Semaphore Circular #633 (October 2013)

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The Semaphore Circular No 633

The Beating Heart of the RNA

October 2013

RNA Shipmates marching in Whitehall during the Biennial Parade with Lord Nelson watching on Find Semaphore Circular On-line ; or... RNA Website – Members Area – Downloads – Circulars – Code (Shipmate) 1

Dear Shipmates (Secretaries and our on-line readers) Welcome to the October edition of the Semaphore Circular – by the way you are not mad – there was no September circular. We realised that whilst to the HQ this is a September circ (deadline day is normally 23rd of the month), it actually gets to you for your October meetings, so we have decided to recalibrate the month to reality. You will see a nice article on the Biennial Parade and a mention in the Chairman’s chat. It was the biggest parade for some years and we were joined by some IMC comrades from the Netherlands and Belgium and CONA members from various associations, including the Merchant Navy Association who had to get a taxi to Tower Hill for his own service. It was also grand to meet many HQ roll members. It was a rare privilege to meet 11 Arctic Star veterans and to hear their stories – and a wonderful celebration by the RNA of their courage and sacrifice. The Second Sea Lord loved his day and sent a very nice note the same evening; his address is on the website with his many kind and supportive comments on the modern role the RNA is playing with mentoring and the Shipmates programme. The Minister for Veterans also had a great day and met many Shipmates. OK some important business reminders: • •

• • • • •

Those who want to march at the remembrance Sunday Parade contact Nigel asap for your tickets, remember sarnies in the Civil Service club afterwards (Darts Room). It is about now that you need to start debating any branch motion that you might want to put before Conference 2014. The deadline is 21 February with me, to give me time to pass to the Chair of the Standing Orders Committee and get the Agenda out to you in time. See the Chairman’s Chat for important news on the Rule Review, which will be put before Conference 2014. There are elections for the NCM and DNCM for 1,3,4,5,10 and 12 Areas, nominations to be by 21 Feb 14. Elections for 2 places on the Standing Orders committee. Absolutely vital that those coming to Conference 2014 book their hotel asap, particularly important if you are sending a delegate, since it will be important for delegates to have a room at the Royal Court Hotel. Branches with Clubs MUST complete Form C3 by the December deadline or their licence to trade will lapse on 1 Jan 14. Please ensure the Club sec and tres see this Circ. We have taken delivery of RNA hats, bookmarks, car stickers – so if you would like to stock up give Nigel a ring.

I have been asked by some branches, what the arrangements for the dedication of the Naval Service memorial are, in case they just want to travel on the day. The date is Sunday 15 June 2014 and the time of the service is 1200, we are expecting a lot of attendees so you will need to be early and to bring your own collapsible chairs for those who might struggle to stand for the whole service. We hope to provide an opportunity to present Arctic Stars to recipients and to Next of Kin, who ought to have received their medals by then. It is unlikely that there will be any social event at the Arboretum to allow people to visit other parts, but that something will be done later in the afternoon at the Conference Hotel. The National President always asks me his ‘Royal Yacht’ question ‘What happens if it rains’ – my usual answer is ‘We get wet’, for this service wet weather routine is to wear our popular RNA weatherproof coat. We have confirmed a Royal Marine Band for the event and a VVIP guest of honour. Do please keep the donations coming in as well!! The recent National Council meeting saw the re-election of Shipmate Chris Dovey (8 Area) as National Chair for another year and a contested election for National Vice Chair which was won by Shipmate Keith Crawford (9 Area). It was the first meeting for Shipmate Tony Sattin (2 Area) and Shipmate Gordon Williams (7 Area). Tony is an ex-AGS from Chelsea Manor Street days. 2

The National Council are delighted to say that following the Conference that the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity (RNRMC) has been formally adopted by the RNA as the preferred charity, aligned for fundraising. This does not prevent any branch raising funds for any charity that meets the requirements of the RNA’s charitable objects, but the RNRMC should be the normal naval benevolent charity of choice, since it assesses the needs of naval charities every few months and places money where it is most needed for naval veterans and serving. We hope to work closely with the RNRMC on fundraising. They have shown commitment to the RNA by their recent grant of £20,000 to the Naval Service Memorial. Visit the RNRMC website at The National Council has recently appointed Commodore Mark Slawson OBE RN as the new Deputy National President following advice from the Second Sea Lord and Naval Secretary as to the most rum-resistant 1-star recently retired!! Commodore Mark is a wonderfully warm and intelligent man, which is amazing for a stoker (sorry engineer officer clanky). He has recently finished being the CO of HMS SULTAN and Commandant of the Deference College of Technical Training, which included teaching RAF air engineers how to wind up a rubber band and get up before 4 o’clockers. He is married to Clare and they have one son, their home is in Bradford on Avon.

As ever, Paul General Secretary

Musicians from the orchestra of the Royal Marines Band, Collingwood will provide guests with an hour of Baroque music in the upper gallery of the Museum followed by a Masked Supper in the former Officers’ Dining Room. Seafarers UK and the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Children’s Fund will be hosting this event jointly in aid of the Seafarers UK Children’s Appeal. During supper, there will be a silent auction as well as a small prize draw at each table. Tickets are £150 each. To book, please print and fill in the booking form and return to Clare Scherer, The Royal Navy & Royal Marines Children’s Fund, 311 Twyford Avenue, Stamshaw, Portsmouth PO2 8RN.


Chairman’s Chat – September 2013 I am starting to write this Chat while waiting for my wife Gail to come out of the operating theatre having had a hip replacement operation. We arrived at 0730 this morning at the hospital in Kidderminster and the pre-op service she has been given, the room she has been allocated, and the staff she has dealt with so far have all been excellent. I know Gail is in very good hands and I look forward to seeing her shortly free of her arthritic hip at last – well one of them anyway! (Ed note: The operation went well and Chris is now running around after Gail, who is recovering at home) We have just had the Biennial Parade weekend and I just want to add my comments to those of the GS and say what a great day it was. I was so proud to be the National Chairman of an organisation which can put on such a splendid event at the iconic centre of UK Remembrance and to be supported by not only the Second Sea Lord and the MOD Minister of State for Personnel and Veterans Affairs but by so many fellow Shipmates and Standards, serving Sailors, Sea Cadets, an excellent Sea Cadet band and also Shipmates from the Naval Associations of Belgium, the Irish Republic and the Netherlands. Most of all it was an immense pleasure to witness 11 Arctic Convoy veterans be presented with their Arctic Stars by the 2SL. A great day all round. The GS tells me there is a photo of me elsewhere in this Circular waiting for the parade to set off which should bring a smile to your faces. Fun and comradeship is what the RNA is primarily all about so do enjoy it! The Saturday preceding the Parade we held the September National Council meeting in the Union Jack Club. I had the great honour of chairing that meeting as the National President was away on duty in Croatia and our new DNP, Cdre Mark Slawson, had not yet been appointed. I’m not sure but I believe this may be the first time that a National Chairman has actually chaired a National Council meeting. If so, history has been made and perhaps a precedent has been set for some time in the future. But I am very happy for Adm McAnally to return as I don’t want him to read this and think I am planning a coup! On 2 September I had the pleasure of joining Chelmsford Branch as they celebrated their 75th Anniversary year. It was a very enjoyable occasion with the unveiling of a commemorative plaque in the County Library. The Chairman of Essex County Council joined me in unveiling it and her support was instrumental in having the plaque positioned in the Library. Well done Chelmsford Branch and thank you for inviting me to join you. In October I join Lee on the Solent and Stubbington for their Standard Dedication, in November I am at Bloxwich Branch for their Diamond Jubilee Anniversary celebrations and in December I am in Hull for the same anniversary celebrations of their Branch. These anniversaries are testament to the longevity of the RNA and it is incumbent upon us all to see that continue on into the distant future. Shipmates, I want to use the main thrust of this chat to update you all on the progress of the Rule Review. This began when I was National Vice Chairman in 2009, but over the past 6 months a concerted effort has been made to bring it to fruition. The work done by Keith Crawford as Chairman of the review team, Ivan Hunter, Jeremy Owens and more recently Paddy McClurg, in those few months has seen real focussed progress and it is our intention to have the suggested


new Charter, Rules and Bye-Laws out to the Branches and Areas by the end of this year for a prolonged study before they are presented to Conference 2014 for approval. The Charter and Rules, together with suggested new Standing Orders, are now being submitted to the Privy Council, who have kindly agreed to perform a preliminary scrutiny of them so that anything which may be likely to be a problem can be amended before sending out to the Membership and submitting to Conference. As well as updating Charter and Rules where appropriate the Rule Review team have suggested some significant changes to their format: a. The Rules have been rearranged into a more logical order of presentation and to ease searches through them. b. Inconsistencies between different parts of the Rules have been ironed out, grammatical and linguistic errors corrected, and some general tidying up of layout and presentation have all been done. c. Where possible the Charter and Rules have been amended to reflect key principles in the governance of the RNA. Specific detail, where appropriate, has been removed and placed in Bye-Laws. This will speed up the implementation of any approved Conference amendments to the detail since Bye-Law amendments can be approved by National Council. Only changes of principle to the Charter and Rules will need Privy Council approval. d. A new set of Bye-Laws, numbered with the prefix letter C, are being suggested to cover the running of Conference. Obviously, with such a major overhaul of the RNA Rules, there will inevitably be things we have missed or overlooked, and that is why we are keen to get the completed amendments to the full rulebook out to the Membership well in advance of Conference 2014. The National Council have seen, and accepted, the provisional new Charter and Rules, and once these come back from Privy Council scrutiny, the Bye-Laws will be completed to reflect any suggested changes they may make. The complete set will then be over to you for comment. I would ask you to study them carefully and raise any points you may have with the Rule Review team, through HQ, well before Conference. We are asking you not to put forward any amendments as Motions to Conference since this could result in a very lengthy period of Conference debate. By forwarding your suggestions directly to the Rule Review team we hope to have time to incorporate any appropriate amendments into the new Rules before they are presented to Conference. Whatever the result, by the time we get to Coventry 2014 I would hope that Conference would be prepared to accept the Rule Review team’s work en bloc, and leave any detailed amendment proposals until Conference 2015. It may be necessary to have a debate on one or two specific amendments before the Motion to accept the complete set is put Conference, so as to avoid the entire new rule book being rejected because of one or two specific items of concern I hope that you can accept this and I give you my assurance that before the debate in Coventry the Rule Review team will have studied each and every Article, Rule and Bye-Law in detail to ensure that the rights and obligations of you the Members are at the forefront of all changes proposed. I look forward to your support, Shipmates, and I am always available to address any concerns you may have.

Yours Aye, Chris Dovey 5

Daily Orders 1. Report on Biennial Parade 2. Charter Challenge 2014 – RMRNC Donation 3. Field of Remberance 7 Nov 13 4. Newsflash… Royal Marine Joke 5. Tiger Woods visits Ireland 6. 2014 RNA Diary 7. Post Trauma Stress Disorder Survey – Channel 4 News 8. We Come Unseen – RNA Author 9. 10 Area Joke 10. Donations for Central Charities Fund 11. Donations to Charter Challenge 2014 12. Finance Corner – Michelle 13. Guess Where? 14. Arctic Star Process 15. The Annual National Service for Seafarers 2013 16. Russell J Larsen 17. British legion Poppy Shop Discount 18. The lost sailors of HMS Illustrious 19. Memory Lane - Pussers Breakfast 20. Pussers Rum Piped Onboard Harrods. 21. Can you help? 22. Double Seven Reunion 23. One for the Ladies 24. Burnside Croft Holiday Cottage Discount Offer 25. Pembroke House Care and Nursing Home 26. Book Review 27. Hospital and Medical Care Association (HMCA) Deal

“D’ye hear there” (Branch news) Shortcast Longcast Ship’s Office 1. Swinging the Lamp


For the Branch Secretary and notice-board Glossary of terms NCM NC AMC FAC NCh NVCh NP DNP GS AGS Asap CONA IMC Throughout

National Council Member National Council Association Management Committee Finance Administration Committee National Chairman National Vice Chairman National President Deputy National President General Secretary Assistant General Secretary As soon as possible Conference of Naval Associations International Maritime Confederation indicates a new or substantially changed entry

Contacts: Financial Controller

023 9272 3823


023 9272 3371

Assistant General Secretary (Membership & Slops)

023 9272 3747

Assistant General Secretary (Shipmates Programme Manager Circular, Events & Marketing)

023 9272 0782

Shipmates Administrator

023 9272 0782

General Secretary

023 9272 2983


023 92 72 3747

RNA HQ Staff continue to attempt to build a library of e-mail addresses within the Association. It would be extremely helpful if those Branch Secretaries able to communicate by e-mail would forward a short e-message to HQ to

Snail Trail Mail - Postal Address RNA HQ, Room 209, PP70, Semaphore Tower, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth Hants PO1 3LT 7

Daily Orders 1.

Report on RNA Biennial Parade - Whitehall Sunday 08 September 2013

The RNA Biennial parade assembled in bright sunlight in Whitehall Place under the direction of S/M Mick Kiernan the Parade Marshall ably assisted by Shipmates Chris Durban and Jim Patterson. Leading the parade were the South West Band of the Sea Cadets who were followed by forty Sailors from HMS COLLINGWOOD and HMS SULTAN, 58 Standards, a platoon consisting of Shipmates and members of partner Associations and finally Sea Cadets from TS Tormentor in Warsash, in total over five hundred people. The Standards included representatives from; Association of Wrens, RMA, HMS Glamorgan Association, HMS BRISTOL Association, Jewish Ex Servicemen, Irish Naval Association and Naval Associations from the Netherlands and Belgium The reviewing Officer this year was the Second Sea Lord, Vice Admiral David Steel CBE who was accompanied by Shipmate the Right Hon Mark Francois MP, Minister for Defence for Personnel, Welfare and Veterans, who is a member of RNA Rayleigh Branch. This year during the Cenotaph Service, which was conducted by the Reverend Scott Brown QHC RN, RNA, our Hon Padre and Chaplain of the Fleet, featured the presentation of eleven Arctic Star Medals. The Arctic Veterans, accompanied by their families, gathered at the Civil Service Club where they were welcomed and hosted by Michelle Bainbridge and her husband Bob, who is a former State Ceremonial Warrant Officer; and National Council member Warrant Officer Tim Bower. The Arctic Star party were transferred to the Cenotaph by mini-bus to await the arrival of the parade prior to the service and presentation ceremony. Once the parade had marched down Whitehall and arrived at the Cenotaph the parade was called to attention in honour of the arrival of the Arctic Star veterans who took up their position opposite to the Cenotaph. At the end of the service 2SL, accompanied by the Minister, presented the eleven Arctic Star Medals which included congratulating Shipmate Ray Capelin on his 90th Birthday. Incredibly Shipmate Bill Perks and Shipmate Albert Foulser both served in HMS WALKER at the same time and had not seen each other for seventy years!!


On completion of the service and presentation ceremony, the parade was reviewed by 2SL and the Minister, which included most of the Arctic Star Veterans who insisted they march! Those who could not march mounted the mini-buses who formed a platoon at the rear of the parade and were saluted by Vice Admiral Steel.

After a few words for the National President and Shipmate Mark Francois, who promised to keep his speech short as the one thing he was certain about was not to get between a shipmate and his tot! Everyone proceeded to the Civil Service Club for a well earned pint and social. Shipmates Bill and Albert enjoying a beer in the Civil Service club with new Deputy National President Commodore Mark Slawson


Charter Challenge 2014 – RNRMC Donation

The Naval Service Memorial The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity is proud to announce its support of the RNA’s Naval Service Memorial; the first all-inclusive memorial to commemorate those who have served, serve today and will serve tomorrow regardless of rank, trade or fighting arm. The Charity’s £20,000 gift will contribute to the construction of the memorial, which will be placed in the Naval Section of the National Memorial Arboretum. Chief Executive Robert Robson says: “Graeme Mitcheson’s highly innovative design – using glass panels, sculpture and the sun’s natural rays – is a timeless piece. Robert continues: “The memorial pays tribute to all of our Navy personnel, irrespective of their rank or division, in the most touching and sensitive of ways. It will offer visitors a visually immersive space from which to quietly remember their comrades and loved ones. It is truly powerful – and this is why the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity is proud to offer its support.” To date, funding for the Memorial has been sourced from a number of supporters including the Royal Naval Association National Council and other contributors both individual and collective, yet further funds are still needed.


The Memorial will be dedicated at the National Memorial Arboretum on 15 June 2014 (be there!!). Support the Memorial Donations can be made to the Royal Naval Association. Please contact Paul Quinn on or 02392722983.


Field of Remembrance – Thursday 7 November 2013

If branches wish to place a cross in the RNA Garden of Remembrance please place your orders with Nigel at HQ, or directly with the Legion for Plot 288. Again those who want to attend then please forward your details to Andy or Nigel as entry is by ticket only, which you can obtain from HQ. On the day you will also be required to bring a form of ID with you, and you will need to be through the garden gate by 1015 and muster at the RNA plot, where there will be followed by a short service. The National President and General Secretary will be in attendance and the GS can be contacted on his mobile – 07850 646755 (if required)

4. Newsflash ..... National Chairman instructing National Council on how to ‘mince ‘ by numbers.... Hallo Sailor!

Unless you have any other ideas of what is going on ?................



Tiger Woods visits Ireland

During a golf tour to Ireland Tiger Woods is drove his Mercedes into a petrol station in a remote part of the Irish countryside. The attendant, who knows absolutely nothing about golf, greets him in a typically friendly Irish manner... “Top of the mornin’toyer, sir” Tiger nods a quick hello and bends forward to pick up the nozzle. As he does so two tees fall out of his shirt pocket and onto the forecourt. “What are those?” asks the attendant “They’re called tees” replies Tiger “Well what on Gods earth are dey for ?? inquires the Irishman “They’re for resting my balls on when I’m driving “ says Tiger “Fecking Hell” says the Irishman “Mercedes think of everything don’t dey”.........


RNA Diary 2014

It‘s that time of year again......... The 2014 RNA Diary is now available. This year you can buy a new cover with your diary if needed or just the Diary insert alone. We also have complete diaries too. Despite the rise in postage we have chosen to keep the prices the same as last year. Please use the order form at the back of this Circular. As in previous years the diary can be used from the 1 October this year.

7. Post Trauma Stress Disorder Survey – Channel 4 News

Channel 4 News are carrying out an anonymous survey of veterans who have, or have had, PTSD to find out about their experiences. Getting as many responses to the survey as possible will make the results more powerful. Channel 4 has received a great response so far, but are giving one final push to get the survey out again. The survey can be found here: or for further details please contact Jessie Potts Studio 9 Films 01474 815539.


RNA Author – We come unseen

The GS warmly recommends this great book of submarine adventure in the Second World War off Australia. The story follows the boat’s TS and is spot on for submarine jargon, naval dits – etc. You may not be able to put a snort on afterwards but maybe after re-reading …… Proceeds go to BLESMA and SSAFA.


If you would like a copy contact Frederick Read on 07813 287053 – a great prize or Christmas present, or write to him at 9 Ynysowen cottages, Cardiff road, Merthyr Vale CF48 4R. Copies are £10.99, but I am sure that if you are RNA he could manage a deal.


10 Area Joke

A friend of mine was skuba diving when he was attacked by a snake-like creature, which kept biting at his facemask. He asked me what it might be I told him..... “When an eel bites your eye like a big pizza pie.......... That’s a MOR AY” (Boom Boom..) (Editor’s Note no wonder the Vanguard Floundered (Do you get it!!))


Donations received for the Central Charities Fund RNA - Chatham RNA - Harlow In memory of J McMasters In memory of TH Brock In memory of S Dawe Liverpool Parish Church

£11.00 £50.00 £289.80 £312.13 £316.65 £195.18

Thank you very much


Donations received for the Charter Challenge 2014 – Naval Service Memorial • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

RNA - Portland RNA – Millom RNA – Folkestone RNA – Newport Sth Wales RNA – Delabole RNA Sevenoakes RNA – Spennymoor RNA – Ketton RNA – East Grinstead RNA – Huntingdon No 3 Area DF Ward CS Ford TJ Sims-Williams SJ Clements HM Sasson Charitakle Trust Area 1 DH Coombe T Sanders I Webster EH Clayton

Once Again very many thanks


£150.00 £100.00 £200.00 £100.00 £100.00 £50.00 £50.00 £100.00 £25.00 £50.00 £500.00 £50.00 £8.00 £20.00 £100.00 £200.00 £1000.00 £50.00 £25.00 £40.00 £100.


Finance Corner – Michelle

Hallo Shipmates I’m back again after my annual leave which now seems such a distant memory! I have had an exciting time since my last column including attending the Second Sea Lord’s Garden Party and acting as hostess for eleven Arctic Star Veterans during the presentation ceremony at the RNA Biennial Parade in Whitehall. Captain Paul asked me a few months ago if I would like to look after the Arctic Star Veterans and to hand their medals to 2SL who would present them to each Veteran, as you can imagine I agreed. This took a lot of organising, meetings & training before the event. My special boys, some of who are in their 90s did very well standing at the Cenotaph for the Service & National Anthem, followed by their proud moment of receiving from 2SL their Arctic Star Medal. On completion of their glamorous group photo shoot, it turned out two of the Veterans hadn’t seen each other for 70 years, how amazing and fate (if you believe in fate) that they should meet again after all those years was quite emotional I must say. All in all, it went very well and I too, was very proud and felt honoured to be a part of this very special ceremony. Now back to finance issues......... •

All Pooled Fare invoices will reflect in your 3rd Quarter Branch Accounts, which I will be producing at the end of October.

2nd Quarter Branch Accounts – I only managed to produce up to P’s in the Alphabet, time ran out, and my workload exploded. As soon as I’ve finished Management Accounts I will try and go back, or if you are desperate for your branch figures, you can e-mail me. Otherwise I will include in your 3rd Quarter Branch Accounts.

I am still noticing that some Branches are still sending me individual cheques for each and every item, this is not necessary. One cheque for the total with items written on the reverse. Looking forward to seeing some of you at the HQ Open Day on the 11th October. Michelle

13. Guess Where? An Establishment! Can you name the establishment and where it is? Please forward any other pictures to the HQ that you may have for ‘Guess Where’ so that we publish them in forthcoming Circulars. Answer again in next month’s edition. Last month’s answer! HMS Osprey - Portland



Arctic Star Medal Issue Process – A note from the Medals Office

Eligibility for both the Arctic Star and its predecessor the Arctic Emblem (AE), is predicated on 1 day's service north of the Arctic Circle from Sep 39 to May 45. When the AE was introduced in 2006, to facilitate the MOD Medal Office assessment process, in addition to the book by Ruegg and Hague a list was compiled of ships that could be identified as having deployed into Arctic waters on nonConvoy activity. It was accepted that this list could not be regarded as exhaustive and if a claim for Arctic recognition is received in respect of a ship not previously identified, additional research is conducted from any reasonably available sources to establish the ship's potential eligibility. When an application is received at MOD Medal Office, unless the applicant provides proof of entitlement, e.g. a copy of their service records, MOD Medal Office will usually call for a copy of the applicant's records from the MOD personnel archives in Derbyshire and examine these to determine if it can be established whether the applicant ever served on a ship that has been identified as having deployed either on a Convoy, or otherwise north of the Arctic Circle. The Medal Office do not place sole reliance on the information provided in the application.


The Annual National Service for Seafarers 2013

Shipmates are invited to attend the Annual National Service for Seafarers 2013 on Wednesday 16 October at 1700 at St Paul’s Cathedral London. Any Shipmate who would like to attend this special service is requested to contact Nigel at HQ on 02392 723747 or who will co-ordinate ticket allocation. All attendees will be required to bring some form of photographic ID as well as their ticket.


Russell J Larsen

Russell J Larsen of Logan Utah had inscribed on his Headstone the five rules for men to follow to enable them to have a happy life; Rule 1 - It’s important to have a woman who helps at home, cooks from time to time, cleans up and has a job. Rule 2 - It’s important to have a woman who can make you laugh. Rule 3 - It’s important to have a woman you can trust and doesn’t lie to you. Rule 4 - It’s important to have a woman who is good in bed, and likes to be with you. Finally, Rule 5 - It’s very very important that these four women do not know each other or you could end up dead like me......



British Legion Poppy Shop – Discount

For information Shipmates who are also RBL Members now receive 15% discount at the Poppy Shop. When ordering they should use the code MEMBER15, which will be applied to the purchase upon checkout.

18. The Lost Sailors of HMS ILLUSTRIOUS – A final reminder... A Small memorial service, for the lost sailors of HMS Illustrious (see last month’s issue), will be held on 12th October 2013 , led by Portland Sea Cadets who will lay a wreath at 15.00. Anyone who would like to attend would be very much welcomed. For further information please contact : Miss Diane Coleman (National Secretary) 01424 720745, Miss Ann Lefley (Hon Treasurer) 01903 771934 or Mr Mike Brockwell (Vice Chairman) 01293 520352.


Memory Lane – Pussers Breakfast?

A can of ‘Red Death’ or CSB and a ‘Pussers Blue Liner’ for breakfast, those were the days..... Each month you were entitled to receive 3 cigarette coupons entitled you to 300 cigarettes or the equivalent amount in ‘tickler’ (tin of pipe/roll up tobacco). If you didn’t smoke you were very popular as coupons were extremely tradable. Jack was allowed 25 cigarettes a night whilst on shore and 200 when proceeding on leave. They were extremely cheap because the buzz was that they were made up from the sweepings from the factory floor. In the 1960’s you could obtain plain and tipped versions. The cigarettes were in fact manufactured by various manufacturers including ‘Gallaghers’- ‘BAT’ - ‘Sobraine’ and were signified on the back of packs by their initial ie ‘G’ for Gallaghers etc The Cigarettes are supplied duty free for the Officers and Men of the Royal Navy and were not to be landed, given away or disposed of contrary to regulations!


‘Pussers’ Rum piped onboard Harrods.

Harrods Wine & Spirit department is one of the first retail outlets to stock Pusser’s 15 Year Old Rum following its availability in the UK. After an absence of almost a year when global stock of this rum was depleted due to consumer demand, limited supplies to the UK became available in July. The Pusser’s is the original rum of the Royal Navy, blended to the specification laid down by the Admiralty more than 300 years ago. The issue of the daily tot to serving sailors was the longest standing tradition in the Navy but was discontinued on 31 July 1970, known as Black Tot 15

Day. It had never been available for public consumption, but with permission from the Admiralty Pusser’s Rum was first sold to the public in 1980. As a premium rum Pusser’s 15 Year Old is available in outlets like Harrods and speciality retailers such as Nauticalia. Pusser’s Rum is distributed in the UK by Cellar Trends. For stockists contact the UK distributor Cellar Trends at


Can you Help - Frog and Onion Pub, Bermuda

Rob Dobson the Manager of the Frog and Onion Pub in the Old Cooperage at the Royal Naval Dockyard, Bermuda has contacted the Semaphore Circular to enquire if any Shipmates have any photos/anecdotes etc that could be displayed about the pub. The Dockyard closed in 1952 leaving just HMS MALABAR which unfortunately closed in 1995. Royal Navy ships still visit Ireland Island and Hamilton occasionally, HMS Argyll visited last month and HMS Lancaster called in enroute to the Caribbean. Any Shipmates visiting Bermuda would be made to feel most welcome at the Frog and Onion and will be offered a discount on production of an RNA membership Card.


Double Seven Reunion

NOW WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT AGAIN :-'cause without it we can't do it ,can we’ There are two weekends coming up Friday 4th October to Monday 7th £96.00 pp Plus £4.00 pp insurance and we also have the weekend 24th April to 28th April 2014 at the same price . Please book soonest to avoid disappointment, as you will not regret it and thoroughly enjoy your weekend Please book direct with Katey Lansley (bookings and enquiries) 02392 460044.


One for the Ladies....

Dorothy and Edna, two "senior" widows, are talking. Dorothy: "That nice George Johnson asked me out for a date. I know you went out with him last week, and I wanted to talk with you about him before I give him my answer." Edna: "Well, I'll tell you. He showed up at my flat at 7 pm, immaculately dressed like such a fine gentleman with a bunch of beautiful flowers for me! Then he takes me downstairs where a limousine with uniformed chauffeur is waiting. He takes me out for a fantastic dinner; lobster, champagne, dessert, and after-dinner drinks. He then took me to the theatre to see a show. Let me tell you Dorothy, I enjoyed it so much I could have just died from pleasure! He takes me back to my flat I invite him in for coffee and then.......he turns into an ANIMAL. Completely crazy, he tears 16

off my expensive new dress and has his way with me three times!" Dorothy: “Goodness gracious!... so you are telling me I shouldn't go out with him?" Edna: "No, no, no... I'm just saying, wear an old dress."


Burnside Croft Holiday Cottage Discount Offer

Shipmates fancy a holiday in the Highlands then Burnside Croft Holiday Cottage could be exactly the kind of self catering accommodation you have been looking for with two bedrooms it is situated at By – Beauly near Inverness and best of all RNA members get a 25% discount. For further information please contact S/M Bob Coburn on 01463 782162/ 77909 441990 or e-mail


Pembroke House Care and Nursing Home

Pembroke House is the Royal Naval Benevolent Trust’s care and nursing home in Gillingham, Kent. While the Home caters specifically for those who have served as ratings in the Royal Navy or as other ranks in the Royal Marines and their spouses, applicants from the other Services will also be considered. In addition to full time residency, the Home also provides high quality respite breaks of varying duration. The Home has consistently achieved the Care Quality Commission’s top award for setting and maintaining the highest care standards. Recently extended and improved, the Home now offers 55 en-suite rooms with approximately half allocated for nursing care. Pembroke House is situated in fine landscaped grounds with 17

panoramic views of the River Medway and beyond and is tastefully decorated on a nautical theme. Supported by a vibrant volunteer body (the Friends of Pembroke House) the Home has an excellent relationship with the local community and enjoys regular access to the local attractions as well as events further afield. There are strong ties with the local Royal Naval and Royal Marine Associations, several branches of which regularly visit the Home and in turn invite the residents to their meetings and social events. Weekly fees for the current Financial Year (2013/14) range from £495.00 to £551.00 for residential care and £754.00 to £819.00 for nursing. Care packages are tailored to each individual and are subject to regular review as needs change; Pembroke House is not a ‘one size fits all’ care and nursing home! Local Authority funded residents are accommodated provided the fees are topped up where there is a shortfall in Local Authority funding. The Trust does not assist with funding shortfalls for new residents on the basis that its charitable funds are utilised to provide the highest standards of care and facility within the Home for all residents to enjoy at rates that are below the market average. The Trust only employs staff with the right combination of skills and personality to work in the Home that is equipped to the highest standards; our aim is to provide assisted living at the right level that allows residents to enjoy a full and as far as possible independent and active life in warm, friendly and comfortable surroundings. For more details contact the Admissions Officer on 01634 852431 or e-mail to ; further details may also be found on the RNBT’s web site


Book Review

Anatomy of the Ship Series 1. 2.

The Battle Cruiser HOOD by John Roberts £14.99 The Battleship DREADNOUGHT by John Roberts £16.99

These are two books of a series intended for the real ship enthusiast, naval historian or model maker. They are not about the life of the ship in commission but provide detailed technical information about the design and construction of two of the Royal Navy’s most iconic warships of the 20th Century. Some 70% of each book contains brilliantly executed live drawings by the author, who has been described “as the best ship draughtsman in the UK”. They also contain a brief introduction to service and design concepts of the ship and a photographic section containing images from the in-service life of the ships. Not light bed-time reading but those interested in the technicalities of warship design they are unique. Both books published by Conway/Anova Books Group Ltd. or


Hospital and Medical Care Association (HMCA) Deal

Hospital & Medical Care Association ( HMCA) have provided high quality cost effective medical plans to members of associations for over 35 years and currently deal with some 700 professional and trades associations nationally.


HMCA frequently get enquiries from a wide range of members and the following are a selection of frequently asked questions that will answer the most obvious questions regarding private medical insurance and highlight some of the benefits of the HMCA Medical Care Plan. SPECIAL GUARANTEED TRANSFER FACILITY – NO MORITORIUM OR WAITING PERIOD Can cover be transferred from an existing Plan? Will acute conditions be honoured for future? Claims once transfer to HMCA Medical Extra Care Plan? Cover can be transferred from an existing plan and future claims made for acute conditions originating at the time you were participating in a previous plan will be honoured. HOSPITAL CHOICE S FOR MEMBERS Can members choose a hospital in their area and close to home? Is there a wide coverage of hospitals nationally? Are there any additional charges for some London Hospitals? Members can choose a hospital in their area and close to home as HMCA have full national coverage of UK hospitals. There are no additional or extra costs for any London Hospitals. OVERSEAS COVER Are members automatically covered for overseas travel at no extra cost? Do spouses receive benefits when hospitalised abroad? How long do the benefits last? Members are automatically covered for overseas travel and at no extra cost as this is included in your plan. Spouses receive double benefits when hospitalised abroad and for up to 6 months. SPORTING ACTIVITIES What sports and sporting activities are covered? Are there any restrictions on some sports? All sporting activities are covered for members and there are no exclusions on any sports whatsoever. NHS HOSPITAL CASH BENEFIT What happens if a member is wholly treated in an NHS Hospital? What is the benefit and how long is it for? If a member receives treatment in an NHS Hospital then HMCA will pay a Tax Free Cash Benefit of £200 per night and for up to 30 nights. NO EXCESS PAYMENTS OR DEDUCTIBLES Are there any excesses or deductibles to take into consideration with this plan? There are no excess or deductibles under any of our plans. COMPARATIVE COSTS AGAINST OTHER PLANS Are subscriptions competitive with other plans? HMCA plans can be 50% cheaper than comparative plans as these plans are not offered to the General Public and only to members of Professional and Membership Associations.

CLAIMS HANDLING – NO WAITING PERIOD Is there any waiting period before any eligible claims are payable? There is a first class claims handling service to support the quality of the plans for members. HMCA realise the importance of resolving and settling eligible claims as quickly and efficiently as possible to add peace of mind when members are faced with stressful circumstances during their illness. There is no waiting period before eligible claims are payable. FREE MEDICAL INFORMATION HELPLINE


Is this service free of charge? What services are included? When is this service available? Can it only be used when making a claim? Can members speak on confidential matters and is there a counselling service available? This service is provided free of charge to all HMCA medical Extra Care Plan members. It is operated by fully qualified medical staff and offers a wealth of information regardless of whether making a claim. Information can be given on medical conditions, changing your doctor, social services, self-help groups and much more. This also includes a counselling service which is available 24 hours a day 365 days a year allowing members to discuss their problems in confidence and with a qualified counsellor at a time convenient to them. ADDITIONAL BENEFITS FOR MEMBERS Are there any further benefits available to members who subscribe to the plans? All members who subscribe to any of the HMCA Plans automatically qualify for an additional range of benefits which include £50 worth of Marks & Spencer’s vouchers after their first complete year of annual subscription, Hotel and Travel discounts and savings on a range of popular Publications and Health products. For more information or no-obligation discussion please contact our team on 01423 866985 or you can visit our website at for further details on the range of plans.

‘D’ye hear there’..... News from around the Areas and Branches

Area 8 Area 8 Shipmates have a new Secretary and Deputy NCM S/M Paul Mawhinney who can be contacted on 01922 473613 or e-mail

RNA Bexhill Branch The Bexhill Branch will be holding their annual Trafalgar Dinner on Friday 18th October 2013 from 18.30 for 19.15 at the Egerton Park Indoor Bowls Club, Egerton Road, Bexhill. Our principle guest this year will be The Lord Lieutenant for East Sussex, Mr Peter Field and his wife Margaret. For further information please contact the Hon Sec Fred Cayton at or 01424 219035.

NATAL Branch Shipmate Michael Jackson (complete with gloved hand and Monkey!) visited HQ to pass on the Branch members best wishes to the HQ staff and all other RNA Shipmates. Shipmate Michael, who was a previous Chairman of Natal for four years, presented the General Secretary with a Natal branch plaque from the 40 members. 20

Atherton Branch Shipmates are advised that the Atherton Branch will be holding the following events leading up to Christmas; Friday 18th October

- Trafalgar Night Concert at the Atherton Arms

Friday 22nd November


Sunday 24th November Association

Branch 30th Anniversary Dinner at the Jubilee Hall, Atherton Christmas Dinner, in Association with the LST & Landing Craft

For further details please contact Shipmate Peter Wilkie (Hon Sec)

RNA Greenwich Branch Greenwich Branch will be holding their annual Trafalgar Remembrance Service at the Pleasaunce in Chevening Road Greenwich London SE10. All Shipmates and Standards would be most welcome. For further details please contact S/m Terry Stacey (Hon Sec) on 02082 939652 or email

RNA Orkney Branch Orkney Branch and Orkney Sea Cadets have great pleasure in inviting Shipmates and anyone with naval connections to join them at their joint Trafalgar Dinner and 50th Anniversary celebrations of TS Thorfinns at the Kirkwall RBL on Friday 25th October 2013. The cost will be £22 per person and will include a three course meal, plus wine at the table, and guest speakers. For further details please contact Catriona Matheson 07766217288

RNA Sherborne Sherborne Branch members recently took a trip down memory lane when they embarked on the Somerset Steam Railway from Bishops Lydeard to Minehead. Some members also took the opportunity to visit Minehead Life Boat Station. The photo opposite shows S/M Mel Brain and his dog ‘Hagred’ boarding the Hogwarts Express....

RNA Newport Branch Newport Branch (Area 7) regret to announce that two of our Shipmates from the Cwmbran RNA, which has closed, recently crossed the bar. 21

S/M Frank Spendelow aged 96, was the President of Cwmbran RNA when it closed in 2007. Frank only received his Arctic Star Medal four weeks before he crossed the bar. His family wish to thank the Commanding Officer, Staff and Cadets from Torfaen and Newport who acted as Coffin Bearers and for piping the still as S/M Franks coffin entered the Crematorium and finally for providing a Bugler . The Area Standard, Cwmbran Standards and the CEDESA Standard were also in attendance. Sadly, a second Shipmate from Cwmbran Branch S/M Cecil Magnus aged 83, also crossed the bar on the 28th July 2013. Both Shipmates, who were Sea Cadet Corps officers at TS Kittiwake in the late 70s, will be much missed.

RNA Christchurch Branch Christchurch Branch is holding their annual Trafalgar Dinner on Saturday 19th October 2013 at Portfield Hall, Christchurch. There will be music, a raffle and a Bar. Tickets cost £20. To purchase tickets and obtain further information please contact Christine Payne (HON Sec) at or telephone 01202 474819.

RNA Margate Branch Margate Branch will be holding its Trafalgar Day Parade on Sunday 20th October 2013 at the Trinity Square Gardens memorial commencing at 11:00. Unfortunately due to Kent Highways and Police constraints the parade will muster at the memorial at 10:45 for the service which will be conducted by the Reverend Ben Crick, with the Mayor and Charter Trustees of Margate in attendance. After the service the parade will again form up and march downhill saluting the Mayor’s dais placed outside the Amberette restaurant, wheel right into Love lane and dismiss outside the Mayor’s Parlour. It is hoped that T/S Jamaica will provide a band to lead the parade. A Tot and refreshments will be available in the Mountbatten lounge of the Royal British Legion club, all attending are welcome to participate. For further details please contact S/M Mick Cox on 01843 604490 or e-mail RNA Bridport – 75th Anniversary Bridport Branch has great pride and pleasure in announcing that on 1st September 2013 they will be celebrating their 75th anniversary. To commemorate this auspicious occasion the Branch is combining the annual Trafalgar Day Dinner and Dance with the Trafalgar Day Service. The Dinner /Dance will be held at Highlands End, Eype, near Bridport on Saturday 19th October and the Trafalgar Day Service on Sunday 20th October 2013 at St. Johns Church, West Bay, Bridport. Cdre Adrian Nance OBE RN has kindly agreed to be our principal guest and invitations have been extended to local dignitaries, Sea Cadet officers as well as branches within No.4 Area. Shipmates are advised that there will be no parade because it’s just a good social occasion with the opportunity to “swing the lamp”. Please contact Alan Kidson (01308 420135) or email for further details, including the script of Ray Barraclough’ 2 hour talk on UHF Radio maintenance on the Mark 3A RN Phantom aircraft.


RNA Bloxwich Branch RNA Bloxwich will be celebrating their Diamond Jubilee on 30 November 2013. A Church service will be held at 18:00 followed by a Dinner/Dance at Walsall Football Club. Shipmates and Standard Bearers are very welcome to attend. Further details can be obtained from the Secretary, Christine Hinder, on 01922 473613.

RNA Plymouth Branch – Trafalgar Weekend -11-14 October 2013 The RNA Plymouth Biennial Trafalgar Weekend will be held at the Sefton Hotel, Babbacombe from Friday 11th October to Monday 14th October 2013. Gala Dinner. Formal Dress. 2 Nights £75.00 pp, Three Nights £110.00 pp. Anyone wishing to attend then please get the details from: Sue Gutteridge. (01752) 849176. email:

Shortcast (Run in date order) 2013 HMS Ajax and River Plate Veterans Association – 02 October 2013 Open to all who served in the Cruiser 1935/48 or Frigate 1963/84 or are relatives of those who did so, or indeed of those who served on any of the previous Ajax. The 48th annual reunion takes place at the King Charles Hotel, Gillingham from October 2 to 3. A reunion dinner will be held on the Wednesday evening and a memorial service, followed by the AGM, on the Thursday morning. The Association is always looking to increase its membership, particularly Frigate crew. For details of the reunion and membership, please contact the Membership Secretary, Judi Collis at Full details of the reunion, membership and much more can be found on the Association’s new website at HMS Tartar Association – 04 October 2013 HMS Tartar Reunion will take place at the Three Queens Hotel, Stafford, on 4th October 2013. Further details from Ron & Brenda Brain, 01326 317814, e-mail: Hong Kong Flotilla (Tamar) Association – 04 - 07 October 2013 Annual Reunion and AGM takes place from October 4 to 7 at the Grand Atlantic Hotel, Beach Road, Weston Super Mare, BS23 1BA. Total cost of weekend £125.10pp, (Single room extra £15pp). £25pp Deposit secures your place. All are welcome. Did you serve in Hong Kong (Tamar) or supporting departments ? Then come to the Annual Reunion in October 2013. This vibrant association is for those who served in Hong Kong (& Tamar) The Hong Kong Flotilla association with HMS Tamar, Hong Kong, is one of the few associations actually growing as the years go on, more enjoy the comfort and familiarity amongst Royal Navy Veterans than ever. Hong Kong Flotilla have so much support from Full and associate members and their families, they now hold two Reunions per Year! The Hong Kong Flotilla Flotilla (Tamar) was commissioned in 1949. It first comprised of IMS, MMS, Flame throwing LCA’s and ten Motor Launch patrol craft. Only the Ml’s were eventually 23

retained to patrol throughout the fifties. The tragic Hong Kong Pearl River Incident when HMML 1323 was shelled by a Chinese Gunboat, when seven crew were killed, is commemorated at every Reunion. The Hong Kong duties were deemed to be on active service. Ten Motor Launches were equipped with a 6 pounder anti-tank (& enemy junks) gun, forward, and 20mm Oerlikon aft. The ML’s were replaced by Minesweepers in the late fifties and other category of patrol vessels were employed until our British departure from Hong Kong, in 1997. Hurry and book as we generally fill the hotels. To book contact Peter Yeates at Type 21 Association – 10 October 2013 The third annual reunion will take place October 10/11. A finger buffet at St Leven’s Inn on 10th, with the AGM (lunchtime) and main reunion event on 11th at The Royal British Legion, Crownhill, Devonport. If you served on any of these fine ships join up on line, tell all your oppos and indicate your intention to attend this year. Photos from previous reunions are posted on the website. Contact David Woollard at or see the website at HMS Eskimo F119 Association – 11 October 2013 The 13th Annual Reunion, will be held at The Tillington Hall Hotel, Staffordshire from 11-14 October. This year includes a visit to the National Memorial Arboretum on the Saturday. Sunday, we have been invited by the Officers and Cadets, to a parade at TS Eskimo's Sea Cadet Unit, Widnes, followed by a buffet, laid on by the Cadets. We are a great bunch and have a great time and still have lots of stories to catch up with. Bring along your wife, partner, girlfriend or your friends, all are very welcome. The ladies are delightful and will not bite. Looking forward to seeing you all there. Looking forward to seeing you there. Contact Allan (Taff) Martin at TON Class Association The Ton Class Association will holding their AGM at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Southport on Saturday 12 Oct 2013. For further details and to book in please contact the Honorary Secretary Peter Down on 01449 721235 or e-mail

HMS St Vincent AGM - 12 October 2013 The HMS St Vincent Association AGM will be held at St Vincent College, Gosport and the Reunion Dinner at Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea on 12 October. For further details please contact or 01329 310078 and and bookings to IOW Tours on 01983 405116. HMS Illustrious Association – 18-21 October 2013 The Annual Reunion will be held at the Tillington Hall Hotel, Stafford from October 18 to 21. We will be celebrating the 30th anniversary of the formation of the Association. Further details from the Secretary, Diane Coleman at


HMS Lowestoft Reunion – 25/27 October 2013 The HMS Lowestoft Association Reunion will take place over the weekend of 25 - 27 October at Tillington Hall Stafford for further details e-mail or please contact Richie Farman 15 Folkestone Road –East Manchester M11 4LP 07775 793778.

HMS Mohawk Reunion – 25 October 2013 This reunion will celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Mohawk's launch in 1963. It will be held over the weekend Friday 25 Oct – Sunday 28 Oct 13 in at The Duke of Edinburgh Hotel, Abbey Road, Barrow in Furness, Cumbria, LQ14 5QR. Barrow in Furness. Details from the HMS Mohawk website :

The Neptune Association -02 November 2013 The Neptune Association will be holding their AGM at the National Memorial Arboretum at Alrewas, Staffordshire on November 2. A short service will be held at the Neptune & Kandahr Memorial at noon followed by the AGM at 1400 in the Rose Room. We will remember the 836 men lost on HM ships Neptune and Kandahar on the 19 December 1941 - the Royal Navy’s 5th worst loss of life in WW2. Relatives and friends welcome. More information on the website at Submarine Renown Association – 22 November 2013 The 2013 reunion will take place in Leicester over the weekend of November 23 to 24. Further details: from HMS Relentless – 30 November 2013 The first official reunion of the Association will be held on 30th November 2013 in Chatham and we would like to contact as many ex-shipmates as possible. Our website can be found at Any enquiries should be sent to: secretary@hmsrelentlessassociation or padre@hmsrelentlessassociation 2014 HMS Ariadne Reunion – 7 March 2014 3rd Annual reunion is at Richmore Hotel (Tel: 01303 773435), 146 The Esplanade, Weymouth DT4 7NP from March 7 to 10 2014. Former members of any of the commissions are most welcome to attend all or part of the weekend. Please contact Dave Sprinks on 01761 239221 for more details. Loch Class Association - 21 March 2014 Annual Reunion takes place at The Royal Maritime Club, Queens Street, Portsmouth PO1 3HS (023 9283 7681 quote ref: 14093) from March 21 to 24. All members welcome. Membership is open to all who served on any of the Loch Class ships or their variants (Bay Class, Admirals Yachts, survey ships and repair ships). Some of these types of ships have their own ‘Associations’ but you can always join both. For details please contact Andrew Nunn Hon. Sec. LCFA at or see the website HMS Cavalier Association – 04 April 2014 25

Annual reunion / AGM will take place at the King Charles Hotel, Chatham, from 4th April till 7th April 2014. All members welcome.Also the 70th Anniversary of HMS Cavalier. for details please contact :- Terry Willis Hon Sec. at or visit website HMS Protector Association Reunion – 11-14th April 2014 A grand reunion and AGM will take place at the Suncliff Hotel Bournemouth from 11-14 April 2014. For further information, details and booking form please see the website or Doug Harris at or on the dog and bone 01495 718870. Federation of Naval Associations - 09 May 2014 AGM and reunion at Mill Rythe, Hayling Island from May 9 to 12. All Associations and former RN/RM/WRNS/QARNNS/RFA/MN etc., are welcome. Details and booking forms available from Robbie Robson at Safety Equipment & Survival Association – 16 May 2014 FAA Safety Equipment & Survival Association Reunion will be held from May 16th to 18th at Bosworth Hall Hotel, Market Bosworth, Leicestershire. Please contact Secretary Gordon "Pixie" Parkes at for further details. HMS Broadsword Association – 24 May 2014 Bi-Annual Reunion and AGM will take place on May 24 in the WO & Senior Rates Mess HMS Drake Plymouth. The reunion is open to anyone who served in Broadsword. For more information go to or contact Steve Bullock at RN Party 6789 (HMS Saker) 25-29th Jul 2014 RN Party 6789 (HMS Saker) Mixed Manning Demonstration USS Claude V Ricketts DDG5 (ex Biddle) 1964/65 are holding their 50th anniversary reunion of the Mixed Manning Demonstration commission to be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Washington DC. USA on 25 29th July 2014. For further information in the first instance please contact Pat (Spider) Raines tel. 00 34 951 06 9968 or 0844 774 t5448 e-mail

RNA Longcast 10 Oct 11 Oct 12 Oct 12 – 14 Oct 18 Oct 18 Oct 18 Oct 18 Oct 19 Oct 19 Oct 19 Oct 26

Lee on the Solent and Stubbington Branch – Standard Dedication HQ - Open Day 5 Area 2 Committee Meeting - Minster Working Men’s Club – Isle of Sheppey RNA Plymouth Biennial Trafalgar Weekend 12-14 October 2013 RNA Atherton Trafalgar Night Concert RNA Dublin Trafalgar Dinner RNA Folkestone Trafalgar Dinner RNA Falmouth Trafalgar Dinner RNA Greenwich – Trafalgar Day Remembrance Service RNA Chatham – Trafalgar Dinner – King Charles Hotel Gillingham RNA Ferndown – Trafalgar Dinner

19 Oct 19 Oct 19/20 Oct 20 Oct 21 Oct 27 Oct 01/14 Nov 07 Nov 09 Nov 10 Nov 10 Nov 11 Nov 12 Nov 16 Nov 22 Nov 23 Nov 23 Nov 24 Nov 30 Nov 7 Dec 14 Dec 2014 01 Mar 17 May 13/14 Jun 15 Jun

RNA Christchurch – Trafalgar Dinner RNA Crosby Branch Trafalgar Dinner - GS RNA Bridport – 75th Anniversary and Trafalgar Night RNA Margate - Trafalgar Day Parade RNA Frome Branch Trafalgar Dinner - GS 10 Area – Autumn Area Conference – Atherton Arms Hotel Manchester M46 commencing at 1200 RNA Liverpool – Poppy Day Street Collection. Field of Remembrance – Westminster Abbey RNA Lee/Stubbington Trafalgar Dinner Cenotaph - Remembrance Sunday RNA Chatham Remembrance Sunday - Great Lines Gillingham RNA Chatham Armistice Day FAC Budget Meeting - Great Lines Gillingham AMC Meeting RNA Atherton 30th Anniversary Dinner – Jubilee Hall Atherton Area 2 Delegates & Observers Meeting – Gravesend RNA Club FAC Meeting Budget for FY 2014 RNA Atherton Christmas Dinner RNA Bloxwich Diamond Jubilee Dinner /Dance NC – Budget for FY 2014 Area 11 Meeting Newton Aycliffe Navy Club (Hosts Newton Aycliffe Branch) Area 11 AGM & Area Meeting – The Clarence Working Men’s Club (Hosts York Branch ) National Standard Bearer Competition – HMS Collingwood Conference – Royal Court Hotel Coventry Naval Service Memorial Dedication – National Arboretum Memorial - Staffs

Swinging the Lamp – October 2013

Date Year 1st 1923

Entry HMS Vernon established ashore, on the old Gunwharf at Portsmouth.

2nd 3rd

1941 1918





Vanguard, Britain’s last battleship, laid down at John Brown's on the Clyde. Warrant officers to replace their cuff buttons with .1/4-inch gold stripe, and distinguishing cloth dark green, silver grey and dark blue for electrical, shipwright and ordnance branches Ganges, the principal Boys’ Training Establishment at Shotley Point, near Ipswich, commissioned. Frigate Keppel, leaving Devonport for Portland, collided stern-first with the Torpoint Ferry.




7th 8th

1943 1990















16th 17th 18th 19th

1759 1884 1909 1818







23rd 24th

1753 1877







Queen Alexandra became Patron of the Naval Nursing Service, which

was renamed Queen Alexandra’s Royal Naval Nursing Service. Blue action working dress, No. 8s, approved. Wrens joined frigate Brilliant, the first RN ship to carry women as members of the ship’s company. Basins, plates and cutlery introduced for seamen and a superior scale of issues for chief petty officers. 41 RM Cdo formed at Pembroke Dock from 8th Bn RM. Disbanded at Llwyngwrill 20 February 1946. Reformed at Bickleigh 16 August 1950 and at Plymouth as 41(Independent) Cdo RM for service in Korea. Disbanded 22 February 1952 at Plymouth and reformed 31 March 1960 at Bickleigh as 41 Cdo RM. Disbanded at Deal April 1981. Submarine depot ship HMS Forth returned to Devonport from Malta after thirteen years’ service in the Mediterranean. Frigate Trincomalee (46), built of Malabar teak, launched at Bombay. Sold May 1897 and, as TS Foudroyant, was youth training ship at Portsmouth. July 1987 taken on a heavy-lift barge to Hartlepool for restoration and now preserved there. The oldest British warship afloat. Supply Branch established by Order in Council, a result of centralisation in storekeeping Naval Radio Direction Finding development started at HM Signal School, Portsmouth. The last ‘service’ launch of a Fairey Swordfish from a RN carrier – Ocean; but Cdr David Hobbs cautions that Centaur launched Swordfish LS326 and NF389 during the filming of ‘Sink the Bismarck’ in 1959, both aircraft were on Navy charge and flown by a serving crew. Eddystone Light first lit. Sick Berth Branch formed by Order in Council. Warrant rank opened to writers, cooks and stewards. Unsuccessful experiments to defeat the weevil by adding caraway seed to biscuit: the weevils simply ignored the seeds. HMY Britannia sailed from Portsmouth on her last cruise, a clockwise circumnavigation visiting seven UK ports. 6117


HMS Queen Elizabeth laid down at Portsmouth Dockyard. First oil-fuelled capital ship, first to be armed with 15-in guns, and first to exceed 24 knots. ‘Their Lordships have decided that the cutlass is no longer to form part of the equipment for men landed for service. The orders for its employment at ceremonial parades and at funerals are, however, to remain unchanged.’ The future allowance of cutlasses to be limited to capital ships, aircraft carriers, cruisers, sloops, leaders and destroyers; over 500 men 20 cutlasses, 500 and under ten cutlasses. AFO 2571. RNH Haslar admitted first patients. Lightning, RN’s first torpedo boat, commissioned. Displaced 19 tons and carried first swivelling torpedo tube. Diving trials ship Reclaim paid off after thirty years’ continuous service. The only ship present at both the 1953 Coronation and 1977 Jubilee Reviews. Probably last HM ship to be equipped with sails. Accountant Branch re-titled Supply and Secretariat Branch and prefix ‘Paymaster’ abolished, somewhat to the vexation of the Submarine Branch of the Service, who relinquished ‘S’ for S/M. The RN’s newest warship, the frigate St Albans, alongside in Portsmouth, damaged when P&O ferry Pride of Portsmouth from Le Havre, entering harbour in gale-force winds at 0500 on a Sunday, slewed off course and collided with the

frigate’s port side. Port bridge wing and 30-mm gun deck were buckled and damage to starboard side hull. The frigate returned to sea on 12 February 2003. 28th


The Birth of the Corps of Royal Marines, 1664 ‘That

twelve hundred land Souldjers be forthwith raysed to be in readinesse, to be distributed into His Majesties Fleets prepared for Sea Service’. So read the report of the Proceedings of a Meeting of the Privy Council held on 28 October, which authorised the formation of the first regiment specially for service afloat. Styled the Duke of York and Albany’s Maritime Regiment of Foot or Admiral’s Regiment, it was recruited mainly from the Trained Bands of the City of London. It is from this origin that the Royal Marines derive their privilege of marching through the City with colours flying, drums beating and bayonets fixed.’ 29th 30th

1792 1877




Last of Bounty mutineers executed at Spithead. Wearing of a half-stripe by officers ranking as a lieutenant with eight years’ seniority extended to all branches. End of the Naval Discipline Act; superseded by the Armed Forces Act 2006 which established a single system of Service law. The Strategic Defence Review 1998 recognised the increasingly joint operational environment and the need for a single, common tri-Service discipline system. The new Act replaced the Army and Air Force Acts 1955 and the NDA 1957, each of which remained in force until 1 January 2009.

NOMINATION FORM ELECTION OF MEMBERS AND DEPUTY MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL (June 2014 to June 2016)(Revised RNA Bye-Law 7) For the attention of All Branch Secretaries in Areas. 1,3,4,5,10,12 Each Branch may nominate one full or full life member from any Branch within its own Area, as a Candidate for election to the National Council, and one full or full life member for election as the Deputy National Council Member subject to the approval of the Branch to which both persons belong. (See Note Below) Name of Nominee NCM...............................................DNCM................................................. Proposed by Branch ....................................................................... Area .......................... Address of Nominee NCM……………………………………........................................................................................... DNCM........................................................................................................................................... Brief history of nominees in the Association. Continue on separate sheet if necessary NCM


Chairman ...................................................... (signed) ............................................(dated) Secretary ...................................................... (signed) ...........................................(dated) ___________________________________________________________________________ If the Candidate by the proposing Branch is not a member of that Branch, this section is to be completed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Candidate's own Branch. Candidate's Branch ......... ............................................................................ We certify the acceptance of the nomination by the Candidate’s Branch. Signature of Chairman (Candidate's Branch) ............................................................................. Signature of Secretary (Candidate's Branch) .............................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Candidate I accept the nomination and promise to attend as many National Council Meetings as is possible and to sit on any Committees to which I may be elected.

Signature of Candidate Dated ___________________________________________________________________________ Nomination Forms The envelope containing this completed form should be marked NOMINATIONS FOR NATIONAL COUNCIL and must reach RNA HQ no later than 1500 21st February 2014. Only one nomination is needed for a candidate to be included in the ballot


PROPOSED MOTIONS AND AMENDMENTS FOR ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2014 Proposals must reach The General Secretary by 1500 21st February 2014 Name of Proposing Branch: ........................................................................................... Motion / amendment

Explanation of the Motion / Amendment (Notes for Conference)

I certify that this Motion / Amendment represents the views of the Members of this Branch, approved at a Branch meeting by at least two thirds of those members at the meeting. If accepted, the branch delegate will propose it to the Annual Conference. Signed: ...........................................Hon. Secretary: ...........................................Date In seconding this Motion / Amendment I certify that it represents the views of the Members of this Branch, approved at a Branch meeting by at least two thirds of those members at the meeting. If accepted, the branch delegate will second it at the Annual Conference. Seconded By: ..................................... Branch. Signed ...........................................Hon Secretary ...............................................Date Notes a. A separate form is required for each Motion or Amendment b. A manuscript copy is acceptable for additional Motions or Amendments if the printed form is not available. c. The Motion or Amendment should be as short and precise as possible avoiding ambiguity. A Motion should normally start with the word `THAT' d. The explanation is to assist the Standing Orders Committee in understanding the intention behind the Motion so that they may be able to consider acceptance and the wording under Rule 15. e. Motions may be submitted at any time but must reach the General Secretary by 21st February 2014. f. Motions of Extreme Urgency should reach the General Secretary not less than 48 hours before Conference. (In accordance with Standing Orders S8(7) as amended at 1996 Conference.) g. Amendments to Motions should also normally reach the General Secretary not less than 7 days before Conference. However they can be submitted in writing direct to the Standing Orders Committee during Conference. h. Bye-Laws - Under Rule 19 only the National Council may make a Bye-Law. A Motion to Conference may propose that a Bye-Law be set aside or it may ask the Council to consider making or amending a Bye-Law. i. The Branch Proposing a Motion must have it Seconded by another Branch before forwarding it to the General Secretary (as carried at item 4 of 1995 Conference.)


Nominations for Standing Orders Committee 2014 For the attention of All Branch Secretaries To reach the General Secretary no later than 1500 21st February 2014 Two members of the Standing Orders Committee are to be elected at Conference 2014, those standing down are eligible to be re-elected. (S/M Allen and S/M Downey). Each Branch may nominate one full or full life member as a Candidate for election to the Standing Orders Committee, subject to the approval of the Branch to which the candidate belongs. A nil return is not required. Name of Nominee ................................................................................................ Proposed by Branch ....................................................................... Area .......................... Address of Nominee …………………………………….......................................................................................................... ..................................e-mail ....................................................


Brief history of nominee in the Association. Continue on separate sheet if necessary

Branch Chairman ...................................................... (signed) ......................................(dated) Branch Secretary ...................................................... (signed) ......................................(dated) ___________________________________________________________________________ If the Candidate by the proposing Branch is not a member of that Branch, this section is to be completed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Candidate's own Branch. Candidate's Branch ......... ............................................................................ We certify the acceptance of the nomination by the Candidate’s Branch. Signature of Chairman (Candidate's Branch) ............................................................................. Signature of Secretary (Candidate's Branch) .............................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Candidate I accept the nomination and promise to attend as many Standing Orders Committee Meetings as is possible.

Signature of Candidate Dated ___________________________________________________________________________ Nomination Forms The envelope containing this completed form should be marked NOMINATIONS FOR STANDING ORDERS COMMITTEE and must reach RNA HQ no later than 1500 21st February 2014. Only one nomination is needed for a candidate to be included in the ballot. Nominations received after the deadline will not be included in the Ballot.



2013 Christmas cards For Christmas 2013 a new Christmas card now in a smaller size than previous years. These are available with envelopes at £5 per pack of ten. You can also still buy the St Albans Christmas card at £5 per pack of ten.

Orders should be sent to HQ Semaphore Tower and be accompanied by a cheque or payment details for the total value. From: ................................................................Branch/Member Please provide................ Packs of2013 Christmas Cards @ £5 per pack Please provide ..............Packs of ten St Albans Christmas cards @ £5 per pack Deliver the order to S/M………………………………............ Address…………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………..................……………………………… …………………………………………….............. ………………………………………………………Post code………………… Find enclosed a cheque to the value of - £ ..................made out to The Royal Naval Association OR debit the ..........................................Branch for £.................. Or charge to my Credit Card/Debit Card; the details of which are: Credit Card/Debit Card Card No .................................................................... Card in the name of :...................................................................................... Valid From: ..................... Expires .................... Three Digit Security Code (where applicable) ............................................... Card holder’s address if different from delivery address Address ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………...... Post Code:……………………………


2014 Diaries The 2014 diary will be sold as the diary part only, price £5. If you need a diary with the blue crested cover it will cost £7 If you need a complete new diary eg Cover, Diary plus Address book, they can be ordered for £8. Cost includes P&P within the UK. Orders should be sent to the address below and be accompanied either by a cheque for the total value or instructions to debit a Branch Account. To: Royal Naval Association, Room 209 Semaphore Tower (PP70) HM Naval Base Portsmouth PO1 3LT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Order form

From: .................................................................Branch Please provide ……………… 2014 RNA insert Diaries @ £5 .00 each £ ...................... Please provide ……………… 2014 Diaries with Cover @ £7 .00 each £ ...................... Please provide ……………… Complete 2014 Diaries @ £8 .00 each

£ ......................

TOTAL £............ Deliver the order to S/M………………………………………………………… Address ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………...... Post Code:…………………………… Find enclosed a cheque to the value of - £ ..................made out to The Royal Naval Association OR debit the ..........................................Branch for £.................. Or charge to my Credit Card/Debit Card; the details of which are: Credit Card/Debit Card Type ........... ...... Account No .................................. . Card in the name of :................................................................. Valid From: ................................ Expires ..................................................... . Three Digit Security Code (where applicable) ............................................... Card holder’s address of different from delivery address Address ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………...... Post Code:……………………………


FORM RNA C/3 APPLICATION FOR ANNUAL PERMIT FOR A REGISTERED ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION CLUB (To be submitted to RNA Headquarters by 7 December 2013) PART I 1. Name of Club in full ..............................................................................................................(a) 2. Registered Office Address ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ Tel.............................................Post Code...................................... 3. Premises owned by : Club/Branch/Other..................................................................................(c) 4. Membership as at 31 October 2013 : Life........................Full........................Assoc........................ (e-1) ANNUAL PERMIT 2014 5. The Club committee herebye applies for the renewal of the Annual permit and undertakes to comply with all the conditions therein. (e) 6. The Club Committee confirm that the Club is registered with the FSA and has submitted their accounts. Dated ....................................... Signed by Hon Secretary................................................................ Dated ....................................... Signed by Chairman....................................................................... PART II The Committee of the ......................................... Branch of the Royal Naval Association has examined the above application and supports it. (b) The present paid up membership of the branch is: Life......................Full...................Assoc...................... (a) (b) Signed by the Branch Hon Secretary................................................................. Dated............................ PART III Number.......... Area in which the ....................................Branch is situated recommends that National Council approves this application. (b) Signed by the Area Hon Secretary .......................................................................Dated............................. PART IV This application is approved by the National Council. Signed on their behalf...................................................................


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