Oahspe’s Authorship: Scientific Research Revealed - Discovering the True Path of Oahspe [45 pages]

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Oahspe’s Authorship: Scientific Research Revealed Part 1, Chapter Six Discovering the True Path of Oahspe Robert Bayer (2020)


Statement of Explanation June 23rd, 2018

The full book of which this section is a small part is not yet finished. That book is called Discovery the True Path of Oahspe.

Currently it is but

the first version. It may be several years more before it is completely finished, for example, footnotes are not standardized nor are the sources yet included. However, it is being made public, one section at a time, and even though some errors may still be found in this book of research. The motivation for doing this is to admonish right now all who mistakenly and blindly follow those who work to make Oahspe into a religious cult, thereby seeking to glorify themselves instead of really practicing what Oahspe emphatically advises. In essence, Oahspe was channeled for the new age for three main purposes: (1) to teach every person how to hear the Creator’s Voice directly without the need of a priest or seer, (2) to teach all the importance of making sacrifices, of achieving good works of service for the benefit of those in need or in darkness, and (3) to begin to work together to establish communities that are developing in Oneness with the Creator and in Harmony with the angelic heavens.


Chapter Six: Oahspe’s Authorship: Scientific Research Revealed

Newbrough Mistakenly Channeling Masonic Tripe*2029



The Purpose of Enlightening Texts

The Book of Oahspe is a book of universal truths.

Yet through its own

words, we learn that no book, not even Oahspe is either perfect or immaculate. Not immaculate in this Book, OAHSPE; but to teach mortals HOW TO ATTAIN TO HEAR THE CREATOR'S VOICE, and to SEE HIS HEAVENS, in full consciousness, whilst still living on the earth; and to know of a truth the place and condition awaiting them after death. (Oahspe I:24). *6

So the question to be addressed in this chapter is to what degree is Oahspe and all its tenets, and all its “histories” in actuality “divinely” channeled? Mind you, the goal here is not to prove it is perfect! Only that it is what Newbrough claims and what loyal readers have noticed—The Voice of the Divine Spirit speaking through its pages. Newbrough writes that this is the case concerning the authorship of Oahspe:

"One morning lines of light rested on my hands, extending downward like wires. Over my head were three pairs of hands fully materialized, while behind me an angel stood with hands on my shoulders. My fingers played over the typewriter with lightning speed. I was forbidden to read what I had written, and I had reached such religious ecstasy that I obeyed reverently. This same power visited me each morning. My hands kept on printing, printing."*6


Is this provable — or knowable even on a personal level? If so, by what means can such epistemological confirmations be demonstrated? In fact, a means to do just that has been discovered. These mechanizations will confirm what parts of Oahspe were originally channeled by the “divine” source—and which were not. Accordingly, what is the “truth” concerning the writing of Oahspe?

To be sure, the search for truth is a never-ending quest for that which is infinite. Hence, this quest is also the basis for all spiritual, philosophical, and scientific progress, individually and worldwide. Without question throughout the ages, the writing and reading of milestone books is a reflection of this ontological-cosmic investigation of truth. Any book that imparts knowledge of the life and destiny of man, is a good book. Any book that unfolds the character and person of Jehovih, and the wonder and glory of His creations, is a good book. (Oahspe, Preface)*6



The Major Kinds of Enlightening Texts

Plato’s Republic*32311

Philosophically significant books such as Oahspe are important, not so much because they answer important questions but because they raise the important questions about what a life worth living is, and how to go about answering these questions.

Throughout all philosophical fields, such ground-breaking books as Republic (Plato), Meditations on First Philosophy (René Descartes), The Critique of Pure Reason (Immanuel Kant) as well as Being and Nothingness (Jean-Paul Sartre), have sparked human consciousness in order to illuminate the life-essential questions and the reasoning necessary to begin understanding them.

There could be no

successful discussion of the spiritual, scientific, or mystical issues, without the intellectual workings these books frame for mankind. 6

The secret of all spiritual growth lieth in giving out the spirit: He who would grow in wisdom, must give wisdom; he would grow in love, must give love; he who would grow in power of spirit, must give out power of spirit. (God's Word 15:14)

The mystical aspects of Oahspe are also stunningly present and resonate truth on those universal levels throughout the book’s pages of heavenly histories, cosmological explanations, and progressive ideals. Oahspe page by page affirms mankind’s quest for the mystical whereby one may discover how to become One with ALL LIFE, with The Supreme Being. Remember, O man, that couldst thou in a moment of time recollect all thou hadst ever learned, thou wouldst be wise indeed. Wert thou in tune with thyself, such would be thy wisdom. To advance in such direction, whereby man becometh attuned, first with himself, then with his immediate surroundings, then with the magnitude of worlds, and then with Jehovih, so that he moveth, acteth, and comprehendeth harmoniously, is to become one with the Father. Which condition awaiteth all men, and is called in high heaven, Nirvana, because, to him that hath attained it, things past and things to come are as an open book. He can look back to his own beginning in the world, and even beyond, and withersoever he directeth his eye, he can see and hear even as if the matter now were. (Apollo 1:5-6)*6


Mystically speaking, The Tao Te Ching (Lao Tzu), The Art of Peace (Morihei Ueshib), Principles of Nature (Andrew Jackson Davis) and Mystic Words of Mighty Power (Walter DeVoe), are all spiritually powerful works seeking universal truth. This seeking and reasoning about the universe and our place in it are openly written about using the direct words of the authors. Though these mystical writings from both the east and the west describe how universal paths lead to God Almighty, these works do NOT claim to be the inspired words directly from God Almighty. They do not claim to be infallible nor even from the angelic heavens. The authors know and assert that whatever value there may be in their words and ideas, those words and ideas must stand on their own.

There is no appeal to a higher authority

concerning the veracity of the content, though certainly God-Universe is the focal point of their discourse.

Oahspe invites such analysis in its preface: When a man says, “I heard the voice of Jehovih, saying,” that part of his speech is worthless. When he says, “I heard the voice of Jehovih, saying: „Do unto others as ye would that they should do unto you,'” then the words become valuable. His assertion of his authority is of no avail in this age of the world. The words purporting to be Jehovih‟s should, therefore, be the only consideration as to merit. And all men have a right to pass judgment thereon. Is it not the light of Jehovih within all men, that makes them conscious of wisdom and truth? If so, then man‟s expression of any truth or wisdom is Jehovih‟s expression. (Oahspe, Preface)*6


Not so are the books of religious dogma, although also claiming to explain the workings and the truths of the universe and the heaven (s) and hell (s). Such “inspired” works have claimed to have come from the heavens of God The Creator, from the Supreme Being, often with prescribed, sacrosanct divine names such as “Jesus Christ,” “Jehovih,” “Allah,” and “Yahweh.”

Discussion of religious issues is allowed but

only if it agrees with the foundational content of these religions and their “holy book.” Therefore, essential tenets and clergy are never to be questioned but instead are to be seen as “infallible” and “sacred beyond question,” as if they were the official representatives of The Supreme Being. These writings do not admit any other source as completely trustworthy. Examples of such “divine” and “sacred” and “infallible” writings include The Holy Bible, The Koran, The Book of Mormon, and The Vedas. If a book were to fall down from the sky with Jehovih‟s signature to it, man would not accept the book on that account. Why, then, should anything be said about how this book was written? It blows nobody‟s horn; it makes no leader. It is not a destroyer of old systems or religions. It reveals a new one, adapted to this age. (Oahspe, Preface)*6

In essence, the books mentioned above are treated as though they dropped from the sky. Despite Mr. Newbrough’s Preface assertion, millions of people have accepted these books and their doctrines as direct, sacred communications from THE “God” of their book, of their religion. Yet there is seldom any chance to reason with the worshippers of these religions about their book. Any contrary view is not only seen 9

as blasphemous, but as evil and wrong, on the edge of eternal damnation. Thus, most of mankind find themselves and their relations as locked into almost unchangeable — yet absolutely untrue spiritual views.

Fortunately, a true philosophical investigation of Oahspe and other “divinely” written work would reveal that Oahspe’s content and viewpoint is superior to these “bibles” and their false religions. Yes, in the purest theoretical sense, and metaphysical sense, yes, Oahspe is superior. This will be demonstrated in Part IV, The Highest Light of Oahspe. In any event, Oahspe DID for all intents and purposes “drop out of the sky.” Moreover, Oahspe is HELD to be divinely inspired, despite its own verses warnings against just that. The reason for this is due to the claim that real angels wrote the verses.



Dangerous Viewpoints Championed by Religious Cults Via their “Sacred Texts”

A False Claim: The Book of Mormon is from Heavenly-Created Plates*202029

Unfortunately in some circles, Oahspe has evolved into a false religion as practiced by Newbrough’s past lodges, The Kosmon Church, The United Faithists of Kosmon, and dozens of other cult groups of Oahspe.

Consider next that the false religions (such as Christianity and Islam), the religious cults (Mormonism and Branch Davidians), the Masonic Cults (Prince Hall and The Rosicrucians), the Saphah Cults of Oahspe (Universal Faithists of Kosmon and The Kosmon Church), are without 11

question in opposition to philosophical, scientific and spiritual principles of truth. Such religious cults are via their “spiritual” activities diametrically opposed to the fundamental tenets of Oahspe, even if they disingenuously claim they do. Strangely enough, while all of these “sacred scriptures” by their religious clergy would consider “GOD” to be the ultimate inspirer for their composition, their particular systems of concepts and “divine truths” do NOT necessarily nor even usually agree with one another. Each religion and / or cult separately advocates these as their means of salvation: Consider the following comparisons of their false beliefs with that of the universal truths of Oahspe:




OF OAHSPE It is the will and the wish of thy God, that all men


There are specially ordained priests

become constitutionally

and clergy who rule their

capable of receiving and

congregations as superior to all,

comprehending the highest

(Catholics, Islamicists, Saphah

light, and that they shall no

Cultists, Mormons, Masons,

longer depend upon any


priest, church, oracle, or holy book, or upon consulting the spirits. (Discipline 5:15)*6


There is a holy book that is used to Ye have holden your sacred 12

settle all discussion upon any spiritual books up, and said: Here is issue NOT decided by the religious

the ultimate; beyond this, no

leader of the group (Catholics,

man shall go! And ye knew,

Islamicists, Saphah Cultists,

the while, that any fixed

Mormons, Masons, Christians).

revelation could not be true, because all the universe is in constant progress. (Eskra 55:7-8) *6 My Hand is ready to whomsoever will reach forth

The focus is NOT on serving others unto Me. My Voice is ready but on performing daily and weekly and clear to whomsoever will rites such as the Moon Rites (just as turn away from other things, the Catholics, Masons, Kosmon and away from philosophers 3





the and ambiguous words,

“mass” [moon] rituals), as well as serving Me in good works. receiving special ritual sacraments My Light is present, and such as baptism and Holy Spirit answereth unto all who Confirmation (Mormons, Catholics).

follow their all highest knowledge. (Inspiration 10:24-26) *6

There is an indoctrination where direct inspiration is discouraged in place of a When man practiceth virtue, 4

focus on trivial symbolism (Saphah, wisdom, truth and love unto Biene, Se’moin) as a means of all, his inspiration is from Me becoming



more direct. (Inspiration 7:17) *6

attuned, similar to memorizing the 13

prayers of the Koran in Islam or saying





Catholicism, or participating in the hundreds





Freemasonry and Saphah Cults.) And the Faithists shall answer them, saying: We know no high, no low. We


There exists no consistent activity in

give up all things, in order to

daily life which dedicates one’s time,

serve Jehovih by doing good

energy and money to uplifting the

works unto our fellows. And

poor, disadvantaged and alienated

Jehovih shall judge betwixt

(and as the false religions do, there is

them, as to which is high or

talk of doing this but nothing of import

low, not by their words, but

in good works ever really takes

by their works. And the signs

place.). (Catholics, Islamicists,

of good works and

Saphah Cultists, Mormons, UFO

self-abnegation shall be as a

Cults, Masons, Christians).

witness before the world, whence cometh the inspiration of each. (Judgment 2:18-21) *6


There is sometimes dark

Neither more will I censure,

psychological oppression of the

nor criticise, nor blame, any

congregation by the ordained and

man, or woman, nor any

self-proclaimed leaders taking place

child over fourteen years of

where the ordinary are often verbally

age, as an individual, in all

whipped for their failures. (Catholics,

the world, for any shortness


Islamicists, Saphah Cultists, UFO

in word or deed they

Cults, Mormons, Masons,

manifest. For they are Thine,


Jehovih, and not mine, to be led or driven by me. (Kingdom 5:22-28) *6 Because I hold man responsible, even so should he have liberty to choose.

There is continual affirmations of the group’s status as “the Chosen of God” and thereby asserting that all other 7

persons from all other groups are spiritually inferior and thus not to be trusted. (Catholics, Islamicists,

And if he strive to choose Me, by doing righteously, he shall not fail. Though he accept none of the ancient doctrines, nor rites, nor ceremonies, nor Gods, nor Lords, nor Saviors, but strive

Saphah Cultists, UFO Cults,

for Me in doing good unto

Mormons, Masons, Christians).

others, he shall be My chosen, even though he accept not My name. (Es 2:8-10) *6

Anyone who would dare leave the group 8





tragically deceived and is now beyond saving.





Cultists, Christians).

Seek not to spread My gospels, and entice followers unto this, or that, saith Jehovih. Neither go about preaching, saying: Thus saith Jehovih! Let all men hear Me in their own way.


No man shall follow another. I will have no sect. I will have no creed. I am not exclusive; but I am with all My living creatures. To those who choose Me, practicing their all highest light, I am a shield and fortification against all darkness, and against all evil and contention. (Inspiration 11:1-8) *6 I proclaim all people His People; and I say also, go forth and redeem the world. But not with words only, nor


The practice of killing and converting unbelievers by violent force (Islam).

by the sword, nor by armies of destroyers but by peace and




remedies for the poor, and afflicted, and helpless, and distressed. (Ouranothen 1:24) *6


There exists the false belief that being

Suffice it, these spirits lost

born physically again in mortal world


as in reincarnation, brings salvation

heavens than to dwell on the

(Hindu, Buddhists, Jainism,

earth; they knew no other.

Sikhism, Masons).

And they watched about 16





when children were born, and obsessed them, driving hence the natural spirit, and growing up in the new body of






and these drujas professed that when they previously lived on earth they were great kings, or queens, or philosophers. taught


And their



Osiris, the false, did: That there was no higher heaven than here on the earth, and that




re-incarnated over and over until




immortal. Not all of these spirits natural

drove spirit;


hence but

the many


themselves on the same body;




persons lived, these spirits lived with them and dwelt with them day and night; not 17

knowing more than their mortal when

companion. such


And died,

behold, the druja went and engrafted itself on another child, and lived and dwelt with it in the same way; and thus continuing, generation after generation. (Wars 51:11-12) *6 Neither shall man longer accept any of the former revelations, and bow down unto them; for, as I was There exists a standard of salvation based on a soul-level absolute unquestioning acceptance of: 11

(1) the

sacred book, (2) the local and / or worldwide congregational leader, (3) holy rituals, (4) the end of the world rapture and / or “new� heavenly kingdom on earth.

sufficient unto the ancients to speak to them things that were good for them, even so will I speak to My chosen of the Kosmon era that which is good for them also. My heavens shall be revealed unto them, as promised by My prophets of old, and man shall be taught how to see and





My own

judgment, and not according 18

to what any other man saith My revelations are. Behold, in








rab'bahs and priests to pray for man, and confess him of his sins; but these things will I put away, and no one shall pray





confess him of his sins, by words




ceremonies. But every man shall pray for himself, in his own way, and confess his sins unto Me for forgiveness. And instead of praying in words for his brother, saying: Jehovih, help him, he shall go in person, and help him with his own hands. Neither shall man sit idly and say: O Jehovih,




come and save me! But he shall rise up in the majesty I created him, saying: Behold me, Jehovih! I will save myself. Guide Thou me, O 19

Father! And he shall walk forth, proudly in My sight, scorning evil and sin, doing with all his might for his own salvation. And I will come unto him, for of such shall be My chosen. In Kosmon, I shall not come to make a servant of man unto man; nor to make him afraid, when the priest speaketh. I will make man hold up his head fearlessly before men, in remembrance of his daily covenant




Creator, in the practice of righteousness. In that day, the preacher and the priest shall be of little avail; My standard shall be of good works, and not of words. (Es 1:13-24) *6 Therefore, some of these “Faithist� groups are little better and perhaps in some cases lower on the spiritual path than those of the false religions. It should also be kept in mind that Newbrough catastrophically (proven also in Part VI) placed non-angelically channeled material into 20

Oahspe that the Saphah cultists used as the basis of their cult of darkness and confusion. This will also be proven in this chapter based upon the scientific-linguistic analysis of Newbrough’s writings and those of the published and non-published Oahspe. Without a doubt, as these dogmas are in contradiction, most of these books must be wrong or “untrue.” Upon close inspection, virtually NONE of their doctrines are true, save in minor details, since the foundation for establishing salvation rests primary upon a book that has existed but less than a fraction of human existence. For eternal-life humanity has a past that stretches into the past for about a hundred-thousand years.

Hence, these books have logically implied

that the hundreds of millions of persons who lived before these “saving” books were never saved since they never read any of these revelations! Did they vanish into non-existence? Into eternal hells upon death? Not very likely as that would have been extremely unjust! Therefore these metaphysical realities alone guarantee these religious-cult bibles to be FALSE.









enslavement false religions and cults impose upon their adherents, one may sincerely ask why anyone sane would stay with them. The answer to this in short is that, first, once converted or fooled, members have a hard time facing up the fact they trusted before verifying the communicated “truths.” Secondly, it is very difficult to disprove something which has no evidence and supposedly occurred a long time ago, from a century or two, to thousands of years ago. Finally, it is 21

simply a relief for most to believe one has found the best spiritual path and need no longer question its “rightness.” Good enough for mom and dad, good enough for me.

Some of these books were reported as not even being put on paper by scribes, but were divinely created, as in The Book of Mormon. In this case, it was as if the book had “fallen out of the sky,” where by vision one Joseph Smith supposedly mysteriously FOUND the plates for this “bible.” At any rate, he publicly testified that The Book of Mormon was created and discovered in a “divine” fashion.

As just explained, this

testimony is worthless in such circumstances.









philosophical-mystical written works and the “religious” ones. One claims “reason” and provable “ideals,” as the basis by which one should consider their content worthy of one’s own philosophical-spiritual path, the other: … because I your god say so.

How then to prove or disprove such works? How to decide which elements are true and which are acceptable ideals to use as life principles of guidance for one’s own life? Assuredly, being able to reason on the merits of the ideas is one way to prove or disprove, at least on a personal basis, as to the authenticity of such words.

However, a further more objective recent means, exists as to testing the authenticity of writings.


There now exist authorship software programs which can analyze the linguistic choices of the author or authors involved in a writing and thereby identify their identities at over a 99% success rate*110101. Such computer programs cannot only identify sections of text which were written by different authors but can also conclusively MATCH these sacred writings and text sections with authors WHO HAVE WRITTEN other non-sacred, non-channeled books.



The Authorship Software: Clarin PL

Clarin-PL Logo: *3l3l3l The beginning of computerized language analysis is a relatively recent development, beginning in about 2004 A.D.*20928, yet many decades after the advent of computer information technologies.

This delay was

due to the lack of certain resources which first needed to be created.

In short, the dawn of software linguistic tools was assisted by the combination of three technological advances: (1.) the digitalization of all textual knowledge, including virtually all past books, (2.) the need for a reliable search engine to navigate successfully the vast amounts of information exponentially increasing year by year, and (3.) the development of investigative linguistic algorithms.


Linguistic Analysis Sample*30293 The first factor involved creating the language corpus necessary to initiate and expand language research. The second necessitated the need for powerful semantic tools that could quickly discriminate among language-meaning features in order to extract the knowledge buried deep in the mountains of information that exist in the vast universe of the Internet. Finally, these semantic tools were then developed by linguist theory and research in order to have the means and the data to perform language investigations that were historical, current, or comparative in nature.

The end result was that high-quality language research companies and software were formed from such scientific language evolution. Consequentially, such companies developed applications that could 25

successfully scrutinized texts in order to answer any language question about them. One such was Clarin-PL,*9393392 one of the first and best language research center in Europe. This being the case, a friend recommended that I choose Clarin-PL to test the hypothesis whether any of the Oahspe texts were personally written by Dr. John Newbrough.

From the start I realized that only the most basic language features should be analyzed so as to not unfairly include any differences nor exclude any commonality between the texts. Basically, the software examines the textual constituents of each book, identifying, recording and relating the components in a systematic fashion, based on algorithms on how real language is created by authentic writers, according to their authorship patterns.

These relational patterns which are shared between different texts are referred to as authorship vectors, where not only are the language characteristics similar in ratio and number, but their use with other language units corresponds in consistent patterns as well.


Authorship Vector Comparison between 2 Documents*767

For example, examples of language units would include (replacing the elements “and” and “the” in the geometric representation above: ① parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, and prepositions), ② punctuation, ③ sentence density and length (the kinds of words and length of sentences, ④ lemmas (base forms of words, even those with distinct meanings), ⑤ trigrams (letter combination frequencies), and ⑥ expressions and word combinations. 27

Once these language elements are analyzed in terms of totals and patterns, they are recalculated in terms of reoccurring linguistic similarities according to specific advanced calculations proven to demonstrate authorship.

In order to confirm the effectiveness of such software, a test case authorship analysis of 12 different books by 3 different authors was next carried out.



Clarin PL: Confirmation Test Cases


Three Great Authors for Authorship Test *789, *790, *791

These 12 books were submitted to the computer analysis in alphabetical order. All prefaces, indexes, table of contents, chapter numbers were deleted in order that only purely author-composed text were processed by the software. The books for this test case were as follows:

A Tangled Tale

The Iron Heel

Alice in Wonderland

The Road

In the South Seas

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll


2and Mr. Hyde

South Sea Tales

Through the Looking-Glass

Sylvie and Bruno

Treasure Island

The Call of the Wild

The results given as in tree diagrams were as follows, correctly grouped as written by three unique authors as follows:


Clarin PL: Confirmation Test Case Results

Group Green Books were all written by Lewis Carroll: A Tangled Tale Alice in Wonderland Sylvie and Bruno Through the Looking-Glass


Group Blue Books were all written by Robert Louis Stevenson: In the South Seas Kidnapped The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Treasure Island

Group Black Books were all written by Jack London: South Sea Tales The Call of the Wild The Iron Heel The Road

The numbers in the network refer to the language vector totals that indicate the degree of similarity of these books to one another.


vectors refer to the KIND OF LANGUAGE UNITs that match in general patterns, NOT just the total instances of matches. In this way, it is not enough that the same vocabulary is being used between similar books, but rather also how they are arranged throughout the book, according to grammar and syntax, for example.

In summary, Clarin PL has 100% correctly identified and grouped the books according to author.



Clarin PL: Texts of Oahspe vs. Newbrough’s Writings

Two Books by John Newbrough*300303 & *300304 The following books were submitted to the Clarin PL Authorship computerized analysis in alphabetical order. All prefaces, indexes, table of contents, chapter numbers, and verse numbers were deleted in order that only purely author-composed text were processed by the software.

Three categories of books were submitted: (1)

The officially published books of Oahspe (1882 & 1891). The 1891 additional book was the Book of Discipline, for a total of 35 books. Yet simply for investigative purposes, the captions for all the plates were gathered also as a separate book (making 36 texts).


The unofficial books of Oahspe which were never published, a 4

kind of apocrypha, were examined. The non-published Oahspe materials are the texts thought to have been books Newbrough cut from the initial and subsequent publications of Oahspe. These books were identified in Part II, yet it is possible that still more have never seen the light of day and until the matter is explored directly in the heavens, we may not know how many texts were suppressed or altered by Newbrough. At any rate, greater books than Oahspe will in time be created. And no book is greater than the Universal Creations of Our Creator.

There is also a book for the unpublished Saphah! which contains the writings covering the ancient languages in a philosophical-poetic style. It goes without saying that there may be much more than was ever discovered in the Lant plates.

(3) The books and texts known to have been written by John Newbrough were also scrutinized. It is because John Newbrough did publish books that we are able to utilize Clarin PL software for this comparative investigation.


In summary, the books to be considered for this research were as follows: A Guide to the Voice and Will of Jehovih
















Commentary on Oahspe



Plate Captions Text


Questions and Answers from Spiritalis












Saphah Unpublished - Tree of Languages




The Castaway


The Fall of Fort Sumter


The Lady of The West The Prophet

JUDGMENT Kindergarten Homes for Orphans Knowledge



It should be pointed out that the books of Oahspe which were actually published in it are in CAPITAL letters in order to better distinguish them from the non-Oahspe, non-published materials (by the humans on the results readout below, not for analysis by the computer program). 6

Clarin PL: Oahspe vs. Newbrough’s Writings Results Surprisingly, at least to me, the results broke down all of these writings into three authored groups.

For ease of readability, the above computer results are summarized in as the following:

Group Green Books contain only published Oahspe books, 19 in total. None of the books that John Newbrough publicly authored are present.


All of the Group Green Books are as follows:





















More research is required, but the implication is that this group was never altered by Newbrough and was left as channeled by the angelic inspirers.

Group Black Books contain ALL of the books (and one text) that John Newbrough authored in this research are present, 8 in total. Additionally, 2 books from the collection of published Oahspe books were evaluated, and according to the high degree of shared writing-language characteristics, were mathematically determined to be in the same group as all of the personal writings of John Newbrough. These books significantly are Saphah and Jehovih’s Kingdom on Earth.


All of the Group Black Books are as follows: A Guide to the Voice and Will of Jehovih (1884) Commentary on Oahspe (1882) Gratiyus (1886) JEHOVIH’S KINGDOM ON EARTH (1882) Kindergarten Homes for Orphans (1882) Questions and Answers from Spiritalis (1874) SAPHAH (1882) The Castaway (1889) The Fall of Fort Sumter (1867) The Lady of The West (1855)

Noticeably, JKOE and Gratiyus were near perfect matches in authorship. Group Blue Books contain both published (16 in total) and unpublished Oahspe books (ALL 5 in total), for a sum of 21 books put into this scientific program. None of the books that John Newbrough publicly authored are present.




More research is required but either two groups of angels transpired the channeled the original Oahspe text to Newbrough, or these texts had minor alterations performed by Newbrough.

Noticeably as well, God’s Book of Ben and the Book of Knowledge are near matches, as one might anticipate. The existence of these books is proof in themselves that Newbrough DID alter texts of Oahspe, especially in this case.

As I have shown in other analysis,

these two can be combined in a coherent fashion, as if Newbrough made small alterations but cut out from BEN the section of Knowledge.

This scientific comparative analysis has a number of significant results: (1) All of Dr. John Newbrough’s personal writings were correctly grouped together, (2) Two original books of Oahspe (1882), Saphah and Jehovih’s Kingdom on Earth were scientifically categorized (based on linguistic traits) as having been written by Dr. John Newbrough. (3) All of the Oahspe texts not published in the 1882 edition were grouped together along with 15 more. (4) The Oahspe texts not published in the 1882 edition were NOT grouped under the authorship of Dr. John Newbrough.



Authorship Conclusions about Oahspe


A consideration of the factual circumstances surrounding the creation and publication of Oahspe is next summarized.

As reported in Part II, the historical record is that Newbrough DID not publish all of the original text of Oahspe in 1882. In fact, Dr. John Newbrough cancelled the original publication of Oahspe in 1881 by John Lant.

The existence of the plates Mr. Lant kept is proof that

what was published in 1882 does NOT match what was published in 1881. In addition, the historical record also finds that Newbrough chose to alter certain verses of Oahspe (such as the beginning of the solar year) as well as still more, perhaps much more.

As the following is true: 3

(1) The authorship software Clarin PL has correctly identified Newbrough’s known writings, (2) The authorship software Clarin PL has grouped Saphah and JKOE as writings by Newbrough, and (3) As there literally exist hundreds of dogmatic contradictions in Saphah to Oahspe (see Part VI, The Book of Saphah Revisited, and don’t you dare stupidly dismiss this statement without actually reading the massive amount of evidence







presented on this point), it must be concluded fairly and factually that the text as published in Saphah is an absolute hoax!

The inclusion of JKOE in this context is more of a surprise to me. A thorough analysis of its contents in this book is now therefore required and will be done so. I have heard rumblings of complaints against this book by other Faithists but personally I have never felt troubled by it, and actually like its content. Perhaps I am missing something.

At any rate, there is now ZERO DOUBT that Newbrough’s Masonic drujan spirits inspired him to write Saphah and Jehovih’s Kingdom on Earth (or very heavily revised them).


The reason why the true original Oahspe texts were analyzed to NOT be Newbrough’s writings is due to the very process of the channeling which Newbrough truthfully described: cosmic inspiration whereby angelic beings used his body to type out the text without an iota of Newbrough’s consciousness involved.

Drujas are not capable of this and so Newbrough’s mental-linguistic traits are evidence in his forgeries implanted into Oahspe.

The result of the non-published texts of Oahspe having been shown to NOT be authored by Newbrough is some evidence that they were in the original texts of Oahspe. Personally, I have always liked them. Yet Newbrough choosing to NOT publish them is problematic and frustrating. If so, Newbrough screwed up once again in not making these good texts available immediately upon the completion of angelic transmission.

Really, all Newbrough had to do was take the original texts and allow John Lant to publish them in their original state. Unfortunately, his years of bondage as a member of the Masonic Cults brought darkness in to mess up the publication to a serious degree.

Thus, never forget for a second that Newbrough himself stated (see Part II) he “felt” he was told (by Masonic cult-spirits) to expand on 5

Oahspe AFTER the completion of the original channeling by the higher angels. This took place AFTER Lant’s publication was ceremoniously stopped by Newbrough for no valid reason.

You train for a decade to receive the inspiration of the angelically-inspired Oahspe. You are told to publish it in its entirety. So you start publishing it via John Lant. You then suddenly STOP ITS PUBLICATION because some weird voice from your decades of Masonic cult-indoctrination COMMANDS you to do that and place in it poisonous words that contradict Oahspe’s fundamental ideals.

Such ideals as END ALL RELIGIONS and END ALL CULT LEADERSHIPS and END ALL PRIESTHOODS are all stood on their heads and treacherously MADE GOALS OF OAHSPE via THE FALSE SAPHAH.

Was there an original text of Saphah? Quite probably yes! The Tree of Languages Saphah (determined to NOT be written by Newbrough by Clarin PL software) and perhaps a few fragments in the 1882 published were in the original channeling but virtually all of what was published as Saphah is nothing more than a fraud.

Therefore, all Oahspe groups that follow such fake inspiration that directly contradicts the true ideals of Oahspe, have now received 6

SCIENTIFIC PROOF that their mad ideas about salvation are wrong: performing Masonic rituals and fawning over dead fake languages and fake symbolism helps no one and blocks the Creator’s Inspiration one should be tuning into.

There ARE NONE SO BLIND as will not see. So the expectation is that the priests and priestesses and clergy of The Kosmon Church and The United Faithists of Kosmon, and other Oahspe cults, who have spent years and decades immersed in their false ideology (with themselves as the mentally-imbalanced leaders) will REFUSE to consider this proof with any degree of logic or fairness. You see, they are under the control of the dark spirit realms and will NOT change until they hit hard the dark stony floors of the hells they have created. Then their eyes will be opened and they will only then repent of their refusal to think for themselves and turn to Our Creator for their salvation.

They will then work to undo the harm they have caused

to their followers who also in blindness fell with them.

This does not mean such groups and individuals have not done some good with their lives. It does not make them demonic or evil (though a few that could be said about). But their false spiritual path is under the control of the demonic and whatever good that was accomplished, was in spite of their Saphah-based beliefs, not because of them. 7

Rest assured that if any UFK-TKC “Faithist� renounced their ordination and religious-masonic approach to Oahspe, I would instantly and happily welcome them with open arms as a brother or sister to work with.

In the end, the final conclusion then based on this presentation of scientific evidence is that Saphah and Jehovih’s Kingdom on Earth must be viewed as never part of the original channeling of Oahspe.

Any group that bases their operations upon the contents

of these books is best seen as a cult to never be trusted, however well-intentioned. Therefore, any reader of Oahspe or newcomer to these groups would be wise to avoid committing themselves to working under their leadership.

When man practiceth virtue, wisdom, truth and love unto all, his inspiration is from Me direct. (Inspiration 7:17)


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