From Hell: Se’moin
781. —
February 12th, 2023
Prayer: O All-Highest, we open our mind and heart to Thy All Voice. We wish for no intermediary to convey

Thy Will or Wisdom. We do not ask any high priest to sanctify our communion with Thee. We look to no sacred book nor sacred symbols to gain a line of communication with Thee. We commune only by our Love, Our Light, Our Wills together. Attending guardian angels, one for each of my hands, are guiding me into the netherworld. I have seldom made a specific request before about where a vision quest should take place. In this case, I wish to learn something of the history for how The Plate of Se’moin was created and channeled. Into the Masonic-Satanic planes we are drifting downward slowly and cautiously, so I thought. Aguide then mentions that our descent is much like deep diving into the ocean where a gradual adjustment to the heavier atmosphere must take place. This way
they can control such without becoming entrapped though no mortal spirit alone could.
We enter at last a realm of many tombs, pyramids, castles and prisons. It is a grim and darkly threatening atmosphere. Into a demonic temple we apparently invisibly enter. Many pillars, altars, weapon troves are randomly arranged. Curtains and tapestries of black, crimson, imperial purple and pale gold separate there various groups and labors. High torches of fire fiercely burn as well.
None of the guards nor their current torture victims can perceive us. However, in the farthest vestibule at the back of the temple, behind a gigantic black curtain, a demon of some importance sits upon a grotesque throne fashioned from human limbs, set upon burning coals aflame. Despite the visual barrier, we see him with second sight and likewise he also of us. He instantly knows why we are here and with a crude

dismissive gesture points at a tunnel to where we wish to go.
The dark tunnel is lit by the same kind of flaming torches. We travel at a very high speed, flying as it were till we reached the Masonic Oahspe caves. This is not the area which Wayne Sturgeon described in his La Cruces visions. Rather, it is the area of masonic hell assigned to deceive Newbrough and all following his conflictive fusion of the Oahspe-Masonic path.
While these caverns are far below Newbrough’s current purgatory realms, they seem superior or less despotic and cruel than in the central Masonic halls. Here there is a vast library of ancient history, a collection of all past false religions and cults. Miraculously, simply gazing at any one book will
begin a vision and a vocal narrative of the wrongs and disasters instituted by said dark denomination. My guides ask me to request what I wished to know. “My first question is how was the Tablet of Se’moin created.”
Immediately my eyes are drawn to the appropriate book on distant shelf that is glowing a muddy brown.
Out from the book a portal appears from which can be seen an astral chain of dark spirits. I see the ghastly ones from in this hall to the ever less evil ones connecting by touch to Dr. Newbrough in 1882. A number of scribes are drawing the Se’moin symbols using charcoal on thin white plates of stone. Their choice for each design is based on symbolic images favored by cults thousands of years old.
All of this group are extremely old (though unwise) souls, some are two to four-thousand years old. Their knowledge of primordial, ancient and current cults is great. What they choose is a blend of Masonic and such signs as are thousands of years old.
“My second question is for what purpose was the Tablet of Se’moin created.” This brings a round of jeers from the conspirators directly involved. While they cannot see my guides, they could see me once I made mental contact with one of their books for the first question. They take several steps toward me, shouting threatening vulgarities. Fortunately, my guides intervene and with a wave of their hand, their angelic wills send a sweeping silver-bright energy that stops them dead in their tracks, making these priests unable to take a
step in any direction. This produces fear and shock and another round of dreadful curses. My guides speak:
We are afraid that you shall receive no helpful answer from these ring leaders. They wish their clandestine efforts to be concealed for all time. Yet we perceive their soul memories and can answer your request. All they did was to trick the readers of Oahspe onto the masonic path and away from the ascendant angelic path that Oahspe was written for. They did this from the first using the Se’moin images. Perceive now that since Oahspe narrates the histories of times tens of thousands of years ago, any representation that helped explain the ancient past would be a strong means to persuade Oahspe readers of their Saphah authenticity, deceptive and filled with numerous grave errors as it was. In this
regard, Newbrough was deceived and easily so since he had been a Mason many years.”
Which brings me to my last question: “If this is as you say, then why was Newbrough chosen to channel Oahspe since he was likely to fall back into the Masonic darkness at some point after Oahspe was significantly altered and then published.”
Response: “This is the case for several reasons. First, Newbrough was one of the few who could even begin to channel the book. You must understand that it is not enough to be just psychic, you have to be or be ready to raise your spiritual grade to over 90% to connect clearly with our thoughts and inspiration. Newbrough then dedicated his life to many great good works where hundreds of poor and abandoned children were rescued due to his unrelenting efforts.
Secondly, our spiritual calculations indicated that once the book was successful published, Newbrough would never go back to Masonic ways and ways of thinking. We were in error in underestimating the relentless hatred those of the black demonic order would exude as a means to contaminate Oahspe. Alas! They found the means to latch onto him, once our mission was completed. You see, these are the very spirits who are presently attempting to bring down civilization and denigrate our world into cruel tyrannies seeking the bloody death of billions. Clearly, the goal of Oahspe is in direct contradiction to this, as we seek to found heaven on earth, where all live in mutual harmony and uplifting love.”
“We see now that the limits of your spiritual travel
endurance have been reached. Let us next return you to your world.”
And with that, I thanked my guardian angels for their guidance and protection. Looking across this cavern, I saw and felt the disdain and malice from Oahspe forgers. And their words were no less hostile. Fortunately, it was time to go, and with swift thought and some clasping of hands with my guides, rapidly we began our ascent towards mortal lands. Upon reaching my room, I prayed and gave my thanks, praise and blessings to God Almighty; to his angelic ashars and asaphs, mighty in love and wisdom and soul-mastery.