Realms of Radiance (1989) The Eloists
Within Radiance flows the spirit of the Eloists. It is an expression of Light, and speaks with the Voice of the Living Spirit as It has come to be known through the Eloist family. 'Eloist' means a 'doer of the Creator's will.' The objective of Radiance is not so much to educate as it is to strike a keynote or set a tone that will help the reader to become attuned to 'the realm of thought in which angels dwell,' and in that harmony to learn how to rise in spirit to embrace a higher purpose.
I AM AN ANGEL OF THE ALMIGHTY (1989) I am an angel of the Almighty speaking for the benefit of mortals. I am here to bring light to your souls, to awaken you to know your oneness with the Creator, and to help you be strong, wise, kind, loving and peaceful. You need to free yourselves from the darkness of the past. The time is right in the history of earth for a great awakening and liberation. You cannot go on hating and warring much longer without destroying everything you possess, without creating a hell for yourselves. I am here to reveal the ways of heavenly states, to show you how to build a new order of peace and goodwill. Not alone am I here with you, but with a host of fellow beings who serve the Creator. We are ready to inspire and support every person on earth who will turn to the Creator with a desire for light and selfless service. It is our task to help mortals help themselves. You are divine, immortal souls with marvelous potentialities. Begin to serve the Creator now by practicing light, peace and love, by doing all the good you can, by getting control of your thoughts and actions, and bringing them up to a higher level. You will begin to develop the faculties, talents and powers of your soul. The confusions and uncertainties of your life will give way to a clear-thinking, positive, and purposeful new consciousness attuned with your Creator. You will save yourselves, and help to save others, from many miseries.
GLAD TO BE AN ANGEL (1989) Can you feel the difference when we are in tune with one another? The air seems light, the day is long and the time just slides on by. We are here with you, engaging your attention even when you are busy. We want you to be aware on a feeling level that the Creator is All when you are occupied with simple, mundane tasks. We take for granted that we will be ready for whatever work comes our way. The attunement of our hosts is such that we are prepared constantly for that which lies ahead. Nothing is lost or superficial. All can be learned from and dedicated to the Intelligence which inspires. We are far from perfect!
We take for granted that we will be ready for whatever work comes our way. The attunement of our hosts is such that we are prepared constantly for that which lies ahead. Nothing is lost or superficial. All can be learned from and dedicated to the Intelligence which inspires. We are far from perfect! We seek opportunities to broaden our experience and to deepen our perspective of the universe. The night is as productive as the daytime for our work, even more so in some areas. The travel and the constant interaction with other souls of light keep us fresh and curious. Where could we find a niche more abundant than this and helpers more generous? We thank the Creator daily for our program and path.
TIME IS PRECIOUS (1989) As the clock ticks, we are reminded that time is running out. Each tick brings us nearer to life on the spiritual planes, and leaves us less time on the physical earth. It is not a depressing thought, but is one that makes us want to accomplish more for Jehovih here in the physical body. We will never have the opportunity again. While in the physical body, we can create our life-to-be in the spiritual world. We can be co-workers with the angelic hosts of light, holding the battery of divine light and power. We want to keep it strong enough so that other souls can be touched and awakened. We want to partake of the blessings and wonders of this world; for it can be a lovely world to us if we will only open up our eyes and be aware of Jehovih's Presence in and around us. There are potentials within our being that have never been used. As we live from our highest light, and turn to Jehovih for inspiration to guide us, we will open up a new world, and each tick of the clock will be used to make us appreciate our blessings, and make full use of our talents and powers here and now.
CONSTANT GUARDIANS (1989) We are with you all day long. We need you to feel that you are with us all day long too. How heartening it would be for people to realize that they can depend on their angel guardians to be with them without fail! We are not a selective group. We guard everyone, one ' and all. So you can talk to others' guardians as well as your own. Bless them and the trouble they go through to carry out their tasks in harmony without the faintest recognition on their charge's part.
THE MASTER OF OUR MIND (1989) You can be the master of your mind, or it can master you. It is so easy for the mind to jump from one thing to another. We find ourselves wandering off into mundane thoughts, or worrying about some trivial or unfounded problem. We delve into the past or dream of the future. Now is the time for us to be masterful, and take the reins, and pull all the loose ends together. Turn to Jehovih within your being. Let His purpose control your thoughts and feelings. Think of what you can do and express as part of His divine work for humanity. What kind of person do you want to be? Do you want yourself to be open to the reception of every thought that is floating around in the composite mind of the world, or do you want to carve out your own destiny under the inspiration of Jehovih and His angelic hosts? Do you want to live from your highest light at all times, and make it impossible for darkness to get control of your thoughts and feelings? You have the power to be what you want to be. So start now to be your own master, and let Jehovih come forth through you to bless the world. You are the captain of your ship. Steer it into clear and sparkling waters. Peace and love be with you always.
SELF-ABNEGATION (1989) What are we doing for Thee, Jehovih? We have come to realize that the most important thing we are doing is losing self. It seems that losing self should be our fist consideration or priority. The more we put self away, the stronger we become in soul expression. The more we express of the soul's light and love, the greater is our service to Thee. The idea of self-abnegation is unpopular. Most Faithists seem willing to do almost anything but that. But it is necessary in any case of affiliation where Faithists come together to work for a common purpose. Otherwise, there can be no harmony. When members of a group put self aside, Jehovih is the source of their inspiration. In council deliberations, they cease thinking and opinionizing on the mental level, and try to understand what Jehovih is saying. Wherever there is willingness to put self aside, harmonious agreement on all issues usually results.
CONTEMPLATE THE HARMONY OF THE HEAVENS (1989) Go out on a clear night and contemplate the serene beauty of star-strewn space. How majestic is the march of those myriads of suns across the immensity of the empyrean. How meekly suns, planets, comets, and asteroids obey that invisible Power which determines their order. As you contemplate the harmony and wisdom displayed in the visible heavens, remember that the Mover of this majestic march of solar systems is also within your own being. The same intelligent Power is keeping in order the vast number of cells in your brain and body. That Being abides at the center of your intelligence, sustaining, strengthening, harmonizing and healing your entire nature. Contemplate this truth often in your quiet moments and from this contemplation there will be born a serene and tranquil faith in Omnipotence. This will quiet many of your fears, dissolve many of your cares, and develop a confidence in the great harmonizing Intelligence which will reflect harmony and peace in all your ways.
PROBLEMS (1989) In the beginning, in the middle, at the end and all along the way, life has, and does, and will present problems, but no individual is given a problem so great that he is not endowed with the power to solve it. Through the exercise of his divine will he strengthens the sinews of his soul. No one can then sit smugly back and say: "I have solved this problem that has been given to me. Now I shall take a siesta in the sun. For there are always new and greater problems to be solved. Because each of you has willingly dedicated yourself to the great work of bringing Benevolence into being on this planet, you are called Builders. Each of you has a specific and essential piece of work that only you can handle, but always there is the recognition that your fellow Builders have a work to do, too. This can be the most exhilarating and joyful experience that anyone has ever known, or it can be a bit of dreary drudgery for those who plod wearily counting each step forward with a tedious 1, 2, 3. What a way to face life! Can you imagine a bird flying in such a methodical manner? To be sure, you have a load to lift. Isn’t that wonderful? Of course it is heavy. Doesn't that make you feel strong? And there are days when you are not sure that you are on the right path at all. What a glorious opportunity that is to blaze a new trail. Whatever differences you have had, and there are many, we salute each Builder of Benevolence, for the ties that have held you to this great work are stronger than any ties that have bound souls who are not yet strong enough to shoulder the work which each of you has been willing and ready to assume. Your loyalty to the group is greater than any family tie, greater than the many luring voices of self that would entice you if there was not that at the center of your being which stood up and said: "No!" For this we salute you, not by pinning any medals on your garments, nor by adding to the weight you carry by harnessing you with gifts of gold. We salute you with a wave of a hand, a smile and a certain camaraderie that says, "No problem that is given you is too great for you to solve, not as an individual, but as a unit. You are a Builder of Benevolence. So are we all." The strength of the Hosts is yours to command as long as you use this mighty force in a constructive, creative way, letting light pass through you unimpeded by any selfish whim. We salute you as fellow workers. We have great
faith in your indomitable souls. Be steadfast to the purpose and all things shall come to you that are needful in the building of a world wherein people and angels shall walk and talk and work and sing paens of praise to glorify the Father of us all and the Mother whose love lifts us in to Her arms. The diseased part may be rubbed and pinched and magnetized and electrified and exercised if it will help to bring back the circulation of life, but, above all, it must be blessed and talked to and infused with soul force before the healing and saving power will manifest perfectly. It matters not how badly paralyzed a limb may be, if you can call the soul to live in the weakened parts, there will be a return of health and satisfying vitality, for lo! the soul is the resurrection and the life everlasting.
THE POWER OF COMBINED ASPIRATIONS (1989) We want to give you the inspiration that will take you upward, over present hurdles and into a new dimension of being. The uplifting force of our combined aspirations is a sight to make you marvel. How the Creator has blessed us with the power to better ourselves and improve our surroundings! We are always in a state of wonder even while we are in the midst of tumultuous activities and negative forces. We can see the Light melting resistance and organizing all the little particles of peace and well-being into a mighty ray from the heavens to our place beneath. We can imagine how our continued work will benefit people once they tune into the increased vibrational energy. And you wonder how it is that we are steadfast and constant in our encouragement for you! We cannot be anything but hopeful and full of praise. We are forever grateful to be a part of this plan for Creation.
GIVE YOURSELF TO THE CREATOR (1989) When you give your life to the Creator, relinquishing all personal aims and desires, you know that you need not care what becomes of you. You are in His hands. You know He will provide for your needs; and that He will support you and give you inspiration for hand ling every situation in which you find yourself. He will use you to accomplish His purpose, and this is where your security and happiness lies. When you say, "Here I am, O Creator. Use me!", and you say it with honesty and sincerity, you cannot be fearful for self at the same time. Your faith is with the Creator. You know the higher beings work for your benefit as an instrument of light and love, guaranteeing your success. How can you not be successful in service to Jehovih? It is your whole reason for living. Will He let you go down in darkness and misery? Be true to Him, and He will be true to you, and never let you down.
OPENING THE GATES FOR ALL (1989) Oahspe discusses the importance of angelic communion and the vital or pivotal role it will play in the unfolding development of the Kosmon Era. The years ahead will show an exponential increase in public awareness and acceptance of angelic inspiration through its various levels of development and quality. No longer will angelic inspiration be looked upon as either diabolical or the product of vague imaginings, but rather will come to be accepted as a valuable and commonplace occurrence. To advance the cause of Light, you must have unwavering faith, and discipline yourselves to maintain a single-minded harmony with the overshadowing hosts. We are about to embark on an exciting new journey. We are your angelic friends and coworkers for the New Age.
BE GODS AND GODDESSES (1989) The Creator has sown an immortal seed of divinity, a part of Himself, in every human soul. This means we can grow to become more and more divine and beautiful throughout eternity. We can begin now to become like gods and goddesses. Instead of fighting with one another, we can bless one another with beautiful thoughts and feelings; and with cooperative good works instead of competition. We can bless people by silently affirming their divinity, their oneness with the Creator, especially when we do this in a group. All people who ever lived are still living. Some have created a hell for themselves, and are suffering in a condition of bondage to earth. Others have progressed to higher places of life, and are full of light, love and compassion, serving the Creator by helping to raise up all those who are beneath them in the grades of development. Once you have grasped the picture of what you truly are in essence, you will find new energy and new joy in living. You will see the possibility of overcoming every handicap, and becoming a healthier, happier individual in this life and the next.
I LOVE (1989) It is a wonderful thing to be able to affirm the condition toward which we are aspiring. We see the ideal, and thereby we help ourselves attain it. I affirm my love for humanity, and for Life Itself. I love everybody and everything. I love people of all ages: the little children, teenagers, young adults and the old folks. I love animals, and every living creature. I love the world of nature, and all growing things which beautify the earth and demonstrate Thy Presence, O Creator. I love experience. I love to love. I love to give forth my good feelings to the world around me. I love to smile and be happy, and sing Thy praises, Jehovih. I can smile and be happy because I have faith in Thee. I know life is good, and that we were created to enjoy it. I love to work, I love to play. I love both day and night, both clouds and sunshine. I love summer, autumn, winter and spring. I love all my faculties and powers which are Thy gifts to us. Above all, I love
Thee. Thou art the inexhaustible fountain of love within me, and the fountain of wisdom and strength as well. Thou art all things that make me what I am.
THE BEAUTIFUL MUSIC (1989) The music of the heavenly spheres is coming close to mortal ears. The notes are beautiful and sweet. You will march to their uplifting beat. Keep your eyes and ears open to the messages that are trying to get through to you. Just be still. Block out all interference, and tune your receiver to the higher vibrations that are there waiting for your receiving set to open up and let them come through. Look for the good and uplifting things in the mortal world. They are there to see if you only expect to find them. Don't give strength to the negative. You draw to yourself what you are, whatever your faith is. That determines your destiny. See the good in your fellowmen, and in all life around you. Faith can be a wonderful means to bring about miracles in the lives of each and every one of you. It can carry you over the hurdles and onto the pathway up to the heights of soul and spiritual awakening, one with your Creator and His hosts of love, peace and power to do His will for all.
THE LIGHT WITHIN (1989) We all benefit from the light, the spiritual light that is the Creator's loving touch. The more attuned you are and the higher the grade in which you live your life, the greater the light will be in all its healing, nurturing power. The Creator is Ever Present and so all your efforts are known as you follow life's path. As you gain understanding, build character, let go of self and establish awareness you attract a higher light. Within the scope of this light is a pleroma of angels. You have been brought to their attention by your guardian angels, who are keenly aware of your growth. They are ever mindful and conscientious about your well-being and progress as a soul, a child of the I AM. In their own way they bring you, the developing soul of light, into association with those
higher developed souls. They are angels that can inspire, instruct, guide, protect in ways unseen, but infinitely valuable to you. As you grow and affiliate with others — a partner, friends, community — the association of angels grows as well. Their efforts on your behalf become wider and more varied. When you develop the ability to communicate with them more directly, then your efforts become more cooperative, and wonderful events will follow. Many will benefit. You will now be more capable and confident and helpful in the world's transformation. When all this is taking place, the light within changes as it slowly evolves with you. It grows in intensity and creates a finer atmosphere around you. It permeates you and alters your physical being. It changes your aura and all aspects of your spirit. It is a force that transforms. Your mind and body will be changing, your thoughts, actions and emotions as well. This is the Creator's loving touch: light, pure, potent, benevolent, abundant. In spirit you will see it and feel its presence. For now know it's with you, and know that it does exist within you. It may not have a physical manifestation for you yet, but it does speak to all aspects of your being in warm and loving ways. Your love will move it from within to without. Use it wisely every day.
I AM SERVING JEHOVIH NOW (1989) I am serving Jehovih now. How am I serving Him? I am serving with the power of thought, the power of faith and the power of love. I am serving with good attitudes, positive thinking, and by recognizing His Presence in all life. I am serving by putting self aside, by trying to beautify my thoughts and become a better person. I am serving through vision and purpose. I see the coming change to a new world order, a better world for all, and have made a commitment to help bring it into manifestation. I am serving just by being true to my highest light. There are times when we need to reassure ourselves that we are truly serving Jehovih's purpose of world upliftment. Therefore, we have written the foregoing words, not in a spirit of self-praise, but to help bring back awareness and attunement.
BE ONE WITH THE CREATOR (1989) Be one with the Creator. Put forth your love to all creation. See His Presence in the world around you. Contemplate His wisdom and power in all the universe. Man by himself can create nothing. All is accomplished by the Presence of the Creator in man. Many potentially good qualities are still lying dormant within the souls of humanity waiting to be awakened into expression. Marvelous things can be accomplished for the benefit of all creation, under the inspiration of the Creator, when these dormant potentials are brought into expression. Even now, scientists are accomplishing things which were unbelievable a few years ago. When more souls are moved to turn to Jehovih for strength and light, and are dedicated to serving Him for the good of the world, knowledge now hidden will be revealed, and great discoveries will come forth to solve the problems of the world. Think and act like the angel you were meant to be, and will be. Jehovih needs you! The world needs you! You are an important channel for His light to come through to help uplift your world.
A COSMIC JOURNEY (1989) Close your eyes and see a whirlwind of rainbow hues with you in the center, swirling onward and upward. Soon you are flying high in the sky, passing other whirlwinds with beautiful beings in the middle. Imagine the softest chair that you have sat on, and you are sitting on one. It is soft, comfortable, yet firm and supporting. You are smiling at the delightful sensation. You are now travelling toward other stars, other planets and other solar systems. Comets, shooting stars, meteors and other vortices are your companions. You are content to be an observer upon this journey of discovery. All of a sudden, you find that you are directing the movement of your own whirlwind. You feel surprised, almost disbelieving what you know to be the truth. You have created your own cosmic travel vehicle. You have charted your own course through
the universe, and wonder of wonders, you are calm, collected and content. What a marvelous state of mind to be in. There is no fear, no anxiety, no apprehension, only joy and wonder fill your being. There is love for all. There is peace for all. Your heart is filled with r rejoicing and all the good things for mankind. Begin your magic journey tonight. You can, you know. Prepare yourself for a take-off to the stars. We will be waiting for you to show you some unforgettable sights and sounds. Come! Come soon!
EACH DAY IS NEW (1989) A new day has dawned in the lives of us mortals. What will we give to it? What will it bring us? Will we be able to say to ourselves, "Have I used these precious hours to the best of my ability, or have I wasted them in negative thought or action? Have I acted like a divine child of Jehovih, or like a mere mortal, influenced by the tetracts? Everyone on earth has the opportunity to shape his or her own destiny according to the goals they have set for themselves. Jehovih has given you the materials to work with. Will you create a beautiful sculpture or a heap of rubbish? Jehovih, our Creator, is the Supreme Architect, and has created a beautiful world for us, but we have made mud pies out of it, and wallowed in the mud ourselves. The day has now dawned when many have tired of the conditions of the world, and are making an effort to wash themselves clean of the muck and debris, to come out into the light and see a new and brighter world around them. Jehovih is stirring their souls from within to come forth and unite with others, and with the higher beings, to make this a world of love, peace and light. Arise, all ye children, and be one with Him forever!
LIFT BY THE LIGHT OF YOUR LOVE! (1989) If there be one prayer uppermost in your being, let it be that the Creator grant you the power to love. Wherever you are, love. Whoever is at your side, love. No matter what words, or blows, are dealt to you, ever answer them with love. Oh, learn this lesson, and all else will come easily. There is no weapon man can wield strong enough to break through the shield of love. Question: How can I learn to love? Answer: Do you ask with your heart or your head? Questioner: Both. Answer: Then to the head, I say: "Sleep, and in your dreams you shall hear the beating of the heart. Listen and learn. Listen to the beat of humanity, and learn the ways of those who walk in darkness and in light. Judge none. Love all, and let life deal the cards, and each individual play his own hand. This I say to the head. But to the heart I whisper wordless songs, like lullabies, hummed to the little ones. The heart is very wise. It beats in unison with every other heart in all the world. It does not ask to go more rapidly, nor to slow its pace. Think, meditate, upon the heart beat of humanity, not as some vague, ephemeral thing, but as the rhythm around which the world revolves. The heart of humanity is a live and real organ. Oh, marvel a t the miracle of man who holds within his body the living wonder of a beating heart! And now I speak more sternly. There is need of light upon your path. Whatever you do is magnified by millions. Whatever you say is echoed by many tongues. Therefore, speak words of light, and love, and truth. It can and must be done from this time forth. You have been crowned with light. Let that light ray forth from every cell of your being. BE! It is imperative that you exert every effort toward this end. Let order be established in your life, and rhythm, and beauty shall keep step with you.
But uppermost always must be the crowning glory of a loving heart.
DIVINE QUALITIES (1989) Peace, harmony and love dwell in the hearts of the angelic beings. As you learn to express these divine qualities which also dwell in the hearts and souls of all mankind, you are tuning in with the higher spheres of light. You are living from Jehovih's Presence within your soul. Do not let the clouds of darkness limit your expression of light and love. The angelic workers cannot help you if you let yourself become one with the negative vibrations of the earth. You are living in the testing time of your early stages of spiritual development. Will you be able to stand strong through the small or larger challenges, or will you- crumble and succumb to every little ripple that disturbs your routine? We need strong souls now! We need those with more than just vision. We need souls who can put Jehovih's purpose above all else. That is, to let the higher light express over self. You all have come a long way in the teachings of Jehovih's purpose, and you shall be able to ride the waves and be master of yourselves through all tests and trials.
YOU ARE A TEMPLE (1989) You have been given a sacred temple wherein dwells the Creator of all the living, and of the whole universe. He has given you this temple to use and respect while you dwell upon the earth plane. It is your protection, to shield your spiritual body while it develops and grows inside your physical body. Everything you experience and create in your earth life is adding to or molding your spiritual body which will always be with you when you leave this plane. So this is your opportunity to use your divine potential within your temple, to create a physical and spiritual body of light and love. Your spiritual body will be what you make it now and in the near future. Once your physical body has outlived its usefulness, it will be more difficult for you to create the changes
you want in your spiritual body. You take the Creator's gift to you for granted. You are a temple of the Living God; His mighty spirit dwells within your soul. Meditate upon these words of power and upliftment. So few people know of this mighty truth and reality. They even abuse and degrade their god-given temple. It should be used to sow seeds of love and light on earth. It is a divine place where the Creator creates more divine souls to come into being. Praise Him for His wisdom and power and great love for all His children. He is with you always. Be aware every moment of Jehovih 's Divine Presence within. Let it express in your life and be a blessing in your world.
CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT (1989) Children of the light, have faith, be strong. Humanity will be going through hectic, unsettling times. You who are Faithists, workers in the Light, can help the rest of your world family by being strong in purpose and true to your spiritual path. Your faith will guide you and your awareness of the Creator's plan will sustain you. You are linked to the mighty effort taking place on the spirit side and you help this effort daily. You are anchors on the mortal plane, light bearers and seed planters. You are the roots of the earth energy and as your soul reaches for heaven's light, you link the two. You will balance the earth's population with your faith and with your growing spiritual experience. Volatile times are with us and the world needs your stability. So, always look to the Creator and know that there is a plan that is unfolding. It will take time for the transformation; pour your love out to the world. Give your love and blessings to the angel hosts that are guiding change. They are always assisting us with their love and protection. Feel confident and at peace as you do what must be done each day. Do it with your heart full of love and the certain knowledge that you are not alone, that millions are with you. Be inspired and dedicated as you stay above the problems swirling around you. You are doing the best you can and your efforts are appreciated. Peace to all.
WITH THE CREATOR'S EYE (1989) If we try to see everything from Thy standpoint, O Creator, we surely will grow in wisdom and strength, and be happier people. Mortals hold certain material things to be precious which, to Thee, are not only worthless, but are a bondage to Thy children. Should we not learn to see ourselves as we are seen by Thee? To Thee, every human soul is a priceless treasure. This whole planet has no value except for use in raising Thy Children. When it can no longer produce, it will be destroyed. It is the immortal soul only, of all the things we see about us, which has permanent value. When we see a tragedy in this world, we must not grieve too much, or be greatly shocked, or Thou art providing for souls. Every soul is loved. Every soul is wanted. Every soul is highly esteemed by Thee, our Father-Mother Creator. Every soul's needs are being looked after. We complain at times, and cry out because of our hurts, but this is only because we are babes, it is hard for us to see beyond ourselves. Wise and loving guardians, Thy angels, oversee our lives. We are learning to respect and trust them, and give them our love.
SHAPE YOUR DESTINY (1989) Oahspe challenges most conventional religions through the power of reason and common sense. This is the great gift the dawn of Kosmon has bestowed upon humanity; that is, the return to the power of reason and self-determination as it should be for any people who have reached maturity, both spiritually and corporeally. With maturity comes responsibility, and so you have been told. The responsibility is yours to take your own destiny into your own hands and mold it in the direction you want it to go. The results will be to your own glory or detriment with only yourself to blame and only yourself as your ultimate savior or redeemer. We have been guiding you and giving you advice, but ultimately all is left at your discretion. Be diligent and continually reexamine and reassess your progress just as you would with any other project or goal; the principle is the same whether it is applied to an external task or
your own internal development. Remember that we are usually never satisfied with the rate of our own progress and we usually are our own hardest critics. So be kind to yourself. Keep an elevated mood, and where you find yourself falling short, reaffirm your commitment to fix it, and take the steps to carry on with the humble assurance that you will ultimately attain all you aspire to. Be at peace in your soul.
THE GROWING AWARENESS (1989) I realize that I Am a Soul of Mighty Power. I sustain this sense of personal power with you so that your soul will reel that it is able to develop the same divine power from within itself. I create an atmosphere about you through which the Angels of love can exert their healing power. Your soul is thrilled with the radiance of angelic love, and the depression is lifted from your mind. This soul power expresses more freely through the nerves that control the heart, and you feel that you are overcoming every weakening condition of mind and body. I hold these affirmations for you. They are based upon all the principles we hold dear. Your soul pulsates with the Power of the Benevolent Will of the universe. Your entire nature is obedient to the creative Will of the Creator. You are now expressing the Love of the Creator which is eternal life and health.
Jehovih worketh in you both to will and to do His good pleasure, and this is the perfecting of your personality. You are now a radiant center of soul power, and you are creating good in all your ways. You feel the perfecting Will of the Almighty recreating your mind and body. You possess the inherent ability to outgrow every limitation, and to become a masterful and successful personality. You are daily sowing good thoughts and good feelings, and your goodwill will return to you a hundredfold. Your cooperation with those who work in the Light is bringing to you the inspiration and protection of the overshadowing Angels. Through your reciprocity with all the souls who support your efforts to grow you are realizing a mighty sustaining strength. You are affiliated with people and angels who are working for the welfare of humanity, and as you cooperate you enter into and partake of all the blessings and benefits of this heaven-inspired organization. You are a part of a mighty Organized Spirit whose purpose is the healing of the nations. You are helping to fulfill the Will of the Creator. Meditate upon these affirmations that your mind may be filled with a living faith. I feel the energy of the Almighty restoring my heart to health and peace. I rest now, and quietly contemplate the truth that I live in the midst of an ocean of life. The life which I feel in my body is not separate from the life of the Creator. These heart pulsations are the activity of the will of the Ever-Present. I recognize that the Creator's healing life now lives in and heals my heart.
I feel the energy of the Almighty restoring my heart to health and peace.
AFFIRMATIVE PRAYER: GOOD THOUGHTS — GOOD LIFE (1989) Throughout Eloist teachings you will find a great emphasis placed on positive thinking and positive affirmative prayer. Realize that the disciplined and persistent use of affirmations as we suggest, when used alone, can never transform or redeem you spiritually, any more than a savior can. Affirmative prayer or positive concentration can never replace purity and good works. Yet, allowing this truth, realize that by the persistent use of positive affirmations we are continually refocusing our purpose and our minds are continually freed from the chaos that our all too negative world mercilessly and endlessly rains upon us. Our minds are continually cleansed of the misguided and base concepts that come constantly from mammon, where never a moment's thought is given to the Creator and His Angelic Emissaries. By constantly replanting in our minds (through the power of uplifting and Light-generating affirmations) all that we want to feel, all that we want to express and emulate, all that we want to radiate, we will find ourselves ever so gradually transformed until we begin, in truth, to live by those principles we hold so dear, and which are so foreign to the mass of humanity. In short, our actions will begin to reflect the Light that must first be established in the foundation of thought. Do not delude yourself. The discipline of affirmative prayer is not easy; it is hard work, very hard. Changing our thought patterns, our very thought processes, until they become constitutionally rooted in the Light and radiant with Power takes time, years. It is a painfully gradual process. But to the degree darkness and negativity is shed, Light and Eternal Power take its place. As that occurs, behold, you will find your life changed as well, into one that reflects Jehovih's power and compassion just as it is expressed in the goodwill and loving service of the realms in which the Angels dwell.
SHARE THE HOPE OF THE ANGELS (1989) Blessings. The trail leads here. You can picture us and how we set up conditions so that you will take advantage of the power and the peace that reside here. We do want you to grow. The essence of our dreams is to have you accompany us on our journeys with perfect understanding and perfect willingness to know the touch of the Creator in all places. Do not rest until you too feel our hope that you are an angel-in-waiting and capable of great feats, of surpassing learning and individual achievement. You can be helpers from the minute you awake.
ATTUNE YOURSELF WITH JEHOVIH (1989) Each time you apply yourselves to bringing your minds and spirits into conscious attunement with Jehovih and His Angels, you bring yourselves one step closer to becoming a vehicle through which Jehovih's will can be made manifest on your plane of being. By striking that All-Harmonizing keynote provided by the Ever-Present, you will become linked with myriads of Angels who have risen from the earth (or other stars if they are ethereans), and in so doing expand your power for doing good and expanding your potential for more comprehensive understanding of the truths necessary to advancement in this New Age. Often we have come to you to impress you with thoughts that would guide you onward. We have used every means available to convey our inspiration to you, and as you know, we are working to bring other more potent avenues through to you in the days ahead. The more you are able to exercise your talents in conjunction with us, the more we will be able to develop those qualities that will open new doors of expression to us. Be patient and persist. Keep your attunement with us through the great Keynote of the Ever-Present.
ATTUNEMENT (1989) Attunement: It is a quieting of the mind and silencing of the world, and then flowing on with all life. It is being alone with one's self and feeling good about it. You will sense it during meditation or during a quiet walk in the woods. It will show within you when your life is active, when you are aware of life's fullness. It will show when you see your ideas, goals, and plans unfolding before you. Or when something unexpected happens in a most profound or positive way. It is a process and a state of being that manifests in your life. Attunement, like faith, trust, dedication, love and awareness, all increase with your development and your sense of oneness with the Creator. Talk to the Creator with love and respect for yourself. Your attunement will be a foundation from which your soul will build every day of your life. All is one.
SWEET VOICE OF LOVE (1989) The light shines bright to all the world every day. Feel its power. Whispering in the light is the sweet voice of love that embraces the soul and sets it on fire. For many souls only tiny embers seem to burn. Yet the tiniest of fires can't be extinguished for they are the seeds of the Creator's presence. From these sparks great fires shall burn: fires of understanding, strength, purpose, love and service. Mighty flames shall pierce the air in dynamic actions for the good of all. The flames will burn away all fears, distrust and disease. The mighty flames of love and attunement shall warm and light up the world. Be full of purpose and feel the fire within. How does it burn for you? Nurture it. Be calm in its bright glow, soothed by its warm presence, and moved by its abundant energy.
YOU ARE A SMALL UNIVERSE (1989) Let your light shine and glorify your Creator. You are a small solar system and every cell of your body is a small planet revolving around in space. All is held in place by the Creator's Presence. To keep things in perfect order, you must let love, light and peace pervade your being, or you will disturb the whole cosmic world you represent. Everyone is a small universe within himself, held together by the Creator's will and power. When the time comes for the corporeal part to disintegrate, the Creator carries the spiritual body into a new dimension, according to its spiritual development and degree of higher or lower qualities expressed while on earth. Healing power lies within your soul, and can be brought forth to heal and rejuvenate your body. Give it your faith so that the channels can be open to give free flow to this divine power through every cell of your body. Don't block the way with negative thoughts and feelings.
YOUR LIFE TOUCHES THOUSANDS (1989) We are aware of your prayers. You are asking that you may be used to give light and love to the world. This is the spirit of the times. You are tuning in with the wavelength of the celestial hosts of the Almighty. The purpose of the Creator inspires your soul. You are being used. Each of you represents an area of thought and feeling that touches the lives of thousands of spirits and mortals. Your efforts to be attuned with Jehovih create a wave of power that infiltrates the area of your influence and brings a charge of heavenly power to the souls therein. Souls are responding. Souls are inspired with thoughts of service to others, with feelings of love and compassion, and with desire to put self aside for the sake of being an instrument of the Creator. Spirits are being lifted away from these souls and from the places where they have been bound. Old religious doctrines are being questioned as never before. Many are rejecting conventional church teachings. All this is but a stirring in the soul at present. Only a little outer evidence is manifesting, but Jehovih's light is becoming more and more powerful all over the world. Groups of Faithists are increasing in number, and we are with them, guiding, protecting and strengthening. Remember that you are part of the whole network of Faithist activity. Everything is coordinated. We all are together. Good progress is
being made in carrying out the plan for world awakening and world change. "Peace" is a keyword which helps to unite souls for the purpose of world regeneration.
FEEL THE POWER (1989) There is nothing to fear. You are protected; just feel the power of your oneness with the Creator. Touch your soul being with love and affection. Let this inner sense of well-being permeate your entire being. Look around, there's beauty everywhere. You are blessed. You have love and compassion. Let us use this energy for the good of all. Work with us, devote your time and energy to the spiritual path. You will never regret the time spent. There are so many rewards and you will be sustained. This is not a life of sacrifice and denial, but a path of joy, service, harmony, giving and reaping bountifully. Even when we liberate souls from the darkest of conditions we are uplifted as well. Because we act from love, in harmony with many others, we are always bathed in a special light. We may work for days, weeks, or months through exhausting efforts; but when we work for the good of those below, in harmony with the Creator's plan, we are ever sustained. Body and soul are one; now is the time in your lives to feel the oneness and accelerate the harmonizing process so all of your senses are finely tuned.
KOSMON (1989) At the beginning of the new era of Kosmon, people are responding to the awakening power of the Creator. Souls are stirred; minds are questioning what is happening. People no longer seek spiritual aid from conventional churches. They seek communion under the open sky, feel stirred by the life around them in nature, and respond to the miracle of being, the awareness of life everywhere. They will say, "We do not need preachers and churches. We worship the wide open spaces of our earth. We feel akin to all life around us. We are children of the
Creator Who brought us forth. We are one with all living creatures everywhere. We live and move and have our being because we are one with our Mother-Father, and we live to serve the Almighty now and always."
HEAVENLY LIBRARIES (1989) Search your soul every day to discern the highest Light, realizing that it is there for the taking. Only your immaturity and lack of harmony and development limits your perception or taints the impression you receive. There are a diversity of subjects you need to understand to make the leap forward in comprehension. All the accumulated spiritual and metaphysical knowledge that is now at your disposal has been compounded over countless centuries and has become corrupted and filled with so many inaccuracies and errors that, when compiled together, can lead to much confusion and misunderstanding. We wish to give you a new synthesis of knowledge covering a wealth of information embracing both spiritual (metaphysical) and scientific (empirical) subjects which will be blended in such a way as to provide a more comprehensive understanding of your universe, one that recognizes the fact that spirit and corpor are part of one glorious whole and not separate and distinct planes of existence and experience. This is what Kosmon is all about. We want you to have a more comprehensive understanding of the reality of spirit and the illusion of reality reflected in corpor. We want you to understand the tangible control and power of thought and that it is the controlling Power of the Universe and a distinct portion of the essence of the Creator within every soul. We will cover all these subjects in detail through future volumes. It will clear away clouds of misunderstanding in the minds of all those sincere but misguided seekers who have become so lost in the confused quagmire of occult literature that they can no longer distinguish the good from the bad, the truth from the error. We will offer a clarifying light in many volumes from our heavenly libraries.
STAND TALL (1989) Mighty blessings upon you shine, filling you with life divine! Feel our vibrations around you each day. Sense our inspiration several times a day. We are here. Reach out your spiritual hands and feel our presence all around you, protecting, guiding and inspiring you. The Creator has plans for everyone and everything. Live according to His plan and you will explore all heavenly places! We watch as you grow and develop. So many times we wish to stretch our hands and avert some misfortunate or remove a roadblock, but we have to restrain ourselves and remind ourselves that you must conquer those obstacles on your own. You are on earth to learn your corporeal lessons. If we kept all harm out of your way, it would be overprotecting you. You must learn all there is to know about corporeal life. Just as zealous mothers overprotect their children, so, too, can we overprotect you if we are not careful. That is why we do not meddle in your affairs and let your life run its course. Your life is a joyous learning experience to prepare you for your journey onward and upward!
A BASIC TEXTBOOK (1989) Oahspe assists any sincere searcher of spiritual truth to unlock those basic principles that are of real importance in starting the upward path. Other revelations that have their origins in antiquity and ancient cultures from different countries can mislead the student of Kosmon and lead him onto pathways that may deter his progress, or into detours that may lead to confusion and error. Oahspe is a basic textbook of historical perspective and principles to live by that will help to keep you on the path of progress and keep you safe from gross errors that may retard progress. This is so as long as you resist the urge to read more meanings into its words than are intended to be there, and resists the urge to interpret it too literally or worse, worshipping it as some do the other "bibles" of the world, taking it as the unalterable beginning and end of all wisdom and truth. When we begin to bring other texts through, their purpose will be to expand upon those concepts already at your disposal and to provide more
detailed history and instruction where we think it will be of benefit. Some principles are easier to grasp when placed in different words and perhaps in a language better appreciated in your culture and experience.
OUR RELATION TO ADVANCED IMMORTALS (1989) When you were in the first grade at school you looked up to those elder brothers and sisters who were in higher grades. They sometimes helped you to work out your problems. You received the benefit of their larger knowledge and experience. In exactly the same way we look up to the elder brothers and sisters of humanity who have attained to the higher grades in the great spiritual University whose head teacher is the Creator. We recognize that they have had a longer experience in life than we, and that we can learn from their experience. They can teach us the principles of spiritual existence, the knowledge of which will enable us to solve our problems more successfully. We do not worship the Angels or pray to them. We worship Jehovih, the Creator of all. But we do not keep our minds closed to the reality of the great spiritual universe in which we, as spirits, now live, move and have our being. We have learned that human life goes on developing on the spiritual side of existence in the same natural way that it begins to develop in the physical world. We see nothing unnatural about the spiritual universe, nothing supernatural. It is the very natural sequence of the life which has its beginning and lowest and crudest manifestation in this physical world. We are spiritual forms while here, but we are clothed with a material counterpart through which we very imperfectly manifest our spiritual nature. In the next state of our existence we shall continue to be the same spiritual forms that we are here, but we shall also become aware that we are complete as individuals in the spiritual form and that the physical form is only a temporary necessity while we are functioning in time and space. As to our methods of meditation and affirmation, we commune and talk with our Creator in secret and He rewards us openly. He brings to us the teachers and helpers we need in the
physical world; and when we gain a fuller knowledge of His Providence, He also brings to us the teachers and helpers more advanced in the spiritual world. These can teach us the laws of spiritual existence and help us, with their greater power, to overcome conditions which, if we were unaided, would overwhelm our infantile souls. Our realization of the Creator's presence is a subjective experience which we cultivate by the practice of meditation or communion. This practice of communion deepens our consciousness and makes us aware of the intuitive powers of our souls. We take with us words and turn unto the Ever-Present. The use of creative affirmations gives us control over our thoughts, so that we can keep thinking deeper and deeper into the depth of our inner consciousness. Then we deal with the objective side of the mind by making and singing our affirmations of faith and love. Using the spiritual power which we have felt within our souls in deep communion with the Creator, we exercise it to change the constitution of our conscious mind. We thus attune our outer mind to the same feelings which we have had in our inner communion. In this way we master the destructive and discordant qualities of the outer mind. This method of making affirmations also strengthens the vibrant quality of the personality. In the act of affirming, the mind generates feelings which become dominant spiritual forces within its nature. As one's life is only as great as one's ability to feel love for humanity, any method of intensifying feelings will enlarge the sphere of one's spiritual consciousness. Affirmations strengthen and build up the qualities of the soul. They help to eradicate those destructive and weakening qualities of mind which are the spiritual causes of disease and even death. They are the great means of protecting oneself from the fears and worries which cause mental and physical breakdowns. They are a most effective means of self-mastery. Another value of making affirmations is in an increase of radiant personal influence. As a person is a magnet for all the good and ill that comes into his life, and as he attracts good or ill according to the inherent qualities of his mind, it is essential that he learn how to eradicate the qualities that bring destructive conditions into his life, and how to build up the qualities which attract good and constructive conditions.
The tone or spiritual radiance of a personality can be increased by the constant use of the affirmations of faith and love. His influence for good can be increased, and his ability to assist friends and all good experiences can be developed by this means. He can also tune in with the benevolent Immortals who are exalted souls organizing the Providence of Divine Love, and he can keep attuned to their exalted States of mind from which they vibrate their love and power to all the world.
A BASIC TEXTBOOK (1989) Oahspe assists any sincere searcher of spiritual truth to unlock those basic principles that are of real importance in starting the upward path. Other revelations that have their origins in antiquity and ancient cultures from different countries can mislead the student of Kosmon and lead him onto pathways that may deter his progress, or into detours that may lead to confusion and error. Oahspe is a basic textbook of historical perspective and principles to live by that will help to keep you on the path of progress and keep you safe from gross errors that may retard progress. This is so as long as you resist the urge to read more meanings into its words than are intended to be there, and resists the urge to interpret it too literally or worse, worshipping it as some do the other "bibles" of the world, taking it as the unalterable beginning and end of all wisdom and truth. When we begin to bring other texts through, their purpose will be to expand upon those concepts already at your disposal and to provide more detailed history and instruction where we think it will be of benefit. Some principles are easier to grasp when placed in different words and perhaps in a language better appreciated in your culture and experience.
WE ARE ALL ONE (1989) Good morning to souls in the world, everywhere. We hold you all in Jehovih's loving hands. May you all be protected from harm. May many new souls awaken today to the inspiration and will of the Creator! May they feel a closeness with Him and all their fellow beings on earth and in the spiritual realms! May they go forward from this day into the service of Light and Love for Jehovih! Peace and harmony prevail, and stir the souls of all mankind. Jehovih's power rules the universe this day and every day. Nothing can stand in the way of His plan to uplift souls bound in darkness. His army of light strengthens their force and moves on toward the earth, backing enlightened souls of goodwill. The opposition becomes as jellyfish, and is undermined and weakened under the oncoming forces of light. Know that Jehovih is in command always. You are on to be. The Creator is creating through them because that is what they want to express. Everything that is expressed by mortals and spirits is part of the Creator's plan for the growth and resurrection of all. In a sense, it is true that you create your own destiny. But it is nearer to the truth to say that you choose your own destiny. Ail the creating is done by the One Supreme Being. Is He not the source of all creation? Even the most exalted beings of celestial spheres look to him for inspiration.
SWEET VOICE OF LOVE (1989) The light shines bright to all the world every day. Feel its power. Whispering in the light is the sweet voice of love that embraces the soul and sets it on fire. For many souls only tiny embers seem to burn. Yet the tiniest of fires can't be extinguished for they are the seeds of the Creator's presence. From these sparks great fires shall burn: fires of understanding, strength, purpose, love and service. Mighty flames shall pierce the air in dynamic actions for the good of all. The flames will burn away all fears, distrust and disease. The mighty flames of love and attunement shall warm and light up the world. Be full of purpose and feel the fire within. How does it burn for you? Nurture it. Be calm in its bright glow, soothed by its warm presence, and moved by its abundant energy.
YOU ARE A SMALL UNIVERSE (1989) Let your light shine and glorify your Creator. You are a small solar system and every cell of your body is a small planet revolving around in space. All is held in place by the Creator's Presence. To keep things in perfect order, you must let love, light and peace pervade your being, or you will disturb the whole cosmic world you represent. Everyone is a small universe within himself, held together by the Creator's will and power. When the time comes for the corporeal part to disintegrate, the Creator carries the spiritual body into a new dimension, according to its spiritual development and degree of higher or lower qualities expressed while on earth. Healing power lies within your soul, and can be brought forth to heal and rejuvenate your body. Give it your faith so that the channels can be open to give free flow to this divine power through every cell of your body. Don't block the way with negative thoughts and feelings.
SWEET VOICE OF LOVE (1989) The light shines bright to all the world every day. Feel its power. Whispering in the light is the sweet voice of love that embraces the soul and sets it on fire. For many souls only tiny embers seem to burn. Yet the tiniest of fires can't be extinguished for they are the seeds of the Creator's presence. From these sparks great fires shall burn: fires of understanding, strength, purpose, love and service. Mighty flames shall pierce the air in dynamic actions for the good of all. The flames will burn away all fears, distrust and disease. The mighty flames of love and attunement shall warm and light up the world. Be full of purpose and feel the fire within. How does it burn for you? Nurture it. Be calm in its bright glow, soothed by its warm presence, and moved by its abundant energy.
DEATH IS A BRIDGE TO LIFE (1989) Death is a bridge across which all must pass to enter life. Death is a cloak that is tossed aside to reveal the raiment of the new. Death is a gateway to the stars, and suns, and to the hosts whose praises rise in triumph and humility to the Most High, who has given light and darkness, both of which are beautiful. Death is a torch illuminating the night. Death is a glory as truly as life for all who recognize that it is a beginning to which there is no end. You cannot judge death by what it leaves behind, for it transcends itself. Death is a bridge, a gate, a cloak, a shell, a husk, a way through which the fearless find new hope that nothing can dispel. Do not try to unsnarl the riddle of my words, nor seek answers beyond the depth of their meaning. Simply accept this step, which leads to a new unfoldment for you all. Each shall be guided. Each shall find the way out of the night into eternal day. You who are here shall build more quickly now, aware of forces that you cannot touch, aware of beauty that you cannot see, aware of music that evades the ear, aware of wonder that delights the soul. Death is a word; life is a love. Death is a bridge; life is a journey. Death is a dream; life is an awakening. Death is a dusk; life is a dawn. The cocoon is gone, but the butterfly shall emerge as lovely as your love, as vivid as your light, as gentle as your thoughts, as kindly as your words, and as graceful and enduring as your indomitable strength.