Our Will is Supreme in Service to All — 649. — July 5th, 2020 — [9 pages]

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Our Will is Supreme in Service to All 649.


—July 5th, 2020

O Creator, God Almighty, Divine

Maker of Our Universe, Our World and Our 1

Lives, we now bow our heads in prayer to Thee!

We would have our every thought

and action be done to honor Thee in praise and thanks for all the Goodness and verily Immortality Thou has blest our soul-being with.

Yet we fall short far too often. Too

often instead we seek to conquer, to condemn, to contradict the actions and words of our fellow souls upon this world. Despite all these failures, all we can do is but to try once more to do good and to only do good! Angelic Voice: Self-Mastery is the theme of our eternity together. Thy most precious gift to rejoice in is thy self. Yet the meaning of our life in the heavens is to seek to rejoice in thy fellow men and women. This 2






understanding that in the spiritual realms, no one advances alone. Our progress is mutually achieved since to rise higher means we must focus first on helping our partners to rise higher and higher. The key in gaining soul-mastery is learning to exert our will to do what is right. Vision:

In the hells and dark realms of

selfishness we begin our endless trek. While I am aware of the many persons in great fear and pain and hatred around myself, I force myself not to respond in kind. We are trapped together in this flaming darkness.

Their faces are distorted. It is

hot and cold somehow at the same time and we are all sweating in a shivering chill. I 3

start to blame them for our predicament. I feel resentment towards them as if they are the reason for why I am here in the first place and I am angry that people as low as them are with someone as great as I am. But I check myself. I put my anger aside. I start to pray in order to see how I might be of help to these pitiable persons, not creatures, brothers and sisters who are spiritually NOT far beneath myself, nor far above, but simply are where they are, doing the best they can. I begin to bless them with holy words and beautiful images. At first this is very difficult, almost impossible. However, as I muster my will to take charge of this situation, I find 4

myself steeling myself to be a better soul, a more attuned one right now than I have been. And the darkness gradually dissolves away from all of us. A new higher reality is unfolding before our astral eyes, shining radiantly.

My companions feel and feel

this too. They are shocked, even afraid of the new heavenly flowers and melodies cascading




encouraged by the truth that with our thoughts, our heavens arise, I renew my will power and bring about a blessing of even greater magnitude, where each of us begins to perceive, to discover one by one, the traits, the greatness, the virtues hidden away for decades, to but burst into The 5

Sacred Radiance that resides in each of us, within our heavenly community groups. Yes, there can be no doubt now, that our spiritual grade, spiritual realities are arising in ever greater magnificence, ever greater pure light and harmony, as a sun’s dazzling rays across the horizons, sparkling across the seas. Yes, there can be no doubt now. Like a self-sustaining nuclear fusion, our power over self, over our will to love one another unconditionally, instead of seeking to rip one another to shreds, has triumphed absolutely. There is no need for ascent from hell to 6

heaven now. The stairs are gone. We have arisen to our heavens of the stars. And we are now interacting like family and old friends who have not seen each other for a long time. As indeed is the case. Rich and glorious garden flowers and tree blossoms permeate every iota of every particle of Life in the Heavens. Song birds sing prettily and joyfully as we begin to discuss in telepathic communion all the ways we might become even more of a helpful blessing to the world. Without a word, we join hands or interlink arms as comrades in arms. Yet not to battle anyone, but to battle against our own weaknesses without complaint nor censor. 7

Our will now is simply to labor, to work, to help others.

These very celestial skies

proclaim the gathering of our will power, from within, from the many spiritual places that bless and adorn our new realms, our new homes, sharing All the Good, Love, and Happiness with and though one another, without any thought of the end of days. For the Angelic Realms have always been, will always be, beyond the tribulations of any time.

Our Life as Angels has begun

and we shall, each hour,

make it a point to

seek and recover all that is wondrous, joyous, ‌all filled with Light and Love. All these Wondrous Gifts, all of us are here 8

to share with Our Newfound Friends of every cosmic time, all enriched by every resurrecting experience! May the Blessings of God Almighty be upon Thee All!


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