convoys of the Second World War, where if the cold didn’t kill you, the enemy would. I think I can write for all my shipmates. It was a proud moment to see two veterans receive their long awaited and much deserved Arctic Star medals. Finally to end our visit we were taken on an extended boat trip around the harbour. Where we saw the old HMS Warrior (1861) the first of the Naval deterrents, and its equivalent today HMS Defender a type 45 destroyer, and in contrast a group of warship built to replace those sunk in the Falkland’s conflict. Stripped of all their equipment, rusting at buoys, and nick named the e-bay fleet. I suppose it was a sad way for a fine warship to go. However, I still had that positive feeling I first felt on entering the dockyard. 26

The unbroken time-line between old and new, where traditions remains from hauling on the gun tackle of a muzzle loading cannon, to firing a Sea-Viper missile that can take out a cricket ball travelling at 3 times the speed of sound. For the men and women manning our warships today, on their young shoulders they carry the past, the present and our future with them, like true professionals. We are an Island race, and whatever the chattering classes say, and they do seem to have the media calling on their trivial comments quite a lot these days. We are a seafaring nation and without our hard won freedom and traditions, what are we? To those of us in the Royal Naval Association and especially the Frome Branch, we are proud of our young service men and women, and if we can help them, and anyone who no longer serves in the Royal Navy we will try. So any shipmates out there who need help, or just want to chat, and maybe swing a lantern, then come and join us. We are a lively bunch, and you will always find a welcome, and a reassuring hand if you need it.

RNA Wansbeck and District Branch RNA Wansbeck & District will be holding their Trafalgar Dinner and Dance at the Stakeford & Bomarsund Sports and Social Welfare Centre on Saturday 19 October 1913. The cost will be £20 per head including dinner, with wine a la table and Tot for the toasts and entertainment from ‘Music for Dancing by Richard’ commencing 1830 for 1900. Dress of the Day will be Blazers, Lounge Suit, Dinner Suit, Uniform (all with tie or bow tie) For tickets and further information contact George Kirsopp (01670 816562) or Ken Walton (01670 522526) (e-mail

RNA Trafford Branch Trafford Branch regrets to announce that Shipmate Eric Poole has 'Crossed the Bar'. S/M Eric was a founder member and the first PRO of Trafford Branch, a task he relished, meeting the public and talking about the RNA. He was at his happiest organising visits to various clubs and branches in the North West, and was a popular figure on the Trafford stall at local fetes. Eric was a charmer, and was loved by everyone he met, especially the ladies, who were always complimented on their dress and hair style. A 'will o' the wisp', you never knew where Eric would be next, but he always had an amusing anecdote to relate when he next attended branch night, Which was a cause of great amusement. For the last two years, Eric had been Deputy Area 10 Standard Bearer, a position he was very proud to hold. He represented the area at Liverpool for the National Conference. On Armed Forces Day, Eric had led the Veterans parade into the centre of Urmston, when he suddenly collapsed and despite resuscitation attempts by an Army medic, a police officer and paramedics, Eric was pronounced dead at the local hospital. A token of the esteem that Eric was held in was noticeable at the church service when a packed church saw family friends and shipmates from all over the UK say their final farewell. Eric was taken on his final journey to the strains of 'Always look on the bright side of life'.. This was typical of a fun-loving shipmate, who will be missed by many 27

RNA Brightlingsea Branch On Sunday 23rd June 2013 Brighlingsea Branch celebrated the 20th Anniversary of its commissioning and rededicated their Standard at a Service in St James Church led by their Chaplain Reverend Anne Howson. The Service was preceded by a March along the same route taken 20 years before. Led by Colchester Scout Band, it featured 28 Standards from across the Eastern Region followed by Naval and other veterans and Sea Cadets. The Royal Navy was represented by a small contingent from the Warrant Officers and Senior Rates Mess of HMS Illustrious which the Branch is affiliated. With around two hundred participants it was a very impressive sight and much appreciated by the spectators lining the route, particularly as Sunday was the start of Armed Forces Week. After the Service, which was most poignant and moving, came the "March Past" where the Salute was taken by the Senior Warrant Officer of HMS Illustrious on the steps of Brightlingsea's War Memorial. Luckily the current inclement weather took a back seat and it remained dry until everyone entered the Royal British Legion Club. There was then the inevitable shower of rain which only managed to drench a few stragglers! Once inside, the assembled shipmates were able to enjoy a magnificent buffet meal and from upstairs came the unmistakable aroma of "Pussers" pervading the air. Thereafter, the Rum Bo’s’un was kept busy dispensing tots and the conversation became more animated as shipmates and their guests voiced their appreciation of a really first-class event provided by the Branch. The small town of Brighlingsea has a long and proud history of its connection with the Royal Navy and Shipmates of the Branch are very pleased that, in their small way, they are able to keep those traditions alive. The day owed its success to the hard work put in over a long period by the Secretary, Bruce Keeling, aided by an energetic committee. It's a testimony to their dedication that it went so well. (DVDs of the event are available on application to the Branch. Price £12 inc.Postage)

RNA Woking Branch The Woking Branch held their annual Armed Forces and Veterans Day parade on the 29th of June with a march through the Town to Jubilee Square for a short service. The parade was led by 15 Standards from various local Veteran Associations which included the South African Legion England Branch and the National Standard of the National Sea Training/College (Gravesend) Association. The parade of 28

approximately 100 Veterans and Service Personnel received a warm welcome when they arrived in the Square and lined up in front of the War Memorial. The service was led by Father Peter of St Dunstan Church who reminded us that this year was the 70th anniversary of the ending of the Battle of the Atlantic and also the Dambusters raid. He also reminded the congregation that they should show gratitude and respect to our Service Personnel and their Families for the sacrifice they give to keep us safe. The singing was led by the Salvation Army and The Madam Mayor of Woking Cllr Anne Roberts read a poem "In Memory of a Son." Following the Exhortation and the Last Post, Marine Fraser of 40 Commando laid the wreath on behalf of the Armed forces. A lady from the crowd laid a wreath on behalf of the Belgians. The parade ended with a march past with the Salute taken by The Madam Mayor. Following the parade refreshments and party was held in the Railway club.

RNA Dublin Branch A group of Shipmates from Dublin Branch were invited for a ships tour and lunch during the recent visit of HMS Somerset to Dublin. The lunch was hosted by the Commanding Officer of HMS Somerset, Commander Mike Smith and the British Embassy, about 50 guests from the RBL, SSAFA, Embassy Staff , RAFA and other Veteran organisations attended. Commander Mike Smith was delighted to meet the Dublin RNA Members and spoke to each and everyone individually.

Photo above Commander Mike Smith ,S/m's Smith, Stones (President), OKeefe, Ball, Stephenson (Chairman), Fenning

Photo to the left featrured S/m O 'Keefe , Jean Turvey (Wife of s/m Frank Turvey), Commander Mike Smith and S/m Stephenson (Chairman Dublin RNA)

The HMS Somerset visit was followed by a very successful BBQ at the Royal Irish Yacht Club Dun Laoghaire on Saturday 6th July - the guest of Honour was John Courlander aged 93 an ex Fleet Air Arm Swordfish Pilot and, we also had colleagues from the RAFA Dublin Branch needless to say a good time was had by all judging by the evidence on the Tables !!.


RNA St Neots & District Branch S/M Keith Ridley NCM 6 Area and Chairman of RNA St. Neots has forwarded the article below for your enjoyment. St Neots Branch were invited to support Bedford Armed Forces Day held on Sunday 30th June 2013. The invitation came from a Branchless Member of the RNA who is on the HQ Roll, S/m Malcolm Holloway of Bedford, who is well known to St.Neots. Without hesitation, the show was on the road and our Gazebo was erected in record time. A hot sunny day brought with it a keen interest in the RNA. Seen in the picture is S/m Keith (The very tall Rodney Trotter lookalike Cadet in the background!) with members of TS VICTORIOUS, Bedford Sea Cadet Corps sporting their RNA Caps & RNA Armed Forces Day Badges. During the day interest was shown by no less than six ex RN guys who asked the question - why is there no RNA Branch in Bedford ? This is now being addressed as a matter of urgency and a meeting place has already been identified. Bedford is just one of ten venues RNA St. Neots has attended over the the summer and 'Showing the Flag' for the RNA. S/Ms Keith's message to all RNA Branches is .... ' GET OUT THERE & be seen, SHOW THE FLAG' but do not forget to take a notebook for names & addresses for follow-up action along with a pile of Application Forms !

RNA Harrogate and District Branch Harrogate and District Branch are very sad to report that S/M Reverend Peter James McCarthy OBE crossed the bar on 6th July aged 88 years old. S/M Peter served in the Royal Fleet Auxiliary from March 1941 until January 1984. In total serving in 35 ships including; RFA Sir Bedivere during the Falklands Campaign and RFA Tidespring at the Silver Jubilee review in 1977. He Commanded 21 ships in total. His career in the RFA saw him serving in the Korean War. Peter was awarded the OBE in 1982 and had been a Branch Member since 1997. He was a former Branch Chaplain until poor health forced him to resign from the position. He has been a valued supporter of the Branch and will be sorely missed by all who knew him.

RNA Brentwood Branch Brentwood Branch are sad to report that Shipmate Francis Robert Turner (Bob) an ex member of the Branch sadly crossed the bar aged 74. His funeral was held on 2nd July at St George the Martyr Church Brentwood and was attended by the Standards and a Guard of Honour from the Brentwood Branches of the RNA & RBL. A bugler from Royal British Legion youth band Brentwood sounded the Last Post at the graveside.


RNA Ashford Branch Ashford Branch were very active during Ashford’s’ Armed Forces day and managed to raise £189.26 for charity. (BZ from Editor). The photo opposite shows S/Ms Jim Ashby, Charlie Chaplin George Ashdown in action ‘smoozing’ the Mayor of Ashford Councillor David Smith!.

RNA Chard Branch Chard RNA held their summer lunch at the Golden Fleece in Chard on Sunday 14th July 2013 after first attending the Sea Sunday Service held at Cricket St Thomas Church. The Branch Standard was paraded at the church and a sum of £120 was raised at the collection for the Seafarers Mission. During the dinner a presentation was made by the Branch Chairman S/M Paula Moon, on behalf of all the members, to the oldest female member of the branch, Gwendoline Bevis, who had celebrated her 90th birthday on 11th July 2013, who was attending the dinner with her husband, S/m Jack Bevis.

(Editors Note – S/M Gwendoline very many congratulations from all at HQ and we hope you had a super day)

RNA South Harrow Branch South Harrow Branch, as of previous years, will be holding their biannual social event on Sunday Sept 8th after the parade at the Royal British Legion Club Northolt Road South Harrow and extend a warm welcome to any branch and shipmates who would like to join us for the afternoon. There will be food and music and a tot for any standard bearers. For catering purposes, please contact the Secretary Gerry Nash on 020 8424 0211 or the Soc/Sec, Marion Edwards on 020 8248 4835 or e-mail of numbers attending.


RNA Bridport – 75th Anniversary Bridport Branch has great pride and pleasure in announcing that on 1st September 2013 they will be celebrating their 75th anniversary. To commemorate this auspicious occasion the Branch is combining the annual Trafalgar Day Dinner and Dance with teh Trafalgar Day Service. The Dinner /Dance will be held at Highlands End, Eype, near Bridport on Saturday 19th October and the Trafalgar Day Service on Sunday 20th October 2013 at St. Johns Church, West Bay, Bridport. Cdre Adrian Nance OBE RN has kindly agreed to be our principal guest and invitations have been extended to local dignitaries, Sea Cadet officers as well as branches within No.4 Area. Shipmates are advised that there will be no parade because it’s just a good social occasion with the opportunity to “swing the lamp”. Please contact Alan Kidson (01308 420135) or email for further details.

RNA Shrewsbury Branch It is with great sorrow that Shrewsbury Branch has to inform Shipmates that S/M James Hale has Crossed the Bar. S/M Jim was liked by members of the branch and for a number of years was our Standard-bearer.

RNA Basildon Branch Basildon Branch would like to say a BIG thank you to all those that attended and supported the Branch’s 40th Anniversary Celebration on June 21st. The cake was made S/M John Kingsley and everybody remarked how good it was. As you can also see in the photos a spankingly good time was had by all especially with all the Dad Dancing and Handbag shuffles going on. ….

Here's to the next 40!!


RNA Huntington and St Neots Districts On Sunday 21st July 2013, shipmates from Huntingdon & District, and St Neots & District Branches of the Royal Naval Association attended the annual Sea Sunday Service in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire. Standards from both branches were paraded at Huntingdon's War Memorial, and outside to church of St Mary's and All Saints prior to a service and Arctic Star Medal presentation to S/Ms Grove Dove and Jack Milliard by the Deputy Lord Lieutenant, Colonel Derek Bristow OBE. During the service, Councillor Alan Williams read a citation depicting Jack Millard's participation in the convoys. As Hon. Secretary of Huntingdon Branch, Shipmate Karl Webb gave the citation for RNA shipmate Grove Dove, who served on the very last Convoy (JW67) of the war. Both veterans were formally thanked on behalf of the community by the Chair of Huntingdon District Council, Councillor Barbara Boddington, and by the Mayor of Huntingdon, Councillor Bill Hensley. After the service, participants were invited into the Town Hall for a reception hosted by the Mayor of Huntingdon.

RNA Stirling Branch For information Stirling Branch will now be meeting in the RBLS Grangemouth Club. Meetings will remain on the 2nd Thursday of the month, except June (Conference) and December (Christmas party). For further details please contact Mike Hesketh

RNA Bloxwich Branch RNA Bloxwich will be celebrating their Diamond Jubilee on 30 November 2013. A Church service will be held at 18:00 followed by a Dinner/Dance at Walsall Football Club. Shipmates and Standard Bearers are very welcome to attend. Further details can be obtained from the Secretary, Christine Hinder, on 01922 473613.

RNA Chelmsford Branch Chelmsford Branch will unveil a plaque on the 2nd September 2013 in the Essex Country Library to commemorate their 75th Anniversary. All are welcome. Please contact the Hon Sec S/M John Gamlin ( for further details.


RNA Plymouth Branch – Trafalgar Weekend -11-14 October 2013 The RNA Plymouth Biennial Trafalgar Weekend will be held at the Sefton Hotel, Babbacombe from Friday 11th October to Monday 14th October 2013. Gala Dinner. Formal Dress. 2 Nights £75.00 pp, Three Nights £110.00 pp. Anyone wishing to attend then please get the details from: Sue Gutteridge. (01752) 849176. email:

TON Class Association Attached for interest, a photo taken at the reception on 25th May at Clarence House when our Patron, HRH The Prince of Wales, kindly informally received over 100 members and wives/partners of TCA. The photo shows (L-R) our Patron [C.O. of HMS BRONINGTON 1976-77], President Rear Admiral R. John Lippiett CB, MBE [C.O. HMS SHAVINGTON 1976-77 and Chief Executive of the Mary Rose Trust] and Chairman John Soanes [Coxswain, HMS PENSTON 1964-65 and Chairman Torquay Branch RNA].

Shortcast 2013 HMS Orion Association – 07 September 2013 The annual reunion is to take place at the Holiday Inn Plymouth from September 7 to 8. For further information contact Kay West at Goldfish Club Reunion - 13-15 September 2013 This year’s annual reunion weekends main event is a dinner dance at The Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth on Saturday 14 September. We have a number of RN members who are graduates of the college including the present Commander of the college. Holding the event there is especially appropriate in this the 60th anniversary of the RN SAR service. For further information please visit the website or contact Stuart Clay on 01772 338137. Algerine Association Reunion – 16 September 2013 Algerine Association Reunion: WRNS, RNA Groups NVA Assn. The Autumn Break will take place from September 16 to 23 at the Mill Rythe Holiday Village, Hayling Island. En-suite accommodation and facilities for the disabled are available. The cost is £224 per person, half board with entertainment each evening. All welcome, bring family and friends.


HMS Berryhead Association - 15 September 2013 The first Berryhead renunion will take place on Saturday September 15, meeting place the Ibis Hotel, Bristol Centre, Explore Lane, Bristol BS1 5LL.. We have a Facebook page entitled "HMS Berryhead", it has a closed membership. I can be contacted. John Scott 02380 261563 or HMS Jamaica Association – 13-16 September 2013 HMS Jamaica Association will be holding its AGM and re-union 13-16th September 2013 in the Britannia Hotel Coventry. Further details are available from Mac Wilkinson (Hon Sec/Treas) on 01843 582283 or HMS Eagle 1952-72 Commissions – 27/29 September 2013 Friends of HMS Eagle are holding a 41st anniversary ‘Nautical Experience’ weekend reunion at the Northern Hotel, Aberdeen on 27-29 September 2013.On the Friday evening there will be a meet and greet in the McKenzie Room and on Saturday a very nautical gala dinner dance with entertainment in the Ballroom Suite. For4 further details please contact Bill Melvin 07741 300760 HMS Invincible (Falklands 82) Reunion – 27 September 2013 Annual Reunion to be held at the Savoy Hotel, Skegness from September 27 to 29. For details contact Tim Jenkins at or see the website at HMS Ocean Association – 27 September 2013 26th Annual Reunion and AGM takes place at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea from September 27 to 30. A very warm welcome is extended to all ex-Oceans (R68 or L12), their families and friends, whether Association members or not, to join us on this happy occasion. For full details contact the Secretary, Jim Hogan JP at HMS Ajax and River Plate Veterans Association – 02 October 2013 Open to all who served in the Cruiser 1935/48 or Frigate 1963/84 or are relatives of those who did so, or indeed of those who served on any of the previous Ajax. The 48th annual reunion takes place at the King Charles Hotel, Gillingham from October 2 to 3. A reunion dinner will be held on the Wednesday evening and a memorial service, followed by the AGM, on the Thursday morning. The Association is always looking to increase its membership, particularly Frigate crew. For details of the reunion and membership, please contact the Membership Secretary, Judi Collis at Full details of the reunion, membership and much more can be found on the Association’s new website at HMS Tartar Association – 04 October 2013 HMS Tartar Reunion will take place at the Three Queens Hotel, Stafford, on 4th October 2013. Further details from Ron & Brenda Brain, 01326 317814, e-mail: Hong Kong Flotilla (Tamar) Association – 04 - 07 October 2013 Annual Reunion and AGM takes place from October 4 to 7 at the Grand Atlantic Hotel, Beach Road, Weston Super Mare, BS23 1BA. Total cost of weekend £125.10pp, (Single room extra 35

£15pp). £25pp Deposit secures your place. All are welcome. Did you serve in Hong Kong (Tamar) or supporting departments ? Then come to the Annual Reunion in October 2013. This vibrant association is for those who served in Hong Kong (& Tamar) The Hong Kong Flotilla association with HMS Tamar, Hong Kong, is one of the few associations actually growing as the years go on, more enjoy the comfort and familiarity amongst Royal Navy Veterans than ever. Hong Kong Flotilla have so much support from Full and associate members and their families, they now hold two Reunions per Year! The Hong Kong Flotilla Flotilla (Tamar) was commissioned in 1949. It first comprised of IMS, MMS, Flame throwing LCA’s and ten Motor Launch patrol craft. Only the Ml’s were eventually retained to patrol throughout the fifties. The tragic Hong Kong Pearl River Incident when HMML 1323 was shelled by a Chinese Gunboat, when seven crew were killed, is commemorated at every Reunion. The Hong Kong duties were deemed to be on active service. Ten Motor Launches were equipped with a 6 pounder anti-tank (& enemy junks) gun, forward, and 20mm Oerlikon aft. The ML’s were replaced by Minesweepers in the late fifties and other category of patrol vessels were employed until our British departure from Hong Kong, in 1997. Hurry and book as we generally fill the hotels. To book contact Peter Yeates at Type 21 Association – 10 October 2013 The third annual reunion will take place October 10/11. A finger buffet at St Leven’s Inn on 10th, with the AGM (lunchtime) and main reunion event on 11th at The Royal British Legion, Crownhill, Devonport. If you served on any of these fine ships join up on line, tell all your oppos and indicate your intention to attend this year. Photos from previous reunions are posted on the website. Contact David Woollard at or see the website at HMS Eskimo F119 Association – 11 October 2013 The 13th Annual Reunion, will be held at The Tillington Hall Hotel, Staffordshire from 11-14 October. This year includes a visit to the National Memorial Arboretum on the Saturday. Sunday, we have been invited by the Officers and Cadets, to a parade at TS Eskimo's Sea Cadet Unit, Widnes, followed by a buffet, laid on by the Cadets. We are a great bunch and have a great time and still have lots of stories to catch up with. Bring along your wife, partner, girlfriend or your friends, all are very welcome. The ladies are delightful and will not bite. Looking forward to seeing you all there. Looking forward to seeing you there. Contact Allan (Taff) Martin at TON Class Association The Ton Class Association will holding their AGM at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Southport on Saturday 12 Oct 2013. For further details and to book in please contact the Honorary Secretary Peter Down on 01449 721235 or e-mail


HMS St Vincent AGM - 12 October 2013 The HMS St Vincent Association AGM will be held at St Vincent College, Gosport and the Reunion Dinner at Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea on 12 October. For further details please contact or 01329 310078 and and bookings to IOW Tours on 01983 405116. HMS Illustrious Association – 18-21 October 2013 The Annual Reunion will be held at the Tillington Hall Hotel, Stafford from October 18 to 21. We will be celebrating the 30th anniversary of the formation of the Association. Further details from the Secretary, Diane Coleman at HMS Lowestoft Reunion – 25/27 October 2013 The HMS Lowestoft Association Reunion will take place over the weekend of 25 - 27 October at Tillington Hall Stafford for further details e-mail or please contact Richie Farman 15 Folkestone Road –East Manchester M11 4LP 07775 793778.

HMS Mohawk Reunion – 25 October 2013 This reunion will celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Mohawk's launch in 1963. It will be held over the weekend Friday 25 Oct – Sunday 28 Oct 13 in at The Duke of Edinburgh Hotel, Abbey Road, Barrow in Furness, Cumbria, LQ14 5QR. Barrow in Furness. Details from the HMS Mohawk website : HMS Relentless – 30 November 2013 The first official reunion of the Association will be held on 30th November 2013 in Chatham and we would like to contact as many ex-shipmates as possible. Our website can be found at Any enquiries should be sent to: secretary@hmsrelentlessassociation or padre@hmsrelentlessassociation

HMS Ariadne Reunion – 7 March 2014 3rd Annual reunion is at Richmore Hotel (Tel: 01303 773435), 146 The Esplanade, Weymouth DT4 7NP from March 7 to 10 2014. Former members of any of the commissions are most welcome to attend all or part of the weekend. Please contact Dave Sprinks on 01761 239221 for more details.

RNA Longcast 04 Aug 17 Aug 21/22 Aug 24 Aug 24 Aug 2 Sep


Folkestone RNA – Boot Fair – Hythe Green AMC Meeting RNA Harlow branch – Tesco Collection FAC Meeting Area 2 Delegates & Observers Meeting – Ramsgate RNA RNA Chelmsford – 75th Anniversary Plaque unveiling – Essex County Library

7 Sep 7 Sep 8 Sep 20 Sep 11 Oct 12 Oct 12 – 14 Oct 18 Oct 18 Oct 19 Oct 19/20 Oct 21 Oct 12 Nov 16 Nov 23 Nov 23 Nov 30 Nov 7 Dec 14 Dec 2014 01 Mar

National Council meeting UJC Area 11 Meeting - Redcar Citizens Priory Club ( Host Redcar Branch) RNA Biennial Parade - Whitehall HQ - Open Day 4 HQ - Open Day 5 (SOLD OUT) Area 2 Committee Meeting - Minster Working Men’s Club – Isle of Sheppey RNA Plymouth Biennial Trafalgar Weekend 12-14 October 2013 RNA Dublin Trafalgar Dinner RNA Falmouth Trafalgar Dinner Crosby Branch Trafalgar Dinner - GS RNA Bridport – 75th Anniversary and Trafalgar Night Frome Branch Trafalgar Dinner - GS FAC Budget Meeting AMC Meeting Area 2 Delegates & Observers Meeting – Gravesend RNA Club FAC Meeting Budget for FY 2014 RNA Bloxwich Diamond Jubilee Dinner /Dance NC – Budget for FY 2014 Area 11 Meeting Newton Aycliffe Navy Club (Hosts Newton Aycliffe Branch) Area 11 AGM & Area Meeting – The Clarence Working Men’s Club (Hosts York Branch ) National Standard Bearer Competition – HMS Collingwood

17 May

Swinging the Lamp – August 2013

Date 1st

Year 1974






Entry The RN Barracks, Portsmouth, named Victory by order of HM King Edward VII in 1903, renamed Nelson by special permission of HM The Queen to end seventy-one years of confusion between the barracks and the three-decker in Portsmouth Dockyard. At the renaming divisions, held on this anniversary of Nelson’s victory at the Nile, Cdre John Lea invited former Commodores of the Barracks to hand out new cap tallies. Final performance of the Royal Tournament at Earl’s Court, in which the Royal Navy had participated since 1887. The centrepiece since 1907 was the annual naval field gun competition, a relic of the Naval Brigades in the Boer War, between the Home Ports, later joined by the Fleet Air Arm. Devonport was the last winner. Submarines Tiptoe and Trump attacked Japanese convoy in Java Sea



















13th 14th

1917 1981








N. of Sunda Strait. Trump sank the largest ship (6,000 tons) at 1650. At 1845 Tiptoe sank the next largest (4,000 tons) so gaining the distinction of having fired the last effective torpedo by a British submarine in the Second World War. Adam, Admiral Viscount Duncan, victor of Camperdown, died, ‘meeting the stroke of Death with the dignity of a hero and the resignation of a true and sincere Christian’. Nelson said, ‘The name of Duncan will never be forgot by Britain and particularly by its navy’. One of the first naval courts martial held on shore. Skipper James Sadler RNR of HM Trawler Vale of Leven dismissed the Service at RNB Devonport for being drunk on board and, to the prejudice of good order and naval discipline, for bringing on board two women ‘of loose character and behaviour’ and keeping them in his cabin until the afternoon of the following day. Carrier Eagle towed from Portsmouth to Plymouth where she lay for six years being cannibalised to keep Ark Royal running. Submarine Severn sank the Italian S/M Michele Bianchi (34.48N, 13.04W). Corvette Dianthus sank U-379 in Atlantic having rammed her four times (57.11N, 30.57W). Convoy SC 94. A flight of four Sea Furies of 802 NAS from the carrier Ocean, led by Lt Peter ‘Hoagy’ Carmichael, attacked by eight MiG-15s over Korea. Carmichael destroyed one – the first MiG-15 shot down by the Royal Navy and remarkably by a piston-engined aircraft. The cruiser Tiger, in a summer leave AMP alongside Weston Mill Lake jetty, Devonport, fired a 6-in drill round into a dockyard crane. Maintainers had A turret trained at Red 90 with the guns at maximum depression and were using drill inert shells. They were unaware that the hoists contained a live charge that had not been unloaded after a recent shoot and when the hoists were operated, the automatic system put a cordite charge behind the drill round. The work required the triggers to be made. The gun fired. The shell hit the jetty and cut the shore power supply before ricocheting into a crane. The Gangway OOW, Midshipman Paul Haddacks, recalls Tiger receiving a prompt congratulatory signal (110730Z) from HMS Excellent: ‘A hit, a very palpable hit!’ (Hamlet, Act 5 Sc. 2. 295). Cdre the Hon. Keith Stewart (Nankin) and Maj-Gen. Sir Charles Van Straubenzee captured Nam tau, to punish the firing by the Chinese on a flag of truce. German air raid damaged RN Barracks, Portsmouth, Whale Island and HMS Hornet, the coastal forces base. Sloop Bergamot sunk by U-84 in Atlantic while serving as Q-ship. Closure of Dauntless at Burghfield. WRNS training moved to Raleigh at Torpoint. VJ Day. Japanese surrender. End of the Second World War. From Cin-C Fifth Fleet to Fifth Fleet Pacific: ‘The war with Japan will end at 12.00 on 15 August. It is likely that Kamikazes will attack the fleet after this time as a final fling. Any ex-enemy aircraft attacking the fleet is to be shot down in a friendly manner.’ Frigate Loch Killisport, Cdr G.C. Hathaway RN, left Portsmouth for the Gulf and the East Indies Station with a Royal Marines detachment of twenty men embarked as part of the ship’s company. The Royals had hitherto served only in warships of cruiser size and above. Leander (52) carrying Nelson’s Nile despatches taken and plundered















25th 26th

1944 1914

27th 28th

1979 1595








by Généreux (74) 6 miles W. of Gavdos Island, S.W. of Crete. She was restored in 1799 after the capture of Corfu. Nelson took the Généreux on 18 February 1800. Submarine E 13 stranded on Saltholm, wrecked by German gunfire, interned by Danes and sold for scrap in 1919. Convoy OG 71, which left the Mersey on 13 August carrying military supplies for Gibraltar, attacked by a German U-boat pack W. of Ireland. The commodore’s ship, the Yeoward liner SS Aguila, with ninety service personnel including twenty-two wrens (twelve cypher officers and ten chief wren W/T special operators), torpedoed and sunk by U-201 (49.23N, 17.56W); Cdre P.E. Parker (Vice-Admiral, retd) and 156 souls lost. Master and nine others rescued by corvette Wallflower, another six by tug Empire Oak which was herself torpedoed and sunk with all hands by U-564 on 22 August. The convoy escort included the corvette Campanula, whose First Lieutenant, LtCdr Nicholas Monsarrat, remembered the loss of the Wrens in his fictional character Third Officer Julie Hallam in The Cruel Sea in 1951. Future WRNS drafts were permitted passage in HM ships. A three-day court martial ended at Cochrane with five ABs from minehunter Iveston being found guilty of mutiny when the ship was lying at Ullapool on 5 and 6 July. The sentences ‘to be Dismissed with Disgrace’ were reduced on review by the Admiralty Board to ‘to be Dismissed from Her Majesty’s Service’. Sopwith Pup N6430 (Yarmouth) – a landplane flown off a cruiser – destroyed Zeppelin L-23 near Lodbjerg, Danish coast (56.35N, 07.49E). First victory for a cruiser-based aircraft. Three Swordfish of 824 Sqn (Eagle) sank the depot ship Monte Gargano, a destroyer and the S/M Iride in the Gulf of Bomba, bound for a ‘chariot’ raid on Alexandria. Opossum, Lt-Cdr J.R.G. Drummond RN, last of the Royal Navy’s thirteen Oberon-class diesel-electric submarines, paid off at Gosport. Earlier that month the thiry-year-old boat was the first Western submarine since the Second World War to visit Severomorsk, the Russian Northern Fleet base. RN Long Service and Good Conduct medal introduced, the award initially depending on twenty-one years’ service, reduced eventually to ten. Battleship Warspite bombarded Brest. Cruiser Highflyer sank the German armed merchant cruiser Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse off Rio de Oro, Spanish West Africa, only ten days out from Bremen. Murder of Admiral of the Fleet the Earl Mountbatten of Burma. Drake and Hawkins left Plymouth on what turned out to be their last voyage, since neither returned. Drake died of yellow fever and Hawkins of dysentery. Second Cod War. Collision between the Icelandic Coastguard vessel Aegir and the frigate Apollo. This resulted in the only fatality of all three Cod Wars when an electrician in Aegir, welding damaged bulwarks, was electrocuted when hit by a wave. Liberation of Hong Kong. Rear-Admiral C.H.J. Harcourt, flag in Swiftsure, entered harbour. Five hundred men landed from Swiftsure and Euryalus, who cleared the dockyard that evening. First women join Royal Marines, as (trained thrillers!)musicians.


2013 Christmas cards For Christmas 2013 a new Christmas card now in a smaller size than previous years. These are available with envelopes at £5 per pack of ten. You can also still buy the St Albans Christmas card at £5 per pack of ten.

Orders should be sent to HQ Semaphore Tower and be accompanied by a cheque or payment details for the total value. From: ................................................................Branch/Member Please provide................ Packs of2013 Christmas Cards @ £5 per pack Please provide ..............Packs of ten St Albans Christmas cards @ £5 per pack Deliver the order to S/M………………………………............ Address…………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………..................……………………………… …………………………………………….............. ………………………………………………………Post code………………… Find enclosed a cheque to the value of - £ ..................made out to The Royal Naval Association OR debit the ..........................................Branch for £.................. Or charge to my Credit Card/Debit Card; the details of which are: Credit Card/Debit Card Card No .................................................................... Card in the name of :...................................................................................... Valid From: ..................... Expires .................... Three Digit Security Code (where applicable) ............................................... Card holder’s address if different from delivery address Address ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………...... Post Code:……………………………


2014 Diaries The 2014 diary will be sold as the diary part only, price £5. If you need a diary with the blue crested cover it will cost £7 If you need a complete new diary eg Cover, Diary plus Address book, they can be ordered for £8. Cost includes P&P within the UK. Orders should be sent to the address below and be accompanied either by a cheque for the total value or instructions to debit a Branch Account. To: Royal Naval Association, Room 209 Semaphore Tower (PP70) HM Naval Base Portsmouth PO1 3LT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Order form

From: .................................................................Branch Please provide ……………… 2014 RNA insert Diaries @ £5 .00 each £ ...................... Please provide ……………… 2014 Diaries with Cover @ £7 .00 each £ ...................... Please provide ……………… Complete 2014 Diaries @ £8 .00 each

£ ......................

TOTAL £............ Deliver the order to S/M………………………………………………………… Address ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………...... Post Code:…………………………… Find enclosed a cheque to the value of - £ ..................made out to The Royal Naval Association OR debit the ..........................................Branch for £.................. Or charge to my Credit Card/Debit Card; the details of which are: Credit Card/Debit Card Type ........... ...... Account No .................................. . Card in the name of :................................................................. Valid From: ................................ Expires ..................................................... . Three Digit Security Code (where applicable) ............................................... Card holder’s address of different from delivery address Address ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………...... Post Code:……………………………


FORM RNA C/3 APPLICATION FOR ANNUAL PERMIT FOR A REGISTERED ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION CLUB (To be submitted to RNA Headquarters by 7 December 2013) PART I 1. Name of Club in full ..............................................................................................................(a) 2. Registered Office Address ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ Tel.............................................Post Code...................................... 3. Premises owned by : Club/Branch/Other..................................................................................(c) 4. Membership as at 31 October 2013 : Life........................Full........................Assoc........................ (e-1) ANNUAL PERMIT 2014 5. The Club committee herebye applies for the renewal of the Annual permit and undertakes to comply with all the conditions therein. (e) 6. The Club Committee confirm that the Club is registered with the FSA and has submitted their accounts. Dated ....................................... Signed by Hon Secretary................................................................ Dated ....................................... Signed by Chairman....................................................................... PART II The Committee of the ......................................... Branch of the Royal Naval Association has examined the above application and supports it. (b) The present paid up membership of the branch is: Life......................Full...................Assoc...................... (a) (b) Signed by the Branch Hon Secretary................................................................. Dated............................ PART III Number.......... Area in which the ....................................Branch is situated recommends that National Council approves this application. (b) Signed by the Area Hon Secretary .......................................................................Dated............................. PART IV This application is approved by the National Council. Signed on their behalf...................................................................


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