The Book of the Prophet - John Newbrough

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The Book of the Prophet Oahspe John Newbrough



Introduction Dr. John Newbrough did not publish the original manuscript as communicated to him by anonymous inspiring angels in 1881 and 1882. In fact, Newbrough withheld portions of the original Oahspe manuscript : (1) to keep the published edition from being too big a book (a possible example: The Book of Discipline), and / or (2) because Newbrough in Masonic fashion, simply wanted to reserve some of its text for secret knowledge within his inner circle (for example: the unpublished sections of Bon’s Book of Praise), and / or (3) because Newbrough didn’t like the message of a particular original text, (a possible example: The Book of Ouranothen, published in Pasho [1893], which conceded that those of other religions could be called true Faithists), and / or (4) because Newbrough in Masonic fashion wished to reserve these texts for ritual use within the Oahspe Lodge of Faithists (for example:The Book of Zemers, published in A Sketch of Faithists [1883]).

The Book of Zemer and The Book of Ouranothen, were likely part of 2

the original Oahspe (although reasons against that being the case for A Faithist Prayer will not be presented here), but were originally presented in other publications. Seeing this, I reasoned that Newbrough, just as he had kept back the aforementioned portions of Oahspe to be later made available in other publications, so too he may have done something similar in Shalam-related periodicals.

It was therefore logical to conclude that Newbrough’s (now difficult to obtain and rarely seen) New Orleans monthly journal, The Castaway, would be worth investigating for two reasons. First, in order to better understand his Shalam community project, what better way to know Newbrough’s approach than to read through a publication intended to make Shalam known to all the world. Secondly, it seems plausible that Newbrough might include previously unpublished Oahspe text in the pages of the nine months of The Castaway, in order to encourage new recruits to join Shalam.

It is true that John Newbrough was capable of “echoing” the style and concepts of Oahspe in later writings, as he has shown in A Faithist Prayer, The Book of Gratiyus, and A Guide to The Voice and Will of Jehovih. None of these were in the original manuscript. However, a careful reading of a series of “chapters” entitled “The Prophet” reveals this material as likely part of the original Oahspe 3


These particular texts are of a high quality, yet offer

new spiritual perspectives which are a dedicated vision of the Faithist path. In addition, these “Prophet� chapters make predictions about societal trends that recently are coming into play more fully than at any other time previously. For all of the above, a strong case can be made that The Book of The Prophet was part of the original manuscript.

Clearly the prophecy of anarchy and war for the nations farthest from the Creator, as presented in The Book of the Prophet, is also becoming more evident with each passing day of current times. Also in support of the above, some of the passages presented in this text









African-Americans, providing an accurate prophecy, an accurate description of their current spiritual state and a direct remedy for justice.

A further point to be made is that there was no reason for Newbrough to write about slave spirits for his The Castaway periodical when his work was focused on finding babies to adopt for Shalam and workers to work there. Nevertheless, The Book of The Prophet was published for the first time outside of Oahspe in The Castaway. This follows the pattern of publishing withheld Oahspe text initially in other 4

publications as with The Book of Discipline, The Book of Ouranothen, and The Book of Zemers, to name as examples.

Conclusion: these particular texts together likely make up part or all of The Book of the Prophet, a book which was likely channeled via the original Oahspe manuscript, yet was withheld from publication in 1882 and 1891 by Dr. John Newbrough.

As of this writing, there are

still five more issues of The Castaway I have never seen so certainly more passages such as these are still possibly available to be discovered. Virtually every day I make an effort at finding the remaining “lost� issues. If anyone can help in this regard, my sincere thanks for contacting me.

For a much fuller explanation and discussion of the above, see the book entitled Discovering the True Spiritual Path of Oahspe (2016).

This introduction is taken from a section of this book.

Robert Bayer (September 21st, 2015)


A Voice "These are the words of man: 'What is Thy prestige, O Father, Jehovih, or the power of man in time of darkness? How wilt Thou answer him, or make him understand Thy presence? Art thou as a mist and voiceless? Thou, who makest worlds, and fillest the vault of heaven! Thou, who quickenedest all the living, hast Thou not power to make words? O Father, give man of Thy speech, even as to the prophets of old. Thou art the same to-day as yesterday, and shalt be forever. Tell me, O Father, Jehovih, how hast Thy servant become a stranger to Thee and Thy voice?'"

"Jehovih said: 'I have heard thee, O man. In this time of darkness I come with words and with power. My hand is stretched over all the Iiving. My might none can gainsay. I move upon the nations: new eras light up the world at My bidding. But, behold, O man, thou hast forever built up idols to put thy Creator away. First thou didst make them of stone, wood and brass, but now thou callest out to the sons of men in heaven, saying, ‘Savior, Savior.’ But thou comest not to Him who created thee alive. Now will I sweep away all idols as a woman sweepeth the floor. In the time that war threatened all the world, behold, My sons and daughters shall know Me. But the idolater shall go out in darkness. Because they have worshipped other saviors than Him who created them, they shall rest in their own inventions, and destruction shall encompass them. Wars and anarchy shall come upon all people on the face of the earth. But My chosen shall not fail.'"


Chapter 1 The prophet said: Now will I talk to thee like a brother. O man! Thou hast run after the prophets and said: "Here is God's revelation. This is all that is necessary. Read thou this, neither shalt thou question naught, but thou shalt believe all that is written." For thou hast perceived therein great wisdom and adoration. But thou hast run as one who is blind and knew not Him who created thee. He is the same to-day as when the ancient prophets wrote. The fault is thine own, that thou writest not as the ancients. The voice of our Father is ever with thee, but thou hearest not, because thou hast not fulfilled the commandments. Thou shall not kill, but thou killest and dost eat flesh. Thou shalt not look after sex, for in so doing thou committest adultery. Thou shouldst give away all thou hast, having faith in Jehovih. But thou committest all these sins and obeyest not the commandments. It is well for thee that thou esteemest the ancient prophets, for thou art in darkness. Thou hast contaminated the abode of thy spirit, and knowest not Him thou dost ignorantly fail to worship. But I declare unto thee, O my brother, the time is now come into the world when every man shall see for himself and understand our Father's presence. Thy words shouldist be as sacred as the book thou extollest. The time of belief is now come to an end.

Neither shalt thou disbelieve. But thou shalt know thy Father, and so 7

live that He and thee are one. Nor shalt thou say ‘here only is mystery or wisdom.’ Jehovih hath no secrets, nor made prophets for any age in which thou shalt be bound. Thou hast suffered thyself to be deceived in calling, ''Lord, Lord," hoping that thou shouldst rise in heaven the day thou diest. But thou shalt not rise in that day. Because thou hast not fulfilled the commandments, thou art unfit for the presence of angels of purity. And when thou art dead, thou shalt be as helpless as a new-born child in this world. Thy spirit shall linger around about thy home and place of business, and be a wanderer on the earth for a long season.

The prophet said: "Hear me, O my brother. Hast thou strength this day to put away all thou hast and rest in faith in thy Father? Nay, even so declare I unto thee, since thou hast not such faith this day, thou shalt not have strength in the hour of thy death. Thou obeyest not the commandments because thou art too weak in spirit.

Thy spiritual body is as one starved and trembling with weakness.

Neither are these things of my make or design, nor true because of my assertion. That which I declare unto thee is for thee to see and to know of thine own knowledge. Lay aside the ancient prophets, O my brother, and go and see for thyself. Rise thou in heaven and see the place of the spirits of the dead. Learn thou the condition for all the 8

living. Thou sayest thou canst not. So say I unto thee, in the time thou diest, thou shall not either. Yet it is possible for thee to do so even whilst thou sojournest in thy mortal body. First purify thy flesh and then thy spirit by thinking only pure thoughts and feeding on pure food. And after that put away all earthly possessions, and be as a newborn child, helpless before the Father: with His Will to fulfill and not thine own. This is a great gift possible unto thee. I plead with thee as a bird pleadeth with her young to come forth and fly. So say I unto thee, come forth, and be thou in spirit triumphant, and not of the flesh."

The prophet said: From time to time our Father raiseth up some with visions and clearness of spirit, and such go external from their mortal bodies and see the heavens of the earth and the very lords ruling there. These are given, O my brother, as an example of what is now coming to pass with the races of men. Not by hundreds and thousands, but millions shall go in spirit and understand with their own knowledge. But the same rule shall apply unto all. Till thou art purged of all earthly things, desires and wishes, then the next world will be to thee as a sealed book. Neither shall thou interpret heavenly things according to this prophet or that. Heaven is wider than man can invent. Yea, the heavens that belong to the earth only, and travel with the earth, are mighty beyond the comprehension of any man. But even these are but the lower heavens. No prophet can see but 9

one little corner compared to the majesty of Jehovih's creations."

The prophet said: "Thou hast been deceived. O my brother! Thou hast been led to believe that by certain prayers and confessions and certain kinds of worship thou shouldst be favored. But I declare to thee that all such pretensions are of evil. I say unto thee, thy belief is as nothing. Thy work and thy behavior before thy Father in Heaven is all. Thy professions in this or that creed, or employing a doleful voice, are but snares invented by the ungodly. Thou shalt sum up thy good works done unto others, and these alone shall be thy comfort. Neither shalt thou flatter thyself thou canst cheat high heaven. Nor shall it avail thee to go and preach. For even that is now coining to an end. Words and beliefs, and professing to hold this or that creed, have come to an end so far as their value before the All Mighty is concerned. Go thou, O my brother, purify thyself and fall to work for others, and let thyself stand in faith before thy Father in Heaven.


Chapter 2 The prophet said, these are the judgments of God, Jehovih's son.

Those who deny me; who say there is no God nor Lord, who say the heavens of the earth and the people of the earth are without heavenly government, who confound me with the Great Spirit, Jehovih, Creator of life, and who is over all and within all; who say I was not at one time a mortal and dwelt on the earth as mortals now dwell; who say that the worlds inhabited by the spirits of the dead have no God, who was, and is one of them, and king over them even as kings are over earth people; who obey not my commandments, nor the commandments of my predecessors, who were gods in the days of the ancient prophets, but are now risen to higher heavens; those who are on the earth in mortal bodies, and those who having died, are within my lower heavens.

Many of whom still dwell on the earth, or are as wandering spirits of darkness; for my judgments are upon all people.

This is the testimony no man may gainsay; that whosoever will admit that to the righteous and good of heart there is more peace and joy than to the ungodly and the wicked; who admit that the wicked have more tribulation and torments than do the pure and good; these then 11

are my judgments upon all people whether on earth or within the lower heavens of the earth; that even as things apply to individuals, so shall they apply to nations and kingdoms. That they who are ungodly and self-conceited against my commandments, shall have penalties in trials and sufferings as nations and peoples on earth below, and in the heavens thereof. And the people shall cry out for employment and find none; cry out for bread and find none; cry out against the rich and the tyrant, but find no succor. And they shall say, "Woe, woe is the fate of all people. Woe, woe are the coming events, and the fall of empires," and they shall search for the cause thereof and find it not. For they will not perceive that it is their own ungodliness that has come upon them, and brought them to their misery.

And they shall be cast in anarchy and destruction; the nations shall fall; the religions of their fathers shall fail them, and their prayers shall go up in vain to my holy place.

Because they have denied me, and denied Jehovih, Creator of Life, and set themselves up to explain away me and my heavenly governments. Neither shall they perceive Jehovih till they put away the darkness that is in them. And my judgments shall pursue them on earth and in the lower heavens, and they shall be bound to rise not nor to live in peace till they acknowledge that righteousness of heart 12

and good works done unto one another are the power of resurrection I gave unto my people.

Nor shall a few escape me, leaving the rest to care for themselves. For a nation do I bind to a nation, and a people to a people, and I hold all the people of an ungodly nation responsible therefor, some more, some less, according to their wisdom and strength. Hear me then in my judgments on different nations and peoples, for I will have my judgments on the people of all nations and countries and nations, and no man may gainsay my words the righteousness of my judgment nor confound me with men in the words I put forth; far as herein I speak by word in mortality, so do I come to the hearts of the people, and they shall say, “even so hath it come to me in heart and judgment before I saw these written words.�


Chapter 3

The Prophet said: "These are the Judgments of God, Son of Jehovih; thy God holdeth thee tor the iniquities of all thy people wherein thou wert party to the crimes committed."

"To the nation who saith, ‘Behold me, my people are free, and all men participate in the governments of men, so shalt thou be bound, both in this world and the next. Wherein thou didst bind thy people in slavery, the judgment of thy God is upon all thy people. Nevertheless doubly bound is he who directly held his fellow man in bondage. Nor hath Jehovih, who is over all, limited his times and seasons by the death of any man. But they who commit crime shall answer in the next world for the sins done in this."

God said: "Because thy slaves went out in darkness, and have become wandering spirits, dwelling in ignorance around about the earth, there is no resurrection for them in this day. The heavens of thy God are above them; nor have they put away the vengeance in their hearts because of the injustice done them in mortality. Tens of millions of them loiter about their old places, even as they lived on earth, but with evil intent on the living. And they pursue the living; with wrath, tormenting them day and night with evil inspirations. 14

And the living have become corrupt and wicked at heart, nor do they prosper in anything under the sun; and when they die as to mortality, their souls enter the next world to become environed with the hate of their former slaves. In companies of millions, do the spirits of darkness encompass them, and there is no resurrection for any of them to any of the higher heavens. Neither doth it avail them any good to pray for the priest, nor church to help them, for the evil that was done must be compensated in every fraction before there shall be any redemption for them.

The spirits of the slaves are in ignorance and crime, and thy God putteth it upon thee that, till thou hast turned to and lifted them up, even with thyself, thou shalt find no peace of soul. Neither shalt thou raise to the Heavens of thy God. Moreover, even as thou dost this day curse the race thou has neglected and despised, so dost thou sink thyself in deeper bondage; for as Jehovih quickened into life all the living, and thus made them his children, so are they thy brothers and sisters. Nor hath anyone any prestige in sight of our Father, who is over all.

God said: Till thou canst take them to thy heart and soul, and say "my brother and my sister," in this world, there shall be no prosperity for thy people. And even so shall it continue to be so in the next world, 15

till thou shalt say "my brother and my sister," there shalt be no resurrection in Heaven. For as it was given unto you to know God and His Kingdom whilst on earth, even so now shalt thou teach, and believe, and demonstrate in the lower heaven till thou art purged of all iniquity.

God said: What man amongst you would hold the key of the higher heavens, and say to the masters, ''Come ye and inherit my kingdoms, and let them that have been slaves shift for themselves?" Verily I say unto you, not of such is the kingdom of thy God, for whosoever will enter therein shall be clear of all sin and all vanity, and he esteem himself no higher in Jehovih's sight than the meanest of all slaves.

God said: Let no man say, "Do ye thus and so, or do ye some other way, and we shall prosper our country, or our cities shall be built up, and our people know no want," for thy God setteth it upon thee, and thy city, and thy country. There shall be no prosperity for you till you have paid the penalty of your crimes. For shall any man say this is the judgment of God against us, without perceiving that He who created thee made this line of justice in all His creations. Because thou hast looked corporeally for the cause of thy depravity and lack of prosperity, thy God bringeth the matter home to thy understanding, for thou art accursed with the spirits of the dead whom thou didst curse whilst they dwelt in mortality. Thou hast turned away from thy 16

Creator, who is justice, and hast set up thyself in vanity; but thou art reaping the harvest of thine own folly.

The End?


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