ech naut aina n Ele onic l Civi l Me cal a lear ems Elect Syste otoni stems l Photonics r Nucl Sustai Civil S Nucle Syste Aeron tural A Photo ectrica ical Me ter Nucricultural Aero Biomedical M ical Civil SustDesign Electriectronics Syst hanical Phot Compu Chemica lity Desigd Electronics echanical Phe Computer Agricultural ical Biomedica emical Civil lity Design El d Electronics omechanical are Computeineral Agricul ical Biomed cal Chemical bility Design Electronics Sy ec Compu y El echanica em na ut an d al ni om ut Ag ar bi stainabi Bi M ical l Ch ftware uclear Civil Susign Electrical cs Systems Bi onics SoftwNuclear Miner tural Aerona l Mechanica Civil Sustaina n Electrical ancs Systems otonics Softwter Nuclear ultural Aeronaedical Mechaical Civil Sustain Electrical anSystems Biom ics Software lear Mineral ral Aeronaut Mechanical Chvil SustainabilitElectrical and Systems Biom rN onics So lity De and Electroni echanical Phot Computer ineral Agriculical Biomedicacal Chemical nability Desigl and Electroni echanical Ph are CompuMineral Agric nautical Biom nical Chem bility Desig d Electronics nical Photon mputer Nuceral Agricultul Biomedical l Chemical Ci bility Design d Electronics hanical Phot are Compute eral Agric ftw na ha e Co in ha ai M ec l an in ni om na ro ai ca ut ca ar l an st ec ica M ar So ftw e ec om ca ai M ar Bi l st ha ni om tri le Ae na ca ut ar M Su st le Bi ar So ec Su ha tri le Aer na Su ectri lear Biom vil trica ftw s Bi ical Nuc Aero tural n Elec cs Systems l Photonics mputer Nuc ics Softw stems edical M emical Ci ical Civily Design Elec nics Systems Photonics So mputer Nucricultural Aero omedical Mec emical Civil y Design Elec nics System nical Photonics mputer Nuc Agricultural l Bi ultural Biomed Agricul mputer ca ni y Desig ronics Syhanical Photon Co Co tro l ica lit l Ch l Bi eral bilit ha Ag are Co Mineral Agricronautical Biomechanical Ch Sustainabilit l and Electro Biomechani Software Co lear Mineral l Aeronautical echanical Chem ftware d Electro nautica l MechanicaCivil Sustaina trical and Elecems Biomec ics Softwarer Nuclear Mintural Aeronaut l Mec stainabi s echanica Mineral Biomec otonics Softw ica l Nuclear ricultural Ael Biomedical MChemical Civil sign Electrica nics System cal PhotonicsComputer Nuc on st ec ricultural Biomedical Memical Civil Su n Electrical an stems Biom l Photonics Soter Nuclear ricultural Aero ica te ul r ot El ed Sy ica Ph te ric ed pu Ag l n Ph cs om m em l pu al ca Ag om sig Ag l ni De ni tro m er e y em ec ha l Bi mpu hani nica eral e Co ical Bi y De cal Ch al Ag ectro nics Sy hanica nical Chainability Desig are Co Mineral ronautica echanica Softwar lear Min ronautica ainabilit l and El Biomec nical Chaina Electro ems Biomecha Software Couclear Miner ral Aeronaut ical Mechani Sustainabilit trical and El ems Biomec onics Softwar r Nuclear Minral Aeronautica cs Softwputer NuclearAgricultural AeBiomedical Mical Civil Sust sign Electrica cs Systems cal Photonics mputer Nuc ricultural Ae edical Mecha Sust l Mecha st tu ec N te vil st cal and ed ot ics tu ical CivilDesign Electri ectronics Systnical Photon e Computer ineral Agriculnautical Biom l Chemical Cibility Design ElElectronics Sy echanical Ph are Compuineral Agricul ical Biomedicaemical Civil Susign El e Com lear Mineral Aeronautical hanical Chem ainability De l and Electroni Biomechani Software Coar Mineral Ag nautical Biom M ro d El na cal Chem nica Softw ar M l Ch ro l lity le st echa s naut ftwar Biom and y De uter Nucal Agriculturaomedical Mec ical Civil Su sign Electrica nics System nical Photonicsmputer Nuc ricultural Ae ical Mechanivil Sustainabi n Electrical an stems BiomPhotonics So mputer NucleAgricultural Aeedical Mechaical Civil Sustai n Electrical cs Systems cal Photonics puter Nuclear ultural Aero l Mechanica Sustainabilit Electrical a ni ed ica ric em m Sy tro Ag Co sig Ci l De er Bi n sig vil al ha ni om Co l l y ec ed em al in Ch tro e om De er ec De El lit l Bi ica nics rM are Co ar Mineral Agutical Biom Chemical Ci bility Desig ectronics S echanica Software hanical Softwar nical ChSustainability trical and Elecems Biomecha s Biom ar Miner utical Bi ronautica Electro lear Min l Chem nautica nability cal and stainabi ics Softw ucle ral Aerona staina trical and El stems B nical st tural Ae omedical Mec ical Civil Su Design Electri tronics Systemcal Photonics mputer Nucleultural Aerona l Mechanica l Civil Sustai Electrical and Systems Bioml Photonics mputer Nuc ultural Aero edical Mecha nics Sy Civil Su l Photon puter N sign Elec ical Civil ric tu l Mecha ca Co Bi ica em cs ica ni l Chemstainability De l and ElectroBiomechanica ftware Comineral Agricul l Biomedica cal Chemical lity Design ElecElectronics Syomechan autical echanical Ch Sustainability trical and Elec s Biomecha Software CoMineral Agricutical Biomedhanical Chem bility Designand Electroni s Biomechaniics Software ar Mineral Ag ronautical Biom ca d So ni Bi ica bi le ics echanica ec na aina cal lear edical M n Electri nics Systems l Photonics ter Nuclear Mral Aeronaut edical MechaCivil Sustaina n Electrical annics Systems cal Photon ical Civillity Design Electronics System l Photon mputer Nuc Agricultural Aeomedical M emical Civil Su l Photonmputer Nuc ultural Aero Biomedical M ical Civil Sust sign Electri tronics System sig ca em ca ni De ni Ch ca tu ha y l Bi l ec pu tro Co bi ha sig ni l eral em e Co ineral Agric ronautical lity De cal and Elec anica aina trical and El s Biomec omec Software utica nical Ch Sustainabilit cal and Elec s Biomecha ftware Com ineral Agricul nautical Biomcal Chemica nability De l and Electro s Biomechani ftware C nical Ch lear Min vil Sust M Softwar ems Bi stainabi tri Aerona Mecha Systeml Photonics So puter Nu mical Ci y Design Elec tronics Systeml Photonics puter Nuclear Agricultural Ae edical Mecha ical Civil Suy Design Elec ectronics Syst cal PhotonicsComputer NucAgricultural l Biomedical Chemical Civil Design Electri nics System Photonics Soter Nuclear M ricultural Aero ical Mechaniical Civil Sustai sign Electrica cs ni m tro lit ca ed em ni De l ec y tro l al El om ca e Ag ica pu lit d Ch ec bilit echa ainabi trical and El Biomechani ftware Com lear Mineral nautical Bi are Co l Chem inera echani and Elec nability echanica are Com Softwar Nuclear Miner ral Aeronautical Mechanica Mineral ronautical Biom l and El stainabi hanical trical an Sustaina s Biom echanica vil Sustaisign Electrical Systems Biom otonics Softwter Nuclear M ultura ter Ae l Civil Su sign Electrica Systems Biomonics Softw puter Nuclear gn Elec nics Systems Photonics So mputer Nucricultural Aero omedical Mec emical Civillity Design Elec nics System nical Photonics ricultu ical Biomed edical M emical Ci l Ph cs De ultural mpu ot Compu Agric m tro l Ch Chemica l Bi eral Ag bi y De ha nics Electro omechanical Software Co al Agricronautical Biomechanical Ch Sustainability l and Electroni BiomechanicaSoftware Co lear Mineral Aeronauti ineral Ag nautica l MechanicaCivil Sustaina trical and Elecems Biomec ics Softwarer Nuclear Mintural Aeronaut l Mechanical Sustainabilit l and Electro omechanical Ph Software Co er M in ro M ar Ae l s ics M le Bi uc l ca tems nical Photon mputer Nuc Agricultura tural Ael Biomedical Chemical Civil sign Electri nics System cal PhotonicsComputer N al Agricultura Biomedica omedica emical y Design Elecectronics Systhanical Photon e Compute eral Agricul l BiomedicaChemical Civil sign Electrica Systems Bi cal Photonics puter Nuclear ul Bi Ch l ric l ica ca al Ag l De ni l in tro ica omecha Software Couclear Miner ral Aeronaut ical Mechani Sustainabilit trical and El ems Biomec onics Softwar r Nuclear M ral Aeronaut Mechanical ainability De d Electronicss Biomechani ftware Comlear Mineral l Aeronautica l Mechanica stainability cal and Elec s Biomecha ics Software uclear Miner Aeronautica echanical C otonics Computer N eral Agricultuutical BiomedChemical Civil y Design Elec tronics Syst hanical Phot are Compute al Agricultu l Biomedical ical Civil Sustn Electrical an nics System l Photonics So mputer Nuc al Agricultura l Biomedicaemical Civil SuDesign Electri nics System nical Photon Computer N Agricultural Biomedical M l Civil Su ica l are eral rona Electro s Biomecha nical Sustainabilit cal and Elec ems Biomec onics Softw uclear Miner Aeronautica hanical Chem bility Desig l and Electro omechanica Software Co lear Miner l Aeronautica hanical Ch stainability oftware r Nuclear Min ronautica nical Chem ar Mine lear Min ics Softw l tri uc tural Ae cal and N ec ra na ca l Mecha st vil PhotonComputer NucAgricultural Aeedical Mecha mputer NucleAgricult nics Sy echanical Phote Computer al Agriculturaomedical Mec l Civil SustaiDesign Electri cs Systems Bical Photonics Computer Neral Agricultu Biomedical M emical Civil Su n Electri tronics System ompute ineral Agricul l Biomedica l Chemical Ci lity Design Elec hanical e Electro al Co l ni ni y Desig ec al in uclear Mral Aeronautical Mechanica vil Sustainabi ectrical and stems Biom onics SoftwarNuclear Miner ronautical Bi nical Chemica nability l and Electro s Biomecha onics Softwar r Nuclear M l Aeronautical Mechanical ChSustainabilit trical and El stems Biomec ics Software uclear Miner ronautical Biom ftware Nuclear Minerral Aerona ai So st Su El Sy ha r Ae ics ica l Mec emical Civil sign Electrica nics System nical Phot e Compute Agricultura l Biomedica emical Civil y Design Elecectronics Sy nical Photon Computer N ricultural Ae cal Photon Computer al Agricultu Biomedi gricultu ical Biomed l Chemical Cibility Design d Electronics echanical Phot e Compute Agricultural ica ed ha ar ni l al tro er Ch ha lit e ar El om ut Ch ca d Elec ems Biomec onics Softw uclear Miner l AeronauticaMechanical ainabi ectrical and ems Biomec ics Software ar Mineral Ag s Biomecha ics Softwar Nuclear Min l Aeronautica echanica Aerona ical Mechani l Civil Sustainan Electrical anSystems Biomotonics Softw uclear Mineral ronautical Bi l Mechanical stainability De ot vil Sust l st trical an ra N le El l Photon edical Mical Civil mputer ricultura Biomednical Chemica nability Desigd Electronics echanical Ph Computer NAgricultural Ae l Biomedica emical Civil Suy Design Elec Electronics Sy echanical Phe Computer eral Agricultuical Biomedica l Chemical Cibility Design ectronics Systhanical Photonmputer Nuc tronics System ar echanica Software Coar Mineral Ag nautical Biom ec ut Elec d El nica Min e Co aina Chem bility D Mecha l Civil Sustai Electrical an stems Biom ics Software lear Mineral ral Aeronauticaechanical Ch SustainabilitElectrical and Systems Biom ics Softwter Nuclear ultural Aeronaedical Mechaical Civil Sust n Electrical anSystems Biom ics Softwar Electrical and Systems Biom onics hanical l Aero Nucle na cs cs om sig mpu eral Agric oton y Design em cal Phote Computer al Agriculturaomedical Mec l Civil Sustai sign Ele Chemica bility Design Electronics Sy nical Photon mputer Nuceral Agricultu Biomedical MChemical Civilbility Design d Electronics hanical Photon ni ni Bi ni De l Ph Co Ch tro l y tro l ha e ica ec lit ca ec ca ec ar SustainaElectrical and s Biomecha Software CoNuclear Min Aeronautical l Mechanical Civil Sustaina n Electrical an ems Biomec onics Softw r Nuclear Min tural Aeronautical Mechani vil Sustainabiectrical and El s Biomechani Sustainabilitectrical and El stems Biom onics SoftwarNuclear Miner ronautical Bi nical Chemica stainability De and Elec l em r n ics emical bility Desig ectronics Syst hanical Photare Compute ineral Agricul utical Biomed l Chemical Cility Design El nics System Chemical Civillity Design El Electronics Sy hanical Phot e Computer ricultural Ae edical Mechaemical Civil Susign Electrical nics Sys y Desig ectronics Systnical Photon are Compute al Agricultura ical Biomedica Ch l ca l na ec Ag El ca bi tro d ftwar ar Mineral l Biom hanical Ch nability De l and Electro s Bio l and El s Biomecha onics Softw uclear Miner ral Aeronautedical Mechani l Civil SustaiElectrical and stems Biomotonics Softw ter Nuclear Multural Aeronaical Mechani vil Sustainabi cal and Elec l MechanicaCivil Sustaina Electrical an stems Biomec ec nautica ai ca le em onics So ical Design Electronics Sy hanical Phot mputer Nucricultural Aerol Biomedical M ical Civil SustDesign Electriectronics Syst uclear M puter N eral Agricultu utical Biom nical Chemicality Design Electronics Syechanical Ph are Compu Mineral Agricutical Biomed l Chemical Ci Design Electriical Biomedica em s Systemechanical Phot y m Ch lit l Co bi ca N bi Co d ftw na ha are na Min om uclear tural Aerona l Mechanica stainability ral Aeronaut ical Mechani Civil Sustaina ectrical and ems Biomec Software ar Mineral Ag Aeronautica hanical Chem stainability trical and El Computer ms Biomonics Softw ter Nuclear ricultural Aeroomedical Mec l Civil Sustai n Electrical an Systems Bi l Photonics So l Su Su ica l ec st El tu ec puter N ul ics le al Phot are Compu Mineral Ag ronautical Bi cal Chemicanability Desig d Electronics omechanica ftware Com Mineral Agric utical BiomedChemical Civil ineral Agricul utical Biomednical Chemica bility Design Electronics Sy nical Photon mputer Nuc al AgriculturaBiomedical MChemical Civilbility Design El Nuclear ricultural Ae ical Mechani l Civil Sustai n Electrical an Systems Bi l Photonics So ter Nuclear ultural Aeronal Mechanical ter Nuclear M ultural Aeronaedical Mechal Civil SustainaElectrical and s Biomecha Software CoNuclear MinerAeronautical l Mechanical Civil Sustaina ics Softw cs ed pu mputer Ag otonics e Computer Agricultural l Biomedica cal Chemical Compu Mineral Agric nautical Biom cal Chemica bility Design tronics System are Co lear Mineral nautical Biom nical Chemicanability Desigl and Electroni Biomechanica ftware Com Mineral Agricical Biomedica Ph e l ar ca ni ec ai ha So echani ics Softwar lear Mineral l Aeronauticaical Mechani ral Aero ics Softw Nuclear Sustaina l and El l Mecha uter Nucricultural Aero edical Mec ical Civil Sust sign Electrica nics Systems l Photonics puter Nucleartural Aeronaut ed tura oton puter Nuc mputer eral Agricultu l BiomedicaChemical Civil sign Electrica Systems Biom l Photon Chem ainability De l and Electro omechanica ftware Com eral Agricul eral Ag ronautical Biom Agricul in ica m cs nical Ph l ical Biom De echanica Software Co Bi hanical st ca uclear Mtural Aeronaut l Mechanica stainability l and Electroni s Biomecha Software Couclear Mineral ral Aeronaut ics ar Min Systems Biom ural Ae edical Mec ical Civil Su sign Electri nics Systems l Photonics So Su ica em tu N puter N ul ca Photon ics r Nucle l Chem ainability Deand Electro omechanica e Compute d Electronics omechanical ftware Com Mineral Agric utical BiomedChemical CivilDesign Electri ectronics Systnical Photon e Computer ineral Agricul ca tical Biom ni ha El ar M st l ar l Bi ec trical ancs Systems Bi l Photonics So Nuclear ultural Aeronal Mechanica Sustainability ectrical and ems Biomechaonics Softw ter Nuclear r ec dical M emical Civil Susign Electricanics Systems otonics Softw te El n pu ni m sig nica De Ph al Agricical Biomedica emical Civil lity Design El tronics Syst hanical Photftware Compu anical Ch stainability cal and Electroomechanical stainability Decal and Electros Biomecha Software Co ec ar Miner ut Elec l Ch So nabi l Civil Su sign Electri Systems Bi ical Civil Su Design Electri tronics Systemcal Photonics mputer Nucleultural Aerona l Mechanica l Civil Sustai Electrical and Systems Bioml Photonics ica ica n nica nics tronics hanical Chemstainability cal and Elec Biomechani Software Co ineral Agric ability De y Desig l Biomed Electro cal Chem omecha s ec tri Su and Elec ics lear M l Aeronautica ical Mechanivil SustainabilitElectrical and Systems Bi on uc ot N ectrical Biomedical M emical Civil y Design Electronics System r Ph ed cal tura pute ical Ci bility Design d Electronics em autical Mechanical Ch Sustainabilit cal and Elec s Biomechani ftware Com ineral Agriculronautical Biom Ch l an aina cal nica tri l vil M medica l Chemical Ci y Design Elec tronics Systeml Photonics Soter Nuclear ricultural Ae edical Mecha ical Civil SustDesign Electri chanica Sustainabilittrical and Elec Biomechanicaftware Compulear Mineral Agnautical Biom hanical ChemSustainability ics So mputer Nuc ultural Aero omedical Mec emical Civil cal Civil Design Elec cs Systems y ni Photon l Ch l Bi Agric ca ica al ni ut er ainabilit l and Electro omechanical Software Co ha in ec M rona Nuclear ricultural Ael Biomedical M Electricacs Systems Binical Photonics Ag mputer ectroni s Biomecha Software Co lear Mineral ral Aeronautica uc System l Photonics puter N eral Agricultu ca in e Com mechani ics Softwar ter Nuclear M Photonare Compu Softw
Connecting Engineers
Publication of the Chamber of Engineers August 2012 | Issue 42
Our Annual Conference p42
Water, water but is it everywhere? p6
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Issue No.42 autical l Aeron edical Biom Agricultura autical anical Mineral Nuclear ultural Aeron edical Mech Civil l Biom l Chemical ity Computer ral Agric anica Sustainabil Software Nuclear Mine l Aeronautica l Mech n uter Photonics Agricultural BiomedicaChemical Civil ity Desig echanical Software Compar Mineral autica ical and anical Civil Sustainabil Nucle l Aeron nics ms Biom l Mech n Electr ical Photo Computerral Agricultural Biomedicaanical Chemical ity Desig and Electronics onics Syste ms autica Biomechan Software and Electr ar Mine l Mech Civil Sustainabil Electrical onics Systeical Electricalonics Systems ical Photonics uter Nucle ultural Aeron ical Design Biomedica Electr Comp Design autical ral Agric inabilityElectrical and ms Biomechannics anical Chem inability ical and Electrms Biomechan l Aeron Software ar Mine n l Mech Photo Syste Civil Susta Civil Susta n Electr onics Syste ical Photonics uter Nucle ral Agricultural Biomedica l Chemical inability Desig ElectronicsBiomechanical Software ical Desig Comp ity Mine Aeronautica Mechanica Civil Susta echan Software ical and Systems and Electr anical Chem inabil Photonics Computer l l Nuclear ical n Electr l Mech ical Civil Susta n Electrical Systems Biom nics are echanical Computer ral Agricultura l Biomedica ity Desig and Electronics Nuclear Desig onics anical Chem ical Photo l Biomedica ms BiomPhotonics Softw ral l Mech Civil Sustainabil ar Mine l Aeronautica inabilityical and Electr Biomechan nics Software anical Chem Computer Electrical onics Syste Mine edica n ical Nucle Susta are ar Aeronautica Mech l l ultura ms ical Biom l Chem Civil ity Desig and Electr ical Photo Computer ral Agric ultural Biomechan nics Softw autical uter Nucle Biomedica l Chemical ity Design Electr Agricultura onics Syste ar Mine l Aeron l Mechanica Civil Sustainabiln Electrical Biomechan Software autical Systems anica ical Photo Mineral are Comp Mineral Agric autical inabil ical and Electr ical Systemsical Photonics Computer Nucleral Agricultura Nuclear ultural Aeron edical Mech l Aeron l ity Desig Electronics Biomechan Civil Susta nics Softw Nuclear l Biomedica l Chem Mine l Biom l Chemical ity Design Electr are Electronics Computer ral Agric Systems SustainabilElectrical and ical Photo Computer ral Agricultura l Biomedica l Aeronautica l Mechanica Biomechannics Softw uter Nuclear anica Sustainabil Electrical and Software Nuclear Mine l Aeronautica ultural l Biomedica l Chemical Civil ity Design and Electronics Biomechan SoftwareNuclear Mine l Aeronautical Mechanica l Mech n Systems Photo Comp uter inabil Electrical Photonics anica Systems ical Photonics uter Agricultural BiomedicaChemical Civil autica ity Desig ElectronicsBiomechanical Software ar Mineral Agric ical Civil Agricultura Biomedica l Aeron edical Mech ical Civil Susta echanical Software Compar Mineral nics l Chem inability autica echan Software Compar Mineral Aeronautical Design and Electronics ical and Systems anical Civil Sustainabil uter Nucle Agricultura Nucle l Aeron nics ms Biom l l Biom ical Photo l Chem l Mech ical inability Mechanica n Electr ms Biom Susta Nucle n ical Photoare Computerral Agricultural Biomedicaanical Chemical ity Desig and Electronics BiomechanSoftware Comp ar Mineral l Aeronautica l Mechanicaical Civil Susta Design Electr onics Syste ical PhotonicsComputer ral Agricultural Biomedical onics Syste ical Civilinability Desig ms Nucle Agricultura Biomedica ical nics and Electrms Biomechan Sustainabil ar Minel Aeronautica l Chem and Electr inability Software Susta ical and anical Chem Biomechan nics Softw Nuclear Mine l Aeronauticaedical Mech n Electr onics Systeical Photo ral Computer Syste Electrical ical Civil autical l Mechanicaical Civil Susta n Electrical ical Civil Design Electr onics ultura Systems ical PhotonicsComputer Nucle ical Photo Computer ral Agriculturaautical Biom edical Mech l Chem inability Desigical and ElectrBiomechannics Software Nuclear Mine Design Electronics Chem l Aeron Agric l ity Electr onics edica Desig echan Biom ity are l ral anica are Chem ity ultura and anica l ms ms Biom uter Susta Electr autica ical Biomechan Softw ical and Systems Biom nics Softw Nuclear Mine ultural Aeron and Electr ar Mine l Mech Civil Sustainabil Sustainabil autical l MechanicaCivil Sustainabil ical Photo are Comp Mineral Agric edical Mech ical Civil ity Design n Electr onics Systeical onics Syste Electricalonics Systems ical Photonics uter Nucle ultural Aeron ical ical Civil ity Design Electr Biomedica ical Photo ical Computer Mineral Agricautical Biom anical Chem Sustainabil ical and Electr ms Biomechan nics Softwuter Nuclear Agricultural Aeron l Chem inability Desigical and ElectrBiomechannics Comp Electronics Design Biomedica autical ral Agric anical Chem autical Mechanical Chem ms Syste Software uter Nuclear ultural Aeron edical Mech ical and ms Biomechan Susta inability ical and Electrms Biomechan Software Sustainabil ical CivilDesign Electr ar Mine ultural Aeron ical Photoare Comp ar Mineral Mechanica n Electr l Mech Photo Syste l nics Civil onics Aeron Electr Susta l Civil nics l n ical Chem Nucle echan Syste Desig edica ical l Electr Syste Biom are ical Comp l ity Softw Nucle Agricultura l Biomedica Desig ral Agric onics anica ical Civil ity Design Electronics ical Photo and Electr ms Biom l Biomedica ical Photo Computerar Mineral Agricautical Biom anical Chem Sustainability and Electronics Biomechan nics Softwuter ral l Mech Civil Sustainabil ar Mine l Aeronautica inabilityical and Electr Biomechan nics Software Syste anical Chem Photonicsare Computer ical Electrical anical Chem l Aeron edical Mech Systems ical Photo ar Mine l Aeronautica Aeronautica Nucle ical and ms Biomechan Software l Mech ms Comp Sustainabil ical CivilDesign Electr ical Photo Computer Nucle Civil Susta Design and ElectronicsBiomechanical l Biomedica Agricultura nics Softw uter NucleAgricultura l Biomedical Mech ical Civility Design Electronics Syste ical Photonicsare Computer ral Agricultura Electronics Biomechannics Softwareuter Nuclear l Biom Biomedica l Chemical ity Design Electr ity inability onics Syste echanical ms are ical anical Chem Mineral l Aeronautica anical Chem and Photo Comp Chem autica inabil ar Susta ral ms l Electr Biom Syste Mine Softw Electr ical anica ical Electr Mech Mech are inabil Softw echan n l l ar ms Susta Syste Nucle ultura Comp l Aeron Mech Civil Susta echan nics Softw Nuclear Mine l Aeronautica l MechanicaCivil Sustainabil ical and Mineral nics ical Civil ity Desig ical and ical Photo Electronics Photonics Computer Mineral Agric ms Biom ical Civil ity Design Electr Biomedica uter NucleAgricultura l Biomedica onics Syste Electr n Electr ElectronicsBiomechan nics Softwareuter Nuclear ultural ms Biom inabil ical Photo ical and anical Chem autical ar Chemical ity Desig ical and Electr Biomechanical Software inabil ical Photo Computer ral Agricultura l Biomedica l Chemical ity Design onics Syste ms are Compar Mineral l Aeronautica anical Chem ical and Comp l n Electr onics Syste l Aeron edical Mech ical Civil Susta ral Agric Biomechan nics ms uter Nucle l Mech ical Civil SustaDesign Electr onics Syste echanical Photo ultura Biomechan SoftwareNuclear Mine l Aeronautical Mechanica Sustainabil ical and Electr nics Softwuter Nucle Sustainabil n Electr Software Nuclear Mine l Aeronautica l Biom anical Chem inability Desigical and Electr Systems ity ical Photo are Comp ral Agricultura Electr ms Biom Desig Electronics Syste Systems ical Photonics l Biomedica l Chem uter autical ical Civil Design Electr Electronics echanical Photoare Comp ar Mineral Agric uter Electr Agricultura l Biomedica Photonics Syste SustainabilElectrical and Agricultura l Biomedica Biomechan nics SoftwNuclear Mine l Aeron edical Mech ical Civil Susta and ity are Comp Mineral Softw autica echan Design and Electronics Nucle Aeronautica l Mechanica Biom echanicalSoftware Comp anical Chem ical and Mineral l Aeronautical Mechanical uter Electricalonics Systems l Biom ical Photo ultural l Biomedica l Chemical Civil ity Design and Electronics l Chem Agricultura ical inability ms Biom nics Softwuter Nuclear ultural Aeron l Mech Civil Sustainabil n Electr Systems Photonics Computer ms Biom nics Nuclear anica Electr ms BiomechanSoftware Comp ar Mineral l Aeronautica l Mechanicaical Civil Susta Design Electr onics Syste ical Photo ical ity Desig ElectronicsBiomechanical Software ar Mineral Agric ical Civil Comp ral Agric Sustainabil n Electrical onics Syste ical Photo Computer ral Agricultura l Biomedica l Biomedica ity Aeronautica edica Electr Biomechan ultura nics nics ity Syste are autica uter Nucle edical Mech ical Civil Nucle Mine ms Software Nuclear Mine Aeronautica Sustainabil ical and anical Chem ultural ity Desig anical Chem and Electrms Biomechan ical and anical Chem Sustainabil ical Photo are Comp Mineral Agric autical Biom Nuclear ultural Aeron l Mech Civil Sustainabil ical Civil Design Electr onics Syste echanical Photo nics Softw n ral Agric autical Biom anical Chem Sustainabil n Electrical Computer n Electr onics Systems ical PhotonicsComputer Agricultural Biomedical Mech l Mech ical Civil Agric ical Biomechannics Softw uter Nuclear ultural Aeron Aeron edical Mech ity Desig onics Syste ical Photoare Computer Biomedica are Desig Software Nuclear Mine anical Chem ical Civil inability ical and Electr ms Biom Electr l Biomedicaanical Chem inability Desig Mineral autical Mineral ultural Agric Biomechan autical Photo are Comp uter l Chem Sustainability ical and Electr Softw Sustainabil ical and anical Chem Biomechan nics Softw Civil Susta n ElectrElectronics Systeical Photonics Nuclear ultural AeronBiomedical Mech l Mech ical Civil Susta n Electrical and Systems ral Agric autical Biom Nuclearultural Aeron Civil anica nics Mineral Comp ms Electr Mech Aeronautica l ical Photo l n ar uter ical Desig uter Electr edica Mine are Softw Civil Mech l Syste Photo n l edica Nucle Agricultura ical Agric l Biom ity Desig and Electronics echanical are CompMineral Agric inabilityElectrical and ms Biomechannics Softw uter Nuclear ultural Aeron ity Desig and Electronics anical Chem ity Desig anical Chem echanical Software Comp l Chem ms Electronics Biomedica Aeronautica anical Chem MineralAeronautical Biom Softw Nuclear Computer ical n l Mech ical ms Biom Mineral Syste Sustainabil Civil Susta Aeronautica Sustainabil autical l MechanicaCivil Sustainabil ultural ical and Systems Biom nics ical Photo are Comp Mineral Agric l n Electr Nuclear onics Systeical edical Mech ity Desig Electronics Nuclear Agricultural l Biomedical Mechical Civil Design Electr onics Syste ical Photonics uter ical Civil l Biomedica l Chemical n Electr ral Agric ical Photo Computer ral Agriculturaautical Biom Biomechan nics Softwuter Nuclear Agricultural Aeron ity and l Chem inability Desigical and ElectrBiomechannics Electr l Biomedica l Chemical ity Desig and Electronics echan Software Comp ar Mine l Aeronautica l Mechanica Civil Sustainabil ms echan ical are and inabil anica Minerall AeronauticaMechanical Chem Photo Biom ral autica ms Syste Mine Nucle Biom Aeron ical Susta anica Sustainabil Electr Electr l Softw Nuclear ical ms ical ms Mine l nics Aeron Electr Civil Susta Designand Electronics Biomechanical Software Comp edical Mech ical Civil ity Design onics Systeechanical Photo Computer ral Agricultura l Biomedica Agricultura Nuclear Agricultural l Biomedical Mechical Civil Design Electr onics Syste ical Photonics uter Design onics Syste ical Photo Agricultura l Biomedica l Chemical anical Chem Software inability ical ity MineralAeronautical Biom ral anical Chem ar Mine l Aeronautica inabilityical and Electr Biomechan nics Software Sustainabil ical and Electr echan Software Comp Systems ical Photonicsare Computer anica ms Biom Photonics uter and Electr edical Mech Civil Susta n Electr anical Chem inabil l Mech l ar Mine l Aeronautica Aeronautica Nuclear l Mech ms ical 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Publication of the Chamber of Engineers
Cover Image A man-made lake in Australia that is part of a sewage treatment plant where effluent is recycled.
August 2012
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From the Editor
From the President
Editor Ing. John Pace
Water Consumption Benchmarks
Why does a DC Power Supply need a Power Sink?
Science and Application of Water Management
In Search of Excellence in Water Management
Science Impact on Tomorrow’s Urban Structures
New Intelligent Lighting Systems Available from Hydrolectric Limited
Providing Germ Free Drinking Water
COE Conference Feature
Case Study: The AIS SCADA System
© Chamber of Engineers 2012. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Chamber of Engineers – Malta. Opinions expressed in Engineering Today are not necessarily those of the Chamber of Engineers – Malta. All care has been taken to ensure truth and accuracy, but the Editorial Board cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions in the articles, pictographs or illustrations.
Editorial Board Ing. John Pace Ing. Paul Refalo Ing. Ray Vassallo Prof. Robert Ghirlando Chamber of Engineers, Professional Centre, Sliema Road, Gzira, GZR 1633, Malta Tel: +356 2133 4858 Fax: +356 2134 7118 Email: Web:
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From the editor by Ing. John Pace
The annual Engineering Conference is definitely the biggest engineering event of the year in Malta. The theme chosen by the Chamber is always topical and this attracts the best speakers and audience. This year was no exception and the theme “Water, a 21st Century Challenge” proved true to its title, and the packed audience were treated with a set of papers which tackled the subject in all its varied aspects. Water supply is a specialized sector of engineering, but it is remarkable how many engineers attended and participated actively in the discussions. This arises from the fact that the rising consumption of water is a matter of deep concern to everyone and it will be worthwhile for all engineers, including those who were not able to attend the conference, to have access to the papers read at the event.
August 2012
Issue No. 42
The conference was organised in collaboration with WSC on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Corporation. The keynote speech was give by Minister Mario Demarco, and was a well prepared dissertation on all aspects of water supply, starting with the historical origins and progress, then dealing with the present situation and concluding with the administration’s vision and policies on the subject. This opened the field for the authors’ papers which treated the subject from a variety of points of view. Various papers commented on the situation in water supply. Manuel Sapiano from the Malta Resources Corporation pointed out that the present rate of extraction of groundwater is unsustainable and needs to be drastically reduced. Dirk De Ketelaere from the Malta Water Association was even more explicit:
Malta’s most precious recourse, he stated, is on the verge of extinction. He went on to expound the MWA’s recommendations for a National Water Management Plan. Marco Cremona stated that only 4% of the potable water produced in Malta was needed for drinking and the bulk of domestic use went to washing and toilet flushing. Separating the functions would be a solution. Paul Refalo looked into the future when he described water desalination using renewable sources. Geoffrey Saliba described an EU funded project to formulate benchmarks and issue guidelines on the use of water in hotels. Finally Marc Muscat, CEO of the Water Services Corporation, explained that the Corporation was well aware of the challenges in the sector and gave a comprehensive description of the actions and policies of the WSC. Other aspects of water were also the subject of papers read at the conference. Tim Waldron spoke of his experience in the management of water resources in Australia, while Avi Ostfeld’s paper dealt with investigations in the growth of cyanobacteria in Lake Kinneret, which supplies a large proportion of the drinking water in Israel.
Michael D’Amato spoke of the various means of water disinfection. Michael Bucher described the impact of water on future urban structures in the massive project of the Fraunhofer Institute on future cities. Mario Schembri gave a presentation of the Scada projects in the water sector both in Malta and in Libya. Not quite conforming to the conference theme was Keith Buhagiar’s paper on ancient water systems in Malta, which illustrated man’s ingenuity in tackling the challenges of scarce water supply in a situation of rising demand in ages past. This special issue gives a taste of the conference. It was not possible to include all the papers because of lack of space, and most of the papers are being shown in abridged form. Readers will find the various papers instructive and, true to the theme of the conference, challenging. ET
Ing. John Pace Editor, Engineering Today
August 2012
Issue No. 42
From the President by Ing. Saviour Baldacchino
Dear Colleagues... Earlier on today, the 2nd of August 2012, the Executive Council of the Chamber of Engineers had a meeting with the Honourable Prime Minister, Dr Lawrence Gonzi and MEP Dr Simon Busuttil at the Federation of Professional Associations’ building. This was the second meeting of the existing Council with the Prime Minister.
deserving dedicating this publication solely to them. Special thanks go to the speakers, sponsors and the organising committee who did a great job in producing another successful, high standard event in line with the Chamber’s custom.
In his reply to the introduction by the Chamber’s President, Dr Gonzi stated that the engineering profession will continue to play a very important role in the country’s economic development. The topics discussed during the meeting included updating of the Engineering Act which regulates the profession, regulation of technology supported by government incentives, education quality, foreign investment in high tech and engineering industries, research and innovation in industry and the socio-economic development of the engineering profession in Malta. During the meeting, the Executive Council presented a paper highlighting further details on the mentioned topics to be considered for inclusion in the electoral programme of political parties. Each topic was discussed in some depth during the said meeting which lasted over an hour. This special issue of Engineering Today features papers presented during the one-day national conference held in May 2012. The annual engineering conference, is one of the flagship events organised by the Chamber. The theme of this year’s event was “Water: A 21st Century Challenge”. The conference was inaugurated by the Honourable Minister for Tourism, the Environment and Culture, Dr Mario de Marco. A line-up of outstanding local and foreign speakers delivered excellent presentations
August 2012
Issue No. 42
Water: A 21st Century Challenge
On the 4th and 5th of July 2012, awards were presented for the best final year projects to former students of the faculties of ICT and Engineering respectively. The presentation took place during the inauguration ceremony of the projects exhibition of the respective faculties at the University of Malta. Three panels of judges were set up to evaluate projects coming from the mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and ICT streams. I take this opportunity to
congratulate the winners and all the nominees for their achievement in being shortlisted for the awards. A special thanks go to the judges for the painstaking task of having to select the winners from closely competing projects. The Chamber’s Executive Council encourages members to follow its activities on line at www., through its monthly E-newsletter and fortnightly “Events & Opportunities” e-mail communication. Any member who is missing any of these communications, please let us know on to identify
and rectify the problem. Your feedback on anything you would like to see happening at the Chamber is greatly appreciated. Finally, on behalf of the Council and staff, I wish you happy Summer holidays.
2nd August 2012
Yours Sincerely,
Ing. Saviour M. Baldacchino President, Chamber of Engineers
Ing. Saviour Baldacchino President, Chamber of Engineers
August 2012
Issue No. 42
Water Consumption Benchmarks, a Step towards Reduced Consumption
by Geoffrey Saliba
By the Malta Business Bureau’s EU LIFE + Investing in Water Project. Introducing the EU LIFE + Investing in Water Project
Abstract With only 40m3 of renewable freshwater per capita Malta is considered one of the top ten countries worldwide for water scarcity. Malta’s only natural exploitable source of freshwater is groundwater, yet 48% more of this resource is estimated to be extracted than is naturally recharged on an annual basis. It is critical that wasteful consumption is eliminated if this unsustainable over-exploitation is to be stopped. The Malta Business Bureau’s EU LIFE+ Investing in Water Project is an EU funded project aimed at identifying water saving solutions for businesses and hotels, thus leading to a reduction in water consumption of at least 10% amongst interested enterprises. The project is managed by the Malta Business Bureau, supported by partners The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, and the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association. This project started in October 2011 and will run until March 2014, and is the first national initiative of this scale addressing the sustainable use of water in Malta to be carried out by a local partnership. This paper presents water consumption benchmarks for several industries and hotels of different classifications as obtained by the Project at the time of writing (May 2012). These benchmarks may provide an accessible reference point for plant engineers, managers, engineering services consultants and officials entrusted with cost-cutting to compare their water consumption. The benchmarks may also serve to identify the consumers’ need to more efficiently manage their water consumption, thus guiding water conservation efforts.
August 2012
Issue No. 42
The project aims to empower enterprises and bring them to a position where they can analyse their consumption, identify appropriate solutions, then implement the solutions and monitor consumption to evaluate the success of the interventions. The EU LIFE+ Investing in Water Project advocates the following water saving hierarchy: 1. Reduce waste by increasing the efficiency in consumption, 2. Harvest and use rainwater, 3. Carry out the in-house recycling of waste water (grey or black) for re-use, 4. Source externally recycled waste water for use (e.g. using treated effluent from municipal sewage treatment plants). This paper supports the project’s aim of helping enterprises reduce their consumption by presenting current water consumption benchmarks for 3,4,5 star hotels, offices, and manufacturing enterprises, together with a general breakdown showing the percentage range of service water compared to process water consumed by these enterprises. The paper also identifies a water saving opportunity which a set of water audits carried out by the project reveal. The opportunity arises from the lack of standardisation in flow rates of showers and wash hand basins, and toilet flushing volumes which leads to excessive water consumption in these facilities. Through the paper the project is recommending standard flow rates and flushing volumes, which will help enterprises in their efforts to reduce service water consumption.
Empowering Enterprises to Save Water – The Process Trends in Water Consumption – Results of the First Set of Water Audits The Project has carried out 38 audits to date, in 20 hotels and 18 businesses. The hotels ranged from 3 star to 5 star, while the businesses surveyed ranged from offices employing 30 staff to manufacturing facilities with 950 employees . It was decided at the onset that the project would try to engage a wide and varied range of businesses as possible, also so that the solutions arising thereof could be employed across the board. Although the project’s focus is on service water (i.e. water used by guests in the guest rooms in the case of hotels, and employees in the case of businesses), the water expert engaged by the project to carry out the audit also evaluated process water use and provided recommendations on how it is possible to save process water too. Water consumption data for 2011 (on a month by month basis) was obtained from the various businesses and assessed by the project. In the case of hotels this data was generally readily available; in the case of some businesses the only water data made available were the water utility’s bills, usually issued every 2 months. In most instances, town water was not the only water used in the premises, with some hotels and businesses purchasing bowser water (potable or non-potable), others abstracting groundwater through registered boreholes, and some others still using seawater for the flushing of toilet cisterns. Rainwater harvesting is practiced in some instances, albeit to a small degree. Most large coastal hotels produce their own water in-house by means of their own desalination (Reverse Osmosis) plant. While
Reverse Osmosis plant production is metered, other sources are generally not, necessitating the use of realistic assumptions in order to derive a complete picture of consumption. Correlations were derived between guest nights and water consumption, also as a means of verification of the data supplied by hotels. This is important because hotel occupancy varies considerably between the peak (summer) and low (winter) seasons, with variations of 40% to 100% being recorded. In the case of office buildings, water consumption is relatively stable and only varies seasonally through the additional employment of some part-time staff in summer. The data collection enabled the Project to produce the first consumption benchmarks for Malta which are based on such in-depth data analysis of water consumption. The results are shown in Figure 1 below. Current Benchmarks: Hotels 3*
199 lt per g/n
Hotels 4*
292 lt per g/n
Hotels 5*
462 lt per g/n .
25 lt per e/d
24 lt per e/d
Factories w/ showers
46 lt per e/d
Figure 1: Current Consumption Quantities for hotels and businesses in Malta The project also sought to construct a breakdown for the water consumption of each audited hotel and business. Figure 2 shows examples of typical water consumption patterns for a hostel-type hotel and a 5 star hotel.
August 2012
Issue No. 42
Water Consumption Benchmarks, a Step towards Reduced Consumption (cont.)
While the service water (water used in showers/baths, wash-hand basins and toilets) consumption in a hostel-type hotel makes up for as much as 85% of total consumption, this drops to around 40% in the case of some 5 star hotels – the reason being that 5 star hotels have a plethora of non-guest related water consuming services such as swimming pools and spas, landscaping, conference and wedding halls, laundries, restaurants and cafes catering for non-guests etc.
manufacturing process, it is not uncommon for the service water consumption in manufacturing facilities to exceed the process water consumption.
Figure 3: Breakdown of water consumption for an office building and a manufacturing facility
Figure 2: Breakdown of water consumption for different hotel categories Similarly there are significant differences in the way water is used in businesses. Whereas the water consumption in office buildings is almost exclusively service water, manufacturing facilities may consume significant amounts of process water (Figure 3). While the amount of process water consumed depends greatly on the product being manufactured and the
The first set of audits showed that Service water (toilets, showers, wash-hand basins) could account for: • Between 38% and 86% of total water consumed by hotels • Between 5% and 98% of total water consumed by offices and factories Water Saving Opportunity – Adopting Standard Flow Rates and Flushing Volumes Over the course of the audits the project took measurements of actual flows from taps and showers, and noted flushing cistern volumes for toilets. Huge variations in flow rates were
August 2012
Issue No. 42
Water Consumption Benchmarks, a Step towards Reduced Consumption (cont.)
observed, not only from one premises to another but also within the same premises. This is attributed to systems which result in water pressure varying from one floor to another and is more pronounced in multi-story buildings (generally hotels) with the water pressure, and subsequent flow rates, being higher in the lower floors. In some instances, a gravity fed (roof tank) water system may be delivering an insufficient 4 litres per minute from a shower head at the 5th floor level, while also delivering an excessive 12 litres per minute at the 1st floor level. It was also noted that toilets having a wide range of flushing volumes are installed in hotels and businesses in Malta, with a flush volume of anything from 6 litres to 15 litres having been encountered over the course of the audits. The project concludes that in general, most systems have an element of over-design which is resulting in more water delivered for service water features than necessary. For this reason and on the basis of the experience gained through the audits, the Project recommends that enterprises adopt the following flow rates and flushing volumes as standards:
Toilet flushing cistern volume
6 litres
Shower flow rate
7 litres/min
Wash-hand Basin flow rate
5 litres/min
From the data obtained so far, the Project estimates that through the adoption of these standards, savings of 10% - 15% on service water are easily achievable.
August 2012
Issue No. 42
The Near Future Until the end of 2013 the project will continue working with enterprises to facilitate the adoption of water saving solutions. The project will also monitor water consumption to evaluate the success of these solutions in reducing water consumption. The project therefore foresees that during the first quarter of 2014 a follow up to this paper will be published, announcing revised water consumption benchmarks for enterprises which have adopted successful water saving solutions.
By the Malta Business Bureau’s EU LIFE + Investing in Water Project. ET
Geoffrey Saliba
Project Manager, EU LIFE+ Investing in Water Project
August 2012
Issue No. 42
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Why does a DC Power Supply need a Power Sink?
Modern Loads and Test-Systems become more demanding Supplying power is simply not enough to ensure a constant supply voltage under varying load conditions. What if load conditions are such that transient power can be fed back to the source ? This will result in a non controlled increase in the supply voltage and may lead to failure. The extra power needs to be drained so as to maintain a constant supply voltage.
Reverse Current DC Motors are more and more controlled by a PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) circuit; the advantage is a flexible lossless speed control. Car makers make use of this technique to make new solutions possible for pumps, electric steering, brakes, windscreen wipers, hybrid cars and more. Also energy is conserved, this means less heat dissipation. The special behaviour of a PWM controlled motor is the return of power during a braking action. In fig. 1 you can see the typical load current, in phase I the motor accelerates; in phase II it has constant speed with a certain load and in phase III the motor brakes and the current becomes negative.
Fig. 1 Typical load current PWM - Controlled DC Motor.
Output under control
Fig. 2 Simplified output circuit normal power supply. Braking power of motor charges output-capacitor.
Normally the output circuit of a power supply is not designed to absorb current returned by the load; see the simplified circuit in fig. 2. The only path left for the negative load current is into the output capacitor Co, so it will charge and the voltage will rise without any control from the power supply, following the formula dv/dt = i/C. To solve this problem a Power Sink is added, symbolised by the transistor in fig. 3, and integrated in the voltage control of the power supply. So the output voltage is kept to the desired voltage, whether the operation mode is sink or source. Dynamically the system reacts fast, see fig. 4. In this example the load current is switched between positive and negative (a harsh condition). On the output voltage only a slight variation is visible (upper trace). On a normal unit the voltage would rise uncontrolled, see fig. 5.
Fig. 3 Braking power of motor absorbed by power sink equipped power supply. No voltage rise.
Fig. 4 Dynamic reaction of power sink. Load current switches between positive and negative.
Fig. 5 Without power sink. Uncontrolled voltage rise when the load current goes negative.
Science and Application of Water Management
by Prof. Avi Ostfeld
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Haifa, 32000, Israel. Cyanobacteria blooming in surface waters is a major concern around the world causing unsightliness and producing a variety of toxins and undesirable tastes and odours. When cyanobacteria bloom the natural balance of the ecological system is impaired causing distractive effects on the water body which limit their usage. To control the growth of cyanobacteria, forecasting tools need to be developed. Those in turn acquire a good understanding of the mechanisms for cyanobacteria growth and in particular its relationships with its surrounding physical, chemical, and biological environments. Such understanding still falls short thus approaches of mathematical process-based (deterministic), statistically based, rule-based (heuristic), and artificial neural networks have been the subject of extensive research for cyanobacteria forecasting during the last two decades. This study suggests a coupled data driven (model trees) evolutionary (genetic) algorithm scheme for toxic cyanobacteria blooms prediction. The methodology strengths and limitations are demonstrated on Lake Kinneret (the Sea of Galilee) in Israel through trial runs and sensitivity analyses.
model trees are derived which hold similar matching results, but differ in the optimal selected input variables and the cyanobacteria prediction horizon. The user can thus select a model tree based not only on matching results, but also on more reliable variable measurements (e.g., physical measures of temperature or water level versus algae concentrations) and a forecast horizon. The coupled approach takes advantage of the model trees strength in solving classification problems and applies the proven capabilities of a genetic algorithm in optimization to polish its performance. In each iteration the model trees performance is used as the genetic algorithm objective (fitness) function. Thus optimization is guided by the accuracy of the model tree model’s predictions and improves it continuously. The database used for this study consists of 87 variables partitioned into physical (e.g., water level) chemical (e.g., nitrate), biological (e.g., Peridinium wet weight biomass), and external loading (e.g., total phosphorus) sets. The algorithm described herein refers to this database. The algorithm includes the following steps:
Methodology Step A: Initialization In this study a coupled data driven (model trees) evolutionary (genetic) algorithm scheme for forecasting toxic cyanobacteria blooms in Lake Kinneret (the Sea of Galilee), Israel is developed and demonstrated. Through using model trees coupled with a genetic algorithm scheme for optimizing the model trees input variables and lag times, a simple set of rules is obtained for cyanobacteria forecasting. Using sensitivity analyses, multiple
1. Randomly select from the database a predefined number of variables [e.g., four variables: one from each database group (i.e., one from the physical, one from the chemical, one from the biological, and one from the external loading) or any four from the entire database). 2. Randomly select a time lag (in weeks) for each of the picked variables.
August 2012
Issue No. 42
Science and Application of Water Management (cont.)
3. Repeat 1 and 2 until a set of variables and time lags are chosen (i.e., the initial GA population).
Fig. 1 shows the interface of the developed program, and Fig. 2 an example of the obtained results.
Step B: Model tree (MT) construction 1. Construct a model tree for each of the GA strings using Cubist (Quinlan, 1993) for cyanobacteria blooms prediction. 2. Assign each string an objective (fitness) value equal to its resulted correlation coefficient computed on an external independent cross validation dataset. Step C: Genetic algorithm (GA)
Fig. 1: Main menu of the developed program
1. Perform selection, crossover, and mutation using optiGA (Salomons, 2002). 2. Construct a new population of strings (i.e., variables and time lags). 3. Check if stopping conditions are met (i.e., if no improvement is gained through a predefined number of generations or if the maximum number of generations is attained). If stopping conditions are met then define the corresponding highest correlation coefficient string as the optimal solution (i.e., the optimal model tree), otherwise go back to Step B. The following GA parameters (Salomons, 2002) were used in this application: string – integer; selector – roulette; crossover – one point; elitism – the best string in each generation is included unchanged in the next generation; crossover probability – 0.95; mutation probability – 0.02; generation number – 50; and population size – 50. Running time of a single trial was 3.2 min on a PC Lenovo T7300@2.00GHz, 778 MHz, 1.98 GB of RAM.
Concentration (Microgram / Liter)
Measured values Predicted values
0 1
13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97 101
Cross validation sample number
Fig. 2: Results example Conclusion Hybrid modelling which combines evolutionary algorithms (EAs) with machine learning (ML)/ data driven modelling (DDM) for long term and real time decision making is currently on the cutting edge of science and application for water resources systems management. The case study described above suggests a new approach through linking model trees with a genetic algorithm for both modelling and
August 2012
Issue No. 42
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Science and Application of Water Management (cont.)
predicting the growth of toxic cyanobacteria in surface waters. The model results a simple set of empirical linear rules and a forecast horizon. The correlation coefficient on a cross validation dataset estimates the accuracy of the prediction. The methodology was tested on Lake Kinneret (the Sea of Galilee), Israel data.
prediction ability versus the optimal correlation coefficient (i.e., fitness) using multi-objective optimization. ET Editor’s note: This paper was abridged because of space limitations. Readers who wish to see the full paper are requested to contact the editor on
While computationally intensive, one of the ongoing extension directions of the model is to explore the tradeoff between the model
Prof. Avi Ostfeld
Associate Professor, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
August 2012
Issue No. 42
Why is Conergy Conergy aa firm firm favourite favourite Why Why is iswith Conergy a firm favourite Engineers worldwide worldwide ?? with Engineers with Engineers worldwide ? With over 12 years of experience in solar energy, German engineered and over 1.7 million installations worldwide the Conergy PV
With years to of be experience solar energy, German engineered and over 1.7 million installations worldwide the Conergy PV Panelsover have12proved a successin time and time again. With years to of be experience solar German engineered and over 1.7 million installations worldwide the Conergy PV Panelsover have12proved a successin time andenergy, time again. Panels have proved to be a success time and time again. Let’s take a close look at Conergy PowerPlus PV Panels and why engineers choose Conergy PowerPlus PV Panels for their projects? Let’s take a close look at Conergy PowerPlus PV Panels and why engineers choose Conergy PowerPlus PV Panels for their projects? Let’s take a close look at Conergy PowerPlus PV Panels and why engineers choose Conergy PowerPlus PV Panels for their projects? Conergy PowerPlus solar modules offer premium quality that pays for itself. High system yields and reliable operation is guaranteed for the entire term, Conergy PowerPlus modulesenvironmental offer premiumand quality thatconditions. pays for itself. Highcertification system yields and reliable is guaranteed the entire term, even under the mostsolar demanding weather It holds against Salt-Mistoperation and Ammonia Corrosion.for Conergy PowerPlus modulesenvironmental offer premiumand quality thatconditions. pays for itself. Highcertification system yields and reliable is guaranteed for the entire term, even under the mostsolar demanding weather It holds against Salt-Mistoperation and Ammonia Corrosion. even undermain the most demanding environmental The three distinguishing factors include: and weather conditions. It holds certification against Salt-Mist and Ammonia Corrosion. The three main distinguishing factors include: The three main distinguishing factors include:
1. Power output - Exceptional Performance 1. Power output - Exceptional Performance 1. output - Exceptional ThePower exceptional Performance of ConergyPerformance PP contributes to additional energy production - PowerPlus provides an additional annual mean yield of up to 3%!
The exceptional Performance of Conergy PP contributes to additional energyoperate production - PowerPlus an additional mean yield of up to and 3%! Low-light performance is essential when knowing that solar power systems 2/3 of the time inprovides weak-light conditionsannual – cloudy skies, haze, mist The exceptional Performance of Conergy PP contributes to additional energyoperate production - PowerPlus an additional mean yield of up to and 3%! Low-light is essential when knowing that solar power systems 2/3 of the time inprovides weak-light conditionsannual – cloudy skies, haze, mist dust in theperformance air. Low-light performance is essential when knowing that solar power systems operate 2/3 of the time in weak-light conditions – cloudy skies, haze, mist and dust in the air. dust in the air. Performance in low-light conditions was independently tested and verified by TUV Rhineland, the world’s most prestigious PV research and testing centre. Performance in low-light conditions was independently tested and verified by TUV Rhineland, the world’s most prestigious PV research and testing centre. Performance in low-light conditions was independently tested and verified by TUV Rhineland, the world’s most prestigious PV research and testing centre.
2. Module Quality & Materials Used 2. Module Quality & Materials Used 2. Module & Materials When it comesQuality to PV panels, efficiency isUsed NOT the only gold standard! High Yield and Lifetime Durability are both essential. So what makes a quality module?
When it comes to PV panels, efficiency is NOT the only gold standard! High Yield and Lifetime Durability are both essential. So what makes a quality module? When it comes to PV panels, efficiency is NOT the only gold standard! High Yield and Lifetime Durability are both essential. So what makes a quality module? High Quality Materials for Lifetime Yield Fully Sealed Junction Box for Long Term Reliability and Yield High Quality Materials for Lifetime Yield Fully Junction Boxconditions) for Long Term Reliability and Yield (evenSealed in severe weather Consequences: Common Material Problems: High Quality Materials for Lifetime Yield Fully Junction Boxconditions) for Long Term Reliability and Yield (evenSealed in severe weather Consequences: Common Material Problems: • Decreased power output Consequences: Common Junction Box Problems: (even in severe weather conditions) Consequences: Common Material Problems: • Decreased power output Consequences: Common Junction Box Problems: • Failure of the module after Personal/property damage (fire • Failure Decreased power output Consequences: Common Junction Box Problems: • • of the module after Personal/property damage (fire months/years of operation risk) • months/years Failure of the module after • risk) Personal/property damage (fire of operation • complete system failure months/years of operation Conergy Solution: • risk) complete system failure Conergy Solution:hail-resistant solar Conergy Solution: • complete system failure • High-strength, Conergy Solution:hail-resistant solar Conergy Solution: • High-strength, • Soldered (not crimped, screwed glass without anti-reflection Conergy Solution: • glass High-strength, hail-resistant solar Degradation of • or Soldered without anti-reflection lugged)(not for crimped, maximumscrewed safety, Melting of junction box from coating • Soldered (not crimped, screwed anti-reflection Delamination Degradation of glass without anti-reflection improper poorbox sealing or lugged) forelectrical maximumperformance safety, Meltingwiring, of junction fromand security and • coating Use of high-quality, long-life Degradation coating of anti-reflection Delamination or lugged) for maximum safety, Melting of junction box from ineffective dissipation creates improper heat wiring, poor sealing anda securityand andpotted electrical performance • coating Use of high-quality, long-life • Sealed to prevent water anti-reflection Delamination coating Encapsulants improper wiring, poor sealing and fire hazard ineffective heat dissipation creates a securityand andpotted electrical performance • Use of high-quality, long-life coating • Sealed to prevent water penetration even when mounted ineffective heat creates a firedissipation hazard • Consequent measuring and sorting Encapsulants of cells (-> A, B, C modules) • penetration Sealed and potted to prevent water Encapsulants even when mounted fire hazard horizontally • Consequent and sorting of cells– (-> A, B,changes C modules) 100% testingmeasuring of all material combinations reduce penetration even when mounted • 100% Consequent measuring and sorting of cells– (-> A, B,changes C modules) horizontally • Unique heat ventilation system to dissipate diode heat and increase • testing of all material combinations reduce Regular quality checks in all processes horizontally • Regular 100% testing of checks all material – reduce changes • Unique module heat yieldventilation system to dissipate diode heat and increase • quality in allcombinations processes • Unique heat ventilation system to dissipate diode heat and increase • Regular quality checks in all processes • module Air-flow yield vanes for greater heat dissipation which results in increased yield • module Air-flow vanes for greater heat dissipation which results in increased energy production • energy Air-flowproduction vanes for greater heat dissipation which results in increased Hollow Free Frame energy production Hollow Free Frame Consequences: Common Frame Problems: Hollow Free Frame Consequences: Common Frame Problems: • Reduced mechanical stability Low Resistance Insulated Cables Consequences: Common Frame Problems: • Reduced mechanical stability Low Resistance Insulated Cables Collapse of frame • Collapse Reduced of mechanical stability LowCommon Resistance Insulated Cables Consequences: Cable Problems: • frame Roof damage • of frame Common Cable Problems: •Consequences: Personal/property damage(fire • Collapse Roof damage Decreased yield Common Cable Problems: •Consequences: Personal/property • damage Connecting hazard, inefficient damage(fire or disabled • Roof Decreased yield • Personal/property cables degrade Connecting hazard, inefficient damage(fire or disabled • Decreased yield system) Conergy Solution: Connecting hazard, inefficient or disabled from UV light cables degrade system) Buckling, warping, collapse, water & Conergy Solution: cables degrade • Cavity-free design eliminates water and from UV light Conergy Solution: system) rust damage, loosecollapse, electrical wires& Buckling, warping, water Conergy Solution: fromand UV light • Cavity-free design eliminates ozone exposure Conergy retention and freeze damage water Buckling, warping, collapse, water • CablesSolution: that last for the entire 25 and dust build-up rust damage, loose electrical wires& • retention Cavity-free design eliminates water and Conergy Solution: within a ozone exposure rust damage, loose electrical wires and freeze damage • year Cables that last lifetime for the entire 25 and dust build-up • Special screws ensure secure warranted ozone exposure few years within a retention and freeze damage • Cables that last lifetime for the entire 25 and dust build-up • Special screws ensure secure year warranted electrical bonding of the frame • Radox cable insulation provides up within a few years • Special screws ensure secure year warranted lifetime electrical bonding dirt of the frame • Radox cable insulation provides up fewexpectancy years • Low-profile frame minimizes shadowing and reduces build-up to 32 times the life of other cable electrical bonding of the frame • Radox cable insulation provides up • Low-profile frame minimizes shadowing and reduces dirt build-up 32 and times theresistant, life expectancy of other cable • to Heat light highly resistant to damage caused by animal • Low-profile frame minimizes shadowing and reduces dirt build-up to 32 and times theresistant, life expectancy of other cable • Heat light highly resistant to damage caused by animal intrusion • intrusion Heat and light resistant, highly resistant to damage caused by animal • Lower electrical resistance High Performance Cell Design • intrusion Lower resistance Stable electrical failure-proof cable connection which cannot be pulled out High Performance Cell Design • electrical resistance Consequences: Common Cell Problems: High Performance Cell Design • Lower Stable failure-proof cable connection which cannot be pulled out accidentally • Stable failure-proof cable connection which cannot be pulled out Consequences: Common Cell Problems: • Personal or property damage (fire accidentally Consequences: Common Cell Problems: accidentally • Personal or property damage (fire risk) • risk) Personal or property damage (fire • Increased cell degradation Precision Manufacturing • risk) Increased cell degradation Reduced yield Precision Manufacturing • Increased cell degradation Consequences: Common Manufacturing Precision Manufacturing • Reduced yield Consequences: • Reduced yield • Decreased efficiency and Lifetime Common Manufacturing Conergy Solution: Problems: Consequences: Common Manufacturing Short circuit • yield Decreased efficiency and Lifetime Conergy Solution: for cells and Problems: • Own specification from incorrect • yield Decreased efficiency and Lifetime Short circuit Conergy Solution: for cells and Problems: Hotspots • Own specification Conergy-specific cell sorting in Shortincorrect circuit soldering of cell from yield Solution: • Own specificationcell for sorting cells and Conergy Hotspots Conergy-specific from incorrect connectors soldering of cell terms of performance, colourin Hotspots Conergy Solution: to prevent human Conergy-specific cell sorting in • Fully automated soldering of cell connectors terms oflow performance, colour quality, light behaviour and no Conergy Solution: to prevent human connectors • error Fully automated terms of performance, colour and maintain consistency quality, hotspotslow light behaviour and no • Fully automated to consistency prevent human error and maintain quality, low light behaviour and no • Tight, positive power tolerance – hotspots • Regular quality audits of cell production facilities by a Conergy error and maintain consistency • Tight, positive power hotspots up to 3,0% higher yieldtolerance – • Regular quality audits of cell production facilities by a Conergy quality team • up Tight, positive power – Imprecise to 3,0% higher yieldtolerance • Regular quality audits of cell production facilities by a Conergy • Engineering by Conergy optimizes team • quality 100% quality control of the cells in Conergy factory in Frankfurt/Oder positioning Delamination up to 3,0% higher yield optimizes Impreciseof • performance Engineering by Conergy quality team control of the cells in Conergy factory in Frankfurt/Oder of the complete • 100% quality Imprecise cells positioning of Delamination Regular construction of test modules and evaluation in climate • Engineering optimizes performanceby ofConergy the complete • quality control of the cells in Conergy factory ininFrankfurt/Oder module positioning Delamination cells of • 100% Regular test and evaluation chamberconstruction and testing of area bymodules Conergy’s own laboratory climate and the TÜV. performance of the complete cells module • Regular construction of test modules and evaluation in climate • One of the few factories in the world with a complete research and chamber and testing area by Conergy’s own laboratory and the TÜV. module • One of the few factories in the world with a complete research and chamber and testing area by Conergy’s own laboratory and the TÜV. quality testing • One of the few factories in the world with a complete research and quality testing 3. Warranty quality testing 3. Warranty 3. Warranty Conergy offers a 12-year product warranty and a 25-year performance warranty at 82% efficiency. With the strongest warranty on the market Conergy Conergy a 12-year and a 25-year warranty at 82% efficiency. With the strongest warranty on the market Conergy maintainsoffers the lowest claimproduct rate of warranty 0.004% compared to theperformance industry average of 1-2%. Conergy offers a 12-year and a 25-year warranty at 82% efficiency. With the strongest warranty on the market Conergy maintains the lowest claimproduct rate of warranty 0.004% compared to theperformance industry average of 1-2%. maintains the lowest claim rate of 0.004% compared to the industry average of 1-2%. PowerPlus also received the highest warranty rating from Photon Magazine. For a complete report including benchmarking PowerPlus also leading receivedtechnical the highest warranty rating from Photon Magazine. (the industry‘s magazine) For a complete report including benchmarking PowerPlus also leading receivedtechnical the highest warranty rating from Photon Magazine. please visit (the industry‘s magazine) For a complete report including benchmarking please visit (the industry‘s leading technical magazine) Supplied by: For more information please email on please visit Supplied by: For more information please email on Supplied by: | Valletta Road, Qormi | Tel: 2167 5353 | ElectroFix For more information please email on ElectroFix | Valletta Road, Qormi | Tel: 2167 5353 | ElectroFix | Valletta Road, Qormi | Tel: 2167 5353 |
In Search of Excellence in Water Management by Eng. Dirk De Ketelaere
Malta’s water resources are among the scarcest in the world and under severe stress. Introduction Malta, in fact, has the lowest water resources index and the highest water competition index in the whole of the Mediterranean. With annual rainfall of around 560 mm and a high population density Malta’s renewable water resources amount to only 58 cubic metres of water per person per year. The European Union considers any country with less than 2,000 cubic metres per capita per year as having “very low” water resources. The First Paradigm. - Water as a Basic Commodity Malta remembers well the situation of the 70’s, 80’s and early 90’s where many households were deprived of a water supply for days in a row, and availability of quality water at adequate pressure was a privilege for the few. The nation
took this on as a priority, investing heavily in a reverse osmosis programme, starting off with the construction of the Ghar Lapsi plant (1982), among the world’s largest reverse osmosis plants at the time. By the mid 1990’s, and the completion of a fifth reverse osmosis plant at Pembroke, the problem of water supply was solved, albeit with vast quantities of water being pumped into an ageing network creating an unaccounted-for water value that exceeded 65% at one point in time, and taking up as much as 10% of the country’s national energy supply. The consumer had a water supply… but at a high cost to the nation indeed! The Second Paradigm. - Efficiency in Water Use (or Doing Things Right!) From the late 90’s to the early 21st century, the country woke up to the spiralling cost of energy and to the challenges of its own resource
August 2012
Issue No. 42
In Search of Excellence in Water Management (cont.)
limitations. The Water Services Corporation invested heavily in a range of initiatives aimed at increasing water efficiency, albeit in a non-integrated manner. Water leakage was reduced to a fifth of its initial value, placing Malta as one of the best practice nations in this regard. New metering schemes, efficient pumping techniques and energy recovery mechanisms allowed for water to be provided at less and less cost, with increasing revenue recovery for the providers concerned. Reverse osmosis achieved a production efficiency of below 3.6KWHr/m3, an extremely low value by any international standard. But the question still remained… were the stakeholders really talking to each other? With the Water Services Corporation disposing of millions of cubic metres of treated wastewater into the sea, with private borehole users extracting even larger quantities of groundwater from the aquifers, causing salinity in the depleting aquifers to reach alarming levels… this does not appear to be the case! The Third Paradigm. - Effectiveness of Water Management (Or Doing the Right Thing!) Effective water management is often referred to as Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). The IWRM concept is based upon the following 3 dimensions: 1) management for multiple purposes (i.e. domestic, agriculture, industry, tourism, aquifer recharge and protection of ecological habitats…), 2) management for multiple objectives (i.e. economic productivity, environmental quality, social equity, human health…), and 3) use of multiple means (i.e. physical structures, regulations, economic incentives…). More than anything else, it demands that the key decision makers understand water as the scarce resource that it truly is… encouraging, supporting and even forcing the various stakeholders to work together, so that sustainability is truly achieved. The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA
Environmental Report, 2012) of the (draft) Water Policy for the Maltese Islands (2010) observes that the policy fails to achieve an IWRM approach. To compensate for this, the SEA report places an emphasis on a) the implementation of effective governance mechanisms, complemented by b) adequate monitoring programmes. The Malta Water Association considers that the Water Policy is intrinsically weak in setting clear responsibilities, targets and timeframes for the key implementers concerned. Taking one from a plethora of examples, Policy Area 2, Measure 2.3 (and subsets) clearly places the responsibility on the Malta Resources Authority (MRA) to manage groundwater extraction, but fails entirely to mention extraction targets, apportionment figures, monitoring regimes, realistic implementation timeframes, and so on. Compounding this issue is the fact that very little use has been made of: a) vital knowledge on past water management successes/ failures on the Island, b) international best practice techniques within the water sector, c) international performance indicators used within the water industry, d) international benchmarks. For example, Policy Area 4, Measure 4.1 (and also Measure 11.1) states the ‘optimization of operation of desalination plants’ with an ongoing timeframe and under the responsibility of the Water Services Corporation (WSC). So… is the present production of RO water by the WSC at some 3.6KWHr/m3 comparable to best practice? If not, what are the short and possibly long range efficiency targets? What level of investment or effort will be used to achieve these target/s? All these questions remain unanswered. Conclusion The IWRM philosophy can only be achieved by having one entity or institution that is fully
August 2012
Issue No. 42
In Search of Excellence in Water Management (cont.)
responsible for all of the socio-economicenvironmental issues relating to water. It means promoting a chain of integrated measures that collectively lead towards water sustainability. It means devising a national agricultural policy with sustainable water use requirements. It means an effective integration also with storm water and sewerage master plans. It means efficiently treating wastewater to provide an alternative to groundwater for irrigation, aquifer recharge and possibly other usages. It means fair and reasonable tariffs for water, treated wastewater, and groundwater, incorporating the ‘polluter pays’ principle. It means gaining acceptance through education and raising public awareness. It means constant technological innovation, with a respect for what has worked efficiently in the past. It means looking at international best practice, and learning/trialing and then implementing where appropriate. The Malta Water Association considers that a National Water Policy should encompass all of these themes and measures, for it to be duly equipped to address the prevailing and climate chance concerns. ET
References Adi Associates.2012. National Water Policy for Malta, 2010. Strategic environmental assessment. Environmental report. Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs. 2010. A proposal for a Water Policy for the Maltese Islands. Water Services Corporation. Annual reports.
Eng. Dirk De Ketelaere
August 2012
Issue No. 42
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Science Impact on Tomorrow’s Urban Structures
by Dipl.-Ing. Michael Bucher
Fraunhofer – Sustainable Technologies for Morgenstadt. The joint research project Morgenstadt: City Insights systematically creates insights into key factors and conditions for a successful transition of cities to highly efficient sustainable systems of urban life. It identifies the requirements for the urban markets of the future and enables new collaborations of industry, research and administrations. By this it will create the fundament for the development of innovative concepts and products that help to tackle technical and organizational challenges in the smart cities of tomorrow. Fields of Research – Urban Systems For achieving this, the project analyzes the five most important technology sectors of the city of tomorrow with respect to best practices, groundbreaking pathways and existing challenges and innovation barriers that have to be overcome. As facilitator to the organization of city-systems, governance represents a keyscope of the analysis. In addition, the field of security, representing a genuinely crosssectional system of importance for all other sectors, will be analyzed in detail. • Mobility. How can the masses of people in tomorrow’s cities be moved most effectively by at the same time assuring quality of life and zero impact on the environment? Highly efficient mass transit systems like in Hong Kong or emission free mobility-on-demand solutions represent some of the groundbreaking solutions to be analyzed and developed further. • Energy. The future city will not depend on fossil energy. Renewable energies, energy efficient technologies and communicating energy grids will become the drive-train of tomorrow’s cities. But where will the energy
be produced? Already today energy-plushouses produce more green energy than they need. Integrated community energy solutions that link houses, wind- and solar parks, biomass sites and electric vehicles can be a starting point for an integrated urban energy system of the future. • Communications. Already today technologies exist that enable communication between devices, buildings, vehicles and people. Geographic information processing, wireless internet and smartphone technology possess almost infinite potential for the development of smart solutions for urban systems. Some cities like Qatar or Mannheim already try to make use of this potential and thereby provide the framework for innovative businesslogistic- and transportation processes • Buildings. There are several groundbreaking technologies that allow buildings to communicate with their environment, to produce more energy than they consume and to work with light, biomass and air from the local environment. In a future city these technologies will be integrated into systems that allow groups of buildings to create closed cycles of energy- and material flows and to shape the micro climate of a city. • Resources. The big challenge of future urban systems is the smart and sustainable use of resources. Full integration of advanced recycling techniques into urban material flows and the holistic use of cradle-to-cradle systems for production and consumption will be imperative for the sustainable megacity of tomorrow. This also implies innovations in product design with a highest possible share of biodegradable
August 2012
Issue No. 42
Science Impact on Tomorrow’s Urban Structures (cont.)
materials or recyclable product concepts. Learning from inspiring cities will provide for the basis of future urban resource cycles. • Governance. A new urban paradigm needs efficient governance concepts that enable participation and acknowledge the complexity of systems innovation. Frontrunners like Zurich, Copenhagen, Amsterdam or Sydney are already working with systems that integrate citizens into decision structures and create smart collaborations between city administrations, innovative companies and research institutes. 1. Water System Competences Connected With regard to issues related to water, the Fraunhofer Water Alliance “SysWasser” focuses on transferring sustainable system solutions for water recovery, infrastructure and wastewater purification into practice oriented applications without neglecting the social, economic and ecological consequences involved. At the same time, water – as a resource - is systematically cross-linked to the fields of energy, waste management and agriculture where it is also highly relevant. In this way, the Alliance and its participating 14 institutes shall play an active role in meeting of the United Nations’ Millenium Development Goals viz. to half the percentage of the world’s population which has no reliable access to safe drinkiing water and appropriate sanitary facilities. The working areas are grouped into three main clusters:
3.1 Water Utilization 1. Drinking Water Water forms the basis of all life on earth and is the foremost primary basic foodstuff for all kinds of civilization. This is why very high standards are set for the quality of drinking water. It must not damage people’s health so that strict regulations must be adhered to as regards chemical components and microbial composition. It must be free of germs and chemical materials which can cause illness. It should also be colourless, clear, cool, odorless and good to taste. The main purpose of water infrastructure systems is to treat raw water and distribute good quality water to municipal and industrial areas. 95% of Germany’s drinking water comes from central water suppliers and 70% is recovered from surface water or bank filtration. Approaches for the reduction of water consumption are investigated and transferred into practice. 2. Process Water There is no need for the use of drinking quality water for all purposes in private households and industrial plants. Especially in the industrial sector, untreated raw water, rainwater or treated greywater or wastewater would be fully sufficient for the fulfillment of many purposes. What kind of pre-treatment is needed depends on the subsequent use of the respective water. A differenciation is required e.g. according to hygenic standards without traces of contamination for agricultural purposes, whereas for cooling applications a much lower standard is adequate. Generally speaking, if water is to be re-used
August 2012
Issue No. 42
Science Impact on Tomorrow’s Urban Structures (cont.)
it is necessary to remove all solids and fats beforehand. Organic carbons (COD – chemical oxygen demand, BOD – biochemical oxygen demand must always be extracted from polluted wastewater.
resources should be used as drinking water or for agricultural purposes. To tackle this problem, the Alliances’ experts are working on watersaving irrigation technologies and developing concepts for re-using water to irrigate fields.
Innovative, adapted technologies for recovering, storing and re-using wastewater residual heat are also becoming more and more popular especially as the costs for energy are increasing.
4. Rain Water
3. Irrigation Many regions of the world are faced with the dilemma of deciding whether scarce water
Rainwater can be retained and mixed with drinking water for softening using adapted reservoir technologies with relevant filtration and treatment technologies. It is also easy to turn rainwater into drinking water (which already is a favourable method for obtaining water in many regions). Drinking water contains natural components which not only make it
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safe for consumption but are also important for human nutrition (e.g. calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, hydrocarbonate, sulfate and chloride). These have to be added to rainwater as salts before it can be used as drinking water. The same holds true for water generated from atmospheric humidity. 3.2 Water Treatment The Fraunhofer Water Systems Alliance has several different technologies at various stages of development at its disposal for treating water and purifying industrial wastewater – either for re-use in the production process (wastewater recycling) or for direct discharge. These technologies were developed in separate Fraunhofer institutes but are used by the entire Alliance as technology modules for developing both optimized system solutions and individual solutions. Together with its valuable past experience on water infrastructures, systems control, measurement technologies, automation and resource management, these new technologies enable the Alliance to develop skillful master plans and put these into action. For this purpose, the Alliance uses conventional methods as well as innovative future-oriented technology modules, some of which are depicted in the following. 1. Membrane Separation Technologies The services offered cover the entire spectrum of membrane technologies from micro- and nano- filtration right through to reverse osmosis • Micro sieves • Ceramic membranes
2. Ultrasonics • Sewage sludge desintegration • Cleaning membranes with ultrasonic sound 3. Electrophysical Precipitation Electrophysical precipitation dissolves ions and hydroxides in water out of a sacrificial anode material made of iron or aluminium. The ions form hydroxides which facilitate the separation of extremely small small solid particles, often found in stable emulsions and suspensions, by means of adsorption, precipitation or floccultation. At the same time, water is cleaved on the surface of the electrodes into highly-reactive radicals which create numerous secondary reactions with water components leading to a decrease in chemical oxygen demand (COD). These oxidation processes can also be used for disinfecting. 4. Evaporation Technologies Thermal processes are used to desalinate and concentrate seawater, brackish water and industrial process water. In this field, the Alliance is concentrating on optimizing processes which make use of secondary waste heat from industrial sources or which can be operated on energy from renewable sources such as e.g. low temperature solar systems. • Thermal solar membrane destillation • Solar desalination of seawater with a gravitation - supported vacuum evaporation plant • Generating drinking water from humidity
August 2012
Issue No. 42
biometrics evolved features...
Tel: 21241111 Fax: 21243706 Email:
Science Impact on Tomorrow’s Urban Structures (cont.)
5. Oxidation of pollutants and germs The Alliance has developed various oxidation processes for sterilizing water and removing persistent or toxic pollutants as well as trace contamination (also called micropollutants) safely and effectively e.g. from the process waters of chemical and pharmaceutical industries.
Together with the production of biogas, phase change slurry and photovoltaic-run reverse osmosis are good examples for successful developments in these fields. Components of measurements technologies which are selfsufficient as far as energy is concerned also play a major part in modern water management systems. 3.3 Water Management
• Electrochemical oxidation • Ozonization • UV oxidation
A further large working area is the field of water management in technological terms speaking of
6. Biological Treatment • Optimizing wastewater treatment plants both for municipal and industrial applications • High-load digestion: Less sewage – more energy: shorter residence times (5-7 days), higher organic volume load, improved degree of degradatio, less foam formation, increased biogas yield, better drainage of residual sludge, smaller amounts of sludge, cost savings for sludge disposal. • Anaerobic biological purification of highly polluted wastewater • Recycling nutrients 7. Energy Efficient and Self-Efficient Solutions
• process measurement technology, • plant automation, • process simulation as well as systemic approaches for sustainable infrastructures. ET
One of the specialities of the structure and the content of the Alliance’s work is its focus on combining efficient energy systems with efficient water infrastructure systems. The Alliance works on using the physical and chemical energy found in water and on developing water infrastructure systems which are more energy-efficient or even provide more their own energy.
Editor’s note: This paper was abridged because of space limitations. Readers who wish to see the full paper are requested to contact the editor on
Dipl.- Ing. Michael Bucher
August 2012
Issue No. 42
New Intelligent Lighting Systems Available from Hydrolectric Limited Project Profile
Willis Building Located oposite Lloyds of London this 491,000sq ft building consists of a 29 storey tower and an adjacent ten storey building. Both landlords and tenant areas use Prolojik DALI addressable lighting controls. The Lighting Control System was installed and configured in a relatively short timescale using 3,300 pre addressed DALI devices and PC100 series commissioning remote controls. The prolojik system provides a reliable, flexible control solution for the reception, meeting rooms, individual rooms, open plan offices and in the theatre. The building has been provided with emergency monitoring using DALI addressable emergency monitoring sensors and multi-sensors, dimming and scene setting in meeting rooms, interfaces with AV systems and theatre DMX controlled lighting. Lighting controls have are been intergrated with the BMS system for setback on unoccupied areas and scene loadshedding. Utilising peer to peer communication over an open protocol network.
Prolojik products utilised: • PN400 Network controllers • PN300 DMX Interface • BACnet/LonWorks gateway • PC530 DALI Master Hubs • PS330 DALI Multi Sensors • EM30 DALI Emergency Monitoring Sensors • PL511 Pluggable Lighting controllers • PL541 DSI Pluggable Lighting controllers • PL413 Lighting controllers • PL433 DALI Lighting controllers • PC600 Scene Setting • PV360 Web Based Supervisor
Key features: • Fully Addressable DALI lighting controls • Presence Detection & Daylight Linking • DMX Controlled Theatre Lighitng • Web-enabled supervisor • AV and BMS System Interfaces
For more information or to arrange a meeting with Hydrolectric, please contact: Mr. Michel Le Brun, Technical Sales Executive at Hydrolectric Ltd Tel. 2124 1111 or 7985 5983 e-Mail
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Providing Germ Free Drinking Water by Ing. Michael D’Amato
The scope of my presentation is three-fold. I will start with information on water itself to appreciate better such important commodity. Then I will review different methods of water disinfection evaluating their effectiveness with a closer look to Chlorine Dioxide process. In our first slide we note that though water is most abundant and that it covers three quarters of earth’s surface, yet less than 1% exists as fresh water. Water is so important to life that life cannot exist without it. Again, water is a simple molecule but with remarkable properties.
start adjoining and water expands, so ice is only formed at top of lakes and seas. This protects the life below its frozen surface. Water exists naturally as solid form as ice, liquid and vapour or steam. Water is very versatile for use in our daily lives as cleaning agent as the hydrogen bonding also hydrates other solid crystals easily and so removes dirt. Water is known as a universal solvent. Finally we mention how water can move across membranes controlling living cells and also allows desalination by reverse osmosis. The special features in water make what it is! Measurements in Water chemistry include: pH relating to concentration of the Hydrogen Ion in Logarithmic form, 0 to 14, with 7.0 as neutral; Total Dissolved Solids, expressed as TDS, referring to the dissolved salts in that water. Conductivity is a quick measure of the dissolved ions in that water. This measure is more for comparing different waters as it does not specify the different ions in the water. Water Hardness refers to the scale forming salts of Calcium and Magnesium, while water alkalinity is a measure of bicarbonate content, relating to the corrosiveness of the water. Other terms include Suspended Solids, Electrolytes, Oxidation Potential, Organic Solubility and measures of Stability Indexes – Langelier and Ryznar referring to the scale forming natures of that particular water.
It is an Asymmetrical Dipolar Molecule as shown in the attached diagram. This gives rise to symmetrical charges on both its sides resulting in hydrogen bonding which contributes to special capabilities. Its surface tension and capillary actions, for example enables water to travel up plant stems. At lower temperature than 4 DegC, the hydrogen bonds
The bacteriological nature of drinking water is regulated locally by L.N.17 of 2009 – Food Safety Act where we have parameters of maximum bacteriological activity in drinking waters. There has to be 0 bacteria count as regards to E-Coli and Enterocci, while total counts have to be very low.
August 2012
Issue No. 42
Providing Germ Free Drinking Water (cont.)
L.N. 5 of 2006 of Public Health Act 2008 regulates control of Legionella and defines ways to control and the different actions to be taken is such case as Legionella exceeds certain limits.. As per law regulations, Water systems are to be periodically tested by independent laboratories for positive qualification. Introducing ProMinent / ProMaqua. ProMaqua is the Water Treatment business part of the ProMinent group of Heidekberg, Germany, and this company offers wide range of solutions in Water Treatment. Among most popular, it serves the Food & Beverage Industry, Potable Water Supplies, Hotels and Resorts, Cooling Water Disinfection and Legionella Prevention. The key issue of ProMaqua is its expertise in water disinfection. Care is also taken for the removal of impurities as well as stabilising the water to prevent corrosion.
Table showing Comparison of Disinfectants
August 2012
Issue No. 42
One has to distinguish between Disinfection and Sterilisation. The latter is the total abolition of microbiological contamination, more for the pharmaceutical industry. Whereas Disinfection deals with the reduction of microbiological contamination for drinking water in order to comply with say the L.N.17- Food Safety Act. In our discussion we will be dealing with the disinfection of water and not sterilisation. We now present a table of comparisons on the effects of different disinfections processes and this way we can have a more complete picture as to the strength or capacity of the process. We can see Ozone is the strongest as it has a very high oxidation potential however it has a low depot or after effect as it quickly decomposes into oxygen.
Chlorine and UV are of medium strength but chlorine is very pH dependent and limited in certain cases. Chlorine also produces chlorinated organics as by-products such as THM’s and AOX. Ultra-filtration is also a strong process but costly in terms of equipment and energy. Chlorine dioxide has the advantage of being a strong disinfectant with a depot effect of few days and this makes it a very adequate application for most drinking and process water applications. An important concern is where Biofilms are concerned as biofilms harbour lots of bacteria beneath their surfaces; chlorine does not penetrate biofilms and disinfecting is not done. The system is again soon contaminated even after a super-chlorination process has taken place. We now have a look at the processes themselves and the equipment involved: Ozone Plants Ozone is a molecule with 3 oxygen atoms combined, very strong oxidant as it is very unstable as ozone, and therefore a strong disinfectant. It is soluble in water and therefore very adequate in treating bottled water as it then quickly decomposes to oxygen. The sealed bottles would then have a long shelf live and meet stringent health standards. ProMaqua produces Ozonfilt and Bonozon types of Ozone generating plants. Ozone is produced as a gas by a high voltage electric arc in the presence of dried air or enriched oxygen. This gas is then drawn under vacuum condition to be dissolved in water inside a Dissolving Tank. The ozonated water is then fed to the process with a value of about 0.3 or 0.4 ppm ozone to act as an
instant disinfectant. The dissolving process is a function of ozone concentration in the gas phase as well as water temperature. Therefore for correct plant sizing both factors have to be considered. As said the stability of the ozone solution is short term, this means the Half Time of ozone is less than one hour. This is why ozone will then not be suitable for open water systems. Ultra Violet Systems Ultra Violet units use a particular wavelength of 254 nm to affect a kill dose on bacteria. This is achieved by altering the DNA of the bacteria causing their inability to reproduce. Plants come in various sizes and configurations up to 1,500 cm/h. Applications vary from drinking water to process water, swimming pools, waste water and salt water. In latter case systems housings are made out of polyethylene to act against corrosion. Main advantages of UV are that the water is not treated with chemicals, no influence to taste or smell. Systems are relatively low cost and little maintenance is required. On the other hand, UV has no after effect and therefore open water systems are not adequately protected. The dependence of the germicidal effectiveness of UV is the wavelength applied, most effective is that in the range of UVC, at 254nm. Major components in a UV plant is the UV chamber itself which should be designed to cause a turbulence for homogenous radiation, the UVC burner itself with a lifetime of about 10,000 hours, the control panel with high voltage transformer and a UVC sensor for process monitoring. Water treated with UV needs to be pre-filtered.
August 2012
Issue No. 42
Providing Germ Free Drinking Water (cont.)
Chlorine Dioxide Systems Chlorine Dioxide is widely used today in many water disinfecting applications, including drinking water, food & beverage, wastewater, cooling towers and Legionella prevention. Plants come in different sizes but with same configuration to produce chlorine dioxide gas on site and dissolve it in water. Chlorine dioxide is a combination of one Chlorine atom to two Oxygen atoms with an unpaired electron which has the high oxidation power to disinfect. The gas is soluble in water independent of pH and therefore effective in wide range of waters, also with long after effect. Its main advantage is that it kills and removes bio-films and therefore
very effective in maintaining a clean system. It also penetrates cellular membranes to kill the bacteria. As compared to chlorine and bromine, it remains effective over a wide range of pH with high activity, so suitable in areas where pH of drinking water is high. Contact time is very low as well, that guarantees very effective disinfection, within 10 minutes at a dosage of 0.3ppm, all bacteria is removed. The chemical advantage with ClO2 is that is does not chlorinate as it only acts as an oxidant! It does not form THM’s or Chloroform and therefore avoids some toxic by-products as in
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the case of chlorine. Therefore ClO2 is more suitable for drinking water systems as well. One has to control the dose of ClO2 due to the chlorite content in water. Bio-films are a major threat in water systems as they harbour bacteria such as E-coli and Legionella. Bio-films are also very resistant against disinfectants and only ozone and ClO2 are able to kill biofilms and remove the bacteria they otherwise protect. For this reason chlorine dioxide is very effective to treat older systems of drinking water tanks and pipelines. Chorine Dioxide is produced by controlled mixing of two chemicals, Sodium Chlorite (NaClO2) and Hydrochloric Acid (HCl). No Chlorine is produced and reaction is 90% pro-active. The plants comprise mainly of two chemical dosing stations all in a built-up cabinet. Dosing rates are precisely controlled and monitored for safety and these meet in a PVDF reactor where ClO2 gas is produced and put into a water concentrated solution to be later fed into the main stream at a dosage of 0.4ppm. The whole process is well controlled as ClO2 gas is explosive, so trained and authorised personnel handle such equipment. However ProMaqua Chlorine Dioxide units are very reliable in design and operation.
Bello Zon CDVc for Diluted Chemicals
In Malta we have systems installed in few hotels and factories with very good results, however Chlorine dioxide should be given more priority. During the last 2 years of operation of St. Luke’s Hospital Chlorine Dioxide systems were installed with very successful results on a 50 year old building. Unfortunately the new hospital does not incorporate ClO2 in its design but now there is interest to do so. We include a typical Chorine Dioxide installation at the Karen Grech Hospital to explain show such systems can be retro-fitted into an existing system. We also show a monthly report showing chlorine dioxide reserve and total oxidants values recorded there. ET Editor’s note: This paper was abridged because of space limitations. Readers who wish to see the full paper are requested to contact the editor on
Ing. Michael D’Amato
August 2012
Issue No. 42
Ing. Saviour Baldacchino, COE President, introduces the conference
Minister Mario Demarco delivers the keynote speech
Prof. Avi Ostfeld came over from Israel to deliver his paper
Ing. Marco Cremona delivers his paper
Geoffrey Saliba on setting benchmarks
Eng. Dirk de Ketelaere from the Malta Water Association
August 2012
Issue No. 42
The conference was ably compered by television presenter Pauline Agius
Ing. Paul Refalo is concerned on water scarcity
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Bucher of the Fraunhofer Institute
Chamber President Ing. Saviour Baldacchino chairs the discussion
Ing. Mario Schembri answers a question on the SCADA system
Ing. Marco Cremona raises a point
The discussion continues during the break
August 2012
Issue No. 42
Case Study: The AIS SCADA System by Ing. Mario Schembri
Controlling all of Malta and Gozo’s potable water and wastewater distribution networks. Abstract SCADA, standing for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, refers to process control and data gathering hardware and software. SCADA is used widely in industry in diverse applications such as factory wide automation, power plants, oil and gas refining, telecommunications, transportation, as well as in water and waste control. By monitoring critical processes in real time, SCADA alerts personnel when conditions become hazardous and takes corrective action either automatically or through personnel intervention. Combined with wireless communication such as radio and GPRS, SCADA brings to the forefront the ability for managers to control remote and unattended sites at all times from the comfort of their offices. AIS Ltd. has successfully implemented two SCADA systems for the Water Services Corporation, one for potable water and the other for waste water. The state-of-the-art monitoring and control system covers all operations of WSC across the two islands’ whole drainage pumping network. This system follows another one by AIS for domestic water distribution, which was commissioned six years ago. With this technology, the WSC is able to monitor and control all operations throughout the Maltese islands. From the WSC control centre in Luqa, staff can monitor and control around sixty pumping stations in various localities in Malta and Gozo. Many of these stations are in remote locations not accessible by a standard communication line such as ADSL. AIS Ltd. has overcome this problem by providing wireless data links over UHF radio. This is a cheap, reliable and maintenance-free communication system, which links the outstations to the Luqa Control Centre through communications base stations. Besides control, this powerful system
August 2012
Issue No. 42
monitors pump faults, generator faults, sewage flow, energy consumption, power cuts, and a lot more. Most importantly, the control centre can monitor sewage levels in all the network cesspits on a twenty-four hour basis, meaning that accidental sewage outflows are a thing of the past. Thus the system is helping to maintain our bays clean and safe. Introduction Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems are Process Control Systems, specifically designed to automate systems such as water management, power management, telecoms, waste processing and petroleum refining.
Components of a SCADA System A typical SCADA consists of one or more remote terminal units (RTU) connected to a variety of sensors and actuators, and relaying information to a master station. The Master Station The term “Master Station” refers to the servers and software responsible for communicating with the field equipment (RTUs, PLCs, etc.), and then to the Human Machine Interface software running on workstations in the control room, or elsewhere.
In smaller SCADA systems, the master station may be composed of a single PC. In larger SCADA systems such as our Water Services Corporation SCADA, the master station includes multiple servers, a number of operator workstations and distributed software applications.
similarity to standard electrical circuits. A RTU that employs this ladder logic programming is called a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). PLCs have now become the standard in control systems. Communication Infrastructure
Master stations have three main functions; • They periodically obtain data from RTUs/ PLCs (and other master or sub-master stations) • They control remote devices through the operator station • Duties include trending, alarm handling, logging, archiving, report generation, and facilitation of automation. These duties may be distributed across multiple PCs, either standalone or networked. Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) Multiple Remote Terminal Units (also known as RTUs or Outstations). The RTU connects to physical equipment, and reads status data such as the open/closed status from a switch or a valve, reads measurements such as pressure, flow, voltage or current. By sending signals to equipment the RTU can control equipment, such as opening or closing a switch or a valve, or setting the speed of a pump. Advances in CPUs and the programming capabilities of RTUs have allowed for more sophisticated monitoring and control. Applications that had previously been programmed at the central master station can now be programmed at the RTU. These modern RTUs typically use a ladderlogic approach to programming due to its
SCADA systems have traditionally used combinations of radio and direct serial or modem connections to meet communication requirements, although Ethernet and IP over SONET is also frequently used at large sites such as railways and power stations. Most protocols now contain extensions to operate over TCP/IP Sensors and Actuators The philosophy behind control systems can be summed up by the phrase “If you can measure it, you can control it.” Sensors perform measurement, and actuators perform control. Sensors get the data (supervision and data acquisition) and actuators perform actions dependent on this data (control). The processing and determination of what action to take, is done by the master control system (i.e. SCADA). Our company has utilised a wide range of measurement instrumentation in our various projects. Our innovative products deliver costeffective solutions that feature world class performance and our experienced, in-house engineering team can integrate the products into state-of-the-art solutions. Our instrumentation portfolio consists of digital and analogue input and output modules for the most common field data interface devices installed in a SCADA system and include;
August 2012
Issue No. 42
Energy telemanagement Energy telemanagement EDS. EDS. Energy Energy manager manager
Ideal for customers with multiple sites Ideal for customers with multiple sites No need to use a computer. No need to use a computer.
The system can be used for the The system can be used for the autonomous measurement, autonomous measurement, supervision and control of the supervision and control of the energy consumption energy consumption
Embedded • Alarm log web server • Records Alarm log the parameters of equipment • Records theconnected parameterstoofthe system equipment connected to the system XML server • Built-in
• Built-in XML server
Reactive energy Reactive energy compensation compensation
• Built-in PowerStudio web server • Embedded Built-in PowerStudio
dd IP A re s s ddr ess
8 Digital inputs / 8 Digital impulses inputs / impulses
Internet Internet
Clock Internal Clock
Fire detection
Fire detection
Water meter
Water meter Lighting Lighting
6 digital 6 digital outputs outputs
Presence sensor
Presence sensor
Other loads Door sensor Door sensor
Earth leakage Earth leakage protection protection
Electrical parameter Electrical parameter measurement measurement CBS-4
Other loads
Case Study: The AIS SCADA System (cont.)
Reservoir level meters, Water flow meters, Valve position transmitters, Temperature transmitters, Power consumption meters, and Pressure meters. The AIS SCADA System Water Services Corporation Water and Wastewater SCADA Systems The AIS SCADA Telemetry system is based on the GE Fanuc Intelligent Platform. This system gathers data from a country wide network of stations, relaying all information to the Luqa control room.
The SCADA system provides real-time data capture via an integrated network of broadband, radio and telephony from reverse osmosis plants, water reservoirs, ground water sources and pumping stations. The system provides
35,000 points of data capture covering the Maltese Islands and allows various methods of alarm notification. A PLC by GE Intelligent Platforms is installed at the remote site, and provides the station’s overall philosophy of operation, including such things as the pump sequence, failure procedures, etc. This program was custom developed by AIS in line with specific requirements set out by WSC. The system provides full monitoring and control from the Water Services control room in Luqa, which may override the automatic settings present at the pumping station. Two SCADA server computers operating in standby redundancy mode log continuously the data being gathered onto an SQL database.
Thanks to this redundancy server, which avoids downtime and prevents the loss of data, this system has been operating successfully since 2003.
August 2012
Issue No. 42
Case Study: The AIS SCADA System (cont.)
Control Room personnel have full monitoring capability thanks to user friendly mimic screens on several client PCs. Reports, alarm handling, historical charting, running hours logging and several other features are available.
security of SCADA systems also contribute to significant long-term savings. Future trends in SCADA Once criticized for being vulnerable to cyber terrorism attacks, recent improvements in secure architectures and configurations have made modern SCADA systems safer and more reliable. Given the mission critical nature of a large number of SCADA systems, the lack of realtime data could, in a worst case scenario, cause massive financial losses through loss of data or actual physical destruction, misuse or theft, even loss of life.
Furthermore, our in house IT capabilities enable us to integrate our systems into existing client applications, significantly reducing investment costs and reducing the need for re-training personnel. Economic Advantage of a SCADA System Since the SCADA system is automatically monitoring the system and transmitting any alarms that may occur, the need to have standby personnel stationed at each outstation is greatly reduced. Operator travel time is similarly substantially decreased.
Such concerns, are moving engineers towards the implementation of SCADA systems wherever the need for real time monitoring and control of any system is required and most technical people believe that the overall financial and security benefits of SCADA based systems still greatly outweigh any potential risks. ET Editor’s note: This paper was abridged because of space limitations. Readers who wish to see the full paper are requested to contact the editor on
Early warning alarms also mean that time to intervention is decreased and equipment breakdowns leading to costly repairs are also minimised. SCADA systems also offer improved accuracy and efficiency as instrument readings are completely automated and no longer rely on ‘human’ intervention which is inherently prone to error. The increased reliability, safety and
August 2012
Issue No. 42
Ing. Mario Schembri Chairman, AIS Group of Companies
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