Heritage seed packs x 25

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Beetroot Cheltenham Green-top’t By 1883. Bred by A H Cook of Cheltenham & sent out by Harrison & Sons of St James’ St. Leicester. “This is a valuable variety of beet, and scarcely any other is grown in the market gardens around Cheltenham. It is a moderate sized root with a smallish top, & green leaved as its name implies. Retains a good colour when boiled.” CULTIVATION: Sow seed ½ inch deep from late April. Thin to 3 – 4ins apart in the rows,which should be 18 ins. Apart. When harvesting, crop every other beet to allow the remaining roots to grow larger. Average Content – 100 seeds www.thomasetty.co.uk: 01460 298249  EEC Rules & Standards: Standard Seed  Packed Year Ending June 2014 Registered Seed Packer: FERA Ref No 2807  Average Duration of Germination Power: 6 years

Kale Hungry Gap “Coming in July, Hungry Gap kale is true to its name. Vegetables are at their lowest ebb in that month. This is an exceptionally heavy bearer.” 1831. CULTIVATION. Sow seed ½ inch deep from late April & prick out the seedling 18ins to 2ft apart when ready. A second sowing may be made in the middle of May, the seedlings pricked out when strong enough & planted out in the early part of July. From July to September sow for cropping smaller leaves or whole small plants in autumn. Average Content – 200 seeds www.thomasetty.co.uk: 01460 298249  EEC Rules & Standards: Standard Seed  Packed Year Ending June 2014 Registered Seed Packer: FERA Ref No 2807  Average Duration of Germination Power: 5 years

Broad Bean Green Windsor This variety is listed in the Retir’d Gardener, of 1704. “In the Middle of January, if the Weather is open & good, you may plant your first crop of Windsor Beans, which will succeed the Sandwich & every 3 weeks make a fresh plantation until the middle of May, so preserving a succession through the Season.” CULTIVATION: Large sowings are made from late February and in March & April. Sow also in October & November 1in. deep in double rows 2½ft apart (makes best use of sticks & string for supports), each plant spaced 4ins. apart. Average Content – 35 seeds www.thomasetty.co.uk: 01460 298249  EEC Rules & Standards: Standard Seed  Packed Year Ending June 2014 Registered Seed Packer: FERA Ref No 2807  Average Duration of Germination Power: 5 years

Broccoli Purple Sprouting Featured in The Day Book of Cockmanning’s Nursery, in Orpington, Kent. 1777. Sown in April will produce from November to February, sown in June, will produce sprouts in March & April. Heavy & long – bearing plants of excellent flavour. CULTIVATION: Sow ½ in. deep from March to July in the open ground. The plants when 2 – 3ins high should be pricked out to 6ins apart each way & finally planted out, 2ft apart each way, where they are to head. Average Content – 200 seeds www.thomasetty.co.uk: 01460 298249  EEC Rules & Standards: Standard Seed  Packed Year Ending June 2014 Registered Seed Packer: FERA Ref No 2807  Average Duration of Germination Power: 6 years

Brussels Sprout Evesham Special Distributed by H J Speed & Son of Evesham, Worcestershire. By 1926 “a good all rounder, producing large quantities of good quality medium – size solid sprouts from September to December.” CULTIVATION: The seed should be sown in March and April and prick out established seedlings 2ft. a part every way. If extra fine buttons are required, sow in August, and winter the plants on a dry sheltered bank or in frames. Average Content – 200 seeds www.thomasetty.co.uk: 01460 298249  EEC Rules & Standards: Standard Seed  Packed Year Ending June 2014 Registered Seed Packer: FERA Ref No 2807  Average Duration of Germination Power: 5 years

Cabbage Mr Wheeler’s Imperial Raised by George Wheeler of Warminster in Wiltshire. Described in 1844 as “Dark green leafy heads, compact plants with harvest time of mid- April onwards. Suitable for spring sowing for autumn use.” CULTIVATION. Sow ½in. deep from March to August, so as to have always at hand thrifty young plants for planting out. The March & July sowings are usually most important, as on these depend the supplies during winter and spring. Transplant established seedlings 14-18ins apart in rows 2ft apart. Average Content – 200 seeds www.thomasetty.co.uk: 01460 298249  EEC Rules & Standards: Standard Seed  Packed Year Ending June 2014 Registered Seed Packer: FERA Ref No 2807  Average Duration of Germination Power: 5 years

Carrot Long Red Surrey Before 1801.”There are some good gardens near Chertsey, & here the Chertsey or great Surrey carrot is better grown than anywhere else. Named Chertsey from the circumstance of great quantities of it being brought to the markets of the metropolis from there. It produces long, orange roots with a distinctive yellow core, & has a quite exceptional flavour.” CULTIVATION: Sow in April in lines 1ft. apart, the seeds being covered with a mere coating of soil. Thin to 6ins. initially with a final spacing of 1ft. apart. By this method of procedure the table will be supplied with plenty of delicate young Carrots during the summer, and the roots left for winter store will be of the finest quality. Average Content – 500 seeds www.thomasetty.co.uk: 01460 298249  EEC Rules & Standards: Standard Seed  Packed Year Ending June 2014 Registered Seed Packer: FERA Ref No 2807  Average Duration of Germination Power: 4 years


Autumn Giant 4. (of Veitch) By 1838. “Heads are very large, beautifully white, firm & compact, & being well protected by foliage, remain a long time fit for use. The plants should be started & transplanted early in the season, to insure their full development.” CULTIVATION: Sow in gentle heat in February & March & in the open ground from April to June. Prick out the seedlings on a bed of rich mellow soil to strengthen before planting them finally. They should be transplanted 1½ft-3ft apart. Average Content – 100 seeds www.thomasetty.co.uk: 01460 298249  EEC Rules & Standards: Standard Seed  Packed Year Ending June 2014 Registered Seed Packer: FERA Ref No 2807  Average Duration of Germination Power: 5 years

Courgette Long White Bush A Victorian variety originally grown as a marrow but now preferred as a courgette, the pale green (almost white) fruits should be picked when no more than 6 ins long. If Marrows are required, leave the fruits to attain their true size. CULTIVATION. Sow the seeds in pots in March or April, & pot off singly as soon as large enough. At the end of May plant out where they are to remain. Place them 2-3ft apart in each direction. May also be planted directly where they are to grow during May & June. Average Content – 10 seeds www.thomasetty.co.uk: 01460 298249  EEC Rules & Standards: Standard Seed  Packed Year Ending June 2014 Registered Seed Packer: FERA Ref No 2807  Average Duration of Germination Power: 6 years

Cucumber Perfection Raised by Mr. Thomas Lockie of Great Malvern, a cross between Purley Park Hero and Verdant Green. First grown at Mr. Lowes Nursery in Uxbridge in 1889 and originally distributed by C. Turner of the Royal nurseries in Slough. “It merits its name, it is not big, it is an even regular shape with short neck, good flavour & wonderfully prolific” CULTIVATION: Seed should be sown in heat in March and the plants should be grown near the light, and be planted out when strong enough on a wellprepared hot-bed, one plant to a light. May also be tried, in warm or sheltered gardens, planted directly into garden soil 2ft asunder. Average Content – 15 seeds www.thomasetty.co.uk: 01460 298249  EEC Rules & Standards: Standard Seed  Packed Year Ending June 2014 Registered Seed Packer: FERA Ref No 2807  Average Duration of Germination Power: 10 years

Dwarf French Bean

The Prince

By 1927. A cross between Superlative & Perfection. “…an immense cropper, fit for picking amongst the very earliest. The pods are large, fleshy, thick & stringless.” CULTIVATION: Sow under glass in April and transplant when the plants are in the rough leaf, in rows 2½ft apart on a warm border. Sow in open ground from the end of April to the middle of July. And thin to 1½ft apart in the rows in rows 2½ ft apart. Average Content – 75 seeds www.thomasetty.co.uk: 01460 298249  EEC Rules & Standards: Standard Seed  Packed Year Ending June 2014 Registered Seed Packer: FERA Ref No 2807  Average Duration of Germination Power: 3 years

Pumpkin Hundred-weight This is the largest – fruited variety known. In a very rich compost above a large quantity of manure and under favourable conditions of climate, it grows to an enormous size; In Sutcombe in Devonshire, one weighing 245lbs was produced. It is only used in a fully grown or ripe state, in which it will keep for several months. CULTIVATION: Sow seeds in pots in March or April & pot off singly as soon as large enough. At the end of May, plant out where they are to remain. Placing them 2-3 feet apart in each direction. May also be planted directly where they are to grow during May & June. Average Content – 8 seeds www.thomasetty.co.uk: 01460 298249  EEC Rules & Standards: Standard Seed  Packed Year Ending June 2014 Registered Seed Packer: FERA Ref No 2807  Average Duration of Germination Power: 6 years

Leaf Beet Perpetual Spinach By 1790. An excellent and long standing alternative to Spinach, As with all Leaf Beets, it can be sown and harvested from Spring though to late Autumn. CULTIVATION: Valuable for the leaves and stalks. Sow during April or May, when large enough, thin or transplant the seedlings to 12-15ins apart in rows 2ft apart. Sow again in August and September to crop loose-leaf or whole as required, hardy enough to stand the winter. Average Content – 100 seeds www.thomasetty.co.uk: 01460 298249  EEC Rules & Standards: Standard Seed  Packed Year Ending June 2014 Registered Seed Packer: FERA Ref No 2807  Average Duration of Germination Power: 6 years

Leek Prizetaker Which appeared in catalogues during the 1890s is now recognised as a selection of the Lyon Leek. “Stems have been grown 1ft long & 5ins diameter. They are solid, pure white, with a mild flavour”. CULTIVATION: Sow March-May in the open ground. When the seedlings are established plant out the thinnings on a bed of good soil about 4ins. apart. These will provide small Leeks for use all the winter for soups, &c. Bigger leeks will be achieved if the seedlings are planted out in May & June in trenches 1ft deep and 2ft apart. Average Content – 200 seeds www.thomasetty.co.uk: 01460 298249  EEC Rules & Standards: Standard Seed  Packed Year Ending June 2014 Registered Seed Packer: FERA Ref No 2807  Average Duration of Germination Power: 3 years

Lettuce Lobjoit’s Green Cos. By 1856. In the 1820s, W. J. Lobjoit became head gardener to the Rothschild’s family and in 1828 founded the firm of W.J. Lobjoit and Son Ltd, market gardeners of Hammersmith. “Heads in the form of an inverted cone; green, with a greyish tone about the top; compact, & forming well without tying. Exterior leaves numerous, deep – green, erect, firm & prominently blistered.” CULTIVATION: From the late March until July make occasional small sowings, & plant outthe established seedlings 6-9ins. Apart in rows 2 feet apart. Average Content – 300 seeds www.thomasetty.co.uk: 01460 298249  EEC Rules & Standards: Standard Seed  Packed Year Ending June 2014 Registered Seed Packer: FERA Ref No 2807  Average Duration of Germination Power: 5 years

Onion Bedfordshire Champion 1869. Sutton & Sons, of Reading. “One of the best and most popular of the large globe onions. In shape it resembles James’s Keeping but is paler in colour and milder in flavour. Reliable, & a good keeper.” CULTIVATION: Sow in drills 9ins. apart from March to May, Cover the seed ½in. Thin or transplant established seedlings 6-9 inches apart in rows 12-15ins apart. Average Content – 200 seeds

www.thomasetty.co.uk: 01460 298249  EEC Rules & Standards: Standard Seed  Packed Year Ending June 2014 Registered Seed Packer: FERA Ref No 2807  Average Duration of Germination Power: 2 years

Parsley Moss Curled By 1838. “Leaves finely curled, grows to a large size, & is very ornamental; The best sort to grow where parsley is required in quantity.” CULTIVATION: Sow early March to May, in shallow drills 1ft apart, covered to the depth of about ½in. They may take a month or more to germinate. In dry weather the seed-bed should be frequently watered. Thin out, first to 3ins. apart in the row, and afterwards, when further advanced, to 6inches. Average Content – 250 seeds www.thomasetty.co.uk: 01460 298249  EEC Rules & Standards: Standard Seed  Packed Year Ending June 2014 Registered Seed Packer: FERA Ref No 2807  Average Duration of Germination Power: 6 years

Parsnip Half Long Guernsey By 1852. “The roots of this parsnip are medium long, with a broad shoulder, gradually tapering downward. The white skin is smooth & attractive.” CULTIVATION: Sow from february to April in rows 1ft to 15ins apart, or 18ins. if there is manure in the trenches; and thin to 6, 9, or 12ins apart. If the ground is wanted in the winter, take up and store in sand or dry earth in a shed; but if not wanted, dig a few at a time, as frost will never hurt them, and they are much better flavoured. Average Content – 250 seeds www.thomasetty.co.uk: 01460 298249  EEC Rules & Standards: Standard Seed  Packed Year Ending June 2014 Registered Seed Packer: FERA Ref No 2807  Average Duration of Germination Power: 2 years

Pea Sutton’s Little Marvel By 1900. “One of the earliest of the wrinkled seeded sorts. Remains in prime picking condition a week longer than most sorts. The vines are 15ins high, heavy, with dark green pods usually set in pairs. The pods are filled with from 7 to 8 very dark green peas of high quality.” CULTIVATION: Sow directly into the soil from March to July. Plant the seeds at a depth of about 1inch in rows with the seeds about 4ins. apart and allow 18ins between rows. They can also be sown into circles (for ‘wigwam’ supports). Once the seedlings emerge, position a growing support or cane at the base of each plant for it to grow up. Average Content – 150 seeds www.thomasetty.co.uk: 01460 298249  EEC Rules & Standards: Standard Seed  Packed Year Ending June 2014 Registered Seed Packer: FERA Ref No 2807  Average Duration of Germination Power: 3 years

Radish Long White Icicle “The Long White, sometimes called the White Italian or the Naples Radish appears to be the oldest inhabitant of our gardens, for its is the only Radish listed by Gerard.” CULTIVATION: From March to September all the sorts may be sown ½ in. deep in the open ground, thin emerging seedlins from 2-3ins apart.

Average Content – 250 seeds

www.thomasetty.co.uk: 01460 298249  EEC Rules & Standards: Standard Seed  Packed Year Ending June 2014 Registered Seed Packer: FERA Ref No 2807  Average Duration of Germination Power: 5 years

Runner Bean Painted Lady It is known that 4 varieties of Runner Beans were introduced to the UK in 1633, including the Painted Lady, making it one of the oldest named vegetable varieties still available. Known as Yorkshire & Lancashire, due to its red & white bicolour flowers. Shorter than most varieties, but can be very prolific. CULTIVATION: Runner Beans should be sown 5ft from row to row, and the plants 1ft apart, and, if possible, the rows should run north and south. They should always have sticks if they can be provided, and if ridged up when 4 or 6ins high it will prevent their being blown about during high winds. Average Content – 20 seeds www.thomasetty.co.uk: 01460 298249  EEC Rules & Standards: Standard Seed  Packed Year Ending June 2014 Registered Seed Packer: FERA Ref No 2807  Average Duration of Germination Power: 6 years

Swede Champion By 1852 “In Great Britain, the purple – top swede is most in favour. Of these forms the most noteworthy are the Skirvings, the Fettercairn and Sutton’s Champion”. This variety was the recipient of two silver cups presented to His Royal Highness Prince Albert at the Smithfield show in 1855, and again in 1856. CULTIVATION: Sow from March to May, ½ inch deep in rows and thin to a distance of 18 inches between plants. Average Content – 300 seeds www.thomasetty.co.uk: 01460 298249  EEC Rules & Standards: Standard Seed  Packed Year Ending June 2014 Registered Seed Packer: FERA Ref No 2807  Average Duration of Germination Power: 5 years

Tomato Carter’s Golden Sunrise Bred and distributed by James’ Carter & Sons of High Holborn. “..has all the good qualities of the best red varieties & is of a beautiful golden – yellow colour making it invaluable for slicing & mixing with the red.” CULTIVATION: Sow in pans in gentle heat from January (greenhouse) to March (for outdoor planting), prick out into small pots and grow on till 3 of 4 inches high. Harden of if they are to be planted outside and do not set out until all danger of frost is past. For greenhouse production plant directly into greenhouse border allowing 15 inches between plants, or grow on in 10 inch pots. Average Content – 15 seeds www.thomasetty.co.uk: 01460 298249  EEC Rules & Standards: Standard Seed  Packed Year Ending June 2014 Registered Seed Packer: FERA Ref No 2807  Average Duration of Germination Power: 4 years

TOMATO Harbinger By 1891. “Very early and a prolific bearer will be found extremely valuable for growing in the open air. The fruits are round, smooth, solid and bright red. Although small they begin to ripen early.” CULTIVATION: Sow in pans in gentle heat from January (greenhouse) to March (for outdoor planting), prick out into small pots and grow on till 3-4 inches high. Harden-off if they are to be planted outside and do not set out until all danger of frost is past. In greenhouses plant directly into border allowing 15 inches between plants, or grow on in 10 inch pots. Average Content – 15 seeds www.thomasetty.co.uk: 01460 298249  EEC Rules & Standards: Standard Seed  Packed Year Ending June 2014 Registered Seed Packer: FERA Ref No 2807  Average Duration of Germination Power: 4 years

Turnip Aberdeen Green Top Yellow By 1823. When well grown the root is 6ins. in diameter & 5ins in length. “In the size and shape of its roots this old and deservedly esteemed sort resembles the Purple Top Yellow Bullock, but differs in the colour of its top, which is bright green. CULTIVATION: Sow from March to May, ½ ins deep in rows and thin to a distance of 6-9 inches between plants. Average Content – 300 seeds www.thomasetty.co.uk: 01460 298249  EEC Rules & Standards: Standard Seed  Packed Year Ending June 2014 Registered Seed Packer: FERA Ref No 2807  Average Duration of Germination Power: 5 years

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