Atelier 15

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It is that time of the year when every place glows with luminescent lights and other decorations. Every shop display is a pleasure to the eye which inevitably attracts the attention of any passer by. Yet the festive season is also that time of the year when we look prospectively. We want to enter the next year ready to run; full of new plans and ideas, renewed vigour to do better, and sufficient stores of patience and goodwill to see us through the year. Planning now for a good holiday season will ensure that we get the rest we need.

The Atelier winter issue looks at the festive season through the eyes of various people Atelier came across over the past months. Indeed, the Winter issue relates the story of people coming from various strata of society who share with Atelier their own perspective of life.

a pleasant read and a
Publishing Editor Omar Vella Design Robert Caruana Printing & Publishing Union Print Co. Ltd Proof Reading Ramona Vella Cini FRONT
Photographer: Matthew B Spiteri  Model: Justina Vai Fashion stylist: Maria Micallef  Hair: Vanusia Mifsud  Make up: Elaine Galea Disclaimer: Particular attention has been given to ensure that all the content of this magazine is correct and up to date as on date of issue. The views expressed in the articles, interviews and photogrphs are those of the authors and are not neccessarily endorsed by the publisher. While every care has been taking during production, the publisher does not accept any liability for errors that may have occurred. Copyright © 2022.
Happy Festive Season!
Winter Moods: The Festive Season countdown has already begun.

She is elegant, good looking and with a genuine smile which quickly captivates you and puts you at ease during any conversation you will have with her. However behind that calm face, lies a woman with a strong drive, determination and will to see the family business continue to thrive. Indeed, Claudine is that type of woman who everyday wakes up with that steadfast dedication and commitment to her role as managing director of Bad Boy Cleaners. Atelier recently caught up with Claudine who shared with us her goals, her dreams and her frank views on key issues.

Being Her

Interview with Claudine Ellul Sullivan
Being Her
“Value your customer and go the extra mile where possible”.

Being Her

What does success mean to you?

Most people equate success to money however for me, success has always been about the ability of creating something meaningful. With Bad Boy, my dad started from absolutely nothing and slowly but surely created a brand that is widely recognised in Malta. Having been handed the running of the company, success for me meant making sure to see the company continues to grow bigger, evolve its services and keeping the company relevant to today’s customers. All this was, and still is, only possible, by investing in a committed workforce, which is the backbone of our success.

What lies beneath your entrepreneurial drive?

To be honest I love what I do, and this gives me the energy to drive the business forward even when the going get though. Seeing our customers satisfied and our employees happy to work with us, provides me with the drive to move the business forwarded.

Why is the University of life today important more than ever?

Although having a good academic formation is very important, one needs to appreciate that experience is critical in one’s life journey. The University of life teaches you that you can never sit back and assume your past success will help you be successful in the future or assume that there is a one successful formula for satisfying and retaining customers. The reality is that each day is different, the market is continuously evolving and the market conditions we operate in change fast too. So the key to success, and hence a critical lesson that we all learn from experience, is that we need to continuously evolve and innovate ourselves. We need to be present on the market and feel its pulse and adapt our strategy to meet the evolving needs of our customers as well as ensuring we keep our workforce motivated and happy. This is not something that academic courses can teach you but is something that one needs to experience on the job.

The three most important lessons I learnt were:

1. Always value your employees and treat them as partners as they are the backbone of your company. There is no service without your employees.

2. Value your customer and go the extra mile where possible. Customer service is key to long term business relationships.

3. Never stop to learn from the market and adapt to market conditions. The moment you stop adapting and innovating is the moment you become outdated.

What lessons has your entrepreneurial journey taught you?

It was an unexpected award to be honest but one that Bad Boy and I, myself, truly value and cherish. We have always believed that there is no business without our employees as they are our brand ambassadors, the ones who deal with our clients on a daily basis. Hence, we have always invested in making sure they are happy and always sought to reward those who are truly loyal to the company. We do not only provide monetary incentives, but also internal job progression help individuals grow into leader with us. Apart from this, we are strongly focused on providing an Equal Opportunity environment for all our employees to thrive in.

COVID-19 has been a challenge and as a business we had to make important decisions that today we are proud of. We wanted to practise what we preach, in terms of putting our employees first, even through we saw a good part of our business evaporate overnight. We took decisions that saw our employees retain their work and their salary even though there wasn’t enough work for everyone. We retained all the employees as we knew that when the trend picks up having the right HR would have been essential to riding the wave fast. We are pleased that this strategy worked out and today we believe we have a closer relationship with our employees and there is a stronger, mutual respect and appreciation then there was before COVID hit us all.

Social media has provided us with a platform to communicate better with our target market, especially when it comes to individual, household users. It has made it much easier to promote our services and be closer to our service users. Although challenging at times, social media has also enabled us to respond quicker to customer issues and provide faster resolution. It is not just about advertising, it is about communicating and providing a more accessible personal relationship with customers.

How do you find the right balance between work and family life?

This is never an easy question as finding the right balance is always a challenge with a business that runs 24/7. However, employing the right people provides peace of mind and this allows me to relax when I’m away from work. My family is also very supportive and hence it makes things much easier. We also try to take family vacations when possible so that we take the time to relax and recharge our batteries.

You have recently landed the employer of the year award. What does it mean to you?
How has the COVID-19 Pandemic redefined the employer-employee relationship?
What role does social media play in the growth of a business? How has it helped your own business?
Being Her

Any word of advice for prospective entrepreneurs?

My word of advice would be to choose an area of business that you like, one that you will enjoy working in. This will provide you with the right platform to channel your passion and ambition and give you the needed energy when things get tough. Apart from this, it is always advisable to be humble and appreciate each and every step you make; always learn from your mistakes and move forward a step at a time. There will surely be setbacks but if you like what you do you will find it easier to stand up and grab the courage to try again.

What’s next for you?

For now, my intention is to continue focusing on Bad Boy and growing the reputation of the brand and ability of the company to remain market leader. In future, hopefully we will have the opportunity to look again beyond our shores and to seek opportunities to expand the business in international markets.

Being Her

Shades of a face

Photographer: Robert Caruana
Dress: Charles & Ron Coordination: Daniela Micallef Shoot taken at Marie Boutique Patisserie, Rabat

Does it ever occur to you to come across someone with a drive, energy and determination out of this world that quickly strikes you by the way she thinks, she speaks, she acts?

Interview with Sarah Marie Palmier

They are actually a rare breed. One in a million. Yet, I was lucky enough to come across one a few days ago when I met Sarah Marie Palmier. Smart, bold and focussed on what she wants to do and where she wants to go. Oh, and she is good looking and with a particular dress code that spells out who she really is - chic, sophisticated, and with an undisputed good taste for fashion. A bit of a dreamer who wants to do most (if not all) the dreams that cross her mind yet at the same time, a realist that knows the limitations posed by her very busy daily agenda.

Stubborn and never takes no for an answer. And whilst you may get the impression she is shy, reserved and hates being in the limelight, the moment you speak to her, you will quickly realise that it is just a crust which shields her from the initial impact she has with people she does not know. Truly so, because the moment you speak to her, you realise that she is kind, gentle, warm, caring and with a smile and a laugh that lights up every room she is in.

What quickly strikes you is her drive. “I actually can’t be specific as to where my drive, energy, and focus comes from. All I know is it’s always been there and at the core of anything I do.” Sarah adds, “It feels very visceral, like an internal source of energy and if I’m not being involved in something exciting, interesting, or challenging I feel restless and very unhappy.” She gets more into something when it happens by coincidence as was the case of her entrepreneurial project - A Sassy Affair.


Truly so, because the whole idea behind that eventually evolved into A Sassy Affair actually started off as a necessity whilst pondering with her husband, Lydon whether to organise or not a birthday party for their daughter, Mila during the COVID-19 pandemic. Once the decision was taken to organise a party with Twinkle as its theme, Sarah used Google, YouTube and other social media platforms to what turned out to be a successful event. Yet there was more to it. The event was a window for Sarah to start organising party setups for others. Since then, A Sassy Affair experienced a gradual growth which obviously has to be seen in the context of the time she can dedicate in view of her work and home commitments. Yes, because despite the dizzying whir of work and life, she has a clear mindset and determined to achieve all those tasks on her busy agenda.

Multitasking is part of her everyday life. Sarah believes in John Whedon’s theory;  “The secret to multitasking is that it isn’t actually multitasking. It’s just extreme focus and organization.” In the process she learnt new ideas, new concepts. She learnt the importance of minimalism, new trends as well as colour schemes. She also learnt to use social media platforms and maximise the power of the word of mouth.

“The secret to multitasking is that it isn’t actually multitasking. It’s just extreme focus and organization.”

When asked what she deems to be the most invaluable aspect of her project is, she states, “ME! Your business project is inevitably an extension of yourself. In any instance, when looking for guidance or inspiration the only relevant question and person to ask it of is… “is this what I want? Is this what I can achieve?” In short, making sure that you stay true to yourself and are using your full potential to see the project grow.” She admits though that there are days that truly test her patience and moments where she feels like quitting. Yet she points out that during these times, it’s important to remember why you started to begin with. It is imperative to focus on prioritising what matters the most. It is essential to learn to say no. In this process, it is essential to have a good support from your family which she deems to be lucky enough to have from her husband, her family as well as her close circle of friends. Above all, it is essential to keep in mind that, “a fulfilling project is never initially about the moneywhen you feel true passion for something you instinctively find ways to nurture it.”

This is Sarah, an inspirational woman in the journey of life who seeks to juggle her daily agenda. Sarah, a person to whom family matters most. Sarah a woman who continues to live her dream - A Sassy Affair

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Marvin Gauci
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Where to begin?

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L’ Enfant
Marvin Gauci, a father, a mentor, a chef and restauranteur of undoubted greatness and a gastronomic icon. A magician in the kitchen who is always ready to pull out of his hat something amazing.

His work plays on a very fine line which distinguishes what is defined as logical from what may be regarded as extravagant, nonconformist, and unconventional. He is focused and uncompromising. But he is also kind, gentle, warm, caring and openly emotional, with a smile and a laugh that lights up a room and comes through in every dish. Marvin is someone who can be a mentor, an inspiration and at the same time, he can easily terrorize the hell out of everyone with his perfection. Irrespective of whether critics like his work or not, they all agree that he is a genius, an exponent of local talent and a champion of excellence. Indeed, people who are well-versed with the culinary industry know that one doesn’t need to describe what this man is capable of doing.

There is a direct connection between food and Marvin. They are like salt and pepper, rum and coke or gin and tonic. Marvin notes, “my passage through the pathway of life saw me come across food on various occasions and in every instance (irrespective of whether good or bad) it left an important imprint on me. I have often wondered how the taste or smell of freshly baked local bread, a sweet, a cake or an entire meal is capable of painting a picture with richer, deeper brush strokes than any snapshot in my photograph album. It is indeed amazing how food evokes memories connected to my home town, my family and my culinary career.”

What really developed Marvin from a culinary point of view was his experience beyond our shores. He notes, “Any person vying a career in the food industry should expose itself to gastronomic experiences beyond our shores irrespective of whether it is by working abroad or by simply travelling to other countries and learn other food traditions. I had the opportunity to do both.” He adds, “My time at the Buswells Hotel in Dublin and managing a restaurant within a renowned golf club in Ireland were important as much as my time travelling across all continents. Travelling offered me the possibility to look at food from a different angle. It gave me the opportunity to come across new tastes and flavours which I gradually introduced in my own work.

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L’ Enfant Terrible 37

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extravagant nonconformist unconventional

“Travelling also served as a stimulus to push my approach in the kitchen to its limits.”

Whilst Marvin remains loyal to his family’s food traditions, he seeks to evolve it with new techniques and ingredients he constantly comes across during his regular trips around the world. “My work at the Wild Thyme and later at Tarragon, Buddhamann, Caviar&Bull and Susurrus are the product of my evolving food experience. Every outlet has at its core the fundamental elements of my family’s cooking methods which are happily fused with key cultures to create a clear identity which distinguishes one from the other.”

Although he tends to travel extensively, Marvin does not have any favourite city for food. He feels every place can offer an interesting culinary spot. “The traditional culinary map has changed offering fine dining experiences beyond Florence, Paris and London. The culinary world has opened up to new culinary realities in Eastern Europe such as Hungary, Latvia and even Croatia. Moreover, the constant movement of people from one country to another has created a new phenomenon where you can experience an amazing Peruvian meal at the heart of Budapest or in narrow streets of Rome.”

L’ Enfant Terrible 39

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extravagant nonconformist unconventional


Food is also one of the things that drew Marvin to his wife. “They say that ‘behind every great man there is a great woman’ and indeed Alison is. She is an amazing person with such a determination to reach every target she sets. She is my bastion on whom I bank so much. She is my alter ego and ensures every idea that crosses my mind is developed into something tangible and successful.”

Food is indeed a bit of every piece of Marvin’s life. It touches on every component that forms his microcosm. From Tarragon to Caviar&Bull up to Susurrus and Dinner in the Sky and Uncensored - every project is connected in some way to food. That is Marvin, a Peter Pan in a food journey which has led him to a few disappointments yet also many achievements. Marvin, the l’enfant terrible who continues to amaze, create and inspire.

L’ Enfant Terrible
“They say that ‘behind every great man there is a great woman’ and indeed Alison is.”

beauty in a photo

Gemmy Woud-Binnendijk

Interview with Karin Duff

Smart, talented, attractive and with a unique voice which earned singer snd songwriter Karin Duff a reputation as one of the best local talents. Yet Karin is not only about music. She has often voiced her views on hot issues including mental health which she recently shared with Atelier.


Music helps me express myself. It’s what puts me in a good mood in the morning, or helps me cope if ever I am sad and going through a rough time. Music is so universal, that I feel it’s a way different people can relate and communicate with one another. It unites people together, no matter who they are, or where they come from.


In simple terms, yes it is. We all have that one thing that makes us us, and that gives us purpose, and I think singing and expressing myself is one of them. Having a purpose in life is an important factor to be happy.

Edith Piaf once noted that, “singing is a way of escaping. It’s another world. I’m no longer on earth.” Do you agree?

Yes, I totally agree. Life can be a rollercoaster of mixed emotions and lessons. It’s not always plain sailing. But whenever I’m up on that stage, at that moment, nothing else matters. And whatever it is you’re going through, you know you’re not alone, especially when people are singing the lyrics. it’s so breathtaking.

Tell us about your 5 by 5 life rule.

If it won’t matter in 5 years, seriously, don’t spend more than 5 minutes thinking about it.

I’d rather spend my day living and enjoying life, than worrying about something that might not even occur. You’re robbing yourself of your own time. and besides, whatever happens, you’ll deal with it, and if you don’t know how, you’ll learn. It’s a process.

What does music mean to you?
really like a celebration of oxygen?

As John Bunyan said, “you have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you”. Now that’s a happy and fulfilling feeling! I think it’s also the fact that you’re present in somebody’s once-in-a-lifetime experience, and that person will always remember the way you helped them, and the way you made them feel. Pure bliss if you ask me.

Talking openly about mental health reduces any misconceptions and stigma. It will encourage those who are suffering to seek help and find a support network. I hate to think that someone feels that they are not good enough, or that they don’t have value. We are ALL important. Sometimes our brain gets ‘sick’ too, and if only we saw mental health that way, oh man the world would be a better place. I’d also hate to think I lost someone close to me due to their mental health illness. It’s so heartbreaking. We all have our ups and downs, and social media doesn’t always help as everyone posts the good stuff. Not everyone speaks about the downsides of life, so it’s sometimes misleading as we brainwash ourselves to think that life should always be perfect. So I make it a point to talk about everything, the good and the bad. The real stuff you know!

To what extent do you feel that it’s all about quality of life and finding a happy balance between work and friends and family?

Quality over quantity always. The older you get, the smaller your circle gets. I think it’s important to surround yourself with people who have similar life goals and values. People who push you to be a better version of yourself, and genuinely want you to succeed. That’s the secret to having a happy balance between work, friends, and family in my opinion. They will understand what you do and why you do it. I also value the little things in life, and I make sure I plan time with family and friends, while still working hard and getting things done. It’s all about good planning.

What’s next for you?

I’m working on new music at the moment, and I’m super looking forward to 2023 to share with everyone what I and my team have been working on. Can’t wait!

In what way is your profession as a midwife self-rewarding?
You are often very vociferous on the topic of mental health. How come?
Foster + Partners wins competition for King Salman International Airport in Riyadh
Airside departures dining with view to aircraft stand

Foster + Partners has won a competition to design the masterplan for King Salman International Airport which will boost Riyadh’s position as a global logistics hub, stimulate transport, trade and tourism, and act as a bridge linking the East with the West.

Aerial view of the masterplan for King Salman International

Luke Fox, Head of Studio, Foster + Partners, said: “Looking forward to the future, the new King Salman International Airport reimagines the traditional terminal as a single concourse loop, served by multiple entrances. The terminal is very much of its place and connects passengers to the sensory experiences of the city, with natural elements, tempered light and state-of-the-art facilities.”

King Salman International Airport is expected to be one of the world’s largest airports covering an area of approximately 57 km², allowing for six parallel runways and including the existing terminals named after King Khalid. It will also include 12km² of airport support facilities, residential and recreational facilities, retail outlets, and other logistics real estate. The airport aims to accommodate up to 120 million travellers by 2030 and 185 million travellers, with the capacity to process 3.5 million tons of cargo, by 2050.

King Salman International Airport in Riyadh
Arrival high street - A human centric design

The airport will become an aerotropolis centred around a seamless customer journey, world-class efficient operations, and innovation. Riyadh’s identity and the Saudi culture will be taken into consideration in the airport’s design to ensure a unique travel experience for visitors and transit travellers.

With sustainability at its core, the new airport will achieve LEED Platinum certification by incorporating cutting edge green initiatives into its design and will be powered by renewable energy.

Seif A. Bahaa Eldin, Senior Partner, Foster + Partners, added: “This visionary development will play an important role in shaping the city into a global hub of creativity and innovation.”

The masterplan is connected by the landscaped Wadi Loop 60
King Salman International Airport in Riyadh

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Coding Jobs



Scientists use computer programming to analise the results of their experiments

Scientists use computer programming to analise the results of their experiments



Data Analysts use computer programming to analyse data and solve problems in business and finance

Data Analysts use computer programming to analyse data and solve problems in business and finance information

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IT professionals write so ware that is used for everything from creating apps to driving cars

IT professionals write so ware that is used for everything from creating apps to driving cars



Engineers use programming to design and test new products and conduct research

Engineers use programming to design and test new products and conduct research

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arts and design

Designers use digital tools to create websites and design the physical products we buy

Designers use digital tools to create websites and design the physical products we buy

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