Jacob Beilhart, Angel of earth, Angel from the heavens, thou truly art; Performing good works, very hard service work, teaching, channeling, inspiring, healing in all arts; So simply, so selflessly, did all in his Spirit Fruit Society that took part, For this new age community ripened with affection, kindness, universal love, sweethearts. Even after its ending, even before its 1899 start. Ever sharing all they had, from one heart to all hearts; Hearken then to the Sage Wisdom of Saint Beilhart: “For Love is the power that masters the Universe, within and beyond, below and above, never apart.” “Seek then to become nonresistant so that The Almighty Will of the Universe may enter your life with only Love to impart.” “Making sure that this Love that comes to you is given to others for the present, for eternity, never to depart.” Ever Shining forth Spirit Eternal: Jacob Beilhart