Portfolio exhibition
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李 奕 寰
National Taipei University of Education
Curating Commercial Photography Airbrush
Cutural and Creative Industries Management Reusebupo Domain limited company
崇拜的作者 《惡人》 吉田修一 《流浪者之歌》 赫爾曼・黑塞 《奧杜邦的祈禱》伊坂幸太郎 《Villain》 Yoshida Shuichi 《Siddhartha》 Hermann Hesse 《Audubon's prayer》 Isaka Kotaro
展覽/策展人 《劇烈加速度》 尼可拉・ 布西歐 《徐冰:回顧展》 王嘉驥 《造音翻土》 何東洪、羅悅全、鄭慧華 《The Great Acceleration》 Nicolas Bourriaud 《Xu Bing: A Retrospective》 Chia Chi Wang 《ALTERing NATIVism》 He Dong Hong、 Lue Yue Quan、Zheng Hui Hua
攝影師 《Koudelka: Prague Invasion 1968》約瑟夫•寇德卡 《森山大道,我的寫真全貌》森山大道 《人與土地》阮義忠 《Koudelka: Prague Invasion 1968》 Josef Koudelka 《Talk of photo》 Moriyama Daido 《People and land》 Ruan Yi Zhong
自己是個熱愛聽故事的重度患者,無論是對話 或是閱讀人們的各自故事,而最棒的敘事手法 無疑是從藝術家及其作品中感受這段生命的波 折,越是光怪陸離的情緒表達越是令我沉迷。 大學進入文創系所,我希望能藉此接觸更多展 覽,和系上團隊舉辦了不少次展覽,從一開始 學生創作展、藝術季舉辦,到後期與校方合作 的校史展,從中獲得許多策展上的經驗與心得 期間記憶最深的是,王嘉驥先生策辦在北美館 的徐冰回顧展,被當時強烈的創作風格震懾, 作品以直白易懂的概念呈現配合著磅礡浩大的 視覺衝擊,橫劃過展間上方的天書寫滿著自創 的中華文字,想像著不同文化背景的人們腦海 中激盪著屬於自己的反思。除了徐冰令人驚嘆 的創作外,自己也被展區的細節吸引,每個場 域都被仔細的被規劃、編排,像是本被排版整 齊的設計書籍,由序、述、標題、內容至收尾 無一處不是精心策畫,遮去使人亮眼的作品後 留白的空間反而是整個展覽的推手,原來策展 能將故事及創作帶到如此美的境界,也在此時 更加確信自己想投入展覽工作。 隨之接觸到攝影的世界,除了拍攝技巧的掌握 外,對於場景空間、心境的詮釋不再只有文字 上的情緒表達,而是能結合圖像的衝擊與文字 的描述,將他人的故事更加貼切地展現。 相對於普遍的商業展覽,美術館、畫廊中的藝 術展覽除了有著更深的論述及理念,對於藝術 作品的呈現、空間設置、燈光擺放、動線規劃 等,這些敘事手法的發揮都顯得更加專業且細 膩,也是自己渴望能進入畫廊工作,想學會用 最美的方式說故事。也期望自己有空間能發揮 攝影和文字的能力,將這些感受呈現在宣傳上
I am a serious patient that loves listening to any stories.Whether by reading or talking to people’s life stories.And the best narrative way is undoubtedly to feel the ups and downs of this life from the artists and their works.The more bizarre emotional performed the more I addicted. During the university, I entered the Department of Cultural and Creative Studies and hoped to be able to access more exhibitions. The team held a number of exhibitions, from the beginning of the student works exhibition to the art festival.And the school history exhibition that cooperated with the team and school. Absorbing many experience and knowledge in the curating. During the most memorable period of time, I visited Xu Bing’s retrospective exhibition and was shocked by the strong creative styles. The work was presented in a straightforward and easy-to-understand concept. Along with the grand visual impact, 《a book from the sky》 was written across the sky above the exhibition room. The creation of the Chinese language, which impacted the audience’s vision from simple to deep,gradually brainstorming different cultural backgrounds people’s mind. At that time, I was considered that the exhibition was lively due to the great works until I visited the exhibition again. I wasn’t shocked for the works this time, but attracted by the details of the exhibition area, each space had been carefully planned, arranged, such as the layout of the design books, order, description, title, content to the endings were all meticulously planned, and the space of “margin” were pushing the entire exhibition. Afterward I contacted with the world of photography, in addition to the mastery of shooting techniques, the interpretation of scene space and mood is no longer only by writing emotional expression.But combined the impact of the image with the description of the writing to show others' stories more closely. Compared to the general commercial exhibitions, the art exhibitions in art galleries or galleries not only have a deeper discussion concept but also have greater presentation of works, space settings, lighting arrangements, and line planning.The way of these narrative techniques is more professional and much delicate.It is why I’m desiring to work in the gallery that I want to learn to tell the story in the most beautiful way.I also expect that I have the ability to use photography and writing to present these feelings to the promotion.
2016-2017於國北教文創系畢業展覽 負責統籌策展 策展方面 耗費一年籌辦的畢業展覽,核心以台灣文化做為整體主題,從大眾認 知的主流文化做為前導,讓觀眾反思自身對於「台灣文化」的理解, 進而帶入各創作組所闡述或是改變的在地文化,打破過去對於文化想 像的框架。為此與各創作組密切的溝通與協商,分析各組呈現內容的 風格與展品,以此架構展覽內容的故事線與動線空間安排,讓觀眾能 依序從不同的創作主題中達到我們預期的情緒線與整體參展感受。
2017-2018 Graduation Exhibition of Cultural and Creative Industries and Management curator About curating The graduation exhibition which focus on Taiwan's culture had spent me a year to curate. Starting from the mainstream culture, let the audience think about the Taiwan's culture which we daily live on. Then, introducing local cultures that described or changed by the creators in a more creative way.
執行方面 場地測量了解如何運用每一區的空間,也能 在與創作組協商展區布置時能明確分析空間 特性,提出更多想像激發創作者發揮對於空 間的想像力。 參與展品製作過程,並確保所有的展品都能 如預期地呈現,即便當中發生許多不如預期 的突發狀況,也快速想出解決方案補救,例 如與再生藝術工坊合作,運用回收的藝術材 料,減少支出並產出符合預期的成品。 另外也負責與場地及活動合作店家接洽與聯 繫,確認各組展品內容能如期地完成,出現 在展場中。過程中積極媒合店家與創作組, 讓創作者的活動資訊、創作內容能夠在更多 場所曝光。
Implementation Site measurement knew how to use the space in each area, and can also clearly analyze the spatial characteristics when negotiating with the creation team, and proposed more imaginations to stimulate creators to exert their works on space. I also participated the exhibition production process to ensure that all exhibits were presented as expcted. Even if many unexpcted situations occured, I could also quickly came up with solution remedy. Such as worked with Creative & Reuse Center by using recycled art materials to lower outlay and producing products that we expected. I also contacted with the stores that we cooperated, and make sure that the exhibits and content of each creators could be completed and showed in the exhibition as scheduled. During the process, I actively matched up the stores and creators to let their activity infomation and contents exposure in many places.
2015-2017 reusebupo Co., Ltd. -
由於需要拍攝千百種不同古董商品,為了能夠 深入了解每件文藝品獨特的背景故事、文化、 風格及姿態如何在平面攝影上展現,自己每日 大量吸收藝術品與拍賣會的相關知識,並從親 手接觸的大量古董商品,參透出書本無法傳遞 的經驗與眼光。
Due to the need to photograph hundreds of different kinds of antique products and be able to thoroughly understand how the unique background story, culture, style, and posture of each literary and artistic products that displayed in photography, I daily absorbed a lot of knowledge of artworks and auctions and to felt the experience and expanded vision that the books cannot tell from lots of antique goods touched by my hand.
期間努力鑽研商品攝影、後製修圖等相關知識 與技巧,最初對攝影一竅不通,在積極向許多 資深攝影同事,請教拍攝過程的技巧與細節, 同時不斷熟悉棚內燈光器具的運用,捕捉各種 文藝品的風格特寫,並在日後每天能夠獨立完 成,超過百幅攝影作品的拍攝與後製處理,培 養出自己對於平面作品美感與結構的統合能力
During the period, I made efforts to delve into the knowledge and techniques such as product photography and photo retouching . From the beginning, I knew nothing about the photography field. I actively consulted many senior photographer about the details of each shooting process, and was constantly learned with the lighting equipment in the shed by capturing the style of the products, until I could independently complete the shooting and photo retouching more than a hundred photography works each day,and also accumulated a large amount of experience for the beauty and structure of the works during this period.
自己並不滿足於棚內的空間攝影,決定走出熟悉的攝 影棚挑戰外景的拍攝,大量攝取前輩、書本、網路上 的經驗分享,不斷思考攝影之於自己的關係,從創作 自己的攝影作品來尋找答案,如今累積上千張作品仍 繼續在每一張畫面找尋自己在攝影領域的定位與需要 跟進世界的部分。
I was not satisfied with the space photography in the shed. So I decided to walk out from the familiar studio to challenge the shooting of outdoor scene. Learning lots of experience from my predecessors, books, and the Internet. I constantly think relationship between me and photograghy. I created my own photographic works to find the answer. Even thousands works had been completed, I still looking for my position in the world in each pieces.