The Semaphore Circular No 643
The Beating Heart of the RNA
October 2014
The copyright belongs to RNA St Neotts Branch RNA members are reminded that hard-copies of the Circular are distributed to each branch via their Secretary, but “silver-surfers� can download their own copy from the RNA website at .(See below) 1
Dear Shipmate Readers Welcome to the October Semaphore Circular and what a packed edition we have for you. Thanks for all the branch news that is flooding in – which has given us our biggest ever D’y’hear there section. I have lots of business for you, so here we go: Thank you to all those branches who returned on the preference for Conference 2016 as directed by Conference this year. The result is as follows Perth preferred by 9 branches Reading preferred by 29 branches None preferred by 5 branches for various reasons, mainly cost. Therefore Conference 2016 will go ahead in Reading run by 3 Area. A big thank you to 3 Area, 10 Area and Perth who put themselves forward. While we are on this subject, we are now getting to the point where you should be considering any branch motions for Conference 2015. The deadline for motions to be with me is 27 February, which have to be certified that a properly recorded and valid branch vote has been passed and counter-signed by a seconding branch – therefore if you want to get a motion to Conference you need to get a wiggle on. The form at the back of this Circ, along with NCM and DNCM elections this time. If you want advice on how to frame your motion let me know and I will pass your query on to the Standing Orders Committee who are there to help. The Christmas card order form and the Diary order forms are also at the back of the Circ, so get those orders coming in. We are getting some marvellous feedback from visitors to the National Memorial Arboretum about the Naval Service Memorial – and we notice than many people are leaving poppy crosses or wreaths there. We have produced a DVD of the ceremony and a Slide Show with music. We had hoped that the BBC would have some good footage of the ceremony, but alas this wasn’t the case. Our sound Engineer, Lyndon had his video camera in a good position behind the main seats and has captured the ceremony. The amateur video is from a fixed position throughout and gives a good impression, but no close ups etc. Nigel has produced a marvellous slideshow of the ceremony with great pictures and soundtrack, takes about 10 minutes. If you would like either the video of the service or the Slide show, please let us know. There will be a small charge to cover the cost of DVD, postage etc. We hope to upload both to YouTube soon, which will probably be the best way of viewing them. We still have NSM badges and the wonderful NSM tie for sale and 8 Area has some clothing. I am pleased to report that the Privy Council support staff has cleared the Conference motions for the Charter and Rule Changes; we await Her Majesty’s return from leave and hope to have formal Privy Council approval in early October. The National Council has approved the necessary ByeLaw changes to align to the revised Charter and Rules to come into effect on the same day. We will be printing the new Charter, Rules, Bye-Laws and Standing Orders to send to branches. As ever the definitive version will be on the website. There are some small but important changes which I will cover next Circ. Please note that the Biennial Parade for 2015 will be on Sunday 13 September 15, please put it in your diaries now! There will be a Welfare Seminar next year in HMS NELSON on 28 March 15. Please let your welfare officer know and book in with Rita Lock on Those who have been looking at the branch and Area insurance please note that it has been renamed as ‘Conference of Naval Associations’ insurance. This is exactly the same deal, just that we have been able to extend it to our CONA shipmates. Find it at: 2 For info CONA has now grown from 9 to 32 members, all working together for mutual benefit, and totally respectful of each other’s independence and identity. Those numbers are allowing us to get you some nice deals – such as the CONA Travel service cruise deals (marvellous) and others. I am delighted to report that the Royal Hospital Greenwich has agreed to fully fund the RNA’s Shipmate programme for the next 5 years. We will use the chance to mature it into a wider programme to include other naval organisations helping service leavers, but it will remain run by us, with direct benefit but no cost. Please note the various Remembrance events, Field of Remembrance and the Cenotaph Parade – with the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War Don’t forget that we are looking for good shots of the Naval Service memorial throughout the year and especially in Winter with snow/mist etc. A couple of bottles of Pussers Rum for the best received by 1 April 15. Finally a reminder that we will publish the Open Days for 2015 next Circ have a branch chat and get your bids in. The programme is 1100 Arrive (not 45 minutes early like some branches) 1130 Light sandwich lunch and presentation in Semaphore Arms 1230 Harbour Tour of Dockyard and Port by MoD boat (pass round of a tot) 1330 Return, tea and cake, pick up slops 1415 Depart. Visit of Historic Dockyard can be included Well I hope you found this volley of info useful....
Yours in comradeship Paul
HMS ILLUSTRIOUS decommissions Sept 2014
Daily Orders 1. Conference 2016 – Clarification of Booking procedure 2. D Day Veterans Legion d’honneur 3. Field of Remembrance 2014 4. Remembrance Sunday Cenotaph 5. Arctic Veterans trip to St Petersburg 6. HMS Kite U87 7. HMS Amphion 8. The Senility Prayer 9. Can you assist 10. Picture says it all 11. Finance Corner 12. Donations received 13. Guess Where? 14. Preserved Pensions 15. Free Respite Breaks with NBFA 16. Non PC Yorkshire Joke 17. HMS Bulwark -100th Commemoration 18. In Memory –Shipmate Wood 19. Unashamedly Shep Woolley 20. Joke – Another One for the Ladies 21. RNRMC 22. Welfare Seminar – Heads Up 23. MOD medals and Clasps Review
Longcast “D’ye hear there” (Branch news) Ship’s Office 1. Swinging the Lamp
For the Branch Secretary and notice-board Glossary of terms NCM NC AMC FAC NCh NVCh NP DNP GS DGS AGS Asap CONA IMC NSM 4
National Council Member National Council Association Management Committee Finance Administration Committee National Chairman National Vice Chairman National President Deputy National President General Secretary Deputy General Secretary Assistant General Secretary As soon as possible Conference of Naval Associations International Maritime Confederation Naval Service Memorial
indicates a new or substantially changed entry
Contacts: Financial Controller
023 9272 3823
023 9272 3371
Assistant General Secretary (Membership & Slops)
023 9272 3747
Deputy General Secretary
023 9272 0782
Shipmates Administrator
023 9272 0782
General Secretary
023 9272 2983
023 92 72 3747
Find Semaphore Circular On-line ; or... RNA Website – Members Area – Downloads – Circulars – Code (Shipmate)
RNA HQ Staff continue to attempt to build a library of e-mail addresses within the Association. It would be extremely helpful if those Branch Secretaries able to communicate by e-mail would forward a short e-message to HQ to
Snail Trail Mail - Postal Address RNA HQ, Room 209, PP70, Semaphore Tower, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth Hants PO1 3LT 5
Daily Orders 1.
Folkestone Conference 2015 – Clarification of Booking Procedure Some Shipmates may be experiencing difficulty booking a room for next year’s Conference in Folkestone. The reason for this is that Shipmates are phoning Britannia hotel group central reservations to book a room and then being told that the Grand Burstin is fully booked. This is because Area 2 have already booked all the available rooms.
So........ Could I reiterate that the only way to book is to use the booking form from the rear of the latest Semaphore Circular or on line at , or failing that ask HQ to send one to you. For information Shipmates have already booked over 143 rooms and Conference is only 9 months away. So get booking.........
D-Day Veterans to be awarded the Legion d'Honneur D-Day Veteran Shipmates should be aware that the French Government is to recognise D-Day veterans with the country's highest honour.
The Government of France has told the UK Ministry of Defence that it wishes to recognise the selfless acts of heroism and determination displayed by all surviving veterans of the Normandy landings, and of the wider campaigns to liberate France in 1944, by awarding them with the Legion d’Honneur. This recognition extends beyond the troops who actually landed on and fought their way up the beaches 70 years ago, and will include Royal Navy and Royal Air Force personnel who operated in support of the landings. Requests for the award should be made using the application form at the rear of the Semaphore Circular and forwarded to the address below where they will be processed by the Ministry of Defence, who will forward on the details to the French authorities. The French authorities will then make all the final decisions on the awards. You can also obtain the form from visiting the following link Any veterans wishing to apply for the award, or anyone enquiring on their behalf, should either send the form to: Personnel and Training – Defence Services Secretary – Commemorations Floor 6 Zone C Ministry of Defence Main Building LONDON SW1A 2HB Or you can email it to
The French government will be reviewing the applications, so MOD is unable to give any guidance on timings or the arrangements for the presentation of the awards. Awards will not be given posthumously, and any further questions should be directed to the French authorities
Field of Remembrance – Thursday 6th November 2014
If Branches wish to place a cross in the RNA Garden of Remembrance (Plot 289) or want to attend the Field of Remembrance please forward your details to Andy or Nigel as entry is by ticket only, which you can obtain from HQ. Just an early ‘church notice’ that on the day you will also be required to bring a form of ID with you, and you will need to be through the garden gate by 1015 and muster at the RNA plot, where there will be followed by a short service. The National President and General Secretary will be in attendance and the GS can be contacted on his mobile – 07850 646755 (if required) (Editors Note – Bowlers not obligatory!)
Remembrance Sunday – Cenotaph - Sunday 9th November 2014
The Royal British Legion will once again be co-ordinating the Ex-Service Contingents attending the Cenotaph Ceremony & March Past on Sunday 9th November 2014. All those who have served in Her Majesty’s Armed Forces under British Command as well as War Widows / Widowers are eligible to take part. If any Shipmate would like tickets for this year’s Ceremony (limited number available) please let RNA HQ know (by letter or email) as soon as possible, please include your name, address and telephone number and a list of those attending. If any of your members require a carer for the day (one carer per participant) they must also be in possession of a ticket. Please note that those parading are likely to be standing in Whitehall for at least 1½ hours prior to the March Past then marching for a distance of over 1 mile, and quite possibly in inclement weather. Further parade instructions will be sent with your tickets which will be sent shortly. If you have any queries regarding the Cenotaph Ceremony then please contact Nigel or Andy at RNA HQ. After the march please gather in the Civil Service Club (Great Scotland Yard) for sandwiches and chips (buy your own beer – or be nice to the National President!!) Also note; RNA tickets will only be available for members (so join them up!) and it is expected that those with RNA tickets will march with the RNA squad
Arctic Veterans News on trip to St Petersburg.
Shipmates will be very interested to view the press release below; PRESS RELEASE - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE It should take around four generations for people to forget the tragedies and sufferings of a previous war before they allow another war to happen... William Power (1873–1951), Scottish author, journalist, politician. Delegation of British veterans of the Arctic convoys visit St. Petersburg for the unveiling of a memorial ‘IN MEMORY OF THE ARCTIC CONVOYS SAILORS 1941-1945’ 29 Aug- 02 Sept 2014 11 British veterans of the Arctic convoys, accompanied by their family members, the Mayor of Southwark and a team from ITV, visited St. Petersburg in Russia from 29 August to 2 September for the unveiling ceremony of the memorial ‘IN MEMORY OF THE ARCTIC CONVOYS SAILORS 1941-1945’. The names and years of birth of the British veterans who visited St. Petersburg were: Frank Bond (1924), Edward Cordery (1923), John Crossman (1927), Ernest Davies (1925), Harry Grew (1922), Ernest Hall (1925), Frederick Jewett (1923), David Kennedy (1926), Anthony Snelling (1923), Frederick Udell (1925), Arthur Waddington (1921). British veterans, members of The Russian Convoys Club and the HMS Belfast Association, were invited to St. Petersburg for the memorial unveiling ceremony by the regional Arctic Convoys Association represented by its President Commander Yuri Alexandrov, a Russian veteran of the Second World War. The ceremony was held on Sunday 31 August close to the historic building of the State Maritime Academy of Admiral Makarov, on Vasilevsky Island. The memorial is a dramatic set of three sculptures; Russian, British and American sailors, standing on the stern of a warship, symbolising the allied coalition of the three great nations in the years of their joint struggle against fascism. The date, 31 August, also marks the 73rd anniversary of the arrival of the first Arctic convoy codenamed ‘Dervish’ in Arkhangelsk in 1941. On board, amongst many provisions, were the 24 ‘Hawker Hurricane’ fighter planes, which later defended the skies of Moscow. During their stay in St. Petersburg the veterans visited the Museum of ‘Krasin’ icebreaker, which was built by Sir W G Armstrong Whitworth & Co Ltd in Newcastle upon Tyne in 1917 and later took part in many of the Arctic Convoys. They also visited the Peter and Paul Fortress - the original citadel founded by Peter the Great in 1703, and the Piskaryovsky cemetery where veterans paid their respects to the 500,000 victims of the Leningrad Siege. The Governor of St. Petersburg, Georgy Poltavchenko, held a special reception in honour of the veterans. On the first day of the new school year, September the 1st, British veterans visited schools to meet the children. The same evening, a special concert in honour of the veterans took place at the Theatre of Musical Comedy. The theatre is renowned for its continued performances throughout the entire siege of Leningrad. The organiser and the head of British delegation Eugene Kasevin said: “For decades, the heroic pages of the Arctic Convoys history were veiled with ideological interpretations and innuendo. It is only now that they start to get a well-deserved recognition internationally. The memorial in St. Petersburg, initiated by the Russian veterans, is a bold example of human devotion to the memories of joint victory and the lives lost in the name of victory over fascism. 8
The Second World War veterans are the last living witnesses to the most horrific war in human history. Their personal contributions to modern society are undeniable and deserve maximum respect and care from the younger generations. I know that for the British veterans who visited Russia is like they came back to their second home – the home of their naval glory and the memories of their lost shipmates. We look forward to the moment of British and Russian heroes’ reunion in Russia 70 years later. A very important part of the visit will be that of the veterans meeting with young school students, which will undoubtedly remain in the memories of the children for the rest of their lives.” Between August 1941 and May 1945 from the anti-Hitler coalition to the Soviet Union and back there were 78 convoys, 1507 transport vessels and tankers (128 were sunk or damaged). The Arctic Convoys, escorted by the Royal Navy and other Allies to the USSR (Murmansk and Arkhangelsk) delivered: 22 195 airplanes; 13 900 tanks; 13 000 guns; 639 military vessels; 5 800 radios and microwave radar units; 570 000 motor vehicles and motorcycles; 132 000 guns; 99 merchant vessels (3 icebreaker); 472 million shells; 345 000 tons of explosives; 2 000 locomotives; 11 000 train cars and platforms; 2.7 million tons of fuel; 2 055 000 km of telephone cable; 842 000 tons of various chemical raw materials; 15 million pairs of soldier shoes; 3.8 million tires; food worth more than U.S. $ 2 billion. All of that was a significant part (approx. 12%) of the requirements for the front lines and inside the country. The British delegation visit to St. Petersburg took place with the support of British and Russian organisations: The Russia House Ltd. (UK), Lewin of Greenwich Organisation Ltd. (UK), ‘Heroes Return’ British National Lottery Fund (UK), JSC Lenenergo (Russia), SETonline (Russia), Illuminating Life Foundation (Russia) and the organisers were : The Russia House Ltd. and Lewin of Greenwich Organisation Ltd. Eugene Kasevin Head of the British delegation. Honorary member of The Russian Convoys Club (London). The Russia House Ltd. T: +44 207 403 9922 M: +44 7961 000766 E: W:
6. HMS Kite U87 – Commemorative Ceremony of the 70th Anniversary of sinking by U344 The 21st of August marked the 70th Anniversary of the Sinking of HMS Kite, Braintree’s adopted Warship. The Sloop was built at Camel Laird in Liverpool in 1942, with Money raised by Braintree during War Weapons Week 9
playing a vital role in “The Battle of The Atlantic” being part of Captain Fredrick John ‘Johnny’ Walkers’ Submarine Hunter Group, and held the record for the number of U Boat’s sunk. The ship was subsequently deployed protecting the invasion Fleet during the D Day landings, and ultimately escorting Convoy JW59 sailing from Loch Ewe in Scotland on the 15 th of August 1944, bound for Kola Inlet near Murmansk in Russia. Sadly, the vessel met its end when torpedoed by German U Boat U344 at 0640 hours on 21st of August 1944, with the loss of 200 Crew members sinking in one and a half minutes. Only eleven Survivors were picked up by HMS Keppel, with two dying on board. The last survivor, Lionel Irish, who attended the unveiling of the Kite Memorial in 2004 died in June 2009. The 33 merchant ships in the Convoy eventually reached Kola Inlet safely, and two U Boats were sunk, one being U344 which sunk the Kite, by a Swordfish Aircraft from the aircraft carrier HMS Vindex, flown by Pilot Officer Gordon Bennett the following Day, with no survivors. The commemorative ceremony to honour these brave men was attended by a small number of people, with Dick Ascott (NCM 5) and his wife representing The Royal Naval Association, Brigadier Malcolm Ratcliffe and his wife from The British Legion, Julian Courtauld and his wife from The Trust that manages Braintree and Bocking Public Gardens set up by the Courtauld Family, and a contingent of pipers and drummers from Colchester and District Pipes and Drums, and some relatives of the crew, including Mr & Mrs Job Tissot van Patot, members of Petty Officer Patrick Connolly’s family. After an opening address by Andrew MacGregor (nephew of Petty Officer Patrick Sullivan who died in action), pictured opposite next to the memorial, in which he highlighted HMS Kite’s outstanding record and the bravery and sacrifice of it’s crew, Reverend Beth Bendrey conducted a very moving Memorial Service, after which Dick Ascott, NCM 5, laid a floral tribute from The Royal Naval Association, and the Pipes and Drums played some very moving and stirring music. Those present then retired to the café in the gardens nearby, where Julian Courtauld announced his intention to place a permanent collage of photos and history, so that in future people may know more of HMS Kite and its Crew. Three Pipers and Drummers from Colchester and District Pipes and Drums played at the Ceremony and provided a most emotional backdrop for those present.
HMS Amphion (WW1)
HMS Amphion was an Active-class scout cruiser of the Royal Navy. She was built at Pembroke Dockyard and launched on 4 December 1911. She became the first ship of the Royal Navy to be sunk in the First World War. The wreck site is designated under the Protection of Military Remains Act 1986. On commissioning, Amphion was assigned as leader of the 3rd Destroyer Flotilla with the 10
Harwich Force, defending the eastern approaches to the English Channel. During her early years she was commanded by Frederic Charles Dreyer, but by the outbreak of the First World War she was under the command of Captain Cecil H Fox. Sinking In the afternoon of 5 August 1914, Amphion and the 3rd Flotilla were carrying out a pre-arranged plan of search when they were informed by a trawler that she had seen a suspicious ship 'throwing things overboard'. The trawler gave an indicated position, and Amphion led the flotilla to investigate. Shortly afterwards, the 2,150 long tons (2,180 t) minelayer SMS Königin Luise was sighted steering east. Königin Luise was a former Hamburg-Netherlands holiday ferry that had been converted to an auxiliary minelayer by the Germans. On the night of 4 August, she had departed Emden and headed into the North Sea to lay mines off the Thames Estuary. Königin Luise was disguised in the black, buff, and yellow colours of the steamers of the Great Eastern Railway, that plied from Harwich to the Hook of Holland. Her attempt to flee from the approaching fleet aroused suspicions and four destroyers gave chase, including Lance and Landrail. In about an hour's time, Königin Luise was chased down and sunk, with 46 survivors from the crew of 100. Amphion picked up a number of the survivors and continued on her prearranged search. The destroyers now sighted another ship of the same shape and colour as the Königin Luise, flying a large German flag. The destroyers began to attack this ship, whilst Amphion recognised her as the St. Petersburg which was carrying the German Ambassador back to Germany from England. Amphion signalled the destroyers to cease fire but either unaware of the signal or caught up in the heat of the moment, they continued to fire upon the ship. Amphion then maneuvered between the destroyers and the St. Petersburg to deliberately foul the range, and the St. Petersburg proceeded to safety. Amphion continued with the search without further incident until 03:30 of 6 August, when she began the return course to Harwich. Unfortunately the allocated course ran very close to where Königin Luise had laid her mines. At 06:30, Amphion struck a mine that had been previously laid by Königin Luise. A sheet of flame enveloped the bridge which incapacitated her captain. Except for one man, all the forecastle gun crews were killed and many of the bridge occupants were badly burnt. As the hands were at breakfast, many were killed or suffocated in the forward messdecks. As soon as he recovered consciousness, the captain ran to the engine room to stop the engines, which were still going at revolutions for 20 knots (23 mph; 37 km/h). As all the forepart was on fire, it proved impossible to reach the bridge or to flood the fore magazine. The ship's back appeared to be broken and she was already settling by the bows. The escorting destroyers closed in and took off Amphion's crew and the few rescued German survivors. Though her engines were stopped, her momentum carried her back into the minefield and at 07:03, just three minutes after the last boatload of survivors were taken off, she again struck the same row of mines. The fore magazine exploded, with debris striking the rescue boats and destroyers. One of Amphion's shells burst on the deck of Lark, killing two of Amphion's men and a German prisoner rescued from the cruiser. Amphion then rapidly sank within 15 minutes of the explosion. Around 150 British sailors were killed in the sinking, as well as 18 of the crew rescued from Königin Luise.[5 Endnotes As well as the 149 RN sailors who died on AMPHION , 18 German sailors taken as POW in the action with KONIGIN LUISE were also lost when AMPHION sank. Bitterly ironic as the mine was laid by themselves. The destroyer LANCE via her forward gun fired the first BE+C shot of the Great War while attacking the KONIGIN LUISE. The gun is in the IWM London, unfortunately the name of the man who actually fired the first shot is not known, unlike the man who fired the first shot on land. 11
8. The Senility Prayer
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, The good fortune to run into the ones I do, and finally the eyesight to tell the difference!!
Can you Assist?
Relate Portsmouth and district is part of a national federated charity, it covers South East Hampshire, from Fareham and Gosport through Portsmouth, across to Havant and up to Petersfield. We are looking for trustees to join our Board, the meetings are eight times a year, The Relationship people currently they are on a Monday afternoon but we might look to start later in the day to accommodate people who have day time commitments. Our charity provides counselling and training to adults (couples or singles), families and young people who are experiencing relationship difficulties. Our vision is of a future in which healthy relationships are actively promoted as the heart of a thriving society. We are not looking for specific skills, but would welcome applications from people who have enthusiasm for our charity and what we are trying to achieve. If you want to learn more here is our link, if you are interested and have some time to spare please contact Sue Maplesden (Chair) email:
Picture says it all......
Seen outside Gosport RNA... Would you tell him or just watch?
Finance Corner - Michelle
Dear Shipmates, You will be pleased to hear I did complete the 20 mile Charity Cycle Event, even though it was hard work cycling up all those steep hills! and they raised £7,000.00 which was split 50 / 50 for the two charities Myeloma UK and Hannah’s Holiday Home Appeal. The picture opposite shows me and my Bobby in the middle of the Cycle event..... Moving on to RNA work Banking Treasurers / Secretaries – A word of caution Please keep your eye on your bank signatures especially when Officials either leave your Branch / Club or cross the bar. Cheques To those Shipmates who physically write out cheques, please only one cheque is required and just itemise your request on the back of the cheque. Thank you
Year End Returns 2013 HQ still require Year End Returns for various Areas / Branches / Clubs which should have been returned to HQ by the 30th April 2014. Disappointingly a large amount of HQ staff time is used up chasing outstanding accounts, which is, I am sure you will agree, time consuming and costly and on many occasions to no avail. Subscriptions Please note – As from the 1st July Memberships for new Branch joiners is £5.00 and anybody wishing to join as an HQ Role Member the fee is £5.00 + £3.00 = £8.00 Naval Service Memorial Fund Many thanks to all those that have contributed to the Charter Challenge Fund. As at the end of 22 September 2014, the total funds stand at £33,564.65 this is made up of:RNA Branches Individual Shipmates NSM – Lapel Badges
£19,725.44 £12,763.88 £1075.33
To anyone who would like to donate not only can you send payment to HQ but you can also go on to and donate under the Naval Service Memorial.
Yours Aye Michelle
12. Donations received for Central Charities and the Charter Challenge – Naval Service Memorial RNA – Grantown on Spey RNA – Ketton
£448.38 £50.00
Mrs Glester Sarah Ayton Kevin Cornelius Timperely Villa Football Club
£200.00 £15.00 £20.00 £30.00
In memory of the late S/m Ronald Day S/m Forbes S/m Applegate S/m MD Craft S/m J Stafford S/m RJ King S/m P Baum
£35.00 £280.00 £51.71 £288.85 £50.00 £239.35 £20.00
Central Charities – Nil this period Once again thank you so much for your support. Donations made in someone’s name will go on our memorial web page accessed by a QR code at the memorial. Page is
Guess Where? An Establishment
Can you name this old naval air station and where it is? Please forward any other pictures to the HQ that you may have for ‘Guess Where’ so that we publish them in forthcoming Circulars. No looking on Google or Wiki!! Answers in next month’s edition. Last month’s answer! HMS Warrior (Northwood). Home of that ‘big concrete hole’ in the ground. Remember if you hover over the picture in the .pdf version with your cursor it will reveal the answer.
Preserved Pensions
Shipmates should be aware that Veterans UK (the new name for SPVA), the MOD branch that now deals with Service pensions holds several million pounds worth of unclaimed preserved pensions and is seeking FPS assistance to trace those who may be entitled. The basic entitlement rules are:
Left before Apr 75 - no entitlement. Left after 1 Apr 75 but before 1 April 78 - entitled if aged 26 or over with 5 years reckonable service. Left after 1 Apr 78 and before 6 Apr 88 - entitled if 5 years or more reckonable service. Left as OR after 6 Apr 88 - entitled if 2 or more years reckonable service from age 18. Left as an officer after 6 Apr 88 - entitled if 2 or more years reckonable service from age 21. Left after 6 Apr 05 as a member of a 2005 new scheme - entitlement after 2 years service, no age criteria.
If you know anyone in the categories above who thinks they may be entitled to a pension but has not claimed it they should contact veterans UK. They will need to be armed with their name, Service number, Service and Regiment where appropriate, DOB and discharge date. Please see link to Veterans UK website (Editor Note: A number of Shipmates are now considerably richer after contacting Veterans UK! Tots gratefully accepted by the Semaphore Circular editorial team….)
Free Respite Breaks with NBFA Assisting the Elderly
For the last 40 years NBFA Assisting the Elderly charity, has been organising free respite breaks to encourage older people to build new friendships, develop confidence and make positive changes in their own lives. “I am like a snail that has come out of its shell and for that, I cannot thank you enough!” NBFA Assisting the Elderly runs 6 – 8 breaks a year in the off peak season (October – March) at hotels and holiday camps at seaside locations. Up to 100 individuals join each break and spend 5 days, as a group, going on outings, learning new skills, taking part in activities and getting to know each other. Guests are picked up from pre-determined pick up points by coach, and our charity cover the costs of coach travel, breakfast and dinner, accommodation and entertainment throughout the week. NBFA Assisting the Elderly prioritises applications from individuals who are over 65, on low incomes and who haven’t benefited from a holiday for many years. Guests need to be reasonably ambulant and able to care for their own needs. We also welcome applications from those who do not fit this criteria exactly but believe a respite break will make a significant different to their well-being and lives. We cannot guarantee places but all applications are considered. This offer is open to Members of the RNA so please state which Branch you are attached to. The programme of upcoming breaks is below. To apply for a named break please see the applications open when you can request application packs. For this and more information, call Sophie – 0207 828 0200, or email You can also download application forms from Destination
Coach Pick up points
Bridlington, East Riding of Yorkshire
8th – 12th Decembe r 2014
Barnsley, Wakefield, Leeds, Scunthorpe, Doncaster, Sheffield
Eastbourne, East Sussex
16th – 20th February 2015 2nd – 6th March 2015 16th – 20th March 2015
Morecambe, Lancashire Bracklesha m Bay, West Sussex
Applications open September 1st 2014
Deadline for applications October 27th 2014
Enfield, Hackney, Lambeth, Salisbury, Southampton, Portsmouth
November 1st 2014
January 5th 2014
Knowsley, Liverpool, St Helens, Stockport, Manchester, Preston Haringey, Greenwich, Bromley, Kempston, Dunstable, Aylesbury
November 14th 2014
January 19th 2015
December 15th 2014
February 2nd 2015
Non PC Yorkshire Joke
To be read in a Yorkshire ‘Ecky Thump’ accent When I were a lad, me mother would send me down to t'corner shop wi a shilling, and I'd come back wi five pounds o' potatoes, two loaves o' bread, three pints o' milk, a pound o'cheese, a packet o'tea, an' 'alf a dozen eggs.
Yer can't do that now. Too many bloody security cameras..........
HMS Bulwark 100th Commemoration – Sheerness / Gillingham
The HMS Bulwark Albion and Centaur Association will be holding a remembering and 100 th Commemoration event, for those who lost their lives in HMS Bulwark on the 26th November 1914, at Sheerness and Gillingham over the weekend 29/30th November. While anchored near Sheerness on 26 November 1914, HMS Bulwark was destroyed by a large internal explosion for the loss of 736 men. Two of the 14 survivors died later in hospital. The explosion was likely to have been caused by the overheating of cordite charges that had been placed adjacent to a boiler room bulkhead. The RN has confirmed that an HM Ship and RM Band will be in attendance. Please see the draft programme of events below; Saturday 29 Nov 0830 - Boat to wreck site. Wreath laying etc 1430 - Parade and Service Woodlands Cemetery 1945 - Gala Dinner King Charles Hotel Sunday 30 Nov am - Church Service If you require any further details please contact Denis Askham BAC Association Secretary at (Editors Note – I have confirmed that Denis’s surname is not AskHim... Do you get it.. Boom Boom! ) 17
In Memory – Shipmate Dave William (Slinger) Wood – Crossed the Bar Michael Wood, S/M Woods son has written to notify that his Father sadly crossed the bar on Tuesday 5th August 2014. Slinger served in the RN from 1950 until 1972 retiring as a CPO(Elec) and served in many ships including Narvik, Blake, Newcastle, Chichester, London and Shore side in HMS Ganges.
Michael said his Father was so proud to serve in the Royal Navy that he maintained his military bearing to the end. A memorial service was held in Durbanvilee Memorial Garden, Durbanville, Cape Town South Africa on the 13th of August. Michael asks that shipmates pause a while and drink a tot in his memory.
Unashamedly Shep Woolley and the ‘Ansome Cabin Buoys Gig
Unashamedly Shep Woolley and ‘The Ansome Cabin Bouys’ will be performing during a 'Trafagar night' on 21st October at The Square Tower commencing 1900 2200. The cost will be £15 inclusive of Tot (with proper Rum Bosun in the rig) & Bread and Cheese. Tickets & info or
It should be authentic as rumour has it that Sheps first draft was a cabin boy in HMS Victory!!. Further information can be found at the rear of this Semaphore circular
Another One for the Ladies I am sure this will resonate with a lot of wives......... Wives are said to be suffering from “Retired Husband Syndrome”. Symptoms include stress, depression and insomnia. The condition gets worse with each year apparently. Why? As the joke goes “When a man retires, his wife gets twice the Husband for half the salary!!”
Royal Navy & Royal Marine Charity
On 12 September In keeping with traditional and historical links, Pusser’s Rum made a considerable donation to The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity (RNRMC) at the Charity’s home of HMS Excellent, Portsmouth (11 th September). A cheque was presented by Gary Rogalski, President and CEO of Pusser’s Rum, and accepted on behalf of the Charity by its Chief Executive Robert Robson. The long-standing partnership between Pusser’s Rum and The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity has seen the brand make sizeable donations to the Charity, which over the past five years is in excess of £110K. The donation will used to fund activity that enhances the well-being, and boosts the morale, of personnel across the naval service be they sailors, submariners or Royal Marines.
Welfare Seminar – Heads Up
Shipmates are advised that the next Welfare Seminar will be held on 28th March 2015 in HMS Nelson. Specific details to follow in next months Semaphore Circular. However if you have an immediate queries please contact S/m Rita Lock at or phone 02392 723823 on Tuesday or Thursday.
MOD Medals and Clasps Independent Review
The MOD Medals and Clasps review conducted by Sir John Holmes has now been completed and Shipmates will I am sure be interested to read his the conclusions of his review which have been implemented by MoD. The Sir John Holmes Independent Medal Review The Prime Minister appointed Sir John Holmes in April 2012 to conduct an independent review of the policy governing the award of military medals. He issued his report in July 2012, which concluded that the existing guiding principles were reasonably based but that there should be greater readiness to review past decisions. Sir John was therefore commissioned to review independently a number of cases which had been brought to his attention as possible candidates for changed medallic recognition. The aim was to draw a definitive line under issues which in some cases had been controversial for many years, ensuring that consistency and fairness were respected as far as possible, in a context where the judgments are often difficult, but need to be clear and defensible. This substantial and complex piece of work is now complete. Each of the reviews has been subject to detailed discussion by the Committee on the Grant of Honours, Decorations and Medals and its conclusions have gained Royal approval. 19
Responsibility for the implementation of these new awards rests with the Ministry of Defence Medal Office (MODMO). A phased approach has been adopted to allow time for the design and manufacture of the new awards. The changes and implementation timescales are as follows: New Clasps Cyprus 1963-64 Those servicemen who served in Cyprus during the period 21 December 1963 to 26 March 1964 will be awarded the General Service Medal (1962) with clasp “CYPRUS 1963-64”. Applications for the new clasp will be accepted from 1 March 2015 onwards. The first of the awards will be despatched towards the end of that month (however these timings remain under review). Applications will be dealt with in date order. Berlin Airlift The General Service Medal 1918-62 with clasp ‘BERLIN AIRLIFT’ will be awarded for at least one day’s service to all aircrew, RAF and civilians who took part in the Berlin Airlift operation from 25 June 1948 to 6 October 1949 inclusive. Applications for the new clasp will be accepted from 1 March 2015 onwards. The first of the awards will be made towards the end of that month (however these timings remain under review). Applications will be dealt with in date order. Existing Medals/Clasps that are to be awarded under revised qualifying criteria South Atlantic The qualifying period for the award of the South Atlantic Medal without the Rosette will be extended from 12 July to 21 October 1982, when the airfield at Mount Pleasant was completed. Applications for the South Atlantic Medal, under the new time extension, will be accepted from 1 October 2014 onwards. The awards will begin to be despatched towards the end of that month. Applications will be dealt with in date order. Cyprus 1955-59 Those who participated in the suppression of acts of terrorism in Cyprus between 1 April 1955 and 24 December 1959 will qualify for the General Service Medal 1918–62 with clasp ‘CYPRUS’ if they served for 90 days or more. The qualifying period has been reduced from 120 days, bringing it into line with the qualifying period for service during the Kenya anti-terrorism campaign. Applications for the clasp ‘CYPRUS’ under the new qualifying period will be accepted from 1 October 2014 onwards. The first of the clasps will be despatched towards the end of that month. Applications will be dealt with in date order. How to Claim Full details on how to claim the new awards are available at but please note the above dates from which applications will be processed. With the exception of the South Atlantic Medal, RAF and Civilian Pilots are encouraged to submit copies of their flying logbooks to provide evidence of eligibility. Application Forms Medal Application Form (For non-serving personnel) Contact Us Write to us at: MOD Medal Office Innsworth House Imjin Barracks Gloucester GL3 1 HW Email: The address provided is for written correspondence only, unfortunately we do not have the capacity to answer face to face enquiries. Veterans can telephone the free Veterans Helpline 0808 1914 2 18 for further advice. The opening times are: 07:30 – 18:30 Mon – Thurs 07:30 - 17:00 Friday Telephone enquiries about medals from Serving Personnel should be directed to the Joint Personnel Administration Centre (JPAC) Free Phone: 0800 085 3600 Overseas Civ: +44 (0) 141 224 3600 Mil: 94560 3600 Fax: 0141 224 3586
Questions and answers How do I claim medals – I am a veteran? To claim medals that have not been issued, please complete the application form (link above) and return it to the address stated. The following information (or as much as possible) will be required: Service Number, Regiment/Corps (Army/RM), Branch/Trade (RAF and RN), Full Name, Date of Birth, Rank and date of discharge, plus, of course, your current name and address. If you served as a Pilot/Navigator/Aircrew with the RAF, please submit copies of your flying logbook to assist in the assessment of your application. Please ensure only you, as the veteran, sign the application form. How do I claim medals – I am the next of kin of a veteran who is now deceased? If a service person’s medals were not claimed whilst they were alive, the medals can still be claimed by the Next of Kin. However, we require documents to confirm proof of death and a declaration of kinship before the medals are issued. ONLY the Next of Kin may make a claim. If you wish to apply, the completed application form and a photocopy of the death certificate should be sent to: MOD Medal Office Innsworth House Imjin Barracks Gloucester GL3 1 HW How do I claim medals – I am the next of kin/relative/friend of a veteran who is still alive but is incapacitated? You may apply for veteran’s medals if you hold Lasting Power of Attorney over the affairs of the Veteran. If you do not, the veteran must apply themselves. You must send a copy of the Power of Attorney with the application. How do I claim medals – I am not the next of kin of a veteran who is now deceased? If you are not the next of kin you cannot apply for the deceased veteran’s medals. I already have a General Service Medal. Will I get another one when I apply for a clasp? No. If you are already in receipt of the General Service Medal for which the clasp you have qualified for then you will only receive the clasp. If, however, you are not in receipt of the correct GSM then the MOD Medal Office will issue it with your clasp. I was a civilian pilot during the Berlin Airlift. Will you have evidence of my service? No, records for civilian airline pilots are extremely difficult to locate. However, if you send in a copy of your flying logbook from that period, then we will be able to assess your eligibility and award a clasp (and medal if you have not previously been awarded one). Why has my medal campaign been rejected by the Independent Medal Review? The Independent Medal Review was commissioned by the Cabinet Office and therefore the MOD is unable to comment on the reasons behind the findings. All queries should be directed to the Honours Secretary at: The Honours Secretary, The Cabinet Office, 70 Whitehall, London SW1A 2AS Why won’t the first award be made until October and why will it take so long to bring in the other medals? In order to establish a dedicated team, run commercial activity and process the high volume of applications anticipated takes time. The MOD Medal Office strives to process applications as quickly as possible but it must also maintain the integrity of all awards by assessing the applications carefully against the strict eligibility criteria. Do I need to send original documents in support of my application? No, photocopies of documents, death certificates, Power of Attorney are sufficient as the originals are irreplaceable if lost
RNA Longcast 2014 10 Oct 11 Oct 17 Oct 17 Oct 18 Oct 01 Nov 15 Nov 22 Nov 06 Dec 2015 07 Feb 14 Feb 21 Feb 27 Feb 06 Mar 14 Mar 28 Mar 01 May 09 May 19 Jun 21 Jun 20 Jun 01 Aug 15 Aug 22 Aug 12 Sep 13 Sep 07 Nov 14 Nov 21 Nov 05 Dec
HQ Open Day Christchurch RNA – Trafalgar Dinner Dublin Branch – Trafalgar Dinner (Royal Irish Yacht Club Dun Laoghaire) Falmouth RNA - Falmouth Branch Trafalgar Dinner. Chatham Branch – Trafalgar Dinner (King Charles Hotel, Gillingham) Area 5 - Area Quarterly meeting - Harwich AMC Meeting – HQ FAC Meeting - HQ National Council Meeting - HQ
AMC FAC Motions for Conference - deadline SOC National Council Welfare Seminar – HMS Nelson Christchurch RNA - 50th Anniversary Area 5 – Quarterly meeting- Beccles AMC/ FAC / National Council /SOC Meetings - Folkestone SOC Conference Wash up Conference 2015 – Grand Burstin Hotel Folkestone Area 5 – Quarterly meeting- Southend On Sea AMC FAC National Council Biennial Parade - Whitehall Area 5 – Quarterly meeting- Harwich AMC FAC National Council
‘D’ye hear there’..... News from around the Areas and Branches RNA Chelmsford Branch Due to decreasing members Chelmsford Branch are reducing from two to one meeting a month which will be held on the 4th Tuesday. For further information please contact the Hon Sec S/m John Gamlin at or dog and bone 01245 284769
RNA Queensland Branch Queensland branch has enjoyed a surge in Membership of almost 100% over last nine months. This was most opportune as the Branch was in danger of having to close. The number of gatherings per year has also increased from a low 4 to 8 now programmed. Based in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, the branch supports the Annual ANZAC day Parade through the city and is the lead group of the "Allied Services" and is appropriately followed by the Royal Marine Association. For this year 2014 the branch decided to move to a "Tropical Rig" as wearing blazers etc is truly uncomfortable and all the Australian Naval Contingents are of course in whites. The picture shows Shipmates Geoff & Chris in Tropical Rig at the assembly point for the 2014 March.
(Editors Note; BZ for the increased membership) RNA Bridport Branch Bridport Branch held their 8th Annual Barbecue Branch Barbecue on the 9th August. 38 members, family and friends attended at the home of one of the shipmates. As well as the usual burgers and sausages, chicken drumsticks and vegetable skewers were available accompanied by a mixed salad, with a variety of desserts on offer for "afters".
You can see from the photo above Bridport Shipmates looking very looked ‘dapper‘ wearing their RNA Hats eventually, after they were told they couldn't have any pudding until they'd posed! (Editors Note – Looks like they have been posing for years...... Ooh Matron!) Anyway, the weather was kind this year (for a change) and as you can see everyone enjoyed the occasion.
RNA Lee on the Solent and Stubbington Branch RNA Lee/Stubb enjoyed its second annual summer barbeque at Stokes Bay on Sunday 12th July in glorious Hampshire sun. It was a great turn-out with over thirty branch members, family 23
and friends in attendance. The excellent food was expertly prepared by executive chef S/m Rob Revill and his son in law (who unlike his father in law is a proper chef!) plus sous chefs and able assistants their charming and beautiful wives. Finally last but not least S/m Rod Phillips who was the pot wash!. The weather was just right, just enough cloud to offer some respite from the glorious sunshine. A fine time was had by all. This event now seems to have cemented itself into our calendar for some time to come. A bevy of beauties, S/ms Janice Edwards, Gina Christie and Janice Webb soaking up the wine sun and S/ms Bob Jones and Rod ‘Pot Wash’ Phillips joint winners of the loudest Barbie shirt competition.
RNA Chesham and Amersham Branch Chesham & Amersham Branch joined forces with the Chesham Royal British Legion, Royal Air Forces Association, Chesham Town and Chiltern District Councils, along with the local churches and Cadet Units, to mark the 100th Anniversary of Britain’s entry into World War One. Saturday the 2nd of August the town of Chesham held a wreath laying ceremony, planted a tree in Lowndes Park, and released pigeons. The Royal Air Force Band from RAF HALTON, provided music, and the Service Associations had stalls with raffles, games, and information for young and old. A warm and sunny 3rd of August saw the town’s newly refurbished bell, toll 188 times, while the names of the casualty list from Chesham were read out. They also released 188 balloons, inscribed with the names of the Chesham men who died in the Great War 1914-1918. On the evening of the 4th of August, there was a candle-light procession led by the Service Association Standards, and a ceremony at the War Memorial. The event organizers, Service Associations, Cadets, and Community managed to strike the right balance between the solemnity of the occasion, and the ability to celebrate the freedom that those men died to preserve. I would like to thank Shipmates Steven Caulfield, Andy Christie, and the Staff at RNA HQ, for helping us with the arrangements for the gazebo, gizzits, and recruiting materials.
Photo (above left)(L to R) - S/M Brian Brown (our Chairman), S/M Jan Wooding, S/M Tim Pridham, and S/M John Woodstock (our Standard Bearer). Photo (above right)(L to R) - S/M Tim Pridham, S/M Brian Brown, and S/M Rick Pirouet (our PRO and Social Secretary).
2 AREA Chatham branch were in fund raising mood for the Medway armed forces day held on the great lines Gillingham on Saturday 28th June. A raffle was held where anyone purchasing a ÂŁ1 ticket was entitled to a free tot, this proved very popular with the large crowd and ÂŁ300 was raised. This year the branch decided that this would be donated to the RNRM charity. On Saturday 26th July 63 members from area 2 joined Chatham branch for some sea time aboard the MV Pocahontas sailing from Gravesend up the River Thames, a perfect day, sea legs not needed, the commentary was very interesting and funny in parts. On return the day was rounded off with an excellent fish and chip supper. Many thanks go to Shipmate Christine Stout for organizing the trip.
RNA Rhondda Branch S/m Graham Warner the Hon Sec of our newest RNA has provided us with an update of the Branches activities. Shipmates, We attended the car rally in Tonyrefail with the intention of raising funds and awareness of the Rhondda Branch of the RNA. Followed by attending the Ponty Big Bite in Ynysangharad Park Pontypridd. The intention was to raise funds and attract new members to the Branch. As we become more experienced, we will, and I am sure get the layout of our stand more eye catching and in so doing attract more viewings. However, it is pleasing to note we had enquiries from 8 potential Shipmates who had either just left or were leaving the service shortly. So attending these functions is not a waste of time although it can be tiring. Upcoming the branch will be at the annual vintage car rally in Pontypridd also in Ynysangharad Park. Yours Aye, Graham Warner Hon Sec. (Editors note - Is the wire fence in the background for keeping potential members in?)
RNA Gloucester Branch Sadly it is with deep regret that Gloucester branch report that Shipmates Victor (Ken) Kenneth Goode and Edwin (Eddie) James Weaver have crossed the bar. Ken, who is pictured opposite, was a committed member of the committee for many years and will be greatly missed by all. Ken served in the Royal Navy from 1949 as an Marine Engineer until 1957. He served in HM Ships; Devonshire, Veryan Bay, Lunia, Penston , Hexton and HM Tug Gay Bruiser along with shore time in Royal Arthur, Raleigh and Drake. Eddie was a really good friend of S/m Eddie and served in a variety of Air Stations and the Carriers, Albion and Centaur ships in the RN from 1948 to 1956 including. His Funeral was held at Mariners Church in Gloucester Docks followed by a wake held at the RNA.
RNA Redruth and Camborne Shipmates from Redruth and Camborne Branch attended the annual Air Day at RNAS Culdrose Helston on 31st July 2014. The Photos show the Hon Sec S/m Jim Watkins with his helpers (in Jim’s words “flanked by two Chief ex Wrens”).
RNA Nottingham Branch The Nottingham Royal Naval Association Club was officially opened by our National President Vice Admiral John McAnally CB LVO on Saturday 5th July. The President seen here standing next to S/m Tom Rotherham Branch Secretary of the Nottingham Branch pulled the first pint and handed it to S/m George Briers 91 the President of the Nottingham Branch. The opening was attend 26
by visitors from RNA branches throughout the eastern area. The national president also presented the area silver plate for recruiting to S/m Sue Gallagher Chairperson of the Nottingham Branch. The branch has also received the Briggs Dirk for recruiting for 2013 at the associations annual conference held in Coventry. The club is situated at 22 Church Street, Lenton, Nottingham and is open from 1900 Monday - Saturday, and 1200 Saturday and Sunday lunchtime. We look forward to meeting any members visiting Nottingham and Branch visits. And......
Further to last month’s article concerning the new Nottingham RNA club I received an e-mail from S/m Tom Rotherham the Branch Secretary. I have to correct the item which was copied from the Nottingham Post in this months circular. As usual the reporter was in a hurry and as such some of the items contained therein are incorrect. S/m Stan Keetley our club president has been a member for over 40 years, not 3 1/2. Also the comment by NET with regards to help on locating properties, I have to point out that this is totally untrue, It was down to us trawling the Pubs for sale on the internet. We had one property subject to contract for 7 months because the council would not give us the money to purchase. In the end we had to serve legal papers on the council to force them into a contract with us, but not before we lost the aforementioned property and a subsequent other property. We even lost the one we have now at first due to them failing to complete on the purchase. It might seem as though I am nit picking on the latter by the council, but my members feel quite aggrieved by the way we were and still are being treated by the council over this issue.
Scottish Area The Scottish Standard Bearers were out in force at the dedication of the Naval Service Memorial at the National Arboretum as you can see from the photo. Amazingly this is allegedly the only photo of the Tartan Army without the National Standard Bearer in it!!!
L – R S/ms Dave Lewis (Forth Valley), Ian Irvine (Edinburgh), Brian McKenzie (SNP Glasgow) and Mike Firth (Rosyth) missing in action... the National Standard Bearer!
RNA Weymouth Branch On the night of October 13th 1944, LCT 2454 on passage from Dartmouth to Portland came ashore during a Force 9 storm and foundered on Chesil Beach Weymouth. The LCT was manned by a Royal Naval ships company of thirteen, nine of whom died, along with two Coastguards who were attempting a rescue. The 70th anniversary of this tragic night is on the 13th October 2014 when a plaque will be unveiled by the Mayor of Weymouth and Portland at 1200. The plaque will be attached to the Chesil Beach Centre, Portland Beach Road during a service of commemoration. The service will be conducted by our the Weymouth Branch Chaplain and all Standards and shipmates are invited to attend. For further details please contact S/m Tony Seal at or phone 01305-767 155.
RNA Brentwood Branch On Sunday 3rd August members of RNA Brentwood Branch and the standard attended the dedication of two new stone benches at the Brentwood War memorial. The provision of the benches to enable the less able to rest at the memorial,and the service of dedication were organised by the Brentwood branch of the Royal British Legion. Among those attending the service were the Lord Lieutenant of Essex, The Mayor of Brentwood, the Commanding officer of the Army Reserve centre and Army and Air Cadets. The Standards on parade were RBL, Brentwood and Essex County; RNA, Brentwood and Area 5; a Branch of the Royal Anglian Regiment Association and 1483 Squadron ATC. Tribute must be paid to the high standard of drill and turnout of all the cadets and in particular Cpl Nathan Hirsch, the ATC standard bearer.
RNA Bromley Branch On Saturday, 16th August, Bromley RNA hosted the Area 2 meeting in The Trafalgar Block at TS Narvik. So to ensure that the meeting was a success the venue was given a good going over to ensure it was spic and span and up to Admirals Rounds standard! ‘Volunteered’ Members were ‘requested’ to turn to in the days before spending time removing, cleaning and replacing the 28
memorabilia that hangs on the bulkheads, clearing cobwebs, polishing the deck and cleaning the seats in the branch HQ Portacabin prior to the big day. Finally the evening before the meeting was spent moving the chairs and tables to ensure that everyone was facing the front. A welcome tea, coffee or beer was offered to the 29 delegates on their arrival from across 2 area then fish 'n' chips and crusty bread and butter served along with a tot or two of rum. They appear to have had a really nice time and enjoyed being ‘treated like royalty’ and Bromley Shipmates were really proud to have hosted up to the required standard and that it went well.
RNA Brentwood Branch
It is with great sadness that Brentwood Branch announces that Ronald (Ron) Vowles crossed the bar in July 2014 aged 90. Ron was the last sea serving World War II member of the branch and for many years he was the Welfare Officer and supported by his late wife regularly visited all sick members. He was Chatham based and served on HMS Worcester and HMS Wolverine and was a recipient of the Arctic Star.
RNA Chatham Branch Area Secretary S/m Mick Cox has forwarded some photos of Chatham branch shipmates preparing the gazebo for AFD in Gillingham. Quote “the short guy is Roger Ide area 2 Treasurer”.
(Editors Note; I would point out the non PC nature concerning Roger Ide vertical challengement is not condoned by the Editors, I know that is only a small point but it is important!)
RNA Eastbourne Branch Shipmates should be aware that very sadly the RNOC club, the HQ of Eastbourne branch, is closing its doors for the final time on 30th September 2014. Monthly meetings will now take place on the 1st Thursday of each month at the Fishermans’ Club, Royal Parade, Eastbourne BN22 7AA. All future correspondence should now be addressed to S/m George Langford (Hon Sec) RNA Eastbourne Branch, 3 Mayfair Close, Polegate East Sussex BN26 5PP or S/m Brian Allchorn (Hon Treas) 61 Bowood Avenue, Eastbourne BN22 8SL.
RNA Millom and District Branch Millom and District Branch are very sad to announce that Shipmate The Reverend ‘Joe’ Issac has crossed the bar. Joe served in the Fleet Air Arm and flying Swordfish aircraft as an Observer for the duration of the 2nd World War before to returning to his academic studies reading English and Theology. On the night of the Mess dinner held to celebrate the founding of Millom Branch Joe provided Grace in his dual role as the first Branch President and Branch Chaplain. At his funeral on 22 August 2014 both RNA and RBL Standards were in attendance. He will be sadly missed.
RNA Romford and Hornchurch Branch S/M Bert Redwood of Romford and Hornchurch branch along with his son Graham travelled north to be with the Shipmates in Orkney. They arrived on Thursday 17th July and were met by the Orkney Branch Chairman Dave Hughes. Bert presented a Romford and Hornchurch Branch Plaque to the Orkney Branch. This plaque was gratefully received by the Orkney chairman at a Branch meeting. Bert and Graham really enjoyed their stay in Orkney and another bond of friendship was forged. The photo top right shows WW2 veteran Bert Redwood talking to WW2 veteran Harry Russell of the Orkney Branch. It is rumoured that the conversation went something like this; “ Who was your last skipper Harry? Hornblower....... who was yours? “Nelson” replied Bert.
RNA Corby Branch Two Corby Shipmates, Arctic Convoy veterans were taken to the Russian Embassy to be presented with the Ushakov Medal. S/mates John (Jack) Morris who served as an L/SA in HMS Walker and Eric Drayton an ex PO Stoker who saw service in HMS Cumberland were treated with warmth, compassion and respect by all the staff at the Embassy. The Ambassador personally did the presentation and pinned the medals on to their proud chests.
RNA Woking Branch Shipmate Henry Rice from RNA Woking participated in a moving service of commemoration and reflection on the centenary of the outbreak of WW1, on Monday 4th August. Shipmate Rice's reading of Wilfred Owen's poem '1914' stirred the congregation at ChristChurch Woking. In a letter from the Mayor of Woking, Councillor Tony Branagan to S/m Henry, he expressed his gratitude for his reading of the poem, stating that it was delivered "with great passion and emotion which was appreciated by all attending". He went on to say that the service "was carried out with the dignity deserving of this special occasion". The service was also attended by the MP for Woking Jonathan Lord and the Leader of Woking Borough Council, John Kingsbury, who joined the rest of the congregation and passersby in the ceremonial extinguishing of the final candle by the Mayor in Jubilee Square. All in all it was a very moving occasion, marked also by more than 2,000 large red poppies purchased by the council from the Royal British Legion and placed around the town and villages as a token of our respect.
RNA Delabole Branch It is with huge sadness that Delabole Branch announces that their President Shipmate Rear Admiral Alec Weir CB President has crossed the Bar. Admiral Alec has been a long serving, working President whom many RNA members knew through his hosting of the annual No4 Area croquet match. Alec had a long Naval career he joined BRNC at the age of 13 in 1941and retired in 1981as Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff Operations for NATO. 31
Whilst commanding HMS Rothesay he spent driving the ship around Nassau waters for three days filming for the Bond film Thunderball and in particular at the request of the director the ship was to pass at full speed close to a camera raft moored just off the beach. This could only be achieved by heading directly at the beach, and turning under full helm about two cables from dry land. This was not a manoeuver to be taken lightly, as steering failure would have meant the ship might still be there today. But Alec had confidence in his crew and they in him. However this was a one-take affair. The enormous wash generated at full speed in shallow water knocked over the camera and almost sank the raft and cameraman, before it rushed up the beach and bowled over the palm trees. Admiral Alec will be greatly missed by the branch and all who knew him. ÂŁ250 has been donated to the Naval Service Memorial from funeral donations.
RNA Plymouth Branch One hundred and two members extended a very warm welcome to the branches very busy President, Cdre Greame Little OBE ADC, Naval Base Commander Devonport, and to participate in the election of a new Branch Chairman. The President took the opportunity to enlighten members of the success relating to the transfer of the Royal Marine Amphibious Force to the Base, present activity and future projection relating to Ship Refit programmes, Base Porting and mentioned the significant contribution members are making not only mentoring new recruits, support to the Sea Cadets but also RNA exposure in the community. . Members listened intently to the presentation by the two candidates for Chairman, S/m's Carl Beeson who joined the Branch in 1987 and Des McCarthy. S/m McCarthy was duly elected after his submission conveyed to members his managerial experience, knowledge of our Association, emphasising the prime element of the RNA is the Branch and the single and most important factor is to maintain the enthusiasm of membership. Carl was magnanimous in defeat and said our Branch would go from strength to strength.
RNA Llanelli Branch Shipmates would be interested to know that the Llanelli Branch of the RNA boasts 22 ex Gurkhas on their books as associated members. Earlier this year the Branch held a function to raise funds for a school in an ex Gurgha village in Nepal. The night raised ÂŁ1500.00 and was used to purchase 6 x computers an office printer and a few other bits and pieces which have been sent out to the school. The school and village has only recently received an electric supply and now have 4 hrs of power a day and it took 3 days to just to get from Katmandou to the village, the last day being on foot and porters had to be found. Apart from the fantastic news that the village children can use the IT equipment the RNA now has it's name on display in Nepal!. BZ to Llanelli Branch .
RNA Rosyth and West Fife Branch Shipmates are advised that Rosyth and West Fife have a new Hon Sec, S/m Karyn Aygun her contact details are: 3, Larch Grove, Dunfermline, Fife KY11 8AG. (Mob 0772 579465) e-mail
RNA Bracknell Branch Shipmate Ron Miller of Bracknell Branch received his thoroughly deserved Ushakov Medal form the Russian Ambassador at the Russian Embassy recently after being transported to Kensington by his very proud Branch Shipmates. Ron walked into a recruiting office in West London as a 17 year old in June 1943. After intensive instruction at the Navy’s Whale Island gunnery school, the teenage matelot was off to HMS Vernon torpedo school to learn about depth charges, demolition and electrics, finally being drafted to HMS Diadem, a light cruiser which then held the record of escorting ten merchant convoys to the Russian Arctic ports of Murmansk and Archangel. Ron personally served on six return escort missions, having actually celebrated his 18th birthday in Russia. Seventy years later, Ron Miller, joined in with fellow ‘White Beret’ shipmates to proudly receive the Russian Navy’s highest decoration for gallantry. BZ Ron
RNA Cardiff Branch On Sunday 7th September, following on from a successful NATO summit, Cardiff RNA manned a stall at ‘Meet the Military Day’ in Cardiff Bay. The day was a great success with the Navy’s new type 45 HMS Duncan on show with members of the public queuing for four hours just to get onboard. A great deal of interest was shown at the RNA stand, with an estimated 80,000 people passing through, the RNA stand was manned all day by members of Cardiff branch. One of the most popular ‘gizzets’ by far was the RNA hats. As seen opposite with S/m Foley on Hat watch.
The Branch even managed to sign up new members including PO Ian Hammond from the RN recruitment team.
RNA Ferndown branch What is going on down at Ferndown? Is it the water they use in their tot! Here is the latest shipmate to conduct Operation ‘Wedded Bliss’... Lt Liam Andrews RN and his wife Alice are shown in the photo below with fellow Ferndown members. We at HQ would like to offer Liam and Alice our congratulations and we wish the happy couple very best of luck for the future.
RNA Gloucester Branch The branch was recently asked by Maureen Murphy (nee Wilce) the daughter of a former Royal Navy man Jeffrey Wilce to arrange a scattering of ashes in the River Wye at Lydbrook. Jeffrey was born in Coleford on 5 th June 1932 and joined the RN in 1950. He served for 12 years in many ships but one of his most memorable deployments was in HMS Helmsdale when she escorted HM Queen as part of the Coronation Review of the Fleet. He was also stationed in Gibraltar and St David’s. He was married in 1962 after leaving the RN and moved to Georgia USA. His ashes were returned to the UK and the ceremony took place on 6th September with the branch Standard, branch Chaplain, Canon Marilyn Sharland, and eight members of the branch in attendance. Canon Marilyn conducted a short service to honour Jeffreys life. It was a very unique and memorable occasion.
The picture above shows the Branch Honour Guard that attended the scattering (S/ms Robert Crowther, John Harrison, Mike Humphries, Stan Joyner and Sean Bryne. In recognition of the Branch assistance at the scattering a painting of a schooner painted by Jeffrey Wilce was presented to the branch.
Pictured below are (L to R) - Robert Crowther, Maureen Murphy, Bobby Humphries, Peggy Goode, Stan Joyner, John Harrison, Sean Bryne, Mike Humphries, Lovejoy Joyner and Murphy.
RNA Warwick Branch The Members of the Warwick Royal Naval Association have planted a tree at the National Arboretum to celebrate the branches 60th Birthday on Monday the 15th September 2014. A dedication service was held, which was led by the branch Padre, the Rev Linda Duckers and was attended by branch members. An open day is also scheduled to continue the birthday celebrations will be taking place at the Court House Warwick on the 27th September from 1200 until 1600 and is open to everyone. The Open Day will take place in the now refurbished Ballroom with full access for disabled shipmates where, there will be displays of memorabilia showing how the RNA continues to promote the values of unity, patriotism and comradeship which is standard throughout the association.
For information the very first meeting of this branch was held at the Old Fourpenny Shop Pub 60 years ago on the 29th September 1954. The Chairman Derek Fletcher who joined the Royal Navy at the age of fifteen and a half as a regular and seen service in the Malayan and Korean conflict and visited many countries around the world, he is also allegedly the branches duty David Bellamy in tree maters .... said that this tree will be a permanent reminder for the branch and not only that it is for all the members past and present who have moulded it into what is a Family.
RNA Falmouth Branch FOR SALE Falmouth Branch have commissioned the manufacture of 2 x double sided Display Boards (pictured). Our intention was that these should be semi-permanent, but portable, to be stored against a wall in the room in which we hold our meetings. The idea was to display various artifacts belonging to the branch, such as a copy of the Scroll presented when we were granted the Honorary Freedom of Falmouth in March 2014, various ships' plaques etc. Overall measurements of both boards are:- height 6'6", width 6'6", depth of feet 3", varnished and finished to a high standard. We approached the Management Committee of the Club, who originally sanctioned the idea. However, due to a change of management we have now been informed that this in no longer possible, on the principle that "if we allow you to do it, other groups who use the room will want to do so as well". Overall cost of production was £350, and we are now looking to recover all or part of these costs by offering them to potential interested parties. We shall also be approaching local schools and organisations. Interested parties should contact bran ch Secretary Ron Burdekin. There is one important proviso: - "buyer collects"!
RNA Members Benefits
UK Holiday Group /CONA Holiday Service
Variety of special deals for both Groups and Individual. 1% of turnover thorough CONA Holiday Service is returned to the RNA.
Funeral Service
2 ½ % discount form Wessex Funeral Services
Portsmouth Historic Dockyard
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Pussers Rum – Special Rates for RNA
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Legal Services
Free 30 minute legal advice with Coffin Mew. 0800 827168
Shortcast (Run in date order) 2014 HMS St Vincent Association The HMS St Vincent Association invites and welcomes all Members to the AGM and Reunion Dinner over the weekend 3rd/6th October 2014 at the Royal Beach Hotel Southsea Portsmouth. The AGM will be held in the establishment (by kind permission of St Vincent College) on Saturday 4th October. The AGM commences at 1100 (doors open at 0900) and so plenty of time to renew acquaintances, visit the new museum, buy your replacement ‘slops’ and luncheon afterwards. Coaches will be laid on from the hotel to take everyone across to the College in Gosport, as part of the package. If you wish to attend and haven’t completed your attendance forms, please contact:Isle of Wight Tours Ltd , 3 New Lake Road, Lake, Sandown, Isle of Wight PO36 9JN Telephone 01983 405116 or contact Soapy Watson on 01329 310078 (M) 0778656548
HMS Arethusa Association – 3/6th October 2014 The 27th Reunion of the HMS Arethusa Association will be held at the Hillcrest Hotel, Cronton Lane, Widnes WA8 9AR from October 3 to 6. Pleas contact Tom Sawyer at for further details. HMS Tartar Association 3rd- 6th October 2014 The HMS Tartar Association reunion will be held at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea, Portsmouth, Hants, on 3rd - 6th October 2014. Further information can be obtained from the HMS Tartar 37
Association website ( or by contacting the Social Secretary at: Regulating Branch & RN Police Crushers Association 3 October 2014 Annual Reunion takes place from October 3 to 4. It takes place at HMS Excellent, Friday in the GIs Mess at 2000 and Saturday in the WO & SR Mess at 1900. All retired Regulators and serving Naval Police are welcome. For more information see the website at or contact the Social secretary, W Dick at HMS Sirius Reunion 4 October 2014 HMS Sirius: “Amphibious Reunion” on October 4 at Nautical Club, Birmingham. Details available at or Facebook page, H M S Sirius (make sure you leave the spaces) or contact Andy Ayres at RNH Stonehouse Reunion 3 October 2014 This will take place on October 3 and 4 at the Holiday Inn, The Hoe, Plymouth. Contact Sinbad Edwards at HMS Victorious Association 3rd-5th October 2014 I would like to advertise the H.M.S. Victorious Association reunion in Coventry from Friday 3rd Oct to Sunday the 5th October The Association is open to all commissions of R38 Aircraft Carrier and all commissions of S29 Submarine. For further details please e-mail Stan McLellan HMS Morecambe Bay & Bay Class Frigates 6th October 2014 HMS Morecambe Bay Association and Bay Class Frigates are holding a reunion at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea from October 6 to 8. All ex-Class Bays welcome together with relatives or friends. Contact Chairman, Doug Turk at Type 21 Association – 10/11 October The 5th Type 21 Reunion will take place on the weekend of the 10-11th October 2014 in Plymouth. Meet at 1900 on Friday 10th at St Levans Inn, St Levan Road, for Drinks and Buffet. On Saturday 11th October the reunion will carry on at the RBL Crownhill, Tailyour Road, Crownhill commencing with the AGM at 1145 with entertainment by the ‘unashamed’ Shep Wooley at 1400. Finally the grand finale will commence at 1900 and will include a Hot Buffet, Ships Pictures and raffle, Type 21 gizzits will also be on sale. Sadly the Bar closes at 2345. HMS Dainty Association – 10 October 2014 Reunion to be held October 10-12 at the RNLI College Poole. For further details contact David Erwin at HMS Illustrious Association 17-20 October 2014 The Annual Reunion and AGM will be held at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea from October 17 to 20. Enquiries to the National Secretary, Diane Coleman at
HMS Lowestoft Association Reunion - 17-19th October 2014 The 4th annual reunion of the HMS Lowestoft Association will take place at the Royal Beach Hotel, St Helens Parade, Southsea PO4 0NR from October 17 to 19th 2014. All ex-Lowie's 19611985 and guests are welcome. For booking & more info contact IOW Tours on 01983 405116 or email or email: or visit HMS Trafalgar Reunion – 17 October 2014 HMS Trafalgar Reunion will be held at the Maritime Club, Portsmouth from October 17 to 18. Please contact Taff Pugh at for more information. HMS Cheviot Association – 24 October 2014 Reunion to be held at the Inglewood Hotel, Torquay Otober 24-27. Contact Basil Downing-Waite at HMS Ulster (all Commissions 1943-1980) 24 / 27th October 2014 Reunion will take place from October 24 to 27 at the Inglewood Hotel in Torquay. Details of cost and the weekend package can be obtained from Norrie Millen at or visit the website at The Survey Ships Association - 24-27th October 2014 The Survey Ships Association will be holding its twentieth reunion at The Best Western Coniston Hotel, Sittingbourne on the w/e of 24th – 27th October. For information on membership and reunion please send a SAE to: The Secretary SSA, 8 Grosvenor Court, 74 East Lodge Park, Farlington, Portsmouth, PO6 1BY, e-mail:, or telephone 023 9279 1258. The HMS Glorious, Ardent, and Acasta Association – 09 November 2014 The Remembrance Day Parade in London. Contact Greg.Monteith 01243 532916
HMS Diamond Association - 14 November 2014 Reunion at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea from 14 to 16 November. All welcome. For more information please contact Ray Shipley at HMS Eagle Association – 14 November 2014 The 42nd Anniversary ‘Nautical Experience’ reunion to be held at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea November 14-16. Meet and greet Friday, various tours from the hotel Saturday with dinner/dance and entertainment in the evening. All commissions 1952-72 welcome with wives, partners and guests. Contact main organiser Danny du Feu at or events secretary Bill Melvin at
HMS Relentless Association reunion – 28th-30th November 2014 The 72nd anniversary reunion of the HMS Relentless Association will take place at the Tillington 39
Hall Hotel, Stafford from November 28th to 30th 2014. Any one who served on Relentless during the 40s, 50s or 60s commissions welcome. For booking contact IOW Tours on 01983 405116 or email enquiries to or visit our website
Shipmates may wish to know more about the HMS Relentless Association should read the article below. RELENTLESS was an ‘R’ Class destroyer during WW2 and was the first such destroyer converted into a Type 15 fast anti-submarine frigate. She spent the war years on the Africa, East Indies and Far East stations and on returning to the UK at the end of WW2 was put into Reserve in 1946. Converted into a Type 15 frigate in 1951, she served as ‘Captain D’ 3rd Training Squadron in Londonderry under the command of Capt.Michael Le Fanu (who later became Admiral of the Fleet and First Sea Lord). Placed in Reserve in 1955 she was once again pressed into service in 1963 serving in the West Indies, Mediterranean and Far East until finally being scrapped in 1971. The HMS Relentless Association was only formed in November 2012 and from small beginnings, and for a ship that was scrapped over forty years ago, the membership continues to grow. Our Patron is Vice Admiral Sir Geoffrey Dalton who, as a young Commander was CO in 1966-67 and one of our more notable members is ex-Chancellor Nigel Lawson - now Lord Lawson of Blaby who was a Sub-Lieutenant on board in 1955. Our next Reunion is 28th-30th November 2014 in Stafford where we will be dedicating a memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum to all those who served on board. It would be great to hear from any ex-RELENTLESS oppos or in fact, any of the other seven ‘R’ Class destroyers, or any of the other twenty-five Type 15 frigates. You can find more information on our website,, you can email me at, or call me, Steve Newton, on 02392 599 640.
HMS Ajax Association – 13 December 2014 The HMS AJAX and River Plate Veterans Association have been working hard on arrangements to mark the 75th anniversary of the Battle in 2014. The committee are aware that there may be members of the RNA including associate members who may have served in either the cruiser (scrapped in 1949) or the frigate (scrapped sometime it is believed in 1982). So come along and join us on 13th December 2014 at a lunch in Portsmouth to mark the actual 75th anniversary of the Battle. There is an open invitation to those who served in HMS Exeter and Achilles and their families. If there is anyone who wishes to find out further details they can contact Malcolm Collis on and there is also the website where additional information can be found. 2015 HMS Ariadne Reunion – 13 March 2015
The 4th annual reunion is will be held at the Forest Pines Hotel, Broughton, Lincs DN20 0AQ from 13th to 15th March 2015. A deposit of £20 made payable to Sally Clarke at ‘Just for Groups’ tel: 01603 886740. Total cost is £99pp for the weekend. Former members of any of the commissions are most welcome to attend all or part of the weekend. Please contact HMS Ariadne on facebook at for more details. HMS Andromeda Association – 27 March 2015 HMS Andromeda Association reunion will be held at the Holiday Inn, Doncaster February 27-2nd March. Doncaster council adopted the ship in the 1980s and links with the council have been reestablished and it is planned that civic events will take place to commemorate the event. Details of the reunion and the weekend events can be obtained from Isle of Wight Tours on 01983 405116 HMS Camppbeltown Reunion – 03 April 2015 First mini reunion to be held April 3-6 in Guzz. Contact Florrie Ford at Royal Naval Hospital Haslar Reunion – 01/03 May 2015 There will be a reunion weekend from Friday 01 May until Sunday 03 May 2015 in the Thorngate Halls, Gosport for all personnel who served at RNH Haslar. For further details please e-mail
Swinging the Lamp –October 2014
Date 1st 2nd
Year 1988 1804
Entry Hard-lying money replaced by long service at sea bonus. Abortive attack with Fulton’s fireships off Boulogne by Keith, which Gambier considered ‘a horrible and anti-Christian mode of warfare’. Battle of Termoli, Adriatic Coast. Amphibious operation by 40 Cdo RM to seize port and strategic road ahead of advancing forces. One DSO, three MCs, two MMs. Leander-class frigate Bacchante, transferred to RNZN on 1 October, commissioned as HMNZS Wellington. DCI(RN) 434/82. The submarine HMCS Chicoutimi (ex-HMS Upholder) running opened up on the surface in heavy seas in the E. Atlantic, was seriously damaged by a fire when she took in water through the open upper lid which arced the main power cables between the forward battery and the main propulsion switchboards. One officer died. Chicoutimi lost all power on board and drifted for sixty hours. She was towed 220 miles to Faslane, escorted by the frigate Montrose, and arrived on 10 October. Order of St John: Surg-Lt Michael Lindsay RN. Queen Alexandra became Patron of the Naval Nursing Service, which was renamed Queen Alexandra’s Royal Naval Nursing Service. RN SSNs launched TLAMs at Taleban and al-Qaeda locations inside Afghanistan
16th 17th
1759 1918
The second RN air attack from Antwerp on airship sheds at Dusseldorf and Cologne; Sqn Cdr D.A.S. Grey and Ft-Lt R.L.G. Marix, flying Sopwith Tabloids. Grey failed to find the target at Cologne due to fog and, under heavy rifle and shell fire, bombed the main railway station. Marix blew up the airship shed at Dusseldorf with the new rigid airship Z9, the first Zeppelin destroyed by a British aircraft. He ran out of petrol on the way back and returned to base on a borrowed bicycle. The base at Antwerp was overrun by the Germans that night and the naval crews destroyed their aircraft before withdrawing. VC: AB George Hinckley (Sphinx) for twice covering 150yd of ground under enemy fire to rescue wounded men. British and French landing parties, assisted by Chinese troops, repulsed the Taiping rebels and captured the city of Fung Wha, above Ningpo. Torpedo and Anti-Submarine (TAS) Branch formed: Torpedo Branch passed electrical responsibilities to the recently formed Electrical Branch and amalgamated with the Anti-Submarine Branch, formerly based at Osprey, Portland, to form the new TAS Branch based at Vernon. Battleship Revenge, seven destroyers and six MTBs bombarded Cherbourg. Covering force: cruisers Cardiff, Emerald, Newcastle and six destroyers. Operation Medium. Operation Sealion, the planned German invasion of Britain, postponed until spring 1941. ‘Had Hitler been able to dominate the English Channel – be it only for twenty-four hours – he might have succeeded. But like Napoleon before him, he was never in a position to do so’ – Vice-Admiral Friedrich Ruge. Scott, the biggest surveying ship ever built for the Royal Navy, launched at Appledore by Mrs Portillo. Vessel ordered to replace Hecla. Designed to commercial standards and provides deep bathymetric capability off the Continental Shelf. Her multibeam sonar suite permits mapping of the ocean floor. Full load displacement 13,550 tons. Ship’s company of sixty-three divided into three watches, only two of which embarked. 801 NAS at RNAS Lossiemouth became the first operational unit to be equipped with Buccaneer aircraft. On 18 October one of these, XN 980, made a low-level pass over Nelson’s Column to mark the 160th anniversary of Trafalgar – an impressive photograph which was fully exploited by DPR(N) and DNR. The last ‘service’ launch of a Fairey Swordfish from a RN carrier – Ocean; but Cdr David Hobbs cautions that Centaur launched Swordfish LS326 and NF389 during the filming of ‘Sink the Bismarck’ in 1959, both aircraft were on Navy charge and flown by a serving crew. Eddystone Light first lit. Monitors General Wolfe and Lord Clive bombarded German positions on the Belgian coast, the last occasion on which the RN fired 18-in guns in action. Lt HRH The Duke of Edinburgh RN joined the destroyer Chequers (Capt J.E.H. McBeath RN, Captain (D) 1st DF) at Malta as First Lieutenant. Supply of dentures to Serving Ratings. ‘An initial supply of dentures at the public expense is allowable to serving ratings of all branches, including recruits and Royal Marine ranks, provided:
29th 30th
1792 1954
1a. The supply is essential to render the man dentally fit for general service . . . 1b. The need for the supply had not arisen through the man’s imprudence or fault.’ – AFO 3074/39. Glitra, first British merchant ship to be sunk by a German submarine, torpedoed by U-17 14 miles W.S.W. of Skudenaes. Until then the submarine had been regarded as an anti-warship weapon. Capt George Moubray, Captain of HMS Victory at anchor in Portsmouth Harbour, had to move smartly when HM Queen Victoria and HRH Prince Albert came up the side unheralded. The Queen, entering harbour from Osborne en route to Windsor, had seen the laurel wreaths at the ship’s masthead and, on being reminded that it was Trafalgar Day and told that the wreaths were hoisted in memory of Admiral Nelson, decided to have a look round. Resolution, Britain’s first Polaris submarine, paid off after sixty-nine patrols. Light cruiser Charybdis sunk by the German TBs T-23 and T-27 off Triagoz Island, France (48.59N, 03.39W). Destroyer Limbourne torpedoed by the German TBs T-22 and T-24 in the same position; sunk by Talybont and Rocket. Operation Tunnel. Ships: Charybdis, Grenville, Limbourne, Rocket, Stevenstone, Talybont, Wensleydale. Dead washed ashore on Channel Islands; buried by islanders despite German occupation. The only RN cruiser lost in 1943. A major newspaper scoop gained by the Gibraltar Chronicle with news of Trafalgar following receipt of Collingwood’s letter to General Fox, the Governor. The Times first reported the news on 6 November. The ship’s bell of the battleship Prince of Wales, sunk off Malaya on 10 December 1941 and retrieved by RN divers in August 2002, was handed over by Rear-Admiral Alan Massey, ACNS, at Admiralty House, Portsmouth, to the Malaysian Minister of Foreign Affairs for exhibitions to mark fifty years of Malaysian independence. The bell was returned in the destroyer Edinburgh in August 2008 and is preserved in Merseyside Maritime Museum. Carrier Implacable (Admiral Sir Henry Moore), light cruiser Mauritius and six destroyers of 26th DF successfully attacked shipping between Bodo and Rorvik (and on 27th and 28th). Operation Athletic. FAA Sqns: Barracuda: 828, 841; Firefly: 1771; Seafire: 887, 894. The RN’s newest warship, the frigate St Albans, alongside in Portsmouth, damaged when P&O ferry Pride of Portsmouth from Le Havre, entering harbour in gale-force winds at 0500 on a Sunday, slewed off course and collided with the frigate’s port side. Port bridge wing and 30-mm gun deck were buckled and damage to starboard side hull. The frigate returned to sea on 12 February 2003. First flight of the pre-production Wasp helicopter (XS463), flown by Ron Gellatly, from White Waltham. Last of Bounty mutineers executed at Spithead. X 51 (Stickleback) set new altitude record for a submarine – 279m. (This was reached on a railway track on Shap Summit.) Cunard liner RMS Queen Mary, departing Southampton for the last time en route to Long Beach, California, was played off from 107 Berth by a RM band. She was over-flown by fourteen RN helicopters in anchor formation: six Whirlwinds of 771 NAS, six Wessex of 826 NAS and two Wasps of 829 NAS. Once clear of The Nab channel, the carrier Hermes steamed past and cheered ship.
2014 Christmas cards These are available with envelopes at £5 per pack of ten.
Orders should be sent to HQ Semaphore Tower and be accompanied by a cheque or payment details for the total value.
From: ................................................................Branch/Member Please provide............. Packs of ten Victory Christmas Cards @ £5 per pack Please provide ..............Packs of ten St Albans Christmas cards @ £5 per pack Deliver the order to S/M………………………………............ Address……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………..................…………………………………… ……………………………………….............. ………………………………………………………Post code………………… Find enclosed a cheque to the value of - £ ..................made out to The Royal Naval Association OR debit the ..........................................Branch for £.................. Or charge to my Credit Card/Debit Card; the details of which are: Credit Card/Debit Card No ................................................................... ....... . Card in the name of :...................................................................................... Valid From: ...................... Expires .................... Three Digit Security Code (where applicable) ............................................... Card holder’s address if different from delivery address Address ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………...... Post Code:……………………………
2015 Diaries The 2015 diary will be sold as the diary part only, price £5.
If you need a diary with the blue crested cover it will cost £8 Orders should be sent to the address below and be accompanied either by a cheque for the total value or instructions to debit a Branch Account.
To: Royal Naval Association, Room 209 Semaphore Tower (PP70) HM Naval Base Portsmouth PO1 3LT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Order form From: .................................................................Branch Please provide ……………… 2015 RNA insert Diaries @ £5 .00 each £ ...................... Please provide ……………… 2015 Diaries with Cover @ £8 .00 each £ ...................... TOTAL £............ Deliver the order to S/M………………………………………………………… Address ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………...... Post Code:…………………………… Find enclosed a cheque to the value of - £ ..................made out to The Royal Naval Association OR debit the ..........................................Branch for £.................. Or charge to my Credit Card/Debit Card; the details of which are: Credit Card/Debit Card No ....................... ................................................... . Card in the name of :................................................................. Valid From: ................................ Expires ..................................................... . Three Digit Security Code (where applicable) ............................................... Card holder’s address of different from delivery address Address ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………...... Post Code:……………………………
FORM RNA C/3 APPLICATION FOR ANNUAL PERMIT FOR A REGISTERED ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION CLUB (To be submitted to RNA Headquarters by 7 December 2014) PART I 1. Name of Club in full ..............................................................................................................(a) 2. Registered Office Address ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ Tel.............................................Post Code...................................... 3. Premises owned by : Club/Branch/Other..................................................................................(c) 4. Membership as at 31 October 2014 : Life........................Full........................Assoc........................ (e-1) ANNUAL PERMIT 2014 5. The Club committee herebye applies for the renewal of the Annual permit and undertakes to comply with all the conditions therein. (e) 6. The Club Committee confirm that the Club is registered with the FSA and has submitted their accounts. Dated .................. Signed by Hon Secretary..................................... Name .................................................. Dated .................. Signed by Chairman............................................. Name.................................................... Dated....................Signed by Treasurer............................................. Name.................................................... PART II
(please print names)
The Committee of the ......................................... Branch of the Royal Naval Association has examined the above application and supports it. (b) The present paid up membership of the branch is: Life......................Full...................Assoc...................... (a) (b) Signed by the Branch Hon Secretary................................................................. Dated............................ PART III Number.......... Area in which the ....................................Branch is situated recommends that National Council approves this application. (b) Signed by the Area Hon Secretary .......................................................................Dated............................. PART IV This application is approved by the National Council. Signed on their behalf...................................................................
FORM RNA C/3 Notes (a)
Under Association Rule 16 the National Council requires all Branches forming a club to register it and its name with the appropriate authority through RNA headquarters, and thereafter to apply for an Annual Permit
The application for the Annual Permit should be submitted by the Club through the Branch and Area for their endorsement and onward transmission to RNA Headquarters by the 7 December 2013. If either the Branch or the Area cannot support the application, it should endeavour to resolve the reasons with the Club, but failing this should report full details to the General secretary with a copy to the National Council member for the area.
RNA Headquarters will issue the permit dated 1 January of the following year as soon as practicable. The administrative charge is £3 which will be automatically debited to the Branch account for the quarter ending 31 December. If premises are not owned by the Branch it is a condition that adequate facilities be provided by the owner for the conduct of Branch business.
If the Hon Secretary’s address for correspondence is not the same as the Registered office for the club, this should be shown after their signature The conditions specified on the Permit as being accepted by the Club include the following:
1 All members of the Club shall be members of the Association with not less than 20 being Full and or Life members as defined by clause 9(a) of the Royal Charter. 2 The Club will, in general, do all possible to further the objects of the Association and will support and encourage the work of the Branch with which it is associated. 3 The Club will abide strictly by its registered rules which shall not be amended without the prior consent of the National Council. 4 Two copies of the audited accounts of the Club shall be forwarded to the General Secretary each year. 5 The National Council shall be entitled to appoint a representative to inspect all documents, accounts and books of the Club on giving seven days notice. 6 The National Council and the appropriate Area Committee may from time to time pay a visit of inspection to the Club. 7 The National Council can give seven days written notice of cancellation of the permit and the Club shall thereupon cease to use the words “Royal Naval Association” in the title of the Club.
NOMINATION FORM ELECTION OF MEMBERS AND DEPUTY MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL (June 2015 to June 2017)(Revised RNA Bye-Law 7) For the attention of All Branch Secretaries in Areas. 2,6,7,8,9,11, Scotland Each Branch may nominate one full or full life member from any Branch within its own Area, as a Candidate for election to the National Council, and one full or full life member for election as the Deputy National Council Member subject to the approval of the Branch to which both persons belong. (See Note Below) Name of Nominee NCM...............................................DNCM................................................. Proposed by Branch ....................................................................... Area .......................... Address of Nominee NCM……………………………………........................................................................................... DNCM........................................................................................................................................... Brief history of nominees in the Association. Continue on separate sheet if necessary NCM
Chairman ...................................................... (signed) ............................................(dated) Secretary ...................................................... (signed) ...........................................(dated) ___________________________________________________________________________ If the Candidate by the proposing Branch is not a member of that Branch, this section is to be completed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Candidate's own Branch. Candidate's Branch ......... ............................................................................ We certify the acceptance of the nomination by the Candidate’s Branch. Signature of Chairman (Candidate's Branch) ............................................................................. Signature of Secretary (Candidate's Branch) .............................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Candidate I accept the nomination and promise to attend as many National Council Meetings as is possible and to sit on any Committees to which I may be elected.
Signature of Candidate Dated ___________________________________________________________________________ Nomination Forms The envelope containing this completed form should be marked NOMINATIONS FOR NATIONAL COUNCIL and must reach RNA HQ no later than 1500 27 February 2015. Only one nomination is needed for a candidate to be included in the ballot
PROPOSED MOTIONS AND AMENDMENTS FOR ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2015 Proposals must reach The General Secretary by 1500 27 February 2015 Name of Proposing Branch: ........................................................................................... Motion / amendment
Explanation of the Motion / Amendment (Notes for Conference)
I certify that this Motion / Amendment represents the views of the Members of this Branch, approved at a Branch meeting by at least two thirds of those members at the meeting. If accepted, the branch delegate will propose it to the Annual Conference. Signed: ...........................................Hon. Secretary: ...........................................Date In seconding this Motion / Amendment I certify that it represents the views of the Members of this Branch, approved at a Branch meeting by at least two thirds of those members at the meeting. If accepted, the branch delegate will second it at the Annual Conference. Seconded By: ..................................... Branch. Signed ...........................................Hon Secretary ...............................................Date Notes a. A separate form is required for each Motion or Amendment b. A manuscript copy is acceptable for additional Motions or Amendments if the printed form is not available. c. The Motion or Amendment should be as short and precise as possible avoiding ambiguity. A Motion should normally start with the word `THAT' d. The explanation is to assist the Standing Orders Committee in understanding the intention behind the Motion so that they may be able to consider acceptance and the wording under Rule 15. e. Motions may be submitted at any time but must reach the General Secretary by 27 February 2015. f. Motions of Extreme Urgency should reach the General Secretary not less than 48 hours before Conference. (In accordance with Standing Orders S8(7) as amended at 1996 Conference.) g. Amendments to Motions should also normally reach the General Secretary not less than 7 days before Conference. However they can be submitted in writing direct to the Standing Orders Committee during Conference. h. Bye-Laws - Under Rule 19 only the National Council may make a Bye-Law. A Motion to Conference may propose that a Bye-Law be set aside or it may ask the Council to consider making or amending a Bye-Law. i. The Branch Proposing a Motion must have it Seconded by another Branch before forwarding it to the General Secretary (as carried at item 4 of 1995 Conference.)
Nominations for Standing Orders Committee 2015 For the attention of All Branch Secretaries To reach the General Secretary no later than 1500 27 February 2015 Two members of the Standing Orders Committee are to be elected at Conference 2015, those standing down are eligible to be re-elected. (S/M Lyons and S/M Howard). Each Branch may nominate one full or full life member as a Candidate for election to the Standing Orders Committee, subject to the approval of the Branch to which the candidate belongs. A nil return is not required. Name of Nominee ................................................................................................ Proposed by Branch ....................................................................... Area .......................... Address of Nominee …………………………………….......................................................................................................... ..................................e-mail ....................................................
Brief history of nominee in the Association. Continue on separate sheet if necessary
Branch Chairman ...................................................... (signed) ......................................(dated) Branch Secretary ...................................................... (signed) ......................................(dated) ___________________________________________________________________________ If the Candidate by the proposing Branch is not a member of that Branch, this section is to be completed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Candidate's own Branch. Candidate's Branch ......... ............................................................................ We certify the acceptance of the nomination by the Candidate’s Branch. Signature of Chairman (Candidate's Branch) ............................................................................. Signature of Secretary (Candidate's Branch) .............................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Candidate I accept the nomination and promise to attend as many Standing Orders Committee Meetings as is possible.
Signature of Candidate Dated ___________________________________________________________________________ Nomination Forms The envelope containing this completed form should be marked NOMINATIONS FOR STANDING ORDERS COMMITTEE and must reach RNA HQ no later than 1500 27 February 2015. Only one nomination is needed for a candidate to be included in the ballot. Nominations received after the deadline will not be included in the Ballot.