Goal Issue 2

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! L A O G



Ħarġa Nu mru 2 • M e jju 2019

I s s ue No. 2 • Ma y 2 0 1 9

Riżultati Pożittivi, Esperjenza Sabiħa



jn e t m l e K aŻu MiŻ-Ż


Long-Term Player Development P14




INTERVarIbEarWa Ishmael B P8

EDITOR: VICKY LICARI Email: goal@mfa.com.mt | Web: www.mfa.com.mt | Tel: 2338 6000 | Printing: Union Print Ltd | Design & Illustrations: ArtHouse Photography: Domenic Aquilina, Joe Borg © MALTA FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION 2019. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Malta Football Association. Opinions expressed in Goal Newspaper are not necessarily those of the Malta Football Association. All care has been taken to ensure truth and accuracy, but the Editor cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions in the articles, pictographs or illustrations.


Kelmtejn mill-kowċ nazzjonali

Ray 'Żażu' Farrugia Hekk kif issa għaddew l-ewwel xhur tas-sena, waslet it-tieni edizzjoni ta’ din il-gazzetta GOAL għalikom l-istudenti... L-ewwel edizzjoni ta’ din il-gazzetta varajnieha f’Diċembru bi żjarat fi tliet skejjel differenti. Jien attendejt l-attività li saret fl-iskola ta’ San Andrea u nistqarr li kienet esperjenza pożittiva. L-istudenti u l-amministrazzjoni taliskola laqgħuna b’ħerqa kbira u kien ta’ pjaċir għalina li nattendu għal din l-attività. Miegħi fl-iskola San Andrea kien hemm ukoll il-captain tat-tim nazzjonali Malti, Michael Mifsud, u anke l-mascot tat-tim nazzjonali, l-kelb tagħna Żepp.



Issue No. 2 • May 2019

L-istudenti għamlu mistoqsijiet ferm interessanti u taw xhieda ta’ kemm iż-żgħażagħ Maltin għandhom għal qalbhom l-isport tal-futbol. L-ewwel edizzjoni ta' GOAL tqassmet f’diversi skejjel u l-pjan huwa li n-numru ta’ skejjel u studenti li jibdew jirċievu din il-gazzetta jkompli jikber fix-xhur li ġejjin. Sadanittant, f'Marzu t-tim nazzjonali Malti lagħab l-ewwel żewġ partiti minn Grupp F tarrawnd ta’ kwalifikazzjoni tal-Kampjonat Ewropew 2020 fl-Istadium Nazzjonali.

Bdejna l-impenji tagħna fit-23 ta’ Marzu kontra l-Gżejjer Faroe, partita mimlija emozzjonijiet fejn irnexxielna niksbu t-tliet punti wara rebħa ta’ 2-1 minkejja li spiċċajna l-logħba b’għaxar plejers. Kienet esperjenza li mhu se ninsa qatt… lanqas hemm kliem biex niddeskrivi l-emozzjonijiet li ħassejt kif intemmet il-partita, speċjalment meta tara l-ferħ u l-entużjażmu tal-partitarji. L-isforzi u d-determinazzjoni talplejers tagħna kienu l-fatturi ewlenin li wasslu għal dan ir-

riżultat pożittiv flimkien mal-appoġġ tal-partitarji Maltin li ma waqfux jagħtu s-sostenn lit-tim. Minn hawn nixtieq għal darb’oħra nirringrazzja lill-partitarji Maltin għall-konkorrenza u l-appoġġ tagħhom kemm fil-partita kontra l-Gżejjer Faroe kif ukoll f’dik kontra Spanja li, kif kien mistenni, kienet iktar diffiċli iżda l-plejers tagħna għamlu l-almu tagħhom. Din ser tkun sena impenjattiva ħafna, b’logħbiet internazzjonali għattimijiet kollha nazzjonali f’livelli differenti, u rridu nkomplu nistinkaw

Kienet esperjenza li mhu se ninsa qatt… lanqas hemm kliem biex niddeskrivi l-emozzjonijiet li ħassejt kif intemmet il-partita, speċjalment meta tara l-ferħ u l-entużjażmu tal-partitarji kemm nifilħu biex nibqgħu mexjin fit-triq it-tajba. Għandna ħafna iktar impenji diffiċli bittimijiet l-oħra fil-grupp ikunu l-Iżvezja, inNorveġja u r-Rumanija, iżda aħna se nkunu qed naffrontaw kull sfida b’kuraġġ u determinazzjoni. Kunu kburin ta’ dak li jagħmilna Maltin u fejn

tistgħu attendu wkoll għal-logħob li jkun għaddej, speċjalment illogħbiet internazzjonali. Tinsabu qrib l-eżamijiet tal-aħħar tas-sena skolastika. L-istudju huwa importanti ferm fil-ħajja tal-bniedem għaliex jgħinek taqbad il-karriera li tixtieq.

Madanakollu nisħaq fuq il-bżonn li nkunu attivi fiżikament. Qassmu l-ħin u taraw kif issibu ħin għal kollox. Is-sigriet qiegħed li tqassam ħinek tajjeb.

Gazzetta tat-Tfal


Il-Passaport ta’


HERITAGE MALTA Student u 2 adulti li jakkumpanjawh jistgħu jżuru s-siti storiċi b’xejn. Titlifx din l-opportunità! A student and 2 accompanying adults can visit sites and museums for free. An opportunity not to be missed!

passport@heritagemalta.org www.heritagemalta.org/passport



Issue No. 2 • May 2019




Dorianne Theuma (HIBERNIANS & MALTA)

When did you start playing football?

I began playing football from a very young age. At the time, playing outdoors with other children was the most common thing to do. After completing my homework, I used to go out to play football. I remember that we used to play in different locations, at the swings and in the streets. How difficult is it for a woman to pursue a football career?

When I was a child, for a girl to play football was still something of a taboo. I was accepted by the boys since I was quite good technically, but my grandfather had reservations since football was considered as a men’s sport. Luckily my parents always supported me and allowed me to do what I loved most. At that time, I was not even aware that there were ladies teams. In fact I joined Hibernians when I was 12 and moved up to the senior

team after a couple of training sessions. Nowadays parents are more open-minded, you can find girls' teams at almost all clubs and football is also played in girls’ schools. Nurseries cater for girls aged under 10 to 19. They have more opportunities and there are certainly more resources.

Who were the key persons who helped you develop and progress in your career?

Definitely, one of my first coaches Pierre Brincat was instrumental. He was my coach at Hibs for seven years and also my coach with the national

team. Mr Brincat has been a catalyst for football to improve and grow in our country.

In a nutshell, how do you describe your career so far?

I've been very lucky as I had the opportunity to play with the best players around, representing Malta from the very first official match and winning all trophies in Maltese women's football. I also had the opportunity to join a foreign club but, for one reason or another, this failed to materialise. Continued on page 7 Gazzetta tat-Tfal




Issue No. 2 • May 2019


What were the most important honours you have won?

Winning the league title with my respective teams is always a nice achievement but making it through our first World Cup preliminary round is the highlight of my career so far. It was the best tournament I've been involved in as I managed to score four goals in three matches. Playing on home soil, seeing all the sacrifices bear the desired fruit was amazing. From a personal perspective, scoring my first goal against Bosnia

was an episode in my career I will never forget. I've won the best player award eight times and these honours reward all the sacrifices I've made throughout these years.

You are a key player for the national team. Can you talk us through your emotions when playing for Malta? Wearing the national shirt and singing the national anthem when representing our country is always a great emotion. Playing against world-class opponents also gives you a nice

feeling. I think all the players should work hard so that one day they get the opportunity to represent their country.

What are your plans for the future?

I would like to keep coaching. I already have the UEFA (B) coaching licence and my intention is to do the (A) licence. At the moment, I coach the Malta Under-16 girls team and Kirkop girls U-19. Hopefully in the future, I will have more opportunities to stay in this environment.

What advice can you give to youngsters choosing football as their sporting career?

My message to those youngsters who want to succeed in football is to go out there and work hard for it but the most important thing is to have fun and remain humble.

Gazzetta tat-Tfal



Can you introduce us briefly to your sporting career?

I started refereeing in October 2010 when I was still 17. In my first season, I was mainly appointed for Under-15 and Under-17 matches as an assistant referee.

Interview with referee

Ishmael Barbara

My second season was crucial in my career path. As I started receiving more appointments as a referee, I began to establish a good reputation and, at the end of that season, I controlled my first 'big' match... the Under-17 Knock-Out final in which Ħamrun Spartans won 2-1 against Paola Hibernians. After that, I worked my way up through Division Three, Two and One. On the 21st October 2017, aged 24, I made my debut in the BOV Premier League and to date, I am the youngest referee in the top category.

Refereeing is not an easy job. What enticed you to this career at such a young age?

When I was young, my uncle, Chris Lautier, a former FIFA referee, gave me the pocket in which he kept the yellow and red cards. It was a small but special gift because none of my friends had one.



Issue No. 2 • May 2019

In my secondary school years, at the St Paul’s Missionary College, my P.E. teacher Kenneth Camilleri gave me the opportunity to put these cards to use and referee in the school’s football league. I loved it immediately and I knew that I wanted to pursue a a career as a referee.

You have moved quickly up the ranks. What are the main factors to become a good referee? I believe that now more than ever, to be a good referee and make it to the top level, you have to be physically fit. Mental toughness is another important quality. Referees must be bold and take unpopular decisions when necessary.

Which match has been the most difficult to control so far?

DOB: 20th June, 1993 Personal Interests: Formula One and travelling

My mantra is that every match is difficult as when you think otherwise, you tend to relax and make more mistakes. However, there is a match that comes to mind that was played in Gozo... it was quite a big challenge.

What are your views about VAR (Video Assistant Referee)?

VAR is the future. It gives referees the opportunity to rectify mistakes when it is not too late and

hence alleviates some of the pressure. I would love to see VAR in Maltese football but it comes with its own challenges.

What are your ambitions and goals for the future?

One of my long-term targets has always been to participate in UEFA’s Centre of Refereeing Excellence (CORE) training programme. This programme is widely regarded as the first step to becoming an international referee. Last October I was informed by MFA Director of Refereeing Kevin Azzopardi that I had been chosen to

represent Malta in CORE 43 (programme kicked off in April). Naturally my main focus is to prepare and be at my very best during this experience That said, my ultimate goal is to become an international referee.

Your appeal to youngsters who are interested in taking up refereeing? Most people say that it must be hard to be a referee. There is some truth to that, but, from my experience, the satisfaction you derive from refereeing outweighs the negative experiences. I encourage all youngsters who love football to give it a try.

Gazzetta tat-Tfal



ESPERJENZA SABIĦA U ŻJARA LILL-PRESIDENT TA’ MALTA U LILL-PRIM MINISTRU It-tfajliet Maltin iħallu impressjoni tajba f’żewġ tournaments li ħadu sehem fihom – wieħed fit-Tajlandja u l-ieħor f’pajjiżna...



Issue No. 2 • May 2019

It-tim nazzjonali Malti tattfajliet ta’ taħt is-16-il sena kiseb l-ewwel post fil-UEFA Youth Girls Development Tournament li sar f’Malta u eżatt wara kien mistieden f’Kastilja għal-laqgħa kordjali mal-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat nhar itTnejn 11 ta’ Marzu, 2019.

Malta, taħt il-gwida talkowċ Dorianne Theuma, l-ewwel rebħu lil Ġibiltà (5-1), imbagħad lil Andorra (7-0) u fl-aħħar nett għelbu lil Albanija (4-0). Il-Prim Ministru kellu kliem ta’ tifħir għall-kontinġent Malti li rnexxielu jirbaħ ittliet logħbiet li lagħab b’mod konvinċenti u b’hekk spiċċa fl-ewwel post f’tournament li sar fis-Centenary Stadium.

Il-plejers tal-iskwadra nazzjonali tat-tfajliet (U-16) flimkien ma' l-ex-President ta' Malta, l-E.T. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca.

Intant, ftit xhur qabel, il-membri tat-tim nazzjonali Malti tattfajliet ta’ taħt il-15-il sena li ħadu sehem fil-UEFA-AFC Development Tournament fitTajlandja f’Diċembru, żaru lill-exPresident ta’ Malta, l-E.T. MarieLouise Coleiro Preca. L-E.T. laqgħet lil dawn it-tfajliet u d-diriġenti li akkumpanjawhom fil-Palazz ta’ San Anton nhar it-Tnejn, 28 ta’ Jannar, 2019. Hija tkellmet magħhom dwar l-esperjenza tagħhom ’il bogħod minn xtutna, ferħitilhom għarriżultati pożittivi li kisbu filwaqt li awguratilhom għal aktar esperjenzi simili fil-futur. Fit-Tajlandja, eżattament fiċChang Arena f’Buriram, Malta, immexxija mill-kowċ Dorianne Theuma, lagħbet tliet logħbiet li minnhom rebħet tnejn u tilfet waħda. Il-wirjiet tat-tim Malti kienu ferm tajbin u anke jekk tilfu l-aħħar logħba tagħhom, xorta kienu sfidanti denji għat-timijiet kollha li lagħbu kontriehom.

Malta rebħet l-ewwel logħba kontra l-Mongolja 3-2, u wara għelbet lil Singapore 4-0, biex imbagħad tilfet l-aħħar waħda kontra l-ospiti t-Tajlandja bi iskor ta’ 2-0. It-Tajlandja rebħu l-kompetizzjoni. Il-futbol tan-nisa qiegħed kulma jmur iżid fil-popolarità, bilkampjonat femminili jkun wieħed ferm segwit. Is-settur tal-futbol femminili jwettaq bosta inizjattivi fosthom żjarat fl-iskejjel biex ikompli jħajjar aktar tfajliet jersqu lejn il-logħba tal-futbol.

UEFA YOUTH BOYS DEVELOPMENT TOURNAMENT Intant, it-tim nazzjonali ta’ taħt is-16-il sena tas-subien ukoll kien impenjat f’UEFA U-16 Youth Development Tournament li sar f’pajjiżna.

Minn din il-paġna nħeġġu aktar tfajliet sabiex jitħajru jingħaqdu ma’ xi tim tal-futbol femminili biex ikompli jitkattar l-interess f’dan l-isport.

It-tim Malti, taħt il-gwida tal-kowċ Noel Turner, beda l-impenji tiegħu b’rebħa ta’ 2-0 fuq l-Albanija, imbagħad tilef 4-0 kontra t-tim li spiċċa l-ewwel fil-kompetizzjoni, d-Danimarka, u bi skor minimu ta’ 1-0 kontra l-Iskozja.

Għal aktar informazzjoni, tistgħu tikkuntattjaw lid-dipartiment tal-futbol tan-nisa fi ħdan l-MFA permezz tal-email – footballgirls@ mfa.com.mt, jew billi żżuru l-paġna Facebook – MFA Women’s Football.

Malta spiċċat fit-tielet post f’dan it-tournament, fejn fl-ewwel post spiċċaw id-Danimarka b’disa’ punti, l-Iskozja b’sitta, Malta bi tliet punti u l-Albanija li ma kisbu l-ebda punt.

Gazzetta tat-Tfal




Issue No. 2 • May 2019

by MAXINE ZERAFA Nutritionist & Dietitian

We all know and hear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But having a nutritious lunch is also essential in most diets. Eating the right foods at lunch helps keep us energised and more focused all the way through the day, as well as ensuring that we are getting enough of those nutrients that our bodies need. Skipping a meal usually leaves us starving by the time we get home from work or running errands, making it more likely to binge eat and give into

temptation later in the day. Having that midday meal helps to avoid that. Lunch is one of those meals that requires planning, effort and motivation because most of us are at work. It’s very easy to turn to the closest cafe or take away, which sometimes is necessary, but it doesn’t have to be the everyday norm. Home prepared lunches have the benefit of being less costly and tend to be lower in calories and fat.

Here are some suggestions on how to transform your lunchtime meal:

1. Make veggies the star of your dish

2. Enjoy a balanced meal for lunch

Many a time the focus of a meal is either the carb like pasta or rice or an animal-based protein. One way of making a meal healthier and more versatile is using a vegetable or two as the main component of the meal. There are so many veggies out there you can’t ever get bored, they pair well with so many other foods and can still fill you.

Having a healthy and well portioned mix of lower glycaemic index carbohydrates (i.e. more veggies), healthy fat and lean protein will mean a more varied and tasty meal. It also won’t lead to that feeling of drowsiness that one gets after having too much food and heavy carbs.

3. Plan ahead

4. Don’t eat at your desk

Yes, we’ve all heard it before... the early bird does catch the worm. This is no exception for your lunch meals. For it to be as hassle-free as possible stock up on healthy staple foods, make extra portions to take with you and/or re-purpose your left overs. Also, don’t get into a slump, incorporate foods you actually enjoy into healthy recipes, embracing those seasonal foods we’re so lucky to have.

So many of us are guilty of doing this. The desk was not designed to be an eating place. One of the biggest drawbacks of eating at your desk is that you're not focused on your food but on working the perfect recipe for mindless overeating.

Keeping these tips in mind, here is an appetising recipe great for lunchtime:

Grilled red pepper and tomato soup with Halloumi and walnuts Ingredients: (makes 4 portions) 1 large onion, diced 3 red bell peppers, diced 4 tomatoes, diced 2 garlic cloves, peeled 1 tsp smoked paprika 1 tsp dried rosemary ½ tsp chili powder (optional) Salt and pepper, to flavour 1 tsp plant based oil 250ml water, with 2 tsp vegetable stock powder 3-4 slices Halloumi Handful of walnuts, chopped

Method: In a dish place the diced onions, bell peppers, tomatoes and garlic. Season using the spices, herbs and seasoning, and drizzle with some oil. Place the dish in the grill under medium heat for about half an hour or until slightly charred. This allows for the vegetables to develop smoky, sweet flavours. In a large pot heat up the vegetable stock until simmering.

Remove the vegetables from the grill and place into the pot along with all the juices released during cooking. Simmer for about 10 minutes until all veg has softened. Remove from the heat and blitz using a blender. For the Halloumi, shallow fry in a non-stick pan until browned. Serve on top of the soup along with the crushed walnut. Gazzetta tat-Tfal


l Te Nationa

What is LTPD?

LTPD is a programme for football players development, training, competition, and recovery based on biological age (i.e. physical maturity) rather than chronological age. In other words, LTPD is designed to give players an optimal football experience at every stage putting their needs at the forefront. Experts in sport science have identified seven stages of development (Table 1) – each with its own physical and psychological characteristics – that form the basis for LTPD.


Our foremost priority is to teach our kids the ABC’s of movement. When activities and expectations are not in sync with the child’s development stage, this can set them up for failure. The same is true when young children are part of a footballing environment that over-emphasises winning at the expense of developing skills and having fun. The negative consequences can last a lifetime: some kids develop bad habits and poor skills and can become discouraged. Many don’t achieve their performance potential.



Issue No. 2 • May 2019

I PAGAN by LUCA nce Coach

am Perf


on articipati iding p t s e g r is the la ld, prov Football alta and the wor layers at all rp M sport in ysical activity fo ph healthy ability. ball levels of on, foot ti a ip c ti r of pa erson of the p sic level t a n b e t s m o p d lo At the m itions an ing tic deve d s n li o o c h y a s ell-be nt man promote to preve nhancing the w g in lp e ess e while h the proc in , s e s disea uals. of individ

The benefits of this approach for players and parents are multiple: Better understanding of what makes a good football programme; More players learning at their level and having fun; Appropriate game and league structures (e.g. size

of balls, goals, field etc.);

More opportunity for players to realise their athletic potential.

After children enter at the Active Start stage and become physical literate, they can continue on a pathway towards excellence or choose to enter an ‘Active for Life’ recreational stream.

f o s e stag

Golden age of learning

Identifying the elite player

Developing top player



Active for Life

Fun with the ball

U11-U15 F U15-U19 F U-12-U16 M U16-U20 M

Training to Win

First kicks


U8-U11 F U9-U12 M

Training to Compete

U6-U8 F U6-U9 M


U4-U6 F&M

Training to Train

Learning to Train




Active Start


Table 1

U18+ F U19+ M

Any Age F&M

Maximising Football for the health and performance grassroots





Issue No. 2 • May 2019

etizz p i m j o n o


Malta għandna pjan sabiex tfal u żgħażagħ jgħixu aħjar?


I it-tw bghat egiba t-taj fu goal@ q l-email: ba m fa.co u idh m.m ol b tirba ic-cans l t i h wie mit-t hed l i e t prem jijiet :)

X’kien ir-riżultat tal-partita li Malta lagħbet kontra l-Gżejjer Faroe fit-23 ta’ Marzu fl-Istadium Nazzjonali?

Ir-rebbieħa tal-premjijiet abbinati mal-kompetizzjoni fl-ewwel edizzjoni ta’ GOAL huma: 1. Matteo Micallef

2. Angie Borg

3. Martina Privitera

Gazzetta tat-Tfal


MALTA v ġERMANJA TAL-PUNENT 25 ta' frar, 1979


j i r r a k k o n ta ! Partita partikolari li tibqa’ tissemma fl-istorja tattim nazzjonali Malti hija dik li ntlagħbet nhar il-25 ta’ Frar, 1979, valida mir-rawnd ta’ kwalifikazzjoni tal-Kampjonat Ewropew li ntemmet fi draw ta’ 0-0 kontra l-Ġermanja tal-Punent. Il-plejers Maltin ingħataw tislima ta’ eroj wara l-logħba minn dawk kollha preżenti fl-Empire Stadium hekk kif it-tim Ġermaniż kien meqjus bħala wieħed mill-aktar qawwija fl-Ewropa. Il-Maltin lagħbu bi sforz kollettiv iżda l-aktar li spikka kien il-gowlkiper, Charles Sciberras, li wettaq diversi interventi determinanti fuq l-aktar players perikolużi – Hansi Muller, Karl Heinz Rummenigge u Rainer Bonhof. Din il-logħba rat ukoll id-debutt tat-tliet players, Norman Buttigieg u Ġużi Xuereb (Hibernians) u David Buckingham (Sliema Wanderers). Irresponsabbiltà ta’ Buckingham kienet li jimmarka strettament lil Rummenigge… u ma ddiżappuntax għax l-attakkant Ġermaniż eventwalment ġie mibdul minn Klaus Allofs.



Issue No. 2 • May 2019

Barra minn hekk, il-Maltin skorjaw permezz ta' Ernest Spiteri Gonzi iżda l-gowl ma ġiex konvalidat għal foul fuq il-gowlkiper Sepp Maier. L-istess gowlkiper salva bi tbatija free-kick ta’ Vince ‘Maxi’ Magro li deher li kien dieħel fix-xibka.

Lejn it-tmiem, il-kowċ Ġermaniż Jupp Derwall għamel bidla tattika billi avvanza aktar plejers fuq l-offensiva iżda l-Maltin baqgħu determinati biex id-difiża qatt ma ġiet megħluba.

Wara l-logħba, il-kowċ nazzjonali Victor Scerri esprima s-sodisfazzjon tiegħu fejn qal li dawk il-plejers kitbu paġna b’ittri tad-deheb fl-istorja talfutbol Malti. It-tim Malti kien kompost minn: Charles Sciberras, David Buckingham, Edwin Farrugia, John Holland, Norman Buttigieg, Emanuel Farrugia, Vincent Magro, Gużi Xuereb, Ernest Spiteri Gonzi (Carlo Seychell), Ray Xuereb, George Xuereb.

Gazzetta tat-Tfal


A healthy eating guide for school-age children Adults are encouraged to adopt a healthy pattern of eating and lifestyle to act as a role model for children to also acquire healthy eating and lifestyle habits. Children like adults, crave for energy dense foods high in fat, sugar and salt. Moreover, in addition to quality of food, portion sizes also matter, as more weight is gained with an increasing intake of calories. Children need a nutritious diet to attain their potential for good health, growth and development. Generally, children should eat three regular meals a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner; with healthy snacks in between to meet their requirements of energy and nutrients. Examples of healthy snacks include fruit, nuts and seeds or a small sandwich. Each child has individual dietary needs. These are based on factors such as age, gender, weight and height as well as their level of physical activity. The more active children become, the more energy needs and 20


Issue No. 2 • May 2019

nutrients are required. In general, boys have a higher energy intake from foods than girls. Dietary guidelines for Maltese children aged 3 to 12 years are available to help parents and carers learn more about the type and amount of food their children need to meet their dietary requirements. These guidelines are based on the ‘Healthy Plate’, which encourages a Mediterranean style of eating. This is a mainly plant-based diet with low intakes of red meat, ‘free sugars’ and unhealthy fats. The Mediterranean diet besides having been awarded as the best diet in the world for 2019 by the US News and World Report, has been recognised by many health and scientific experts for its health protection, satiety, the maintenance of a stable blood sugar level and the reduction of cravings. The whole family should be encouraged to make smart changes in order to gradually develop healthy eating habits.

The Mediterranean diet recommends: ◦ Increasing the consumption of vegetables, fruits and whole- grain products. ◦ Choosing reduced fat milk or dairy products. ◦ Consuming protein from a variety of lean meats, poultry, fish, legumes and eggs. ◦ Preparing and consuming more homemade meals. ◦ Controlling food portion sizes. ◦ Drinking more water. ◦ Making healthy food choices by limiting the intake of sugar, saturated fat and salt. ◦ Flavouring food with herbs and spices instead of salt. ◦ Reducing screen time. ◦ Being active. ◦ Ensuring adequate sleep. A child’s hand is a good measure to use when calculating how much food to give to children. As children grow older, their hands grow proportionately, and therefore correspond to how much food they need. As children grow, so should their plate. A small sized plate should be used for young children. One should drink plenty of fluids every day. Water is the preferred drink. Soft drinks should be avoided due to their high sugar and acid content. More fluids are needed during hot weather or during increased physical activity. For a free copy of the dietary guidelines and for more information on healthy eating, kindly contact the Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate on 23266000 and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @ HPDPDMalta.

Gazzetta tat-Tfal


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Michael d captain a School n a ia g u dre Farr ach Ray e San An ers of th Malta co b m e . g m ith A do Mifsud w pp, the Malta F e Ĺť d n a staff

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Issue No. 2 • May 2019

Rowen ong and b M h p e l, yers Jos r Busutti Malta pla ether with Pete Vella, g r a to Muscat, , and Om visit Malta FA rint, during the e th m o P fr n ting Unio represen lle College. a S to De La

GOAL ! k c a b is

Young Ma lta and Hib ernians forw Kayleigh C ard hetcuti is jo ined by pu the Mater pils of Boni Consi lii School d one of the uring outreach e vents.

While we do hope you enjoy reading the interesting articles and features in the second issue of GOAL, we would like to thank you for the positive and enthusiastic response for this new publication. This was evident during the outreach visits held at Mater Boni Consilii School in Paola, De La Salle College in Vittoriosa and San Andrea School in Mġarr to mark the launch of GOAL in December 2018. Kayleigh Chetcuti, a member of the Malta women’s national squad, attended the first activity at Mater Boni Consilii School. The Hibernians forward spoke about her passion for football and her career objectives, emphasising the importance of practising football and sports. The second visit, held at De La Salle College, featured the participation of

Malta internationals Rowen Muscat and Joseph Mbong who received a very warm welcome from the students. It was then the turn of national coach Ray Farrugia and Malta captain Michael Mifsud to show their support for GOAL during the third and final outreach visit, held at San Andrea School. The two ‘stellar’ guests were not alone as they were accompanied by another special attendee, Żepp, the Malta Football Association dog and mascot of the national teams who stole the hearts of all present. The heart-warming story of how Żepp was adopted by the Malta FA a few years ago after being left abandoned tied to a wooden fence can be found in the first edition of GOAL. Gazzetta tat-Tfal




Issue No. 2 • May 2019

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