The race first appeared on the calendar as the
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 2000.
European Grand Prix in 2016 but changed its name
The Old City is one of the few surviving medieval
to the Azerbaijan Grand Prix the following year. The
towns in Azerbaijan. It retains the features of a
circuit was an immediate hit with the drivers who
medieval town including a labyrinth of narrow
like the extremely high speeds experienced on the
streets, ornate carved arches, renovated
straights. Drivers have to brush the walls in search of
caravanserais (a roadside inn where travelers could
a quick lap, using every inch of the track.
rest and recover from the day's journey), and tiny courtyards. Some hotels and restaurants in the Old
Where’s the party?
City have rooftop terraces with panoramic views of
Situated on the western edge of the Caspian Sea,
Baku and the waterfront.
Azerbaijan’s capital is a true blend of both ancient and modern. Baku is an oil city with skyscrapers and mansions jostling for position with the soviet era buildings and beautifully preserved Old City.
The fan experience at the Baku City Circuit is second to none. Dotted along the Caspian Sea Boulevard you’ll find themed zones adjacent to the grandstands where fans are treated to a variety of
The city consists of two principal parts; the
entertainment including live performances by visual
contemporary downtown area and the Old Inner City (Icheri Sheher). The Old City, Palace of
artists and musicians. The evening off-track entertainment includes a nightly light show and
Shirvanshahs and Maiden Tower were designated
concerts by A list artists.
When in Baku... Azerbaijan is home to nearly a third of the world's
• Black tea at the beginning of a meal is a symbol of
mud volcanoes. See ancient petroglyphs, carvings,
hospitality and is served with fig, strawberry, apricot,
relics and explore the bubbling, and sometimes
walnut, blackberry and other jams.
explosive landscape of Gobustan National Park on a day trip from Baku.
• Azerbaijan’s most popular fast food is the Donner Kebab.
Six things you probably didn't know about Azerbaijan...
• Azerbaijan’s “burning hillsides” caused by gas
• Baku is the first European City in which the sun
seeping through fissures in the earth have earned it
the name, “Land of Fire”. These natural fires occur in many places throughout the South Caucasus. The
• Named after the Caspian tribe that lived on its
gas ignites as it reaches the surface creating the
shores, the Caspian is the world’s largest inland sea.
effect of a burning hillside.
The Romans called it sea due to the salty taste of its water; while in fact it is the biggest lake in the world
• Baku is sometimes referred to as the “Paris of the
and contains only a third of the salt of regular
seawater. Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran all have boarders along its coast.
When you’re hungry go to...
When you need coffee go to...
SAHiL Bar & Restaurant
Old School
Address: Seaside Boulevard, 34 Neftchilar Ave, Bakı
Address: 23 Alimardan Topchubashov, Baku 1005,
1010, Azerbaijan
The place to go for modern Azerbaijani cuisine.
Retro atmosphere of Soviet Union era. The interior is decorated with various pieces from the former
Zeytun Restaurant
Communist days.
Address: Park Bulvar Mall, AZ1001,Azerbaycan, Neftchilar Ave, Baku, Azerbaijan
Coffee Moffie
Traditional Azerbaijani cuisine with a city view
Address: 9 Islam Safarli Street, Bakı 1005, Azerbaijan
Coffee Moffie is a local independent coffee shop that combines a traditional café with a bar.
Firuze Restaurant Address: 14 Tarlan Aliyarbeyov, Baku 1005, Azerbaijan Hidden down a flight of stairs in Fountain Square, Firuze serves a wide range of national and European cuisine.
The know-how... Currency
The national currency is the Azerbaijan Manat (AZN).
The official language is Azerbaijani but many people
One hundred Gepik (coins) equals one Manat, and
speak Russian, Turkish and English.
Manat notes come in 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 denominations. It is not possible to exchange Manat
in countries other than Azerbaijan, so visitors will
Smoking is permitted in public areas across
need to use the foreign exchange desk in the arrivals
Azerbaijan, including most restaurants and bars.
hall at the airport or withdraw from ATMs. Some
Smoking is not permitted in any Baku City Circuit
larger hotels will also have a foreign exchange desk.
venue, except for designated smoking areas.
Time zone
Standard electrical power in Azerbaijan is 220v.
Azerbaijan is UTC+4 hours
Electrical equipment and appliances use the standard European 220-240v two-pin plug.
Gratuities and tipping Tippings is not expected across Azerbaijan but is common in Baku. Occasionally a service charge is included on the bill, particularly in more established hotels and restaurants.
The Singapore Grand Prix™ is a truly special race, in a place that’s like nowhere else on earth. It stands out as the only regular night race on the Formula One™ calendar. It also takes place on a floodlit street circuit, where sharp twists and turns are plentiful.
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