Semaphore Circular #656 (February 2016)

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The Semaphore Circular No 656

The Beating Heart of the RNA

February 2016

Type 23 Frigate HMS Richmond arrives home in her home base of Portsmouth in December.

RNA members are reminded that hard-copies of the Circular are distributed to each branch via their Secretary, but “silver-surfers� can download their own copy from the RNA website at .(See below). Last hard copy April 2016 1

Daily Orders 1. National Standard Bearer Competition 2. 2016 Conference 3. Benefits of RNA Membership 4. February Branch Quiz 5. Guess Where? 6. Nuns Joke 7. 2016 National Armed Forces Day - Cleethorpes 8. RN VC Series – Vice Admiral Gordon Campbell VC DSO x2 9. Finance Corner 10. Bye-Law Changes 11. RNBT Trustee Vacancy 12. Joke – Dangers of Technology 13. Legion D’Honneur Round Up 14. HMS Fulmar Archive Film 15. Celtic Dean Book for sale 16. Paintings for pleasure not profit 17. Maritime Book Reviews 18. Can you assist Please – Jeff Stewart (Two) 19. US Marine Corps Joke 20. Oberon Class Branch Quiz answer Longcast “D’ye hear there” (Branch news) Crossed the Bar – Celbrating a life well lived RNA Benefits Page Shortcast Swinging the Lamp Forms Glossary of terms NCM NC AMC FAC NCh NVCh NP DNP GS DGS AGS CONA IMC NSM Throughout Contacts:

National Council Member National Council Association Management Committee Finance Administration Committee National Chairman National Vice Chairman National President Deputy National President General Secretary Deputy General Secretary Assistant General Secretary Conference of Naval Associations International Maritime Confederation Naval Service Memorial indicates a new or substantially changed entry


Contacts Financial Controller

023 9272 3823


023 9272 3371

Assistant General Secretary (Membership & Slops) 023 9272 3747

Deputy General Secretary 023 9272 0782

Shipmates Administrator

023 9272 0782

General Secretary

023 9272 2983


023 92 72 3747

Find Semaphore Circular On-line ; or... RNA Website – Members Area – Downloads – Circulars – Code (Shipmate) RNA Central Office Staff continue to attempt to build a library of e-mail addresses within the Association. It would be extremely helpful if those Branch Secretaries able to communicate by email would forward a short e-message to HQ to 3 Snail Trail Mail - Postal Address RNA Central Office, Room 209, PP70, Semaphore Tower, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth Hants PO1 3LT

Dear Shipmates, A very Happy New Year to you all and I am sure all those trying to do ‘Dry January’, will do better than my sister who only made to early on the 2nd before lapsing! I hope you enjoy this edition of the Semaphore Circular. We are now half way into the parallel running of hard copy and emailed Circ, with this, March and April as the last 3 hard copies before we go fully electronic (except for those registered as requiring hard copy for now). Please do highlight any problems you are having to us. Important note. In my last introduction to the Semaphore Circular in December I mentioned that despite the fire at Wokefield Park they ought to be ready for us. Since then we have heard that a surveyor has declared one of the buildings as structurally unsound, therefore needing extensive repairs. We are exploring the possibilities but for now we are working at somewhat limited numbers at Wokefield Park (about 280) with overspill into a nearby hotel – with priority to delegates for Wokefield Park – and minibus or coach service between hotels (if necessary). Bookings through the CONA Travel service, as now, who are managing the situation for us. I will keep you up to date with developments as they become clear, but we have only just heard this news ourselves. A reminder that the deadline for NCM, DNCM and SOC nominations is 19 February – and that is also the deadline for branch motions. Forms at the back of the Circ. Now to some business: x Please book for the Welfare Seminar with Nigel for 19 March with a good array of speakers in the Crown Hotel in Weymouth. A great array of speakers and the chance for Welfare Officers to meet and chat over issues with an evening gathering. x Bookings are open for the National Standard Bearers Competition at HMS COLLINGWOOD for 7 May, run in conjunction with the WRNS again. We understand that there will be sufficient bookable accommodation at COLLINGWOOD senior rates mess. Contact Andy please. x Now is the time to be completing your annual returns for membership, branch and finance. – and paying the 2016 subs too please. x There are a number of branches who are not completing their annual return to the Charity Commission on time. They are becoming much stricter about smaller charities doing the part completion of the form that is required if income is less than £10,000. Accounts are only required if income is greater than £25,000. If you are not sure then ring the Charity Commission on 0300 066 9197 or Central Office and we will be delighted to help you out. x Please remember that we have access to the CONA Admin Support Officer. Sarah Clewes can help you will all sorts of issue, such as completing returns, bookkeeping issues, spreadsheets, web pages, branch or association magazines etc. Just give her a ring on 07941 750954 or e-mail at . She can help by phone, email or personal visit and entirely free of charge to you (she is paid for by grant made by RHG, RNRMC and SF(UK)). There have been a couple of interesting developments at the Conference of Naval Associations (CONA) which apply to the RNA as senior partner: Wessex Funerals have been appointed as official CONA partners. They can arrange a veteran funeral for much less than the normal cost. Around a £1,000 saving on a Co-Op package for instance (£4,300). Funerals are delivered by independent funeral directors in every county of the 4

UK, Scotland, Wales, N Ireland and Eire (ROI). Contact is Paul Burrows-Gibson on 07889009393 or . We are not recommending any Funeral Plans at present. A really exciting reunion cruise from 29 Sept 17 to 2 Oct 17 aimed at veterans and serving members of the Royal Navy and Merchant Navy. The ship is the exclusive MV Marco Polo. The cruise sails from Liverpool sails to Dublin for a run ashore, then sails to Cork for a run ashore – arriving on 2 Oct at Bristol. Coach travel included from Bristol to Liverpool after the cruise or before departure for pre-position of a car. It will be possible to purchase a ‘Drinks Inclusive Package at £15 per night (conditions apply) 1. Cost is from £199 per person for an inside cabin with ocean view and suites costing more. Bookings are with The CONA Holiday service on 0844 264 2122 or The price is at least 40% saving on a usual Marco Polo short cruise. Depending on if the National Council wishes to become involved we would hope to work with Dublin Branch and the Irish Naval Association on meeting up and navalise the cruise as much as possible (avoiding working part of ship and defaulters!). I hope you agree that this is a really exciting idea.

Yours Aye


The National Chairman has been very very busy (in the USA), over the new year as you can see!! 1

This is not a challenge!!!


Daily Orders 1.

National Standard Bearer Competition

The National Standard Bearers Competition will take place in HMS COLLINGWOOD, Fareham on the Saturday 7th May 2016. Areas are invited to submit the names of qualified standard bearers for this event. The event is open to; x x x x

Area Standard Bearers Deputy Area Standard Bearers (Deputy Standard Bearers are to be equipped with their branch standard and all associated equipment. (Sling, gloves and drapes). The serving National Standard Bearer and Deputy National Standard Bearer Where an area has not held an area competition a nominated standard bearer is permitted to enter.

The draft programme for the competition is; Fri 6 May Competitors accommodated in HMS Collingwood arrive at WO and S/Rates Mess Sat 7 May 0830

Competitors arrive.


Officials arrive at Collingwood

0900 -1000 Parade Ground open for Practice Period (and training for SB comp judges) 1000

Guests/Spectators arrive


Competition Brief for Competitors


Competition Commences with Kit Inspection followed by Drill


Competition concludes.


Prize-giving and refreshments in the WO &S/Rates Mess

All standard bearers holding trophies are to return them on the day of the competition (cleaned and polished please). Accommodation: Competitors are respectfully reminded that they are responsible for arranging their own accommodation. However, the Warrant Officers and Senior Rates Mess have offered a limited amount of accommodation to those competitors and guests who wish to stay in HMS Collingwood. This will be offered on a ‘first come first serve’ basis with priority given to 6

competitors. Please apply for accommodation by contacting the Deputy General Secretary, Andy Christie at or telephone 02392 720782 by Friday 12 February 16. Many apologies for the tight deadline but this will provide a much better chance of securing the accommodation we require. Finally, Names of competitors are to be forwarded to Mick Kieran (NCA) at or by phone 07593573301. Entries close on 7 April 2016.


2016 Conference The General Secretary’s introduction provides an update on Wokefield Park, following the fire late last year. We will be restricted on numbers and delegates will be given priority. We will see how numbers go and book an overflow hotel if needed – fixing transport as required. So please go ahead and book as soon as you can, form at the back of the Circ.

For information the 2016 Conference is being jointly hosted by Areas 3 and 6 and the booking form can be found at the rear of the Circular.


Benefits of RNA Membership

Shipmates may wish to know, if they are not already aware, of the huge variety and wide range of services offered to members of the RNA. I am sure you will all agree that it is quite a list and still growing. x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Governance and management of the RNA, management of NCM, DNCM and SOC election processes Welfare advice and assistance Information through National Circular events, news, fun, advice. RNA Website – including a Member’s area, and all electronic document access. Production, editing, printing and postage for the Semaphore Circular. Running 6 HQ Open days a year, including a harbour boat ride and lunch for free Advice to Clubs, production and sponsorship of models rules. Design, production sale and distribution of Association Goods at cost price. Representation on Naval, Tri-service and National committees to provide a voice for Naval Veterans. Partnering Agreement with the RN; RNA is primary adviser for Veterans matters to the Navy Board. Management of the Clubs and branch support fund. Sponsorship and ongoing management of the Naval Service Memorial Provision of Pensions Advice and gateway to appropriate agencies. 7

x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Provision of Charter Documents free of charge. Production of various guides (Branch Sec, Ceremonial, Welfare etc) Social media management of RNA Facebook pages and Twitter Recruitment and Publicity advice and support. Advice and support with RNA events, free use of Area gazebos and gizzits. RNA hats! Production, editing, printing and postage the HQ Roll Newsletter. Benefits from discounted deals from the following; UK Holiday Group Ansvar/Coleman Insurance (Household and Branch Insurance) Royal Naval Museum (Includes Victory, Mary Rose, RMA, Alliance, Explosion etc) Pussers Rum (Sponsors stock for RNA events) Health Care (Hospital & Medical Care Association) RAC Funerals for Veterans Coffin Mew (Legal services) CONA cruise Virtual Branches for the housebound or carers. Welfare advice and guidance for welfare officers, seminar. The organisation of the Annual Conference and Reunion, production of minutes and free posting and distribution. The organisation, safety with Met Police, VIP liaison, first aid cover, of the Biennial Parade, free chips and sandwiches for participants. Organisation of the annual Cenotaph parade, dist of tickets etc. Reception after in CS club Organisation of the Field of Remembrance, RNA plot, ticket allocation and management. Representation of all Naval veterans at the Remembrance Day service. Application for honours and awards for RNA members. Production of Life membership certificates and Certificate of Appreciation. Insurance of RNA HQ events through the year Management of the RNA standards fund. Management of RNA investments and finances Organisation and running of the National Standard Bearers competition. Managing RNA membership Marketing of the RNA On line membership joining and passing members to branches. Management and updating of the RNA website, website improvements Book reviews, selected book bargains and publishing advice. Current Chair and Working Group Chair of CONA( Conference of Naval Associations) Finding, negotiation of and publishing of member benefits Telephone answering service for both Shipmates and the public. (Involving constant questions regarding medals, funerals, tracing family membership of the RN, Arctic Star Ushakov and Legion d’Honneur medal advice) Production of annual accounts and trustee report. Audit/independent check. 8

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Resolving individual welfare cases. Promoting the RNA with other charities and the Royal Navy Monthly liaison with Navy News and 2 RNA pages. Management and organisation of Welfare and Clubs Seminars. Production of the Yearbook, Diary, Production of in house Christmas cards including photography, printing and distribution Representation on International Maritime Confederation. Annual Youth Sailing camp. Individual Financial Advice to Branches. Shipmates and Oppos Campaign. Provision of free CONA worker to support branch officials Insurance and maintenance of the Naval Service Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum. Provision of NSM totem design to new visitors centre. Acceptance, storage and disposal of significant naval artefacts. Mentoring of Phase 1 and Phase 2 RN trainees so that they know of the value of veterans and are aware of the RNA. Representation on the Veterans UK Customer Advisory Board, allowing privileged access to help resolve veteran pension and appeal issues.

4. February Branch Quiz - Name those Submarines? In this month’s edition can you name all 13 of the Oberon Class Diesel Submarines (1957– 78) Answers at back of Circular........

Opposite is your starter for ten.... Oberon........


5. Guess Where? An Establishment This month can you name this naval establishment? Please forward any other pictures to the HQ that you may have for ‘Guess Where’ so that we can publish them in forthcoming Circulars. No looking on Google or Wiki!! Answers in next month’s edition. Last month’s answer! 9

HMS Drake main entrance as Shipmate Norrie Millen from RNA Torbay said “ Any ‘Guzz’ rate would recognise this one!” 6.

Another Religious Joke- This time its Clever Nuns......

There were two nuns, One was known as Sister Mathematical (SM), and the other one as Sister Logical (SL). It is getting dark and they are still far away from the convent. SM: Have you noticed that a man has been following us for the past 38 1» PLQXWHV" , ZRQGHU ZKDW KH wants. SL: It's logical. He wants to violate us. SM: Oh, no! At this rate he will reach us in 15 minutes at the most! What can we do? SL: The only logical thing to do of course is to walk faster.

A little while later...SM: It's not working. SL: Of course it's not working. The man did the only logical thing. He started to walk faster, too. SM: So, what shall we do? At this rate he will reach us in 1 minute. SL: The only logical thing we can do is split. You go that way and I'll go this way. He cannot follow us both. So the man decided to follow Sister Logical. Sister Mathematical arrives at the convent and is worried about what has happened to Sister Logical. Then Sister Logical arrives. SM: Sister Logical! Thank God you are here! Tell me what happened! SL: The only logical thing happened. The man couldn't follow us both, so he followed me. SM: Yes, yes! But what happened then? SL: The only logical thing happened. I started to run as fast as I could and he started to run as fast as he could. SM: And? SL: The only logical thing happened. He reached me. SM: Oh, dear! What did you do? SL : I lifted my dress up. SM: Oh, Sister! What did the man do? SL: He pulled down his pants. SM: Oh, no! What happened then? SL: Isn't it logical, Sister? A nun with her dress up can run faster than a man with his pants down.

And for those of you who thought it would be dirty.....................Say two Hail Marys!! 10


2016 National Armed Forces Day – Cleethorpes Cleethorpes is hosting the National Armed Forces Day this year and those wishing to participate in the parade must complete a Parade Application Form ASAP. Completed forms can either be posted or emailed to: Gavin Marshall Armed Forces Events Team Knoll House Knoll St Cleethorpes DN35 8LN /


RN VC Series - Vice Admiral Gordon Campbell VC DSO and Two Bars.

Gordon Campbell was born on 6th July 1886 and was educated at Dulwich College and then joined the RN in 1900. In 1917 he had reached the rank of Commander. Gordon Campbell was Commanding Officer of HMS Farnborough, a ‘Q’ Ship, when he was awarded the VC during an action with the German U Boat U-83. On 17 Feb 1917 in the North Atlantic HMS Farnborough sighted a torpedo track. He altered course and allowed the torpedo to hit aft by the engine-room bulkhead. The 'Panic party' got away convincingly, followed by the U-boat. When the submarine had fully surfaced and was within 100 yards of the ship, which was badly damaged and now lying very low in the water—Commander Campbell gave the order to fire. Almost all of the 45 shells fired hit U-83 which sank. On 22 March 1916, another U-boat, SM U-68 was sunk by Farnborough. Gordon Campbell also commanded HMS Dunraven during the action of 8 August 1917 when she was sunk by UC-71. In recognition of this action Victoria Crosses were awarded to two crewmen who were selected by ballot from amongst the crew of Dunraven, Lieutenant Charles George Bonner and Petty Officer Ernest Herbert Pitcher and Gordon Campbell received his second Bar to his Distinguished Service Order (DSO). Campbell later achieved the rank of vice admiral. He commanded the Battlecruiser HMS Tiger 1925–27 and served as Naval Aide-de-Camp to George V 1928–29. In 1931, he was elected as National Member of Parliament for Burnley, defeating the Labour leader, Arthur Henderson. In 1935, however, standing as a National Liberal, he lost his seat.


In the Second World War he re-entered the Royal Navy in the rank of Commander and was responsible for anti-invasion measures around Padstow. He also wrote several publications, including the successful My Mystery Ships. His brother, Sir Edward Campbell, was also a Member of Parliament. His Victoria Cross is held at his old school, Dulwich College


Finance Corner

Dear Shipmates Sadly I am ‘Bows Under’ currently putting together the Financial Year end report so there will be no Finance Corner this month. Back as normal next month TTFN Yours Aye Michelle


Bye Law Changes

Shipmates should note the following Bye-law changes which were approved by the National Council on 5th December 2015. The on-line Rule Book has been updated and remains the definitive version of the Charter, Rules and Bye Laws. x x

Bye-Law 1 (f) v. Delete the word ‘Associate’ Bye-Law 4. Currently spare new Bye-Law headed “CLUBS” i.e.

4. CLUBS (a) So that a Branch, group of Branches or an Area may obtain or continue to receive an annual permit to operate a ‘Royal Naval Association Club Ltd’ the club must maintain within its membership at least that number of Full or Life Members of the Royal Naval Association required by legislation and the Royal Naval Association Club rules to form a Club Main Committee and such other members that will constitute a quorum for a general meeting. (b) A Club shall review its Bye-laws annually and submit amendments to the Council for approval. x x

Bye-Law B12 amend the title by deleting ‘Elections’ and replacing it with ‘ Branch Main Committee Membership’ Bye-laws C3 (a) fifth line change ‘Committee’ to ‘SOC’



B22 (a) By removing “two months” and inserting “28 days” and by adding after the word “Account” at the end of the sentence “,otherwise a fixed penalty surcharge may be applied” x C3 (b), amend to read as follows: (b) If, with regard to a specific Council motion the Council is of the opinion that it was not reasonably able to comply with the sixteen week time limit in paragraph (a) above, the Chairman of the SOC shall act on behalf of the SOC by providing the appropriate scrutiny for a motion moved at the Council's next meeting after the expiry of the sixteen week time limit, provided that such meeting shall have taken place not less than twelve weeks before the date of the Conference. The obligation to meet the normal time limit remains the Council’s primary objective. x x x x

Bye-law C4 (d) Change ‘recommendations made’ to ‘motions moved’ Bye-law C4 (d) Add after subscriptions ‘, or those that will update the Charter or Rules to make them compliant with legislation’ Bye-law C4 add new paragraph: (f) All motions, including those affected by C4 (c) and not withdrawn, will be placed on a Conference agenda, they shall thereby become subject to the time bar provided by Bye-Law C4 (d) Bye-law C8 (a) First line delete ‘make’ replace with ‘recommend to the Council’

Register of Charter Rule and Bye Law changes Amendments – Additions - Deletions Article/Rule/ByeApproved by Date Privy Council Law All Conference 14th June 14 Privy Council th Rule 7 (c) Conference 20 June 15 Privy Council th Rule 7 (h) Conference 20 June 15 Privy Council Rule 9 (0) Conference 20th June 15 Privy Council th Rule 10 (b) Conference 20 June 15 Privy Council th Rule 12 (d) Conference 20 June 15 Privy Council th Rule 15 Conference 20 June 15 Privy Council Rule 15 (a) Conference 20th June 15 Privy Council th Rule 15 (b) Conference 20 June 15 Privy Council th Rule 15 (c) Conference 20 June 15 Privy Council th Rule 15 (d) Conference 20 June 15 Privy Council th Rule 15 (e) Conference 20 June 15 Privy Council Rule 5 (f) Conference 20th June 15 Privy Council th Rule 20 (d) Conference 20 June 15 Privy Council th Bye-Law 6 (f) i National Council 5 Sept 15 N/A th Bye-Law 6 (g) i National Council 5 Sept 15 N/A th Bye-Law B22 (a) National Council 5 Sept 15 N/A Bye-Law 1 (f) v National Council 5th Dec 15 N/A th Bye-Law 4 National Council 5 Dec 15 N/A th Bye-Law 4 (a) National Council 5 Dec 15 N/A th Bye-Law 4 (b) National Council 5 Dec 15 N/A 13

Date 2014 18/9/15 18/9/15 18/9/15 18/9/15 18/9/15 18/9/15 18/9/15 18/9/15 18/9/15 18/9/15 18/9/15 18/9/15 18/9/15

Bye-Law Bye-Law Bye-Law Bye-Law Bye-Law Bye-Law Bye-Law

B12 B22 (a) C3 (a) C3 (b) C4 (d) C4 (f) C8 (a)

National Council National Council National Council National Council National Council National Council National Council

5th Dec 15 5th Dec 15 5th Dec 15 5th Dec 15 5th Dec 15 5th Dec 15 5th Dec 15


Wake up....Wake up....... 3----2----1....... You’re back in the Room!!


Royal Naval Benevolent Trust (RNBT) – Trustee Vacancies

The Royal Naval Benevolent Trust (RNBT) was formed under Royal Charter in 1922 to help those who are serving or have served as Warrant Officers and below in the Royal Navy and Royal Marines, and their dependants, who find themselves in need or distress. The Trust’s beneficiaries are referred to as The RNBT Family and thousands of applicants, both serving and retired, are assisted every year. A founding principle of the Trust is that it is predominantly run by those who are serving or have served as non-commissioned Sailors and Royal Marines. Accordingly 11 of the 17 trustees that form the RNBT’s governing body (including the Trust’s Vice President) are drawn from serving and retired personnel who have been or are RN ratings and RM other ranks. Vacancies will occur for 3 such Trustee positions with effect from 1 April 2016 as part of the RNBT’s routine governance ‘refreshment’ programme. The election of volunteers to fill these positions, including those who are standing down but may wish to stand for re-election, will happen in the last week of March. Are you interested; can you contribute; do you want to find out more? If so please check out our website: or contact the RNBT’s Portsmouth based Head Office on 02392 690112. Trustee application packs may be applied for on-line via: The closing date for applications is 14 March 2016.


Dangers of Technology Joke

A Text Message Hi Bob, This is Alan next door. I’m sorry buddy, but I have a confession to make to you. I've been riddled with guilt these past few months and have been trying to pluck up the courage to tell you to your face, but I am at least now telling in text as I can’t live with myself a moment longer without you knowing. The truth is, I have been sharing your wife, day and night when you're not around. In fact, probably more than you, particularly in the mornings after you've left for work. I haven’t been


getting it at home recently, but that's no excuse I know.The temptation was just too much....I can no longer live with the guilt and I hope you will accept my sincerest apologies and forgive me. I promise that it won't happen again. Regards, Alan. THE ACTIONS Bob, feeling anguished and betrayed; immediately went into his bedroom, grabbed his gun, and without a word, shot his wife twice; killing her instantly. He returned to the lounge where he poured himself a stiff drink and sat down on the sofa. He took out his phone to respond to the neighbour's text and saw he had another message:THE SECOND TEXT Hi Bob, This is Alan next door again. Sorry about the slight typo on my last text, I expect you worked it out anyway, but as I’m sure you noticed, my predictive text changed ‘WiFi’ To ‘Wife’.. Technology hey?!? Hope you saw the funny side of that. Regards, Alan.


Legion D’Honneur Round Up –

Many Congratulations to all recipients. Central Office Staff were delighted to help Shipmates to get their award. If any RNA member needs assistance in getting a Legion please give the GS a ring (we have a contact) Shipmate Eric Hudson (Bridlington RNA) has been awarded the Ld’H for his involvement at D Day and the liberation of France. The photos below show S/M Eric in his younger days next to his landing craft and being presented with the Ld’H by the Lord Lt of East Riding of Yorkshire Susan Cunliffe-Lister. For the full story please see the following link; Congratulations are also in order for Shipmate Charles Angel of Spalding Branch who has also been awarded the Legion D’Honneur. S/M Charles is seen showing off his medal, which he received through the post at his request, to Shipmate Terry Day of Spalding Branch. Charles served onboard HMS Havelock H88. Well done Shipmate! 15

Shipmate James Sutton has been awarded the LDH for his participation in the liberation of France where he saw service in LST 237, shown below with a photo of S/M James. The third photo shows S/M Jim being awarded the medal by with French Honorary Consul for Bristol and South West Josette Lebrat; and his daughter Janet Gifford, grand-daughter Heather GiffordJenkins, Acer House Home Manager Alexandra Crew and Petty Officer Chris Lansdowne.


HMS FULMAR Archive Film.

Shipmates may be interested in the e-mail that HQ received below; Dear Sir/Madam, I have recently made a film which contains archive photographs and film of HMS Fulmar. It is now available on DVD. I wondered if it may be of interest to some of your members who might have served at Lossiemouth. The film traces the history of Lossiemouth from the Stotfield Disaster of 1806 to the present day. The history is told by the people of Lossiemouth and therefore some of the people in the film may be known to those of your members who served in Lossie. The film has some amazing landscape and aurora borealis photography. It runs for an hour and a half and has an original sound track composition. I wonder if you could advise me as to whether this may be of interest. The film has attracted great interest and support in Lossie. I attach a poster of the final screening event. Yvonne M. Findlay Creative Visions Moray 16

15. ‘Celtic Dean’ Book for Sale - written by Shipmate Canon Philip Cousins. Shipmate Philip Cousins, the Padre of York RNA, has written a book about the distinguished WW2 Naval Chaplain Henry Lloyd DSO OBE, who won the DSO in HMS Illustrious at Malta in 1941 and later served in Renown in the Far East. The book is called ‘Celtic Dean’ and Chapter 3 (War Hero) describes S/M Henry’s exploits during the War. After the War he became Dean of Gibraltar and later still Dean of Truro (where the author served under him as a young curate in the 1960s). The book is only available from the Truro Cathedral Shop, price £4.99 plus p & p. Shipmates wishing to obtain a copy can reach the shop either by telephone on 01872-275125 or by e-mail at


Paintings for Pleasure not for Profit

Shipmate Peter Foston, who is an HQ role Member, paints Marine Watercolours for pleasure not profit. The latter usually goes to the RNLI. If any Shipmates are interested in having a painting of his/her ship painted he charges from £175 unframed and will donate any profit to the RNA. The paintings come unframed as sadly the carriers tend to smash the glazing! The photo shows a .jpeg of a recently completed painting (Northumberland) which, with a number of others, is now at BRNC Dartmouth.

17. Maritime Books Ltd (Soon to change names to Navybooks) - Book Reviews STOP PRESS ..... Maritime Books (soon to change its name to ‘Navybooks’) has managed to acquire a few copies of Jane’s Fighting Ships’ 2013/14 which usually retails for £750.00. It is on sale via their website for a bargain £179.99 (free delivery in UK) All the books mentioned below are available from Maritime Books Ltd at or call 01579 343663 for sales.


SCHELLBOOTE – A Complete Operational History: Lawrence Paterson Arguably the most successful arm of the Kriegsmarine, apart from the Uboats, in WWII. The Schnelleboote, fast attack boats, or E-boats to the Allies, were the primary German naval attack craft in coastal waters throughout the Second World War. Operating close to their various bases they became a devastatingly effective weapon in nearly all the Kriegsmarine’s theatres of war, from the Baltic to the Mediterranean to the Black Sea. However, it was in the English Channel that they had their most notable actions – destroying over 40 warships and a hundred merchant ships. They were a formidable foe. In addition they were used for minelaying, sabotage and general escort duties. This book is a comprehensive operation history of all Sboats and includes a large selection of rare photographs. Published – November 2015

RRP: £25.00

Jonathan Dimbleby


Subtitled ‘How the Allies won the War’ this is not an academic history of the war in the Atlantic but it is, nevertheless, a fascinating book. The great struggles of 1939 – 45 include the Blitz, El Alamein, Stalingrad and Berlin. Yet, without victory over the U-boats in the Atlantic these battles could not have been fought, let alone won. Jonathan Dimbleby interweaves stories from those on both sides of the battle with details of the political and military thinking and decisions. The author covers the naval battles and strategy but gives equal prominence to the Merchant Navy’s courage and sacrifice and sets out the full horror and humanity of life on those perilous seas during the war years. Published – November 2015

RRP: £25.00

Arthur Nicholson


This is the first full length book to describe in detail the six Abdiel class fast minelayers, the fastest and most versatile ships to serve in the Royal Navy. The operated not only as offensive minelayers - dashing into enemy waters under the cover of darkness - but in many other roles, most famously as blockade runners to Malta. The book details the origins and history of mines, minelayers and minelaying – describes the design and construction of each ship and tells in detail their operational history, including vital roles in the Battle for Crete, Tobruk convoys and the Siege of Malta. The stirring story of these ships is told through first hand accounts, official sources and is well illustrated with photos and drawings. Published - November 2015 RRP: £30 18

Ed: Conrad Waters


This annual has an established reputation as an authoritative but affordable summary of all that has happened in the naval world in the previous twelve months. It combines regional surveys with one-off major articles on noteworthy new ships and other important developments. This edition looks in detail at the Royal Navy as it faces the latest defence review. There are also technological reviews dealing with naval aviation by David Hobbs, focussing on maritime patrol aircraft, while Norman Friedman surveys recent electronic warfare developments. Intended to make interesting reading as well as providing authoritative reference, there is a strong visual emphasis, including specially commissioned drawings and the most up-to-date photographs and artists impressions. For everyone with an interest in contemporary naval affairs. Published December 2015

RRP: £30.00


Brian Lavery

HMS BELFAST is, famously, still with us and berthed in the Thames as part of the Imperial War Museum yet after barely four months of service, by the end of 1939 she was in dock damaged, almost beyond repair, by a German magnetic mine. She went of to play a key role in protecting Arctic Convoys, supporting D-Day and subsequently saw service in the Korean War. However, it was her part in the Battle of North Cape, the sinking of the Scharnhorst and the last big-gun head to head action fought at sea that is her lasting legacy. Brian Lavery, a respected historian of the Royal Navy, employs his trademark, wide ranging, narrative style to tell the wider story of the naval war at sea and portray the realities of life aboard a WWII fighting ‘big ship’. The book is well illustrated with photos, line drawing and charts to explain the ship and its history. Published December 2015 RRP: £25.00


Can you Assist?

Sharp eyed Shipmates amongst the readership will have noticed the article below featured in the December edition. Sadly the contact e-mail address was incorrect it should have read ........... HQ received the following request for assistance; Dear Shipmates, My name is Jeff Stewart and I currently live in Melbourne, Australia. My father was a Yeoman of Signals working in RNB Chatham when he sadly died in May, 1958. After he passed away my mother, brother and I emigrated to Australia in 1977 where we now live. Mum passed away in 1997. Dad was a boy entrant and entered HMS GANGES in 1946. He qualified as a Signalman and served in the following Ships and Establishments at home and abroad. Dad’s service number was: CJX.661371


HMS GANGES – Under training. –1946 - 1948 HMS TRIUMPH, HMS DIADEM, HMS SUPERB 1948 – 1950 HMS PRESIDENT 1951 MMS 35 – 1952 HMS BIRMINGHAM – 1953 – 1954 HMS VIDAL – 1955 HMS PHOENICIA (MALTA) 1956 – 1957 (Accompanied) HMS PEMBROKE (RNB CHATHAM) 1958 We are trying to find anyone who knew my Dad and anything about him. My brother and I were quite young when he passed away. He originated from Manchester and all I know is that he was a good bloke, because my Mum never remarried and always loved him. Does anyone have any memories to share? Did my Dad have a favourite football team, favourite drink, good sense of humour. My grateful thanks, I will answer all calls. Yours aye, Jeff Stewart Please contact: Jeff STEWART – email: Telephone: 0061432530080 PO Box 187 Yarra Junction, Melbourne 3797, Australia.



US Marine Corps SGT Joke.

A former Sergeant in the Marine Corps took a new job as a high school teacher. Just before the school year started, he injured his back. He was required to wear a light plaster cast around the upper part of his body. Fortunately, the cast fit under his shirt and wasn't noticeable when he wore his suit coat. On the first day of class, he found himself assigned to the toughest students in the school. The smart-aleck punks, having already heard the new teacher was a former Marine, were leery of him and he knew they would be testing his discipline in the classroom. Walking confidently into the rowdy classroom, the new teacher opened the window wide and sat down at his desk. When a strong breeze made his tie flap, he picked up a stapler and stapled the tie to his chest. Dead silence ... The rest of the year went smoothy.... 20.

Oberon Class Branch Quiz - Answer

HMS/M Oberon, Ocelot, Odin, Olympus, Onslaught, Onyx, Opportune, Opossum, Oracle, Orpheus, Osiris, Otter and Otus


RNA Longcast 2016 6 Feb 13 Feb 20 Feb 28 Feb 4 Mar 12 Mar 19 Mar 8 Apr 7 May 7 May 13 May 31 May 10 Jun 10 Jun 10 Jun 10 Jun 11-12 Jun 12 Jun 01 Jul 09 Jul 1 Aug 6 Aug 19 Aug 20 Aug 26 Aug 10 Sep 7 Oct 21 Oct 21 Oct 22 Oct 5 Nov 10 Nov 13 Nov 19 Nov 26 Nov 10 Dec 23 (1200) – 2 Jan 17

Area 5 Quarterly Meeting - Harwich AMC Meeting FAC Meeting National Arboretum – 1991 Gulf War Memorial unveiling SOC (Consider Motions National Council Meeting Welfare Seminar – Crown Hotel Weymouth HQ Open Day National Standard Bearer Competition – HMS Collingwood Area 5 Quarterly Meeting - Beccles HQ Open Day Belfast – Battle of Jutland Commemoration SOC AMC Meeting FAC Meeting National Council Meeting National Conference SOC (Conference Wash Up) HQ Open Day Dublin Branch Summer BBQ at the Royal Irish Yacht Club Dun Laoghaire HMS Queen Elizabeth departs Rosyth for Portsmouth (exact date TBC) Area 5 Quarterly Meeting - Southend on Sea HQ Open Day AMC Meeting FAC Meeting National Council Meeting HQ Open Day Dublin Branch Trafalgar Night Dinner at the Royal Irish Yacht Club Dun Laoghaire - (Deputy National President Guest of Honour) Inverness Branch Trafalgar Night Dinner – GS is GoH Lee on the Solent & Stubbington Trafalgar Dinner – (DNP GofH) Area 5 Quarterly Meeting - Harwich Field of Remembrance – Westminster Abbey Remembrance Sunday – NVCh and GS at Cenotaph AMC Meeting FAC Meeting National Council Meeting HQ Closed for Christmas


D’ye hear there’..... News from around the Areas and Branches RNA Huntingdon & District Branch Shipmates will enjoying catching up with the Branch in the recent dispatch from Shipmate Karl Webb. On the 20th June 2016, Huntingdon & District Branch will celebrate the 35th Anniversary of their Commissioning and Standard Dedication at St Mary’s Church in Huntingdon. Since the formation of the Branch, only two Standard Bearers, and two deputies, have paraded their Standard. The first was shipmate Ben Dear, who has carried the Standard for over 25 years. With the anniversary approaching, Branch shipmates had discussed the replacement of the Standard, especially as it looks dated compared to the modern ones on parade today, but also due to its weight. After pricing up a replacement, it was decided to postpone the replacement until our 40th, or even 50th anniversary. However, after the Remembrance Day Parade last year, shipmate Ben Dear said that one of the things he would have loved to see was a new Standard for the Branch. Ben was diagnosed with cancer last year, and with high and low points with his health, the Branch Committee held an extraordinary meeting and decided that we should go ahead with replacing the old Standard as soon as possible. The following month involved a lot of work, especially from our Branch Treasurer, shipmate Pete Aston, who contacted Newton Newton Flag makers. They were able to produce a new Standard within two weeks, our Branch Chaplain, Reverend Andrew Milton, said he would be delighted to perform the ceremony at St Mary’s Church, and the Branch members cleared their diaries for a Service in January. Due to the short timeframe, it was decided that the laying up ceremony, and subsequent Dedication ceremony would be attended by Branch members, and selected guests, and that the Service would take no more than 45 minutes. A modified Order of Service was produced (based on HQ’s ceremonial guide and discussions with Revd Andrew Milton); shipmates Bill Small and Ben Dear would Parade the Standards, with shipmate Karl Webb


as escort. Sadly, on the day, Ben was not able to attend, but wanted the Service to go ahead as planned (with Karl Webb standing in -- as the current Deputy Standard Bearer). As the photographs show, the Service went extremely well. Branch members were proud to see the new Standard being paraded (only a handful of members had seen it since being made). Standard Bearers and Committee members enjoyed a tot of Pusser’s rum on completion, before heading down to the Market Inn for a few wets, in true naval style. From start to finish, the ordering and production of a new Standard, and the planning and implementation of the Service took approximately two months, a remarkable achievement which was a success due to the involvement of all our shipmates in order to honour the long and dedicated service of our first Standard Bearer, shipmate Ben Dear. BZ to all.

RNA Rhondda Branch For Shipmates information Rhondda Branch now meet up on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. They also now have their own website as social media has reached the valley’s on the ‘world wised internet malarkey’. (Only Joking!) Seriously, please follow the link below

RNA Netley Branch

Netley Branch shipmates Paddy McLurg and Brian Sandom and their wives joined S/M Lloyd ‘Bill’ Adams, and his family at Marwell Hotel to celebrate Bills 100th Birthday. Bill, who is the oldest member of the Branch, was a Lt Paymaster and served in HMS Hood. (It would appear that incorrect galley buzz intelligence may have been received at HQ....apparently it is not true that Paddy and Brian only went cause they heard there was a tot in the offing!!) (pigs may fly etc....)


RNA City of Glasgow Branch The City of Glasgow RNA Branch has once again been busy with its charity donations. The Branch donated around £500 of toys and a cheque to the play group at Yorkhill Children's Hospital. To the Lodging House Mission for the homeless they donated gifts of underwear, gloves, hats, socks and toiletries which were gratefully received. Other donations were to the RNRM Charity and the Greenfield Care Home in the east end of Glasgow. The photo show Branch members handing over a cheque for £250 to Yorkhill Children’s Charity. BZ Shipmates

RNA Orkney Branch The Orkney Branch would like to borrow a Rum Tub, they will pay for the delivery and return of the item. They need it in May 2016 for a Jutland event they are planning. If you could help please contact Dave Hughes [Chairman] on

RNA Cardiff Branch On Wed 2nd Dec several members of Cardiff Branch attended an event at The Velindre Cancer centre in Cardiff who held a fundraising carol service at St Johns Church in the heart of the City. At the carol service Cardiff RNA presented the Velindre Centre with a cheque for £450, it is one of a number of local charities supported by the branch. The photograph shows the President of Cardiff RNA, Shipmate Peter Machin who is presenting the cheque to the Lord Mayor, who accepted it on behalf of the Velindre Centre and the Lady Mayoress and The Chairman of Cardiff RNA, Shipmate Andrew Clark, who is on the right.


RNA Wrexham 7 District Branch Shipmates should be aware that t he Wrexham and District Branch now meet at; Wrexham & District War Memorial Club Crescent Road, Wrexham LL13 8HF They meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday.


CROSSED THE BAR – Celebrating a life well lived Tom Cope - Trafford Branch Trafford Branch regret to announce that their Chairman Tom Cope RIP sadly 'crossed the bar' recently. Tom travelled over 2000 miles from Canada to join the Royal Marines in February 1959, as he considered this was the ‘creme de la creme’ of the Armed Forces. He trained as a sniper, something he was very proud of and served in Aden and the Radfan during the 1957/67 campaigns, where he was awarded campaign medals for his service. Tom also served at sea for some time in HMS Bulwark. He spent a further 18 years supporting and encouraging recruits training with the RMR, and dedicated all his time and energy to what he considered was his contribution to the Corps he loved so dearly. Tom was not short of energy in his charity exploits, taking part in Dray pulls, canoeing from Leeds to Liverpool, pram races and the yearly Flixton Carnival. He was for many years the standard bearer of the Manchester branch of the RMA considering it his duty to attend as many funerals of returning Royal Marines killed in action that he could. He paraded the Area 10 standard, and also the Trafford branch standard for many years until ill health forced his resignation from a duty he loved. He was also parade Marshall on civic occasions in the Trafford area, no-one could miss hear any command Tom gave, no matter how big the parade! Both the National and Manchester branch RMA standards along with the Area 10 and Trafford were present at his committal. Trafford Borough Council also sent a representative. During the eulogy for Tom a close friend who was a Vicar caused laughter when he said "Tom had done his best during his lifetime, to keep the Guinness family in the manner to which they were accustomed!" Tom's dress when on parade could not be faulted, at every event he attended if staying in a hotel, his first request was "Have you got an iron" only when his trousers were pressed to perfection, his boots polished to a mirror shine, medals gleaming would he consider going 'on parade'.

Iain McDonald Fenwick - Aberdeen Branch It is with sincere regret that Aberdeen Branch records the passing of one of its most loyal members, Iain McDonald Fenwick. Iain aged 69 crossed the bar on the 26th of December, Boxing Day after finally succumbing to an aggressive cancer. Iain first joined Dundee Sea Cadets, TS Duncan at 12 years of age. He progressed through the Cadets and won his skipper tickets for sailing and small boats. This then allowed him to skipper one of Dundee harbour's pilot cutters, work that he enjoyed for a number of years. He joined Dundee RNR and again his skipper tickets came in handy. Iain was also a member of 26

Dundee lifeboat and he was awarded the Queen's Gallantry Medal for rescuing a man from Dundee harbour. With the demise of the RNR, Iain then joined the RNXs and with the onset of oil in Aberdeen Iain decided on a career change and moved to Aberdeen. After much studying he then started in the Non Destructive Testing business leading him eventually to open his own NDT company, IMF Technical Services which proved a successful business with currently 7 employees all of whom Iain considered his extended family. During this period Iain joined the Aberdeen Branch of the RNA and became chairman of Aberdeen Sea Cadets, TS Scylla a role he fulfilled for a number of years. Iain enjoyed the Sea Cadets immensely and liked nothing better than see the individual cadet progress, much as he had done. Although to those who did not know him where he may have appeared a rather forthright character (to say the least) Iain had a heart of gold. He donated, anonymously various money and items to deserving causes ie a stained glass window dedicated to the Sea Cadets in the church of the Sea Cadet's padre, the original window having been blown during WWII and a miniature but working field gun donated to TS Scylla which could certainly make a big bang. Iain also enjoyed the heavy horse and each year donated a sizeable sum to the local Heavy Horse Society as he did to a local horse sanctuary. Not withstanding the Royal Marine Band based in Rosyth. Shell oil for many years sponsored the RMB to appear in Aberdeen but eventually withdrew their sponsorship about 6 years ago. Iain decided that this could not be and with his own company in the lead he badgered a number of other companies to raise enough among them to continue the RMB appearing in Aberdeen. On a slightly lesser note perhaps but again proving the generosity of the man Iain, shortly before his death, paid a local butcher for a weekly year’s supply of bones for two cross greyhounds owned by the secretary of the Aberdeen Branch. Two very happy dogs. Iain was more anchor faced than any anchor could ever be and he was once asked "Why did you never join the Navy?" His reply was simple "My ma wouldna let me." RIP Iain. Born 17th Feb 1946 died 26th Dec 2015

Arthur Rogerson - HMS Aldenham Arthur Rogersons son, Paul sadly informed us that his Father had crossed the bar on 8th January 2016 aged 96. Arthur survived the sinking of HMS Aldenham by a mine in the Adriatic. Paul went on to write that in 2014 he attended the 70th Anniversary commemoration service of HMS Aldenhams sinking at St John the Baptist Church in Aldenham with his Father. He was so proud was of serving in HMS Aldenham and of the DSM he was awarded along with a letter from King George in recognition of his service. It was such a wonderful day and meant so much to his Dad who had spoken about it often ever since. Arthurs Funeral Service took place on 22nd January in Blackpool he will be much missed by his Family. Paul can be contacted on 07711 510600 27

Reg Rushton - Uttoxeter and District Branch Members of Uttoxeter and District Branch led by Vice Chairman S/M Malcolm Knight attended the Funeral, at the Family's request, of S/M Reginald Rushton at Cheadle Parish Church on Tuesday 24th October 2015. The Branch formed an honour guard with our Standard in attendance and the ''Last Post'' was played by S/M Malcolm Knight. S/M Reginald Rushton was born in 1920 and served through the WW2 years ending his Service as a Petty Officer. He saw service on HMS Neptune, Galatea, Aberdare, Worthing, Loch Insh. Both Neptune and Galatea sank with a heavy loss of life. He also served for two and a half years with Eastern Med. Fleet operating from Alexandria and Malta giving support to the 8th Army landings in Sicily and Italy. In June 1942 he was serving in HMS Aberdare when she escaped from Tobruk when Rommel overran it. He then became involved in the Battle of the Atlantic and finally end up in Burmese waters.


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Shortcast (Run in date order)

Shortcast 2016 HMS Penelope Association - 19 February 2016 30th Annual Reunion to be held in Blackpool from February 19 - 21. Contact the Secretary, Mike Bee at for details of membership and the reunion. HMS London F95 – 27 February 2016 90/91 Gulf War crew reunion on February 27, 2016 at the Union Jack Club, London. Contact Ian Farmer on Facebook, or There are only 144 spaces available. Royal Naval Engineering Association – 18 March 2016 Royal Naval Engineroom Association: 23rd Annual Reunion on 18 to 21 March at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea. New members welcome. Monthly news sheet for ‘out of towners’. Details from Bob Styants at HMS Collingwood Association – 01 April 2016 Reunion will be held at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea from April 1 - 4. All members, guests and former shipmates welcome. For further information please contact Shirley Winn, IOW tours at or tel 01983 405116 or visit the web site or email HMS Surprise Association - 01 April 2016 Annual reunion will take place from April 1 to 4 at the Hadleigh Hotel, Eastbourne. All members, guests and former shipmates are welcome. Interested in attending or getting in touch with your former shipmates? For full details contact Geoff Prentice at HMS Hermes Association – 7 April 2016 Reunion at the Holiday Inn, Plymouth from April 7 to 11. Bookings through Isle of Wight Tours at 01983 405116. For further information contact Jim Loveday at HMS Newfoundland and HMS Kenya – 8 April 2016 HMS Newfoundland & HMS Kenya: Veteran’s annual get together will be held from April 8 to 11 at the 3* Carlton Hotel, Torquay. This invite is open to any shipmate, RN or RM, who has served on board and is also open to those who have not been members of the past associations and those who have served in other ships of the Colony class. There are no official meetings only trips ashore, lamp swinging and a Gala dinner so why not join us? Details available from Alan Waite at

HMS Loch Fada F390 Association – 8 April 2016


The 19th annual reunion will take place at the King Charles Hotel, Chatham from April 8 to 11, includes AGM at 1030 on 9th with TOT time at 1200 (no mismusters) & Reunion Dinner at 1830. A coach outing to Greenwich on Sunday or the Walking Bus to Chatham Historic Dockyard. For booking & more info contact IOW Tours on 01983 405116 email: & mention F390, or Frenchy Sec F390 at RN Shipmates Association – 8 April 2016 Has your Association hung up its banner? Are there now too few to have a reunion? There is no need to miss out on the camaraderie we are all used to and there is no need to ‘forget’ your old shipmates. An RN Shipmates Reunion will take place at the Tillington Hall Hotel Staffordshire from April 8 to 11. Friday and Saturday see us finding old and new shipmates with a lot of Lamp Swinging. Sunday will see us at the National Memorial Arboretum at Alrewas where you can lay your own wreath to past shipmates. Reunion enquires and booking forms from or Stamped self-addressed 9 x 6 inch envelope to RN Shipmates Reunion, 7 Heath Road, Sandown, IOW PO36 8PG. You don’t even need to have belonged to an Association. All the planning has been done for you. Just come, ‘Swing The Lamp’ again and …… remember. HMS Dunkirk Association – 15/16 April 2016 The HMS Dunkirk Association Annual reunion will be held at the Newington Hotel York on the 15th and 16th April 2016. For further info please contact J.Carroll or ring 01692678721 The photo opposite shows last year’s reunion dinner in full swing

HMS Phoebe Association – 29 April 2016 HMS Phoebe Association, Cruiser (C43) & frigate (F42): Have their annual reunion from April 29 to May 2 at the Parkbury Hotel, Sandown, Isle of Wight. All cruiser/frigate shipmates are welcome to join us. Please contact Bob Hobbs at for more information HMS Bulwark, Albion and Centaur Association – 6 May 2016 The 2016 Reunion Weekend is booked the Bosworth Hall Hotel & Liesure Spa, Market Bosowrth, Warwickshire from May 6 to 8. Please contact the Secretary, Denis Askham at or details HMS Euryalus Association – 20 May 2016 All commissions reunion from May 20 to 22 in South Shields. Contact Florrie Field at or Blood Reidy at Federation of Naval Associations – 20 May 2016 AGM/Social and reunion at Prince of Wales Hotel, Southport from May 20 to 23. Has your Association wound up? This is an excellent opportunity to meet up with those wishing to carry on 31

regardless. All are welcome with no frills or drills. Details and booking forms available from Robbie Robson at HMS Cavalier Association – 20 May 2016 Reunion will take place from May 20 to 23 at the Victoria Hotel, Torquay. Bookings by Isle of Wight Tours on 01983 405116 848 Squad, Royal Marines - 21 May 2016 The first and maybe the last reunion will be held from May 21 to 22 at the Belmont Hotel, Leicester. For full details contact Barry Lewington at HMS Belfast Association – 17 June 2016 The 2016 Association Reunion will be held over the weekend of 17 - 19th June at the ‘Tillington Hall Hotel’, Stafford. A visit and Tour of the National Memorial Arboretum will take place. See the ‘Seahorse’ for full details. Enquiries & Bookings can be made to - or to Dave Gibbon at Places are limited so please book early. HMS Sirius F40 1966-1993 Reunion - 18 June 2016 50th Anniversary of Commissioning Reunion at HMS Drake on 18 June 2016. Details available at or Facebook page, H M S Sirius (make sure you leave the spaces) or contact Andy Ayres at or HMS Lincoln Association - July 2016 The HMS Lincoln Association from the 68/69 commission are planning their 2016 reunion in the City of their name Lincoln. On September 12, 1970 the ships company having marched through the streets were given the freedom of the City. The association are now in the planning stages of returning for a reunion in July 2016, and early indications are that the City authorities are delighted it’s going to happen, and joint events are being organised. The association would like to hear from any ex Lincoln crew members from both commissions and of course any who took part in the Freedom march, who would either have been 68/69 commission or the 70/71 commission there was a mixture of personnel from both. They are invited to contact Mike (Yorky) Sutcliff at to see if they would like to join us for this rather special reunion event. WRNS - 12 August 2016 A 50th anniversary reunion is planned for all ladies who joined the WRNS during 1966, event to be held on 12th August 2016 in Portsmouth. If you would like to join us, and/or know anyone else who would like to, please contact either Barbara Cotton (nee Binks, Victory 206) at or Maxine Higgins (nee Parish, Theseus) at We look forward to renewing and making new friendships HMS President - 13 August 2016 A reunion for current and former Shipmates of HMS PRESIDENT in London has been arranged on board HMS PRESIDENT, London RNR Unit for 13/08/2016 at 12:00. All current and


former Shipmates of the Unit are welcome to attend. A 'HMS PRESIDENT Reunion' Facebook page has been set up or further details can be obtained from HMS Valiant Association – 13 August 2016 The 50th Anniversary reunion and celebrations will take place in Plymouth Dockyard and HMS Drake on August 13, 2016. The proposal is to have a ceremony on the jetty next to Submarine Valiant.On completion there will be a reception and buffet lunch at the Senior Rates mess. There is an indoor and outdoor bar and in the evening will be a small buffet supper. The event is open to everyone who served on HMS/m Valiant throughout her career. The day is intended to be a family affair to be enjoyed by all. Please indicate your wish to attend and numbers to so that regular updates re hotels and arrangements can be sent to you. Please include when you served on Valiant plus department and a contact phone number. HMS Arethusa Social Weekend – 30 September 2016 HMS Arethusa: Social weekend at the Savoy Hotel, Skegness from September 30 to October 3. For further information contact Isle of Wight Tours at or tel: 01983 405116. HMS Lowestoft Association – 7-9 October 2016 The 6th annual reunion of the HMS Lowestoft Association will take place at the Aztec Hotel, Almondsbury, Bristol BS32 4TS from October 7th to 9th 2016. All ex-Lowie's 1961-1985 and guests are welcome. For booking & more info contact IOW Tours on 01983 405116 or email or email: or visit HMS Tartar Association – 07 October 2016 Annual reunion at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea from October 7 to 10. All ex-Tartar’s and wives are welcome, come and meet up with old shipmates. Bookings to be arranged by IOW Tours on 01983 405116. Contact for further information. Bay Class Frigates Association – 17 October 2016 Reunion at Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea from October 17 to 19, 2016. All ex-Bay Class men and guests welcome. Contact Doug Turk at for details. Survey Ships Association - 28-31 October 2016 The Survey Ships Association will be holding its twenty-second reunion at the Aztec Hotel, Bristol on the w/e of 28th – 31st October. For information on membership and reunion please send a SAE to: The Secretary SSA, 17 Eliza Mackenzie Court, Lindisfarne Close, Cosham, Portsmouth, PO6 2SB, e-mail:, or telephone 023 9232 4795.


Swinging the Lamp - February 2016






2nd 3rd

1943 2009





6th 7th

1912 1944

8th 9th

1919 2008





Fleet Canteen in Malta, built on Corradino Heights with 㺿7,000 granted by the Admiralty, opened by the C-in-C Mediterranean Fleet, Admiral Sir John Hopkins. Situated above the Parlatorio and Canteen Wharves, the club’s single tower and dome were prominent marks for ships berthing alongside. Before the Second World War it had thirty-six snooker tables. Later renamed the RN Fleet Club, it closed in 1968. Revival of ‘frigate’ to designate new class of twin-screw escort vessels. Trident submarine Vanguard and French SSBN Le Triomphant, ‘while on separate routine patrols’, collided under the Atlantic. No casualties. Boats returned to their respective bases at Faslane and Brest. Capt Nelson, on half-pay since December 1787, left Burnham Thorpe for the last time, to join Agamemnon. Destroyer Antelope sank U-41 in S.W. Approaches (49.21N, 10.04W). Convoy OA 84. Submarine A 3 lost in collision with Hazard off Bembridge, IoW. Midget submarine X 22 sunk in collision with Syrtis in Pentland Firth. During towing exercise, OOW in Syrtis washed overboard and while turning in rescue effort Syrtis sank X 22 with loss of CO and three crew. Syrtis lost, probably mined, off Bodo, Norway, 23 March 1944. All cruisers on East Indies station to be painted white. GC: Lance Corporal Matthew Croucher, RMR, 40 Cdo RM. L/Cpl Croucher, serving in 40 Cdo Group’s Cdo Recce Force in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, tripped a wire-connected grenade booby trap during a night-time reconnaissance of a suspected Taliban IED-making compound. He shouted a warning to the men in his section and threw himself on top of the grenade, pinning it between his day sack and the ground. The grenade exploded, ripping the sack from his back and pitting his body armour and helmet with grenade fragments. Miraculously, Croucher survived. ‘His magnificent displays of selflessness and gallantry are truly humbling and are the embodiment of the finest traditions of the Service’ – London Gazette, 23 July 2008. A search party found the bodies of Capt R.F. Scott, Dr Wilson and Lt Henry Bowers in their tent in Antarctica. Order in Council authorised a 㺿50 pay rise to the Surgeon of Pembroke Dockyard to ‘enable him to keep a horse for the purpose of visiting his distant patients . . . in consequence of many of the men 34























23rd 24th

1917 1970








being obliged to reside at a considerable distance from the yard’. Surveying ship/minesweeper Gleaner sank U-33 laying mines in the Firth of Clyde. First capture of Enigma wheels. ‘Blue berets, as at present provided for wear by aircrew with working dress . . . may in future be worn with working uniforms at sea.’ – DCI(RN) 202/70. Capt James Cook (Resolution) murdered by natives of Hawaii during his third voyage of exploration. GC (ex-EGM): AB George Willet Harrison (Hood) for gallantry in rescuing a trapped shipwright. Cadmus, sloop, landed armed party to contain Indian Army mutiny at Singapore; one RN casualty. Destroyers Easton and Wheatland sank the Italian submarine Asteria off Bougie. Convoy TX-1. Enigma machine salvaged. Frigate Veryan Bay and RM reinforcements sent to the Falkland Islands. Tom Spencer Vaughan Phillips, the last British admiral killed in action, born at Pendennis Castle, Falmouth. The Prince of Wales Basin in Devonport Dockyard was opened by the Prince of Wales, future King George V, who came up harbour for the ceremony in the Admiralty Yacht Vivid. The size of the ten years’ work on the basin and the Keyham extension to the dockyard, can be estimated by the materials used: 21» PLOOLRQ FX IW of granite (11» million from Cornwall, 1 million from Norway), 170,000 cu ft of limestone, 220,000 tons of cement from the Thames. An area of 114 acres was turned into a fitting-out yard with docks, basins, etc. The cost was 㺿6 million. The giant cantilever crane was one of the items completed in 1909. The Admiralty declined the services of conscientious objectors in minesweepers. Capt Tobias Furneaux of the Adventure on Capt Cook’s second voyage ‘served half allowance of liquor extra to the ship’s company’ at the end of a testing day in the Southern Ocean, (52.48S, 83.35E). Her Second Lieutenant, James Burney, ended his day’s journal ‘Spliced the Main Brace’, the earliest recorded use of this term as a reward for ‘arduous exertion’ UC-32 blew up on her own mines off Sunderland. 824 NAS formed at Culdrose, first operational deployment of Westland Sea King helicopters. The Countess Mountbatten of Burma, who died on a tour of Borneo on 20/21 February, was buried at sea 4 miles off the Nab from the frigate Wakeful, escorted by the Indian Navy frigate Trishul. ‘She was piped aboard; an honour which I have never before known to be accorded to any woman other than a reigning sovereign’ – Mountbatten to Nehru. VC: Lt-Cdr Eric Gascoigne Robinson (Vengeance) at Gallipoli for charging two 4-in guns in turn under heavy fire. Frigate Loch Fada, Lt-Cdr B.A. Rogers, part of the 2nd Escort Group escorting coastal convoy BTC 81 in S.W. Approaches, in a counter attack following the sinking of the Norwegian freighter Corvus, sank U35






1018 with Squid off the Lizard (49.56N, 05.20W); two survivors. HM Queen Victoria paid her first visit to Portsmouth and stayed at Admiralty House. Dinner guests included the Duke of Wellington (who stayed at the George in the High Street). Despite the rain and wind ‘The Star and Garter Hotel, at The Point, was lit up with variegated lamps outside, and with wax candles along the whole range of the windows inside. . . This house has been the resort of naval officers for upwards of a century’. Fireworks from Semaphore Tower. The Prince Consort visited the block mills in the dockyard and gunnery training ship Excellent and the Queen boarded the St Vincent, flagship of Admiral Sir Edward Codrington. The Queen tasted grog on board the Queen ex-Royal Frederick, the first three-decker launched since her accession. A white ensign, ‘torn and tattered’, which the heavy cruiser Exeter wore as a battle ensign at the Battle of the River Plate, was presented to the City of Exeter by Capt F.S. Bell RN.


PROPOSED MOTIONS AND AMENDMENTS FOR ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2016 Proposals must reach The General Secretary by 1600 19 February 2016 Name of Proposing Branch: ........................................................................................... Motion / amendment

Explanation of the Motion / Amendment (To be included in the notes for Conference)

Hon Secretary ............................................................................(signed).........................(dated)

Name of Seconding Branch: ......................................................................................................... Hon Secretary ............................................................................(signed).........................(dated) Notes a. A motion is submitted in the name of a Branch. Secretaries of proposing and seconding Branches are certifying that the motion or amendment reflects the view of the Branch meeting (not a committee); and that voting was conducted in accordance with Rule 20. b. A separate form is required for each Motion or Amendment c. A manuscript copy is acceptable for additional Motions or Amendments if the printed form is not available. d. The Motion or Amendment should be as short and precise as possible avoiding ambiguity. A Motion should normally start with the word `THAT' e. The explanation is to assist the scrutiny of the Standing Orders Committee in understanding the intention behind the Motion so that they may be able to consider its presentation so it can be improved and implemented as soon as possible (Conference Bye Law C4) f. Motions may be submitted at any time but must reach the General Secretary by 19 February 2016. g. Motions of Urgency should reach the General Secretary not less than 48 hours before Conference. (In accordance with Conference Bye Law C6.) and include an explanation about the urgency. h. Amendments to Motions should also normally reach the General Secretary not less than 7 days before Conference. The provision for the submission of amendments during Conference is in the Conference Bye-Laws. i. Bye-Laws. A Motion to Conference may propose that a Bye-Law be set aside or it may ask the Council to consider making or amending a Bye-Law. j. The Branch Proposing a Motion must have it Seconded by another Branch before forwarding it to the General Secretary. (Conference Bye Law C3a)


NOMINATION FORM ELECTION OF MEMBERS AND DEPUTY MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL 2016/2018 (Revised RNA Bye-Law 7) For the attention of All Branch Secretaries in Areas; 1,3,4,5 and 12 Each Branch may nominate one full or life member from any Branch within its own Area, as a Candidate for election to the National Council, and one full or life member for election as the Deputy National Council Member subject to the approval of the Branch to which both persons belong. (See Note Below) Name of Nominee NCM...............................................DNCM................................................. Proposed by Branch ....................................................................... Area .......................... Address of Nominee NCM……………………………………............................................................................................DNCM....... ..................................................................................................................................... Brief history of nominees in the Association. Continue on separate sheet if necessary NCM


Chairman ....................... (signed) ............................................(dated) Secretary....................... (signed) ...........................................(dated) ___________________________________________________________________________ If the Candidate by the proposing Branch is not a member of that Branch, this section is to be completed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Candidate's own Branch. Candidate's Branch ......... ............................................................................ We certify the acceptance of the nomination by the Candidate’s Branch. Signature of Chairman (Candidate's Branch) ............................................................................. Signature of Secretary (Candidate's Branch) .............................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Candidate I accept the nomination and promise to attend as many National Council Meetings as is possible and to sit on any Committees to which I may be elected.

Signature of Candidate Dated ___________________________________________________________________________ Nomination Forms The envelope containing this completed form should be marked NOMINATIONS FOR NATIONAL COUNCIL and must reach RNA HQ no later than 1600 19th February 2016. Only one nomination is needed for a candidate to be included in the ballot


Delegate to Annual Conference 2016 Branch secretaries should note the following before submitting their application. (a) Each Branch must comply with Rule 16(c), (No Branch shall be permitted to send a delegate to the Conference unless it has observed the regulations of the Association in regard to the return of balance sheets, the payment of subscriptions and the formation of Branches. This provision has no application to the right of, and expectation for, ships and establishments to send a delegate to the Conference.) but subject to Rule 10(c), (Associate members are eligible to act as a Branch Delegate at Area meetings and Conferences, provided that they have completed three years continuous membership of the Association immediately prior to election as Delegate) and has been in commission for at least three months by the date of a Conference shall be entitled to nominate one eligible Association Member as its Delegate to attend a Conference. (a) Each Branch nominating a Delegate shall send details to the HQ to arrive not less than one week before the date of Conference. A Branch may change its nominated Delegate provided the Council is notified not less than twenty-four hours before the Conference. Branch


Name of Delegate Car registration

Passenger Name

Delegate’s Address

Telephone No

Post Code

e-mail Number of Observers Name of Branch Hon Secretary Contact telephone No: (if not branch Hon Sec) Contact e-mail address Name and Address for correspondence (if not branch Hon Sec) NB: A Delegate will not be confirmed as such unless or until the Branch Balance Sheet for 2015 and Annual Subscriptions for Branch Members for 2016 have been received in RNA Headquarters (Rule 16c). Should either not have been received in HQ, the Delegate will not be accredited and will be admitted as an Observer (without Pool Fare cover).



Representing Association /Organisation


Service Number

Address & Contact details

Standard Bearer

Yes / No




Yes / No

Yes / No

Meridian Park


Please note! Dress code for participants in the Armed Forces Day Parade: Beret or service cap Blazer or dark suit with medals Clean Shoes

The parade will be over a distance of 2 – 2.5 Km ie. from Market place to Meridian Park, those unable to march for that distance are encouraged to take the Transport provided or form up at Meridian Park to await the Parade.

Conference of Naval Associations

ADVANCE Booking Details

'ALL ABOARD' OUR 2017 'IRISH MINI REUNION CRUISE' Full Board from only £199 per person! From the 29TH SEPT-2ND OCT 2017 (FRI-MON)


40% Your CONA Holiday Service has put together this special ‘Reunion Cruise’ offer, on board the ever popular Marco Polo, exclusively for veterans and serving members of the Royal Navy and Merchant Navy. The ports of call include a full day in the vibrant city of Dublin where the warmth of the Irish welcome is equally matched by the endless list of places to see and things to do. There is also a stop in the harbour town of Cobh, the final departure port for the ill-fated Titanic and gateway to America for thousands of Irish emigrants. From Cobh you will also have the optional chance to visit Ireland’s second city - Cork - should you wish!

Your Cruise Itinerary: Fri 29th September 2017: Sat 30th September 2017: Sun 1st October 2017: Mon 2nd October 2017: Mon 2nd October 2017:

Liverpool: Depart 1900hrs Dublin: Arrive 0800 / Depart 1900hrs Cobh: (for Cork) Arrive 0800 / Depart 1400hrs* Bristol Avonmouth arrive 0630hrs - Disembarkation from 07.00hrs Coach Transfer from Bristol to Liverpool*

The ‘Reunion Cruise’ sails from Liverpool to Bristol and all prices include Free return coach travel back to Liverpool on the 2nd October. Alternatively you can start with Free coach transport from Bristol to Liverpool on the 29th September. Port Parking is available in Liverpool and Bristol at a cost of £33 per vehicle for the duration of the cruise. Pre and post cruise overnight hotel accommodation in Bristol or Liverpool and transfers by coach from selected locations will be available subject to demand. Details available on request. Full details of both the onboard and ashore programmes will be provided in due course. You can be assured that a number of exciting events are already being planned with a naval theme in mind to ensure this is a ‘Reunion Cruise’ to be remembered. Why not add a ‘Drinks Inclusive Package’ at a supplement of £15 per person per night*. This includes: House wine, draught beer and soft drinks by the glass during meal hours in the restaurants: Draught beer, house wines, cocktails and other alcoholic drinks by the glass from all bars during opening hours (excluding premium brands): Soft drinks and juices by the glass from all bars during opening hours. * The drinks package is only available if all occupants of the cabin book it in advance for the 3 night duration. (Exclusions apply).

FOR BOOKING FORMS PLEASE CONTACT: By Phone: CONA Holiday Service on 0844 264 2122 By Post:

By Email:

The CONA Holiday Service, c/o Just For Groups!, The Old Bakery, Queens Road, Norwich, NR1 3PL

Marco Polo The 22,080 tonne Marco Polo with her handsome traditional profile, beautiful teak decks and distinctive dark blue hull and deep draft is a fully stabilised and air-conditioned classic ocean liner.


Decks Navigator Columbus Amundsen Magellan Pacific Atlantic Baltic Caribic

Cabin Cabin Type

Per Availability person



Voyager Standard Inner Twin





Standard Inner Twin





Standard Plus Inner Twin





Superior Inner Twin





Premium Inner Twin





Standard Single Inner





Voyager Standard Ocean View Twin





Standard Twin Ocean View





Standard Twin Ocean View





Standard Twin Plus Ocean View





Superior Twin Ocean View





Standard Single Ocean View





Superior Twin Plus Ocean View





Premium Twin Ocean View





De Luxe Ocean View Twin





Junior Suite Twin





De Luxe Suite Twin




Accommodating up to 800 guests Marco Polo has eight passenger decks, serviced by four lifts. There is a good selection of comfortable cabin accommodation with 70% of cabins having an ocean view. Cabins range from standard, superior, premium and deluxe and category options are priced generally according to position, size and the facilities available. The more spacious higher graded DL, JS & DS accommodation have the added benefit of sitting areas, large panoramic ocean views, a bath tub and a fridge. Plus added value features ranging from complimentary bathrobes to a welcome bottle of Champagne.

Dining & Entertainment Marco Polo offers dining options at the impressive Waldorf Restaurant which has two sittings or as an alternative experience, the more informal and stylish Marco’s Restaurant. There are five lounge areas comprising the theatre style Marco Polo main show lounge with big show entertainment & cabarets, the elegant Captain’s Club, Scotts Bar - an ideal spot for the night owls - or the relaxing Palm Garden with wonderful ocean views.

On board facilities include: • Waldorf Restaurant • Marco’s Bistro • Marco Polo Lounge • Scott’s Bar • Palm Garden Lounge • Columbus Lounge • Self-service tea & coffee from 6am to 10pm • Livingston Library • Nansen Card Room • Internet Café • Shopping Arcade • Photo Gallery • The Jade Wellness Centre with sauna, gym and massage facilities • Outdoor Pool • Medical Centre • Sun Deck • Main Lobby • Reception • Tour Desks offering a wide range of shore tours • All cabins are well equipped with en-suite facilities, with shower, personal safes, telephone, television, hairdryer, music channels and electrical current is 110/220v AC.

Twin Cabins are for a minimum of 2 persons sharing All Prices include a one way transfer by coach from Bristol to Liverpool on Friday 29th September 2017 or from Bristol to Liverpool on Monday 2nd October 2017. Notes: Cruise & Maritime currently operate an automatic tipping system on Marco Polo with £5 per person per night added to the on-board account. / Full British Passports are required for all cruises / Optional shore excursions, personal expenditure such as drinks, laundry, communication and medical fees are not included. / Return Transport will be available from Cobh to Cork for a supplementary charge. / There will be a first and second sitting for dinner and the evening shows. / All passengers must be adequately insured. We can provide optional insurance from £49 per person. / Subject to demand return coach travel may be available, at a supplementary charge, from designated joining points. Details on application. / CONA have exclusive use of the Marco Polo subject to a minimum occupancy being met. In the event the cruise does not sell to capacity then Marco Polo reserve the right to promote the cruise to the general public. Issue date: 20/01/2016

FOR BOOKING FORMS PLEASE CONTACT: By Phone: CONA Holiday Service on 0844 264 2122 By Post:

By Email:

The CONA Holiday Service, c/o Just For Groups!, The Old Bakery, Queens Road, Norwich, NR1 3PL


Please note the first person listed in the ‘Accommodation Requirements’ should be the Lead Name on the Booking Form to whom all correspondence will be sent. Prices:







1) 10 -12 June (Fri-Sun) 2 Nights dinner, bed and breakfast: £159 per person _____ 2) 10 -13 June (Fri-Mon) 3 Nights dinner, bed and breakfast: £198 per person _____ 3) 11 -12 June (Sat- Sun ) 1 Night dinner, bed and breakfast: £90 per person _____ th

4) 9 June (Thursday – Officials Only) supplement dinner, bed and breakfast: £59 per person ____ 5) Saturday Gala Dinner Only: £30 per person _____ Accommodation Requirements: (The first person named should be the “Lead Name” to whom all correspondence will be sent) Note: * A limited number of rooms are available for Single occupancy without supplement. If singles are over-subscribed a supplement of £15 per night may apply. Arrival Surname



Depart Double Twin

Accommodation Type



Single* Other

1. _____




______ _____ _____



2. _____




______ _____ _____



3. _____




______ _____ _____



4. _____




______ _____ _____



Special Requests/Mobility Issues: (Not guaranteed) including accommodation and parking, special needs and dietary requirements etc. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lead Name Address: _________________________________________________



Optional Insurance: We can provide comprehensive insurance cover for a premium of £10 per person. Full details will be provided for your consideration once your application has been processed and accepted. CHEQUE/DEBIT CARD Payments

Post Code:_________Tel. Number:______________________________________ Email:_____________________________________________________________ Cheques payable to “Just for Groups!” Non-refundable £25 per person Deposit (Please see box opposite if you wish to pay by Credit Card)

* CREDIT CARD * 2% charges apply If you wish to pay using a credit/debit card then please tick here: _______ Once your application has been accepted we will contact you to arrange RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO:payment.

Deposit: _____ @ £25 = £_________ Lead Name Signature:_______________________

Date: ________________ th

Note: Final Balance Payment: Is due on or before 12 May 2016

Just for Groups! The Old Bakery, Queens Road, Norwich NR1 3PL Tel: Admin 01603 886742/Sales 01603 886740 Email:

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