The Semaphore Circular No 646
The Beating Heart of the RNA
February 2015
HMS Queen Elizabeth at her fitting out berth in Rosyth and is expected to sail past the RNA HQ in Oct 16 or early 17.
RNA members are reminded that hard-copies of the Circular are distributed to each branch via their Secretary, but “silver-surfers� can download their own copy from the RNA website at .(See below)
Dear Shipmates and Branch Secretaries, Welcome to our February Semaphore Circular and a belated Happy New Year. For those who are trying out the ‘Dry January’ – commiserations – for those who are not - ‘Up Spirits!!!’ Plenty of good stuff in this edition, with some very important announcements: in particular note the CONA deal with the RAC, Flyer at rear of this edition, you will see that the cost of the all inclusive package is £70 – with the website cost this morning at £247.99. So just taking it out is worth 17.8 years of RNA membership alone!!! Another CONA benefit is a very good deal on personal insurance, with the same folk that have given us the brilliant branch insurance package, launch in this Circular. So you can see for no subscription we get fantastic value from our membership of CONA, with direct benefit to branches and individuals. As you would expect I have some key business to bring to your attention this month: •
• •
The deadline for branch motions is fast approaching on 27 Feb. If you have a motion in mind and need advice on how best to frame it, let me know and I will put you in touch with the Standing Orders Committee who are keen to ensure that motions are fit to be passed to Conference. Elections nominations are also due for NCM and DNCM. I am currently MISSING the following: NCM nomination for 2 and 6 Areas; DNCM nominations for 6, 7, 8, 11, Scotland. Please help in getting these in on time. I am running an election for DNCM 10 Area following the resignation of Shipmate Charles Hutton and Shipmate Steve Caulfield taking over as NCM. Term of office will be to June 2016. I have written to all branch Sec in 10 Area, again nominations by the 27 Feb deadline please. I hope you enjoyed the new Rule Book sent out with the December Circular, with one copy for the Branch Sec and one to pass around the committee and branch. Any questions or issues, please get in contact. A reminder that we are hoping to have sufficient marchers for the Gallipoli Parade on 25 April 15 at the Cenotaph. Anyone interested please contact Nigel as soon as possible. This is tri-service with a big input from serving soldiers, sailors and airmen – and will include a Turkish band!! A reminder that the Biennial Parade is on 6 September, so that you should be planning the day and overnight now if you are coming. It would be great to see a good turnout. You should have submitted your membership return and payments to Nigel by now and be well in preparation for the year end accounts and annual branch return. Any questions please give Michelle a ring – we are keen to resolve issues now rather than in a few months time.
January has been a month for Conference preparation for me. I visited The Grand Burstin Hotel in Folkestone yesterday and met with 2 Area, the National Ceremonial Advisor and our sound engineer. It is an ideal venue for our Conference with large public rooms and a separate venue for the Conference itself and our Gala Dinner. The hotel has an entertainment cabaret every night. There is no nearby Church, so we are going to have a drumhead service by the sea on the Sunday, with the white cliffs of Dover as the background. There will be a short march and a chance to parade standards. The Burstin already has over 200 booked for the complementary day trip to the pretty old market town of Boulogne – it should be a great day with tourist attraction and good shopping. Book directly with the Burstin quoting the RNA Conference weekend deal.
I have also visited Wokefield Park where we are to have our 2016 Conference. A very nice hotel at an amazing price (thanks CONA Travel service). The hotel has a gym and pool and a grade 1 listed building. It is surrounded by a full PGA 18-hole golf course. I have in mind to have the first RNA Open on the Sunday afternoon. It would be really help if I could get an idea of the potential interest. No handicap certificate needed or minimum handicap required. It is a lovely open parkland course; cost will depend on numbers but about £25 to £35 for the round. I am sure that you would want to join me in congratulating Shipmate Jack Andlow (8 Area) on the award of his BEM in the New Years Honours List. Jack suffers from MS and gets around on a mobility scooter, but makes thousands for service charities by making and selling tapestries and chatting to groups about tapestry making. You will also be pleased to hear that our great friend Vice Admiral David Steel CBE, the Second Sea Lord, was awarded his Knighthood in the same list. The NP has written to say Bravo Zulu. You will be pleased to hear that the Naval Service Grand Burstin on 21 January with Parade route Memorial is now the most visited memorial at the Arboretum and features very prominently on the NMA website. In fact the National Chair (if he is up to it) and I are doing a public lecture to staff, volunteers and the public at the end of January. Finally, I know that it can be hard in a branch to know what your subs payment to HQ gets, I have asked Andy to put in an article showing what is covered. At the bottom line many of the things that are taken for granted are provided – slops, the Annual Reunion/Conference, Open Days, running the National Council, branch support, the Semaphore Circular, Newsletters and and their production, printing and postage, seminars, biennial parade etc. As well as things for the future such as mentoring of RN Phase 1 and 2 trainees etc. The Shipmates Programme is funded from outside the RNA and CONA is free to be a member.
Best wishes from all in Semaphore Tower Drumhead Service point with the sea and White Cliffs of Dover behind
Paul General Secretary
Chairman’s Chat – January 2015 My first Chairman’s Chat of 2015 and I hope it will be a very good new year for all of you. I trust you had a good festive season with many a tot to enjoy while celebrating with family and friends. Gail and I had planned to be in California for Christmas with my son, his wife and our two grandchildren but events conspired against us. Instead we had a very quiet Christmas at home on our own. Probably your Area NCMs, in their reports on the December NC meeting, made reasons for this clear to you. While Keith Crawford and I both had great starts to 2104 with our honours awards we both ended 2014 with significant medical problems. Keith had a stroke at the beginning of December and only came home from hospital last week. He is progressing very well, regained his full speech very quickly but control of movement down his right side has taken longer to recover. He now has full control of his right arm and hand, and also movement of his right leg above his knee. He can stand comfortably and can walk with the aid of a frame but still has some problems with his right foot. But he has seen big improvements over the past 6 weeks so we are hoping that the next six weeks will see him make a full recovery. In my own case, completely out of the blue, I was diagnosed with bowel cancer less than two weeks after the September NC Meeting. Within a month I had CT and MRI scans and underwent a bowel resection operation in Worcester Royal Hospital. This went very well and I made a good recovery, but sadly the scans not only showed the exact position of the bowel tumour but also highlighted two shadows on my liver, and the MRI scan indicated these were almost certainly cancerous lesions. I was referred to the specialist liver unit at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham and an operation for a liver resection was booked for 5 January. This also went well, undertaken using minimal invasion robotic (!!) surgery, and resulted in a fairly large section of my liver being removed. This included not only the two lesions previously identified but also two further suspect areas and my gall bladder. As I write this on 21 Jan I have been home for 12 days and steadily getting back to normal. I hope another 12 days will see continued improvement so that I can resume most of my National Chair duties. Both Keith and I want to thank the many members who have sent their best wishes to us, and I hope that in the coming months I can try and visit the branches I had to let down in the last months of 2014. Your NCM will also have passed on to you the decision of the NC in December to canvass the members on their views as to possible subscription increases. We have had the same £10 per annum subscription for the last 9 years, and 10 years before any change can become effective if Conference voted on a possible motion in June. To keep pace with inflation alone the subs should have been just over £13 by 2013, but with the difficult economic times we have had to endure since the 2008 crisis I have been a firm advocate of not adding to our members difficulties by increasing subs. Although we have functioned with an operational budget deficit for most of the last 10 years, that deficit has started to creep up. In 2014 our legacy income was significantly lower than in most of those years, so the time has come to try and address that deficit. Also, 2014 saw us use some £75k of our reserves to fund the NSM installation and unveiling, but I think that was money very well spent to produce not only an iconic and extremely popular memorial but to raise the profile of the RNA significantly within the serving Navy and the country at large. The Strategy Working Group has come up with some suggestions and the FAC will be studying the deficit. But while there are arguments for some drastic pruning I do not believe that is the right way to go. We have made great progress in the RNA over recent years and the GS and his staff have kept a tight control over costs. Major cost reductions are not possible without reducing the RNA to just another routine ex-RN Association. I don’t want that and I don’t believe most of our members 4
want that either. We had complaints about not having our own HQ premises and even a Conference motion urging NC to expedite action in this regard. If we had gone down that route we would be in really dire financial straits by now. Semaphore Tower has proved to be invaluable to us in being at the heart of the RN, giving easy access to all its command levels, and providing us with excellent HQ facilities at minimal cost. It is a no-brainer in my view. The suggested possible increases in subscriptions will not in any way remove our operational deficit, but they will contribute to reducing it. We need to target more new members, and the latest online joining initiative looks very promising in this respect, not only in number of new members but in the type of new member in the 35-50 age bracket. We also need more revenue, so targeting legacy income is an option. We have never positively pursued this but many charities do, with quite considerable success. I would also like to remind branches and areas that they operate largely independently under the overall RNA umbrella, and I have always been a great supporter of that. The only money HQ receives from branches is subscriptions and slops income, with some branches making donations into the Central Charities Fund. Many branches make donations each year to Naval Charities, but I can’t recall seeing any such donations to the RNA. We had some great donations over the last year or so to the NSM, so maybe we could see some of those donations this year coming into the RNA to help it provide the service we all deserve. I have worked hard over the past 5 years to make the RNA top table more accessible to the members, to make my email address and telephone number available to anyone who would like to contact me, and to dispel the image of an ivory tower HQ. The GS and his staff with their highly successful Open Days have done the same. We want to make the RNA the best that it can be for our members, for you. To do this effectively we need your support and encouragement. Despite my cancer problems over recent months I want to be around for a long time to enjoy my membership of the RNA until the call comes from my Pilot for me to cross the bar. The RNA has been a key part of my life for 28 years and I will work my hardest to see that it remains a key part of yours too. Let’s all resolve to do that little bit extra in 2015 to try and ensure the future of ‘our’ RNA. Good luck to all of you, may your tot glasses be always full, your shipmates be full of fun and friendship towards you, your branches continue to be the core unit of our great Association, and may we all meet up at some time in 2015 to share that special something that is uniquely provided with membership of the RNA. My best wishes to you all for a great 2015.
Chris Dovey
CONA Conference meeting 22 January at Semaphore Tower. S/M John McAnally in the Chair
Daily Orders 1. RNA Leaving a Legacy 2. Welfare Seminar – HMS Nelson 3. Benefits of RNA Membership 4. Cruise Companies Discount 5. Christmas Cracker Jokes 6. RNA Social Media 7. Can anyone beat this Car Registration 8. Finance Corner 9. Donations received 10. Joke – How I ended up divorced 11. Discounted Home Insurance 12. Can you assist please 13. Guess Where? 14. Spotters Corner 15. Naval Life 16. Shipmates Books for Sale 17. Joke - Gendarme 18. RNBT Trustees Vacancies 19. RN VC Series – L/S Magennis 20. ITV Elderly Drivers 21. RNRMC Update 22. Joke - Grandad 23. Alex Salmond 24. China Fleet Club 25. Assistance please 26. Advert - All about Admin
Longcast “D’ye hear there” (Branch news) Ship’s Office 1. Swinging the Lamp
For the Branch Secretary and notice-board Glossary of terms NCM NC AMC FAC NCh NVCh NP DNP GS DGS AGS Asap 6
National Council Member National Council Association Management Committee Finance Administration Committee National Chairman National Vice Chairman National President Deputy National President General Secretary Deputy General Secretary Assistant General Secretary As soon as possible
CONA Conference of Naval Associations IMC International Maritime Confederation NSM Naval Service Memorial Throughout indicates a new or substantially changed entry Contacts:
Financial Controller
023 9272 3823
023 9272 3371
Assistant General Secretary (Membership & Slops)
023 9272 3747
Deputy General Secretary
023 9272 0782
Shipmates Administrator
023 9272 0782
General Secretary
023 9272 2983
023 92 72 3747
Find Semaphore Circular On-line ; or... RNA Website – Members Area – Downloads – Circulars – Code (Shipmate)
RNA HQ Staff continue to attempt to build a library of e-mail addresses within the Association. It would be extremely helpful if those Branch Secretaries able to communicate by e-mail would forward a short e-message to HQ to 7
Daily Orders
RNA Leaving a Legacy.
As you are probably aware our Association provides support to its own members and branches, Naval Service personnel, their dependants and other charities or organisations with naval connections – maintaining all that is great about the Naval Service: unity, loyalty, patriotism and comradeship. By leaving a legacy your help means we can offer more. By remembering the Royal Naval Association in your Will, you can ensure we are able to continue helping those who require our support. Your legacy or bequest will also mean that you can take advantage of the tax privileges that are available to encourage such support. Legacies or bequests can reduce or even eliminate the tax payable on the balance of any estate and are themselves totally exempt from inheritance tax. For information a Will can be made by yourself, however we would advise (especially if your wishes are not straight-forward) to consult a solicitor or to use the Will service from the Post Office to ensure your Will is legally valid. A Legacy is a specific sum of money left in your Will and a Bequest refers to property and possessions i.e. a specific property or the residue/share of your estate. You do not need to let the RNA know your intentions it understands that the business of making a Will can be a very sensitive matter and it is voluntary for you to disclose details of your intentions to us. It does however help us to plan ahead and we would therefore be most grateful if you were to advise us of what you have arranged. For further details please contact the HQ or look at our website at the link below
Welfare Seminar – HMS Nelson Sat 28th March 2015
A Welfare Seminar is being held on Saturday 28th March 2015 in the WO & SR Mess in HMS Nelson. It is primarily aimed at Area/Branch Welfare Officers but Observers and Shipmates with an interest in the welfare aspects of a branch are encouraged to attend. The Seminar will commence at 1000 with refreshments available from 0915. Lunch will be available in the Mess at 1200 - 1230. A number of Welfare Speakers, who will be briefing on a wide range of welfare related issues, have been invited; Combat Stress Age UK Benefits Veterans with Dogs Hosanna House 8
Phil Shuttleworth WO1 RM (Rtd) Mrs C Smith Manageress Portsmouth Craig Mc Lennan (complete with a trained dog) Cdre Peter Swann RN (Rtd)
T4V Veterans UK SSAFA
Major Cameron March RM (Rtd) tba Mr J Elkin Secretary Fareham & District
For information 37 Shipmates are already signed up to attend. Vehicular access is available through HM Naval Base Trafalgar gate (bottom of M275) but sadly NO accommodation is available in the mess. So...... You could book in at The Royal Maritime Club which will cost £56.00 per single B&B with a Double Room at £105.00 - phone booking number is 02392 824 231. There are other Hotels available all within walking distance of HMS Nelson, IBIS, Holiday Inn Express and Premier at Southsea to name but a few. It may be possible that UK Holiday Group can provide a deal and we are currently awaiting specific details which will be published shortly. As well as advertising the Seminar in the Semaphore Circular Shipmate Rita Lock MBE, The National Welfare Officer, will be forwarding this information to all Branch Welfare Officers and any Branch officials whose email addresses are known. Please pass on the message to your shipmates if this is not your ‘part of ship’. The Branch may delegate a volunteer to attend on its behalf if there is no appointed Welfare Officer. HQ will reimburse travelling costs according to distance, the accommodation cost however is between the member and the Branch. Claim forms will be available on the day so know your mileage or have your train ticket at the ready. Only one claim per Branch is permitted but certainly more than one Welfare Officer per Branch may attend and also any Observers who wish to. Expenses will be as follows; • • •
Up to 120 miles single journey 120 – 250 miles single journey Over 250 miles single journey
£ 50 £100 £150
To keep travel expenses to a minimum it would greatly appreciated if adjacent Branches could link up and attendees travel in one vehicle. Those shipmates wishing to attended are requested to complete the application form at the rear of this Circular and inform Nigel Huxtable at HQ on 02392 723747 or e-mail and advise him of; • Make of car/model/colour and registration (Please ensure you are in possession of photo ID to gain access to the HM Naval Base)
If you require any further information please contact S/m Rita Lock MBE on 02392 642234 or
Cruise Companies Discount
Shipmates would wish to be aware that P&O Cruises, Cunard, Princess Cruises and Grey Funnel Lines wish to convey - A thank you to the Armed Forces in the form of onboard spend. Please see below;
"To thank the brave men and women of the British Armed Forces for their service, are pleased to offer up to $250* on board spending money for retired and serving members. This extra special benefit is eligible on any cruise, any time of year and can be used to purchase a wide variety of amenities and experiences on board. For more information see here or call: • • •
Cunard on 0843 374 0000 quoting promotion code HMS P&O Cruises on 0843 374 0111 quoting promotion code HMS Princess Cruises on 0843 374 4444 quoting promotion code ZMB".
Confirmed to be really working by Shipmate Brian Thompson from HMS DIDO Association (member of CONA) as we go to press.
Benefits of RNA Membership
Shipmates may wish to know, if they are not already aware, of the huge variety and wide range of services offered to members of the R.N.A. I am sure you will all agree that it is quite a list and still growing. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Governance and management of the RNA, management of NCM, DNCM and SOC election processes Welfare advice and assistance Information through National Circular events, news, fun, advice. RNA Website – including a Member’s area, and all electronic document access. Production, editing, printing and postage for the Semaphore Circular. Running 6 HQ Open days a year, including a harbour boat ride and lunch for free Advice to Clubs, production and sponsorship of models rules. Design, production sale and distribution of Association Goods at cost price. Representation on Naval, Tri-service and National committees to provide a voice for Naval Veterans. Partnering Agreement with the RN; RNA is primary adviser for Veterans matters to the Navy Board. Management of the Clubs and branch support fund. Sponsorship and ongoing management of the Naval Service Memorial Provision of Pensions Advice and gateway to appropriate agencies. Provision of Charter Documents free of charge. Production of various guides (Branch Sec, Ceremonial, Welfare etc) Social media management of RNA Facebook pages and Twitter Recruitment and Publicity advice and support. Advice and support with RNA events, free use of Area gazebos and gizzits. Production, editing, printing and postage the HQ Roll Newsletter. Benefits from discounted deals from the following; UK Holiday Group Ansvar/Coleman Insurance (Household and Branch Insurance) Royal Naval Museum (Includes Victory, Mary Rose, RMA, Alliance, Explosion etc) Pussers Rum (Sponsors stock for RNA events) Health Care (Hospital & Medical Care Association)
RAC Wessex Funerals Coffin Mew (Legal services) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Virtual Branches for the housebound. The organisation of the Annual Conference and Reunion, production of minutes and free posting and distribution. The organisation, safety with Met Police, VIP liaison, first aid cover, of the Biennial Parade, free chips and sandwiches for participants. Organisation of the annual Cenotaph parade, dist of tickets etc. Organisation of the Field of Remembrance, RNA plot, ticket allocation and management. Representation of all Naval veterans at the Remembrance Day service. Application for honours and awards for RNA members. Production of Life membership certificates and Certificate of Appreciation. Insurance of RNA HQ events through the year Management of the RNA standards fund. Management of RNA investments and finances Organisation and running of the National Standard Bearers competition. Managing RNA membership Marketing of the RNA Management and updating of the RNA website, website improvements Book reviews, selected book bargains and publishing advice. Current Chair and Working Group Chair of CONA( Conference of Naval Associations) Finding, negotiation of and publishing of member benefits Telephone answering service for both Shipmates and the public. (Involving constant questions regarding medals, funerals, tracing family membership of the RN, Arctic Star and Ushakov medal advice) Production of annual accounts and trustee report. Audit. Resolving individual welfare cases. Promoting the RNA with other charities and the Royal Navy Monthly liaison with Navy News and 2 RNA pages. Management and organisation of Welfare and Clubs Seminars. Production of the annual Yearbook, Diary, Production of in house Christmas cards including photography, printing and distribution Representation on International Maritime Confederation. Annual Youth Sailing camp. Individual Financial Advice to Branches. Member get Member campaign. Oversight of the Shipmates Campaign.
Christmas Cracker Jokes (Brace brace brace .......Andy at his worst!!!)
Why are ghosts so bad at lying? You can see right through them........ What did the grape do when it got stepped on? It let out a little wine..... (Do you get it!!) What do you call a row of men waiting for a haircut? A Barber Que (Boom Boom) How do you make a jacket last? Make the trousers first How do you make an apple puff Chase it round the garden (Nice one Centurion like it Like it!!)
RNA Social Media
Shipmates who are ‘Social Media Savvy’ I am sure would wish to know that the HQ has launched into this exciting arena. For those that are not it is just another way in our armoury of getting information out to all our members and particularly those potential new members. It joins the Semaphore Circular, Newsletter and Website. We have already attracted 63 followers on Twitter and over 2,000 on Facebook so if you haven’t visited the sites why not do it today, and Like us on Facebook, or Follow us on Twitter.
Royal Naval Association HQ
Both types of media are being used to promote RNA news, events, merchandise and to bring our followers ‘Views from HQ’. If you would like any further info please contact Chrissie at or tel 02392 720782
One more this Car Registration?
You will remember from the last issue Shipmate Evan Jesseman from City of Inverness Branch, who is also the branches PRO was pictured standing next to his pride and joy,his Pussers Number Plate...... Well here is the next contender Shipmate Martin Raine with his homage to HMS Hermes..... ( I think that was the Ist World War one...) Does any Shipmate possess a Number Plate with a registration more ‘Jack’ than that??
Finance Corner –
Sadly there will be no Finance Corner this month due to the fact that Michelle is under siege preparing the end of year accounts.
Donations received for the Central Charities and the Charter Challenge
Charter Challenge RNA - Area 6 RNA – Dereham K Knight J Kinahan F Woods S Sanders
£1000.00 £150.00 £50.00 £20.00 £25.00 £100.00
In memory of the late S/m Richard Ellis S/m Norman Gallop S/m Harry Holden S/m W McShee S/m F Blore S/m L Woodford S/m R Berry
£35.00 £35.00 £25.00 £55.00 £54.40 £20.00 £25.00
Thank you very much for your continued support.
Central Charities RNA – Spennymoor RNA – Sherbourne RNA – Cromer RNA – Waterlooville RNA – Harlow
£100.00 £50.00 £200.00 £150.00 £25.00
Joke - How I ended up divorced!
Why did I end up getting divorced? Well, last week was my birthday. My wife didn't wish me a happy birthday. My parents forgot and so did my kids. I went to work and even my colleagues didn't wish me a happy birthday. As I entered my office, my secretary said, "Happy birthday, boss!" I felt so special. She asked me out for lunch. After lunch, she invited me to her apartment. We went there and she said, "Do you mind if I go into the bedroom for a minute?" "Okay," I said. She came out 5 minutes later with a birthday cake, my wife, my parents, my kids, my friends, & my colleagues all yelling, "SURPRISE!!!"........ Whilst I was waiting on the sofa... naked.
Discounted Home Insurance for RNA / CONA members
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Following on from the success of the CONA Branch Insurance facility, we have negotiated (with our brokers) a 15% home insurance premium discount with Ansvar for all RNA/CONA members, including associate members. Ansvar’s Home Connect Lifestyle Insurance policy is especially designed to appeal to individuals who are closely linked to the not-for-profit sector and provides additional covers not normally found in other home policies:• • • •
Trustees indemnity up to £10,000 if you are a trustee of a registered or recognised charity Accidental loss of charity money up to £1,000 held by you on behalf of a registered or recognised charity Personal accident cover of £5,000 for death or permanent total disablement while undertaking voluntary charity work Voluntary giving protection up to £1,000 to cover regular charitable donations in the event of unemployment (not for the first 6 months of a new policy)
Ansvar is part of an established UK financial services organisation that has extensive experience of providing highly competitive insurance products for its affinity partners. It is a not-for-profit organisation (Like Tesco and the RNA) Features of the Home Connect Lifestyle Policy The policy has been designed for Members who own their homes and have up to 5 bedrooms. •
Buildings cover with a 'blanket' sum insured up to £1,000,000
Contents cover with sum insured options of £40,000, £50,000, £60,000 or £75,000 (valuables inner limits are £10,000, £12,000, £15,000 and £18,000 respectively with a single item limit of £3,000) • Legal Expenses Cover, including helplines are included automatically • Optional Personal Possessions section if Contents insured: • Sum insured options for specified, or unspecified, items up to a total of £12,000 (maximum item limit of £2,500 for unspecified) • Buildings section includes (subject to limitations): • Accidental damage and Property Owners Liability • Contents section includes (subject to limitations): • Accidental damage • Public liability in respect of specific business activities run solely at the home by the insured • Money, credit cards, debit cards and refrigerated contents • Belongings of family students at university or college accommodation • The insured’s office contents at the home which are used for business purposes • Personal effects of visitors, employees and paying guests • Additional covers available that are not normally found in other home policies for: • Voluntary giving protection for regular charitable donations in the event of unemployment • Trustees indemnity if the insured is a trustee of a registered or recognised charity • Accidental loss of charity money held on behalf of a registered or recognised charity • Personal accident benefit for death or permanent total disablement while undertaking voluntary charity work If you would like a quotation please visit the following link If you find the quotation is not competitive against your current Insurers or you have any other queries then please contact Stuart or Jackie at Ansvar on 01323 744149 to discuss further. Please click the ‘Get Quote’ button to obtain your quotation in under 5 minutes! And don’t forget your Branch Insurance.....
Can you assist please.
HQ has received an e-mail from Med Venlig Hilsen which contained four pictures, see below, which were taken on 5th June 2014 between 1159 and 1217 at Arromanches. He asks that if anyone recognises them please would you let him know as he has some prints of the photos that he has taken. You can contact Med on telephone +45 4040 9652 (Denmark No) or e-mail
Guess Where? An Establishment
Can you name this current naval establishment which Commissioned in 2010 after being a ship and where it is? This is a difficult one ! The picture below shows the entrance to the main building. Please forward any other pictures to the HQ that you may have for ‘Guess Where’ so that we publish them in forthcoming Circulars. No looking on Google or Wiki!! Answers in next month’s edition. Last month’s answer! The RN Rest Camp - HMS Thistle in DIYATALAWA SRI_LANKA (Ceylon It is now the Siri Lanka Miltary Camp Thistle Hill.
( Editors Note - Sadly the National President admitted that he had visited HMS THISTLE but did not recognise it, not that we are stitching him up!! )
Spotters Corner.....
Shipmate Jim Green (Ex FAA) was looking through the Swinging the Lamp section when he spotted a ‘rare error’ (his words not mine!) He noticed that ........ It says that 801 NAS was the first squadron to be equipped with the Buccaneer aircraft in October 1965. Well, I saw Buccaneers flying from HMS Centuar nearly 2 years before that. I looked in 'The Squadrons of the Fleet Air Arm' by Ray Sturtivant and found that 801 did take on Buccaneers in October 1965, but it was the Buccaneer Mk 2. Buccaneer Mk 1s had been in service for a couple of years before that, in fact on 801 Squadron for one, they had them from July 1962. (Ed’s Comment- On a serious note is so pleasing that shipmates actually take time to read through this section and clarify the input. It was taken directly for the RN Day by Day. Thank goodness it wasn’t a Phantom or Shipmate Ray Barraclough (AKA The Orcale as he is known at HQ) would have had to have been consulted!! )
Naval Life......
Shipmates Books for sale
S/M Gerald O’Brien Newport RNA Book a Second World War drama ‘Dark September’ is Published by Tirgearr Publishing ISBN 9781311269966
S/M Fred Read book a WW2 drama ‘The HMS Unrivalled D20’ Published by Guaranteed Books £11.99. This is the next of Fred’s books that feature the names of all the members of RNA Uttoxeter. It opens with the sort of Captain’s Table/Court Martial, you might remember (of the march in the guilty bast**d) variety. Great fun and highly recommended. This will be the last of Fred’s books. The book from Fred is £12 or £10 at Area 7 quarterly meetings. Give Fred a ring on 07813 287053 if you would like a copy. A real Jack-me-tickler page turner. Highly recommended!!
Gendarme Joke
An on duty Gendarme spots a hire car approaching the Champs Elysees with a rear light out. He beckons the driver to pull over, which he does and winds his window down. The Officer has a good look inside the car and notices that the driver and passenger are. Instead of making an issue over the light out situation he begins to engage in some friendly chat. Gendarme: Ah, you are on holiday my friends? 17
Davy: Aye, that's right big yin. We've been coming every September weekend for the last 9 years. Gendarme: So I guess you come to France to get away from ze rainy weather you have in Ecosse? Davy: Naw, it nearly always pishes doon when we come here. Your weather's nae better than oors, in't that right Boaby? Boaby: Aye. Gendarme: Zen I take it you are here to enjoy our delicious French food, very healthy. Davy: Naw, yer food's mingin big man, everything reeks of garlic. We've brought a box full of pieces to avoid eating your shite. Gendarme: Zen you must be here to drink our famous wines and cognac, surely. Davy: Yer swally's boggin, we've hid tae bring a kerry oot. In't that right Boaby? Boaby: Aye. Gendarme (by now ever so slightly bemused): Well in that case you must be here to see the Parisienne madamoiselles, ze most beautiful women in Europe . Davy: Yer kiddin in't ye! The burds here are dugs, ah widnae touch them wae a ten fit pole big yin. Gendarme (by now rather irate): Zen why do you people come to our country if everysing ees so bad? Boaby: It's the only chance oor Davy gets tae drive......... (The National Standard Bearer is available for a cost Every penny counts Bob was heard to say!!) 18.
RNBT Trustees Vacancies.
The Royal Naval Benevolent Trust (RNBT) was formed under Royal Charter in 1922 to help those who are serving or have served as Warrant Officers and below in the Royal Navy and Royal Marines, and their dependants, who find themselves in need or distress. The Trust’s beneficiaries are referred to as The RNBT Family and thousands of applicants, both serving and retired, are assisted every year; for more information A founding principle of the Trust is that it is predominantly run by those who are serving or have served as non-commissioned Sailors and Royal Marines. Accordingly 11 of the 17 trustees that form the RNBT’s governing body (including the Trust’s Vice President) are drawn from serving and retired personnel who have been or are RN ratings and RM other ranks. Vacancies will occur for 7 such Trustee positions with effect from 1 April 2015 as part of the RNBT’s routine governance ‘refreshment’ programme. The election of volunteers to fill these
positions, including those who are standing down but may wish to stand for re-election, will happen in the first week of March. Are you interested; can you contribute; do you want to find out more? If so please check out our website: or contact the RNBT’s Portsmouth based Head Office on 02392 690112. Trustee application packs may be applied for on-line via: The closing date for applications is 28 February 2015.
RN VC Series - Leading Seaman James Joseph Magennis (McGinnes) VC
This is the first in our series of RN VC Winners. Leading Seaman Magennis was born on 27 October 1919 in West Belfast. He was awarded the Victoria Cross, along with Lieutenant Ian Fraser Royal Navy, whilst serving in HMS XE3 during Operation Struggle in the Straits of Johore. His Citation was published in a supplement to the London Gazette on the 9th November 1945; ADMIRALTY Whitehall, 13th November, 1945. The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the award of the VICTORIA CROSS for valour to: — Temporary Acting Leading Seaman James Joseph MAGENNIS, D/JX. 144907. Leading Seaman Magennis served as Diver in His Majesty's Midget Submarine XE-3 for her attack on 31 July 1945, on a Japanese cruiser of the Atago class. The diver's hatch could not be fully opened because XE-3 was tightly jammed under the target, and Magennis had to squeeze himself through the narrow space available. He experienced great difficulty in placing his limpets on the bottom of the cruiser owing both to the foul state of the bottom and to the pronounced slope upon which the limpets would not hold. Before a limpet could be placed therefore Magennis had thoroughly to scrape the area clear of barnacles, and in order to secure the limpets he had to tie them in pairs by a line passing under the cruiser keel. This was very tiring work for a diver, and he was moreover handicapped by a steady leakage of oxygen which was ascending in bubbles to the surface. A lesser man would have been content to place a few limpets and then to return to the craft. Magennis, however, persisted until he had placed his full outfit before returning to the craft in an exhausted condition. Shortly after withdrawing Lieutenant Fraser endeavoured to jettison his limpet carriers, but one of these would not release itself and fall clear of the craft. Despite his exhaustion, his oxygen leak and the fact that there was every probability of -his being sighted, Magennis at once volunteered to leave the craft and free the carrier rather than allow a less experienced diver to undertake the job. After seven minutes of nerve-racking work he succeeded in releasing the carrier. Magennis displayed very great courage and devotion to duty and complete disregard for his own safety.
In addition to L/S Magennis VC other members of HMS XE7 Ships Company won awards for the action. Lieutenant Fraser was also awarded the VC ; whilst Sub-Lieutenant William James Lanyon Smith, RNZNVR, who was at the controls of XE3 during the attack, received the 19
Distinguished Service Cross (DSC); Engine Room Artificer Third Class Charles Alfred Reed, who was at the wheel, received the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal (CGM). In 1949 L/S Magennis left the Navy and returned to Belfast, where, at some point, he sold his Victoria Cross . In 1955 he moved to Yorkshire, where he worked as an electrician. For the last years of his life, he suffered from chronic ill health, before dying on 11 February 1986 of lung cancer hours before his heroism was honoured by the Royal Navy Philatelic Office with a first-day cover.
ITV Documentary on Elderly Drivers Last year ITV showed a documentary called ‘100 Year Old Drivers’, and they are now making a follow up. They are hoping to re visit some of their drivers from ‘100 Year Old Drivers’ but would also like to include some new faces.
‘100 Year Old Drivers’ was nominated for an Independent Age Older People in Media award 2014 for ‘Best Factual TV Programme about Older People’s Issues’. Here is a link to the documentary in case you’d like to see it: The Password is - RDFtv RDF’s latest documentary will again explore Britain’s proud and independent older drivers. There are over 70,000 drivers in Britain in their 90s and above and we would love to speak to them, find out what driving means to them and how important it is to them to have independence. They would love to discuss how driving in the United Kingdom has changed over the years and how it compares to driving now. RDF would love to find out what driving was like when cars were filled by garage assistants, roads were policed by ‘courtesy police’ who encouraged people to be polite, and the M1 didn’t even exist! Founded in 1993, RDF Television has established an outstanding reputation for producing landmark documentary series’ and innovative one-off films for the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Channel Five. In particular, they are well-known for their Secret Millionaire series and for a series of programmes taking a creative and sensitive look at the very current social issue of child poverty called How The Other Half Live, which was nominated for a Rose D’Or award. RDF’s most popular programmes on ITV at the moment are Dickinson’s Real Deal, Inside the National Trust and The Military Awards: A Night for Heroes. If Shipmates or their friends would like any further information about this programme or would like to speak to me personally about it then please don’t hesitate to get in touch on 0207 013 4180 or by email at
RNRMC (Royal Naval & Royal Marines Charity) Update
Please see below the RNRMC Update for this month: 20
Shipmates’ raise over £15,000 in 2014 The Royal Naval Association (RNA) raised more than £15,000 in 2014 having nominated the RNRMC as its Charity of the Year. This was most recently topped up by RNA Folkestone, who sent us a fantastic £1,500 in January – BZ! To date, a total of 19 Branches have been involved in raising money through fundraising events, sending in 22 donations throughout the year. Outstanding effort Shipmates! Fancy a collection box? If you’d like to continue to show your support for the Royal Navy’s principal charity in 2015, then we’d be more than happy to post you a collection box to keep in your Branch. Email Hilary, Dean and Dominika at with your contact details, or call 023 9254 8289 to request yours. The team will send you a pack on how you can pay in your collections – and would love to hear about any other fundraising plans you have for us this year.
Grandad Joke
A six-year-old goes to the hospital with his mother to visit his Grandad. When they get to the hospital, he runs ahead of his mother and bursts into his Grandad's room. "Grandad, Grandad," he says excitedly, "as soon as my mum comes into the room, make a noise like a frog!" “What?" said his Grandad. "Make a noise like a frog because mum said as soon as you croak, we're all going to Disney World!"
23. NCM Scotland and Alex Salmond..... Picture of the year so far with MSP Alex Salmond sporting the popular RNA hat with Mike Hesketh our NCM for Scotland. The GS has had to resist almost 2 hours of inappropriate suggested captions by Andy, let’s just say well done to Mike for this great picture!!! 24.
China Fleet Club
A £100,000 grant from the RNRMC has 21
ensured the future of one of the busiest communal areas of the China Fleet Club, Saltash, near Plymouth. The grant – which represents the largest ever given by the Charity – will be put towards refurbishing and renovating the Club’s entire suite of changing room facilities, extending the life of them by at least 15 years. With more than 15,000 visitor names in its books, and a plethora of fitness and leisure facilities to choose from, it’s little wonder that an often neglected area of clubs as the China Fleet Club are the changing rooms, toilets and showers.
Alex Sharpe MBE, Chief Executive of the China Fleet Trust, said: “The changing rooms are arguably the most utilised area in the Club as they are used by all users to the spa, swimming pool, gym and sports courts. “Every new recruit to the Naval Service uses these facilities at a very early stage in their training as well; therefore the need to keep the changing room facilities in the best condition possible is a priority”. The numbers of visitors to the China Fleet Club have increased significantly with the widening of its beneficiary group and membership to include all former RN and RM personnel, serving RN and RM officers, RN and RM reservists and other Services attached to or embedded within RN and RM units and their immediate families. Recent figures, for example, suggest that more than 400 RN or RM veterans have benefitted from the new audience policy, which took effect from summer 2014. If you fancy a relaxing break this year – and would like to check out our work in person – then get in contact with the China Fleet Club today to make a booking: W: T: 01752 848668
Assistance Please
Steve Newton, Secretary of the HMS Relentless Association, would like to request that Shipmates offer their assistance to Sarah Dennis, who is a Cabaret Singer who appeared at the Relentless association reunion recently. He would like you to purchase Sarah’s recently released nostalgia CD (please see link below). One of the songs is called "I Will Remember You" which is a particularly very moving tribute to the fallen. Sarah has Army, RAF and Royal Navy commendations (HMS Relentless for the RN) and her aim with the CD is to raise £1 million for the Royal British Legion by 11/11/2018.
All About Admin - Advert
All About Admin offers ad hoc administration, business and events support as a Virtual Assistant (VA). What is a VA? An experienced professional who works independently, often from home and provides back office administration support at busy periods, to cover staff gaps and holidays and to support projects and campaigns that are often undertaken on goodwill by volunteers and supporters. All About Admin specialises in supporting clubs, associations and charities; delegate those tasks that never quite make it to the top of your To Do list! Pay by the hour or in packages to suit your needs. Love it or hate it, administration is the backbone of any organisation, if • creating and maintaining a members database • preparing accounts • creating or improving social media presence • planning and managing fundraising, social events and reunions • producing newsletters • co-ordinating invitations and guest lists doesn’t ‘float your boat’ it makes sense to outsource to a VA! Sarah Clewes is the face of All About Admin. Proactive and personable, with a great work ethic, Sarah served in the Royal Navy for over 20 years where her love for post-it notes, To Do lists and the need to plan and be organised was borne! Latterly she has worked in the charity sector as an Events, Fundraising and Projects Manager and thrives on the opportunity to support clubs, associations and charities: working with a Virtual Assistant can vastly increase your productivity, contact Sarah at All About Admin to discuss how! See our website for more details and Facebook page for news. Contact Sarah to discuss special rates and packages for clubs, associations and charities by email or phone 07941 750954.
RNA Longcast 2015 07 Feb 14 Feb 21 Feb 27 Feb 06 Mar 14 Mar 28 Mar 10 Apr 01 May 01 May 09 May 09 May 14 May 15 May 19 Jun 21 Jun 20 Jun 03 Jul 11 July 30 July 01 Aug 15 Aug 21 Aug 22 Aug 05 Sep 06 Sep 09 Oct 09-12 Oct 07 Nov 14 Nov 21 Nov 05 Dec
Area 5 – AGM followed by Quarterly Meeting - Harwich AMC FAC Motions for Conference - deadline SOC National Council Welfare Seminar – HMS Nelson HQ Open Day Dublin Branch visit HQ Christchurch RNA - 50th Anniversary Area 5 – Quarterly meeting- Beccles Army V Navy rugby match - Twickenham Christchurch branch – 50th Anniversary Lunch HQ Open Day AMC/ FAC / National Council /SOC Meetings - Folkestone SOC Conference Wash up Conference 2015 – Grand Burstin Hotel Folkestone HQ Open Day Yeovilton Air Day Culdrose Air Day Area 5 – Quarterly meeting- Southend On Sea AMC HQ Open Day FAC National Council - UJC Biennial Parade - Whitehall HQ Open Day RNA Plymouth – Biennial Trafalgar Weekend Area 5 – Quarterly meeting- Harwich AMC FAC National Council
‘D’ye hear there’..... News from around the Areas and Branches RNA Oswestry Branch The presentation of the main prize from the Coventry Conference was presented to lucky winner S/M Stuart Burrows by Oswestry Branch Chairman S/M Frank Seago and Hon Sec Mike Evans at the branches Trafalgar Night dinner. The dinner was attended by 78 Shipmates and friends including a contingent of ‘Percy Pongo’ from the Light Infantry Association. The end result was a very successful evening with S/M Stuart escorted up homers with lots of new found friends (I wonder why!!)
RNA Newark Branch For information the Newark Branch will now be meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of every month (February meeting on Wednesday 18th). The meeting will take place in The Chesters Pub/Restuarant 72 Main Street, Balderton, Newark. The meeting has also moved internally within the Chesters to the upstairs room for privacy as shipmates felt slighty uncomfortable conducting their meeting with other customers in the main restaurant.
RNA Ramsay Branch Shipmates may be interested to know that HMS Ramsey’s Ships Company visited Ramsey and paraded at the Remembrance Parade. The Town Commissioners funded their travel and RNA Ramsay funded all other expenses, including a lunch. The Branch has kept in touch with the Ship during her two years Gulf deployment and is hoping that she will visit Ramsay in 2016. The picture shows The Commanding Officer, Lt Cdr Ashley Spencer RN and the Ships Company with the Lieutenant Governor of The Isle of Man His Excellency Adam Wood.
RNA Rockingham & District Branch (Down Under) Despite a temperature of 35C (Rub it in why don’t you!) we had a very enjoyable Xmas Windup. S/M Knocker White, our Chairman, took on the role of Rum Bosun and made sure all had their fair share of a bottle of Pussers Rum donated by S/M John Breen. Pictured are three of our stalwarts, left to right S/M Alan Sheppard (95 yrs), S/M John Carter ( 82yrs), S/M Fred Bartholomew (91yrs) and in the background throwing his tot down S/M Tom O'Neil (91yrs), a combined total of 359 years, as you can imagine there were quite a few "Lamps Swinging"!!!
RNA Plymouth Branch RNA Plymouth will be holding their 11th Biennial Trafalgar Weekend on Friday 9th October to Monday 12th October 2015 at the Sefton Hotel, Babbacombe. 3 nights (Friday to Monday) Dinner, B&B (Gala Dinner Saturday) £115.00 2 nights (Friday to Sunday) £80.00 Details: Sue Gutteridge, Social Secretary. RNA Plymouth. Tel: (01752)849176.
RNA Aquitaine Branch Shipmate Ken Napier, Chairman Aquitaine Branch, has Forwarded a first for the RNA. (Unless anyone knows differently??) The stamp shown opposite is a ‘Lettre Verte’ (translation a green stamp) which accompanies the official stamp to advertise associations and good causes.
RNA Harrogate Branch Shipmate Bob Ryder, a Member of Harrogate & District Branch and a former Royal Marine, was presented with the Ushakov Medal by Lisa Vokorina, an Attachee of the Russian Embassy, London. The presentation was made at the Royal British Legion Residential Care Home, Lister House, Ripon in the presence of his family, members of Harrogate & District Branch. and some of the residents of the home.
The AttachĂŠ, Lisa Vokorina, on behalf of the Russian Government and the Russian people, thanked Bob whole heartedly for his help and bravery during those terrible times of the Arctic Convoys and stated that it was a great pleasure, for her, to be presenting his medal to him, personally, after a 70 year wait. Bob replied that he was extremely moved to receive the medal and that he would wear it with pride. Bob was serving on the Battle Cruiser HMS RENOWN at the time of the convoys. He later served on the Light Fleet Aircraft Carrier, HMS THESEUS during the Korean War." He is now aged 93. The photo above shows Members Of Harrogate & District Branch with S/M Bob and Lisa Vokorina after the presentation , (L-R: S/M John Stray (Branch President). S/M Doug Pointon (Branch Secretary) S/M Bob Ryder, Lisa Vokorina, S/m Tony Edwards, S/M Alan Clayton and S/M Malcolm Sutcliffe in the wheelchair.)
RNA Uttoxeter Branch Sadly Uttoxeter Branch have reported that Shipmate David Samuels has crossed the bar on the 30th October 2014. On the 20th of November 2014 Members of Uttoxeter and District Branch led by Chairman David Emery MBE attended his funeral at the families request, through SSAFA. Led by the Branch Standard, the Standards of RNA Stafford, RMA Stafford and The British Legion Staffordshire formed a honour guard at the entrance of Stafford Crematorium. A Royal Marine Bugler from Portsmouth Depot dressed in full Ceremonial uniform sounded ''The Last Post''. S/M David from Rugeley in Staffordshire served in the RN through all of the Second World War as an AB. Captured by the enemy he was a POW from 1944 until 1945 returning home in 1946. Serving on HMS Delhi he survived the bombing that blew off her stern and after repairs took part in Operation ''Shingle'', the landings at Anzio. David took part in the Atlantic convoys, North Africa, Crete and Malta campaigns and gained medals for all of these. He will be much missed.
RNA Gravesend Branch
Shipmate John Richards, Chairman of Gravesend Branch has for the past couple of years has been putting together information about the memorabilia that is around the clubhouse. Among the items are a couple of RNA 1950-1980 commemorative medals seen opposite He would like to enquire if any Shipmates could provide any further information concerning the commemorative medals and RNA during that period. S?M John can be contacted on 01474 322373 or e-mail RNA Uxbridge Branch - S/M William (Perky) 27
Meadows Sadly we received the sad news below from S/M Kevin ( Slinger ) Wood, Chairman RNA Uxbridge It is with great regret to inform members of the RNA that our President William ( Perky) Mellow crossed the bar on Jan 2nd 2015 aged 95 Perky joined the RN as a boy seaman at HMS Ganges on June 2nd 1936 and left the RN a CPO on May 14th 1963, he returned to Ganges 3 times as an instructor so in effect he was a true Ganges boy . he was a survivor of the Dieppe raids and lived to tell many stories of what he went through at that time and for the past few years was always invited to Newhaven by the local mayor to lay a wreath on behalf of all his shipmates who lost their lives in the Dieppe raids . Last year he was invited as a VIP by the Local Mayor of Dieppe to lay a wreath of which he was most proud to do so . Perky was a very witty man and used to swing the lamp as much as he could , he once told a salty did about the time he was at Ganges during the East Anglian Floods and as an Instructor he was out in the fields with the boys helping the local community when it became TOT time and he was the duty rum boson , after thinking about it for a few minutes ( That's what CPOs do )he decided to put all the rum issue for the other instructors and ships company into the Tea fanny meant for the boys !!!! then sent the tea across to everyone else by rowing boat , after about 15 minutes and with a lot of boy sailors giggling and skylarking one of his boys stated that their was a signal coming in from one of the other Instructors , Quick as a Flash Chief Perky shouted what's the signal say ??? The boy said that they wanted to know where's the Rum ?? Signal back in the Frigging Tea !!!!! I don't think Perky the Chief as we all knew him was very popular that day with his oppos . Perky was a very proud man and we were honoured to have him as our President at Uxbridge RNA , He was also a Vice President of the HMS Ganges association and the Chairman of the West London Division HMS Ganges association who hold their meetings down here at Uxbridge RNA Club. He will surely be missed as he became a Father figure to many of us and always used to refer to us all as My Boys !!!!! May you find calm waters Chief and RIP until we all meet again for a final run ashore.
HQ Role Shipmate Sam Bouch S/M Sam was presented with his Ushakov Medal from Comrade Igor Elkin on 20th October at his home, in Great Yarmouth. They spent three hours chatting about his war time exploits. Sam has now applied for his Legion d’Honneur. He served in HMS Savage for Operation Neptune sailing from Sheerness on 5th June 1944 and back alongside on the 24th June and then back again for post Neptune duties before retunring to Sheerness for a boiler clean 28th August.
RNA South Bristol Branch Shipmates please note that as from 9th January 2015 the South Bristol branch meetings will be held on the 2nd Friday of each month in the afternoon at the Royal British Legion Area Office, 60 Union Street, Broadmead, Bristol BS1 2DL.
RNA Cardiff Branch On Monday 8 December 2014 Cardiff Branch RNA mustered at St.Cadoc's Church, Llanrumney, Cardiff and then at Thornhill Crematorium to say a fond farewell to a really quiet shipmate, a gentleman whose history did not come to the attention of most until he had passed from this life. Most members of the Branch attended the funeral of S/M Malcolm Hughes, George Medal, known to most as "Mike". Mike, who was born on 4 February 1931, joined the Royal Navy, at HMS Royal Arthur on a 12 year Special Engagement on 18 January 1949, having previously served in the Merchant Navy as a cabin steward. He did his basic medical training at RNH Chatham, followed by ward training at RNH Stonehouse, Plymouth, from July to December 1949. Mike was drafted to HMS Rooke as an SBA in December 1949 and was advanced to Local Acting Leading Sick Berth Attendant on 1 July 1950 which rate he held until he was drafted back to the UK. Mike was on the books of HMS Drake from December 1952 until September 1953, when he was drafted to HMS Harrier, in South Wales where he remained until December 1955 when he returned to HMS Drake to await his discharge to the Royal Fleet Reserve. Whilst at HMS Rooke, Mike was involved in a very serious incident, the London Gazette citation entry reads: On 27th April 1951, a lighter was being loaded with ammunition from the Naval Auxiliary Vessel BEDENHAM, in His Majesties Dockyard, Gibraltar, when a minor explosion occurred in the lighter followed by an intense ammunition fire. Six minutes later a second large explosion occurred in the lighter which cut the BEDENHAM in two and sank her. Immediately after the first explosion, Surgeon Lieutenant SHEPPARD went to the wharf where the BEDENHAM was lying and searched for casualties. He helped to pull out of the water a badly burned man and took him to an ambulance. He was walking back towards the BEDENHAM to his first aid box and was only fifteen yards away when the second explosion occurred. He fortunately escaped unharmed and immediately began to administer first aid to the seriously injured on the wharf. Later he treated other casualties in the Dockyard surgery. Surgeon Lieutenant SHEPPARD showed a total disregard for his own safety and his singleminded determination to do all within his power to seek out the casualties, care for them and relieve their pain was worthy of the highest praise. Leading Sick Berth Attendant HUGHES accompanied Surgeon Lieutenant SHEPPARD to the wharf where the BEDENHAM was lying and assisted him in the care of the badly burned man in the immediate vicinity of the burning lighter in which ammunition was exploding. He was within twenty or thirty yards of the BEDENHAM when the large explosion occurred, but was fortunate enough to escape with slight shock and minor bruises. He at once resumed his
assistance with the treatment and removal of the casualties on the wharf, and then returned to the dockyard surgery to assist there with the treatment of the injured. The coolness, courage and devotion to duty shown by Leading Sick Berth Attendant Hughes in the face of extreme danger was outstanding.
RNA Banbridge Branch S/M Ernie White has very kindly forwarded an update concerning Shipmate Justin Weir, Chairman of Banbridge Branch who underwent a kidney transplant. Justin is he adjusting to his new kidney and medication and despite a few initial set-backs Justin is doing well.
We at HQ wish you a speedy recovery. Get well soon Shipmate.
RNA St Neots and District Branch Shipmates may be interested in the article below sent in by Shipmate Bernie Gold the Membership Secretary for the branch On Monday 17th November 2014, 24 of the 38 members of the St Neots and District Branch met up to celebrate their branch’s 42nd anniversary of its commissioning in 1972. Their attendance included 3 of the 6 founder members, Tom Mumford, Alan and Terry Brown celebrating this special occasion. Also present at the inauguration were 98 future members who joined on 1st January 1973. Of these, only 5 are now current members in this branch. Over subsequent years membership has grown and contracted. In the early days our then Chairman Ted Smith as a National Council Member spread the word about the continuing companionship in the RNA and encouraged members to migrate and start up a further three local branches. These were in Biggleswade, Peterborough and Huntingdon. Sadly Biggleswade branch recently decommissioned. The celebration lunch was conceived by our events sub group, John Gibbs, Mike Milne, Kati Page and Terry Brown. Little did Terry know the occasion would also mark the award of Life membership to her for 42 years of loyal support! Here we see Tom Mumford, Branch President making the presentation. Standing, is Keith Ridley our Branch Chairman and No 6 Area, National Council Member. This rare award was only the sixth Life Membership made by the branch in its 42 year Like so many organisations our branch membership is ageing. Our branch maintains contact with the local cadet forces, the scouts, plays an active role in programming and promoting Armed Forces Day and turns out with its standard at Remembrance ceremonies in town and local villages. history 30
Year on year it is pleasing to see an increasing presence at events by the public, especially attendance and participation by children. However we do not see any young blood looking to join the RNA. The HQ initiative of granting membership to all those currently serving has yet to bear fruit here. Our branch is looking for ideas to attract younger members. Please pass on details of your successful recruitment of new members. Thank you Shipmates. Bernie Gold, Membership Secretary -Email
RNA Hazel Grove Branch Hazel Grove branch are holding their annual parade to commemorate the loss of the SS STOCKPORT during the Battle of Atlantic, with all hands, at Norbury Church, Hazel Grove at 13.00 on Sun 22nd February 2015. All Standards are welcome. Everyone is invited to the reception on completion which will be held in the Conservative club in Hazel Grove. For futher detaisl please contact the branch Secretary Shipmate Gary Wenn at
Area 2 A service of remembrance was held in Canterbury Cathedral on 8th December 2014 at 11:00 to remember the five Royal Marines and two Naval ratings killed in action 100 years ago aboard HMS Kent near the Falkland islands, during the battle HMS Kent sunk the German light cruiser NĂźrnberg but took 38 hits herself, she managed to pick 11 survivors of whom only seven remained alive. Shipmates and Royal Marine Association members from Area 2 attend along with relatives who had grandparents serving aboard the ship in 1914. The service, which was conducted by the Vice Dean, included ringing of the bell of HMS Canterbury and turning the page in the book of remembrance, later the bell of HMS Kent was rung after which wreaths were laid. The bell of HMS Kent usually resides in Rochester cathedral but was loaned for the occasion.
RNA Huntingdon and District Branch It is with deep regret that the shipmates from Huntingdon & District Branch of the Royal Naval Association announce that shipmate Isabella Robertson Johnson, nee Lockhart, Crossed the Bar on Tuesday 9th December 2014, aged 97. Isobel, as she was known by her shipmates, served in the NAAFI between 1939 and 1943 before joining the WRNS as a cook. Isobel began her service at HMS Spartiate II, Balloch, Loch Lomond; this was a training base for WRNS from 1942 to 1944 before being renamed HMS Tullichewan and used as a holding base for Combined Operations personnel. In
December 1944, Isobel was posted to Westcliff on Sea, Essex; as a Leading Wren she was a cook for the officers and often recalled watching the RN flotilla training off Southend. Isobel will be fondly remembered by members of the Branch; sadly she joins shipmates Spike Milligan and Grove Dove who also Crossed the Bar in 2014.
RNA Selsey Branch Despite the very damp conditions, a large party of Selsey Branch turned out for the dedication of the RNA plaque on the wall of St Peters Church, on Saturday 3rd January 2015. The 3rd of January was chosen because it is the anniversary of the founding of Selsey RNA. The Reverend David Gibbons, the Chaplain of the Selsey branch of the RBL, conducted the service. Also in attendance was Mr Ian Mason, the Area Manager of Funeral Directors F.A. Holland & Son, who at their own expense funded not only the plaque but also the cleaning of the War Memorial to coincide with the 100th Anniversary of the outbreak of WW1 for which the branch are very grateful and also for all their help and support over the years. When first commissioned RNA Selsey branch had just seventeen members. Since then two hundred and fifty-seven members have passed through our books. Of the original seventeen founders only three are still with the branch, the present Chairman, Brian Hall, Hon.Treasurer, Brian Mariner and past Social Officer Nigel Jest. Currently, the branch has just over ninety members who meet on the second Tuesday in every month at the Selsey Club and enjoy a very active social life.
4 Area No 4 Area will be holding their Open/Closed Standard Bearers Competition on the 22nd Feb which will commence at 1100. The Competition will be held at the Bridgwater Sea Cadets H.Q. If any Shipmate Standard Bearer who would like to enter the competition or would like any further details is requested to please contact S/M. Malcolm Day, No 4 Area Ceremonial Advisor, by either e-mail or phone 01460-62869. Remember you have got to be in it to win it! 32
RNA Members Benefits
UK Holiday Group /CONA Holiday Service •
Variety of special deals for both Groups and Individual. 1% of turnover thorough CONA Holiday Service is returned to the RNA.
Coleman/Ansvar Insurance Discounted Branch and House hold Insurance - 01323 744149 Funeral Service •
2 ½ % discount form Wessex Funeral Services
Portsmouth Historic Dockyard
RNA member entry just £10 plus four guest at £10 each provides access to the all attractions including the Submarine Museum, RM Museum and Explosion!.
Pussers Rum – Special Rates for RNA Official RNA rate for Pusser’s rum set up with Fine Wine Sellers ( to receive the rate simply quote RNA rate when ordering. Details are as follows - Normally Pussers Blue Label normally RP £34.49 plus delivery of £4.99 (Delivery is £4.99 whether it is one bottle or 6) RNA discount price £29.49 plus delivery (as above) or 10% discount for 6 bottles or more
Legal Services
Free 30 minute legal advice with Coffin Mew. 0800 827168
Breakdown Service RAC Breakdown and recovery service or 0207 4025231
Shortcast (Run in date order) 2015 HMS Penelope Reunion - 20 February 2015 HMS Penelope. Reunion to be held in Blackpool February 20-22. Contact the secretary Mike Bee at HMS Andromeda Association – 27 February 2015 HMS Andromeda Association reunion will be held at the Holiday Inn, Doncaster February 27-2nd March. Doncaster council adopted the ship in the 1980s and links with the council have been reestablished and it is planned that civic events will take place to commemorate the event. Details of the reunion and the weekend events can be obtained from Isle of Wight Tours on 01983 405116 HMS Ariadne Reunion – 13 March 2015 The 4th annual reunion is will be held at the Forest Pines Hotel, Broughton, Lincs DN20 0AQ from 13th to 15th March 2015. A deposit of £20 made payable to Sally Clarke at ‘Just for Groups’ tel: 01603 886740. Total cost is £99pp for the weekend. Former members of any of the commissions are most welcome to attend all or part of the weekend. Please contact HMS Ariadne on facebook at for more details. HMS Duchess Association - 20 March 2015 The next reunion will take place at the Hadleigh Hotel, Eastbourne from March 20 to 22. All commissions are welcome. Contact Sharky Ward HMS Surprise Reunion – 20 March 2015 The HMS Surprise Reunion weekend will be taking place at the Hadleigh Hotel, Eastbourne during the weekend of 20-23 March 2015. All former ship’s company are very welcome. Interested in attending or getting in touch with your former shipmates? Contact Geoff Prentice at HMS Resolution Association Reunion – 20/22nd March 2015 The annual reunion for the HMS Resolution Association will take place at the Hallmark Hotel Hull. Come and meet and greet old shipmates with a chance to catch up and celebrate. Early bookings discount is available before 31st January 2015. (Hotel website – The Association is open to all former crew members of HMS Resolution. For further details please contact or visit the website at HMS Undine and Urchin Association Reunion – 20 March 2015 HMS Undine & Urchin Association in company with Ursa, Ulster, Ulysses, Urania and Undaunted are holding their next reunion at The Smiths Hotel, Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset from March 20 to 23. Cost £120pp for 3 nights half board with entertainment included. Details available from Secretary Chris Heslop at HMS Campbeltown Reunion – 03 April 2015 34
First mini reunion to be held April 3-6 in Guzz. Contact Florrie Ford at HMS Loch Fada F390 Reunion – 10-13 April 2015 HMS Loch Fada F390 18th Annual Reunion & AGM will be held at the Mercure Sheffield Parkway Hotel from 10th to 13th April 2015. Business will commence at 1030 on the Saturday with TOT time at 1200 and Reunion Dinner at 1900. Rounding off the weekend with a Coach outing to The Royal Armouries in Leeds on Sunday 13th. For further info & booking forms contact IOW Tours on 01983 405116 or call F390 Sec Frenchy on 01252 310767/email 91 Ayling Lane, Aldershot,Hants.GU11 3ND Captain Class Frigates Association – 10 April 2015 To mark the 70th Anniversary of the end of WWII, the Captain Class Frigate Association will hold a Final Reunion at the Warwick Hilton Hotel, Stratford Road, Warwick from 10 to 12 April 2015. The guest speaker will be a distinguished Naval Personality. This will be our member’s last chance to meet with former shipmates. Book direct on 01926 499555. HMS Dunkirk Association – 17 April 2015 Annual reunion from April 17 and 18 at the Royal Maritime Club (Home Club), Portsmouth. For more information contact John Carroll at
HMS Glasgow (C21 0r D88) Association – 17/20th April 2105 HMS Glasgow (C21 & D88). Reunion to be held at the Queens Hotel, Paignton over the weekend April 17-20. Further details from Gary Eaton at HMS Protector Association – 24/27th April 2015 HMS Protector Association is calling on all members plus ex ships company who served onboard between 3rd October 1955 to October 1968 to join us at a commemorative 60th anniversary reunion of the first sailing to the Antarctic and the Falkland Islands. The reunion will take place in the Aztec Hotel, Bristol over the weekend 24th-27 April 2015. Members of the 1965 commission are not forgotten as we will be also celebrating the 50th anniversary. It is also the Association’s 16th reunion and AGM. Reunion booking forms and membership application forms can be downloaded from and further details can be obtained from the reunion organiser Doug Harris (01495 718870) at or PRO Pete Latham (0161 7248164) at HMS Euryalus Association – 24 April 2015 HMS Euryalus Association: In Bury, Lancashire, the centenary of the Gallipoli landing in which HMS Euryalus was involved, is being commemorated from April 24 to 26, and all who have been associated with the WW2 crusier or frigate are warmly welcomed. Programme include Black tie dinner, Royal Marine Band Concert and a Parade, Church Service and march past. Any queries to me J Lean at or Florrie Ford at or tel: 0191 423 4186. Details can be found on Lancs Fusiliers website at and updates on the Euryalus website at
Royal Naval Hospital Haslar Reunion – 01/03 May 2015 There will be a reunion weekend from Friday 01 May until Sunday 03 May 2015 in the Thorngate Halls, Gosport for all personnel who served at RNH Haslar. For further details please e-mail HMS Phoebe Association – 01 May 2015 HMS Phoebe Association, Cruiser (C43) & Frigate (F42): Have their annual reunion from May 1 to 4 at the Chatsworth Hotel, Grand Parade, Eastbourne. All ex crew are welcome to join us. Please contact the secretary, Roy Pavely at
Federation of Naval Associations - 08 May 2015 The FNA AGM and reunion wil be held at Grand Burstin Hotel, Folkestone from May 8 to 11. All Associations and former RN/RM/WRNS/QARNNS/RFA/MN etc are most welcome. Details and booking forms available from Robbie Robson at HMS Bulwark, Albion, Centaur Association – 09 May 2015 2015 AGM/Reunion will be held at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea and will take place on May 9. Did you serve on any of these light fleet carriers? Our association is open to anyone who served at any time on these ships. We send a magazine three times per year and run events including AGM/Social, sea trips with our current ships Albion & Bulwark and anniversary commemorations at home and abroad. We also sponsor sea cadets from our affiliated SCCs on one sail and two motor Training Ships. Membership is all of £8 per annum. Enquiries to Leigh Easton at or the website at or write to Glenmoary, Hayford Place, Cambusbarron, Stirling FK7 9JX. HMS Hermione Association – 22 May 2015 HMS Hermione Association will hold it's annual reunion from May 22 to 24 at the Best Western, Marks Tey Hotel, London Road, Colchester, Essex. Anyone wishing to join us will be made most welcome that also includes families of those lost onboard. For more details contact Cheryl, ref: Hermione Weekend at or tel: 01206 210001 11th MCM Squadron – 13 June 2015 A reunion is being planned for the 5 requisitioned trawlers, Cordella, Junella, Farnella, Northella and Pict that became mine sweepers. The reunion will take place on June 13 at the New Clarence Pub, Hull. A commemorative service will take place on June 14 at 1400 in Holy Trinity Church, Hull in the presence of the Lord Lieutenant of East Riding of Yorkshire and the Lord Mayor of Kingston upon Hull. The ships bell of HMS Northella is currently behind the bar of the ‘Admiralty Tavern’, Trafalgar Square and they have kindly accepted to loan the bell for the service. Full details can be found on the 11th MCM Squadron Facebook page ... 1/?fref=ts More details from Jon Major at HMS Arethusa Association - 03 October 2015
The 27th and final Reunion at the Melbourne Ardenlea Hotel, Shanklin, Isle of Wight from October 2 to 5. All former serving members of this ship and Association and families/guests welcome. For further information contact Tom Sawyer at HMS Ulster Association – 02/05 October 2015 There will be a reunion weekend from October 2nd, 2015 to October 5th, 2015 at Smiths Hotel, Weston-Super-Mare. Further details and to download booking forms see - or please e-mail Not internet friendly? Call Norrie Millen at 01626 779409 and leave message if no answer. The re-union is for all commissions 1943-1980.
HMS Tartar Association - 03 October 2015 Annual reunion at the Red Lea Hotel, Scarborough from October 3 to 5. All ex-Tartar’s and wives are welcome, come and meet up with old shipmates. Bookings to be arranged by IOW Tours on 01983 405116
HMS Fife Reunion – 17 October 2015 The HMS Fife reunion will take place at HMS Nelson Warrant Officers and Senior Rates Mess on 17 October 2015, 1900-2359. For information about this reunion or to register your interest in attending please contact Warrant Officer 1, Darren Emmerton at HMS Lowestoft Reunion – 9 October 2015 The 5th annual reunion of the HMS Lowestoft Association will take place at the Royal Beach Hotel, St Helens Parade, Southsea PO4 0NR from October 9th to 11th 2015. All ex-Lowie's 19611985 and guests are welcome. For booking & more info contact IOW Tours on 01983 405116 or email or email: or visit For information, the HMS Lowestoft Association held their 4th Annual Reunion at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea over the weekend 17-19 October, celebrating 53 years since the ship first commissioned. The successful and memorable event was attended by 150 ex Lowie’s, partners and guests, including 3 former Commanding Officers, Admiral Sir John Treacher, Captain Jimmy Chestnutt and Captain Charles Buckle. Vice Admiral Sir John Webster the Navigating Officer from the first commission and Vice Admiral Sir Nicholas Hill-Norton the First Lieutenant from 1971-73 were also present.
NOMINATION FORM ELECTION OF MEMBERS AND DEPUTY MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL (June 2015 to June 2017)( RNA Bye-Law 6) For the attention of All Branch Secretaries in Areas. 2,6,7,8,9,11, Scotland Each Branch may nominate one full or life member from any Branch within its own Area, as a Candidate for election to the National Council, and one full or life member for election as the Deputy National Council Member subject to the approval of the Branch to which both persons belong. (See Note Below) Name of Nominee NCM.....................................................DNCM................................................. Proposed by Branch ............................................................................. Area .......................... Address of Nominee NCM……………………………………............................................................................................... DNCM............................................................................................................................................... Brief history of the nominees in the RNA. Continue on separate sheet if necessary NCM
Chairman .......................................................... (signed) ............................................(dated) Secretary .......................................................... (signed) ............................................(dated) ___________________________________________________________________________ If the Candidate’s Association membership is not registered with the nominating Branch, this section is to be completed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Branch through which it is registered. Candidate's Branch ......... ....................................................................... We certify the acceptance of the nomination by the Candidate’s Branch. Chairman ...................................................................................(signed).........................(dated) Hon Secretary ............................................................................(signed).........................(dated) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Candidate I accept the nomination and undertake to attend as many National Council Meetings as is possible and to sit on Committees to which I may be elected.
Signature of Candidate .........................................................(signed).........................(dated) _____________________________________________________________________________ Nomination Forms The envelope containing this completed form should be marked NOMINATIONS FOR NATIONAL COUNCIL and must reach RNA HQ no later than 1500 27 February 2015. Only one nomination is needed for a candidate to be included in the ballot.
PROPOSED MOTIONS AND AMENDMENTS FOR ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2015 Proposals must reach The General Secretary by 1500 27 February 2015 Name of Proposing Branch: ........................................................................................... Motion / amendment
Explanation of the Motion / Amendment (To be included in the notes for Conference)
Hon Secretary ............................................................................(signed).........................(dated)
Name of Seconding Branch: ......................................................................................................... Hon Secretary ............................................................................(signed).........................(dated)
Notes a. A motion is submitted in the name of a Branch. Secretaries of proposing and seconding Branches are certifying that the motion or amendment reflects the view of the Branch meeting (not a committee); and that voting was conducted in accordance with Rule 20. b. A separate form is required for each Motion or Amendment c. A manuscript copy is acceptable for additional Motions or Amendments if the printed form is not available. d. The Motion or Amendment should be as short and precise as possible avoiding ambiguity. A Motion should normally start with the word `THAT' e. The explanation is to assist the scrutiny of the Standing Orders Committee in understanding the intention behind the Motion so that they may be able to consider its presentation so it can be improved and implemented as soon as possible (Conference Bye Law C4) f. Motions may be submitted at any time but must reach the General Secretary by 27 February 2015. g. Motions of Urgency should reach the General Secretary not less than 48 hours before Conference. (In accordance with Conference Bye Law C6.) and include an explanation about the urgency. h. Amendments to Motions should also normally reach the General Secretary not less than 7 days before Conference. The provision for the submission of amendments during Conference is in the Conference Bye-Laws. i. Bye-Laws. A Motion to Conference may propose that a Bye-Law be set aside or it may ask the Council to consider making or amending a Bye-Law. j. The Branch Proposing a Motion must have it Seconded by another Branch before forwarding it to the General Secretary. (Conference Bye Law c3i)
Nominations for Standing Orders Committee 2015 For the attention of All Branch Secretaries To reach the General Secretary no later than 1500 27 February 2015 Two members of the Standing Orders Committee are to be elected at Conference 2015, those standing down are eligible to be re-elected. (S/M Lyons and S/M Downing). Each Branch may nominate one full or full life member of a Branch in the United Kingdom or the Republic or Ireland as a Candidate for election to the Standing Orders Committee, subject to the approval of the Branch to which the candidate belongs. Name of Nominee ................................................................................................ Proposed by Branch ....................................................................... Area .......................... Address of Nominee ......................………….........……………….......................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... e-mail .........................................................................................
Brief history of nominee in the Association. (Continue on separate sheet if necessary)
Branch Chairman ...................................................... (signed) ......................................(dated) Branch Secretary ...................................................... (signed) ......................................(dated) ___________________________________________________________________________ If the Candidate by the proposing Branch is not a member of that Branch, this section is to be completed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Candidate's own Branch. Candidate's Branch ......... ............................................................................ We certify the acceptance of the nomination by the Candidate’s Branch. Signature of Chairman (Candidate's Branch) ............................................................................. Signature of Secretary (Candidate's Branch) .............................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Candidate I accept the nomination and undertake to attend as many Standing Orders Committee Meetings as possible.
Signature of Candidate ..............................................................................Dated ....................... ___________________________________________________________________________ Nomination Forms The envelope containing this completed form should be marked NOMINATIONS FOR STANDING ORDERS COMMITTEE and must reach RNA HQ no later than 1500 27 February 2015. Only one nomination is needed for a candidate to be included in the ballot. Nominations received after the deadline will not be included in the Ballot. 40
Welfare Seminar - HMS NELSON Saturday 28 March 2015 - Application form Please send completed form by e-mail to or post to RNA HQ, Room 209, Semaphore Tower PP70, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth PO1 3LT. **** REMINDER PHOTO ID WILL BE REQUIRED FOR ENTRY INTO NAVAL BASE**** Name Area / Branch Position held in Branch Personal Address including Post Code
Telephone/Mobile No E-mail Address Car Make & Registration
Are you a trained caseworker for – RBL or SSAFA Other Associations Qualifications Do you use CMS ?
Delegate/Observers for the Annual Conference 2015 Folkestone
Name of Delegate Delegate’s Address
Telephone No
Post Code
e-mail Number of Observers Names of Observers *
Name of Branch Hon Secretary Contact telephone No: (if not branch Hon Sec) Contact e-mail address Name and Address for correspondence (if not branch Hon Sec)
*Please continue on a separate sheet with all your branch observers. This will be the Branch secretary unless otherwise indicated. NB: A Delegate will not be confirmed as such unless or until the Branch Balance Sheet for 2014 and Annual Subscriptions for Branch Members for 2015 have been received in RNA Headquarters. Should either not have been received in HQ, the Delegate's Status will be changed to that of Observer.
A sailor's soul has an epic thirst Only nourished by the sea For only upon it's waves and swells Is a sailor's soul set free
Welcome to 2015 and a HAPPY NEW YEAR to all our Residents, Families, Friends and Staff. With Christmas behind us and Spring in front of us we look forward to another busy year.
He prays for winds to fill his sails And clear skies to chart his way A pull of rum and cheap cigar To finish out his day The stories spewed, both lies and truths Will fade upon the seas For until his ship, next leaves it's slip Will his soul again be freed
We hope that everybody has had an enjoyable Christmas and got all that they wished for!!! If you did receive a few unwanted presents this year, we would be happy for any donations received. With the wet and windy weather behind us ,(fingers crossed)!!!! the Residents and staff at Pembroke House are looking forward to a very busy social calendar for the year ahead. The highlight of our social events will be our Garden Party scheduled to take place at the end of July 2015 when we hope once again, for a high attendance and plenty of entertainment. Please remember that families and ‘Friends of Pembroke House’ are welcome to attend many of our inhouse activities. Please watch out for details on the noticeboards.
As always, our Residents, staff and ‘Friends’ have enjoyed some super outings over the past year with visits to Buckingham Palace, Royal Albert Hall and the Cenotaph to name but a few. Various in house events have taken place over the last year culminating in the Residents Family Christmas meals which were enjoyed by all with thanks especially going to the kitchen for the lovely home cooked food. The year was nicely rounded of with the giving of presents from Pembroke Houses very own Santa and his helpers! With carols being sung by the Residents and staff choir.
Forthcoming Events Burns Celebration Bag pipes Haggis & Short bread Monday 26th January 2015
Friday 13th February 2015
Entertainment from ANNIE LOVE
Your chance to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your special loved ones. Tickets £20 to include 1/2 bottle of wine per person
CONCERT with THE ‘NOT FORGOTTEN’ ASSOCIATION Friday 27th February 2015 Commencing at
Book early as space is limited
Commencing at 1430hrs ALL WELCOME
Social Gathering in the Lounge 1430hrs Monday 17th March 2015 ALL WELCOME
Easter Egg Hunt Tuesday 31st March 2015
Come along and have some fun
Spring Fayre Wine & Wisdom Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Armed Forces Day Pembroke House Annual Garden Party
Improvements around the home last year included roof repairs, new windows and the completion of the memorial path, in 2015 we look forward to saving energy once the solar panels are fitted and Dan has completed the installation of the LED lighting. Gary & Lesley have been busy in the garden planting around the memorial path and planning a wildlife pond which would bring lots of different species of birds to the garden. A new information booklet has been placed in every room if you do not have one please see Kelly in reception for a copy.
Monday 2nd March 2015
Resident’s Only
Saturday 30th May 2015 Friday 12th June 2015 Thursday 18th June 2015 Saturday 27th June 2015 Saturday 25th July 2015
Pancake flipping competition
Commencing at 1430hrs
St Georges Celebration s Friday 24th April 2015
An evening of entertainment Please book early as space is limited
Please book early as space is limited
To keep up to date with what's going on around the home you can now follow Pembroke House and the rest of the RNBT family on Twitter. Alternatively why not check out our Face Book page where you will be able to see the Residents in action creating some lovely arts and crafts as well as floral arrangements with the help of our dedicated team of volunteers .
Pembroke House Cake Bake Off!! Monday 18th May 2015
Have you got what it takes??
We would like to thank all the staff and ‘Friends’ who helped out with our Christmas Bazaar it was a great turn out and the money raised was just over £900 and has been credited to the Residents Amenities Fund. Monies raised will be going towards purchasing new garden furniture.
RAC Breakdown A5_Layout 1 25/09/2014 14:32 Page 1
RAC FLEET BREAKDOWN SERVICE ROADSIDE, AT HOME, RECOVERY, ONWARD TRAVEL & EUROPEAN COVER - £70.00 ROADSIDE, AT HOME, RECOVERY & EUROPEAN COVER - £65.00 Over a thousand vehicles, owned by ARNO members, are covered by our RAC Breakdown Scheme. The scheme offers vehicle-based cover at extremely attractive and competitive prices. Two levels are offered: Level 1 - Roadside with Recovery, At Home and European cover - £65 per annum. Level 2 - Roadside with Recover, At Home, Onward Travel and European cover - £70 per annum. The above rates include an element to cover ARNO administrative costs and VAT. Under the terms of the RAC contract cancellations will not attract a refund. The scheme is administered by ARNO and runs from 29th April to the 28th April each year. CONA Members should apply as shown below, with the following details: Name/CONA Organisation • Level of cover required •
Vehicle registration number, make and model
RAC cover can begin at anytime after the 29th April however the charge levied will be from the 1st day of the calendar month in question. Members joining after 29th April will be charged a pro-rata amount. Membership will not commence until receipt of fees however credit/debit card payments by phone allow next-day access to the scheme. A breakdown card will be issued on receipt of payment and vehicle details passed to the RAC. In the event of a breakdown, the RAC can be contacted using the number shown on the card and quoting the vehicle registration number and agreement number. The scheme is vehicle-based so, unlike personal membership, does not entitle cover in any other vehicle. However members who own more than one vehicle or regularly travel in another vehicle may cover more than one vehicle (to be paid for individually).
Contact: or call 02074025231