Chapter 4: Emeth: The Central Saphah-Masonic Link - [Oahspe Analysis]

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Discovering the True Spiritual Path of Oahspe

The following may be fairly asked that as Oahspe contains so much supernal revelations concerning mortal life, spiritual and universal progression and realms: Would it not be advisable to ignore all that is negatively related to Oahspe, such as various cult group iterations, in order to focus only on the positive?

From a personal standpoint, this would be wise in cases where individuals have NOT been deceived or entrapped by any cult group. However, truth be known, thousands and thousands have been misled by such groups and their demented Oahspe materials. These “Faithists” are from that point on either vehemently against Oahspe and in favor of destroying it, or become so mired in negative concepts falsely promoted that such seekers will not be able to maximize the good in this world that they might have otherwise achieved. Hence, potentially

Chapter 4:
The Central Saphah-Masonic Link Part V: The Masonic Infiltration
Aemeth / Ameth / Emeth*8932893890238

thousands of lives can be assisted for the Oahspe community at large by assisting them in separating the wheat from the chaff, so to speak.

subjugation: Not immaculate is this Book, OAHSPE; but to

In conclusion, Oahspe has great spiritual ideals which could save our world. Thus, it behooves us to rationally point out the Masonic chaff and to focus attention on the book’s exemplary ideas for the benefit of our world. To most effectively achieve this, there must come a time when the non-canon, never-inthe-original text must be expunged so that Oahspe’s new age new community of fellowship, harmony and serenity may thrive to the utmost.

teach mortals HOW TO ATTAIN TO HEAR THE CREATOR'S VOICE, and to SEE HIS HEAVENS, in full consciousness, whilst still living on the earth; and to know of a truth the place and condition awaiting them after death. (Oahspe 1:24)*6

Because so many of the pages in Oahspe are so very radiant in terms of truth, beauty and cosmic revelation, it is only natural that those who respond to its message, also make the mental concession that virtually all it states is therefore likely without error. Of course, Oahspe warns us against this very unwise

It is therefore to not be wondered too much at why the falsely inserted rites and plates have not exactly been put to the test in terms of confirming research. In general, those who couldn’t understand Oahspe, didn’t care to try, while those who for dogmatic religious reasons wouldn’t try to understand Oahspe, wouldn’t care to investigate Saphah either. Furthermore, those who love Oahspe, apparently trust it too much to research the falsified text portions.

Hence, the Saphah material has gotten a kind of free pass where it has been


simply accepted as true by many of the “faithful” Oahspean Faithists. And so, the Masonic-based Book of Saphah is still very much in need of an objective analysis that can stand up to the efforts of a full research. One who did have the inner fortitude to begin to do just that was Jim Dennon. He is apparently the first to correctly zero in on the strong links between Masonry and Newbrough (and so also within Oahspe). Mr. Dennon makes intriguing deductions concerning terminology used in Oahspe. Consider then the following quote: Returning to Masonry: As I've mentioned in a previous note, the word "Emeth" in Oahspe, meaning "Faithist", very likely corresponds to "Ameth" in Masonry, "who alone know the true mystery of the Ineffable Name of Deity." And I further believe the name "TAE" in

Oahspe Is likely the initials of "The Ameth Elu" , which means The Faithists Elect, for the symbol of the heart is the same for Ameth and for TAE alike: * 30

Aemeth / Ameth / Emeth*30

It should be pointed out that the “The Ameth Elu” refers to the exemplary leaders of the Masons, a close parallel to TAE as described in Oahspe. And yes, the emblem for both is the heart. * 3

While the proposed acronym of TAE as presented by Dennon is astounding, and


may be true, it may also be coincidental as The Book of Knowledge uses Tae exclusively whereas the related God’s Book of Ben uses Man, almost exclusively. The withheld BOK would logically be the less tampered-with edition, as this is what Newbrough brought to Lant, likely from the original manuscript. Therefore, this could be construed as evidence either that TAE is NOT an acronym for “The Ameth Elu,” or that Newbrough did NOT wish this more mystical term to be published in Oahspe, since such would be used in inner Saphah rites. But for the sake of argument, let us suppose that what Dennon states is true, and TAE stands secretly for “The Ameth Elu.” Does this mean, therefore, that any text in Oahspe that has references to TAE, such as The Book of Saphah, God’s Book of Ben, The Book of Knowledge, or The Book of Jehovih’s Kingdom on Earth, are not only Masonic, but also NOT part of the originally transmitted

text from the angels?

No, this does not. Aside from the Saphah rites, it would not be fair to describe the other material as Masonic or as less than highly inspired and inspiring writings, without also considering its content specifically. Recall that Newbrough has changed other wording of special terms (“Ghad” to “God,” for example). In conjunction with this, please recall Newbrough and Howlind altered other numerous original terminology going from the 1882 to the 1891 editions. So why bring up this TAE facet at all? Because before I bring up the evidence that I have accumulated in research which will prove that Newbrough implanted

Masonic material into Oahspe, I would like to consider Jim Dennon’s main points concerning this. Overall however, Mr. Dennon is correct to deduce that Oahspe has been falsely tampered with using Masonic material.


Let it be made clear from the start, that the very fact that Newbrough and his cabal were in favor of referring to their own congregation as “Emeth, Ameth, or Aemeth” — instead of using “Faithists” — is in itself a serious afront to Oahspe and all the universal truths which it stands for. For there is no particular good reason to do this. Is it to glorify themselves with “secret” expressions? Is it to honor Newbrough’s Masonic past and present Masonic drujas? The answer to both questions is a resounding “YES.” What follows below is an image of The Tablet of Emeth plus some quotations from the Rites of Emeth (Emethchava) as given in The Book of Saphah:

The Tablet of Emeth(chava)*6


In Thee, Jehovih, will I have faith. In Thee only. Emeth (Faith) shall be my name, the foundation of my soul. (Saphah Emethchava 9)*6

For Thee will I labor, by doing righteously toward all men, and equally with all these my brethren, the Emeth (Faithists) in one Everlasting Father, Creator of worlds! (Saphah Emethchava 46)*6

In the name of Eolin, and by His power and wisdom vested in me, do I receive thee as my brother (or sister, as the case may be) of the Ancient Order of Dawn of the Brotherhood of Emeth, and I salute thee with the rod, etc. (Saphah Emethchava 49)*6 Little actual analysis will be given at this point. Presently, it is sufficient to simply make the reader aware that the term “emeth” is prevalent throughout The Book of Saphah. Therefore, in Newbrough’s lodge and church teachings and ceremonies, the Masonic-Satanic-Magic term “emeth” is a central concept for all participating in the Newbrough Saphah cult. In chapters later on, a more complete discussion of the individual rites and images will be provided.

As is often the case with expressions used secretly across the world among many different circles over several centuries, such words become spelled in

Aemeth / Ameth /
The actual symbol for Emeth in Masonry is as follows:

slightly different variations: Emeth, Ameth, or Aemeth. This symbolic concept is also referred to in its Latin form as Sigillum Dei Emeth, AKA, Seal of the Truth of

All of these cult organizations have inter-mutual memberships with similar aims, that is, creating strong spiritual links between the underworld and earth with the aim of increasing their controlling power over both mortals and spirits. They are nefarious in committing crimes involving ritualistic rape, mutilation, bloodlust,

Concerning comparisons between the images of Emeth as found in Oahspe and in Sigillum Dei Emeth, in both cases concentric geometric figures are presented where regions vary in spiritual meaning and purpose There are 72 names for “God” on this mandala, often fashioned into amulets or coins for protection or for conjuring and controlling spirits. There are also included the seven names of prominent archangels, which is extremely antiOahspe since this is the equivalent of worshipping false gods. Furthermore, these symbols and ritual conceptualizations are revered by the Masons, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and Satanists.

cannibalism and murder. Hence, the association of Oahspe with such groups working from the pits of the darkest hells, is nothing less than an outrage. How can Newbrough justify such close ties with the demonic? Well, to be sure,

Faithist Saphah lodges and churches do not publicly participate in such abominations, though there is evidence among some groups that a small degree of Saphah members have secretly done so. Even so, certainly no good result can come about in making evil cultish symbolism and idols to be central to what was supposed to be Oahspe’s shining moment of spiritual liberation from the very same. Basically, Newbrough became blind to what he was really doing in


this sabotage of the great new age revelation of Oahspe. He mistakenly saw himself as the infallible holy prophet in whom all power and wisdom resided.

This theme will be a major recurring one in the history of Shalam-style communities.

down to me as an initiate before your sacred master.” Can we all agree then that there is nothing admirable in promoting arrogance and bullying? Now do keep in mind that a wide collection of evidence and collaborating details will be presented, while also discussing the negative effects of the Masonic

Significantly, there exist other problems connecting Faithism and Oahspe with Emeth. First, three different degree rituals of “Emeth” were plopped into Saphah and in turn into Oahspe. And actually, there are several more after that which were kept secret since these were not published in yet used in their inner circle. This is all a greater catastrophe than some may realize. For such hierarchies of “divinity” do nothing to inspire others towards goodness and service to the Creator. Rather, such inspire others to focus on obtaining “high” spiritual standing within the false-god-worship cult itself. “You are low. I am high. Bow

Path. The sum of the whole, the repeated patterns of use, essentially confirm Newbrough’s design to be the high priest of a new version of Masons, using Oahspe as the “holy book” to hold the masses in dogmatic bondage.

Therefore in summary, please recall that Newbrough: (1) took on years of study, training and secret rites to become a 33rd degree Mason, (2) wrote Masonic-style rites and created Masonic symbols used in Oahspe and in later Faithist groups,


(3) was buried in a Masonic cemetery,

(4) purchased land for Shalam from a Mason,

(5) incorporated a repressive spiritual approach that involved:

(a) elitism for the leaders (rabbas, priests, ministers) and for the group as a whole, (b) the revelation of teachings as secret knowledge between “masters” and initiates, (b) the attainment of trivial and pompous spiritual steps as a regular process for Saphah-based lodges and churches, and (d) the exclusion of those not in the "inner circle."

These are also all qualities of the cult of Masonry. And there exist scores of

Faithist groups that exhibit these very negatives to this very day, just as they have in the past ones. A casual perusal of Youtube and some Internet websites will distressingly prove this.

What must be understood here is that rites, symbols and “mystic” words have great power since the spiritual realms are essentially composed of just that — mental ideas — the reality of that which is the essence of our heart and mind, spirit and soul. While we live as mortals in corporeal existence, none of it would have any meaning if we did not have thoughts and feelings through which to spiritually experience such. Thus, it is crucial that we align our spiritual faculties to that which is angelic and of the Creator and of this so very beautiful universe of spiritual realms.


For there is real danger in making any kind of connection with those realms steeped in evil and dedicated to darkness and enslavement. For any rite, symbol or “magical” image or word will link the essence of our spiritual dimensions with those which may be either of the higher heavens — OR even with those of the lower hells. That is why the toxic infusion of Masonic “conceptions” is so detrimental. For these will lead to tyranny and sin and death because they join, knowingly or not, our heart and mind, spirit and soul, to those who would do great harm to our world and to any Oahspe-adherents buying into Saphah or moon rites and so on. This is not to say that the members of Saphah-based cults are going to start drinking the blood of babies or the raping of children using rituals made in hell (although there are a few cases of such). Yet madness and death and

psychological oppression are real possibilities the longer and more intensely one might continue to make astral networking with the rulers of the damned. Case studies demonstrating this will also be presented and I have personally observed such.

It should never be forgotten that it is these same negative traits that have limited the amount of good Faithist groups have been able to achieve. Certainly thousands have lost their life savings, sanity via spirit possession, and very lives either due to mortal death or spiritual death (temporarily) in the hell hadas of the

Masonic Saphahists.

Let me summarize then, how dangerous, poisonous and corrupting the depths of the hadan hells are, with the aim of raising your abhorrence to being associated in any degree to such.


You see, there exists a very dark spiritual force of demonic spirits seeking to destroy civilization, all its personal wealth and all civil rights, promoting the very worst spiritual crimes and damning corruption that is connected to such occult groups which includes the Masons. Disastrously, many of our current political leaders secretly perform: demonic blood rites where children are raped and murdered (one of the heinous goals of open borders), and all the wealth and freedom of the citizens of all nations are to be destroyed through criminal medical oppression and rigged elections. Certainly, such was never the intended goal by Newbrough himself but he did deceive himself that somehow a few holding tyrannical power will inconceivably lead to utopias of the heavens becoming The Father’s Kingdom communities on Earth. So too have many of his present and recent past followers.

Consider that it is significant that Newbrough reversed himself on publishing the original manuscript of Oahspe, as earlier documented, being further evidence that Newbrough succumbed to some kind of obsession (Masonic!). It shall be shown how Newbrough's leadership for all Oahspean Faithists of his time and in Shalam, depicts an elitist Mason far more than a true Faithist. As a matter of fact, members of Newbrough’s communes (including Shalam) predominantly described him as a tyrant who viewed his decisions as divine and beyond questioning by any mere mortal. It is because of Newbrough's past and continuing damaging behavior to Oahspe and to Faithism, that this work is being written at all. This text is being presented in order to help enlighten new age seekers of the present and future to redirect themselves to the True Path of Faithism as put forth by the original version of


Oahspe. That is what the higher angels intended. However, John Newbrough made wrong choices guided by his Masonic spirit overseers which have seriously hindered the works and unity of Oahspean Faithists.

Oahspe movement. And it is directly due to these erroneous views, that Newbrough, his Lodge of Faithists, and his Shalam failed and are no more.

Despite all these criticisms, it is fundamentally true that Oahspe was primarily published in terms of its original content. For this, and for preparing himself to become able to channel Oahspe, we nevertheless owe much thanks to Dr. John Newbrough. It is true that Newbrough’s lifestyle and daily efforts up to the canceling of the John Lant printing would serve as an excellent model of what being a good Faithist is all about. However, because of the Masonic influences just explained, widespread misconceptions concerning on how to live as a Faithist have taken place, especially among those groups and individuals who have acted as leaders in the

Likewise, following the same flawed spiritual attitudes, have so many following Faithist groups listed earlier ended, and are no more, all failing to create anything close to a thriving spiritual community, let alone a continuing spiritual fellowship. The Internet and Youtube “Oahspe” cults of recent past and present confirm this

Yes, there have been and are a scattering of Faithist groups which were and are primarily sincere and did promote Oahspe and its ideas to great good effect. Yet even these at times have misrepresented Oahspe due to the materials hacked into Oahspe.

Parts VII and VIII will cover the above points thoroughly but before that, a review


of the implanted rites and symbols will be presented as further confirming evidence.

channeled for the new age for three main purposes: (1) to teach every person

Statement of Explanation

June 23rd, 2018

The full book of which this section is a small part is not yet finished. That book is called Discovery the True Path of Oahspe. Currently it is but the first version. It may be several years more before it is completely finished, for example, footnotes are not standardized nor are the sources yet included. However, it is being made public, one section at a time, and even though some errors may still be found in this book of research. The motivation for doing this is to admonish right now all who mistakenly and blindly follow those who work to make Oahspe into a religious cult, thereby seeking to glorify themselves instead of really practicing what Oahspe emphatically advises. In essence, Oahspe was

how to hear the Creator’s Voice directly without the need of a priest or seer, (2) to teach all the importance of making sacrifices, of achieving good works of service for the benefit of those in need or in darkness, and (3) to begin to work

together to establish communities that are developing in Oneness with the

Creator and in Harmony with the angelic heavens.


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