Angelic Guides — (2017) — Robert Bayer — Editor

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Angelic Guides Robert Bayer, Editior (2017)


TABLE OF CONTENTS SPIRIT INFLUENCE — Anthony Borgia [p.4] GUARDIAN ANGELS — J.S.M. Ward [p.10] YOUR PRAYERS AND SPIRIT GUIDES — Anthony Borgia [p.13] GUARDIAN ANGELS — Universal Andrew Jackson Davis [p.24] Meeting Our Guides in the Beautiful Heavens — Martha Washington [p.25] THE ORDER OF SPIRIT GUIDES — Franchezzo [p.27] GUARDIAN SPIRITS — William W. Aber [p.29] OUR PERSONAL GUIDES GUIDES OF LOVE —

Mary Bruce Wallace

William Dudley Pelley




The Eloists [p.34]

— Joseph A. Loffredo Jr. [p.35]


— Cora Richmond [p.37]



Eloists [p.40] Spirit Guides — JM Peebles [p.43] SPIRIT GUIDES

— DRT Keeghan [p.45]


— William W. Aber [p.53]


William W. Aber



Mrs. J. H. Conant [p.62]



Mrs. Cecil M. Cook [p.74] OUR PERSONAL GUIDES

— Mary Bruce Wallace [p.77]


Mary Bruce Wallace [p.80] GUIDES

— Charlotte Elizabeth Dresser



— JSM Ward [p.87]


— —

Vale Owen [p.96]

— J. M. Peebles [p.99] John S. King [p.101] Thomas Paine [p.107]


— The Eloists



SPIRIT INFLUENCE Anthony Borgia Life in the World Unseen (1956)

IT is the habit of most men to look upon the spirit world and the earth world as two planes apart, separate and distinct. They regard the two worlds as being each independent of the other, cut off from each other, and both entirely uninformed or unaware of what the other is doing. That the spirit world could possibly have any influence upon the earth world to the latter’s advantage is demonstrated to be altogether false by the state of universal disorder that exists through the entire earth world.

There is another school of thought, consisting of those who have made a superficial study of what they call occultism. These people believe that the earth world, being indisputably very earthy, and the spirit world being incontrovertibly very spiritual, the two worlds are for these








Both these lines of thought are unquestionably wrong. The two worlds, yours and ours, are in constant and direct communication, and we are fully aware of what is occurring upon the earth-plane at 4

all times. I do not, for one minute, say that we all of us know what is taking place with you. Those of us who are in active communion with you are conversant with your personal affairs and with the affairs of your world in general While the rest of us here, who have no further active interest the earth-plane since we left it, may be unaware of many thin in connexion with it, those wise beings in the higher realms a in possession of all knowledge of what is transpiring upon earth.

I would like to indicate one or two channels through which the influence of the spirit world is exerted upon the earth world.

First, we might take that influence in a personal way.

Every soul that has been, and is to be, born upon the cart plane has allocated to him—or her—a spirit guide. In past ages some such idea must have filtered through into the minds of the early churchmen, since they adopted the pious notion of giving to every incarnate person an unseen protector whom they call a ‘guardian angel’. These guardian angels sometimes found this way into contemporary art, where the artists drew a somewhat vapid individual habited in glistening white garments and such porting from his shoulders a pair of enormous wings. The whole conception would suggest by its very implications a remoteness or a great gulf, between the guardian angel and the soul he who supposed to be guarding. He would, one 5

might say, be unable to draw very near his charge because of extreme spiritual refinement upon the one hand, and repelling earthly grossness upon the other.

Let us turn from this inaccurate figment of the artist’s brain to something a little more practical.

Spirit guides constitute one of the grandest orders in the whole organization and administration of the spirit world. They inhabitant a realm of their own, and they have all lived for many centuries in the spirit world. They are drawn from every nationality that exists upon the earth-plane, and they function regardless of nationality. A great many of them are drawn from caste countries, and from the North American Indians, too, because it has always been the case that dwellers in those regions of earth world were, and are, already possessed of psychic gift themselves, and were therefore aware of the inter-relationship of our two worlds.

The principal guide is chosen for each individual on the earth plane in conformity with a fixed plan. Most guides are temperamentally similar to their charges in the latters’ finer natures but what is most important the guides understand and are in sympathy with their charges’ failings. Many of them, indeed, had the same failings when they were incarnate, and among other useful services they try to help their 6

charges overcome those failings and weaknesses.

A great number of those who practice communication with the spirit world have already met their spirit guides and are in close touch with them. And fortunate, indeed, they are. The guides, too, are never happier than when they have established a direct link with those whose lives they are helping to direct. It would be safe to say that by far the greater number of spirit guides carry on their work all unknown to those whom they serve, and their task is so much the heavier and more difficult. But there are still others whose lives upon earth render it practically impossible for their guides to approach within any reasonable distance of them. It naturally saddens them to see the mistakes and follies into which their charges are plunging themselves, and to be obliged to stand aloof because of the thick wall of material impenetrability which they have built up round themselves. Such souls, when they at last arrive in the spirit world, awake to a full realization of what they have thus missed during their earth lives. In such cases the guide’s work will not be entirely in vain, for even in the worst souls there comes an occasion, however transient, when the conscience speaks, and it is usually the spirit guide who has implanted the better thought within the brain.

It must never for one instant be thought that the influence of the spirit guide negatives or violates the possession or expression of free will. 7

If, upon the earth-plane, you were to observe somebody about to take a false step into a stream of traffic upon the road, the fact that you put out your hand to stop him would in no way impinge upon his exercise of free will. A spirit guide will try to give advice when his advice can be got through to his charge; he will try to lead him in the right direction solely for his own good, and it remains for his charge, in the exercise of his free will, to take that advice or reject it. If he does the latter, he can only blame himself if disaster or trouble overtakes him. At the same time, the spirit guides are not there to live a person’s life for him. That he must do himself.

It has become a habit among a certain class of individuals of the earth-plane to ridicule the whole establishment of spirit guides. There will assuredly come a time when they will bitterly repent their folly, and that day will be whereon they meet in the spirit world their own guide, who probably knows more about their lives than they do themselves! We in the spirit world can afford to pass by such ridicule as this, because we know that the day will inevitably come when they will arrive in the spirit world, and great is the remorse—and, in many instances, the self-pity—of those who have, in their supposed wisdom, made fools of themselves.

Apart from spirit guides, there is another prolific source of influence that derives from the world of spirit. 8

I have told, for example, how

earthly doctors’ hands will be guided, in performing an operation, by the hand of a spirit doctor. In many other walks of life spirit inspiration is being carried on in the same way as it has been carried on since the dawn of time. Incarnate man can really do very little of himself, and he is the first to realize it when he comes here to live. Man can perform certain mechanical action with precision and exactitude. He can paint a picture, he can play upon an instrument, he can manipulate machinery, but all the major discoveries that are of service to the earth-plane have come and always will come, from the spirit world. to man, employing his free will, chooses to put those discoveries to base ends, the he can thank himself for the calamities that follow. Inspiration devoted to whatever cause or pursuit, comes from the world spirit, and from nowhere else. If it be for the good of mankind the source is equally good; if the inspiration is obviously not for the good of mankind, then the source is unquestionably evil Man has it within his own hands as to which source of inspiration he will lend himself—to good or to evil.


GUARDIAN ANGELS J.S.M. Ward Gone West (1920)

H. J. L. (continued). “Now, is there any point you wish to raise?”

J. W. “This is the third time I have seen this landscape, but I have never seen your guide. Is he never with you when I am here?”

H. J. L. ‘Not always, but he is here at times. He is now. — Oh, my guide and friend, open his eyes still wider.”

Then something was placed over my eyes for a moment, and I could see nothing. The “something” was removed, and, behold, I could see more clearly.

Behind H. J. L. stood a great spirit form made of light. His robes kept changing colour and seemed to run through all the colours of the rainbow.

He was far taller than H. J. L, and large in proportion, being perfectly made. He was at least three times as large as H. J. L., and his face was more beautiful than any Greek sculpture — strong, noble, well10

cut features — there was nothing feminine about it. Yet it was a kind, as well as a strong face. It was a face that was neither old nor young. Nor did it seem to have colour (e.g. brown hair) as we understand it, but rather to be a figure of golden light. Yet there was both hair on the head and beard, majestic and flowing. No words can describe the majesty and beauty of this being.

I can quite understand whence the ancients drew their inspirations for their gods. Then I thought, “This is doubtless an angel,” and I looked instinctively for his wings, but he had none.

“Have I not a guide?” I inquired.

Like the tones of a great bell rang out the word “Behold!”

Then I saw that behind me was another great spirit of light. Now, though in general aspect he resembled the guardian angel of H. J. L., I perceived that I knew this spirit. His face seemed hauntingly familiar. Yet it was an extraordinarily mobile face, the same, yet everchanging, never for an instant exactly the same, and yet always retaining certain characteristics.

It was different too, markedly, from the guide of H. J. L. I knew this being of light. I felt almost as if I had seen him in my dreams, but that 11

the dreams had been forgotten. He, too, had a beard, but not so long as that of H. J. L.’s guide, and, like him, was of far more than human size. Light seemed to emanate from his whole body. He raised his hand, and that same glorious bell-like voice spoke.

“Enough! It is not well that you should see more!”

Again the hand (for so I now perceived it to be) was placed over my eyes, and when it was removed I could see only H. J. L. and the landscape.

“We must part now,” he said, and, rising, floated away from me.

I stood looking at the beautiful landscape, lost in contemplation. Gradually I became aware of a sensation of something pulling me. In spite of strong resistance on my part, I felt myself drawn backwards as if by an invisible cord. Step by step I seemed to move uphill and away from the stream, then there was darkness. When I next became conscious, I was back in my house.


YOUR PRAYERS AND SPIRIT GUIDES Anthony Borgia Facts (1946)

If we examine the procedure of the answering of prayer we shall be able to see why prayer at times is not answered.

First of all, a supplication is made to the Father. It is impossible for me to go into the details of every type of petition for reasons, which you will readily understand. There are millions upon millions of requests coming into the spirit world, and each with enormously differing intentions, conditions and circumstances. Every prayer is taken care of, individually. If the thoughts have been fully concentrated upon the words or the intention, which the words clothe, and if it has adequate directive power behind it, then that prayer will unfailingly reach its high destination.

For our present purposes we will consider that the prayer has reached those realms of light. Our first point of contact with it will be, thenceforward, with the spirit guide of the person who sent forth the prayer. Here I must explain that every human being upon earth is in the spiritual charge of a wise and experienced soul who is known 13

technically upon the earth-plane as a spirit guide. Spirit guides belong to a noble order of beings in the spirit world. They have all been resident in these lands for many hundreds of years, and they are especially chosen for their work because of the high degree of wisdom, which they possess among their many other important attributes. The guides have charge of their wards from the latter’s infancy. They are, therefore, fully conversant with all the circumstances and affairs in the lives of their charges. Happiest are those among the incarnate who, while yet upon earth, have met their spirit guides and spoken with them.

Your spirit guide is fully conversant with whatever prayers you may say which contain a request. The guide, being familiar with the content of certain of your prayers, it is but natural that he should undertake the task—often an extremely difficult one—of bringing about an answer to them.

But the guide does not essay this task alone; he will have a number of willing helpers. In many cases they will be either the friends or relations of the suppliant or both. Those friends or relations may either be resident in the spirit world, or some may still be upon the earth-plane. The actual process, then, of answering a prayer consists in influencing, impressionably or inspirationally, such persons upon earth as are in a position to bring about the fulfilment 14

of the suppliant’s wishes, either directly or indirectly.

The spirit guide will in every case use his judgement and discretion as to whether a prayer shall be answered fully and at the earliest possible moment, whether it shall be answered only partially or conditionally where such is practicable; whether the prayer shall be remitted to some future time when conditions and circumstances are more propitious. Finally, the guide will exercise his discretion as to whether the wishes of the suppliant shall be fulfilled at all.

The guide’s wisdom will tell him that for some wish to be granted to his charge which would prove harmful to the latter will remain unanswered.

Naturally, it is not all requests, which, in their fulfilment, are injurious to the person who makes the supplication, but the fulfilment might be injurious to others, and therefore it will not be granted.

Here let it be said that more prayers, by countless thousands, are answered completely and fully than are left unanswered. If it be wise and possible and practicable, a prayerful request will be granted without doubt. The will of God does not enter into the matter, but most decidedly the wisdom of God does. That wisdom is manifested through the spirit guides of the incarnate, and it is derived, where 15

necessary, from the highest beings. But it must be remembered that spirit guides do not possess almighty powers, although they draw their power from the Father Himself.

When a spirit guide commences to set in motion the various forces to influence, by impression, certain people upon earth, he will always be cognizant of the percipients’ free will. He is bound to respect it, and to do nothing that will in any way infringe the right of exercising it. Thus far I have but treated the subject in the abstract. Let me give an example which will, I hope, serve to clarify the matter; such an example as we might choose from scores upon scores. The variety of requests that are contained in prayers is endless, as you can imagine when you consider for a moment the vast diversification of human affairs and circumstances that constitute the lives of people still living upon the earth.

Everyone has his particular wants and ambitions, and although countless numbers of people never give a thought to prayer in this connection, yet there are still countless numbers who do. Here, then, is an simple example, and a common one.

A son or a daughter,

shall we say, prays fervently that the mother,

who is dangerously ill, may not be ‘taken from them in death.’ The prayers, however, are unavailing, and the mother ‘dies.’ Why was 16

this particular request seemingly refused when so much happiness would have ensued if it had been granted in the mother’s recovery?

The religiously inclined, as well as Orthodoxy itself, would reply that it was not the will of God that the lady should remain upon earth, that God ‘called’ her to another life, and so on, all of which is very far from the mark. Let us see what happened, or could happen, when that prayer was sent out.

Before—perhaps long before—any prayers for the lady’s recovery were ever uttered, the spirit guide of the mother was already in as close attendance upon her as possible with spirit doctors. The prayer in this event would not be lost or redundant, but would serve to bring them all, the patient, the guide, and the doctors, in much closer rapport, and so, if it were possible to affect a cure, that cure would most certainly be brought about.

On the other hand, the patient might have been so far removed in attunement with her spirit guide that he would have been unable to draw sufficiently close because of the material barrier separating them, a barrier that was erected by the patient’s material thoughts, or her mode of life, or her heedlessness of anything beyond the earthly plane of existence, or from a variety of other causes.


The prayer might help to disperse this eventually, but by then it might be too late for the disease might have gained far too great a hold to respond to treatment from either world, yours or ours. The result, therefore, is inevitable, and a transition takes place. But the transition will have taken place in spite of help that was actually given from the spirit world, and not because help was withheld.

So you see, here we have what appears, from an earthly point of view, a clear case of the failure of prayer. But the prayer itself has not failed inasmuch as it was fully answered to the best ability of all those who were concerned in its answering. The true failure was not upon the part of the prayer or upon the part of those who were undertaking its answer. In this particular instance—as in thousands of others— the fault lies with the incarnate.

The powers of spirit healers or doctors are not infallible or omnipotent. In all cases they will work to the utmost of their capabilities to prolong the earthly span of any incarnate person under their care, but they cannot prolong life in any person upon earth indefinitely. The tissues will themselves wear out in the natural course of things, and transition takes place.

There are many people still living upon earth who owe their continued life upon that plane to the spirit doctors and their self18

sacrificing earthly instruments. Such people may be fully aware of the fact, and they are highly appreciative of what has been done. There are many more who could have the enormous advantages of this service, but they do not believe such a thing possible, or they find the whole subject distasteful. Again there are others who pray for their recovery and expect that, by the direct intervention of God, they will be made whole again. But they make no forthright effort to help the unseen spirit folk who are doing their utmost to restore the patient to a state of sound health.

So one could go on multiplying not only different cases, but an immensity of different circumstances. What so many people do not realise is that the simplest request contained in a prayer may mean an enormous amount of work upon the part of the spirit people concerned in bringing about the suppliant’s wishes. Again, what so many do not grasp is that when prayers contain a specific request of a material nature, the fulfilment of the prayer must in the ultimate devolve upon some person or persons who are still incarnate. And it does not stop there. The more susceptible an incarnate person is to the impressions which come from the spirit world, so much the greater are the chances of a successful issue to a prayer

It is very easy to say a simple little prayer containing some request but to bring an answer may involve the influencing of any number of 19

people on earth, including the person who has said the prayer. It may be necessary to lead the latter carefully in the right direction, to impress him to get into contact with certain people who, in turn, will get into contact with others, and so forming as complete a chain of individuals as is possible to imagine so that in the end the right person may be reached, and the prayer fully answered.

It may rest—indeed; it so often does rest—with our ability to impinge our thoughts upon the last person with sufficient vigour to achieve our purpose and the purpose of the prayer. The whole structure of human contacts may be demolished by the inability of the last individual to receive our direct impressions. We may then have to retrace our steps, as it were, and endeavour to find another who is less material in mind and outlook, or whose psychic faculties are keener, and so construct another chain of persons, another group of links.

No, my good friend, the answering of prayer is not child’s play. It not infrequently involves a vast deal of hard work upon our part.

Sometimes we are able to interview people when they come to visit these lands during their sleep state, and lay our case before them. Seldom do we have a refusal to our wishes on behalf of our friend in need upon earth. Such people are most times eager and ready to 20

help us by falling in with our wishes—while they are upon their nocturnal or other sleep—state visit.

Their intentions are pure and genuine and honest, but, alas, when they return to their earthly bodies and recover their physical consciousness, it so often happens that they take with them no recollection whatever of their good intentions and resolutions to do what we desire of them. But we persevere, and keep on persevering, until either we achieve success, or until we are obliged reluctantly to abandon our efforts altogether, or at least for some more auspicious time and occasion.

The principal trouble beneath which prayer has so long laboured comes from the wrong views which people on earth hold in respect of it. For many, many years, the incarnate have expected too much of prayer. For so long Orthodoxy has dinned into the ears of its ‘faithful’ that prayer is practically all-powerful. It is no such thing. God will answer your prayers, it is asserted, if it were His Will to do so or if you have sufficient faith—or both. Thus is prayer bolstered up and kept alive, while any failures are imputed to God’s will or lack of faith.

Faith in what, or whom? You will be able to perceive for yourself just how much has faith to do with the answering of prayer. People can have absolute faith, as they allege, but the prayer is still 21

unsuccessful. A strong, firm, good intention is by far the best. Faith is too unsubstantial, too vague. But a firm resolve to help the prayer to the utmost of one’s abilities upon earth, to be as cheerful as circumstances will allow, to be hopeful, and to be confident and sure that, provided the request in the prayer will harm no one, including the suppliant, then a great array of spirit helpers and friends will labour unremittingly to fulfil the wishes expressed in the prayer. It requires no faith.

It will be seen that the over-expectation of the results of prayer, together with the faulty conception of the means used to answer it, are responsible for a great deal of public prayer that is completely useless. Such, for example, as public prayers for rain, or for any other changes in meteorological conditions. How could we possibly alter the weather from the spirit world? We cannot do so any more than can you upon earth alter it.

The spirit world has no influence whatever over the states of the weather on earth. The changes in the weather are brought about by the natural laws, which govern the atmosphere of the material world. Alteration of atmosphere and temperature produce their varying results, but they cannot be influenced by anyone from the spirit world as is sometimes supposed. It has even been suggested that the earthly elements are under the particular supervision of some great 22

soul in spirit lands. That is impossible.

If Orthodoxy only knew the truth about prayer, its efficacy, its limitations, and the modus operandi of answering it, it would never in the past have made prayer ridiculous with such exhibitions as ‘prayers for rain.’ Orthodoxy is no more enlightened now upon the subject, and still clings to the will of God to provide an explanation for something—indeed many things—which it is at a complete loss to understand, but which may be found in the simple exposition of a spiritual truth or the operation of a spiritual law. Orthodoxy has not even yet learned how to pray. How can it instruct others when its own ignorance and lack of knowledge is so profound?


GUARDIAN ANGELS UNIVERSAL Andrew Jackson Davis Answers to Ever-Recurring Questions from The People (1868)

L — QUESTION: “Are there guardian spirits watching over us at all times, and, if so, do they participate with our joys and sorrows? And further, when we arrive in the Spirit Land, do we take the place of our guardians and perform similar offices for those yet on earth?”

Answer: As a general principle we observe that each member of the human race is provided with two or more guardian angels, but there are times, days and weeks, perhaps whole years together, when it is impossible for the lower and the higher to form a positive, conscious conjunction. Of course, not being in contact with us, the angels do not invariably experience our sensations. This is a wise and beautiful provision of the sympathetic law. If it were otherwise, if the loveladen souls resident above our sphere could at any moment intersect the path of our experience, they would gladly shield us from much suffering, and consequently from much education. Therefore, we have not, “at all times,” guardian spirits over us. Your second question is answered affirmatively.


MEETING OUR GUIDES IN THE BEAUTIFUL HEAVENS Martha Washington The Heavenly Spheres (1877)

My dear earth-friend: I have taken this medium beyond the known spheres belonging to this earth, and through vast space beyond any planet yet seen by mortal eye. Yes to a home that is eternal, a planet whose eternal beauty cannot be conceived, and which language fails to portray; but it is there, and God, the universal Father, but not embodied, save through the souls of the purified who centralize the highest and purest of all created power.

Here the Infinite mind is centralized, and from this centre radiates all intelligence to other planets or worlds; where guides are ever controlling and blending the forces of truth and knowledge, and spreading it through the different planets. When we think of what the world calls death, we feel at once thrilled with a desire to awaken them to their true condition; and to arouse them to a true knowledge of their glorious future.

I find that by the assistance of my loved Washington and mother, who have been my guides to this soul realm of angelic beauty, that I have brought this medium in harmony with its sublime grandeur, by 25

whom I can give realities of the same world once given in visions to those who inspiredly wrote so beautifully, and who are now inhabitants of this soul realm of eternal life. They were the worshipers of the true God as a universal Father, and being honest and pure in their thoughts, this vision was given them of heaven, as they called it, where everything sparkled in beauty with its golden light, radiating with life from God or infinite power which permeates the whole. This soul realm is out of the magnetic circle of all planets revolving in an atmosphere which fills and surrounds it. It is also sustained by the magnetic and electric belts of all planets as they throw off their refined aura. While spirits are passing from planets to this soul realm, they are sustained by currents of magnetic life like a gulf stream flowing direct to this central realm of eternal life.

Once within this current, the spirit is carried so softly, and lulled by sweet strains of music taking away all anxiety regarding the strangeness and distance from other climes. Attendants are also sent to guide the spirit until finally brought to the holiest of holies, where dazzling beauty and grandeur starts the soul with awe and wonder at the enchanted scenery, and you feel like prostrating in adoration before the shining angels of perfected life, who invite you to rest amid the anthems and love of angelic beings, who love and care for you so tenderly. And here I will rest.


THE ORDER OF SPIRIT GUIDES Franchezzo Wanderer in the Spirit Lands (1896)

Spirit guides constitute one of the grandest orders in the whole organization and administration of the spirit world.

They inhabit a

realm of their own, and they’ have all lived for many centuries in the spirit world.

They are drawn from every nationality that exists upon

the earth-plane, and they function regardless of nationality.

A great

many of them are drawn from eastern countries, and from North American Indians, too, because it has always been the case that dwellers in those regions of the earth world were, and are, already possessed of psychic gifts themselves, and were therefore aware of the inter-relationship of our two worlds.

The principal guide is chosen for each individual on the earth-plane in conformity with a fixed plan.

Most guides are temperamentally

similar to their charges in the latters’ finer natures, but what is most important is that the guides understand and are in sympathy with their charges’ failings.

Many of them, indeed, had the same failings

when they were incarnate, and among other useful services they try to help their charges overcome those failings and weaknesses.


A great number of those who practice communication with the spirit world have already met their spirit guides and are in close touch with them.

And fortunate, indeed, they are.

The guides, too, are never

happier than when they have established a direct link with those whose lives they are helping to direct.

It would be safe to say that by far the greater number of spirit guides carry on their work all but unknown to those whom they serve, and their task is so much the heavier and more difficult.

But there are

still others whose lives upon earth render it practically impossible for their guides to approach within any reasonable distance of them.


naturally saddens them to see the mistakes and follies into which their charges are plunging themselves, and to be obliged to stand aloof because of the thick wall of material impenetrability which they have built up round themselves.

Such souls, when they at last arrive in the spirit world, awake to a full realization of what they have thus missed during their earth lives.


such cases the guides’ work will not be entirely in vain, for even in the worst souls there comes an occasion, however transient, when the conscience speaks, and it is usually the spirit guide who has implanted the better thought within the brain.


GUARDIAN SPIRITS William W. Aber Rending the Vail (1899)

Question: "Swedenborg says that 'none exist without a guardian spirit.' Is he correct?" (a) Spirit: "Man cannot, or, rather, does not exist without a guide. Every idea you have is given you from this side of life. A great many speakers and writers claim their ideas as original, but they are mistaken. (b) "Their ideas are nearly all secondhand.

Very few people are cognizant of the presence of their guides. Your guide is sent to you by a committee. If such is found incompetent, he is removed and another put in his place, until the proper guide for your case is obtained."


OUR PERSONAL GUIDES Mary Bruce Wallace The Thinning of The Veil (1919)

On the plane where I now find myself we have personal Guides, but beyond this I understand we are each illumined by our own Higher Self. It is to help us to attain this that the Guides are given to us. They are distinguished by a brighter aura, and are so beautiful that we instinctively rely upon their help and advice. It is my Guide who is influencing me in this present line of action. On the other hand, we have perfect free-will to do as we choose just as on earth, and greater freedom to pursue and carry out our own ideals.

"Your world and this one interpenetrate. There are worlds within, and in to the Centre of Being. Not all here are conscious of your world. What I focus upon, that I can see; but our environment is not necessarily a counterpart of yours. We can make our own surroundings.

"Yes! through your mind I can see the soul-side of your trees. We have scenery which apparently changes in colouring similarly to yours, but this is brought about by the desire of our minds. We do not respond to earth's scenes except through a sensitive. As you have 30

such a love of nature and such vivid feelings, I am able to see the scenes more vividly than through other sensitives."


GUIDES OF LOVE William Dudley Pelley Why I Believe The Dead Are Alive (1942)

There is in all the universe no force but that of love. All hatred, all evil and all ugliness, are merely the absence of the position pole, which is Love. Many of the evils, so called, are not even the result of the absence of this force but are the result of its operation on a plane beyond your limited comprehension.”

So be always sure when you complain of trouble, that it is not a blessing in another guise. When you are distraught with the world’s complexities, pause a moment in memory of us and of what we have told you, and we will speak to you in the reality of Silence. When you feel there is someone who guides you, always know that it means we are with you. Trust us, no matter how steep the path up which we lead you. There is nothing to be learned in the pleasant pads of dalliance that lead smoothly through the valleys.

The higher the hilltop, the broader the view, whether to eyes of body or of spirit. Sometimes your feet may falter, but remember then that only those who go on in spite of the faltering, win through to the goal. Most of the world’s present generation is incapable of this high 32

enterprise. That only makes the obligation the more vital for those who are ready for it.

Since there is only Love in the universe, there is health and joy in the perception and appreciation of the fact. There can be no situation so grave or no situation so trivial that this law is not operative. Business is not business unless it be also Love. We are not working for the material benefit of those who serve us except as that material benefit will free them for wider and finer service. When you have served your apprenticeship in tribulation, either in this life or in an earlier one, you are ready for the freedom, which comes close on the heels of financial independence.


YOUR FRIENDS IN SPIRIT The Eloists Radiance (1987)

We always talk to our mentors. Yes, we have guides too, or how else would we know about the higher realms? Messengers, teachers, builders and friends, all helping us to understand what lies ahead. This is a steady interaction, not erratic or undependable, but full of hope and respect. We think you could be cultivating this connection too, and thus learn of wonders never dreamed of. You would gain so much by learning more about your spiritual friends. Together, you could conceptualize the completion of projects that require thousands of workers. You could see the interaction of angel guardians themselves and, again, how teamwork is important. But most of all, you would gain comrades who support you through thick and thin, who always have your best interests in mind, and who have a deep well of love to share.


MEDIUMS Joseph A. Loffredo Jr. Spiritualist Basics (1996)

The spirit world is of a higher vibration than the earth plane. You can raise your vibration high enough to make contact with the spirit world and the people in it. Conversely, people in the spirit world can lower their vibration and touch down into the earth plane. Mediums are people who are able to raise their vibration high enough to contact and communicate with your loved ones, guides, and teachers in the spirit world. A medium becomes the message bearer for the guides, teachers, loved ones, and other spirits around you who want to talk to you, let you know that they love you, and help you progress spiritually.

Personal responsibility and Spiritual Progression Spiritualism teaches that you are responsible for your own happiness and unhappiness.







determined by how you look at things. Negative things do happen and you have no control over some of them. But you can control your reaction and the point of view you take in dealing with the negative. Besides, an uncontrollable negative in your life today can have a positive affect on other areas of your life years later. You can make 35

changes to improve yourself and your life, which in turn affect your vibration. Spiritual progression takes time —

it doesn’t happen in a

minute or overnight. You have to make a start in the right direction first. Your guides and teachers will help if you sincerely ask.


ANGELS OF THE REALMS CELESTIAL Cora Richmond My Experiences While Out of My Body (1923)

All people are members of some group according to enfoldment and adaptation.

The Guardian Angels know and appoint the Guardian or ministering spirits according to adaptation, and the Angels are aware all that pertains to the lives of those whom they guard and guide; they know the heretofore and the hereafter of those lives.

"Let it not be

supposed, however, that either Guardian Spirits or Guardian Angels (Angel Guides) govern human destinies; they advise, assist, admonish, aid, instruct, strengthen and inspire, but the governing power is the Infinite and directly reaches the Individual Soul from within," thus said the Guide.

Light! Harmony!

No human language is in the smallest degree adequate to portray the ecstasy produced by the vision, contemplation of perception of this all glorious state! Orb on orb of transcendent beauty, sphere on sphere of celestial splendor!

Harmony: 37

If that is music heard on Earth when one endowed with the gift of voice and genius to use it in vocalizing some rarest composition of other genius, or that which is heard when the master musician touches the chords of some perfect instrument, or when the orchestra, led by a master mind and hand produces the wonders of master composers, then this, this is something that must have only a Celestial name.

The Glorifying Soul of Harmony, I weep, since words must fail! These are the Beings that move upon the less luminous realms of Spirit and earth states. These are the Angels who are the glory and harmony of all this Beautiful Realm

"As one star differeth from another," not in the Angelhood, but in the Individuality of Being; in the appointed work, so do they differ.


their several spheres they meet, mingle and commune in mutual accord, each and all intent upon the accomplishment of some supreme purpose, as appointed: Some ministration to those who are their particular charge, who are passing through the states.

In that Radiant Realm in that surpassing state where perfect Love and 'Wisdom reign, where no shadow can abide, one seems to feel that the perfect day of Peace is at the very gates of the world. Sometime it will be so. 38

Ensphered in their own Light ever in the Light of the Infinite, these resplendent Beings from the Realm Celestial.

(Sphere on Sphere

of Splendors meeting inter blending, dispersing) move upon souls in need. Each enfolded in a beauty all its own all ensphered in the glory of that perfect state utterly baffling any possible description! How can such vistas of Heavenly Beings be described? In what terms or forms of language can these glorious scenes be depicted? Color? Tint and love from which all beauties of earth's manifold shadings might have been borrowed? The pure White Light of the Soul.



The environment into which one enters on arrival is dependent on two factors. One is the grade of development at the time of passing, for that will determine whether that individual’s constitution is adaptable to a given atmospherean grade or plateau. Those who are of a lower grade of development naturally gravitate to the plateau which is relatively more dense in atmosphere and therefore at an elevation that is closer to the earth where the lumens of spiritual light are more subdued (by the greater proximity to an earthly plane). Those who have, through assimilation to the I AM within their being, nurtured greater love, kindness, compassion and good works throughout their lives will find themselves naturally assimilated to a higher plateau where the atmosphere is lighter, brighter, more rarefied (as are their very beings) and as a consequence more radiant with higher lumens of spiritual light that emanates from within them, and around them, yet from no apparent central source.

The second factor, though somewhat dependent upon the first factor, is the individual’s sum total state of mind, for the quality of one’s thoughts tend to create an environment or landscape that is 40

somewhat symbolic or representative of that individual’s quality of thought. Those who enter the lowest planes of existence, for example, having lived a life filled with crime, hatred and deceit, will find the world about them to be dark and decayed, distorted and desolate. Those who have been selfish and self-serving will find themselves very much alone with themselves in a stark and barren plane. Those who were progressive, loving and kind may find their abode on first arrival to be composed of grassy hills and gardens filled with trees, flowers and birds. The possibilities are almost endless, but these examples propose to illustrate the truth that our thoughts do play a greater role in our lives when we are in spirit, for we are more ruled by our thoughts and feelings than you are in mortality. At least on your plane of existence the effects and power of thought are not so blatantly apparent as here in spirit. The fact remains that all souls who are not bound in darkness, who are in ascension regardless of grade, are met and nurtured on first arrival here by helpers or guides who may or may not be known to the new arrival. Such helpers are at that person’s disposal to give assurances, guidance, to answer any questions and guide them on their way. But at all times one is given complete freedom to accept assistance or reject it as one wishes, and, seen or unseen, there is always someone nearby to give aid as soon as the desire for it is thought or vocalized.


When help is desired, there occurs a fundamental change in thought, and just as suddenly there will appear those who are ready to help. This is not necessarily because assistance was far away but because the unprogressive mind of the troubled soul was prevented from seeing those who were nearby all the time. Many who are particularly troubled in spirit believe when they have wakened from death that they are alone in a darkened cave or closet, when all the while the darkness and solitude existed only in their state of mind and their own limited vision. Those who have passed over in a bitter or angry state of mind may find the world they have created within their immediate environment is all rocks and cliffs and chasms, and little do they realize that the barrier between them and a happier environment is more a product of their state of mind than it is one of physical transportation.


Spirit Guides JM Peebles Immortality and Our Employments Hereafter (1907)

All spirits in spirit life have guides, even as every man on earth has a guardian angel; and also many have a band of spirit guides. Spirits progress, and mediums progress, and when both advance together, the relationship of guide and medium may be retained for an indefinite number of ages.

We regard spirit as the cause, and matter as the effect of all things. Spirit is eternal, and is eternally creating substances as vehicles for outermost expression. The relation between spirit and matter is analogous to that between conscious man and his physical bodies.

All souls abide in God as the eternal Fount of Being.

They find

expression in matter in order that they may subdue it and become co-partners with the Deity in his work of creation. Souls are generated to-day by the union in celestial love of the angels in heaven, who in perfection of purity are God's mediums for the creation of souls. We believe every soul expresses itself through matter either in this system of worlds or some other before it can return to the Creator as a conscious, victorious, individual spirit, 43

willingly subjected to the Divine Law.


SPIRIT GUIDES DRT Keeghan Meditation Oneness (1969)

I feel that there is no small placement of what are so called Spirit Guides, Spirit Controls, Spirit Helpers, Guardian Angels, and whatever other name you wish to give those in Spirit who come near the human form to help and that is mainly what they are concerned about doing.

Within peoples of this world we live in, there could be said that there are four main categories in the ways the Spirit World come to us and help, remembering that these fields can cross over from one to another and sometimes across the whole field of definitions.

Firstly, there those who work to help those who are not aware of the presence of the Spirit World, or do not want to know about it. To them, the Spirit World comes close to such ordinary persons in times of need. Many call it their luck in life or being looked after by their Guardian Angel. Many people have never heard or seen the entities from the Spirit World but are just aware of someone or something different, being close to oneself and being looked after, or protected. Some say that they use their inner voice or have a feeling to do 45

things right; those people are at different times working with their intuition. Those ordinary people are just going along life's pathway and getting drawn along their own path by their guardian Spirit/Angel, and never consciously being drawn to make contact with their own personal Spirit helper.

Secondly, there are those in the Spirit World who work as catalysts for spiritually aware persons, normally called Mediums, or they could also be working with what seem to be ordinary human beings who are being inspired in the fields of philosophical teachings, inspirational writing, inspirational speaking, or poetry or music.

Thirdly, there are those in the Spirit World who work as catalysts for Mediums who have the developing powers of what could be called that of Clairvoyance, Clairaudience and Clairsentience, etc..

Fourthly, there are those in the Spirit World who work as the catalyst for Mediums or ordinary mortals in what could be called within the psychic field, proving the continuation of life after our passing by direct and psychic means such as Direct Writing, Direct Voice, Independent Direct Voice, Transfiguration, Materialisation etc. The Spirit World being a close link between that catalyst and their Mediums.


Each Spirit Worker has a role to fulfill when working with the Medium and each role is needed at different levels and with different training to be able to function correctly. This training is not only with the Spirit Person on the higher vibration levels, but also with persons on the earth plane. The people on both sides of the vibrations have to work in conjunction with each or to have the correct linkage to make it work, to be in harmony is a better way of putting it.

As the person on the earth plane becomes more and more aware of the closeness of the Spirit World, the more they will also have to train and develop alongside the Spirit World. The highest achievers go on to develop high skills because they have put more time aside to develop, while the ones who do not do anything about their development and do not put much effort into their linking with the Spirit World, stay at a lower level.

People often ask me if anyone can link with the Spirit World?

My reply is always the same [but it has changed slightly over the years]. YES! Every person on this planet on the earth plane was born with the ability to have a close link with the Spirit world. The only trouble, or should I say the main trouble, is the indoctrination of the young by the religious elite according to the religion they are born into. What do they say within the Roman Catholic churches [or any 47

religious groups]? Give me a child until they are seven and I will have them for the rest of their lives.

If we let our children play with their imaginary friends and encouraged our young to keep their natural God given gifts of linking with the Spirit World, imagine how many really good mediumistic people we could have in the world.

When your child sees the people/Spirits of the other vibration level, encourage them, be supportive. Please do not as my parents did, put them down, don't dismiss the FACT that the child IS seeing something that you cannot because you have lost it, or were not sensitive enough to be aware of it. The Spiritually aware child is only a little more sensitive than the person who cannot see, or hear, or feel, or sense the Spirit World that is there around them.

Tutors within the workshops, and Spiritual colleges have different names for the range of Spirit People who help with the linking of the Spirit World.

Firstly, I must say here that there is not just one angelic spirit doing uplifting work with each medium.

There are whole groups that are

working with each mediumistic mortal, in fact, this is true each time they link with the Spirit World, sometimes over the many decades. 48

This can become quite apparent where the medium is working towards healing and educating and sharing spirit communications with the mortals within their lives.

The general name is Spirit Helpers.

Then, there are the Spirit Guides who help with the linking of the higher vibration level [the Spirit World], and also as the name suggests, guide people along when needed, and many of these are in fact their personal Guide, their own Angel, The Guardian. Yes, we have do one.

What should be stressed here is that those people in

the Spirit World also have other people on the earth plane with whom they link with and they have to work on their dimensional side of the spiritual vibrations.

The Spirit people who help with these links are sometimes called Door Keepers, Gate Keepers, and aim to help open the door to the Spirit World, making it more accessible as time goes on, making sure the both sides of the vibration are kept safe. Here again there is more than one in attendance, each and all spirit worker having their own personal role to play. In Psychic sĂŠances, the Door keeper's task is to admit the Spirits, sequence them in order, clothe them in ectoplasm, and facilitate their communications to the audience.


Some writers call these helpers in Spirit, Spirit Controllers. Those who are linked with the Psychic Mediums who draw, paint, write, and produce other psychic phenomena

Therefore, the angelic spirits who take part in spirit communions work as a group.

Spiritually attuned persons on the mortal side of

the vibrations help out in this capacity whenever they sit for a sĂŠance. This is also the case with Healing Mediums, and in fact, all sorts of Spiritually-gifted persons, who work to make spiritual communions a success.


YOU WILL NOT DIE! Walter DeVoe The Archives of the Eloists (1907)

While my physical senses were asleep, in spirit I have had classes among spirits seeking knowledge, teaching them the power of thought to cause happiness and to free them from mortal limitations and how its persistent use would develop within them spiritual powers such as they saw manifest in the beautiful guides and helpers around them. They were shown how much power they possessed to help sorrowful and depressed spirits newly arrived from earth and inspired to go to work with the thoughts given and uplift the fallen, strengthen the weak and encourage the hopeless as a means to their own soul development. They were faithful to instructions and much good has been accomplished by their ministry. One little Indian girl was so very bright and quick to understand. She went to the Indian village from which she passed out and instructed the village soothsayer in the knowledge of the potency of thought to heal and in the optimistic philosophy of heaven-born truth.

Each one can do a grand, good work educating spirits in the higher truths of immortal life, and there is a soul reward in doing this work in the teaching force developed and in the joy of imparting what has 51

been learned.

When you find a truth that is inspiring and uplifting, keep it for your spiritual friends and read it to them aloud, if possible, with all the enthusiasm you can generate. Teach them of the power that comes to spirits and mortals who work from the Spirit of Love and your words will often inspire them to more spiritual endeavor, enabling them to realize a power that will bring a return in blessings to you and to hundreds of others now groping in darkness.



Dr. Reed visits their work and makes the following report of it in writing, to wit: "Can you not tell the members of our circle something about your work in spirit life?" I asked of the member of the "Brave Hearts" who visited you on Tuesday night. She said: "Come with me and see for yourself; you then can explain to others." And the following is what I know so far of the "Brave Hearts."

(a) The organization of the "Brave Hearts" is a very large and powerful one, and owes its existence to the efforts of a wise Chinese philosopher. Its membership is not confined to the Chinese race but accepts any spirit who is willing to engage in their work. The only requisite being harmony of thought and steadfastness of purpose. Their work lies among the so-called drug-fiends of earth and in the spirit world. The father of the organization, when I made my wants known to him, said: "I might talk to you and tell you of many wonderful things; but if you will accompany me to the earth plane I will show you the practical side of our work." I signified my


willingness and we set forth upon a journey that was destined to show me a life I had hitherto known nothing of.

(b) The first place we entered was dark and squalid. It had rough bunks around the walls, and the most of them were occupied by two almond-eyed devotees of opium. The lights were dim, coming only from the opium lamps that resembled night lamps more than anything else, with the exception that peanut oil, instead of kerosene, was used. The most of the smokers were using acid of dape, instead of the "hop toy" around home, from boxes used for holding their opium. Their bamboo pipes held to their lips, or lying by their side, according to the degree of stupefaction reached. My guide told me that only in isolated cases does the use of opium produce visions good or bad. The smoking brings to the smoker a sense of tranquility and content. Poor wretches, they looked anything but tranquil, with eyes dimmed, almost to blindness, as they gazed lazily about them. I noticed many beautiful spirits about the room and all wore the badge of the order of the "Brave Hearts ": A golden heart, set with a topaz.

(c) These spirits were trying to persuade other spirits to leave the atmosphere that was so polluted with the drug, or were endeavoring to impress those still in the body to stop the disgusting habit before it was too late. I was astonished to find that success often attended their efforts. 54

(d). "Come," my guide said: "I will take you among people of your own race." "Surely," I said, "we will only be able to find very few of my people who are victims of the drug?" My guide smiled a sad, sweet smile, and slowly shook his head and said: "Opium smoking is gaining ground in the United States and should be looked upon with feelings of alarm."

The use of opium contributed more to the downfall of the Chinese Empire than any other one cause. We stood in a luxurious apartment, furnished with oriental couches and draperies; swinging lamps of peculiar designs, lit up the oriental scene, with a soft light. Men and women, partially disrobed, reclined on the couches, with the fatal bamboo pipes by their sides. Here, too, I noticed spirits wearing the emblem of the "Brave Hearts." They remonstrated with spirits and attendants.

"Come," my guide said, "and I will take you to a private home and show you how the poppy, with her flaunting danger signal, is able to hold sway over a home that would otherwise be happy." We entered the portals of a rich man's home. In a room that was sumptuously furnished, was a woman in negligee dress preparing to smoke opium.


My guide turned to me and said: "My friend, I understand that you are well versed in spirit chemistry; can you not make the spirit who stands by the couch, visible to this poor unfortunate one?"

I found that the occupant of the room possessed wonderful materializing powers, although unconscious of it; and the soft red lights, on the dressing-table, being just suited to the work, I collected as rapidly as possible, sufficient material to clothe the spirit with a material body, and she advanced toward the opium smoker. A piercing shriek rent the stillness of the room and she cried "Mother! Oh, my mother! Come back from the dead to save me from being an opium fiend." My darling child!" her mother replied, "sin no more "— and unable to hold her form longer, she slowly dematerialized at her daughter's feet. The daughter sprang up and gathering up the paraphernalia of the opium smoker tossed it out of the window.

(b). "Come," my guide said: "This has repaid me many times for any trouble I have had, or may have, on our journey tonight, It grows later and there are many things you must see ere another day dawns." We then visited morphine, cocaine and absinthe fiends. Listened to their wild stories of delightful visions or hideous dreams. As the hours sped along toward the rising of the sun, the police of the great cities of the opiate eaters began to gather the poppy fiends in.


(c) We visited the prisons where many of these unfortunates were confined, and listened to their pitiful pleadings, or wild ravings, when deprived of the use of their pet drug. Poor, unfortunate human beings! Torn by wild beasts, or consumed by fiery flames, would not be worse than the tortures they suffered.

(d) Countless numbers, I was told, began the use of drugs through the administering of small doses, by physicians, to alleviate pain. My guide said: "I would that I had the power to stop the use of all drugs that rob mortals of their senses and sap their mental and physical energy. It is better, by far, to stand a few hours of suffering than to become a slave to a bad habit and spend not only years in the earth life, but many years in the spirit world trying to rid themselves of the habit." If physicians would live the right kind of lives and understand the forces that surround them they would not have to resort to the use of drugs to deaden pain; but could give to their patients a sense of forgetfulness that would be far superior to any state produced through the use of drugs.

(e) Could mortals see the scene I am showing you tonight they would refuse to allow their friends to be placed under the influence of any narcotic. See the poor wretch in yonder cell—how he fights off the imaginary insects and reptiles that surround him! Notice how great drops of cold sweat break out all over his body! Could there be a 57

worse hell than this?" I looked at the cell he indicated: the figure of a man, or what had once been a man, lay on the hard prison cot, struggling with delirium tremens. Two spirits, members of the "Brave Hearts," were endeavoring to soothe him, while spirits from the lowest plane leered at them from the dark corners. I looked at the poor man carefully, and saw that it was only the question of a few hours until he, too, would be released from the clay, and turned and followed my guide from the prison.

(f) By this time the day was breaking, the rays of the sun were lighting up the dark places and I found myself wishing for perpetual sunshine, forgetting that darkness is as essential as light. I said to my guide: "If tonight's visits are a fair sample of your work, you and your band have more than earned the title of 'Brave Hearts.' "Think, my friends, this band is composed of spirits who need not enter the atmosphere of earth, at any time, unless they so desire. I trust you will profit by the example given you by the "Brave Hearts," and seek those who need your aid, no matter how low their condition.


A LADY MESSENGER William W. Aber The Guiding Star (1905)

A lady messenger whispered of her work and of conditions that she meets in spirit life, substantially, as follows, to wit:

I am a messenger from higher spheres into the earth's envelope to oversee certain cases that come within my mission, part of which is to meet them, place them, and see that they are properly cared for. And this task consumes much of my time, as you would say, and my energies too. For so many thousands cross to this side, having no preparation whatever to fit them to advance over here. Many of them have but few opinions fixed and many others have opinions fixed, so that if the opinion be erroneous, it is very difficult of modification, and still others of an inquiring disposition are free to learn and anxious to know. You have heretofore been told of the methods of teaching used in spirit life, and of the vast difference of adaptability between the individuals of the various classes. And there are also the same differences pertaining to the adaptability of teachers to the various necessities of the different pupils.


Many spirits are so attached to earth that it is difficult to have them believe that in spirit realms are more beautiful and desirable homes than any on earth. Hence, in order to present inducements for them to turn away from earthly attractions, it is necessary to open the way and lead them to various homes and conditions in the spheres above or beyond them. And to do this requires emissaries from those higher realms, and it is part of my calling to assist in this primary work. And so myself and comrades take charge of cases that are in need of such travel as will acquaint them with the fact of the superlative grandeur of the homes beyond.

And so I lead my charges out into the great spirit world: and when I show them the beautiful buildings, the gorgeous landscapes as we pass from plane to plane, we hold a moment at some scene more magnificent than they ever beheld or could behold on earth, I ask: "Is not that beautiful?" "Oh! yes," they say, "but not so attractive as some on earth." We go on from glory to glory, and they gradually desire to see and know more as the grandeur increases, until their desires are turned away from earthly things to the more glorious realities of the spirit world; and finally, they realize how great the chasm between their actual condition and the beautiful conditions of the homes to which they would be pleased to attain. And now they are led back to the lower conditions, and witnessing the great contrast, they are prepared for such experiences in lower spheres as 60

will prepare them for permanent homes in the higher, and are able to look away from earth and desire to attain the higher, and are thus prepared to advance under the tutorship of such guides as are suited to the individual case. From this you may know that all kinds of conditions reach us; and that therefore there is employment for many thousands of messengers.


CONCERNING SPIRIT GUIDES Mrs. J. H. Conant Flashes of Light (1872)

Q. We are told every person has a spirit-guide. If this is so, by whom or by what law are they appointed?

A. It is to be supposed that every person dwelling here in physical life has some one spirit, if not more, who, in obedience to the law of want and supply, will be attracted to him or her. These spirits take a deep interest in them, and exercise a watchful care over the frailties of human life. Such would be considered guardian spirits. They are so by virtue of spiritual law; they come to you, if at all, by spiritual attraction. All souls, as well as the atoms of life, are repelled from or attracted to each other, as the case may be, by fixed law. If a soul is drawn to you, it is drawn by law, fixed law, and becomes your guardian spirit by law. Love is an attribute of law, divine, perfect, and holy, and it is the avenue by and through which your guardian spirits work. They love you, hence they seek to do you good; they come to you and watch over you. Because you are told that each has a guardian spirit, you are not to suppose that they are always present, and never absent. They come when the law of their being and yours demands that they shall come. Are you sick? You desire to be well, 62

and your interior life instinctively and naturally extends out for something higher, beyond you, to make you better. It matters not whether it be the great God, or some kind spirit; and this desire reaches out to these spirits, and they come to you because they love you. Then the need is supplied, they leave you, and wait till the next occasion brings them to your side.

Q. Does not the idea of a spirit-guide interfere with the freedom of our actions, and our responsibility to God?

A. By no means; because these spirit-guides are not your leaders. You may as well say that you are not responsible beings, because you were not born such; because you had fathers and mothers who diligently cared for you till you were well able to care for yourselves. These guardian spirits do not take away our responsibility or our individuality; but they only aid us when we need aid. They are to us as supporters when we need them, but they are not our leaders.


SUPERNATURAL EXPERIENCES: VISIONS Mrs. Cecil M. Cook The Voice Triumphant (1931)

Other spiritual experiences occurring to me outside the sĂŠance room are the beautiful visions I have so frequently. They usually come when I am asleep and sometimes are difficult to distinguish from an ordinary dream, but usually they are so very clear-cut and definite that I have no trouble deciding. My spirit seems to leave my body temporarily and journey in the astral world, where it is shown some scene or experience, which almost invariably is symbolic.

Sometimes, on waking, the meaning of the vision is quite clear, often it is not and I must wait days, months, even years before finding out its portent. As such visions always give warning or consolation to me or to members of the Center, I do my best to learn their meaning and interpret them correctly. As I have shown all through this book, my Guides and friends on the Other Side continually are at work consoling us and helping us, but sometimes it appears that they either do not know of some impending event or are unable to communicate it to us properly.

Under such conditions I usually have an astral experience, and by 64

receiving the message in that way I know that it must be important and deserves careful consideration. Such a beautiful experience, too, offers great consolation in time of trouble or sickness.

When I suffered a nervous break-down, super-induced by a case of ptomaine poisoning, I had two very beautiful visions, both before I became seriously ill with the complications that set in. All my life until that time I had been healthy, although I was very sensitive to disease because of the great drain my work puts on my vitality, but a short treatment and rest always brought me through in apparently unimpaired condition. For this reason I was inclined to overwork and neglect proper care of myself, feeling that a slight illness which I readily could throw off would be the worst result. I felt too that my Guides would protect me. They told me quite often that I should not work so hard and should take a good vacation each summer, but for years I never did, feeling that always I should be accessible to anyone in need of my services.

I have found out that I was wrong in several ways. In the first place I was putting an unnecessary burden upon my Guides. Effort they were using to keep me well could have been applied elsewhere. In the second place I was progressively weakening my system. Prompt recovery from illness was not complete recovery; some of the poison from the disease remained in my body and was added to by each 65

succeeding illness. Finally, after it was too late, I began to take short vacations and tried to ease my work. I was able to defer the day of reckoning, but that was all.

Dining one day at a big hotel in New York City, I ordered a vegetable luncheon. It was very temptingly served and tasted good. As I started to eat it, I seemed to get an impression from a Guide of mine who was a doctor that I should not do so; being hungry, however, and in a condition far from suitable for clear reception of a message from my Guides because of the bustle and confusion about me in the large dining-room, I thought I must be mistaken and went on eating. Soon after finishing and before rising from the table I became so sick and dizzy I thought I should faint. Not realizing what the trouble was and thinking the fresh air would revive me, I made a great effort to reach the street. How I got home I do not know to this day. I went to bed and stayed there for months. The ptomaine poisoning, caused by a spoiled canned vegetable in the luncheon, my Spirit doctor told me, was the spark that set off the whole train of sickness from the overwork and accumulated poison of years.

As I was recovering from the ptomaine poisoning and thought I was getting well, I had a vision one night. Both my parents are on the Spirit side of life. I saw my mother approach me. She looked at me for a few moments without saying anything. I asked her where my 66

father was and she then spoke and said he was there too. "You cannot come to us yet, dear, no, not yet," she continued.

Then my father appeared, smiling tenderly at me, and told me the same thing. He seemed to have rich black dirt in a basket by his side and now began scattering this around.

"You must stay in the earth plane because you have much to do yet. Your work is unfinished and you must be brave and fight to get well so that you can complete it before you pass over. Do not worry, because you will come out all right; all your Guides and friends on this side are doing their utmost for you."

Saying this, he disappeared, taking my mother with him. The scattering of the black dirt was a sign that I had many things yet to start and to carry through before I should go to the Other Side.

The next day I talked this over with my nurse, but I could not see why I should receive such a message. I was recovering and felt that, as always in the past, I should be up and around in a few more days. I had many things planned, and no thought of not being able to finish them had occurred to me until now.

Two weeks after this I had another vision. A group of friends and I 67

appeared to be standing at the edge of a bay looking across it at a beautiful large white boat anchored in deep water. It was so splendid that after observing it for a few moments I exclaimed: "Oh, we must go on this magnificent ship, all of us."

We saw a small row-boat near us on the shore and climbed into it. The others started to row while I stood in the center and watched the large boat. While some distance away, I saw the anchor being weighed and called out to them to wait for us as we wanted to go with them. As we neared the side, I saw a kindly-faced man, serene with the dignity of authority, looking down upon us. Instinctively I knew he was the master.

"Oh no, you are not ready for this boat, none of you. You cannot come with us."

Pointing to one of the young women in the row-boat with me, he said: "It won't be long before that young lady can come, but you yourself are not ready yet."

Exceedingly disappointed at not being allowed to go aboard that splendid ship, we rowed sadly back to shore.

The next day I thought over this vision carefully. It must mean that 68

the persons boarding that boat were those passing to the Spirit World and that our failure to get on it was a message saying that, no matter what happened in the immediate future, we should not pass over, myself in particular. Yet the master had said that one of us, whom he had pointed out, would be able to go aboard soon. This girl lived in Europe and while I knew she was not in the best of health, still I had no reason to think that she was dangerously ill. However, she passed over within a year.

A week after this I was desperately sick with a complication of influenza, nervous break-down, and several other things. I certainly realized now why I had had those two visions, and the message conveyed through them was so definite and inspiriting that I fought to get well, knowing that the time to terminate my earthly existence had not yet arrived. I must stay here to complete the work the Spirit World had planned for me to do.

Sometimes I have visions while awake, usually in the sĂŠance room. Such visions always refer to one of those attending the sĂŠance and almost invariably to the imminence of his passing to the Other Side.

On one occasion a man and his grown son were present at a sĂŠance. No sooner had it commenced than I saw a woman in Spirit build up near him. I described her and was told that she was the 69

boy's mother. Then she rose slowly up, going higher than the material ceiling of the room. All the time she kept her face toward her son and beckoned to him.

I said nothing about this at the time, but later, when alone with the father, who by the way, was a medium himself, I told him what I had been shown.

"I hardly understand that," he said, "because the boy certainly is strong and well and has no appearance of one about to pass over."

I agreed with him, but felt that that was the only reasonable interpretation to give the vision. He finally agreed with me.

This was in December. The young man was taken sick the following February and passed over in a few days.

Another time a woman was brought to me by a common friend. The first thing I saw when the two of us entered the sĂŠance room was a coffin with this woman in it. Above it I could see a large figure 3. I knew that no other message would come or be of any use to her, so I got up and told her that I could do nothing for her. She was very much surprised, as likewise was her friend waiting for her.


Later my friend came back and asked me what the trouble had been. First obtaining her promise not to report what I should say, I told her of the vision.

"I thought it must be something like that," she said, "because I knew the Guides could give her a message."

The woman was young, quite healthy, and of the very strong type, happily married, and with three lovely children. She certainly gave no impression of one about to pass over, but three weeks later to a day, she did pass.

She loved her husband and children and for a long time was inconsolable. Finally she found she could help her loved ones from her new home and gradually lost her grief in her loving labor.

I know of a number of people unacquainted with Spiritualism who have had visions similar to mine. One of these is a Milwaukee school-teacher whom I later became acquainted with.

For years she had been an intimate friend of the principal of the school she taught in and of his wife. They had an only child, an extraordinarily lovable boy, whom she knew from the time he was born and whom she loved as much as any child which might have 71

come to her. He reached high-school age and was a member of the class she taught.

One night she had a vision in which she saw this boy standing and gazing up into the sky. Following his glance, she saw a cloud which appeared partially to support and cover a group she took to be angels. As she was looking, the boy seemed to float up to this cloud, and as he reached it, he turned around to wave back to her, saying: "I am going to my new home. It won't be long now."

Waking up, she was so agitated she could no longer sleep.

She realized that this must mean something about the imminence of the boy's passing and she prayed that he be allowed to remain on earth for a long time yet.

The next morning she sought out the principal and told him what she had seen. He was very much disturbed and interpreted the vision in the same way as she had done. They decided not to alarm the mother, but to tell the boy himself.

When informed of it, he smiled and said it was all the same to him; he was happy on earth, but was sure he would be in heaven also if it was his time to go. 72

(Remember that none of these people knew anything about Spiritualism. They truly showed remarkable spiritual development.)

One month later he was taken ill and passed over to the Other Side within a few days.

Two weeks after his passing I visited Milwaukee, and this teacher came to one of my sĂŠances. The boy was the first one to come in. He told her that she had been shown a vision a short time before to let her know that his time to pass had come.

This was a beautiful test which she accepted gratefully. She reported her experience to the boy's father, who came to the next sĂŠance with her. Both were beautiful characters and became steadfast Spiritualists.

Visions are most beautiful experiences and come to mediums, and occasionally









development, when there is any necessity for them; when they can bring help or consolation.


SUPERNATURAL EXPERIENCES: POWERFUL GUIDES The Voice Triumphant Mrs. Cecil M. Cook (1931)

Just as visions come, so do other beautiful supernatural experiences come to people without the presence of a medium. For this to happen it is necessary for the person to be sensitive spiritually, although not necessarily aware of Spiritualism. I should like to recount a few cases where friends of mine have received such experiences as these, frequently when I have been far away from them. In this connection it will be interesting to refer to the minister's story of the woman of his congregation seeing two of her children who had passed over. This appears in the chapter on "Deception."

One night a young married woman was awakened, she knew not how, from a sound sleep to find a spirit of a man standing in the doorway of her bedroom. Considerably frightened, not realizing he was in Spirit, she attempted to waken her husband, but found she could not move or speak. This man walked round the foot of the bed to her side and said: "Don't be afraid of me. You do not know me, but I want to give you a message. I worked as a mechanic on this apartment building you are living in and never did anything wrong in my life. One day I was accused of stealing some tools and 74

discharged. I want you to tell them I did not do it."

The man disappeared, and as soon as he was gone, she found she could awaken her husband. Doing so, she told him what she had seen and heard.

They came over the next day to see me, and our Guides told them that it was true, such a man had worked there and had been discharged, the shock of the injustice causing him to pass over. They were told to go to their landlord and ask him about it.

He had appeared to this young woman apparently because he realized that through her his message could be conveyed and he could be helped to overcome his feeling of sadness. In a situation of this sort a man conscientiously trying always to do what was right will retain a feeling of sadness at the injustice done him and possibly some resentment if he has not developed past that stage, and almost invariably will visit occasionally the scene of his trouble. These ideas occupying his mind will retard his progress. The friends he meets on the Other Side, few, because he does not seek them, will try to help him overcome this condition, but may not have the power to do so completely. As he begins to understand what is necessary, he will seek it, and in this case he evidently realized that the young woman was in close contact with powerful Guides and not only would deliver 75

his message, but also would bring him into touch with our Guides of the Center, who are used to teaching, not only mortals, but those on their own side of the veil.

This is what happened, because as soon as the story was told to Mr. Stead, he sought the man out and was able to explain everything so clearly that the man cast off his sadness and began the useful work and progress which his efforts on earth entitled him to.


OUR PERSONAL GUIDES Mary Bruce Wallace The Thinnning of the Veil (1919)

On the plane where I now find myself we have personal Guides, but beyond this I understand we are each illumined by our own Higher Self. It is to help us to attain this that the Guides are given to us. They are distinguished by a brighter aura, and are so beautiful that we instinctively rely upon their help and advice. It is my Guide who is influencing me in this present line of action. On the other hand, we have perfect free-will to do as we choose just as on earth, and greater freedom to pursue and carry out our own ideals.

"Your world and this one interpenetrate. There are worlds within, and in to the Centre of Being. Not all here are conscious of your world. What I focus upon, that I can see; but our environment is not necessarily a counterpart of yours. We can make our own surroundings. "Yes!‌ through your mind I can see the soul-side of your trees. We have scenery which apparently changes in colouring similarly to yours, but this is brought about by the desire of our minds. We do not respond to earth's scenes except through a sensitive. As you have such a love of nature and such vivid feelings, I


am able to see the scenes more vividly than through other sensitives."

"There are lots of children here, such darlings, and they are very happy and friendly. After a certain period of education they pass to higher planes. They are so lovely. Those who have a special faculty for managing children, make homes for them in cases where their parents are still on earth.

"There are also many beings other than man in these more subtle realms, as well as on other physical planets. We can communicate with them, and some of us study their habits somewhat as a traveler studies the ways of a foreign race. Many of these beings are very beautiful. I see them flashing through the air like the fairies of children's stories. Their bodies glow with light and colour—golden, rosy and sapphire. They have a lot to do with the inner molding of trees, flowers and Nature-stuffs. You think I am romancing, but indeed this is actually what I see. I see also seraphs from far higher realms, wonderful beings who pass by on waves of light, and are veiled as with a mist. Some of these are winged just like your pictured angels. "The highest spirits of all only come to us in vision or on rare occasions to cast light on something we need to know, or in connection with our work."


"We do not need food as on the earth, but axe easily sustained by air, light and water, although some of us take fruit too from the trees in our fields and gardens. Here we tend the trees by thought. Besides the gardens we find here seas, lakes, rivers, woods, mountains, every kind of glorious scenery. There are cities too, but fairer than your fairest dream of such. Ugly houses or slums we could not endure for a moment. There is no dirt or disorder here, and no bodily diseases such as exist on earth. Any want of harmony in feeling is at once shown as a shadow on the otherwise shining white soul-body. It can only be cured by thought and love. "We refresh ourselves when weary with work amongst unevolved souls, by bathing in the exquisitely clear streams and rivers. We create our own garments and houses by the power of thought, or if we are unable yet to do this for ourselves, our more evolved friends make them for us. There is such close and sweet fellowship here between soul and soul— no jar, no discord, as on earth; for all speedily gravitate to their own affinities of mind and temperament, living thenceforward in perfect peace and harmony. It is verily the 'Kingdom of Heaven' which we long for you to make outwardly manifest on earth. Believe me, this possibility is no mirage. It is the all-perfect plan of the Creator for man, in the Future. Then shall the words of the old Jewish prophets come true: The desert shall blossom as the rose; and all creatures


dwell in peace together. It is our blessed mission to help to inspire you to make all these dreams actual even in your outer world." OUTER CONDITIONS ARE SHAPED BY INNER CONDITIONS Mary Bruce Wallace The Coming Light (1924)

THERE is always light on the fringe of the wave, so always look for the bright side of every trial. Try to do things more quietly in daily life. In quietness and confidence is your strength. We can get nearer you when you are quiet, for excitement or emotion of any kind, either of joy or of sorrow, makes little ripples in your aura. There is a deep way of taking pleasure which is quite satisfying; otherwise, if it affects the emotional nature, there is always a reaction afterwards. It is control of the temperament that is needed.

We interpret everything about people from their auras, as we know so well, by watching these, the effects produced on the etheric and later on the physical-body. They are clearly set forth in the aura, and can be seen by anyone sufficiently clairvoyant, either on your side or on ours. Your clairvoyants, however, are too untrained to be able to diagnose accurately what they see. They do not know the meaning of the subtle tints of colour as we do; one of them will often balance another, hence quite wrong deductions might be made by a casual 80

observer. Many attempts are being made on: earth to diagnose physical maladies in this manner. The clairvoyant unconsciously gives his impression quite as much from what he perceives of the aura as from what he perceives of the physical body, consequently we have found that the records are not always quite accurate. But the experiment is very useful and the beginning of a new system of healing. We hope later to be able to train clairvoyants on the earth side in the exact meaning of the colour of the aura, though there are many other tints perceived on our side the perceptibility of which by a clairvoyant whilst still in the flesh I doubt. We not only diagnose health and the character conditions, but we also perceive a good deal of the future road from the intensity of various blends of colour, for each sends forth an electric force which controls both states of mind, of body, and of circumstance in the immediate future. “Thus does man shape his own career to a large extent by his innermost thought and feeling, for these attract like outer conditions. Like attracts like. The outer is moulded upon the inner. We cannot see in detail the far future through the aura. This is revealed to us, when possible to glimpse it, by Higher Guides. We see only the tendencies which will probably attract like conditions. Where these tendencies are strong, their influence extends far into the coming years. Where the colouring given forth by the emotion, or state of mind, is pale, the influence is weak, and will work itself out in days or weeks, possibly months at longest. 81

We can thus diagnose the effects of both good and bad colour in each individual, and by watching the aura for some considerable time can see which preponderates in a given number of days, since it would be impossible to diagnose correctly from a single mood, which often suffuses the whole of the earth vehicle with the colour of its nature. So dark is the colour of depression, that the aura for the time being appears drowned in a black or brownish-grey mist, obscuring the beautiful, natural tints seen under conditions of serenity. So you see from this, the effect of even a temporary mood. Steer clear of the dark ones, whatever your feeling; look up and catch the light on the waves, as this will help to clear your future path from troublesome manifestations. That is all, but it is a great deal.�


GUIDES Charlotte Elizabeth Dresser Life Here and Hereafter (1927)

We have many times been told that everyone on earth attracted some spirit who tried to influence and guide their charge through all the vicissitudes of the earth life. This caused us to ask if even a criminal had such a guide.’

"Yes, always. All have guides. But it is sometimes difficult for the guides to impress their charges. Usually in such cases there is more than one guide and influence. It would be very difficult for anyone with high spirit development to be obliged to stay near an ignorant and coarse-grained individual.�

'Is one's guide always present?'

"That is not necessary. In the first place, a guide, to be a true guide, will know the character, the possibilities, in the life of his charge. These will be like a chart to inform him when and where he is needed. To be constantly with one mortal life would interfere with the progress of the spirit, and it would not be well for the mortal to be so guided. We do not stay with you all of the time, as you know. But 83

faithful watchers let us know immediately if we are needed.”

'Is this true with others?'

"Yes, this is always so. A guide, to be a true guide, must advance, must grow spiritually, must have much knowledge and quick perception, and must endeavor to lead the human soul to higher planes. This he could not well do if his own life and education were stationary.”

Mary had spoken once of referring to her guides or helpers, and we asked if they themselves had guides.’

"I did not use that word in exactly your meaning. But we do look always to an influence higher than our own: sometimes from another circle, sometimes from another plane, and in the last analysis, perhaps to Christ. And beyond this lovely and loving influence, to the Father of us all, to the Highest Spirit, whom you call God.”


GUIDES, INSPIRATION, AND GOD L Kelway Bamber and CH Kelway Bamber Claude’s Book (1919)

The Suicides YOU say you have heard so much of "Spirit-guides" to people on earth, and want to know who appoints these, and why? "Guardian Angels" I suppose they used to be called. Well, no one appoints them; they are spirit-friends attracted by something in the individual which appeals to them, and they try to influence and help those in whom they take an interest. They may be earth-friends or relatives who having passed on still keep the bond of affection that held them while here, though they are often strangers attracted by mutual interests, who try literally to inspire those on earth. This does not mean in religious matters only; it applies to art, science, engineering, medicine, or any other subject. Can't you imagine a musician here, revelling in beautiful harmonies, trying to instill into the mind of an earthly musician some of the glorious sound which gives him such joy, and which he knows will benefit and uplift those still in the "bonds of the flesh"? or an artist surrounded by this exquisite beauty trying to inspire the mind of a friend, so that he may see with truer, clearer vision the hidden wonders that surround him? or a man of science or an engineer 85

trying to impress the mind of a friend on earth with a new discovery or invention? These things are being done every day, and the "flashes of genius " which illumine the world occasionally are the result of the influence of spirit-minds on the minds of those still in the world. When men realize it is possible to get help from these sources they will do great things, for to those who have passed on, the sources of information, though not limitless, are vast in comparison with those on earth. The secrets of Atlantis and ancient Egypt are obtainable if they care to work to learn them. I have told you here, too, "like attracts like." If a human being is spiritually and intellectually undeveloped, and lives only in the senses, the spirit-friends he attracts are of a very undesirable order. They are the souls of those who had no wish to live anything but a life of animal gratification, and still hang about the world and their old haunts continually, trying to get a kind of second-hand indirect pleasure from the doings of the people who now follow in their footsteps.


THE ANTECHAMBER OF HELL JSM Ward A Subaltern in Spirit Land (1916)

AGAIN, as before, I was aware of the hideous conflict of the good and the evil powers. I determined to try and note some of these strange beings, so unlike anything I had ever even dreamed of. I saw a good number of bloated, shapeless monstrosities, with slanting eyes and masses of feelers, more animal than human in shape, such creatures as the foul animal that had barred my path the first time.

There was a creature that looked like a serpent, save that its head was almost human but viler than the most depraved human could be. Another type was of the nature of an enormous bat, but the head was different. These creatures mostly had huge goggling eyes and beaklike mouths. There was quite a number of huge dragons, not unlike the fabled monsters of legend, together with strange creatures like griffins, huge spider-like monstrosities, and curious masses of fungous growth, which moved and floated amid the red waves.

The only thing they bad in common was their eyes, which were either large, goggling, and globular in shape, or else narrow and slanting. All were yellow or red, and absolutely malevolent in expression. 87

Here and there I saw creatures which looked like men, and yet were not, and also strange composite creatures, half-human, half-animal. One of these man-like monsters, huge, in stature, and apparently a leader, barred my path. Enormous he was, and his shape, though blurred and indistinct, took the form of a naked man, with huge, distorted, and misshapen limbs. His face was black, save for the eyes; no nose and mouth at all, just two long, narrow, slit-like eyes, set at a curious angle, the top reaching towards the ears, the bottom almost joining just below where the mouth should have been.

Yet the thing could speak, or, rather, deliver its thoughts, for it cried out, “I have heard of your coming and going thus unmolested through our ranks, but this time they shall end. Stay!� And I stayed. Cold dread seized hold of me. My heart seemed to stand still, but, of course, I had no such organ, yet such is the force of habit that I experienced just this feeling. I cried on my guide for help as the evil monster rushed on me; and my angelic guide came.

But though the other creatures fell away before the rays of blinding light which poured from him, yet the leader moved not. Instead, he seemed to pour forth in answer from his whole body clouds of dull brown smoke.

A kind of darkness which beat up against the light

and held it there, while from under the shadow of the darkness his 88

followers gathered and shrieked defiance at my guide.

Fiercer and fiercer grew the light, and denser grew the mass of brown-black smoke.

Then I perceived that we were moving. I sensed it, as it were, for I could see nothing but a ring of darkness around the spot of intense light in which I stood, and which burnt me fiercely.

On we moved, and suddenly the wall of darkness shivered, and I perceived why. We had reached the spot where the powers of light came up against the powers of darkness, and their light had joined hands with that of my guardian spirit.

Then it faded away, and on I went through similar scenes to those described before till I came to H. J. L. and R. L. W. in their house. Here I told them of my adventures on the way, and inquired: “Do you think that this power of my guide's to make me unaware of what is happening would be effective if I were dead, or do all who die have to pass through that field of struggling spirits?”

R. L. W. "Well, if it helps to elucidate that point, I've never passed through it, but I've seen quite a number of elementals on different occasions.” 89

H. J. L. "Let us ask my guide."

Slowly the great white figure appeared, and, as its whiteness grew in intensity, R. L. W. covered his eyes with his hand, and then sank to the ground. The sight of the majestic figure almost blinded me, but I was just able to bear it. Then the bell-like voice pealed out:

“Those who deserve to be hurled into such surroundings will see them, and, since they must be very evil to go there, their guides will long since have fled from them, therefore no help will reach them. This is the antechamber of Hell. Though it is on the astral plane, seldom, if ever, does a man escape therefrom. Thence the road lies, through the valleys of Hell, and so to the hill which leads to redemption.

“It is well that you should see these places, for they are springs from which flow so much that is evil both on earth and on this plane. As much as you can bear is revealed to you, and no more.

“The ordinary mortal passes through the earth plane even as your brother did, and there sees the newly slain still fighting as on earth, but the region where the evil powers well up is the antechamber of Hell, and only after a time does the hardened sinner sink there. 90

“Just as those who grow better weary of the strife between man and man and wander away into the regions where you now are, so those who grow more and more evil sink away from the conflict with men into the conflict of the powers of evil, where these destroy their astral bodies and hurl them into that part of the spirit plane which you call Hell.”

The voice ceased and he vanished, and after a while Rex recovered. Then I spoke to H. J. L. "What of those who wander away from the fight, yet after a while fall into the sin of obsession and so sink to Hell?"

H. J. L. “There are many roads to Hell, just as there are many roads to the realms above. The regions of hate are the planes where the conflict between the powers is raging. Most of the sins of obsession fall under other headings, and so to Hell, when the sinner has destroyed his astral body, but it would be quite possible to work back to that very strata via the road of obsession. There are many such cases where an astral obsesses a man to murder or worse. That astral will pass through the same red sea to Hell.


No Separation Joseph O. Barrett Looking Beyond (1871)

All nature is a unit: all forces blend, as do drops in the ocean. Does not a touch upon any part of the human body affect the whole? Does not a little thought communicate itself to every nerve in the system? So in the outer world — a common bond of sympathy is there. A wave of a lake, a slight zephyr, makes a motion through the great whole. Commensurate with its power, nothing is circumscribed in influence.

Then a spirit is virtually present wherever any of its acts or relics exists, or its sympathy extends. Take a bar of magnetized steel; divide or subdivide; each piece is a distinct magnet. Separate them ten feet, a hundred, a thousand, a mile, any distance; do we thus destroy the reciprocal relation? Not at all; they imperceptibly respond. Mind is just as inseparable from its history. Between the mind and its sequences is an eternal union. What is memory but the registry of thought? Nothing is lost here. Its record-leaves are endless; and every thought, every emotion, every act, every event, is indelibly impressed; the chemistry of circumstances will at some time 92

call it up in review. Persons resuscitated from the drowning state aver that the experiences of life flash before them in a moment. What a solemn truth is here — what a serious examination at the judgment hour of memory some time to be I How pathetically plead the very hours we live, to dot upon the soul beautiful deeds! Nothing then is plainer than that we never can be separated from each other. All is one vast immortality.

What if we pass away into the realm of spirit; the memory lives and brightens with use, and the sympathy is stronger than before, for the heart yearns after its counterpart to meet externally as they constantly meet internally. The separated spirit lingers in love with all the objects it has lived with. Yesterday the sun bathed all the landscape in light, and every particle of ground and drop of water was fused with its golden magnetism. Was the sympathy destroyed when the sun went down? Everything turned a face sunward, seeking it, and in the effort to get close to it, crowding its fellow forward, there is a circuit of the earth round and round. So reciprocal is this love, our mother-world is ever blooming and fruiting with dissolving views of beauty. A lock of hair — electric medium for the brain- is not only a remembrancer, but is an affectionate tie, tinged with the lingering divinity which the departing felt at the first glimpse of heaven. This even brings the angel nearer.


Time and distance cannot separate friends that love. The space between is larger room for soul to meet its soul in sympathy. The spirit and earth worlds, correlated as soul with body, are mutually dependent. Can the planets revolve and develop forms of life without the sun, or the sun performing its functional duty without the planets? The veil is there between the two worlds, and "is getting thinner," exclaims Rev. Nehemiah Adams. Says the Swedish seer, "If angels and spirits were to be removed from a man, he would instantly fall down like a stock or a stone; and they, on the other hand, could not subsist, if they were deprived of their support and resting-place in mankind."

"In the brain of man," says Professor Draper, are impressions of whatever he has seen or heard, of whatever has been made manifest to him by his other senses; nay, even the vestiges of his former thoughts are stored up."

All true in experience, and as we make the test, we discover our mental impressions are immeasurable; that the sensitive plate of the brain has caught its picturings from millions of beings, seen and unseen; that under the watch-lights of some heavenly guardian, we can read events in the realm of subtle causes, ere they have descended into our practical world; that, as we drift out on the oceantides of mentality, conscious or unconscious, wakeful or asleep, our 94

souls, agitated by each pulse-wave of life, by dream or vision, 'or feeling, or sign, or hearing, find the "Isle of the Blest," —-our homeland of birth and destiny, where innumerable angels meet us in loving fellowship.


THE INTER-RELATION OF THE SPHERES. G. Vale Owen Life Beyond The Veil: Book 2: The Highlands of Heaven (1921)

Moreover, friend, it is a good thing and a helpful to bear in mind our presence at all times; for we are near, and that in ways both many and various. When we are personally near at hand we are able to impress you with helpful thoughts and intuitions, and so to order events that your work may be facilitated and your way more clear than otherwise it would appear to you.

When in person we are in our own spheres, we still have means whereby we are informed not alone of what has happened in and around you, but also what is about to happen, if the composition of circumstances pursue its normal course.

Thus preserving contact with you, we maintain and ensure our guardianship that it be continuous and unceasing, and our watchfulness that it shall in nowise fail on your behalf. For here, and through the spheres between us and you, are contrivances by which intelligence is sent on from one sphere to those beyond and, when necessity require it, we enjoin others to carry out some mission to you, or, if the occasion so requires, we come to earth ourselves, as I 96

have done at this time.

But further still, and in addition to this, we are able each to come into contact with his own charge direct in certain ways, and to influence events from our own place. Thus you will understand that the whole economy of the Creator, through its manifold spheres of light, is unified in action and correlated. So that no part is but is influenced by all those other parts, and what you do on earth not only is registered in the heavens, but has effect on our minds and thoughts, and so on our lives.

Be, therefore, of very careful mind and will; for your doings in thought and your doings in word and your doings in act are all of great import, not alone to those you see and touch around you, but also to those around you unseen and untouched by you,

but who see and touch

you constantly and often. Not these alone, but those who go about their business in their own spheres are so affected. It is so in my own, I know, and how much higher I do not hazard to say.

But, were you to ask me, I would reply that your doings are multiplied by transmission through the spheres of light by seventy times seven; and that no end is found to their journey within the ken of man or angel. For I little doubt, if that at all, they find out at last the very Heart of God. 97

Be ye, therefore, perfect, because your Father Who is in the Heaven of the Heavens is perfect; and no imperfect thing can find acceptance and approval to enter where He is in His awful Beauty.

And what, then, of those spheres where they who do not love good and beauty dwell? Well, we are also in touch with those, and the help sent there is as readily sent as to the earth sphere; for those realms of darkness are but further removed, and not disconnected, from us. Those who are there are learning their lesson as are you in your earth sphere, but theirs is more dim than yours—no more than this. For still are they sons and daughters of the One All Father, and so our brothers and sisters too. And these we help when they cry, as we help you at your petition. It has been given you already to know somewhat of the conditions of life there obtaining.


GUARDIAN ANGELS J. M. Peebles Seers of The Ages: Embracing Spiritualism Past And Present (1904)

"We owe to our guardian angels great reverence, devotion and confidence. Penetrated with awe, walk always with circumspection, remembering the presence of angels, to whom you are given in charge, in all your ways. In every apartment, in every closet, in every corner, pay respect to your angel. Dare you do before him what you dare not commit I saw you?"

"Consider with how great respect, awe, and modesty we ought to behave in the sight of the angels, lest we offend their eyes, and render ourselves unworthy of their company. Woe to us if they who could chase away our enemy, be offended by our negligence, and deprive us of their visits."

Our good angels reveal many things to those who seek into the works of nature.

A celebrated writer on jurisprudence, informs us of a person who used to pray heartily to God, morning and evening, that He would send him " a good angel to guide him in all I is actions;" and, in 99

answer to his soul's entreaty, a spirit at last responded; at first in dreams and visions to correct certain bad habits; afterwards, warning him of dangers, and showing him how to overcome difficulties. When his mediumship was better developed, he heard the voice of his angel, saying, "I will save thy soul. It is I that appeared to thee before." This spirit would knock at his door — spirit rappings — direct him in his devotions — guard him in his sickness — prevent his reading anything morally injurious — warn him of evil by touching his left ear, of good results by touching his right ear — map out for him the true path of life by signs, visions and impressions.


MY SPIRIT GUIDE John S. King Dawn of The Awakened Mind (1920)

Another manifestation unknown to me, or unfamiliar, but whose name was given, approached me, and informed me that I was being prepared for special work, and that she, this female angelic form (resembling at least to some extent, the pictures of angels) would avail herself of this opportunity to give information, and to show me something I had not hitherto been privileged to see. She held up her hands and arms for me to examine them, and they looked and felt like the arms and hands of women, such as we meet in our daily experiences, in fact she claimed to be — or someone in the circle stated that she was — in earth life the sister of the medium. She, the apparition, said to me, "You notice that my arms are bared, and my draperies are only such as are required to cover my body." She then [explained that by the knowledge of chemical combination not known on the earth plane, selection was made of particles of matter, with which were built up not only the bodies, but the apparel worn upon the bodies; and the spirit material to do this was not confined alone to what could be seen and recognized by mortals; but was also drawn from the air and from the surroundings. She then, with my white linen 101

handkerchief as a starting point, began her work. I placed it on her extended hands in the well-lighted room and in the presence of all the sitters and at arm's length, she rolled it and fingered it, when it suddenly seemed to break up into fibres and gradually changed from white to a creamy tint, and from close texture to open network; and increased in bulk and volume, until it began to hang down nearly to the floor, when she requested a lady present to hold two corners with outstretched arms, and slowly walk backwards until she reached the limit of the room, while the manifestation held the other end in a similar manner. The fabric then would be, I should judge, about 5 feet wide and 10 or 12 feet long. All in the room examined it and pronounced it a fine slight fabric, and compared it with that worn by the producer of it. It was dematerialized subsequently.

This surely is evidential, that the apparition was more than an appearance, and had a tangible existence, with form, power and voice. She also gave me information as to what I should yet be permitted to learn and to witness; and among other things said that in the years to come, that spirits would materialize upon the public platform in day light, with some speakers. She like the others dematerialized from solid form into vapor before our eyes, and thus disappeared.

Of all I had seen and heard at the various sĂŠances, the most startling 102

and wonderful manifestation to me was that of the female form which appeared, and is described as number six, (Egyptia). This same form reappeared a second time, in the last of this series of sĂŠances, again coming in the midst of a splendid evolution of sparkling lights, colors, and odors. The form and appearance was like that of an Egyptian lady of rank, and her name was spoken by herself as Egyptia. Her features were pleasing and intellectual, and she was about my own height, but medium build, and was clad in the peculiarly created draperies. She was again covered with bright stars glittering like large diamonds or small electric lights. She placed her hands upon my head, and said she had been with me as my guardian spirit from the moment of my birth, and would again appear to and commune with me in the future. As this was her second appearance at the Moss series I had favorable opportunity, and saw her form and features distinctly, and conversed with her. I may add that when she dematerialized at this the final sĂŠance, she disappeared into the curtains separating the two rooms, as would white smoke or steam.

This experience had qualified her to comprehend her postmortem condition, and the opportunities afforded her; and being met at this stage, by the very spirit Hypatia, who first brought conviction to her conscious understanding in 1907; and met her as she claims on her entry into spirit realms, and became for the immediate time her guardian spirit and teacher. Thus securing her aid, she made close 103

connection with me, through the very spirit who claims to be my chief spirit guide, on the first opportunity presenting. This information, and other as well, is the assurance I have received from May herself, elsewhere recorded; and coming as it does confirms knowledge similar in character, which I received through a trance medium, controlled by Hypatia, it seems that with that knowledge possessed by her, and the knowledge also that she passed away in the belief that she would be able to find ways and means of returning to the one from whom there was enforced severance, but made the desire all the stronger to return.

Hypatia, my spirit guide, was the first to come; and she told me that my band of guides, and several of my loved ones were present with me; and that while May and some of my loved ones would talk with me, the guides would either talk with or sing for me. Hypatia was the first one to sing, and she gave a stanza or two of song, so loudly that she could be heard out in the street, Mrs. Wriedt, the medium, meanwhile remarking, "Oh, isn't that wonderful." Then the ancient guide des Asia, as I have named him, came. He was on earth, as he alleges, nearly twenty thousand years before the Christian Era, at which time he claims North America was under water. Electra, sister of my guardian Egyptia, and an alleged member of my band, came and spoke and sang. She sang loudly and distinctly, as did Cleopatra also. All three of these alleged themselves to be members of my 104

spirit band. Then there also came Otelleo, and so there were in all six out of seven of the alleged members of my spirit band, each one of whom spoke as loud as I do when I am speaking to other persons. All these alleged guides have materialized for me at the Jonsons on several occasions, and two or three with other mediums; and conversed with me while presenting to me in their transient bodies. Each one of them has also written messages to me, through the Human-Psychic-Telephone. Both Egyptia and Electra appeared to me materialized, at the séances held by Effie Moss at London, more than twenty years ago; and some fourteen years thereafter, they again appeared in form, when Mrs. Moss was holding séances at Lily Dale, Both of these spirits also came together and walked around the circle of relatives and friends, to whom I introduced them. This was at a séance held by Nichols at Lily Dale, some years ago (in 1908); when some members of the Canadian Society for Psychical Research, and a few other selected friends, held a séance under test conditions; one of which was that the medium lay on his back, upon the floor within the cabinet, while the heavy vice-president stood astride of him, as the various forms materialized, including Egyptia, and Electra, who claim to have been my guardian spirits from the time I was born, and were familiar to the view of May, my spirit wife, while still in her mortal life; and since then they now attend upon her necessities, as she herself tells me in her messages through the writing psychic to me, though on the first occasion that Electra was 105

materialized, she was brought into the sĂŠance at Jonson's by Hypatia in the presence of the selected company. Gray Feather, the strong Indian control of J. B. Jonson, materializing medium of Toledo, came and spoke with me at this trumpet sĂŠance to tell me, that Jonson was coming home; and he wanted me to come down there on Monday afternoon. This same Indian control Gray Feather, in my presence in a former Jonson sĂŠance in April last, announced the arrival of Stead in spirit land; and told the listeners who were present there with me, 'that he had visited and talked with Stead in life in Julia's Bureau, in England. Gray Feather also on his own initiative wrote through the hand of a writing psychic, and urged me to meet him on a certain day and at a certain place, in New York State, of which a record appears elsewhere; and when I did so he brought the late Judge Rose of Toronto to speak to me, which was the first and only time that Judge Rose had thus spoken with me, though he wrote a message on a slate for me, and signed it. I have it also recorded in a previous chapter that he, Gray Feather, controlled, on two separate days, another trumpet medium instead of her own acknowledged control. He not only spoke through that trumpet himself, but brought on those occasions thirty-one spirit personalities to speak with me. May has acknowledged, when sending messages to me, that this noble Indian spirit has often been a strong helper to her.


Guardian Spirits Thomas Paine The Philosophy of Creation (1860)

Usually as soon as the damp of dissolution seats itself upon the system, the spirit is given the power of perceiving its guardians, who are continually hovering about it, to cheer its entrance into the Spirit Land. This perception of guardians with me, and in fact with nearly all who have died, was given some few moments after my physical powers had been dampened forever. A brilliantly intense light shoots in upon the soul,─ it sees flitting about it ethereal beings, familiar in countenance, ect., and hears confused voices, whisperings and angelic music, such as the human ear has not yet been blessed with. It becomes confused and overwhelmed by the scene, and deems the whole a dream; but in a short space of time the joyful reality bursts upon its vision. Angel friends flock around it to greet its arrival to its new home, and the happy spirit confidently and joyfully embraces old friends and kindred, and thanks God that it is free from the miserable existence of Earth. It finds itself in possession of new powers. In stead of perceiving things through the gross organs of the body, it finds itself intuitively perceiving them. J Instead of desiring to reenjoy the pleasures of Earth, it loathes them, and wonders that it 107

could ever have enjoyed its delights. It is conducted through the blissful regions by its guardians and friends, and, by affinity, is left to choose its circle of associate s and friends. When located, the spirit commences the work of progression.

Spirits retain their affections for their kindred and earthly friends, and pay them many visits to learn their condition. They exercise over them a watchful care, and ofttimes influence their minds, ─ and in more ways than one have an influence on their lives and fortunes. You are indebted to them for very many suggestions and thoughts, that come to you, you know not how. Mothers, with a purer and holier affection than mortals possess, hover near and watch their children in the body, ofttimes preserving them from error and danger by operating upon their minds. Could you see the angel friends that are often hovering about you, at day and even-time, with noiseless tread, watching your daily avocations and your slumbers, your hearts would rejoice to think that Heaven and Earth were so near together.

Each Spirit in the body has his or her guardian or guardians, who are oftentimes near them, influencing their actions, and breathing quiet and hope into their minds. These guardians choose the person over whom to keep sentry, by their affinity. They choose a congenial spirit, sometimes of kindred, sometimes not. Spirits are drawn to, or repelled from individuals on the Earth, just as they have affinities or 108

dislikes for those persons. Guardians are always from that circle, to which the individual, over whom they have superintendence, would go at death.

Friends meet and recognize each other here, and are much more happy in each other's presence and embraces than when on Earth. It is really pleasant to behold mothers meeting their children, from whom they have been separated by long years, and again folding them to their bosoms with maternal regard; to see brothers meeting sisters and brothers; husbands meeting wives, ect., with a consciousness that they are no more to be severed by the hand of Death.

Spirits have their companions here. There is here no marrying or giving is marriage by mere legal forms, or words of mouth; but each male Spirit chooses a companion from the female Spirits, who is congenial; or rather, upon the entrance of a Spirit of either sex into the Spirit World, if the Spirit's spiritual wife or husband is there, by the laws of affinity they come together, and recognize each other as eternal partners. There are here very many Spirits whose partners or companions are still in the flesh, and who are awaiting their arrival here for the consummation of that natural and inseparable union, spiritual







consummated on Earth that are eternal. Very few are made up from 109

affinity of desires, tastes, ect., but in accordance with base and sordid motives, that make the hymeneal altar a funeral pile, whereon are consumed and destroyed all peace and happiness on Earth. Every person has his or her congenial Spirit somewhere on the Earth, and those Spirits, though they may not come together on Earth, are sure to be united here. If more care was exercised on Earth, in reference to the marriage relations, a much more moral, as well as higher mental condition would exist.



10th August 1984 The Angels descend into your aura to work their miracles and healing and to transfix your heart-mind in their image. Deliver you heart-mind into their safe-keeping and always seek the inner radiance of your being. Glorify in God and send his radiance out into the world through the window of your soul.

Your path is now cleared of obstruction and your way forward is clear. You may now reach outward and inward, learning to raise your consciousness and forging the link with your Guardian Angel and guide. We are pleased that you are coming into awareness of the constancy of the Light and that your faith is growing stronger within you. Hold fast to this faith and do not allow the lower mind ingress. Your confidence in God is well-placed: never forget you are one of his children, in his safe-keeping and care, never forgotten, abandoned or alone. But as the sparrow fall, his heart is sore, and he knows the passing of the soul into the Light. God's Truth is eternal. Know this always: his love is unchanging, his Truth is 111

unchanging, the infinite source of all creation, wisdom, love and power.

There is beside you a host of brethren enfolding you in love, seeking admittance to your consciousness that they may guide and teach you. Your Master is at hand. Know your Master. Seek him and he will come. For all in life have a Master of Wisdom and need only to seek, to love and to open their hearts and minds to the patience of their loving mentor. All wisdom comes from the Master. All truths can be learned, it is necessary only to seek with devotion and right thought.

Now we say: your gifts are being developed. You are learning patience but must learn dedication also. You acknowledge God, you praise God: now learn to live with God, in God and for God, to serve and accord him your total loyalty and devotion. Doubt not that we are pleased with your progress. You are learning, my child, but still there is more, much more, to be learned. A little dove grows and expands and, in filling herself with the Light of God, can become as the eagle.

We have among us one who is as the sun pouring his light into your heart. This is the man you call Daddy, who is become as a great


light shining in the heavens. Accept this light of love from him, as it aids you on your path.

11th April 1984

Before learning, trials must come. Nothing learnt easily is worth much. You must have patience and continually strive for perfection of communication before the next step is revealed.

See deep in your heart the reasons for wishing your spiritual ears and eyes to be opened. Are your reasons pure? If your reasons are for your own aggrandisement, then these gifts will not be granted. Gifts are given only to those who will use them selflessly for the good of others and, if not so used, will be removed. Your spiritual ears and eyes will be opened if your reasons are pure, but perhaps at this time they are not? Search deeply within for the answer.

Your Guide will come to your awareness when the time is right. But always send him your loving thoughts and make your heart and mind ready









communications and prayer with God. Remember to send love out. You will find this hard but it will come with practice. You need only open your heart-mind. You will learn to do this with great effort and patience. Strive, always strive. Always there is a guide for every 113

person incarnate. Always, if a person is willing to give service, one will come to assist who will give more than he receives. Always we give tenfold any effort you make. This is the way of love.

A troubled heart does not make good soil to plant the seeds of wisdom. Always have faith in your continued guidance.

Daddy. In service you will find joy and contentment. My daughter, be happy. I am proud of you and shower my blessings upon you and all your loved ones. Do not trouble about small difficulties. They will be smoothed by lovingness. My daughter, I am always with you, as are my photographs. I see you look at them, and I smile at you. You see me sometimes now in your heart-mind. Keep looking for me and you will see me. I am always with you with love. You have kept faith with me for sixteen years, searching for me, and will find me always with love. Do not cry. Tears of happiness, I know. When you become emotional I cannot get my thoughts into your mind. Send me your love as always and I can come on that love link. I go now. I love you.


ASSOCIATION OF ASHARS The Eloists Radiance (1987)

Each and every person that consciously and sincerely resolves to change their ways and overcome their own limitations and darkness receives the assistance of the higher angelic realms, possibly by adding new or additional guardians (ashars) or perhaps a more effective and capable entourage to help protect the individual from lower entities and the influences of darkness. The mechanism involved is mutually supportive, for the greater the resolve or commitment of our ward, the more effective and expansive will be the entourage that have him under their care; and the more the individual persists with tenacity and dedication to the purpose of the Light, the more his pleroma will evolve to a higher administrative grade of a more "organic" association. Our purpose with you all is forever evolving and adapting, and though there is always a "core group" who have you under their care, yet there are others in your pleroma who are changed, replaced, upgraded (or downgraded) according to their talents, your predisposition and your particular needs at the moment. We are always watchful of what is in your best interest, not only as an individual, but as an evolving member of our greater community, and as an ever evolving soul. Persist, we implore 115

you, forever reconsecrating yourself to the Higher Light, forever renewing your efforts regardless of however often you may slip or fall. Remembering that no matter where you are or what you are doing, it is never too late to grow and change. Remembering always that the best time to start fresh, to start anew is not tomorrow but today and right now. We will always be there to help. Never condemning, never judging, but always extending our hand in loving protection as servants of the Ever-Present for an eternity to come.



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