February 2018
Core Values: Unity, Loyalty, Patriotism & Comradeship - Once Navy, always Navy
The AGM season has begun in earnest, with No.5 Area getting the ball rolling on Saturday 3 February at Southend RNA. Full report in the next issue.
Incorporated by Royal Charter
Bob Hill
01268 780449
Jim Hammond
01268 414616
Vice Chairman:
Terry Barker
01268 456165
Hon. Secretary:
Gary Daisley
01268 555570
Hon. Treasurer:
Margaret Day
01702 524561
Membership Secretary:
Bill Vernon
01268 772775
Standard Bearer:
Dave Bishop
01268 770521
Welfare Officer:
Dave Mead
01702 307922
Social Secretary:
Audrey Blomfield
01268 781116
Mike Sandbrook
01702 801103
Revd. Canon Mike Lodge
01268 742151
PR Officer:
BRANCH DETAILS Bank Details: email: HSBC Rayleigh Royal Naval Association Rayleigh Branch. A/C: 81065955 Sort Code: 40-38-24. Meeting Venue: Royal British Legion 2 London Hill, Rayleigh SS6 7HP Tel: 01268 776503 Meeting Dates: Fortnightly (see back cover). Registered Charity: Registration Number 1069148 2
2018 Branch Yearbook There are new Data Protection laws coming into place later this year, which will directly affect how the RNA can use our personal information. By joining the RNA, we agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of membership. One of which is that RNAHQ (Central Office) is allowed to keep your details on record. Personal information will only be used for RNA purposes and will not be shared with third parties without your express permission. The changes to the Data Protection law for 2018 requires GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliance. This will harmonise Data Protection laws across Europe. How GDPR affects us Inclusion of personal information (including addresses and telephone numbers) into the Branch Directory has been normal practice for Rayleigh Branch for many years. However, we are now required to provide ‘evidence’ that permission has been given to use your information in this way. If you wish your details to continue to be entered into the Rayleigh Branch Directory, please complete the Acceptance Authorisation panel below and return to your Data Controller, S/M Gary Daisley (Hon Secretary). The Branch Directory is published annually and is circulated within the RNA as a point of contact for branch members. Your personal information will not be shared with third parties or anyone outside of the RNA.
I give permission for my home address and telephone number to be included in the RNA Rayleigh Branch Directory.
Extract from the Semaphore Circular February 2018 Dear Shipmates, Welcome to the February Circular, a big thanks to the many Branches who sent us Christmas good wishes in various forms, they are really appreciated. Having been in for Christmas and commissioning HMS Queen Elizabeth sails this week for her first Work Up with Flag Officer Sea Training in Plymouth and first flying trials at sea, predominately with rotary wing. She has already had a Merlin from 820 Squadron burning and turning on deck as part of working up the flight deck crews – testing refuelling and telebrief, we have been able to see the activity from our offices in ST. Her fixed wing flying trials with the new F35B (Admiral West calls it the Sea Lightning) start in the summer. A big congratulations to S/M Soapy Watson (Lee and Stub branch) who was awarded the BEM in the New Years honours list for his work with the RNA, particularly in the set up and great success of his branch over 4 years. Soapy also volunteers in HMS Warrior and is our SLJO/Maitre d’H at Conference. At the request of 10 Area I’d like to clarify the National Council’s Dublin Conference subsidy of at least £100. This is in addition to the claim for travel expenses to port of embarkation under the pooled fares scheme. There is no need to claim the subsidy against a receipt, it will be a flat payment to all voting delegates. There is a pool of money that will be shared equally, if there are fewer than 75 voting delegates, the subsidy will be more. Claim on the usual form issued at Conference. May I remind you to book your accommodation for the Dublin Conference and register your Delegates. There are options apart from the Royal Marine Hotel and please email for details of this and details of ferries. 4
I am delighted to report that the National Museum of the Royal Navy has offered free entrance to HMS Caroline (Belfast) during the Conference weekend, just show your RNA photo ID card. I am also delighted to report that the Woodland Trust has produced a great promotional film for the Jutland Wood featuring our great friend Sir David Steel. This will be going onto our website and Facebook feeds, but can be downloaded from, this is a good production, please show it at Branch meetings etc. If you want a copy on a data-stick let me know for Armed Forces Day etc. The wood will be planted this winter – details of the planting event will follow. More to the point please encourage members, family and friends to dedicate a tree to a family member. Also please spread freely to your contacts. Details at: support-anappeal/centenary-woods/jutland/. You might like to know that the General Secretary’s job is now open for applications. The closing date is 6 March and interviews for shortlisted candidates will be held at Semaphore Tower on 28 March. Details are on the RNA website. It is hoped that the successful candidate will attend the Dublin Conference and take up the position after the September NC meeting. I hope that branches are gearing up for the novice section of the Standard bearers competition, this is a training and development event, with travel subsidy payable to novice competition entrants. The details of the Welfare Seminar are in this Circular and a really cracking day is planned. We are pleased for anyone and all to attend for as little or as much as you’d like. GS and the Project Semaphore Project Manager will be in attendance. The weekend rate is very good, so just take advantage of that if you want a fun weekend, close to the National Memorial Arboretum. Some other important points • It won’t have escaped your notice that the protection of personal data is now taken very seriously. Since the RNA does not have centralised control of membership, it is up to branch secretaries and officials to protect data in accordance with the Law. This is 5
entirely common sense, but Nigel (our data man) has prepared a brief for you. Please read and action. • This is the final reminder for anyone interested in the role of RNA Hon Treasurer give the GS a ring, or to put yourself forward please email GS with your CV and reasons for wanting to take on the role. • This link is a great start for a grant for Armed Forces Day events. Give it a go. • If you are booking into the Royal Maritime Club at Portsmouth (Home Club), please quote the RNA membership number 7398 and you will get the member’s rate for rooms and in the restaurant. We have negotiated a very good rate for Dinner, Bed and Breakfast. • Deadline for branch motions is 12:00 on16 February. Finally, you may have heard that our beloved National President has been in hospital. Admiral John has had a heart procedure and is recovering really well and enough to go to Portugal for his annual golfex (putting not driving), where he is sunning himself as I write. All the best from the team at Central Office,
Paul Quinn General Secretary
RNA v RBL Darts fixtures
Dates are now confirmed for the 2018 pub darts matches against our old (friendly) rivals, Royal British Legion, Rayleigh. Former rival Team Captains S/M Dave Bishop and S/M Dave Harding will be looking for match-fit ’arrow flingers’ to fill up the team-sheet at the RBL on Friday 4 May and Friday 4 October this year. Doubtless the RBL team will be looking for revenge in May, as last October’s victory by the RNA boys was their first win since the challenge trophy began five years ago! The light hearted and good humoured matches are followed by fun (silly) games of the darts variety which usually results in a landslide victory for the RNA. The ladies of the RBL support team always lay on something scrummy for us to nibble on during the evening. There’s also a charity collection during the evening that adds a sense of purpose to the whole event. Volunteers names (good or bad, young or old) to the two Daves please, as soon as possible. Hopefully we’ll see some of the RNA ladies joining us again this year. Games start at 8pm (all welcome). 7
From ‘slops’ to bell-bottoms…
Royal Navy uniforms were first issued to officers in 1748, although it was more than a century before they were given to lowly ratings. Until 1857, crew wore ‘slops’, ready-made clothing sold to them by a naval contractor. There was little or no uniformity between ships and in 1853 the commanding officer of HMS Harlequin paid for his crew to dress as harlequins, a move said to have contributed to the Admiralty’s decision to introduce a standard uniform. Meanwhile, officers (many of them wealthy) wore a ‘best uniform’ for ceremonial occasions of an embroidered blue coat with white facings, white breeches and stockings. By 1795, because of the French Revolutionary wars, a plain blue working uniform, or ‘rig,’ with epaulettes was everyday wear. In 1825, white breeches were replaced by trousers for officers, but their uniforms varied greatly. Officers paid for their own and often adapted them to mirror civilian fashions of the time. A white tunic and trousers introduced in 1877 for serving in tropical climates were replaced in 1938 by white shirt and shorts. In the Second World War a blue working battledress was brought in along with white-topped caps all year round. In 1977, bell-bottomed trousers were replaced by flares for ratings, but few changes have been made to uniforms since. 8
Formal Mess Dinner - Saturday 28 July 2018 Electronic and paper copies of menus, wine lists, seating plans (for your table) and booking forms are now available from S/Ms Mike Sandbrook and Joan Crick. Ticket prices have been held to £40 again this year with monies being collected from 21 February. We would advise booking early to reserve your place. Don’t forget to start chasing down those raffle donations!
Royal Navy Rugby Union Navy v RAF 2018 Match Tickets Friday 20 April 2018 The Twickenham Stoop Standard Ticket Prices: Adult £10.00 | Child £5.00 Tickets available from the online shop at or by calling 02392 816255
Women's Royal Naval Service The WRNS (Wrens) were formed in 1917 during the First World War. On 10 October 1918, nineteen-year-old Josephine Carr from Cork, became the first Wren to die on active service, when her ship, the RMS Leinster was torpedoed. By the end of the war the WRNS had 5,500 members, 500 of them officers.
Did you know..? There is a long history of women serving in the RN (long before the WRENS were formed 100 years ago), mostly disguised as men. In Nelson’s day, one such disguised girl was nearly recruited to HMS Valiant until, on being introduced to the officers, she curtsied! Navy News (January 2013).
Diary Dates
Branch Visit: Cutty Sark & Maritime Museum Thursday 22 February 2018 Greenwich, London.
HMS MTB667 Memorial Service Monday 5 March 2018 All Saints Church, Brightlingsea.
Mess Deck Supper Friday 16 March 2018 (8pm) S/M Audrey Blomfield.
St. George’s Day Dance Saturday 21 April 2018 Basildon RNA - S/M Audrey Blomfield
RNA v RBL Darts Match Friday 4 May 2018 S/Ms Dave Bishop & Dave Harding
Rayleigh Trinity Fair Sunday 10th June 2018 High Street, Rayleigh
Canvey Island Armed Forces Day - Saturday (TBA) June 2018 Castle View School - Muster at 10:00 11