NATIVE AMERICAN The Eloists from Radiance (1983-1999)
Within Radiance flows the spirit of the Eloists. It is an expression of Light, and speaks with the Voice of the Living Spirit as It has come to be known through the Eloist family. 'Eloist' means a 'doer of the Creator's will.' The objective of Radiance is not so much to educate as it is to strike a keynote or set a tone that will help the reader to become attuned to 'the realm of thought in which angels dwell,' and in that harmony to learn how to rise in spirit to embrace a higher purpose.
Radiance, a publication of The Eloists, a religious non-profit organization, incorporated in 1918. Radiance has currently ceased publication but back issues are available at a reasonable cost. Other inspirational writings are in the process of being prepared for publication. Please direct back issue requests to:
Hundreds of years ago, we walked this land and took only what we needed from its wealth of trees, plants and animals. Today, it is far from what we knew then, but the principle still holds. Use sparingly and the Creator will provide for all your needs. Such abundance is rare these days because people have forgotten about giving and receiving: giving thanks, giving help, giving resources in return for goods received. We replenish ourselves spiritually when we give freely to Mother Nature and when we do our best to restore and balance the situations in chaos.
Mindful use of material goods can go hand-in-hand with respect for cultures who live close to the Earth. It can also free us to pay attention to other aspects of our lives which beg for nourishment. The important things will reveal themselves clearly when we align ourselves with the eternal flow of giving and receiving. Greet this truth and you will walk with the Creator each day.
WHO AM I? (1988)
There is nothing but the light, love and power of the Great Spirit, Jehovih, The Eternal Being. This that I am is His Presence. I am one with Him. Nothing exists here but Jehovih's Being. I am a manifestation of His will, wisdom and love. I serve only the Great Spirit, the Supreme Being. All self is lost, put aside, denied out of existence. Only Jehovih rules here and now. There is no other Being, no being apart from Him. He is all.
Dear Family in Spirit
Every time you sit in focus with us in an effort to attune yourselves to a finer wavelength, one that opens your minds and hearts to the Voice and the Rewarding Presence of the Great Spirit, Jehovih, also brings you closer to us, your Angelic Mentors, as well. We are striving to give you the inspiration that will bring you forward in development and unfold the finer qualities of your souls. As darkness 5
fades, more light is given unto you. And as the Light grows about you, the darkness weakens and fades. Your growth and evolution is a gradual process. So gradual, in fact, that you are generally unaware of the changes taking place, yet we assure you they are, for it is our job in part to monitor your progress and oversee your development.
The days ahead will be filled with marvelous experiences and expanding opportunities to serve the All Light.
Changes are inevitable, and one must not hold firmly to things of the past but let go, release that which is of the past with grace and a serene surrender. We stand here before you to lead you on into finer realms. Reach out to us. No, don't look back. Just look ahead where we stand before you. See our hands? Feel their warm embrace and step forward with joyful acceptance and confidence, for the I AM is the Source of your life as it is with all beings and all things inanimate throughout our vast universe.
All of us here with you this night, in spirit, want you to know that we are with you frequently, whether you are aware of our presence or not. Our thoughts impress upon yours with the hope that your awareness awakens to our loving hearts and allows you to think of us as we think of you. We have our own tasks and endeavors, it is true, but we are never so busy that we leave you out of our thoughts or devoid of all our blessings.
To you the time flows more slowly. Past impressions are dulled and memories fade. This is a mere impediment of the mortal mind, and it is all an illusion. When your time comes to join us here in spirit, you will find your minds astoundingly sharp and clear. Your thought processes will know no boundaries and all memories of past experiences will be as fresh and clear as if it all was just yesterday. You will find that you will be able to selectively draw upon them or let them pass as you wish.
When you are with us once again, you will find that your links with loved ones, whether family or friends, will be resumed as if your association had never missed a beat, and you will pick up where you had left off with a facility that may amaze you. All that will be 7
necessary will be to bring you up to date on what has transpired here in spirit during the brief passage of time while you were apart. We, of course, will already be well aware of what has transpired on your plane of being. Remember that all those who were dear to you before will be here for you then, and those who you have not grown close to while in mortality will likewise have continued on in their separate ways.
Don't ever, even for a moment, feel that you are alone or unloved, for you have a host of loving friends about you, and we are available to you in thought and heart at a moment's notice. Just be still and reflective in thought, and you will find it easy to establish a link with us that will allow us to communicate with you and bridge that illusory gap that stands between us for now. We are here and we do care. We give you our help, our support and join with you in this work for Jehovih, helping to spread the Light of Kosmon for all souls to see.
Hundreds of years ago, we walked this land and took only what we needed from its wealth of trees, plants and animals. Today, it is far from what we knew then, but the principle still holds. Use sparingly and the Creator will provide for all your needs. Such abundance is rare these days because people have forgotten about giving and receiving: giving thanks, giving help, giving resources in return for goods received. We replenish ourselves spiritually when we give freely to MotherNature and when we do our best to restore and balance the situations in chaos.
Mindful use of material goods can go hand-in-hand with respect for cultures who live close to the Earth. It can also free us to pay attention to other aspects of our lives which beg for nourishment. The important things will reveal themselves dearly when we align ourselves with the eternal flow of giving and receiving. Greet this truth and you will walk with the Creator each day.
Father of all the living, we look to Thee and like children ask:
What is a tear? What is a raindrop?
Why does the wind blow and
bluster, bowing all things before it without ever showing its face? What quality of life is encased in a seed that takes root in the embrace of the soil and flowers when the sun's kiss anoints it? What tenderness lies within the infant soul?
What compassion?
What godlike gentleness? What sweet serenity? rich with the wonder and beauty of
Why, in a world
being, do men war?
does hate lift its ugly head and snarl? How can the beneficent forces of good prevail?
Why within each of Thy children is there both
good and bad, great and small, nobility and servility?
How can the
godlike attributes tower over the lesser ways?
And the Great Spirit spoke:
What art Thou saying, Jehovih? What
are we to think about? What kind of attitude is right for us? What shall we emphasize? Healing? Thy beautiful love and healing power are present in our bodies. Thy intelligence in our bodies is functioning beautifully to perfect every cell and every organ. Thou art healing our bodies in order that they may function well in service to Thee. We give our bodies to Thee. They were created by Thee, and have 10
always been sustained by Thee. They exist not just for our pleasure and use, but for a divine purpose. Experience is the keyword. Our bodies give us experience in corpor as part of Thy plan for the development of the gods and goddesses we are destined to become. All the people who are suffering death by violence are Thy future gods and goddesses. Even those who practice violence are Thy future gods and goddesses because they are immortal souls. They cannot escape their divine destiny. We can begin now to practice acting like gods and goddesses. How fortunate we are to have been given this knowledge.
There is no magic wand that is waved; nor
any single word that will banish the shadows; nor any single act that will prevail against darkness, but there is an urge within the depths of each soul that will in time turn man's face toward the sun and he shall feel its warmth and every cell of his being shall sing psalms of thanksgiving and in his gladness he shall reach out to help those who are still climbing the tortuous path to the summit and as each soul steps upward a new note of reverence shall ring forth until all the earth is encompassed in song and men and angels shall sing in unison and the tones of their triumph shall break the bonds that have chained men through the long hours of the night and the reign of Benevolence shall gently link the children who have been fathered by Light and mothered by Love, even while they slept.
"Eloists on the Plateau send their love and blessings to their family below. They hold the focus with you this evening, as they do on all evenings, and in one way or another you receive their backing and spiritual support at every hour of the day. This was the message Walter asked us to convey as we left the library to join with you this evening.
As you concentrate in focus, our minds are drawn together and we are able to convey to you the sense of what we hold in our minds regardless of what spoken language we used earlier in life. Were we to talk with you on your plane in person you would understand little because our language was of an early form used by the so-called mound builders. Even many of the Native Americans of later generations who have worked with you would not understand. But in the realm of thought there is no language barrier.
Our people are dismayed by the awe inspiring changes that have swept over this nation since we last walked the earth. Many are good, but many have separated your people from the world of spirit. Your culture and your ways of living have erected a wall between 12
yourselves and the Great Spirit. You live your lives within those grey boxes and seldom see the world that we knew so well and revered as the Voice of Creation. The four-leggeds were all of one family with the two-Ieggeds, and we dwelled together in peace under one sky. But now things have all changed. Our objective is to see that the Great Spirit again becomes central in the lives of the people, for a great cloud of darkness has covered their eyes and filled their hearts un til they see but dimly, and feel but coldly. Their lives need fixing, but only Jehovih can do this for them. We cannot do it for them because this is a new age in which humanity must now stand on its own, like angels while yet in the flesh.
This is the start and we are here to help, for the Great Spirit has ordained that we shall do this. And so we will, with your help now as "anchors" in corpor and your help later as co-workers here with us in spirit, and with all the others who have united in this one Great Purpose. This is the purpose that you and your family call Kosmon and we call the time when the Nation shall be healed to become whole once again; the time when the Sacred Hoop that was broken shall be whole once again.
Dawn of Light Dancers so pure All veils assembled So they can be thrown 13
To the wind.
No more obscuring The rainbow that holds The bridge to the future.
Let us be partners In this dance to the sun With ribbons of laughter And the beat of a drum.
Hold on, little one You will get your chance To dance with the angels And release the past.
Opa Egoquim, Great Spirit, our Grandfather, come and honor our circle for we hunger and thirst. Our spirits take in your gift of life and we are nourished. We ask for your Powers to come into our midst 14
and make this sacred circle whole once again. We give this prayer back to you, our Grandfather, and our family, our mothers and fathers, our brothers and sisters, join together here in this circle to sing our prayers and dance again in a sacred way.
We are the Powers of the Sacred Circle. We come to you from the four directions and honor the Great Spirit, our Grandfather. Our hosts have no power when they stand alone, but when united with all other hosts who have gathered here from the four sacred directions, with the four sacred colors, the Sacred Hoop of our Nation, this One Nation, is blessed with Light and Eternal Power. Through its power, we will find the truth, speak the truth, and all of our families will be blessed with peace and harmony. There are many things we wish to share with you in the years ahead.
We stand with you in countless cycles of watch on watch, but together we all stand as one; one nation drawn from many nations. Our hosts are many but we stand as one. Remember us all as you sit in focus and keep sacred your circle through every hour of every day, and forget not the Great Spirit, your Grandfather, and give constant thanks to Him for granting your stay with your Grandmother, the Earth, and all Her Universe. As you bless, so will you be blessed, for so it has been said. This is what we mean when we say to be true to yourself, to be true to the Great Spirit, to speak Truth, and to walk in 15
Truth, always following the Red Road, always walking in the Way that you should.
We pray for this circle of Eloists, for they are good people and deserve the Powers of Spirit as One of our family. Our Eloist friends we will call "good medicine dance."
Welcome, friend, to the kingdom of Eternal Love! Our hearts join with yours to the sound of a throbbing drumbeat. We gather here to tell of our journeys to near and far distant places on the plateaux high above the earth's surface. We can sing for hours, even days, of the joyous work that is being done for all humanity while you and we gather together for meetings, rituals, councils, chanting and meditation. Most importantly, we praise the Great Spirit for the wondrous possibility of all Light that is coming about. Hear our voices as we play the songs of visions, trials, and glorious attunement with the One who is All. Most people only guess at what took place many moons (centuries) past. We can tell you this: much has been forgotten, lost and twisted in the efforts to move across the land; both 16
by the native cultures and by those who came to this country. But the time for a great revival of interest in truth is coming soon. Much will be uncovered regarding the deeds of past tribes, their folklore, wisdom and struggles to know the life of the spirit who abides in all. Nothing is ever truly lost; just delayed until the time for greater ripening takes place. Then it is as if an explosion, a blossoming, suddenly occurs. You have seen this with other aspects of your lives: the interest in the land, the movement for peace, the call for more love, even in popular song. Such ripening is going on right now, only this time it will reach its full flowering in a different sense. It will be a flowering and an abundant harvest for the Life-giving Force which lives in each mortal soul. This is what we are joined together to accomplish: let us forge ahead with great love and joy and peace in our souls.
We are all one in the life and majesty of Egoquim. We are the brothers and sisters of a new dawn, messengers of light, builders of a new world. We are seekers of greater understanding, searching for the awareness of that voice within that has been speaking in our 17
souls and in our hearts. The voice that says, "Find me and you find yourselves." The voice that says, "Find me and you will find wholeness and happiness because you will be in touch¡ with all life and you will be whole.
Your new found fullness will give you the
capacity to change your lives and to change the world you live in. It will give you opportunities that have not been available to you before." The voice is growing stronger in your hearts; you can feel it. Let it grow. Let it ripen into new and spontaneous outpourings of love and creative expression. Touch the Earth with tenderness and touch the hearts of those you meet with loving kindness. Lift up your spirits and rejoice that you live in the glow of a bright new day shining forth for all to see and feel. Bring this light forth within yourselves. Let it shine from your eyes and from the words you speak. Let it come forth from every pore of your being. You can do it; the voice says so. The inspiration of today is the way of life for tomorrow. Move freely with the opportunity of today. Sing and dance in your hearts as you move through your daily lives. Be ever mindful of the light within and this will carry you through all challenges that life may bring. Now dance and sing to the Great Spirit and be happy on the dawn of a new day.
Lightly touch the ground when you walk. Leave only a. slight mark where your feet have touched. Someone looking carefully will know that you passed, but you will leave only the slightest trace. It would be better if people could say, "Look, someone was here and it is nice what they have done." Maybe someday even the most subtle touch will be readable and the character of the person will be left to be discovered by those who follow. But is not really necessary to know who, but rather the quality of what or why or how they touched a place. A walk through the woods should be like coming to a virgin forest and experiencing it for the first time, a new discovery, instead of finding all kinds of evidence of use and disorder. Step lightly through the forest and leave little trace of presence. This will keep the earth refreshed and uncluttered by the advance of immature minds and hearts.
Let your hearts sing with a greater respect for the mystery of life, the unseen force that moves us all, the Great Spirit. The earth is a Iiving example of the Great Spirit's presence. It is something we can see and touch and feel. Our touch however has been unfair and rough at best. We need to become gentler in our ways, to become more affectionate and caring for this manifestation of life force. When our 19
hearts sing with greater understanding and compassion for life, then we manifest our presence in a lighter way. Our feet touch the earth with a lighter force and our hands work the soil with a kinder touch.
You can feel this change if you want to. Take a walk in a quiet place. Be aware of each breath with each step. Inhale the earth and imagine its life force flowing through your left foot and leg; let it pass through your body, and return this energy gift with part of your own energy to the earth down through your right leg and out your right foot. This awareness and sharing and mixing of energy will help you to better understand your relationship with the earth. The more you feel your oneness, your connection to the earth, the more your step will lighten and the gentler will be your touch. Your footstep will not leave such a strong impression in the earth but your vibration, the aura of your presence and the mixing of the energy of that place and yours will leave a positive feeling. A feeling that will nurture growth and sustain life force. Those who pass there after you will feel the difference and they will feel the power and pass along good feelings of their own. The place will always reflect the beauty and energy it was intended to. So, walk lightly and be aware that you walk upon the Great Spirit's gift to humanity, a home in which to grow and learn for a season. Enjoy your time upon it and leave it with a light touch and richer in its vibrations for those that follow.
Be at peace and let your hearts feel the rhythm of our song of love. We sit by the campfire light and beat a rhythm that flows on with the wind. The dancing flames are as alive as our souls and full of the same energy that moves us onward. We dance with our thoughts around this place, framing it with a golden glow, a protective shield that allows you to be open to our presence.
We are a tribe long gone from your mortal plane, yet as alive and well as we ever were. We can come close to the earth now without any fear of being overwhelmed by earthly desires. We have grown past that. However, we can still vividly remember our earth time, so we can fondly simulate a bit of our past. It helps us to focus with you, and gives us a stronger link with your mortal plane.
So, we beat out a rhythm on our drums and send our thoughts flashing across the circle. Where they meet in the center, the flames grow higher and brighter. Our thoughts are in harmony, our wills are one, and the resulting energy is our love, which we send to all of you. Make sure you find time to be quiet and pray to the Great Spirit. Feel the great Circle of Life and send your loving thoughts to the center. We will build a new force for the world, a thought so strong, so pure, 21
that all will feel it and know that they will be all right. Listen to your heart beat, listen to the drums.
Welcome, friend, to the Kingdom of Eternal Love! Our hearts join with yours to the sound of a throbbing drumbeat. We gather here to tell of our journeys to near and far distant places on the plateaux high above the earth's surface. We can sing for hours, even days, of the joyous work that is being done for all humanity while you and we gather together for meetings, rituals, councils, chanting and meditation. Most important, we praise the Great Spirit for the wondrous possibility of All Light that is coming about. Hear our voices as we play the songs of visions, trials, and glorious attunement with the One who is All. Most people only guess at what took place many moons (centuries) past. We can tell you this: much has been forgotten, lost and twisted in the efforts to move across the land, both by the native cultures and by those who came to this country. But the time for a great revival of interest in truth is coming soon. Much will be uncovered regarding the deeds of past tribes, their folklore, wisdom and struggles to know the life of the spirit who 22
abides in all. Nothing is ever truly lost; just delayed until the time for greater ripening takes place. Then it is as if an explosion, a blossoming, suddenly occurs. You have seen this with other aspects of your lives: the interest in the land, the movement for peace, the call for more love, even in popular song. Such ripening is going on right now, only this time it will reach its full flowering in a different sense. It will be a flowering and an abundant harvest for the Life-giving Force which lives in each mortal soul. This is what we are joined together to accomplish; let us forge ahead with great love and joy and peace in our souls.
We blend together in the Circle of Egoquim.
The Light of Egoquim’s
Ever-Presence shines all around us. It shines forth from our eyes when we look. It shines forth from our mouths when we speak. It shines ever bright with all our senses, but most brightly when it comes as a Voice through our souls speaking gentle, loving words of encouragement and upliftment.
Our footsteps leave prints of
golden hues on the fresh earth as we walk.
We are mighty beings
strengthened by the Light of the Great Spirit. We touch the Heart of 23
All Life because we are one with all life. We have heard the Voice within and with true hearts have awakened to its calling. We run to the hilltops of our consciousness reaching out to the sky above. We run to the edge of the vast ocean and search the horizon for the Voice. We lay upon the Mother Earth and feel for this Voice of Love. We do not see more than what is there, but we sense more than we know, and it is all right because the Voice is everywhere and at all times. It speaks from the inner realm of every person. It speaks in every grain of sand and in the clouds of the sky to the waves of the mighty ocean. We find the Voice everywhere and it speaks so very strongly in our hearts and we listen, for we have much to learn and much to see and to know. Voice.
We can speak the Language of this
We have learned all can learn to know its meaning and
It is the Voice of Love and Light.
It can and will be
spoken by all. It can and is spoken by many brothers and sisters who still walk Mother Earth.
Some must wait a long time to
understand the Rhythms of the Voice, but it will come in time, and those of us that understand are here to guide and help in many ways. The Circle of the Great Spirit is ever there; it fades from our vision from time to time for some, but the Loving Voice is always speaking in the hearts of all.
Listen, stop and listen, look around at all
creation. You will see much and learn.
Listen, the Voice comes in
love and gentle light. It speaks even now.
We are all one in the circle of Egoquim: one family of life.
brothers and sisters in the
We have the divine potential to be as gods,
growing within with the light of the Ever Present to the point of recognizing this potential in everyone we meet; and having the strength and resources to assist others in their development. It is the destiny of all souls to reach this level; it is but the task of the individual to take the first step, which is the recognition of the Ever-Present within every soul and the realization that the potential exists. Step onto the path of All Light with sincerity in your heart and awareness and growth will begin to flow.
The more one uses
the power of will and the compassion of the heart, the more shall be revealed.
The more that one labors in directions away from self, the
more the shroud of negativity is dissolved, and the more power of positive action will begin to shape their lives.
Putting one's faith in the Ever-Present and recognizing that all people are one in the circle of the Great Spirit is important.
We travel the
path of life in wholeness; there is not separation, but rather complete oneness. Recognition of your neighbors' potential being as great as your own is important. Realize at the same time that every soul is unique. Out of this uniqueness comes unlimited variety allowing for 25
creative expression beyond comprehension.
No one has ever seen
two sunsets exactly the same or one day that did not vary from another in some way. This is the creative potential of life:
it is so
very full and so ever able to change, grow, and expand to the efforts of emancipated and attuned beings. Be godlike in your aspirations; leave all limiting concepts behind and leap forward in a reality of life that says open up your hearts and minds, children of light and love. Sing with the mighty power that lies within you; dance and be one with the divine potential of your souls, express and be one in peace with all life.
This potential, this invitation is extended to all and all
that is needed is sincere and honest effort each and everyday.
rewards are many and the time is now.
The Algonquin hosts hold the focus for the moment. The hosts from many of the Algonquin nations, from the most recent times to times long past stand in solemnity and devotion to the Great Spirit.
We have a very special commission given to us by the Great Spirit Whose Voice speaking from the High Council's throne and out of the 26
Light said once a long time past, "To you, the children who have risen from this land in the west where Kosmon shall first manifest, I give a special dispensation. By your pains and by your trials have you hosted the birth of Kosmon on this your homeland. By your sorrows and your tears have you earned the privilege, the badge of honor, to stand as the caretakers and gatekeepers for this fair land beyond the veil.
You, the children of this Sacred land, shall stand guard as long as seffas rules, and you shall watch over every man-child and every woman-child who comes upon this fair nation. You will guide and inspire them to whatever degree their grade will permit. You will protect them from darkness and from falsehood of a spiritual nature permitting no one to gain power or a foothold that would cause even one of these children of Kosmon to be forced to suffer at the hand of any idolater.
You will teach them of things unseen and the powers of spirit. You will stand firm and show them the way to All Light, regardless of what name or what teachings they wish to follow. You will have the privilege of protecting and guiding the children and the children of children of those who caused suffering to come upon your people. No greater honor can you be given."
We your Algonquin Hosts take this calling most seriously and in the greatest humility because it was given to us by our Grandfather Egoquim. We will not tire nor rest until it is fulfilled that the Nation has risen in oneness and unity with the I AM and all the darkness of the earlier days has been put aside. This we have spoken as our word and it has been the rule to us ever since, and though there are more and more of your people on the earth plane year by year, yet we your Algonquin Hosts still far outnumber you so there is at least more than one of us for each man-child and woman-child here in this Nation. We leave no one untouched or unattended, and all we do is for the goodness of our ward without any expectations on our part other than our service to the Great Spirit and the Blessings of Kosmon.
Peace flows through the hearts of those who are one with the Great Spirit. Many grandfathers and grandmothers, friends — longtime companions, gently make suggestions and stand ready to protect those of pure heart who travel the path of light. Much is the love they wish to share with all the children of the earth. They come in great numbers dancing and singing in a sacred way. The rhythm of their 28
dancing feet vibrates across the land. It resonates from the trees and rocks and is felt inwardly by those attuned. The melody of their song can be heard in the wind and in the voices of the creatures in the woods and fields. The beat of their hearts expressing in harmony together creates a quiet stirring in the minds of those they love. In many quiet ways do these souls of light reach out to those below and offer the love of their hearts. They wait for positive responses which make them smile rainbows across the sky. Then their love pours forth like a mighty waterfall.
There are many sacred places upon this earth. Places where the energy of the past remains bright and full of promise. Many a beautiful soul has walked the earth and the magic of their lives is left imprinted upon the land. Those with pure hearts and minds will begin to know these places and when there, they will be renewed and healed. Those of pure heart will be able to grow and know more of the Great Spirit and in time be able to create their own sacred places upon the land.
Those from long ago are coming to help those who walk the land today and those who come tomorrow; all joining hands and hearts for the benefit of light and love.
Happy are the ancients who now are with you. Brilliant is the light of their presence; joyous and happy is the song of the heart they sing. Smooth and powerful are the footsteps of their dance. Gentle is their touch to the children of today. Wisdom and purity of thought and deed are ever with them. Peace for all is their goal.
Dear Friends,
We are here to help you to understand the true way to prophecy and second sight. You have asked for guidance to regain the clear channels you had when vacuum
this work began. You are puzzled by the
you find yourselves in. We understand your plight, for we
here were all seers of true visions and possessed the knowledge of all good medicine when the spirit of our people was strong. We pity your lack of oneness with the Father of us all. How can you hope to know the Great Spirit in your heart when you live in these great square boxes and breathe the stale air and heat with fire machines and sleep without the blanket of stars above you. How could we make you understand the secret ways of the spirit? The spirit that 30
was the soul of our people. But this is not our job. We watch and we guard, but we pity your darkness. Our friends from the land of the rising sun tell us that we cannot expect you to live as we lived. But if you would make more time to spend in the forest with the Creations of the Great Spirit - living and eating and dreaming without your square walls about you, you would find more peace in your soul and more vision in your heart. Study the ways of our people and you may find truths that may have a place in your search for growth.
Remember the clarity of vision you had when you were with the spirit of our people in the forest places. This is the feeling you must remember in your heart and carry with you.
Dear Family in the Great Spirit,
We have been with you in your sacred circle many years past. We were unseen guardians to your predecessors over many years. We will be with you again for another season. Already you have felt our presence with you, guiding your spirit selves to see the greater vision and the lighted ways. You must take the initiative and take control. 31
Only you have the power of choice and of right action. The Great Spirit carries out your will and brings the fruit of your actions. All we can do is guide and inspire, but all the rest is under your control. We will stand close beside you through the days and nights ahead. If you frame your thoughts in the right way and choose to follow the Red Road we will be there to bless you with our prayers to the Great Spirit and we will dance with gladness within your sacred circle, for you and your family, your grandmothers and grandfathers are all one with us as well as we are one in the Great Spirit. We will lend the prayers and the Power that goes with us to your mission and it will help you to grow and understand. Peace and the blessings of all Light be upon you, dear friends.
We remain, the Hosts of the Sacred Hoop.
Scout the unknown lands amongst the clouds. A holy land where the Great Spirit, our Grandfather, dwells. Where the children walk in the sacred way And dance amongst the stars That warm their robes,
their holy shrouds. We are those dancers, children of the Light, Our sight is clear, our souls ride free, Above the mist, young eagle's flight.
We see your troubled ways and we are here to bring you contentment and peace. We will give you the inspiration our prayers can provide. At all times we will pray for you in great numbers to give you peace and understanding. We will bring you into the power of our sacred circle and by the Great Spirit's presence through the power of our circle you will find peace. Be patient in all your ways and hold your council with us.