Contact Information

Has normality returned? After all the impacts of COVID lockdowns, the 36th Americas’ Cup, and the controversy of the venue choice for the 37th Cup, we now have a different range of issues impacting us - significant inflation, a bear stock market, changes in our Team, escalating people costs, increased fuel prices and a potential recession. Please rest assured the new Team are committed to working through these issues and delivering our vision of being the leading local and international yacht club.
The first part of the Handbook is to introduce you to your Flags Officers, General Committee and Team to help you recognize those who contribute to make the Squadron what it is. For us to continue to be at the forefront as New Zealand’s leading yacht club, please make yourself aware of the information and respect the Club rules.
There is a detailed sailing calendar for 2022 – 2023, including sailing instructions, courses, tides and sailing detail – any changes to this sailing information is posted online so ensure that you utilise the RNZYS website and app to keep up to date.
RNZYS starts around 1500 yacht races on our harbour, around the Gulf and further afield; supporting youth development and members competing internationally; and continuing to grow our sport through learn-to-sail programmes, and several national and international events every year. We also provide members with a place to meet, catch up with old friends and meet new ones. Our cruising division and rum race programmes add colour and friendliness – they can also be a fun entry point to the club.
We are a members club where delivering exceptional experiences to our members is our focus. We endeavour to continually work on keeping our sailing programme fresh and exciting, and we rely on feedback from members to ensure we deliver what you need. Of course, it is not all about sailing - we run many exciting off-water events that bring like-minded members together at our club rooms and on-water social events for owners of all types of craft. We also provide event facilities for our corporate members, sponsors and external groups alike – a valued income stream for the club.
Our Sailing Office, Food & Beverage, Events and Admin teams do an outstanding job, however without our Member Volunteers, we could not deliver all the outcomes our members ask of us.
Our sincere thanks to the RNZYS sponsors and partners who enable the Club to offer the many events to members – it is your club, please enjoy it and I encourage you to support these businesses and people; together, we need to make the Club the best it can be.
On behalf of The Flag Officers, General Committee, our Team and our Volunteers, I thank you all for your support and look forward to seeing you at the club and out on the water.
GENERAL MANAGER Email swiblin@rnzys.org.nz Phone 09 360 6800
Phone 09 360 6804
MEMBERSHIP MANAGER Mobile 027 555 9567 Email nharkin@rnzys.org.nz
Phone 09 360 6800
MEMBERSHIP SERVICES Email reception@rnzys.org.nz
SAILING OFFICE Email raceoffice@rnzys.org.nz
Phone 09 360 6809
Mobile 021 0299 4752 Email rcorbett@rnzys.org.nz
Phone 09 360 6809
RACE MANAGER Mobile 027 645 7788 Email mthomson@rnzys.org.nz
Phone 09 360 6809
LEARN TO SAIL MANAGER Mobile 021 593 482 Email plinford@rnzys.org.nz
ZAK MERTON Mobile 022 576 2965 COACH Email zmerton@rnzys.org.nz
KRISTINE HORNE Mobile 021 871 301 COMMERCIAL MANAGER Email khorne@rnzys.org.nz
Phone 09 360 6800 COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR Mobile 027 275 3757 Email bwoodworth@rnzys.org.nz
Mobile 021 0855 6908 DESIGN & MARKETING COORDINATOR Email emcdonald@rnzys.org.nz
Phone 09 360 6837 FOOD & BEVERAGE MANAGER Mobile 021 637 786 Email clawless@rnzys.org.nz
Phone 09 360 6800 FACILITIES MANAGER Email chopman@rnzys.org.nz
Phone 09 360 6834 Email events@rnzys.org.nz
Phone 09 360 6807 FINANCE MANAGER Email ddicker@rnzys.org.nz
Phone 09 360 6800 ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT Email bbind@rnzys.org.nz
GENERAL COMMITTEE Andrew Aitken (Commodore), Gillian Williams (Vice Commodore), Garry Scarborough (Rear Commodore), David Blakey, Matt Cole, Marguerite Delbet, Sheryl Lanigan, Mike Leyland (Chairman of the House), Mike Malcolm, Rod Marler, Barry Martin, Scott Wilson, Richard Wingfield
SAILING AND TRAINING Gillian Williams AMERICA’S CUP Gillian Williams
FINANCE & RISK Andrew Aitken
(NRYCWG, WUMA, Unitary Plan, Strategic Liaison with Panuku, also potential liaison with lobby functions of AYBA, YNZ)
RACE MANAGEMENT Megan Kensington
HANDICAPPING Dougall Love and Bob Still
CANNON MASTERS Gerald Flynn and Tom Coote
BOAT CAPTAINS Geoff Dawson and Giles Jordan
KAWAU Garry Scarborough
RUM RACING Mark Roberts
HISTORIAN Chris Collins
DELEGATES TO AARC Chris Collins & Eric Mahoney
UMPIRES, PROTEST AND JUDGES PANEL Russell Green*** Mike Alison*** Doug Elder*** Colette Kraus*** John Rountree*** Ryan Parkin*** John Grace*** John Muir*** Roger Wood** Roger Purdy** John Kirkman** Louis Mayo** David McIntyre** Rob Herries** Bevan Woolley* Sean Bainbridge* Jonathan Gravit* Blair Park* Don Grayson, Peter Lavelle, Stuart Scott
RACE OFFICERS Megan Kensington*** Harold Bennett** Celia Carson** Colin Lucas** Brian Trubovich** Stewart Heine* Bryan Taylor* Ross Chapman* Delwyn Erceg* Janet Airey* Dave West**
Southport Yacht Club, Queensland
Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, Sydney
Royal Perth Yacht Club, Perth
Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club, Perth
Royal South Australian Yacht Club, Adelaide
Cruising Yacht Club of Australia, Sydney
Royal Brighton Yacht Club, Victoria
Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron, Queensland
Sandringham Yacht Club, Victoria
Royal Yacht Club of Victoria
Fremantle Sailing Club, Perth, Western Australia
Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia
Royal Yacht Squadron, Cowes
Royal Thames Yacht Club, London (Residential)
The Little Ship Club, London (Residential)
The Royal Naval Club & Royal Albert Yacht Club, Portsmouth (Residential)
Royal Southern Yacht Club, Hamble, Hampshire
Royal Corinthian Yacht Club, Cowes
Royal Norfolk & Suffolk Yacht Club, Lowestoft
Royal Cornwall Yacht Club, Falmouth
Royal Solent Yacht Club, Isle of Wight
Royal Overseas League, London (Residential)
Royal Western Yacht Club, Plymouth Island Sailing Club, Isle of Wight
Sea View Yacht Club, Cowes
Royal Southampton Yacht Club, Cowes
Royal Lymington Yacht Club, Lymington
Royal London Yacht Club
Royal Northern and Clyde Yacht Club, Helensburgh
Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, Wellington
Royal Irish Yacht Club, County Dublin
Royal Cork Yacht Club, County Cork
Cercle Nautique Caledonien, Noumea
Royal Papua Yacht Club, Papua New Guinea
Annapolis Yacht Club, Maryland
Seattle Yacht Club, Washington
Queen City Yacht Club, Seattle St. Francis Yacht Club, California New York Yacht Club, New York
Waikiki Yacht Club, Honolulu, Hawaii
Long Beach Yacht Club, Long Beach
Royal Bermuda Yacht Club, Hamilton
Royal Canadian Yacht Club, Toronto Royal Vancouver Yacht Club, Vancouver Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron, Halifax
S.A.F. Singapore
Republic of Singapore Yacht Club (Accom)
Raffles Marina Ltd
Royal Bombay Yacht Club, India
THAILAND Royal Varuna Yacht Club, Pattaya
Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, Kellett Island
Yacht Club de Monaco GERMANY
Norddeutscher Regatta Verein, Hamburg
Cruising Club of Switzerland, Bern MALTA
Royal Malta Yacht Club, Malta
Yacht Club Punta del Este, Uruguay
Royal Cape Yacht Club, South Africa
Real Club Náutico de Barcelona
Links to all the above yacht clubs' websites can be found on our website www.rnzys.org.nz
Full Financial members of the RNZYS are invited to make use of the Squadron’s reciprocal agreements. Squadron members are required to adhere to the rules and regulations of the reciprocal clubs at all times. A current RNZYS membership card and letter of introduction is required; please contact Member Service Coordinator
Ph: 09 360 6800 or reception@rnzys.org.nz.
Many clubs without existing reciprocal agreement with RNZYS allow Squadron members to visit. If there is a nonreciprocal club you would like to visit please contact Reception.
Aitken, W Daphne
1880-1882 Kissling, G S Toroa & Daphne
1882-1887 Street, C H Muritai
1887-1888 Stone, C B Matangi
1888-1890 Waymouth, J Mapu
1890-1894 Wiseman, J Matangi
1894-1896 Bloomfield, J L R Viking
1896-1898 Henderson, T Volunteer
1898-1901 Wiseman, J Matangi
1901-1907 Murdoch, C P Ida
1907-1918 Bloomfield, J L R Thelma
1918-1920 Blomfield, E C Pastime
1920-1922 Johnston, J B Waitangi
1922-1924 Burt, A Waitangi
1924-1926 Gifford, A E Rawene
1926-1928 Frater, J W Waitangi
1928-1930 Endean, W P Prize
1930-1932 Macky, N L Ariki
1932-1934 Frater, J H Waitangi
1934-1935 Northcroft, E H Ilex
1935-1937 Gifford, A E Rawene
1937-1939 George, H J C Victory
1939-1942 Draffin, M K Kotuku
1942-1944 Macky, Dr F Medina 1944-1946 Tewsley, C S Waitangi
1946-1947 George, H J C Victory
1947-1949 Wilson, W S Tawera
1949-1951 Mitchelson, E J Little Jim 1951-1953
Gifford, J Rawene 1955-1957 Angell, A A Ariki 1957-1959 Ellis, J S Anthea II 1959-1961 Faire, J F Katrina 1961-1963 Speight, G D Waiomo 1963-1965 Duder, A N Spray II 1965-1967 Colville, S Kahurangi 1967-1969 Marler, B M Rawhiti 1969-1971 Brooke, J B OBE Kiariki 1971-1973 Thompson, B B Prize 1973-1975 Beckett, W G Panui 1975-1976 McKenzie, J W Sirius 1976-1978 Littler, H A Northerner 1978-1979 White, W N Charlemagne 1979-1981 Stanton, R W Pampero 1981-1983 McDell, R M Sunset 1983-1985 Green, R H Strategy 1985-1987 Alison, D J Eldaroma II 1987-1989 Brooke, D E Favourite 1989-1991 Kerr-Taylor, E V Amnesty 1991-1992 Endean, R J Ariel 1992-1994 Maples, B L Capella V 1994-1996 Hay, P B Zamzamah 1996-1998 Heise, W J Sambuca 1998-2000 Kingston, P S Mahia 2000-2002 Taylor, P B Seahawk 2002-2004 Endean, W A Go 2004-2006 Charlesworth, D A Oki Max 2006-2008 Crawford, J C Krystle 2008-2010 Colebrook, S W Accord 2010-2012 Masters, R A Outrageous 2012-2014 Burrett, J S V 2014-2016 Anderson, A Sure Thing 2016-2018 Mair, S M Clockwork 2018-2020 Cook, I M Ranger Young, A R Checkmat e
Auckland’s hills and shores wrap around the sparkling Waitemata Harbour, making it a natural venue for boating of all types. The foundations of the city as we know it today were laid in 1840 and the occasion was immediately marked by a regatta. It was an appropriate portent of things to come as yachting and boating flourished and ultimately grew to enjoy an international reputation. The Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron traces its origin back to the 1871 incarnation of the Auckland Yacht Club, which began with 30 yachts and 120 members on its register. By then, the city had grown into a much more substantial and thriving enterprise, with the harbour playing a central role in its progress.
By the turn of the century, yacht racing was a flourishing sport, attracting crowds of spectators, keen punters and detailed reports of intense sporting rivalries in the local newspapers. Under the leadership of some of the city’s prominent captains of industry and commerce, the AYC showed continued growth. A tremendous rivalry between the Logan and Bailey boatbuilding families spurred the growth of an outstanding fleet of racing yachts, most of which joined the AYC fleet. In 1901, the AYC changed its name to the New Zealand Yacht Squadron. The following year the Squadron celebrated a major milestone when it received a warrant in the name of King Edward VII, elevating its status to a Royal club. With this recognition membership numbers almost doubled from 157 in 1901 to 300 in 1903.
During both World Wars, yacht racing was largely suspended in Auckland. Members of the RNZYS served in all theatres of both wars and in all the armed services, while those who were not able to serve abroad were involved in harbour defence and patrol duties. To accommodate steady growth, the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron moved through a succession of rented premises in the city until in 1955 it bought a handsome two-storey brick house in Parliament Street with sweeping views over the Waitemata Harbour. A decade later, the RNZYS leased an existing building, which had long accommodated the popular Trillo’s cabaret and dancehall at Westhaven. Westhaven had been earmarked for the establishment of a major city marina and the establishment of a foothold there was a strategic move for the future. For nearly a decade, the RNZYS retained its Parliament Street headquarters in the city but in 1975 it was decided to move permanently to the Westhaven site.
From the 1960s, the RNZYS was at the forefront of a steady rise in international competition. In 1966, James Davern sailed his yacht Fidelis across the Tasman Sea and swept to line honours victory in the grueling 630 mile Sydney-Hobart Race. Fidelis set a new race record and the 17-hour margin between 1st and 2nd stood for many years as the longest in the race’s history. Three years later, Chris Bouzaid and an RNZYS crew aboard Rainbow II took on the elite of international yacht racing, winning the prestigious One Ton Cup in Heligoland, Germany against a line-up of seasoned competitors from the USA, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Sweden, Holland and Switzerland. On the foundations laid by these successes, the RNZYS trophy cabinets have played host to some of the biggest prizes in world yachting including the Half, One and Two-Ton Cups, the Admiral’s Cup, the Kenwood Cup, the Champagne Mumm World Cup, the Whitbread Round the World Trophy, the Louis Vuitton Cup and the America’s Cup.
Carrying the RNZYS burgee into battle, Team New Zealand won the America’s Cup in San Diego in 1995, then successfully defended it on the Hauraki Gulf in 2000. Both matches were decisively settled with 5-0 victories.
After losing to Switzerland in 2003, the RNZYS became the only yacht club in the world to challenge and win the America’s Cup twice when Emirates Team New Zealand scored a 7-1 victory over Oracle Team USA in Bermuda in 2017. In both intervening Cup regattas – at Valencia in 2007 and San Francisco in 2013 – Emirates Team New Zealand won the Louis Vuitton Challenger series but fell short in the America’s Cup Matches.
On the back of the success in Bermuda, however, the America’s Cup returned to Auckland to took up residence in the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron once more.
Coinciding with the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron’s 150th sesquicentenary in 2021, Emirates Team New Zealand successfully defended the 36th America’s Cup in Auckland, defeating Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli 7-3 and ensuring the RNZYS remains the Home of the America’s Cup.
By agreement between the RNZYS and Emirates Team New Zealand, the 2024 defence of the America’s Cup will take place in Barcelona, Spain. The Challenger of Record is the Royal Yacht Squadron.
Boat Insurance
10% off of boat insurance (excluding commercial hull and blue water covers)
House, Car & Contents Insurance
15% off of insurance premium if all three products are taken
Vessel Import or Export
10% refund of cargo insurance premium should vessel arrive damaged
Major insurance partner of the
The title of the Club is THE ROYAL NEW ZEALAND YACHT SQUADRON (INCORPORATED) (“the Squadron”).
The objects of the Squadron shall be the encouragement of Corinthian yachting generally and such other purposes connected with aquatics and the welfare and development of the Squadron as the Members shall from time to time deem necessary or expedient.
The Squadron shall consist of Full, Senior, Crew, Junior, Associate, Family, Country and Overseas, Life and Honorary and Corporate Members.
The Officers of the Squadron shall consist of a Commodore, Vice-Commodore, Rear-Commodore (“the Flag Officers”), two of whom shall be yacht owners, a Treasurer, a Secretary and three Trustees. The offices of Treasurer and Secretary may be combined in one person and the Treasurer and the Secretary may be honorary or salaried officers.
There shall be a General Committee (the Committee) consisting of the Flag Officers and ten Full Members – of whom at least five when elected must be yacht owners
The Committee may from time to time appoint and/or remove other executive officers to
1.6.1 Carry out duties as the Committee may determine
1.6.2 Hold office and be removed from office at the discretion of the Committee. These Officers may be paid such remuneration as the Committee agrees to.
The Auditor shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting and shall be a Chartered Accountant or a firm of Chartered Accountants. The Auditor may be paid such remuneration as agreed by the Committee.
1.8.1 The Flag Officers and the Committee shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.
1.8.2 Should any office become vacant the Committee may elect a Member to fill such vacancy until the following annual General Meeting.
1.8.3 All such elections shall be by ballot.
1.8.4 The Trustees shall continue in office, save as hereinafter mentioned, until removed by death, resignation or resolution of a General Meeting.
1.8.5 Any vacancy in the office of Trustee shall be appointed by the Committee.
1.8.6 Any office bearer, including a Trustee, ceasing to be a Member of the Squadron shall ipso facto ceases to be an office-bearer.
1.8.7 No person shall hold the office of Commodore at any one time for more than two consecutive years.
1.8.8 The Secretary and Treasurer shall be appointed by the Committee.
1.8.9 To be eligible for the position of Flag Officer candidates shall have served on the General Committee for a minimum of two years.
Nominations of candidates for the various elective offices shall be made in writing to the Secretary not later than 5.30 p.m. on the fourteenth day before the day fixed for the Annual General Meeting. The Secretary shall, not less than six days before such meeting, post in the Squadron rooms the names of the persons so nominated.
It shall be the duty of the Commodore to take command of the Squadron and preside at its meetings.
It shall be the duty of the Vice-Commodore to assist the Commodore in the discharge of his duties and to officiate in the Commodore’s absence.
It shall be the duty of the Rear-Commodore to assist the Commodore and the Vice-Commodore in the discharge of their duties and to officiate in their absence.
The Committee shall manage the general affairs of the Squadron except the making and alteration of Rules.
1.14.1 The Committee may appoint a Special Committee or individuals to act in special capacities as it shall consider advisable and may, define, limit, extend, terminate, or vary the powers, duties and constitution of any Special Committee or individual appointed in accordance with this Rule.
1.14.2 The Committee may make any Regulations pertaining to any matter or object for which any Special Committee or individual was appointed provided that every Special Committee or individual shall ipso facto cease to operate or exist on the election of a new Committee at a General Meeting of the Squadron.
1.14.3 Election of a new Committee shall not affect any Regulations then in force relating to any Special Committee or individual.
1.14.4 It shall not be necessary for any Member of a Special Committee or individual appointed under this Rule to be a Member of the Committee.
1.14.5 Every Member on application to the Secretary shall be supplied free of charge with a copy of the Rules and Regulations.
The Officers of the Squadron shall take all reasonable and prudent steps to ensure that no part of the income, dues or other funds of the Squadron may be used or is available to be used for the private pecuniary profit of any member or associate member.
The Annual General Meeting of the Squadron shall be held not later than the last day of August in each year.
A Special General Meeting may be called at any time by order of the Committee or on a requisition signed by at least 25 Full Members, such requisition to state the object thereof.
2.3.1 18 days of notice of an Annual or Special General Meeting shall be given to Members. Such notice will be sent to Members to their last known e-mail address unless a Member has requested in writing that they require any such notice to be posted to them. Such notice will also be posted on the Club’s notice board and posted on the Club’s website. The sending of an e-mail, or where requested the posting of such notice, will be deemed sufficient evidence that 18 days’ notice has been given. The Annual Report will be provided to Members electronically unless otherwise requested
2.3.2 50 Members shall form a quorum at all Annual and Special General Meetings and even shall form a quorum at all meetings of the Committee and except where provided by these Rules to the contrary, the decision of a majority of the votes recorded shall be binding.
2.3.3 An Annual or Special General Meeting may be held via electronic means if the General Committee deem it necessary to do so due to extraordinary circumstances.
When a ballot is not expressly provided for by these Rules, all questions shall be decided by a show of hands, provided always that three Members can demand a ballot. Proxy votes shall be counted in all voting whether by show of hands or ballot.
To select the General Committee a Member shall vote for up to 10 candidates but may choose to vote for less than 10 should they desire.
2.6.1 Subject to the restrictions in Rules 2.6.2 to 2.6.4 Members may vote by proxy on all matters referred
to in the notice calling the meeting.
2.6.2 The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing and clearly stipulate for what proposals and applicants for General Committee for which and whom they are voting. This must be lodged with the Committee not later than noon on the day of the meeting
2.6.3 No person shall be appointed a proxy who is not a Member of the Squadron and entitled to vote.
2.6.4 The right of Members to vote by proxy is restricted to the following:
a) Country Members
b) Members who are overseas on the day of the meeting and who supply the Secretary with documented proof of their absence.
c) Members who are ill or incapacitated on the day of the meeting and who supply the Secretary a certificate to that effect signed by a registered medical practitioner.
The Committee shall meet whenever it deems it necessary, usually monthly, or when summoned by a Flag Officer.
Any Member of the Committee, except an ex officio Member, failing to attend three consecutive meetings shall cease to be a Member thereof, unless they have been granted leave of absence. Attendance may be in person, by phone or other electronic means.
The Commodore shall preside at General Committee meetings of the Squadron. Should the Commodore be absent the most senior Flag Officer present shall preside. If no Flag Officer is present, a Member may be elected by a majority of the Members present and shall chair that meeting.
The Chair at any meeting of the Squadron or of any Committee meeting, when there is equality in votes, shall have a casting vote in addition to their own deliberative vote.
2.11.1 The moneys and investments representing the Long-Term Development Fund shall be held by the Trustees of the Squadron and be known as the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron Foundation (“Foundation”).
2.11.2 The Trustees of the Foundation shall have the right to accept further funds from the Squadron or any other person or entity and to administer the same in terms of their powers under the Rules of the Club.
The Trustees shall manage the capital, any accretions thereto, and interest derived in trust for the Squadron.
The Trustees shall have the following powers in respect of the funds of the Foundation:
a) To invest the capital in investments authorized by law for the investment of trust funds in New Zealand both inside and outside of New Zealand with power to purchase and lease any real or personal property both inside and outside of New Zealand;
b) On the Trustees’ own initiative to pay so much of the income and or capital as the Trustees shall in their sole and uncontrolled discretion think fit for or towards any project or purpose which the Trustees consider expedient or in the best interests of the Squadron and its Members. However, a limitation on the expenditure in excess of 50% of the total capital value of the Foundation shall apply for any one project without the prior consent of an Annual or Special General Meeting of the Squadron;
c) In exercising this discretion the Trustees shall take into account that the capital fund is a major capital asset of the Squadron and is derived from the generosity and foresight of earlier Members and the Squadron’s present wish is to keep this fund intact as far as possible in order to meet any future emergency or finance a major project or to meet the urgent needs of the Squadron;
d) The Trustees may invest and accumulate the income derived by investing the same and resulting income thereafter as an accretion to the capital of the fund during the period to the date of distribution;
2.11.5 The Trustees shall have absolute and uncontrolled power and discretion in the management of the Foundation and may do or cause to be done all such acts, matters and things of whatsoever kind and nature pertaining to the fund and to sign all such instruments and documents as they think proper or expedient.
2.11.6 No Trustee shall be liable for any loss not attributable to that trustee’s dishonesty or the wilful commission by the trustee of an act known to be a breach of the trustee’s appointment.
2.11.7 Instead of acting personally, the Trustees may employ a financial consultant to advise the Trustees and to transact all or any business or make any investment including the receipt and payment of money on behalf of the Trustees and the Trustees shall not be personally responsible for the default of any consultant appointed in good faith or for any loss occasioned by his employment.
2.11.8 The Trustees shall not have the right to transfer the capital and unspent funds of the Foundation back to the General Funds of the Squadron without the prior consent of an Annual or Special General Meeting (“date of distribution”).
2.11.9 The Trustees may convene their own meetings at times and places as the Trustees shall determine. The decisions of the Trustees shall be unanimous. Minutes will be kept, and a copy given to the Commodore of the Squadron to be tabled at the next meeting of the Committee.
2.11.10 The Trustees shall at each Annual General Meeting of the Squadron or any time when called upon by the Committee of the Squadron table a report on its activities and audited financial accounts.
The number of Members shall be unlimited.
A candidate for Membership must be proposed by one Full Member and seconded by another, both of whom shall have been Members of the Squadron for at least three years and known to the applicant, and a record of the nomination shall be kept for that purpose.
3.1.1 Should a candidate not know members who qualify to support their application as per rule 3.1 an interview shall be conducted by a delegated staff member or representative, and a brief biography provided by the applicant for the purpose of recommendation, and upon receipt of the full entrance fee and subscription be included in the next ballot.
3.1.2 That the existing Life Members and Honorary Members of Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron (Unincorporated) shall upon invitation by the Committee become Members of the Squadron.
3.1.3 Those Members joining the Squadron under Rule 3.1.1 shall retain the Membership category held immediately prior to becoming Members of the Squadron.
3.1.4 The category of Membership where applicable shall be based on the number of years during which the Member has been a Member of both the Squadron and the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron (Unincorporated)
3.2.1 The name of every candidate for election shall be submitted to the Membership Committee for approval. Failing any just cause not to recommend the membership from the Membership Committee then the candidate shall then be balloted for election by the General Committee. All Members, except Honorary Members, shall be elected by vote of the General Committee with a two-third majority required to be elected as a Member.
3.2.2 No person who has been struck off the Membership Roll for non-payment of subscriptions, fees or dues shall be eligible for re-election until such subscription, fees or dues shall have been paid in full.
A candidate who has been unsuccessful at the ballot shall not be put up again for election until a period of six months has elapsed since rejection and a candidate who has twice been rejected shall not be eligible for future nomination.
Any Member wishing to resign from the Squadron shall give notice in writing to the Committee to that effect and pay all arrears due up to the date of such notice.
3.5.1 All Members shall be bound by the Rules and Regulations of the Squadron.
3.5.2 If the Committee shall have any reason to suspect that either:
a) The conduct of any Member, either in or out of the Squadron premises, is or might be injurious to the character or interests of the Squadron; or
b) The conduct of any person on board any yacht of which the Member is the skipper thereof is or might be injurious to the character or interests of the Squadron;
The following provisions of this Rule shall apply, viz:
3.5.3 In the case of a Member being convicted of a serious criminal offence, an enquiry into the conduct complained of, may be held by the Committee either at an ordinary Committee meeting or at a
meeting of the Committee specially convened for the purpose.
3.5.4 Not less than seven days’ notice in writing of such meeting shall be given to the Member and such meeting may be adjourned from time to time.
3.5.5 If the Committee by a majority of its Members shall find the conduct complained of will or might in its opinion injuriously affect the character or interests of the Squadron it may:
a) Expel such Member.
b) Call on such Member to resign his or her Membership within 14 days from the date of notice of such requirement being given to the Member and failing the receipt of such resignation within the time limit may expel the Member or impose any other penalty or punishment authorised by this Rule.
c) Reprimand and/or suspend such Member for a period not exceeding six calendar months. During such period of suspension, the Member shall not be entitled to enter the Squadron premises or enjoy any other Membership benefits or privileges.
If any Member is convicted by any Court of Law of a criminal offence which the Committee, having regard to the surrounding circumstances, shall consider to be of a serious nature, it shall be obligatory on the Committee to expel such Member forthwith and the foregoing provisions of this Rule relating to the holding of an enquiry shall not apply.
3.6.2 The decision of the Committee as to whether the criminal offence of which such Member is convicted is of a serious nature shall be final.
3.7.1 If for any reason other than conviction for a serious criminal offence the Committee shall expel a Member, such Member shall have the right to appeal to a panel consisting of the Trustees provided that within seven days of the decision of the Committee being made known to him/her the Member shall notify the Committee of his/her intention to appeal. On the receipt of such notice the Committee shall convene a meeting of the Trustees for the purpose of hearing the appeal.
3.7.2 The proceedings before such meeting shall be by way of rehearing and the Trustees may expel such Member or impose any penalty or punishment or make any other decisions which the Committee might have made.
3.7.3 The Member shall be bound to attend any meeting of the Committee and any meeting of the Trustees at which enquiry into the conduct complained of is to be made and if the Member shall fail to attend the meeting may proceed with the enquiry in the Member’s absence. The Chairman of any Committee meeting or meeting of the Trustees may admit as evidence statements not strictly evidence and any person whether a Member or not able to give evidence on the matter may be called as a witness either by the Committee or by the Member.
3.7.4 At any meeting at which any such enquiry is held, the Member may be represented by any other Member of the Squadron.
A Full Member shall be over 18 years of age and may be a boat owner or not.
The General Committee has the power to invite and admit the following as Honorary Members:
a) Officers of Her Majesty’s Navy, and Air Force, NZ Army.
b) The Mayor of Auckland Council.
c) The Auckland Police Commander, the Auckland Harbour Master, the Chair of Auckland Coast Guard.
Such persons shall be Honorary Members for the term of his or her office unless otherwise determined by the General Committee.
Honorary Membership may be conveyed upon any person as follows:
a) A person may be proposed and seconded for Honorary Membership by Full Members of the Squadron for consideration by the Membership Committee in the first instance.
b) The Membership Committee will pass nominations to the General Committee with a recommendation, and the General Committee will determine whether or not the nominee is invited and admitted to join as an Honorary Member. Honorary Membership shall be conveyed for a period of twenty-four months and shall end at this time unless
otherwise determined by the General Committee based upon the recommendation of the Membership Committee
4.2.3 Election of Life Members
Life Membership may be conveyed upon any person as follows:
a) The General Committee may submit a nomination for Life Membership to a General Meeting of the club for consideration. Notice of the General Committee’s intention to nominate the relevant person shall be included in the Notice of the General Meeting referred to in Rule 2.3.
b) At the General Meeting a nominee for Life Membership shall be invited and admitted to join as a Life Member with the approval of 80 percent of the Members voting
4.2.4 Terms of Honorary Membership and Life Membership
Honorary and Life Members shall be:
a) Exempt from entrance and subscription fees.
b) Deemed to have agreed to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Squadron.
c) Entitled to the privileges of the Squadron except that only Life Members shall be entitled to vote and be eligible for office at the Squadron.
A Country Member shall be either
4.3.1 A Member who permanently resides more than 80 kilometres from the Squadron Rooms, Westhaven, such distance to be calculated by the shortest route by road; or
4.3.2 A Member who permanently resides on any island in the Hauraki Gulf
A Junior Member shall be under the age of 25 years of age, inclusive of those current members of the Youth Training Programme. A Junior Member shall not be eligible for election on the General Committee, nor entitled to vote, nor entitled to nominate a candidate for Membership.
4.5.1 An Associate Member shall be over the age of 18 years and be the spouse or partner of a Full, Country, Senior or International Member. An Associate Member shall not be entitled to vote, nor be eligible for election to the Committee nor be entitled to nominate a candidate for Membership.
4.5.2 At the discretion of the Committee an Associate Member may continue as an Associate in the event of the death of the partner or spouse Member.
This category is for members crewing on yachts and not boat owners. The category shall be for: a) Members between 18 and 29 years of age; or b) New members over the age of 29 years can remain in this category for up to 5 years.
Should the member purchase a boat and/or fulfil 5 years Crew membership they will be automatically transferred to Full membership on the anniversary of their fifth year.
Crew members are not eligible for election to the General Committee, not entitled to vote, nor entitled to nominate a candidate for membership
4.7.1 Senior Members shall be those Members with more than 25 years of accrued Membership and over 65 years of age.
4.7.2 Over 40 Year Members shall be those Members of 40-50 years accrued Membership
4.7.3 Over 50 Year Members shall be those Members of 50-60 years of accrued Membership.
4.7.4 Over 60 Year Members shall be those Members with more than 60 years of accrued Membership.
4.8.1 Any existing or potential new Member residing outside of New Zealand for more than six months of the year may apply for Overseas membership with the associated subscription fee and benefits
4.9.1 Any corporate entity which shall be approved by the Committee may be admitted to Corporate Membership on such terms as the Committee shall from time to time stipulate.
4.9.2 A Corporate Member shall not:
a) Have any voting rights.
b) Be eligible for election to the Committee.
This category is for a Full and Associate member, and up to three Junior Members of that family
The Committee shall have power to fix the entrance fee from time to time. The entrance fee of each candidate must be paid before nomination for Membership can receive approval. Should the candidate fail to be elected the entrance fee shall be returned. The subscription is due on election, and if not paid within one month after election, such election may at the option of the Committee be declared null and void and the entrance fee declared forfeited to the Squadron. Any candidate who was previously a Member and voluntarily resigned shall not be required to pay an entrance fee on re-election, provided the candidate has on a previous occasion paid an entrance fee and the last period of Membership was not less than three years duration.
5.1.2 A candidate under the age of 30 years shall not be required to pay an entrance fee on election to Membership.
5.1.3 RNZYS Sailing School graduates, Youth Training, Performance Programme, and Associate Members shall not be required to pay an entrance fee on election
The General Committee may increase subscription payable across the various classes of Squadron Members by:
a) a percentage based on market cost factors for that year ahead including use of the previous year’s Consumer Price Index
b) including a ‘capital improvement’ levy not exceeding ten percent of the Membership fee for any one year. In the event the Committee has reason to request an increase of more than ten percent, then would only do so for the following year’s subscription with the authorisation of a Special General Meeting or an Annual General Meeting.
Any greater increase shall be fixed at a Special General Meeting each year to be held no later than the last day of March, due notice thereof having been given to Members in accordance with Rule 2.0 provided that if there be no change recommended by the General Committee then the present subscription shall remain for the following year
Subject to the provision of Rule 5.2.4 the Committee shall have the power to cancel the Membership of any Member whose subscription is in arrears and to cause the name of such Member to be removed from the list of Members, provided however that the Committee shall have the power in any deserving case to remit the whole or such portion of any Member’s annual subscription as it shall from time to time think fit.
5.2.3 No newly elected Member is permitted to use the Squadron Rooms or exercise any right or privilege of Membership until the subscription for that Member is paid or a bank authority for monthly payments is received by the Accounts office.
5.2.4 The financial year of the Squadron shall commence on the first day of May and shall end on the 30th day of April in each year.
Any Member failing to make payment of the subscription within 3 months following the commencement of their membership may at the discretion of the Committee be removed from the list of Members. The Committee may reinstate such Member on payment of such subscription.
At the discretion of the Committee no Member whose subscription is in arrears shall be entitled to use the Squadron privileges or property nor shall that Member be entitled to vote at any meetings of the Squadron nor represent the Squadron in any race until the subscription be paid. No yacht whose owner’s subscription is in arrears shall be allowed to compete in any Squadron race
Should the Committee at any time believe the funds at their disposal are or will be insufficient to carry on the affairs of the Squadron, they shall call a General Meeting and place the financial position before the meeting and the majority of those present and voting shall have the power by resolution to make a levy or call on all the Members of categories with voting rights. Notice of a levy or call shall be posted to all Members. The Committee may in its discretion remove from the list of Members any Members who fail to pay the levy or call within two calendar months from the date of notice, but the Committee shall have power to reinstate Members upon payment of the levy or call or upon their giving to the Committee a satisfactory explanation of their failure to pay.
The Committee may with or without the sanction of a General Meeting expend monies in pursuance of the Squadron’s objects, make donations to any person, body of persons or institution, invest the funds of the Squadron, enter such contracts to purchase or otherwise acquire or to sell, lease or otherwise dispose of or deal with any interest in any real or personal property or to borrow money with or without security (save that the Committee shall not in any financial year borrow more than the total of the previous financial year’s subscriptions without the sanction of a General Meeting). Upon such terms and conditions as it thinks fit, provided that all real and personal property of the Squadron shall be vested in the Trustees who shall hold the same upon trust for the Squadron and subject to the direction in writing of a majority of the Committee at a duly held meeting thereof and signed by the Chairman of such meeting. Such directions shall be obligatory upon the Trustees and shall validate anything done or purported to be done by them in pursuance of such direction and no person shall be concerned to enquire as to the regularity of such direction beyond the verification of the signature of the Chairman.
6.1.2 Where any property is or may be accepted by the Squadron pursuant to any deed, document, instrument in writing creating or attaching any trusts, conditions or stipulations relating to such property, the foregoing provisions of this Rule, insofar as they are contradictory to or inconsistent with such trusts, conditions or stipulations shall not apply and to the extent of any such contradiction or inconsistency, such property shall be held by the Trustees in such manner and upon and subject to such trusts, conditions and stipulations as such deed, document, instrument or writing shall provide.
6.1.3 The Committee shall provide for the safe custody of the Squadron’s Seal which shall only be used by the authority of the Committee and any instrument to which the Seal is affixed shall be signed by any two Flag Officers.
6.1.4 The Treasurer shall be responsible for all monies received by the Squadron and under the direction of the Committee shall make all disbursements. The Treasurer shall keep full and proper accounts of all the Squadron’s financial transactions and prepare the annual accounts and balance sheet as at the end of the Squadron’s financial year.
7.1.1 No addition to, alteration, amendments, or revision of these Rules shall be made except at a General Meeting and by a majority of three-fourths of the Members present and voting either in person or by proxy. Notice of any proposed addition, alteration, amendment or revision shall be included in the Notice of the General Meeting referred to in Rule 2.3.
7.1.2 No motion affecting these Rules which has been duly considered shall be brought forward again during the same financial year, unless by consent of the Committee.
7.1.3 Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, no alteration shall be made to Rule 10 of these Rules without the written consent of the Commissioner of Inland Revenue.
A yacht shall be deemed to be a vessel, whether propelled by sail or other power, used for pleasure purposes only.
Each Member who owns a yacht shall inform the Squadron the particulars of the yacht as the Committee shall by Regulations from time to time require. Particulars shall be entered in the Squadron Register of Yachts and no yacht shall be entitled to any of the privileges of the Squadron until such entry is made.
Any alteration to any yacht affecting her size or rig, horsepower or engine and propeller shall be notified to the Committee, who shall note these alterations.
The decision of the Committee on the interpretation or construction of any Rule or Regulation and on any matter not covered by the Rules shall be final.
The Squadron shall be dissolved if: 10.1.1 The number of Members shall be reduced to fewer than 50. 10.1.2 A majority of three fourths of the Members for the time being entitled to vote at a General Meeting called for the purpose resolve to dissolve the Squadron.
Upon winding up of the Squadron all surplus assets after payment of all costs, debts and liabilities shall be disposed of in such manner as shall be resolved by a majority of the Members entitled to vote at a General Meeting confirming the winding up, by being paid, transferred or delivered to such other association, club or institution having objects the same or similar to those of the Squadron as an addition to the funds of such an association, club or institution.
The following Regulations have been adopted by the General Committee in respect of Special Committees set up by it.
1.1 The House Committee shall be appointed by the General Committee. It shall include at least two General Committee members and at least one from each of any House sub-Committees. House sub-Committees may include (but are not limited to) the Kawau Committee and the Archives and Library Committee.
1.2 The General Committee shall elect the Chairman of the House Committee.
1.3 The Secretary of the House Committee shall be the General Manager.
1.4 Three Members shall form the quorum of all House Committee Meetings and the decision of the majority of those Members present shall be binding.
1.5 The House Committee shall meet as required.
1.6 It shall be the duty of the House Committee to ensure appropriate control, supervision, development, management and use of –a) the bar and catering staff, b) Squadron archives and library, c) Squadron premises, facilities, furnishings and off-water equipment including all property leased or owned by the Squadron at Westhaven, Kawau and elsewhere.
1.7 The House Committee shall ensure House Regulations including Dress Standards and Discipline processes are kept up to date and are appropriately applied.
1.8 The House Committee shall be subject to the over-riding authority of the General Committee.
1.9 The House Committee shall keep a true record of its proceedings in the form of minutes filed appropriately for that purpose.
1.10 The Kawau Committee shall be appointed by the General Committee and shall include at least two Members of the General Committee.
1.11 Two Members shall form the quorum of all Kawau Committee Meetings and the decision of the majority of those Members present shall be binding.
1.12 It shall be the duty of the Kawau Committee to ensure –a) Control, supervision, development, management and contract review with any Tenants of Squadron owned properties, facilities, furnishings and equipment including all property leased or owned by the Squadron.
b) Appropriate liaison, relationship management and contract review with any Tenants of Squadron owned properties at Kawau.
1.13 The Kawau Committee shall be subject to the over-riding authority of the General Committee.
1.14 The Archives and Library Committee shall be appointed by the General Committee.
1.15 Two Members shall for the quorum of all Archives and Library Committee Meetings and the decision of the majority of those Members present shall be binding.
1.16 It shall be the duty of the Archives and Library Committee to ensure control, supervision, development, management and use of Squadron Archive and Library materials and equipment.
1.17 The Archives and Library Committee shall be subject to the over-riding authority of the House Committee.
Notice of any change to House Regulations shall be posted on the notice board and signed by the General Manager where it concerns members.
1.19 No person shall be permitted entry to club premises as a guest of any member on more than one occasion in any month (unless participating in an event on the day).
1.20 If visiting the Squadron a non-member must enter their name and the member they are with or the reciprocal club they belong to in the visitor’s book.
1.21 No Member shall remove any property belonging to the Squadron from Squadron premises except under Regulations made by this Committee.
1.22 No Member shall remove any book or other media from the Squadron Archives or Library without either registering the item in the system provided, or advising the General Manager.
1.23 Mobile devices shall be on silent within club premises and used for information purposes only. Speaking on a mobile device is prohibited in the Members Bar, Quarterdeck, Cornes Library, Main Hall and Members Lounge. Should you need to take a call in the premises please remove yourself
to a suitable place to respect the quiet enjoyment of other members.
1.24 Members shall pay the full cost, or excess if insured, of replacing any Squadron property destroyed damaged or lost by them or their guest.
1.25 An inventory of all Squadron property will be maintained by the General Manager and provided to the House Committee on request.
1.26 No Alcoholic liquor shall be brought into Squadron premises without the prior approval of the General Manager.
1.27 No objectionable language or behaviour of any kind will be tolerated in the Squadron premises or its environs.
1.28 No notice shall be posted within Squadron premises unless authorised by the General Manager.
1.29 No collections shall be taken up in Squadron premises except by permission of the General Manager.
1.30 The Squadron shall not be responsible for the property of any member or guest left in or about Squadron premises.
1.31 No member shall bring a dog (other than an assistance dog) or other animal into any Squadron premises.
2.1 There shall be a Finance Committee consisting of not less than six Members, four of whom shall form a quorum at all meetings of the Committee, which shall comprise at least two Flag Officers, Treasurer, Chairman of the House Committee, and at least three Members appointed by the General Committee, one of whom shall be a Trustee. The Secretary of the Committee shall be the General Manager.
2.2 The Chairman of the Committee shall be a Flag Officer or such other person appointed by the General Committee.
2.3 It shall be the duty of the Finance & Risk Committee:
a) To maintain liaison with and act in an advisory capacity to the General Committee in all matters relating to the financial and legal affairs of the Squadron.
b) To investigate and report on any specific matters at the request of the General Committee.
c) To assist in preparation, review and submit budgets for each incoming financial year.
d) To prepare an annual risk review.
e) To recommend to the General Committee the level of annual subscriptions.
f) Generally, to keep under review the Squadron’s financial requirements, both short and long term.
3.1 There shall be a Membership Committee consisting of not less than four Members, three of whom shall form a quorum at all meetings of the Committee which shall comprise one Flag Officer and three Members appointed by the General Committee.
3.2 The Chairman of the Committee shall be a Flag Officer or such other person appointed by the General Committee.
3.3 It shall be the duty of the Membership Committee:
a) To recommend to the General Committee the various classes of Membership which should be provided in the Squadron including Corporate Membership.
b) To scrutinise each nomination for Membership, interview the prospective Member when appropriate and recommend to the General Committee on the processing of the prospective Membership.
c) To review and make recommendations to the General Committee on the processing of Membership nominations and changes.
d) To carry out other such studies relating to the Membership of the Squadron as the General Committee may request and report thereon to the General Committee. e) To encourage regular engagement of Members through Member events and activities.
4.1 The Sailing Committee shall consist of not less than six Members, four of whom shall form a quorum at all meetings. The Committee shall comprise of at least two Members of the General Committee, one from each of the sub-committees of the Sailing Committee including the Race Management
Committee, the Boat Management Committee, the Protest Committee OR Convenor the Handicap Committee and the Safety and Inspection Committee as appointed by the Sailing Committee.
4.2 The Chairman of the Committee shall be a Flag Officer or such other person appointed by the General Committee.
4.3 It shall be the duty of the Sailing Committee:
a) To organise and overview the Sailing and Boating Programme for the Squadron’s yacht races, training and other on water activity and to observe and review the programme from time to time.
b) To receive the reports of all sub-committees from which its Membership is constituted and to report to the General Committee its decisions and recommendations in respect of such reports.
c) To carry out such additional duties as the General Committee shall from time to time decide.
4.4 The Sailing Committee may appoint from time to time such sub-committees to the Sailing Committee as it thinks fit in order to effectively carry out the management of the various yacht racing and other on water activities in which the RNZYS is involved.
5.1 There shall be a Judges and Umpires Convenor appointed by the Sailing Committee. This person will report to the Sailing Committee.
5.2 To oversee a register of yachting umpires, judges and protect panel members and to allocate the relevant officials to RNZYS sailing events.
a) Oversee the appointment of Protest Panels to hear and decide all protests arising out of any races held by the Squadron. All its decisions and the conduct of its meetings shall be based on the Racing Rules under which the Squadrons sailing events are held.
5.3 The Committee shall report its decision on any protest immediately to the Sailing Manager of the Squadron and the Sailing Committee.
6.1 The Handicapping and Classification Committee shall consist of not less than six members as appointed by the Sailing Committee, four of who shall form a quorum. The Committee shall act as a sub-committee of the Sailing Committee.
6.2 The Chairman shall be a Member appointed by the Sailing Committee.
6.3 The Committee shall appoint such handicappers for the different classes and divisions of yachts as it shall think fit, with power to cancel any such appointments and appoint others in their place. It shall be the duty of the handicappers to handicap the various yachts in the races for which they shall have entered and such information posted on the Squadron’s notice board before the start of the race.
6.4 The Committee shall appoint not less than four of its Members to classify all yachts entered on the Squadron Register of yachts. All classifications shall be based on and conform to the specifications governing the respective classes.
6.5 The owner of each yacht classified shall be notified in writing of the class to which his yacht has been assigned.
6.6 The Committee shall report to the Sailing Committee.
7.1 The Race Management Committee shall consist of not less than six Members appointed by the Sailing Committee, three of whom shall form a quorum. The Committee will act as a sub-committee of the Sailing Committee.
7.2 The Chairman shall be appointed by the Sailing Committee.
7.3 The duties of the Race Management Committee shall include:
a) The laying of starting and finishing and course marks.
b) The starting of all races and the noting of the finishing times of all competing yachts.
c) Determining the course to be used in all Harbour races.
d) Reporting to the Sailing Director the results of all races, of any protest arising out of the races or any incidents observed in the course of a race.
7.4 The Committee shall appoint from its Members, Race Management to take charge of the proceedings on each race day and shall prepare a roster of the duty days for such Officers. It shall be the duty of the Race Officer with assistance from the Sailing Manager to arrange for such Members as he considers necessary to be present to assist him in his duties. The Sailing Director
will arrange for the boats and equipment deemed necessary, in consultation with the Chairman of the Race Management and Boat Management Committees, for each race or other on water activity.
7.5 It shall be the duty of the crew of the patrol boats to lay such starting and course marks as may be required and to lift such marks and return them to the Squadron’s Westhaven premises after the races have finished.
7.6 The Committee shall carry out any further or other duties from time to time required by the General Committee and Sailing Committee.
7.7 The Committee shall report to the Sailing Committee.
8.1 There shall be a Safety and Inspection Committee consisting of not less than three Members approved by the General Committee, two of whom shall form a quorum. This Committee shall act as a sub-committee of the Sailing Committee.
8.2 The Chairman shall be appointed by the General Committee.
8.3 The Committee shall appoint such of its Members or other RNZYS Members as it thinks fit to be inspectors.
8.4 t shall be the duty of the inspectors to oversee that the Club’s on-water safety protocols are met.
8.5 It shall be the duty of the inspectors to make all such inspection of yachts as may be necessary or desirable to ensure that the yacht complies with all the safety requirements relating to any class to which the yacht belongs or of any race in which the yacht is entered or proposes to enter.
8.6 It shall be the duty of every owner to permit the inspectors to carry out their respective duties in respect of his/her yacht.
8.7 The Committee shall report to the Sailing Committee.
9.1 The Boat Management Committee shall consist of not less than five Members appointed by the Sailing Committee three of whom shall form a quorum.
9.2 The Chairman shall be a Member appointed by the Sailing Committee.
9.3 It shall be the duty of the Committee:
a) To take overall responsibility for all Squadron boats and ancillary equipment including buoys, ropes and anchors.
b) To support the Sailing Director to manage on a day to day basis. The Sailing Office will also keep a full inventory for this purpose.
c) To overview maintenance programmes in respect of all Squadron boats including annual budgets therefore prepared by RNZYS staff.
d) To overview and approve allocation by the Sailing Director of boats to Squadron events and liaise with the Race Management Committee in this regard.
e) To overview and approve rosters for the manning of Squadron boats prepared by the Sailing Director, and liaise with the Race Management Committee in this regard.
f) To advise the General Committee and make such recommendations as it sees fit with regard to the sale and acquisition of RNZYS boats.
10.1 From time to time the General Committee may constitute and appoint Members to subcommittees of the Sailing Committee to carry out the management of the RNZYS sailing activities. These may include but not be limited to offshore sailing teams, Mid-Week, Winter and Summer Series, Cruising, Motor Yacht, Corporate Regattas, Match Racing and special events.
10.2 The Members and Chairman of these committees will be appointed by the General Committee. The Committee will report to the Sailing Committee.
11.1 Every Member being the owner of a yacht which he desires to have the privileges of the Squadron shall state in writing to the General Committee the following details relating to the yacht:
a) The name of the vessel and its type, Sail or Motor. The owner’s name and address and contact details. The name of the builder and/ or designer of the vessel and the year in which it was built. It’s overall length, marina berthing, sail number and insurance company.
11.2 The Register of Yachts will be maintained by the Sailing Director.
The Squadron Burgee is blue with St George’s Cross with a crown in centre thereof and four stars of the Southern Cross in white, in the upper canton. It may be worn in conjunction with the New Zealand Flag or Squadron Ensign, which all yachts and motor yachts on the Squadron Register are entitled to wear.
Owners of yachts on the Register may apply to the Squadron for a Warrant and the privilege of flying the Squadron Ensign and on receiving the same they shall be amenable to the Rules and Regulations connected with the holding of the Warrant. The Ensign may be worn only by those yachts whose owners hold, through the Squadron, the Warrant to fly the Squadron Ensign. It may be worn only when the owner is on board or “in effective control” of the yacht and the Squadron Burgee must be flown at the main masthead or at the starboard spreader at the same time. The Warrant ceases to be valid if the owner ceases to be a Member of the Squadron. The Warrant must be on board the yacht or motor yacht at all times and available for inspection when the Squadron Ensign is being worn.
12.3.1 The Commodore’s flag shall be a swallow tail of a similar device to the Pennant.
12.3.2 The Vice-Commodore’s flag shall be the same as the Commodore’s with the addition of a white ball in the inner lower canton.
12.3.3 he Rear-Commodore’s flag shall be the same as the Commodore’s with the addition of a red ball in the inner lower canton.
12.3.4 The Past-Commodore’s flag shall be a rectangular flag of similar device to the Commodore’s flag but having a white Maltese Cross in the inner lower canton.
12.3.5 The Port Captain’s flag shall be a rectangular flag of similar device to the Commodore’s flag.
12.4.1 No Member, other than a Flag Officer, shall fly the Squadron’s flags from any yacht which is not on the Squadron Register.
12.4.2 11.4.2 The Squadron Ensign is to be raised at 8am and should be taken down at sunset, except on a yacht underway, then it may be worn after sunset if desired. (Please refer to your Warrant conditions).
12.4.3 11.4.3 The Squadron Burgee shall be flown only by a Member of the Squadron and on a yacht on the Squadron Register. A Flag Officer’s or Past Commodore’s Burgee shall not be flown on a yacht unless the Flag Officer or Past Commodore is present. The Burgee is to be flown at the main masthead or at the starboard spreader.
12.5.1 Whilst racing, yachts shall fly the flag designated by the Sailing Committee for the division in which the yacht is racing. The Divisional Racing Flag should be hauled down immediately on a yacht withdrawing from or completing a race.
12.6.1 Salutes are to be given and acknowledged by dipping the Ensign once. The Ensign should be lowered to the “dip” position (two thirds of the distance it has been hoisted) and should be kept at the dip until the salute is acknowledged when it should be slowly re-hoisted.
12.6.2 12.6.2 All yachts should salute ships of Her Majesty’s Navy; when meeting a squadron of warships, only the Senior Officer’s ship should be saluted. Any yacht meeting or passing another yacht which is flying a Flag Officer’s Burgee should salute.
To indicate mourning, Ensigns should be half-masted. The Squadron Burgee should remain fully hoisted except in the case of the death of owners when both the Burgee and the Ensign should be half-masted. A flag must be fully hoisted before being half-masted and also before lowering when at half-mast. To salute, the Ensign must first be mast headed before being dipped.
12.8.1 Hospitality signal: A green and white Pennant flown at the starboard cross-tree indicates that the owner wishes Members of the Squadron to join them for drinks.
12.8.2 Every boat approaching a yacht shall hail such yacht and receive a reply before boarding.
Standards of dress within the Squadron clubrooms at Westhaven shall be neat yachting attire in the bar areas and neat casual in all other areas of the club except when special dress standards are nominated for certain functions. Neat yachting attire - shall mean tidy, clean and dry yachting clothes and excludes bare feet, caps, hats, sea boots, and wet weather gear. Neat Casual - shall mean tidy clothes, slacks, shirts and shoes, a slightly more formal standard than neat yachting attire. It has the same exclusions as neat yachting. Tidy open toe footwear may be worn in the bar areas only during the summer sailing season. Members shall be responsible to ensure that their guests and racing crews comply with these standards.
Upon any complaint being received by the Squadron concerning the behaviour of any Member or any Member’s crew in or out of the Squadron premises the General Committee shall:
a) Inform the Member in writing of the intention of the Committee to call an enquiry into the conduct complained of;
b) Give the Member the opportunity to call witnesses;
c) Allow the Member, his/her witness and any other witnesses the committee shall call, to give evidence;
d) Allow the Member to question any of the witnesses’ present and who gave evidence.
e) Make a finding of fact in relation to the conduct complained of;
f) Inform the Member of the reasons for its decisions and impose such penalty as it shall see fit to impose within the rules of the club.
The RNZYS has a number of facilities and services available for members to enjoy at Kawau Island. We encourage you to make the most of them. We also host various annual events for members to attend throughout the year.
This property is a gracious three bedroom house available to rent to Squadron Members. Located in idyllic Smeltinghouse Bay, Bon Accord Harbour. It can be accessed via its own jetty via ferry or secure your vessel to the private mooring. Member rates start from $450 per night and may vary summer to winter. Minimum night stays may also vary at times. The house can be booked by Squadron members throughout the year via your Members Portal or email reception@rnzys.org.nz.
The Club is open October – June and serves a variety of good food and drinks from 10am to evening Thursday – Monday (closed Tuesday & Wed). Seven days per week during the Christmas / New Year period. 24 hour petrol and diesel + free water available for membersreclaim your discount using the barcode in our RNZYS app. For a very reasonable annual fee you can also join KBC. Members of KBC enjoy free showers, laundry and discounts on food and beverage. Phone (09) 422 8845 or email info@kawauboatingclub.nz for more information .
There are three moorings available for use FREE of charge to RNZYS Full members in Smelting House Bay. RNZYS members have first rights to use these up until 5pm daily if booked in advance. The maximum stay is two nights. After 5pm KBC members may also book on the day for a maximum of one night on a complimentary basis. To check availability and book a mooring go to www.rnzys.org.nz/kawau-island
Over the past thirty years the Mastercard Youth Training Programme has trained over 500 highly competitive sailors. The success of the programme directly relates to the ongoing success of its graduates. Many have achieved outstanding results at the very highest level of our sport including America’s Cup, Volvo Ocean Race, World Match Racing events, Offshore Sailing and National Championships – and of course club racing champions.
The eleven month course focusses on advanced aspects of sailing including; racing rules, tactics, strategy, navigation, sail trim, boat handling, boat maintenance, communication, fitness, in addition to life skills. Upon completion of the year students may wish to graduate or re-join for a consecutive year or years. Typically training takes place every Sunday and every second Saturday with sailors encouraged to take part in the RNZYS Doyle Sails Winter Series on the alternate Saturdays to allow participants to hone their skills in
other keelboats. During the year teams are selected to represent the RNZYS at a number of match racing and keelboat events both nationally and internationally. Our sponsors play an integral role in the programme, along with our Race Management team of volunteers and graduates.
Mastercard Youth Training Programme applications are open from January until April each year to male and female sailors between 15 – 23 years of age.
Further information, images and videos can all be found online at: www.rnzys.org.nz or please contact
Mobile: 022 576 2965
Email: zmerton@rnzys.org.nz
During 2016 the Performance Programme was launched with the aim to provide a structured high intensity training programme for the top sailors graduating from the Youth Training Programme. This performance programme will sail 800 hours over the year training in various disciplines of high-level professional yachting, this includes use of the Elliott 7’s, Members' yachts and the two Phantom 18ft foiling catamarans. This programme looks to ensure that our next generation has a clear pathway to the top of professional sailing in an ever-changing landscape of technological advancements.
Performance Programme applications are open from March until April for current Mastercard YTP members, graduates of the Programme and some limited spots for skilled outside applicants.
Further information, images and videos can all be found online at: www.rnzys.org.nz or please contact
Zak Merton
Mobile: 022 576 2965
Email: zmerton@rnzys.org.nz
For close to two decades Doyle Sails has supported New Zealand sailors, clubs, and teams. We are home to some of the best sailors and sailmakers in the world, where the Doyle Sails quality, performance and customer service can be found.
Welcome to the Squadron
Choose the Category that best suits you
FULL Boat Owners
OVERSEAS Resides Outside of New Zealand ASSOCIATE Of a full category JUNIOR Up to 25 Years Old Entrance Fee $600 $600 $300 $300 $750 N/A N/A Annual in Advance $705 $900 $370 $370 $370 $145 $145 or Pay Monthly $59 $75 $31 $31 N/A $13 $13 Please select one
Entrance fee not applicable to Crew under 30 years old or if an approved sailing course is booked.
Yacht Power
Boat Name:
Boat Owner Crew Sail Number: Berth:
Boat Design:
First Name:
Date of Birth: Title: Mr Mrs Ms Master Miss Occupation: Employer:
Postal Code:
Business: Mobile: Email:
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The information provided in this application is true and correct I accept and understand the club rules and regulations (view
I agree to a 2 year minumum term for joining
Membership is subject to General Committee approval. You consent to your name being published to members. Your personal information is being collected for the purposes of providing membership benefits to you. RNZYS and its suppliers or sponsors may access the information to provide member offers to you. Your personal information will not be sold to any third party. Your information will be stored at RNZYS, Westhaven Drive, Auckland; you may access or correct the information held about you via the members portal or by contacting reception@rnzys.org.nz.
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Thursday 29 Elliott 7 Sprints 1
1800 WH
Friday 30 Havana Club Spring Series Rum Race 1 1630 WH
Saturday 1 Opening Day
1000 WH Sunday 2
Monday 3
Tuesday 4 Barfoot & Thompson Womens Series 1 & Etchells Sprints 1 1800 WH
Wednesday 5 Harken NZ Match Racing Championships 1000 WH Thursday 6 Young 88 Sprints 1
1800 WH
Harken NZ Match Racing Championships 1000 WH Friday 7 Havana Club Spring Series Rum Race 2
1630 WH
Harken NZ Match Racing Championships 1000 WH Saturday 8 Harken NZ Match Racing Championships
1000 WH
1000 WH Sunday 9 Harken NZ Match Racing Championships
Monday 10
Tuesday 11 MRX Sprint Series 1 & Etchells Sprints 2 1800 WH Wednesday 12 Doyle Sails Wednesday Series 1
1800 WH Thursday 13 Elliott 7 Sprints 2 1800 WH
Friday 14 Havana Club Spring Series Rum Race 3
1630 WH Saturday 15 Roy McDell Gold Cup 1000 ORAK Sunday 16
Monday 17
Tuesday 18 Barfoot & Thompson Womens Series 2 & Etchells Sprints 3 1800 WH
Wednesday 19
Thursday 20 Young 88 Sprints 2 1800 WH
Friday 21 PIC Insurance Brokers Coastal Classic
0900 No Rum Race
Saturday 22
Sunday 23
Monday 24 Labour Day
Tuesday 25 Etchells Sprints 4 & MRX Sprints 2
1800 WH
Wednesday 26 Doyle Sails Wednesday Series 2 1800 WH Thursday 27 Elliott 7 Sprints 3
1800 WH
1800 WH Saturday 29 PIC Insurance Brokers Cruising Rally 1 1300 RES Sunday 30
Friday 28 Havana Club Spring Series Rum Race 4
Monday 31
Tuesday 1 Barfoot & Thompson Womens Series 3 & Etchells Sprints 5 1800 WH
Thursday 3 Corporate Regatta 1230
Young 88 Sprints 3
1800 WH
NZ Womens Match Racing Championships 1000 WH
Friday 4 Havana Club Spring Series Rum Race 5
1630 WH
NZ Womens Match Racing Championships 1000 WH
Saturday 5 NZ Womens Match Racing Championships
1000 WH
Sunday 6 NZ Womens Match Racing Championships 1000 WH
Monday 7 Stewart 34 Championships 1 1800 WH
Tuesday 8 Etchells Sprints 6 & MRX Sprints 3
1800 WH
Wednesday 9 Doyle Sails Wednesday Series 3 1800 WH
Barfoot & Thompson Womens Match Racing Worlds
1000 WH
Thursday 10 Barfoot & Thompson Womens Match Racing Worlds 1000 WH
Friday 11 Havana Club Spring Series Rum Race 6
1630 WH
Barfoot & Thompson Womens Match Racing Worlds 1000 WH
Saturday 12 Barfoot & Thompson Womens Match Racing Worlds
PIC Insurance Brokers Cruising Rally 2
Sunday 13 Barfoot & Thompson Womens Match Racing Worlds
Monday 14
1000 WH
1000 WH
Tuesday 15 Barfoot & Thompson Womens Series 4 & Etchells Sprints 7 1800 WH
Thursday 17 Young 88 Sprints 4 1800 WH
Friday 18 Havana Club Spring Series Rum Race 7
1630 WH
Saturday 19 36 Degrees Brokers Commodore’s Cup - Round Rangitoto 1000 WH
Westhaven Triple Series (part of Commodore’s Cup)
Coast NZ Etchells Nationals 1000 WH
Sunday 20 Coast NZ Etchells Nationals
Monday 21 Stewart 34 Championships
1000 WH
1800 WH
Tuesday 22 Etchells Sprints 8 & MRX Sprints 4 1800 WH
Wednesday 23 Doyle Sails Wednesday Series 4
1800 WH
Elliott 7 Sprints 4 1800 WH
Friday 25 Havana Club Spring Series Rum Race
1630 WH
PIC Insurance Brokers Squadron Fishing Day 1000 WH
Barfoot & Thompson Womens Series 5 & Etchells Sprints 9 1800 WH
Thursday 1 Young 88 Sprints 5
1800 WH
Friday 2 Havana Club Spring Series Rum Race 9 1630 WH
Saturday 3 PIC Insurance Brokers Cruising Rally 3: Sundowner Party .... 1300 RES
Sunday 4
Monday 5 Stewart 34 Championships 3
Mastercard National Youth Training Week 1
Tuesday 6 Etchells Sprints 10 & MRX Sprints 5
Mastercard National Youth Training Week 1
Wednesday 7 Doyle Sails Wednesday Series 5
Mastercard National Youth Training Week 1
Thursday 8 Mastercard National Youth Training Week 1
1800 WH
1800 WH
1800 WH
Friday 9 Havana Club Spring Series Rum Race 10 & Party 1800 WH
Mastercard National Youth Training Week 1
Saturday 10 Mastercard National Youth Training Week 1
Sunday 11 Mastercard National Youth Training Week 1
Monday 12 Mastercard National Youth Training Week 2
Tuesday 13 Mastercard National Youth Training Week 2
Wednesday 14 Mastercard National Youth Training Week 2
Thursday 15 Young 88 Sprints 6
1800 WH Mastercard National Youth Training Week 2
Friday 16 Mastercard National Youth Training Week 2
Saturday 17 Mastercard National Youth Training Week 2
Sunday 18
Monday 19
Tuesday 20 Wednesday 21
Thursday 22
Friday 23
Saturday 24 Christmas Eve
Sunday 25 Christmas Day
Monday 26 Boxing Day
of Islands
of Islands
of Islands
Wednesday 1 Doyle Sails Wednesday Series 6
1800 WH
Thursday 2 Elliott 7 Sprints 6 1800 WH
Friday 3 Havana Club Summer Series Rum Race 2
Saturday 4 Sunday 5
Monday 6 Waitangi Day
1630 WH
Tuesday 7 Barfoot & Thompson Womens Series 7 & Etchells Sprints 3 1800 WH Wednesday 8
Thursday 9 Young 88 Sprints 7
Friday 10 36 Degrees Brokers Squadron Weekend
1800 WH
36 Degrees Brokers Commodores Cup - Night Race to Kawau 1800 WH Westhaven Triple Series (part of Commodore’s Cup)
Saturday 11 Commodores Cup - Round Kawau Race
36 Degrees Brokers Squadron Beach Party
Sunday 12
1000 KAW
1600 KAW
Monday 13 Etchells Auckland Championships 1800 WH
Stewart 34 Championships 4
1800 WH
Tuesday 14 Etchells Auckland Championships & MRX Sprints 7 1800 WH
Wednesday 15 Doyle Sails Wednesday Series 7
1800 WH
Thursday 16 Elliott 7 Sprints 7 1800 WH
Harken Youth International Match Race Cup
1000 WH
Friday 17 Havana Club Summer Series Rum Race 3 1800 WH
Harken Youth International Match Race Cup
1000 WH
Saturday 18 PIC Insurance Brokers Cruising Rally 4 1300 RES
Harken Youth International Match Race Cup
1000 WH
Sunday 19 Harken Youth International Match Race Cup 1000 WH
Monday 20
Tuesday 21 Barfoot & Thompson Womens Series 8 & Etchells Sprints 4 1800 WH
Wednesday 22
Thursday 23 Young 88 Sprints 8
1800 WH
Friday 24 Havana Club Summer Series Rum Race 4 1630 WH
Saturday 25 City of Sails Auckland Regatta
Sunday 26 City of Sails Auckland Regatta
Monday 27 GIB Regatta
1000 NLA
1000 NLA
Stewart 34 Championships 5 1800 WH
Tuesday 28 Etchells Sprints 5 & MRX Sprints 8
1800 WH
Wednesday 1 Doyle Sails Wednesday Series 8
1800 WH
Thursday 2 Elliott 7 Sprints 8 1800 WH
Friday 3 Havana Club Summer Series Rum Race 5
1630 WH
Classic Yacht Regatta 1000 WH
Saturday 4 36 Degrees Brokers Commodores Cup - Te Kouma Race
1000 WH
Classic Yacht Regatta 1000 WH
Sunday 5 Classic Yacht Regatta
Monday 6
1000 WH
Tuesday 7 Barfoot & Thompson Womens Series 9 & Etchells Sprints 6 1800 WH
Wednesday 8
Thursday 9 Young 88 Sprints 9
Friday 10 Havana Club Summer Series Rum Race 6
Saturday 11 Sunday 12
1800 WH
1630 WH
PIC Insurance Brokers Ladies Fishing Day 1000 WH
Monday 13 Stewart 34 Championship 6
1800 WH
Tuesday 14 Etchells Sprints 7 & MRX Sprints 9 1800 WH
Wednesday 15 Doyle Sails Wednesday Series 9
1800 WH
Thursday 16 Elliott 7 Sprints 9 1800 WH
Friday 17 Havana Club Summer Series Rum Race 7
1630 WH
Harken Schools National Keelboat Championships 1000 WH
Saturday 18 PIC Insurance Brokers Cruising Rally 5 1300 RES
Harken Schools National Keelboat Championships
1000 WH
Sunday 19 Harken Schools National Keelboat Championships 1000 WH
Monday 20
Tuesday 21 Barfoot & Thompson Womens Series 10 - Prizegiving
Wednesday 22
1800 WH Etchells Sprints 8
1800 WH
Thursday 23 Young 88 Sprints 10 & Prizegiving 1800 WH
Friday 24 Havana Club Summer Series Rum Race 8
1800 WH
Saturday 25 Harken Young 88 Nationals 1000 NLA
Sunday 26 Harken Young 88 Nationals
1000 NLA
Monday 27 Stewart 34 Championship 7 1800 WH
Tuesday 28 Etchells Sprints 9 & MRX Sprints 10 & Prizegiving
1800 WH
Wednesday 29 Doyle Sails Wednesday Series 10 & Prizegiving 1800 WH
Thursday 30 Elliott 7 Sprints 10 & Prizegiving
1800 WH
Friday 31 Havana Club Summer Rum Race 9 & Party 1630 WH
Barfoot & Thompson
Womens Keelboat Nationals
1000 NLA
Etchells Nationals 1000 NLA Magic 25 Nationals
PIC Insurance Brokers
1000 NLA
1000 NLA
Barfoot & Thompson
Stewart 34 Collinson
Womens Keelboat Nationals
1000 NLA
1000 NLA Etchells Nationals 1000 NLA Magic 25 Nationals
1330 WH
Good Friday
Colin Forbes
Easter Sunday
Easter Monday
1100 RES
1100 TBA
Havana Club Autumn Series Rum Race
1600 WH
36 Degrees Brokers
Cup - Haystack Race
Cup) 1000 WH
1000 WH Westhaven Triple Series
Club Autumn Series
1600 WH
Club Autumn Series
1600 WH
1000 NLA
1000 NLA
Havana Club Autumn Series
1600 WH
NZ Open Keelboat National Championships
1000 NLA
NZ Open Keelboat National Championships 1000 NLA Sunday
Havana Club Autumn Series
1600 WH Saturday 13 Doyle Sails Winter Series
1250 WH Sunday
Friday 19 Havana Club Autumn Series Rum Race
1600 WH Saturday 20 Squadron Summer Series
1800 RNZYS Sunday 21
Havana Club Autumn Series Rum Race
1600 WH Saturday 27 Doyle Sails Winter Series
1250 WH Sunday
Havana Club Winter Series
1600 WH Saturday
1250 WH Sunday
Club Winter Series
1600 WH Saturday
Club Winter Series
1600 WH Saturday
Sails Winter Series
1250 WH Sunday
Club Winter Series
1600 WH Saturday
Club Winter Series
1600 WH
for all RNZYS Club Racing from 1 October 2022 to 30th September 2023
The Organising Authority:
Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron (RNZYS) 181 Westhaven Drive, Westhaven, Auckland 1011 Tel: 09 360 6800 | www. rnzys.org.nz | raceoffice@rnzys.org.nz
The event is governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing.
1.2 The rules of RRS Part II will be replaced with the right-of-way rules of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (IRPCAS) between sunset and sunrise.
The Yachting New Zealand Safety Regulations shall apply as follows: a) Part II Category 5 shall apply for keel boats (excl Young 88) and multihulls, b) Part II Category 4 shall apply for Young 88 boats, c) Part V Category B shall apply for trailer yachts, d) Part VI Category B shall apply for sports boats, e) Part VII shall apply for sport multihulls.
Refer - http://www.yachtingnz.org.nz/racing/safety-regulations
1.4 Under RRS 42.3 (i), Propulsion, the use of an engine is permitted to avoid a collision with another vessel or object, or to prevent or get clear after grounding or colliding with a vessel or object, or to prevent a vessel from entering a prohibited area; provided the boat does not gain a significant advantage in the race.
1.5 Boats shall be nominated with “Non-Moveable Ballast” or with “A Canting Keel” or “Water Ballast Tanks.” Lifting keels shall be locked in the down position and may not be moved whilst racing. a) A boat nominated with non-moveable ballast, or a lifting keel shall comply with RRS 51, Moveable Ballast, b) Boats with moveable or variable ballast, in the form of a canting keel or water ballast, may move that ballast to increase or decrease weight, or to adjust trim or stability. This changes RRS 51, Moveable Ballast, c) Boats with moveable or variable ballast shall comply with World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations- Appendix A d) Boats with moveable or variable ballast shall comply with Yachting New Zealand Safety Regulations Part II Clause 6.
1.6 RRS 52, Manual Power shall not apply.
1.7 For boats sailing in non-spinnaker divisions or events, no spinnakers or extras may be set. Extras are defined as sails normally used to advantage to windward. Headsails may be boomed out using spinnaker poles but shall only be carried on a permanent load bearing forestay with only one headsail per forestay.
1.8 Appendix T, Arbitration will apply unless stated differently in the SSI’s.
1.9 If there is a conflict between the NOR and SI’s the SI’s will take precedence.
2.1 Notices to competitors will be posted on the official notice board located on the club website at www.rnzys.org.nz
2.2 Supplementary Sailing Instructions (SSI’s) will be posted online on the RNZYS website at www.rnzys.org.nz .
2.3 Boats (and support vessels) shall maintain a listening watch on VHF channel 17 unless stated differently in the event Supplementary Sailing Instructions. The failure to receive a radio message from the race committee will not be grounds for redress. This changes RRS 62.1 (a).
3.1 Any change to the Sailing Instructions will be posted before 0900 on the day it will take effect unless this time is changed in the Supplementary Sailing Instructions. Any change to the schedule of races will be posted by 2000 on the day before it will take effect.
4.1 Signals made ashore will be displayed from the RNZYS flagpole located to the north of the RNZYS clubrooms.
To alert boats that a race or sequence of races will begin soon, the orange starting line flag will be displayed with one sound at least one (1) minute before a warning signal is made.
6.1 Unless otherwise stated in the SSI’s, the class flags will be:
Division Class Class Flag
R Racing Pink
M Multi-hull Blue / Yellow
A A division Green
B B division White
Light displacement Green / Yellow
F Heavy displacement Purple
Q Young 88 Y88 insignia on White background
G Farr MRX MRX insignia on White background
E Non-spinnaker Black / White
S Sports boats Yellow
K Classics CYA Burgee
6.2 [DP] All boats, except Young 88, Farr MRX and Multi-hull boats when racing in Q, G or M division respectively, shall display their class flag from the backstay of the boat, at least 1 metre above the deck line while racing so that it is clearly visible to other boats. Boats without a backstay shall fly their class flag from the port shrouds. Failure to clearly display the class flag may result in the boat being scored Did Not Start without a hearing unless dispensation is given in the event NOR or SSI. This changes RRS 35, A5.1 and A5.2.
7.1 No later than the warning signal the race committee will designate the course by displaying the course number. The race committee may also notify boats of the course via txt message and/or VHF radio. The failure to send a course message or a boat’s failure to receive a course message will not be grounds for redress. This changes RRS 62.1 (a).
7.2 Harbour courses:
The courses are shown in the RNZYS Course Addendum A, B, or C online at the RNZYS website at www.rnzys.org.nz . They show the courses, the order in which rounding marks are to be passed, and the side on which each mark is to be left.
7.3 Windward Leeward Courses:
The courses will be included in the SSI’s. They show the courses, the order in which rounding marks are to be passed, and the side on which each mark is to be left.
8.1 All marks will be Auckland Council Harbour Racing Buoys, unless the mark is missing and may be replaced with an inflatable buoy, or an official boat displaying code flag ‘M.’ The buoy locations, including GPS positions are online under Race Documents and Courses on the RNZYS website at www.rnzys.org.nz and in the RNZYS handbook.
8.2 Windward Leeward Courses:
A list of the marks that will be used, including a description of each one, will be included in the event SSI’s.
8.3 Fairway Marks:
Boats racing shall pass on the main channel side of the following fairway marks:
1. Rangitoto Beacon,
2. Iliomama Rock Beacon,
3. Browns Island Beacon,
4. Beacon on Emu Rock (off Motutapu),
5. Bean Rock Light and Doris Rock Beacon (approx. 25m north),
6. Red buoys on eastern side of Motuihe Channel,
7. Beacon on Sewer Outlet (Orakei),
8. Cable beacons east of Devonport Wharf,
9. Green Sandspit marker stake (SW of Torpedo Wharf),
10.All moored vessels in or adjacent to the designated Small Craft Moorings areas shown on Chart NZ 5322,
11. The Okahu Bay wave break and all moored vessels in the Okahu Bay mooring area,
12. The harbour bridge main navigational span pylons.
9.1 Prohibited Racing Areas:
The following areas (shown in Attachment A) are designated as Obstructions for the purposes of the RRS Definitions and RRS 19 and 20.
1. The Westhaven Boat Harbour area defined as south of a line representing an extension of the breakwater to the most northern point of Wynyard Point – (diagram A),
2. The Commercial Harbour area defined as south of a straight line drawn between the most northern point of Wynyard Point and the north-western point of the Fergusson Container Terminal – (diagram B),
3. The Defence area marked on Chart NZ 5322 around the Naval Dock, Calliope Wharves, Devonport – (diagram C).
9.2 Large Vessel Moving Prohibited Zones:
At all times boats shall comply with the Auckland Council Navigation Safety Bylaw 2021 Part 2, Subpart 10, clause 54 – “Moving Prohibited Zone” as described below. Moving Prohibited Zones are designated as Obstructions for the purposes of the RRS Definitions and RRS 19 and 20. Auckland Council Navigation Safety Bylaw 2021 – Part 2, Subpart 10 –54 - Vessels Must Not Impede a Large Vessel In A Pilotage Area,
1. The person in charge of a vessel under 500 gross tonnage in a pilotage area must not allow that vessel to impede the navigation of any vessel of 500 gross tonnage or more.
2. The person in charge of a vessel must not navigate the vessel within the moving prohibited zone of a large vessel that is in a pilotage area.
3. A moving prohibited zone is an area of navigable water around a large vessel that –a. extends 100 metres to each side or the width of the marked channel, whichever is the lessor distance; and b. continues at the width in (a) to 100 metres astern and 500 metres ahead of the vessel; and c. follows the line of the marked or buoyed channel when changing course.
4. However, (2) does not apply to the pilotage area within the Tamaki River.
10.1 Races will be started using RRS 26 with the warning signal made 5 minutes before the starting signal, unless changed by the event NOR or SSI’s.
10.2 The starting line is between a staff displaying an orange flag on the race committee vessel or the Westhaven Start Tower and the course side of the starting mark.
10.3 [DP] When a starting sequence is in progress, boats whose warning signal has not been made shall avoid the starting area. The starting area is defined as the area 50m from the starting line in all directions.
10.4 If any part of a boat’s hull is on the course side of the starting line at her starting signal and she is identified, the race committee will attempt to broadcast her name and/or sail number on VHF channel 17. Failure to make a broadcast, failure of her to hear such a broadcast, or the order in which boats are broadcast will not be grounds for a request for redress. This changes RRS 62.1 (a).
10.5 General Recalls: In the event of a General Recall then the warning signal for the recalled divi-sion will be made with the starting signal for the last scheduled start. If more than one division is recalled, the recalled divisions will start at 5 minute intervals in the same sequence in which they were recalled. The “First Substitute” will be lowered at the same time as the preparatory signal is lowered 1 minute before the start of the next division. This changes RRS 29.2.
In the event that the last scheduled division to start is recalled and no other division has been recalled previously, the new warning signal shall be made no less than 5 minutes after the pre-vious starting signal. The “First Substitute” will be lowered at the same time as the new warn-ing signal is displayed. This changes RRS 29.2.
10.6 Unless stated differently in the SSI’s, boats failing to start within 4 minutes of their starting sig-nal for Windward Leeward racing, or within 10 minutes of their starting signal for Harbour or Passage racing, shall be scored Did Not Start without a hearing. This changes RRS 35, A5.1 and A5.2.
11.1 Harbour Courses:
Legs of the course will not be changed. This changes RRS 33.
11.2 Windward Leeward Courses:
To change the next leg of the course, the race committee will lay a new mark (or move the finishing line) and remove the original mark as soon as practicable. A description of the new mark will be in the SSI’s. When in a subsequent change a new mark is replaced, it will be replaced by an original mark.
11.3 When Mark 1 has been replaced, Mark 1a is no longer a mark of the course. It will be removed as soon as practicable. This changes RRS 33(c).
11.4 A Change of Course will be signalled by the display of flag ‘C’ only with repetitive sounds. This changes RRS 33(a) and RRS 33(b).
12.1 The finishing line is between a staff displaying a blue flag on the race committee vessel and the course side of the finishing mark, unless changed by the event SSI’s.
13.1 The Two-Turns Penalty as per RRS 44.1 shall apply, unless changed by the NOR or SSI’s.
14.1 The SSI’s will state which of the following time limits, if any will apply and, for each, the time limit.
• Mark 1 Time Limit Time limit for the first boat to pass Mark 1.
• Race Time Limit Time limit for the first boat to start, sail the course and finish.
• Finishing Window Time limit for boats to finish after the first boat starts, sails the course and finishes.
14.2 Unless stated in the event SSI’s there is no Mark 1 Time Limit.
14.3 Boats failing to finish within the Finishing Window after the first boat starts, sails the course and finishes shall be scored Did Not Finish without a hearing. This changes RRS 35, A5.1 and A5.2.
15.1 Hearing request forms are available on the RNZYS website www.rnzys.org.nz and at the Race Office. Protests and requests for redress or reopening shall be delivered to the Race Office within the appropriate time limit.
15.2 For each division or class, the protest time limit is 90 minutes after the last boat has finished the last race of the day or the Race Committee signals no more racing today, whichever is the later.
15.3 Notices will be posted to inform competitors of hearings in which they are parties or named as witnesses and when and where the hearings will be held.
15.4 Notices of protests by the race committee, technical committee or protest committee will be posted to inform boats under RRS 61.1 (b).
15.5 An arbitration meeting may be held prior to the hearing and may be held by teleconference (eg. Zoom).
16.1 A boat that retires from a race shall notify the race committee at the first reasonable oppor-tunity, either via VHF channel 17 as indicated in SI 2.3, by telephone or in person.
16.2 All boats must maintain a listening watch on deck on VHF channel 17 as indicated in SI 2.3, and on VHF channel 16 at all times while racing. Emergency communication must be made on VHF channel 16.
17.1 [DP] Except when requested to participate in rescue operations, team leaders, coaches, and other support persons shall stay outside areas where boats are racing and are restricted to a 5 knot speed limit, from the time of the preparatory signal for the first start of a sequence of starts until all boats have finished racing or the race committee signals a postponement or abandonment of all races. The areas the boats are racing in is defined as the area inside the course and within 100m of any mark, lay line, starting line, finishing line or any area where any boat that is racing is sailing or may sail.
17.2 [DP] All support and coach boats shall have an engine safety cut out switch (kill cord) attached to the driver at all times while the engine is running, unless prior written exemption has been provided by the Organising Authority.
17.3 [DP] All support and coach boats must have VHF communications and be available to assist the race committee if required.
18.1 By participating in a RNZYS event, competitors automatically grant to the Organising Authority and the event sponsors the right, in perpetuity, to make, use, and show, at their discretion, any photography, audio and video recordings, and other reproductions of them made at the venue or on the water from the time of their arrival at the venue, until their final departure, without compensation.
18.2 All those who take part in any event as competitors, as well as support crew, spectators and officials agree to be overflown by a drone during the duration of the event. This includes your person and your property (boats).
19.1 RRS 3 states: “The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue to race is hers alone.” By participating in this event each competitor agrees and acknowledges that sailing is a potentially dangerous activity with inherent risks. These risks include strong winds and rough seas, sudden changes in weather, failure of equipment, boat handling errors, poor seamanship by other boats, loss of balance on an unstable platform and fatigue
resulting in increased risk of injury. Inherent in the sport of sailing is the risk of permanent, catastrophic injury or death by drowning, trauma, hypothermia or other causes.
19.2 All those taking part in RNZYS races or any other sailing events controlled by the RNZYS, as between the RNZYS and each of those so taking part, do so at their own risk and responsibility and the RNZYS and any sponsor associated with this event has no liability for any damage, loss or any penalty suffered by any boat crew or any other person taking part in such events. The RNZYS and any sponsor associated with this event shall not be responsible for the seaworthiness of a boat whose entry is accepted and/or the sufficiency and/or adequacy of its equipment or the competence of its skipper or crew. The RNZYS reserves the right in its sole and uncontrolled discretion to refuse entry.
20.1 Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party insurance with a minimum cover of $5,000,000 per incident or the equivalent.
21.1 Decision making on the event in relation to Covid-19 restrictions will be made according to the local Auckland status at the time.
22.1 For further information please contact; Megan Thomson Race Manager
181 Westhaven Drive, Westhaven, Auckland 1011 09 360 6800 mthomson@rnzys.org.nz
September 2022 - 29th September 2023
No. Divisions Course and Mark Rounding NMs
1 ALL Start – Stanley Point Buoy 3 (P) – Westhaven Buoy 1 (S) – Bayswater Buoy 2 (S) –Westhaven Buoy 1 (S) - Bayswater Buoy 2 (S) – Finish 5.7
2 ALL Start – Bayswater Buoy 2 (P) – Westhaven Buoy 1 (S) – Chelsea Buoy 19 (S) –Bayswater Buoy 2 (S) – Finish 5.3
3 ALL Start – Resolution Buoy 18 (P) – Stanley Point Buoy 3 (P) - Bayswater Buoy 2 (P) –Finish 5.2
4 ALL Start – Bayswater Buoy 2 (S) – Stanley Point Buoy 3 (S) – Resolution Buoy 18 (S) –Finish 5.2
5 ALL Start – Resolution Buoy 18 (P) – Torpedo Buoy 5 (P) – Finish 5.65
6 ALL Start – Torpedo Buoy 5 (S) – Resolution Buoy 18 (S) – Finish 5.65
7 All Others
Start – Torpedo Buoy 5 (S) – Resolution Buoy 18 (S) – Torpedo Buoy 5 (S)
– Orakei Buoy 17 (S) – Finish Start – Torpedo Buoy 5 (S) – Orakei Buoy 17 (S) – Stanley Point Buoy 3 (P) – Finish
7.8 6.5
All Others
9 A B M R
All Others
10 A B M R
All Others
11 All Others
12 All Others
13 All Others E K
14 All Others E K
Start – Stanley Point Buoy 3 (S) - Resolution Buoy 18 (P) - North Head Buoy 6 (S) – Orakei Buoy 17 (S) – Finish Start – Stanley Point Buoy 3 (S) – Resolution Buoy 18 (P) – Torpedo Buoy 5 (P) –Finish
Start – Orakei Buoy 17 (P) – Torpedo Buoy 5 (P) – Westhaven Buoy 1 (S) –Chelsea Buoy 19 (S) – Bayswater Buoy 2 (S) – Finish Start – Orakei Buoy 17 (P) – Torpedo Buoy 5 (P) – Westhaven Buoy 1 (S) –Bayswater Buoy 2 (S) – Finish
Start – Bean Rock Buoy 15 (S) – Orakei Buoy 17 (S) – Resolution Buoy 18 (S) –Orakei Buoy 17 (S) – Resolution Buoy 18 (S) – Bayswater Buoy 2 (P) – Finish Start – Bean Rock Buoy 15 (S) – Orakei Buoy 17 (S) – Resolution Buoy 18 (S) –Bayswater Buoy 2 (P) – Finish
Start – Bean Rock Buoy 15 (P) – Rough Rock Buoy 7 (P) – Orakei Buoy 17 (S) –Torpedo Buoy 5 (P) – Finish Start – Bastion Buoy 16 (P) – North Head Buoy 6 (P) – Orakei Buoy 17 (S) –Torpedo Buoy 5 (P) – Finish
Start – Orakei Buoy 17 (P) – Rough Rock Buoy 7 (P) – Resolution Buoy 18 (S) –Bayswater Buoy 2 (P) – Finish Start – Orakei Buoy 17 (P) – North Head Buoy 6 (P) – Resolution Buoy 18 (S) –Bayswater Buoy 2 (P) – Finish
Start – Resolution Buoy 18 (P) – Rough Rock Buoy 7 (S) – Orakei Buoy 17 (S) –Torpedo Buoy 5 (P) – Finish Start – Resolution Buoy 18 (P) – North Head Buoy 6 (S) – Orakei Buoy 17 (S) –Torpedo Buoy 5 (P) – Finish
8.5 6.3
10.6 7.4
10 8.9
Start – Torpedo Buoy 5 (S) – Orakei Buoy 17 (S)
Torpedo Buoy 5 (S) – Orakei Buoy 17 (S)
Resolution Buoy 18 (S)
Stanley Point Buoy 3 (P)
Finish Start – Torpedo Buoy 5 (S)
Orakei Buoy 17 (S)
Start – Torpedo Buoy
Motukorea Buoy G (S)
Resolution Buoy 18 (S)
Stanley Point Buoy 3 (P)
Orakei Buoy
No. Divisions Course and Mark Rounding
18 A B M R
All Others
19 A B M R
All Others
20 A R B M
All Others
21 A B M R
All Others
22 A B M R
All Others
23 A B M R
All Others
24 A B M R
All Others
25 A B M R
All Others
26 A B M R
All Others
27 A M R B
All Others
28 A B R M
All Others
Start - Torpedo Buoy 5 (S) - North Head Buoy 6 (P) – Salt Works Buoy 11 (S) –Bean Rock Buoy 15 (S) – Orakei Buoy 17 (S) – Finish Start - Torpedo Buoy 5 (S) – Rough Rock Buoy 7 (S) – Bean Rock Buoy 15 (S) –Orakei Buoy 17 (S) – Finish
Start – Torpedo Buoy 5 (S) – Bean Rock Buoy 15 (P) – Saltworks Buoy 11 (P) –Orakei Buoy 17 (S) – Finish
Start – Torpedo Buoy 5 (S) – Bean Rock Buoy 15 (P) – Rough Rock Buoy 7 (P) –Orakei Buoy 17 (S) – Finish
Start – Flax Point Buoy 12 (S) – North Head Buoy 6 (S) – Flax Point Buoy 12 (S) –Orakei Buoy 17 (S) – Bayswater Buoy 2 (P) – Finish
Start – Rough Rock Buoy 7 (S) – Orakei Buoy 17 (S) – Bayswater Buoy 2 (P) – Finish
Start – Orakei Buoy 17 (P) – Rangitoto Buoy 13 (S) – Bean Rock Buoy 15 (S) –Rangitoto Buoy 13 (S) – Bean Rock Buoy 15 (S) – Resolution Buoy 18 (S) – Finish
Start – Orakei Buoy 17 (P) – Flax Point Buoy 12 (P) – North Head Buoy 6 (P) – Flax Point Buoy 12 (P) – Resolution Buoy 18 (S) – Finish
Start – Northern Leading Buoy 14 (P) – Narrow Neck Buoy 8 (P) – Bean Rock Buoy 15 (S) – Resolution Buoy 18 (S) – Bayswater Buoy 2 (P) – Finish
Start – Northern Leading Buoy 14 (P) – Rough Rock Buoy 7 (P) – Bean Rock Buoy 15 (S) – Resolution Buoy 18 (S) – Bayswater Buoy 2 (P) – Finish
Start – Northern Leading Buoy 14 (S) – Iliomama Buoy D (S) – Motokorea Buoy G (S) – Resolution Buoy 18 (S) – Finish
Start – Orakei Buoy 17 (P) – North Head Buoy 6 (S) – Motukorea Buoy G (S) –Torpedo Buoy 5 (P) – Resolution Buoy 18 (S) – Finish
Start – North Head Buoy 6 (P) – Flax Point Buoy 12 (S) – Orakei Buoy 17 (S) – Flax Point Buoy 12 (S) – Orakei Buoy 17 (S) – Bayswater Buoy 2 (P) – Finish Start – North Head Buoy 6 (P) – McKenzie Buoy 10 (P) – Orakei Buoy 17 (S) –Bayswater Buoy 2 (P) – Finish
Start – Motukorea Buoy G (P) – Narrow Neck Buoy 8 (P) – Bean Rock Buoy 15 (S) – Resolution Buoy 18 (S) – Bayswater Buoy 2 (P) – Finish Start – Motukorea Buoy G (P) – Northern Leading Buoy 14 (P) – Bean Rock Buoy 15 (S) – Resolution Buoy 18 (S) – Bayswater Buoy 2 (P) – Finish
Start – Motukorea Buoy G (P) – Iliomama Buoy D (P) – Northern Leading Buoy 14 (P) – Resolution Buoy 18 (S) – Finish Start – Motukorea Buoy G (P) – Northern Leading Buoy 14 (P) – Resolution Buoy 18 (S) – Finish
Start – Bean Rock Buoy 15 (P) – Saltworks Buoy 11 (P) – Narrow Neck Buoy 8 (P) –Bean Rock Buoy 15 (P) – Saltworks Buoy 11 (P) – Orakei Buoy 17 (S) – Finish Start – Bean Rock Buoy 15 (P) – McKenzie Buoy 10 (P) – Orakei Buoy 17 (S) – Finish Start – Bean Rock Buoy 15 (P) – Saltworks Buoy 11 (P) – Orakei Buoy 17 (S) – Finish
Start – Motukorea Buoy G (P) – Northern Leading Buoy 14 (P) – Resolution Buoy 18 (S) – Finish
Start – Orakei Buoy 17 (P) – Torpedo Buoy 5 (P) – Chelsea Buoy 19 (S) – Bayswater Buoy 2 (S) – Finish
12 9.8
13.9 9
14.5 13.9
13.5 10.7
13.5 12.8
15.2 13.8
15.3 12
13.6 11.9
18.3 14.4 12.4
11.6 9.5
This race is also part of the Westhaven Triple Series and is run by PCC Course Approx.
# Div Course and Mark Roundings NMs.
37 A N M
Start – Round Rangitoto, Motutapu & Orarapa (Haystack) Islands either Port (P) or Starboard (S) – Torpedo (P) - Finish Start – Round Rangitoto & Motutapu Islands either Port (P)or Starboard (S)Torpedo (P) - Finish
27.5 23
Course Approx.
# Div Course and Mark Roundings NMs.
1 All Start – passing north of Motuihe Island – passing north of Waiheke Island –Gannet Rock (S) – Tarahiki Island (P) – passing Rangipukea Island (S) – Finish northeast of Rangipukea Island
2 All Start – passing north of Browns Island – south of Waiheke Island – passing through Ruthe passage – Rotoroa Island (P) – Rangipukea Island (S) – Finish northeast of Rangipukea Island
This race is also part of the Westhaven Triple Series and is run by RYC Course Approx.
# Div Course and Mark Roundings NMs.
1 A N M
All Others
2 A & M
All Others
Start –Gulf Harbour Buoy (S) – Orarapa (Haystack) (S) – Bean Rock Buoy (S) – Finish Start –Orapapa (Haystack) (S) – Bean Rock Buoy (S) – Finish
Start– Orarapa (Haystack) (P) – Gulf Harbour (P) – Bean Rock Buoy (S) –Finish Start – Orarapa (Haystack) (P) - Bean Rock Buoy (S) – Finish
40 35
40 35
This race is also part of the Westhaven Triple Series and is run by RNZYS Course Approx
# Div Course and Mark Roundings NMs.
1 ALL Start – Whangaparaoa Outermost Yellow buoy (P) - Motuketekete Island (P) – Passage Reef (S) – Finish between Momona Point and a Race Committee Boat displaying an amber flashing light moored to the west of Momona Point
For courses 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 the Race Committee Boat will display a green flag when the windward mark is to be rounded to starboard and a red flag when the windward mark is to be rounded to port. The windward mark will be a RNZYS inflatable buoy moored approximately 1nm to windward of the start line
Course Approx.
# Div Course and Mark Roundings NMs.
1 A B N M C E
2 A N M B C E
3 A N M B C E
4 A B N M
Start – Windward Mark if laid – Motuora Island (P) – RNZYS laid mark approx. 0.5nms west of Challenger Island (P) – Motuora Island (S) – Finish at the Race Committee Boat approx. 0.5nm west of the entrance to Bon Accord Harbour Start – Windward Mark if laid– Motutara Island (P) – RNZYS laid mark approx. 0.5nms west of Challenger Island (P) – Motutara Island (S) – Finish at the Race Committee Boat approx. 0.5nm west of the entrance to Bon Accord Harbour
Start – Windward Mark if laid– Motuora Island (P) – Motuketekete Island (P) – Motuora Island (P) – Flat Rock (P) – Fairchild Reef (P) – Maori Rock (S) – Finish at the Race Committee Boat approx. 0.5nm west of the entrance to Bon Accord Harbour
Start – Windward Mark if laid– Motutara Island (P) – Flat Rock (P) – Fairchild Reef (P) –Maori Rock (S) – Finish at the Race Committee Boat approx. 0.5nm west of the entrance to Bon Accord Harbour
Start – Windward Mark if laid – Maori Rock (P) – Fairchild Reef (S) – Flat Rock (S) –Motuora Island (S) – Motutara Island (S) – Motuketekete Island (S) – Motuora Island (S)
– Finish at the Race Committee Boat approx. 0.5nm west of the entrance to Bon Accord Harbour
Start – Windward Mark if laid – Maori Rock (P) – Fairchild Reef (S) – Flat Rock (S) –Motutara Island (S) – Finish at the Race Committee Boat approx. 0.5nm west of the entrance to Bon Accord Harbour
Start – Windward Mark if laid– Motuora Island (P) – Flat Rock (P) – Fairchild Reef (P) –Maori Rock (S) – Finish at the Race Committee Boat approx. 0.5nm west of the entrance to Bon Accord Harbour
5 A B N M
Start – Windward Mark if laid– Motutara Island (P) – Flat Rock (P) – Fairchild Reef (P) –Maori Rock (S) – Finish at the Race Committee Boat approx. 0.5nm west of the entrance to Bon Accord Harbour
Start – Windward Mark if laid– Maori Rock (P) – Fairchild Reef (S) – Flat Rock (S) – Motuora Island (S) – Finish at the Race Committee Boat approx. 0.5nm west of the entrance to Bon Accord Harbour
Start – Windward Mark if laid– Maori Rock (P) – Fairchild Reef (S) – Flat Rock (S) –Motutara Island (S) – Finish at the Race Committee Boat approx. 0.5nm west of the entrance to Bon Accord Harbour
ALL Start from the Race Committee Boat moored at the entrance of Bon Accord Harbour –RNZYS laid mark approx. 0.4nm off Western Point Christian Bay (P) – RNZYS laid mark off Algies Point (P) – RNZYS laid mark approx. 0.5nm off Moturekareka Island (P) – RNZYS laid mark west of the Race Committee Boat (P) – the Christian Bay laid mark (P) – the Algies Point laid mark (P) – the Moturekareka Island laid mark (P) – Finish at the Race Committee Boat approx. 0.5nm west of the entrance to Bon Accord Harbour
ALL Start from the Race Committee Boat moored at the entrance of Bon Accord Harbour –RNZYS laid mark approx. 0.5nm off Moturekareka Island (S) – RNZYS laid mark off Algies Point (S) – RNZYS laid mark approx.. 0.4nm off Western Point Christian Bay (S) – the Race Committee Boat mark (S) – the Moturekareka Island laid mark (S) – the Algies Point laid mark (S) – the Christian Bay laid mark (S) – Finish at the Race Committee Boat approx. 0.5nm west of the entrance to Bon Accord Harbour
Destination: Islington Bay Rangitoto – Short Course
From the Start Line, sail between Northern Leading Beacon and Northern Leading Buoy - Iliomama Buoy (S) - Iliomama Beacon (P) – Motuihe Channel Green Buoy (P) - to finish between Rangitoto Island and the Race Committee Boat – taking RCB to starboard.
Destination: Mullet Bay, Motutapu Island
From the Start Line rounding Motuihe Channel Green Buoy (P) – Motuihe Channel Red Buoys (S) - to finish between the Southern Point of Mullet Bay and the Race Committee Boat to the east.
Destination: West Bay, Rakino Island
From the Start Line rounding Motuihe Channel Green Buoy (P) – Motuihe Channel Red Buoys (S) – to finish between the southern head of Woody Bay and the Race Committee Boat to the west.
Destination: Islington Bay Rangitoto – Medium Course
From the Start Line rounding Browns Island (S) – Navy Buoy (P) – Motuihe Island (P) –Motuihe Channel Red Buoys (P) – Motuihe Channel Green Buoy (S) – to finish between Rangitoto Island and the Race Committee Boat – taking RCB to starboard.
5 Destination: Oneroa Bay, Waiheke Island
From the Start Line rounding Motuihe Channel Green Buoy (P) – Motuihe Channel Red Buoys (S) – to finish between Hakaimango Point, Oneroa and the Race Committee Boat to the north.
Destination: Rocky Bay, Waiheke Island
From the Start Line, rounding Browns Island (S) – Navy Buoy (P) – to finish between the Rocky Bay Buoy and the Race Committee Boat to the north
Destination: Onetangi Bay, Waiheke Island
From the Start Line rounding Motuihe Channel Green Buoy (P) – Motuihe Channel Red Buoys (S) – to finish between Thompsons Point, Onetangi and the Race Committee Boat to the north.
Destination: Man ‘O’ War Winery, Waiheke Island
From the start between Northern Leading Buoy and the Race Committee Boat to the South, rounding Browns Island (S) – Navy Buoy (P) – Rocky Bay Buoy (S) – Sunday Rock Buoy (P) – to finish between the Northernmost buoy on the Awakiriapa Bay Mussel farm and the Race Committee Boat to the east.
Destination: Islington Bay Rangitoto – Long Course
From the Start Line rounding Browns Island (S) – Navy Buoy (P) – Rocky Bay Buoy (P) – Motuihe Island (S) – to finish between Rangitoto Island and the Race Committee Boat – taking RCB to starboard.
Destination: Huruhi Bay, Waiheke Island
From the Start Line rounding Browns Island (S) – Navy Buoy (P) – to finish between the Maunganui Point and the Race Committee Boat - taking RCB to starboard
(NL) OR 21 (RES)
Published four times a year, Breeze
is well established as an
audience. The magazine covers a wide range of yachting and boating-related topics and is an ideal vehicle
marine, real-estate,
general lifestyle
The meanings of visual and sound signals are stated below. An arrow pointing up or down ( ) means that a visual signal is displayed or removed. A dot (•) means a sound; five short dashes (- - - - -) mean repetitive sounds; a long dash (----) means a long sound. When a visual signal is displayed over a class flag, fleet flag, event flag or race area flag, the signal applies only to that class, fleet, event or race area.
The meanings of visual and sound signals are stated below. An arrow pointing up or down ( ) means that a visual signal is displayed or removed. A dot ( ) means a sound; five short dashes ( ) mean repetitive sounds; a long dash ( ) means a long sound. When a visual signal is displayed over a class flag, fleet flag, event flag or race area flag, the signal applies only to that class, fleet, event or race area.
¯ •
AP Races not started are postponed. The warning signal will be made 1 minute after removal unless at that time the race is postponed again or abandoned.
AP over H Races not started are postponed. Further signals ashore.
AP over a Numeral Pennant 1 9
Postponement of 1 9 hours from the scheduled starting time.
AP over A Races not started are postponed No more racing today.
Pennant 2Pennant 1 Pennant 4Pennant 3
Pennant 5 Pennant 6 Pennant 7 Pennant 8 Pennant 9
a laskemisesta, ellei purjehdusta silloin lykätä uudelleen tai mitätöidä.
N All races that have started are abandoned Return to the starting area. The warning signal will be made 1 minute after removal unless at that time the race is abandoned again or postponed.
N over H
All races are abandoned. Further signals ashore.
N over A All races are abandoned. No more racing today.
V Monitor communication channel for safety instructions (see rule 37).
P Preparatory signal.
I Rule 30.1 is in effect.
Z Rule 30.2 is in effect.
U Rule 30.3 is in effect. Black flag. Rule 30.4 is in effect.
X Individual recall.
First Substitute General recall. The warning signal will be made 1 minute after removal.
S The course has been shortened. Rule 32.2 is in effect.
C The position of the next mark has been changed:
Other Signals
to starboard; to port; to decrease the length of the leg;
to increase the length of the leg.
L Ashore: A notice to competitors has been posted. Afloat: Come within hail or follow this vessel.
M The object displaying this signal replaces a missing mark merkin
Y Wear a personal flotation device (see rule 40).
(no sound)
Orange flag. The staff displaying this flag is one end of the starting line.
(no sound)
Blue flag. The staff displaying this flag is one end of the finishing line.
Lady Pippa BLAKE 2010
Mr Matteo DE NORA CNZM 1999
Mr Rick DODSON 1983
Mr Graeme BENNETT 1962
Mr Chris BOUZAID MBE 1964
Mr Don BROOKE 1960 Past Commodore
Mr Colin CARRAN 1987
Sir Russell COUTTS KNZM, CBE 1989
Mr Neville CRICHTON CNZM 1981
Mr Roy DICKSON 1958
Mr Bill DONOVAN 1955
Mr Neil HARRIS 1976
Past Trustee 1979
Mr John STREET MNZM 1978
Mr Glenn ASHBY 2011
Mr Roger BADHAM 2016
Mr Scott BARNES 2020
Ms Elise BEAVIS 2016
Mr Peter BURLING 2009
Mr Nick BURRIDGE 2016
Mr Jaewon CHOI 2022
Mr James CLARK 2020
Mr Steve COLLIE 2011
Mr Tim COLLEN 2018
Mr Simon CORKERY 2020
Mr Grant DALTON 2003
Mr Ray DAVIES 1993
Mr Max ELLIOTT 2021
Mr Guy ENDEAN 2000
Mr Burns FALLOW 2020
Mr Bob FIELD 2017
Mr Dave FRENCH 2018
Mr Roger FRIGOLA 2016
Mr Nick GOODSON 2021
Mr James GRAHAM 2018
Mr Daniel GREEN 2020
Mr Russell GREEN 1976
Mr Oscar HAMILTON 2022
Mr Marcus HANSEN 2020
Mr Scott HARRISON 2020
Mr Ross HAYDON 2022
Mr Christopher HICKEY 2020
Mr Hamish HOOPER 2010
Mr Greg HORTON 2017
Mr Nick HUTCHINS 2004
Ms Andrea JOY 2018
Mr Josh JUNIOR 2017
Mr Scott KEATS 2022
Mr Thomas KHYN 2020
Mr Peter KNIGHT 2020
Mr Nick LEHTOLA 2021
Mr Harry LEISHMAN 2020
Mr Patrick LONDEEN 2020
Mr Spencer LOXTON 2020
Mr Andy MALONEY 2017
Mr Ludo MARTHE 2022
Miss Diana MASON 2011
Mr Luke MCALLUM 2017
Mr Shane MCALISTER 2020
Mr Martin MCELWEE 2004
Mr Richard MEACHAM 2000
Mr Tim MELDRUM 2016
Mr Stefano MOROSIN 2016
Mr Carsten MUELLER 2016
Mr Andy NOTTAGE 2000
Mr Peter OCKLESTON 2018
Mr David OLSEN 2020
Mr Nathan OUTTERIDGE 2021
Mr Jeremy PARKER 2020
Ms Tanya PEART 2021
Mr Ryan PELLETT 2020
Ms Giordana PIPORNETTI 2017
Mr Tony RAE 1995
Mr Michael RASMUSSEN 2020
Mr Sean REGAN 2004
Mr Adam RILEY 2020
Mr Adrian ROBB 2020
Mr Vaughan ROBERTS 2018
Mr Reid RUSHOLME 2022
Mr Chris SALTHOUSE 1990
Mr Eduardo SANCHEZ 2016
Mr Ryoo SANG WOOK 2022
Mr Samuel SCOTT 2022
Mr Geoffrey SENIOR 2020
Mr Kevin SHOEBRIDGE 1989
Mr Louis SINCLAIR 2020
Mr Greg SKINNER 2020
Mr James SOMERSET 2020
Mr Scott STOKES 2018
Ms Stephanie STUBBS 2010
Ms Tina SYMMANS 2017
Mr Peter THOMAS 2020
Mr Ryan THOMAS 2017
Mr Jamie TIMMS 2020
Mr Blair TUKE 2015
Mr Marius VAN DER POL 2020
Mr Guillaume VERDIER 2011
Mr Joshua VOGELS 2020
Mr Budiyanto WALKER 2018
Mr Roger WOODBURY 2018
Mr Marty YATES 2012
Mr Phumin YOSVICHAI 2022
Mr Bo ZHANG 2021
Mr Nigel ALDERTON 1957
Mr Jack ALISON 1955
Past Commodore
Mr John BAKER 1961
Mr Douglas BATES 1949
Mr Grahame BROWN 1957
Mr Richard BUCHANAN 1960
Mr John BURGESS 1957
Mr Richard CHURCH 1958
Mr Chris COLLINS 1957
Mr Jim COOKE 1956
Mr Edward COUTTS 1951
Mr John COX 1951
Mr James DAVERN 1960
Mr Malcolm DON 1962
Mr Richard FISHER 1959
Mr Doug GALBRAITH 1960
Mr Ross GEORGE 1961
Mr Don GRAYSON 1961
Mr John GRIBBEN 1957
Mr Sandy GRIGG 1962
Mr Geoffrey HOLLIS 1962
Mr Barrie HOPKINS 1949
Mr John HUDSON 1952
Mr Garth LAMB 1959
Dr Robert MACKAY 1957
Mr Peter MASFEN 1962
Mr Ian MCROBIE 1959
Mr Sandy MILL 1955
Mr Bruce MOFFITT 1952
Mr Ross MORTON 1957
Mr Piri NEARY 1947
Mr Peter NELSON 1957
Mr Grey ORMSBY 1961
Mr Scott PALMER 1955
Mr Crandall PARKINSON 1957
Mr Derek PATERSON 1962
Dr Clive ROSS CNZM 1962
Mr Robin SOMERVILLE 1962
Mr Brian STUDMAN 1959
Mr John TEDCASTLE 1954
Mr Warwick WARD 1959
Mr Frank WARNOCK 1962
Mr Warwick WHITE 1948
Past Commodore
Mr Robert WOOLLAMS 1961
Mr Bevan WOOLLEY 1958
Dr Philip YATES ONZM 1953
Mr Colin ADAMS 1971
Mr Richard ADAMS 1967
Mr Brian AITKEN 1971
Mr John ALGIE 1968
Mr Derek BATTS 1967
Mr John BECK 1969
Mr Alan BLAKEY 1970
Mr John BLUNDELL 1970
Mr Steve BURRETT 1971
Past Commodore
Mr Tony BUTCHER 1965
Mr Warren CANT 1969
Sir Ron CARTER ONZ 1968
Mr Neville COLLETT 1965
Mr Clyde COLSON 1970
Mr Peter COOPER 1966
Mrs Lulu CRAIES 1965
Mr Gerald DAVIES 1968
Mr Ray DEE 1964
Mr Graeme DICKEY 1963
Mr John DUDER ONZM 1964
Mr Richard ENDEAN 1969
Past Commodore
Mr Stephen FISHER 1970
Mr Thomas FLEMING 1969
Mr James FRATER 1965
Mr Lance GLADDING 1965
Mr Bob GORDON 1971
Mr Tim GURR 1971
Mr Donald HARGRAVE 1966
Mr Blair HARKNESS 1965
Mr Leonard HEARD 1966
Mr Eric HENRY 1965
Mr Ron HOLLAND 1967
Mr Ross HORNER 1969
Mr Graham HUBBLE 1971
Mr Evan INNES-JONES 1971
Mr Geoff JERVIS 1970
Mr Hugh JERVIS 1965
Dr Ripley JONES 1966
Mr Peter LAVELLE 1966
Mr Graham LEACH 1969
Mr Roland LENNOX-KING 1968
Mr David LIGGINS 1970
Mr Richard LINTOTT 1964
Mr Gilbert LITTLER 1968
Mr Jim LOTT 1969
Mr Derek MACDONALD 1971
Mr Peter MACKENZIE 1967
Mr Bob MASSEY 1968
Mr Stewart MATTHEWS 1968
Mr Ross MCARTHUR 1962
Mr Terry MCDELL 1969
Mr Kim MCDELL 1967
Dr Thomas MILLS 1964
Mr James MITCHELSON 1966
Mr Owen MORGAN 1963
Mr William MORRIS 1968
Mr Clement MORTON 1968
Mr Mark NEWCOMB 1965
Mr James ORR 1967
Mr Lance PARKER 1963
Mr Tony PARSONS 1967
Mr Robert PATERSON 1969
Mr Howard PATTERSON 1969
Mr Warwick PEACOCK 1965
Mr Trevor PERRY 1967
Mr Reston POLLARD 1963
Mr David POUNTNEY 1968
Mr Douglas REID 1965
Mr Winstone ROBINSON 1969
Mr David ROBINSON 1964
Mr Warwick RUSSELL 1970
Mr Frank SANFT 1966
Mr Roger SCHERER 1966
Mr Tony SHAW 1968
Mr Irvine SIBBALD 1963
Mr John SINCLAIR 1971
Mr Tony SKELTON 1965
Mr Richard SOLOMON 1966
Mr Murray SPICER 1965
Mr John STEWART 1967
Mr Peter TAYLOR 1967
Past Commodore
Mr Bryan TAYLOR 1966
Mr Geoffrey TURNER 1970
Mr Peter VAHRY 1969
Mr Noel VAUTIER 1963
Dr John WAKEMAN 1968
Mr Michael WILLIAMS 1970
Mr Chris WOOD 1967
Mr John WOOLLEY 1969
Mr Richard AITKEN 1976
Mr Murray ALDRIDGE 1972
Mr Mike ALISON 1978
Mr Cedric ALLAN 1976
Mr Fred BAILEY 1975
Mr Paul BARTON 1978
Mr Lynton BATES 1979
Mr Peter BERIC 1979
Mr Richard BISHOP 1976
Mr Bob BLAKEY 1973
Mr Graham BOSWELL 1979
Mr Russ BOWLER 1976
Mr Geoff BRIDGES 1973
Mr Peter BROOK 1972
Mr James BUTTLE 1976
Mr Lincoln CARMICHAEL 1978
Mr Gordon CASHMORE 1973
Mr Malcom CHAMPION 1977
Mr Paul COLLINS 1977
Mr John CRAWFORD 1976 Past Commodore
Mr Peter CRIGHTON 1977
Mr Murray CRUICKSHANK 1978
Mr Evan CUMMINS 1976
Mr Graeme CUMMINGS 1977
Mr Derek CUTTING 1976
Mr Christopher DAGG 1975
Mr Michael DALY 1975
Mr Alan DAVIES 1976
Mr Geoffrey DAVIES 1976
Mr Alan DAY 1976
Mr Bob DICKIE 1977
Mr Rodger DUNCAN 1976
Mr Graeme EDWARDS 1976
Mr Doug ELDER 1978
Mr Martin ELLIS 1974
Mr Robert ELVIN 1976
Mr Bill ENDEAN 1972 Past Commodore
Mr John EVANS 1976
Hon. John FAIRE 1980
Mr Bruce FARR 1972
Mr Martin FARRAND 1979
Mr Tony FRANKHAM 1978
Mr Chris FRASER 1977
Mr Gus GARDNER 1972
Mr Alan GIBBS 1977
Mr Graham GIBBONS 1977
Mr Klaus GIRARDET 1975
Mr Edward GOODWIN 1973
Mr Ian GREEN 1974
Mr Alan GRIFFITHS 1977
Mr Max HALL 1974
Mr David HANSON 1974
Mr Jack HARGRAVES 1979
Mr Robin HARGRAVE 1973
Mr Ray HASLAR 1974
Mr John HEISE 1973
Past Commodore
Mr Gerald HILL 1977
Mr Jonathan HOLLIES 1976
Mr Noel HOLYOAKE 1976
Mr Des HOPE 1976
Mr William HOPKINS 1979
Mr Garry HORNE 1977
Mr Rex HUDSON 1976
Mr Peter HULL 1973
Mr Jeff HURLEY 1978
Mr Wayne HURST 1971
Mr Steven HYDE 1975
Mr Anthony JENNINGS 1975
Mr Richard JONES 1978
Mr Bryan KING 1978
Mr Rodney KLARWILL 1977
Mr Geoffrey LAND 1975
Mr Mike LANIGAN 1981
Mr David LARKIN 1977
Mr Jim LAWSON 1973
Mr Bob LAWTON 1974
Mr Tim LE COUTEUR 1975
Mr Richard LEARY 1973
Mr David LENNIE 1976
Mr Bryan LEYLAND 1978
Mr Graham LOCK 1977
Mr Derek MACDONALD 1971
Mr Bill MACKY 1979
Mr Colin MACKENZIE 1976
Mr Stuart MACKY 1978
Mr Gray MATHIAS 1973
Mr David MATTHEWS 1975
Mr Bill MCCARTHY 1974
Mr John MCINTOSH 1976
Mr Chris MCMULLEN 1971
Dr Timothy MEAKIN 1977
Mr John MENZIES 1971
Mr Peter MENZIES 1976
Mr Bruce MILLAR 1976
Mr Jonathan MILNE 1973
Mr David NATHAN 1976
Mr David NATHAN 1978
Mr Brett NEILL 1971
Dr Charles PALMER 1979
Mr Neville PAUL 1976
Mr Paul PRICE 1978
Dr Peter RAUDKIVI 1976
Mr Mac REDMOND 1976
Mr Andrew ROBERTSON 1976
Mr Chris ROBERTSON 1972
Mr Ralph ROBERTS MBE 1977
Mr Keith ROBINSON 1976
Mr Alistair SHANKS 1979
Mr Leslie SMITH 1977
Mr Timothy SNEDDEN 1977
Mr Gary SPARNON 1977
Mr Charles ST CLAIR BROWN 1973
Mr Laurence STANTON 1978
Sir Kenneth STEVENS 1976
Mr Neil STEWART 1977
Mr Richard STILL 1977
Mr Alfred STOREY 1979
Mr Warwick SUMPTER 1978
Mr Bruce TANTRUM 1974
Mr Graham TERCEL 1971
Mr Chad THOMPSON 1971
Mr Ray THOMPSON 1973
Mr Blair THORPE 1972
Mr Don ULJEE 1976
Ms Rachel UPTON 1975
Mr Allen WALBRIDGE 1975
Mr Don WALKER 1975
Mr Mark John WELLS 1978
Ms Debbie WHITING 1979
Ms Penny WHITING, MBE 1975
Mr Richard WHITE 1977
Mr Nick WILES 1977
Mr Tim WILES 1973
Mr Wayne WILLIAMSON 1975
Mr Bob WILSON 1975
Mr Barry WILSON 1977
Mr Bryce WOODS 1972
Over 25 Years of Service
Mr Andrew AITKEN 1971 Commodore
Mr Andy ANDERSON 1996
Past Commodore
Mr Rob BASSETT 1995
Mr James BAXTER 1985
Mr John BAYLEY 1990
Mr Peter BOARDMAN 1987
Mr Colin BOOTH 1988
Mr Hamish BOYD 1995
Mr Malcolm BOYES 1996
Mr Jeremy BRABANT 1994
Ms Justine BRAY 1996
Mr Christopher BROCKLISS 1988
Mrs Jane BROWNE 1988
Mr Peter BUSFIELD 1987
Mr Andrew BUTTLE 1986
Mr Gregory CLARK 1996
Mr John COBB 1994
Mr John COLDICUTT 1995
Mr Shaun CONNOLLY 1983
Mrs Simone COOK 1990
Mr Ian COOK 1987
Past Commodore
Mr Michael COOKSON 1985
Mr Steve COTTON 1990
Mr John DALZELL 1990
Mr Ian DARBY 1994
Mrs Jan DAWSON 1987
Mr Alan DAYSH 1985
Mr Kevin DIBLEY 1991
Mr Ross DIBLEY 1988
Mr Harry DODSON 1985
Mr Tom DODSON 1983
Mr Colin DUFFEE 1984
Mr Trevor DUNN 1997
Mr William EARWAKER MBE 1982
Mr Greg ELLIOTT 1988
Mr Kerry FINNIGAN 1997
Mr Graham FLEURY 1995
Mr Charles GEORGE 1995
Mr Michael GRAY 1987
Mr Scott GRAYSON 1990
Mr Brent GRIBBLE 1995
Mr Marsden GRIFFITHS 1988
Mr Simon GUNDRY 1995
Mr John HALL 1996
Mr Charles HALL 1992
Mr Simon HALL 1992
Mr Mike HARRIS 1990
Mr Garry HASSALL 1996
Mr Cliff HENDERSON 1997
Dr Michael HOOGERBRUG 1982
Mr Mark HOPE 1984
Mr Robert HUGHES 1995
Mr Chris HUME 1988
Mr Mark HURLEY 1988
Mr Barry JEFFERY 1994
Mr Brian JONES 1989
Mr David JORDAN 1980
Mr Peter JORDAN 1972
Mr Denis KENDALL 1981
Mrs Megan KENSINGTON 1996
Mr Steve KINGSTON 1994
Mr John KIRKMAN 1995
Mr Gregory KNOWLES 1990
Mrs Sheryl LANIGAN 1994
General Committee
Mr Robert LERNER 1983
Mr Wade LEWIS 1994
Mr Ross LITTLER 1981
Mr Hamish LUSK 1994
Mr Robert MACDONALD 1995
Mrs Tracy MALCOLM 1982
Mr Rod MARLER 1980 General Committee
Mr Anatole MASFEN 1995
Mr Ross MASTERS 1997
Past Commodore
Mr Ray MCELROY 1984
Mr Rick MENALDA 1997
Mrs Kate MILLER 1996
Mr Hamish MILNE 1989
Mr Allan MITCHELL 1995
Mr Christopher MORTON 1987
Mr Kevin MULCARE 1993
Mr Mark MULCARE 1992
Mr Geoffrey NATHAN 1987
Ms Karen REID 1996
Mr Bradley REID 1982
Mr Alan RETTER 1991
Mr Alastair ROBERTSON 1985
Dr Hamish ROSS 1995
Mr Peter ROWELL 1995
Rear Commodore
Mr Humphrey SHERRATT 1995
Mr Bill SPEEDY 1993
Mr Richard STANTON 1988
Mr Kenneth STANTON 1979
Mr Colin SUGDEN 1987
Mrs Louise WALLACE 1992
Mr Craig WATTS 1988
Mr Donald WEBSTER 1981
Mr Nathan WILLIAMS 1995
Mr Paul YOUNG 1987
Under 25 Years of Service
Mr Conal ALDERSON 2019
Mr Richard ALLEN 2021
Mr Brian ALLEN 2011
Mr Michael ALLPRESS 1999
Ms Elizabeth ALONZI 2020
Mr Vanh ANOTHAI 2022
Mr Slobodan ANTONIC 2007
Mr Graham APPLIN 2021
Mr Ted ARMITAGE 2012
Mr Euan ARMSTRONG 2014
Mr D ASHBY 2014
Mr Paul ATKINS 2020
Mr Justin ATKINSON 2017
Mr George BACKHUS 2012
Mr Brent BAILEY 1998
Mr Shane BAIRD 2015
Mr Peter BAKER 2020
Mr Charles BANKS 2016
Mr Josh BARGROVE 2015
Mr Andrew BARNES 2018
Mr Thomas BARON 2014
Mr Andrew BARRON 2015
Mr Brendan BARTLETT 2013
Mr Wayne BASTON 1998
Mr Allan BATES 2021
Mr Russell BAUNTON 2013
Mr Dan BEARMAN 2022
Mr Robert BELL 2017
Mr Martin BELL 2014
Mr Shane BELLINGHAM 2009
Mr Thomas BENDALL 2020
Mr Anthony BENNETT 2020
Mr A E J BENTON 2014
Ms Linda BERRY 2017
Mr Gary BICKERTON 1999
Mr Richard BICKNELL 2017
Mr Jon BILGER 2008
Mr Paul BINNS 2008
Mr Darren BIRD 2013
Ms Christine BIRD 2012
Ms Ellen BIRD 2012
Mr John BLACK 2016
Mr Elliott BLADE 2021
Mr David BLAKEY 2021 General Committee
Mr Geoff BLAMPIED 2009
Mr Phil BLANKLEY 2015
Mr Richard BLATCH 2015
Mr Jens BOL 2017
Mr Mark BOND 2014
Mr David BOOTH 2020
Mr John BOSCAWEN 2015
Mr Anthony BOSNYAK 2012
Dr Grant BOURKE 2015
Mrs Suzanne BOURKE 2004
Mr Matthew BOUZAID 2011
Mr Craig BOWIE 2022
Mr John BOWRING 2016
Mr Colin BOYD 2021
Mr George BOYD 2018
Mr David BOYD 2016
Mr Terry BRAILSFORD 2013
Mr David BRAIN 2021
Mr Brom BREETVELT 2001
Mr Gary BRENT 2000
Mr Dean BROWN 2016
Mr Jeremy BROWN 2016
Mr Shane BROWN 2016
Ms Kate BROWNE 2012
Mr Mark BROWNE 1998
Mr Wael BUHEIRY 2020
Mr Stephen BULL 2012
Mr Trevor BURGESS 2022
Mr Scott BURLING 2007
Mr Grant BURRELL 2016
Mr Gareth BURRETT 2016
Mr Philip BURRETT 2012
Miss Natalie BURRETT 2011
Mr Simon BURSON 2002
Mr Stephen BURT 2016
Mr Timothy CADELL 2019
Mr Brodie CALDWELL 2019
Mr Steven CALLAGHER 2014
Cmdr John CAMPBELL 2016
Ms Zib CAMPBELL 2015
Mr Paul CANE 2021
Mrs Tildie CAO 2022
Ms Deborah CAPILL 2019
Miss Julie CARTER 2004
Mr James CARVALHO 2016
Mr Thomas CASHEN 2005
Mr Matthew CASHMORE 2011
Mr Andrew CATHIE 2018
Mr Graham CATLEY 2012
Mr Adam CATO 2004
Mr Robert CHALBERG 2020
Mr David CHAN 2016
Mr Ross CHAPMAN 2002
Mr Robert CHAPMAN 2002
Miss Anu CHAVALI 2016
Mr Sang Hyun CHO 2012
Mr Ashley CHURCH 2021
Mr Marcello CIOBO 2017
Mr Donald CLAASEN 1999
Mr Vaughn CLARK 2022
Mr Bill CLARK 2018
Mr Glenn CLARK 2002
Mr Zane CLEAVER 2015
Mr Donald CLEAVER 2006
Mr Steven CLEWS 2018
Ms Louise COBURN 2012
Mr Matt COLE 2020
General Committee
Mr Phillip COLEBATCH 2018
Mr Peter COLEMAN 2012
Mr John COLLINGE 2017
RIGA 2016
Mr David COOKE 2019
Mr Jon COOKE 2007
Mr Terry COOKE 2005
Mr Peter COOPER 2003
Mr Thomas COOTE 2004
Mr Bruce COPELAND 2005
Mr Stephen CORBETT 2021
Mr David CORNISH 2021
Mr John CORTESE 2000
Mr John COTCHING 2015
Mr Paul COURTNEY 2020
Mr David COX 1998
Mrs Angie CRAFER 2005
Mr Joshua CRAMPTON 2020
Mr Brett CRANSTON 2020
Mr Graeme CREMER 2020
Mr Sam CREMER 2017
Mrs Katherine CROFT 2021
Mr Geoffrey CRONHELM 2015
Mr Peter CUNNINGHAM 2013
Mr Graeme CUNNINGHAM 2012
Mr Adam CURREY 2011
Mr Bill DALBETH 2012
Mr Gregory DANIEL 2017
Ms Parizad DANTRA 2015
Mr Jeremy DAVIDSON 1998
Mr Bill DAVIES 2013
Mr Kieran DAVIS 2022
Ms Zoe DAVIS 2020
Mr Kelvin DAVIS 2017
Mr Frans DE COURT 1998
Mr Gerard DE JONG 2017
Mr Murray DEEBLE 2012
Ms Marguerite DELBET 2015 General Committee
Mr Malcolm DICK 1999
Mr Bruce DIENER 2018
Mr Kerry DINES 1999
Miss Karleen DIXON 2001
Mr Evan DIXON 1997
Ms Annette DOCKING 2020
Mr Andrew DORREEN 2014
Mr John DOWSETT 2019
Mr Alan DRAKE 1997
Mr Alan DRAPER 2013
Mr Richard DREANEEN 2018
Mr Keith DRUMMOND 1998
Mr Paul DUDDING 2012
Mr Andrew DUFF 2016
Mr Michael DUKE 2012
Mr Mark EDMISTON 2014
Mr Hans ELLEHUUS 2014
Mr Brett ELLIOTT 2002
Mr Ralph ELLIS 2017
Mr Gerard EMERY 2016
Dr Campbell EMMERTON 2020
Dr Ian ENGLAND 2022
Mr William FALCONER 2021
Mr Robert FERRIS 2021
Mr Christopher FIELD 2016
Mr Ken FISHER 2000
Mr Matthew FLYNN 2008
Mr Quintin FOWLER 2001
Dr Con FOWLER 1997
Mr Allan FRASER 2005
Mr Andrew FRASER 2005
Mr Lincoln FRASER 2005
Mr Brian FRECKER 1998
Mr Warren FROGLEY 2022
Mr Alan FU 2019
Mr Fatu FUATAVAI 2019
Mr Brian FULTON 2012
Mrs Suzie FUNK 2014
Mr Andrew FYFE 2013
Mr Alastair GAIR 2017
Mr Hugh GALLAGHER 2021
Mr Stuart GALLOWAY 2018
Mr Colin GARDNER 2016
Dr Pragati GAUTAMA 2022
Mr Pete GEARY 1999
Mr Zane GIFFORD 2010
Mr Nick GILLIES 2013
Mr Carey GILLIES 2006
Mr Steve GILMOUR 2002
Sir Colin GILTRAP 2018
Mr Patrick GIRVAN 2016
Mr Steven GLUCINA 2021
Mr Paul GODDARD 1998
Mr Ian GOODWIN 2021
Mr Ashley GOODWIN 2004
Mr Cliff GORDON 2015
Mr Mladen GORICKI 2019
Mrs Bridget GORINSKI 2003
Mr Tim GORTON 2017
Mr Maxime GOUTARD 2021
Mr Steve GRAY 2018
Mr Ross GREEN 2017
Mr Mark GREENE 2012
Mr Paul GROOM 2014
Mr Sinisa GRUJICIC 2017
Mr Rick HACKETT 2013
Ms Stephanie HADEN 2017
Mrs Jennifer HALIDAY 2018
Mr Nick HALL 2014
Mr Geoffrey HARDEN 2019
Mr Tim HARDLEY 2013
Mr Stephen HARLAND-SMITH 2017
Mrs Susan HARLAND-SMITH 2005
Mr Richard HARMAN 2005
Mr Peter HARRIS 2012
Mr Jack HARRIS JNR 2006
Mr Craig HARRISON 2019
Mr Michael HARVEY 2005
Mr Layne HARWOOD 2014
Mr Jared HASLEMORE 2013
Mr Steve HASLETT 2021
Mr Russell HAWKEN 2015
Mr Peter HAWKINS 2005
Mr Robert HAY 2015
Mrs Faye HAYMAN 2013
Mr Nicholas HAZARD 2017
Mr Alan HEATLIE 2019
Mr Craig HEGAN 2015
Mr John HEMERY 2019
Ms Michele HENDERSON 2018
Mr Nigel HENDY 2012
Mr Lex HENRY 2013
Mr Brett HENSHAW 2013
Mr Tony HERON 2015
Mr Stephen HERSTELL 2018
Mr Klaus HEYMANN 2016
Mrs Judith Ann HICKS 2021
Mr Peter HILL 1998
Mrs Anne HIRST 2011
Mr Tim HOGAN 2020
Mr Phil HOGG 2015
Mr Murray HOLDAWAY 2020
Mr Gregory HOLLAND 2017
Dr Charles HOLLINGS 2000
Mr William HOLMES 2017
Mr Barry HOLTON 2013
Mr Alan HOUGHTON 2019
Mr Greer HOUSTON 2008
Mr Peter HOWARD 2022
Ms Sue HOWARD 1999
Mr Samuel HOWE 2015
Ms Angela HULL 2018
Mr Hils HUNT 2021
Mr Martin HUNT 2020
Mrs Yi HUO 2017
Mr Shane HUSBAND 2005
Mr Kent HUTCHINGS 2019
Mr Bernard HYDE 2008
Mr Bruce IDOINE 2020
Mr Christopher INGRAM 2018
Ms Becky INNES 2014
Mr Rodger JACK 2008
Mr James JACKSON 2017
Mr Andrew JAMESON 2017
Ms Andrea JANE 2013
Mr Christopher JANES 2022
Mr Paul JARVIE 2007
Mr Kazimierz JASICA 2005
Mr Timothy JEFFERY 2019
Mr Warwick JENNESS 2005
Mr Ross JESSOP 2016
Mr Corran JOHN 2005
Mrs Barbara JOHNSON 2018
Mr Malcolm JOHNSTONE 2009
Mr Winton JONES 2005
Mr Simon JUDD 2005
Mr John JULIAN 2002
Mr David JURY 2004
Mr Patrick KABRIS 2003
Mr Lim KANG 2018
Mr Brendan KELLY 2016
Mr Matthew KELWAY 2009
Mr Steve KENNEDY 2005
Mr Lyndsay KERR 2013
Mr Christopher KINGSTON 2018
Mr Martin KINGSTON 2000
Mr Olexandr KIRICHUK 2005
Miss Victoria KIRICHUK 2005
Mrs Esther KIRKLAND-SMITH 2020
Mr Shane KIRKMAN 2006
Ms Helen KLISSER 2021
Mr Robert KNOX 2008
Ms Colette KRAUS 2005
Mr Stephen LAFFERTY 2021
Mr John LAIDLAW 1998
Mr Graham LAMBERT 2010
Mr Murray LAMONT 2013
Mr David LE MOUTON 2016
Mr Anthony LEIGHS 2012
Mr Mike LEYLAND 2012
Mr Kevin LIDGARD 2012
Mr Andrew LIGHT 2016
Mr Don LINDBERG 2007
Mr Mark LINES 2005
Mr Peter LINFORD 2019
Mr Aaron LLOYD 2016
Mr Stuart LLOYDD 2013
Mr Garry LOCK 2000
Mrs Melissa LOGAN 2016
Mr Jamie LOGAN 2013
Mr Dougall LOVE 2012
Mr Dominic LUNDON 2007
Mr Dennis LUNKEN 2014
Mr George MACDONALD 2022
Mr Callum MACDONALD 2016
Mr Christopher MACINDOE 2009
Mr Andrew MACKMURDIE 1999
Mr Tom MACKY 2007
Mr Joe MACKY 1998
Mr Angus MACLEOD 2022
Mr Donald MACLEOD 2020
Mr Mark MACNICOL 2013
Mr Carl MADSEN 2015
Mr Mike MAHONEY 2014
Mr Steve MAIR 2003 Past Commodore
Sir Peter MAIRE 2006
Mr Michael MALCOLM 2014
Mr Mark MALPASS 2011
Mr Simon MANNING 2021
Mr Brian MANNING 2011
Mr Richard MARCH 2004
Mr Rowan MARKWICK 2019
Mr Barry MARTIN 2010 General Committee
Mr Edward MASSEY 2020
Mr David MATHIESON 2008
Mr Graham MATTHEWS 2007
Mr Charles MAUD 2014
Mr Andrew MCALPINE 2018
Mr Anthony MCBRIDE 2008
Mr James MCCARTHY 2021
Ms Rhonda MCCREA 2005
Mrs Wixi MCDONALD 2001
Mr Cameron MCGREGOR 2013
Ms Robin MCGREGOR 2000
Mr Brent MCKENZIE 2012
Mr Graham MCKENZIE 2007
Mr Harry MCKEOGH 2005
Mr Garth MCKILLIAM 2010
Mr John MCLACHLAN 2006
Mr Connel MCLAREN 2005
Mr Kevin MCLEAN 2012
Mr Blair MCPHEAT 2014
Mr Kevin MCPHEAT 2014
Mr Rodney MCVICAR 2018
Mr Bennett MEDARY 2013
Mr Chris MEIKLE 2000
Mr Peter MENCE 2013
Mr Marc MICHEL 2019
Ms Paula MIDDLETON 2019
Mr Phillip MILLER 2019
Mr Rex MILTON 2015
Mr David MINORS 2013
Mr Lode MISSIAEN 2018
Mr Neville MONTGOMERY 2022
Ms Katherine MONTGOMERY 2012
Mr Rodger MOORE 1999
Mr Robert MORFEE 2015
Mr Norm MORGAN 2020
Mr Jeffery MORRISON 2017
Mr James MORTIMER 2016
Mr Aaron MORTIMER 2007
Mr Robert MORTON 2004
Mr Mark MUELLER 2021
Victoria MUIR 2021
Mr Simon MURPHY 2021
Mr Andrew MURRAY 2010
Mr Terry MUTIMER 2014
Mr John MYERS 2005
Mr Gerhard NAGELE 2017
Mr Jonathan NASH 2019
Mr Hamish NEAL 2017
Mr Howard NEARY 2003
Mr David NEWTON 2021
Mr Peter NICHOLAS 2020
Mrs Grace NISBET 2020
Mr Wayne OLIVER 2002
Mr Michael PAAUWE 2019
Mr Roger PAGANI 1998
Mr Graeme PALLISER 2018
Mr Craig PARK 1997
Mr Richard PARKER 2016
Mr Sean PARSONS 2013
Mr Larry PAUL 2012
Mr John PEAT 2013
Mr Andrew PEAT 2013
Mr Lance PEMBERTON 2022
Mr Rod PENNA 2012
Mr Mason PEPPER 2006
Mr Stephen PEPPERELL 2001
Mr Anatole PERRY 2005
Mr David PERYMAN 2017
Ms Claudia PIERCE 2010
Ms Merle PILLEY 2000
Prof Rocco PITTO 2008
Mr Richard PLOWRIGHT 2002
Mr Malcolm POLLARD 2013
Mr Andrew POLLOCK 2015
Ms Sara POORE 2011
Mr Grant PORTEOUS 2016
Mr Barry POTTER 2007
Mr Paul POWNEY 2017
Mr Terence PRATLEY 2018
Ms Annette PRESLEY 2017
Ms Nicola PRETTY 2019
Mr David PRINGLE 2018
Mr Phil PRITCHARD 2001
Mr Kevin PUGH 2020
Mr Neil PURDIE 2014
Mr Roger PURDY 2006
Mr Steve PURTON 2007
Mr Peter PUSCHMANN 2018
Mr Malcolm REDSHAW 2016
Mr David REES 2015
Ms Sandra REGAN 2020
Mr Jonathan REID 2019
Mr William REID 2018
Mr Andrew REID 2011
Mr David REID 1998
Mr Thomas RENHART 2010
Mr Colin REYNOLDS 2019
Mr Matthew RICHARDSON 2002
Mr Geoffery RIDLEY 2019
Mr Peter RISHWORTH 2002
Mr Greg ROAKE 2008
Mr Matthew ROBERTS 2020
Mr Willy ROBERTS 2017
Mr Mark ROBERTS 2016
Mr Trevor ROBERTSON 2000
Mr David ROBINSON 2020
Mr Michael ROBINSON 1999
Mr Craig ROE 1999
Mr Murray ROSE 2021
Mr Adam ROSS 2022
Mr Graeme ROTHWELL 2018
Mr Brett RUSSELL 2013
Mr Russell RUTAN 2014
Mr William RUTHERFORD 2019
Mr Chris SATTLER 2013
Mr Grant SAUNDERS 2018
Mr Philip SAUNDERS 1998
Mr Benjamin SCEATS 2017
Mr Glenn SCHISCHKA 2020
Mr Richard SCHRODER 2018
Mr Kyle SCHUMANN 2012
Mr Bruce SCOTT 2011
Mr Malcolm SCOTT 2007
Mr Stuart SCOTT 1998
Mr Richard SETON 2017
Mr Mark SHAPLAND 2020
Mr Michael SHENK 2017
Mr Kim SIEBER 2011
Mr Michael SIERMANS 2015
Mr William SIMPSON 2011
Mr Jatinder Pal SINGH 2011
Mr Oleg SMIRNOV 2021
Mr Alexander SMITH 2021
Mr Greg SMITH 2020
Mr Stephen SMITH 2020
Mr Trevor SMITH 2013
Mr David SMITH 2005
Ms Victoria SOAR 2020
Mrs Adrienne SPEAKMAN 2014
Mr Warwick SPEDDING 2017
Mr Richard STEVENS 2017
Mr Tony STEVENSON 2015
Ms Linda STEWART 2022
Mr Bob STILL 2013
Mr Paul STOCK 2021
Mr Randolph STOCKWELL 2005
Mr Gavin STONE 2021
Mr Stephen STONES 2011
Mr James STONYER 2013
Mr Ben STOREY 2007
Mr Paul STRONG 2015
Mr Graeme STUBBING 2017
Mr Neil STUBBING 2017
Mr Paul SUBRITZKY 2021
Mr Gary SUGDEN 2016
Mr Chris SULLIVAN 2019
Mrs Sarah SUNICH 2007
Mr James SWEETBAUM 2014
Mr Graeme TAIT 2019
Ms Nicola TAIT 2019
Ms Joyce TALBOT 2017
Mr Mark TAPPER 2000
Mr Ngata TAPSELL 2016
Mr Jeffrey TAYLOR 2017
Mr Ralph TAYLOR 2017
Mr Mark TAYLOR 2002
Mr Iain THAIN 2005
Mr Ian THOMSEN 2018
Mr James THOMSON 2012
Mr Philip THORNTON 2006
Mr Cameron THORPE 1998
Sir Stephen TINDALL GNZM 2001
Mr Wayne TOMLINSON 2004
Mr Keith TRASK 2021
Mr Garth TREMEER 2010
Mr Tony TRUBOVICH 2002
Mr Adrian TULLOCH 2020
Mr Jonathan TUOHEY 2013
Mr Lyndon URQUHART 2018
Mr Adriaan VAN DE WETERING 2018
Mr Paul VAN DORP 2018
Mr Peter VAUSE 2021
Mr Barry VINCENT 2017
Mr Murray WAGENER 2019
Mr Stephen WAGSTAFF 2017
Mr Murray WALBRAN 1997
Mr Lindsay WALKER 2017
Mrs Rosemary WALL 2019
Mr Bill WALLACE 2021
Mr Tony WALLIS 2009
Mr Bernard WALSH 2016
Mr Richard WARBY 2016
Mr Neville WARDLAW 2018
Mr John WARDLE 2017
Mr Don WATKINS 2006
Mr Duncan WATSON 2012
Mr Brian WATSON 2008
Mr Alan WEBB 2016
Mr Michael WEBB-SPEIGHT 2017
Mr Andrew WEDEKIND 2019
Mr John WEIR 2013
Mr Peter WELLS 2020
Mr Ashton WELSH 2021
Mr Raymond WELSON 2017
Mr Donald WEST 2017
Mr Bruce WHILLANS 2018
Mr Jon WHISKER 2015
Mr Grant WHITE 2021
Mr Gavin WHITE 2009
Mr Craig WHITEHEAD 2021
Mr Ryan WIBLIN 2019
Mr Russ WILKINSON 2013
Mr Vaughan WILKINSON 1998
Mr John WILLIAMS 2021
Mr Philip WILLIAMS 2021
Mr Hamish WILLIAMS 2014
Mrs Gillian WILLIAMS 1999
Mr Timothy WILSON 2018
Mr Scott WILSON 2001 General Committee
Mr Richard WINGFIELD 2007 General Committee
Mr Ronald WINSTONE 2017
Mr Mark WITHERS 2005
Mr Hoi Yue Eric WONG 2021
Ms Amelia WONG 2015
Mr John WOOD 2006
Ms Helen WOODS 2015
Mr Wayne WOODS 2003
Mr Scott WOOLLEY 2018
Mr Mark WOOSTER 2020
Mr Jeremy WYLIE 2018
Mr Martin WYLIE 2018
Ms Sanchia YONGE 2016
Mr Laurence YOUNG 2017
Mr Frank YOUNG 2016
Mr Murray YOUNG 2005
Mr Gregory YOUNG 2004
Mr Chang Sang YU 2013
Mstr Arthur AABRYN 2020
Mrs Natasha AABRYN 2020
Mr Paul AABRYN 2020
Mr Anton ANDRES 2018
Miss Josi ANDRES 2018
Mrs Janett ANDRES 2018
Mr Tobias ANDRES 2018
Miss Hazel ASHTON 2019
Mr Ian ASHTON 2019
Miss Robyn ASHTON 2019
Mr Michael BACON 2020
Mr Mansfield BACON 2020
Mrs Barbara BAILEY 2016
Mr Neil BAILEY 2016
Mstr Harley BAIRD 2022
Mr Robb BAIRD 2022
Mr Blake BANNAN 2021
Miss Jasmine BANNAN 2021
Mrs Maxine BANNAN 2021
Mr Ross BANNAN 2021
Mr Troy BANNAN 2021
Ms Alexia BARRITT 2020
Mrs Desiree BARRITT 2020
Mr Daniel BARRITT 2020
Mr Ross BARRITT 2020
Mrs Cassandra BATES GLOVER 2020
Mr Gregory BEATON 2018
Mrs Bernadine BOURKE 2018
Miss Bryana BOURKE 2018
Miss Claudia BOURKE 2018
Mr Gary BOURKE 2018
Mr Jack BOURKE 2018
Ms Meleane BOURKE 2015
Mr Ben BOWIE 2022
Miss Ella BOWIE 2022
Miss Maia BOWIE 2022
Mrs Sarah BOWIE 2022
Mr Dwayne BOYES 2020
Mrs Serena BOYES 2020
Mr Justin BRAGG 2017
Mrs Linda BRAGG 2020
Miss Olivia BRAGG 2020
Mr Neville BROADBENT 2021
Mrs Katharine BUCHANAN 2021
Mstr Knox BUCHANAN 2021
Mstr Oscar BUCHANAN 2021
Mr Thomas BUCHANAN 2021
Mrs Donna BUCKLAND 2021
Mstr Louie BUCKLAND 2021
Miss Phoebe BUCKLAND 2021
Mr Paul BUCKLAND 1900
Mr Anthony BURT 2017
Mrs Agneta BURT 2017
Miss Astrid BURT 2017
Mr Jacob BURT 2017
Mrs Carmel CERVIN 2019
Mr Gavin CHITTENDEN 2016
Mr Lowen CHITTENDEN 2016
Mr Rueben CHITTENDEN 2016
Miss Brittany CLARK 2019
Mstr Charles CLARK 2019
Miss Hannah CLARK 2019
Mr Michael CLARK 2019
Mrs Maryanne CLARK 2019
Mrs Rhonda COLE 2020
Mr Devon COLLINS 2017
Mr Nigel COLLINS 2017
Mr Ben COSTELLO 2000
Mrs Rebekka COSTELLO 2003
Miss Zoe COSTELLO 2018
Mr Filip COVIC 2013
Miss Alexandra CULLINANE 2017
Miss Ines CULLINANE 2017
Mr Jonathan CULLINANE 1999
Mrs Victoria CULLINANE 2005
Miss Sarah DANCE 2022
Mr Gareth DAVIES 2012
Mrs Nalayani DAVIES 2012
Mr James DELMONT 2020
Mr Jordon DELMONT 2020
Mr Nicolas DELMONT 2020
Mr Peter DELMONT 2020
Mrs Sue DELMONT 2020
Mr Taylor DELMONT 2020
Miss Andrea DUURENTIJDT 2017
Mrs Julie DUURENTIJDT 2017
Mr Maarten DUURENTIJDT 2017
Mr Reuben DUURENTIJDT 2017
Miss Anabella EADY 2019
Mr Guy EADY 2019
Mrs Melanie EADY 2019
Mr Oliver EADY 2019
Mr Toby EADY 2019
Ms Michelle JOHNSTON 2002
Mr Benjamin ELLIOTT 2008
Mrs Dawn ELLIOTT 1999
Mr Michael ELLIOTT 1983
Mr Samuel ELLIOTT 2000
Ms Sarah ELL 2008
Miss Alexandra FINLAY 2015
Mr Dean FINLAY 2015
Mr Dominic FINLAY 2015
Mrs Lisa FINLAY 2015
Mr William FINLAY 2015
Mrs Emma UVHAGEN 2017
Mr Patrick GARNETT 2017
Mr Andrew GLOVER 2020
Mr Hamish GLOVER 2020
Mstr Logan GLOVER 2020
Miss Catherine GRAVIT 2005
Mr Edward GRAVIT 2006
Mrs Jennifer GRAVIT 2003
Mr Jonathan GRAVIT 1996
Miss Ashmira GUPTA 2020
Miss Lavanya GUPTA 2020
Mr Mohit GUPTA 2020
Mrs Parul GUPTA 2020
Mr Beni HALL 2017
Mr Dexter HALL 2017
Mr Ross HALL 2017
Mr Christopher HAWES 2016
Mrs Lesley HAWES 2016
Mrs Lyn HENRY 2013
Mrs Amanda HERBERT 2015
Miss Imogen HERBERT 2015
Mr Sean HERBERT 2015
Mstr Johnathan HUANG 2019
Miss Lisa HUANG 2019
Mr Wayne HUANG 2013
Mr Louis HULL 2012
Mr Marco HULL 2012
Mr Simon HULL 1994
Ms Diane HUNT 2021
Mrs Gillian JACOBSEN 2020
Mr Mark JACOBSEN 2020
Ms Fiona JI 2019
Mr Bruce KEIPER 2018
Ms Monica LAKE 2018
Ms Sarah LE CLAIRE 2016
Mr Greg LEE 2020
Mstr George LEE RUSH 2020
Mstr Jack LEE RUSH 2020
Mr Sebastian LEUZINGER 2021
Mr Christopher LEWIS 2021
Mrs Penelope LEYLAND 2013
Mr Warwick LEYLAND 2017
Mr Colin LUCAS 1992
Mr Charles LUCAS 2007
Mr Jack LUCAS 2007
Mrs Lizzie LUCAS 1999
Mr Daniel MACKEY 2017
Mr Jake MACKEY 2017
Mrs Kirstie MACKEY 2017
Mr Luke MACKEY 2017
Mr Michael MACKEY 2017
Miss Erin MADDREN 2021
Mr Jacob MADDREN 2021
Mrs Kristine MADDREN 2021
Mr Mark MADDREN 2021
Mr Tyler MADDREN 2021
Mr Christopher MAIN 2017
Mrs Hannah MAIN 2017
Miss Zara MAIN 2017
Mr Zach MAIN 2017
Miss Annelyse MALCOLM 2003
Mr Mike MALCOLM 1988
Mrs Annette MARTIN 2018
Mr Neil MARTIN 2018
Ms Alison MATHEWS 2020
Miss Annabelle MCLAREN 2020
Mr Fraser MCLAREN 2020
Mr Hamish MCLAREN 2020
Mrs Rachael MCLAREN 2020
Mr Scott MCLAREN 2020
Mrs Catherine MEARS 2022
Mr Peter MEARS 2022
Mr Fynn MILLER 2017
Miss Keira MILLER 2017
Mr Paul MILLER 2017
Mr Toby MOORS 2017
Miss Evie MOORS 2017
Mr Oliver MOORS 2017
Mrs Theresa MOORS 2017
Ms Lydivine MUKANDEKEZI 2021
Mrs Amy MULCAHY 1995
Mr Kayne MULCAHY 1995
Miss Katie MULCAHY 2016
Mr Mason MULCAHY 2016
Mr Thomas MULCAHY 2016
Miss Livi MULHOLLAND 2015
Mr Tommy MULHOLLAND 2015
Ms Imogen NEALE 2012
Mr Flynn O'REILLY 2006
Miss Anna O'REILLY 2016
Mr Patrick O'REILLY 1999
Mrs Rachel O'REILLY 2004
Mr Daniel OPPERMAN 2016
Mr Michael OPPERMAN 2016
Mrs Michele OPPERMAN 2016
Mr Andrew OSWALD 2021
Mr Brian PETERSEN 1994
Ms Emma PETERSEN 2019
Mrs Keiko PETERSEN 2019
Miss Claudia PILKINGTON 2018
Miss Greta PILKINGTON 2015
Mr George PILKINGTON 2018
Mrs Jane PILKINGTON 2018
Mrs Bev PLATT 2020
Mr James PLATT 2020
Mr Callum PLAW 2020
Mr Josh PLAW 2020
Mrs Kate PLAW 2020
Mr Mitchell PLAW 2020
Miss Mikayla PLAW 2020
Mr Falcon PROUT 2019
Mr Roger PROUT 2012
Mrs Sherrell PROUT 2019
Ms Theresa-Kimberly RAINHAM JACOBS 2018
Mr Hugh REBBECK 2019
Mrs Lily REBBECK 2019
Mstr Tom REBBECK 2019
Miss Willa REBBECK 2019
Mstr Dominic REYNOLDS 2021
Miss Grace REYNOLDS 2021
Mstr Jozeph REYNOLDS 2021
Mr Lance REYNOLDS 2021
Mrs Sarah REYNOLDS 2021
Miss Erin ROBINSON 2017
Mrs Helen ROBINSON 2017
Miss Isla ROBINSON 2017
Ms Marie ROBINSON 2020
Miss Neve ROBINSON 2017
Mr Simon ROBINSON 2017
Ms Julie ROWE 2021
Mrs Debi RUSH 2021
Mr Jordon RUSH 2021
Mr Mark RUSH 2021
Mr Mitchell RUSH 2021
Mrs Rachael RUSH 2020
Ms Elaine RUSSELL 2021
Mr Florian SHAW 2011
Miss Natalie SHAW 2012
Mr Robert SHAW 2001
Mr Benjamin SMAILL 2021
Mrs Eva SMAILL 2017
Mstr Henry SMAILL 2021
Ms Alissa SMITH 2017
Miss Lucia SPOONER 2020
Mrs Melanie SPOONER 2020
Master Ruben SPOONER 2020
Mstr Nico STEVENS-PRIOR 2021
Mr Terence STEVENS-PRIOR 2021
Mrs Rachel TEALE 2021
Mr Kim THOMPSON 2022
Mrs Kerri-Anne THOMPSON 2022
Mr Keiley THOMPSON 2022
Mstr Joshua TIETJENS 2022
Mrs Sarah TIETJENS 2022
Mr William TIETJENS 2022
Mr Matthew TURNER 2021
Mstr Samuel TURNER 2021
Mrs Alexandra VAN TUYL 2021
Mr Joshua VAN TUYL 2021
Mr Simon VAN TUYL 2021
Mr Clement VERSTRAETE 2021
Miss Mazarine VERSTRAETE 2021
Mr Thierry VERSTRAETE 2021
Mr Christian VILLARI 2015
Mr Marcel VROEGE 2016
Mrs Abbie WATSON 2019
Mr Richie WATSON 2015
Mst Sam WATSON 2020
Mr Peter WILKINSON 2020
Miss Paige WILLIAMS 2020
Miss Amelia WILSON 2021
Mr Michael WILSON 2021
Mstr Matai WILSON 2021
Mrs Anita WOLFGRAM 2017
Mr Blair WOLFGRAM 2017
Miss Bronte WOLFGRAM 2017
Miss Gia WOLFGRAM 2017
Mr Jack WOLFGRAM 2017
Mr Edward YATES 2021
Mr James YATES 2021
Mr Nicholas YATES 2021
Mrs Sarah YATES 2021
Mr Will YATES 1987
Mr Aaron YOUNG 2002 Commodore
Mr Ben YOUNG 2019
Mrs Kate YOUNG 2012
Miss Sienna YOUNG 2019
Mr Grant ADAMS 1981
Mr Bryan AIREY 1979
Mr John AMOORE 1985
Mr Gary ARDERN 1980
Mr Nigel ARKELL 1997
Mr Donald ASBEY-PALMER 1982
Mr Tony BAKER 1996
Mr Raymond BARKER 1984
Mr Rodney BARTLETT 1980
Mr Steve BARTON 1985
Mr Chris BECKETT 2016
Mr Andrew BELL 1996
Mr Don BENDALL 1989
Mr Clive BENNETT 1980
Mr Harold BENNETT 1987
Mr Alan BILKEY 1986
Mr Peter BLACK 1996
Mr Ross BLAIR 1990
Mr Tony BLAKE 1996
Mr David BONE 1981
Mr Robert BONIFACE 1986
Mr Derek BRANDT 1991
Mr David BROWN 2007
Mr David BROWN 1978
Mr Joe BROWNLEE 1994
Mr Thomas BROWNE 1982
Mr Robert BRUCE 1985
Mr John BUKOWSKI 1997
Mr Owen BURN 1991
Mr Gary BUTLER 1978
Mr Peter CALVERT 1987
Mr Barrie CAMPBELL 1979
Miss Celia CARSON 1996
Mr Colin CHRISTIAN 1994
Mr Colin CHURCHOUSE 1991
Mr John COCKCROFT 1985
Mr Mike COLEMAN 1981
Mr Peter COOTE 1987
Mr Denis CRAMPSIE 1995
Mr David CREDIN 1984
Mr Bob CROKER 2007
Mr Kenneth DAVERN 1980
Mr Grant DAVIDSON 1984
Mr Ross DENNISTON 1983
Mr Hugh DENT 1985
Mr James DONOVAN 1980
Mr Victor DOUBLE 1981
Mr Warren DOUGLAS 2004
Mr Bryan DYKE 1987
Mr Rob EADY 1995
Mr Doug EASTON 1986
Mr Garry ELLIOTT 1985
Mr Athol ERENSTROM 2006
Mr Greg FENWICK 1995
Mr Graeme FINCH 1995
Mr Steven FLEMING 1996
Mr Gerald FLYNN 1987
Mr Tony FOX 1987
Mr George FRANCE 1985
Mr Jim FRANKHAM 1991
Mr Julian FULLER 1999
Mr Graham GIBBS 1981
Mr Dave GIDDENS 1979
Mr Neil GILLARD 1996
Mr Keith GOODALL 1983
Mr Ken GOODY 1990
Mr Michael GOODGER 1997
Mr Ross GORDON 1996
Mr Richard GREEN 1981
Mr Jim GREGORY 1983
Mr Graham HALL 1988
Mr Roger HAMLIN 1997
Mr Brian HANNAN 1986
Mr Jack HANSEN 1995
Mrs Margaret HARKNESS 1981
Mr Don HARROW 1999
Mr Stan HARWOOD 1982
Mr Mayn HAWKINS 1992
Mr Laurie HEDGES 1995
Mr Stewart HEINE 1994
Mr Roger HILL 1989
Mr Phil HOLLAND 1990
Mr Richard HOLMES 1990
Mr Chris HOOD 2016
Dr Eric HORNE 1996
Mr David HUDSON 1990
Mr John HUGHES 1996
Mr David INNES 1979
Mr Ian JOHNSON 1980
Mr Noel JOHNSON 1979
Mr Thomas KANE 1987
Mr Stuart KENDON 1988
Mr Guy KING 1993
Capt Hans KOERSELMAN 1989
Mr Robert KOSKELA 1983
Mr Roy LADD 1979
Mr Jon LAMB 1995
Mr Gary LEWIS 1993
Mr John LEYBOURNE 1979
Mr Duthie LIDGARD 1987
Mr Raymond LITTIN 1986
Mr Peter LORY 1986
Sir Chris MACE KNZM 1984
Mr Colin MADDREN 1990
Mr Garry MADILL 1995
Mr Eric MAHONEY 1981
Mr John MAINS 2012
Mr John MANDENO 1982
Mr Ross MARKWICK 1995
Mr Jim MCALPINE 1995
Mr Bob MCDAVITT 1995
Mr Peter MCKEOGH 2005
Mr Ross MCKEE 1993
Mr David MCPHERSON 1997
Mr Forres MCPHEAT 1986
Mr John MEAD 1986
Mr John MILLER 1996
Mr Paul MILL 1998
Ms Clare MORRIS 1989
Mr Gregory MOYLE 1996
Mr John MUIR 1989
Mr Murray MULCAHY 1980
Mr Ken MULGREW 1982
Mr Neil MURDOCH 2009
Mr Brian MURRAY 1989
Mr Clarence NICHOLSON 1989
Mr Ray NIXON 1986
Cmndr Bruce NOFFKE 1989
Mr Bourke O'CONNOR 1989
Mr Basil ORR 1996
Mr Rodney OSMOND 1981
Mr Anthony PARK 1983
Mr Gary PAYKEL 1988
Mr Frank PERRY 1980
Mr Mark PERYMAN 1997
Mr Kevin POLLOCK 1981
Mr Jon PORTER 1989
Mr Nigel POWELL 1988
Mr Malcolm POWRIE 1997
Mr Sefton POWRIE 1988
Mr David PUNTER 1996
Mr David PURDY 1983
Mr John RAINGER 1980
Mr Jolyon RALSTON 1982
Mr Alan RATTRAY 1986
Mr Stuart REED 1995
Mr Colin REID 1979
Mr Peter RESTALL 2015
Mr Geoffrey RICKETTS CNZM 1982
Mr Lawrence ROBERTSON 1981
Mr Bruce ROBINSON 1995
Mr Andrew ROELANTS 1991
Mr Angus ROGERS 1994
Mr John ROUNTREE 1988
Mr John SAINT 1995
Mr Peter SARGISSON 1983
Mr Charles SCOONES 1996
Mr Nigel SEEBOLD 1984
Mr Don SENIOR 1995
Mr Michael SHEEHAN 1990
Mr Chris SIMPSON 1995
Mr Rod SLATER 1983
Mr Chris SMITH 1980
Mr Derek SMITH 1984
Mr Howard SMITH 2014
Mr Terrence SMITH 1996
Mr Tony SMITH 1995
Mr Philip SNOOK 1989
Mr Hugh STEDMAN 1979
Mr Layne STEPHENS 1997
Mr Ian STUDD 1982
Mr Bill TAYLOR 1995
Mr Peter TAYLOR 1981
Mr Robert TAYLOR 1990
Mr Donald THOMSON 1984
Mr Malcolm THOMPSON 1987
Mr Nick THOMSON 1978
Mr Geoff THORPE 1981
Mr Russell TOPLIS 1997
Mr Brian TRUBOVICH 1982
Mr Warren TUOHEY 1987
Mr Iain VALENTINE 1985
Mr Brian WARD 1987
Mr Jon WARD 1996
Mr Morris WATSON 1979
Mr Kevin WAY 1996
Mr Tony WEBB 1986
Mr Geddes WESTON 1989
Dr Paul WHITE CNZM 1980
Mr Tony WHITING 1994
Mr Ivor WILKINS 1993
Mr Desmond WILLIAMS 1981
Mr Edward WILLIAMS 1984
Mr Mike WILLS 1981
Mr Jeffrey WILSON 1983
Mr Michael WOODS 1986
Mr Denis WOODWARD 1989
Mr Juergen ADLER 2005
Mr Lewis M ALLEN IV 2022
Mr Hamish ARCHER 2010
Mr Bradley ASPIN 2019
Mr Peter BADDELEY 2017
Mr Wallace BAKER 2013
Mr David BASSETT 2020
Mr Mark BAXTER 1986
Mr Daniel BEM 1999
Mrs Carla BENNETT 1993
Mr Thomas BENTHAM 2004
Mr Michael BEST 1994
Mrs Melanie BEST 1999
Mr Ross BLACKMAN 1992
Mr Jeffrey BLUE 2010
Mr Karl BOHLIN 2021
Mr John BRIERS 1999
Mr Philip BROWN 1990
Mr Francis BULL 1981
Dr Peter CAIRNEY 1986
Mr Ian CAMPBELL 2018
Mr Mark CASHEN 2001
Mr Colin CASHMORE 2018
Mr Martin CAUGHEY 2013
Mr Richard CAVE 2019
Mr Robert CAWSON 1987
Mr Gordon CHATFIELD 2016
Mr Richard CLEAVE 2020
Mr Richard COATES 1995
Mr Matthew COLEBROOK 1991
Mr Scott COLEBROOK 1984 Past Commodore
Mr Paul COLLINS 2020
Mr Ron COLLINS 2014
Mr Greg COOK 1988
Mr Glen COSSEY 2006
Mr Grant COSSEY 2005
Mr Shaun CRANFIELD 2017
Mr Barry CRANSTON 1986
Mr Graeme CRAWSHAW 2021
Mr William CROMBIE 2020
Mr Murray CUMMINGS 1995
Mr Glenn CUNNINGHAM 1994
Ms Victoria CURLETT 2019
Ms Shara CUTLER 2017
Mr John DARBY 2015
Mr Phillip DARKE 2014
Mr Robert DAWSON 2020
Mr Harry DE JONG 2011
Mr Claude DE JONGH 2012
Mr Simon DICKEY 1992
Mr Roger DICKIE 2017
Ms Emily DIMOCK 2018
Ms Kerstin DITTMAR 2021
Mr Richard DODD 2017
Mr Michael DREYER 2019
Ms Eliza DUDER 2022
Mr Craig DUNCAN 2021
Mr Jonathan EDWARDS 1995
Mr Patrick EDWARDS 2019
Mr Johnathan EELE 2017
Mr Ryan EVERTON 2019
Mr Grant FABER 1993
Mr Peter FAIRHEAD 2022
Mr Ian FARRANT 2018
Mr Don FLETCHER 1995
Mr Damian FLYNN 1998
Mr Craig FRASER 1996
Mr Geoffrey FRASER 1984
Mr Peter FRASER 2014
Ms Anne FRENCH 2010
Mr Hugh FULTON 2007
Mr Geoff FURKERT 2003
Mr Scott GALBRAITH 1988
Mr Andrew GARLAND 2012
Mr Timothy GIBSON 2017
Mr Dene GILBERT 2018
Mr Wayne GILFOYLE 1989
Mr Hamish GILLESPIE 2018
Mr David GILLIES 2013
Mr David GLEN 2005
Mr Robert GLEN 1987
Mr Stefan GOLDWATER 2010
Mr Donald GOOD 2017
Mr Sean GOURLEY 2021
Mr Ian GRANT 2018
Mr Peter GRAVIT 2008
Mr Peter GREENE 2020
Mr Chris GUDGEON 2016
Mr Graham GUTHRIE 1997
Ms Kathleen HAIGH 2016
Mr Andrew HALL 2019
Mr Brian HALL 2021
Mr Colin HARDY 1996
Mr Paul HARRIS 1999
Mr Simon HARRISON 2020
Mr Philip HART 2006
Mr Grant HARTLEY 2012
Dr Anthea HATFIELD 2018
Mrs Helen HAYWARD 2020
Mr David HEALY 1996
Mrs Jacqueline HENLEY 2019
Mr Jonathan HENRY 2020
Mr Bruce HERBERT 2015
Mr David HICKS 1981
Mr Clive HILL 1996
Mr Barry HILLYER 1985
Mr Gregory HINTON 2016
Mr Phillip HINTON 2020
Mr Jeffrey HOLLOWAY 2014
Mr Tim HOOSON 2008
Mr Craig HOPKINS 2012
Mr Phil HOUGHTON 1998
Mr William HUDSON 2017
Mr Martin HUNTER 2005
Mr Robert HURLEY 1976
Mr Chris HUTTON 2016
Mr Grahame IRVINE 1982
Mr Richard IVE 2019
Mr Timothy JAMES 2017
Ms Chris JORGENSEN 1998
Mr Dean KENNEDY 2017
Mr Mike KENNEDY 2020
Ms Alisha KING 2022
Mr Anthony KING 2017
Ms Karen KOENS 2020
Mr Christopher LA PINE 2002
Mr David LACKEY 1970
Mr James LAWRY 2015
Mr Gregory LEES 2011
Mr Brent LINNELL 2008
Mr Brett LORNIE 2019
Mr Ross LORNIE 1997
Mr Ben LUPTON 2004
Mr Christopher LYLE 2015
Mr Brett LYSAGHT 2002
Mr Peter MACDONALD 2007
Mr Malcolm MACPHERSON 2009
Mr Aussie MALCOLM 1979
Mr Riki MANARANGI 2022
Mr Kevin MANN 2009
Ms Anneke MARAIS 2019
Mrs Benita MARRIOTT 2020
Mr Peter MARSH 2019
Mr Chris MARTIN 2014
Mr Jim MARTIN 2012
Mr Richard MASON 1995
Mr Oliver MCARTHUR 2013
Mr Rex MCCAMISH 2008
Mr Luke MCCARTHY 2018
Mr Matthew MCCAUGHAN 2016
Mr Les MCDONALD 1996
Mr Russell MCKENZIE 2020
Mrs Rosemarie MCKENZIE 2020
Mr Ross MCLEAN 2021
Mr Simon MEIKLE 1999
Mr Christopher MINOPRIO 1988
Mr Robert MOODY 2022
Mr Alex MORCOM 2019
Mr Brent MULLAN 2003
Mr Rodger MURPHY 2017
Mr Mark NEWNHAM 2019
Dr Banu ONEY 2020
Mr Graeme ORCHARD 2001
Ms Catherine ORMROD 1997
Mr James ORMSBY 2013
Mr Maurice ORR 2020
Mr Doug OWENS 2000
Mr John OWERS 2013
Mr Peter PARKIN 2009
Mr Ric PARORE 2009
Mr David PARR 2018
Mr Robert PARR MBE 2021
Mr Sean PATERSON 1990
Mr Colin PAULING 2016
Mr Geoffrey PAYNE 2019
Mr Andrew PEACOCKE 2022
Mr John PERCY 2002
Mr Mike PETERSON 1983
Mr Brian PLIMMER 2003
Mr Terence PORTER 1986
Ms Valerie POSS 2021
Mr Michael PRIEST 2020
Mr Richard PURDY 1982
Mr Victor RABONE 2016
Mr Ian REW 2002
Mr Alan REYNOLDS 2013
Mr Aaron RINK 2017
Mr Michael ROBERTS 2021
Mr Nicholas ROBERTS 2021
Dr Peter ROBINSON 2017
Mr Craig ROGERS 2021
Mr Mark ROTHWELL 2012
Mr Kevin RUSS 1995
Mr Ian RUSSELL 2021
Mr Philip RZEPECKY 2012
Mr Robert SAHAKIAN 2021
Mr Jay SCANLON 2015
Mr Alistair SCOTT 2002
Mr Brian SMITH 1989
Mr Geoffrey SMITH 2017
Mr Malcolm SMITH 1984
Mr Neil SMITH 2014
Mr Terence SMITH 1997
Mr Robert SPURWAY 1996
Mr Grant STAPLETON 2015
Mr Mike STENHOUSE 2014
Mr Nick STENSON 2008
Mr Warren STORM 2018
Mr Henry TAIT 2004
Mr George TALBOT 2016
Mr Andrew TAYLOR 2021
Mr Robert THOM 2009
Mr Brian THOMPSON 1980
Mr Phillip THOMPSON 2021
Miss Barbara THOMSON 2018
Mr Gregory TOMLINSON 2019
Mr John TOON 1990
Mr Richard TOON 2017
Mr Benjamin TOTHILL 2015
Ms Shirley TSE KAN 2012
Mr Trevor TURNOCK 1985
Mr Andy TYLER 1992
Mr Kelly VINCE 2009
Mr Kenneth VINCENT 2018
Mr David WARBURTON 2005
Mr Richard WARDENBURG 2017
Mr Cary WATTS 1992
Dr John WAUGH 2007
Mr James WELLWOOD 1980
Mr John WHITE 1996
Mr Stephen WHITE 1979
Mr David WHYMAN 2022
Mr Edward WILDE 1996
Mr Graeme WILDING 2020
Mr Ronald WILKIN 1976
Mr Jeffrey WILLIAMS 2017
Ms Nicola WILLIAMS 2020
Mr Robert WILLIS 1991
Mr Chris WILSON 2001
Ms Margot WILSON 2020
Mr Rupert WILSON 2004
Mr John WINLOVE 2013
Mr Simon WITHERS 2010
Mr Roger WOOD 1993
Mr Clive WRIGHT 2010
Mr Jonathan WRIGHT 2016
Mr Paul WYLIE 2015
Mr John WINLOVE 2013
Mr Simon WITHERS 2010
Mr Roger WOOD 1993
Mr Jonathan WRIGHT 2016
Mr Paul WYLIE 2015
Mr John YARROW 2003
Mr Brian AITKEN 1994
Ms Sita ALEY 1999
Mr Ted ANDREW 1996
Mr Thomas ANDREWES 1978
Mr Cameron APPLETON 1999
Mr Rodney ARDERN 1991
Mr Helen ARMSTRONG 1996
Mr Bob BAILLIE 1998
Mr Fred BAIRD 2001
Mr Andy BALL 1983
Mr Valery BARANOV 2012
Mr Nick BARKER 2007
Mr James BARNES 2019
Mr Michael BEASLEY 2018
Mr Patrick BENNETT 2017
Mr Bruce BERRIMAN 2019
Mr Stu BETTANY 1998
Mrs Koravic BHANUBANDH 1999
Mr Terry BIRSS 1983
Mr Farley BLACKMAN 2019
Mr Marcus BLACKMORE 1998
Ms Linda BLAKEWAY 1997
Mr David BLUE 2017
Mr James BOURKE 2005
Mr Adam BOYS 2000
Mr Dean BROMILEY 2019
Mr Warwick BROWNE 1995
Mr Douglas BUCK 1993
Mr Andrew BURRIDGE 2014
Mr Anthony BUTLER 2018
Mr Wayne BUTLER 2017
Dr Cam CALDER 1995
Mr Ian CAMPBELL 2019
Mr Clive CAR
Mr John CARR 2016
Ms Blair CARTY 2021
Mr Tink CHAMBERS 2013
Mr Scott CLARK 1980
Mr Marc CLEMSON 2009
Mr Chris COLLINGS 2019
Mr Joseph COMPTON 2018
Miss Bianca COOK 2008
Mr Nathan COOK 2016
Mr Peter COONEY 2002
Mr Todd COOPER 2013
Mrs Heather COPLESTONE 2005
Mr Timothy CORCORAN 2017
Capt John CORNWELL 2018
Mr Pat COSTELLO 2012
Capt Matthew COTE 2019
Mr Nicholas CRABTREE 2017
Mr Adrien CREUZE 2016
Miss Cheyne CUDBY 2022
Mr Rob CURTIS 2020
Mr John CUTLER 1996
Mr Troy DAUM 2021
Mr Anson DAVIES 1995
Mrs Alison DAVIES 1998
Mr Simon DAVIDSON 2000
Mr Graham DAWSON 2020
Mr Ronald DE WAAL 2002
Mr Olivier DECAMPS 2018
Dr Robert DEVINE 2015
Mr Scott DICKSON 1993
Mr Stuart DICKINSON 1994
Mr Grant DOCKERY 1996
Miss Catherine DOUGHERTY 2022
Ms Dominika DRYJSKI 2020
Mr Andrew DUFF 2016
Miss Catherine DUIGAN 2004
Mr Stuart DUNN 2005
Mr Will DURANT 2018
Dr Katy ELDERS 1996
Mr Neil EMPSON 2001
Mrs Susan KEESING 1993
Mr David ENDEAN 1999
Mr Richard EYRE 1986
Mr Marcel FACHLER 2010
Mr Bradley FARRAND 2007
Mr Robert FERNANDEZ 2001
Mr John FIFIELD 1995
Mr Lawrence FINCH 2003
Mr David FINDLAY 2018
Mr Benjamin FISHER 2000
Mr James FLEET 1980
Mr Marc FOCKE 2014
Ms Jayme FULLER 2020
Mr John FULTON 2003
Mr William GAIN 2021
Mr James GALE 1993
Mr Bruce GAULT 2002
Mr Alexandre GERMANOVICH 2014
Mr Andrew GLOVER 1999
Miss Melanie GODFREY 1997
Mr Peter GOLTRA 2001
Mr Ilan GRAETZ 2015
Mr Simon GROOM 2002
Mr John GROVE 1997
Mr Kyle GUNDERSEN 1997
Mr Cameron HADLOW 2002
Miss Julia HAMILTON 2009
Mr Gregory HANSON 2019
Mr Logan HANSEN 2017
Mr Paul HARRISON 2006
Ms Kat HAWKES 2015
Mrs Olga HAWKES 2015
Mr Terry HAY 1990
Mr Daniel HEDGES 2010
Mr Campbell HERBERT 2022
Mr Sam HERBERT 2007
Mr Laurence HILLYER 2016
Ms Yvette HILL-WILLIS 2022
Mr Nigel HOLLIS 1995
Mrs Susan HOLLIS 1988
Ms Chasidy HOUKAMA 2021
Capt Grey HUTCHINSON 1997
Mr Devon HYDE 1999
Mr Michael HYDE 2021
Mr Michael ILLBRUCK 1995
Mr Scott INNES-JONES 1997
Mr Ryuichi IOHARA 1994
Mr Lance IRVING 2016
Mr Mark ITNYRE 2018
Mr Hugh JOHNSON 2020
Ms Carol JOHNSTON 1998
Mr Derek JOYCE 2020
Mr Yoshihiro KAWAMURA 1993
Mr Maximillian KLINK 2020
Mr Gary KNOX 2019
Mr Patrick KONG 2015
Mrs Laura KROLL-MONKS 2019
Mr Robert KUEHNEN 1997
Mr James KUIACK 2017
Mr Stefan KURTZE 2011
Mr Karl KWOK 2012
Miss Philipa LAMB 1999
Mr James LANCASTER 2003
Mr Alan LESLIE 2017
Mr Walter LEWIN 2018
Mrs Bobbie LINDSAY-BUCK 1993
Mr Paul LUDGATE 2003
Mr Roland LUNNER 2012
Mr Graham MARCHAND 2019
Sir Richard MATTHEWS 1998
Mr Brent MCCARTY 1998
Mr Robert MCCLELLAND 2018
Mrs Virgina MCCLELLAND 2018
Mr Alastair MCDONALD 2007
Mr David MCKENZIE 2019
Mr Rudyard MCKENDRICK 2019
Mr Matthew MCKINNON 2018
Mr Andrew MCNAB 2019
Mr Matthew MECKE 2019
Mr Jay MILLS 2019
Mr Kenneth MILLER 2019
Mr Craig MONK 2016
Ms Cathie MULHERIN 2016
Mr Markus MÜELLER-FEIST 1999
Mr Moritz MULLER 2000
Mr Wilhelm MULLER 2000
Mr Derek MUNRO 2021
Mr Ross MUNRO 2017
Mr Michael NAULLS 2003
Mr Rodney NICHOLLS 1981
Mr Kristoffer NISSEN 2012
Mr Kawin NUALKHAIR 1994
Mr Viroj NUALKHAIR 1995
Mr James OHARE 2016
Mr John O'LOGHLEN 2017
Mr Craig ORAM 1994
Mr Yosuke OSHIMA 2019
Mr Ian PAGE 2017
Mr Jun PAGE 2008
Mr Robin PAINE 1998
Mr Stanley PARIS 2019
Mr Ryan PARKIN 1995
Mrs Hiral PATEL 2021
Mr Greg PECK 1997
Mr Jonathan PERREE 1997
Mr Andrew PINDAR 2019
Mr Nicholas PLAN 2017
Mr John PUDNEY 2016
Mr Doug PYE 1980
Mr Simon Jing QIAN 2013
Mr Clive RAINES 1999
Capt Stephen RAY 2010
Mr Richard REAGAN 2003
Mr Peter REGGIO 2000
Mr Hamish REID 1990
Dr Franco REPETTO 2000
Mr Hanse RINGSTROM 2014
Mr John RISLEY 1997
Mr John ROBERTSON 2018
Mr Phil ROBERTSON 2004
Mrs Julie ROSE 1994
Mr Philippe ROYAUX 2001
Mr Andrew RUNK 2013
Mr Chris RYAN 2013
Mr Bernard SABRIER 2001
Mr Tony SAMUELS 2017
Mr Michael SCOUSE 2022
Mr Steven SMALL 2005
Mr Derek SMITH 2014
Mr Christopher SPENCER 1990
Mr Neil SPENCER 2019
Mr Terry SQUIRES 2000
Mr Patrick STEELE 2020
Mr Tom STOREY 2012
Mr David STOTLER 2019
Mr Thomas STURGESS 2018
Mr Alan SWANN 2007
Dr Alfred TALBOT 1985
Mr Ilshat TALIPOV 2020
Mr Dennis TAYLOR 2001
Ms Tomoko TERAKAWA 2001
Mr Alexander THIEME 2012
Mr David THOMSON 1989
Mr Mike THOMPSON 2019
Mr David TREBING 2003
Mr Piers TYLER 2006
Prof. Dr Hendrik VAN KETS 2003
Mr Warren VAUDREY 1997
Mr Andrew VOKES 2014
Mr Chris VOKES 2014
Mr Graeme VOLLEMAERE 1990
Mrs Jean WAGLEY 2020
Mr Michael WAGNER 2022
Mr Paul WAITE 2002
Mr Kevin WALLIS 2022
Ms Dianne WARNER 2003
Mr Peter WAYMOUTH 1995
Mr Peter WEADY 2020
Mr Carl WEBSTER 2004
Dr Roger WELCH 1980
Mr Bruce WELLS 1995
Ms Caroline WERLEN 2008
Mr Ben WESTERN 1998
Mr Michael WESTON 2004
Mrs Venetia WHALE 2010
Mr Carl WHITING 2002
Mr Victor WILD 2015
Mr Geoffrey WILES 2017
Mr Richard WILLIAMSON 2013
Mr Robert WILLIAMS 2021
Mr Craig WILSON 2016
Mr David WILSON 2011
Mr Graeme WILSON 2002
Mr Jock WISHART 2017
Mr Stedem WOOD 2014
Mr John WOOLCOTT 2017
Mr Craig WRIGHT 2021
Mr Randall WULFF 2019
Mr James YOUNG 1990
Mr Anthony ZANELLI 2018
Mrs Heather BOURGEOIS 1995
Ms Mary-ann BOYS 1999
Mrs Janne BREETVELT 2017
Ms Diane BRIDGEMAN 2020
Mrs Linda BROWN 2012
Mrs Barbara BROWNE 2020
Mr Michael BROWNE 1999
Ms Catriona BUNCE 2020
Mrs Jennifer BURGESS 1997
Mrs Angelene BURN 2020
Mrs Kath BURRETT 1987
Mrs Susan BURRETT 1999
Mrs Sandy BURRIDGE 2014
Mrs Maree BUTTERWORTH 2020
Mr Andrew CALDWELL 2021
Ms Ellen CAMERSON 2020
Mrs Alli CAMPBELL 2019
Mrs Carolyn CAMPBELL 2016
Mrs Patricia CARRAN 2002
Ms Nicole CARROLL 2021
Mrs Stephanie CASHEN 2017
Mrs Margaret CATHIE 2018
Mrs Denise CHAMPION 2020
Mrs Bronwen CHARLESWORTH 1999
Mrs Marilyn CHRISTENSEN 2020
Mrs Paula CHRISTIAN 1999
Mrs Bronwyn CHURCHOUSE 1999
Ms Fiona CLARK 2019
Mrs Nathalie CLARK 2019
Mrs Lynn CLAYTON 1999
Ms Rachael COATES 2007
Mrs Helen COLDICUTT 1999
Mrs Lucinda COLEBATCH 2018
Mrs Sue COLEBROOK 1982
Mrs Suzanne COLEMAN 1987
Ms Kathryn COLLINGS 2019
Mrs Elizabeth COLLINS 2022 Mrs Rae COLLINS 1999
Mrs Dayl COLSON 1999
Mrs Jenna COMPTON 2018
Ms Lisa CONWAY 2018
Mr Sean COOK 1995
Mrs Barbara COOKE 2019
Ms Rebecca COOPER BULLOCK 2012
Mrs Janine COPELAND 2005
Ms Christine COTTLE 2016
Miss Alison CRAIG 1995
Mrs Penelope CRANSTON 1999
Mrs Sally-Lou CRAWFORD 1996
Mrs Catherine ABEL-PATTINSON 2019
Ms Sally ABERHART 2020
Ms Jan AIREY 1997
Mr Greg AKEHURST 2006
Mrs Amanda ALLEN 2000
Mrs Sandra ALLEN 2011
Mrs Robyn ARKELL 2012
Mrs Renee ARMIGER 1996
Mrs Jacqueline ARMITAGE 2012
Mr Minoo ARSIWALLA 2015
Mr Ewan ATHERTON 2017
Ms Dawnielle BACA 2021
Mrs Merima BACKHUS 2012
Mrs Billie BARKER 1999
Ms Sarah BARRY 2022
Mrs Jane BARTROM 2020
Mrs Karen BLACK 2016
Mrs Courtney BLACKMAN 2019
Miss Ingrid BLANQUISCO 2021
Mrs Jill BLUNDELL 2017
Mrs Kae BOHLIN 2021
Mrs Michele BOOTH 2020
Mrs Wendy CREDIN 1999
Mrs Monica CREEDON 2000
Mrs Carol CRIGHTON 1999
Mr Simon CROFT 2021 Mrs Gillian CROMBIE 2020
Mrs Mary CULLINANE 1999
Mrs Annette DALY 1999
Ms Dianne DAVERN 1999
Ms Jacqui DAVIES 2019
Mrs Marcella DI PIETRO SELWYN 2020
Ms Jodie DICK 2013
Mrs Jan DICKIE 2000
Mrs Jennifer DICKSON 2019
Mrs Shelley DILLON 1995
Mrs Linda DINES 2000
Mrs Kristin DODSON 1999
Ms Dinah DOLBEL 2020
Mrs Toni DUNCAN 2021
Mrs Brenda DUNN 2000
Mrs Merelyn DUVALL 2015
Mrs Marlene EASTON 2013
Mrs Jacqueline EDMISTON 2016
Mr Jeremy EDMONDS 2006 Mrs Lesley EICHHOLZ 2013
Mrs Jo ELLIOTT 1999
Mrs Sandra ELLIOTT 1995
Mrs Jennifer ELLIS 1999
Mrs Rita ELLIS 2017
Mrs Marilyn ELVIN 2000
Mr Daniel EMUSS 2000
Mrs Christine ENDEAN 1995
Mrs Virginia ENDEAN 1991
Mrs Raewyn FABER 2020
Mrs Elsie FAIRE 1999
Mrs Margaret FENWICK 2018
Ms Sharon FERGUSON 1999
Mrs Margaret FINCH 1999
Mrs Elizabeth FLEMING 2020
Mrs Louise FLEMING 1999
Miss Christine FORD 2019
Mrs Carilyn FRASER 2012
Mrs Carole FRASER 1999
Mrs Elizabeth FRASER 2012
Ms Suzy FRASER 2021
Mrs Fiona FREEMAN 2018
Mrs Donna FUATAVAI 2021
Mrs Patricia FULLER 2017
Mrs Louise GALBRAITH 1995
Mrs Gillian GALLOWAY 2017
Ms Helen GEARY 2020
Mrs Sharon GEARY 2000
Ms Sue GIFFORD 2000
Mrs Yvonne GILBERT 2018
Mr William GILKES 2017
Ms Ellen GILKES 1999
Mrs Susan GILLESPIE 2021
Mrs Dagmar GIRARDET 1999
Mrs Christine GLADDING 2021
Mrs Elizabeth GOLTRA 2020
Mrs Joan GRACIE 1996
Mrs Judith GRAYSON 1999
Mrs Birgit GREEN 2012
Mrs Trish GREGORY 1999
Mrs Sarina GRIBBLE 2014
Mr Jim GRIFFIN 1987
Mrs Jacquline GRIFFITHS 2000
Mr Leighton HALIDAY 2018
Mrs Trish HALL 2010
Ms Viv HALL 2008
Ms Jill HAMLYN 2021
Ms MelanieMichele HARCROW 2018
Mrs Janis HARKNESS 1999
Mrs Marian HARKNESS 1992
Mrs Rachel HARPER-DIBLEY 2020
Mrs Catherine HARRIS 2017
Mrs Felicite HARRIS 1999
Mrs Jenny HARRIS 1997
Ms Lynn HARRIS 1999
Ms Celia HARRISON 2021
Mrs Elizabeth HARRISON 2006
Mrs Margaret HARVEY 2005
Ms Janet HAWKINS 2020
Mrs Heather HAWTHORNE 2020
Mrs Barbara HAY 2011
Mrs Jan HAY 1994
Mrs Gillie HAYES 2000
Mr Christopher HAYWARD 2020
Mrs Jeanne HEATLIE 2019
Mrs Jocelyn HENRY 1999
Ms Rachel HERON 2013
Mrs Takako HEYMANN 2016
Mrs Elizabeth HICKS 1999
Mrs Mary HILL 2017
Mr Chris HIRST 2011
Mrs Deborah HOCKING 2019
Mrs Heather HOLLANDS 2020
Mrs Linda
Mrs Jane HOOGERBRUG 1998
Mrs Carole HOUGHTON 1985
Mrs Helen HOWLEY 2017
Mr Richard HUGHES 2019
Mrs Nicky HUME 2017
Mrs Nicola HUNT 2021
Ms Suellen HURLING 2018
Ms Sarah HUTCHINGS 2019
Ms Michelle HUTCHINSON 2010
Mrs Kay HYDE 2022
Ms Belinda ILLINGWORTH 2021
Mrs Sharon ILLINGWORTH 1995
Mrs Judith INGRAM 2020
Mrs Judith INNES 2016
Mrs Lynne JEFFERY 2019
Ms Bay JERVIS 1999
Mr Peter JOHNSON 2018
Ms Stephanie JONES 2014
Mrs Vianney JONES 1999
Mrs Marie JORDAN 2020
Mr Keld KELLY 2016
Mrs Colleen KENNY 2016
Mrs Annette KENSINGTON 1985
Mrs Ruth KERR-TAYLOR 1982
Miss Delia KING 2018
Mr Ian KIRKWOOD 2018
Mrs Karyn KLARWILL 1995
Mrs Christine KOEFOED 2005
Mrs Marian KOERSELMAN 2002
Mrs Sylvia KOSKELA 1997
Mrs Tiina LADD 2004
Mrs Carol LAIDLAW 1999
Ms Veryan LAITY 2017
Mrs Dorothy LAMB 1999
Mrs Catherine LANCASTER 2003
Caven LANE 2022
Miss Gillian LANE 2017
Mrs Ginny LE COUTEUR 1999
Dr Maureen LEGGE 2018
Mrs Margaret LEWIS 1999
Mrs Susan LITTLER 2000
Ms Rae LOCK 2021 Mrs Sal LORNIE 1999
Mrs Helen LORY 1995 Ms Jaz LOVE 2015
Ms Hannah LYLE 2016
Ms Helen MACDONALD 2020
Mrs Elizabeth MACKY 1999
Mr William MACMILLAN 2011
Mr Matthew MACNICOL 2013
Mrs Elizabeth MACPHERSON 2009
Mrs Anna MAIR 2011
Mrs Anne MALCOLM 1996
Mrs Kathy MANSON 1983
Mrs Pam MARCHAND 2019
Mrs Ngaire MARKWICK 1997
Mr Glenn MARRIOTT 2020
Ms Judith MARSHALL 2009
Mrs Sharon MARTIN 2020
Mrs Cathy MCALPINE 2018
Mrs Shirley-Ann MCCRYSTAL 1987
Mrs Janet MCDELL 2013
Mrs Stephanie MCGILL 1997
Mrs Colleen MCGREGOR 2021
Mrs Chrissie MCKEE 2013
Mrs Victoria MCKEOGH 1992
Mrs Jan MCPHEAT 2019
Ms Peggy MCQUINN 2017
Ms Lisa MEIER 2020
Ms Kelly MILES 2014
Mrs Allison MILLAR 2013
Mrs Kyung Hyang MILLAR 2021
Mr Adam MILLER 2008
Mrs Karyn MILLER 2019
Mrs Paula MILLER 2019
Mrs Judi MILLS 2019
Mrs Pamela MILLS-HILLYER 1999
Mrs Claire MILNE 1998
Mrs Rodnie MINGAYE 2003
Mrs Ruth MINHINNICK 2000
Miss Jodi MITCHELL 2013
Mrs Mary MITCHELSON 2017
Mrs Jacquiline MONK 2020
Ms Nina MONKS 2019
Mrs Claudia MONTGOMERY 1995
Ms Jennifer MOODY 1999
Mrs Glenda MOORE 2020
Mrs Noeline MORRISON 2017
Mrs Jessica MÜELLER-FEIST 1999
Ms Dianne NAGELE 2017
Mrs Helen NEAL 2022
Ms Anne NEEDHAM 2008
Mrs Natalie NEWTON 2021
Mrs Patsy NICHOLAS 2020
Ms Lorraine NICHOLSON 2021
Ms Tania NIGH 2016
Ms Megan NODDER 2017
Mrs Karen O'CONNOR 1999
Ms Terry O'HARE 2022
Ms Carolyn ORAM 2014
Mrs Marion ORBELL 2003
Mrs Pauline PALMER 1999
Mr Dean PARANGI 2020
Mrs Patricia PARKER 2017
Ms June PARTRIDGE 2018
Mr Himan PATEL 2021
Mrs Jan PAULING 2017
Mrs Prue PEACOCK 1999
Mrs Lynette PEAT 2013
Mrs Paula PEPPERELL 2017
Ms Kristin PERCY 2010
Mrs Maria PERREE 2016
Mrs Carol PERRY 1996
Mrs Margaret PERYMAN 2017
Mr Peter PILLEY 2013
Mrs Merlene PLIMMER 2004
Mrs Beryl POLLOCK 1999
Mrs Dallas PORTER 2017
Mrs Sarah PORTER 2014
Mrs Marina POTTER 2020
Mrs Amanda PRATLEY 2018
Mrs Ann PRATT 1999
Mrs Sarah PRATT 2017
Mrs Leslie PRESTON 2019
Mrs Pauline PRINGLE 2018
Mrs Ruth PURDY 1999
Mrs Stella PYE 2019
Ms Georgina RALSTON 2019
Mr Matthew RANSFIELD 2019
Ms Gwenda REECE 2020
Mrs Susan REED 1998
Mrs Atka REID 2017
Mrs Sue RETTER 1999
Mrs Maree REYNOLDS 2019
Mrs Nichola RIDLEY 2019
Mrs Penelope ROBERTS 2020
Mrs Wendy ROBERTS 2019
Mrs Glenys ROBERTSON 1987
Mrs Jennifer ROGERS 2020
Mrs Sally ROSENBERG 2019
Mrs Elizabeth ROTHWELL 2018
Mrs Laurie RUNK 2016
Ms Joy RYAN 1999
Mrs Yasmina SABRIER 2020
Mr Peter SAGGERS 2020
Mrs Susan SAHAKIAN 2021
Mrs Judith SALTHOUSE 1983
Mrs Jean SALTHOUSE 1999
Mrs Kathleen SANDO 2003
Ms Karen SAUSSEY 1999
Mrs Annette SCHNACKENBERG 2020
Mrs Anne SCOTT 1999
Mrs Angela SETON 2017
Ms Marion SHADFORTH 1996
Mrs Sandy SHARP 2021
Mrs Stephanie SHEPPARD 1985
Mrs Sarah SHERRATT 2013
Mrs Kate SIBBALD 1996
Ms Yolande SIBTHORPE 2017
Mrs Wendy SIMMONS 2017
Ms Jennifer SIMPSON 2013
Mrs Nomita SINGH 2011
Mrs Shirley SISEPI-FRASER 2019
Mr Chris SMITH 2012
Mrs Joanne SMITH 2014
Mrs Rosemarie SMITH 2018
Ms Rachel SMITH 2022
Mrs Celia SNEDDEN 1989
Mrs Ellen SPARNON 2020
Ms OEnone SPENCER 2014
Mr Garrett STACK 2020
Ms Jenny STARK 2019
Mrs Wendy STEDMAN 1999
Ms Susan STENHOUSE 2019
Mrs Jan STEPHENS 2019
Mr Simon STEPHENSON 2009
Mrs Madeline STERN 1999
Lady Glenice STEVENS 2000
Mrs Nicole STEVENS 2019
Shirley STEVENS 2021
Mrs Catherine STIRLING 2019
Mrs Virginia STOCKWELL 2019
Mrs Donna STONE 2021
Mrs Lorraine STREET 1999
Mrs Susan SUMMERVILLE 2017
Mrs Monica TALBOT 1985
Mrs Nao TANIYA 2022
Mrs Anita TAYLOR 2021
Mrs Rita TAYLOR 1996
Mrs Thora TAYLOR 1999
Ms Andrea THOMAS 2003
Mrs Gillian THOMPSON 2000
Mrs Margot THOMPSON 1999
Mrs Angela TOMS 2017
Mrs Prue TRACY-INGLIS 2017
Mrs Carolyn TREMAIN 2020
Mr Jacqueline TULLOCH 2020
Mrs Liz ULJEE 1999
Ms Rochelle URLICH 2021
Dr Heather UWINS-ENGLAND 2022
Mrs Annabelle VALENTINE 2003
Mrs April VAUDREY 1997
Mrs Karen VAUSE 2021
Mrs Kerrin VAUTIER 1999
Mrs Katherine WALKER 2013
Mrs Paula Jane WALLACE 2022
Mrs Lyn WARDLAW 2018
Mrs Daphne WARDLE 2021
Mrs Kay WATTS 1999
Mrs Belinda WAY 1999
Mrs Christine WEBB 1990
Mrs Christine WESTON 1999
Mrs Trudy WHITE 2021
Mrs Jasmine WHITING 2019
Mrs Sarah WIBLIN 2019 General Manager
Mrs Cindy WIERSMA 2021
Mrs Pauline WILDERSPIN 1999
Mrs Carol WILLIAMS 1999
Mrs Lorraine WILLIAMS 2017
Mrs Linda WILSON 2011
Mrs Judy WINGFIELD 2012
Ms Helene WINTER 2020
Mrs Evelyn WINTHROP 1997
Mrs Anna WIRTH-HOGAN 2020
Mrs Sarah WITHERS 2020
Mrs Diana WOOD 2017
Ms Teresa WOODHAM 2021
Mrs Margaret WOOLCOTT 2019
Mrs Margaret WOOLLEY 1999
Mrs Sarah WREN 2019
Mrs Antonia WRIGHT 2012
Mrs Margie WRIGHT 2017
Mrs Rosaleen YARROW 2003
Mrs Anna YATES 2000
Mrs Barbara YOUNG 2016
Ms Amanda COOKE 2019
Mr Oliver CORBOY 2022
Mr Colin CORNBERG 2022
Mr James CRAIK 2018
Mr Trevor DANCE 2017
Ms Erin DANG 2022
Miss Philippa DANIELS 2018
Mr David DAVIES 2019
Mr Mark DAVIES 2019
Mr Geoff DAWSON 2019
Mr Jamie DAWSON 2009
Ms Lynda DEAN 2020
Ms Camilla DE BEER 2021
Mr Baptiste DECARREAU 2021
Mr Michael DE COURCY 2019
Mr Ben DE FLUITER 2017
Ms Segolene DE FONTENAY 2021
Ms Sue DICKSON 2019
Mr Phillip DOUGLAS 2017
Mr Godfrey DOWN 2017
Mr Joseph DRAKE 2017
Mr Nigel EDMISTON 2019
Mr Robert EDMONDS 2022
Mr Andrew EGGETT 2022
Miss Delwyn ERCEG 2017
Mr Stuart EWINGTON 2018
Ms Andrea FALWASSER 2021
Mr Mark FARRELL 2018
Mr Piers FAULKNER 2017
Mr James FERRIER 2022
Mr Christopher AGNEW 2021
Ms Jayne ALBISTON 2021
Mr Alexander AMSLER 2017
Mr Logan ANDRESEN 2022
Mr Garth ASHBY 2022
Mr John ASHBY 2022
Mr Scott AULT 2021
Mrs Alice AUSTIN 2020
Mr Jonathan AUSTIN 2020
Mrs Jennifer BAILEY 2020
Ms Denise BAILEY 2019
Mr Harry BAILEY 2022
Mr Nick BASTOW 2001
Mrs Dagmar BELLAMY 2021
Mr Dallas BENNETT 2022
Mr Stephen BEPKO 2018
Miss Preethi BHISHMA 2021
Ms Terri BIDWELL 2019
Mr Christopher BIERRE 2018
Mr Pfeiffer BIER 2020
Ms Janelle BLACKMOORE 2022
Mr James BOOTH 2022
Mr Johnny BOUNSALL 2021
Miss Svetlana BOYCHEVA 2020
Mr Simon BRAKE 2018
Mrs Arabella BRAWN 2018
Mr Stephen BROADBENT 2019
Ms Julia BROWN 2022
Mr Craig BROWN 2017
Mr Michael BROWNE 2019
Mr Trevor BUDD 2018
Mr Russell CAIRNS 2018
Mr Rodney CARR 2018
Mr Paul CHIN 2021
Mr Andrew CLARKE 2019
Mr Brett COLBY 2017
Mr Andrew COOKE 2017
Mr Peter FLEMING 2018
Ms Flower FLOWER 2020
Mr Heng Lin FONG 2022
Mr Neville FREEMAN 2018
Mr Robert FRY 2021
Ms Adrienne FURNESS 2022
Mr Robert GARRET 2022
Mrs Ursula GEE 2022
Mr Nick GIBBONS 2021
Miss Hayley GILLESPIE 2022
Mr Reinhold GOESCHL 2014
Mr Michael GRANT 2021
Mr Douglas GRAY 2021
Miss Genevieve GREER 2019
Mr Roger GRICE 2017
Ms Renelle GRONERT 2017
Ms Ann HAMILTON 2020
Mr Pierre HARRISON 2016
Mr Roger HAWTHORNE 2018
Ms Katherine HAYWARD 2020
Mr Warwick HEARN 2020
Ms Julia HEISS 2018
Mr Alan HILL 2017
Mrs Diane HILL 2019
Ms Suzanne HISTEN 2021
Ms Kathryn HOBCRAFT 2020
Mr Maxwell HODGSON 2021
Mr Andre HOLDENBAUN 2021
Mr Julian HOLLAND 2017
Mr Mark HUGHES 2018
Ms Rosemary INNES-JONES 2017
Mr Igor IVANOV 2020
Mr Hamish IVEY 2022
Ms Belinda JACKSON 2018
Ms Caroline JACK 2019
Mr Alaric JACOBSEN 2020
Miss Hope JAMESON 2017
Mr Edward JARVIS 2017
Mr John JEFFERSON 2017
Mr James JENNINGS 2022
Mrs Tracey JONES 2019
Ms Amanda JORDAN 2019
Mr Giles JORDAN 2017
Ms Kathryn JORDAN 2021
Mr Graeme KENDALL MNZM 2005
Miss Angela KIDDLE 2020
Ms Deborah KILLEN 2022
Ms Samantha KNIGHTS 2020
Mr Yiu Wai KWOK 2019
Ms Jennifer LAMM 2013
Mr Gary LANE 2020
Ms Wendy LARAMAN 2018
Mr Choong Pew LEE 2020
Mr Daniel LEECH 2021
Mr Gordon LEGGE 2020
Mr David LEWIS 2020
Mr Matthew LOVETT 2022
Mr Fraser MACDONALD 2021
Mr Rory MACDONALD 2021
Ms Kyria MAILMAN 2019
Mr Joshua MARTIN 2009
Mr Connor MASHLAN 2022
Mr Michael MATSON 2018
Mr Richard MATTHEWS 2020
Mr Stephen MATTHEWS 2019
Ms Kim MCCLEES 2020
Ms Carolyne MCCOURTIE 2020
Ms Sonja MCCRAE 2017
Mr Dwayne MCGORMAN 2018
Mrs Sarah Louise MCILROY 2022
Dr Ross MCKAY 2019
Mr Rob MCKNIGHT 2020
Mr William MCLAREN 2019
Mr John MCLARIN 2022
Mr Christine MCLENNAN 2021
Mr Anthony MCMAHON 2019
Ms Aimee MCMASTER 2022
Mr Nicholas MEISTER 1995
Ms Ann MELLOR 2019
Mr Franseco MICARELLI 2020
Mr Timothy MICHALICK 2020
Mrs Evgeniya MIKHEEVA 2020
Ms Tina MILLER 2022
Mrs Lynda MIHALJEVICH 2017
Ms Hannah MOLONEY 2021
Mr Matt MORGAN 2022
Mr Mark MUELLER 2021
Mr Lincoln MURRAY 2017
Mr Robert MYERS 2020
Ms Stephanie NIELSEN 2018
Ms Annalise NIXON 2020
Mr Daniel O' CONNOR 2022
Mr Shane O'GRADY 2021
Mr Matthew OLIVER 2018
Mr Shaun OLIVER 2019
Mr Orhan OZTURK 2020
Mr Charles PALMER 2012
Mr Kulwinder PANESAR 2018
Mr Blair PARK 2020
Miss Joy PARTRIDGE 2018
Mr Raj PATEL 2018
Dr Mary PATTERSON 2020
Mr David PAUFLER 2019
Mr Morgan PAYNE 2021
Mr Anthony PEACHAM 2017
Mr Raymond PEEL 2019
Ms Caroline PERETINI 2019
Mr Warren PERKINS 2017
Mr Alex PETRASKA 2022
Mr Richard PINNONE 2019
Ms Anne-Lise PIROT 2020
Mr Noel POLLARD 2017
Mr Hayden PORTER 2022
Mr Colin PRESTON 2019
Ms Ashleigh PURCELL 2020
Mrs Beverley PURDIE 2020
Mr David PYE 2017
Mr Peter RACHOR 2019
Mr Michael REED 2021
Mr Jarrod RHODES 2020
Mr John ROBB 2020
Ms Susan ROFF 2020
Ms Marianne ROGERS 2019
Mr Andrew ROSSAAK 2020
Mr Peter ROSE 2020
Mr Bruce ROSS 2017
Mr Chris SALMON 2020
Mr Edward SAMPSON 2020
Mr Fabio SANTOS 2020
Ms Klaeri SCHELHOWE 2019
Mr Mark SCHERER 2019
Mr Peter SCHISCHKA 2019
Mr James SCHOFIELD 2017
Mrs Linda SCHOFIELD 2017
Ms Elizabeth SELLAR 2019
Mr Peter SELWYN 2020
Mr Gregory SHARPE 2020
Mr Graham SHARP 2020
Mrs Shalini SHEILA-WILLIG 2021
Mr Timothy SNEDDEN 2022
Mr Darcy SNOWDEN 2020
Mr Todd SOMERVELL 2022
Mr Regis SPARREY 2022
Ms Stephanie SPEDDING 2019
Mrs Gillian SPENCER 2018
Ms Elena STAN 2018
Ms Nicole STEWART 2021
Mr Nathan STRAWBRIDGE 2019
Mr Curtis STROHACKER 2020
Mr Kannan SUBRAMANIAM 2018
Miss Anna SULLIVAN 2020
Mr Peter SUMICH 2019
Mr Robert SUTHERLAND 2019
Mr Andrew SWANN 2021
Mr Mark SWAN 2017
Mr Steve SZIGETVARY 2007
Mr Miftar TAIRI 2018
Dr Clarrie TAM 2020
Ms Judith TAYLOR 2019
Ms Deborah TEALE 2019
Ms Susan TEMPLETON 2020
Ms Donna TERCEL 2018
Miss Olivia THOMAS 2022
Mr Matthew THOMPSON 2021
Miss Carey THORBURN 2018
Mr Shaun THORNTON 2021
Mr William TILLER 2022
Mr Troy TINDILL 2022
Mr Niko TOLUONO 2019
Ms Christel TOWNLEY 2022
Mr Will TRAFFORD 2018
Mr Paul TREACHER 2022
Ms Susan TUCKER 2017
Mr Christopher TUXFORD 2022
Mr Nick USTIN 2017
Mr Brian VAN DEN HURK 2022
Mr Graeme VAN DER MEER 2018
Ms Sharon VAN GULIK 2017
Mrs Jessica VAN SLOOTEN 2021
Mrs Lizanne VAN TIEL 2017
Mr Roman VAN UDEN 2021
Mr Byron VAN VUGT 2018
Ms Jo VOOGHT 2020
Miss Sonya VUJNOVICH 2021
Mr Aaron WAINHOUSE 2022
Mr Heath WALBRIDGE 2016
Mr Ben WALKLEY 2022
Mr Gordon WALKER 2017
Mr Graham WALL 2017
Mr James WALLACE 2017
Ms Rowan WALTON 2022
Mr Terence WALTON 2020
Ms Amy WANG 2020
Miss Tina WANG 2021
Mr Christian WARD 2022
Mr Simon WATTS 2017
Ms Susan WEBB 2021
Mr Richard WELLS 2018
Mr Jurie WESSELS 2017
Mr Joshua WIJOHN 2012
Mr James WILKINSON 2020
Mr Paul WILKINSON 2020
Mr Andrew WILLS 2021
Mr Thomas WILLIG 2021
Mr Steve WILSON 2017
Mr David WITHERS 2020
Ms Anne WOULFE 2017
Mr Peter WREN 2019
Mr Daren WYNYARD 2017
Mr Mark YATES 2018
Mr Richard YATES 2020
Miss Vivien YE 2020
Mr Michael YOUNGMAN 2017
Mr Mihai ZIMER 2017
Mr Oliver DONALDSON 2022
Mr Nick DRUMMOND 2021
Mr Mukai DUDER HURA 2019
Mr Chester DUFFETT 2019
Mr Ash EDWARDS 2017
Mr Jake ERSON 2016
Mr Max FAULKNER 2020
Mrs Nuria FERRES 2019
Mr Freddie FLEET 2018
Mr Zachary FONG 2021
Mr Jack FREWIN 2020
Mr Joseph FULTON 2017
Miss Sophia FYFE 2022
Mr Hunter GARDYNE 2017
Mr Alastair GIFFORD 2018
Mr Tristan GILL 2021
Mr Ollie GILMOUR 2020
Mr Luc
Mr Eric GOLD 2020
Mr Toby GREGORY 2022
Mr Brayden HAMILTON 2022
Mr Patrick HARRIS 2022
Mr Sam HASSALL 2015
Mr David HAZARD 2010
Mr Liam HERBERT 2015
Mr Layton HERN 2016
Miss Sofia HIGGOT 2022
Mr Thomas HILLARY 2022
Miss Amber HOOKWAY 2021
Mr Cooper HOPMAN 2015
Miss Poppy HOSKIN 2022
Mr Aaron HUME-MERRY 2017
Mr Samuel HUME 2016
Ms Emma HYDE 2022
Mr Josh HYDE 2021
Mstr Oliver HYDE 2021
Mr Mitchell JACKSON 2015
Miss Emilie JONES 2021
Mr McGregor JONES 2022
Mr Matthew KELLY 2013
Miss Alison KENT 2018
Ms Brooke ADAMSON 2019
Ms Mackenzie ALDERSON 2019
Miss Josi ANDRES 2018
Mr George ANGUS 2016
Mr Henry ANGUS 2019
Mr Frank BADDELEY 2019
Mr Taylor BALOGH 2017
Mr Sam BARNETT 2017
Mr Ben BEASLEY 2022
Mr Sam BECKMAN 2022
Mr Michael BOUCHER 2010
Miss Bella BOYD 2020
Miss Anne BUTTLE 2017
Miss Freya CAISLEY 2020
Mr Joshua CALVERT 2021
Mr Matthew CALVERT 2021
Mr Timothy CASHMORE 2021
Mr William CLOUGH 2017
Mr Christopher COLEMAN 2014
Miss Paige COOK 2010
Miss Ellie COPELAND 2020
Mr Samuel CORNFOOT 2022
Mr Cody COUGHLAN 2020
Mr Frankie DAIR 2018
Mr Thomas DARBY 2022
Miss Zoe DAWSON 2018
Mr Braedyn DENNEY 2021
Mr Ibuki KOIZUMI 2015
Mr Jamie KWONG 2022
Mr Alex LEE 2020
Mr Mathew LEYDON 2022
Miss Roberta LI BASSI 2021
Miss Holly LIEFTING 2020
Mr Oscar LITTLE 2019
Mr Andrew LORD 2019
Miss Georgina LOWERY 2020
Mr Oliver LLOYD 2020
Mr Niall MALONE 2016
Mr Jack MANNING 2021
Mr Oakley MARSH 2018
Mr Louis MAYO 2020
Mr Angus MCCALLUM 2022
Mr Robbie MCCUTCHEON 2019
Mr Hamish MCGILL 2013
Mr Angus MCKENZIE 2013
Mr Bradley MCLAUGHLIN 2017
Mr Hugo MCMULLEN 2022
Mr Harry MCMULLEN 2022
Miss Holly MCNEILL 2018
Miss Anna MERCHANT 2014
Mr Zak MERTON 2017
Mr Luc-Aime MEURILLON 2022
Miss Holly MILLS 2021
Mr Harrison MILNE 2016
Mr Aiden MOFFATT 2021
Miss Madeline MOFFAT 2021
Mr Patrick MORGAN 2022
William MUIR 2022
Mr Mason MULCAHY 2016
Mr Benett NELSON 2018
Miss Kahurangi NEPIA 2022
Mr Peron PEARSE 2015
Miss Charlotte PORTER 2015
Miss Petra PRATT- RINK 2022
Mr Karlifa PUKA 2022
Mr Korban REDFERN 2021
Miss Chelsea REES 2019
Mr Brad SALTHOUSE 2019
Miss Chloe SALTHOUSE 2021
Mr Joshua SALTHOUSE 2013
Mr Luis SCHNEIDER 2022
Mr Jack SCHRODER 2018
Mr Blake SELLEY 2022
Mr Roman SHIPTON 2022
Mr Toby SIMPSON 2021
Mr Rory SIMS 2022
Mr Hayden SMITH 2022
Mr Max SOUTH 2016
Mr Campbell STANTON 2015
Mr Chris STEELE 2011
Miss Emma STENHOUSE 2018
Mr Jordan STEVENSON 2022
Mr Sam STREET 2021
Mr Jonathan SUBRITZKY 2022
Miss Kelly SU 2022
Mr Leonard TAKAHASHI-FRY 2022
Mr Keiley THOMPSON 2021
Miss Megan THOMSON 2017
Mr Cameron TODD 2019
Mr James WEST 2022
Mr Thomas WESTON 2013
Miss Maeve WHITE 2020
Miss Celia WILLISON 2015
Mr Jacob WILLIS 2013
Miss Rachael WILLISON 2018
Mr James WILSON 2022
Mr Nick WINTER 2020
Miss Serena WOODALL 2017
Miss Harriet WREN 2017
Miss Lydia ZHU 2022
To be eligible to enter Squadron CLOSED events, members must register their vessel on the Squadron Register. The rules for Registration are contained in the RNZYS Regulations 12.0. Registration forms are available from Reception or on the website. Members’ yachts or motor yachts will then be included on the Yacht/Motor Yacht Register, posted on the website.
AMENDMENTS: Please ensure any changes to ownership are advised to the Sailing Office.
In order to comply with the current Racing Rules of Sailing, members wishing to race in club, national or international races, series or events are required to register their yachts with Yachting New Zealand. This is in addition to Club Registration. Owners are asked to advise Yachting New Zealand of any changes to ownership or contact information to ensure the Yachting New Zealand Register is kept up-to-date. Change of ownership/new registration/ and change of boat name forms can be completed online via the Yachting New Zealand website www.yachtingnz.org.nz. All RNZYS members are also members of YNZ.
Contact: Yachting New Zealand Telephone 09 361 1471, Fax 09 360 2246 Email reception@yachtingnz.org.nz Website www.yachtingnz.org.nz
Physical address 4 Fred Thomas Drive - (South east entrance) Takapuna, Auckland 0622. Postal address PO Box 331487, Takapuna, Auckland 0740.
Owners requiring a new or revalidated PHRF certificate should contact Yachting New Zealand or see their website. Owners are reminded that to be eligible for a PHRF certificate, boats must be registered in the name of the current owner. PHRF handicaps are listed and updated regularly on the Yachting New Zealand website.
Please note: All certificates lapse on 31 May annually but can be revalidated anytime from 1 May. Owners will need to ensure that certificates have been revalidated to be eligible to use their PHRF certificate in Squadron races from 1 June.
For racing in NZ, you have the choice of applying for an endorsed or an unendorsed IRC certificate. IRC is a self-measurement system, which means you do not have to get your boat measured unless you need an endorsed certificate.
IRC Endorsed Certificates:
Endorsed certificates require an approved IRC Measurer to weigh and measure your boat and complete the IRC application. Some regattas may require the use of endorsed certificates; this will be stated in the Notice of Race.
Unendorsed certificates use owner supplied measurements. Many designs already have Standard Hull information on file, so very little measurement is required.The list of designs held is on the “Standards Hulls” page of the New Application form. Currently there are just under 2000 designs listed. To check for the latest listings see the RORC website.
Please note: All IRC certificates lapse on 31 May annually but can be revalidated anytime from mid May. Owners will need to ensure that certificates have been revalidated to use their IRC Certificate in Squadron races from 1 June.
Safety requirements apply to all racing in accordance with Part II of the Yachting New Zealand Safety Regulations (Offshore and Coastal Racing).
Category 4 and 5 races require the owner to declare to the club that all safety regulations are complied with. Category 3 and above require that the yacht be inspected by a Yachting New Zealand appointed inspector, see the Yachting New Zealand website for a full list of inspectors. For more information please contact Yachting New Zealand Safety Officer on 09 361 1471 or www.yachtingnz.org.nz.
Any NZ pleasure vessel departing for a place outside NZ must undergo a safety inspection involving the vessel, its equipment and crew. Yachting NZ Category 1 standards apply to both racing and cruising craft. Inspections are undertaken by Yachting NZ safety inspectors.
The Ship Registration Act 1992 requires that New Zealand flagged vessels departing New Zealand for overseas need to be registered as a New Zealand ship (on the New Zealand Register of Ships) and obtain necessary safety and customs clearances.
Owners need to apply to the Maritime Safety Authority Registrar of Ships to have their vessels registered.
Part A - A permanent registration
Part B - Registration lasting a period of five years, renewable after that date and which lapses when a vessel is sold.
For more information please contact Maritime New Zealand
P.O. Box 27 006, Wellington Email enquiries@maritimenz.govt.nz
Tollfree 0508 225 522 www.maritimenz.govt.nz
Sail No.
Name of Owner(s)
6359 Mr Stuart Macky
9256 Miss Bianca Cook
Miss Paige Cook
8826 Mr Hamish Archer
Boat Name Warrant
2890 Mr Peter Restall ACALI
A66 Mr James Buttle
9189 Mr Andrew Peat ACTIVATOR
9189 Mrs Lynette Peat ACTIVATOR
2559 Mr Brett Bakewell-White ADDIQUIT
3445 Mr Derek Brandt ADVANTAGE 67
8709 Mrs Melissa Logan AEOLIAN
3736 Mr Joshua Crampton AFFINITY
NZL 7 Mr Gregory Knowles AFFINITY
8710 Mr Mark Malpass AKATEA
9407 Mr Nick Roberts AKONGA 480
8944 Mr Rodger Jack ALACALUFE
8944 Ms Anne Needham ALACALUFE
10033 Mr Vaughn Clark ALEGRE
NZL80 Mr Neville Crichton CNZM ALFA ROMEO 256
2189 Mr Roland Lennox-King ALIBI 408
NZL 15 Mr Olexandr Kirichuk ALLA 307
Mr Graeme Crawshaw ALLEGRO
Ms Jill Hamlyn ALLEGRO
30 Mr Dave Giddens ALLERGY
635 Mr Grant Cossey ALLONS-Y
8731 Mr John Cotching
Mr Andy Tyler ALOHA 375
1810 Mrs Stephanie Sheppard ALOMA
9888 Mr Derek Macdonald ALTEZZA
9398 Mr Chris Martin AMALIA
5933 Ms Kate Browne AMBIANCE
5933 Mr Tom Browne AMBIANCE
5933 Mr Hans Ellehuus AMBIANCE
9351 Mr Gary Brent AMELIE
37001 Mr Andrew Reid ANARCHY
37001 Mrs Atka Reid ANARCHY
4432 Mr Timothy Snedden Animal House
Mr Charles St Clair Brown ANTAEUS
NZL 3 Mr Tim Hooson AOTEAROA
5283 Mr Marcel Vroege APARITION
6080 Mr Ted Wilde AQUILINE
4265 Mr John Bukowski ARABELLA 353
B23 Mr Andy Ball ARAMOANA 420
Mr Paul Price ARANUI
9088 Mr Jim Martin ARCTIC LADY 339
724714 Mr Jon Henderson ARDEA
72714 Ms Michele Henderson ARDEA
6404 Mr Roger Hamlin ARIA
Mr Andrew Barnes ARIKI
Mr Andrew Caldwell AROHA NUI
Ms Louise Coburn AROHA NUI
A27 Mr Gary Lewis AROHIA 428
A7 Mr Wade Lewis AROHIA
1746 Mr Ken Mulgrew ASTROLABE 82
Mr Allan Bates ATAAHUA
YNZ9662 Mr Ian Farrant ATAAHUA
Mr Chris Beckett ATHENA
T4750 Dr Charles Hollings ATOMIC
8316 Mr Andy Tyler ATTITUDE
9273 Mr David Jordan AUDACIEUSE 321
9695 Mr Michael Webb-Speight AURELIA
2815 Mr Garry Scarborough AURIGA
44 Les McDonald AURORA
8601 Mr Colin Cashmore
2947 Mr Hamish Williams
HKG2172 Mr Olivier Decamps
E27851 Mr Brendan Kelly
HKG 2245 Mr Karl Kwok BEAU GESTE
8994 Mr Andy Wilgermein
1992 Mr Steve Bull
1992 Mr Harry Dodson
1992 Mr Kevin Russ BENEFITZ
5143 Mrs Karen Vause
5143 Mr Peter Vause BEROCCA
Mr Craig Wilson BERSERKER II
Mr Mack Storey
Mr Mike Malcolm
BINX 240
8247 Mr Barry Martin BIZZARRE
9140 Mr Steve Kennedy BLACK OUT
9117 Mr Tony Wallis BLACK PEARL
92727 Mr Roger Prout BLING
4945 Mr John Miller BLIZZARD
4477 Mr Maxime Goutard BLUEGRASS
5167 Mr Simon Meikle
5167 Mr John Toon BODACIOUS
105 Mr Bob Gordon BON VOYAGE
9067 Mr Peter Parkin
Mr John Pudney BONK
45111 Mr Alan Reynolds BRAVADO
Mr Don Lindberg BREAKAWAY
8187 Mr David Innes BREAKFREE
9355 Mr Rodney Bartlett BRIZO
5966 Mr Peter Sargisson
9612 Mr James McCarthy BULLISTIC
4937 Mr Michael Williams CADIZ 15
6565 Mr John Saint CAMARGUE
6115 Mr Roger Hill CAMILLE
4452 Mr Derek Cutting CANDELA
Mr Greg Beaton CANIWI
5083 Mr Thomas Renhart CANZONA 388
2764 Mr Michael Goodger CARA
4424 Mr Brian Studman CARDIO
Mr Nick Wiles CARMEN 183
55 Mr Tim Wiles CARMEN
2121 Mr Graham Gibbs CARNABY
8380 Mr Rowan Smith CARPE DIEM
9656 Mr John Meadowcroft CARRERA
8858 Mr Don Macalister CARTE BLANCHE 335
9712 Mr Winton Jones CARTE BLANCHE II
Mr Mark Wooster CASHTOKI
Honorable Ian Campbell CELTA II
6653 Mr Nigel Seebold CHARA
839 Mr Blair Harkness CHARM
9165 Mr Ross Chapman CHARMONET
42 Mr Aaron Young CHECKMATE
Mr Richard Dreaneen CHICO BELLA
NZL9762 Mr William Simpson CHINA WHITE
Mr Graeme Wilding CHIQUITA
5560 Mr Trevor Dunn CHOICE TRANSPORT 33
9635 Mr Steve Mair CLOCKWORK
NZL9966 Mr Alex Morcom COCO
7667 Mr Brian Ward COMFOTABLY NUMB
9220 Mr Peter Rowell COMPASS ROSE II 387
NZ2412 Mr Bruce Wells CONTEMPO
1511 Mrs Margaret Woolcott CONTENDER
Dr Tom Mulholland COOL CHANGE
KZ 1519 Mr Murray Wagener COQUETTE
NZL408 Mr Sean Paterson CORDELIA
Mr Richard Allen
Mr John Wardle
Mr John White
Mr Colin Christian
6664 Mr Steve Cotton
8424 Mr David Purdy
2828 Mr Ross Blair
Mr Michael Priest DASH
9255 Mr Philip Hart
Ms Annette Presley
Dr Banu Oney
Mr Peter Saggers DENIZE II
Mr Jeremy Brown
789 Damon Jolliffe DOL SELENE
2552 Mr Michael Roberts DONATA POLO
Mr Gerard de Jong
Mr Wayne Oliver DREAM
Mr Andrew Mackmurdie
4756 Mr Robert Paterson EAST INDIAMAN
795 Mr Steven Callagher ELEANOR
Mrs Cindy Wiersma ELEANOR
Mr Terence Stevens-Prior ELEKTRA 486
Miss Barbara Thomson ELEUTHERA
6855 Mr Brian Trubovich ELLIPHUNK
9335 Mrs Chrissie McKee ELUSIVE III
9335 Mr Ross McKee ELUSIVE III 379
Mr Alan Leslie ELYSE
40001 Mr Brian Smith ELYSIAN
Mr Carl Whiting
Mr Martin Hunt ENCHANT
9505 Mr Don Watkins ENCHANT
75 Ms Penny Whiting, MBE ENDLESS SUMMER 214
T105 Mr Chris Hirst ENIGMA
9380 Mr Graham Matthews EQUILIBRIUM
9446 Mr Jay Scanlon ESTHER LOUISE 384
4224 Mr John Fulton EXCUSE ME
5947 Mr Stuart Kendon EXHILARATION
9692 Mr Frans De Court EXPATRIA
9689 Mr Mark Rothwell EXPRESSO 449
8160 Mr Mark Roberts EXTREME
8171 Mr Chris La Pine FALKOR 430
Mr Marc Focke FARR OUT
6930 Mr Malcolm Macpherson FARR OUT II
9607 Mr Chris Field FARRBULOUS
5200 Mr Tony Smith FAST COMPANY
4646 Mr John Hughes FAST LADY 156
7657 Mr David Smith FAT FREDDY 394
9023 Mr Andrew Aitken FAVOURITE... 468
NZL 1348 Mr Anatole Masfen FENG SHUI
Mr Bill Dalbeth FICTION
Mr Jim Ohare FIESTA
226 Mr Peter Calvert FIN 293
9212 Mr Colin Reid FINE LINE III
Mr Trevor Burgess FINELINE
Mr Derek Joyce
57 Mr Robert McClelland FIRST PICASSO
57 Mrs Virgina McClelland FIRST PICASSO
9269 Ms Belinda Illingworth
9739 Mr John Mandeno FIVE O'CLOCK 160
T1198 Mr Donald Webster FIZGIG
Mr Malcolm Johnstone FLYER
9777 Mr Stuart Reed FLYER
Mr Jon Whisker FLYING CLOUD 442
Sail No. Name of Owner(s)
9160 Mr Craig Fraser
364 Professor Rocco Pitto
E2041 Mr Greg Elliott FORTUNA
1236 Mr Nick Hazard FOUNDATION
Mrs Helen Hayward FOUNTAINE
Mr Victor Wild FOX
A11 Mr Iain Valentine
21 Mr Simon Hull
8991358 Dr Franco Repetto
9323 Mrs Suzanne Bourke
9589 Mr Chris Gudgeon
8512 Mr Brian Trubovich
5252 Mr Peter Nelson
8760 Mr Kevin Mulcare FUN N GAMES
8042 Mr Kent Hutchings
8042 Ms Sarah Hutchings
9400 Mr Paul Wylie
80 Mr Howard Patterson GALATEA 489
GBR 1972 Mr Peter Morton GENIE
11111 Mr John Muir
Mr John McLachlan
GBR 50R Mr Peter Morton GIRLS ON FILM
GBR 40 Mr Peter Morton GIRLS ON FILM II
8998 Mr Benjamin Tothill GITANA
7 Graham Dawson GLIN DE MAR 208 Mr John Street MNZM GLORIANA
8928 Mr Bill Endean - Trustee GO 249
2797 Mr Chris Fraser GOLDEN KIWI Mr Luke McCarthy GOOD NEWS
88848 Mr Allen Walbridge GRAND BLEU 266
4158 Mr Alan Bilkey GRAND LARCENY
SWE4 Mr Kristoffer Nissen GRETA
5408 Mr Alan Daysh GRUNT MACHIENE USA 40640 Mr Jeff Williams GRYPHON
8951 Mr Don Watkins HANSE OFF
GBR 8323T Mr Clive Carrington-Wood HAPPY SPIRIT II 6358 Mr Steve Barton HARD LABOUR
6358 Mr Cameron Thorpe HARD LABOUR
1991 Mr David Blakey HARKEN
1991 Dr Steve Henry HARKEN
1991 Dr Stephen Henry HARKEN
1991 Mr Peter Sumich HARKEN
NZL2934 Mr Steven Hyde HARMONY 481 1277 Mr Murray Young HAVOC
K1 Mr Gareth Davies HELEN 319
8000 Mr John St Clair Brown HELENA 315
9696 Mr Rupert Wilson HIGH OCTANE
Ms Rosemary Innes-Jones
7475 Ms Ellen Bird
2597 Mr Bob Lawton HOPSCOTCH
2275 Mr Kevin Lidgard HORNBLOWER
4812 Mr Andrew Bell HOTDOGGER
Mr Sin Grujicic HOTDOGGER
11 Mr Robert Cook HOUDINI
8324 Mr Les McDonald HOUSE OF ELLIOTT
3250 Mr Allen Walbridge HOWZAT
9741 Mr John Coldicutt HQ
Mr Joe Brownlee HUPANE
2000 Ms Parizad Dantra HYDRAULINK
2000 Mr Colin Lucas HYDRAULINK
2000 Mrs Suzie Funk HYDRAULINK
6476 Mr Graeme Cummings HYSTERIA
9277 Mr Steve Purton ICEBREAKER
A11 Mr Andy Ball IDA
8343 Mrs Gillian Williams IKA MOANA II
8343 Mr Nathan Williams IKA MOANA II
934 Mr Sefton Powrie ILEX
Sail No. Name of Owner(s)
Mr Charles St Clair Brown
Mr Maurice Orr
9394 Mr Hugh Fulton INDELIBLE
9877 Mr Andrew Benton INDIS
A81 Mr Ian Cook INNISMARA 357
GBR 7557 Mr Peter Morton INNUENDO
NZ1149 Mr Willy Roberts
9364 Mr Michael Allpress
356 Mr Richard Aitken IRIS 57
809 Mr Brian Jones
16501 Mr Bruce Copeland
16501 Mrs Janine Copeland
77 Mr Rodger Moore
6180 Mr Jeremy Davidson
AY31 Mr Lawrence Finch
51483 Mr Mark Itnyre
92 Mr Peter Mence
2022 Mr Piri Neary
8800 Mr Humphrey Sherratt
3152 Mr Frank Perry
9701 Mr Lode Missiaen
Mr Hugh Rebbeck
8580 Mr John Heise JUSTICE
Mr Gavin Chittenden
9491 Mr Philip Saunders KAHIKA 194
9025 Mr Ken Fisher KAILANI
5911 Ms Claudia Pierce KAIMAI FLYER
NZL11102 Mr Simon Manning KAIZEN
Mr Peter Puschmann KALAHARI
Ms Robin McGregor KALLISTI
Mr Simon Stephenson KALLISTI
7625 Mr John McIntosh KATARIANA
K100 Mr Warren Tuohey KATRINA II
Mr Pat Costello KATTUM 459
9796 Mr Andrew Robertson KAURI BAY 488
Mr Ted Andrew KAVENGA
E139 Mr John Sinclair KAWAU
3755 Mr Terrence Smith KAYANNA 136
5557 Mr Andrew Oswald KERMIT TOO
6153 Mr Justin Atkinson KIA KAHA
9136 Mr Garth Tremeer KIA KAHA
9033 Ms Judith Marshall KINSHIP
Mr Stanley Paris KIWI SPIRIT II
NZ 2956 Mr Michael Scouse KIWIANA
8207 Mr Michael Harvey KNIGHT HAWK
3638 Mr Greg Roake KOHI NOOR II
NZ2715 Mr Simon Judd KOMARU
Mr Robert Parr MBE KORU
9598 Mr Tim Gorton KOTUKU
11 Mr Scott Palmer KOTUKU
1996 Mrs Jan Dawson KPMG
1996 Mr John Kensington KPMG
155555 Mr Matthew Flynn KRAKATOA II
7513 Mrs Wixi McDonald KRISTIANA
Mr Gary Knox KULU
Ms Linda Stewart KASUDASI
9883 Mr Thomas Kane KWANZA
Ms Julie Rowe LA VIE
8751 Mr Robert Willis LADY RUSSELL
K8769 Mr Paul Collins LAISSEZ FAIRE II
5371 Mr Christopher Smith LANDFALL
6515 Mr Richard Harman L'AVANTI
1993 Mr Gary Bickerton
1993 Mr Richard Blatch LEARN TO SAIL NZ
1993 Mr Tony Heron LEARN TO SAIL NZ
62 Mr Peter Baddeley LEDA
6069 Mr Ryan Wiblin LEGACY III
Sail No. Name of Owner(s)
6069 Mrs Sarah Wiblin
6188 Ms Karen Reid
8875 Mr Hamish Gillespie LE-REVE
8968 Mr Corran John L'ESCALE
8917 Mr Chris Meikle
Mr Scott Woolley
1777 Mr Alistair Scott LISA
A16 Mr James Mortimer
6581 Mr John Cockcroft LLADRO
9753 Mr Justin Bragg LOLA LEI
8186 Mr David Hicks LONGREACH 83
4846 Mr Cedric Allan LORENZ
9996 Mr Matthew Cashmore
8749 Mrs Stephanie McGill LUCHIA 245
Mr David Stotler LUDWIG
4984 Dr Con Fowler LUTINE
NZL8551 Mr Brent Mullan LYNCHMOB
3958 Mrs Jocelyn Henry MAANIA
NZL 9475 Mr Jonathan Henry MA'ARA
KZ2499 Mr Ross Bannan
Mr Brett Chatfield MAHAKI
9041 Ms Dawn Baca MAHI
2412 Mr Rodger Duncan MAHURANGI
Dr John Waugh MAINA
5383 Mr Colin Boyd MAKAHU
J Mr Layne Stephens MANDALAY
819 Mr Shaun Connolly MANUTERE
Mr Bruce Idoine MARGARITA
5411 Mr Carey Gillies MARKON'E
44 Mrs Claire Milne MARQUITA
9049 Mr Tony Park MASCOTTE
8396 Mr James Stonyer MATHIAS
8441 Mrs Kerrin Vautier MATRIX
Mrs Gillian Crombie MATUKITUKI
Mr Derek Crombie MATUKITUKI
8287 Mr Steve Gilmour MAX
22411 Mr Anthony Bosnyak MAYHEM
22411 Mr Harry Dodson MAYHEM
6284 Mr Philip Rzepecky MEDIUM DRY
9378 Mr Trevor Robertson MELTEMI
614 Mr Rex Milton MERIDIAN
Captain Matthew Cote MILLTOWN/FETCH
4550 Mr Kieran Davis MINT
4550 Ms Rachel Smith MINT
9109 Mr Philip Brown MINTAKA
8001 Mr Mark Peryman
Mr Patrick Galloway MISS BETH
50 Mr Eric Mahoney MISTRESS 29
A9 Mr Christopher Smith MOANA 73
4280 Mrs Angie Crafer MOJO
Mr Jim Lott
Mr Jon Cooke MONET
52 Mrs Claire Milne MONSOON
Mr Barry Potter MONU'IA 422
8378 Mr Hamish Milne MOODY BLUE IV
5245 Mr Murray Deeble MORGANA 438
5152 Mr Don Uljee MORNING TIDE 60
I2 Mr Todd Cooper MORU
16522 Mrs Gillian Williams
16522 Mr Nathan Williams MR KITE II
1994 Mr Craig Bowie
1995 Mr Andrew Barron
MRX 1994
MRX 1995
1995 Mr Matthew Bouzaid MRX 1995
1995 Mr Colin Maddren MRX 1995
1998 Mr Tom Macky MRX 1998
Sail No. Name of Owner(s)
1998 Mr Christopher Morton
1999 Mr Phillip Douglas
MRX 1998
MRX 1999
1999 Mr Jack Hansen MRX 1999
14 Mr Graham Applin NAKESA
KETCH Ms Phaedra Applin NAKESA
182 Ms Sue Gifford NAMU
5784 Dr Paul White CNZM NANTUCKET
Prof Dr Hendrik Van Kets NAVASSA
200 Mr Mark Hurley NEMINE
28 Mr Doug Owens NEREDIES
625-18 Mr Hugh Johnson NIKITOO
NZL 9762 Mr Marc Michel NIKSEN
9270 Mr Nigel Hendy NIRVANA 374
4842 Mr Ian Thomsen NO WORRIES
H5 Mr Ian Goodwin NOMAD
8471 Ms Marguerite Delbet NOMOS
5241 Mr Carl Webster NONA
1997 Mr Geoff Thorpe NORTH SAILS
9447 Mr Christiaan Arns NOTORIOUS
189 Mr Gary Sugden NOTRE DAME
8533 Mr David Hudson NOURMAHAL II
6169 Mr Christopher Morton NULLARI
I72 Mr Ron Holland NUVOLARI 423
1994 Mrs Karleen Dixon NZ RIGGING
1994 Mr Peter Illingworth NZ RIGGING
1994 Mr Martin Wylie NZ RIGGING
5646 Mr Warwick Spedding OCEAN EXPRESS
876481 Mr Don Fletcher OCEAN FREE 386
8850 Mr Robert Koskela OCEAN FREE 168
GBR 6619R Mr Mike Thompson OCEANAIRE
8435 Mr Max Hall OCEANIDES
588 Mr Jeffrey Wilson OCTOPUS
1938 Mr Frank Warnock OFFSHORE 213
222222 Mr Andrew Reid OHANA
9016 Mr Tim Le Couteur OKAHU BAY
9227 Mr Scott McLaren OMEGA
NZ 2583 Mr Bob Blakey OTHALI
Dr Peter Robinson
9138 Mr Quintin Fowler OUTRAGEOUS FORTUNE
9100 Mr Richard Plowright OUTSPAN
2001 Mr Gary Sugden OVLOV MARINE
2001 Mr Gary Sugden OVLOV MARINE 2001 Mrs Christine Weston OVLOV MARINE
Mr Ian Russell PACE
3288 Dr Jon Cadwallader PACEMAKER
9411 Mr Gavin White PACIFIC BLISS
5281 Mr Dave Giddens PACIFIC SUNDANCE
5281 Mr Bernard Hyde PACIFIC SUNDANCE
8300 Mr Rod Klarwill PACIFIC SUNSET 91
854 Mr Mark Taylor PAHI
Mrs Anna Hogan PAKELE LOA
Mr Tim Hogan PAKELE LOA 240 Mr Neil Martin PAMOANA
9460 Ms Sarah Lichtenstein PANIIA
353 Mr Mark Macnicol PASSION
3889 Mr Chris Robertson PASTICHE
4760 Mr Alan Retter PATERE
105615 Mr Peter Harris PATIENCE
Mr Mike Peterson PATIKI
2546 Mr Colin Sugden PATRICIAN
9276 Mr Tony Blake PENNY GOWAN
6979 Mr Michael Paauwe PENURY
Dr Ian England PERCHANSE
Dr Heather Uwins-England PERCHANSE
Mr David Thomson PEREGRINE
Sail No. Name of Owner(s)
Mr Malcolm Scott
Mrs Suzie Funk
4547 Mr Anthony Burt PETTY THEFT
4943 Mr Gary Bickerton
2398 Mr Ross McLean
2398 Ms Teresa Woodham PHOCOENA
Mr Ian Campbell PHOTON
Mr Victor Rabone
6586 Mr Basil Orr
4004 Mr Tim Le Couteur
2690 Mrs Susan Harland-Smith
2690 Mr Stephen Harland-Smith PLANE JANE
9288 Mr Peter Lavelle
9397 Mr Harry McKeogh PLATINO
136 Mr Guy Pilkington
5321 Mr Joe Macky POCAHONTAS
3454 Mr David Parr POHUTAKAWA
2075 Ms Marion Shadforth
Ms Karen Koens
8229 Mr Andrew Hall PRAWN BROKER
1880 Mr Barry Holton
6996 Mr Brad Aspin PRETTY WOMAN
5850 Mr David Gillies
809 Mr William Falconer PRINCESS
809 Mr Jonathan Nash PRINCESS
809 Mr Charles Scoones PRINCESS 298
5333 Mr Lim Kang PRISM
15 Mr Chad Thompson PRIZE 81
2186 Mrs Shelley Dillon PROVIDENCE
9944 Mr Devon Hyde PURA VIDA 440
Mr Lewis M Allen IV Q2
NZL 895 Mr Christopher Morton QUANTUM
NZL 9358 Mr Hils Hunt QUESTA
4949 Mr Mark Cashen QUINTESSENCE
8382 Mr Mark Newnham QUO VADIS 476
5554 Mr Rob Walker RAGAMUFFIN
A7 Mr Brad Butterworth OBE RAINBOW
A7 Mr David Glen RAINBOW
A7 Mr Hamish Ross RAINBOW
C96 Mr John Street MNZM RAINBOW II 354
A22 Mr Ian Cook RANGER 77
Mr Richard Allen RANUI
8411 Mr David Robinson RAPTURE
8411 Mr Michael Robinson RAPTURE
USA2604 Mr Michael Beasley RATTLE'N'RUM
A5 Ms Kathryn Hobcraft RAWENE
A2 Mr Ian Cook RAWHITI 359
A2 Mr Mike Malcolm RAWHITI 359
343675 Mr Cameron Hadlow REALM
5207 Commander Bruce Noffke REPRISE 300
505 Mr Roland Lennox-King RESTLESS 251
5552 Mr Howard Neary REVELRY
4260 Mr Rod Marler RIADA II
8008 Mr Ray Haslar RIKKI
USA2121 Mr Manouch Moshayedi RIO100
198 Mr Duthie Lidgard
2900 Mr Bryce Woods ROCKIE
NZL101010 Mr Dougall Love ROMANZA
Mr Jonathan Perree RONDO III
9135 Mr John Dowsett RUAHINE
13341 Mr Rupert Wilson RUMPUS 282
3839 Mr Graham Lambert RUNNING FREE
5665 Mr Sean Bainbridge RURU
4039 Mr Howard Patterson SABAZIUS 461
Sail No. Name of Owner(s)
Mr Michael Naulls
Mr Geoff Thorpe
1219 Mr Bob Still SAMAKAND
8400 Mr Kerry Finnigan
Mr Wael Buheiry
Mr Carl Madsen
7540 Mr Bill Davies
6431 Mr Euan Armstrong SATCHMO
8282 Mr Brian Watson SAVANTE
8988 Mr Keith Goodall
202 Mr Martin Farrand
Mr Geoffrey Smith SEA HARMONY
Mr Richard Stanton SEA OTTER
Mr Malcolm Dick SEA TOY
2193 Mr James Donovan SEA WINGS
Mr Blair Thorpe
Mr Phillip Thompson
Mr Patrick Edwards
6225 Mr Mike Lanigan SHARE DELIGHT 184
6225 Mrs Sheryl Lanigan SHARE DELIGHT
Ms Christine Bird
M4004 Mr Peter Rishworth SHEARWATER 323
5315 Mr Joe Brownlee
Mr Logan Kyle Hansen SIDEWINDER
2 Mr Cliff Gordon SIGN IT MAGIC
6364 Mr David Healy SILENT FLIGHT
6488 Mr Bruce Scott SIMPLE MINDS
8083 Mr Owen Burn SIMPLICITY
6892 Mr Ross Markwick SIMPLY MAGIC 34
46680 Mr Kelly Vince SIMPLY RED
1855 Ms Anne French SIR CHRISTOPHER
9204 Mr Alistair Shanks SKARA BRAE
230 Mr Stephen Wagstaff SKY BLUE
5777 Mr Ross Gordon SKYHAWK 109
9178 Mrs Carilyn Fraser SKYLARK 320
T3707 Mr David Reid SLEDGEHAMMER
325 Mr Nathan Williams SLIPSTREAM III
T4248 Mr Brent Mullan SMAK
Mrs Suzie Funk SNATCHER
8019 Mr Michael Clark SNIPER
422 Ms Caroline Werlen SOLVIK
8872 Mr Jack Harris Jnr SOUTHERN BELL
9219 Mrs Lynne Jeffery SPEARHEAD
9219 Mr Timothy Jeffery SPEARHEAD
5381 Mr Larry Paul SPELLBINDER
5381 Mr Andy Shenk SPELLBINDER
Mrs Penelope Leyland SPIRIT
Mr Troy B. Daum
6446 Mr Paul Stock SPITFIRE
NZL8899 Mr Wayne Tomlinson SPORTIVO
3704 Mr William Woodward SPRAY 192
725 Mr John Duder ONZM SPRAY 11
936 Mr Richard Dodd STARLIGHT
9645 Mr Mark Clough
9404 Mr Rodney Carr STELLA 2
8304 Mr Kenneth Stanton STEP BY STEP
9925 Mr Andrew Fraser STERLING
9568 Mr John Leyland Penno STORM
NZL 9604 Mr Grant Porteous STORYTELLER
6030 Mr Brent Linnell STRATOCASTER
8442 Mr Martin Bell STREAK
5063 Mr Tony Blake STREV
T3760 Mr Christopher Macindoe SUB 60
Sail No. Name of Owner(s)
Mr Craig Harrison
4397 Mr Mehdi Ebrahimpour
Mr Tim Hardley
Boat Name Warrant
50 Mr Wayne Gilfoyle
5050 Mr Alex Witten-Hannah
9280 Mr Chris Meikle
3116 Mr Chris Gudgeon
TAIKO J57 397
B14 Mr Stephen Lafferty TANGAROA
Mrs Suzie Funk TAOTOO
3354 Mr Barry Hillyer
Mr Laurence Hillyer TARA
NZ 2920 Mr John Billington
29051 Mr Tony Whiting
A1 Mr Mike Mahoney TAWERA
3694 Mr Jim Lawson TE MURI
T021 Mrs Anne Hirst TEAM SEX
1469 Mr Jim Griffin TEQUILA
1469 Ms Debbie Whiting TEQUILA
Hon. John Faire
8390 Mr Geoffrey Harden
1724 Mr Rod Penna THE SNOWGOOSE
5511 Mr Jim Cooke THE STONED CROW
5511 Mr Victor Double THE STONED CROW
A10 Mr Tony Blake THELMA
10 Mr Robert Dawson THELMA
727 Mr Phil Robertson THERMATEC
7445 Mr Matthew Flynn
Mr Tobias Andres TIAMANA
112112 Mr Peter Cunningham TICKETTY BOO
9808 Mr Stuart Scott TIGGA
7543 Ms Elizabeth Alonzi TIMBERWOLF
Mr Paul Binns TIME LORD 820 Mr John Laidlaw TOUCHÉ 149
Mr Steve Gray
75263 Mr Wallace Baker UDDER LIFE
55555 Mr David Nathan V5
NZL55555 Mr Brian Petersen V5
499 Mr Peter Taylor VALENZIA 291
8571 Mrs Esther Kirkland-Smith VALIUM
8571 Mr Gary Kirkland-Smith VALIUM
9512 Mr Dan Bearman VELA VIA
7602 Mr Thomas Coote VELEDARE 436
Mr Ronald De Waal VELSHEDA
NZL 950 Mr Warwick Gair VELSHEDA
40 Mr Walter Lewin VENTO
9128 Mr Kim Thompson VENTUS
108 Mr Logan Hansen VESPER
Mr Robert Chalberg VICTORIA
A8 Mr Peter Mence VICTORY
2052 Mr Connel McLaren VIENTO II
A1 Ms Georgina Ralston VIKING 263
A1 Mr Jolyon Ralston VIKING
A1 Mr Henry Tait VIKING 263
9236 Mr Stephen Stones VILLANELLE
Dr Cam Emmerton VIS
NZL 33 Mr Don Grayson VISION
2080 Mr Richard Buchanan VITESSE
Mr Scott Diener
USA32249 Mr Chris Bouzaid MBE WAI ANIWA
A6 Mr Larry Paul WAITANGI
8907 Mr Samuel Cremer WAKA
4881 Mr Mike Leyland WAR MACHINE
4881 Mr Chris Macindoe WAR MACHINE
4881 Mr Paul McWilliams WAR MACHINE
Mr Shane O'Grady WAR MACHINE
Sail No. Name of Owner(s)
Mr Don Grayson
4717 Mr Scott Grayson
AUS 68 Mr Adriaan Van de Wetering
8032 Mr Garry Elliott
6199 Mr Graham Dawson
Boat Name Warrant
Mr Brian Watson WAYFINDER
1248 Mr John Hall WHICHWAY
2719 Mr Alastair Robertson
Mr Hugh Gallagher
996 Mr Vaughan Wilkinson
Mr Bill Wallace
6828 Andrew Peacocke
Mr Grant Dockery
8051 Laurence Young
108 Mrs Koravic Bhanubandh
5385 Mr Simon Van Tuyl
9214 Mr David Jury WILD HORSES
GBR 3393 L Mr Nick Barker WIND QUEST 289
10303 Mr Rob Bassett WIRED
9320 Mr Nigel Collins
8901 Mr Scott Clark WIZARD
9900 Mr Evan Innes-Jones
9897 Ms Suzy Fraser WONDERWALL
Mr Jonathan Wright
1836 Mr Grant Bourke YENDYS
NZ833 Mr John Abel-Pattinson
9116 Mrs Sarah Pratt
9116 Mr Aaron Rink YOUNG AT HEART 490
5880 Mr Mason Pepper YOUNG MAGIC
1185 Mr Craig Hopkins YOUNG NICK 318
8120 Mr Paul Young YOUNG REBEL
8122 Mr Glenn Schischka YOUNG TURK
6424 Mr Ross Littler ZAMBIZE
8500 Mr Kim McDell ZAMZAMAH
9705 Mr Brent McKenzie ZEALOUS
9277 Mr Matt Cole ZEPHERUS
J37 Mr John Woolcott ZEPHYR
8964 Ms Helen Woods ZERO TOLERANCE
9651 Mr Robert Hay ZIEZO
9651 Mr Michael Mackey ZIEZO
9297 Mr Garry Lock ZUBEN
10044 Mr Neil Bailey ZUCCHERO
Name of Owner(s) Boat Name Warrant
Mr John Moody A BIT OF ME
Mr Scott Colebrook ACCORD 61
Mrs Suzie Colebrook ACCORD 61
Mr Hamish Milne ACEIANO
Mrs Paula Satterthwaite ACHILLES
Mr Craig Satterthwaite ACHILLIES
Mr Mike Malcolm AFFINITY 351
Mr Peter Wilkinson AFTER HOURS
Mr Adrien Creuze AGLAE
Mr Chris Hume AGOGO
Mr Richard Fisher AKARANA 163
Mr Paul Miller AKULA
Mr Gregory Lees ALBATROSS
Mr Alan Blakey ALCARO
Mr Alan Drake ALCATRAZ
Mr James Platt ALLELUIA
Mr Jim McAlpine ALLOS
Mr Phillip Hinton ALPHA
Mr Matthew McCaughan AMBERGRIS
Mr Gary Ardern AMICO VERO
Mr Don Fletcher AMICUS
Mr Bruce Whillans AMOKURA 439
Mr Robert Boniface AMTRAC
Mr Eric Summerville ANDIAMO
Mr John Yarrow ANNA GRACE
Mr Charles Scoones ANTIOPE 199
Mr Terry Cooke ANTIPODES
Mr Don Senior ANZIANO
Mr Terry Squires AQUABAT 89
Mr Colin Carran AQUARIUS 76
Mr Peter Brook AQUELLE
Mr Stephen Herstell ARANUI
Mr Jeffrey Taylor ARCADIA III
Mr Thomas Cashen ARGONAUT
Mr Matthew McKinnon AROHA
Mr Rodney McVicar ARYA STARK
Mr Frank Young ASMARA
Mr Ross Horner ASTI
Mrs Angela Toms ATHENA
Mr Andrew Garland AUDACITY 399
Mr Gary Bourke AUSUM
Mr Paul Collins AVANNA
Mr Chris Hawes BACCHANTE
Mr Dennis Taylor BACCUS 274
Mr Stephen Fisher QSO BAR TENDER
Mr Jonathan Edwards BARBARA-JEAN
Mr Garry Horne BELLA
Dr Warwick Palmer BELL'ARIA
Mr Timothy Wilson BELUGA
Mr Glenn Clark BENTLEY 352
Mr Kevin Pugh BIG BUD
Mr Adrian Tulloch BLACK JACK
Mr Jonty Cullinane BLUEPRINT
Mr Bob Blakey BOBBY'S GIRL
Mr Rod Slater BON BON 435
Mr Geddes Weston CALM HARBOUR
Mrs Annette Daly CAM
Mr Russell McKenzie CAPRI
Mrs Rosemarie McKenzie CAPRI
Mr Angus Rogers CENTAURUS
Mrs Pauline Palmer CHANCELLOR
Mr Graeme Palliser CHARADE
Mrs Angie Crafer CHARISMA
Mr Chris Smith CHARISMA
Mr Gerard Emery CHOPPY
Mr Graeme Stubbing CHRISDA
Mr Neil Stubbing CHRISDA
Mr Simon Groom CLEA 134
Mr Doug Galbraith CLERMONT
Mr Tim Wiles CLOUD 452
Mr Richard Toon COCO II
Mr Christopher Ingram COLONSAY
Mr Peter Greene CORINTHIAN
Mr Graham Fleury COTE D'AZUR 483
Sir Colin Giltrap
Mr Christopher Spencer CUNEO 150
Ms Dianne Nagele D&G
Mr Gerhard Nagele D&G
Mr Andrew Murray DAWN RUNNER
Mr Thierry Verstraete DEO JUVANTE
Mr Clarence Nicholson DESTINY 382
Mr David Bone DOLPHIN
Mr John Black DUO
Mr Andrew Dorreen DUTCHESS
Mr Don Bendall ECHO
Mr Peter Fairhead ECLIPSE
Mr Grant Cossey ELVA
Sir Peter Maire ENIGMA
Mr Denis Crampsie ESCAPADO
Mr Brom Breetvelt ESCAPE
Mrs Janne Breetvelt ESCAPE
Mr Nathan Williams EXTREME
Mr Christopher Field FARRBULOUS
Mr Richard Ive FERN OF BRISTOL 477
Mr Christopher Dagg FLAIR
Mr Ashley Goodwin FLYING DRAGON
Mr Paul Ludgate FLYING FOX
Mr John Briers FORTUNA
Mr Ian Johnson
Mr Nicholas Plan GE 18609
Mr Cliff Henderson GENIE
Mr Roland Lennox-King GO 407
Mr Warren Tuohey GUARDIAN
Mr Richard Fisher HAMAL
Mr Owen Cashmore HAUNUI
Mr David Le Mouton HAVANA
Mr Scott Fitchett HEAD QUARTERS
Mr Don Galbraith HEBRIDES 426
Mr John Kensington HELLS BELLS
Mrs Megan Kensington HELLS BELLS
Mr Greg Lee HILTIN
Mr Hans Van Der Velden HOKEY POKEY
Les McDonald HOUSE
Mr Shane Husband HUSBANDS @ SEA
Mr Christopher Janes IMAGINE
Mr Ivor Wilkins INKPOT
Mr Bill Speedy INTEGRITY
Mr Stefan Preston INTREPID
Mr Peter Hawkins INTRIGUE
Mr Roger Purdy IRIS
Mr Russell Toplis ISOSCELES
Mr Iain Valentine ISOSCELES
Mr Robert Cawson JESSIE
Mr George Backhus JOLLY MON
Mrs Merima Backhus JOLLY MON
Dr Philip Yates ONZM JUNO
William Philip Yates JUPITER 466
Mr William Yates JUPITER II 466
Mr Gary Brent KAEWA
Mr Graham Guthrie KAILUA
Mrs Bridget Gorinski KAIMANA
Mr John Hughes KAWE
Mr Geoff Blampied KHALEESI
Mr Craig Watts KHALIDA
Mrs Antonia Wright KINGFISHER
Mr Clive Wright KINGFISHER
Mr Michael Sheehan KIWI BLUE
Sir Richard Matthews KIWI OYSTER 96
Mr Mike Kennedy KOENIS
Ms Annette Docking KOKOMO
Mr Jeff Hurley KOLEA
Mr Anatole Perry KORARA 431
Mr John Sinclair KOTARE
Sir Stephen Tindall KNZM KOTUKU 235
Mr Dene Gilbert KUAKA
Mrs Yvonne Gilbert KUAKA
Mr Graeme Wilson LADY GAY
Mr Peter Boardman LADY MARGARET 144
Mr Jim Frankham LADY MAY
Mrs Penelope Cranston LADY NELL
Mr Gregory Hinton LADY SHIRLEY
Mr Forres McPheat LARUNA
Mr Scott Wilson LATEST TRICK
Mr Philip Thornton LATITUDE 272
Mr Michael Dreyer LAUGHING LADY
Mr Mark Lines LEGATO
Mr Peter Nicholas LINCOLN
Mr Paul Subritzky
Mr Stuart Galloway
Mr Kim McKendrick MAHALO
Mr Peter Macdonald MAIFELE
Mr Jim Kensington MAJIK
Mr Bill Taylor
Mr Craig Duncan MALFY
Mrs Toni Duncan MALFY
Mr Peter Taylor MAREEBA 166
Mr Peter Mears MATAITAI II
Mr John Winlove
Mr Garry Madill MATUA
Mr Andrew Roelants MAZURKA
Mr Owen Morgan MELUSINA 172
Mr Bruce Tantrum MENAI
Mr Daniel Bem MI SO
Mr Andrew McAlpine MILLIE
Mr Gregory Hanson
Mr Terence Porter MISS HELEN
Mr Shaun Cranfield MITITIA
Mr Martin Farrand MOERANGI II
Mr Murray Rose MOHAKA
Mrs Jeanne Heatlie MON ANU 11
Mr John Leybourne MORE BAD HABITS
Mr Morris Watson MORITZ
Mr Mark Withers MOTONUI
Mr Alex Smith MOTUNAU
Mr Alan Heatlie MOU ANI 11
Mr Aussie Malcolm MOVING ON Mr Andrew Duff MURATAI II
Mr Marcus Blackmore MV BELLIZE
Mr Garry Elliott MV
Mr Farley Blackman MV PAUL JOHANSEN
Mrs Barbara Cooke MV TRINIDAD
Mr David Cooke MV TRINIDAD
Mr Bob Dickie MY CLIPPER
Ms Valerie Poss MY MEJO
Mr Paul Barton NATASHA
Ms Sarah Dance NAUTI BOUY
Mr Denis Kendall NEREUS
Mr Timothy Cadell NERO
Mr Nigel Arkell NICA
Mr Cary Watts NO ONE
Mr Brian Frecker NORTH STAR II
Mr Mark Browne ODYESSIA
Mrs Lulu Craies OLYMPIA 236
Mr Paul Cane OMAHU
Mr Steve Haslett OMAHU
Mr Geoffrey Ricketts CNZM ONEPOTO
Mr Brett Bakewell-White ORETI
Mr Rowan Markwick ORIGIN
Mr Christopher Dagg OUTER LIMITS
Mrs Lyn Wardlaw PASTIME
Mr Neville Wardlaw PASTIME
Mr Patrick Girvan PATRON
Miss Karleen Dixon PEARL
Mr Randall Wulff PEARL OF LONDON
Mr John Beck PHANTOM
Mr David Newton PHASE III
Mrs Natalie Newton PHASE III
Mr Mike Wills PILOT V 412
Mr Robert Hughes PLAYSTATION 2
Mr Colin Churchouse PORTAMAR 268
Mr Barry McCullough PREDATOR
Mr Kayne Mulcahy QUEST
Mr Murray Mulcahy QUEST 472
Ms Lorraine Nicholson QUEST
Mr Greg Tomlinson QUINTESSINAL
Mr Edward Williams RA HARI
Mr Peter Wells RA MAHI
Mr Fatu Fuatavai RADIANT
Mr Alan Houghton RAINDANCE
Mr Grant Burrell RAKANOA
Mr Kenneth Vincent RASCAL
Mr Jim Jackson REBEL
Mr Ian Darby RENEGADE 2
Mr Rex Innes-Jones REQUISITE
Mr Bennett Medary RESOLUTION III 355
Mr Jeffrey Holloway REX
Ms Shara Cutler RUNAWAY
Mrs Helen Lory SALTED
Mr Peter Lory SALTED
Dr Peter Raudkivi SALTY DOG 462
Mr Roger Wood SAM
Mr Michael Duke SAMURAI
Mr Cliff Gordon SAMURAI
Mr Ian Darby SANTANA 443
Mr Graeme Cremer SANTE
Mr Geoffrey Payne SAPHEIRA
Ms Linda Berry SCOUT
Mr Brent Gribble SEA DEVIL
Mr Doug Reid SEA FEVER 105
Mr Craig Rogers SEA RAY
Mr Philip Burrett SEADANCER
Mr Brett Lornie SEALEGS
Mr Reston Pollard SEAMIST 332
Mr Chris Simpson SEAS THE MO MENT
Mr Richard Bishop SEAWAY II
Mr John Owers SERENATA 326
Mr Hamish Neal SERENITY
Mr Grant White SHEISAGEM
Mrs Trudy White SHEISAGEM
Mr Christopher Minoprio SHOOTING STAR
Mr Brian Fulton SILENS
Mrs Carilyn Fraser SKYBIRD
Mr Allan Fraser SKYLARK 320
Mr Phil Kenny SLAINTE
Mr Dean Bromiley SLOW DANCE
Mr David Pringle SMUGGLER
Mr Roy Ladd SOBRINE 35
Mr Robert Bruce SOHO
Mr Sandy Grigg SORCERER
Mr Don Cleaver SOULMATE
Mr Chris Sullivan SOUNDS MAGIC
Mr Richard March SOVEREIGN
Mr Shane Brown SPINDRIFT
Mr Neil Empson
Mr Warwick Sumpter STEORRA
Mr Greg Fenwick STRAVAIGIN
Mrs Margaret Fenwick STRAVAIGIN
Mr Peter Illingworth STRIKE 3
Mr Simon Robinson SUMMERTIME
Mr Raymond Barker TAHI
Mr Rex Hudson TAKARO
Mr Murray Holdaway TAKATU
Mr Graham Boswell TAKE 5
Mr Peter Morton TALLY HO
Mr Bryan Kensington TARA ITI III
Mr Neil Empson
Mr Christopher Spencer TASMAN 305
Mr Allan Tattersfield TAWARI TAT TOO
Mr Graeme Finch TE ARAHI
Mr Grant Faber
Mr Ric Kayne
Mr Bryce Woods THE ENTER PRISE 19
Mr Tim James THE HENRI M
Mr Paul Harris THETIS II
Mr Matthew Roberts THUNDER STRUCK
Mr Bruce Berriman TIGER MOTH
Mrs Karyn Miller TIGHTLINES
Mr Phillip Miller TIGHTLINES
Mr Gregory Lees TIMELESS
Mr Graeme Tait TIRI
Mr Paul Van Dorp TIRI
Mr Gus Gardner TOREA II
Mrs Benita Marriott TOY TOO
Mr Glenn Marriott TOY TOO
Mr Chris Collins TRADITION 454
Mr Rodger Murphy TRISTRAM
Mr Donald MacLeod TUSK
Mrs Kath Burrett V
Mr Steve Burrett V 11
Mr Peter Busfield VALHALLA I 474
Mr Allan Mitchell VAN SAR
Sir Kenneth Stevens VANQUISH 469
Mr Lyndon Urquhart VEGAS
Mr Mark Shapland VELOCITA 52
Mr Norm Morgan VIN PALACE
Mr Stephen Pepperell VOLANTIS
Mr Rodney Nicholls WAHOO
Mr Keith Drummond WAIROA
Mrs Amanda Pratley WAKATERE
Mr Terence Pratley WAKATERE
Mr Bryan King WARLORD
Mrs Evelyn Winthrop WAYWARD WIND
Mr Brent McCarty WESTPOINT
Mr David McPherson WESTWIND
Mr Gordon Cashmore WHAKARI
Mr Stephen Smith WHAT NEXT
Mr Barry Vincent WHICHONE
Mr John Williams WHITE PEARL
Mr Kelvin Davis WINE DOWN
Mr Ronald Winstone WINFLY
Mr Craig Wright WRIGHT ON! 400
Mr Richard Seton YELLA
Mr David Warburton ZEAL
Mr Anatole Masfen ZEST
Mr Warwick Hearn ZOE
AUCKLAND 0900 999 09
BAY OF ISLANDS 0900 999 09
WESTHAVEN MARINA (09) 360 5870
ORAKEI MARINA (09) 524 8444
RNZYS (09) 360 6800
KAWAU BOATING CLUB (09) 422 8845
Coastguard Hibiscus has chosen Yamaha V6 four-stoke outboards for their reliability and superior performance. They trust our 4.2L V6 engines to deliver performance on speed-to-response and power to shift heavy loads. We work in partnership for your safety on NZ waters.
At a top speed of 34 knots, the elegant PB55 maintains an unusually low profile in the water. And if you cast your eyes astern, you’ll observe she’s leaving precious little wake.
The explanation for these phenomena is very simple.
Developed by ocean-racing champion Mark Richards and his team of naval architects, this unique combination of underwater geometry, exotic materials and build philosophy delivers unrivalled stability, comfort and fuel economy. You can hop on board and explore this beauty at PalmBeachMotoryachts.com