Angelic Communion — The Eloists — from Radiance — (28 pages) — [1928-1999]

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Angelic Communion The Eloists from Radiance




Within Radiance flows the spirit of the Eloists. It is an expression of Light, and speaks with the Voice of the Living Spirit as It has come to be known through the Eloist family. 'Eloist' means a 'doer of the Creator's will.' The objective of Radiance is not so much to educate as it is to strike a keynote or set a tone that will help the reader to become attuned to 'the realm of thought in which angels dwell,' and in that harmony to learn how to rise in spirit to embrace a higher purpose.

Radiance, a publication of The Eloists, a religious non-profit organization, incorporated in 1918. Radiance has currently ceased publication but back issues are available at a reasonable cost. Other inspirational writings are in the process of being prepared for publication. Please direct back issue requests to:



Close your eyes and see a whirlwind of rainbow hues with you in the center, swirling onward and upward. Soon you are flying high in the sky, passing other whirlwinds with beautiful beings in the middle.

Imagine the softest chair that you have sat on, and you are sitting on one. It is soft, comfortable, yet firm and supporting. You are smiling at the delightful sensation. You are now travelling toward other stars, other planets and other solar systems. Comets, shooting stars, meteors and other vortices are your companions. You are content to be an observer upon this journey of discovery.

All of a sudden, you find that you are directing the movement of your own whirlwind. You feel surprised, almost disbelieving what you know to be the truth. You have created your own cosmic travel vehicle. You have charted your own course through the universe, and wonder of wonders, you are calm, collected and content. What a marvelous state of mind to be in. There is no fear, no anxiety, no apprehension, only joy and wonder fill your being. There is love for all. There is peace for all. Your heart is filled with r rejoicing and all the good things for mankind.


Begin your magic journey tonight. You can, you know. Prepare yourself for a take-off to the stars. We will be waiting for you to show you some unforgettable sights and sounds. Come! Come soon!


Infinite Intelligence,

Thou art our inspiration, and the inspiration of all souls in all worlds forever. Our thoughts and words are filled with the living energy of Thy Truth, and they carry enlightenment and healing to all who read them and ponder upon their meaning. Our friends who meditate upon these words attune their minds with the mighty realization of Thy Intelligence which we have gained through a lifetime of communion with Thee. We desire, O Inspiring Presence, that our words shall lead minds now in darkness and ignorance to commune with Thee, that thereby they may develop their own capacity to realize and know Thee as their immediate and everlasting inspiration.

We desire that Thy Truth shall draw all consecrated souls together into unity of effort to form here on earth a composite mind of 5

luminous and loving power through which the mighty Ideas of Thy Mind may express to purify the mind of humanity, and lead all to conscious communion with Thee.

As our service to Thee has developed our souls to sense the light and power of Thy Presence, so all Thy children can develop their innate capacity to know Thee, and feel the inspiration of Thy Mind illuminating all their ways. As the creative activity of blessing others has attuned our minds to that exalted State of Mind in which the Angel Hosts dwell, and has enabled the Angelic Hosts to assist us in uplifting Thy suffering children, likewise, by consecrated service, all may become purified of selfishness and materiality so that Thy Angel Hosts will find joy in- working through them to enlighten the souls of humanity.

We rejoice that we found the way to Thee, and that all our days have been filled with the glory created by speaking words of power from Thy inspiration. We praise Thee, All Mighty One, that thousands of souls are finding Thee through Thy Truth, and are giving of their awareness to help their friends. Mighty shall be the illumination of those who speak forth these words of truth to others, and who devote their lives to spreading Thy Inspiration. Through their association with the Concord of Creators, their daily efforts to lift souls from darkness to light by sowing words of inspiration shall make their 6

souls radiant with the light of Thy love, and attract Angel Hosts to work through them, making their pathways joyous both in this world and in the realms of life eternal.


We are sincere in our purpose to serve the Creator. There is no doubt about that. It is all-important to us above all personal aims and desires. It is our reason for living. It is our mission in life. We are willing to lose self in order to serve more completely. We pray, not only in words, but with our whole being, in deepest communion with our Creator, that we may be used in Divine service and that we may be guided to know how best to serve. It is inconceivable that this kind of prayer would not be answered, or that it would be ignored by the angels of Jehovih, or that our efforts would not be prospered. We only need to relax in the faith that we are instruments of the Creator and part of a vast organization working to establish the New Kosmon order of peace and love on earth. Our highest light may not be the highest light of all; but if it is persistently followed it will lead us upward to a perception of the All Highest, and our work will proceed, step by step, to a fulfillment already foreseen by the celestial beings 7

who serve the Almighty.





Let Thy love flow through us, O Creator. We want to help bring more love into the world: love that is uplifting and beneficial, love that inspires people to be kind and helpful to one another. We thank Thee for a day of harmonious affiliation, a day of energy, and a day of good work accomplished. We thank Thee for the opportunity to come together in council every day. It is the most important thing we do. It is time of closer communion with Thee, and a time for genera ting soul power for the use of Thy angels in their work of liberation. Liberating the earthbound spirits is most important, for it relieves the pressure of darkness upon mankind and allows freer soul expression.



Oahspe discusses the importance of angelic communion and the vital or pivotal role it will play in the unfolding development of the Kosmon Era. The years ahead will show an exponential increase in public awareness and acceptance of angelic inspiration through its various levels of development and quality. No longer will angelic inspiration be looked upon as either diabolical or the product of vague imaginings, but rather will come to be accepted as a valuable and commonplace occurrence.

To advance the cause of Light, you must have unwavering faith, and discipline yourselves to maintain a single-minded harmony with the overshadowing hosts. We are about to embark on an exciting new journey. We are your angelic friends and coworkers for the New Age.


Thou art Ever-Present, O Creator! Thy continuous song in our souls is a melody of beauty and love. Oh that we would listen more! That 9

we would try to understand what Thou art saying! But we give our attention to lesser things, which to us seem urgent, forgetting Thee. Thou art the only true Reality, the All Dependable, always inspiring, always strengthening, always loving. Thou art the never ceasing music, the music of Life! Thou art the beat of our hearts, the breath of our beings. Angels sing sweet words to fallen souls rescued from hells unceasingly for days and weeks, until they are awakened. So is Thy song in our souls. Thou art singing with words of wisdom, love, hope and faith. Whatever the state of our consciousness, whatever we do, Thy song goes on and on. It is irresistible. Sooner or later, we shall sing out in response, giving ourselves completely to be Thy instruments.


When you were in the first grade at school you looked up to those elder brothers and sisters who were in higher grades. They sometimes helped you to work out your problems. You received the benefit of their larger knowledge and experience.

In exactly the same way we look up to the elder brothers and sisters of humanity who have attained to the higher grades in the great 10

spiritual University whose head teacher is the Creator. We recognize that they have had a longer experience in life than we, and that we can learn from their experience. They can teach us the principles of spiritual existence, the knowledge of which will enable us to solve our problems more successfully.

We do not worship the Angels or pray to them. We worship Jehovih, the Creator of all. But we do not keep our minds closed to the reality of the great spiritual universe in which we, as spirits, now live, move and have our being.

We have learned that human life goes on developing on the spiritual side of existence in the same natural way that it begins to develop in the physical world. We see nothing unnatural about the spiritual universe, nothing supernatural. It is the very natural sequence of the life which has its beginning and lowest and crudest manifestation in this physical world. We are spiritual forms while here, but we are clothed with a material counterpart through which we very imperfectly manifest our spiritual nature. In the next state of our existence we shall continue to be the same spiritual forms that we are here, but we shall also become aware that we are complete as individuals in the spiritual form and that the physical form is only a temporary necessity while we are functioning in time and space.


As to our methods of meditation and affirmation, we commune and talk with our Creator in secret and He rewards us openly. He brings to us the teachers and helpers we need in the physical world; and when we gain a fuller knowledge of His Providence, He also brings to us the teachers and helpers more advanced in the spiritual world. These can teach us the laws of spiritual existence and help us, with their greater power, to overcome conditions which, if we were unaided, would overwhelm our infantile souls.

Our realization of the Creator's presence is a subjective experience which we cultivate by the practice of meditation or communion. This practice of communion deepens our consciousness and makes us aware of the intuitive powers of our souls. We take with us words and turn unto the Ever-Present. The use of creative affirmations gives us control over our thoughts, so that we can keep thinking deeper and deeper into the depth of our inner consciousness.

Then we deal with the objective side of the mind by making and singing our affirmations of faith and love. Using the spiritual power which we have felt within our souls in deep communion with the Creator, we exercise it to change the constitution of our conscious mind. We thus attune our outer mind to the same feelings which we have had in our inner communion. In this way we master the destructive and discordant qualities of the outer mind. 12

This method of making affirmations also strengthens the vibrant quality of the personality. In the act of affirming, the mind generates feelings which become dominant spiritual forces within its nature. As one's life is only as great as one's ability to feel love for humanity, any method of intensifying feelings will enlarge the sphere of one's spiritual consciousness.

Affirmations strengthen and build up the qualities of the soul. They help to eradicate those destructive and weakening qualities of mind which are the spiritual causes of disease and even death. They are the great means of protecting oneself from the fears and worries which cause mental and physical breakdowns. They are a most effective means of self-mastery.

Another value of making affirmations is in an increase of radiant personal influence. As a person is a magnet for all the good and ill that comes into his life, and as he attracts good or ill according to the inherent qualities of his mind, it is essential that he learn how to eradicate the qualities that bring destructive conditions into his life, and how to build up the qualities which attract good and constructive conditions.


The tone or spiritual radiance of a personality can be increased by the constant use of the affirmations of faith and love. His influence for good can be increased, and his ability to assist friends and all good experiences can be developed by this means. He can also tune in with the benevolent Immortals who are exalted souls organizing the Providence of Divine Love, and he can keep attuned to their exalted States of mind from which they vibrate their love and power to all the world.


We look forward to, and always enjoy, these moments of deep communion with Thee, O Creator! Nothing else we do gives us so much upliftment. They have a lasting influence throughout the day, helping us to be more aware and attuned in all outward activities. It is our object to learn to practice this same communion every moment, so that we are always in touch with the highest inspiration possible. Not only do we want to speak and act wisely at all times, but also to be loving at all times toward all people, and always to see and praise the good in them. Some of us are not naturally loving types, but are born critics; and in criticizing and opionionizing, we block out Thy love, and then, we wonder why we feel unhappy so much of the time. 14

Our critical opinions may constitute a sort of worldly wisdom, and we may not mean harm to anyone in cultivating and expressing them; but they are not uplifting and they don't help other souls, nor do they further Thy Purpose. We would rid ourselves of this opinion-forming propensity, which is influenced and controlled by darkness, and try to practice Thy Light and Love to a greater degree. We would see and affirm Thy Will, Wisdom and Love in all people and all things.


If you devote time dally to creative thinking and blessing with the Angels, you will feel a quickening of your intuition and experience more exalted emotions. As your attunement with the Angel Hosts develops through the years, you will be inspired by original and progressive ideas, which will be valuable in a practical way. Do what you can to make them useful. Spiritual principles, science, invention and educational affairs will reveal new opportunities for achievement and personal success.

We rejoice in every opportunity we have to help lighten the burdens that you share with others, and bring you a consciousness of vitality and strength that will master any tendency to ill health from stress or 15

inharmony. The Spirit of Benevolence will exert its expansive influence so strongly that you will experience pleasure and assistance through your correspondence and relationships with others. You will share in the good fortune of others, and have many opportunities to interact with others, thus broadening your mind.

Give yourself the enjoyment of recreation, and get more fun out of life, both for health and emotional benefits, because in this joyous social exchange you will extend your personal influence and make new friends.

You seek to express the kindness of the Creator in all your ways. Be true to your pledge to the Ever-Present Creator, which makes it possible for the Angel Hosts to sustain your soul within the exalted protection of their consciousness. Your close unity with them will enable you to realize that the rays of Light concentrated into your life are dissolving away the dark and disturbing aura of mortal thought, and increasing the potency and radiance of your immortal soul. As we focus with you, we are vibrating from the depth of Infinity into the limitations of space, and crowning your life with wisdom and power.

Your constant attunement with the State of Mind from which the Angel Hosts are pouring inspiration into your life has made your mind keenly receptive to constructive ideas. You may expect in your quiet 16

moments of communion to see more clearly how to improve the conditions about you and your opportunities to be of service to others.

The time you devote daily to meditating, blessing and pondering upon your plans helps you develop a capacity to conceive original thoughts. You are now especially sensitive to the conception of ideas, theories, original inventions and altruistic plans. We rejoice with you in the fruitage of our united and long-continued efforts to awaken the originality and genius of your soul.

As you concentrate your attention on how to better serve humanity, your desire for more perfect ways of self-expression will call forth out of the depths of your mind, or from the mind of another, the Idea for which you have been seeking. Keep your mind open for inspiration to come through. Ponder upon all you receive until you are certain within your own mind as to how you should act.

Your soul partnership with us makes you a mightier magnet to attract good than you would be working alone. It has brought you the protection and inspiration of Immortal Masters. Your life is enlarged and your sphere of spiritual influence increases in power through our cooperation. Now the way will open so that you can cooperate with others in the physical world, and have the benefit in a social and 17

financial way of persons who will complement your mental and soul qualities. Together we will demonstrate a more successful combination than any one person could create alone. Combine, cooperate and create for the good of all.


Cultivate an exalted imagination, and it will enable you to live superior to all the heavy depressing thoughts and feelings of mortality. In your quiet moments let your imagination soar into the heights of immortality that your spirit may inbreathe the invigorating ozone of heaven.

Why grovel in the depressing imaginations of mortals when you can rise in thought and conceive the splendor and beauty which the Angels know? In these supreme heights of glorious thought all beings are healthy and happy, and you can partake of their healthy blissful life. You can feel your spirit inbreathing the healing essences of eternal life.

In your hours of silent communion you can experience an inner joy 18

aroused in you by the contact of your soul with the souls of glorious immortals. In these communions you partake of the soul-substance of their emancipated lives. Your strength is renewed, your courage is revived, and you gain a conviction of your own immortality which cannot be darkened by the doubts and fears of mortals.

Form mental pictures for contemplation. Exercise your spiritual imagination by trying to conceive of the glories that exist in that realm of reality. As you endeavor to make mental pictures of conditions in the spiritual and celestial realms you will exalt your imagination and enlarge its capacity to understand the wonders of life eternal. As you endeavor to describe the beauty and nobility of the immortal inhabitants of those sublime spheres you open your mind to receive the visions which the Angels desire to give you as nourishment for your spiritual faculties.

You need not fear to give free rein to your imagination in picturing the wisdom and wonder of Jehovih’s creations. For the most beautiful imagery you can conceive is far surpassed in the magnitude and mercy of the Creator’s kingdom. All the exalted thoughts you form in your meditations increase your capacity to conceive of the wisdom, love and power of your Creator. Whatever you imagine or describe will become more real to you, and your understanding will become vitalized and illuminated as your imagination is exalted. 19

Your soul needs the substance and strength of the most interior and exalted realm of soul life. Exalt your thoughts to that realm, quietly picturing the beings that dwell in that exalted state. Conceive of a great white luminous Celestial City great enough to be home to millions of Angels. Conceive of this Celestial City as composed of luminous soul-substance, glistening with the intelligence of the souls of which it is formed.

As you let your mind dwell upon this thought it will grow more real and substantial to your imagination because such a glorious city exists, and the more you exalt your imagination in trying to conceive of it the more sensitive will the higher faculties of your mind become to impressions of its beauty, and the more responsive to the inspiring thoughts and feelings of the beings who dwell therein.


Exalted and blissful will your meditations become as

you keep your thought upon this Celestial City. You will feel the thrill of the healthy, vigorous life of those beings who have entered into the consciousness of that life which is eternal. Imagine yourself resting in the glory of that Celestial City. Feel that all the mental weights of earth are being dissolved from your mind as your spirit is imbued with the soul radiance of the Angels. Even from this practice 20

of exalting your imagination you will begin to glimpse the white light of that inner realm. As your spiritual faculties are quickened by your communion with exalted Immortals you will glimpse countenances so benign and eyes so full of liquid tenderness that every mortal feeling will be melted into a sense of sweetness and satisfaction picture has more influence to quiet your mind and exalt your imagination than many words because the vision that you hold before your mind is more attractive than many words. You are visualizing a personified Word of Divine Love. Your mind enters into the state that you picture. You find rest and peace in the contemplation of that exalted Being. You can imagine him speaking words of encouragement and strength to you, and while your mind forms the thoughts you imagine he is speaking to you, still the effort which forms the thought holds your mind in a very interior state, and develops powers of your spirit which will be more fully expanded in the immortal life.

In all these meditations you are beginning to exercise creative faculties which are commonly used by all souls who have entered into the higher life. The more you use them now the greater will be your consciousness of spiritual life while here, and the more developed you will find yourself when your spirit drops its vestment of flesh.

Imagine this radiant angel standing before you as the leader of a 21

great concourse of angels speaking these words to you, “I am radiating the love of all angels to you, that your spiritual nature may be awakened, and that you may know the eternal life of the Creator’s Presence.

“Exalt your mind into my state of everlasting life, and conceive of the reality of the glorious life which the Creator has provided for all His children. In these moments of exalted realization you will be attuned with us and become a transmitter to the souls of mortals of the love-light in which the Angels dwell.

“There is nothing to keep you from exalting your imagination into our presence but your unwillingness to devote this time to communion with us. Let not the outer life of materiality and selfishness absorb all of your attention because your eternal happiness and welfare depend upon the development of your inner soul nature. The faculties of your immortal soul must be cultivated even as your senses and intellectual faculties have been cultivated. You can cultivate the consciousness of your soul by communion with us and by radiating the love that you thus realize for the reviving and resurrecting of mortal souls.

“We dwell in the interior celestial state. You dwell in the outer mental state. We need you to reflect the light and love of our exalted state to 22

the condition of your life. Abide in us, and let our love, the love of angels, radiate through you. Walk in the consciousness that you are enfolded in the glory which we are creating for the strengthening of your soul. Commune frequently with your exalted soul companions, the angels, and let every thought and feeling of your daily lives reflect the beauty and harmony that you conceive to be the quality of your angel nature. Unite and cooperate in fullest measure with those who are ministering under our inspiration. As you build with us on earth, so will we build with you in heaven. Your soul’s reward will be according to the greatness of your service with us in the service of the I AM.�

Communion Meditation Walter DeVoe Vision of Truth (1939)

There is no exercise of the mind that provides so much pleasure and spiritual profit as that of meditation. With a little practice anyone can learn to meditate and begin to enjoy the creative activity of his own thought in a way that gradually gives him mastery over his own mind.

There are many kinds of meditation, inspired by many desires and 23

purposes. One of the simplest forms is that of the prayerful meditation which leads to deep thought and profound feeling.

The prayerful attitude of mind in meditation can provide convincing evidence of the reality of states of consciousness deeper and more delightful than one ordinarily experiences through the senses or by reading or study.

To begin this simple form of meditation it is only necessary to desire to commune with that Source of all intelligence which we call the Creator or God.

Taking a restful position, you close your eyes and begin to think of the Creator, forming thoughts about Him which direct your attention to His Being. Then by carrying on a thought-conversation with Him, you sustain your interest and even arouse feelings which further deepen your concentration.

To illustrate: Begin with thoughts like these:

Father! Almighty Creator. Infinite Intelligence. All-Enfolding Love.

By forming these thoughts you have brought your mind to a focus 24

upon that Being which is the source of all. You have begun your meditation by trying to find words to describe the Eternal Being.

This effort has an immediate practical value. It withdraws your thought from the outer world with all its distractions and disturbances, and centers it within your mind.

If you can conceive that there is a Being whose great Mind is sensitive to your every last thought, then it will seem possible for you to commune with that Being. You may have enough faith in the truth that your mind is in and of that Mind, and is using Its intelligence, and this amount of faith will enable you to feel that if you talk in thought-language to that Mind, there will be some kind of an intelligent reaction in your own mind as a result.

There will be an intelligent response to your every communion with Divine Intelligence, but it may be some little time before you are able to recognize that reaction because of your thoughts as to the way it should respond. The reaction may come in a change in your own mind, or it may come in an answering thought, word or deed through some other mind. It is better at first not to expect any intelligent response to your prayerful meditation, but to find satisfaction in the quiet pleasure of mental communion. You may proceed with your meditation, something like this: 25

Living Creator! Thou hast formed me from Thy Mind and nature, and in me are imaged the forces of Thy feeling, Thy thought and Thy will.

I desire to commune with Thy intelligence. I desire to direct my thoughts from the cares and worries of the outer world to Thy peace in my inner world.

With Thy intelligence as my inner light and intuition, I will form thoughts and feelings which will refresh my mind and make the inner world of spirit more potent and influential.

As you cultivate your thought in this way you will discover that there is a genuine pleasure in this quiet form of communion. You will find a source of peace and comfort that has saved millions of minds from being overwhelmed and made insane by the trials and troubles of earthly existence.

By turning to the Creator in prayer, countless multitudes have found an inner fountain of serenity and strength which has proved to them that human minds may have instant recourse to the Divine Mind, and draw there from a very real and vital consolation which is renewing to both mind and body.


Those who have failed to find in this prayerful attitude an ever-present source of refreshment have usually approached Divine Intelligence in the attitude of a beggar. Appealing for the fulfillment of desires or the attainment of personal ends, they have limited their minds to mundane things.

When you approach the Divine Being without thought of personal desires and benefits, your mind will be lifted above mortal limitations and become exalted into a state of pure creative communion which is the highest form of feeling and knowing that mortals can experience.

Reading prayers and meditations is helpful in that it teaches you how to apply a method of prayerful meditation, but after you learn the method, then you should form your own prayers and meditations.

Let your meditations be your sincere thought or feeling formed into words. The mental act of forming your thought is the effort that keeps your attention concentrated. Those who pray sincerely and fervently do not complain of not being able to concentrate.



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