The Maltaverians - An Amazing Touch of Minds

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ħarġa 2

Issue 2

Konnessjoni inkredibbli tal-imĦuĦ

An amazing touch of minds

Ħarġa 2

Konnessjoni inkredibbli tal-imĦuĦ The Maltaverians

The Maltaverians

An amazing touch of minds Issue 2

Ħarġa 2 Konnessjoni inkredibbli tal-imĦuĦ Maħluq minn Robert Caruana (artist) u Martin G. Debattista (awtur) This publication is provided free of charge and is not for sale. Email: Telephone: +356 2182 8800 Contact Information MDIA Twenty20 Business Centre, Triq l-Intornjatur, Zone 3, Central Business District, Birkirkara, CBD 3050 Malta Particular attention has been given to ensure that all the content of this comic is correct and up to date as on date of issue. While every care has been taken during production, the publisher does not accept any liability for errors that may have occurred. This publication is intended for an audience aged 11 years and higher. Editur Trevor Sammut Qari tal-provi Christopher Giordano Pubblikatur Malta Digital Innovation Authority (MDIA) f’kollaborazzjoni ma’ u eSkills Malta Foundation

The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased) is intended or should be inferred. All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2023 Robert Caruana and Martin G. Debattista ISBN PDF (digital) 978-9918-0-0527-7 ISBN printed 978-9918-0-0526-0

Stampat Malta (UE) Print It Ltd

Printed in Malta (EU) Print It Ltd

ISBN stampat 978-9918-0-0526-0 ISBN PDF (diġitali) 978-9918-0-0527-7 Copyright © 2023 Robert Caruana u Martin G. Debattista Kull dritt miżmum L-istorja u l-ismijiet, il-karattri u l-inċidenti kollha li jidhru f’din il-pubblikazzjoni huma fittizji. Kwalunkwe xebh ma’ persuni veri (ħajjin jew mejtin) mhuwiex intenzjonat u huwa biss kumbinazzjoni.

Publisher Malta Digital Innovation Authority (MDIA) in collaboration with and eSkills Malta Foundation Proofreading Christopher Giordano Editor Trevor Sammut

Din il-pubblikazzjoni hija intenzjonata għal udjenza minn 11-il sena ’l fuq. Ingħatat kull attenzjoni possibbli biex ikun assigurat li l-kontenut kollu ta’ dan il-komik ikun korrett u aġġornat sad-data tal-pubblikazzjoni. Il-produzzjoni saret b’reqqa kbira u l-pubblikatur ma jassumi l-ebda responsabbiltà għal kwalunkwe żbalji li setgħu ttieħdu. Kuntatt MDIA Twenty20 Business Centre, Triq l-Intornjatur, Zona 3, Central Business District, Birkirkara, CBD 3050 Malta

Created by Robert Caruana (artist) and Martin G. Debattista (writer) Issue 2 An amazing touch of minds

Email: Telefown: +356 2182 8800 Din il-pubblikazzjoni qed titqassam b’xejn u mhijiex għall-bejgħ.

The project of publishing a series of comics focused on digital innovation technology aims to emphasize the importance of expanding teens’ knowledge in this rapidly evolving field. These comics will be distributed among students studying Computing and IT to enhance their understanding of the latest technologies and potentially guide them towards their future careers. It will be available in a digital format online as well. By incorporating engaging visuals and storylines, the comics will pique the interest of young readers and promote a deeper comprehension of innovative technologies that are shaping our world. In addition, the inclusion of a glossary within the publications will further clarify technological terms and concepts, making the material more accessible and informative.

Real Name: Elisa Bonello

Real Name: Jake Spiteri

Character traits: Positive, empathetic, energetic

Character traits: Intelligent, passionate, loyal

Personality traits: Outgoing, affable

Personality traits: Shy, reserved

Other dimension nickname: Bella Bit

Other dimension nickname: Jake Spark

Nickname meaning: Beautiful + smallest size of data

Nickname meaning: Jake + bright mind + small but fiery

Nationality: Maltese

Nationality: Maltese

Age: 23

Age: 22½

Occupation: Secondary school teacher of Computer Studies

Occupation: IT manager at a local hotel

Main allies: Jake Spark (a friend), police, responsible citizens

Main allies: Bella Bit, the police, responsible citizens, trusted computing devices

Main foes: cyber criminals (especially bullies and thieves) Special abilities: Digital vision: sees the inner workings of digital technologies like no other human Special powers: Master traveller in virtual reality, sharp like Sherlock Holmes, virtual martial arts skills, hardcore gamer Other powers: Can make learning fun for kids

Main foes: Phishers, hackers, spammers etc. Special abilities: Tech whisperer – somehow inanimate technologies seem to understand what he needs and wants Special powers: None (at the moment) Other powers: Effortlessly produces software like a piece of cake

Real Name: Klein Artificial Intelligence (KAI)

Hosting: Malta

Type of AI: Large Language Model (LLM)

Access: Limited to Bella Bit, Jake Spark and Klein Hotel. Likes to take the form of a dog.

Launch date: 1st June 2023 Owner/developer: Klein Hotel – Jake Spiteri




A set of instructions that a computer follows in a specific order to solve a problem.

Application Programming Interface (API)

A set of rules that define how two pieces of software can communicate with each other. APIs are used to exchange data and functionality between different applications.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

A hypothetical type of artificial intelligence that would have the ability to understand or learn any intellectual task that a human being can.

Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)

A type of artificial intelligence that is designed to perform a specific task, such as playing chess or Go (the Chinese game).

Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)

A hypothetical type of artificial intelligence that would be more intelligent than any human being.

Data mining

The process of extracting knowledge from large datasets.

Data science

The field of study that deals with the collection, analysis and interpretation of data.

Deep learning

A type of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to learn from data. Deep learning models are typically trained on large amounts of data, and they can be used to perform a variety of tasks.


A collection of data that is used to train an artificial intelligence model.

Ethics (in AI)

The field of study that deals with the ethical implications of artificial intelligence.


The production of a sensory experience in the absence of a real stimulus. In the context of AI, a hallucination is when an AI system generates output that is not accurate or present in its original training data.

Image recognition

The ability of an artificial intelligence system to identify objects in images. Computer vision in AI is a field of artificial intelligence that enables computers to understand and interpret the visual world. It uses machine learning algorithms to train computers to identify and classify objects, understand scenes and track movement in images and videos.

Large Learning Model (LLM)

A type of artificial intelligence model that is trained on a massive dataset. LLMs are typically trained using a technique called unsupervised learning. This means that the model is given a large dataset of text and code, but it is not told what to do with it. The model then learns to identify patterns in the data and to use those patterns to generate new text and code.

Limited Memory AI (LMA)

A type of artificial intelligence that can learn from past experiences but has limited storage capacity for that information. This means that LMA systems must carefully select which experiences to store and which ones to forget.

Machine learning (ML)

Machine learning (ML) is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that aims for software applications to become more accurate in predicting outcomes without being explicitly programmed to do so. Machine learning algorithms use historical data as input to predict new output values.

Natural language processing (NLP)

A subfield of artificial intelligence that deals with the interaction between computers and human (natural) languages. It’s concerned with giving computers the ability to understand and generate human language, including text and speech.

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

OSINT stands for Open Source Intelligence. It is the collection and analysis of information that is publicly available to produce actionable intelligence. OSINT can be used to support a wide range of intelligence functions, including threat assessment, strategic planning and operational support.

Reactive machines

Reactive machines are a type of artificial intelligence (AI) system that can perceive and react to their environment, but they do not have memory or the ability to learn from past experiences. This means that they can only make decisions based on the current situation, without taking into account any past knowledge or context.

Self-aware AI

A hypothetical type of artificial intelligence that would be conscious of its own existence and its place in the world. It would be able to understand its own thoughts and feelings, and to reflect on its own experiences. Self-aware AI would also be able to understand the thoughts and feelings of others, and to empathize with them.

Speech learning (Natural Language Processing)

Speech learning in the context of AI is the process of developing machine learning models that can learn to understand and generate human speech. This is a challenging task, as human speech is complex and variable. However, AI researchers have made significant progress in recent years, and speech learning models are now being used in a variety of applications, such as virtual assistants, speech recognition systems and machine translation.


An acronym for science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

System on a chip (SoC)

An integrated circuit that combines all of the components of a computer system onto a single chip. This includes the central processing unit (CPU), memory, input/output (I/O) controllers, and other peripheral devices. SoCs are often used in smartphones, tablets and other portable devices because they are small, lightweight and power-efficient. SoCs are becoming increasingly complex and powerful. Some SoCs now include multiple CPU cores, graphics processing units (GPUs) and neural processing units (NPUs). This allows SoCs to handle more demanding tasks, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Systems design

The process of designing a system, such as an artificial intelligence system. Systems designers need to have strong analytical and problem-solving skills. They need to be able to identify the needs of their clients, and design systems that meet those needs in a cost-effective and efficient way.

Theory of mind (ToM)

The ability to understand that other people have minds that are different from one’s own. Theory of mind (ToM) is the ability to understand that other people have different mental states, such as beliefs, desires, intentions and emotions, other than oneself. It is also the ability to use this understanding to predict and explain the behaviour of others.

Turing Test

A test of a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behaviour equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human. Named after British scientist Alan Turing.

Weak AI

Weak AI, also known as Narrow AI, is a type of artificial intelligence that is designed to perform a specific task or set of tasks. It is contrasted with strong AI, which is a hypothetical type of AI that would be able to perform any task that a human can.

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