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Episodju 3


Maħluq minn

Robert Caruana (artist) u Martin G. Debattista (awtur)

Editur Trevor Sammut

Qari tal-provi

Christopher Giordano


Malta Digital Innovation Authority (MDIA) f’kollaborazzjoni ma’ u eSkills Malta Foundation

Stampat Malta (UE)

Print It Ltd

ISBN stampat 978-9918-0-0859-9

ISBN PDF (diġitali) 978-9918-0-0860-5

Copyright © 2023 Robert Caruana u Martin G. Debattista

Kull dritt miżmum

L-istorja u l-ismijiet, il-karattri u l-inċidenti kollha li jidhru f’din il-pubblikazzjoni huma fittizji. Kwalunkwe xebh ma’ persuni veri (ħajjin jew mejtin) mhuwiex intenzjonat u huwa biss kumbinazzjoni.

Din il-pubblikazzjoni hija intenzjonata għal udjenza minn 11-il sena ’l fuq.

Ingħatat kull attenzjoni possibbli biex ikun assigurat li l-kontenut kollu ta’ dan il-komik ikun korrett u aġġornat sad-data tal-pubblikazzjoni. Il-produzzjoni saret b’reqqa kbira u l-pubblikatur ma jassumi l-ebda responsabbiltà għal kwalunkwe żbalji li setgħu ttieħdu.



Twenty20 Business Centre, Triq l-Intornjatur, Zona 3, Central Business District, Birkirkara, CBD 3050



Telefown: +356 2182 8800

Din il-pubblikazzjoni qed titqassam b’xejn u mhijiex għall-bejgħ.

Il-proġett tal-pubblikazzjoni ta’ serje ta’ komiks bit-tema tat-teknoloġija tal-innovazzjoni diġitali għandu l-għan li jenfasizza l-importanza li nespandu l-għarfien tal-adolexxenti f’dan ilqasam li qed jevolvi ta’ kuljum. Dawn il-komiks huma maħsuba li jitqassmu lill-istudenti li jistudjaw il-Computing u l-IT, biex jissaħħaħ l-għarfien tagħhom tat-teknoloġija l-iktar riċenti u jservuhom ukoll ta’ gwida fil-karrieri futuri tagħhom. Din l-istorja hija disponibbli wkoll online b’format diġitali. Permezz tal-viżwal interattiv u l-istejjer infushom il-komiks għandhom iqanqlu l-interess tal-qarrejja żgħażagħ u jgħinuhom jifhmu aħjar il-mezzi teknoloġiċi innovattivi li qed ifasslu d-dinja tal-lum. Barra minn hekk, ilglossarju inkluż fil-pubblikazzjoni għandu jiċċara t-termini u l-kunċetti tat-teknoloġija, sabiex ilmaterjal ikun iktar aċċessibbli u informattiv.

Pożittiva, empatika, enerġetika

Kwalitajiet fil-personalità: Fuq tagħha, minn tagħna

Il-laqam fid-dinja virtwali: Bella Bit

Ismu veru: Jake Spiteri

Kwalitajiet fil-karattru: Intelliġenti, passjonali, leali

Kwalitajiet fil-personalità: Mistħi, riservat

Il-laqam fid-dinja virtwali: Jake Spark

It-tifsira tal-laqam: Sabiħa + l-iżgħar qies ta’ data

In-nazzjonalità: Maltija

L-età: 24

Ix-xogħol: Għalliema tal-Computer Studies fi skola sekondarja

L-ikbar alleati: Jake Spark (ħabib), il-pulizija, ċittadini responsabbli

L-ikbar għedewwa: kriminali tal-kompjuter (speċjalment il-bullies u l-ħallelin)

Ħiliet speċjali: Il-vista diġitali - tara kif jaħdmu minn ġewwa t-teknoloġiji diġitali, bħall-ebda uman ieħor

Qawwiet speċjali: Vjaġġatriċi prima fir-realtà virtwali, moħħha hemm bħal Sherlock Holmes, ħiliet virtwali fl-arti marzjali, akkanita ħafna għallogħob tal-kompjuter

Qawwiet oħra: Kapaċi tgħallem lit-tfal b’mod li jieħdu gost

It-tifsira tal-laqam: Jake + moħħ intelliġenti + żgħir imma ħeġġuż

In-nazzjonalità: Maltija

L-età: 23½

Ix-xogħol: IT manager f’lukanda lokali

L-ikbar alleati: Bella Bit, il-pulizija, ċittadini responsabbli, apparat sikur tal-kompjuter

L-ikbar għedewwa: Phishers, hackers, spammers eċċ.

Ħiliet speċjali: Jikkomunika mat-teknoloġija –b’xi mod jidher li teknoloġija li m’għandhiex ħajja tifhem x’għandu bżonn u xi jrid

Qawwiet speċjali: Xejn (bħalissa)

Qawwiet oħra: Jipprogramma s-software bl-ikbar faċilità

Ismu veru: Klein Artificial Intelligence (KAI)

Tip ta’ Intelliġenza Artifiċjali: Large Language Model (LLM)

Data tat-tnedija: 1 ta’ Ġunju 2023

Sid/programmatur: Klein Hotel – Jake Spiteri

Hosting: Malta

Aċċess: Limitat għal Bella Bit, Jake Spark u Klein Hotel. Iħobb jieħu l-forma ta’ kelb.

Ismu veru: Il-Professur Borgon Phase

Xogħlu: Kulma nafu hu li huwa xjentist brillanti minn Malta.

Ħiliet speċjali: Il-moħħ wara proġetti teknoloġiċi kbar, inkluża l-munita diġitali Phasecoin.

Ħadd ma jaf wisq dwaru.



3D Engine Software that creates, manages and simulates three-dimensional environments, allowing for the development of video games and 3D modelling.

Access Points Devices that allow wireless devices to connect to a network using Wi-Fi.

Active Cooling

Alpha Version


Active cooling uses devices like fans or pumps to ‘actively’ reduce the temperature of electronic components, preventing them from overheating.

An alpha version is an early version of a software program that is still being tested and developed; sometimes released for testing purposes.

An avatar is a digital character or image that represents a user in a virtual environment or online.

Bots Bots, or robots, are automated programs that perform tasks on the internet, like chatting with users or collecting data.

Cables Wires that carry data from one place to another through the use of modulated electrical signals. Cables can carry both analogue and digital signals/data or electricity from one location to another.



Crypto Wallet

Crystal Oscillator



Eduverse, ClassVR or FrameVR




Game Assets

Electronic components that store and release electrical energy in a circuit.

Controllers are devices used to operate and interact with video games or other electronic systems. In VR they can include sensors that track your hand movement.

A crypto wallet is a digital tool that stores and manages cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin or Ethereum, and allows users to send and receive these digital assets.

A crystal oscillator is a device that uses a crystal to create precise electrical timing, often used in clocks, radios and computers.

Debugging is the process of finding and fixing errors or bugs in computer software.

Devs is short for developers, the people who create software, applications or games.

These are virtual reality platforms designed for educational purposes, allowing students to learn in immersive, interactive environments.

A type of cryptocurrency and a decentralised platform that allows developers to build and deploy smart contracts and decentralised applications (dApps) using Blockchain technology. It enables the creation of a wide range of applications without relying on a central authority.

Hardware or software components that remove unwanted parts from a signal or a data set. They can be used in various contexts, such as filtering out noise from audio signals, removing spam from emails or extracting relevant data from a large dataset.

Firewalls are security systems that monitor and control incoming/outgoing network traffic, protecting computers from unauthorised access.

Game assets are the components used to create video games, including characters, environments, sounds and graphics.


Google Cardboard

A generative AI system developed by Google, designed to create content, answer questions and perform various tasks by generating human-like text based on the input it receives.

A simple, low-cost virtual reality headset made from cardboard, designed to work with smartphones.

Hand Controllers Devices held in the hands to interact with video games or virtual reality environments.

Haptic Suit

Head Tracking

Head-Mounted Display (HMD)

Wearable device that provides tactile feedback, allowing users to feel physical sensations in virtual reality.

A technology that follows the movement of a user’s head to provide a more immersive experience in virtual reality.

A device worn on the head, like goggles, that displays virtual reality content directly in front of the user’s eyes; sometimes referred to as ‘headset’.

Headset In VR, a headset is a device worn on the head that displays VR content. The technical term is ‘head-mounted display’.

Headset Straps

The bands or straps that hold a headset securely on a user’s head.

Heatsink A device that absorbs and disperses heat away from a heat source (such as an electronic component) to keep them cool.

IC Chip

An IC chip, or integrated circuit chip, is a small electronic component that contains many tiny circuits and is used in most electronic devices.

iGaming iGaming refers to online gaming or gambling activities conducted over the internet. Several iGaming companies are based in Malta.

LANs LANs, or local area networks, are networks that connect computers within a small area, like a home, school or office.

Main Processor

The main processor, or central processing unit (CPU), is the part of a computer that performs most of the processing inside a computer.

Motion Sensing Motion sensing is a technology that detects and responds to movement, often used in gaming and security systems.

My Nice Neighbours

Network Engineer

A fictitious VR game which is played by the Maltaverians.

A professional who designs, implements and manages computer networks. This includes tasks such as configuring network hardware, optimising network performance, ensuring network security and troubleshooting issues to maintain efficient and reliable communication systems.

PhaseCoin A fictitious type of cryptocurrency created by Professor Borgon Phase, a character in The Maltaverians


Plugins are software add-ons that enhance the functionality of a program or website.


Ports Ports can be physical connection points on a computer or network device where cables or other devices can be plugged in. They can also be software-controlled ports used in routers or software-controlled network devices.

Processor A processor is the part of a computer that performs calculations and runs programs. See ‘Main Processor’.

Professor Borgon Phase



Sentient AI

A fictitious character in The Maltaverians. He is a brilliant Maltese scientist who seems to have dark plans for world domination, but nobody is sure what his next scheme is.

Routers are devices that direct data between different networks, such as between your home network and the internet.

Sandboxed means running a program or code in a controlled environment where it cannot affect other parts of the system, often used for security or testing purposes.

Sentient AI refers to artificial intelligence that has human-like awareness and the ability to experience feelings.

Sockets Sockets are points where cables or devices can be connected to a computer or network.

Streaming TV


Watching television shows and movies over the internet in real-time without downloading the content first. This is done via Internet Protocol (IP) and allows viewers to access a wide range of content on demand.

Subnetting is dividing a larger network into smaller, more manageable subnetworks, improving efficiency and security.

Tokens Tokens are digital assets or units of value issued on a blockchain, often used in cryptocurrency and virtual economies.

UI UI, or user interface, is the part of a software or device that users interact with, like buttons, menus and screens.

Unreal Engine Unreal Engine is a powerful software used to create video games and other 3D content, developed by Epic Games.

Utopia Utopia is an ideal or perfect place where everything is just right, often used to describe an imagined society with perfect living conditions.

Virtual Game Assets

Virtual game assets are items within a video game that players can use, such as characters, weapons and skins.

VirtuaVerse A fictitious virtual environment, where users can interact in a digital world, featured in The Maltaverians

VLans VLANs, or virtual local area networks, are networks that group devices together logically rather than physically, improving security and efficiency.

VR VR, or virtual reality, is a technology that creates a simulated environment, allowing users to interact with a 3D world through devices like headsets.

VR Gloves

VR gloves are wearable devices that track hand movements and provide tactile feedback in virtual reality environments [see also: haptic suit].

XR Interaction Toolkit XR Interaction Toolkit is a set of tools for developers to create and manage interactions in virtual, augmented and mixed reality applications.

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