November 2012
02 / A Note From The Editor 03 / How Hard Should You Work If You Want To Be Rich? 05 / What Makes A Business Grow Fast? 07 / How To Remove A Negative Online Review 10 / Should you use the word “cheap” in your Ad Copy? 11 / Get In Touch
About Us We create great looking online advertising campaigns that enhance your brand, we use scientifically proven online advertising methods to drive visitors to your website and adverts and then we optimise your site to make sure those visitors become paying customers that tell all their friends and come back for more.
Our team is different, we live in the UK so we understand how & what brits love to buy. We’re successful online entrepreneurs, world class copywriters, website optimisation specialists, online advertising mavericks and the geekiest SEO people!
A Note From The Editor
Every single day in England 150 new millionaires are created.
HOLY CRAP! It’s almost Christmas!! Look out next month for a VERY special bumper issue of the Digital Marketing Insider which I’m going to pack with amazing goodies and money making info so you have a ton of great stuff to check out whilst you wait for the relatives to disappear :o)
Tash took me to a 2 michelin star restaurant in London which was awesome, my birthday is 10 days after my dads so I got my dad’s prezzie along with my own and we’ve got VIP seats for the Grand Prix in June next year, can’t wait!
This month we gave away a ton of our stuff to charity, Tash has been very excited as this means we need new stuff (furniture, soft cushions and other habitat type stuff) to fill our house again!
I have a jam packed DMI for you this month with so much money making info inside it should come with a government health warning!
So whilst she’s shopping for stuff I’ve been focused on making cash to pay for it all ;-)
And talking of the government, if the recent spending cuts have not convinced you that you need a second online income then I don’t know what will!
Isabella had a big halloween party at school which we gate crashed and apparently it’s not the done thing for the parents to get dressed up too!
The internet of course does not suffer spending cuts, every single day in England 150 new millionaires are created…. every single day.
For now we get away with murder because we’re still kinda new at her school so as long as we laugh at ourselves they don’t seem to mind, not sure how long we can play the “it’s our first day” card though.
Lets make your day today!
It was my birthday in October too!
I hope you’ll enjoy reading this months magazine. It’s jam packed with our usual level of brilliant content and as always if we can help you in any way please get in touch. Neil Asher
/ CEO /
How Hard Should You Work If You Want To Be Rich? By Neil Asher
Can you really sit on your ass and make millions? No. But if you haven’t already made millions but want to, here are 4 ways you can.... Amazing physical attributes If you are good looking or athletic you can usually make a good living through modeling or sports. If you are not athletic there isn’t much you can do to change that, but as for the modeling part you can always get plastic surgery if you aren’t attractive. Interestingly, attractive people have been shown to earn 15% more than similarly qualified unattractive people. I know quite a few people who only “hire pretty” and Cialdini showed that pretty people are attributed good characteristics through the halo effect. Knowledge If you have knowledge that others don’t have it could be worth a lot of money. The thing with becoming wealthy off of knowledge is that in most cases it can’t be something others can easily find out. People who become rich through knowledge are usually in the scientific field or have a high IQ Work Your God Damn ass Off! The most effective way you can become a millionaire for 99% of the population is by doing things that others won’t do. For example, if you are willing to work 12 hour days instead of 8 or do things that are out of most people’s comfort zone, you have a shot at becoming rich. Becoming rich through willingness means that you have to learn to go that extra mile. Here at RoarLocal we’re as committed as you to going the extra mile and kicking some serious ass online.
BUT if you’re happier watching Top Gear or Downton Abbey at night than you are doing work then be cool with that… there is nothing right nor wrong with it. The only time that becomes a problem is you beat yourself up for not being rich… then you have a situation where your actions will not let you meet your expectations, this can only lead to depression. So instead recognise who you are and set your expectations accordingly. I couldn’t finish this without mentioning Inheritance This is the easiest way to make money, but also one that usually isn’t in your control. If your parents or someone in your family doesn’t have tons of money, you probably will not be inheriting it. Hopefully you fall into one of these categories or else the chances of you becoming a millionaire are probably worse than the lottery. In most cases you will not fall into the easiest 3 categories, which only leaves the hard one (working your ass off). If that is your only option you better be willing to do whatever it takes. If you aren’t you better learn to or don’t waste your time trying to become rich. We’re delighted to say that a good number of our clients have become MUCH wealthier as a result of the work we’ve done for them. We’re commited to making our clients as much money as possible, why? Because we’ve found that when we do they come back for more, and that’s good for all of us. If you’d like us to get to work making you more money get in touch here
What Makes A Business Grow Fast? By Neil Asher
One of our new clients sells his products in the nutraceutical niche, he contacted us because he was at $120,000 a month and wanted to get to $500K a month. Big goals for sure.
But his products are good and his marketing sucks so there are plenty of opportunities for us to take his business to the next level for him. Whilst I was discussing his business at our team meeting (we brainstorm our clients businesses every week as a team) I was asked a great question:
> Traffic System Your traffic system is the systemised and scalable process of turning cold prospects into happy satisfied customers. Whether you are aiming big or small, an effective traffic system is probably the hardest of the four elements for a business to get right. Tireless execution works for a lot of things, but you can’t force customers to want, need or like what you have created. Building an effective traffic system requires a lot of testing to get right but when it’s set up properly the outcome is incredible revenue growth. Of course revenue means nothing on it’s own that’s why you need a;
“What Makes A Business Grow Fast” Good question don’t you think? Well, after having 3 businesses that I’ve grown very quickly (zero to $8 million in under 2 years) and helping tens of our clients triple their profits quickly here’s my take on it;
> Profit System Once you have figured out how to systematically turn cold prospects into paying customers, your next challenge is creating a viable profit system. For your business to be sustainable in the long run, your average revenue per customer will need to exceed your average cost to acquire and service that customer. Beyond business sustainability, the right profit system will also be based on the competitive environment and your ultimate growth strategy.
> Growth System Your growth system success or failure is dictated by the success of the traffic and profit system. If you have relatively limited revenue per customer, you’ll need to pursue tactics with a very low marginal cost such as PR, SEO or viral marketing (the slowest way to grow a business usually). With a higher revenue per user, you’ll also be able to effectively arbitrage growth through paid tactics like PPC, media buys and content campaigns. The most valuable companies generally choose an approach that allows them to capture the biggest share of the market in a sustainable way. This often means a strategy with lower revenue per user. They don’t invest too much time in one off gimmicks, instead they focus on growth drivers that can be repeatable and (this is important) scalable.
If you want to grow a business fast you’ll need to have a market that facilitates the growth you are looking for.
Final part is a huge market to serve
> BBM (Bloody Big Marketplace) Scalability is very very important if you want to grow a big business fast. I own a number of business that make a consistant £3000 – £5000 per month, they’re great businesses that pay for holidays, new cars, school fees etc But, they’ll never make more than that.
Here at RoarLocal we’re experts at building traffic systems that we can then plug into profit systems. So if you have a business that you’d like to take to the next level get in touch for an informal conversation about your business and your goals for it.
Why? Because the market to sell these products is small. So if you want to grow a business fast you’ll need to have a market that facilitates the growth you are looking for. My new client is in a market place that is not only big but also growing year on year. Thus it’s reasonable to assume we can take his business to half a million a month. If you’re selling in a small niche then recognise the limitations of that market and set your expectations accordingly. Businesses that fail have 1 or more of these components missing, and those businesses that succeed and grow fast have all of them in place.
How To Remove A Negative Online Review By Neil Asher
Online reviews are quickly becoming one of the most visible barometers of a business’ success from an outside perspective and a major factor in drawing in new customers. In fact, recent surveys conclude that more than 70% of people trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations and more than half of people say a good review will make them more likely to patronise a particular business. That’s great news for businesses that already have stellar reviews on sites like Yelp or Google Reviews, but what about companies that have gotten unflattering or even scathing reviews? If you’re a business owner who has noticed a bad review online, recognise that you aren’t alone. Every business has had to deal with a negative review at one time or another. And the good news is most Internet savvy customers have come to expect a few negative reviews from time to time. Another consolation is a survey that showed more than 40% of customers saying their decisions are more influenced on price and location than (either positive or negative) online reviews. Of course, there is some bad news when it comes to negative reviews and that is that it’s virtually impossible to have a negative review removed completely. Large sites like Yelp have a policy of not removing reviews, instead, relying on its own filtering system meant to weed out fake reviews. The site does however allow businesses to post comments in response to unsatisfied customers. If your business has been given a bad review, there are a few things that you can do to help counteract any negative effects. First, read the review with a level head and see if there are any valid points or constructive criticism that can be taken from the review. If possible, try to find out who wrote the review, so you can contact them directly and try to make it up to them by apologizing if needed and offering to right the situation. If you can’t contact the customer directly, you may be able to post a response to the customer on the review site. Doing so will give you a greater chance of them revising their initial review if they have a better experience the second time around.
70% of people trust online reviews.
Try to respond as quickly as possible and only promise things that you can deliver on. This tactic will require you to constantly monitor mentions of your business on a wide variety of social outlets. Along with responding to negative reviews, an equally, if not more important strategy is to engage the customers who already love your business by encouraging them to write their own reviews. Google Reviews shows the most recent reviews first so encouraging your supporters to write reviews means positive responses will most likely turn up first in Google searches. Don’t promise to reward your customers for writing a review, because that can give the impression that your customers can be bought. Instead, when a customer is genuinely happy with a product or service you provide, simply ask them to write a review. You can also encourage your employees to ask repeat customers to post reviews. Lastly, be sure to focus on spending your marketing pounds toward positive buzz that will translate to your overall social media strategy, rather than wasting your time trying to get negative reviews removed. You’ll be more successful and save yourself a number of headaches.
Should you use the word “cheap” in your Ad Copy? By Neil Asher
Only in the last 40 years has the idea of “selling cheap” started to mean more than the price paid for cheaply made goods. The idea used to be that the only way to sell at a competitive price was to offer a cheaply manufactured or conceived product or service – but the giants of business discovered a 1% margin and massive purchasing power that allows many businesses to benefit from a “cheap” product without being considered a low price brand. Users will search with the term “cheap”. Even searchers who are willing to spend thousands of pounds are going to see if they can save a few hundred by going for the “cheap” car, the “cheap” holiday, the “cheap” luxury spa day or the “cheap ” 52” plasma TV. But does using the term “cheap” really mean that your product is cheap, and how do you convey the price point without using such an ambiguous word? “Cheap” comes from many words and phrases, most of which are several hundred years old. The difficulty with English, as a majority of non-native speakers will tell you, is that words meaning literally the same thing don’t really carry the same meaning when used in a certain context. Sound and noise for example. You can enjoy a sound and complain about a noise, but a noise can sound like something…but it’s still a sound.
> There are terms that you can use to replace the need for “cheap” in the copy: “Discount” “Budget” “Discount” “Low Cost” “Low Price” “Best Price”
> But if you need to use “cheap”, you can always wrap it up in some qualifiers: “Find the cheapest price…” “Cheap deals” “Cheap offers”
But before you do anything, ask yourself what makes the product you’re selling “low cost” compared to others. Is it because it’s a deal? An offer? Is it because of a clearance? Promotion? Would the price be significantly more without free delivery? Try and use some of these other terms before heading towards “cheap”, but don’t call yourself “cheap” just because you can undercut your competition and maintain the same margin because that is actually a “best price”.
So before you consider using “cheap”, ask yourself these questions: 1. Compared to others selling comparable products, are you cheap? 2. Are you cheap because of a promotion, deal, discount or offer? 3. Are you actually offering a range of products with a spectrum of prices? 4. What’s the traffic like for “cheap” versus other searches for your product? 5. “Cheap” is relative, so are you going after the right traffic for your “cheap” product? These are all things worth considering. It’s dangerous to try and do all your volume sales through the “cheap” searches because a lot of the terms will still be expensive and you’ll still be losing margin, and people seeking the cheap option aren’t likely to turn into regular, high profit business. Groupons declining stock price proves this!
Get In Touch.
Contact Fill in the form to contact us at any time. We need your name, the domain name of your existing site (if you have one), your preferred method of contact (phone number or email address) and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
01273 78 21 44
Monday through Friday 8.30 – 6.30 and get answers immediately. Admin Office The Sussex Innovation Centre University of Sussex Science Park Square, Falmer Brighton BN1 9SB CEO / Neil Asher COO / Nicola Cairncross
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