Radiance (1993) The Eloists
Within Radiance flows the spirit of the Eloists. It is an expression of Light, and speaks with the Voice of the Living Spirit as It has come to be known through the Eloist family. 'Eloist' means a 'doer of the Creator's will.' The objective of Radiance is not so much to educate as it is to strike a keynote or set a tone that will help the reader to become attuned to 'the realm of thought in which angels dwell,' and in that harmony to learn how to rise in spirit to embrace a higher purpose.
Just what are we doing, O Creator, or trying to do? With Thy help, we will answer the question ourselves. We are trying to be better human beings in actual practice, praising others where formerly we would criticize, and generating thoughts of upliftment rather than discouragement, seeing the good in everything, ignoring the wrongs done — trying to do right, and practicing peace and goodwill toward everyone; yet not with self motives, for self-satisfaction, but for Thy sake, O Creator, and the good of the world. We are working, in affiliation, to create an atmosphere in which Thy angels can operate for the purification of our natures, that greater channels may be opened through us for light to come to the world. We are proclaiming and affirming, and sustaining an awareness of, Thy Presence; putting aside self as much as possible, that we may become instruments of Thy wisdom and love for all in our world. We are trying to bring forth the higher self, the soul, to rule over the lower self, and the psychic world around us. We are trying to glorify Thee, our Creator, in all we do.
The Creator can help you most when you are making the greatest effort to help yourself.
When you pump vigorously, you raise more water from the well than when you pump weakly. When you pray positively and creatively, you call forth more of the creative power of the Ever-Present from within your soul than when you weakly beg.
You have a radio in your home. You know it will be unnecessary for you to write or telephone to the broadcasting station asking them to give you their service. You know that you have only to attune your radio to their wave-length in order to receive the music or lectures which they are broadcasting.
Yet many persons write letters to or telephone their Creator, the broadcasting station of heaven, as it were, asking for angelic wisdom and power instead of attuning their souls to the wavelength of love which will permit them to receive the service of inspiration so freely and constantly given.
Praying to the Creator to give you power is superfluous because you already are receiving power from within your soul and from all advanced souls in the spiritual realms. Affirmative prayer creates power from within.
You have only to make the effort to express the love and power which are now within your soul, and which may be broadcast to you by the blessings from other souls. Thereby you will express more and more of the power that is forever given so freely to you.
Affirm and create the qualities and powers of your spirit, and you will become attuned by your thoughts and feelings to the state of mind that will draw to you.
Become a co-creator with the Ever-Present, and from within your own soul the creative power will express to transform your character into a powerful son or daughter of the Eternal. BE A CREATOR!
We see the darkness in pockets of deep intensity around the world. We also see areas of gray in varying intensities. These are places of unrest or war, where fear and uncertainly dwell.
These areas are being liberated
slowly and progressively by the angels of light. We see the light that surrounds these places and how it penetrates and breaks up the darkness.
Gradually, souls are being released.
This vision is one of
atmospheria, where the forces of change are operating on a major scale. From the beginning of time on this planet, the ebb and flow of light and darkness have been present. The history of mankind all too thoroughly emphasizes the course of wars and the battles for power, territory and human lives.
This history is often inaccurate and insufficient in
describing how life really unfolds. Not until the publication of Oahspe, was the true history of humankind and life revealed.
Oahspe heralds a new understanding of the world and opens up a new chapter by describing the soul’s progression through time eternal.
lessons of Oahspe go beyond history. Within its pages, the tools and knowledge of soul development are presented. We learn that we are expressions of the Creator’s Will, Wisdom, and Love. When studying Oahspe, an interesting phenomenon becomes apparent: something new
is always revealed with each reading.
Beyond the reading, we have an
ever greater opportunity to live and act upon the principles we’ve learned. Oahspe also opens the door to the awareness that there are souls, not of this world, who have traveled from afar to watch and help the earth to grow.
Many of these souls lead the efforts to lift away the darkness from
our planet.
We learn from Oahspe to look beyond the text and to live a life of awareness.
The spiritual world is close and accessible to all. When we
are in a safe environment and our intent is clear, the lines of communication with the spirit world are open. The community of souls of light, of which you are a part, is the force of change that will lift the darkness.
LOVE (1993)
All souls respond to love.
Find that tranquil center within you and
transmit your love to all souls everywhere. There is so much you can do if you use your imagination. quantifiable.
Love is not a static thing, nor is it
Yet it is worth more than anything else in the world.
People have died to preserve it or to acquire it.
Love has no shape, no
smell, no taste, no sound, yet it is desired by all. love, or at least some hope for love. a limiting thing.
Few can live without
Love takes many forms and it is not
Love can be expanded to cover a whole universe or
focused on one person.
It can be directed to all souls everywhere or to
one particular soul in need.
Love is priceless. Love is a human being's
highest achievement, transcending selfishness and egoism.
Love is the
Creator's greatest legacy to all souls everywhere. Every soul is born with an innate sense to love and an innate desire to be loved. When this need is fulfilled, the inner soul is happy and at peace.
If not, it is in
turmoil, in an uproar, filled with longing for something but does not know what.
Love is the ultimate gift from one soul to another, to offer
sustenance and spiritual nourishment. your heart and soul!
Love someone today with all
Spread the good cheer!
More than ever before our "family in the Light," both on your plane and ours, must make every effort to develop a harmonious and mutually supportive association that is well centered in the Light, the Ever-Present Jehovih. If we are ever to succeed in the work that is at hand, we must learn to live by the Infinite Wisdom of the I AM within, through every moment of every day. We must express ourselves both in our words and in our actions in a way that speaks to the world as an example of Truth, the one Truth, that rules humanity's Soul-being.
More and more as the years roll on, you will become more visible to the public at large, both Faithist and non-Faithist alike, and you must live fully in the Light so that you are not only an inspiration to others who are searching for the higher way, but also so that you can give no one outside our wider community who does not share our enthusiasm for this work any reason to criticize, accuse or complain.
Absolute integrity in everything you do and say must be your singular objective. In this way only can you make the next leap in spirit that will take you to the next level in the work for Jehovih's Greater Purpose.
We stand ready to help, and as you become more organically centered in the Light, our hearts and minds, our plane with yours, will blend until there is no substantial barrier between us. Then will our realm become as an open book to you, and our labors together will be totally in concert with the organic realms above. Then will you be more fully our helpmates as part of our greater purpose of the new age. Watch over every thought, word and deed; weed out every shred of darkness, wash out every grain of inconsistency. Let your whole being become focused in All Light. Speak in All Light. Think in All Light. Live in the Light; now and always.
Just what are we doing, O Creator, or trying to do? With Thy help, we will answer the question ourselves. We are trying to be better human beings in actual practice, praising others where formerly we would criticize, and generating thoughts of upliftment rather than discouragement; seeing the good in everything, ignoring the wrongs done us; trying to do right, and practice peace and goodwill toward everyone; yet not with self-motives, for self-satisfaction, but for Thy sake, O Creator, and the good of the whole world. We are working, in affiliation, to create an atmosphere in
which Thy angels can operate for the purifying of our natures, that greater channels may be opened through us for light to come to the world. We are proclaiming and affirming, and sustaining an awareness of, Thy Presence; putting aside self as much as possible, that we may become instruments of Thy wisdom and love for all in our world. We are trying to bring forth the higher self, the soul, to rule over the lower self, the psychic world. We are trying to glorify Thee, our Creator, in all we do.
The Light of the Great Spirit radiates from the innermost recesses of your being. The All Potent Presence resides dimension within dimension, an infinite distance within. That All-Knowing Presence resides as infinitely deep within your being as that self-same Presence resides infinitely far beyond the created universe. Both dimension and time are mortal terms which have no real meaning or relevance to the All Mind of your Maker. This may be one reason why it takes so much conscious effort at your current stage of development to hear and see your Creator. Though that Loving Presence permeates your being, as all of creation is permeated, all one and inseparable, yet you tend to overlook this profound Truth.
Your mortal consciousness has been placed by the nature of your corporeal being within a dimension that for the moment gives the illusion of distance and separateness, but this conception has no reality outside of your own mind.
Look within to follow that Line of Light, that Beam of Consciousness back to its Source. Journey within your own consciousness back through the depths of your being to cross infinite galaxies through eons of time. There you will find your Creator, and though the journey may be far and the distance crossed very deep, yet the dimensions involved are not even as a hair's breadth away. They are contiguous and congruent. This is the paradox of the mortal mind in search of its Source. This is the burden of the spiritual birth that journeys to the god-head where we ail meet as co-creators, providing the hands, minds and hearts to build a universe without as it is expressed from the Universe Within, from its Infinite Source, the I AM.
Love is all around. Catch the power of it in your hearts and toss it back to the world. The world is searching for peace and love which go hand in hand. The world is searching for a new identity, mostly on an unconscious level. Like a thirst or hunger, there is a need that is not being satisfied. This is a desire for peace and love. The knowledge of what is needed is buried deep inside which makes it difficult to understand. People know there is a need, but they have not realized that it has always been within them. Too easily are material objects used to fill the void, but this is fleeting and has never been really satisfying. So, strife and conflict, confusion and unrest manifest all around this planet. The blanket of materiality and negative thinking still grips the world. The spirit is forgotten. The inner being is tucked away. But now is the time of Kosmon and the light is breaking up the darkness. Through the chaos will come a clear understanding of the Truth within each person: the truth of the I AM, of life eternal, of the ever-presence of love and the plan for peace to embrace all life. All life will resonate in harmony. It is happening now; the last stand of negative ways is breaking up. Share your sense of peace and love with all your world. The tide of light is upon us.
When we speak of people's shortcomings, O Creator, and their failures, we are speaking of our own, including ourselves as part of the darkness of humanity. Is it not a good thing to search out our own imperfections, and bring them before Thee in prayer, alone or with others, with the desire that we be purified? If we are to correct our ways, we must know what it is that needs correcting. It is not enough to just apply ourselves to doing good, and to be blind to the things which stand in the way of greater light and greater good. If I feel inhibited in any way, and not able to bring forth the light I want to express, I must uncover the cause, and cast it out. It will not be done by Angels, or, their help will not be given, unless I make some effort myself. Until or unless we are willing to do this, we must be forever compromising with the darkness, and not developing our full potentialities. If we practice self-analysis, we do so, not to build up self-esteem, but to uncover our weaknesses, and cast them out that we may better serve Thee, our Creator. To Thee, we give all glory and all praise. We rejoice in our lives because of our divine potentialities.
Little did we know how much we would enjoy going to the old places where we first became attuned to the Light of the Ever-Present. It was as if we could see a little gold kernel that sparkled to mark the spot. We were amazed that so many others had frequented the same area but did not feel the draw of the Light as we had. Was there a message which only we could read in our souls? Or was it that those other people would eventually find their own special spot where the Ever-Present could talk to them?
Nonetheless, there are sacred places which speak to many, and these must be recognized for their value. Not so much that they are untouchable or out of bounds to visitors, but that they are honored as open temples, so to speak, where the voice of the Ever-Present rings clear.
There are such places all over the planet. We just visited one yesterday and it was a treat to see that, little by little, people were starting to pay attention to it in their consciousness. We don't advise going to a place and setting up an altar or edifice, but simply tuning in to the wonderful, vibrant energy which emanates from the Essence of those surroundings.
You too will feel moved and will want to return to learn more.
Dear Eloist Friends,
Do your level best to live in the Light from moment to moment. Gather your thoughts into the Silence often throughout the day and renew your bond with the Ever-Present within, so that you may act and express from, the Truth of your soul being rather than merely reacting through your lower propensities.
We have a finer and more tender calling for you and your associates on your plane of being; one that draws you Into a greater kinship with our dedicated workers on this plane of spirit where all are consecrated in harmonious service to the I AM. To maintain this vital link we require a more refined state of mind, a more gathered mind, a more centered attitude.
Give recognition to only that which is positive and uplifting. If you refuse to
see or hear anything that emanates from the tetracts of the world's people, it can have no power or reality in your lives and it can have no influence to pull you down to the same level.
Speak truth only, hold tenaciously to honesty and integrity in all you do and say. Express only love and not criticism. See only the good in others and give no power to the weaknesses of mortal nature or the evils that accompany lack of development. We want you to live, here and now while yet in mortality, in a way that will suit you to attune yourselves to our presence, so we may work together to advance Jehovih's purpose in this, new age. Though it, may seem at times that you do little, yet from our point of view you do much more than you realize, for there are so few who are willing to take the difficult step to live for the Spirit and not for the flesh.
It doesn't require you to live in a closet or to be unproductive and weak as some detractors are led to believe. Surely we want you to be fully as active, productive, and constructive as any soul on earth. But in the process we want you to find the way that allows you to live in the Light until the Voice of the Eternal is as real and as immediate to your daily experience as it is to us in the heavens above. It is as fully within your grasp as it is to us; it just requires a bit more diligence and determination to overcome the corporeal cloud that darkens your perception. It can be
attained, however, and as you persist in your conquest over self, you will find the Voice guiding your life more clearly and unmistakably. In the process you will find greater peace, greater understanding, greater joy and greater gratification in service than you have ever felt before.
Father of all the living, we look to Thee and like children ask:
What is a tear? What is a raindrop?
Why does the wind blow and
bluster, bowing all things before it without ever showing its face?
quality of life is encased in a seed that takes root in the embrace of the soil and flowers when the sun's kiss anoints it?
What tenderness lies
within the infant soul?
What compassion? What godlike gentleness?
What sweet serenity?
Why, in a world rich with the wonder and beauty
being, do men war?
Why does hate lift its ugly head and snarl?
How can the beneficent forces of good prevail?
Why within each of Thy
children is there both good and bad, great and small, nobility and servility?
How can the godlike attributes tower over the lesser ways?
And the Great Spirit spoke:
What art Thou saying, Jehovih? What are
we to think about? What kind of attitude is right for us? What shall we emphasize? Healing? Thy beautiful love and healing power are present in our bodies. Thy intelligence in our bodies is functioning beautifully to perfect every cell and every organ. Thou art healing our bodies in order that they may function well in service to Thee. We give our bodies to Thee. They were created by Thee, and have always been sustained by Thee. They exist not just for our pleasure and use, but for a divine purpose. Experience is the keyword. Our bodies give us experience in corpor as part of Thy plan for the development of the gods and goddesses we are destined to become. All the people who are suffering death by violence are Thy future gods and goddesses. Even those who practice violence are Thy future gods and goddesses because they are immortal souls. They cannot escape their divine destiny. We can begin now to practice acting like gods and goddesses. How fortunate we are to have been given this knowledge.
There is no magic wand that is waved; nor any
single word that will banish the shadows; nor any single act that will prevail against darkness, but there is an urge within the depths of each soul that will in time turn man's face toward the sun and he shall feel its warmth and every cell of his being shall sing psalms of thanksgiving and in his gladness he shall reach out to help those who are still climbing the tortuous path to the summit and as each soul steps upward a new note of reverence shall ring forth until all the earth is encompassed in song and
men and angels shall sing in unison and the tones of their triumph shall break the bonds that have chained men through the long hours of the night and the reign of Benevolence shall gently link the children who have been fathered by Light and mothered by Love, even while they slept.
We like your harmonious vibrations tonight. We always welcome any positive energy on your plane. It is so rare that we do not expect it most of the time. When you are positive, you are open to our suggestions and information. Your energy is available to us for use in helping your world. Your communication channels are all open and are working at peak performance. You are aglow with love and power and wisdom. Cultivate such positive vibrations all day long and you will be serene and content. We have felt that you all can reach this state continuously if you but try harder. Your potentials are terrific. You haven't tapped even 1/10 of that potential on your earth plane, not to mention your ultimate potential on the spiritual plane. Develop the gift within all of you. Sing with abandonment. Love without reserve. Laugh with your whole heart and soul. Increase your capacities in every way. All the doors are open. Walk through and
find out about other worlds to learn and to master, so that you will become a better soul.
Each person is given a different gift by the Creator, be it song or dance, or beauty or cleverness, or humility or being a good cook. You have been given a gift. Find out what it is and use it to the fullest. Use your God-given talents to glorify the All One.
The lines of light can help you now as they always have. Just be calm and you will feel them pulsating through the air, entering the shadowy crevices and wisking them clean. They are broad and they are delicate, too, able to move swiftly or slowly, with momentum or with an angel's breath. They pulsate through you as well, depending on your frame of mind for vigor. You can stop or welcome them. The direction they take can be augmented by your thoughts in tune with the Ever Present. Hear us when we say that they are there as a means for you to reach your elder brothers and sisters and learn of our lives in spirit. The Creator wants you to be looking ahead, knowing that this earthly life has a purpose. Open
your heart to this gift from spirit and join with us in peaceful cooperation.
We thank Thee, O Creator, that we have arisen with good health and strength for another day's work. Should we ask for more? Thou hast protected, sustained and inspired us for our life-time; and for the greater part we have served self, as most people do; because of ignorance of Thy Presence, and inability to rise above the world's darkness. Even now, with our awakening and training, we fail to keep ourselves attuned as we should. But, we give Thee our faith and devotion, and we keep trying, and each day brings us experiences for growth. Thank Thee for our experiences, for the incentive they give us, and for the lessons we learn. We do not look for or expect only happy experiences; but try to accept gladly the trials and misfortunes too; for these are the means of greatest progress. At this stage, our lives are a process of gaining, losing, and regaining awareness; a cyclic rise and fall, so to speak. Our aim is to sustain awareness and attunement all day long, every day. We want to grow in the expression of happiness from the soul, which gives Thy love to all, and which wants only to be Thy instrument and serve the all-highest
good for the benefit of all humanity.
ACT NOW (1993)
Until you see light shining out of every pore, the discipline continues. Wait not to discover what you need to do; do it today! You can beautify the outside of your being but it will not truly glow until your inner life is flowing smoothly. Regular meditation and bountiful affirmations for your own soul's growth are necessary to get things off the ground. Good works will follow.
The effectiveness of your work in the world depends, in the long run, on how harmonious you are spiritually. Deep vibrational emanations from your soul will be able to touch the Creative Source in another person. Your light becomes much more than skin deep. Your thought forms take on a new shape and you are able to influence the greater atmosphere around you. The Creator will express visibly through your eyes and hands. You will seek energy to do more, and a phalanx of angels will be at your side. Why wait, indeed. The drama is about to begin.
Oh, how we wish we were all together in one big stadium, doing beautiful acrobatics and spiritual symmetry through waves of music. It is not too late for these kinds of gymnastics. Although your bodies feel tired and out of shape, your soul capacity is just beginning to take shape. It will grow, given time and the right commitment to spiritual courage.
In our realm we also have mentors who inspire us to get beyond our present framework and do the necessary activities to touch our dreams. Our visions play ~important part in being able to move forward. We appreciate those who believe in us enough to keep urging us onward. We also believe in you and what you can do. Consult your inner voice and see what it is that you can do next.
You are blessed with visibility of the future. You can see events happening that will change your lives and bring happiness if you follow
the highest light. We, too, sense even bigger events that will affect your dynamics and the way you spend your time. But these are "small potatoes" compared to the groundswells that will arch into breakers of monumental size to spill over the planet. They are forming now and will rock the boat in many places before they finally wash away the tired and old ways of the past.
You are blessed with a sense of purpose that will take you into new realms of thought to understand the future. Infinitely greater waves of spiritual knowledge will be available, and useable, in the new world being carved. You will be among the first to apply some of these principles and will guide others toward a spiritual understanding of their place in the world. This is as it should You are blessed with a sense of purpose that will take you into new realms of thought to understand the future. Infinitely greater waves of spiritual knowledge will be available, and useable, in the new world being carved. You will be among the first to apply some of these principles and will guide others toward a spiritual understanding of their place in the world. This is as it should
It is conceivable that we can learn to hold our thoughts ever upon Thy Presence and Power, O Jehovih, under all circumstances. In fact, it seems that this is a goal to which we must soon or late attain. Some of us are of such a nature that we are dissatisfied with this world and its people, and with ourselves, most of the time; and in order not to be mean and grouchy, and a problem to others, we are driven to find and express the All-Highest Light. Our problems and difficulties are little ones. They are like pin pricks which keep us searching and striving. We are thankful that our troubles are not of major proportions. Thy angels are protecting and guiding us, helping us all they can without doing for us what we should do for ourselves. Praise to Thee, O Almighty. We are making ourselves Thy servants; and this is the greatest good that can happen to human souls. With our understanding, we should be happiest people in the world; no matter what kind of troubles beset us. We have faith in Thee. Everything works for the fulfillment of Thy Purpose, which is the liberation of souls from the causes of war, crime and disease, and all the pains and frustrations afflicting humanity.
I have faith that Thou art moving upon me and within me in a powerful way, O Creator; and that whatever I do or wherever I go Thou art with me, in control, and manifesting Thy will, wisdom and love. It is my job to see that my motives are selfless and that I sustain awareness in thought and feeling. My first thought in the morning, and last thought at night, is of Thee. My thoughts during the day are dominated by the consciousness of Thy supreme authority and power. I would be obedient and respectful, and full of faith and love, as the little child for its mother and father. I would be a listener for Thy words of inspiration. Many voices impress their thoughts upon our conscious minds, but Thy Voice always carries upliftment. It speaks of love for all and the best good for all, and urges us to give service with joy and thanks and praise in our hearts. Thou art the being of our being, the All-Person to whom we give ourselves in complete devotion forever. Sometimes we feel only darkness and opposition; but still Thou art in control, Thou art dealing with it, Thy will is being done. This organism, this entity, is Thy instrument of outgoing love, faith and joy of living, and nothing can defeat it.
We sit with you as you focus with the All One. The focus tonight was very centered. We need you to control your thoughts and direct them all toward the Creator. We have special contingents on hand to help with all the energy generated to liberate souls in need. We do have the vortex that you imagined rising upwards and outwards from I earth. There is a need for such a vortex from time to time to help with the knots and hells on your world. Your work in this respect is much appreciated and the high level energy your group generates is always utilized to its fullest. Think of yourself as a mini-power generator hooked up to a gigantic generator of electricity and light. The power grid is bigger than your imagination can dream of and it affects so many souls on your earth plane. As an organic group, the power you generate grows exponentially as you add a member. With the children growing old enough to generate power, you are becoming an ever more valuable source of energy.
We do believe that a period of chanting by all would enhance your ability to receive. Time spent in harmonizing all of you usually results in positive energy flowing around the room. Even if the sounds are not perfect in the beginning, they will soon harmonize with each other if all of you center your thoughts on being instruments of Light. This has to be your guiding
thought: you are in service to the All One for the good of all souls everywhere. There must be no limiting concepts, only expansive ones in your minds and hearts. We do feel that your group already has the ability to see, to hear, and to participate in some of our activities. You just have to overcome some of your own inhibitions and decide once and for all that indeed you can. All we can do is to wait patiently for you to decide. The abilities are there. The willingness is there. The faith, however, is not quite yet at the point where you can succeed. Work on your belief systems to get them in place and you are all ready for a wonderful trip through the universe
We see the need of cultivating the quality of love, O Creator, for all people, and especially for those with whom we are in daily contact. We must try to rise above the little annoyances that manifest, and above our criticisms and antipathies. We must let go of the attitudes and desires which are the causes of our being negative. We must see Thy Presence in all people, in all things that we do, or that happen to us, and keep our thoughts attuned to Thy wavelength. I must not presume to judge another, or preach to
another, or ever think that another should think or act as I think and act. I must have faith in Thy Presence in the person who troubles me. I must affirm my faith, my recognition, my praise, and all good feelings that I want to express. I will rejoice in Life for Thy sake, O Creator, and for the good I can do unto others. I rejoice because I can love, and because I am a co-creator with Thee. I will see myself as but a babe, not a know-it-all. I don't want to teach or lead others, but just be Thy humble servant, abnegating self, and practicing kindness, faith, peace, happiness and upliftment.
Be of good cheer and dwell in the Light. Be an example before the world, a living demonstration, of the contentment, love and harmony that can be attained when one refuses to be touched by the darkness and declension of the world at large.
We don't expect you to be perfection in the flesh, and we don't desire condescending self-righteousness. Quite to the contrary we want to see compassion, humility and the example of adaptability for the good of the
We know that the more you can refuse to give recognition to any darkness or vexation in your outer environment, the less it can impinge upon your character and spirit, for that which we refuse to recognize, see, or focus upon, will have no reality as far as our lives are concerned. Conversely, the more we cultivate truth, love, harmony, praise and upliftment, the more will that higher reality become a part of our lives, and it will have the power to raise us upward along with all those we are able to touch or influence for a greater good.
Let us therefore be alert and active, not wasting a minute of the lives the Ever Present has so graciously bestowed upon us. We your friends in spirit, wish we had this greater understanding when we were but babes in development, walking in wonder upon the earth. How much better prepared would we have been on arrival here!
But you have a much greater opportunity because you have been given this greater understanding here and now. What a power for good stands at your disposal awaiting your decision to grasp the greater opportunity! Wait not for the time when you draw your last breath of mortality, perhaps with regret, wishing that you had done more, realizing that you could have been more, had your efforts been just a bit more sincere and tenacious.
By doing more to cultivate your higher soul being here and now you will not only BE paving a way to a brighter future, but you will also feel the blessings of greater joy and fulfillment as you
journey along the way.
Allow the breath of the Ever Present to enter your soul. The gifts of immortal life begin with an attunement to the very basic. Not all people will appreciate lofty thoughts or philosophy, but they can understand how breath vitalizes them. Use this focus to strengthen your own sense of divine worth, and communicate with the One Who makes it possible.
We turn to Thee in thought, O Creator, directing our attention to Thee in an effort to describe, explain or comprehend our existence. we seek Light, first for ourselves; and then, losing the sense of separateness, for all who need it and whom we can help. We need to quiet the lesser self, put aside the clamorings of the earth-bound spirits around us, and give ourselves to the purpose of serving Thee. Thou art a Voice, speaking in our souls, a silent Voice, not coming with audible words, but with impressions, as though it is ourselves talking to ourselves. Thy Voice speaks with
compassion for all, with gentleness, kindliness, love, and also with faith, strength and authority. Thou speakest with such expansiveness of vision, such benevolence, such vibrancy of new life as is not of the mortal mind or consciousness. Thy Voice is both of thought and feeling, carrying a message of such great upliftment and promise for mankind that it is difficult to capture in words. We are listening, O Creator, and trying to put into practice what Thou art telling us.
Peace and love to all! The light is ever bright with those attuned to the higher planes, for those souls are living their highest light. Their thoughts and actions have purpose and come from their souls. Their inner nature reflects the light and love that is the common nature of angels and mortals who are one with the Creator. A sense of purpose and a commitment to following the path of light are inherent parts of their nature. They don't have to question this. They know what keeps them on the path. They know when they get away from it, too. The light is a beacon that helps those attuned to stay focused and to recognize when they are not attuned. It just doesn't feel right when negativity or idleness develop. It doesn't
take long to get refocused and to build up a positive atmosphere. This can be done easily when the soul is dedicated to the Light and has established a sacred space in which to live. The overshadowing that is Ever Present is ready to help. They can do wonders when the individual is attuned and is generating a force of will to set the stage and to assist the angels in their work. An attuned soul has an abundance of resources to call upon to maintain a solid foundation within the light. Establish your own strong foundation with positive thinking and a dedicated life style. You will be joined by the overshadowing hosts of light who will add their expertise and love to your lives. Together our work of world transformation will go on in very positive ways.
It is not our purpose, a Creator, to try to lift ourselves for self’s sake, into an exalted frame of mind. We want only to be reasonably calm, reasonably aware of Thy Presence and Power, and reasonably capable in our efforts. To demonstrate anything spectacular, or to stand out above the crowd, would not serve any good purpose. To serve Thee quietly, asking no recognition for self, seeking not to exalt the self, this is the ideal
way and practice. We work that people may begin to recognize Thy Presence within themselves and in all things. In establishing peace, equality, justice and freedom on earth, Thou art to be praised and glorified, and Thy Hand, to be acknowledged. Everyone is what they are and where they are because 1hou hast made and proceed them there. In Thy Sight, the high and the low are as one, equally loved, equally implanted with divine potential; never of a sameness, but strikingly individual. This is the great paradox of life, that every soul grows more and more individual as it becomes more and more one with Thee. O, Unfathomable Intelligence! Inexplicable Design!
We want to work with each of you in greater ways. A lot more can and is being done to open up your spiritual natures and enhance your skills and awareness. The key is for you to create the proper environment for a strong and successful channel of communication between us. Inspiration comes easier and more clearly when you are at peace, when your immediate environment is clean. The air should be fresh, the room orderly, uncluttered and free of all dust. We can make adjustments to some
degree, but especially if you follow your spiritual path in peaceful solitude. You need a special place in which to listen and interact. Conditions should always be carefully planned and maintained the same no matter the size of the group, one or many. Start with your environment, then move on to inner calm and reflection with a constant awareness of the spiritual focus. You must develop inwardly to project yourself into the stream of light that is our channel of connection. Within this vortex of energy, your spirit self will become more apparent and your soulful skills will enable you to communicate and participate more directly with us.
We touch each of your lives daily as we work with you to utilize your skills and awareness for the most good. Your faith and dedication to the path of light form a foundation upon which you stand physically and spiritually. We speak to all of you who follow the spiritual path alone. We want you to know that a special effort is being made on your behalf. We are always forming greater networks to communicate with you about your desires, experiences and levels of growth. You have never really been alone, but now more than ever you should feel the power and support of our angelic presence. There is a strong link between all those who hold to the principles of spiritual growth explained in Oahspe and in other publications touched by the light of the higher heavens. Be strong and cheerful, too, for you are doing your best. We applaud your efforts. We will help you to share with others. You can do much to be a beacon of
light even though for your protection there are governing or limiting factors involved. In affiliation with others comes greater opportunity for more expansive spiritual work and expression. But when physical affiliation is not possible, there remains letter writing, phone calls, and other indirect ways to maintain connections. Explore these means and you will find a valuable tool for support and for your continued spiritual growth. Always remember we, your angelic friends and co-workers, are present with you each and every day.
The lines of light can help you now as they always have. Just be calm and you will feel them pulsating through the air, entering the shadowy crevices and wisking them clean. They are broad and they are delicate, too, able to move swiftly or slowly, with momentum or with an angel's breath. They pulsate through you as well, depending on your frame of mind for vigor. You can stop or welcome them. The direction they take can be augmented by your thoughts in tune with the Ever Present. Hear us when we say that they are there as a means for you to reach your elder brothers and sisters and learn of our lives in spirit. The Creator wants you
to be looking ahead, knowing that this earthly life has a purpose. Open your heart to this gift from spirit and join with us in peaceful cooperation.
Thou art present, O Creator, under all conditions and circumstances. Thou
always in
control. Thou art always
consciousness, and overseeing all that goes on in our natures. Thy wisdom in us enables us to see both sides of every question and situation, and to judge people and conditions as to right and wrong. But in the matter of choice as to our own actions, Thou dost not rule us. In this, Thou hast left us to be controllers of our fate; but in this world or the next, though we go the long way around, we must sooner or later develop, through experience, into attuned and harmonious co-creators with Thee. Thou hast made the earth delightful to humanity; and it is not always easy for us to choose the right way when it often looks tiresome and unattractive in comparison
But the first appearances are deceiving. We have found that the earth's attractions turn out to be illusory and unreliable; and that the higher way,
which holds out little promise of reward at the start, unfolds a happiness transcendent. We are repeating old truths, known since the world began. Why, O Creator? Will we, ourselves, heed them? Will we develop understanding sympathy for all who stray in the wrong direction?
Come with us, dear friends. We journey "to the stars" where All is Truth, All is Light, All is Love.
It is not a sugar-coated world full of fleecy clouds and empty words of praise. It is a world as solid and real to the adamantine souls who inhabit it as your world is to you. There we labor long and hard, but not chained to endless drudgery, for our tasks challenge us with infinite diversity. Every endeavor is so filled with love and devotion that we are assured of fulfillment, profound pleasure, and endless delight.
Here among the etheric chasms and mountains of light there is no cruelty, no deception, no avarice, and no greed. Here the realization that we are all one family permeates our awareness as consciously and fully as does
All Light, Jehovih. That Infinite Love, that Ever Present Voice, that All Pervading Mind fills our hearts and all our days with perfect harmony. Here all the pains of our past are forgotten, all our shortcomings which hampered our progress are like distant memories. But with all our joys we are not beyond your reach. The Voice comes to us with a determined breath, carried on a fragrant breeze, and reminds us of your small planet passing through our realms. The Voice Speaks from within the Light of our Councils and reminds us of your struggles during this period of rapid growth but filled with the Blessings of All Light in this Time of Kosmon. With our help it will blossom into the best of times for your children and your children's children for generations yet to come. We will accomplish this together, you and your coworkers, joined in the Purpose with all of us, one in the All. Then, when your day arrives, we will return to our realms together as co-workers and helpmates, ready for the infinite labors that await us, filled with delightful , challenges and unknown blessings yet to be realized and embraced.
Sacred ties can be wrought with many powerful agents of planetary change. This means careful bonding of a spiritual nature to raise the awareness you have to a higher degree and much more subtle sensitivity. Great works can be done when the partnership exceeds that of normal everyday relationships. But it entails a pact, a commitment to higher light and "going for the gold". Although we are not in a race, we must honor the signs of the times and contribute to a fast-moving, energetic wave of change.
Every day will have its allotted work, every day a joy will unfold. We must allow room for this to happen, come rain or shine. It is not sufficient to say, "I am the Creator's tool". We must see to it that we do something, that we are taking action and will continue to serve actively. We use all our senses to act: body, mind and spirit. We employ all our resources and we do this in partnership. No one person can do this loving work alone.
The Winds of Change blow across your planet and stir the nations of the earth as if they were just so many fallen leaves. Those who must live through those changes are often disheartened, disturbed and confused by the turbulence they created. They attempt to hold onto some foundation, but all they succeed in grabbing are mere handfuls of swirling leaves. They know that more is occurring than they can fully comprehend and that only adds to their anxiety. The same is true of the lower heavens where consciousness and understanding are much the same as within the mortal realms, for here the difference is more of dimension than comprehension. The same forces are at work in both realms and the net result is the same. The only difference is in quantity, for the population of the lower heavens at this time stands at a hundred thousand times that of mortality. These spirits are therefore that much more under the influence of their collective consciousness, and having developed some degree of spiritual sensibility they are much more aware of the thought forms and mental forces that play upon their consciousness. Consequently when anxiety runs high on the mortal plane, it runs that much higher' in the lower realms of spirit, especially with the lowest of the low, who are, unfortunately, the ones most likely to impress their thoughts and emotions upon mortality. This is where the Angelic Emissaries of the Most High
step in. They must keep a careful watch on those realms during these turbulent times, keeping some semblance of order and harmony until the Etherean influence due to attend our realms in the near future steps in. Their vast numbers and greater spiritual power will have a far more potent influence on conditions and they will be able to deal with these forces of darkness more decisively than we are able to at present, even with the vast organizations we have at our disposal within the organic realms of earth.
For now we maintain order as best we can, clearing knots, and putting out "brush" of chaos as best we can. But even so, they do have an impact on the collective consciousness here as well as on the mortal planes below. Your best course of action is to remain positive and focused with the Ever Present as your keynote. Be unwavering in that one objective. Furthermore, keep a constant vigil to maintain a focus of light within your own home, your own family and your own spiritual fraternity. There is always more power in numbers, and your organic association on earth will always bring an organic association from the heavens into your focus to strengthen and sustain you. To the degree that you harmonize your lives and your thoughts to emulate an exalted state of mind, will the Hosts of Light minister to your needs with potency and pervasiveness. In time the winds will settle into a summer breeze full of light and warmth. The swirling leaves of autumn will be forgotten and the blessings of the
Kosmon Summer will warm your hearts and spirits for all days to come.
A downpour may come in the form of rain or a sudden burst of activity from the higher heavens. We do bustle around at times and it has the effect of producing waves on the lower planes. Not all your natural phenomena can be attributed to air pressure, seasonal influence or purging from the earth. We have a hand in it, too.
It might surprise you to learn that you create your own mini-weather systems as well. These are interior storms which hasten the changes that will accelerate your growth. They are, for the most part, unconscious in design but nonetheless can "rock the boat" as far as attitude and vulnerability are concerned. Somehow, the world doesn't look the same afterwards and you seek new avenues of expression. It can take the shape of looking for a new job, clearing out collections of old possessions, making contact with questioning groups of fellow seekers, or healing wounds with old friends. It may also take the shape of changing your diet to better accommodate lifestyle patterns or getting up early to hear the
Voice of your Creator.
These storms are critical for your development. Accept them with the assurance that you are on your way to becoming a stronger person and a more aware soul.
We are all-dependent upon Thee, O Jehovih, for life, and for all things necessary to life. Thou art the All-Provider. Yet, Thou leavest us free as to our consciousness. We can deny Thee, or otherwise shut out the awareness of Thy Presence, and spend a lifetime building up conceit in self; but Thou dost not deny us our life, individuality and self-expression. If we shut Thee out, it is our misfortune. But we gain valuable experience, and in the end we come to Thee, and give ourselves to Thee in service. As children, we were not brought up to know that Thy All-Potent Eye is upon us. We were born into a world of separate selves, and became separate selves. But we were so miserable in this kind of existence that we prayed to Thee, sought a higher way, and Thy Angels helped us. But Thou art not giving us a separate salvation. We see that we must work
with Thy Angels to help uplift all those in accomplished our all-highest mission. We are keeping ourselves open to hear Thy Voice, and to learn more and more about Thy Plan for us and for the world.
Early in our work with the Eloists we, your Angelic Hosts, needed to do a lot of lifting and cleansing with members to prepare everyone for the work we would share. We needed to reach a common ground that was compatible and sustainable for all concerned. We must adjust to a lower level of vibration as we approach the corporeal plane. At the same time, you on the corporeal plane must learn to recognize the finer levels of our plane. You must do this first to recognize our presence and then you must refine it further in order to establish a meaningful relationship with us. That is why being a vegetarian is" so important because it lightens your being. We also stress coming together in small groups because groups have strength in numbers. In a group you are true anchors and supporters for each other. In a group it is easier to establish and maintain the higher levels of vibration, concentration and consciousness which you will need to interact with the higher heavens in objective ways. Consistent,
dedicated work is appreciated and sets the tone for greater involvement with us.
Having a central location for the group is the next step. Once a place is established we literally scour and cleanse it until there are no elements of darkness or negativity left. It then becomes our mutual responsibility to maintain and develop this sacred space. We strive to perfect the vibratory level from deep in the earth to high above, both within and without. We purify the physical elements as we energize the spiritual properties.
We then begin to reach within your souls to cleanse your auras, minds and bodies. Family, work, cultural, emotional, mental and personal networks are dealt with one by one to help you be as free and unencumbered as possible. The process is very comprehensive and involves hundreds, even thousands, on this plane working on your behalf. For, you see, our worlds are very close and influences are present in both directions. Many forces act upon the soul. When we find people who have consciously discovered the light we are ready to approach them in specific ways. We cannot force any issue or change a life pattern without the consent and intent of each soul. We do get to know you very well. You might say we know you better than you know yourselves, but certainly in a nonintrusive way. We are close by ready to flood you with help at every "golden" opportunity. We come to inspire. We need to work together, for
cooperation is a key to life, as is the realization that we are one. We need to work together; otherwise, we are neglecting a vital part of our own being. We each travel onward and upward by helping those below us to rise up. Until most of the earth's peoples realize this, the world will remain a confused place. Those of you who have risen in your natures to a more selfless, harmonious state have the great opportunity to help others. We spare no effort on your behalf, as long as you freely give of yourselves to the path of light. Always together! Being separate means having walls that disconnect and interrupt the flow of energy. Build no walls and, if there are any, knock them down. Let the energy flow. That is all for now; the energy wanes. We will talk more about our work together another day. Stay focused and do your best. In the light we are one.
Every year we are getting closer to realizing the goals for which we have labored so hard. The light fills our heavenly realms with invigorating energy. We have been working to plant the seeds of inspiration in those divine souls who will be receptive to our teachings and they will be brought together as this new dan dawns upon us.
Realize that the vast changes which have occurred in recent years to move the countries of the world that much closer to peace were not a coincidence, but rather a well-calculated and concerted response to the increasing light that preceded this new dawn. To use your, own vocabulary, the end of the cold war, the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the beginning movement toward reducing the nuclear arsenals, the first steps toward mutual toleration in the Middle East, the first steps to cut back military spending, are all part of the same unseen influence that will continue. We have long predicted that the day will come when there will be no more war and that you will grow to find the armies of the world melting away like the snow in the springtime sun. This process has already commenced, and these are the first teachings. Though pessimists and skeptics may have their doubts when viewing these first uncertain steps toward peace, these are the prod dings that will gain momentum like a tumbling snowball as the years move on.
Of course there is still much too much discord around the world, and while large continents of the world move closer to peace, there remain countless "hot spots" that appear to deny this. There is still too much violence, starvation and suffering, but all will be brought into focus as the turmoil that accompanies change begins to be resolved. Some of it will respond spontaneously to the growing awareness within the masses of
inspired souls, while other parts will only respond to our strenuous labor over many years to come. But we are moving forward. Have no doubts. Kosmon is already upon us and it will blossom forth in its own time and its own way to bring about changes that will be everlasting for as long as the earth brings forth immortal souls destined to sparkle like diadems in the heavens above!
Believe in yourself. You are strengthened and protected every day by your personal guardians and mentors. If there ever was a time to feel sure of yourself, it is now. You are blessed as well, and you will feel our thoughts with you if you take the time to relax. Please accept the loving gifts of spirit that the Creator gives you and live up to your highest potential. You will create wonders of your own when you can truly say that your life reflects the goodness of your spiritual ideals.
Praise be to Thee, O Jehovih! We are thankful for the beauty and perfection of our surroundings. We make comparisons with other situations we might be in; and we see that this is heaven. We would keep before our minds how fortunate we are, how greatly blessed, materially and spiritually. We have moments of aloneness and idleness when we are apt to be bored. But we are never truly alone. Though we do not see spirits and angels, we feel that they are present. The All Seeing Eye is watching over us every moment. Are we living so that we are a help to Thy angels, and a means of uplifting the earth-bound spirits? It is every mortal's lot to be drawn to the higher Light through Thy Angels, and drawn to the lower by the undeveloped spirits. One is neither to be blamed when one does a wrong thing, nor overly praised when one does right. We are like little babes who need to experiment, and learn by trial and error. We would live our praise and thanks to Thee,
O Creator; not just speak the words, but demonstrate in our every action that we appreciate the gift of life and the' right to choose our own course. Somebody has a lot of faith in us, else we would not be where we are today, but in a hell instead. Bless them. We are determined to justify their faith.
Create an atmosphere of love. It can take many months to develop, but what an adventure! To fill each room and closet, corner and crevice with vibrations of utmost caring is an honor only we as human beings have. To take each segment of our day and fill it with conscious, loving thoughts is a gift we can give that has no parallel. It is the background of every happy family and the beginning of well-nurtured souls. It is the harmonious underpinning of the joyful worker for the Ever Present.
We have our mind, our body, our will and our strength to apply to this worthy task. Our hearts can sing along with our voices as we raise the tone and quality of our living space. We can glorify our homes through the gift of love.
There is nothing in the world establishment which teaches either children or adults how to attune themselves with the Creator, or even shows the necessity of doing so. Yet, this is the world's greatest need. If we will begin to teach little children that the inspiration, love and power of the Creator's Presence dwells within them, that they are one with Him, and co-creators with Him, we will raise up a generation of beautiful, benevolent men and women who can establish a heavenly new order on earth.
The present generation has not had the right training from infancy, nor the right environmental conditions; consequently, it is floundering. However, there are many young people who are awake enough to the spiritual need of humanity to see that great changes must take place. These are the experimenters, the searchers, the communal pioneers, those with ideals and aspirations above the ordinary. In the degree that they can put the ego-self aside, and work selflessly together for the good of all mankind, they will contribute to the Creator's plan for world change and the building of the new order of the ages.
Men and women who are dedicated to serving the Creator, the Faithists
in the One Great Spirit, will benefit themselves and humanity by gradually withdrawing from participation in established political, educational, sociological and religious activities. However sincere they may be, their efforts as part of the establishment are swallowed up by the vast composite darkness, the mass confusion, the multitude of conflicting forces which make up the body of humanity. The way to withdraw may not be clear for them, but avenues will open if the desire is persistently held.
Prayer: I know, O Creator, that Thou art the Soul of Humanity, and that when man comes awake he can perfect his body and his world. Use me to help awaken all souls, or in whatsoever way Thou wilt. I desire to serve only Thee.
Hosts of mighty angels bless your souls with peace. Hosts of mighty angels bid all discord cease. Great are your blessings, oh children of the Almighty! You are panoplied with a powerful ray of light from the heights which protects you at all times and is your connection with the High Hosts
of Jehovih. Raise your thoughts up to them to keep the connecting link strong and effective. Feel more and more love for one another. Hold no critical or complaining thoughts. The darkness you see in others is in you, or it wouldn't bother you. The truly awakened soul does not see, nor is it affected, by the faults or negativity of others. The awakened soul is compassionate and sympathetic, and rises to turn another upward towards the Light. He also leaves another free to discover his own potential, and does not force his will upon another. You are all valuable to Jehovih's work. Each has his role to play. No one but you can do your part in this mighty drama. So learn your lines. Find what you can do to improve yourself as a true son or daughter of Jehovih. Remember, your time on earth is your only opportunity to do what cannot be done in the spiritual realms. The angels need your consecration and pure desires to lift the bondage of darkness from earth. The sunrise is peeking up from the horizon. The day of freedom and the awakening of souls is here! Rejoice, smile, and be truly happy, dear ones!
We are full of light and love because we now know who we are. We are one with all creation, all life, the good and the bad. We have been bad, negative, down and depressed. We have felt the sting of unhappiness and rejection. We have felt pain, suffering and the rage of anger. We have had it all and we have had nothing. Some of us have died soft and weak and some of us have been sent by force to untimely, cruel deaths. We never had the benefit of a path of light to follow or a conscious awareness of life divine in any objective sense. We are souls of humanity trapped by our own circumstances and by the flow of our time. When we lived we knew nothing else, although we did have some dreams. We never knew that we would, one day long after death, transcend our lot in life to discover the true nature of life, to discover real love. We have journeyed far from our tragic earth lives and we now stand upon a mountain with our heads held high in a clear, crystal expanse of light and understanding. We were rescued from hell, so fierce and foul we dare not describe it, to be cleansed and cared for, babes in loving arms. We needed to learn how to be alive, to grow and develop. We have made it to a place where we know who and what we are. We are children of the Light, of a divine and loving Spirit, and that makes us whole, that makes us one. We have wonderful abilities and skills which enable us to move the elements, to
see into the future and to understand the past. We are not remarkable, yet we are powerful and more complete than we could have ever imagined. We know that life never ends and there is no one mountain top for us to路 reach. Outward, onward, inward too, ever expanding our base of knowledge and our ability to appreciate the gift of life. You are so fortunate to have a sense of the light, to feel that there are no boundaries to love, to growth, to life itself. We stand here today to give you a glimpse of our lives, which are typical of many lives, and to let you know that your efforts to change the world will help many, many souls to develop and to know a better way. Choose the path of Light and emblazon your own place on it. We support all you do with our love. We are all one in the breath and heartbeat of the Creator.
Our hope is for your circle to grow in energy, power and attunement, in such a way that you will provide a capable anchor through which we can work to provide relief for those poor souls who are yet groping in darkness, as well as provide a beacon through which we may disseminate light and truth to a troubled world.
Your purpose at this point in time is to hold the Light with us, to maintain a base of stability and harmony, to expand your spiritual knowledge, experience and sophistication, and to obtain mastery and discipline over your own minds, hearts and propensities. Be confident that all else will follow in its own time, not your time, nor even our time, but Jehovih's time. Remember that a stable, centered, harmonious Eloist base is our priority through which we work and maintain our focus of activity. We do not want you to be monks, recluses or hermits who retreat from the world. The time for such attitude or posture is not appropriate for now. Rather we want you to be alive, balanced and active, visible participants in the experiences provided through the world in which you live. Labor and play, learn and experience, travel and explore new possibilities and new vistas. Life's experiences are necessary and expected. It provides the life energy that matures and balances your spirit and provides a temporary foundation through which your spiritual talents can express. Then your psychic abilities will manifest with strength and power and allow you to be a stable beacon for the light we have to offer, much like the lighthouse that stands proudly above the rocky shoals. Be strong and independent, able to provide for your own needs without dependence on others for sustenance or support. This is the mark of a strong and stable spirit.
We have long inspired the Eloists as a teaching and healing organization,
and a guide to those who are lost and searching, a publisher of light and truth, a channel through which our emissaries could speak, inspire and work, a step-down transformer through which your angelic mentors could bring our finer energies to a constructive purpose on your plane, and finally as an example of an organic brother and sisterhood as patterned after the societies in heaven. All of this we have sought for and expected from your tiny association and this is what we want to continue. Do not dilute or divert it. Keep to that united purpose and we will remain united with you.
In our search for truth down through the years, we have never found a final answer. There is always a higher truth ahead. But such truth as we have found we are trying to practice. We fail often, but are not discouraged, for we learn from our experiences.
There are times when we, ourselves, fight or resist what we know to be true. It is too much for the surface self to take with equanimity. So it is not easy, or perhaps even wise, to try to give truth to others in words, but only
silently, through the unseen channels of the spirit, and through trying to路 exemplify it in our daily lives.
We see that people need to become one with their Creator in consciousness, so that they live and create from the awareness that the Creator is Present, is All, and is Supreme. People need to die a little every day as to self. They must aim toward a complete loss of the sense of separateness from others. They must learn to be ever out-pouring from the One Source, the Nucleus of their being, which is the Creator's Presence.
They must learn that all things and all people are the Creator's, and that it is in their own best interest to own nothing for self alone, to cling to nothing, but to let go completely, giving themselves, mind, body and soul to the service of their Creator, to glorify the Ever-Present in themselves, and to create the highest, best good for all humanity.
Even though we pass through deep, dark clouds, we possess Jehovih's lamp, the Light that lights everyone that comes into the world.
The splendor of the Infinite Intelligence, which shines within our souls, pierces the gloom, and tells us that we shall emerge.
The inner intelligence of intuition gives us a pleasing hope, a fond desire, a longing to live forever.
From the same source comes a secret dread, an inward horror of falling into naught, of perishing. Our souls shrink and are startled at the thought of destruction.
But the Divinity that speaks within us is the Voice of Heaven itself, inspiring the idea of a hereafter, an eternity of progress for all human souls.
We proclaim exultantly the truth:
"The stars shall fade away,
The sun itself grow dim with age,
And nature sink in years,
But we shall flourish in immortal youth,
Unhurt amidst the war of elements,
The wreck of matter, and the crush of worlds."
We do not let our vision of immortality weaken our efforts to do good while we are here in this world of mortality. Our hope is an inspiration to greater activity. We shall reap all the good we sow.
Our souls are immortal but the condition of our continued spiritual existence will depend upon the use we make of our spiritual talents and powers in the present.
This earthly strife is our opportunity to advance from strength to strength, and to develop well-knit souls; and then, all battles won, we shall mount joyfully to the greater opportunities for greater growth which eternal life affords.
Let your imagination go and think about your thoughts. Think of thoughts as traffic. Where is the traffic heading? What are the reasons for travel? Is there a purpose? So much of what people think is bumper to bumper traffic going nowhere in particular. Minds are filled with thoughts like traffic or like voices all wanting to speak. It is amazing how many thoughts come forward to the consciousness, how diverse they are and how they manage to occupy so much time and energy. The industrial material world is designed to overload the mind or consciousness with thoughts. It is well designed for this purpose. Thoughts of a material nature overwhelm the mental system, creating a hyperactive process that puts all other systems out of synchronization or even out of action. There is, therefore, need for quiet time, meditation or relaxed recreation. There is little time to concentrate or listen to all the other levels of life. Who listens to and observes their own bodies? Who has time to know the spirit within? Most people don't realize the frantic pace their minds are going at. Still your mind, relax your consciousness and positive changes will result. The mass mind of the planet or a country is very powerful. This collective consciousness is very potent and has great influence on the minds of this earth's population. It is a worthy challenge and an important accomplishment to rise above this mass thinking. Being spiritually attuned
is like lifting one's self above dense clouds to discover the radiant sun. Being in a garden, on a still lake, or walking in the woods is refreshing.
Why? Because when thoughts are stilled, the traffic is elsewhere and there is time to listen and observe.
What one notices is the Creator's
presence, the smell of flowers, the wind in the trees and so much more. This is attunement, a gentle non-verbal conversation with the I AM. It is just that, being the presence of the I AM. Oh, what is there to discover in the realm of attunement? Nothing less than everything. When you are still and open to spiritual influences, the world is there to be discovered, like a book on a shelf to be taken down and read. You have the world seen and unseen just waiting to be discovered. Choose a way best suited to yourself. Find attunement. Listen and observe. In your attunement, you will share a little sunshine with the rest of Jehovih's creations. You plant seeds of soul growth for everyone. Go in peace.
We do not want to be alone, or separate, or to possess any spirituality or soul power we are not willing to see in others, and share with others. We would give to everyone, O Creator, everything that we have and are. If I would be more loving and kind, I must see loving kindness, and affirm it, and have faith in it, in others. If I would be more wise, I must see wisdom in others. Whatever I aspire to express of Thy Presence, O Jehovih, I must recognize it, and give it my faith, in every soul in my world. If I have a problem with another person, and do not want to hurt that person — so to establish harmony between us, I will praise Thy Presence in their being, and see and affirm qualities of understanding goodwill. I will feel and know that Thou art as strong in that person as Thou art in me, or stronger. I will feel that Thy inspiration dominates their consciousness, and will know that our problems will be settled amicably. Thou art inspiring every soul with peace, and the desire for peace. People are willing to lose self for the sake of peace. The world is weary of war and competition. Thy light of peace and goodwill overspreads the planet, creating changes in human nature, and making all things new.
It is safe to say, we feel, that most of us do not know our true selves. We are searching to uncover our true selves. This opinionated and egotistical person that I know myself to be; this in-focusing, self-desiring person is not the true self, is not the person Thou createst me to be, O Jehovih. This lesser self is a composite made up from the darkness of the mortal world, the environment into which I was born. We do not condemn ourselves or others because of faults and limitations, for we see that Thou hast a plan and purpose in so creating us. Our job is to bring forth the true soul, the ideal person, the image of perfection, which we feel is within, and help others to do the same. Above this level there is a greater task of helping to build Thy Kingdom on earth; or, as most mortals would put it, a new order of peace and understanding. With this vision in mind, and with persistence in our efforts, we encourage the help of Thy Angelic Hosts. They stand with us, protecting and strengthening us, and amplifying all that we do so that many thousands are helped. As we uncover our true selves, we uncover the true joy of being which springs from Thy Presence in us, and which is not dependent upon outer circumstances, or other people's actions. Thou art the Source within us, O Jehovih, of the All-Highest Good for which we are searching. We find it in giving it away.
Silver and golden drops of liquid-light gather into a shimmering, magically floating pool. Tiny ripples reach out from the center across the glass-like surface toward the edges of the pool. Slowly, but gradually the light finds an edge to overflow. It forms a stream that flows into the open air below. Far below the floating pool, the air currents swirl the light into a descending spiral. Still lower it comes in contact with the thoughts of a group of angels who are thinking in perfect harmony. They guide this flow of light into forms, pillars, walls (some thick, some thin), roofs, domes, arches, windows and doors, or a library, perhaps, being created on a developing plateau. Here are lessons learned and practiced by students who are taking early steps in wielding the elements. The light is manufactured above by another group of students learning the wonders of the Creator's presence and the ways of spirit life in an emancipated heaven. Lessons are ever present, here and now, for everyone as the Creator gives us all a way to know and to grow. Look around and within, practice and experience the way of light.
Determine to consecrate your life each day to doing the will of the Creator in working for the welfare of all souls. This may seem an ideal beyond reach, but it is within the reach of everyone. You have but to begin, and each effort you make will increase the power of your soul to radiate its realization to others, and make it a magnet for new opportunities to express.
First you have your daily duties to fulfill. The cultivation of your desire to develop and express the noblest feelings of your soul will make every duty an opportunity for self-control and self-expression. Like many other souls who are groping after the deeper feelings of the soul and who are seeking to express and to do good.
You may seem limited by
surroundings and lack of helpful and inspiring associations. But you will find that this also throws you upon your own creative resources and compels you to find your satisfaction in self-expression on the mental plane.
You can always affirm and bless and will silently, and at times, audibly. By so doing you express in thought and feelings and volitional energy what lies latent in your soul. The realization that these subjective activities are
all creative and that they increase the power of your soul and benefit struggling souls all over the world becomes an inspiration to effort. You can feel that you are creating a new character which will be a magnet for a nobler destiny as you exercise your thoughts creatively. Then as your sphere of radiant blessings increases in power you will attract new friends to whom you can impart the knowledge of this creative practice, and thus increase your power by the cooperation of others.
Later the way will open, when practice has perfected your creative spirit, so that you can unite your efforts with other groups of souls which the Heavenly Hosts are inspiring to be established on earth, and in so doing become an active worker with us to establish the Divine Organization of Goodwill on earth.
When the Angel Hosts are organized with people who have gone through the process of purification and regeneration, then all positive earthly efforts will become glorified by the presence of Angels who will work with these souls for the advancement of humanity.
So the aim which occupies all our thoughts and energies is to find those who will devote their lives to establishing the Creator's angelic kingdom on earth. As these are drawn together, the Creator's Will can develop them in the glory composed of the organized angelic power. Then, as
they continue to create with us and grow in power daily they are purified of all earth-bound spirits, and the veils of sensuality and materiality and selfishness are dissolved, and they attain to conscious wisdom and power while on earth. Ordinarily they would not attain this for many years in the spiritual world.
Focus your attention on the process of self-creation through the realization of these words and the use of affirmations as a means of changing the character and quality of all thoughts and feelings. Self-expression is the way of progress.
Praise be to Thee, O Jehovih! We are thankful for the beauty and perfection of our surroundings. We make comparisons with other situations we might be in; and we see that this is heaven. We would keep before our minds how fortunate we are, how greatly blessed, materially and spiritually. We have moments of aloneness and idleness when we are apt to be bored. But we are never truly alone. Though we do not see spirits and angels, we feel that they are present. The All Seeing Eye is
watching over us every moment. Are we living so that we are a help to Thy angels, and a means of uplifting the earth-bound spirits? It is every mortal's lot to be drawn to the higher Light through Thy Angels, and drawn to the lower by the undeveloped spirits. One is neither to be blamed when one does a wrong thing, nor overly praised when one does right. We are like little babes who need to experiment, and learn by trial and error. We would live our praise and thanks to Thee, O Creator; not just speak the words, but demonstrate in our every action that we appreciate the gift of life and the right to choose our own course. Somebody has a lot of faith in us, else we would not be where we are today, but in a hell instead. Bless them. We are determined to justify their faith.
Praise be to Thee, O Jehovih! We are thankful for the beauty and perfection of our surroundings. We make comparisons with other situations we might be in; and we see that this is heaven. We would keep before our minds how fortunate we are, how greatly blessed, materially
spiritually. We have moments
aloneness and idleness when we are apt to be bored. But we are never truly alone. Though we do not see spirits and angels, we feel that they are present. The All Seeing Eye is watching over us every moment. Are we living so that we are a help to Thy angels, and a means of uplifting the earth-bound spirits? It is every mortal's lot to be drawn to the higher Light through Thy Angels, and drawn to the lower by the undeveloped spirits. One is neither to be blamed when one does a wrong thing, nor overly praised when one does right. We are like little babes who need to experiment, and learn by trial and error. We would live our praise and thanks to Thee, O Creator; not just speak the words, but demonstrate in our every action that we appreciate the gift of life and the' right to choose our own course. Somebody has a lot of faith in us, else we would not be where we are today, but in a hell instead. Bless them. We are determined to justify their faith.
Create an atmosphere of love. It can take many months to develop, but what an adventure! To fill each room and closet, comer and crevice with vibrations of utmost caring is an honor only we as human beings have. To take each segment of our day and fill it with conscious, loving thoughts is a gift we can give that has no parallel. It is the background of every happy family and the beginning
underpinning of the joyful worker for the Ever Present.
We have our mind, our body, our will and our strength to apply to this worthy task. Our hearts can sing along with our voices as we raise the tone and quality of our living space. We can glorify our homes through the gift of love.
We will do all we can to spur the communication between your world and ours. It takes many levels of dedicated souls to complete the system which relays messages. Fine tuning occurs daily to match the circumstances and purpose of the communication. Messages are never aimless, although more than one person may receive them at the same time. To the contrary, we select and cultivate a receiver for many years in order to assure that our messages will be transcribed in good form.
This is not casual work. You will be amazed when you finally get to glimpse the network we have, and you will find it comforting to know the support you have been given. We try to elicit your best qualities when we write through you so that your soul adds to the total vibration. Although you may not know exactly what it is we are going to write, you do lend your eye and ear and hand. There is enough material to communicate to fill your whole life, and then some. We hope that you will choose this avenue to serve the All Highest Light.
I am concerned about this and that, somewhat bothered, not in a peaceful mood. Then suddenly I remember I am one with Jehovih, part of the Creator's Being, serving a higher purpose. I remember that being in focus with the Ever-Present is all-important. Even if the world around me falls apart, I am still a strong efficient powerful tool for the angels to use in their work. I am a calming influence and a creator of light for all in my world.
Thanks to Thee, O Jehovih, for all that has happened in my life. Everything has contributed not only to my mental and social development but most importantly, to my spiritual awareness and growth, and to making me one of Thy instruments of light and love here on earth. Every cell of my body is radiant with love, blessing every other cell. Since all souls are cells in the body of humanity, the love I radiate blesses every other soul. When I focus my love with an individual, the Angel Hosts use it for the good of others.
What is it that prevents us from holding the focus every moment in attunement with Jehovih and the work of the Angel Hosts? It is the conditioning of our early years, I believe, that makes us separate
entities, materialistic and apart from our Creator. It is still in the background of our consciousness, denying what the higher self is telling us, making our personal needs, desires and activities seem most important, telling us our spiritual aspirations and practice must take second place. So we give only a portion of our time, thought and energy to the Higher Light. We think we cannot be spiritual all the time, only at council times, or now and then throughout the day. But we can live as spiritual beings if we believe we can, and if we persist in trying. Our ability will slowly but surely grow, and we will finally come to the point where the Divine in us permeates every aspect of our lives
Shining bright in the evening sky are stars of many colors, like a rainbow that has exploded into millions of tiny pieces. We sit upon a hill top and in our circle we pray for healing, for peace, for understanding and awakening. Here, in spirit, in the emancipated heavens we have many avenues open to us to work for our ideals, our goals for the earth.
We fill our days with learning and with helping the world to change. Our education, we are told, is equally as important as education on the mortal plane. For, by our growth and development toward a higher state of being, we are bringing more and more light to the heavens. As the light grows with the transformation of all new and old souls here, the atmosphere around the planet clears. As the atmosphere clears there is less influence in a negative sense on the mortal plane and a burden is lifted from souls still on earth.
We all benefit from education since it touches each one of us profoundly in the present and even more so in the future. We must learn to move ahead and rise upward, just as each of you must do. On and on the process goes. Share your knowledge with each other and with those of like mind in appropriate and sincere ways. We know from our experience here, how we benefit from change and growth. Nothing in Jehovih's creation stands still. There is always movement. Be wise and be open to learning. Grow in the light, reach out and transform yourselves daily. We are with you in spirit to share in the wonder, the mystery and the power of life eternal.
Love is in the air on the Plateau of the Blossoming Presence. That thought may truly be difficult for many to understand when they see the world with all its problems. The plateau is a beautiful place full of excitement and optimism, where everyone takes part in their labors joyously. We really enjoy what we do. We live in a nourishing environment that uplifts and sustains us. We aren't fearful here in any way. We don't worry like many people do on your plane. You will enjoy this level of growth some day when it is your time to be here. But we are not fully satisfied. We don't see this as the ultimate place to be. Our education here tells us differently. We know that life is much more expansive. We know that the wonders have just begun. Yes, we are lucky.
With all that said, we must also say that we glimpse the dark and treacherous side of life each day. Many of us put ourselves at some risk working on the lower planes. Oh yes, we can be at risk if we are not careful. We leave our place of beauty and peace to travel where there is chaos and pain. Certain aspects of our labors are dangerous. Not all can work in this dark and negative context. Just as we advise you to renew yourselves in a place of peace, beauty
and high vortexy'an energy, we need to do the same. We are better able to "create" what we need but, like you, we are unable to function at a balanced, healthy level without such renewal. As above, so below.
Your places of radiance, your consecrated, protected and sacred places, are your plateaus. You must maintain them as we do. You must spend quality time there to communicate with those higher, for knowledge and support, just as we do. You must seek out places like the mountains or the ocean to revitalize your bodies and souls, as we do. You will still enter the world of turmoil and uncertainty to do your jobs, to do your part, but you must spend time within an oasis to be cleansed and refreshed.
It is imperative that you gather in small groups in a place that has as many uplifting elements as possible. There you must learn to work together. You must cleanse the land, the spirit of the land. There you must establish an anchor for the Light. There you must create a vortex of energy to protect and renew yourselves. From this center you will be able to function effectively.
The turn of the century approaches. Change will accelerate. You must have an anchorage from which to ride out the storm, the
waves of change. This is the best way to proceed. Other means are possible as well; all in the light will find inspiration. However, to effectively carry out the messages from above, to do your very best, you must assemble in the proper places. Be open to inspiration and work with those whom you know and trust. The self must not be your guide. This is selfless labor from deep within. Use your common sense. Make thoughtful, well-considered
yourselves, "Am I doing my best? What should I be doing to proceed on the path of light?" Maybe where you are is best for now.
Take the time to create a sacred space in which you can safely and clearly seek inspiration. The Light will surround you and give you support in this most important endeavor.
Take your place in the long line-up of those waiting to lift off. Like planes on the ground taxiing around until they get their turn, check out your instruments and prepare yourself for the change in dimension and focus as you near the head of the line. We are with
you always to guide and to suggest alternate routes in case you hit rough weather. Your main instrument, however, is your soul and can never be harmed if you care for it properly. We would like to add that you have a choice of altitude and that your destination is ever upward. The journey has infinite variations in landscape and can inspire you to explore places you've never dreamed of. But all in good time. For now, engineer a change in perspective so that you will be ready to fly.
When I think of myself as being either weak or strong, good or bad, O Creator, am I not in error? The better attitude, it seems, would be to say, Thou art all, and in command; and I am nothing without Thee. I will think about the All-Highest and not about self. I will think about serving the All-Highest and not about the grade of my development. I recognize that the world of mortals is in darkness, and that I need to make an effort to rise above it. Part of me is of the world. But Thou art supreme, O Creator, and I have faith that Thou wilt conquer through me. That is to say, Thou wilt conquer through me if
I make the effort. My effort develops my capacity for service. Without it, there could be no growth. Along what lines should my effort proceed? Corporeally, I serve Thee by serving the good of the community of which I am a part, taking part in work which provides for the family's needs, according to my abilities. Spiritually, I serve Thee by trying to follow Thy inspiration, giving faith and love to all, being willing to put self aside. I will cultivate feelings of praise, thankfulness, joyfulness, in recognition of Thy Presence in all. I will resist the efforts of darkness to distract and swerve me from my purpose. I will never forget that Thou art the All-Doer, All-Sustainer and All-Provider.
Be steadfast in our common purpose.
As we come together at these
appointed times we work to build greater harmony and continuity between your plane and ours.
We seek to burst through the barriers that
separate us.
As we do this, it is important that your whole life, the sum totality of your existence, plays a fundamental part in this process. The time spent in council is fine and good, but the preparation beforehand makes you fit tools through which we can work and that is the vital link that really “sets the stage.�
It is how you live, what you think, and how you serve each and every day that molds your vessel for our use.
Through it all, it is not what you did
yesterday, today, or tomorrow that makes the difference, but rather what habits and traits you nurture day in and day out, year by year, until they are constitutionally part of your character and personality.
We have made great strides together, no doubt, but do not let that slacken your pace.
Reconsecrate yourselves, your lives and your
Purpose to Jehovih each and every day and you will be answered with greater fulfillment and greater joy of soul throughout all the days of your lives here and hereafter.
We have a deep and genuine concern for your well-being.
Since we are
much older than you in years (as you count them), you are like precious children whom the Great Spirit has chosen to place under out care. All children, regardless of the circumstances of their birth and surroundings,
are gifts of the Great Spirit and their presence among us should be viewed as a most sacred trust.
They are “angels to be� in time, just as you are, but their innocence and vulnerability behooves us all to love, protect, and nurture them 'until they are strong enough to stand on their own. That is your obligation as their elder care takers, just as you are our responsibility as your elders even though we are separated from you by the unseen dimension that seems to separate your realm from our world of Spirit.
Every child is a sacred trust from the moment of conception, and every child from the earliest moment of development should be held in greater reverence for the sacred miracle that it is. This is not the case among too many people on your plane, and this must be changed through growth in understanding as to who we are as immortal souls, with a purpose and destiny greater than just the here and now.
The number of young souls cast upon our spirit plane prematurely every year are testimony to the fact that the people of your world are still mostly misguided and stumbling, diseased in spirit and burdened with darkness. Verily are you rising and falling, both at the same time. This must be remedied, and it will be remedied in this era of Kosmon, but it will be a laborious journey with no easy solutions.
Have no doubt that Jehovih has the solution, and it will be made manifest through the exalted Hosts of Angels who labor as the Creator*s hands, eyes and hearts on the scene. Have no doubt that they hold all of you as their most sacred trust, and they will not rest until all have been redeemed to light and understanding, to a fuller consciousness and maturity unlike any that has heretofore manifested on earth. Then will a greater peace manifest. Then will all the awakening gifts of spiritual and corporeal knowledge blend and blossom into the fullness of a blessing as it was meant to be, free of all the pain and sufferings of the past. This will be the task of the high-raised beings who are soon to follow us now that we have fulfilled our part and set the stage. All is planned; all is in concert; all is orchestrated.
Almighty Creator: Thy purifying Flame is burning within my soul.
And I am creative in Thy Love.
I am exalted in Thy benevolent Will which unites and leads us to overcome every limitation.
I bless with my brothers and sisters in the Concord of Creators.
And Consecrate my life to their work of soul upliftment, which will organize Thy Will on earth to harmonize and heal humanity.
I consecrate my life to the healing of humanity.
I and my Creator are one,
In that all Will I am powerful.
As I radiate All Love
I am purified and healed;
As I give of All Wisdom,
I am enlightened and freed;
I am one with the Ever-Present in all souls,
In earth and in heaven.
All your life you have been raised as an angel-to-be. This is a fact, not a whimsical fantasy. You can embrace this truth now and live by it! You can celebrate every day that you were born to show that the Creator lives and breathes in you. How wonderful an art to live with divine consciousness! It fills all our dreams and awakens us each morning. It gives us substance to draw on when we feel very small. It gives us peace and enthusiasm at the same time. It shows through our eyes when we greet others. How fortunate we are to have been given this gift, without struggle, without
experience, without even asking for it when we were born. Can we fully realize its potential? We can only explore our beings with reverence and the sincere hope that the divine essence will help us mature into the beings of light that we are meant to be.
CREATE (1993)
It is possible to create without any materials. We can see you questioning this statement. We can also see you having been frustrated in the past by not knowing how to be creative or not having the resources you thought you needed. Impediments don't exist, however, when you feel free to create in thought. We are constantly surprised by the many variations of thought forms that are made and sent abroad by souls who have no more than a purpose and goodwill. These are clear, positive thought forms that we are referring to, not the garbled, muddled vibrations of the majority.
We can choose to focus and direct our thoughts to a specific person, or we may wish to enlist the aid of angelic helpers to find a good cause. We can formulate our thoughts in words or we can develop a vision. Both have power and shape and substance. Our unique experience and
viewpoint lend a specific shape to our thoughts which, in turn, can touch a person or event in a way that no one else can. This is creativity, inborn and potent. It may be actualized at will at any point during the day. Listen for inspiration and develop your mind for the benefit of the planet. You, too, can create wonders.
We are aware, O Creator, that we are Thy children as well as Thy helpers. We have a duty to Thee as children to their parents. We are full of love for Thee, full of the thankfulness that we are. We have been shown the way and we are most fortunate in that we have had our elder brothers and sisters to teach us, to initiate us into a devout faith, a faith so strong that it can survive through anything, a faith that is indomitable, and nothing is allowed to come between us and Thee, O All One. We are fortunate to have had their guidance toward Thee, an example to follow, a path planned for us to continue. We have had help along the way as well. We are grateful, O Creator, for all Thy wondrous blessings! We wish to thank all souls everywhere for the help given us on our long journey upwards to home! May the Creator bless you all!
Thou art in control, O Creator. The first word is Thine; the last word is Thine. The whole of our lives and our actions are Thine, seen by Thee,
angel-servants are overseeing the events and doings of our everyday existence; and to the degree that we hold to the purpose of upliftment, with them, they help everything work for good. They are measuring our devotion, using our energies of faith and love, and amplifying all our good efforts. We have faith in Thee, in Thy Angels, and in ourselves as Thy instruments. Our dominant purpose is to serve Thee, and to forget the self; to let Thy light shine through us; always to be outgoing with feelings which uplift and strengthen the souls of others. If it were not for angelic protection, O Creator, we would be overrun with darkness. We are thankful for all protection and help. We are determined to be faithful under all circumstances, seeking all opportunities to grow and serve Thee better.
Sparkling light shines on all. We feel the power of Your Presence, O Creator. We feel the light of Your Being in our souls. We want to use this understanding to help others. We want to awaken the world to your Path of Light, and to Your Love, by freeing all gripped by a dark overshadowing; from the hellish shadows of war to a materialistic mind overwhelmed by greed for money, objects and power. We use our wills in complete harmony and with sincere purpose to put our lives to the best use possible. We stand firm within the chaotic, swirling winds. We are a steady point within the vortex of rapid change. We are a beacon in the dark for those who seek the Light that their awakened souls search for. We are determined, O Creator, to do our best to love ourselves and to love each other.
Your Ever-Presence is so apparent to us, Your Love
vital. We find great strength when together. We find Your Love in each other. The world wants to change.
We are ready to help the angels as
they work to guide all souls in the most positive way. With all our hearts and souls we will be one in love, peace, and in the power of Your Light. All praise and thanks, O Creator, for all your Blessings.
We beckon all to the path of light. The Creator has given the opportunity to know life completely to every creature on this earth. Most of earth's creatures live their lives in complete harmony in that they do the Creator's will in expressing themselves. They know the way in which to be. They are perfect notes in the symphony of life. They don't think, but rather act in complete accordance with the plan. Mankind, having developed in different ways, has the ability to choose, think and reason. This ability has at times created barriers to the complete harmony of expression. Veils have been drawn around the spiritual side of life, and what should be commonplace has become shadows and mysteries. Mankind has grown to a soul strength that has reached everlasting life, but in this day knows very little of it. It is a vague awareness. Those who are aware have discovered new worlds and new ways to express their inner oneness with the Divine Will. Through the gentle prodding, protection and inspiration of those who have gone before, mankind is told of the spiritual side, of the everlasting nature of life. The veils are too heavy for many and their learning will come later. Like the hummingbird or any other creature that moves perfectly from the Creator's will, mankind has its lines of inspiration, its avenues of communication with the great I AM. Speak directly to your Creator within and find a voice to speak with the loving
angels who know your soul and wish only to help. The opportunity is here to walk the path of Light, to act in complete harmony with the Infinite Intelligence within all. Mastering the moment in harmony with the Creator is a worthy challenge for us all.
We turn to Thee in thought, O Creator, directing our attention to Thee in an effort to describe, explain or comprehend our existence. We seek Light, first for ourselves; and then, losing the sense of separateness, for all who need it and whom we can help.
We need to quiet the lesser self,
put aside the clamorings of the earth-bound spirits around us, and give ourselves to the purpose of serving Thee. Thou art a Voice, speaking in our souls, a silent Voice, not coming with audible sounds, but with impressions, as though it is ourselves talking to ourselves.
Thy Voice
speaks with compassion for all, with gentleness, kindliness, love, and also with faith, strength and authority.
Thou speakest with such
expansiveness of vision, such benevolence, such vibrancy of new life as is not of the mortal mind or consciousness. Thy Voice is both of thought and feeling, carrying a message of such great upliftment and promise for
mankind that it is difficult to capture in words.
We are listening, O
Creator, and trying to put into practice what Thou art telling us.
All are moved and sustained by Thee, O Creator, and have the Light of Thy Presence in their souls. This is the age of humanity's greatest awakening. It is Kosmon. What is Kosmon? Is it the time when humanity comes to the understanding of Thy Presence and Rulership, and Thy Voice speaking in the soul? Is it the time of soul liberation, when mortals will throw off the darkness of the past, and no longer be bound to ancient doctrines created by false gods? Is it the time of the gradual disappearance of government by force of law and threat of punishment? When the priesthood will no longer hold humanity in bondage to the church as the only means of salvation? Thy Kingdom will be established on earth, O Creator. How long will be the travail? How much of it will we see in our lifetime? But never mind. Our happiness is not in getting direct and immediate answers to all our questions. If we did get them, we would still question the answers. We must keep on in faith, knowing Thou wilt accomplish through us. Because we have given ourselves to Thee, letting
go of self-aims and desires, we know Thou wilt use us, and teach us whatever we need to know. Praise and thanks to Thee, O Creator. This is Thy life.
So much depends on your attunement. We can only come through when there is an opening! Mind-wise,
body-wise, all systems count. When we
see a possibility, we jump on it because there is no time to waste. When there is an extended forecast of clear sailing, we make the most of it, especially where it concerns the group as a whole. Now is such a time, provided you pay attention. Be with us morning, noon and night through your prayers, councils and blessings. We will have many thoughts to share, and when that grand opening comes, we will pursue the grander vision of us all as a team.
WE ARE ONE (1993)
We are all in tune with the rhythm of our spiritual work. Our daily labors are coordinated and done in groups for the most part. Working together is necessary to maintain the lines of light, but also to develop our sense of oneness. We learn to put self aside. It must be said though, that we retain our individuality. Personal uniqueness is seen in a refreshing way like a new song or a sunset. We learn to really appreciate the beauty of each soul and that special touch placed upon each one by the Creator. We use our oneness and commonality to the utmost while also benefiting from individual skills. Like the many parts of a fine clock we work together. Our skills and experiences vary as well as what we need to learn to grow and develop fully.
We are at a level that allows us to work and play in
different ways than you.
It could be said that we have more resources to
call upon and less burdensome means through which to act. Our lives flow in lighter ways in thought.
You will one day appreciate the
differences between the physical and spiritual worlds, co-existing yet different. No matter what level we are on, there are still lessons to be learned, challenges to be met, growth and development to transpire. You are given your own set of resources and much to cherish while on the physical plane. Through it all, we remain one in the hands of the Creator, brothers and sisters of varied generations on the path to the
Appreciate where you are and always be open to positive
change. We are one.
There can be only one Creator Who is the Order and Intelligence of life and the universe, uniting all things into a complete Whole. Humanity's aim should be to uncover newer and greater concepts of the Creator, to never stop trying to expand its awareness of the Creator's Presence and Power. Yet, the churches limit humanity to a given creed. They describe God for us, instead of urging us to search for ourselves. We will keep searching, O Creator, and never cease trying to uncover greater Light, and to develop a more complete oneness with all people everywhere. We would free ourselves and others from the bondage of the past, and be more completely Thy servants in this world and the next. Thou art our chief interest in life. Thou art not just a religion, as the world thinks of religion, but our very being, occupying our thoughts in everything we do. Thou art that to which we turn as other people turn to hobbies, or to the search for pleasure or power or prestige. Thou art the All of Being. We would push everything else aside for Thee. We would breathe with Thee, talk with
Thee, think about Thee, praise Thee, serve Thee every waking moment. This is not a selfish search or a selfish consecration. It is the awareness of a universal need for Universal Truth. It is the awareness of kinship with all life.