The Castaway Collection John Newbrough (1889) A monthly publication, in the interests of foundling orphans and other homeless and uncared for children, and homes for women. All people are brothers and sisters from one Father, even Jehovih.
The Temple of Jehovih Plate of Aries from Oahspe-Masonic, a portion of Shalam‟s temple‟s ceiling under which the children joined in prayer, songs and worship. 1
Notes on This Edition of The Castaway Collection First off, it must be understood that there were nine issues written and published by John Newbrough in 1889 during his efforts in New Orleans to collect “babes” for the Shalam Community.
Castaway, it may be concluded rightfully, was a periodical with three major purposes: (1) To explain the goals of the Shalam Utopia, New Mexico, (2) To recruit future members in harmony with such spiritual designs, and (3) To encourage the donation of unwanted children to Dr. John Newbrough whereby they would be safely delivered and wisely raised as New Age Children of Kosmon at the commune.
At any rate, after extensive searching, only the New Mexico University Library was able to locate any of these issues, in this case, the March, July, October, and November ones. I will be eternally grateful to anyone who can locate the missing issues and share them to yours truly at:
Secondly, the selection of articles from The Castaway of the located 2
issues is perhaps only about 35% of the total pages published. The reasons for this are twofold. The first of which is that some of the articles are not very enlightening and in fact, negative in viewpoint, characteristics of the era and of Dr. Newbrough‟s faulty qualities. As an example of this, please consider the article “Mohammed and the Jew.” Its tone is sexist, racist and extols Islam as a religion far beyond its actual virtues since it was and is the most pro-violence major religion in our world.
Hence, articles which would not reflect
well on Newbrough have been not included. Nevertheless, I certainly am more than willing to send all the issues which I possess to anyone who might request them from me. Basically, the philosophy here is to only include the articles that have some hope of providing spiritually progressive content or further insights about Oahspe or Faithism or Shalam.
The secondary principle by which articles were excluded were those which were obviously overly pedantic in nature and so would be either boring or annoying. Unfortunately, Dr. Newbrough was something of a school marm and ready to bury his audience with innumerable phrases of advice upon the unexpecting. For example, there are scores of such passages as follows:
Painted Faces and Eyebrows Be wise, O man, in the use of thy words. Discuss not with a painted 3
and powdered woman on progression and moral elevation. Let the powder and paint on a woman’s face be testimony that they are there for the purpose of deception. Consider her words and testimony in the same way.
It is likely I will be quoting further such unpublished passages as I navigate the reasons why the Shalam residents were so unhappy living there in my book Discovering the True Path of Oahspe. In that sense, The Castaway provides insight into the mind and personality of John Newbough.
I also have excluded those which mirror very closely the actual texts of Oahspe, such as:
Work Work Work Think not, O man, that thou canst cheat heaven. Flatter not thyself , O woman, that the Almighty will screen thee. A certain amount of work is necessary in this world. That work consists in producing food and clothes, and in caring for the helpless. Every man and woman shall do a full part in some of these. Whosoever is idle in this world shall linger on the earth as a bound spirit after death, till it is fulfilled by him and her what was neglected or shirked in this. Jehovih is just.
Certainly there is value in such passages but the restatements of 4
Oahspe are frequent, and while no double valuable to prospective readers of the time, and to then prospective inquirers concerning life in Shalam. As Shalam is no more, I do instead recommend to those curious to look no further than to the actual texts of Oahspe for their enlightenment, which are easily available through the Internet. To be sure, it is a good suggestion that readers unfamiliar to Oahspe should not be perusing The Castaway until they are reasonably familiar with Oahspe itself. This is a considerably deep task in itself and any new reader would find me as well as many other “Faithists” very willing to help in understanding its complex content if so desired.
It is essential to keep in mind that the major cities of the 1800, when Newbrough lived, horribly mistreated their most vulnerable children. (See images on pages 74 to 79.) Unwanted babies were thrown into rivers, sold for cash, raised in harsh workhouses, bleak orphanages, starved as homeless street kids or became harden criminals in street gangs.
Dr. John Newbrough in response to such social evils spent
over a decade sacrificing for and serving the poor and homeless, using his wealth and medical knowledge to aid those suffering in big city slums. Consequently, Newbrough, despite any other failings, deserves the utmost respect for tirelessly working towards new age solutions towards ending poverty and child abuse in our world.
May the Creator bless all working for the upliftment of our poor. 5
Table of Contents
March Issue A Voice
— page 8
An Explanation
— page 9
Divine Providence
— page 11
Education — Moral and Otherwise
— page 13
Laboring Prospects in Shalam
— page 17
Letter from Newbrough
— page 18
Missionary Work
— page 21
The Woman that Never Tires
— page 22
Children’s Colony and Women’s Colony
July Issue The Prophet
— page 27
Creeds, Creeds, Creeds — page 31 Fall of All The World
— page 31
Kosmon Church
— page 32
Kosmon Church Instructions
— page 34
— page 37
Levitican Lands
— page 39
— page 24
Women and Babies
— page 42
The Rattle Band
— page 45
October Issue Men Volunteers
— page 49
The Prophet
— page 50
— page 52
— page 55
The Higher Life
— page 56
Babies in the Baby Colony
— page 59
November Issue Educated Babies
— page 61
The Prophet
— page 62
The Prophets
— page 65
Mohamed and Jew
— page 68
1800’s Images of Oppressed Children — page 74
March Issue:
A Voice "These are the words of man: 'What is Thy prestige, O Father, Jehovih, or the power of man in time of darkness? How wilt Thou answer him, or make him understand Thy presence? Art thou as a mist and voiceless? Thou, who makest worlds, and fillest the vault of heaven! Thou, who quickenedest all the living, hast Thou not power to make words? O Father, give man of Thy speech, even as to the prophets of old. Thou art the same to-day as yesterday, and shalt be forever. Tell me, O Father, Jehovih, how hast Thy servant become a stranger to Thee and Thy voice?'"
"Jehovih said: 'I have heard thee, O man. In this time of darkness I come with words and with power. My hand is stretched over all the Iiving. My might none can gainsay. I move upon the nations: new eras light up the world at My bidding. But, behold, O man, thou hast forever built up idols to put thy Creator away. First thou didst make them of stone, wood and brass, but now thou callest out to the sons of men in heaven, saying, „Savior, Savior.‟ But thou comest not to Him who created thee alive. Now will I sweep away all idols as a woman sweepeth the floor. In the time that war threatened all the 8
world, behold, My sons and daughters shall know Me. But the idolater shall go out in darkness. Because they have worshipped other saviors than Him who created them, they shall rest in their own inventions, and destruction shall encompass them. Wars and anarchy shall come upon all people on the face of the earth. But My chosen shall not fail.'"
An Explanation One of the objects in publishing THE CASTAWAY is to answer many inquiring correspondents as to the nature of our work, its objects, and ends hoped for. Another object is to acquaint woman with another avenue for her usefulness. The field is a large one and affords an almost unlimited scope.
The mere benevolence of caring for this
class of babes till a few years old and then adopt them out to other people is not our system. We adopt them ourselves and raise them as our own; and when they grow up, each and all of them will have a home, where, if they choose, they can live all their days.
The Faithists have purchased and donated lands for that purpose, called the Children‟s Land, in New Mexico. They have one house already built, 100x270 feet deep, with an open court and veranda all 9
around, a church, and some small cabins. This settlement is called Shalam. The lands are ample for a very large colony of children and their keepers. These lands are donated with the condition that no intoxicating drink can ever be used thereon, neither tobacco; no fish nor flesh as food.
The whole subject of what kind of diet, surroundings, method of teaching, ect., will raise up the healthiest and best race of people — has been fully gone into.
It is not an idle whim, nor a project of experiment, but the result of careful and scientific research.
The facts of the lives of millions of
people who have lived for centuries without eating animal food are not in obscurity, but before all who choose to examine the subject. Yet, even here, were the investigator to confine his search to mortal man, the research would not be complete. The time is come now for man to consider what is best for the spiritual man also. What diet, surroundings, ect., will enable the trainers of the young to produce the highest and purest people. In this matter the facts are open to for all people to examine.
There is no guesswork about the matter. In
this paper there will appear from time to time articles on these subjects.
Divine Providence
Man has sought out many inventions, but none more crafty than those which put aside our heavenly Father, Jehovih.
How often
we hear the words, “Divine Law” and “Natural Law,” just as though there were any. Then again the word “Providence,” which twists the very living Creator into a sort of half-way chance or accidental good. To teach people that all things are accomplished by Jehovih, either directly or indirectly, how much of the infidelic system there is to unlearn. Then what is the use of teaching a child an untruth? It can easily understand its Creator, and the magnificence of His Universe; and it finds its comfort in understanding that He is Ever-Present.
teach it that certain laws are here and there, and that the Creator has gone away, to rob the child of half of its interest in life. Like the little Sunday school girl who had listened to the teacher trying to explain what Divine Law meant when the child asked:
“Why did God make law? Why did He not stay and tend to things himself?”
Beecher once said: “Our terms are too complicated. We teach our children there is but one God. And in the next breath we tell them that Christ sits at the right- hand of God, just as though a child could not
perceive that one person could not perceive that one person could not sit on his own right-hand side.”
Voltaire once built a church for himself, and had it on the line between France and Switzerland, so they could not arrest him for infidelity. When the church was finished he read this inscription put on it: “Dedicated to God by Voltaire.” A priest came to him and asked him why he did not dedicate it to Christ, who sits on the right-hand side of God. Voltaire said: “I choose the left-hand One, you keep the right.”
When we dispense with all such confusing terms to a child, and teach it that He who created it alive is always with it, then it can understand what we talk about. And it feels a comfort in believing He is with it: especially is this a great comfort to a castaway or orphan. To feel that there is a Father who will ever love and care for it if it lives a pure life. The child ought to be on speaking terms with its Creator. Children have no difficulty in forming an idea of the person of the Creator. But people who have been confused with the old terms acknowledge they cannot.
They want someone in the figure
of a man sitting on a throne, who having completed this work, has left certain laws after him to run the machinery of the universe. Keep the child‟s mind away from this monstrous nonsense till it is a few years old, and all the world could not make an infidel out of it. The 12
sacredness of His Ever-Presence becomes a part of its life. It can truly say to the old system, “Him whom we ignorantly worship, declare I to you.” Let its minds be completely wedded to Jehovih. Show it the magnificence of the universe. Tell it of the great lapse of time He has been over all His works. Show it also the microscopic side of things; how wonderfully everything is made in all its parts. Show it small insects, and point out their wonderful perfection. And in this teaching ever keep before the child Him who makes all things. The child loves such discourse. Even at two or three years of age, it begins to understand and to ask innumerable questions. Its mind grows in conception and love toward all things.
It feels the
sacredness of our Father‟s name, and it begins to shape its own life to purity and nobleness. Aye, let us teach our children the truth and nothing but the truth.
Persons desiring to learn the origin and
significance of the term Divine are referred to the Book of Divinity in the New Bible.
Education — Moral and Otherwise In a few short years we will all be dead, and the babes of today will be the people. What can we do for them that will help to ameliorate the condition of the race? How can we raise them up so that there 13
will not be so many poor and unfortunate? To avoid wickedness? In fact, to induce them to live the commandments? How can we teach them to love one another as themselves? Certainly the competitive system must go by the board. preaching is void.
As long as that exists all moral
To meet all these points in a small way, the
Faithists have started a community of babes. All adult communities have failed or are on the downward road. But to raise children up to it — this has not been tried before.
The Shakers did at one time try it in a sort of way, by killing all enjoyment in their lives and making the children behave like pious old people. But alas! When any traveling circus came along, their youth ran away. The Faithists hold that the avenues for the greatest possible enjoyment of life should be maintained for children. All kinds of entertainment are not yet invented. Even education should be an entertainment. Objective instruction should make every problem easy. In all our great cities, we have schools of education, where the child must learn in books. Manual schools are yet only a luxury to be enjoyed by the rich.
Most of college boys after
graduating do not know how to earn a living. Yet they are said to be educated. Most of our girl graduates cannot make a loaf of bread or do ordinary housework. And they are said to be educated. But the greatness of all education, and the one for which there are no schools, is moral education.
They have been tried in a sort of 14
lecturing way, but never on a substantial basis.
No thinking person
would advise our suing the old rigamarole of making the children learn the commandments by heart, and of repeating verses from some of the Bibles. No such child knows how to love its neighbor as itself. It is just as selfish as the most unlettered ignoramus to be found. It does not really know what moral education is.
Let us take the following commandments: Thou shalt love thy Creator with all thy heart and mind. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Do for others as thou wouldst be done by.
Or the still higher commandment of God: Thou shalt do good unto others with all thy wisdom and strength all the days of thy life, perceiving no evil in any man, woman, or child, but in their birth and surroundings (Book of Saphah, Hin Dang 41, New Bible). The others are abbreviated from the Ezra Bible and the Christian New Testament.
Now let us seriously ask if any man knows these commandments of his own knowledge? If he has not practiced them, he is only a circumstantial witness. In the next place, can a man practice the second one in a state of competition? But the greatest of all the commandments is the last one. In the competitive way of living this could not be fulfilled. But we must not throw them aside because we 15
cannot live them as we now live. We are to find a way where we can live them. What is the use of telling a child the commandments when we do not ourselves?
This is not moral education, but
What, then, shall we do that the commandments shall be obeyed? Is it not necessary for the teachers of children to be so situated that they themselves can live them? When they do this then they will be capable of imparting martial moral education. This foreshadows the ownership and possession must be abandoned. Not a community of interests, but a community of no interests. All desire for earthly possessions must be laid aside. Not equal dividends, but no dividends.
On such a basis Shalam is founded. The children are a family. Those who work for them must be abandons for righteousness sake. They give themselves in order to bring about the desired result.
have no wants of their own to gratify. They live for the children. They give their lives that the dawn of our Father‟s kingdom may begin. They themselves are not it. Nor do they found His kingdom. shall found His Kingdom himself.
His will shall be, and not ours, nor
any man‟s. The trainer of these children make themselves His servants, to work for them, and their example must be the words of education. They take no thought of the morrow, but rest in faith that 16
He who is over all good works will find a way to provide. And thus far His testimony has been with them.
Laboring Prospects in Shalam At present nearly all the work to be done in the home is woman‟s work. This includes cooking, washing, making and mending baby clothes, tidying up the rooms, parlor, library and private rooms. And in a short time, there will be needed typesetters and printers: then blacksmiths, carpenters, plasterers, ect., as man‟s work. For we shall need all kinds of workshops, so that our children can learn the trades. But they are too young yet. And it is likely that silk will be made and the silk worm culture gone into. This implies and an orchard of mulberry trees, which is not planted yet. Mechanics will be in demand who can bore artesian wells: gardeners who understand gardening in such a climate. At present the demand is for women. Kindergarten teachers will soon be wanted. Parties should not come, however, without first perusing this journal to learn what the requirements are, or writing us for more definite information, at the same time stating their age and ability to do whatever they can. The reason we require this is we have had people come to Shalam professing such great sympathy for the undertaking that they wished 17
to lend a helping hand; and on their arrival we have found them so old they were on the verge of the grave, and needed somebody to wait on them and care for them.
One old man had to have two
people wait on him. He lived only a few months. Several debilitated women have come who needed from one or two persons‟ care for them. They seemed as though they came to be nursed till death took them further on. At present we are clear of such encumbrances, and we desire to keep so. Shalam is not an old folks‟ home.
Letter from Newbrough My dear sisters in Shalam, all honor and solace be to you from our father in heaven. You are living examples of giving up all the world for the sake of doing good, and without price or expected reward.
Your most holy resolution to train up children from birth to know and observe the commandments of God, for the glory of the Creator, Jehovih, is new. Never before did woman go forth to inaugurate a new dispensation by raising up a colony of babes. You are at the very basis of all efforts to exalt the race to a higher destiny, which is to begin with young children. Your purpose to train them to community life will enable you to overcome selfishness in them. Yours is not like 18
any other community ever started. You do not propose to have communal dividends, but no dividends at all. You ignore all earthly accumulation. Your example in these respects cannot be otherwise than an example of a higher life for the children than can be found elsewhere. It is also true that the time of: preaching to adults must come to an end soon. Preaching has become impotent, and for the reason that even the preachers do not live the commandments themselves. They tell the people to sell what they have and give to the poor, but: they themselves do it not. They say, "Love thy neighbor as thyself," but they themselves do it not. Moreover, they caper to the rich and shun the poor of their own flocks. Their example makes ten infidels while their words make one superficial convert. Your beginning at the extreme opposite of this, and making example itself the preacher to the children, will be easily interpreted by them as righteousness for our Father's honor and glory.
Now, though your work is of the most exalted kind, and ought to be honored and respected, yet you must not look for anything but slanders and abuse from other people. Any attempt to carry out a pure and holy religion is now and ever has been looked upon as an innovation that ought to be put down. You have been forewarned by the words of God in the New Bible that others would seek some method for entrapping you. And of a truth how often have you been maligned through sensational papers, and then importuned to reply. 19
But your espousal of non-resistance does not permit you to do so. And thereupon your silence is interpreted as an acknowledgment of the truth of the accusations. It is well that others should know these conditions, for except women of sufficient moral courage to live up to the commandments of God come to live with you, then they better not come. Virtue and refinement are despised by the ungodly.
person trying to live a pure life is called a crank. A person selling what he has and giving to the poor is laughingstock for newspapers. The man that drinks his toddy, goes to church once a month and gives a little to foreign missions, is called a good fellow and a Christian. As you have come out from these conditions, and gone so far away from such a civilization, to remain unmolested, you ought to and do deserve the sympathy and love of all truly good people. It is to be hoped that our children will escape calumny of this sort. However, they will soon be sufficiently numerous to be a people in a little corner of their own. Your conditions of taking only such as other people do not want, even such as they castaway, certainly entitles you to the right to raise them up in purity and love. Your own conviction of your holy mission is a great strength to you. With such faith in Him who is Father of us all, you will be sustained by Him to the end. Jehovih bless you.
J. B. Newbrough
Missionary Work One of the difficulties in saving the lives of the castaways, and such as would be castaways, is to reach the prospective mother prior to the time of natural birth. So general has begun the doctrine that Jesus Christ can and will save people, that the unfortunate girl or woman will not hesitate to go further in her sin by taking medicine for the child‟s destruction.
There are thus before and after birth,
thousands and thousands of these little creatures killed within the United States each year.
Others are injured, so that they will live
but a few days. Another hard part of it is the prejudice of the churches themselves. A Baptist will say it is better for the child to die than be raised in any but the Baptist religion. Presbyterians hold the same. So do the Episcopalians; and so do the Roman Catholics. Missionaries should not only go to these unfortunate women to pray for them to repent of the sin they have already committed, but they should show them some way out of their difficulty, by befriending them so far as to take the child and not expose the mother. The poor creature knows if it is discovered that all her people will throw stones at her. To merely tell her she has sinned and then to kneel down and pray for her is not sufficient. The poor woman wants to know where to go and how to manage about the babe.
It is believed that one woman in a hundred would destroy her child if 21
she was thus properly helped by a true friend. Only parties who have had experience can find these unfortunately situated girls or women. The right kind of missionaries are scarce. But there is room and work for a large number. And they could thus save the lives of a great many babes, such as are now too often sent into the next world without any knowledge of this. Persons about to engage in this calling, or in fact to take any part in this good work of caring for babes in any way, ought to read and become familiar with Oahspe, the New Bible. The time is now at hand when man needs higher and purer religion than heretofore. The Faithists are not a sect. They encompass all the holy religions that have ever been given to the world, and at the same time, they lay aside all the sectarianism of the whole of them.
The Woman that Never Tires She looks as though but recently from a sick bed. She slips noiselessly about the room at her work. Now she gently lifts the curtain of the little bed. “Thank the All-Giver,” she exclaims; “O, how sweet a babe! O, that I was so deserving of so fair a gift! O, Thou All-Present Jehovih! Make me worthy and wise in this holy angel from Thine Own Hand.” 22
Then she drops the curtain and goes on with her work, working as fast as she can, for she knows its feeding time is near at hand. And while she works, she dreams dreams of life and heaven: reaches her soul upward, so full of thanks, praise, and hopes that she never thinks for a moment of the hard work. Some little unmentionable clothes are to wash. She waits not, but knowing they must be done, goes right on. Again she peeps into the little bed, and again utters a most holy prayer, and then again goes on with her work. Soon she is through, and then she sits down by the little bed to philosophize.
“I do wonder if God‟s holy angels mind my babe while I am at work! The darling always sleeps when I have so much to do. O, Thou, Jehovih, who fashioned this wonderful gift, make me good and kind all my days! How far had I strayed from Thee, O Father, but now Thou hast shown me Thou art near, and O, I thank Thee for my babe.”
Then the babe awakes and she takes it up and feeds it and otherwise makes it in prime order. And when she is quite done and it lies on her arm, she thus philosophizes: “Now, darling, you know I love you, but if I hold you long you will be a spoiled baby, and then I would never get my work done and have dinner ready for your blessed papa. O, you sweet morsel of humanity, how can I lay you 23
down? One more hug and ten kisses. There, now, I, you little pet.”
And she lays it down, and it looks round for a while and then drops asleep. Then papa comes home. He asks for the baby.
“No,” she says, “you mustn‟t. It has behaved like a little philosopher. When it awakes, you shall look at it.”
But says he: “Do you not overwork yourself? You know you are not strong.”
“Overwork! No, I am not a bit tired. Since our heavenly Father sent us that darling babe, I have never felt tired like I used to — never!”
Then he says: “O, you are a darling wife and mother. Think how kind our heavenly Father was to give me such a woman.”
Children’s Colony and Women’s Colony
Wanted — Women to know that there is other work for them than lecturing or clerking in a store — a work that carries usefulness with
it; something for raising up humanity. Shalam Colony is for children and those who care for them. Nobody is so well-adapted by our Heavenly Father for this work as a woman — refined, good women, and not servants; not necessarily collegiate, but still educated and amiable. Women with children of their own are not wanted. Ours is a place for castaways and orphans. No women are wanted who have better children than ours.
Such have been tried, and they will not do.
Women are wanted who have no bondage to anyone. Women who know our heavenly Father, but no other God.
Women who are
willing to try to love their neighbor as themselves. Such as can show it in their willingness to work for children, and at times to relieve the other sisters, and without grumbling, who can thus truly love to do these things. We have a few such, but not nearly enough. The work is that of nature that any number of good workers can find scope for their talents or trades.
But women are not wanted who
ask how much we will give, like preachers looking for a parish. When a woman so loves our Father that she will willingly work for His Children, in full faith that He will provide for her, then she is all right. We can promise her a home and loving companions while on earth. We might promise her a high seat in heaven, but we have no authority in the premises.
We tell her everything that she does
ought not to be done in expectancy of reward or compensation.
No good wife says to her husband: “How much will you give if I work 25
for my children?” No, she loves them so she takes no concern for her wages. So it ought to be with those who work for these poor little castaways.
The force of such example will be that when these
children are grown up, they will rescue others and work for them. It will not be many years till the present babes are grown up sufficient to help sustain the operation of this movement. We shall try to answer all easy questions of women inquiring further about this work.
Castaway, Clay Avenue and Patton Street, New Orleans.
July Issue
The Prophet The prophet said: Now will I talk to thee like a brother. O man! Thou hast run after the prophets and said: "Here is God's revelation. This is all that is necessary. Read thou this, neither shalt thou question naught, but thou shalt believe all that is written." For thou hast perceived therein great wisdom and adoration. But thou hast run as one who is blind and knew not Him who created thee. He is the same to-day as when the ancient prophets wrote. The fault is thine own, that thou writest not as the ancients. The voice of our Father is ever with thee, but thou hearest not, because thou hast not fulfilled the commandments. Thou shall not kill, but thou killest and dost eat flesh. Thou shalt not look after sex, for in so doing thou committest adultery. Thou shouldst give away all thou hast, having faith in Jehovih. But thou committest all these sins and obeyest not the commandments. It is well for thee that thou esteemest the ancient prophets, for thou art in darkness. Thou hast contaminated the abode of thy spirit, and knowest not Him thou dost ignorantly fail to worship. But I declare unto thee, O my brother, the time is now come into the world when every man shall see for himself and understand our Father's presence. Thy words shouldst be as sacred as the book thou 27
extollest. The time of belief is now come to an end
Neither shalt thou disbelieve. But thou shalt know thy Father, and so live that He and thee are one. Nor shalt thou say „here only is mystery or wisdom.‟ Jehovih hath no secrets, nor made prophets for any age in which thou shalt be bound. Thou hast suffered thyself to be deceived in calling, ''Lord, Lord," hoping that thou shouldst rise in heaven the day thou diest. But thou shalt not rise in that day. Because thou hast not fulfilled the commandments, thou art unfit for the presence of angels of purity. And when thou art dead, thou shalt be as helpless as a new-born child in this world. Thy spirit shall linger around about thy home and place of business, and be a wanderer on the earth for a long season.
The prophet said: "Hear me, O my brother. Hast thou strength this day to put away all thou hast and rest in faith in thy Father? Nay, even so declare I unto thee, since thou hast not such faith this day, thou shalt not have strength in the hour of thy death. Thou obeyest not the commandments because thou art too weak in spirit.
Thy spiritual body is as one starved and trembling with weakness.
Neither are these things of my make or design, nor true because of my assertion. That which I declare unto thee is for thee to see and to 28
know of thine own knowledge. Lay aside the ancient prophets, O my brother, and go and see for thyself. Rise thou in heaven and see the place of the spirits of the dead. Learn thou the condition for all the living. Thou sayest thou canst not. So say I unto thee, in the time thou diest, thou shall not either. Yet it is possible for thee to do so even whilst thou sojournest in thy mortal body. First purify thy flesh and then thy spirit by thinking only pure thoughts and feeding on pure food. And after that put away all earthly possessions, and be as a newborn child, helpless before the Father: with His Will to fulfill and not thine own. This is a great gift possible unto thee. I plead with thee as a bird pleadeth with her young to come forth and fly. So say I unto thee, come forth, and be thou in spirit triumphant, and not of the flesh."
The prophet said: From time to time our Father raiseth up some with visions and clearness of spirit, and such go external from their mortal bodies and see the heavens of the earth and the very lords ruling there. These are given, O my brother, as an example of what is now coming to pass with the races of men. Not by hundreds and thousands, but millions shall go in spirit and understand with their own knowledge. But the same rule shall apply unto all. Till thou art purged of all earthly things, desires and wishes, then the next world will be to thee as a sealed book. Neither shall thou interpret heavenly things according to this prophet or that. Heaven is wider than man 29
can invent. Yea, the heavens that belong to the earth only, and travel with the earth, are mighty beyond the comprehension of any man. But even these are but the lower heavens. No prophet can see but one little corner compared to the majesty of Jehovih's creations."
The prophet said: "Thou hast been deceived. O my brother! Thou hast been led to believe that by certain prayers and confessions and certain kinds of worship thou shouldst be favored. But I declare to thee that all such pretensions are of evil. I say unto thee, thy belief is as nothing. Thy work and thy behavior before thy Father in Heaven is all. Thy professions in this or that creed, or employing a doleful voice, are but snares invented by the ungodly. Thou shalt sum up thy good works done unto others, and these alone shall be thy comfort. Neither shalt thou flatter thyself thou canst cheat high heaven. Nor shall it avail thee to go and preach. For even that is now coming to an end. Words and beliefs, and professing to hold this or that creed, have come to an end so far as their value before the All Mighty is concerned. Go thou, O my brother, purify thyself and fall to work for others, and let thyself stand in faith before thy Father in Heaven.
Creeds, Creeds, Creeds In the Kosmon Church, no creed is necessary. Everyone can believe what he pleases: and he advocates it too, but without words. He has to do it by behavior. His works and his example only are taken as the word of the Father in him. If he advocates or argues his belief then he is for himself and not for the Father. Whoever is of the Father will not use his wisdom as a whip to bring others under his doctrines. Works rather than spoken words come from the All Highest.
Fall of All The World According to the latest calculations in the way of national government, religions and all human combinations have fifty-eight years yet ahead to get ready in. At or before that time, all the present governments, religions, and all monied monopolies, are to be overthrown and to go out of existence. The prophecy is figured upon the movements now going on in such matters, according to mathematical rules and figures. The increase in unrest in sociatory and migratory fields are mentioned as signs unmistakable in foreshadowing what will reach the great masses of people in a short
time to come.
The various combinations of capital and labor are but
signs present and increasing weakness. The extremes so opposite must culminate in destruction.
Mathematically it seems just as
certain as a collision when two trains are approaching on the same track.
To prevent the coming calamity, many combinations will be
resorted to. One form of so-called Christian religion will overrun America, tear down the American flag, trample it underfoot.
will back them up in it: general anarchy will follow. In Europe the disaster will be even more terrible. Hundreds of thousands of the people will be killed. In China and India, so terrible will be the fall that words cannot describe it.
All nations will be demolished and all
the world will be thrown open to all people to go and come as they please.
Kosmon Church
Friends inquiring about the Kosmon Church, as to what it is and who are its founders, etc.- etc., are respectfully informed that it is not founded by any man. nor set, nor clique, nor set of people, but is the outgrowth
development. For which reason, no names are published and so no
one can say this man or that one is doing this for fame or fortune or notoriety.
The Kosmon Church embraces all that is good in Brahmanism, Buddhism, Christianity, Mohammedanism, and Confucianisim. For pageantry and impressiveness in rites and ceremonies, the Kosmon Church excels all other churches that now are or ever have been. It takes in all that is devotional, grand, sublime and instructive in all religions, ancient and modern. The Kosmon Church is in religion to the learned and wise what the kindergarten is intellectually to the child. Its whole method is instructive, without lectures and arguments, and the whole service is congregational.
An effort will be made for the fall term for students to open on or about September next. Both sexes admissible. Work for all. A limited number of Roman Catholic Priests, Protestant Ministers and Jewish Rabbis, who have outgrown sectarianism and dogmatism, will be admitted as students. Catholic Sisters who have outgrown the narrow limits of that church, and all other women in good standing, Jewish or Protestant, or Spiritualists, not sectarian, can be admitted.
Terms for students will be from three months to one year. No charge for tuition. But all students must board themselves. Persons desiring to become WORKERS in this universal religion will please 33
communicate with the editor of this paper.
Kosmon Church Instructions
The following are the most important questions to be submitted to students on entering the class:
Describe the three great divisions of the universe.
Describe the corporeal, atmospherean and etherean worlds.
Describe the I Am, the All Person, the Ever Present.
What reasons can you give for selecting the name Jehovih?
What rule can you give for determining how long man has lived on the earth?
How are planets made?
Describe vortices.
How do you determine in what age the earth now is?
What experience have you, aside from belief and faith, that man lives in spirit after death of the mortal body?
Where does the spirit of man go immediately after death of the body?
How can you determine that?
How long does man generally remain in atmospherea or the lower heavens before rising to the etherean heavens?
What cultivation is necessary?
What do the spirits of the dead employ themselves at or for?
What difference do you make between Ashars or guardian spirits and spirits that usually make what spiritualists call manifestations?
How can you determine between bound or familiar spirits and such as belong to the second resurrection?
How are the organizations of angels or spirits maintained? 35
What are the names of their officers?
What is the length of the term of office of most of the Gods of the earth's heavens, or of the Lords?
How are they appointed?
What name do you give the officers in the higher or etherea heavens?
What employment do the angels in higher heavens find or engage in?
What evidence can you give of that?
From what condition of spirits comes the doctrine of reincarnation?
How can you prove that?
What is religion?
These are the lower questions for the graduating classes: Are you a vegetarian? Do you use any intoxicant? Have you given away all 36
your mortal possessions? Have you faith that whoever will do good will be provided for by our Father? What method of living would render peace and plenty to all the world?
Amongst the Chinese, vaccination is very old, said to date back more than 4,000 years ago. They vaccinated for all diseases.
They also
vaccinated for snake bites and for poison weeds and vines. They proved that virus could be inserted into the system so as to prevent death from such poisons would otherwise kill. They also vaccinated to prevent fevers.
According to Chinese medical history, they
followed up vaccination to the highest state for nearly 2,000 years. Then came a change. The race was found to be rapidly deteriorating in physique. Catarrh, pulmonary consumption, loss of teeth and general debility overspread the whole empire to such an extent that scientific men searched for the cause and concluded it was from vaccination.
Their memorial was sent up to the Emperor Shang Te with a petition to stop vaccination. This was carried into effect about 2,000 years
ago. Since that time vaccination has been in violation of law and seldom resorted to. The Chinese have regained their dentures and have overcome Catarrh. Yet in spite of facts our people are still carrying on vaccination. It is argued that vaccination prevents small pox.
It is argued on the other hand that vaccination is destroying
our people.
We are becoming a sickly and degenerate race. It is maintained that the prevention of small pox by vaccination is worse than the disease; and for the reason that it deteriorates tens of thousands, whilst small pox kills comparatively few.
The argument then comes to that it is
better to have a few die every year with small pox or to have the whole race decline in bodily structure. The vaccine does not always “work” as it is called. But a closer search finds that although it may not always “work” on the father or the mother, yet it will “work” on their offspring, and not in producing varioloid, but in general debility and an enfeebled constitution. A man or woman may carry vaccine in the system for many years, not knowing it. The safest way to get around the law would be for young women to refuse to marry any man who had been vaccinated in infancy; and for young men to be equally circumspect in regard to their wives. It is disgusting enough to have small pox, but it is not so bad as to carry around all one‟s life the virtue that strikes at the vital function important to all who would become fathers and mothers. It is true vaccination makes a profitable 38
business for some doctors: but can anyone stoop so low as to uphold vaccination on that score? Any law upholding such an abominable practice ought to be abolished.
It is contrary to the intelligence of
the age in which we live. Only to think, to take a pure, sweet, young child and insert a virus in its little arm that strikes at its future capacity to become a perfect procreator of its race!
How often we hear the remark, “The father and mother are both so fine and healthy, isn‟t it funny the children are all so sickly and delicate?”
Levitican Lands Adjoining Shalam lands is set apart a tract called Levitica. This is also Children‟s Land, and can never be sold or used only as hereafter described. The object of this settlement, when once underway, is to afford families an opportunity of higher lives that can be in the competitive system elsewhere. It affords a wide scope for cooperative development. Many people who have children of their own would like to raise them in a neighborhood free from whiskey and tobacco, and from flesh-eaters.
Such people could not be
admitted in Shalam, for the simple reason that is for foundlings and 39
orphans, and their nurses and teachers.
Levitica lands can only be occupied by vegetarians and temperance people. As much land as once can cultivate and use is to be given each family, not in fee simple, but for the use of it. This is done at the nominal rental of one-tenth of their earnings on the land. This tenth goes into the children‟s fund for foundlings and orphans. The land and the climate are suitable for fruit raising, and for such vegetable products as may be required for family use.
It rains but little in this country, and consequently growing things must be irrigated.
Heretofore the Mexicans (when they were not
murdered by the Indians) tilled some of these lands. But the Indian is gone now. The Mexicans brought the water in from the Rio Grande for irrigation; but in recent years the land has either become too high or too low to answer the purpose as it ought.
Drovewells, with
windmills and pump, or caloric engines, will answer the purpose. But there is no doubt expressed by the knowing ones that artesian water can be had at little expense.
Families who would settle in Levitica
should therefore not expect an income at once. It takes a fruit orchard four or five years to come to paying maturity.
houses can be built cheap, and, covered with iron roof, are very comfortable.
These can be plastered inside and made very neat.
There is an extensive bed of red pottery clay on the land, which 40
might be worked with profit if a sufficient number of families worked together.
This clay will produce fine pressured-face brick, which
could be sold in El Paso. It would take a dozen families of good, willing workers to develop the place as it ought to be. Until the fruits begin to bring in something, the brick or red pottery tiles, ect., would be profitable. This could be cooperative.
But the country is not
suited for extensive farming like places where they have rains. This region — “Children‟s Land” — is one of the healthiest places on earth. Levitica is not suited for one or two families. There should be at least a dozen, and they should have enough means to sustain themselves till the productions make returns.
As people write to us, we will put them in communication with one another.
We have a pamphlet on Levitica, which we send on
receipt of twenty-five cents. No professional men, such as preacher, lawyer, or doctor, will be allowed to charge for his services in Levitica. Neither can any person set up a store there to sell goods to the others. No encouragement will be given people who wish to keep servants.
People who cannot wait on themselves need not write for
further information.
Women and Babies Women desiring to engage in mission work in any of the great cities in saving the lives of babies and helping the unfortunate mothers, will do well to consult us as to the best mode of doing the most good. Almost any woman in any city can pick up and save the life of one baby, which somebody throws away or puts out someplace where it will not have good treatment. And such a work is a good work. But what we want is an organic work. We want an arrangement completed in all the cities so that any and all those who are determined to put away their offspring can do so without hazarding the life of the child.
It is true that many people maintain that to thus save the lives of castaways does but encourage more such births. This is about as good an argument as the woman made against helping the carpenter‟s family when the carpenter fell and got killed. She said that to help his family was but to encourage other carpenters to fall down from the scaffold and get killed too. Or it might with just as much propriety be said that all our public hospitals are an encouragement for people to get sick; or our lunatic asylums an encouragement for people to go crazy.
We have no time to argue with such philosophy. Our work is to save 42
the lives of babes. Experience proves that such babes are not taken to public hospitals and never be. Public asylums are the last place an unfortunate girl or woman will go to: they seek some secluded boarding place amongst entire strangers; their matter is a profound secret.
The man in the case has deserted her in nine cases out of
ten; she has little or no money.
She is not a bad woman; she is as
good as we are or anyone else. She simply has been taken advantage of; she has been judged wrongly. She is generally the most confiding of women. She would not for the world, have her baby die; but she must keep matters secret, for a host of people. Her own kindred and the people of her own church would stone her. The poor boarding house woman has a woman friend who can find a place to put the baby. The girl is again confiding; she trusts them. She gives them the balance of her funds. The baby is taken away but where to go to whom? The chances are that the tender little thing will die in a day or two.
Now if under such circumstances, if it were known
where to take the child, or to whom to give it, the chances are its life might be saved. The laws in most cities treat the little waif as an outlaw. In some cities, no one has a right to take the little thing in and care for it. It has to be reported to some official, red tape examinations are to be gone through. By the time that is done, the baby is dead. Private families fear to take the little thing in and adopt it, for the reason that it may have a godfather or godmother, or a living parent that may turn up in a year or two and claim it. So it 43
comes into the world against its will and meets a cold reception.
There are enough good, kind women in the world to take all such babes and care for them, and they could organize so as to be effective. They do not need a building or an asylum or paid officials. Their office should be the streets and half-hidden boardinghouses, and certain other places not necessary to mention. Of course, a home is necessary for the babes, but for various reasons, the missionaries should not live there. All their meetings should be private. Half a dozen good women thus organized can do a wonderful amount of good. In large cities there should be many such, so that no babe need ever be thrown away. Shalam has ground enough and is well enough adapted to make homes for thousands of such babes. Here the babies can be sent and raised out of sight of tobacco, beer and profanity; raised free from sectarianism, but in reverence and adoration of the Creator. This will give employment to a vast host of good women. Women are now organizing and such as desire to organize in this work in any of the cities will do well to write us for further information.
Castaway, Clay Avenue and Patton Street, New Orleans.
The Rattle Band O Shalam land, to sing of thee,
A land of bright futurity.
Where countless thousands yet to be
Shall dwell in love and liberty.
Just yet our babes cannot sing,
But they can make a rattle ring.
Not sweet enough to be adored,
But loud enough for all aboard.
Yes, Shalam land shall travel on,
In history when we are gone.
And others sing of what now is,
As we of now judge then by this.
Dear Shalam land, the foundling's home,
Their own (and others yet to come);
In all the world, first of its kind
To purely build the human mind.
Tobacco none, and liquor too
Ruled out: flesh-eating not in view;
There's for happy Shalam land,
Our baby home, our rattle band.
Don't shake me, babe, let's get this fine; 46
Hold pet, you nearly spoiled that line.
Ages to come, long after while,
Will sing of Shalam, sans the guile.
One settlement, and only one
In all the world that's yet begun,
Where babes like you, see not the vice
Common elsewhere — isn't that nice?
One more verse, dear, a baby song,
I'm nearly done, there goes the gong.
To Him who owns the universe,
And makes the babe to rule the nurse. 47
Proclaim His name, Jehovih dear.
Ta, Ta, well done, you pet, come here.
You shake me so, dear Shalam land
To thee we ring, our rattle band.
October Issue
Men Volunteers We have been unfortunate from the first in having many volunteers desirous of joining us in this great work of founding a colony for babes who understood no trade, nor, in fact, any occupation. Willing men, however, make themselves useful in many ways. We have many letters asking us for a copy of our constitution and by-laws, and asking what are the requirements to become a member of our fraternity. We would state, as we have so often stated, that we have no constitution or by-laws.
We work by general council, doing
whatever we think and agree should be done. After a person has been here a year and desires to become a life member, he can do so if acceptable all round.
But we have little use for a man who cannot
put in a hoe handle, or fix a broken hinge on a gate; one who cannot split a bundle of kindling wood for his own fire; one who cannot tell a horse from a mule; one who cannot saw off a board or drive a nail; one who plants a pint of beans all in one hill; one who does not know a watermelon from a pumpkin till it is ripe and well tried. The other kind of men are always in demand.
The Prophet The prophet said, these are the judgments of God, Jehovih's son.
Those who deny me; who say there is no God nor Lord, who say the heavens of the earth and the people of the earth are without heavenly government, who confound me with the Great Spirit, Jehovih, Creator of life, and who is over all and within all; who say I was not at one time a mortal and dwelt on the earth as mortals now dwell; who say that the worlds inhabited by the spirits of the dead have no God, who was, and is one of them, and king over them even as kings are over earth people; who obey not my commandments, nor the commandments of my predecessors, who were gods in the days of the ancient prophets, but are now risen to higher heavens; those who are on the earth in mortal bodies, and those who having died, are within my lower heavens.
Many of whom still dwell on the earth, or are as wandering spirits of darkness; for my judgments are upon all people.
This is the testimony no man may gainsay; that whosoever will admit that to the righteous and good of heart there is more peace and joy than to the ungodly and the wicked; who admit that the wicked have more tribulation and torments than do the pure and good; these then 50
are my judgments upon all people whether on earth or within the lower heavens of the earth; that even as things apply to individuals, so shall they apply to nations and kingdoms. That they who are ungodly and self-conceited against my commandments, shall have penalties in trials and sufferings as nations and peoples on earth below, and in the heavens thereof. And the people shall cry out for employment and find none; cry out for bread and find none; cry out against the rich and the tyrant, but find no succor. And they shall say, "woe, woe is the fate of all people. Woe, woe are the coming events, and the fall of empires," and they shall search for the cause thereof and find it not. For they will not perceive that it is their own ungodliness that has come upon them, and brought them to their misery.
And they shall be cast in anarchy and destruction; the nations shall fall; the religions of their fathers shall fail them, and their prayers shall go up in vain to my holy place.
Because they have denied me, and denied Jehovih, Creator of Life, and set themselves up to explain away me and my heavenly governments. Neither shall they perceive Jehovih till they put away the darkness that is in them. And my judgments shall pursue them on earth and in the lower heavens, and they shall be bound to rise not nor to live in peace till they acknowledge that righteousness of heart 51
and good works done unto one another are the power of resurrection I gave unto my people.
Nor shall a few escape me, leaving the rest to care for themselves. For a nation do I bind to a nation, and a people to a people, and I hold all the people of an ungodly nation responsible therefor, some more, some less, according to their wisdom and strength. Hear me then in my judgments on different nations and peoples, for I will have my judgments on the people of all nations and countries and nations, and no man may gainsay my words the righteousness of my judgment nor confound me with men in the words I put forth; far as herein I speak by word in mortality, so do I come to the hearts of the people, and they shall say, “even so hath it come to me in heart and judgment before I saw these written words.”
Prayer There are distinct kinds of prayer. One may be termed begging for something either for ourselves or for others; another may be termed talking without heavenly Father in thankfulness; there are Covenants that some prefer that are vows; and another includes promises made by the petitioner if the Heavenly Father decides to grant the petition. 52
The begging prayer is more particularly a Christian method. Thankfulness is manifested in the prayers of the aborigines. The Covenant is found originally among the Brahman and Israelites.
An example of the Christian prayer is: “Give us light, O Father, and bless us in all our necessities. Provide plentifully for all our wants. Have mercy on us for all our shortcomings, and forgive our enemies. Consider the heathen in their darkness, and forgive them for they know not what manner of spirit they are of. Bless our Church and all our members, and Father, help the poor in their trials and tribulations, for Thine is the power and the glory, etc. etc.”
It will be observed in this prayer everything to be done is expected to be done by the Father, and the people have nothing to do in the matter but to pray for results. This mode of prayer is followed in convents and monasteries, by thousands of people who give up their whole lives to repeat such prayers day and night, insisting they are doing a great deal of good. In some places, especially amongst the Protestants, they supplicate our Father for rain or for dry weather, as the case may be.
The second form, or rather the original form, from which all prayers sprang, is the aboriginal form, and is after this manner--”Hear our 53
thanks, O Father, glory be to Thee for making us. Thanks to Thee for making all things. Thanks and praise be to Thee for all the living; for the birds and all animals Thou hast given life. Thanks and praise be to Thee, O Father, for the sky, for the stars and the moon, which shine so beautifully while the people sleep in love. Thanks for the wide earth and thanks for the spirit world, where we shall meet our loves and rejoice forever.”
The third, or covenantal method, is after this manner, but is not much known amongst Christian nations: — ”Hear thy son, O Thou Almighty. I fear and tremble before Thee when I turn my thoughts upward. But Thou are just and I covenant myself unto Thee to be Thine only and forever. I behold the suffering poor, and I know Thou wilt make me strong to go and help them. But, O Father, where I am dull and stubborn of heart, hold Thou me to strict account. Give me pains and stingings of conscience for slighting the poor or setting myself up above any man. Make my opinions folly in the sign of men, that I may not become self-righteous.
As much as I help those beneath me, so help me, but no further. As much as I forgive those who injure me, so far, O Father, help me, but no further.” In this form a line of justice is kept uppermost all the time. This ancient form introduced by Zarathustra over eight thousand years ago, it still remains with some people. Some of the Jews, or at 54
least their descendants, have lost much of the original method.
Self-Conceit Never was there a time in which man was as self-conceited as today. On every hand are to be found pseudo-philosophers who presume to know all things, and especially of a spiritual nature. They have worked out certain ideas of their own and become self-conceited that they know all that is worth knowing: that all other people who see things differently are but partially unfolded and laboring in darkness. This applies especially to some scheme for meliorating the conditions of man in this threatening era of financial and laboring disaster. They have some pet hobby in which they believe the world could be saved if only people would do as they want them to. Unfortunately they have failed to find a way to make people to do so. That part of their plan has not yet been worked out. More foolish than these is that numerous class that cry out that the second coming of Jesus, or Christ, is at hand, and that they, each and every one of the pretenders, is the identical man Jesus re-incarnated, and soon to accomplish the great work. Of these pretenders and their followers, there are in the United States at the present a great number. But all of the aforesaid are nothing but talk. All talk. Words, words, words. 55
And there is the end of them.
The Higher Life That there are nowadays many people who desire to live higher and purer lives than is possible in the present way of living, is evident to any observer. That they realize the fact that in the present competitive system of the world, it is impossible to live a reasonable, honest and pure life. Moreover, they will not but consider anyone who says to the contrary a deceiver to the real facts. They claim that no man can pursue any business successfully in the world today honestly. That in order for his business to be a success, he must be a deceiver and trickster. They say he must pretend to be religiously a Methodist, or a Catholic, or Jew, or anything almost except what he is for sake of trade. That competition has made man a dissembler and a student of the game of getting the better of his competitors; that man has at heart mostly himself and his own family. The woman dissimilates in talk, in dress, in behavior, contrary to virtue and truthfulness. They even go so far to say it is not possible to live otherwise in this world this day. And that they, who say to the contrary, are themselves frauds and deceivers. Added to these things, they say liberty has departed away from all places. That no 56
man or woman has a right to dress as he or she pleases, nor to eat as he or she pleases. That if a man desires to live on a vegetarian diet, he becomes a target for his neighbors and kindred, and that if he set out to purify himself as to diet and to speaking and thinking in purity and love, he is called a miserable crank.
That all persons
who have tried to live in this way have proven these things true, and that those who deny these facts are frauds and deceivers.
Now the people who have come to such conclusions are not few, nor are they to be ignored; for they are of the best and noblest of the race. They are the beginning of a new generation on earth.
The masses
as yet know little of them. They exist under various names and without any names or society. Theosophists comprise many people in their ranks who have gone far enough to see the defects of the old system, but they have nothing new to offer in the place save that they want to have the existence of the Creator ignored. The Liberalists are another numerous family, but they want the defect remedied by ignoring all spirituality. The Nationalists are another numerous family, seeing the defects, but wanting it remedied by some corporeal legislation, looking to making the heads of the nation into patriarchs, and making the people nonentities. All these people see the failures of present religions and governments but they have no system to offer in the place suitable for the increased needs and numbers
the age. To the Faithists alone do we turn to find anything that is 57
commensurate with man‟s development. He goes away with his brother, and they begin a new world on a higher principle; where they can but dress and do with the liberty Jehovih gave as an inherent right to people. Where they can live without anyone having a supervision over them; where liberty can express itself in living, and not be molested by criticisms.
Where every human being
recognizes that every human being has a right to keep himself in his own way, and that to live a high and pure life found vent in monasteries and nunneries, and partially in convents. But unfortunately not in good works, but in seclusion and prayer. It was for the sake of the person‟s own self after all. And generally in hope of a reward in the next world. But the later day aspirant for pure vision has a nobler idea, commensurate with the expansion of the increased wisdom of the age. While he desires to live a pure life, he wants to live for the benefit of others and not for himself. He wants to work for such as are not able to work for themselves. But he also wants a time for unfoldment and silent meditation. His spirituality is rising up out of mortal things and he begins to feel the unseen forces that are fitting him for a higher life in the next world. But even in that he desires in his prayers that he may be made an instrument to help others up. These people, the Faithists, believing that Jehovih who created them, will provide for them what is best for them, provided they do the same for those beneath them, claim that the only way open for purer lives is to go away from the competitive world, and live 58
where they can fulfill their ideas of love and purity, without being ostracized by the unclean world. The way is open for all who choose to live so, the call of the Almighty is gone forth, and that is simply the reason so many people are looking and longing for it. They hear The Voice, but know it not; they think they have come to these conclusions by their own reason, but, they are all the same, close upon His Great Light in this Kosmon Era.
Babies in the Baby Colony
Were King Solomon to live now he would have to modify his statement that there was nothing new under the sun.
But then he
lived before a baby colony was started. He had never seen a tract of land set apart for castaway babes. He had never seen Shalam. The starting of real communal life on earth by beginning with new-born babies is new under the sun. And what is more, it is done in a country where the sun shines. Shines, yes, shines nearly every day in the year. A country where the young can look upon mountains and valleys. A country of plains and seas of land, to charm the young mind to adore the Creator. The recent addition of babes from Boston and New Orleans has proven the value of this most wonderful
climate for children. Within a few days after their arrival, a visible improvement in health and liveliness was manifest. A pair of little twins brought from Athol, Mass., has grown so in health and general robustness that those who knew them before would hardly know them now, although only a few weeks have elapsed. The little morsel of a babe, orphan and friendless, carried from Montague, Mass., at the early age of two and a half months, has become as fat and round as would be the delight of any reasonable mother. As for the other babes, suffice it to say, they are all hearty and happy beyond any ordinary home to be found in any place. Now come forward the trustees with a new building to be erected for babies for which they have contracted for three hundred thousand bricks. This great building is to be put up at once, with all suitable conveniences for babies. At present the Faithists have to hire these things done, not having a sufficient number of volunteers skilled in such work. skilled in such work.
November Issue
Educated Babies The greatest and wisest of education is to love one‟s neighbor as one‟s self. Intellectual education we have had enough of. We want goodness. Selfishness is not abridged one iota by intellectual education. True religion is not inculcated by intellectual education. To convert a man from wickedness and selfishness is not lasting: better to train him from infancy.
Children can be taught to love one
another as themselves; but grown people never. They may profess it and try it, but it is an everlasting failure.
The Faithists begin moral
education with babies; very frequently calling the babe‟s attention to the little brother and sister, and distracting its own attention to itself. The effect is marvelous already in the babes in Shalam. The elder ones, not but a little more than two years old, already make themselves helpmates for the smaller ones. Like little mothers and fathers, are the older ones attracted to the younger ones; so much so that it is marvelous to watch them. In this, one can see how much is required of the nurses. They have set the example of disinterested love; they must be without partiality; they must not make a pet of one and do nothing for another. In fact, it is only women born for the work who can attain to such high moral discernment. 61
Alas, how few
women realize their own incapacity for such a work.
Most excellent
women in other respects, perhaps, but devoid of unselfishness in their own love. many
Intellectual education will come fast enough where are
multitudinous questions are answered.
The Prophet The Prophet said: "These are the Judgments of God, Son of Jehovih; thy God holdeth thee tor the iniquities of all thy people wherein thou wert party to the crimes committed."
"To the nation who saith, „Behold me, my people are free, and all men participate in the governments of men, so shalt thou be bound, both in this world and the next. Wherein thou didst bind thy people in slavery, the judgment of thy God is upon all thy people. Nevertheless doubly bound is he who directly held his fellow man in bondage. Nor hath Jehovih, who is over all, limited his times and seasons by the death of any man. But they who commit crime shall answer in the next world for the sins done in this."
God said: "Because thy slaves went out in darkness, and have 62
become wandering spirits, dwelling in ignorance around about the earth, there is no resurrection for them in this day. The heavens of thy God are above them; nor have they put away the vengeance in their hearts because of the injustice done them in mortality. Tens of millions of them loiter about their old places, even as they lived on earth, but with evil intent on the living. And they pursue the living; with wrath, tormenting them day and night with evil inspirations.
And the living have become corrupt and wicked at heart, nor do they prosper in anything under the sun; and when they die as to mortality, their souls enter the next world to become environed with the hate of their former slaves. In companies of millions, do the spirits of darkness encompass them, and there is no resurrection for any of them to any of the higher heavens. Neither doth it avail them any good to pray for the priest, nor church to help them, for the evil that was done must be compensated in every fraction before there shall be any redemption for them.
The spirits of the slaves are in ignorance and crime, and thy God putteth it upon thee that, till thou hast turned to and lifted them up, even with thyself, thou shalt find no peace of soul. Neither shalt thou raise to the Heavens of thy God. Moreover, even as thou dost this day curse the race thou has neglected and despised, so dost thou sink thyself in deeper bondage; for as Jehovih quickened into life all 63
the living, and thus made them his children, so are they thy brothers and sisters. Nor hath anyone any prestige in sight of our Father, who is over all.
God said: Till thou canst take them to thy heart and soul, and say "my brother and my sister," in this world, there shall be no prosperity for thy people. And even so shall it continue to be so in the next world, till thou shalt say "my brother and my sister," there shalt be no resurrection in Heaven. For as it was given unto you to know God and His Kingdom whilst on earth, even so now shalt thou teach, and believe, and demonstrate in the lower heaven till thou art purged of all iniquity.
God said: What man amongst you would hold the key of the higher heavens, and say to the masters, ''Come ye and inherit my kingdoms, and let them that have been slaves shift for themselves?" Verily I say unto you, not of such is the kingdom of thy God, for whosoever will enter therein shall be clear of all sin and all vanity, and he esteem himself no higher in Jehovih's sight than the meanest of all slaves.
God said: Let no man say, "Do ye thus and so, or do ye some other way, and we shall prosper our country, or our cities shall be built up, and our people know no want," for thy God setteth it upon thee, and thy city, and thy country. There shall be no prosperity for you till you 64
have paid the penalty of your crimes. For shall any man say this is the judgment of God against us, without perceiving that He who created thee made this line of justice in all His creations. Because thou hast looked corporeally for the cause of thy depravity and lack of prosperity, thy God bringeth the matter home to thy understanding, for thou art accursed with the spirits of the dead whom thou didst curse whilst they dwelt in mortality. Thou hast turned away from thy Creator, who is justice, and hast set up thyself in vanity; but thou art reaping the harvest of thine own folly.
The Prophets The Prophet said: "These are the Judgments of God, Son of Jehovih; thy God holdeth thee tor the iniquities of all thy people wherein thou wert party to the crimes committed."
"To the nation who saith, „Behold me, my people are free, and all men participate in the governments of men, so shalt thou be bound, both in this world and the next. Wherein thou didst bind thy people in slavery, the judgment of thy God is upon all thy people. Nevertheless doubly bound is he who directly held his fellow man in bondage. Nor hath Jehovih, who is over all, limited his times and seasons by the 65
death of any man. But they who commit crime shall answer in the next world for the sins done in this."
God said: "Because thy slaves went out in darkness, and have become wandering spirits, dwelling in ignorance around about the earth, there is no resurrection for them in this day. The heavens of thy God are above them; nor have they put away the vengeance in their hearts because of the injustice done them in mortality. Tens of millions of them loiter about their old places, even as they lived on earth, but with evil intent on the living. And they pursue the living; with wrath, tormenting them day and night with evil inspirations.
And the living have become corrupt and wicked at heart, nor do they prosper in anything under the sun; and when they die as to mortality, their souls enter the next world to become environed with the hate of their former slaves. In companies of millions, do the spirits of darkness encompass them, and there is no resurrection for any of them to any of the higher heavens. Neither doth it avail them any good to pray for the priest, nor church to help them, for the evil that was done must be compensated in every fraction before there shall be any redemption for them.
The spirits of the slaves are in ignorance and crime, and thy God putteth it upon thee that, till thou hast turned to and lifted them up, 66
even with thyself, thou shalt find no peace of soul. Neither shalt thou raise to the Heavens of thy God. Moreover, even as thou dost this day curse the race thou has neglected and despised, so dost thou sink thyself in deeper bondage; for as Jehovih quickened into life all the living, and thus made them his children, so are they thy brothers and sisters. Nor hath anyone any prestige in sight of our Father, who is over all.
God said: Till thou canst take them to thy heart and soul, and say "my brother and my sister," in this world, there shall be no prosperity for thy people. And even so shall it continue to be so in the next world, till thou shalt say "my brother and my sister," there shalt be no resurrection in Heaven. For as it was given unto you to know God and His Kingdom whilst on earth, even so now shalt thou teach, and believe, and demonstrate in the lower heaven till thou art purged of all iniquity.
God said: What man amongst you would hold the key of the higher heavens, and say to the masters, ''Come ye and inherit my kingdoms, and let them that have been slaves shift for themselves?" Verily I say unto you, not of such is the kingdom of thy God, for whosoever will enter therein shall be clear of all sin and all vanity, and he esteem himself no higher in Jehovih's sight than the meanest of all slaves.
God said: Let no man say, "Do ye thus and so, or do ye some other way, and we shall prosper our country, or our cities shall be built up, and our people know no want," for thy God setteth it upon thee, and thy city, and thy country. There shall be no prosperity for you till you have paid the penalty of your crimes. For shall any man say this is the judgment of God against us, without perceiving that He who created thee made this line of justice in all His creations. Because thou hast looked corporeally for the cause of thy depravity and lack of prosperity, thy God bringeth the matter home to thy understanding, for thou art accursed with the spirits of the dead whom thou didst curse whilst they dwelt in mortality. Thou hast turned away from thy Creator, who is justice, and hast set up thyself in vanity; but thou art reaping the harvest of thine own folly.
Mohamed and Jew Leaving out the Chinese, it may be said that all the rest of the world belongs to the four great warriors--Brahmin, Buddhist, Mohamedan, and Christian. war.
They have all been established and maintained by
All the great armies of the world belong to these four sects.
The Jew is an anti-warrior. The Jews cannot be truthfully called a sect. They are a remnant of the original Faithists of the One Great 68
They originally accepted wisdom and knowledge as coming
direct from the I AM.
They rejected following a leader who
professed to be under the control or guidance of some angel or spirit. The Mohamed was different in this. Its originator professed to be under the guidance of an angel, and to do and to order all things according to what the angel told him. in one God, or Great Spirit.
The Mohamed also believes
He rejects the four Christian
Gods--Father, Son, Holy Ghost, and Devil.
The term Father to him
is not like it is to the Christian, for the latter considers Him in shape and size of a man, retired from business, sitting on a throne, having given the universe to His Son, Jesus, or Christ.
The Christian,
therefore, makes the Father a mere figurehead.
The Mohamed
considers Him the all living spirit, present everywhere.
Mohamed holds that the Father is the same today as yesterday, and for all time to come — a quickening living spirit.
He holds that the
prophets of old, as Abraham, Moses, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Joshua, ect., were such good and wise men that the quickening power of the Father abode with them.
He holds, too, that if man will today attain
wisdom and purity he can prophesy after the same manner. In this doctrinal point the Mohamed is precisely the same as the Latter Day Saints, or Mormons. The Jews reject this, and hold that all wisdom was revealed by the ancient prophets: that all such prophecy was ended with the books of the Old Testament. The Mohamed holds that all such wisdom was not completed till Mohamed came; but that 69
that was final.
One would suppose that the Mohamed‟s philosophy
admitting that prophecy was to be continued because the Great Spirit was the same today, yesterday, ect., prophets might continue to come. The way he beats this argument is by saying no man can be pure enough nowadays. Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon Church, held that prophecy was common to any man who would live a good life just as much as in the olden time. He did not say, however, that he himself was the final end. Unfortunately, many Mormons begin to think so. The Mohamed cut it short, so no one might come after him to overthrow him.
Mohamed‟s interpretation of the
philosophy of prophecy was not like the ancients in another respect. He undoubtedly believed that he was guided and controlled by an angel of God, Gabriel. In other words, he got his prophecy like the modern Spiritualists hold — by means of a spirit; and this spirit called himself Gabriel. Mohamedans.
Here is another peculiarity amongst the
They have thousands of sub-prophets. Every little
village, and even and even encampments of traveling Arabs and soldiers, have a prophet. But these are not prophets in the original sense, but persons who have guiding angels appointed by Gabriel. These sub-prophets never are in conflict with the original Mohamed, who was guided by Gabriel.
These prophets sub-prophets are
different from our mediums amongst the Spiritualists, in having but one control, and that control belongs to Mohamed‟s kingdom, with Gabriel in heaven.
The modern Spiritualists‟ control are said to be 70
very numerous. That kind of spiritualism is known to Mohamedans, but rejected on the grounds that the said angels, or spirits controlling, are simply wandering spirits on earth.
The Jews in ancient times
undoubtedly held nearly the same doctrine, but latterly the Jew has become an agnostic, and says no man knows anything about man living after his mortal body is dead. Consequently the Mohamed classes the Jew as he now is as a heretic.
He says the modern Jew
has held on to the rites and ancient traditions, but is literally dead in spirit.
Some of the Mohamedans go so far as to call the Jews
blasphemers against the Great Spirit. The best Mohamedan scholars say that in the Jews‟ English spelling of the original name of the Great Spirit, Jehovah, making the last syllable „vah,‟ instead of „vih,‟ he has made him merely God of earth, instead of God of the universe.
The Mohamedan, unlike the Christian, rejects a place of everlasting torments to all persons who do not believe in his religion. He believes the end of the world is not far off, but reconciles himself
that all
things are God‟s , and not his. In fact this doctrine prevails in all matters. God makes the poor man, and God makes the rich and the ruler, and it is none of man‟s business. God gave him passions, and for the purpose of enjoyment. God made him a soldier, and he fights regardless of life or death, because it is God‟s will.
Hence the
Mohamedan soldier is the most reckless and obstinate soldier on 71
earth, because, if he should be killed, it is none of his business, but God‟s.
He says, let the poor be content, because God made them
so. Therefore he is not a charitable man; but, on the other hand, he is honest to a higher degree than any other people on earth. His prayers are partly like the Christian, that is, begging of God, and partly like the ancient Jew, making covenants and promises, asking punishments on himself if he fail before God. It may be said that for veracity he is the extreme opposite of the Christian, who may be classed the most untruthful people on earth, and who the most fearlessly break their promises with God or Christ. In this respect the Jew has also fallen most woefully.
The ancient Jew‟s word was
infallible; but, at the present time, the Jew will frequently tell yo a thing cost him so and so, and he cannot sell it less, knowing while he so talks, he is telling an untruth. Just as bad as the Christians in saying, “May the Holy Mother bless you,” or “ … by the grace of Christ Jesus be with you,” and ten minutes afterwards saying behind your back he wishes you to go to purgatory or some other place. The Mohamedan does not therefore utter the name of God, Jehovih, in vain. The ancient Jews, like the Mohamedans, held many wives or concubines, both in some respects, like the Mormons.
For several
centuries the Jews have abolished plurality of wives.
The modern
Jew does not take a part in the governments of other people; nor in war, nor in getting into political power, save the most degenerate or heretic part of them.
The Jew does not try to make proselytes, nor 72
does the Mohamedan; yet when the later takes possession of some country which he has conquered he makes it a Mohamedan country. The adept tells us that the spirits of the dead Mohamedans are nearly the same as the mortals, and they linger in vast numbers on the earth. The highest of the Mohamedan heavens, like the highest of the Christian heavens, is still in the intermediate world, or first resurrection, close above the earth; but, like the Christian heavens, there are many heavens belonging to the Mohamedans. Slowly do the true worshippers of the Great Spirit carry them up to higher heavens, just as they do the Christians. The Jewish heavens are almost entirely broken up; scarcely more than a million or two spirits in any of their heavens, and these spirits are mostly modern Jews, the ancients having risen to higher heavens.
The Jews, the adept
tells us, are the easiest converted to go away from the earth and to rise up to the higher heavens of the Great Spirit. Many of them, however, are earth-bound by their love of mortal kindred and by their mortal possessions, still clinging to the love of wealth and endeavoring by inspiration to help their kindred on earth to gain and possess money and property. The Mohamedan places a low estimate on woman, using her chiefly as a servant. The Mohamedan never rebels against her husband. The Mohamedan woman never has any children, not one; they are her husband‟s. She is merely their mother. She is the most faithful wife on earth.
Children of Shalam
Homeless, Workhouse and Orphan Children, 1880’s
Dr. John Newbrough
The Temple of Jehovih Plate of Taurus from Oahspe-Masonic, a portion of Shalam‟s temple‟s ceiling under which the children joined in or observed Saphah rituals and spiritualism communion. There were about 25 to 50 orphan children in all who were taken care by the community, and while a few did run away, most lived there safely and relatively happily from around 1889 until around 1900 when the community was abandoned. It is an important question to be researched in Discovering the True Path of Oahspe as to just why up to 50 children were reported taken in at Shalam and yet only 25 children were left to be dispersed to foster homes in 1900 when the colony was closed.