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OutReach le Va a r Cla

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Growing God’s Kingdom by knowing Jesus and making him known

reenside - Woodside - SEPT /OCT


St John’s Community Hall, Greenside

What’s On Mondays: 4pm - Kids Badminton contact Claire 4135753 7pm - S limming World contact Amanda 07894 284 343

Tuesday: 4pm - Kids Badminton contact Claire 4135753

Wednesday: 4pm - B UDS Urban Street dance - contact Sam 07766 077380 7pm - A dult Dance contact Jean 07831 101221

Thursday: 10am-11:30am Footprints preschool playgroup - contact Rachel 6596714 or 07976757116

WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT ST JOHN’S COMMUNITY HALL: “This was a fabulous space for our party – bright and airy – lots of space for kids’ activities. The kitchen is amazing!!” “The hall is ideal for our weekly classes, it’s more than a meeting place, everyone loves the spacious, clean & excellent facilities” “The integrated sound system is great!! We just live to dance!!!” Impact group, contact Andy Hawkins on 0191 4611807

Booking the Hall

5pm Crawcrook Judo Club contact John 4476836 The hall is available for both individual and regular event bookings. To find out more and to make a booking, you can call us: 0191 Saturday: 4782085; email us: sjch@greensideparish. 9am – C rawcrook Judo Club contact John org.uk or alternatively, visit our website 4476836 www.greensideparish.org.uk and download a booking form, found under the St John’s Community Hall tab. We look forward to meeting you!

Clive’s Page Be healed in the name of Jesus! My wife Cyndi and I have just had the most amazing time at the Global Awakening School in the USA. We attended a course which not only challenged us academically and theologically, but spiritually too. If I have one regret after attending this course it is that I was not exposed (or it could be I wasn’t paying attention) to this wonderful teaching truth when I trained to be a vicar in Cambridge. The fact is that God heals and still continues to. Part of the teaching I received on healing was quickly to put it into practice. One day a team of us went into Baltimore to minister to those receiving methadone (substitute for heroin) at the Turning Point Clinic. Fifteen hundred users attended the clinic each day to receive their methadone and a team of intercity churches regularly go out to that location to serve and pray for the many broken people queuing up for their daily medication. It was one of the most amazing times I have ever had as a vicar. My wife Cyndi and the rest of the team prayed for and hugged many of the precious people whose lives for one reason or another were being destroyed. At one stage the police who were supervising the area, not realising who she was, told my wife to get back in the queue. A few days before we went to Baltimore I believe that God gave me a picture of a man wearing a checked shirt and walking stick in his right hand. A picture like that normally means that God wants you to pray for that person. And you can guess what happened - there he was checked shirt and walking stick just outside the methadone clinic. I went and asked him if I could pray for him. His name was Michael and I asked him if I could pray for him. Michael was about 6ft 4in tall and really well built - real macho guy. He shared with me a few issues and I invited the Father’s love (God’s love) to fall upon him. After waiting a short time for God’s love to fill him, tears began to fall from his eyes and God began to do what He is fantastic at, heal brokenness. I had to wipe his eyes and nose because his hands were full, one hand with some shopping (I assume he couldn’t risk letting go of his bag just in case someone stole it) and the other hand leaning on his walking stick. Michael did not say much, but you could visibly see God healing him. After a period of time I asked him what was the matter with his leg

and he responded that it was painful. I placed my hand on the place where it was hurting (with his permission) and commanded that the leg be healed ( Jesus gives His church that authority). I then prayed a blessing on him and he left. One of the team said to me that he saw him walking up the road without using the walking stick. Michael encountered the healing love of God. Amos and Linda was another couple I prayed for. Linda had just come back from her methadone supply and I approached them and asked them if I could pray for them and they quickly said yes! What do you want me to pray for? Amos replied “pray that Linda’s addiction stops”. With her permission I laid hands on her head and once again commanded in the name of Jesus that she was delivered from her addiction. Only time will tell if she was delivered from her addiction. Then I asked her if there was anything else I could pray for and she said her neck was really hurting. I prayed for a little while and the pain would not go. I then sensed God saying to me “ask her is there is someone who she was unable to forgive”. After a short time she said that she was abused by her father when she was a child. I prayed for her emotional healing and encouraged her to forgive her father. (Often, unforgiveness prevents healing). So she went through a time of confession and God through His Holy Spirit helped her to forgive her father. I then continued to pray for her neck she said the pain had gone. Thank you Jesus! We prayed for many more people during our time in USA and we saw many healed and many not healed. But you know what, I will continue to be obedient to God and continue to press in to the vast storehouse of love and healing he has for His creation. This is what God meant the church He left upon this earth to be like. Thank God we are beginning to recognise who we are and the authority that has been imparted to us. If you need healing from a physical, spiritual or addictive problem we as a church would certainly love to help you.

May God richly bless you

www.greensideparish.org.uk Facebook: GreensideParish Twitter: @GreensideParish Church Office: 0191 4137279 email: vicar@greensideparish.org.uk

Youth of Greenside Parish We believe that all of the Christian message and the experience of knowing God is not simply for adults but for young people too! We therefore do our best to offer opportunities for all ages to explore what it looks like to follow Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit in a radical, fun and relevant way. With the commitment of fantastic voluntary workers we are able to ensure there is always a great opportunity for you, your child or teenager to join this adventure with us.

Friday Rock (School years 3-6) During

term time we spend Friday evening together in discussion, games, craft and cooking. We are commited to learning about and making a difference to other young peoples lives via sponsoring a child through a charity. We also attend X:SITE North East.

Impact (11+) We try and gather as often

and when ever we can! From breakfasts before school, midweek small group, to wider fortnightly social gatherings. Our aim is to learn more about life with Jesus through a work based more on investing in relationships rather than a programme. We also attend YFC North East Wired event. If you would like to get involved, contact Youth Minister Andy Hawkins on 0191 4611807

Run by Rachel, they say Footprints is welcoming for parents and friendly for children. We enjoy hearing the sound of children playing and mums chatting together! Footprints is for all pre-school age children in the area. There are craft activities, story telling and refreshments for our children and their parents and helpers. We aim to provide you with an environment where young children can play, craft and have fun too. • Short Craft Sessions, which usually involves lots of colouring and sticking. The Children take the craft home (when it has dried a bit!) • Rest and enjoy some free play, coffee and chats. • Stories read by leaders of ‘Footprints’ and sometimes members of our church congregation • Songs - a mix of Children’s Worship Music and General Children’s Nursery Rhymes

Fully Rely On God Is our work on Sunday at St. John’s during term time. In the hall we use a mixture of worship and games to explore the Bible.

Jesus And Me Is our work on Sunday at

Holy Spirit during term time. Using a mixture of crafts, art and creative resources we explore the Bible.

What’s On in Greenside Parish Key Services 1st Sunday: Morning Worship Church of the Holy Spirit, Crawcrook 2nd Sunday: Holy Communion St John’s Church, Greenside Road, Greenside 3rd Sunday: Holy Communion Church of the Holy Spirit, Crawcrook

Art Creativity Every Tuesday (term time only) 1pm-3pm Holy Spirit Church Hall, Crawcrook Footprints Baby & Toddler group, St John’s Community Hall, Greenside Every Thursday 10am-11.30am

4th Sunday: Morning Worship St John’s Church, Greenside Road, Greenside

Home Groups Monday Woodside 7.30pm Contact: 01661 835718

All services begin at 10am with Children & Youth Ministries running each week.

Tuesday Dyke Heads 7.45pm Contact: 0191 4138446

Sunday Evening Worship: Location varies, please check online.

Wednesday The Folly 7.30pm Contact: 0191 4136111

For further information, visit www. greensideparish.org.uk

Dene Holm, Old Main Street 7.30pm Contact: 0191 6596714

Wednesday Worship

Horsley Avenue 7.30pm Contact: 0191 4135245

Holy Communion: Church of the Holy Spirit, Crawcrook, Begins at 9.15am. All welcome. Coffee Stop Every Tuesday (term time only) 10am-2pm Holy Spirit Church Hall, Crawcrook


IN A WORD YES! Sign up to Alpha this autumn, a free, ten week course beginning with a two course meal, followed by a short talk and a time to share your thoughts. To find out more and to reserve your space, contact us on 0191 413 7279 or 0191 413 8281. We look forward to hearing from you.

Thursday Heathfield Farm 7.30pm Contact: 0191 4139066 Drama Group Every Thursday, 7pm at St John’s Church, Greenside Contact: Mandy via the Church Office 0191 4137279

Lindisfarne Gospels On Saturday 13th July, twenty three of us took the bus to Durham – our purpose – to see the magnificent Lindisfarne Gospels exhibition at the University library. What we hadn’t expected was - that this was also the day of the Miner’s Gala plus the amazing weather!! What a day we had – what a fun atmosphere in Durham with the banners, flags and brass bands!! And what an exhibition – beautifully illustrated, the book represents the pinnacle of achievement of Anglo-Saxon Northumbrian art at the end of the 7th century and the beginning of the 8th century (circa 700AD) and are regarded as masterpieces of early medieval European book painting. The major divisions within the book are marked by artwork: each gospel is preceded by a portrait of its author and a carpet page decorated with an initial letter and ornamental text. The text of the Lindisfarne Gospels is in Latin with a word-by-word translation into Old English added between the lines in the 10th century. It is the oldest surviving translation of the Gospels into the English language.

The Lindisfarne Gospels have survived wars, the dissolution of the monasteries and the ravages of time and over one thousand years after their creation are preserved in almost perfect condition. In addition to the main exhibition, there is a second gallery space, containing interactive exhibits including a chance to explore the highlights of the Lindisfarne Gospels on a touch screen, And finally a splendid big picnic together in the Monks Garden in the Cathedral!! It was so good – we’re going again before the exhibition closes at the end of September! Saturday September 7th is the likely day – if you want to come along you are most welcome. Tickets are £6.50 each. We can’t promise to repeat the weather – but the exhibition will still be brilliant! Please call 0191 4782085.

Give Hope International Give Hope International is a small children’s charity based in the North East of England. Founded in 2005, Give Hope works hard to give vulnerable children in some of the poorest areas of Africa a chance in life through education, regular meals and health checks. Current projects are running in Zambia and Ethiopia. Built in 2005, the Zambian school started with just 60 children and has now grown to over 400. In Ethiopia, over 100 vulnerable children in Addis Ababa and Oromia regions are being helped to come off the streets and into school. Smaller adult projects are underway including honey production and fish farming. Motivated by faith in Jesus Christ, Give Hope serves alongside the poor, demonstrating God’s unconditional love for all people. Give Hope serves all people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender. We wanted to raise money for the children, the teachers and their communities, to show our support, encouragement and faith in them as our brothers and sisters. Thanks to a kind friend, we have been given an opportunity to take part in the Great North Run and we thought it would be an amazing way of telling others about Give Hope and raising money for the children. Running is hard work but hearing the stories of the children’s determination to go to school every day and seeing the smiles on their photographs makes us feel deeply humbled.

We know that every pound that we raise goes directly to the schools and want to be part of raising just a few more, to help transform lives, communities, a generation one step at a time. If you would like to support the work of Give Hope please visit www.justgiving.org and search for Give Hope, or follow the link on Facebook. Prayerful encouragement will be gratefully received! Thank you so much! Love Ags and Caroline X

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