The Semaphore Circular No 658
The Beating Heart of the RNA
April 2016
The ‘Junglie’ Mk 4 Seakings making their final appearance flying over Portsmouth Naval Base during their nation-wide farewell ‘fly past’. The Seaking Aircraft have been replaced by the Merlin Mk 4.
Talking of final appearances.....This edition of the Semaphore Circular is the last Hard Copy version, unless you have registered with Central Office, in future it will only be available on the RNA website in the ‘Members Area’ under ‘downloads’ at and will be emailed to the branch contact, usually the Hon Sec. 1
Daily Orders 1. Early doors Joke 2. SOC Vacancy 3. 2016 Conference – Delegate Notification 4. Mesothelioma Lump Sum 5. Service Deferred Pensions 6. Guess Where? 7. Donations 8. Heads-Up Falklands Veterans 9. RN VC Series – R/Admiral Bingham VC 10. Finance Corner 11. Road to Twickenham 12. Assistance Please – HMS Illustrious 13. Life is good 14. Legion D’Honneur 15. Covenant Fund 16. Senior USB Stick 17. Captain Eric Winkle Brown XTB 18. RAF Swanwick Charity Concert 19. Hill Billy Joke 20. Kitcheners Holiday Centre 21. Veteran Outreach Service 22. Open Days 23. RNRMCF – Street Party 24. Supporting Seafarers Day 25. Boathouse No 7 Longcast “D’ye hear there” (Branch news) Crossed the Bar – Celebrating a life well lived RNA Benefits Page Shortcast Swinging the Lamp Forms Glossary of terms NCM NC AMC FAC NCh NVCh NP DNP GS DGS AGS CONA IMC NSM
National Council Member National Council Association Management Committee Finance Administration Committee National Chairman National Vice Chairman National President Deputy National President General Secretary Deputy General Secretary Assistant General Secretary Conference of Naval Associations International Maritime Confederation Naval Service Memorial 2
indicates a new or substantially changed entry
Contacts Financial Controller
023 9272 3823
023 9272 3371
Deputy General Secretary 023 9272 0782
Assistant General Secretary (Membership & Slops) 023 9272 3747
S&O Administrator
023 9272 0782
General Secretary
023 9272 2983
023 92 72 3747
Find Semaphore Circular On-line ; or... RNA Website – Members Area – Downloads – Circulars – Code (shipmate) From April 2016 the normal method of communication to Central Office and the distribution of the Circular and other important documents is by email. 3 Please keep your email contact up to date to Snail Trail Mail - Postal Address RNA Central Office, Room 209, PP70, Semaphore Tower, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth Hants PO1 3LT
Dear Shipmate, Welcome to the April Circular – the final hard copy edition. If you aren’t registered for a printed copy then from now on you will get an email copy – or better still download from the website on the 24th or 25th of the month. You will have noticed that this month that the envelope hit the mat with an extra hard thump! Enclosed you have some of the most important documents of the year: • The Annual Trustees’ Report for FY2015 for AGM 2016. • The Financial Statements for FY2015 • The Conference Agenda • A letter from the National Chair and National President regarding subscriptions. • A leaflet regarding the Jutland Wood project. • Conference raffle tickets Please make sure that your branch members have the chance to see the main annual report of RNA activities and the financial statements; don’t forget that it is vital that your Conference Delegate should see it too. Copies are on the website. The Conference Agenda is also enclosed and has the running order for Conference and the proposed motions by the National Council and one branch motion. We make every effort from the NP downwards to make sure you get the Agenda, Financial statement and Trustee report with 2 meetings before Conference, so that you have 2 chances to chat the motions over. The NC is submitting a subs motion again this year. Quite rightly delegates at last year’s conference expressed concern that the case had not been explained clearly enough before Conference. To help the Association to understand the NCh and NP have written a letter and there are 10 copies with this Circ to pass out to your branch. The NP also asks that you allow your delegate to be able to listen to the discussion at Conference and to therefore take all points of view into account, before casting a vote. It is not sound practice to instruct your delegate to vote one way, or another, and not allow him or her to take into account issues that might not have been apparent at the branch meeting. The purpose of a Conference is to debate and decide – if there is no debate where arguments count - there is no point in having a Conference. Now for some more detailed business: • • • • •
Please inform branch members of the SF(UK) flag day - chance to support the Seafarers’ week. SF(UK) have supported the RNA wit grants over the last 5 years and are our friends! There have been some Bye-Law changes approved by the NC at their recent meeting. They cover the Specimen SO for Conference. The Rule Book on the website has been updated and the change register at the back details which Bye-Laws have been changed. Life and Full Members can be awarded the Certificate of Appreciation. Since most LM and FM will wish to retain their blazer and red and navy blue lapel badges – the NC have agreed that if a LM or FM is awarded a CoA then they may wear both RNA lapel badges. We need to elect 2 members to the SOC at Conference the deadline is 8 April – so not much time – form is at the back of the Circ. Please ask members to consider this vital role in the democratic management of the RNA. A note from Navy News. There is a readership survey in the April edition. Please take the time to complete the survey to help us with the future of Navy News. You can either 4
complete the survey in the April edition of the paper, or online at or through the front page of Navy News online at As an incentive, there are 2 x £25 Amazon vouchers and a one-year subscription to Navy News, to be won by three respondents drawn at random." Don’t forget the Jutland Wood project and encourage individuals or your branch to support this very worthwhile project.
The National Council have decided that the RNA should take a leading role in the CONA cruise in Sept 2017. We hope to turn this into a nostalgia trip with station cards, pipes etc and perhaps a tot time. We will aim to have a Trafalgar Dinner if enough are interested with a good speaker. We would love to hear from anyone who would like to get involved or who has a great idea for the weekend. We hope to meet up with Dublin branch and the Irish Naval Association during the long weekend cruise. Please contact Andy or GS if you are interested. Booking form at the back of the Circ. Don’t forget the world’s best value drinks package! Shipmate Bill Shepherd (Axminster RNA) proudly
We had a really excellent Welfare Seminar last flying his RNA house flag – from his house!!! Flags Saturday at the Crown Hotel in Weymouth. A BZ still available from slops to Rita Lock for an excellent day, with delegates loving the chance to socialise and chat issues over. A big announcement on the day was made by the General Secretary. We have been successful in a bid to the Aged Veterans Fund for £650,000 for iPads for digitally isolated naval veterans (that is anyone born before July 1950 not on line). This will be a 2 year project to get about 1,500 veterans on line. The grant covers the iPad, broadband for 2 years, training, support and the funds to manage the project. We have already appointed our Apple re-seller and a Project Manager (today!), an ex-PO Writer. We have all the details to work out yet, but this will be known as Project Semaphore and will be run with Area and Branch officials. The attendees at the Welfare Seminar will form part of the early implementation phase of the project and we will approach those branches not yet on line. The formal launch will be made at Conference, so be there to learn more. This is an incredibly exciting and important project for the RNA – putting us at the cutting edge of modern help for Veterans. Age UK states that if you are not on-line you are £700+ a year worse off, can’t video call children or grandchildren, get cheap insurance or travel. In future you can’t claim benefits (universal credit is only on-line) and that is just the start. This will become a regular feature in the Circ and on the website. If you want to learn more email the GS.
All the best from me and the Central Office (HQ) team Paul 5
Chairman’s Chat - April 2016 We are almost into April and this is my first Chat of 2016. I returned from California too late for the February Circular and then missed the deadline for the March one. Too much family fun in the States and too much Budweiser beer! Settled back into routine again now so hopefully this Chat will meet Andy’s deadline so that I can wish you all a Happy New Year while we are still in the first quarter of 2016 – just. My cancer operations in late 2014 and early 2015 prevented Gail and me from spending our planned first Christmas with our grandchildren in 2014 in the warmer climes of California. The Canadian winter was far too severe on Gail’s arthritis for her to spend an enjoyable Christmas there so we were all ready to book for Christmas 2014 when the Big C raised its ugly head. But both operations went well and a clear scan in late September enabled an early cessation of my chemotherapy so it wasn’t a difficult decision to head off to California for Christmas 2015 for a long period of R&R in the sunshine. Unfortunately we took wet and miserable English weather with us so we didn’t get the wall-to-wall blue skies and sunshine we had hoped for. California had been suffering drought conditions so everyone we met kept thanking us for bringing some wet winter weather to fill up their reservoirs! At least most people in California got the weather they really wanted. We went to San Francisco twice and it rained for most of both days, and a trip down to Monterrey and Carmel was through torrential rain the whole way. We managed a bit of sunshine on the beach in Carmel but we needed warm coats to combat the wind. Maybe we’ll stick to visits in the Spring and Fall like we did in Canada!! We arrived back in England on Friday 29 January and the following day I was at and Area 10 Delegates meeting in Wallasey. I was sad to hear that David Tollerton was not well enough to take his rightful seat as Area Chairman and even more sorry to hear less than a week later that he had Crossed the Bar. Area 10 has lost a true champion and the RNA a great shipmate. I rang David after Conference at Folkestone when I had been told he wasn’t well enough to travel and had a really nice chat with him. He was his usual chirpy self and very upbeat about his treatment. We compared our respective chemotherapy treatments and were looking forward to meeting up again. Sadly it was not to be. It was a privilege to be part of a very well attended funeral where he was given a great send-off on his final voyage by Crosby Branch, Area 10 and of course Andrea and his wider family and friends. Bon voyage, David, you will be greatly missed. In February we had the Independent Examination of our 2015 Accounts which proved to be much better than we had expected, as you will see in the Statement of Accounts which will accompany this Circular. Also included is the Annual Trustees Report for 2016, the Agenda for Conference 2016, and a statement from the National President and me with information to support the Subs increase being proposed by National Council. I hope you will all study these documents and I would be very happy to receive any comments or questions you may have. My email address is and I will do my best to get back to you quickly.
The Welfare Seminar weekend in Weymouth went off extremely well and was enjoyed by all who attended. The GS took the opportunity to brief the welfare officers and advisers present on the latest coup for the RNA – Project Semaphore. This will be officially launched at Conference in June and will provide us with a £650K grant from the Aged Veterans Fund to purchase 1500 iPads, IT training and broadband costs for two years, and to employ a project manager. The aim is to support socially isolated veterans to become digitally active for communications via video link and other online contacts, access to online shopping, benefits information and applications as well as selective entertainment. This is an innovative project for which the RNA is receiving many plaudits from the veterans charity sector. Precise details will be provided in due course. We have been asked to support Seafarers UK in their fundraising for Seafarers Awareness week at the end of June. This comes at the end of the period when we planned to hold an RNA Jutland 100 collection. As Seafarers UK (previously called the King George’s Fund for Sailors, KGFS) have been very good supporters of the RNA we decided not to go ahead with the Jutland 100 Collection so as not to compete with Seafarers. Our finances in 2015 turned out much better than expected with a very good legacy at the end of the year and sound costs management in Central Office (HQ), so we have abandoned a collection day for 2016. Any branches who have already reserved a collection day at a supermarket or with their local council can go ahead and decide for themselves what they wish to do with the money they raise. As you will see in the Trustees Report we lost just 213 members last year, our lowest annual reduction for many years. The online joiners are growing and we are hopeful the loss of members is really levelling off. Of course we would like it to begin growing back up again but our efforts are showing promising signs so the future is definitely brighter. I am soon to recommission a branch in Area 8 that closed a few years ago, and I have heard of new branches being commissioned in other areas. Sadly we still have branch closures but it is always nice to welcome new branches into commission. May they keep coming. Finally, the Jutland Wood Project is being launched in May and this will be another opportunity for the RNA to stand proud in the veteran community. Members have been concerned that we are spending money on these projects, but no RNA money is being used. Our role is as a facilitator to get the message out into the wider public forum to publicise this commemoration of the 6097 sailors lost from the British Grand Fleet in 1916 with a tree for each one. Branches and Areas who wish to donate may of course do so, and this would be a very good use of your charitable funds. Now, we look forward to Conference and I hope to see many of you there. I look forward to another good members reunion. Happy Easter, Shipmates.
Chris Dovey
HMS Monmouth sailing from Portsmouth this week.
Daily Orders 1.
Early Doors Spring Joke......
Just my luck!! Just to let you all know, I've been admitted to Hospital. I've just gone and poisoned myself. I ate what I thought was an onion but it was a Daffodil Bulb.............
Wait For It...... They said I'll be out sometime in the Spring.....
SOC (Standing Orders Committee) Vacancy
Shipmates are advised of a vacancy in the Standing Orders Committee and that Rules and Byelaws 18(c) lays down the procedure for applying for election as a SOC member. There are 2 vacancies and the deadline for applications is 8 weeks before the Conference – that is 8 April. The NC has co-opted 2 temporary members for the Reading Conference, but we need more permanent members. So please consider applying for this important and interesting position. The nomination form can be found at the rear of this edition.
2016 Conference – Delegate Notification A gentle reminder to Branch Secretaries concerning Conference Delegate applications. In order to comply with Bye-Law C1(b), Branches should forward their nominated Delegates applications to Central Office (HQ) Semaphore Tower one week prior to the Conference, preferably as soon as the delegate details are known. Any nominated Branch delegate who fails to comply with Bye-Law C1(b) will sadly be barred from attending as a delegate but will
be allowed as an observer. Secretaries are also kindly reminded that Branches who have not submitted their accounts to Central Office(HQ) will not be entitled to send a Delegate to Conference.
Finally for information Conference Raffle tickets will be sent out with this edition of the Semaphore Circular. If you require any further specific information on the above please contact Nigel at Central Office (HQ) or 02392 723747.
Mesothelioma claims - Lump Sum
Shipmate may be aware that the Ministry of Defence announced on 16 December 2015 that legislative provision would be made to enable veterans who had been diagnosed on or after that date with diffuse mesothelioma, as a result of exposure to asbestos that is attributable or due to their military service prior to 6 April 2005, to have the option of receiving a lump sum of £140,000 under the War Pensions Scheme, to be paid on or from 11 April 2016. At that time, officials were also directed to review the options to support those diagnosed before 16 December 2015.
Following this review, Mark Lancaster MP, Minister for Defence Personnel and Veterans, confirmed on 29 February 2016 that the option of receiving a lump sum of £140,000 will be extended to existing War Pensions Scheme recipients and those who have yet to have a claim accepted, both having been diagnosed with diffuse mesothelioma as a result of exposure to asbestos that is attributable or due to their military service prior to 6 April 2005. Subject to the approval of the necessary legislative changes, lump sums of £140,000 will be able to be paid on or from 11 April 2016. For those who elect to take it, the lump sum option replaces the War Disablement Pension and Supplementary Allowances, and War Widow(er)’s Pension and associated allowances. Payments made to that point would be deducted from the lump sum, which also may be reduced to take into account other compensation already received for the same condition. For those with mobility needs, arrangements can be made for the Ministry of Defence to make payments to Motability on their behalf, which will be deducted from the lump sum. Those whose claim is accepted before 11 April 2016 will be paid the War Disablement Pension and Supplementary Allowances until the lump sum can be paid. Claimants who would prefer the current arrangements can receive the War Disablement Pension and Supplementary Allowances, to be followed by a War Widow(er)’s Pension if applicable. Defence Business Service Veterans UK will write to all existing War Pensions Scheme claimants diagnosed with diffuse mesothelioma to explain that they have the option of the current payment arrangements or the new lump sum. The Veterans Welfare Service will be on hand to help claimants understand the lump sum option. New claims can be made under the War Pensions Scheme by applying at , which includes advice on ‘How can I make a claim?’. 9
The claim form can be completed electronically, printed and signed and then sent to Veterans UK. The Veterans UK helpline number is 0808 1914 2 18.
Navy Preserved Pensions
Did you serve after 6 April 1975 and leave before you had complete 22 years service or Officers after 16 years service? If so, you are reminded that you may be entitled to a preserved pension from age 60. Read on........... Prior to 6 April 1975 there was no provision for a preservation of pension benefits and service personnel who left the armed forces had to have completed 16 years from age 21 (officers) or 22 years from age 18 (other ranks). Those who left before that date without completing the above criteria, lost all pension entitlement. (This is very unlikely to change despite appeals to the Govt) The rules changed on 6 April 1975 to provide for pensions to be deferred for payment at age 60 for all those discharged over the age of 26 with a minimum of 5 years service. On 31 March 1978 the age criterion was dropped and on 6 April 1988, the qualifying period was reduced from 5 to 2 years. Deferred pensions can be claimed at age 60 or at age 65 if your service began after 5 April 2006 and after that point. However, you can claim your preserved pension sooner if you become permanently incapacitated. Service pensions are administered by Veterans UK but pension payments are made by Paymaster (1836) Ltd, the paying authority for the Armed Forces Pension Scheme (AFPS). For further information For help and information on your armed forces pension please ring the Veterans UK on 0800 085 3600 or write to: Veterans UK Pension Division Mail Point 480 Kentigern House 65 Brown Street Glasgow, G2 8EX The form is here:
6. Guess Where? An Establishment This month can you name this Naval establishment? Please forward any other pictures to the HQ that you may have for ‘Guess Where’ so that we can publish them in forthcoming Circulars. No looking on Google or Wiki!! Answers in next month’s edition. 10
Last month’s answer! Despite Shipmate Peter Hall’s e-mail from down under (Rockingham Branch) who told us it was Chatham it is in fact; HMS King Alfred 111 – Which was Lancing College Church which was requisitioned in 1941 as an annex to the RNVR training establishment in Hove. You can still see the church as you travel along the M27.
Donations received for the Central Charities and the Charter Challenge
Central Charities Fund RNA – Hereford RNA – Edgware RNA – Isle of Man Ramsey RNA – York RNA – Harlow – In memory of S/m’s Paul Patmore & Bill Jonathan
£250.00 £30.00 £50.00 £450.00 £50.00
Other Donations R Morgan
Naval Service Memorial Fund Nil on this occasion ‘In memory of the late....’ Arthur Rogerson Jan Cryer
£30.00 £150.00
Thank you very much for your continued support.
Heads Up – Falklands Veterans
35th Anniversary of the Falklands Conflict of 1982 - Gosport 2017 As Freemen of the Borough of Gosport it is the intention of the Falklands Veterans Foundation to arrange an event to exercise our right to parade through the town on Sunday, 21 May 2017. There will be a service of commemoration at 1100 followed by the parade and then a possible reception on completion. 11
If the interest is great enough this will be preceded by a concert on Saturday 17 May 2017. To show an interest please e-mail as soon as possible. To keep updated on progress of these events please check our website: Gosport Borough Council have supported Falkland Veterans since the 15th Anniversary by holding an event every 5 years, your support would be greatly appreciated
9. RN VC Series - Rear Admiral The Honourable Edward Barry Stewart Bingham VC OBE. Born in Bangor Castle, County Down in July 1881 Rear Admiral The Honourable Edward Barry Stewart Bingham VC OBE served in the Royal Navy during the First World War. He saw action in HMS Invincible during the Battle of the Falkland Islands in December 1914, prior to leading a destroyer Division at the Battle of Jutland where he was awarded the VC. On 31 May 1916, during the Battle of Jutland off Denmark, Commander Bingham he led his division into the attack, first on enemy destroyers and then on the battle cruisers of the German High Seas Fleet. Once the enemy was sighted Bingham ordered his own destroyer, HMS Nestor, and the one remaining destroyer of his division, HMS Nicator, to close to within 2,750 meters of the opposing battle fleet so that he could bring his torpedoes to bear. While making this attack Nestor and Nicator were under concentrated fire of the secondary batteries of the German fleet and Nestor was subsequently sunk. For his actions, Bingham was awarded the Victoria Cross. Bingham was picked up by the Germans at Jutland, and remained a prisoner of war (latterly at Holzminden) until the Armistice. After the war, he remained in the Royal Navy and retired as a Rear Admiral in 1932. He was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire. Bingham died in 1939 and is buried in the Golder’s Green cemetery in northwest London. Bingham’s VC was auctioned by Sotherbys in 1983 and purchased by North Down Borough Council where it is on display in the North Downs Museum in Bangor Castle, despite being stolen in the mid 90s
Finance Corner
Michelle has gone on leave up t’ north so sadly no financial ‘dit’ this month
Road to Twickenham - RNRMC
Dear Shipmates, Get involved in our Road to Twickenham campaign Once again we are inviting you to take part in the fourth annual Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity (RNRMC) Road to Twickenham campaign. We raised over £20,000 in 2015 and hope to raise even more this time around, getting as many individuals, ships, units, bases, RNR and RMR units, URNUs, associations, corporate supporters, veterans, friends and family of RN and RM personnel to take part as possible. There are two ways to get involved: 1. Physical Challenge Any time between now and 30 April, when the Army vs Navy rugby match takes place, wherever you are in the world, you take part in a sponsored run, swim, cycle, climb, row….whatever you like….to travel the equivalent distance to Twickenham Stadium. This can be done individually or as part of the team, with your starting point being your branch, office, home or affiliated town. To give you some inspiration, examples of previous challenges include:
Whilst deployed in 2015 the Ship’s Company of HMS Duncan used the ship’s equipment to row, run and cycle the 13,816km from their location to Twickenham in 18 days raising £1,083. A group of employees from the North Sea Shearwater Platform rig ran and rowed their way to Twickenham to pay respects to Royal Navy's job protecting oil and gas lines Staff at Day Lewis Pharmacy, Gosport, carried out a static cycle and cake sale to raise funds
What could you do? Sponsor money can be collected by setting up an online page Please also find a promotional poster attached to this email. Whatever you decide to do, call us or e-mail to let us know your plans. We can send out collection tins and a couple of t-shirts for your team to wear in publicity photos. Fundraising on the Coach You can also raise funds for the RNRMC en route to the game. Perhaps you could hold a raffle, games or have a fines tin? We have rugby “scratch cards” we can send you. We can supply collection tins et cetera nearer the time. We really hope you will get involved and encourage as many as possible to take part. All monies raised will enable us to continue to provide support to serving and former naval service personnel and their families.
Who you will help? Your fundraising efforts will go toward helping people like David, a resident of Queen Alexandra Hospital Home (QAHH), which received a £40,000 in 2014/15 towards the costs of delivering a tailored rehabilitation programme to disabled Royal Navy and Royal Marines Veterans and their dependents. David served in the Medical Branch of the Royal Naval Reserve for 17 years as a Medical Services Officer. After suffering a stroke in September 2012, David and his family heard about QAHH via an armed forces support group. He spent an initial seven weeks at QAHH, sticking to an individual care programme comprising physiotherapy, occupational therapy and social activities. He enjoyed taking part in the cookery sessions and playing darts against other residents. He also spent time in the QAHH gardens and along the nearby seafront with visiting friends and family. David also took up the Road to Twickenham challenge in 2015 and raised £220 by walking to and from his local post box. What will you do? Very many thanks, Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity Fundraising Team
Assistance Requested Please – HMS Illustrious 9 Feb 1946 Shipmate Mike Brockwell, and HQ Roll member, would like to hear from anyone who has any information concerning an accident that occurred in HMS Illustrious, in Malta, on 9th February 1946. Sadly a number of sailors lost their lives in the accident they included: Petty Officer Marcus Browse, L/Sea Granville Hearnshaw, Electrical Artificer Herbert Hurd, AB Wilfred Abrahams, AB James Cleator, Stoker 1st Class Gilbert Williams.
If you can assist please contact S/M Mike Brockwell at: 236 Gossops Drive , Gossops Green, Crawley, West Sussex RH11 8LH or by telephone on 01293 520352
13. Life is good (Beware Nudity – Naked Buttocks....) I am a Seenager. (Senior teenager) I have everything that I wanted as a teenager, only 60 years later. I don’t have to go to school or work. I get an allowance every month. I have my own house. I don’t have a curfew. I have a driving license and my own car. The people I hang around with are not scared of getting pregnant. And I don’t have acne. Life is great.I have more friends I should send this to, but right now I can't remember their names. (Editors Note; Keith and Maureen many thanks for the photo of you on holiday – where’s your propeller tattoo gone?)
LIFE IS GOOD.... Especially if the Water is Warm........
Legion D’Honneur Round Up –
HQ Roll Shipmate Frank Scrivener was awarded his Legion D’Honneur by Honorary Consol James Ryeland at Dover College along with nine other WW2 Veterans. S/M Frank was serving on HMS Princess Astrid on 5th June 1944 when she sailed for D Day landing members of the 1st Commando Brigade and Royal Engineers onto the beach at Quistreham (Sword Beach). Frank left the RN in 1946 as a Leading Hand S/T. Another HQ Roll member Shipmate Cecil (Sam) Bouch has received his Legion D’Honneur which he was elated with when he received it in the post. At the same time he remembered the sinking of HMS Lapwing which had been adopted by his birth town Saffron Walden. S/M Sam witnessed its demise when she was torpedoed on 20 March 1945 whilst he serving in HMS Savage. Sadly HMS Lapwing went down in 12 minutes with the loss of 158 Ships Company. UPDATE BY GS I have talked to the MoD desk officer responsible for the Ld’H. The French authorities have been overwhelmed by the number of applications and are only accepting a certain number each week. They are just getting to those who applied in May/June 2015 and medals for those should be received about July/August. Any issues give GS a ring. 15
Covenant Fund to Support the Armed Forces Community
Branches and Shipmates will be interested to know that the £10 million, per annum, Covenant Fund to support the Armed Forces Community (Which includes Veterans) is currently closed to applications but will open again in May 2016. Please see the link below for details of the Covenant Fund grant priorities and how to apply.
Senior ‘USB’ Stick
In the future it will become compulsory for senior citizens to carry their Passports for ID purposes, their insurance documents, their prescription list, a compact version of their medical file, the statement declaring if they want to be resuscitated after a heart attack, stroke, etc. Consequently, a lot of paperwork will have to be carried when a senior citizen goes out the front door or when they travel! So why not get ahead of the game now and use specifically for this purpose, a special "Senior USB Stick" which has been developed.
Captain Eric ‘Winkle’ Brown OBE DSC AFC Royal Navy
It is with deep regret that we report that celebrated aviator Captain Eric ‘Winkle’ Brown, CBE, DSC, AFC has recently crossed the bar aged 97. A naval aviator and test pilot Eric flew 487 different aircraft types and also held the world record for aircraft carrier deck landings – 2,407. What you may not know is that ‘Winkle’ (due to his diminutive stature) was fluent in German and as a young exchange teacher in Munich in 1939 spent 3 days being interrogated by the Gestapo. By a stroke of luck, he was released, and managed to escape over the Swiss border in his MG sports car and returned to ‘Blighty’ to become a decorated Fleet Air Arm pilot. After arriving back home after escaping the clutches of the SS and with 120 solo hours under his belt he joined the Navy and trained as a fighter pilot. In December 1941 whilst serving in the Navy’s first ‘auxiliary’ aircraft carrier HMS Audacity he survived a torpedo attack during which the ship sank. His survival was due to him donning his Mae West Lifejacket prior to entering the chilly North Atlantic waters which held his head above the waters while he dozed off into a hypothermia-induced sleep before being rescued. As the end of the war approached his German language skills became invaluable as he was seconded to Begen-Belsen to assist in the interrogation of high ranking Nazi officials. He questioned the ‘Beast of Belsen’ Josef Krammer, Henrich Himmler and Hermann Goering. He later said that he judged Himmler to be “a snivelling coward”. Having been awarded the Distinguished Service Cross in 1942 for bravery, he was appointed OBE in 1944 and continued to have a successful career as a test pilot, firstly evaluating the Hurricane and Spitfire for naval use. He then moved to RAF Farnborough where he evaluated as many as 24 types of aircraft in a month including captured Italian and German fighters such as the Focke-Wulf 190. He was sent to Trondheim, Norway to secure the last remaining specimen of the world’s biggest flying boat, the Blohm and Voss 222 and flew Himmler’s private FW200 Condor, fitted with kitchen and armoured ‘throne’. His was offered a permanent commission and was sent as an exchange test pilot with the US Navy at Patuxent River, Maryland, he was head of the Air Mission in Germany and finally from 1967 he was CO at the RNAS Lossiemouth. When he stopped flying in his mid 70s, he compared the feeling to ‘drug withdrawal as I imagine it to be’. He never lost his joie de vivre and at 95 he bought and was still driving a sports car.
Royal Air Force (Unit) Swanwick Charity Concert
A team from RAF (Unit) Swanwick, based at the National Air Traffic Services (NATS) centre near Southampton, have for the second year running arranged the highly successful “We Will Remember” Charity Concert held in HMS Collingwood’s Millennium Hall. The Charity Concert 17
featured the delights of the HMS Collingwood Volunteer Band and the Portsmouth Military Wives Choir and is a reflection of the important working relationship between the RAF Unit and its neighbouring Royal Navy station. RAF (Unit) Swanwick is part of the UK’s multi-layered approach to air security in the UK. Working 24/7, every day of the year, the air traffic controllers at RAF (Unit) Swanwick provide the knowledge that allows military air operations to be correctly prioritised and the capability for military air systems to operate safely and effectively in the busiest airspace in Europe. The concert was arranged for November 2015 in order to reflect upon the sacrifices made by all past and present servicemen and women in the line of duty and to raise funds for five worthwhile causes. The charities that benefited from the event were: the Royal Air Force Association; the Royal British Legion; the Jon Egging Trust; the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity; and the Royal Naval Association. All of these charities were selected because of the high quality of support they provide to current and former armed forces personnel, their families and the wider youth community, and specifically because of the links they have with RAF (Unit) Swanwick and the Royal Navy. The RAF (Unit) Swanwick Charities Committee organised and ran the evening which raised an impressive £4500 for these amazing charity organisations, surpassing the inaugural event total by over £1500. The head of the committee, Flight Lieutenant Greg Pusey, organised the raffle which featured some highly coveted prizes; Flight Sergeant Vanessa Bray was the lead concert coordinator and Sergeant Rob Stubbs was in charge of tickets and publicity. These three personnel were instrumental to the organisation and success of this highly popular sell out evening. A cheque presentation event was held on the 23rd February at RAF (Unit) Swanwick by kind permission of the Commanding Officer, Wing Commander Donna Robinson, who coincidentally, might well feature in next years concert as she is partial to singing a lyrical number or two! The presentation event was attended by the new Commanding Officer of HMS Collingwood, Captain Andy Jordan and members from the chosen charities who each received £900. Shipmate Brian Sandom (Netley Branch) received the £900 cheque on behalf of the RNA from Captain Jordan. The first concert in 2014, which was supposed to have been a one off, and this year’s event have proven so successful that concert committee has already started making arrangements for the 2016 concert. The team are now looking into the possibility of using a larger venue in order to facilitate the high demand that the event has generated within the local community.
Hilly Billy Joke
After living in the remote wilderness of West Virginia all his life, an old hillbilly decided it was time to visit the big city. In one of the stores he picks up a mirror and looks in it. Not ever having 18
seen one before, he remarked at the image staring back at him, 'How about that! Here's a picture of my daddy.' He bought the mirror thinking it was a picture of his daddy, but on the way home he remembered his wife didn't like his father, so he hung it in the barn, and every morning before leaving for the fields, he would go there and look at it. His wife began to get suspicious of these many trips to the barn. One day after her husband left, she searched the barn and found the mirror. As she looked into the glass, she fumed, 'So that's the ugly bitch he's runnin' around with.
Kitcheners Holiday Centre
Shipmates may wish to know that that the Kitchener’s Holiday Centre in Lowestoft is available for all exServicemen and Women and their wives/husband/partners. It is situated in a Grade Two listed building overlooking the seafront at Kirkley Cliff. The centre was founded as a memorial to Field Marshall Lord Kitchener of Khartoum and was opened in 1919. The centre is open from April to October and has centrally heated en-suite twin bedrooms with two rooms having walk-in showers. Price List 2016 Guest Type
Ex Service Partner/ Spouse Widow/Widower Single Supplement
Full Week Half Board £165 £205 £205 £20 per week
3 or 4 Night Short Break half Board £120 £145 £145 £20 per stay
Per Night B&B Cost (Min 2 Nights) £18 £24 £24 £10 per night
For further details please contact: The Manager, Lord Kitchener Memorial Holiday Centre, 10 Kirkley Cliff, Lowestoft NR33 0BY. Tel: 01502 573564 e-mail
Veteran Outreach Support Service – Survey Distribution
Portsmouth University are currently carrying out a study to find out how effective and costeffective the Veteran Outreach Support service in Portsmouth (VOS(P)) is for those who attend.
They are interested in finding out how VOS(P) works, how well it works, and at what cost. You might have been involved in the research interviews that have taken place so far. They are distributing a survey to build on the findings from the interviews with veterans. The University would be grateful for any help in distributing this survey to the veteran population. The survey can be completed online and will take no more than 20 minutes to complete. Emma Collins (Kitchener) Senior Research Associate is happy to talk about the survey in person to any Veteran who may need further information concerning the survey. However, there is more detailed information about the study when you click through the first page on the survey. Email or Tel: 07817220814 on Wednesday between 0900 and 1700. If you are a veteran, you can go to the survey by clicking on this link: If you are a family member attending VOS, you can go the survey by clicking on this link:
RNA Central Office (HQ) - Open Days
Last year we hosted 5 Open days attended by Shipmates from the following Branches; Dublin RNA, Christchurch, Ferndown, Lee on the Solent and Stubbington, Exeter, Selsey, Alresford, Birmingham Central, Rayleigh, Chesham, Peterborough, Swindon, Corby, Marlborough and Hemel Hempstead. A fantastic time was had by all. The programme for the day includes a tour of HQ, lunch in Semaphore Tower and 1 hour Boat tour of the Harbour, which includes all the major RN sites around the harbour and many now with other uses. It would be lovely to see Branches from further afield so If you would like to come down and stay a couple of days or overnight in the Portsmouth area to visit the other Naval attractions please contact HQ who will ensure CONA Holiday service seek out the best priced accommodation. This year the Open Days will be held on the following dates; Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday
08 Apr 2016 (10 places available) 13 May 2016 (5 places available) 01 July 2016 (20 places available) 19 August 2016 (12 places available) 07 October 2016 (12 places available)
Branches who would like attend should apply to Central Office (HQ). Bookings will be accepted on a first come first serve basis with the caveat that a Branch that has never been will be treated as a priority.
RNRMCF – Street Party Portsmouth Naval Base Sunday 30 May 16
Together with the other Naval charities that have Her Majesty The Queen as their Patron we are celebrating her 90th birthday this year. Along with the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Children’s Fund, the Royal Marines Association, the Royal Navy Officers’ Charity and the Association of Royal Navy Officers we want to get the Naval Family celebrating with us. The official celebration is a huge Street Party down The Mall in London on Sunday June 12th called The Patron’s Lunch. We would like you to hold your own street parties wherever you are and, in the process, fundraise for the Children’s Fund. On the Bank Holiday Monday of the Summer Half Term, 30th May, we are holding a street party of our own at the Historic Dockyard in Portsmouth. All are welcome, entry to the Dockyard is free – you only have to pay for the individual attractions, and we are having a street party, small street market, band and other entertainment during the day. If anyone would like to volunteer to help on the day then please get in touch with Clare Scherer at the Royal Navy & Royal Marines Children’s Fund on or 023 9263 9536 and find out how to help, there will be various timeslots during the day when volunteers will be particularly welcomed.
Supporting Seafarers Day – Assistance required please.
On Thursday 23 June Seafarers UK, formerly King George’s Fund for Sailors, will be going back to its fundraising roots in the form of Supporting Seafarers Day, hosting bucket collections at train stations and locations across the United Kingdom. Seafarers UK are currently inviting supporters from the maritime community to join together in full force and to share the same message – to support the seafarers that our ‘island nation’ so heavily depends on. The Royal Naval Association (RNA) and Seafarers UK have always enjoyed a close relationship and they are grateful for the support the RNA has shown them over many years. They would like members of the RNA to join them on Supporting Seafarers Day by volunteering to collect cash donations across the United Kingdom and help make a real difference to the lives of those from the Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Merchant Navy and Fishing Fleets. Whether you can offer a few hours of your time or more, there is a part for you to play in Supporting Seafarers Day. Seafarers UK are seeking Lead Volunteers who will manage and co-ordinate the collections at one of the main train stations which have already been booked or at a location of their own choice. They also need Collection Volunteers who can simply spare a few hours to join one of the collections and to represent the maritime community. Seafarers UK has currently confirmed the following train stations for which they urgently need volunteers: • Birmingham New Street • Devonport (Plymouth) • Dockyard (Plymouth) • Edinburgh Waverley • Hull Paragon Railway 21
• • • • •
Liverpool Lime Street London Cannon Street London Charing Cross London Waterloo Manchester Piccadilly
As a Supporting Seafarers Day volunteer you will receive the full support of the Seafarer UK Fundraising Team and have access to their exclusive Supporting Seafarers Day website page where you will be able to download a variety of information, guidance and details about the day. To volunteer for Supporting Seafarers Day or if you would like more information please contact the Seafarers UK Fundraising Events Officer at or call 020 7932 5960. Thank you.
Boathouse No 7 – Reunion Lunches / Dinners
Based in the heart of the Historic Dockyard Boathouse No7 is the perfect venue for a Reunion Lunch or Dinner. Boathouse No7 is conveniently situated near the visitor centre, a stone’s throw away from HMS Victory and offers a unique experience of having dinner in an 18th Century Boathouse. The Historic Nautical Boathouse can seat between 120-300 guests and with Ampersand Catering being the onsite caterers you are assured a spectacular 2 or 3 course meal. You may wish to know that Ampersand Caterers are also the caterers at many well-known attractions in London including London Zoo, Buckingham Palace, The Tower of London and many more. The discounted price includes security on the gate so the night will run smoothly entering the Dockyard after hours. They will organise the whole evening from your arrival, 3 course dinner, licensed cash bar and of course the spectacular venue. Alternatively if your group is visiting Portsmouth Naval Base for the day then why not consider a group lunch in the historic surroundings of No 7 Boathouse. Lunches cost from £9.95 and Reunion dinners from £35.00+VAT per person. If you would like any further information then please don’t hesitate to contact the events team in Boathouse No7 on 02392 731552 or email
RNA Longcast 2016 8 Apr 6-8 May 7 May 7 May 13 May 29 May 31 May
10 Jun 10 Jun 10 Jun 10 Jun 11-12 Jun 12 Jun 25 June 01 Jul 09 Jul 1 Aug 6 Aug 12 Aug 13 Aug 19 Aug 10 Sep 7 Oct 21 Oct 21 Oct 22 Oct 5 Nov 10 Nov 13 Nov 19 Nov 26 Nov 10 Dec 23 –3 Jan 17
HQ Open Day RNA Londonderry Branch - Battle Of the Atlantic Commemoration National Standard Bearer Competition – HMS Collingwood Area 5 Quarterly Meeting - Beccles HQ Open Day Main National Jutland event –South Queensferry event Portsmouth/Plymouth/Belfast/Chatham Battle of Jutland Commemorations Orkney Commemoration – NP and GS with NS SOC AMC Meeting FAC Meeting National Council Meeting National Conference SOC (Conference Wash Up) Armed Forces Day HQ Open Day Dublin Branch Summer BBQ at the Royal Irish Yacht Club Dun Laoghaire HMS Queen Elizabeth departs Rosyth for Portsmouth (exact date TBC) Area 5 Quarterly Meeting - Southend on Sea FAC Meeting AMC Meeting HQ Open Day National Council Meeting HQ Open Day Dublin Branch Trafalgar Night Dinner at the Royal Irish Yacht Club Dun Laoghaire - (Deputy National President Guest of Honour) Inverness Branch Trafalgar Night Dinner – GS is GoH Lee on the Solent & Stubbington Trafalgar Dinner – (DNP GofH) Area 5 Quarterly Meeting - Harwich Field of Remembrance – Westminster Abbey Remembrance Sunday – NVCh and GS at Cenotaph AMC Meeting FAC Meeting National Council Meeting HQ Closed for Christmas
D’ye hear there’..... News from around the Areas and Branches RNA Harrogate Branch On Thursday 25th February, Shipmate Malcolm Sutcliffe, an RNA Life Member now residing at the Royal British Legion Residential Home, Lister House, Ripon was presented with the French Legion D’Honneur Medal by the French Consul (Leeds) Jeremy Burton. S/M Malcolm, who is 92, served on HMS BLEASDALE, as a Telegraphist during the bombardment of Gold, Juno and Sword Beaches, Normandy on D-Day 6th June 1944. Members of Malcolm's family attended the poignant Ceremony together with Harrogate Royal Naval Veterans and ExService Residents of Lister House. The photo shows a proud Malcolm with his Daughter Sharon Whellans with the French Consul Jeremy Burton who presented the medal.
RNA Bude Branch Bude Hon Sec Shipmate Bob Gelder has forwarded a despatch for information
entertained to "Tea & Stickies"!
A busy, entertaining and thoroughly enjoyable day for Branch Members on 3rd March. In the afternoon at Cornwall Council HQ, a presentation to no less than 21 recipients of the Legion d'Honneur medal for services rendered in June 1944 was made by Honorary Consuls Alain Sibiril and Andrew Munson. Amongst the 21, was Bude Branch's President, s/m Alan Litchfield, ex R.M., who had commanded a Landing Craft onto the beach. The whole ceremony was extremely well presented and conducted and following official photographs, both recipients and supporters were The event was later shown on TV Local News bulletins.
A swift return from Truro to the regular Monthly Meeting @ R.F.C. Nothing to alarm the Branch - though a few were still suffering from ill-health unfortunately. Finance was sound, correspondence light and membership holding up well - though outstanding subs 2016 are now overdue - please remit asap to retain membership! The Branch would be voting for "Shipmate of the Year 2015" and "Golden Spanner Award 2015" at April Meeting. We also look forward to "Splicing the Mainbrace" in June in respect of local personnel who died at the 'Battle of Jutland' in 24
1916 on 31st May/1st June. We hope to welcome Adrian Abbott to that event to remember his Great Uncle L/Sea Sydney Abbott as one of five local casulaties. Volunteers for April Raffle identified as: S/Ms John Whale, Keith White, Lewis White & Tanky Williams. Following the Loyal Toast, Chairman closed the Meeting at 20.10, followed by Raffle & Auction and then by Supper Nibbles in honor of St. Piran. The "teddies" were almost as pale as the white bit of the Cornish flag - but were very welcome! Want to know more about the Branch or how to join us? Tel: 01409-253791 or email:
RNA Londonderry Branch Please see below the programme for the Londonderry Branch Battle of the Atlantic Commemorations for 2016. (Editor Note; Apologies for moving the Londonderry BoA 70 miles to Belfast in the March edition!) FRIDAY 6th MAY HMS Laurentic Commemorations, Fahan and Cockhill. Fort Dunree Reception etc. (Times to be confirmed) SATURDAY 7th MAY. 1800 1900 for 1930
Reception in Tower Museum Battle of The Atlantic Dinner, City Hotel .
SUNDAY 8th MAY. 1015:- Muster at the RBL Waterside, Iona Terrace. 1030:- Parade marches off to All Saint’s Church. 1100:- Battle of The Atlantic Service commences. 1200:- Parade falls in and marches back to the RBL Waterside- Salute taken en’route 1300:- Light refreshments served. All Shipmates are very welcome to join us for the weekend of Commemorations. Should any shipmate wish to attend the dinner the cost is £30.00 per head. Cheques should be sent to me at the address below. Cut off date is 14th April. S/mate Frank Brown, Hon. Secretary, RNA Londonderry, 4, Myrtlefield R0ad, Kilfennan, Londonderry, BT47 5PG. Shipmates are requested to please note the change of venue to RBL Waterside! And that you should be aware that the programme may be changed at short notice should the occasion arise.
RNA Netley Branch On Sunday 20th March President Paddy McClurg, Chairman Brian Sandom accompanied by S/Ms David Rogers, and Paul Dymond, visited S/M Fred Dymond at his residential home in Eastleigh. The purpose being to enable S/M Paddy to present him with the “Ushakov Medal” for his service in the Russian Convoys with HMS Cumberland. Fred was 97 in December, and is youngest of the Branches 2 ‘Nonagenarians’. The presentation was shared with some 25 of Freds family, including his wife Betty, and their 3 Daughters.
RNA Huntingdon & District Branch Shipmates may be interested to know that since the official affiliation with Huntingdon Sea Cadets at T.S. Cromwell, shipmates from Huntingdon & District Branch have played an active role in supporting Unit parades and activities. This year the RNA have been represented at two presentation evenings. On Tuesday 9th February, shipmates Bill Small, Pete Aston and Hilary Meers-Webb were guests at the cadets’ Annual Inspection by the Eastern Area Officer, Cdr Charles Bagot-Jewitt RN. The cadets put on an excellent display of their First Aid and seamanship skills during the evening and after their uniform inspection, were able to chat with the RNA and serving members of the Royal Navy. This month, shipmates Karl and Hilary Webb joined shipmate Victor Lucas, who is also the current High Sheriff of Cambridge, for a presentation evening at the cadet unit. Recently, Cadet First Class Simon Graham, was having a driving lesson when they came across a lorry that had overturned; as a First Aider, cadet Graham aided the lorry driver, who was trapped in his cab, and looked after the driver until an ambulance arrived. Cadet Graham did not want any local publicity, but after discussions with the CO of T.S. Cromwell, Huntingdon RNA, and Simon’s father, the High Sheriff decided to present him with a High Sheriff’s certificate during the cadet’s weekly parade. By coincidence, Cadet Simon Graham is also the cadet chosen to spend a week onboard T.S. Royalist this year after being sponsored by Huntingdon Branch.
Huntingdon shipmates will be supporting T.S. Cromwell further this year; the next planned event is a joint charity stall with the Branch and Sea Cadets attending Armed Forces Day in June and a possible trip to the National Memorial Arboretum during the Summer. Photographs show Cadet First Class Simon Graham and shipmate Victor Lucas surrounded by cadets from T.S. Cromwell, and also shipmate Victor Lucas in his High Sheriff of Cambridge attire with shipmate Karl Webb in traditional RNA rig.
4 Area Members of the Chard Royal Naval Association attended the Area 4 reunion at the Durrant House Hotel Bideford during the first weekend of the month. The group met up in the afternoon of the Friday at the hotel along with members from around the other branches of the South West area. Everyone enjoyed a good weekend and were entertained by way of quizzes, visits out into both Bideford and Barnstable with professional entertainers supplying the evening entertainment. Sunday saw the newest Chard standard bearer Paula Moon perform her first official duty during the church service held in the ballroom of the hotel where there were 9 standards from around the area present. In the afternoon of Sunday the annual Presidents Concert saw various acts being performed and was topped off by Chard local 'Choir man' and RNA Vice Chairman Malcolm Day who gave three renditions of songs by Matt Munro and Frank Sinatra which saw him win the Rose Bowl for the best individual act of the day. All in all the eight members enjoyed a most enjoyable weekend with like minded people and returned to Chard on the Monday making the most of the sun on the day.
CROSSED THE BAR – Celebrating a life well lived Donald Poole – Dartford Branch It is with deep regret that Dartford Branch report loss of their dear Shipmate Donald Poole who crossed the bar aged 93. Shipmate Donald served in the ‘Andrew’ from 1941 until 1945 where he saw service on the Arctic convoys, the North Africa landings and in Italy. His medals included the 39-45 Star, the Africa Star, the Italy Star, the War Medal, The Atlantic Star, the Arctic Star and most recently the Russian Ushakov Medal.
He will be sadly missed by his family and Shipmates.
James Edward Friars – Whitstable Branch S/M James was born on 19 January 1925 and crossed the bar on 23 January 2016. Members of Whitstable Branch, led by their Chairman S/M Mick Ayling attended the funeral of fellow S/M “Ted” Friars on Friday 12th February 2016. The Standard was paraded and the Last Post and Reveille were played by CSgt Andy (Pastie) Cornish RM. S/M Ted Friars was born in Gillingham, Kent and grew up watching the commercial ships coming up the Medway river to Rochester. The area was heavy with factories and he had a fascination with watching the factory machinery and asking inquisitive questions about engineering. After gaining a scholarship to attend school he finished with good results and, at the age of 17, passed his entrance exams to join the Royal Navy in 1942. During WW2 he served on HMS Argonaut and saw action in the Arctic, North Africa, Mediterranean and was at Normandy in 1944. However, whenever asked about his war experiences he reminded everyone that he had signed the “Officials Secret Act” and, therefore, he could not discuss it further! In the early 50’s Ted left the Navy, married his beloved Dorothy, and moved to Portsmouth where he lectured at various Naval establishments. They then moved to the Medway Towns and Ted worked in Chatham dockyard until taking early retirement on the closure of the dockyard in 1984. Moving to Whitstable 30 years ago Ted and Dorothy travelled extensively and celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary before her passing. 28
S/M Ted had received acknowledgement of the award of the Legion d’Honneur but, sadly, he did not live long enough to receive the medal. Always ready and willing to help friends and to fight for a cause (and he always got results); his honesty and loyalty will be greatly missed. A friend to so many.
Tony ‘Rattler’ Morgan - Merthyr Tydfil Branch It is with profound regret that S/M Selwyn Davies(Hon Sec) wishes to inform everyone that their Merthyr branch shipmate Tony "Rattler" Morgan has crossed the bar on 3rd March. Our President Des Magness will be meeting with the family on Saturday to discuss the families wishes.
Samuel Smiliey - Cambridge Branch
It is with much regret that Cambridge Branch Hon Sec reports that Shipmate Samuel crossed the bar on Monday 22nd February 2016. Samula was well into his ‘eighties’ and was a member of the branch since it’s commission. He was a well known character in Cambridge and in addition to his service to the Royal Naval Association he was also a dedicated Chairman of the Cambridge Sea Cadets for over 50 years. He will be so sadly missed by his family, Shipmates and the young people at the Sea Cadets.
Shipmate Frank Iddon - Bolton Branch Bolton Branch is extremely sad to report that their President S/M Frank Iddon who crossed the bar on 6th March 2016. Frank served in the RN from 1947 to 1949 as a National Serviceman and in his time in the RN he served in HMS Victory, HMS Chaplet, HMS Phonecia and HMS ST Angelo. Frank will be very much missed in the Branch, especially his typically Lancastrian sense of humour and the thoughts of all at Bolton Branch are with his family at this time.
RNA Members Benefits UK Holiday Group /CONA Holiday Service •
Variety of special deals for both Groups and Individual. 1% of turnover thorough CONA Holiday Service is returned to the RNA.
Coleman/Ansvar Insurance Discounted Branch and House hold Insurance - 01323 744149 Funeral Service •
Significant discount form Veterans UK Tel 07889 009393
Portsmouth Historic Dockyard •
RNA member entry just £10 plus four guest at £10 each provides access to the all attractions including the Submarine Museum, RM Museum and Explosion!.
Legal Services
Free 30 minute legal advice with Coffin Mew. 0800 827168
Breakdown Service RAC Breakdown and recovery service or 0207 4025231
Organisers of Reunions should be aware the CONA Travel will match or better any other ‘like for like’ Reunion/Group Trips bookings so why not give them an opportunity to impress you. 0844 264 2122
Shortcast (Run in date order)
Shortcast 2016
HMS Collingwood Association – 01 April 2016 Reunion will be held at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea from April 1 - 4. All members, guests and former shipmates welcome. For further information please contact Shirley Winn, IOW tours at or tel 01983 405116 or visit the web site or email HMS Surprise Association - 01 April 2016 Annual reunion will take place from April 1 to 4 at the Hadleigh Hotel, Eastbourne. All members, guests and former shipmates are welcome. Interested in attending or getting in touch with your former shipmates? For full details contact Geoff Prentice at HMS Hermes Association – 7 April 2016 Reunion at the Holiday Inn, Plymouth from April 7 to 11. Bookings through Isle of Wight Tours at 01983 405116. For further information contact Jim Loveday at HMS Newfoundland and HMS Kenya – 8 April 2016 HMS Newfoundland & HMS Kenya: Veteran’s annual get together will be held from April 8 to 11 at the 3* Carlton Hotel, Torquay. This invite is open to any shipmate, RN or RM, who has served on board and is also open to those who have not been members of the past associations and those who have served in other ships of the Colony class. There are no official meetings only trips ashore, lamp swinging and a Gala dinner so why not join us? Details available from Alan Waite at HMS Loch Fada F390 Association – 8 April 2016 The 19th annual reunion will take place at the King Charles Hotel, Chatham from April 8 to 11, includes AGM at 1030 on 9th with TOT time at 1200 (no mismusters) & Reunion Dinner at 1830. A coach outing to Greenwich on Sunday or the Walking Bus to Chatham Historic Dockyard. For booking & more info contact IOW Tours on 01983 405116 email: & mention F390, or Frenchy Sec F390 at RN Shipmates Association – 8 April 2016 Has your Association hung up its banner? Are there now too few to have a reunion? There is no need to miss out on the camaraderie we are all used to and there is no need to ‘forget’ your old shipmates. An RN Shipmates Reunion will take place at the Tillington Hall Hotel Staffordshire from April 8 to 11. Friday and Saturday see us finding old and new shipmates with a lot of Lamp Swinging. Sunday will see us at the National Memorial Arboretum at Alrewas where you can lay your own wreath to past shipmates. Reunion enquires and booking forms from or 31
Stamped self-addressed 9 x 6 inch envelope to RN Shipmates Reunion, 7 Heath Road, Sandown, IOW PO36 8PG. You don’t even need to have belonged to an Association. All the planning has been done for you. Just come, ‘Swing The Lamp’ again and …… remember. HMS Dunkirk Association – 15/16 April 2016 The HMS Dunkirk Association Annual reunion will be held at the Newington Hotel York on the 15th and 16th April 2016. For further info please contact J.Carroll or ring 01692678721 The photo opposite shows last year’s reunion dinner in full swing
HMS Illustrious Association Northern Branch – 18 April 2016 The Northern Branch of the HMS Illustrious Association with be holding their annual reunion on the 15th - 18th April 2016. For further details of this event please go to our New Website: and click on the: BOOKINGS tab. V and W Destroyer Association – 15-17 April 2016 Reunion to take place at the Dolphin Hotel, St Ives, Cambridge from 15 to 17 April. To book ring 01580 466966 and mention the V&W reunion. Carers and family members are also welcome. Don’t forget to book before the end of January. Bill Forster an associate member whose father served In HMS Venomous will record interviews with veterans attending the reunion, describing their service. Previous interviews can be heard here Bill Forster can be contacted at HMS Phoebe Association – 29 April 2016 HMS Phoebe Association, Cruiser (C43) & frigate (F42): Have their annual reunion from April 29 to May 2 at the Parkbury Hotel, Sandown, Isle of Wight. All cruiser/frigate shipmates are welcome to join us. Please contact Bob Hobbs at for more information HMS Bulwark, Albion and Centaur Association – 6 May 2016 The 2016 Reunion Weekend is booked the Bosworth Hall Hotel & Liesure Spa, Market Bosowrth, Warwickshire from May 6 to 8. Please contact the Secretary, Denis Askham at or details
HMS Wizard and Cadiz Association – 6 May 2016 Reunion at the Inglewood Palm Hotel, Torquay from May 6 to 9. Membership is open to all who have served in Battleclass V & W Destroyers and type 15 Frigates. For more details contact Jim Watkins at 32
HMS Euryalus Association – 20 May 2016 All commissions reunion from May 20 to 22 in South Shields. Contact Florrie Field at or Blood Reidy at HMS Hermione Association – 20-22 May 2016 HMS Hermione Association will hold its annual reunion from May 20 to 22 at the Best Western, Feathers Hotel, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool. Anyone wishing to join us will be made most welcome that also includes families of those lost onboard. If you are planning to book, call 0151 709 9655 and quote ref: Hermione Association. Federation of Naval Associations – 20 May 2016 AGM/Social and reunion at Prince of Wales Hotel, Southport from May 20 to 23. Has your Association wound up? This is an excellent opportunity to meet up with those wishing to carry on regardless. All are welcome with no frills or drills. Details and booking forms available from Robbie Robson at HMS Cavalier Association – 20 May 2016 Reunion will take place from May 20 to 23 at the Victoria Hotel, Torquay. Bookings by Isle of Wight Tours on 01983 405116 HMS Coventry D118 Association – 21-22 May 2016 Reunion will take place on May 21/22 at the GIs Association, Whale Island. Muster for church service at 1015 at the Still & West Public House, Old Portsmouth on Sunday. Full details can be found on the website at or contact Chris Howe MBE at 848 Squad, Royal Marines - 21 May 2016 The first and maybe the last reunion will be held from May 21 to 22 at the Belmont Hotel, Leicester. For full details contact Barry Lewington at HMS Hood Association - 21 May 2016 HMS Hood Association. AGM at 1500 and 41st Reunion dinner 1900 at the Royal Maritime Club, Portsmouth. May 21. Church Service at St Ann’s Church, HM Dockyard, Portsmouth at 1000, May 22. On 24 May, A Commemorative Service in the arena by HMS Victory with Hood’s Bell as the centrepiece incorporating the 75th anniversary of the sinking of HMS Hood on 24 May 1941, an action in which 1415 personnel died. For further details of all these events contact Chairman Keith Evans on 01428 642122. HMS Belfast Association – 17 June 2016 The 2016 Association Reunion will be held over the weekend of 17 - 19th June at the ‘Tillington Hall Hotel’, Stafford. A visit and Tour of the National Memorial Arboretum will take place. See the ‘Seahorse’ for full details. Enquiries & Bookings can be made to - 33
or to Dave Gibbon at Places are limited so please book early. HMS Liverpool Association – 11 June 2016 Reunion takes place on June 11 at the GIs Association, Whale Island, mustering at 1200. Our association is made up of those who served on the Cruiser and the Type 42 Destroyer and new members are always welcome. For more information and membership details contact John Parker at HMS Sirius F40 1966-1993 Reunion - 18 June 2016 50th Anniversary of Commissioning Reunion at HMS Drake on 18 June 2016. Details available at or Facebook page, H M S Sirius (make sure you leave the spaces) or contact Andy Ayres at or HMS Lincoln Association - July 2016 The HMS Lincoln Association from the 68/69 commission are planning their 2016 reunion in the City of their name Lincoln. On September 12, 1970 the ships company having marched through the streets were given the freedom of the City. The association are now in the planning stages of returning for a reunion in July 2016, and early indications are that the City authorities are delighted it’s going to happen, and joint events are being organised. The association would like to hear from any ex Lincoln crew members from both commissions and of course any who took part in the Freedom march, who would either have been 68/69 commission or the 70/71 commission there was a mixture of personnel from both. They are invited to contact Mike (Yorky) Sutcliff at to see if they would like to join us for this rather special reunion event. The Fisgard Association – 01 July 2016 20th Annual Up Spirits and Sods Opera featuring Shep Woolley at the Royal Maritime Club on July 1 with July 2 seeing a visit to the Fisgard Museum, HMS Sultan and the Green and White Dinner Dance at the WO & SRs Mess, HMS Excellent, Portsmouth For more information contact Mike Bell for Up-Spirits & Sods Opera at and for the Dinner Dance contact Bradley at or check or see the Fisgardian.
WRNS - 12 August 2016 A 50th anniversary reunion is planned for all ladies who joined the WRNS during 1966, event to be held on 12th August 2016 in Portsmouth. If you would like to join us, and/or know anyone else who would like to, please contact either Barbara Cotton (nee Binks, Victory 206) at or Maxine Higgins (nee Parish, Theseus) at We look forward to renewing and making new friendships HMS President - 13 August 2016 A reunion for current and former Shipmates of HMS PRESIDENT in London has been arranged on board HMS PRESIDENT, London RNR Unit for 13/08/2016 at 12:00. All current and
former Shipmates of the Unit are welcome to attend. A 'HMS PRESIDENT Reunion' Facebook page has been set up or further details can be obtained from HMS Valiant Association – 13 August 2016 The 50th Anniversary reunion and celebrations will take place in Plymouth Dockyard and HMS Drake on August 13, 2016. The proposal is to have a ceremony on the jetty next to Submarine Valiant.On completion there will be a reception and buffet lunch at the Senior Rates mess. There is an indoor and outdoor bar and in the evening will be a small buffet supper. The event is open to everyone who served on HMS/m Valiant throughout her career. The day is intended to be a family affair to be enjoyed by all. Please indicate your wish to attend and numbers to so that regular updates re hotels and arrangements can be sent to you. Please include when you served on Valiant plus department and a contact phone number. HMS Bristol Association – 24 August 2016 HMS Bristol Association’s planned Reunion, which is to be held at the RNGI’s Association, Whale Island, Portsmouth, on Saturday 24th August 2016. Members and their Guests will have the opportunity to go onboard HMS Bristol for a tour around during the afternoon, before retiring to the RNGI’s Mess to partake of some refreshment and victuals. Hopefully, the evening will be rounded off by entertainment from Shep Woolley and his men. Further details are as yet not forthcoming at present as the Association’s Committee are still finalising the event and specific details will be published shortly. HMS Swiftsure – 3 September 2016 HMS/m Swiftsure (Swiftsure 86 + 30): First reunion to be held September 3 at The Weston Mill Social Club, Plymouth. £5.00 per person. Buffet included. All who served onboard including partners welcome. For further information contact HMS Ocean Association – 23 September 2016 Reunion from September 23 to 26 at the Aztec Hotel, Bristol. Open to all who served in HMS Ocean (R68) or HMS Ocean (L12), and their guests. Programme includes a gala dinner, and a visit to the Fleet Air Arm Museum. Full details from Malcolm Clarke, or Isle of Wight Tours at or telephone 01983405446. HMS Crane Association – 23-25 September 2016 HMS Crane Association U23/F123 (1942-62): Reunion and AGM at the Doubltree by Hilton Hotel, formerly the Gateway Hotel, Nottingham from September 23 to 25. All ex-Cranes and friends welcome. Details from Joe Smith at HMS Arethusa Social Weekend – 30 September 2016 HMS Arethusa: Social weekend at the Savoy Hotel, Skegness from September 30 to October 3. For further information contact Isle of Wight Tours at or tel: 01983 405116. 35
Regulating Branch & RN Police Association – 30 September/ 03 October 2016 The Regulating Branch and Royal Navy Police Association was founded in 1993 as a non profit organisation for the benefit of all Regulators whether currently serving or have served in the Royal Navy to keep in touch, renew friendships and to occasionally meet at social functions. We have an active membership of 200 on our books with a high retention rate but, like all voluntary organisations, we are always anxious to recruit more people to our membership. The prime focus is in preserving the rich history of the Branch primarily through the maintenance and administration of our museum which is located in Southwick Park, Portsmouth (HMS DRYAD as was). The Association has benefitted from members from all parts of the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and mainland Europe and there is the opportunity to meet old friends at our reunion and AGM which, this year, will be held at the Aztec Hotel, Bristol during the weekend 30 September and 3 October 2016. I would encourage all ex-Regulators to learn more about the Regulating Branch and Royal Navy Police Association by browsing our comprehensive website and perhaps you will be further convinced of the value of our efforts so that you will decide to join us and assist in meeting our goals. or contact David Lodrick HMS Eagle Association – 07-09 October 2016 HMS Eagle - Commissions 1952-72: ‘Friends of HMS Eagle’, are holding a 44th Anniversary ‘Nautical Experience’ Weekend Reunion at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel, Bristol, from October 7 to 9. After the very successful last 9 Reunions held around the UK – All ‘Eaglets’ plus wives/partners & guests are very welcome to celebrate the 44 years since the ‘Mighty E’ decommissioned in Portsmouth in 1972. There will be a ‘Meet & Greet’ on the Friday evening in the ‘Park Suite’, followed on the Saturday with various Tours from the Hotel, including visits to Brunel’s ‘SS Great Britain, ‘Harbourside’ boat and railway trips’ plus Heritage Museums. The evening is taken up with a very Nautical Gala Dinner and traditional ‘Up Spirits’ enactment, followed by dancing and entertainment in the ‘Ballroom’, which includes the local Sea Cadet Unit, ‘Bristol Adventure’ performing ‘Colours’ & ‘Ceremonial Sunset’. (All Commissions 1952-1972 are very welcome. Hotel accommodation at very good rates. For details, please contact Main Organizer, Danny du Feu (Ex-L/Sea(Boats) Email: or Events Sec. Bill Melvin (Ex-L/PTI) Email: See you there! HMS Lowestoft Association – 7-9 October 2016 The 6th annual reunion of the HMS Lowestoft Association will take place at the Aztec Hotel, Almondsbury, Bristol BS32 4TS from October 7th to 9th 2016. All ex-Lowie's 1961-1985 and
guests are welcome. For booking & more info contact IOW Tours on 01983 405116 or email or email: or visit HMS Tartar Association – 07 October 2016 Annual reunion at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea from October 7 to 10. All ex-Tartar’s and wives are welcome, come and meet up with old shipmates. Bookings to be arranged by IOW Tours on 01983 405116. Contact for further information. HMS St Vincent Association - 07/10 October 2016 The annual reunion will be in the Royal Beach Hotel Southsea over the weekend 7/10 October with the AGM on Saturday in St Vincent, transport is included. For further details and for booking contact IOW Tours on 01983 405116 or email or ring Soapy Watson on 07786 565485 or 01329 310078 RN Writers Association - 14 October 2016 The World's Oldest Military Association. The 129th RNWA Reunion Dinner takes place at the Union Jack Club, London on October 14. Serving and ex-serving Writers and serving Logisticians (Personnel) and guests welcome. For further information, see the website for full details and a booking form or contact: RNWA Secretary Les Heyhoe at HMS Resolution Association – 16 October 2016 The HMS Resolution Association are holding their annual reunion at Barrow this year to mark the 50th anniversary of the launch of HMS Resolution. The reunion dates are from October 16 to 18. The reunion includes a visit to the launching slipway, courtesy of BAE Systems. Contact the secretary at or find the full information on the association and reunion on our website Bay Class Frigates Association – 17 October 2016 Reunion at Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea from October 17 to 19, 2016. All ex-Bay Class men and guests welcome. Contact Doug Turk at for details. Survey Ships Association - 28-31 October 2016 The Survey Ships Association will be holding its twenty-second reunion at the Aztec Hotel, Bristol on the w/e of 28th – 31st October. For information on membership and reunion please send a SAE to: The Secretary SSA, 17 Eliza Mackenzie Court, Lindisfarne Close, Cosham, Portsmouth, PO6 2SB, e-mail:, or telephone 023 9232 4795.
Swinging the Lamp - April 2016
2nd 3rd
1966 1918
First provision for lower-deck pensions, after twenty-two years’ service. C.S. Forester died; creator of Horatio Hornblower. Seven British submarines destroyed at Helsingfors to avoid capture: E 1, E 9 and E 19; E 8, C 26, C 27 and C 35 some days later. South Georgia garrison of twenty-one Royal Marines surrendered, having shot down one Argentine helicopter and damaged the frigate Guerrico with platoon weapons. Minesweeper Abingdon sunk and destroyer Lance badly damaged in dry dock by Italian aircraft at Malta. False bow-waves to be painted on all ships to confuse submarine attack. 3 Cdo Bde deployed to Afghanistan on Operation Herrick 14. Brig E.G.M. Davis took over command of Task Force Helmand from Brig James Chiswell, Commander 16 Air Assault Bde at Lashkar Gah on 9 April. Explosion of a depth charge gun cotton primer in the destroyer Sepoy, Lt-Cdr H.E. Reid RCN, during exercises off Hong Kong with the Eighth Destroyer Flotilla, caused minor damage to the ship but killed six men. The King sent word of his distress and ‘heartfelt sympathy’ to the First Lord of the Admiralty. Aircraft Handler Branch of FAA formed, known colloquially as ‘Chockheads’. Nelson’s ‘favourite ship’, third Rate Agamemnon (64), launched by Henry Adams at Buckler’s Hard. White Ensign hauled down at Tamar, Stonecutters’ Island, 100 years to the day after the troopship Tamar arrived in Hong Kong waters as Receiving Ship. Tamar was Britain’s last naval base east of Suez. Lt-Cdr Robert Hichens, DSO and bar, DSC and two bars, RNVR, peacetime Cornish solicitor, killed in action in MGB 112 off the Dutch coast; the most highly decorated RNVR officer of the Second World War. His portrait by Lt-Cdr Peter Scott hangs in the Naval Club, Hill Street. Force Sandall – 200 Royal Marines – landed by heavy cruiser Suffolk to occupy Faeroe Islands. Cruiser Hyacinth destroyed German Kronburg off East Africa, preventing her from supplying light cruiser Königsberg. Prime Minister Harold Wilson presented the ship’s bell of HMS Resolute to President Lyndon Johnson in Washington 38
21st 22nd
1989 1916
Allowance for milk for the Admiralty cat increased from 1s to 1s 6d a week. 750 NAS became the first RN squadron to achieve fifty years of continuous commission. Originally formed 24 May 1939, disbanded 10 October 1945, re-formed 17 April 1952 at RNAS St Merryn, north Cornwall, as the Barracuda element of 796 NAS. The Admiralty Board noted ‘with grave concern’ the giving of ‘Sippers’ and drew attention to QRRN Article 1839(3) which prohibited all ‘loan, transfer, gift or barter’ of spirits or other intoxicating drink. DCI(RN) 466/69. First flight of de Havilland Sea Hornet, Navy’s first twin-engined, single-seat fighter. Amethyst, frigate, fired on by Communist PLA batteries in Yangtze River east of Nanking. Opening of the Yangtze Incident. Quorn, last of eleven Hunt-class MCMVs, commissioned. Battlecruisers Australia and New Zealand collided. Former missed Jutland and never fired a shot in anger. A Flag Captain ‘is never his own master’ – Capt Nelson, HMS Boreas, Carlisle Bay, Barbados, to his future wife, Frances Nisbet, at Nevis. RN Helicopter Station, Portland, the first Service helicopter station in the UK, opened by the C-in-C Portsmouth, Vice-Admiral Sir Manley Power. First FAA squadron based at Portland was 815 NAS with Whirlwinds. Submarine E 22 torpedoed and sunk by UB-18 off Yarmouth after what in RAF parlance was a dogfight HM Landing Craft Gun (L) 15 and 16, together with a rescue boat launched from the sloop Rosemary, foundered in a storm off Freshwater West, Pembrokeshire; seventy-nine RN and RM personnel lost. VC: Lt-Cdr Edward Courtney Boyle (E 14) and Lt-Cdr Martin Eric Nasmith (E 11) for work in the Sea of Marmora, Dardanelles. Total Exclusion Zone of 200 miles declared around Falkland Islands, from 30 April. Marines styled ‘Royal Marines’ by George III ‘for meritious service’. This was on the recommendation of St Vincent, who reflected in 1823 that he had never known ‘an appeal made to them for honour, courage or loyalty that they did not more than realise my highest expectations. If ever the hour of real danger comes to England they will be found the Country’s Sheet Anchor.’ Vanguard, first RN Trident submarine, ‘officially named’ at Barrow by HRH The Princess of Wales.
Delegate to Annual Conference 2016 Branch secretaries should note the following before submitting their application. (a) Each Branch must comply with Rule 16(c), (No Branch shall be permitted to send a delegate to the Conference unless it has observed the regulations of the Association in regard to the return of balance sheets, the payment of subscriptions and the formation of Branches. This provision has no application to the right of, and expectation for, ships and establishments to send a delegate to the Conference.) but subject to Rule 10(c), (Associate members are eligible to act as a Branch Delegate at Area meetings and Conferences, provided that they have completed three years continuous membership of the Association immediately prior to election as Delegate) and has been in commission for at least three months by the date of a Conference shall be entitled to nominate one eligible Association Member as its Delegate to attend a Conference. (a) Each Branch nominating a Delegate shall send details to the HQ to arrive not less than one week before the date of Conference. A Branch may change its nominated Delegate provided the Council is notified not less than twenty-four hours before the Conference. Branch
Name of Delegate Car registration
Passenger Name
Delegate’s Address
Telephone No
Post Code
e-mail Number of Observers Name of Branch Hon Secretary Contact telephone No: (if not branch Hon Sec) Contact e-mail address Name and Address for correspondence (if not branch Hon Sec) NB: A Delegate will not be confirmed as such unless or until the Branch Balance Sheet for 2015 and Annual Subscriptions for Branch Members for 2016 have been received in RNA Headquarters (Rule 16c). Should either not have been received in HQ, the Delegate will not be accredited and will be admitted as an Observer (without Pool Fare cover).
Nominations for Standing Orders Committee 2016 For the attention of All Branch Secretaries To reach the General Secretary no later than 1500 8 April 2016 Two members of the Standing Orders Committee are to be elected at Conference 2016, those standing down are eligible to be re-elected. Each Branch may nominate one full or life member of a Branch in the United Kingdom or the Republic or Ireland as a Candidate for election to the Standing Orders Committee, subject to the approval of the Branch to which the candidate belongs. Name of Nominee ................................................................................................ Proposed by Branch ....................................................................... Area .......................... Address of Nominee ......................………….........……………….......................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... e-mail .........................................................................................
Brief history of nominee in the Association. (Continue on separate sheet if necessary)
Branch Chairman ...................................................... (signed) ......................................(dated) Branch Secretary ...................................................... (signed) ......................................(dated) ___________________________________________________________________________ If the Candidate by the proposing Branch is not a member of that Branch, this section is to be completed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Candidate's own Branch. Candidate's Branch ......... ............................................................................ We certify the acceptance of the nomination by the Candidate’s Branch. Signature of Chairman (Candidate's Branch) ............................................................................. Signature of Secretary (Candidate's Branch) .............................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Candidate I accept the nomination and undertake to attend as many Standing Orders Committee Meetings as possible.
Signature of Candidate ..............................................................................Dated ....................... ___________________________________________________________________________ Nomination Forms The envelope containing this completed form should be marked NOMINATIONS FOR STANDING ORDERS COMMITTEE and must reach Central Office no later than 1500 8 April 2016. Only one nomination is needed for a candidate to be included in the ballot. Nominations received after the deadline will not be included in the Ballot.
Telephone Booking Ref: (If Given) Cabin Code: Cabin Price Per Person: £
Prior to completing this Advance Registration Form please call the CONA Holiday Service team so they may check Cabin availability and hold a provisional reservation on your behalf. Call direct on: 0844 264 2122 / 01603 886742. In order to reserve your Cabin a non-refundable deposit of £100 per person is payable at the time of booking; (Cheques should be made payable to: ‘Just For Groups!’).
A separate Advance Registration Form is required for each Cabin Lead Name: Signed: Date: Your Address: (To whom all correspondence will be sent): Post Code: Telephone: Email: Passenger Details (As they appear on your passport) Please use BLOCK CAPITALS Passenger One: Title: First Name(s): Surname: Date of Birth:
Special Requests/Needs (Not guaranteed):
Passenger Two: Title: First Name(s): Surname: Date of Birth:
Special Requests/Needs (Not guaranteed):
Passenger Passenger One Two Yes/No ? Yes/No? Notes:
AA 29th September Free Coach Transfer From: Bristol to Liverpool
This is for the Bristol to Bristol Option
AB 29th September Port Parking in Bristol £33 per vehicle
Only say Yes if you are the driver
AC 29th September Port Parking in Liverpool £33 per vehicle
Only say Yes if you are the driver
AD 2nd October Free Coach Transfer From: Bristol to Liverpool
This is for the Liverpool to Liverpool Option
AE Drinks Inclusive 3 Night Package £45 per person*
*Only available if pre-booked by all cabin occupants
AF Would you like details of our insurance cover from £49 per person?
Please see Insurance notes below.
Do you require prices for pre/post cruise hotel accommodation?
*Regional Transfers: Subject to demand return transfers by coach - to Liverpool/return from Bristol - may be arranged from regional joining points (supplement applies). If you are interested in this optional service please state your nearest pick-up town/s here:
*INSURANCE: Please note that it is a condition of booking a cruise that all passengers are adequately insured. A 2% charge applies if you wish to pay by Credit Card. IMPORTANT: A valid Passport is required for this cruise. BALANCE PAYMENTS: Will be due no later than 90 days prior to departure. A full cruise programme together with details for any pre and post cruise arrangements will be advised in due course. Once your Advance Registration has processed you will be sent a Holiday Confirmation Invoice together with an ‘Ocean Cruise Passenger Information Form’ which you must complete and return without delay. This form will request details in respect of Passports, Insurance Cover, Next of Kin, Medical Conditions plus Dining Time (18.30 or 20.30 sitting) and Table Number Seating preferences. All requests will be prioritised in order of booking and cannot be guaranteed. For our full Terms & Conditions please visit
Please return this completed form (with your deposits of £100 per person if not already paid by credit card) to:The CONA Holiday Service, C/O, Just For Groups!, The Old Bakery, Queens Road, Norwich, NR1 3PL
Tel: 0844 264 2122 and 01603 886742 Email:
For Marco Polo Details please see reverse.
Marco Polo
The 22,080 tonne Marco Polo with her handsome traditional profile, beautiful teak decks and distinctive dark blue hull and deep draft is a fully stabilised and air-conditioned classic ocean liner.
Decks Navigator Columbus Amundsen Magellan Pacific Atlantic Baltic Caribic
Cabin Cabin Type Code
Per person Availability
Voyager Standard Inner Twin
Standard Inner Twin
Standard Plus Inner Twin
Superior Inner Twin
Premium Inner Twin
Standard Single Inner
Voyager Standard Ocean View Twin
Standard Twin Ocean View
Standard Twin Ocean View
Standard Twin Plus Ocean View
Superior Twin Ocean View
Standard Single Ocean View
Superior Twin Plus Ocean View
Premium Twin Ocean View
De Luxe Ocean View Twin
Junior Suite Twin
De Luxe Suite Twin
Accommodating up to 800 guests Marco Polo has eight passenger decks, serviced by four lifts. There is a good selection of comfortable cabin accommodation with 70% of cabins having an ocean view. Cabins range from standard, superior, premium and deluxe and category options are priced generally according to position, size and the facilities available. The more spacious higher graded DL, JS & DS accommodation have the added benefit of sitting areas, large panoramic ocean views, a bath tub and a fridge. Plus added value features ranging from complimentary bathrobes to a welcome bottle of Champagne.
Dining & Entertainment
Marco Polo offers dining options at the impressive Waldorf Restaurant which has two sittings or as an alternative experience, the more informal and stylish Marco’s Restaurant. There are five lounge areas comprising the theatre style Marco Polo main show lounge with big show entertainment & cabarets, the elegant Captain’s Club, Scotts Bar - an ideal spot for the night owls - or the relaxing Palm Garden with wonderful ocean views.
On board facilities include:
• Waldorf Restaurant • Marco’s Bistro • Marco Polo Lounge • Scott’s Bar • Palm Garden Lounge • Columbus Lounge • Self-service tea & coffee from 6am to 10pm • Livingston Library • Nansen Card Room • Internet Café • Shopping Arcade • Photo Gallery • The Jade Wellness Centre with sauna, gym and massage facilities • Outdoor Pool • Medical Centre • Sun Deck • Main Lobby • Reception • Tour Desks offering a wide range of shore tours • All cabins are well equipped with en-suite facilities, with shower, personal safes, telephone, television, hairdryer, music channels and electrical current is 110/220v AC.
Twin Cabins are for a minimum of 2 persons sharing All Prices include a one way transfer by coach from Bristol to Liverpool on Friday 29th September 2017 or from Bristol to Liverpool on Monday 2nd October 2017. Notes: Cruise & Maritime currently operate an automatic tipping system on Marco Polo with £5 per person per night added to the on-board account. / Full British Passports are required for all cruises / Optional shore excursions, personal expenditure such as drinks, laundry, communication and medical fees are not included. / Return Transport will be available from Cobh to Cork for a supplementary charge. / There will be a first and second sitting for dinner and the evening shows. / All passengers must be adequately insured. We can provide optional insurance from £49 per person. / Subject to demand return coach travel may be available, at a supplementary charge, from designated joining points. Details on application. / CONA have exclusive use of the Marco Polo subject to a minimum occupancy being met. In the event the cruise does not sell to capacity then Marco Polo reserve the right to promote the cruise to the general public. Issue date: 20/01/2016
PLEASE CONTACT: By Phone: CONA Holiday Service on 0844 264 2122
By Email:
By Post: The CONA Holiday Service, c/o Just For Groups!, The Old Bakery, Queens Road, Norwich, NR1 3PL