Clear Connections Upward to the Heavens— [ Vision ] — 713. — October 17th, 2021 — Robert Bayer

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Clear Connections Upward to the Heavens 713. — October 17th

O All Highest Spirit, how different the world looks as we put away the dark aspects of self! When we do, our vision is restored! Our awareness is renewed! The very atmosphere round us goes from cloudy, murky oblivion even in full daylight — to that of air

crystalline, where the air we breathe has a kind of luminous clarity to it, pristine and refreshing. Hence, when we actually succeed in self-controlling our faults and weaknesses till they are no more, we find that—yes, our attitude is one of bright illumination, of cheerfulness and hope—but there is also an awareness of new connections to the higher realms.

This awareness is as sparkling white lines of graceful sublime radiance. There is an innate symmetry in how these Lines of Alignment interact, unfolding and revolving around our being.

For there has always

been a devotion and a desire by the higher beings, the angels, to interact, to connect in empowering waves of Heavenly Light to and with the mortals of the lonely, lowly earth.

Freed for a time, hopefully a long time, from our

self-generated negativity, we pause below the starry skies, visible in our consciousness even in broad daylight as they are now.

At the same time, an

ignition of exhilaration sweeps across our mind and heart, as well as from the base of our feet to the top of our crown chakra.

And best of all is the pure energy faith with which we are being suffused. What had just yesterday seemed foreboding and threatening now is being anticipated as an opportunity to shine forth our light, our blessings, our help to all we interact with. For our life is a blessing and our love is our power—the power to serve, the power to save, the power to love and to rejoice in such love and those near and dear to us, as well as to those with whom we live and work this very day.

For now our focus is that each day is a gift to

be discovered and shared, as well as each person

who is with us today on our path. For this path we walk is the path through our Universe of Splendor Unending. For this path is the path to Our Creator, Mighty and Full of Love and Joyful Wonders!

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