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Gary Eunson (ge@capsoft.co.uk)
Monday, November 30, 2009 1:45 PM
Hi Ingo, I received your evaluation form through the post today - Thank you. How is your evaluation of HotDocs progressing ? Is there anything that I can help with ?
Kind regards Gary Eunson Capsoft UK Limited Tel: +44 (0) 131 226 3999 Fax: +44 (0)131 220 9024 e-mail: ge@capsoft.co.uk Correspondence Address: Capsoft UK Limited,14 South Charlotte Street. Edinburgh, EH2 4AX, Scotland Registered office: Edinburgh Quay, 133 Fountainbridge, Edinburgh, EH3 9AG, Scotland Company Number: SC166375 VAT Number: 671 2940 33
05.07.2012 14:54
Riemenschneiderstraße 8, 97072 Würzburg, Germany telephone / text: + 4915201371640 aus Deutschland: 015201371640 from South Africa: 0866240348 fax (efax): + 27866240348
Mr Gary Eunson HotDocs Limited 14 South Charlotte Street Edinburgh Great Britain EH2 4AX
If a previewof this document has been emailed, the originatingemail account can receive a response for a short while.
23 March 2010
Dear Mr Eunson, . . . thank you for your email message of 30 November 2010. At the time of my original enquiry to you, I had only just relocated to Europe and was still absorbed in the logistics of settling in. Hence I have not been able to respond to you in a sufficiently concrete manner before now. My purpose in contacting your firm was to begin an exploration of possibilities for integrating HotDocs into new professional initiatives of mine. During my employment in 2008 as a risk consultant of one of South Africa’s major law firms, I was very fortunate to have had the opportunity of being trained on HotDocs by a visiting in-house consultant from the Technology Services Division of LexisNexis in the United States of America. Since then I have sought a way of enhancing my own corporate support credentials with HotDocs. There was virtually no scope for me to do so within the employment context which I have just mentioned, because the features of HotDocs go far beyond the self-perceived document automation needs of even major law firms in South Africa: they simply do not yet see themselves as an environment, in which there is such a premium on sophistication, and on economies of scale, as there is in major U. S. American law firms like Morrison & Foerster, for example, for which I have previously worked, over a number of years, as a legal document specialist in its Tokyo office, or – again – in an international financial services corporate like Old Mutual, where I have also formerly made significant inputs as a document services adviser. Furthermore, in 2008 and 2009, and no doubt partly on the account of a similar analysis, even the South African branch of LexisNexis itself had no aspiration or strategy to promote HotDocs actively in the local market, but confined itself to responding to usage queries by existing customers through its technical team (and hence without aiming to develop the conceptions of work processing needs at the organisational level of major potential users there).
a letter of 23 March 2010 by Ingo Porada to Mr Gary Eunson In any event, with these observations I do not mean still to reflect for my own sake on what HotDocs might achieve in South Africa, but only to give you some feedback that you would perhaps find useful as you cultivate the European market. As my own circumstances have changed since I have become acquainted with HotDocs, in that the educational needs of my family have now brought me to Europe, I would now, within these new parameters, like to find a way to gain sufficient practice on HotDocs to the end of eventually supporting you as a HotDocs consultant. I think that your recent acquisition of HotDocs, and its – likewise recent – enhancement with regard to support of left-to-right reading languages, make this a particularly opportune time for spearheading HotDocs in Europe. I am personally and professionally well-prepared to work with you in such a way through my many years of international corporate support experience in multi-national law and financial services firms, government departments, educational institutions, publishing companies, and international organisations. In addition, I have particularly solid experience in working with documents, as well as in the processes that pertain to the outsourcing of such work from its sources in major Pacific Rim cities – Tokyo, Los Angeles, et c. - to specialist services providers in that field as they exist prominently for example in India and Romania and elsewhere. Presently I am working as an independent consultant in the areas of risk assessment, language and software coaching, public relations, and text lay-outing, for several organisations in the diplomatic, media and advertising sectors. I should also mention that I am currently participating in a pilot project of the German public employment service for labour market entrants from abroad, whereby it would be possible for me to secure funding for a temporary career development affiliation of myself with a suitable employer here. Thus, for example, if you were able to identify to me a company in Germany, to which you are providing document automation support, or which is operating HotDocs under its own regime, I might be able to negotiate a temporary placement of myself in that company, at no cost to it, with a view to gaining the necessary proficiency in HotDocs. On that basis, I might then also be able to arrange a visit, or a longer secondment, of myself to your company. Again, there are publicly-supported initiatives, such as the European Union’s Leonardo da Vinci programme, within which such an exploration might potentially be facilitated or subsidised. I hope and trust that you will find my submission of interest. If these lines could be followed up with a telephone conversation between ourselves, in the first instance, I would be delighted. Looking forward to receiving your valued response, I remain, for now, with thanks for your friendly attention. Yours sincerely ii
鳳 雷 多
telephone: + 49 931 45462765 + 49 152 01371640 fax:
Mr Russell Shepherd HotDocs Limited 14 South Charlotte Street Edinburgh EH2 4AX Great Britain
+ 27 8866 46240348
If a preview of this document has been emailed, the originating email account can receive a response for a short while.
29 June 2010
Dear Mr Shepherd, you may recall that I have last year sent you a message via the then still existing web form of your company, in which I have conveyed my interest in working with you as a HotDocs consultant in continental Europe. Your colleague Mr Gary Eunson has sent me an email response – please see the enclosed print – of my communication to you, and I have in turn responded to him with my letter of 23 March 2010, of which I also enclose a photocopy, in which I have re-stated the purpose that I had originally communicated to you and have also formulated it in a little more detail. I think that HotDocs is an exciting, versatile and immensely powerful programme that has potentialities, of which many of its possible beneficiaries, even among the top international corporates, may only have a limited conception. No doubt, therefore, the acquisition of the HotDocs rights by your company was a move that has opened new - both challenging and rewarding - vistas for business development for you and your colleagues, and I imagine that it has at the same time also brought initial pressures for attuning your operations to this new asset, so that explorations into this market have not yet been a priority for you so far. Even during my still recent professional episode in South Africa, during which HotDocs was piloted there on a very small scale, I have became aware of how its regular support team within the LexisNexis subsidiary in that country aimed rather at ‘rationing’ the product locally, so that it, along with its attendant new business relations, could be serviced from within the company, than at promoting it to that extent that the
a letter of 29 June 2010 by Ingo Porada to Mr Russell Shepherd development of a consultants’ network, such as exists in the United States of America, would have been indicated. I imagine that a similar dynamic may have guided you in your initial ordering of priorities with regard to developing the European clientele of HotDocs, following your company’s acquisition of the rights for this software, and that your visions for expanding into the continental market yet have to be shaped further before you can respond to my enquiry, and my interest in working with you, more concretely. However, given that HotDocs, firstly, is already a market leader elsewhere in the world, and – secondly – has just been enhanced with left to right character support, I feel that this is a particular good time for aiming to make an impact with this product, ahead of possible competitors, especially in Germany, but also, besides, in some of the Eastern European cities that are now increasingly being cultivated as major business locations by international corporates. Having already in South Africa been exclusively trained on HotDocs by a top LexisNexis instructor from the company’s Technology Services Division in Utah, United States of America, and with my by then already accumulated extensive experience of document services support functions at some of the world’s largest law firms and financial services and media institutions, at various locations in Asia, Africa and Europe, and before the background also of my existing good contacts among outsourcing services providers in India and quality control consultants there and elsewhere, I feel that there could an excellent scope for a fruitful cooperation between your company and myself. As a further recommendation to you for considering such a possibility I would like to mention again also the possibility that may exist for securing a public subsidy from the authorities here whereby my placement with a host company in Germany, within which I would perfect my usage and training skills with regard to HotDocs, or / and a training visit to your own offices might be facilitated. I hope very much, Mr Shepherd, that you will be able to take up my suggestions and to respond positively and concretely, so that this further communication from me to your company might lay the foundation for a fruitful cooperation between ourselves in the future. Looking forward to receiving your valued response to my submission, I remain therefore, for now, with many thanks for your respected attention. Yours sincerely ii
From: Deutsche Post AG (no.reply@deutschepost.de) To: ingo_porada@yahoo.com; Date: Wed, July 7, 2010 3:10:38 PM Cc: Subject: Status Ihrer Sendung mit der Sendungsnummer RK286906381DE Sehr geehrte Kundin, sehr geehrter Kunde, Ihre Sendung RK286906381DE wurde am 06.07.2010 zugestellt.
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9/26/2010 11:12 AM
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30 Day Trial Submission
HotDocs.com (webmaster@hotdocs.com)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010 12:15 PM
Dear Ingo Porada, Thank you for your interest in HotDocs 10. To download the fully-functional 30-day evaluation version of HotDocs Developer 10, visit Download HotDocs Developer 10. We hope that our products meet your needs. To purchase the software, please contact our HotDocs Sales Team at +44 131 226-3999. Sincerely, HotDocs Corporation
05.07.2012 14:48
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HotDocs 10
invalid_format@soodonims.com (invalid_format@soodonims.com)
Wednesday, August 4, 2010 9:19 AM
Dear Ingo, Thank you for downloading the 30 day evaluation of HotDocs 10 Developer Edition. If you encounter any problems installing the software or would like any information about HotDocs, then please do not hesitate in contacting me. I will do my best to help. Kind Regards,
Jeffrey Shek Account Manager HotDocs Ltd. Tel: +44 (0)843 208 0704 Direct Dial: +44 (0)131 220 9010 e-mail: jeffrey.shek@hotdocs.co.uk Correspondence Address: HotDocs Ltd., 14 South Charlotte Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4AX, Scotland Registered office: Edinburgh Quay, 133 Fountainbridge, Edinburgh, EH3 9AG, Scotland Company Number: SC166375 VAT Number: 671 2940 33
05.07.2012 14:49
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______________________________________________________________________ This email has been scanned by Messagelabs in association with Ogilvie Net-Defence Systems For more information please visit http://www.ogilvie-communications.com ______________________________________________________________________
05.07.2012 14:49
From: invalid_format@soodonims.com (invalid_format@soodonims.com) To: ingo_porada@yahoo.com; Date: Thu, August 19, 2010 10:31:19 AM Cc: Subject: HotDocs 10 Dear Ingo, Just a quick email to ask how the evaluation is going? If you are having any issues or questions please let me know. Kind Regards,
Jeffrey Shek Account Manager HotDocs Ltd. Tel: +44 (0)843 208 0704 Direct Dial: +44 (0)131 220 9010 e-mail: jeffrey.shek@hotdocs.co.uk Correspondence Address: HotDocs Ltd., 14 South Charlotte Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4AX, Scotland Registered office: Edinburgh Quay, 133 Fountainbridge, Edinburgh, EH3 9AG, Scotland Company Number: SC166375 VAT Number: 671 2940 33
______________________________________________________________________ This email has been scanned by Messagelabs in association with Ogilvie Net-Defence Systems For more information please visit http://www.ogilvie-communications.com ______________________________________________________________________
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9/26/2010 11:55 AM