Visions of the New Age 724. — January 2nd, 2022
Prayer: The Truth Absolute we seek to know and share, according to Thy Will, Thy Inspiration, O Creator. There is nether darkness nor sin within us which we can or should hide from Thy All-Seeing Eye. Let us take in The Truth that Thy Perfect Sight is always upon us, willing and ready to help us instantly in the best ways
possible, with an immaculate understanding of our plight. Thus, let us never hesitate in turning from selfishness while turning towards Thee, The All-Highest while Ever-Present at the core of our divine spirit-soul. For the Kingdom and The Power and The Glory, are Thine, now and forever and ever. Amen.
Before the Holy Shrine of Zarathrusta in the mountains of Persia upon Mount Ushi-darena, we are gathered. Upon its white marble stone altar, a golden basin is filled with The Sacred Fire Eternal. Its flames burn now high, with great fervor, and intense heat and brilliant light. Within our own Spirit-Soul we feel the very same Sacred Fire Eternal aflame as The Sun of Suns that is The Creator of the Universe.
Embraced by The Holy Fires within and before us, our negativity is quickly consumed and burned away, leaving us aglow with Our Purest Consciousness that now expands from within to enfold us all in The Soul Fire of Eolin Almighty. Transfixed in such Supernal Power Celestial, we raise together our hands to the Pristine Azure Skies that seal the hemisphere above the highest
Breathless here we breath in the cleansing air, the Sanctifying Sunshine Rays from The High Noon Sun above us now. Immersed in such incredible energies of The Universe, we begin to vibrate into new attunement with The Supreme God the Creator, Ahura Mazda.
As in a trance, we feel our combined beings arising and revolving ever higher towards the atmospheres that are the higher heavens of this world, our home of planet Earth. We feel next as though we were made of Cosmic Fire, burning with new visions as each flame arises through our being in violet, gold and sapphire.
Opening our spiritual eyes, we begin to see the Time Passages Impeccable which flow as a Bright Stream of Revelation before us, each
image unique and revealed to each of us personally.
First, there was a Lovely Christmas Tree of many-colored lights, love-filled splendor from my family’s home.
Second, there were white and aqua surf where waves swiftly rose and fell in rhythms full of energy and joyousness.
Next there was a broad sky covered with cumulous
thunderheads rumbling while triple rainbows arched over this grand hemisphere.
Then many hundreds of African young men and women rising from their classrooms and homes
to sing with courage and power as a choir in angelic chorus together.
Following this, I saw a vivid red Tori Archway of a Shinto Shrine of Japan — towering above me as many deep toning bells tolled in unison.
Finally there appeared from the night skies a flurry of star-like snowflakes, glinting as they filled a giant hour-glass, crystalline gems which
one by one fell from the higher chamber to the low. Many tones of tinkling melodies resounded prettily as the clear jewels flowed together.