Letting Go The Eloists from Radiance
Within Radiance flows the spirit of the Eloists. It is an expression of Light, and speaks with the Voice of the Living Spirit as It has come to be known through the Eloist family. 'Eloist' means a 'doer of the Creator's will.' The objective of Radiance is not so much to educate as it is to strike a keynote or set a tone that will help the reader to become attuned to 'the realm of thought in which angels dwell,' and in that harmony to learn how to rise in spirit to embrace a higher purpose.
Radiance, a publication of The Eloists, a religious non-profit organization, incorporated in 1918. Radiance has currently ceased publication but back issues are available at a reasonable cost. Other inspirational writings are in the process of being prepared for publication. Please direct back issue requests to:
Let go of the pressure to solve problems that are out of your control. Pat your faith in the Creator and know that He will take care of the situations and find the best solutions. He does not rule or take over. His Presence is within the souls of all people, and your faith in Him inspires other souls to do the right thing. This is the only way you can help with many problems brought to your attention. You can be used to help with problems to the best of your ability, but you must not feel that you alone are responsible. Unite yourself with the Creator and His hosts of high-raised beings, and know that they are giving you strength and wisdom to make the right decisions in all you do. Feel the Creator's breath breathing through you, calming your feelings, and let this peaceful feeling flow out to those you wish to help, or to those you want to influence for good, thus helping them to act from the Creator's Presence within their souls. Soul light is stronger than darkness. Let it melt away the clouds and enfold all souls in love, warmth and peace.
Let go! Give yourself to Jehovih. Relax the tensions and let go of the worries, the little problems that try to keep mortals away from their oneness with the source of the Divine Being, the Creator within their soul. Come back often to the awareness of your oneness with your Creator. Feel the Ever-Present's breath flowing in and out. The All One is breathing the life in your being and will always be there, no matter where you are, in the depths, as well as the heights. When your time has come to pass out of your physical body, the Ever-Present will be with you in your spiritual body which is the real you. Your sojourn on earth is short compared to your everlasting life in the spiritual realms above. But your existence and experience here is most important, as you are laying "the ground work" for the kind of life you will be living when you enter the spiritual world. You are a magnet for various experiences. Your high ideals and desires will attract beings of a high and noble quality, but if your desires are for self'-gain, you will attract beings and experiences that are on a low level. So let your highest Light shine forth in all your thoughts, feelings and actions, and you will be a channel of love and goodwill to all your world
LET GO (1992)
How can we cure the wrongs and evils perpetuated in this world, O Jehovih?
By "letting go" and giving them to Me. I am the only one
who can really cure them, and I will do it through My High-raised Angels channeling through My awakened souls on earth. Only purified dedicated souls can be useful for this work of dissolving away the spiritual darkness from earth. It can be done, and is being done now! The more souls who are attuned to My Love, Wisdom and Power, and are expressing it through their souls to others, the greater will be the progress of freeing souls from darkness and suffering on earth!
Blessings upon you, each of you. Can you hear me? It is the voice of the Creator and this is what you were meant to do. Each in your own way, slowly walking clearly to the Light, to the crisp magic of hearing words that are uniquely real and substantial, from our realm to yours. You are just like tiny seeds, slowly and majestically spiraling outward and upward, reaching, striving to grow and to leaf out. You are blessed mightily with faith and the ability to listen. You are no longer babes per se, but your adventures in truth are just beginning.
Praise the Almighty. His Presence is in all the living. You do not have to wait until you leave the mortal plane to see the Creator. He is here with you now, breathing life into your body. He awaits your recognition so that He can come through and help you overcome the darkness which surrounds all mortals on earth. Those who are attuned with the Creator and the hosts of light can be lifted above the clouds where they can breathe the heavenly essence from the higher spheres. Keep your purpose high. Don't be enslaved by selfish desires. There is a world out there calling for help, calling to be delivered from bondage and suffering. Those who feel the urge to help must dedicate themselves to the Creator's divine purpose, and let go of personal, selfish desires. You are part of an army of light. Let your light shine bright to clear away the darkness. Help brighten the way for other souls as they awaken to the reality of the Creator's Presence within their living temples.
LET GO (1995)
The words "let go" are magic in nature when we put them into practice by letting go of our inhibiting qualities, attitudes and false concepts. This is something anyone can do within their souls as part of the process of soul growth. We recognize these aspects of our personality which interfere with the expression of our higher light, and then persistently let go of them whenever they flare up into our consciousness. We see that it is necessary, O Creator, to identify ourselves with Thee and Thy Hosts, for we can accomplish only in unity with others, and with faith in Thy Presence and Dominion. As a lone self, no one can accomplish any growth or liberation of their true individuality, the soul. Surrendering the lesser self, then, in order to become one with Thee in consciousness, and a co-Creator with Thee, is the challenging effort of our daily lives. There is never a moment that we cannot put this purpose into action, practicing being selfless, and clearing out the avenues of our minds for the expression of Thy will, wisdom and love.
LET GO (1988)
Let go completely. Let go of everything you want for self. Identify yourself with the Creator. Know that you are one with Him. Believe that you are now free of bondage to the darkness of your mortal nature. You. are totally an instrument of light. Nothing can hinder the flow of light and love through your nature. Take no backward steps into the past. Always step forward. Believe in yourself as a divine being. You want only to serve the Creator. Constantly think of how best you can serve. Reject the “self� thoughts. Give yourself to the Creator, mind, body and soul. Accept the process of purification. Now is the best time. You are strong to conquer now. Put it off no longer. Take the big step forward. Be free! Let no spirits rule you. You can accomplish a great work for Jehovih. It is a golden opportunity. Don't pass it by.
LET GO (1985)
Let go of anything in your mind that cuts you off from the Creator. Let go of anything that adds to your bondage. Let go of anything that is 9
Let go of anything that is trivial and of no value. Take
a good look at what is occupying your mind, and judge its worth. Light entertainment and humor are good for you at times. Don't be a martinet. And don't judge what is good or not good for another. Give every person freedom to think his own thoughts. You win have all you can do to govern your own thoughts without monitoring those of others. What you do with your mind is important. Bat if your thoughts get out of control at times, don't condemn yourself. Just keep on trying to gain supremacy, so that you know your soul is in charge.
You may love your father and mother, your spouse and children; but you don't own them, nor do they own you. All people and all things are Jehovih's. To feel possessive is to be in darkness and bondage. To cling to home and loved ones, to things material, and to place dependence upon them, is to make oneself vulnerable. Only suffering can come of it in the end. You belong to the Creator. You own nothing. It is folly to feel otherwise. It is wrong to make excessive demands upon life for self's sake. You may get what you 10
want, and hold it for a time; but all things must be surrendered before one can find peace and happiness and soul fulfillment. If you are in the later years of your life, you should begin casting off all things, letting go within yourself, and surrendering your whole being - mind, body and soul - to Jehovih. Then, when the time of passing comes, you will be free, and will not suffer. Praise the Creator, give Him love and faith, and know that you are His child. Thank Him for the privilege of experiencing a mortal life, and of knowing the darkness and pain of it. You are immortal. Thousands and millions of years of healthful and joyful experience stretch out before you. The darkness, pain and hardship of mortal life helps you to become an angel of Light, a being of god-like power and capabilities for the carrying out of the Creator's grand design in your life.
In order to stay healthy and be able to work for the good of others, you must be calm, good natured, and not let anything upset you. In order to be calm and good natured, you must let go of your concern for your own welfare, the worry about money, the desire for pleasure, the clinging to possessions, the placing of value on material things, 11
the acquiring of material things for self's sake, and the desire for praise or prestige. You must not care about all the things mortals usually care about. You must let go completely, and simply do what you are inspired to do each day. You must depend upon the Creator's inspiration, wanting only to do His will and serve the community as best you can.
The ability to "let go" mentally may require some practice. As some people are more tense than others, the time and effort needed for practice varies. The method of practice, too, varies with the individual.
Our suggestion is this: When you find tension or anxiety building up in you, affirm your oneness with the Creator. Affirm that He is present and in control. Talk directly to Him, as in prayer. Surrender your will and desires to Him. Listen for His inspiration, admitting that, as a mortal mind, you cannot see the highest light and the best solutions to problems.
In your communion with the Creator, be willing to accept whatever comes upon you, or upon others close to you; and if it is trouble, sorrow or pain, determine that you will bear it, and help others bear it, in the awareness of the Father's love, wisdom and power. Know that all things are working for good, and that your faith in this truth helps you to be an instrument of the Creator in carrying out His purpose.
Sometimes it is only little irritations or mishaps that make you tense. Or it is work ahead of you needing to be done, and you feel its pressure, and wonder if you will be able to find the time and energy to do it. All these little disturbances and anxieties can be relaxed through letting go in communion with the Creator. His high-raised gods and goddesses are calm as they view the turbulence, destruction and disorder of the mortal world. The angels with you are poised in the awareness of His rulership and love. You can be one with them in this higher awareness through directing your conscious mind in that direction.
Letting go, or surrendering, in this manner is not to be construed to mean that you are to cease striving as a soul. You are letting go of the lesser self and its hindering, though well-intentioned, efforts which produce strain and weariness. The soul never needs to let go, for it has nothing to let go of. With its Creator, it is eternally giving; and in its giving, rejoicing. 13
So many things are out of your control, and so many things are not important enough to be concerned about! The darkness of the world is not the fault of any of you, nor a problem for you to take upon your shoulders mentally and in separateness from your Creator. Your whole faith should be that the Almighty is handling it, and that you are being shown your part in His plan as you keep listening for His inspiration.
Entrust yourself to the care of Jehovih.
You are not without
resources to use on your own, but you must “let go and let God� at times in order to equalize the flow of energy.
You must realize
when to be active and when to rest in the knowledge that good is being done. We do not mean to confuse you.
Of course, you are
responsible for taking care of your needs, but not to the extent that the Creator is given no space to inspire you or to encourage a spontaneous act just for the beauty of it.
New thoughts can grow out of a resting place, and you may only realize in retrospect that all the years of intense, unmitigated activity sometimes yield little fruit of a lasting nature.
So, balance your
schedule to be productive, but softly done, with time for prayer, rest, recreation and meditation. The Creator will speak to you all the more clearly and your life will be wonderfully enhanced.
Letting go means not fighting anything, not wanting something so badly that you push everything else out of the way to get it, not becoming bound to your desires. Don't let yourself become bound to anything. The experiences you need to fulfill your life will come to you naturally. We do not want your lives to be dull and repetitious. We do new and interesting things on the higher plateaux. That is part of growing and expanding. Do what you do joyfully, not in a tense and irritated manner. Let yourself go and accept what comes to you. You may not like it, but nothing can be too bad if you are putting yourself in Jehovih's hands. People who depend upon outside things, money, prestige, power, etc., for happiness become bound to these things. Be free as a bird, and be bound to nothing material. We all have 15
responsibilities, yes, and must be dependable, and not shirk them. That is not being bound. We want to be responsible in all we do.
Smile for the Light of the Creator is upon you. This radiant light from above illuminates your abode and envelopes it with a golden glow and extra protection. Travel with us through this beautiful golden light. Rise up, up and up to the higher heavens for a brief visit. Leave your tired mortal bodies behind. See with your spiritual eyes. Hear with your spiritual ears. Smell with your spiritual nose, for all is possible here. Delight your senses. What would you like to do first Would you like to visit the Crescent of the Eloists? Would you like to participate in a heavenly council? Would you like to hear our concert? Would you rather read in our library? Or, would you like to learn how to build a house, here? Yes, you can do that easily here. It will only take a few lessons to teach you how to concentrate and unify your energy with that of others. The choice is yours. Just decide that you desire to be up here from time to time during council and find way to concentrate your energy. Work on your concentration. Don't let it wander all over creation. Direct it to the one thing you want to do more than anything else and you will succeed. We stand by ready to 16
help you.
Let go of your inhibitions and expectations. Just close your eyes and concentrate on rising up above yourself and your abode, and you will be here in no time. Make an effort before you go to sleep to harmonize with us and direct your spirit towards the higher realms. Nature will do the rest. See you here, soon!
Love is the essence of your being. Be what you are. Let go of everything of the mortal self. Let go of corporeal things and corporeal desires. You must do this sooner or later. Why not now? It is a change of attitude, not an actual material loss. While in the body, you have needs which must be fulfilled. Continue fulfilling your needs as best you can. But do it with the understanding and awareness that all things are Jehovih’s. Let him guide you in the choice of your needs. He will give or take away according to His Wisdom in providing for your development as a divine soul. He is our inspiration as we speak to you. Think of the body, not as your body, but as belonging to Him. It is His creation. He sustains it. His Presence activates it. It exists to 17
serve Him. Make this awareness a positive attitude. Affirm it until it becomes dominant in your consciousness. When you have a pain or disorder, give it to Jehovih. Know that He is in command, and that He is using you to serve His purpose of soul liberation. The greater the pain, the more positive you must become in affirming His Presence and rulership. When everything looks black, do not give in to despair. Trust Jehovih! Give Him the full force of your faith and devotion.
What art Thou saying this morning, O Creator? We listen for Thy Voice speaking in our souls. We are trying to read Thy meaning in the circumstances with which we are confronted. We are willing to accept whatever our lot may be, and to do whatever we feel is right to do. We know Thou art leading us wisely, for our own best development, and the good of all. We would let go of what we want as selves. All our lives, we have been trying to overcome self, rise above darkness, but have only partly succeeded. We are still held by some of the basic impulses of corpor, and perhaps are used or driven by unwise spirits at times; but we are trying to make some good out of everything, trying to bring Thy Light into the dark areas of 18
our natures. Thou seest all, knowest all. We give our faith to Thy Presence and Purpose and not to the presence and purpose of darkness. As mortals, we can do something about shaping our destinies in the next world. We would build ourselves into Thy Organization of Light, become one with Thy Angels, so that our natures will be completely Thy instruments for greater will, wisdom and love.
Our souls are warmed by thoughts of better days. A world that is at peace, compassionate and full of joy and happiness. To create such a world we need to make this moment a most positive and memorable one. We pass along to you a strong and vibrant feeling and it fills you with positive energy. Stop and take a deep breath; let go of your cares and concerns. Feel surrounded by a golden light. Be uplifted in this light. Know that it is generated by millions of angels who seek to help you. They do this through their loving thoughts. Feel the tremendous power in this moment, millions joining together in thought. A space in time where none stands alone. Millions stand together with hope and a dynamic energy for peace as their common ground. A moment, just a small blip in time, that can be as powerful a 19
moment as there ever will be. Make it so; stop and take a deep breath. We begin again.
We surrender what we think we know, and what we think we want, O Creator! A great deal of our so-called knowledge is theory. Are we too mental? Do we think too much? Perhaps not as long as we continue to question. It can do no harm to think constructively, even though we do not reach the whole truth. We use our imaginations to try to picture the All-Highest. This helps to broaden our understanding. Who can know Thee comprehensively, O Creator? All we can do is try to climb a little higher and be a little better every day. It is selflessness of purpose that
counts the most with Thee.
The selfless and unpretentious person stands higher in Thy sight than the person of great talent and knowledge whose motives are of the darkness of the world. The person who will let go of possessions, let go of personal ambitions, and purify oneself for Thy sake, O Creator, is Thy servant whom Thou art upraising for the all-highest good of humanity. Are we merely following a line of reasoning to give 20
ourselves encouragement? Do we imagine that we are completely selfless? We know we are not. We are like the rest of humanity; except that we want to be purified, because we see the need of it, we want to serve Thee only, and we are willing to accept whatever Thou may put upon us in order to attain this goal.
What am I here for, O Creator? We can ask this question over and over, and are never quite satisfied. We were created to be co-creators with Thee, and to make our lives glorify Thee. Each individual has a special genius and a special mission, but in the beginning, we are ignorant of this. We did not ask to be born, and we will have nothing to say about when or how we shall pass on. We had no hand in shaping our individuality. Yet, here we are, most of us conceited egos; and making the most of our talents and opportunities to please ourselves. How often do we ask what we can do for Thee, the Supreme Being Who made us? If we have an idle moment, we use it to make ourselves comfortable or happy. We work to sustain ourselves, we recognize certain social obligations, we plan for I our material security. On the whole, we act as though life was our own little plum, and we deal with it only with respect to our own needs and 21
desires. We want it, we like it, we cling to it for self's sake, seeking always a greater happiness and a greater security. Suppose we let go of all this self-striving? Suppose we take the attitude that we do not want life for self's sake, and cease to worry about ourselves, trusting in the Power that created us to show us what our true purpose is? Might we not say, "For myself, O Creator, I will not strive selfishly any longer; let me be Thy servant; show me how to live right. I can see no other reason for life except to serve Thee."
The most important thing in our lives today is to give ourselves completely to Jehovih's great purpose, because it will affect all lives on the planet. It will be the end of all terrible catastrophes, diseases, crimes, and all things that keep mankind in bondage. We would like to sip the nectar and the joys we can find in the world, and not be disturbed by what we hear of and see around us. But since we have been chosen as workers with Jehovih and His angel hosts to help in the upliftment of mankind, we ought to bow our heads in humility, and be willing to let go of our self-desires. It is difficult to find joy in the world when we know what is happening to our fellowmen and all earth's creatures. We do not comprehend the greatness of Jehovih's 22
plan. We do not even know for sure that we can be powerful instruments in such an important work. Our minds are questioning, but our inner being, the soul, knows that if we purify ourselves in mind and body, and live from our highest light, overcoming self, we can be powerful in bringing Jehovih's light to our world. The higher beings will amplify our efforts, and make us strong and effective channels for their light and love.