Semaphore Circular #648 (April 2015)

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The Semaphore Circular No 648

The Beating Heart of the RNA

April 2015

‘The American Invasion’. USN Theodore Roosevelt(CVN-71) and USN Winston S Churchill (DDG -81) visited Portsmouth between the 22-27 March 2015. This was the first stop on their world deployment. The Aircraft Carrier has a ships company of 5,680 and can carry up to 90 fixed wing and rotary aircraft, she is so large she had to anchor in the Solent. USN Winston S Churchill is an Arleigh-Burke Guided Missile Destroyer with 2 Sea Hawk Helicopters and a crew of 370. In honour of her namesake the Royal Navy provides her with the Navigating Officer currently Lt Lynsey Sewell RN. RNA members are reminded that hard-copies of the Circular are distributed to each branch via their Secretary, but “silver-surfers” can download their own copy from the RNA website at .(See below) 1

Daily Orders 1. Ushakov Medal update 2. Election of NCM and DNCM 3. Pussers Rum – New Supplier 4. Gallipoli Event Whitehall – Update 5. Veterans Portrait Project 6. Guess Where? 7. Can anyone beat this Car Registration 8. Free to a good home 9. Curtain Rods Revenge 10. Finance Corner 11. Coleman/Ansvar Insurance 12. Donations received 13. Request for assistance Portsmouth Uni 14. Neil Armstrong.. 15. Lookie Likey 16. Mystery Yellow Badge - Answer 17. Arab and Scot Joke 18. Mountbatten Festival of Music 19. RN VC Series – Captain FredrickPeters 20. Fifty Shades of Golf 21. Lt Cdr Chris Gӧtke AFC RN 22. RNRMC News 23. Eastchurch Aviation Pioneers Day 24. Down Memory Lane 25. More Guess Where? 26. Uckers Boards 27. Assistance Please – Yorky Glenton 28. New RN Uniform

Longcast “D’ye hear there” (Branch news) Ship’s Office 1. Swinging the Lamp For the Branch Secretary and notice-board Glossary of terms NCM NC AMC FAC NCh NVCh NP DNP GS DGS AGS CONA IMC NSM Throughout

National Council Member National Council Association Management Committee Finance Administration Committee National Chairman National Vice Chairman National President Deputy National President General Secretary Deputy General Secretary Assistant General Secretary Conference of Naval Associations International Maritime Confederation Naval Service Memorial indicates a new or substantially changed entry 2

Contacts: Financial Controller

023 9272 3823


023 9272 3371

Assistant General Secretary (Membership & Slops) 023 9272 3747

Deputy General Secretary 023 9272 0782

Shipmates Administrator

023 9272 0782

General Secretary

023 9272 2983


023 92 72 3747

Find Semaphore Circular On-line ; or... RNA Website – Members Area – Downloads – Circulars – Code (Shipmate)

RNA HQ Staff continue to attempt to build a library of e-mail addresses within the Association. It would be extremely helpful if those Branch Secretaries able to communicate by e-mail would forward a short e-message to HQ to 3 Snail Trail Mail - Postal Address RNA HQ, Room 209, PP70, Semaphore Tower, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth Hants PO1 3LT

Dear Shipmate s, We all feel as if we are in New York this week as thousands of American sailors stream ashore from the USS Theodore Roosevelt, all intent on getting to London and meeting the locals. They are coming through the arch in Semaphore Tower all in 50 shades of jeans!! Well, it is a bumper edition this month with some very important documents for you to share at your branch meetings. So, what have you got with mailing? • The Financial Statements for Financial Year 2014, subject to independent examination and approved by the National Council as the Board of Trustees for the Charity. The Financial Statements will be presented in Folkestone by the Hon Treasurer. • The Trustee’s Report for 2014. This is the main report from the National Council to be put before Conference 2015. It makes commentary on the activities of the Association for the year and how they relate to the charitable objects laid down in the Royal Charter. It also comments on the Financial Statements, reserves, risk management and other business issues in running the Charity. The Trustee’s Report will be presented in Folkestone by the National Chairman. • The Agenda for Conference 2015. This year’s agenda is a little different, following the changes to the Royal Charter approved last year. The Agenda is divided into the AGM and Conference phases. It has details of the motions approved for debate by the Standing Orders Committee, with 4 from the National Council and 2 from branches. The Agenda also includes details of those motions not approved for debate by the SOC and the proposed standing orders, which will be adopted by the delegates at an appropriate point in the Conference. If you have any questions about the financial statements or the Trustees report, please don’t wait for Conference – I am delighted to answer questions or provide clarification or further information as you would wish (either by e-mail or on the phone). Also please make sure that your Conference delegate understands the branch position on the various motions before Conference. Please don’t raise the motions with me, they are entirely a matter for the SOC and proposing branches. Other points of business: • We have had a great response to the Gallipoli March on 25 April with over 80 marchers turning up on the day, sufficient for the RNA to have a second squad. • Don’t forget planning for the Biennial March at the Cenotaph on 6 September, we now have our Sea Cadet band confirmed from the Southern Region, and Nigel and I have met with the Met (Police) and agreed the routine for the day. Depending on the security evaluation we may need some stewards on the day – I will let you know next month if that is necessary. • Keep the bookings coming for Folkestone 15. When y ou are booking please make sure that if any partner/wife/oppo/mistress wishes to go on the free trip to France that they let the Hotel know. • One for the back pocket – when you arrive at the Grand Burstin, it is VITAL that you let the front desk know your vehicle registration to prevent unnecessary charges. • Delighted that we have a new provider of Pussers Rum, see Circ for details. • There is a new link for the Branch insurance, correct link in the Circ.


The HQ staff have all now re-qualified as First Aiders, and we will have our AED (automatic external defibrillator) during major RNA events. You might like to know that the National Council is trying to set an example for a more relaxed approach to meetings, and hopefully attract the younger ex-naval members we all want (who generally aren’t keen on what they see as the stuffy formal side of the RNA). All National Council meetings are now optional rig, which means either standard blazer and tie or more relaxed RNA branded items, such as the pullovers, shirts etc, with the choice up to the individual. This of course does not apply to the Annual Conference which will remain formal RNA rig or parades. I appreciate that for some Branch Secretaries this time of year can seem a little daunting, please do ring the HQ if we can help, or you aren’t sure of what to do. I am very pleased indeed with the quick response of so many branches to the last set of termly accounts – thank you.

Kindest regards Paul General Secretary



Ushakov Medal Update

Shipmates may be interested in the note below form the General Secretary. Ushakov medal The HQ is getting a lot of questions about the presentation of the Ushakov medal, and if an individual will be getting the medal or not. The Ushakov Medal is entirely a matter for the Russian Federation authorities and the RNA cannot intervene on behalf of an individual. However, shipmates have found it helpful to know if they are on the list, or not. The list is an internet translation of a Russian document and will be imperfect, but if your name (or your relative’s name) is on the list then the Russian authorities should be in contact in due course. Remember that the Ushakov medal is only awarded to living recipients and is not awarded posthumously (unlike the Arctic Star). I hope you find this helpful Paul Quinn OBE General Secretary


Election of NCM and DNCM

Shipmates should be aware that the revised Bye Law 6(a)i.d. requires the General Secretary to promulgate the names of all candidates in the next Circular following the receipt of nomination forms. The candidates are as follows: Area NCM 2 Allen 6 Ridley 7 Williams 8 Dovey 9 Crawford 11 McQueen Scotland Hesketh 10 Caulfield (elected)

DNCM Cox Parry Warner Mawhinney Williams None received MacKenzie Wright

As a result there will be no NCM or DNCM contested elections this year. Note that no DNCM nomination for 11 Area has been received. Nominations for DNCM 11 should reach the General Secretary as soon as possible and no later than 15 April 15 (in case there is a need for an election before Conference).



Pussers Rum – New supplier

I am sure that Shipmates will be delighted to hear that that a new supplier, Drinkfinder, has been engaged by Cellar Trends on behalf of Pussers Rum. Best of all the new supplier will supply the rum at a discounted price for RNA members. Please see below how to contact them........ • • • •


Log in to or phone 01326 340226 Insert promotion code royalnavy15 when checking out/ prompted This will reduce the price prior to checking out. Agreed promo price £29.99 (reduced from £32.99)

Gallipoli Event Whitehall 25th April 2015 - Update

The RNA along with other fellow Naval Associations was invited to form a platoon and take part in the Gallipoli Parade in Whitehall on Saturday 25th April 2015. For information Shipmates have been allocated Contingents 7 and 8. Due to increased security arrangements for the parade you may require a ticket for access to the ‘form up’ area in Horseguards Avenue. If this occurs the tickets will be distributed by post before the event, if we have your contact details, otherwise Nigel Huxtable will in attendance to distribute tickets to those whose names are on his list. (Nigel can be contacted on the day on 07598 796102) You should meet at 0945 in Horseguards Avenue. (North end of MOD Main Building, access from Victoria Embankment). There will be event Marshalls in attendance and you should bring your RNA Membership card with for proof of ID. So far timings are sequential - Having mustered and been fallen in your two Contingents, you will then have a wait while the ANZAC and Descendants muster on Whitehall and the Uniformed Contingents fall in and march to Whitehall. Finally the Association personnel march on to Whitehall. At 1100 there will be a two minutes silence followed by wreath laying and then a march past of the Cenotaph. Word of caution The dispersal is at Wellington Barracks which is up near Buckingham Palace, so be prepared for a long march! Fingers crossed for a super day.


Veterans Portrait Project - Assistance Required

The Veterans Portrait Project is a non profit project that aims to help raise the profile of UK Veterans through Photography. The concept was originally conceived by Stacy Pearsall a USAF Veteran who travelled extensively in the USA and has amassed of veteran portraits. The project has been taken forward in the UK by ex Army Percy Pongo Veteran Stephen Porteous and will be launched at various locations in London including; Royal Chelsea Hospital and Tower of London between 4 -10 May. 7

Unfortunately Stephen is currently struggling to get Naval and RM veterans from in or around the London area involved. Can any Shipmate assist please ?? If you would be willing to assist and have your photo taken please contact; Tel 0049 5154 7093564 (Stephen lives in Germany, however he will call you straight back at his expense).


Guess Where? An Establishment

Can you name this former Naval establishment soon to have lots of RN personnel working in it again. Please forward any other pictures to the HQ that you may have for ‘Guess Where’ so that we can publish them in forthcoming Circulars. No looking on Google or Wiki!! Answers in next month’s edition.

Last month’s answer! NP1022 Diego Garcia (British Indian Ocean Territory)


Can anyone beat this Car Registration

Following on from Shipmate Evan Jesseman, City of Inverness Branch, Shipmate Martin Raine with his homage to HMS Hermes and Shipmate Gary Daisley’s - jack style number plate........ Shipmate and NCM for Area 6 Keith ‘I can BlackCat anyone’ Ridley advised the Semaphore Circular of the following, sadly there is no photographic evidence (Typical Stoker!) Approximately 3 years ago whilst I was driving south along the M5 in the Exeter Area I was overtaken by a BMW Estate. Registration PU 55 ERS. The registration 8

No on the plate was arranged to read PU55ERS. That must be the best yet ? Are there any other Shipmates that possess a Number Plate with a registration more ‘Jack’ than that??


Free to a Good Home

You may recall this article from the March edition of the Semaphore Circular concerning the model of HMS Bluebell.......................... S/M Daisley launched an appeal in the RNA’s Semaphore Circular to any RNA Branch or CONA Association for anyone who would be able to place the Bluebell model on permanent display. After representations by John Soanes (TCA & RNA Torbay) on behalf of the Marshlands Maritime Museum in Kings Lynn and, Robert Fosterjohn (RNA Petersfield) on behalf of the Petersfield Town Museum, the final resting place for the Bluebell was to be with the Runcorn RNA Branch in Cheshire, at the Runcorn Royal British Legion Museum. The “permanent loan” exchange took place at the Nautical Club in Birmingham on Saturday 21st March 2015 during the Area 08 AGM. The venue was chosen as the ideal location halfway between Essex and Cheshire, where S/M Brian Goodwin made everyone welcome on behalf of the Nautical Club. The model itself has taken roughly two years and hundreds of man-hours to complete said S/M Gary Daisley and, it is only fitting that she now has a permanent place on display as my tribute to those who served and suffered during the Arctic Convoys. Launched in April 1940, the real ship served in the Atlantic, Mediterranean and Arctic campaigns, escorting several convoys to Russia, and also took part in the invasions of Sicily and France. She was torpedoed and sunk by U-711 in the Kola Inlet in February 1945 while escorting the convoy RA-64 from Murmansk. Only one member of her crew survived. The photo above shows Shipmate Gary Daisley (left) from Rayleigh Branch RNA presenting the Arctic Convoy diorama of the Flower Class Corvette HMS Bluebell to Shipmate Dave Wright (RNA Runcorn & Area 10 Secretary) under the watchful eye of Chris Dovey (RNA National Chairman).


Curtain Rods Revenge (One for the Ladies)

On the first day, she sadly packed her belongings into boxes, crates and suitcases. On the second day, she had the movers come and collect her things. On the third day, she sat down for the last time at their beautiful dining-room table, by candle-light; she put on some soft background 9

music, and feasted on a pound of shrimp, a jar of caviar, and a bottle of spring-water. When she'd finished, she went into each and every room and deposited a few half-eaten shrimps dipped in caviar into the hollow centre of the curtain rods. She then cleaned up the kitchen and left. On the fourth day, the husband came back with his new girlfriend, and at first all was bliss. Then, slowly, the house began to smell. They tried everything; cleaning, mopping, and airing-out the place. Vents were checked for dead rodents, and carpets were steam cleaned. Air fresheners were hung everywhere. Exterminators were brought in to set off gas canisters, during which time the two had to move out for a few days, and in the end they even paid to replace the expensive wool carpeting. Nothing worked! People stopped coming over to visit. Repairmen refused to work in the house. The maid quit. Finally, they couldn't take the stench any longer, and decided they had to move, but a month later - even though they'd cut their price in half - they couldn't find a buyer for such a stinky house. Word got out, and eventually even the local estate agents refused to return their calls. Finally, unable to wait any longer for a purchaser, they had to borrow a huge sum of money from the bank to purchase a new place. Then the ex-wife called the man and asked how things were going. He told her the saga of the rotting house. She listened politely and said that she missed her old home terribly and would be willing to reduce her divorce settlement in exchange for having the house. Knowing she could have no idea how bad the smell really was, he agreed on a price that was only 1/10th of what the house had been worth ... but only if she would sign the papers that very day. She agreed, and within two hours his lawyers delivered the completed paperwork. A week later the man and his girlfriend stood smiling as they watched the moving company pack everything to take to their new home ...... ... and to spite the ex-wife, they even took the curtain rods! Shipmates beware, if you don’t already know, Ladies can be very venomous when annoyed........


Finance Corner –

Dear Shipmates, First off, I would like to say a big thank you to the majority of Branch Treasurers / Secretaries for returning your Branches Winter Termly Payments to HQ. Next, please be aware that I will be producing invoices at the end of March for the Standard Fund and this will reflect on your Spring Termly Accounts. Finally, I would just like to Clarify what was published in Finance Corner last month concerning RBL Wreaths, it appears that I may not have explained exactly what was required so...... 10

Branches that receive an Invoice for Wreaths should be recorded on Page 2 – Income / Expenditure under Expenditure.

Branches that don’t receive an invoice and provide a donation should be recorded on Page 3 – Grants / Donations under Expenditure.

Wishing you all a lovely Easter. Yours Aye Michelle


Coleman/Ansvar Branch Insurance

Please would Shipmates kindly note that the correct link for the Branch Insurance can be found below;


Donations received for the Central Charities and the Charter Challenge

Central Charities RNA – Harlow RNA – Rosyth / West Fife RNA – Letchworth M Pickles (Treats for Troops) A Latchford

£50.00 £100.00 £50.00 £100.00 £30.00

Charter Challenge The Monday Club


Nil donations this month for ‘In memory of the late....’

Thank you very much for your continued support.


Can you assist Please – Portsmouth University

A team at the University of Portsmouth have been funded for 2 years by the Forces in Mind Trust to look at the effectiveness and costeffectiveness of Veteran Outreach Support (VOS) based at the Royal Maritime Club in Portsmouth. They are interested in finding out if VOS works, who it works for, and at what cost. The research team are 11

interested in hearing from people who have used this service or thought about using it. There are a number of opportunities to get involved in the first stage of this research: 1. One-to-one interviews with people who have used VOS now or in the past. The researchers would like to hear people’s experiences of using VOS from the positive to the less positive. This will be on-going until the end of April 2015. 2. Group discussions with people who have used VOS now or in the past, as well as those who have thought about using VOS but have not used it yet. This will take place from March to April 2015. 3. Survey (either online or by post) to explore reasons why people may or may not use services such as VOS. This will be made available between March and June 2015. This research is being conducted independently of VOS. If anyone would like to take part in any of the studies or knows someone who might want to take part, please feel free to contact Dr Emina Hadziosmanovic, School of Health Sciences and Social Work, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, PO1 2FR. Telephone: 023 9284 4451 Email:


Neil Armstrong......

On 20th July 1969, as Commander of the Apollo 11 Lunar Module, Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the Moon. His first words after stepping onto the Moon’s surface were, "that's one Small step for man, one giant leap for mankind," and televised to earth and heard by millions. But just before he re-entered the lander, he made the enigmatic remark "Good Luck, Mr.Gorsky." Many people at NASA thought it was a casual remark concerning some rival Soviet Cosmonaut. However, upon checking, there was no Gorsky in either the Russian or USA space programs . Over the years, many people questioned Armstrong as to what the - 'Good Luck, Mr. Gorsky' statement meant, but Armstrong always just smiled. On 5th July 1995, in Tampa Bay, Florida , while answering questions following a speech, a reporter brought up the 26-year-old question concerning Mr Gorsky to Armstrong. This time he finally responded because Mr. Gorsky had died and he felt he could now answer the question. Here is the answer………. In 1938, when Neil was a kid in a small mid-western town, he was playing Baseball with a friend in the backyard. His friend hit the ball, which landed in his neighbour's yard by their bedroom Window; his neighbours were Mr and Mrs Gorsky. As he leaned down to pick up the ball, young Armstrong heard Mrs Gorsky shouting at Mr Gorsky; "Sex! You want Sex?! You'll get Sex when the kid next door “Walks on the moon!"



Lookie Likey Competition

Shipmates should be aware that our President John Mcanally did not write Downton Abbey and Julian Fellows did not Command HMS Torquay............


Yellow Badge Mystery Answer

The answer is: Certificate of Appreciation awarded to Associate members by the National Council for exemplary contribution to the Association.


Arab and Scot Joke

An Arab Sheik was admitted to Hospital for heart surgery, but prior to the surgery, the doctors needed to have some of his blood type stored in case the need arose. As the gentleman had a rare type of blood, it couldn't be found locally, so, the call went out. Finally a Scotsman was located who had the same rare blood type. The Scot willingly donated his blood for the Arab. After the surgery, the Arab sent the Scotsman, as appreciation for giving his blood, a new BMW a diamond necklace for his wife and ÂŁ100,000. A couple of days later, the Arab had to go through a corrective surgery procedure. Once again, his doctor telephoned the Scotsman who was more than happy to donate his blood. 13

After the second surgery, the Arab sent the Scotsman a thank-you card and a box of Quality Street chocolates. The Scotsman was shocked that the Arab did not reciprocate his kind gesture as he had anticipated. He phoned the Arab and asked him: "I thought you would be generous again, that you would give me another BMW, diamonds and money, but you only gave me a thank-you card and a box of Quality Street chocolates." To this the Arab replied: "Aye laddie, but I now have Scottish blood in ma veins".


RM Band - Mountbatten Festival of Music

Thursday 16 April - Saturday 18 April 2015 The Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund, inconjunction with the Massed Bands of Her Majesty's Royal Marines, is organising the Mountbatten Festival of Music at the Royal Albert Hall, London. Tickets are selling fast for all three performances; with the Closing Night (Saturday) is already close to a sell-out! If you are thinking of coming along, look to the Opening Night (Thursday 16 April) as this concert has the best availability across a range of ticket prices. If you love the music of the Royal Marines Massed Bands you should not miss these concerts, as they: • display the outstanding versatility of some of the world’s finest military musicians; • are given the "West End" treatment with spectacular lighting effects; and • feature a wide range of musical styles, including music from the big screen and superb solo items. And of course the Festival would not be complete without the traditional marches and overtures that have proved such a hit with audiences over the years. To book: • Call the box office: 0845 401 5045 • Visit the online booking site:



RN VC Series - Captain Frederick Thornton Peters VC, DSO, DSC & Bar Royal Navy

On the 8 November 1942 Captain Frederick Thornton "Fritz" Peters was Commanding Officer of the sloop HMS Walney during Operation Reservist (part of Operation Torch, the Allied landings in French North Africa). Operation Reservist was an Allied military operation during World War II. Part of Operation Torch (the Allied invasion of North Africa), it was an attempted landing of troops directly into the harbour at Oran in Algeria. The purpose of Operation Reservist was to capture the valuable facilities and ships at the Vichy French port of Oran before they could be destroyed. The landing of troops directly from ships was extremely risky; however it was hoped that either the French defenders would be taken entirely by surprise, or that they would actually cooperate with the landing forces. Two Banff class sloops, HMS Walney and HMS Hartland were used in landing the troops. The landing ships in fact came under sustained fire from the defenders once they were inside the harbour boom including four shore batteries (from east to west - Mole Ravin Blanc, Mole Miller and, Mole J. Giraud and Mole Centre). There were 31 French ships in the port which did considerable damage to the ships in the British/American fleet. Casualties during Operation Reservist exceeded 90%. Of the 393 American infantrymen of the 3rd Battalion, 6th Armored Infantry Regiment, 189 were killed in action and 157 wounded. The Royal Navy suffered 113 dead and 86 wounded and a small US Navy team assigned as antisabotage five dead and seven wounded.[2] Walney made it alongside the jetty and succeeded in landing a small number of men. The survivors were captured and despite such sacrifice the French surrendered on 10 November 1942. Captain Peters was awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions. Tragically he was killed in an air crash coming back to Britain on 13 November 1942 when the Sunderland aircraft he was travelling in crash landed in Plymouth Sound in thick fog.


Fifty Shades of Golf (Gentlemen Humour) Four guys have been going to the same golfing trip to St Andrews for many years.. Two days before the group is to leave, Jack's wife puts her foot down and tells him he isn't going. Jack's mates are very upset that he can't go, but what can they do. Two days later, the three get to St Andrews only to find Jack sitting at the bar with four drinks set up! "Wow, Jack, how 15

long you been here, and how did you talk your misses into letting you go?" "Well, I've been here since last night.. Yesterday evening, I was sitting in my living room chair and my wife came up behind me and put her hands over my eyes and asked, 'Guess who?" I pulled her hands off, and there she was, wearing a nightie. She took my hand and pulled me into our bedroom. The room had candles and rose petals all over. Well she's been reading ‘50 Shades of Grey’...... On the bed she had handcuffs, and ropes! She told me to tie her up and cuff her to the bed, so I did. And then she said, "Do whatever you want." So…………………….. Here I am!


Lt Cdr Chris Gӧtke AFC RN

Commanding Officer of the Royal Navy Historic Flight, Lieutenant Commander Chris ӧtke G Royal Navy, who displayed conspicuous courage and exemplary airmanship under extreme pressure when the historic Hawker Sea Fury he was flying suffered engine failure during a display manoeuvre at RNAS Culdrose Air Day last July, has been decorated with the Air Force Cross in the latest Operational Honours and Awards List announced recently. The Sea Fury, a large, high performance piston engine fighter, had just started a descent from 2000 feet when significant vibration was felt from the engine. Lt Cdr Gӧtke’s cool clear-headedness and outstanding flying skills in a situation that demanded split second decision making, undoubtedly averted disaster, avoided any loss of life or injury, and incurred minimal damage to a rare and historically important heritage aircraft. He had barely 15 seconds to respond to and recover from a complex, fast moving and extremely hazardous situation. Exercising superb judgement, he made a series of calm, clear thinking decisions with a level of proficiency and airmanship rarely seen even among the most experienced of test pilots. With his options diminishing he faced the deeply unenviable choice of abandoning the aircraft and crash landing in a field or attempting to make it back to the airfield. Displaying devotion to duty of the highest order under circumstances of great danger Lt Cdr Gӧtke raised the landing gear to reduce drag and improve the glide angle and with barely a second to spare skilfully achieved just sufficient lift to fly the aircraft at perilously low level over the airfield boundary and onto the main runway. Even on touchdown, when the wheels did not lock into place, 16

causing the aircraft to collapse on its undercarriage, demonstrated impeccable skill, carrying out a text book forced landing. The Air Force Cross is the highest award for Gallantry in the Air in peace time and Lt Cdr Götke’s skill at the controls, which would have been outstanding in a modern aircraft, was described as ‘altogether exceptional in a fast and heavy 60 year old fighter.’ Speaking of Lt Cdr Gӧtkes’ recognition, distinguished Naval Test Pilot, Captain Eric ‘Winkle’ Brown CBE DSC AFC FRAeS Royal Navy, said “There could not have been anyone better at the controls! It was a superlative piece of flying that stands out as one of the finest examples of gallantry in the air in recent years.” the aircraft that Lt Cdr Gӧtke was flying, is based at RNAS Yeovilton and flies with the Royal Navy Historic Flight with financial support provided by the Fly Navy Heritage Trust. You can see it all at: 22.

Royal Naval and Royal Marine Charity Update

RNA Branch News RNA branches in Market Harborough, Market Drayton, Folkestone and Harwich and District, have raised £1,600 for the Charity since the beginning of the year. Thank you! However It doesn’t stop there ; RNA Market Drayton is also taking on our Road to Twickenham challenge, through a sponsored walk and quiz night. We hope to see you at the Army v Navy match on 9 May Shipmates! RNRMC News The Navy Curry Quest is a new initiative by the makers of Royal Navy Chilli Chutney to find an original curry sauce recipe that the Royal Navy used 150+ years ago and sell it in aid of The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity. You can follow the journey at

Time ticks down for Twickers challenge Babcock Devonport’s Road to Twickenham runners

There’s still time to join our Road to Twickenham fundraising campaign ahead of the Army v Navy match, 9 May – do so, and you’ll be in good company.


For the uninitiated, the campaign challenges individuals, family, friends, colleagues and service personnel, to beat us in a race from their equivalent workplace distance to the iconic Twickenham Stadium at TW2 7BA. Leading the charge from the front is Babcock Devonport (pictured), who have elected to run to the stadium from their home base on the day before the game, 8 May. The 13-strong team are by far the biggest contributors to our campaign, having raised 10 per cent of our overall £15,000 campaign target before they’ve even left the Plymouth-based dockyard. We’ve heard they are aiming to achieve five figures by the time they reach Twickers. Hot on their heels however a slew of new sign-ups, which include HMS President reservists Carl and Ben, who intend on walking 68 miles in under 24-hours whilst carrying everything they need for the challenge; a 220 mile rowing attempt by HMS Nelson organised by LPT Bricknell; and an ambitious 500 mile, five-day cycle pledged by Cdr O'Toole RN from HMS Excellent. HMS Richmond meanwhile has pledged to carry out the challenge by running, cycling and rowing the distance over the course of their current deployment and we are also entering our own Charity team into a 70 mile rowing, cycling and step machine challenge, taking place at NCHQ later this month. So We need you! Businesses and membership associations are also pledging their support, such as RNA Market Drayton, which is electing to raise funds through a quiz night. Even the employees of the North Sea Shearwater Platform rig are getting on board with the challenge. Regional Fundraising Co-ordinator Hilary Jukes says: “It’s great to see such a diverse range of people and businesses taking up our Road to Twickenham challenge this year. It’s such a simple idea – anyone can do it – and best of all, there’s still time to sign up!” Register your challenge, donate, or check out our fundraising total at


Eastchurch Observance to the Aviation Pioneers Friday 1st May 2015

Shipmates are invited to attend the Observance of Aviation Pioneers in Eastchruch Village , Sheppey Kent ME12 4EJ on Friday 01 May 2015. Please see details below; To remember those first pioneers who believed in the power of flight. To honour the men of vision whose persistence led to Britain leading the way in Aviation. To give thanks to those Service men and women who have protected and continue to protect our skies. To thank the residents of Eastchurch for their encouragement and support to those early Pioneers and then to the servicemen who continued to be based in their village. The annual Observance to the Aviation Pioneers in Eastchurch will take place this year on Friday 1st May. The Chairman and Councillors of Eastchurch Parish Council and the members of the Observance Committee would like to invite your members to be part of this special day.


This year marks the Centenary of the Dardanelles Campaign. A short information sheet is attached below outlining the vital roles the Eastchurch RNAS Squadron had throughout Gallipoli. The Observance at the unique Aviation Memorial in High Street Eastchurch will comprise of a short service and speeches. It will start at 12pm, beginning with a parade of Association Standard Bearers accompanied by an RN drummer/bugler and an Honour Guard of local school children. At the close of the Observance, guests will process back to the Village Hall in Warden Road. Should any members, branches or organisations wish to attend, please contact Parish Clerk, Ms Fiona Jackson with contact details of attendees and whether they wish to bear Standards from their organisations/branches. Tel: 01795 880 790 Email: Website The Eastchurch Squadron at Gallipoli In early 1911 the aviation pioneers at Eastchurch, the first home of British Aviation, offered to train four Royal Naval Officers to fly, at no cost to the Admiralty budget. The offer was accepted and the officers completed their training in April that year. Later that year a flying school was established and in May 1912, Eastchurch formed the Royal Naval Wing of the newly formed Royal Flying Corps. The amalgamation was not successful and on 1st July 1914, King George V gave formal approval to the Naval Wing becoming the Royal Naval Air Service. Sheppey continued to be the focal point from which this new service was launched and when war was declared, the Eastchurch Squadron was despatched to Belgium and then France. By February 1915 CDR Samson’s squadron had been awarded one Victoria Cross and seven Distinguished Service Orders. It also incorporated an armoured car unit. On the strength of this record the Eastchurch Squadron was sent by Winston Churchill the First Sea Lord, to support the Task Force in the Eastern Mediterranean, which had been charged with forcing the entrance to the Dardanelles to answer Russia’s plea for a second front. Efforts by a force of 18 British and French battleships plus cruisers and destroyers and the Ark Royal with a few floatplanes, had suffered severe losses in their bombardment on 18th, 19th March. Samson’s Squadron, a collection of 18 aircraft (BE2s, Maurice Farmans, two Sopwith Tabloids and a Breguet) and armoured car units, arrived on 24th March at Tenedos. Four days later they began reconnaissance and bombing, as Samson said, to let the Turks know “that Eastchurch was on the scene”. In readiness for an amphibious assault on the southeast corner of Cape Helles a plan was hatched to place the armoured cars on an old Collier (River Clyde) with the task force of British, French and Anzac troops in a variety of ships and craft. But the Turks were expecting the attack and the landings, on 25th April, proved to be disastrous with massive losses of troops as they left their beached craft. The Squadron fulfilled its given, intensive, reconnaissance role both before and throughout the day, by reporting enemy movement and weaponry but watched helplessly as the carnage below developed. Eventually, when the task force secured the shore, Samson made efforts to operate his aircraft from the Cape itself, but this failed with the loss of five aircraft to Turkish artillery. Later Samson moved his exhausted squadron to Imbros.


Over the next few weeks bitter fighting continued, with the Eastchurch Squadron and floatplanes from the Ark Royal constantly in the air spotting and bombing targets. Reinforcement arrived in the form of the converted Isle of Man packet boat Ben-my-Chee equipped with four Shorts 184 torpedo-equipped aircraft. The aerial attack targeting ships and vital communications continued despite a growing acceptance that the drive to Constantinople and to hold the channel would not be achieved. Evacuation of the force took place on 19th /20th December with the RNAS staying on for another three weeks and collecting another VC! British killed and wounded in the campaign totalled 213,980, the French lost 47,000, enemy losses were 251,000. The RNAS, bravely operating its slow and fragile aircraft with tremendous courage and determination in the most trying of circumstances, was undefeated. At home, Mr Winston Churchill resigned. The RNAS lost a champion but it had proved the need for Naval air power!


Down Memory lane

This time in ‘Down Memory Lane’ do you remember these couple of cracking TV programmes........... First up, ITVs World of Sport which ran from 1965 to 1985 and was presented by the moustachioed Dickie Davies, Fred ‘How’ Dineage and Jim Rosenthal. The show featured such classics as the ITV seven for Horse Racing enthusiasts and the unforgettable Saint and Greavies and of course for grapple fans Wrestling. Starring The legends that were.......Big Daddy, Kendo Nangasaki, Giant Haystacks Leon “I know the rules” Arras, Les Kellet, Brian Glover, Davey Boy Smith, Dynamite Kid, Gentleman Chris Adams and Steven Regal. Next it is, Whickers World which was broadcast on both ITV & BBC 1978 -1980. Alan Whicker reported stories of social interest from around the world. His interviewees included locals, politicians, celebrities, and even convicted criminals as he reported on stories as far ranging as military dictatorships, British expatriates, the feminist movement of the 1970s, the Tanka people of Hong Kong, the American Gay Rights movement in the 1970s, the opening of Disneyworld in Florida, and the growing plastic surgery industry of California. Among his interviewees were actors Peter Sellers, Joan Collins, Britt Ekland, and Christopher Lee, Haitian dictator François "Papa Doc" Duvalier, Paraguay dictator Don Alfredo Stroessner, novelist Harold Robbins, Lula Parker Betenson (the 94-year-old sister of the outlaw Butch Cassidy), the Sultan of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah (reputedly the richest man in the world at the time of filming), opera singer Luciano Pavarotti, several Maharajas of India, and various members of the British aristocracy. Although episodes were self-contained, Whicker would often film a series of episodes devoted to one particular location, including four 20

whole series devoted to the United States and three about Australia. Multi-episode series about the South Pacific, India, Hong Kong, Spain, and a voyage on the QE2 were also made. These were usually given series titles such as Whicker's New World (1969), Whicker's Walkabout: Seven Scenes Down Under (1970), Whicker Way Out West (1973), Whicker's South Seas (1973), Whicker's World Down Under (1976), Whicker's World: A Fast Boat to China (1984), Whicker's World: Living With Uncle Sam (1985), Whicker's World: Living with Waltzing Maltilda (1988), and Whicker's World: A Taste of Spain (1992).


Another couple of ‘Guess Where’s’ (Answer’s at end of Branch News)

HQ has very kindly received two extra ‘Guess Where’s’ from Shipmate which we thought you may like. So...... Where is this? , The Photo were taken in 1946....

What Ship is being launched on 30 Dec 1943 at Shipyard No 1126?

Who is the Admiral? Who is the Instructor? What subject is being taught? Which training establishment? Answer at end of Branch News.... 21


Made to Order Uckers Boards

Shipmate Steve Moffat a member of the Type 42 Association makes ‘Uckers’ Boards to order. Ideal for Fathers Day Birthdays etc. Interested please contact Steve on 07970 166478 or e-mail or write to him at 32 Penhurst Road, Bedhampton, PO9 3NX. Fantastic value at £51 + or personalise your board for £76 + £7 Postage and Packing.


Assistance Please

Shipmate Gordon Williams NCM 7 Area would like to know if any Shipmates know the whereabouts of Yorkey Glenton, who served on HMS Fife as a L/Sea UC2 during the 1974 Far East deployment. One of his Shipmates George Tulley, who has been seriously ill recently would like to get in contact with Yorkey . If anyone does knows of his whereabouts please would they be kind enough to contact who will pass on the details. Thank you.



New Royal Navy Uniform

Shipmates should be aware that the RN Action Working Dress Rig No 4, formerly No 8 has been replaced with a new darker variant which also has identification of rank in the middle of the chest.


RNA Longcast 2015 10 Apr 25 April 01 May 01 May 09 May 09 May 14 May 15 May 19 Jun 20 Jun 20 Jun 21 Jun 27 Jun 03 Jul 11 July 13-22 July 18 Jul 30 July 01 Aug 5 Aug 15 Aug 21 Aug 22 Aug 05 Sep 06 Sep 19 Sep 09 Oct 09-12 Oct 23 Oct 5 Nov 8 Nov 07 Nov 14 Nov 19-21 Nov 21 Nov 05 Dec 24 Dec – 4 Jan

HQ Open Day Gallipoli Parade Dublin Branch visit HQ Christchurch RNA - 50th Anniversary Area 5 – Quarterly meeting- Beccles Army V Navy rugby match - Twickenham Christchurch branch – 50th Anniversary Lunch HQ Open Day AMC/ FAC / National Council /SOC Meetings - Folkestone Conference 2015 – Grand Burstin Hotel Folkestone Trip to Boulogne Gala Dinner Drum Head ceremony - Folkestone Armed Forces Day – National event Guildford HQ Open Day Yeovilton Air Day IMC Sailing Camp Dublin Branch – Summer BBQ (Royal Irish Yacht Club Dun Laoghaire) Culdrose Air Day Area 5 – Quarterly meeting- Southend On Sea Mid Year budget Review AMC HQ Open Day FAC National Council - UJC Biennial Parade - Whitehall Northern Ireland Veterans’ Association – Service of Remberance National Memorial Arboretum HQ Open Day RNA Plymouth – Biennial Trafalgar Weekend – GS attends Dublin Branch – Trafalgar Dinner ( Royal Irish Yacht Club Dun Laoghaire) Field of Remembrance – RNA plot and service with CoF Remembrance Sunday Area 5 – Quarterly meeting- Harwich AMC IMC Executive Council FAC National Council HQ Closed for Christmas and New Year


‘D’ye hear there’..... News from around the Areas and Branches RNA Rayleigh Branch Shipmate Phil Edwards forward this lovely article concerning his trip to Ypres Belgium and on the recent change of Chairman at the Branch. Ypres visit It was a great privilege for my Shipmate Phil Edwards and myself to be invited by Eddie Dray Chairman of the Rayleigh Town Council (also a member of Rayleigh Royal Naval Association) , to visit Hill 62 and to attend the laying of the wreath at the Menin Gate Memorial at Ypres in honour of all the service men from Rayleigh who lost their lives during the First World War. It was an even greater honour for both of us to be invited to take part in the actual wreath laying at the most moving ceremony to mark the hundredth year of the commencement of hostilities in 1914. As exservicemen, taking part in this ceremony was very emotional and it was an honour to be able to show our appreciation for what these servicemen had done and for giving their live for future generations and also to show they are not forgotten. S/M James Hammond, Rayleigh Chairman, said “ This is something I will always remember”. S/M Shipmate Phil Edwards also commented that he felt very moved when visiting Hill 62 and seeing the trenches and the Museum with all the weaponry and artefacts. He thought the the ceremony at the Menin Gate was moving and emotional and a memory that will stay with him for many years and felt proud and privileged to be invited to join the parade for the wreath laying ceremony. Change of Chairman Although our Chairman, Shipmate Jim Hammond, has been in office for a while I would like to thank our past Chairman, Shipmate Bob Hill, for all the work he put in during his term. To mark the occasion of Bob standing down he took Bob & his wife, Helen, out to lunch, presenting Helen with a bouquet of flowers. At our meeting in the evening Jim presented Bob with 12 bottles of his favourite wine which an emotional Bob assured him would remind him of the Branch every time he had a glass.


Area 7 Shipmates are advised that the NCM for 7 Area is Shipmate Gordon Williams who can be contacted as follows; S/M Gordon Williams 110 Aberthaw Circle Always Newport Gwent NP19 9QJ Mobile 07454800804 email

RNA Harrogate & District Branch The President of Harrogate & District Branch, S/M John Stray, presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Shipmate Mrs Sheila Thompson at the recent AGM. Sheila, who is highly respected by all Branch members, has been a loyal and dedicated Associate Member of The RNA for 39 years and fully deserves this recognition. Very many Congratulations and well deserved Shipmate...... BZ Sheila

Shipmates should also be aware that The Harrogate & District Branch will only meet once a month from March 4th. Importantly, meetings will now be held at St Roberts Club, Robert Street, Harrogate, HG1 1HP on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 2000.

RNA Ashford Branch The Ashford Branch of the RNA is sad to announce that PJX189468 Percy Akers at the grand old age of 95 has ‘Crossed the bar’ on Tuesday the 3rd February 2015. Percy following his call up served throughout WWII in the Royal Navy. He served on board the King George V, ‘KG V’ and was stationed below gun turret B during the KG V action against the Bismarck. His service also saw a brief period in Submarine aptitude training which he did not enjoy and preferred to remained above the surface. His service saw him travel the globe in the KG V and he recently received the Russian Medal awarded for veterans of the Arctic Convoys another to add to his collection. Percy was able to recounted many tales and recalled how in 1942 the tragic incident where KG V in thick fog sliced through HMS Punjab with tragic results to its crew. He 26

also told of how while all were celebrating VE Day in Europe he was still in the Pacific fighting the Japanese. His ship entered Tokyo Bay in Aug 1945 and he was selected as part of the Shore party. A detachment of Royal Naval and American Sailors and Marines landed to accept the surrender of the Japanese. Percy was the rating who raised the White Ensign and this he retrieved to have signed by the Officers and men that took part in this Historical event. The flag remained with him in a cardboard box, when some years ago was brought down from the attic and realising the historical interest this could have, Percy donated it to the Imperial War Museum. In the photo above Percy is seen with a Photo of the signed White Ensign. The branch would like to thank the RNA Standard Bearers who were present at Percy’s Funeral to give him a deserved right royal send off. He will be much missed.

RNA Londonderry Branch Shipmates are requested to note that the Branch meeting will be held on the 4th Tuesday of every month at a new venue commencing in March; The Waterside RBL Club, 33b Iona Terrace Londonderry BT47 6EY

RNA Harlow Branch

At a recent mess deck supper of the Harlow Branch S/m Dick Ascott NCM Area 5 presented a Certificate of Merit to S/m June Ray Secretary of the Branch, in recognition for her many years of dedication and hard work on behalf of the branch. S/m June was also presented with a large bouquet of flowers by S/m Betty Bryant on behalf of the Branch members.

RNA Llanelli Branch We regret to record that S/M John (Horse) Evans 'crossed the bar' on 5th February 2015. John was well known throughout Llanelli area and had been an active and loyal member for some 35 years, unstinting in his help to both Branch and Club. S/m John will be remembered by all his friends and visitors for his good humour, fund of stories and hospitality, John spent many years in the MN and was a proud holder of the Burma Star among other decorations. His Funeral was held on Friday 20th Feb followed by a 'wake' at the Llanelli RNA Club, attendance at both events bore testimony to the affection and 27

high esteem in which he was held. We wish John a fair wind, calm sea and a safe harbour; our thoughts are with his family.

Area 7 On 28 February, members of Area 7 mustered at the Holiday Inn, Cardiff, for their Annual General Meeting and their first quarterly meeting.

S/M Mike Starkey, Haven Branch, was confirmed as the Area Chairman for another year. S/M Roger Harris, Cardiff Branch was voted in as Vice Chairman, the Hon. Sec and Treasurer remain in post.

In the early evening delegates, members and guests came together to enjoy the singing of the Tenovus Choir, followed by a Dinner, followed by a speech from David Owen, as Senior Welfare Case Worker, from SSAFA, and a musical interlude from Sandra. The photo above is of the Delegates, Members and Guests who attended what is hoped to be the first of many AGM banquets.

RNA Dagenham Branch Dagenham branch were saddened recently to hear that three of our long serving shipmates had crossed the bar. Shipmate George Webster who joined the branch in June 2002 served in HMS Surprise in Malta during a a long commission in 1943-1945. He crossed the bar at New Year. The funeral took place at Upminster Crematorium on 15th January with full RNA honours, We also lost S/M Chris Percival who crossed the bar on 13th January aged 82 years. At the passing of S/M Chris the branch lost a true shipmate who had joined the branch in January 1986, Chris was a life member of the branch, served as secretary, standard bearer and was branch president for many years. He served in the merchant service during the 1950s and was discharged from the Royal Naval Reserve Force in March 1957. The funeral took place at Upminster Crematorium on 26th January with full RNA honours . S/M Bert Emms, yet another long serving member who joined the branch in May 1992 S/M Bert volunteered for war service in 1943 until his discharge in 1946.He served in the River Class frigates HMS Nith and HMS Fowey his funeral took place at Upminster Crematorium on 19th February. Very sadly S/M Bert lost his dear wife Betty in August last year. S/M Betty Emms was a member of the branch committee and was a tower of strength at all our social evenings where ‘Bett's bountiful buffet’ was always the star attraction and will be recalled by many visitors from other branches.


They will all be greatly missed as strong branch supporters and true shipmates.

RNA Belfast Branch Shipmate Alex McKee was awarded a certificate when he became Vice President of the Belfast Branch. Shipmate Alec has selflessly served the Belfast Branch for the past 50 years and has seen its humble beginnings grow to the great Branch and Club it is now. The photo opposite shows Alec with his certificate 12 Area Shipmates Alex Ferguson (Belfast Branch) and Ivan Hunter (East Antrim Branch) receive a donation to the Royal Naval Association Ireland from the Shankill Mirror. The cheque was pesented by Commander 38 (Irish) Brigade Brigadier R.W.Wooddisse MBE MC.

RNA Plymouth Branch Shipmates please note Hotel name Change. Plymouth Branch are holding their 11th Biennial Trafalgar weekend on 9–12th October in the Babacombe Hotel, Babbcombe.( Which was formerly known as the Sefton) The cost will be 3 nights (Friday to Monday) Dinner, B & B(Gala Dinner Saturday) £115.00. 2 nights (Friday to Sunday) £80.00. For further details please contact the Social Secretary Sue Gutteridge, Tel: (01752) 849176.

RNA Brighlingsea Branch Shipmates are requested to note the change of Hon Secretary at Brightlingsea. Shipmate Roy Ashby has relieved S/m Bruce Keeling. His contact details are as follows; 29

9, Maltings Road, Brightlingsea, Essex CO7 0RG. Tel 01206 305876 e-mail

RNA Bexhill Branch It is sadly my duty to inform you that Shipmate Molly Hickie Crossed the Bar on 17th February 2015. Molly, who celebrated her 100th Birthday last August, joined the WRNS in 1943. Her Maiden name was Molly Willing Service Number 88333 becoming Leading Wren. She served at HMS Kestrel (RNAS Worthy Down) from 1943 to 1945 after which she moved to HMS Royal Arthur (Skegness) and then HMS Beehive in 1945. In 1946 she joined Naval Party 1749 in Hamburg until 1947. Before the outbreak of war Molly was in Germany working as a Governess. She was able to see the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin. The family got her to Ostende where she had to spend the night sleeping on the beach as she was too late for the Ferry. After her service in the Wrens Molly trained as a kennel maid. Her love of dogs and painting saw her drawing and painting dogs for Medici Cards.

Molly joined the Bexhill Branch RNA as a founder member and was an active member attending meetings and socials regularly, the last being the Christmas Social 2013. She will be sorely missed by all.

RNA Hanworth Branch At their recent AGM Hanworth Branch presented a framed "Certificate of Appreciation" to Shipmate Terry Lowden for his long service to both the branch and the RNA. The certificate was presented by the Chairman, S/M Alec Clements. Terry also accepted a basket of flowers on behalf of his wife, Jean, given as a 'Thank You' for her support of Terry. The members were delighted when Shipmate Terry also accepted the invitation to become Vice President of the branch.


RNA South Gloucestershire Branch South Gloucestershire Branch are sadly to announce that Shipmate Bernard (Bernie) Gould crossed the bar on 11th January 2015 aged 89 years old.

Bernie joined the Navy at the age of 18 and saw service in Corvettes, in particular HMS Launceston Castle leaving the Royal Navy in 1950. He was Social Secretary for Royal British Legion, Staple Hill, Bristol and Entertainment Officer and Founder Member of RNA South Gloucestershire Branch. He was a quiet but social man who was also happy to keep his own company. He will be sadly missed by his friends, colleagues and shipmates.

RNA Greenwich Branch On 26 February 2015 Greenwich Branch Shipmates and Association of Wrens Standard Bearer Bunny Taylor attended the VC Commemorative Stone Ceremony unveiling of Rear Admiral Eric Gascoigne Robinson VC. Eric won his VC after ‘taking out’ two enemy gun batteries singe handedly near Kum Kale Dardanelles. The ceremony took place at 1 Diamond Terrace, Greenwich and was attended by The Mayor, Councillor Mick Hayes, Rear Admiral Matt Parr, Commander Maritime Ops, and Commander Steve Waller Royal Navy, CO of HMS Vengeance. Everybody got absolutely soaking and retired to the Hill Public House to ‘dry off’..............

RNA Haven Branch

Just before last Christmas, members of the Haven (Haverfordwest) Branch of the RNA visited an Arctic convoy veteran to present him with his Ushakov medal. Arthur Night aged 88 years, resides at a nursing home in Milford Haven, West Wales and was unable to attend a presentation in Cardiff by the Russian Ambassador. However, his Grandson attended the presentation and received the medal 31

on Arthur’s behalf. His Grandson also thought it appropriate that Arthur should be presented with his medal by someone connected to the RN and contacted the RNA Haven Branch and asked if this was possible. Subsequently four members of the Branch and the Branch Standard Bearer met Arthur at his nursing home where he was presented with his medal by the Branch Chairman Lt Cdr D. Griggs MBE.

RNA Rockingham and District Branch (Western Australia) The Branch is sad to report that Jim Smith crossed the bar on 22 March 2015. Shipmate Jim served in the RN from 1940 – 1946, as an Able Seaman in HM Ships; Pembroke, Wildfire, Rooke, Fernmoor, Drake. He was a popular of the Branch and will be much missed by all members.

RNA Lee on the Solent and Stubbington Branch Lee on the Solent & Stubbington Branch held their third AGM this Month since commissioning. Up for election on this occasion was the Vice Chairman, Soapy Watson, and the Branch Treasurer Steve Webb, who were voted in unanimously by the Branch for another 2 years. The Branch ‘Shipmate of the Year’ was Soapy Watson (talk about keeping in it the family!, last year’s winner was Kate Webb (Hon Secretary) who is Soapy’s daughter!!). The prize, a £30.00 Marks & Spencer voucher was presented to Shipmate Soapy Watson by the ‘Bearded Wonder’ Branch President John Lavery. (See Photo). The Branch also had a very successful year raising money for Charity, and agreed to split the total collected £900 between the following Charities; RN&RM Charity, SSAFA, RNRM Widows, HOUNDS for HEROS and The National Coastguard Watch in Lee on the Solent.

RNA Rayleigh Branch When Branch Secretary, Alan Booth, congratulated his Chairman, Jim Hammond, on his award of ‘Shipmate of the year’ recently that there was an even bigger story behind the smiles. Before their National Service in the Royal Navy they had both joined the RN Volunteer Service and had


carried out their training on HMS Dido, HMS Suvla, HMS President HMS Thames and MFV’s. In 1952 they both had their medicals in Wanstead, London arrived in Victoria Barracks on the same day and ended up in the same class. Following their training they even served on the same ships , HMS Implacable and HMS Aisne. On completion of their service they both returned to Chatham for their ‘demob’. Although they re-enlisted in the RNVR they then lost touch until Jim started looking up old shipmates in the 4th Destroyer Squadron and discovered that Alan lived just 15 miles away in South Essex. They met for lunch and Alan persuaded Jim to join the RNA, they even found out they had been members of the same Golf Club!! Jim has now been involved with Rayleigh Branch for five years and won his award for the time and effort he has put in to the RNA cause during this period and Alan has been the Branch secretary for 26 years. The question is ...........was that just a coincidence or is it a Bro-mance? The photos show; Jim on the left and Alan on the right HMS Aisne Guard when the ship was granted the Freedom of Newport, Gwent to mark the Queen’s Coronation

RNA Brentwood Branch After the close of our AGM and the formal Branch meeting on 20th March, our last before Easter, there was an Easter Bonnet competition open to all and judged by the members. After great hilarity the winners were, for the men, S/M Gerald Hacker, prize a chocolate Easter bunny and for the ladies, S/M Eileen Goult, prize a chocolate Easter egg. Photos attached, by courtesy of S/M Mick Chapman show Gerry, and Eileen with the Branch Chairman S/M Nick Klos.

RNA Bradford Branch Shipmates should be aware that Bradford Branch have a new Secretary Shipmate Bill Lee who can be contacted at 71, St.Paul's Avenue, Bradford BD6 1ST. Tel 01274 674677. mobile 07563 529413 E-Mail


The Committee now comprises the following..... Chairman Malcolm Gibson, Treasurer, Andrew Hargreaves, Secretary William Lee, V/Chair Linda Pointer. As we are now down to 8 full members and 5 associates other jobs are shared out. Formed in1935 this year is our 80th anniversary and Bradford Branch are hoping to raise awareness by holding some special events to aid recruitment.

Area 2 At the Area 2 Annual General Meeting in February, Frances Halifax became Area 2 Secretary for the coming two year term and can be contacted on

RNA Huntingdon and District Branch Huntingdon & District Branch have had a busy first quarter of 2015. In January shipmates Dick & Daphne Bacon and the Hon. Secretary, s/m Karl Webb, represented the Branch at the funeral service of our eldest member, s/m Isobel Johnson. Also in January, the Hon. Secretary attended the annual Holocaust Memorial service hosted by the Chairman of Huntingdonshire District Council, Cllr Alan Mackender-Lawrence. In February, the Hon. Secretary met the Commanding Officer of T.S. Cromwell to discuss an official affiliation with the local Sea Cadet Unit. At the end of February, the Hon. Secretary went to Bletchley to attend the Area AGM and quarterly meeting, during which he was voted in as the new Public Relations Officer for No 6 Area.

In March, shipmates Karl Webb and Pete Aston manned a stall at the local Morrisons’ store for the Branch’s first charity collection of the year (despite an eye condition meaning the Hon. Secretary had to wear dark glasses). Finally, on the 9th March, s/m Karl Webb attended a Civic ceremony where Huntingdon & District Branch’s Hon. Chaplain, Reverend Andrew Milton, led prayers and blessed the Commonwealth Day Flag for the annual Commonwealth Flag-raising event outside Castle Hill House -- the wartime home of the RAF’s Pathfinder Force. With a full programme of events for the next six months, Huntingdon & District Branch will be represented in the local community on a regular basis; we will promote the aims of the Royal Naval Association and continue with our recruitment campaign as well as raising money for naval-related and local good causes. But of course, it won’t all be work; with the warmer weather approaching, we shall start planning our annual BBQ in the summer and our annual Trafalgar Day Dinner in October. This year will be busy, but hopefully a rewarding one for our Branch. Photos- (Top) Shipmates Pete Aston and Karl Webb manning the charity stall at Morrisons in Cambourne (Middle) The charity stall in Morrisons (Bottom) Chaplain, Reverend Andrew Milton, Blessing the Commonwealth Day Flag


Guess where answers.................. Our thanks to Shipmate Charles Fay, Hon Sec of Chester Branch for these.... •

Hong Kong Run Ashore and Kia Tak Airport 1946

HMS Venerable Cammel Lairds in Birken1/2ahead

And S/M Chris Dovey for these..... Who is the Admiral? - John Bell, former RNA DNP Who is the Instructor? - A very young Chris Dovey What subject is being taught? - AC Electrical Theory Which training establishment? - HMS Fisgard

RNA Members Benefits UK Holiday Group /CONA Holiday Service •

Variety of special deals for both Groups and Individual. 1% of turnover thorough CONA Holiday Service is returned to the RNA.

Coleman/Ansvar Insurance Discounted Branch and House hold Insurance - 01323 744149 Funeral Service •

2 ½ % discount form Wessex Funeral Services

Portsmouth Historic Dockyard

RNA member entry just £10 plus four guest at £10 each provides access to the all attractions including the Submarine Museum, RM Museum and Explosion!.

Legal Services 35

Free 30 minute legal advice with Coffin Mew. 0800 827168

Breakdown Service RAC Breakdown and recovery service or 0207 4025231 Type 42 Association - Reunion 002 15 July 2015

Shortcast (Run in date order)

2015 HMS Campbeltown Reunion – 03 April 2015 First mini reunion to be held April 3-6 in Guzz. Contact Florrie Ford at 36

HMS Loch Fada F390 Reunion – 10-13 April 2015 HMS Loch Fada F390 18th Annual Reunion & AGM will be held at the Mercure Sheffield Parkway Hotel from 10th to 13th April 2015. Business will commence at 1030 on the Saturday with TOT time at 1200 and Reunion Dinner at 1900. Rounding off the weekend with a Coach outing to The Royal Armouries in Leeds on Sunday 13th. For further info & booking forms contact IOW Tours on 01983 405116 or call F390 Sec Frenchy on 01252 310767/email 91 Ayling Lane, Aldershot,Hants.GU11 3ND Captain Class Frigates Association – 10 April 2015 To mark the 70th Anniversary of the end of WWII, the Captain Class Frigate Association will hold a Final Reunion at the Warwick Hilton Hotel, Stratford Road, Warwick from 10 to 12 April 2015. The guest speaker will be a distinguished Naval Personality. This will be our member’s last chance to meet with former shipmates. Book direct on 01926 499555. HMS Dunkirk Association – 17 April 2015 Annual reunion from April 17 and 18 at the Royal Maritime Club (Home Club), Portsmouth. For more information contact John Carroll at HMS Glasgow (C21 0r D88) Association – 17/20th April 2105 HMS Glasgow (C21 & D88). Reunion to be held at the Queens Hotel, Paignton over the weekend April 17-20. Further details from Gary Eaton at HMS Victorious Association - 23 April 2015 HMS Victorious Association will be holding their annual "Remembrance Service" at the National Memorial Arboretum on St Georges Day (23rd April). They will be meeting in the cafe at 1300 followed by the Service at the Tree Memorial at 1330. Everyone is welcome to join us to pay their respects and enjoy a tot afterwards. Further details are available from Stuart "Topsey" Turner, Association Secretary and PRO – HMS Protector Association – 24/27th April 2015 HMS Protector Association is calling on all members plus ex ships company who served onboard between 3rd October 1955 to October 1968 to join us at a commemorative 60th anniversary reunion of the first sailing to the Antarctic and the Falkland Islands. The reunion will take place in the Aztec Hotel, Bristol over the weekend 24th-27 April 2015. Members of the 1965 commission are not forgotten as we will be also celebrating the 50th anniversary. It is also the Association’s 16th reunion and AGM. Reunion booking forms and membership application forms can be downloaded from and further details can be obtained from the reunion organiser Doug Harris (01495 718870) at or PRO Pete Latham (0161 7248164) at HMS Euryalus Association – 24 April 2015


HMS Euryalus Association: In Bury, Lancashire, the centenary of the Gallipoli landing in which HMS Euryalus was involved, is being commemorated from April 24 to 26, and all who have been associated with the WW2 crusier or frigate are warmly welcomed. Programme include Black tie dinner, Royal Marine Band Concert and a Parade, Church Service and march past. Any queries to me J Lean at or Florrie Ford at or tel: 0191 423 4186. Details can be found on Lancs Fusiliers website at and updates on the Euryalus website at Royal Naval Hospital Haslar Reunion – 01/03 May 2015 There will be a reunion weekend from Friday 01 May until Sunday 03 May 2015 in the Thorngate Halls, Gosport for all personnel who served at RNH Haslar. For further details please e-mail HMS Phoebe Association – 01 May 2015 HMS Phoebe Association, Cruiser (C43) & Frigate (F42): Have their annual reunion from May 1 to 4 at the Chatsworth Hotel, Grand Parade, Eastbourne. All ex crew are welcome to join us. Please contact the secretary, Roy Pavely at Algerines Association It is still not too late to join The Algerines Association 31st Annual Reunion at Mill Rythe Holiday Village, Hayling Island from Monday 4th May to Monday 11th May costing £220 per person which includes an excellent choice of menu, good entertainment, comfortable accommodation and all amongst friends with stories to tell about their experiences. Come and join us. Federation of Naval Associations - 08 May 2015 The FNA AGM and reunion wil be held at Grand Burstin Hotel, Folkestone from May 8 to 11. All Associations and former RN/RM/WRNS/QARNNS/RFA/MN etc are most welcome. Details and booking forms available from Robbie Robson at HMS Wizard and Cadiz Association - 08 May 2015-02-17 Reunion at the Inglewood Palm Hotel, Torquay from May 8 to 11. Membership is open to all who have served in Battleclass V & W Destroyers and Type 15 Frigates. For more details contact Jim Watkins at HMS Bulwark, Albion, Centaur Association – 09 May 2015 2015 AGM/Reunion will be held at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea and will take place on May 9. Did you serve on any of these light fleet carriers? Our association is open to anyone who served at any time on these ships. We send a magazine three times per year and run events including AGM/Social, sea trips with our current ships Albion & Bulwark and anniversary commemorations at home and abroad. We also sponsor sea cadets from our affiliated SCCs on one sail and two motor Training Ships. Membership is all of £8 per annum. Enquiries to Leigh Easton at or the website at or write to Glenmoary, Hayford Place, Cambusbarron, Stirling FK7 9JX. 38

HMS Hermione Association – 22 May 2015 HMS Hermione Association will hold it's annual reunion from May 22 to 24 at the Best Western, Marks Tey Hotel, London Road, Colchester, Essex. Anyone wishing to join us will be made most welcome that also includes families of those lost onboard. For more details contact Cheryl, ref: Hermione Weekend at or tel: 01206 210001 HMS Hood Association – 17 May and 23/24 May 2015 Service of Commemoration at St John the Baptist Church, Boldre near Lymington at 1100 on 17 May. AGM at 1630 and 40th Reunion dinner 1900 at the Royal Maritime Club, Portsmouth. May 23. Church Service at St Ann’s Church, HM Dockyard, Portsmouth at 1000, May 24. For further details of all these events contact Chairman Keith Evans on 01428 642122. HMS Opossum Association – 29 May 2015 Reunion will be held at Red Lea Hotel, Scarborough from May 29 to June 1. All Opossum's from the ships five commissions 1945-1960 as well as the submarine (S19) 19631990 and their wives/partners are most welcome. Contact IOW Tours, 3 New Road, Sandown, Isle of Wight PO36 9JN or email: tel: 01983 405116 or contact Eddie Summerfold at HMS Glorious, Ardent & Acasta Association (GLARACs) – 5/6/7th June 2015 The 75th Anniversary of the sinking of HM Ships Glorious, Ardent & Acasta will be commemorated over the weekend 5/6/7th June 2015 in Plymouth. Friends & Relatives of those lost on the 3 ships are invited to a Memorial weekend in Plymouth, starting Friday 5th June 2015, culminating with a Sunday Church Service and Buffet lunch in HMS Drake, Devonport. Unfortunately due to current security entry into the Naval Base is by prior arrangement only and so families and relatives who wish to attend will need to contact either David Emery or David Woodcock (contact details below). They are also the main point of contact should anyone require any further details. David Emery MBE, Tel. 01782 397746, or email or David Woodcock, Tel 01229 462414, HMS Liverpool Association – 13 Jun 2015 Reunion takes place on June 13 at the GIs Association, Whale Island, mustering at 1200. Our association is made up of those who served on the Cruiser and the Type 42 Destroyer and new members are always welcome. For more information and membership details contact John Parker at 11th MCM Squadron – 13 June 2015 A reunion is being planned for the 5 requisitioned trawlers, Cordella, Junella, Farnella, Northella and Pict that became mine sweepers. 39

The reunion will take place on June 13 at the New Clarence Pub, Hull. A commemorative service will take place on June 14 at 1400 in Holy Trinity Church, Hull in the presence of the Lord Lieutenant of East Riding of Yorkshire and the Lord Mayor of Kingston upon Hull. The ships bell of HMS Northella is currently behind the bar of the ‘Admiralty Tavern’, Trafalgar Square and they have kindly accepted to loan the bell for the service. Full details can be found on the 11th MCM Squadron Facebook page ... 1/?fref=ts More details from Jon Major at HMS Jamaica Association - 18-21 September 2015 HMS Jamaica Association AGM and Reunion will be held at the Burlington Hotel Eastbourne over the weekend 18-21 September 2015. Please contact Mac Wilkinson (Hon Sec/Treasurer) on tel no 01843 582283 or e-mail HMS Arethusa Association - 03 October 2015 The 27th and final Reunion at the Melbourne Ardenlea Hotel, Shanklin, Isle of Wight from October 2 to 5. All former serving members of this ship and Association and families/guests welcome. For further information contact Tom Sawyer at HMS St Vincent Association – 02/05 October 2015 The H M S St Vincent Association AGM and Reunion Dinner welcomes all members to the re union weekend 2015 which is being held over the weekend Friday 2nd October – Monday 5th October 2015 at the Royal Beach Hotel Southsea Portsmouth. The AGM will be held in the establishment (By kind permission of St Vincent College) on Saturday 3rd October. The AGM commences at 1100 ( Doors open at 0900), and so plenty of time to re new acquaintances, visit the Museum, buy your replacement “slops” and luncheon afterwards in the College Dining Hall. Coaches will be laid on from the hotel to take you across to the College in Gosport as part of your re union package. If you wish to attend and haven’t completed your attendance form during the last re union weekend, then attendance forms will be mailed to all members in early December from Isle of Wight Tours. The address of Isle of Wight Tours is:Isle of Wight Tours, 3 Lake Road, Lake, Sandown Isle of Wight, PO36 9JN, Telephone 01983 405116 Or Soapy Watson on 01329 310078 (M) 07786565485, HMS Ulster Association – 02/05 October 2015 There will be a reunion weekend from October 2nd, 2015 to October 5th, 2015 at Smiths Hotel, Weston-Super-Mare. Further details and to download booking forms see - or please e-mail Not internet friendly? Call Norrie Millen at 01626 779409 and leave message if no answer. The re-union is for all commissions 1943-1980. HMS Tartar Association - 03 October 2015 Annual reunion at the Red Lea Hotel, Scarborough from October 3 to 5. All ex-Tartar’s and wives are welcome, come and meet up with old shipmates. Bookings to be arranged by IOW Tours on 01983 405116


HMS Lowestoft Reunion – 9 October 2015 The 5th annual reunion of the HMS Lowestoft Association will take place at the Royal Beach Hotel, St Helens Parade, Southsea PO4 0NR from October 9th to 11th 2015. All ex-Lowie's 1961-1985 and guests are welcome. For booking & more info contact IOW Tours on 01983 405116 or email or email: or visit For information, the HMS Lowestoft Association held their 4th Annual Reunion at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea over the weekend 17-19 October, celebrating 53 years since the ship first commissioned. The successful and memorable event was attended by 150 ex Lowie’s, partners and guests, including 3 former Commanding Officers, Admiral Sir John Treacher, Captain Jimmy Chestnutt and Captain Charles Buckle. Vice Admiral Sir John Webster the Navigating Officer from the first commission and Vice Admiral Sir Nicholas Hill-Norton the First Lieutenant from 1971-73 were also present. Type 21 Association - 9-10th October 2015 The Type 21 Association reunion will be held on Friday 9th and Sat 10th October 2015. Attendees should travel down the ‘pointy head Highway and muster in the St Levans Inn The programme for Saturday is - AM - AGM, PM Evening Events to be confirmed. for more information please contact ; Paul Gower PRO & Events Organiser Type 21 Club 07446196733 HMS Naiad Association - 16-18th October 2015 HMS Naiad Association reunion will take place at the Liner Hotel Liverpool over the weekend 1618th October 2015. For further please see the website or e-mail HMS Fife Reunion – 17 October 2015 The HMS Fife reunion will take place at HMS Nelson Warrant Officers and Senior Rates Mess on 17 October 2015, 1900-2359. For information about this reunion or to register your interest in attending please contact Warrant Officer 1, Darren Emmerton at Survey Ships Association – 24 – 27th October 2015 The Survey Ships Association will be holding its twenty-first reunion at the 4* Menzies Mickleover Court Hotel, Derby, on the w/e of 24th – 27th October. For information on membership and reunion please send a SAE to: The Secretary SSA,17 Eliza Mackenzie Court, Lindisfarne Close, Cosham, Portsmouth, PO6 2SB, e-mail:, or telephone 023 9232 4795. HMS Relentless Reunion – 27 November 2015


The 3rd annual Reunion of the HMS Relentless Association will take place at the Royal Beach Hotel, St Helens Parade, Southsea, PO4 0NR from October 27th to 30th 2015. All ex-Rusty R’s 1942-1968 and their guests are welcome. For booking & more info contact IOW Tours on 01983 405116 or email Or contract Association Secretary on 02392 599640, email

Swinging the Lamp - April

Date 1st

Year 1931









6th 7th

1917 2011

Entry Glorious, aircraft carrier, collided in fog with the French liner Florida off Gibraltar. The Florida, which lost twenty-four passengers and crew, was towed stern-first to Malaga by the destroyers Verity and Wryneck, escorted by Glorious which had taken off survivors. Explosion and fire in starboard forward gear room in Illustrious, Capt Alan Grose RN, wearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Robin Hogg, Flag Officer First Flotilla, as she left Portsmouth at the start of the planned eight-month Global 86 deployment westabout to the Far East. Air Group disembarked. Repairs cost £4 million and ship delayed until 21 July. Illustrious then went eastabout through the Suez Canal to pick up her programme at Singapore. Other ships, frigates Beaver (Captain F9) and Amazon, destroyer Manchester, and RFAs Fort Grange, Olmeda and Bayleaf. The first RN circumnavigation for a decade. VC: Maj Frederick William Lumsden DSO, RMA – shore service with the Army in Flanders. Killed in action 3 June 1918; CB, DSO and three bars, Croix de Guerre. Francis Drake knighted by Queen Elizabeth I on board Golden Hind at Deptford. Easter Sunday. Japanese dive bombers from the carriers Akagi, Soryu and Hiryu, following an attack on Colombo in which the AMC Hector and destroyer Tenedos were lost, went on to sink the heavy cruisers Dorsetshire and Cornwall off the Maldives (01.54N, 77.45E). Cornwall lost 190 men and Dorsetshire lost 234 men – 1,122 survivors. ‘Had a word with Agar [Capt A.W.S. Agar VC, RN] who was Captain of Dorsetshire. The Japs hit with their first bombs and it was all over in less than fifteen minutes. The men behaved magnificently though they were in the water or on rafts for 30 hours before being picked up. Agar did very well and kept the men together and their spirits up.’ – Admiral Sir James Somerville, C-in-C Eastern Fleet. The Japanese attacked Trincomalee four days later. The USA declared war on Germany. 3 Cdo Bde deployed to Afghanistan on Operation Herrick 14. Brig E.G.M. Davis took over command of Task Force Helmand from Brig James Chiswell, Commander 16 Air Assault Bde at Lashkar Gah on 9 April. 42





























Antarctic patrol ship Endurance arrived at Spithead on the Dutch heavy lift ship Target after flooding of the hull in the Magellan Strait on 16 December 2008. P&O liner Ranpura departed Tilbury for Shanghai with Chinese Treasures which had been exhibited at the Royal Academy in Burlington House. The collection had been brought to Britain in 1935 in the heavy cruiser Suffolk. The value of the treasures required a naval escort throughout the return voyage to China; the final stage from Colombo to the Woosung River, where she arrived on 17 May, was covered by the light cruiser Dauntless. Königsberg, German light cruiser, sunk at Bergen by Blackburn Skua aircraft of 800 and 803 Naval Air Squadrons from RNAS Hatston, Orkney. First sinking of a major war vessel by air attack in wartime. Church bells rang in Malta for first time ever on a Good Friday – to sound All Clear after a German air raid. Maritime Exclusion Zone of 200 miles declared around Falkland Islands, enforced by submarines, to deter re-supply of Argentinian forces by sea. Operation Corporate. Uniform for executive officers and midshipmen introduced by Admiralty Order. Said to have been inspired by Diana, Duchess of Bedford and wife of the First Lord, being seen in an elegant blue and white riding habit by King George II in Hyde Park, and designed by Philip Saumarez with the approval of Anson. RNAS aircraft from Mudros (Lemnos) bombed Constantinople. Both pilots made DSO. GC: The Island of Malta. The only award of the GC that was not gazetted, and the first awarded to a body corporate rather than to an individual. Unicorn launched at Birkenhead, the last diesel submarine built for RN and last warship built by Cammell Laird. One of four Upholder-class boats transferred to Canada; renamed HMS Windsor. Affray, last British submarine lost at sea, sank in Channel off Alderney. Seventy-five men lost including Sub-Lt Anthony Frew, one of five survivors from Truculent, which sank off The Nore on 12 January 1950, and William Linton, son of Cdr J.W. Linton, lost as CO of Turbulent. Royal Navy detonated 7,000 tons of unstable explosives – including 4,000 torpedo heads, 9,000 depth charges and 51,000 grenades – beneath Heligoland to demolish fortifications. ‘The greatest non-atomic explosion in history’ (The Times) but barely heard in Cuxhaven. Lt-Cdr Francis Mildred RN fired the charges from the naval cable ship Lasso 9 miles offshore on the fourth pip of the BBC time signal at 1300. Smaller charges were fired beforehand to scare away migratory birds. Rear-Admiral Sir Samuel Hood (Barfleur) captured four French ships in the Mona Passage, between Puerto Rico and San Domingo. Ships: Alfred, Barfleur, Belliqueux, Magnificent, Monarch, Montagu, Prince William, Valiant, Warrior, Yarmouth. Frigates: Alecto, Champion. Paddle minesweeper Nepaulin mined near Dyke light vessel off Dunkirk. The frigate Kent, at anchor in the Hamoaze, fired a 21-gun salute to mark the 80th birthday of HM The Queen. The ship’s company of the carrier Illustrious, on passage south through the Red Sea, fell in on the flight deck to spell out ‘Happy 80th’. 43



















Wessex helicopter from destroyer Antrim retrieved SAS and FAA personnel from Fortuna Glacier, South Georgia in unusually bad weather. Operation Corporate. Queen Victoria reviewed Fleet at Spithead; 240 ships, many having just returned from Baltic and Black Sea. Operation Demon, the evacuation of Imperial troops from Greece, began on night of 24/25 April. ‘And so it again fell to the Royal Navy to save what it could of a British Army at the end of a foredoomed campaign’ – Correlli Barnett. All available Mediterranean Fleet ships, seven cruisers, nineteen destroyers, two sloops and two corvettes together with transports were involved under the command of ViceAdmiral H.D. Pridham- Wippell, flag in light cruiser Orion at Suda Bay in Crete. VC: Cdr Edward Unwin (Hussar); Sub-Lt Arthur Walderne St Clair Tisdall, RNVR; Mid Wilfred St Aubyn Malleson (Cornwallis); Mid George Leslie Drewry, RNR (Hussar); William Charles Williams, Able Seaman RFR; George McKenzie Samson, Seaman RNR (Hussar). Landing at Gallipoli – V Beach (River Clyde). AB Williams RFR was the first posthumous naval VC and Drewry the first RNR VC. All were serving in the River Clyde at the time. Fast minelayer Manxman, Capt the Hon. T.V. Stopford RN, went aground outside Douglas Harbour in thick fog on visit to her ‘adopted’ Isle of Man. Screw damaged and dry docked at Devonport. CO and NO found guilty at Devonport courts martial 8 and 9 May of hazarding ship and causing ship to be stranded by negligence: Reprimand. Admiralty later quashed the hazarding charge. Ammunition ship RFA Bedenham, unloading depth charges into a lighter at Gun Wharf in Gibraltar, caught fire and exploded killing thirteen men and causing extensive damage ashore. The ship had been abandoned except for her Master and the Naval Armament Supply Officer who were blown into the water. Fatalities included Gibraltar Chief Fire Officer Andrew Indoe, Fire Service Sub-Officer George Henderson (posthumous GC), nine dockyard staff, two traders and a taxi driver. Awards included nine GMs. Patrol vessels Wasperton, Wolverton and Monkton arrived at HMS Tamar to join the Sixth Patrol Craft Squadron in Hong Kong after a 16,461-mile voyage, having sailed from Britain on 12 January. They joined Yarnton and Beachampton which had arrived the previous September from service with the Ninth MCM Squadron in Bahrain. Submarine Urge presumed sunk by mine leaving Malta for Alexandria, the 10th S/M flotilla moving there only two weeks after loss of Upholder. MC: Mne Liam Armstrong, 23, 45 Cdo, for ‘outstanding bravery, initiative and leadership well beyond his rank and service experience’ in Afghanistan, April to July 2002, Operation Jacana. He was then the youngest-ever non-commissioned serviceman to receive the MC.


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