Robert A Cresswell - Professional Studies Report

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Professional Studies Report Robert Cresswell 33325711

BA(Hons) Architecture Leeds School of Architecture 13/05/2014

This report will discuss the issues that arise during the planning and construction stages of my imposed masterplan. This will include all complications that may arise in procurement, planning, construction, health and safety and finance and cost.

Contents 1.0- Introduction page 1

2.0 - Procurement page 2

3.0 - Planning and Law page 3

4.0 - Health and Safety page 4

5.0 - Finance and Cost page 5

6.0 - Conclusion page 5

7.0 - Sources page 6 - 7

Source A - Map of Eastgate, Leeds


1.0 Introduction The site in which I have chosen for this project is in Eastgate, Leeds. The project sits just off George Street in the city centre (Source A). Within my design project I initially started the design process by using a mirror as a tool to create enclosed courtyards on roof plans of the area (Source B) . This allowed me to clearly see that I was imposing a system of courtyards across the site. The site is currently scheduled to become a new retail development by ACME (Hammersons PLC). My masterplan aims to replace the aesthetics of the ACME masterplan and integrate its programme (providing new proposed space that can be used by businesses) within the new aesthetics of my design. This design mimics the architectural details of the surrounding context opposed to a scheme that was design in a vacuum (no relation to context). In order for this project to be analysed in report form, a resolved area of the masterplan will be analysed (Source C). This part of the masterplan looks at an existing building being mirrored and the space between these buildings being utilised as an art gallery (Source D). The existing and duplicate building will host the secondary programmes of the building e.g. Reception, Function Room, Utilities etc. The imposed faรงade that sits on the perimeter of the created space between the buildings will be constructed using a rigid steel frame. The frame will allow me to create lengths of curtain wall that will host the manipulated vacuum formed glass. The vacuum formed glass with be acid etched with details from the buildings that lie directly opposite it, thus allowing the building to sit in context more comfortably (Source E). The acid etched glass also allows a natural heating system to be applied throughout this space. This project will connect the existing and mirrored building across both floors adding an additional floor space of 422m2. With the existing and mirrored this figure rises to 662m2. My scheme hopes to change the view of old buildings as obstacles for new design, but to use them as podiums for a new form of enhanced, elevated design. This will allow the scheme to bleed into to immediate urban grain.


Source B - Design Technique


2.0 Procurement During the project a concise team will need to be constructed. A relatively large team will be assembled for the whole masterplan but for the resolved area a condensed team will be needed. This team will be slightly different from that of the imposed ACME masterplan as specialist crafts are integrated within the design. The original design will be handled by the architect and client (Hammersons PLC) to ensure all needs are met. The appointment of a project manager is essential due to the number of project specific materials. The project manager will work alongside a quantity surveyor to ensure total cost does not exceed the budget. • Existing Structure Evaluation – Because the design is bridging from an existing building a Building Surveyor will be utilised in order to confirm structural integrity. • Steel Manufacture – The extension that will bridge the existing to mirrored will be constructed using prefabricated steel beams, this will become easier upon the appointment of a project manager that will source local materials and manufacturers.

• Steel Assembly - Once the prefabricated steel has been transported to site a team of contractors that will have the skills necessary to assemble the steel frame will be necessary. This will again be sourced by the project manager. • Glazing – Before the acid etching can be undertaken a local glazing specialist will be needed. This specialist will need to be familiar with typical curtain wall systems that I will be applying to my design. This again will be handled by a project manager.

• Acid Etching – Due to the uniqueness of this form of material adaptation, a specialist will need to be enlisted in order to ensure that the glazing that will be etched will still work structurally and as originally intended. This will require the project manager to relay between the contractor and a structural engineer. This is the only way to ensure structural integrity of the gazing is retained. In order for these teams to work in unison a BIM document will be required, although this is not essential as the construction industry has proved successful without it thus far.


Source C - Conceptual Masterplan


3.0 Planning and Law Through the initial stages of design there are certain aspects that will need to incorporate the consideration of the planning and law systems. • Acceptability of Use – Because the ACME masterplan has already cleared planning it is therefore acceptable to assume the overall masterplan will also pass as it plans to hold the same programme. This will also be the case for the aesthetics of the design as it uses the exiting aesthetics as a catalogue for imposed buildings (The use of a mirror to physically mirror the buildings and then the acid etched glazing in the pattern of the adjacent structures, to connect these two spaces) • Access and Traffic Implications –The ACME masterplan proposes the pedestrianization of lower Briggate, which will enable increased accessibility. • Historical Context - The existing site has no heritage building present that the resolved section of my masterplan will interfere with. The building that I am extending from does not hold a grade listing, therefore enabling me to disregard Heritage listings as it does not apply to my project. I will have to have ownership of the existing building (Compulsory Purchase Act 1965). The site in which I am prosing to build off is a brownfield site which in terms of this project all issues have been resolved as the site is currently being used for a car park. • Flood Risk/Habitat and Nature Conservation – The closet body of water sits 1.6 miles from site, this is also downhill as the site sits approx. 28m above it. In terms of flood risk the site holds little if any risk to flooding. My imposed master planning of this site accommodates areas of greenery which will add space for habitats to be established. This adds to the future nature conservation of the site. Under first inspection the site has no active habitats that will need to be considered. To ensure this is the case professional guidance will be needed.


Source D - 3D Model of Resolved Space


4.0 Health and Safety My design utilises pre-fabricated materials for the main construction method this means that in terms of health and safety a crane will be used onsite to move these large elements into place. Misuse of a crane can be fatal not only on site but also off site. Hazards: • Collapse of the crane – such incidents present significant potential for multiple fatal injuries, both on and off-site. •

Falling of the load – these events also present a significant potential for death and major injury. In order for the use of a crane on site to become safe there are certain systems that can be implemented to reduce the risk of an accident. Reduction/Elimination of Risk Procedures:

The right level of supervision must be in place for lifting operations, reflecting the degree of risk and personnel involved in the particular lifting operation. • The crane supervisor should direct and supervise the lifting operation to make sure it is carried out in accordance with the method statement. • The crane supervisor should be competent and suitably trained and should have sufficient experience to carry out all relevant duties and authority to stop the lifting operation if it is judged dangerous to proceed. This is also used in parallel to the compulsory thorough examination of the equipment before, during and after its use to ensure that it is up to standards of health and safety.


Source E - Acid Etched Glazing Visual


5.0 Finance and Cost The imposed site is owned by Hammerson PLC, this is the same client that will be funding the imposed ACME masterplan. Because my overall masterplan will replace the ACME masterplan in terms of aesthetics, it can be assumed that Hammerson will be funding this alternative masterplan. • Budget Subsidization - Due to the programme of the ACME masterplan, which is considered to be mainly retail, this will have continuous revenue due to the rent on the selected units. This will allow the initial cost of construction to be recovered over a number of years. •

Special Components - The design includes acid etched panels, these will have the greatest rise in price compared to its original counterpart. These panels work out to be approx. £39 per sqm. This will become the greatest cost inefficiency. The overall cost of the ACME masterplan is estimated to be £590million, because my project is taking aesthetic control the same amounts of units will be implemented meaning that the revenue will stay the same, this will allow this project to be allocated the full budget. From this I believe that my project can be done cheaper than the imposed ACME masterplan. I calculated that the alternative masterplan will cost £1650 per sqm.

6.0 Conclusion I believe that due to the nature of my scheme it would be able to be delivered and in fact should be opposed to the current masterplan. Because the design inhabits the original brief set by the client in regards to floor space and number of units it does not become speculative. The constructional approach of the project includes a large amount of steel framed buildings, these have particularly long life spans and due to their nature they can be interchanged if they were to ever be damaged, therefore I would estimate my project to have a life span of a typical steel framed building, 83 years. Once the buildings have held their original purpose of retail they can then be adapted because of the typical characteristics of steel framed construction. This will allow the buildings to be redeveloped if their original use becomes obsolete. If this were to be taken further I would be able to look at sustainable materiality to ensure the total carbon footprint of the construction and lifespan of the building id reduced. The lessons I will take away from this exercise is the greater knowledge of the procedure in which a design has to complete before construction can be arranged. This has allowed me to start to understand the full world of an architect and prepare me for the future.


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