Our Spirit Arises! 716.
November 11th, 2021
Our spirit arises!
From low unto high. From darkness unto light. Our spirit arises!
Into the heavens from our sad, blue earth, we arise. Yet immediately upon our arrival, we rejoice.
For we can now
see and meet all our loved ones who have gone before us. After decades of separation, we are together once more, and so we celebrate our love together.
In spirit we arise but we arise in so many other ways as well. The very quality of our life and spirit have arisen to reach this point of ascension.
Behold how the frequency of our
atomic structures vibrate at higher tones, at faster speeds. For our being, our soul has been transformed anew into a more angel-like person.
This can only be because our very thoughts and feelings have arisen, being focused now far more so on the high than the low.
Our consciousness is currently more one with that
which is eternal, the great virtues of love, harmony and service which are the essence of the immortals, of the
angelic heavens of life and light that shine as cosmos of stars forever.
We have reached the emancipated heavens because we have earned the right to be here — for caring more about the welfare of others than that of our own.
Truly, with a few
exceptions yet, we have overcome our faults and sins of ages past where we were bound to the dark and limiting bondage of selfishness. For a time we strove against our self, not realizing that true life, being, and consciousness could only mean the renunciation of the low for the high.
And so bit by bit, step by step, sphere by sphere of our life became ever more in accord with the Will of The Great Spirit of Love.
We were learning and are still learning how to be
of service to our fellow brothers and sisters, whether mortals on earth or immortals of the heavens and hells.
And more than simply learning such truths, we discovered how to live these with real enthusiasm, about the potential soul abilities each of us possess — and how to progress such together in kindness, cheerfulness and steadfastness.
Thus this day we stand in the heavens of eternal love and rejoice to see our family of the cosmos smiling with us and for us.
Angels of Service we ever are and angels of the ascendant heavens we shall ever be.
For we love our Creator, and love all the children of our Creator which were always meant to be.
For our destiny to arise is being realized as we explore and discover the glories of triumphing over all darkness to bring eternal light to all our lives together for today and
Let our spirit arise evermore and rejoice in thanksgiving to The All Highest Spirit of The Universe Unending.